St. Peter Claver Parish - Saint Peter Claver Church


St. Peter Claver Parish - Saint Peter Claver Church
St. Peter Claver Parish
Corner of Cochran & Stow Streets
Parish Mission Statement
Pastor: Rev. Riz J. Carranza
Associate Pastor: Rev. Adrian M. San Juan
Permanent Deacons:
Rev. Mr. Brian Clements, and
Rev. Mr. Melecio Zamora
Auxiliary Priest: Rev. John Gouldrick, C.M.
Saturday: 5pm Vigil; 7pm (Español)
Sunday: 8am; 10am; 12noon & 5pm
Holy Day of Obligation: 5pm Eve before;
Day-7:30am; 12noon & 7pm
Weekdays: 7:30am (Monday - Friday)
DEVOTIONS: Perpetual Help Novena, Wednesdays, 7pm, Mass on first Wednesdays, 7pm;
Adoration every Friday, 7pm
3 - 4:30pm (or by appointment); Eve of Holy Day
& Thursday before first Friday, 4 - 4:45pm
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Sundays, 1:30 pm;
4th Sunday - Spanish Baptism
Second Monday of each month, 7pm
notification needed
We, the parish of Saint Peter Claver,
are a Catholic faith community within the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the
Universal Church. Firm in the hope of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ and inspired by the
example of our patron, we proclaim the
kingdom of God to embrace everyone in
love without discrimination of any kind.
We are devoted to worship, to witness,
and joyful service in the Spirit.
Parish Office Address: 5649 Pittman St.
Simi Valley, CA 93063-3525
Parish Office hours: (Monday - Friday)
9am-12noon, & 1-5pm
Phone: (805) 526-6499
Fax: (805) 526-7233
Web Site:
Bulletin e-mail:
Pre-School & Kindergarten:
Katelyn Colvin, Principal
(805) 526-2244 Fax: (805) 526-2225
Office of Faith Formation:
Bianca Langlois, Director
(805) 526-0680
Jon Teague, Coordinator
Middle School Youth Ministry
Confirmation / Youth Ministry Office:
Andrew Gafvert, Director
(805) 526-7975
Parish Information
Safeguard the Children Committee:
Clyde Allen, Chair
Adult Education: Chris Redondo, 526-6499
Bible Study: Richard Kimmet, 581-2742
Women’s Adult Bible Study:
Sherry Kimmet, 581-2742
Becoming Catholic (Rite of Christian Initiation
of Adults):
Office of Faith Formation, 526-0680
Parish Vocation Animator:
Michael Johnson, 526-6499
Annulment Assistance:
Wally & Linda Cravens, 526-6499
Lector Coordinator: Jim Small, (805) 390-7260
Altar Servers: Brian Kane, 583-0466
Eucharistic Ministry of Hosp. & Home:
Joni Egan, 527-2444
Parish Library: Sue Marron, (805) 584-5620
BINGO: Thursday, 6:30pm BINGO hotline: 526-2781
Bereavement Ministry:
Dcn. Melecio Zamora, 526-6499
Knights of Columbus: Rick Lepore, (805) 218-5703
Society of St. Vincent de Paul:
For assistance: (805) 404-3178
Music Director: Jim Leslie, (818) 324-2109
Prayer Network: for prayer requests or be a member:
Chuck Gebert, 908-2000
Respect Life: Rhonda Freeson, (818) 403-1617
Couples for Christ:
Chito & Beth Coronel, 285-7453
Filipino Catholic Comm. Group:
Vangie Carlos, (805) 813-3995
Hispanic Catholic Community Group:
Dcn. Melecio Zamora, (818) 262-1090
Las Guadalupanas: Pilar Osorio, (310) 597-9548
Isabel Zamora, (805) 285-8652
Worldwide Marriage Encounter:
J.C. and Chelsea Baxter, (805) 522-4294
“This command that I enjoin on you today is not too mysterious for you.”
Full disclosure about personal wrongdoing: whenever I do something rotten to someone else, it’s never accidental.
