Nr. 61 - 20 May 2004


Nr. 61 - 20 May 2004
Echt Antwerps
FORUM– ‫פאָרוּם‬
van de joden van Antwerpen
Nr. 61
20 mei 2004
Speciale editie [3]
“twee joden, drie meningen”
Plein in Rome, tussen het Capitool en de Palatijnheuvel, waar burgers samenkwamen om publieke zaken
te bespreken en recht te doen.
íï−òè ë−−ì - öî−ñèí ³¾îðš ñ¼ þîô¾ñ êò
E-post-weekblad van de v.z.w. GOEDKOSJER
Lid van de Unie van de Uitgevers van de Periodieke Pers (U.P.P.)
European Periodical Publishers Association (F.A.E.P.)
Henri Rosenberg
‫מיין דעת יחיד‬
Mijn Daas Jochid 1
De pruikencrisis:
de matierim blijven zich manifesteren:
Rabbijn Gavriël Zinner (N.Y.) is matier
= Eenmansopinie.
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 1/24
,‫ ושפתי מדבר מרמה‬,‫ נצור לשוני מרע‬,‫אלקי‬
‫ פתח‬.‫ ונפשי כעפר לכל תהיה‬,‫ולמקללי נפשי תדום‬
‫ וכל‬.‫ ואחרי מצותיך תרדוף נפשי‬,‫לבי בתורתך‬
‫הקמים והחושבים עלי לרעה מהרה הפר עצתם‬
‫וקלקל מחשבתם‬
1. De pruikencrisis: het kamp der
matierim neemt toe
Rabbijn J.M. Kohen van Shomrei Hadass
heeft zopas een responsum geschreven,
waarin ook hij de weg van de
toegeeflijkheid (‫ )כוחא דהתירא‬bewandelt.
Zie achteraan het volledige responsum.
Kennelijk is ook Rabbijn Gavriël Zinner
van de Congregation Nitei Gavriël in
Brooklyn matier. Zie zijn brief hieronder
onder de titel “Rav G. Zinner is matier”.
Na een shioer door Antwerpenaar Rabbi
J.D. Schmahl in Amsterdam (waar hij
dienst doet als hulprabbijn), nam Rabbijn
F.J. Lewis van Amsterdam er het woord
en verklaarde dat vooralsnog in zake de
ondernemen en dat de afwachtende attitude
van ‫ שב ואל תעשה‬de aanbeveling verdiende.
Inmiddels is Forum erin geslaagd de
wereldexpert ( ‫אחד הידוע כמומחה הכי גדול‬
‫ )בעניני הודו‬in hindoeïsme te identificeren,
waarop Rav J.S. Eliashiv zich baseerde
om zijn heter wereldkundig te maken.
Het gaat om Prof. Dr. Anand Mohan,
professor van religie en filosofie aan het
Queens College, City University of New
York., en zelf een hindoe priester.
G-d, behoed mijn tong voor kwaadspreken, mijn
lippen voor het spreken van bedrog. Laat mij stil
zijn tegenover allen die mij vloeken, laat mij als
stof zijn voor wat van dien aard ook. Stel mijn hart
open voor uw thora en laat mij er naar streven Uw
geboden op te volgen. Verijdel snel het plan van
allen die iets kwaads tegen mij in de zin hebben en
vernietig wat ze in gedachten hadden.
Volgens deze expert is het haarknippen
geen offer (in de zin van ‫ )קרבן‬voor welke
godheid ook. Het is het gevolg van dames
die een gelofte maken dat, indien een
heuglijke gebeurtenis plaatsgrijpt of een
ongeluk vermeden wordt, zij hun
kostbaarst bezit zullen weggeven. Immers
mogen zij hun haar nooit knippen, zodat
hun long en zijdeachtig haar hun mooist en
meest geapprecieerd bezit uitmaakt. Zij
beloven dus uitgerekend dat te zullen
Dit moet volgens hun ritus niet in enige
tempel gebeuren en zij mogen het haar
weggooien, omdat het voor het doel dat zij
nastreven van generlei belang is wat er met
dat afgeknipte haar gebeurt. Centraal is dat
zij afzien van hun meest gegeerd bezit.
Theoretisch kan de gelofte ook betrekking
hebben op bijvoorbeeld een gouden
armband of welk ander waardevol bezit.
