St. Peter Claver Parish - Saint Peter Claver Church


St. Peter Claver Parish - Saint Peter Claver Church
St. Peter Claver Parish
Corner of Cochran & Stow Streets
Parish Mission Statement
Pastor: Rev. Riz J. Carranza
Associate Pastor: Rev. Adrian M. San Juan
Permanent Deacons:
Rev. Mr. Jim Carper, Rev. Mr. Brian Clements,
and Rev. Mr. Melecio Zamora
Auxiliary Priest: Rev. John Gouldrick, C.M.
Saturday: 5pm Vigil; 7pm (Español)
Sunday: 8am; 10am; 12noon & 5pm
Holy Day of Obligation: 5pm Eve before;
Day-7:30am; 12noon & 7pm
Weekdays: 7:30am (Monday - Friday)
DEVOTIONS: Perpetual Help Novena, Wednesdays, 7pm, Mass on first Wednesdays, 7pm;
Adoration every Friday, 7pm
3 - 4:30pm (or by appointment); Eve of Holy Day
& Thursday before first Friday, 4 - 4:45pm
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Sundays, 1:30 pm;
4th Sunday - Spanish Baptism
Second Monday of each month, 7pm
notification needed
We, the parish of Saint Peter Claver,
are a Catholic faith community within the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the
Universal Church. Firm in the hope of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ and inspired by the
example of our patron, we proclaim the
kingdom of God to embrace everyone in
love without discrimination of any kind.
We are devoted to worship, to witness,
and joyful service in the Spirit.
Parish Office Address: 5649 Pittman St.
Simi Valley, CA 93063-3525
Parish Office hours: (Monday - Friday)
9am-12noon, & 1-5pm
Phone: (805) 526-6499
Fax: (805) 526-7233
Web Site:
Bulletin e-mail:
Pre-School & Kindergarten:
Katelyn Colvin, Principal
(805) 526-2244 Fax: (805) 526-2225
Office of Faith Formation:
Bianca Langlois, Director
(805) 526-0680
Jon Teague, Coordinator
Middle School Youth Ministry
Confirmation / Youth Ministry Office:
Andrew Gafvert, Director
(805) 526-7975
Parish Information
Safeguard the Children Committee:
Chito Coronel, Chair
Adult Education: Chris Redondo, 526-6499
Bible Study: Richard Kimmet, 581-2742
Becoming Catholic (Rite of Christian Initiation
of Adults):
Office of Faith Formation, 526-0680
Parish Vocation Animator:
Michael Johnson, 526-6499
Annulment Assistance:
Wally & Linda Cravens, 526-6499
Lector Coordinator: Jim Small, (805) 390-7260
Altar Servers: Brian Kane, 583-0466
Eucharistic Ministry of Hosp. & Home:
Joni Egan, 527-2444
Knights of Columbus: Rick Lepore, (805) 218-5703
Bereavement Ministry:
Dcn. Melecio Zamora, 526-6499
Music Director: Jim Leslie, (818) 324-2109
Prayer Network: for prayer requests or be a member:
Chuck Gebert, 908-2000
Respect Life: Rhonda Freeson, (818) 403-1617
Couples for Christ:
Chito & Beth Coronel, 285-7453
Filipino Catholic Comm. Group:
Vangie Carlos, (805) 813-3995
Hispanic Catholic Community Group:
Dcn. Melecio Zamora, (818) 262-1090
Las Guadalupanas: Pilar Osorio, (310) 597-9548
Isabel Zamora, (805) 285-8652
Parish Library: Sue Marron, (805) 584-5620
BINGO: Thursday, 6:30pm BINGO hotline: 526-2781
 Course catalogues are available at church doors.
 All sessions are $8.00, which includes a guest for free!
 The University Series 2016 this week at St. Peter Claver:
Tuesday eve., Feb. 16th, 7:30-9:00pm in the West Hall: Fear Not! Overcoming Worry; Bennet Annan.
Worry is to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts that cause conditions of uneasiness or
anxiety. Let’s face it, we are all faced with worries about so many different things. Most times, the worry
can so overtake us that our very lives become gloomed by its presence. Come learn the dangers of worry to
our health and the techniques on how to reduce or eliminate worry so you can live your life to the fullest.