This includes a laundry list of failures: hanging up on some poor schnook trying to make a living as a telemarketer without
so much as a kind word. Being rude to the person who seemed rude to me in planting the grocery cart dead-center in the
narrow aisle. Mentally criticizing those whose attitude bothers me instead of blessing them - which would do all of us more
good. The way of goodness is not a mystery. We know right from wrong even in the midst of our choosing.
As Moses says here, the ways of God aren’t written in the clouds, but on out hearts. The kind word is in our mouths
alongside the nasty retort. It’s not celestial blueprints we need, but the simple will to do things right.
Christ is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
Some folks are appalled by the imperfect, and throw away a sock at the first sign of fraying. Then there are those of us
who superglue the handle back on a coffee cup, resole worn shoes, hide furniture scratches with the rub of an almond
stick or, in really bad cases, with a doily. Recently a moth enjoyed my favorite winter sweater, leaving a challenging
pattern of holes. I’m determined to rescue this sweater if it takes every appliqué in my sewing basket. Human history has
seen more damage than the worst item at the bottom of the local landfill. Yet the Great Reconciler comes to mend, repair,
restore the human race to wholeness and usefulness, even to loveliness. Our task is to come forward and bring
our wounds and failures with us. The cross holds all of creation together and with hope.
Jesus said to the scholar, “Go and do likewise.”
If you ask a hundred Catholics to name a parable from the gospels, the Good Samaritan would be at the tip of many
tongues. Why is this little tale so popular, or at least so memorable? Many folks wouldn’t dream of actually doing
what it proposes: assisting a sworn enemy in the hour of need. And not just getting your enemy out of the ditch or alerting
the authorities as to his predicament. But also taking him along with you, paying for his care, and promising to pick up
whatever expenses are later incurred. It’s clear to all of us - you, me, the scholar, and Jesus - that this is precisely what
the world needs: a lot of people willing to surrender titles, labels, categories, and clubs for the sake
of our common humanity. No more excuses, Jesus says. Go and do likewise.
Page Three
July 10, 2016
Ciao cari amici! Hello dear friends! I am Fr. Jaime Vidal “Jayvee” Zuñiga, your visiting priest for this
month of July. I am a priest of the Archdiocese of Manila (Philippines) and I am currently doing my
doctorate in theology at the Gregorian University in Rome. As school is out during summer, I opted to
spend some vacation time here in California. It is my honor and pleasure to get to know and serve your
community here at St. Peter Claver.
I have been in Rome for the past five years. Through the grace of God, I have witnessed quite a
number of major ecclesial events. Among them were: the canonization of the second Filipino saint, St.
Pedro Calungsod; the elevation to the cardinalate of my archbishop, Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle D.D.;
and the canonization of Sts. John Paul II and John XXIII. But perhaps, the most memorable experience
for me so far is the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio to the papacy on March 13, 2013.
Three days prior, we had already been frequenting St. Peter’s Square twice a day (at 11:30am and
5:30pm respectively) in order to watch out for the white smoke from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel.
Such was the sign that the cardinals have already chosen the successor of Peter. As each day passed,
both the crowds and our anticipation kept on growing. Black smoke after black smoke, we were all
excited for the much-awaited white smoke.
The evening of March 13th, I was assigned to say mass in a convent of nuns. Right after my mass, I
took the bus going to the Vatican. I immediately turned on my radio to check if there was news. “FUMO
BIANCO! FUMO BIANCO!”, the announcer said. WHITE SMOKE! WHITE SMOKE! I could not contain my
joy. I wanted to shout and jump inside the bus. Slowly, the other passengers got wind of the news too
and we shared in the joy of it all. When the bus stopped, we all ran to St. Peter’s Square. There was
already a sea, an ocean of people there, and more were still coming. They were rejoicing, singing,
praying, crying with tears of joy. The cardinal deacon then comes out and announces “HABEMUS
PAPAM!”. And the rest is history.
I thought that was my best Roman memory. A few days and weeks later, I would be proven wrong.
My best Roman memory is, in fact, to witness the unfolding of the papacy of this simple, humble, and
holy priest named Francis. He who has been dubbed as the “Pope of Mercy” has changed the face and
orientation of the Church towards the peripheries. And remember, he has just been pope for 3 years.
