Chamber In Action - Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce


Chamber In Action - Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce
Chamber In Action
... in the business of promoting business
September 2004
Volume 27, No. 9
Third Annual
Futurist Conference
"The Future After November: Hunterdon and Beyond"
This year's Futurist Conference, "The
Future After November: Hunterdon and
Beyond," to be held on Tuesday
evening, October 6th from 6:30 to 9
PM, will provide a peek into what the
future might hold based on who wins
the Whitehouse in November. The
event begins with a reception (hors
d'oeuvres and cash bar) from 6:30 to
7:30 with the program beginning at 7:40
until about 9 PM.
To be held at Beaver Brook Country
Club, Annandale, the conference will
give attendees an overall vision of the
business and economic outlook, national and world perspective of the next
administration through a line-up of toplevel spokespeople.
Director of the Rider University
Institute for New Jersey Politics, will
present an overview of the pre-election
scene, an "Election 101" perspective.
MICHAEL TORPEY, New Jersey Director of
Campaign Operations for Bush-Cheney
'04 and State SENATOR JOHN ADLER, New
Jersey Co-chair, Kerry-Edwards
Campaign '04 will each present the perspective of their candidates.
Following the presentations by the
campaign representatives, MICHAEL
ARON, NJN TV's Legislative
Correspondent will conduct a question
and answer session with Mr. Torpey
and Senator Adler.
By the end of the evening attendees
ought to be well prepared to help craft
the future of Hunterdon and beyond as
we approach November 2004.
Audience questions will be permitted
according to time available.
The Chamber graciously thanks its
sponsors for the 2004 Futurist
Conference. They are: Advantage
Bank; Amper, Politziner & Mattia;
Herder-Tarricone; Merck & Co., Inc.;
Raritan Valley Community College and
Sprint .
Tickets for "The Future After November:
Hunterdon and Beyond" are $55 each
for Chamber members and $75 for nonmembers. We expect the conference to
fill up rapidly, so make your reservations early by calling the Chamber at
908-735-5955. And be on the lookout
for publicity to appear throughout the
county. You will be receiving your
brochure shortly in the mail.
October 6 Breakfast: Cornerstones of Ethics in the Workplace
Each fall the Chamber
invites a prestigious guest
to re-visit and realign its
business members with
the ethics practiced in the
workplace. On
Wednesday, October 6th
at 8am at Beaver Brook
Country Club, Joel H.
Dobbs, Ph. D., will lead a
discussion, "Cornerstones
of Ethical Living." According the Dr.
Dobbs, as business leaders, the
decisions we make and actions we
take so powerfully influence our lives
and those around us, that how we
make the tough decisions can impact
the whole of business
Since living and working ethically is not a "right" or
"wrong" choice but a consistent system of values and
beliefs, Dr. Dobbs will
remind attendees about fundamental cornerstones: attitudes and thoughts; personal humility; self-discipline;
concern for others and stewardship.
Recently retired, Dr. Dobbs was VicePresident of Research Information
Services and Global IT Strategy and
Continued ... page 2
What’s Inside...
Card Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
ELC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Chamber Happenings . . . . . . .5
Effective Presentations . . . . . . . .6
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . .7
New Members . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Hats Off/F.Y.I. . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Boot Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Smart Growth . . . . . . . . . . .13
Future Excitement . . . . . . . .14
Visit our Web site ...
Special September Card Club Celebration
Clancy's Roadhouse (formerly the
Whiskey Creek Grill), located on Route
31 North, Lebanon, is the sight for a
special welcome and special good-bye
party. We welcome the Roadhouse's
new owners and partners, John
Caravassilis and Arnie Horvath to
Hunterdon's business community and,
with gratitude say a "good-bye" to longtime Chamber Board Member and supporter of non-profits, Marie Koch and
Planning Board head, John Kellogg,
both of whom are retiring.
September is the kick-off of the new
business season at the Chamber and
this Card Club promises to be a noteworthy entree. The Card Club, as usual, will
be from 5 to 7pm on Wed., Sept. 15. Not
seat restaurant by taking advantage of
a great selection of appetizers at half
price, or enjoying a reasonably priced
dinner special. Friday and Saturday
evenings offer live entertainment playing tunes from Sinatra to Springstein.
Private parties, special events and offpremise catering are also available.
Marie Koch
John Kellogg
so usual, however, entertainment will
be provided and, as an added bonus
for all attendees, Clancy's is offering
10% off a full dinner bill including beverages through the end of September!
Now there's a tasty invitation.
For information call Clancy's
at 908-713-0222.
You can get happy any Monday
through Friday 4 - 6:30 pm in the 200-
Ethics Breakfast...Continued
Compliance at Schering-Plough
Corporation. He spent 15 years at
Glaxo Inc. in various management and
executive positions in regulatory
affairs, medical services and information services. He has consulted with
industry giants and has authored
numerous scientific and technical publications. Joel Dobbs holds a BS from
Stamford, a MPH from University of
Alabama and a doctorate in pharmacy
from University of Tennessee.