Friday noon, Feb. 19th, 12:15-1:45pm in the Youth Center: Defending the Faith by Listening; Adam Cross.
Jesus commanded us all to spread our faith to the whole world. But how do we respond to those who
challenge us? Defending our Catholic faith can sometimes turn into heated arguments, hurt feelings and
divided friendships. How can we as Catholics “be ready to give an explanation for the reason for your
hope…but with gentleness and respect”? This talk offers practical and easy steps that anyone can use in
approaching others about faith, not aiming to win arguments, but rather their souls.
 The Remaining University Series 2016 at St. Peter Claver:.5 ○
Monday eve., Feb. 22nd: Election Year Catholics
Wednesday eve., Feb. 24th: The Lord’s Prayer, Key to a Spiritual Life
Friday noon, March 4th: A Lenten Taize Prayer
Monday eve., March 7th: Our Place in the Universe
Friday noon, March 11th: The Rosary, a Fresh Approach
 WANT TO HELP WITH REFRESHMENTS? Call Chris Redondo, (805) 526-0215, with your
choice of dates. Thanks!
Page Three
February 14, 2016
A Lenten Journey...
Dear Saint Peter Claver parishioners,
I would like to share with you an insightful article which I read and edited from the Catholic
News Service. May we deeply understand the power of the works of mercy and compel us to
“touch the flesh of the crucified Jesus in the suffering.” As we immerse ourselves deeply this
Lent on this Year of Mercy, we humbly remember that we are sinners, constantly invited to
receive the gift of mercy; that we too are poor and in need”. “Blessed are the merciful; they
will be shown mercy.” (Matthew 5:7)
- Fr. Adrian
Pope Francis: “Live the faith during Lent, perform works of mercy”
Lent is a time of conversion and a time to deepen one’s faith, demonstrating and sharing it
through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, Pope Francis said. “Faith finds
expression in concrete everyday actions meant to help our neighbors in body and spirit,”
“Each one of them is Jesus in disguise...”
the pope said in his message for Lent, which begins February 10th for Latin-rite Catholics.
~ Blessed Theresa of Calcutta
Feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, welcoming strangers, offering instruction, giving comfort
-- “on such things will we be judged,” the pope wrote in the message, which was released at the Vatican January 26th. Particularly
during the Year of Mercy, he said, Catholics are called to recognize their own need for God’s mercy, the greatness of God’s love seen
in the death and resurrection of Christ and the obligation to assist others by communicating God’s love and mercy through words and
“The root of all sin” is thinking that one is god, something often expressed in a total preoccupation for accumulating money and power,
the pope wrote. And just as individuals can be tempted to think they have no need of God, social and political systems can run the
same risk, ignoring both God and the real needs of human beings. “Love alone is the answer to that yearning for infinite happiness,”
Pope Francis wrote. It is the only response to the longings “that we think we can satisfy with the idols of knowledge, power and
“The danger always remains that by a constant refusal to open the doors of their hearts to Christ who knocks on them in the poor,” he
said, “the proud, rich and powerful will end up condemning themselves and plunging into the eternal abyss of solitude which is hell.”
But through acts of mercy and charity, “by touching the flesh of the crucified Jesus in the suffering,” he wrote, “sinners can receive the
gift of realizing that they too are poor and in need.”
“In the corporal works of mercy we touch the flesh of Christ in our brothers and sisters who need to be fed, clothed, sheltered, visited,”
he wrote. “In the spiritual works of mercy -- counsel, instruction, forgiveness, admonishment and prayer -- we touch more directly our
own sinfulness.” In the Christian life, Pope Francis said, “the corporal and spiritual works of mercy must never be separated.”
Cardinal Francesco Montenegro, president of Caritas Italy and head of the archdiocese that includes the Italian island of Lampedusa,
told reporters at a Vatican news conference that the pope’s message, like the Bible, “does not stop simply at reaffirming that God is
merciful, but clearly indicates that his children must be merciful, too, by living a greater love, especially by taking care of the little ones,
the poor and defenseless.”