Het knippen van het haar wordt in het
hindoeïsme gezien als een purificatieritus,
zoals een stortbad nemen, waarbij in plaats
van vuil verwijderd wordt, hier het haar
wordt afgevoerd. Na het knippen van het
haar, gaan deze mensen inderdaad eerst in
het bad, vooraleer een tempel te betreden.
Op dezelfde wijze als lichaamsvuil dat bij
deze purificatie in het bad vrijkomt geen
bijzondere heiligheidgehalte heeft, zo ook
is het haar na de purificatie door het
knippen slechts een wegwerpbijproduct
van dit purificatieproces. Sommige rijke
dames laten hun haar trouwens in hun hotel
In het verleden gebeurde het knippen op
straat, voor de tempel, waar zij ook een
bad konden nemen vooraleer de tempel te
betreden. Toen werd het haar ook
weggegooid, totdat de verantwoordelijken
van de eredienst (niet de clerus volgens Dr.
A. Mohan, maar de trustees) er een
business van maakten door het haar te
collecteren en het te verkopen. Theoretisch
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 2/24
konden de dames hun haar evenzeer zelf
verkopen, maar dat zou de waarde van hun
offervaardigheid verminderen.
Tot hier het verslag van Dr. Anand Mohan,
waarop Rav J.S. Eliashiv zijn heter
baseerde (zie Forum nummer 60).
Toentertijd werd hij in zijn heter gevolgd
door Rabbi Shloime Zalmen Auerbach
en Rabbi Pinchas Sheinberg. Deze laatste
baseerde zijn fact finding op een
Sefardische Chacham. Toentertijd steunde
Rabbi Yisroel Belkin (OU) eveneens de
Dit feitenrelaas werd bevestigd door Prof.
Diana Ack, professor vergelijkende
godsdienst- en Indiastudies aan de
Harvard University. Zonder het verslag
van Dr. Anand Mohan te zien, gaf zij een
identieke versie der feiten, met name dat
het knippen van het haar een
voorbereidende daad is voor de eredienst.
De bijna Opperrabbijn van Machsike
Hadass, nu ex-kandidaat Rabbijn Aron
Dovid Duner houdt voet bij stuk: in een
gehouden, volhardt hij in het feit dat deze
pruiken uit Indisch haar weldegelijk ‫עבודה‬
‫ זרה ממש‬zijn, omdat hij zelf gezien heeft
dat het haar aan Boeddha (!) als “offer”
wordt gegeven ter ere van de godheid
Om deze reden zullen deze pruiken
openbaar moeten verbrand worden (onder
opzegging van een speciaal gebed).
Ene Rabbijn Sinai Halberstam uit Bnei
Brak gaat nog verder en adviseert
Rabbijnen om geen hechsher te geven
(noch een heter te zoeken), nu een sheitel
sowieso verboden is. Het geven van een
hechsher zou een nonsens zijn te
vergelijken met een hechsher voor
shatnes op niet-kuise kleding....
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 3/24
Gezond verstand?
Geachte Dr. Rosenberg,
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is
who are putting us on or by imbeciles who
really mean it."
(Mark Twain)
Rijke madammekes
buiten schot
Rabbijn Avrohom Zvi Cohen uit Bnei
Brak geeft (lees: verkoopt) een carte
blanche hechsher, die certificeert dat de
pruiken van David Peretz van Europees
haar geconfectioneerd zijn. Hoe kan hij dat
weten en bevestigen?
Eerste reactie bij het lezen van Uw Forum
blad: "Hebben wij Joden, nu geen andere
problemen dan deze Sheitel kwestie"
"Dr.Rosenberg heeft veel gevoel voor
Derde reactie: "Kinderen lijden honger in
Israel en wij denken aan ons haar"
Vierde reactie "Bestaat er een methode
om die Sheitelech te kasheren, en met de
hongerlijdende families in Israel uit te
delen. Daar zou iedereen baat aan hebben"
Michel Sommerfeld
In plaats van de pruiken op brandstapels
te verbranden, zou je ze niet beter aan
kankerlijdende chemotherapiepatiënten
Zo maak je op zijn minst nog een kiddush
hashem, i.p.v. het achterlijk middeleeuws
beeld dat thans wereldwijd van ons vrome
joden wordt opgehangen.