In his very first angelus, much anticipated by commentators and theologians as such would be
indicative of the priorities of his papacy, Pope Francis said: “Let us not forget that God forgives and God
forgives always. Let us never tire of asking for forgiveness […] Feeling mercy, that this word changes
everything. This is the best thing we can feel: it changes the world. A little mercy makes the world less
cold and more just. We need to understand properly this mercy of God, this merciful Father who is so
patient”. This would be followed by a constant repetition of the word “mercy” in his different audiences,
speeches, and official teachings. In his first encyclical, Evangelii Gaudium, the word “mercy” is repeated 32
times. When something is constantly repeated by a pope, it means that it is important to him and for
the Church he shepherds.
This centrality of mercy in words, Pope Francis will show in deeds. A few weeks after his election, a
story circulated about the encounter of the Pope with the Swiss guard stationed outside his bedroom. In
the middle of the night, the Pope went out of his room and asked the guard how long has he been
standing there. After giving his reply, the Pope went back to his room and gave the guard a chair to sit
on. The guard hesitated to take it as it was against protocol and his superior might scold him. But the
pope gently smiled and reminded him who the true boss really is. In his audiences, the Pope would
show nearness to the sick and the suffering, laying his hands on them, kissing and embracing them. He
would go around the square in his pope mobile to be in solidarity with those who have been waiting
under the sun, cold, and even rain. He has established baths and free haircuts for the homeless of Rome
and has instructed the Vatican’s pastoral office to attend to them and their needs.
Page Four
St. Peter Claver
Lending Library after all Masses
Monday, July 11th
7:00 pm Baptism Class (C)
7:00 pm Holiday Boutique Meeting (O)
7:00 pm MSYM Edge Night (YC)
7:00 pm Hombres Misioneros de Cristo Rey (PC)
7:00 pm Mujeres Misioneros de Cristo Rey (PC)
Tuesday, July 12th
7:00 pm Claver Coffeehouse (PC)
7:00 pm K of C General Meeting (PC)
7:00 pm Hispanic Comm. Prayer Group (PC)
7:00 pm Adult Music Ministry (C)
8:00 pm Las Guadalupanas Rosary (C)
Wednesday, July 13th
7:00 pm Boy Scouts (H)
7:00 pm Perpetual Help Novena and Divine Mercy
Chaplet (C)
Thursday, July 14th
6:00 pm Children’s Choir (C)
6:30 pm BINGO
7:00 pm Noon Choir (C)
7:30 pm Adult Bible Study (CLR)
Friday, July 15th
6:30 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet (C)
7:00 pm Holy Hour (C)
Saturday, July 16th
2:00 pm Cub Scout Pack Meeting (H)
3:00 pm Confessions (C)
4:15 pm Choir Practice (C)
6:15 pm Confessions (Español) (C)
We’d like to welcome our newest
Christians through Baptism…
Miles Quy An Meadows
Desmond Quy Van Meadows
Coffee and Donut Hospitality after
8:00am and 10:00am Masses
RCIA, 8:00am
Baptisms, 1:30pm
Youth Choir, 4:15pm
Youth Ministry Sunday Social Night, 6:00pm
Monday, July 11th
7:30 am Ray Wargo, Jr. (RIP)
Vinh Nguyen Family (RIP)
Amelia Soto (RIP)
Tuesday, July 12th
7:30 am Nicolasa and Josefina Luna (RIP)
Francisco Gallardo Luna (RIP)
Hermenegildo Leon Rocha (RIP)
Wednesday, July 13th
7:30 am Ronald Ruben Castro (RIP)
Marianne Lawson (INT)
Pedro Ortiz-Luna (RIP)
Thursday, July 14th
7:30 am Jim Leeds (RIP)
The Kozub Family (INT)
Gladys Kearney (RIP)
Friday, July 15th
7:30 am Theresa Guardino (RIP)
Joyce Fischer (RIP)
Luis Garcia (RIP)
Thank you for your donations on
Sunday, July 3rd: $16,645.50.