The Cardinal said that from his own experience as archbishop of Agrigento, he has seen how people’s faith and joy have grown and
become contagious when they not only go to Mass, but also volunteer to assist the thousands of migrants who land on Lampedusa’s
shore seeking safety and a better life for their families.
Msgr. Giampietro Dal Toso, secretary of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, the office that promotes and coordinates Catholic charity,
told reporters that Pope Francis wants to help Catholics rediscover the traditional corporal and spiritual works of mercy, which seemed
to have been left on the shelf with dusty old books. “The works of mercy are a very simple, concrete, direct, alive, daily, easy,
accessible-to-all way of living the Jubilee of Mercy,” he said. “The works of mercy describe what we as Christians can actually do
every day, and that is why I find them so fascinating.”
As part of Cor Unum’s celebration of the Year of Mercy, he said, it has developed materials for a retreat day for people engaged in
church charitable activity. The materials are online -- -- and can be adapted for use by a group, a parish or
a diocese.
*To read the full text of the Pope’s Lenten message in English, go to
Page Four
St. Peter Claver
Offer this day to the Lord
Parish Activities This Week
Monday, February 15th - President’s Day
Parish Office Closed
Office of Faith Formation Closed
4:00 pm Confessions (C)
6:00 pm Contemplative Prayer Group (PC)
7:00 pm Hombres Misioneros de Cristo Rey (PC)
7:00 pm Baptism Class (Español) (C)
Tuesday, February 16th
6:30 pm Adult Confirmation (PC)
6:30 pm Society of St. Vincent de Paul Meeting (PC)
7:00 pm Adult Music Ministry (C)
7:00 pm Yr. 2 Confirmation Candidate Session (YC)
7:00 pm Hispanic Comm. Prayer Group (PC)
7:30 pm University Series (H)
Wednesday, February 17th
9:30 am Adult Women’s Bible Study (CLR)
6:00 pm 3-5 Club (PC)
6:30 pm Yr. 1 First Communion Planning (PC)
6:30 pm Vocations Committee Meeting (O)
7:00 pm Yr. 1 Confirmation Planning (YC)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts (H)
7:00 pm Perpetual Help Novena and Divine Mercy
Chaplet (C)
7:00 pm Adult Women’s Bible Study (CLR)
Thursday, February 18th
6:00 pm Children’s Choir (C)
6:30 pm Tour Presentation (O)
6:30 pm BINGO
7:00 pm Noon Choir (C)
7:00 pm Yr. 2 Confirmation Retreat Team Meeting (YC)
7:30 pm Adult Bible Study (CLR)
Friday, February 19th
12:15 pm University Series (YC)
5:00 pm Lenten Meal (PC)
5:00 pm YM Set-up and Stations Rehearsal (C)
7:00 pm Stations of the Cross followed by Holy Hour (C)
7:00 pm Hispanic Community Choir (PC)
Saturday, February 20th
8:00 am Easter Choir Rehearsal (C)
9:00 am Parish Lenten Retreat With Fr. Jim Clarke (H)
3:00 pm Confessions (C)
4:15 pm Choir Practice (C)
6:00 pm YM Lily Sales and Child Sponsorship Drive (P)
6:00 pm Father/Daughter Dance (YC)
6:15 pm Confessions (Español) (C)
8:00 pm YM Lily Sales and Child Sponsorship Drive (P)
Lending Library after all Masses
Get On The Bus Information
after all Masses
Men’s Retreat Table after all Masses
Vocations Committee after all Masses
RCIA Rite of Sending - 8:00am
Baptisms, 1:30pm
Youth Choir, 4:15pm
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, February 15th
7:30 am Agnes Carabeo (RIP)
Mary Falat (RIP)
All Souls (RIP)
Tuesday, February 16th
7:30 am Frank Cesario (RIP)
Henry Nghiem (RIP)
Hien Ngo (RIP)
Wednesday, February 17th
7:30 am Daisy Ayers (RIP)
Paul Nghiem (RIP)
Andrew Nguyen (RIP)
Thursday, February 18th
7:30 am Mary Nguyen (RIP)
Peace in the World (INT)
Increase in Pro-Life (INT)
Friday, February 19th
7:30am Javier Fernandez (INT)
Oscar G. Ramos (RIP)
Increase in Vocations of
Priesthood and Religious (INT)
We’d like to welcome our newest
Christian through Baptism…
Adriana Faith Herrera-Cadena
Thank you, also, for your donations
on Sunday, February 7th:
Page Five
St. Peter Claver
The Office of Faith Formation is open Monday - Thursday, 1-5pm and 6-8pm.
“Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed.” ~ James 5:16
This Lent, make it a family practice and celebration to reconcile yourselves
with one another and with God our Father.
 Tuesday, 2/16, from 6:30-8:30pm is Adult Confirmation in Room 5. Registration is still open to adults
18 and over interested in receiving the sacrament of Confirmation in May.
 Wednesday, 2/17 is 3-5 CLUB at 6pm in Room 1. ALSO, Stations of the Cross practice at 6pm inside the
 Saturday, 2/20, from 9am-1pm is Fr. Jim Clarke’s Lenten Retreat, open to all adults 18 + in the West
Hall. Free Admission and friends are welcome!
 Sunday, 2/21 is Faith Formation!
 Have you ever wondered if Science and Religion can co-exist? Or do they cancel each other out?
Come explore these questions with us on Monday, February 22nd at 7pm in the Youth Center!
 Tuesday, February 16th:
Yr. 2 Confirmation Candidate Session (7-8:45pm, Youth Center)
 Friday, February 19th:
Breakfast with the King (7:30am Mass followed by Breakfast at McDonalds)
 Saturday-Sunday, February 20th-21st:
Remembrance Lily Sales and Unbound Child Sponsorship Drive (Please see our extended
announcements within this bulletin for more information.)
 Sunday, February 21st:
Yr. 1 Confirmation Candidate and Parent Session (6-8:30pm, West Hall)
Youth First Communion Preparation Session with Parents (6-8:30pm, Parish Center)
Page Six
St. Peter Claver
The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. ~ Romans 10:8
You are invited to remain in the Church after
Stations of the Cross and continue with
silent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Please pray for the health of…
Mary Ryan; Fred Dehoyos; Genevieve Sneed;
Kathy and Jim Vargeson; Brittni Cassity; Jamie
Rosen; Alexi Weber; Rachel DeVenetto;
Elizabeth Moreno; Father Bill Crowe; Nestor
Gatbonton; Barbara Romanos; Walter Swiacki;
Leona DeMarco; Dale Kauffman; Dan Lang;
Arturo Morales; Don Karl; Jay Seiderman; Jack
Scroggins; Joe Ortega; Sherry Kimmet; Claire
Keighley; Anne Ducut; Alex Achacoso; Tim Burt;
Dan Boland; Catherine Capaldi; Craig Turner;
Collin Dion; Gregg Cassity; Miles Go; Alice
Ridge; Lupe Pina; Dan Zengierski; Donald
Cashion; Virginia Dalcoe; Joel Hicks; Vera
Barker; Baby Cooper; Chris Bordeleau; Darlene
Baumgartner; Bruce Vandelinder; Frank Cesario;
Susan Womack; Ray Broderick; Helene ParlmsJackson; Shirley Zengierski; Maria Lozano;
Carolyn Currie; Chelsea White; Pat Cain; Mary
Smart; Mimi McGilvray; Rick Schuler; Elaine
Swieca; Bill Waters; Marge Porterfield; Aaron
Byron; Bob Bower; Jacqueline Sylvestre; Kittie
Fidermutz; Martina Peters; Dillon Tunney;
Barbara Pogorzelski; Martha Weatherall; Troy
Weatherall; Heidi Frie; Sherry Estrella; Chase
Dobson; (child) Tyler Evans; Loretta Payne;
Barbara Knight; Thuong Tran; Suzanne Shaefer.
Looking to devote more me to your spiritual life this
year? All men of the parish are invited to our annual
Retreat, to be held March 18th-20th at Mater Dolorosa
Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre.
This year’s theme is “No Greater Love.”
Please join us from Friday evening to Sunday
a ernoon for silence, prayer, reflec on, solitude,
insigh ul and rich preaching, celebra on of
the Sacraments, and relaxa on.
See us on the plaza this weekend - a er the
Saturday, 5pm Mass or on Sunday a er all Masses for
informa on or to reserve your spot - or call Gary Carlson
(522-0875) or Wally Cravens (522-0981).