Naam bekend bij de Redactie
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 4/24
‫האגודה למען טוהר המחנה‬
‫ת‪.‬ד‪ 57049 .‬ירושלים תובב"א‬
‫טל‪ 025377793 .‬פקס‪025388774 .‬‬
‫לאפרושי מאיסורא‬
‫הרינו להודיע בשער בת רבים כי‬
‫באולמי וואגשל‬
‫התגלתה שער‬
‫קוגעל תפ"א‬
‫)היום יום חמישי ער"ח‬
‫בבני ברק‬
‫אלמוני שאין ידוע את מקורו במנת‬
‫וידוע ששער בזמן הזה הוא בגדר ספק‬
‫כי אולי מרובא פריש ורוב נשים בב"ב‬
‫לובשות שייטל ובימינו נפסק להלכה ששערות‬
‫שייטל הם בגדר תקרובת ע"ז ממש‪,‬‬
‫ועל כן החלטנו להורות את סגירת האולם‬
‫הנ"ל עד לבירור עפ"י בדיקת ‪ DNA‬של מקור‬
‫שער זה האם מקורו בהודו‪.‬‬
‫נעשו סידורים עם אולמות אחרים לשמחות שהיו‬
‫מזומנות לאולמי וואגשל ויתפרסמו מודעות על כך‬
‫‪Ook Rabbijn G. Zinner is matier‬‬
‫‪Ziehier een vergroting van deze brief uit de‬‬
‫‪Aan de hand van volgende brief die‬‬
‫‪Rabbijn G. Zinner heeft afgegeven en van‬‬
‫‪het gebruik dat van deze brief wordt‬‬
‫‪gemaakt, kan men afleiden dat Rav G.‬‬
‫‪Zinner zich ook achter de matierim schaart.‬‬
‫‪Anders had hij geen dergelijke brief‬‬
‫‪afgegeven, waarvan hij moest weten dat‬‬
‫‪die als een soort hechsher, zeg maar een‬‬
‫‪schaamlapje, zou gebruikt worden.‬‬
‫‪F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 5/24‬‬
had van de op punt staande Rabbinale ban,
doet wellicht gouden zaken.
De oproep van dezelfde Rabbijnen om de
prijzen in bedwang te houden, schijnen niet
dezelfde hysterische reacties uit te lokken
dan de ban op sheitel en worden naar
verluidt niet nageleefd.
De pruikencrisis poëtisch bekeken
To be sung to the tune of “If You’re Happy
and You Know It”
If you’re Jewish and you know it
Burn your wig
You love G-d and want to show it
Burn your wig
Rabbijnen roepen op om sheitel-prijzen
in toom te houden
Unless your instincts are prophetic
And your shaitel is synthetic
Go ahead, you won’t regret it
Burn your wig
Semi-custom, fall or box
Burn your wig
Avodah Zora’s in the box
Burn your wig
Be it a Freeda, Ralph or Clary
Might as well be Mother Mary
So be very, very wary
Burn your wig
It’s it’s blond, or black, or brown
Burn your wig
Don’t be the apikores in town
Burn your wig
Take it off and don’t go near it
Wear a snood – you’ll have to bear it
Drive a Chevy but don’t wear it
Burn your wig
De prijzen van synthetische (dus
probleemloze) sheitels swingen de pan uit
en wie inside information (= voorkennis)
Do what’s right, don’t be heretical
Burn your wig
Just stay calm, don’t get hysterical
Burn your wig
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 6/24
Your whole life is still ahead
Go put butter on your bread
But no Buddha on your head
Burn your wig!
Chad Gadya for Sheitals! Sing along!
Subject: One Sheitel, One Sheitel
One sheitel, one sheitel that husband
bought for an arm and a leg. One
sheitel, one sheitel.
And came The Sheitelmacher, who put it
in her little shop, that husband
bought with his life savings. One sheitel,
one sheitel.
And came the European Manufacturer,
who sold it to the sheitelmacher,
that husband mortgaged his house to buy.
One sheitel, one sheitel.
And came the Hindu Church, who
auctioned it to the European
manufacturer, who sold it to the
sheitelmacher, that husband paid half a
year’s salary for. One sheitel, one sheitel.