Page Five
St. Peter Claver
The Office of Faith Formation is open Monday - Thursday, 1-5pm and 6-8pm.
Luke 10:25-37- In the Gospel, Jesus is teaching us that when it comes to following the
commandments, there are two commandments that can not be separated, love of God and love
of neighbor. Jesus teaches us that if we say we love God, we must also love our neighbor.
According to Jesus, all people are our neighbors!
 Thank you to everyone who registered for July Missions of Mercy! Saint Peter Claver will
make a difference in the community of Simi Valley by our love.
 I look forward to seeing you at one of the mandatory orientation meetings:
Wednesday, July 13th at 7pm in Room 1 or Sunday, July 17th at 11am in Room 1.
 Sky High Trip is this Monday, July 11th! We are meeting at 5:30pm at the Youth Center and
returning at 9pm! See you then!
Summer Sunday Social Night – Tonight, Sunday, July 10th
High School Youth, come join us for our Summer Sunday Social Night at the Youth Center
tonight featuring pizza and a movie following the 5pm Mass.
Youth Confirmation
High School youth who have been baptized and received First Communion in the Catholic Church
can begin the two year preparation process for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
To sign up to begin or continue in the Confirmation Preparation Process, Parents and Candidates
are to attend a Program Orientation & Registration Night.
Orientation & Registration Nights for Parents and New (Yr. 1) Confirmation Candidates:
Wednesday, August 3rd, 7-9pm (Youth Center) or Tuesday, September 6th, 7-9pm (Youth Center)
Orientation & Registration Nights for Parents and Returning (Yr.2) Confirmation Candidates:
Tuesday, August 2nd, 7-9pm (Youth Center) or Wednesday, September 7th, 7-9pm (Youth Center)
Page Six
St. Peter Claver
Christ Jesus . . . is the head of the body, the church. ~ Colossians 1:15, 18
Just a reminder for anyone interested in being on the Holiday Boutique Committee - you are
invited to our first planning meeting on Monday, July 11th, at 7pm in the Parish Office, where
we’ll discuss details for this year’s Holiday Boutique to be held on November 5th and 6th.
If you have any questions, please call Lisa Kane at (805) 583-0466.
“How many disabled and suffering persons open their hearts to life again as soon as they realize they are
loved! How much love can well up in a heart simply with a smile! The therapy of the smile. Then our frailness
itself can become a source of consolation and support in our solitude.” ~Pope Francis
Please pray for the health of…
Mark Clausen; Juanito Blanco, Jr.; Joey Perez;
Renee Fournier; Patricia Snedeker; Jojo Santos;
Jean DC-Ubi; Lody Mendoza; Robert Preller; Philip
Rech; Bud Rumble; Irma Becerril; Jeanette Brown;
Sarah Girgis; Mary Galvan; Cecilia Martinez; Stella
Martinez; Richard Remy; Anthony Devine; Orlando
Collado, Sr.; Kellie McManamon; John LaDouceur;
Jean Arkin; David Perry; Joanna Duggan; Rey
Salazar; Simi P.D. Officer Tom Carney; Paquita
Domingo; Eddie Ronquillo; Ruth Andrews; Hernan
Castro; Romeo G. Ramos; child Destry Williams;
Gary Crittenden; Erick, Cecilia and Jacob Frances;
Santiago Augustine Fernandez; Lisa Svoboda;
Jamie Rosen; Barbara Kurata; Marie Fardig; Mary
Jane Wickman; LaVonne Emerson; Jo King; James
Yncera; Charles Leo; Darlene Baumgartner;
Lorraina Whitters; Sheana Green; Joe Trematore;
Tim Burt; Deann Glynn; Dan Lang; Don Karl; Jack
Scroggins; Joe Ortega; Dan Boland; Catherine
Capaldi; Craig Turner; Gregg Cassity; Alice Ridge;
Virginia Dalcoe; Vera Barker; Chris Bordeleau;
Bruce Vandelinder; Susan Womack; Helene ParlmsJackson; Maria Lozano; Carolyn Currie; Chelsea
White; Mary Smart; Mimi McGilvray; Rick Schuler;
Elaine Swieca; Bill Waters; Marge Porterfield; Aaron
Byron; Bob Bower; Jacqueline Sylvestre; Kittie
Fidermutz; Martina Peters; Dillon Tunney; Barbara
Pogorzelski; Heidi Frie; Sherry Estrella; Chase
Dobson; Loretta Payne; Barbara Knight; Suzanne
“Come to me all you who labor
and are burdened and I will give
you rest.” ~ Matthew 11:28
We are burdened by anxieties,
fears, troubles…
Jesus invites us to take the yoke
of obedience to His word,
under which we will find rest.