Sponsored by Clinton Methodist
Church, the breakfast is free to
Chamber members (and Clinton
Methodist Church members) and $15
for non-members. Pre-registration is
important, however, so please do so
by calling the Chamber at 908-7355955.
Part of the ministry of the Clinton
Methodist Church is to reach out to
the community in ways of support.
Reverend Jeanne Pearson, Pastor,
is grateful to the business community
for its contribution to community and
wishes to show support in return by
offering this ethics presentation by Dr.
Putt, Putt Presents “The Corporate Challenge”
Are you ready for The
Corporate Challenge?
Instead of mixing golfers to optimize
networking with new contacts, this
year's Putt, Putt, Get Away at Pine
Creek Miniature Golf will pit one company against the other in The
Corporate Challenge. In order to win,
you must be playing with your colleagues, family or "close group of
friends" who can share the victory
together and take home the cup! ('No
fighting, please.)
Every day is an opportunity to do more
Thursday, September 9th
3:30 PM
Pine Creek Miniature Golf
Route 31 South, West Amwell
The rest of the experience will be the
familiar fun afternoon at a spectacular
miniature course with all the laughs,
door prizes and fine food provided by
KC Catering you've come to anticipate. There are several large prizes to
be won this year so we hope you
come and take the challenge.
PNC, the tournament sponsor, invites
you to share a light-hearted afternoon
of networking and putt, putt.
Registration is at 3:30 PM with tee-off
shortly thereafter.
Tickets are $25 per
player. Pre-registration required by
September 8th.
Chamber in Action is a
publication of the Hunterdon County
Chamber of Commerce © 2003
Suzanne Lagay, editor
Amanda Samuel, layout and design
Good Impressions, printer
For information or contributions,
please contact us by
phone: 908-735-5955,
fax: 908-730-6580,
or visit our Web site:
2200 Route 31, Suite 15
Lebanon, NJ 08833
ELC Reconvenes Sepember 27
With NJBIAs Melanie Willoughby
Long-time President of NJ Retail
Merchants Association and current
Senior Vice President for Government
Affairs, New Jersey Business and
Industry Association, (NJBIA) Melanie
Willoughby joins Hunterdon County
ELC on September 22nd at 8 am at
Beaver Brook Country Club in
Annandale. Willoughby oversees the
NJBIA team of lobbyists and serves
as the organization's chief liaison with
the State legislature. NJBIA represents 22,000 New Jersey businesses.
Employer Legislative Committee
(ELC) Breakfasts are held on the
fourth Wednesday of the month
January through June, September
through December. ELC is co-sponsored by the Hunterdon County
Chamber of Commerce and NJBIA.
Pre-registration is encouraged. Price
is $25 for Chamber or NJBIA members and $30 for others. Call 908735-5955 by September 20th to save
your place.
Suzanne Lagay
Robert P. Wise
Hunterdon Healthcare System
Vice Chairman and Treasurer
Mike Aversa
Amper, Politziner & Mattia
Vice Chairman
Karen A. Widico
Hunterdon Prevention Resources
Suzanne Lagay
Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce
Legal Counsel
John Manfreda, Esq.
Gebhardt & Kiefer
Caroline Armstrong
Hunterdon County Planning Board
Business Perspectives in Nonprofit Management
…the better part of one day devoted
solely to the renewal and success of
the county's nonprofit organizations,
churches and associations. That was
the vision of Commerce Bank's
Regional Marketing Manager, Debbie
Stout, and that's what the Chamber
has set out to produce for the bank.
The result is a program called Business
Perspectives in Nonprofit Management
that will be held on Tuesday, October
19th form 8 AM until 1:30 PM, location
to be determined.
Keynote speaker, Neale Godfrey, of
Children's Financial Network, is a popular radio and TV guest and founder of
the first Woman's Bank in New York.
Neale has spoken often to nonprofit
groups and considers her contribution
to be a fresh perspective on role and
The day will be filled with choices for
attendees who might wish to pick
among group discussions on diversifying your fund raising, rethinking grant
writing, finances for nonprofit executives and strategies for business development led by experts who actually
know about the nonprofit environment.
The Chamber has invited luncheon
speaker, John Dunegan, of Lotscenter,
who will look at the very heart of what
working in nonprofit means to those of
us who do it.
There will fresh perspectives, a raising
of the bar on information discussed
and plenty of time for questions and
sharing in this program dedicated to
those weaving the fabric of
Hunterdon's support systems.
Registration information will be included in a special mailing to all County
non-profit organizations.