And came the Hindu Priest, who cut off the
hair, that the church
auctioned off, that the European
manufacturer put in the highest bid
for, who sold it to the Sheitelmacher, that
husband went into credit
card debt to purchase. One sheitel, one
And came the Hindu Pilgrim, who bowed
before the priest in an offering
to Vishnu, and he shaved off the hair,
which the church auctioned, that
the European manufacturer got for a steal,
who sold it to the
Sheitelmacher, that husband created a
tzedaka fund for. One sheitel, one
And came Rav Eliyashiv, Shlita, who
paskended the hair was assur, that
the pilgrim offered to the polytheistic gods,
that the barber shaved,
that the church auctioned, that the
European manufacturer got his hands
on for bupkis, who he sold to the
Sheitelmacher, that husband sold his
daughter into slavery so that he purchase it.
One sheitel, one sheitel.
And came the Holy One, Blessed Be He,
Who said, “I am the L-rd thy G-d,
thou shalt not have any other gods before
Me”, which Rav Eliyashiv took
very seriously, so he paskened the hair was
assur that the pilgrim
offered to the other gods, that the barber
shaved off, that the church
put up on eBay, that the European
manufacturer couldn’t believe the deal
he got, who sold it to the Sheitelmacher,
that husband got his knee-caps
broke because he couldn’t pay off the
interest from the loan he got from
Goombah Vinny. One sheitel, one sheitel.
De pruikencrisis in de wereldpers
BBC NEWS World Edition
Rabbis spark wig burning rumpus
Married Orthodox women are forbidden to
go bare-headed.
Orthodox Jews in New York and Israel
have been burning wigs made of Indian
human hair after rabbis ruled they may
contravene religious law.
Hundreds gathered in the Brooklyn suburb
of Williamsburg on Sunday to ignite a
bonfire of more than 300 wigs.
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 7/24
Instead of wigs with human hair, the
women are now using one made of
synthetic material and scarves, The wigs
with human hair cost more than one
thousand dollars and the hair comes mainly
from India, China and Indonesia. Hair
from India are prized because of their
Orthodox women often wear wigs because
custom requires that they cover their own
hair in public once married.
Indian wigs were declared non-kosher after
Israeli rabbis discovered the hair was often
cut at Hindu ceremonies.
Orthodox law forbids use of any items
used in what they consider to be idol
Last Wednesday, a revered Israeli
Orthodox Jewish rabbi, Shalom Yosef
Elyashiv, issued the ban on wigs made
with the offending hair.
But now Rabbi say that once the hair has
been offered to an idol, Jews cannot use it.
The ban is not based on the religion of a
person but on the fact that they have been
used in a ceremony and presented to an
Venkateswara Temple in Tirupati, where
thousands ritually offer hair, is one of the
major source for human hair from India.
Orthodox Jews
Rabbinical Authorities Had Denounced
The Wigs As Possibly Tainted
Orthodox Jews burn wigs from India
Orthodox Jews in New York are burning
their wigs made of human hair from India
following the example of their counterparts
in Israel after some Rabbis banned their
use declaring them to be “idolatrous”.
Married women in orthodox families are
not expected to show their hair and hence
they wear wigs and retailers, who have
thousands of expensive wigs, are now
taking them off the shelves in the orthodox
Jewish areas, including Brooklyn where
bonfires of the wigs had been set over the
May 17, 2004 9:59 am US/Eastern
NEW YORK (CBS) Orthodox Jews set
fire to piles of women’s wigs at a Brooklyn
intersection after learning that rabbinical
authorities had denounced the wigs as
The demonstration Sunday mirrored
several similar displays in Israel over the
past week, all in response to a ruling that
because the wigs were made from human
hair in India, they might have been used in
Hindi rites antithetical to Orthodox beliefs.
The crowd of several hundred gathered in
Williamsburg at about six Sunday evening.
They burned about 300 wigs, known as
sheidels, drawing the attention of police
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 8/24
officers who tried to keep people from
getting too close to the flames.
In keeping with the Orthodox Jewish code
of modesty, many Orthodox Jewish
women wear wigs to cover their hair in
creates frenzy in Orthodox world By Uriel
NEW YORK, May 18 (JTA) — When
word reached a fervently Orthodox enclave
in Beit Shemesh, Israel, that wigs made
from Indian hair may not be kosher
because of the hair’s heathen origins,
pandemonium erupted.
Women replaced their $2,000 wigs with $5
kerchiefs, simple snoods and synthetic-hair
substitutes as they waited to hear the final
word on a religious ruling that has created
chaos in the Orthodox world, where many
married women cover their hair as a sign
of modesty in conformance with Jewish
“There are humongous things going on
here,” said a fervently Orthodox woman
who lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh. “I know
a girl who just spent $2,000 on a sheitel
and was told it was no good,” she said,
using the Yiddish word for wig.