“Sit with Me,” says the Lord.
Every Friday at 7pm
Please pray for the souls of…
Marc Anthony Dy, 7/5/16; Peter Contreras, 6/30/16;
Maximo Vizcardo, 7/16/15; Margaret Chacon,
7/14/14; Craig Charette, 7/16/10; Charles Jenks,
7/16/10; Gerald Hill, 7/16/09; Henry Perillo, 7/16/08;
Helen Modolo, 7/15/07; Johanna Laguilles, 7/15/07;
Antonio De Rose, 7/13/06; Christopher Coleman,
7/14/05; Frank Gutierrez, 7/12/03; Dolores Ange,
7/16/02; Sean Carnahan, 7/16/02; Winifred Boyd,
7/16/00; Esther Lupo, 7/15/00; John Schumacher,
7/14/97; Camili Trimarchi, 7/14/95; Robert Wiltz,
7/16/93; Teodoro Mary, 7/11/92; Jean Medeiros,
7/15/91; Murril Smith, 7/13/89; Ida Arvizo, 7/13/86;
Alyce Henneberry, 7/10/84; Victor Wright, 7/13/82;
Henry Grzenia, 7/15/80; Mary Polino, 7/12/80;
Dennise Booth, 7/15/79; Andrea Booth, 7/15/79;
Daniel Barbour, 7/11/79; Alice Powell, 7/13/78.
Page Seven
St. Peter Claver
But one of the most striking and powerful images that I have
ever seen is his merciful and fatherly embrace of this man:
The Pope has been challenging me and my priesthood
since he took office. As the head of the universal church, may
we all heed the challenge of his witnessing and be agents of
mercy in both words and deeds. I leave you with a quote from
his 2015 Lenten Message: “How greatly I desire that all those
places where the Church is present, especially our parishes and
our communities, may become islands of mercy in the midst
of the sea of indifference!”
Alla prossima,
Fr. Jayvee
We are called to be a resurrection people and reflect God's love and mercy in our own lives and relationships
with others. Let your marriage sacrament truly reflect God's love and mercy. Sign up today to attend an
upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend, such as the one on July 30th-31st at St. Rose of Lima Parish
here in Simi Valley. If you and your spouse have already been encountered, we invite you to attend the Simi
Community meetings, held on the first Friday of every month at 6:30pm. Contact J.C. and Chelsea Baxter
at (805) 522-4294 or to learn more. Find other upcoming weekends
at We help make good marriages better.
Southern California Renewal Communities
Labor Day Weekend, September 2nd - 4th, 2016
Anaheim Convention Center and Arena
Over 50 Popular Catholic Speakers and
Spiritually Enriching Adult Presentations
Young Adult Conference ♦ Teen Conference
Children’s Program ♦ Dynamic Daily Masses
Mega Healing Service ♦ Spanish Conference
For more detailed information, or to register,
God, the source of
creation and love,
You invite each of
us to serve you through the life
which is your gift.
May your grace
encourage men and women to heights
of holiness through service to the church
as priests, sisters, brothers, and lay ministers.
Make me an
instrument to encourage others
to give of themselves and
challenge me to do the same.
Page Eight
St. Peter Claver
The Mass in Recognition of All Immigrants is coming up.
Join Archbishop Gomez to celebrate the rich diversity of peoples from
other nations and foreign lands who make up the family of God here
in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Please join us in praying
for our immigrant brothers and sisters.