Commerce Bank, "America's Most
Convenient Bank," has assets of more
than $16 billion and houses its regional headquarters in the Royal Road
location in
The bank has a
seven-day-aweek banking
schedule, on-line
banking and outstanding customer
service philosophy. For more information about Commerce Bank, visit their
interactive financial services web site
at or contact
them Debbie Stout at
Frank Barlow, III
Hunterdon County YMCA
Andrew Borkin
Strategic Advancement Inc.
George Ditzler
Team Link Corp.
Erica Edwards
Flemington Economic Development Commission
William Fee
Magnesium Elektron Inc.
William Flahive, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Gail Fowler,
Merck & Co., Inc.
Ruth Green
Advantage Bank
Deborah Katz
3M Corporation
Marie Koch
Hunterdon County Democrat
Debbie Meola
Clinton Business Products
Nick Pellitta, Esq.
Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus
Kathleen Picardo
Hunterdon/Somerset Association of Realtors
Richard Rampinelli
RJR Solutions, Inc.
James Robinson
G. Jeremiah Ryan
Raritan Valley Community College
Rick Sacco
Holiday Inn, Select
John Sansky
Hunterdon County Educational Services
Christopher Tarricone
Herder-Tarricone Associates
car & truck
Chamber Happenings
August Card Club
(l to r) Sue Crider, Sprint DSL, Marjorie
Nathanson, ED, Hunterdon Musuem of
Art, Jim Robinson, Public Affairs
Manager, Sprint and Hildreth York,
President of Museum Board, hosts of
August’s Card Club at the Hunterdon
Musuem of Art, Sponsored by Sprint.
Pre-Expo Seminar Offers Tips For
Even Seasoned Trade Show Goers
'Been there? 'Done that? 'Know all
about trade shows?
This year's Pre-Expo Seminar at
Palumbo Associates anticipates
passing along information thought
to new and interesting to even seasoned tradeshow vendors.
Scheduled for Wednesday,
September 8th at 8 AM at the
Palumbo facility on Ridge Road in
Whitehouse, the morning will
involve information about the less
known or less obvious rules for
making your expo experience pay
off….and, after all, why go if you
don't expect it to pay off!
Michelle Trent of the Trent Group
will discuss boothmanship and
post-show follow through. The
group will
go over
your visual communication and
impact and how it interacts with the
particular show and audience.
A Continental Breakfast will be
available. The seminar is FREE to
those who have registered for
booths and $15 for those who have
not. Please call in advance to let us
know you're coming.
Stay-at-Work Teleclass
September's Teleclass
Returning after one month's vacation, the popular information
series for Chamber members
only, Stayat-Work
will feature, Corey Fogarty, BMF
Enterprises, on Thursday,
September 30th at 10:30 AM,
who will lead the discussion on
Web Marketing: how to go
beyond an information site to one
that attracts and advertises.
You need only call to pre-register
and receive the pin number, set
your PDA, watch or clock to
remind you to gather your staff,
then call into the most convenient
way to get answers to practical
questions--business and other.
Most of our guest speakers offer
supplemental information and will
take follow-up calls so don't miss
the opportunity to share the
wealth of expertise of your fellow
Chamber members.
This series is made possible
through the generosity of Sprint.
Making Your Presentations Effective
Every businessperson will be called
upon to make a presentation. Speaking
in front of a group of people is more
common than is commonly thought.
Here are some pointers to organize and
successfully bring off your next presentation in front of a group of people. These
suggestions apply to just about any situation-from the simple stand-up introduction of your company at your next networking event to the full-dress speech
you might give to an audience of dozens.
What to Do Ahead of Time
Good preparation can yield good
results, while no preparation invites disaster. It makes good sense to think
through a situation ahead of time-to the
extent possible. Begin by focusing on
the likely audience.
? How big might it be? (A speech to six
people sitting around a table is one
thing; a speech to sixty or six hundred in
a large audience will be quite different.)
? What has attracted them to the meet-
pine creek
ing, and what are they
expecting to hear?
(People voluntarily
come to presentations
to learn-satisfying their
natural curiosity.)
? Will it be a group of
like-minded people or
will they represent difAl Warr
ferent backgrounds?
(Whatever you plan to say must be tailored to the people in your audience.)
Along with thinking through your likely
audience, pay attention to what will bring
that audience through the door. Go back
through all the promotional materials
that announced the meeting. These will
help you understand what the audience
is expecting. Then organize your
thoughts and your material.
What to Do On The Big Day
For many, getting up to speak in front of
other people can be one of the most
frightening experiences they will ever
have. A few pointers, however, can help
you build the self-confidence you need
to be an effective speaker.
An audience needs a frame of reference
in order to follow what's being said. A 3step process underpins every successful presentation-be it short or long.
? First, at the beginning of your presentation, tell the audience what you're
going to tell them.
? Second, expand on this and tell them
the full story, going through all the information you want to convey.