The controversy reached a fervor last week
when Rabbi Shalom Elyashiv, one of
Israel’s pre-eminent authorities on Jewish
law, or halachah, instituted a ban on wigs
made from Indian hair out of concern that
the hair’s original owners had used their
hair for idolatrous Hindu religious
The hair is bought after Hindu women,
who never before have cut their hair, shave
their heads at the Tirupati temple in India
as a sign of religious reverence. Jewish
rabbinic authorities are divided over
whether the hair itself is used in idolatrous
worship or whether the haircut is what is
ceremonially significant — and whether
the hair is then forbidden according to
Jewish law.
Many anxious women also were uncertain
whether their wigs contained Indian hair or
were made of “kosher” hair from Europe
or elsewhere in Asia.
“On the one hand it’s comical, but on the
other hand it’s a serious issue,” said Chaim
Waxman, a sociologist at Rutgers
University in New Jersey.
“We’re not used to thinking in terms of
idolatry, because for 2,000 years
monotheism prevailed in the Western
world, where Jews lived,” Waxman said.
But “if in fact Hinduism is idolatry, and if
in fact the cutting of the hair is part of the
ritual, then theoretically it could be a
This is the recall story of the Orthodox
community, observed Jeremy Stern, a
fervently Orthodox Jew who lives in Israel.
Just as the recall of Firestone tires in 2000
caused anxiety in the general public due to
safety concerns, this episode is causing
fervently Orthodox Jews to act out of
religious concern.
When some Jews in Israel and Brooklyn
started burning their wigs — believing
they were following the religious
injunction to destroy idolatrous religious
objects — it added fuel to the fire. Wig
makers hastened to find religious
authorities to compile lists of wigs whose
provenance was not under suspicion, and
they posted them on the Internet.
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 9/24
“In general, the mass hysteria has a lot to
do with the communications today, with all
the faxes and the e-mails. In the old days, a
thing like this would take such a long
time,” Stern said. “The Internet has really
made everything a global shtetl.”
Meanwhile, Orthodox Jews from Brooklyn
to Bnei Brak are debating the intricacies of
Hindu worship at a temple halfway around
the word.
“The haircut is part of the avodah, not the
hair,” said Elliott Brill, a fervently
Orthodox New Yorker, referring to the
religious service at the Indian temple.
“They don’t cut their hair their whole lives
until they get to the temple.”
Rabbi Nochem Kaplan, director of the
Central Committee of Chabad Rabbis of
America, said his group appointed a sixperson rabbinical task force to look into the
“Some serious questions were raised and
they need to be dealt with in a serious
way,” he said. “Somebody from India is
coming here. There have been numerous
calls and correspondence from India. It’s
fact finding more than anything else.”
For many people, a lot of money is at
Human hair wigs can be expensive —
custom-made ones sell for more than
$2,000, and even low-end synthetic wigs
can cost several hundred dollars — and
wig-making is big business in the fervently
Orthodox community. Aside from wig
manufacturers, there are wig importers,
weavers, cleaners and sellers.
But the controversy is about more than just
Aside from the obvious religious issues
involved, anti-wig forces in the fervently
Orthodox community are using the
brouhaha to bolster a century-old argument
against the use of wigs.
“This issue touches upon a debate at the
heart of haredi life,” said Menachem
Friedman, a sociologist at Israel’s Bar-Ilan
University, using the Hebrew word for
fervently Orthodox.
The uproar owes much to the origins of
Jewish wig-wearing in the late 19th
century, he said. Up until then, only a few
upper-class, observant Jewish women wore
wigs, while other women covered their hair
with hats, kerchiefs or shawls.
But a rise in the standard of living, coupled
with technological advances that made wig
affordable, resulted in an upsurge in wigwearing among Orthodox women.
The new ubiquity of wigs presented
Orthodox rabbis with a dilemma.
“The goal is that the women will be
modest. And how do you do it? With head
coverings,” Friedman said. “But when the
woman is more erotic wearing a particular
kind of head covering, that presents a
Many rabbis sought to ban the wigs, but
that would have meant hurting a lucrative
Jewish business and declaring that the
women who had worn wigs for generations
— including the rabbis’ own ancestors —
had sinned. Most rabbinic authorities
therefore did not oppose them.