Tax statements for 2015 have been mailed out.
If you did not receive one and need one, please contact
the parish office at (805) 526-6499. If you contributed to the
Together in Mission Campaign last year and did not receive a
statement, please contact Nancy Renoj at the Archdiocese
of Los Angeles, at (213) 637-7615.
Please pray for the souls of…
Peggy Haase, 2/7/16; Seth Budai, 2/4/16; Esther
Juarez, 2/16/15; Daisy Ayers, 2/18/12; Irene
Sherman, 2/17/12; Philip Sands, 2/15/12; Charles
Himelhoch, 2/20/11; Nicole Mahorney, 2/19/11;
Michael Higa, 2/18/09; Katharine Launder,
2/15/09; Raymond Tillett, 2/17/08; Maria Rojas,
2/15/08; Antonette Laurichesse, 2/15/07; Paul
Kesling, 2/14/07; Dudley Kovarik, 2/19/04; Alida
Albers, 2/15/04; Sandra Blevins, 2/15/04; Charles
Ocana, 2/20/96; Juliette Soucy, 2/16/96;
Stephanie Miller, 2/15/95; Frances Bowers,
2/14/95; Flore Gauthier, 2/18/93; Helen Lyles,
2/18/88; Philip Spinaio, 2/19/87; Marshall Litterini,
2/19/86; Desiree Aguayo, 2/20/85; Joseph Butler,
2/16/84; Rose Jones, 2/17/80; James Vallerand,
2/16/80; John DiFiglia, 2/14/77; Leonard
Anguiano, 2/17/75.
Page Seven
St. Peter Claver
The Knights Of Columbus are hosting a membership event on Sunday February 21st at 6:15pm
over in the Youth Center. Come out and meet some of the Knights and learn about the variety of
activities that they are involved in that helps assist at our parish and in our community.
Appetizers and drinks will be served. For further information contact Rick Lepore at (805) 218-5703.
Youth Ministry begins a Child Sponsorship Drive next weekend through Unbound, an international nonprofit
founded by lay Catholics with the mission of walking with the poor and marginalized of the world.
Unbound invites you to live in solidarity with the poor through one-to-one sponsorship by which personal
attention and direct benefits are provided to help them live with dignity, achieve their desired potential
and participate fully in society. This Lent, during this Holy Year of Mercy, please consider living out the Corporal
Works of Mercy by becoming an Unbound sponsor, and as an added bonus, Unbound will make a donation to
St. Peter Claver Youth Ministry. Please visit for more information. We hope to see you
at our sponsorship table on the plaza next weekend. God bless you!
We have added another opportunity to receive the
Sacrament of Reconciliation during the Lenten
season. Confessions will be heard on Mondays
during Lent (2/15, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, and 3/14)
from 4-5pm in the church.
There will be no confessions during Holy Week.
The Apostle’s Kitchen group is collecting rain
slickers for our guests at our March dinner.
A labeled box will be available in the vestibule of
the church beginning this weekend (February
13th/14th) to accept your contributions to help keep
our guests dry in the coming weeks.
All parish singers are invited to participate in the combined Easter choir. Rehearsals are at 9am in the church every
Saturday through Holy Saturday. Our rehearsals have just begun; please join us! The choir will sing on Holy Thursday, the
Easter Vigil, and the 10am Mass on Easter morning. Please consider participating in this very important parish ministry!
If you have questions, please call Jim Leslie at (818) 324-2109 or email at
Please join us on Fridays during Lent in the Parish Hall
and/or the church for our annual Lenten Meals and
Stations of the Cross followed by Holy Hour.
Feb. 19th:
Boy Scouts - Lenten meal (5pm)
Youth Ministry (High School) - Stations (7pm)
Feb. 26th:
Couples for Christ - Lenten meal (5pm)
Adult Bible Study - Stations (7pm)
March 4th:
Filipino Community - Lenten meal (5pm)
Holy Hour & Deacon Melecio - Stations (7pm)
March 11th:
Pre-School / Kindergarten - Lenten meal (5pm)
Faith Formation - Stations (7pm)
March 18th:
Las Guadalupanas - Lenten meal (5pm)
Middle School Youth Ministry - Stations (7pm)
Weekdays of Lent: There is no obligation to fast. Voluntary
acts of self-denial are recommended.