? And third, at the end of your presentation, summarize what you've told them.
Presentation Tips You Can Master
During your presentation, look directly at
individual members of your audience.
Effective speakers don't speak to
groups-they speak to individuals who
happen to be part of a group. Pick out
the faces that are most attentive and
speak to them as if they are the only
people in the room.
Speak extemporaneously if at all possible. Even if you've written out your material ahead of time, do not read to an
audience unless you are directly quoting
someone. Of course, take brief notes
with you to the podium-single words or
an outline can be effective reminders for
whole topics of the presentation.
Modulate both your voice and your
ideas. Few things put an audience to
sleep faster than a droning voice. Get
excited and your audience will get excited. Interrupt yourself with a light-hearted
comment. Illustrate your point with a
Space out your ideas. Your audience
will take away only a handful of your
points, so it's useless to talk through a
long laundry list. Write out the points
you're covering-as well as additional
ones-in a hand-out, and mention from
the podium that you'll be providing literature that "goes into more detail". Try to
avoid the use of numbers in your presentation. Instead, find some way to
graphically illustrate your points.
Relegate numbers to hand-outs.
In general, selling from the speaker's
platform is difficult to do well and not
greatly accepted. Provide useful information, explain what you do, convey
ideas, but avoid direct selling.
Wrapping Up
Try to put something in the hand of
attendees that they can take with them.
This can be a one-page summary or it
can be a multi-page document. A writeup of the speech itself can be useful to
you ahead of the meeting, and, handed
out at the end, it can be much-appreciated by attendees long after the presentation is over, particularly if you are covering complex issues.
You might want to give something away
in exchange for the business cards of
attendees. Separate from the hand-out,
it must be something of value to your
Finally, as soon as practicable after your
presentation, do a de-briefing. Write
down everything that went well or needs
improvement. Consult this before your
next presentation.
© Al Warr, 2004. You may contact Al Warr at or through the Hunterdon
Chamber of Commerce.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Labor Day
HCCC Advocacy
8:30 AM
BizEd 8:30AM*
Hunterdon Biz
EXPO Meeting
Leads Exchange
HCCC Business
Committee 8:00AM*
Card Club at Clancy's
Roadhouse 5:00PM
EXPO Meeting
Red Team
Putt, Putt Golf
Blue Team
at Borders
Pride of
12 NOON*
* Denotes that the meeting will take place in the Chamber’s Conference room.
Pre-Expo Seminar - September 8th
8:00AM - Palumbo Associates on Ridge Road in Whitehouse
Card Club Celebration - September 15th
5:00 - 7:00PM - Clancy’s Roadhouse (formerly Whiskey Creek Grill)
Breakfast at Borders - September 17th
7:45AM - Borders in Flemington
ELC - September 22nd
8:00AM - Beaver Brook Country Club
with Melanie Willoughby, VP NJBIA
Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce
2200 Route 31, Suite 15 ? Lebanon, NJ 08833 ? 908.735.5955 ? fax: 908.730.6580 ? e-mail:
New Members
Stop & Shop Supermarket
334 Route 31
Flemington, NJ 08822
(P) 908-782-8700
(F) 908-782-9787
Contact: Paula A. Panjwani, Customer
Service Mgr.
A super supermarket with a wide variety of products and
services available such as catering from our deli and
produce departments, custom made cakes from our
bakery department and have your flower or balloon
arrangements customized by our floral department.
Progressive Audio & Video, LLC
6 Colts Lane
Flemington, NJ 08822
(P) 908-788-2966
(F) 908-788-3687
Contact: Ronald J. Angner Jr.
Home Entertainment Systems
Progressive Audio & Video, LLC designs and installs
entertainment systems and structured wiring solutions
both commercially and residentially. Progressive Audio
& Video provides the highest quality entertainment and
networking experience with state-of-the-art technology,
attention to detail, and personalized service. We will
meet or exceed your expectations during every step of
the project, from first meeting to final walk-through.
Customer satisfaction is our primary goal.
The 2004 Hunterdon & Somerset
Counties CD-ROM Business-to-Business
Directory with 4000 listings is available
through the Chamber. New ability to
manipulate data and customize mailing
lists. Call 735-5955 to order your copy.
Chamber Members - Don't forget! You
may bring your company information and
marketing/sales materials to Chamber
events and place them on a display table.
No need to call, just plan ahead.
Member2Member Services
Argus Technology and Microsoft are offering the following two promotions until
September 15, 2004: 1) Windows
Incentives - $600 subsidy and up-to $595
of training with the purchase of Windows
Server 2003 and client licenses. 2)
Security Assessment - free 2-hour risk
assessment to detect information security
weaknesses and regulatory compliance
issues before they become problems.
See or call (908)
926-2220 for more information.