“They don’t want to delegitimize the
previous generations, and this is a
significant Jewish business,” Friedman
But the controversy over the Indian-hair
wigs has breathed new life into the antiwig crusaders. Rabbinic proponents of wig
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 10/24
wearing have stayed quiet largely because
they recognize the problem inherent in
advocating head-coverings that make
women more, rather than less, attractive,
Friedman said.
“A lot of people are anti-sheitel, and
they’re definitely pushing it along,” said
Brill, whose company, Lacey Costume
Wig, manufactured wigs for Orthodox
women until 15 years ago, when his
business shifted to wigs for the stage.
“They consider sheitels bourgeois and not
a real head covering.”
Brill said women have phoned him in tears
over the controversy.
In Cleveland, a fervently Orthodox school
closed for a day because the female
teachers didn’t know what to wear over
their hair, Waxman said.
One fervently Orthodox woman in Ramat
Beit Shemesh said she felt embarrassed
wearing her wig in public — even though
it’s made from European hair — because
people looked at her as if she were a
“People you would never have seen walk
out of their house with anything but a wig
are now wearing snoods, tichels,” she said,
using a Yiddish word for kerchief. “It’s
almost comical.”
Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, runs a company
that manufactures European-hair wigs.
Freeda Wigs employs 200 people and
produces 600-700 wigs per month, mostly
for customers in the United States.
“The Indian hair is nice and it’s cheaper,
and I could not get hold of this hair. Now,
thank God that I didn’t go into it,” she told
Despite the uproar, Orthodox community
members say most people are taking a
more reasoned wait-and-see approach.
“The guidance that we are giving is that
currently those women who have
determined that their wig comes from India
should not wear it pending a definitive
ruling from Israel,” said Rabbi Basil
Herring, executive vice president of the
Rabbinical Council of America, an
Orthodox rabbis group, explaining that
Elyashiv’s ruling was a tentative one. “At
the same time, they should not destroy
“Wear a synthetic wig for a couple of
weeks, or a wig from Europe,” Chabad’s
Kaplan advised. “It’s not that big of a
gehandicapten-passen op Eggedbussen aan 22,90 ‫ ש"ח‬i.p.v. 29,90
undercoveronderzoek door Aroutz-2.
Inhoudstafel voor deze rubriek
Op onze site:
Though many wig wearers say Caucasian
hair is the best quality, followed by Indian
and then Korean hair, Kugel said she
always wanted to work with Indian hair.
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 11/24
Overpeinzingen door
The Shaigetz3
In this season of goodwill and cheer for
the goyim outside there is something
that bothers me immensely about our
I was invited to the Office party at the
place where I work. Just so as to get the
picture straight – I dress like a chassid.
That is to say I wear a dark long-jacket
suit, a white shirt (why do we always wear
a white shirt?) a full beard and
conservative dress shoes at all times (well
almost) and a round black felt hat if I wear
one at all. Yet I was still invited to the
I grant you that it felt a little funny at the
beginning, but it did not take long before I
began to enjoy myself. To give credit
where credit is due, my non-jewish
colleagues did their very best to
accommodate me. They together figured
out what drinks I was allowed to drink and
which not. (If anybody can tell me
Kosher…) They spent ages trying to work
out what I could eat (although Jewish
comedians certainly have a point. The
gentiles really don’t seem to eat much
between the drink after drink that go down
the hatch.) It was a fun party. As the
participants got sousder and sousder some
of them dared to approach me and talk
about many of the things they must have
been scared or embarrassed to ask in the
five years that I have known most of them.
The most noteworthy comment was one
young man of about 30 called Evert. He is
an accountant and he studies philosophy as
a hobby. Although we work pretty closely
together on occasion, we have never
chatted about anything outside the job on
hand before. To be brutally honest I always
thought he did not like either me
personally or what I represent as the only
Jew in the company. After we did get
talking - and with the help of an advisor
who has stood behind the wisdom of many
a great statesman, Johnny Walker- he told
me that he had been meaning to talk to me
for years but never had because “you
people are always so aloof”. He then went
on to tell me that he had seen this program
about OJs on TV and had learned that on
Saturday one was not allowed to use the
phone except for preservation of life. “In
my mind I had this picture,” he told me,
“of this Jewish tailor who goes past his
shop on Saturday and notices it is burning.
He can’t call the fire brigade because the
danger is to property not life. He runs
home and gets his wife and kids sends
them upstairs above the shop and then
Preservation of Life he calls 999.”