Sunday, July 17th, 2016 4pm ♦ 3pm Pre-Procession Gathering
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, 555 West Temple St, Los Angeles
Learn more at
Begin a journey that
will answer your
questions on the
Catholic Church.
Come learn, share, and relax at Claver Coffeehouse,
a gathering for non-Catholics curious about the
faith. Contact the Office of Faith Formation
to learn more: (805) 526-0680 or
Tuesday, July 12th ♦ Parish Center, 7pm
LIVE THE LITURGY - The command of God
is not found in some list of prescriptions, rules,
or regulations but in our mouths and in our hearts.
God's command is merciful love and our only task
is to carry it out. We do this by keeping our
relationships in proper order: our relationship with
God, our relationship with ourselves, and most
importantly our relationship with our neighbor,
which our story of the Good Samaritan
so aptly underscores.
A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold
and more just. ~ Pope Francis
What does it mean to give of yourself completely, without reservation, without fear, and without a concern
for the cost? Should it matter if the person who needs us is unlike us in skin color, religion, or nationality?
What does real mercy look like?
Jesus answered these questions beautifully in perhaps the greatest of the stewardship parables, the story of
the Good Samaritan. Here a Judean traveler has been attacked, beaten, and left for dead on the side of the
road. Others see him, but the cost to them to stop and help is too great. It is a Samaritan, one who is despised
by most in the area, that stops, and he gives of his time, talent, and treasure to help the poor victim.
Where the Samaritan was going we cannot know for sure, but he stopped to give his time to the beaten man.
Using oil and wine, he bandaged the wounds. Not everyone has the knowledge and skills to care for someone
in this manner. Here, he gave of his talent. Then he placed the man on his own animal and carried him
to an inn the rest of the day. The following day he pays the innkeeper, yet leaves explaining that if the
payment is not enough, when he travels back on through he will repay him whatever the cost.
Of course, here he shares his treasure.
The sharing of these things is profound enough, but it is the statement of his willingness to pay whatever
the balance is that elevates this tale to an ultimate example of stewardship. The Samaritan does not care
how high the cost. He will give whatever is needed. This is mature discipleship, to respond to the call
of Jesus Christ regardless of the cost. This is true stewardship.
~Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
Page Nine
St. Peter Claver
Oficina de Formación Diaconal: Reunión informativa para los hombres que estén interesados
en el diaconado permanente, Domingo 24 de julio de 2016
La Oficina de Formación Diaconal tendrá un evento de información para todos los hombres que estén interesados
en saber más acerca de cómo convertirse en un diácono permanente en La Arquidiócesis de los Ángeles.
Los miembros de la Oficina del Diaconado estarán presentes para explicarles el papel del diácono en la Iglesia,
y el programa de formación, así como para responder todas las preguntas que los participantes puedan tener.
Para entrar el programa el hombre deberá tener entre 30 y 60 años de edad. Es muy importante para aquellos
varones que estén casados que vengan acompañados de su esposa. La próxima junta de información se llevará
a cabo el domingo 24 de julio de 2016 de 2:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m., St. Raphael , 5444 Hollister Ave., Santa Barbara,
CA 93111. Para más información puede contactar a Claudia Ortiz en la Oficina de Formación Diaconal
al (213) 637-7383 o por medio del correo electrónico
Quien quiera ser el primero, que se haga sirviente de los demás. (Mt. 20:27)
VIVIR LA LITURGIA - El mandato de Dios no se encuentra en ninguna lista de prescripciones, reglas, ni regulaciones,
pero se encuentra en nuestras bocas y corazones. El mandato de Dios es amor misericordioso, y nuestra tarea es
llevarlo a cabo. Lo hacemos cuando mantenemos nuestras relaciones: nuestra relación con Dios, con nosotros
mismos, y la relación más importante, la con el prójimo, lo que enfatiza la historia del Buen Samaritano .