168 Bellis Rd.
Milford, NJ 08848
(P) 610-360-0043
(F) 908-995-4424
Contact: Stephen Dawson, President
Consulting/Business Planning
Outstanding People Systems & Processes (OPSP) provides personal and professional development for individuals and companies in Warren and Hunterdon Counties in
NJ and Bucks, Lehigh and Northampton Counties in PA.
We provide leadership development, coaching, strategic
planning, Cycle time reduction, Process Improvement and
business planning primarily for the industries of Marketing
and Advertising, Real Estate, Technology, warehouse distribution and Automotive. Contact us at 610-360-0043 for
the opportunity to help you and your business grow.
Argus Technology Corp.
104 Rake Factory Rd.
Flemington, NJ 08822
(P) 908-926-2220
(F) 775-665-6605
Contact: Chris Kmosko
Business Consulting
Argus Technology provides Information Security and
Technology Consulting services. We focus on Business
Risk Management through Education and Awareness,
Identification, and Mitigation of Information Security
Risks. See or call (908) 926-2220
for more information.
Patriot Plumbing Services, LLC
551 East Hill Road
Califon, NJ 07830
(P) 908-638-8001
(F) 908-638-8016
Contact: Lisa Karpinski
Providing repair and installation for all residential and commercial plumbing needs, with prompt, professional and
reliable service. With 15 years experience, Mark Johnson,
Licensed Master Plumber, member of PHCC will perform
or supervise your project. Our office is available to offer
knowledgeable guidance with product selection.
NovaStar Home Mortgage, Inc.
51 Gibraltar Dr. Suite 2A
Morris Plains, NJ 07950
(P) 877-312-CASH (2274)
(F) 973-993-9433
Contact: Adam Belkin
Mortgage Firm
We deal with over 250 different investors and offer every
imaginable program to help customers purchase a
home, refinance, or take a home equity loan on their
residential or commercial property, as well as land,
mixed use properties and multifamily homes and apartment buildings. Our mission is to offer excellent service,
an easy process, the right program customized for each
individual and simply the best experience anyone could
ever hope for in obtaining financing.
H & R Block
50 Division Street, Suite 101
Somerville, NJ 08876
(P) 908-725-4098
(F) 908-252-1536
Contact: Dan Dychtwald, District
Tax preparation
As your tax and financial partner, we ensure that our
clients get the largest refunds entitled to them by law,
we help our clients plan for their futures by analyzing
current and prior year tax returns and we help them
make wiser decisions to take the guesswork out of
taxes. Finally, we offer the added strength and
resources of H&R Block Financial Advisors and H&R
Block Mortgage Corporation to meet all of our clients' tax
and financial needs.
Ramada Inn
250 Route 202/31
Flemington, NJ 08822
(P) 908-782-7472
(F) 908-782-1975
Contact: Joe Azir
The Ramada Inn on Routes 202 & 31 in Flemington is
under the new ownership of Mr. Joe Azir. The establishment is planning upgrades to the 105-room hotel to
include: equipping guest rooms and conference rooms
with high speed Internet access and enclosing the now
outdoor pool and building a small fitness room for yearround use. Guest amenities include a bottle of champagne waiting for each guest at check-in, a complimentary continental breakfast and a complimentary copy of
USA Today. Enjoy the astonishingly fine Italian cuisine
of the newly renovated Mangia Bene Restaurant adjacent to our hotel or dial room service and have a little
piece of Italy come directly to you.
Conley & Sozansky, LLC
119 Main St. POB 662
Flemington, NJ 08822
(P) 908-806-9100
(F) 908-806-8140
Contact: Mike Sozansky
Counselors at law
Richard M. Conley and Michael W. Sozansky, Jr. have
formed a general practice law firm in Flemington.
Conley, a graduate of Harvard Law School, was a judge
of the New Jersey Tax Court. Sozansky, formerly president of the Hunterdon County Bar Association, is now a
Trustee of the State Bar Association.
The Hunterdon County Sales Manager
for Davis Business Machines, Inc. is
Matt Fachet who can be reached on
The fax number for Hance Construction
was incorrectly listed in the new member section of the August NL. The correct fax is 908-713-0005.
2004 Home & Business Expo Features Home Improvement
If you have recently redone a room in
your home, refurbished your deck,
added a pool or just moved furniture
around in the living room, you have
your own personal experience with
home improvement. The 2004 Home
& Business Expo will feature home
improvement vendors this year. Be
sure to look for them marked by big
gold seals so you can line up next
year's projects at this year's Expo.
Don't Delay
"We're right on track with booth sales,"
Jennifer Tanner and Lisa Tenenbaum
reported to the committee. Very few
booths remain on the main floor. The
Chamber has designed spacious
booths for the track level making it
prime real estate for vendors. Floyd
Stafford, Expo Committee Chair,
Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce
explained that special attractions and
features are planned for the upper
level to attract Expo-goers to the
newly expanded space. Track level
booths are bigger, creating meeting
space within the booths. Expo visitors
are encouraged to stop by on the
higher tier first to get their stash of
popcorn and stop by all the booths
that will surround the track.