That story aside though what struck me
really hard at that party was that even in a
society where the media image of Jews is
somewhat less than inspiring and with
Israel having hit its popularity low of
decades the interpersonal relationships
between Jews and gentiles can be good. I
could go even further and say that if our
friendships are shallow at best it is because
we Ojs and recovering ex-OJ are wary of
letting ‘them’ get too close rather than the
opposite. In Israel on the other hand, the
opposite is true. The religious are not
welcome in non-religious society and those
making me (us) unwelcome are not
ashamed of it. It is a sad truth that I am
perfectly happy to go to a cinema and
watch a film in peace in London, NY, or
even Antwerp (one of the least Jew
friendly of European cities) yet in Tel Aviv
or Jerusalem I can expect at least verbal
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 12/24
For my money if I need a friend outside the
Shteeble it would be Evert over Uzi any
Transcriptio Nuntiorum
Nuntii Latini 7.5.2004
Captivi Iraquiani humiliati
Echt Antwerps FORUM wordt uitgegeven
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Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie voor de
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‫נא להדפיס על נייר‬
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F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 13/24
Leerlingen worden Forum-journalisten
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Leerlingen die ons twaalf berichten
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geldig voor één jaar, met eigen foto en
Voor al uw
simches, toffe heimische
muzikale ambiance, joodse klezmermuziek,
chassidische muziek alles op professioneel
niveau verzorgd met elektronische piano
door Schloimi Rosenberg.
Tel.: 03-239.73.22 – gsm 0472-544.100
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 14/24
Curiosum I
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 15/24
Curiosum II
New Delhi Times:
ASSOCIATED PRESS: Hindu religious authorities have ruled this week that it is forbidden
for Hindu women to sell their hair to Orthodox wig makers. “We have asked our women to
put their hair on holy altars as a sacrifice to our gods. Instead, they ship it to Boro Park. Is this
the way to show honor to our gods, by shipping hair to New York?” The Hindu Association
for Indians who are Religious (H-A-I-R) had all their major authorities as signatories on a
new proclamation forbidding these shipments.
Young women, however, feel more ambivalent than the local authorities: “What’s a good
idolater to do?” said Irfana Patel, a nineteen year old resident of New Delhi whose long hair is
soon to be shorn. “I know my options. My parents want me to cut it at the local Temple and
have it burn for our family shrine. My fiancé learned about the cost of highlighted wigs in
Meah Shearim. He wants me to sell it to put the down payment on a new apartment.” These
issues are clearly complex
Down a long alley in this large Indian city is a salon where run-away teenage girls and older
widows have flocked for years to have their hair cut in a confidential and private setting. The
salon owners, who spoke only on the condition on anonymity, said that they have had contact
with ultra-Orthodox Jews for the past ten years. “They are our best customers. Indian hair is
thick and easily dyed. When they came here to visit, we introduced them to chapaties. They
brought us gefilte fish. My husband loves chrain. He makes dal out of it now. We are sad that
business might change for us.” The economic fall-out of this decision has yet to be fully
assessed, but small Hindu businesses everywhere are suffering.
The human hair industry has grown exponentially since Orthodox women discovered that
snoods were used in idol worship in Thailand. The Thais would “tie” the snood around small
birds that were sacrificed on mountain tops. Straw and wool hats have also been worn by idol
worshiper for centuries, but modern Orthodox Jews have never been particularly concerned
about it. A spokesman for the Orthodox Union said that there are bigger issues to worry
about, like whether or not Campbell’s vegetable soup will retain its heksher. “We don’t really
care if modern Orthodox women are wearing hats once used by idolaters as long as they
aren’t davening in women’s prayer groups.”
India is not the only source of human hair. In New York Times best-seller, Hair Today: Gone
Tomorrow: The Hindu Hair Scandal, historians say that sheitel machers originally went to the
Far East, to places like Singapore and China as their hair source. Investigative reporters have
now shown that the Kai Feng community was started to export human hair, perhaps inspiring
the enduring love of Jews for Chinese food. “The hair was cheap but hard to work with,” says
one anonymous sheitel maker. “More expensive hair comes from Russia. I personally did not
use Russian hair until all the refusniks were out of the former Soviet Union. Not everyone was
so principled.”