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday: These are days of universal
Fast and Abstinence from meat in the Church. There is a
limit of one full meal on these days for all between the
ages of 18 and 59 inclusive.
Days of Abstinence: (Ash Wednesday and all Fridays in Lent):
All who have reached their 14th year are bound to
abstain totally from meat.
Easter Duty Obligation: After they have received their First
Holy Communion, Catholics are bound by the obligation
of receiving Holy Communion at least once a year. This
precept should be fulfilled during the Easter Season.
Catholics are also bound to confess serious (mortal) sins
at least once a year, but this is not limited to the Lenten/
Easter Season.
Page Eight
St. Peter Claver
Catholic Charities’ 15th Annual Partners in Service Awards Dinner will honor outstanding parishioners for their
exemplary service in the Catholic community of Ventura County.
Congratulations to St. Peter Claver parishioners Julie Hibbs and Tom Hsieh
who are among those being honored!
The event takes place at Padre Serra Center in Camarillo; the Honored Guest will be
Most Reverend Robert E. Barron, Episcopal Vicar, Santa Barbara Pastoral Region.
Lent is upon us. Take advantage of the great books and DVDs offered by the parish library
to grow in your faith. We have a wide variety of topics from the lives of various saints to reasons
to believe in God. We are open after the weekend Masses.
Want to help our parish but don't have a lot of time to give? Volunteer an hour each month as
a library helper. You are needed especially for the 8am and 10am Sunday Masses. Leave your
name and phone number with the volunteer on duty or call Sue Marron at 584-5620.
for Healing after Abortion
Rachel's Vineyard retreat is for men and women struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain
of abortion. The retreat is designed to help participants work through repressed grief and anger
in a safe, nonjudgmental setting and come to acceptance, healing, and hope for the future.
Developed in the Roman Catholic Tradition, it utilizes spiritual exercises and rituals to help grieve the
loss of unborn children and to accept God’s forgiveness. All inquiries and registrations are confidential.
April 1-3, 2016 ♦ Duarte, CA
Cost: $215. per person
For registration or more information please call:
866-2-RACHEL / 866-272-2435
Saturday, March 5th, 11:30am - 1:30pm
Mass: 11:30am
Luncheon: 12 noon / Entertainment: 1pm - in the Parish Center
Page Nine
St. Peter Claver
@ L_nt_n R_tr_[t With Fr. Jim Cl[rk_
S[tur^[y, F_\ru[ry 20th, from 9[m to 1pm in th_ W_st H[ll
This r_tr_[t will intro^u]_ us to ^iff_r_nt [v_nu_s
of [ppro[]hing th_ S[]r_^ Myst_ri_s of th_ Tri^uum. @ll [r_ w_l]om_!
Honor your loved ones and support Youth Ministry by purchasing Remembrance Lilies to adorn
our church during the Easter Season. Orders will be taken on the plaza again after all Masses
next weekend and the weekend of March 12th-13th. Order forms can also be download from our
website ( and submitted in a number of ways (see forms for details).
If your ministry or volunteering has you teaching, coaching, supervising or even driving children to an event,
the Archdiocese requires you to be fingerprinted. The next opportunity to be fingerprinted here at St. Peter Claver
will be Saturday, March 5th, in the Youth Center. The first appointment of the day is at 10am, and the last appointment
taken will be at 5:20pm. There is no cost to you. For further information, to reserve your spot for a VIRTUS class
or to schedule an appointment for fingerprinting, please call Mary in the parish office at 526-6499.