Calls will begin to businesses outside
Chamber membership as of Labor
Day so get your orders in if you've
been planning to attend the show.
Door Prizes Requested
A major feature of every Chamber
Expo is the steady flow of door prizes
and surprises provided by Chamber
members for Expo attendees. "It's an
inexpensive and effective way to promote your business. The atmosphere
adds to the gift, itself," said Debbie
Meola, Committee member. "Any
company wishing to contribute a door
prize should call the Chamber office
(735-5955) so we can anticipate
numbers and timing for awarding
them," Meola urged.
Special Attractions
Popular Hunterdon figure, Dan
Torrone, will be on hand all day to
HMC 1/2 Page
Continued ... page 12
Hats Off To
the firm of WithumSmith+Brown
CPA and Consultants which has
been named a 2004 Practice
Innovation Award Winner by
Practical Accountant magazine for
developing a Web-hosted document
management system that stores and
maintains a company's paper and
electronic documents in a secure,
off site data center.
The Center for Educational
Advancement's 13th Annual Golf
Classic will be held on Monday,
September 13, 2004 at the Copper Hill
Country Club, Flemington, NJ Limited to
96 golfers.11:00 Lunch.12:00 Tee-off.
For more information, call 782-1480.
Roy Kvalo, of the firm, for being
awarded the Accredited in Business
Valuation (ABV) by the American
Institute of CPA's.
those receiving promotions: Justin
Vogel, Ron Martino, Virginia
Piccolo, David daSilva, James Berg,
John King, Michael Yarrow, Jason
Carlson, Thomas Girone, Michael
Waldrop, Jr, Richard Bobroski,
Shawn Gillon, Laura Harris and
Michael Lowry.
Allen Wilen of Amper, Politziner &
Mattia, who has been named an
officer in the firm.
Karen Katcher of Karen Katcher
Associates, who will be speaking
on WMTR-1250AM, 1170AM on
Oct. 9th, 9:00 am. Topic: "From
Success to Significance."
Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus for
announcing that Steven Karg has
been named Chair of the Products
Liability Committee of the NJ
Defense Assoc.
the Hunterdon Museum of Art for
receiving a second citation of excellence from The New Jersey State
Council on the Arts for its education program titled "Bridging the
Arts", a multi-disciplinary curriculum
in the visual arts for students in
grades 3-8.
The LINK transportation shuffle began
Saturday service effective August 7th
on the Flemington route. The service is
being offered on a pilot basis from
8:00am to 5:15pm Fare: $1.00
The Hunterdon Museum of Art will
have its annual "Art Party" fundraiser on
Saturday, October 2 from 6:30 to 11 PM.
Dinner, dancing, cocktails. For more
information, call 908-735-8415, ext. 21
Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus will host
a morning seminar entitled, "Trademark
and Copyright from the Corporate
Perspective" on Tuesday, September
28th, 8:30am-12:00 pm at Raritan
Valley Country Club.
Louisa Melrose Gallery, Frenchtown,
celebrates an Open House with a focus
on jewelry designs for the fall by regional
artists. Check on-line at for details.
Holcombe-Jimison Farmstead,
Lambertville, is celebrating its Farming
Festival and Crafts, Sept. 10th through
12th 10 am to 5 PM rain or shine. Lots
of attractions. $5 adults, $3 students
with kids and under 5 yrs., free.
Education News
The Educational Services
Commission is hosting an orientation
on September 9th at 1:00 pm for information on the 25-year old Career and
Life Planning Center for Displaced
Homemakers. To register or for more
info, call 908-788-1453
Park n' Rec News
Saturday, October 16, 8:30 am-6:30
pm. bus trip to the American Museum
of Natural History in NYC. $50.00 per
adult, $40.00 per child. Registration
must be received by September 11th.
For more info, call 908-782-1158.
Plant your own terrarium on Friday,
October 8th from 6-8 pm at Echo Hill
park. $2 registration fee plus $20 for
supplies per family. Call 908-782-1158
to register.
Fall and Winter programs for kids at
Echo Hill. $90 for 8 sessions. Beginning
Sept. 21st for kids age 4-5 with a second program for kids K, 1st and 2nd
grades. Call 908-782-1158 for details.
New Faces
The Engineering Firm of Bohren and
Bohren Associates welcomes their
newest engineer, Rod Chirumbolo.
Amper, Politziner & Mattia announces
the addition of Lisa Johnson as Sr.
Accountant and Georgina Mendoza as
Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus is
pleased to welcome Christine Sellitti as
an associate with the firm.
The college will present "Test Pattern",
a solo exhibition of paintings and videos
created by RVCC faculty member Tom
McGlynn, September 7-23, Art Gallery,
North Branch campus.