Thursday Nights in the Parish Center
Doors open at 4:30pm — Games begin at 6:30pm
All games pay $250 — Major Credit Cards accepted
Phone: (805) 526-2781
El consumo de alcohol de menores de edad resulta en peores problemas - Las consecuencias negativas del
consumo de alcohol por menores de edad son más extensos y serios de lo que se pueda saber. Estudios muestran
que el alcohol puede cambiar la forma en que el cerebro funciona y puede dar lugar a consecuencias de largo
plazo. Muchos más daños del consumo de alcohol por menores de edad son inmediatos, incluyendo
envenenamiento por alcohol, asalto físico y malas decisiones. Usted puede proteger a sus hijos de los riesgos
asociados con tomar manteniendo una comunicación abierta, y expresando un mensaje claro y consistente de
que el consumo de alcohol en menores de edad es inaceptable. Para más información, visita a o para solicitar una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® “Alcohol Abuse – The Statistics
and the Risks for Children,” (Abuso de alcohol, estadísticas y riesgos para los niños), envíe un correo
electrónico a o llame al (213) 637-7508.
Underage alcohol use could lead to larger problems - The negative consequences of underage drinking are
more widespread and serious than previously know. Research shows that alcohol can change the way the brain
works and could lead to long-term consequences. Many more dangers of underage drinking are immediate,
including alcohol poisoning, physical assault and poor decision making. You can help protect your children from
the risks associated with drinking by maintaining open communication, and by expressing a clear, consistent
message that underage drinking is unacceptable. For more information visit or to
request a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Alcohol Abuse – The Statistics and the Risks for Children,” email or call (213) 637-7227.
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Dementia • Alzheimer • MS • Athletic Injury • Lyme
Lupus • ALS • Drug Addiction • Auto Immune Disorders
20min Non-surgical 310-995-0602
Established 1955
Tim Beaulieu, CPA
Richard L. Beaulieu, CPA
Accounting - Income Tax
Bookkeeping - Payroll
(818) 361-8621
David P Harrington, FIC
AR License 16513726
CA License 0H73461
Financial Consultant
195 E Hillcrest Dr., Ste 110
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Connecting faith & finances for good.®
27193 R4-15
Proud Community Partner
1357 East Los Angeles Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93065
Visit us today
Plan your next big event with us!
Party Trays Available
Free Workshop
Saturday, April 23, 2016
10:30 am in English • 12:00 pm en Español
RSVP at (805) 915-4793
Presented by: Attorney Carmen B. Marquez
Over 30 Years of Experience at Your Service!
Nicole Hill, M.B.A., M.S., M.F.T., C.P.C.
A man wakes up after sleeping
and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas
Counseling & Professional Coaching
Local Parishioner
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
bathes in an ADVERTISED shower
CA License #MFC 36307
under an ADVERTISED blanket
on an ADVERTISED mattress
shaves with an ADVERTISED razor
brushes his teeth
with ADVERTISED toothpaste
washes with ADVERTISED soap
Ralph Norton
puts on ADVERTISED clothes
drinks a cup
#1 Simi Valley office agent
of ADVERTISED coffee
drives to work
in an ADVERTISED car
and then . . . .
refuses to ADVERTISE
believing it doesn’t pay.
Later if business is poor
he ADVERTISES it for sale.
Your Parish in
Your Will.
DRE# 01481635
Hablo Español
DRE# 01195613
Parishioner Since 1996
Knight Of Columbus
{818}422-7355-Cell {805}349-9997-Office
2636 Sycamore Dr.
Simi Valley, CA 93065
(805) 526-6677 • FD 1091
$500/closed referral to Parish
“Everything we touch turns to $OLD”
913100 St Peter Claver Church (A)
Over 600 Homes Sold!!!!!!!!
Reardon Simi Valley
Funeral Home
559 Country Club Dr.
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Ed Pongracz
24 years experience
For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
Elena Acosta
2002 - 2012
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
July Missions of Mercy EVERYONE IS INVITED!
To a
Mass of Celebration on Sunday, July 24th
at 5 PM - celebrating the Generous Spirit
and Heart of St. Peter Claver Parish
to the Simi Valley Community.
Everyone please join us for a POTLUCK
PARTY in the West Hall after the 5 PM Mass.
Price of admission is a salad or a dessert.

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