Thursday Nights in the Parish Center
Doors open at 4:30pm - Games begin at 6:30pm
All games always pay $250 - Major credit cards accepted - Phone: (805) 526-2781
Violencia electrónica de noviazgo prevalece entre adolescentes - Los adolescentes pueden tener mucha
comunicación en línea y a través de aparatos móviles por medio de las redes sociales y por textos. Relaciones
enteras pueden desarrollarse sobre la Internet y los servicios de mensajes electrónicos, y la naturaleza privada
de estas relaciones puede hacer más fácil esconder signos de abuso y violencia. La violencia entre novios incluye
cualquier acto de agresión mental, emocional o física entre una pareja que comparte una relación íntima. En
línea, estos actos son más difíciles de señalar, especialmente para los adultos afuera de estas comunicaciones,
cuyos hijos pueden ser víctimas de abuso emocional entre novios. Pregunte a sus hijos adolescentes sobre sus
relaciones, y cómo los tratan sus parejas en línea y en persona. Para una copia del artículo “Electronic Dating
Violence Among Teens” (Violencia electrónica de noviazgo entre adolescentes) envíe un correo electrónico
Electronic dating violence is prevalent among teens - Teenagers do a lot of communicating online and via
mobile devices through social media and texting. Entire relationships can be shaped or formed over the internet
and messaging, and the private nature of these relationships may make it easy to hide signs of abuse and
violence. Dating violence means any act of mental, emotional or physical aggression among a couple sharing an
intimate relationship. Online, these acts are harder to pinpoint, especially for adult outsiders whose children
may be victims of emotional dating abuse. Ask your teens about their relationships, and how their partners treat
them online and in person. For a copy of the article “Electronic Dating Violence Among Teens,”
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Catholic Parishes
David P. Harrington, FIC
Financial Associate
AR License 404040; CA License OH73461
771 E. Daily Drive, Suite 310
Camarillo, CA 93010
Connecting faith & finances for good. ™
27193 R3-14
Licensed agent/producer of Thrivent Financial, marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Registered
representative of Thrivent Investment Management Inc., Minneapolis, MN. Member FINRA and SIPC.
Proud Community Partner
1357 East Los Angeles Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93065
Mission is different today . . .
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Johnna Biondi
CalBRE Lic.#01943554
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Party Trays Available
Columban Fathers
Box 10
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Nicole Hill, M.B.A., M.S., M.F.T., C.P.C.
Mansfield Cheney, PC
Counseling & Professional Coaching
Local Parishioner
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Attorneys at Law ❘ Bankruptcy ❘ Real Estate
Practical Solutions. Sound Advice.
805-334-0292 ❘ Offices in Simi Valley and Ventura
CA License #MFC 36307
Ralph Norton
Accounting - Income Tax
Bookkeeping - Payroll
Events, Portraits, Music
#1 Simi Valley office agent
(818) 361-8621
Established 1955
Tim Beaulieu, CPA
Richard L. Beaulieu, CPA
2002 - 2012
24 years experience
Free Workshop
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Over 600 Homes Sold!!!!!!!!
10:30 am in English • 12:00 pm en Español
RSVP at (805) 915-4793
Presented by: Attorney Carmen B. Marquez
Over 30 Years of Experience at Your Service!
Parishioner Since 1996
Knight Of Columbus
{818}422-7355-Cell {805}349-9997-Office
Reardon Simi Valley
Funeral Home
559 Country Club Dr.
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Elena Acosta
Ed Pongracz
DRE# 01481635
Hablo Español
DRE# 01195613
2636 Sycamore Dr.
Simi Valley, CA 93065
(805) 526-6677 • FD 1091
$500/closed referral to Parish
“Everything we touch turns to $OLD”
913100 St Peter Claver Church (A)
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
On May 6th St. Peter Claver, with the help from
the Knights of Columbus and Parish partners,
is providing a bus to take children and their
caregivers to visit their Moms in prison
on Mothers day. Many of these children have
no other chance to see their Moms due to
distance and financial limitations. We offer them
the one day to spend together as a family - and
the joy we bring to these children and their moms
is evident in tears and smiles.
The bus trip is long and we are asking
for donations from you to pay
for backpacks, food, blankets,
Teddy bears, and other items
necessary for a very long trip.
At each Mass this week you will find
our yellow Get On The Bus envelopes
in the pews. We ask that you be as
generous as you can.
This weekend you will find volunteers
and information on the Plaza for
“Get On The Bus” after each Mass.
Please stop and say hello and let us share
with you this wonderful mission of Mercy.
God Bless each of you, hug your children tight,
and say a prayer for those little ones
who do not have their Mothers
and Fathers to hold them.

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