Two teachers aides, courses will be offered
beginning September 19th: Classroom
Management, Tuesdays, 4pm-7:30 pm at
the Holland Township School in Milford;
and Introduction to Special Education,
Mondays from 5:30pm-8:55pm at RVCC
North Branch campus. Call 908-526-1200,
ext. 8440 for details.
PostScript Picture
(Kilcommons Ad 2/02)
Smith Barney/Robert Snyder
keep visitors and vendors alike entertained and informed.
Nassau Broadcasting will be on hand
live announcing details of the show
and inviting visitors throughout the
day. Arrangements can be made for
companies to gain airtime.
Improved parking has been arranged
by HealthQuest and more frequent
shuffles between Stop & Shop and
HealthQuest will be provided by The
Link beginning at 9 AM (for vendors)
and continuing until 8 PM for everyone's convenience.
And, of course, you're invited to the
Post-Expo Reception from 5 to 7 PM
provided by ShopRite of Hunterdon
County with beverages offered by
Ship Inn Restaurant and Brewpub.
(ShopRite will have vittles available
during the day for purchase as you
peruse the Expo floor.)
a networking breakfast
Real Leads all the time!
Sponsored by Flemington Hampton Inn
Date: Wednesday, Sept. 15, 2004
Time: 7:15AM registration
Advertising Opportunities
Look for a special section in the
Hunterdon County Democrat on
October 7th. The paper is offering
Chamber members special advertising
prices to appear in that widely-read,
Pre-Expo edition. You can save up to
48% whether or not you have a booth
at this year's Expo. Call 908-782-4747
ext. 632.
Sponsors Commerce Bank, ShopRite,
Hunterdon Healthcare System and the
Democrat warmly invite you to join us.
The Committee has been working
hard to make the 2004 Home &
Business Expo the best Expo ever.
Accelerator Boot Camp:
Prescription to Revitalize Your Business
Flemington Department of
Community and Economic
Development, The Hunterdon
County Chamber of Commerce and
Action International have come
together to offer a two-day business
boot camp for established and growing businesses.
Facilitated by three business and
coaching experts, the program
promises measurable improved
results in formulating sales strategies and converting sales; tracking
marketplace trends; gaining savvy in
hiring the right people to help your
business grow and sourcing accurate financial information that is
7:30 - 8:30AM program
Location: Hampton Inn
appropriate for you success.
The course, to be held at the Union
Hotel in Flemington, will take place
on Friday, October 22nd and
Saturday October 23rd from 9 AM
until 5PM. (See the flyer in this issue
of Chamber in Action for more
Space is limited to 25 participants for
the boot camp. Tuition is $525 for a
single attendee and $570 for two participants from the same company.
Flemington DCED will provide up to
$1000 in scholarships to Borough
businesses in the amount of $100 per
business on a first-come, first-served
basis. The Chamber has written letters to members soliciting scholarship
funding as well.
To reserve you place in Accelerator
Boot Camp, facilitated by Action
International coaches and consultants, call Joan Leiwant at 973-9926773.
Royal Rd.
(by Perkins Restaurant)
Fee: $10 Chamber members
$15 non-Chamber members
Continental Breakfast compliments of
the Flemington Hampton Inn.
Call 908-735-5955 to register.
Breakfast at Borders
This is your invitation to join Borders,
Flemington, and the Hunterdon
County Chamber of Commerce on
Friday, September 17th at 7:45 AM for
the first Breakfast at Borders. Enjoy a
hot cup of gourmet coffee and tasty
muffin while visiting with Chamber colleagues, four of whom will present
aspects of their businesses to inform
and intrigue you.
Presenting at the inaugural meeting are:
Jim Cillo of Y2 Marketing: Your marketing and advertising should build
a case for your company and cause
your prospects to draw one conclusion, "I would have to be an absolute fool to do business with anyone
else but you, regardless of price." If
your marketing doesn't do this, then
it's not working right. Jim will dis-
Hunterdon County Talks
Smart Growth
As part of the State Plan review
(a.k.a. Cross-Acceptance process), Hunterdon County will be
releasing a set of population projections to the year 2020. Why
should folks be interested in a
series of numbers that merely represent a best guess about our
Population (and employment) projections are the basis for many
planning decisions made at the
local, regional and state levels.
COAH's proposed rules, for
instance, require municipalities to
project future affordable housing
need based initially on population
and employment projections.
Metropolitan Planning
Organizations (regional transportation planning entities) use
projections to help comply with air
quality conformance objectives.
Hunterdon County is analyzing
projections in the development of
a new Growth Management Plan.
Interestingly, a variety of organizations prepare projections.