European hair has become very popular and expensive. But Europe is a big place. For
example, many ultra-Orthodox women today would rather have hair from Belgium than
Lichtenstein. German and Austrian hair still carries taboos, and some women refuse to use
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 16/24
French hair until France becomes more supportive of the war in Iraq. Relations with Tony
Blair have been particularly good so English hair – although its off the continent – has
become especially prized. So many countries have been involved in the production of human
hair sheitels, that the U.N. is considering an international resolution. The United Nations will
permit the sale of all European hair on condition that business exchanges involve the Euro and
that Israel dismantle its security Fence.
Despite all the politics, religious Hindus feel that their right to worship idols has been
severely compromised by this new scandal. “Orthodox Jews don’t want us, and we don’t want
them either. We have our own humras in New Delhi. Wait until they find out where all their
tefillin is made!”
‫בכדי לא להשאיר הגליון ריק‬
‫הננו לפרסם עודה"פ האיסור החמור ומצות הביעור שיצאו מביד"צ‬
‫שע"י העדה החרדית בעיה"ק תובב"א‬
‫השוה עם הקול קורא להלן מטעם ביד"צ דק"ק בריסק דליטא בארה"ק‬
F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 17/24
‫מדור "הם היו אומרים"‬
‫בס"ד‪ ,‬יום רביעי כ"ב אייר תשס"ד‬
‫ועשית ככל אשר יורוך‬
‫ובערת הרע מקרבך‬
‫אחרי שהשלוחים שיצאו בשליחות הרבנים למדינת הודו‪,‬‬
‫בראשות הרב אהרן דוד הלוי דונר שליט"א‪ ,‬וחזרו‬
‫ומרנן ורבנן פוסקי דורנו גאוני עיה"ק ירושלים תובב"א‬
‫מרן הגרי"ש אלישיב שליט"א‪,‬‬
‫מרן הגר"מ שטרנבוך שליט"א‪,‬‬
‫מרן הגר"מ בראנדסדארפער שליט"א‬
‫שמעו עדותן המצמררת‪) ,‬אתמול יום ד'( כי הדברים הרבה יותר חמורים ממה שנודע‬
‫לציבור עד עכשיו‪ ,‬והינו לא רק חשש של תקרובת ע"ז רח"ל‪ ,‬אלא יותר גרוע מכך‪,‬‬
‫המדובר הוא בתקרובת עבודה זרה ממש רח"ל )לגבי השייטל( ובבסיס‬
‫לדבר האסור רח"ל )לגבי האשה הלובשת(‪.‬‬
‫וע"כ הוחלט ע"י הרבנים שליט"א‪ ,‬כי עפ"י דין תורתינו הק' מחוייבים כל אלו אשר‬
‫נמצא ברשותם הפיאות האסורים וכן הנשים לובשות הפיאותת‬
‫האסור‪ ,‬לבער הטומאה מביתם‪ ,‬דהיינו‬
‫שכאמור להן דין בסיס לדבר‬
‫האשה עם פיאותיה‪ ,‬בשריפה או בביעורם כדין‪ ,‬עפ"י האופנים המבוארים‬
‫בשו"ע‪ ,‬ויפה שעה קודם‪.‬‬
‫לאור זאת מתבקשים כל החרדים לדבר ד'‪ ,‬להתכנס כאו"א בתוך שכונתו וסביבתו‪,‬‬
‫להקהיל קהילות ברבים‬
‫ולקדש ש"ש ברבים ע"י ביעור הרע מקרבם‬
‫בהבערה והדלקה ברוב עם‪ ,‬אחרי תפילת מעריב‬
‫ביד"צ דק"ק‬
‫בריסק דליטא בארה"ק‬
‫‪F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 18/24‬‬
‫כוחא דהתירא עדיף‬
‫‪De milde toepassing van de wet verdient de voorkeur5‬‬
‫‪ 5‬רש"י‪ ,‬ביצה‪ ,‬דף ב' ע"ב‪" :‬דהתירא עדיף ליה – טוב לו להשמיענו כח דברי המתיר‪ ,‬שהוא סומך על שמועתו ואינו ירא להתיר‪ ,‬אבל כח‬
‫האוסרין אינה ראיה‪ ,‬שהכל יכולין להחמיר‪ ,‬ואפילו בדבר המותר‪ .‬מדור זה אינו הלכה למעשה‪.‬‬
‫‪F O R UM nr. 61 - 20 mei 2004 – pagina 19/24‬‬
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