Metropolitan Planning
Organizations and the New Jersey
Department of Labor each devel-
op population and employment
projections. The Hunterdon
County Planning Board will be distributing a new set of population
projections for discussion at its
Cross-Acceptance meeting on
October 28th. Each set of numbers differs somewhat. Yet the
State Plan calls for the use of a
"common set of household,
employment and population forecasts in plans, programs and project design." What numbers
should be used?
The Hunterdon County Planning
Board will hold its next CrossAcceptance meetings on
Tuesday, September 28 and
Thursday, October 28, 6 - 9 pm in
the Assembly Room, Building #1,
Route 12 County Complex,
Raritan Township. Feel free to
join us for informed discussions
on those dates. Also, visit our
smart growth website for materials you can review in advance of
those meetings.
Submitted by Caroline Armstrong,
Assistant Executive Director, Hunterdon
County Planning Board.
cuss how to get bigger bottom line
results from your marketing and
advertising, without spending more
Michelle Herman, American Express
Financial Advisors: Retirement
Planning 101 -- You can borrow
money to help fund certain goals;
however, retirement is NOT one of
them! Michelle will discuss what you
need to think about to help you get
to the point where work is optional
and retirement is affordable.
Rich Kazimir, CM IT Solutions:
Businesses should know how to deal
with forces that are threatening computer systems today, such as viruses, spy ware, ad ware and hackers;
how to keep your critical computer
data safe by backing it up; and finally, the importance of having a web
Fred Stewart, Environmental
Guardian: Fred will describe what
mold is and why it could be dangerous and then discuss the methods
used to first test and then remove
the mold. The last part of his presentation will involve the responsibilities
employers have if mold is present
and how to prevent litigation.
Your host, Borders Corporate and
Ed Sales Manager, Chris Murphy,
will describe their corporate benefits
program and offer a 20%-off coupon
for books and 15% off CDs and
DVDs purchased that morning after
the meeting.
While Holly Golightly, herself, might
not join us, I hope you do for
Breakfast at Borders.
First-Class Mail
U.S. Postage
Washington, NJ
Permit No. 1
Future E citement
Oct. 6th
Futurists Conference,
"The Future After November:
Hunterdon and Beyond,"
6:30 - 9 PM, Sponsored by
Advantage Bank, Amper,
Politziner & Mattia,
Herder-Tarricone, Merck,
Raritan Valley Community
College, and Sprint
Location - Beaver Brook
Oct. 14th Home & Business Expo,
HealthQuest, 11 AM to 7PM,
sponsored by
Commerce Bank with support
from ShopRite of Hunterdon
County, Hunterdon Healthcare
System and the Hunterdon
County Democrat
Oct. 19th Nonprofit Seminar, Business
Perspectives in Nonprofit
Management, 8 AM to 1PM,
sponsored by Commerce Bank
Location t.b.a.
Oct. 22-23rdBusiness Accelerator
Boot Camp, 8 Am to 5 PM,
sponsored and provided by
Action International, supported
by Hunterdon County Chamber
of Commerce and Flemington
Community and Economic
Development Commission,
Union Hotel, Flemington
Nov. 4th
Women's Business Forum,
A Seminar on Civic
Engagement, 8AM to 10AM,
sponsorships available
Nov. 9th
Ethics in the Workplace
(high school version)
7:30 AM to 2PM, sponsored by
3M, Flemington, hosted by
Holiday Inn Select and
supported by McDonald's
(Hunterdon County)
Nov. 17th Annual Awards Breakfast,
8 AM, Kevin McArdle, guest
speaker, sponsorships
available, Beaver Brook
Dec. 8th
Business Luncheon, Economic
Update With Jim Hughes, Ph.D.
Bloustein School of Planning
and Public Policy
PROFESSIONAL EXECUTIVES... Schedules a “Back to Basics” Program
Hunterdon Young Professional
Executives (HYPE) have chosen a
refresher in networking as its September
program. Networking Basics will be the
topic facilitated by Errol Ernstrom, Action
International. The meeting is to take place
at the Holiday Inn Select in Clinton.
According to Jarett Farrell, Raritan Valley
Insurance and a HYPE organizer and
spokesperson, the program is geared for
new comers to the group and those who
have "perhaps been on vacation a bit too
long" from the responsibilities of contactmaking.
Kellogg. (Please see Card Club information on page 2.)
Due to the conflict with the Chamber's
September Card Club, the meeting will
take place on Wednesday, September
22. HYPE members are all invited to the
Chamber's Card Club at Clancy's
Roadhouse on Route 31 North in Clinton
Township on September 15th at 5 PM.
There will entertainment and a farewell
celebration for Marie Koch and John
The young professionals group is planning a haunted hayride at Schaeffer
Farms on Route 523 in Readington for its
October meeting. 'More about that in the
October newsletter.
Anyone interested in joining the group
may contact Kelly Fogarty, BMF
Enterprises, at 908-995-4711.