St. Peter Claver Parish - Saint Peter Claver Church
St. Peter Claver Parish Corner of Cochran & Stow Streets Parish Mission Statement Pastor: Rev. Riz J. Carranza email: Associate Pastor: Rev. Adrian M. San Juan email: Permanent Deacons: Rev. Mr. Jim Carper, Rev. Mr. Brian Clements, and Rev. Mr. Melecio Zamora Auxiliary Priest: Rev. John Gouldrick, C.M. PARISH SCHEDULE MASSES: Saturday: 5pm Vigil; 7pm (Español) Sunday: 8am; 10am; 12noon & 5pm Holy Day of Obligation: 5pm Eve before; Day-7:30am; 12noon & 7pm Weekdays: 7:30am (Monday - Friday) DEVOTIONS: Perpetual Help Novena, Wednesdays, 7pm, Mass on first Wednesdays, 7pm; Adoration every Friday, 7pm SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturdays, 3 - 4:30pm (or by appointment); Eve of Holy Day & Thursday before first Friday, 4 - 4:45pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Sundays, 1:30 pm; 4th Sunday - Spanish Baptism BAPTISM INSTRUCTION: Second Monday of each month, 7pm SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: 6 months prior notification needed We, the parish of Saint Peter Claver, are a Catholic faith community within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Universal Church. Firm in the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and inspired by the example of our patron, we proclaim the kingdom of God to embrace everyone in love without discrimination of any kind. We are devoted to worship, to witness, and joyful service in the Spirit. PARISH INFORMATION Parish Office Address: 5649 Pittman St. Simi Valley, CA 93063-3525 Parish Office hours: (Monday - Friday) 9am-12noon, & 1-5pm Phone: (805) 526-6499 Fax: (805) 526-7233 E-mail: Web Site: Bulletin e-mail: Pre-School & Kindergarten: Katelyn Colvin, Principal (805) 526-2244 Fax: (805) 526-2225 Website: Office of Faith Formation: Bianca Langlois, Director (805) 526-0680 email: Jon Teague, Coordinator Middle School Youth Ministry email: Confirmation / Youth Ministry Office: Andrew Gafvert, Director (805) 526-7975 email: Parish Information Safeguard the Children Committee: Chito Coronel, Chair email: Adult Education: Chris Redondo, 526-6499 Bible Study: Richard Kimmet, 581-2742 Women’s Adult Bible Study: Sherry Kimmet, 581-2742 Becoming Catholic (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Office of Faith Formation, 526-0680 Parish Vocation Animator: Michael Johnson, 526-6499 Annulment Assistance: Wally & Linda Cravens, 526-6499 Lector Coordinator: Jim Small, (805) 390-7260 Altar Servers: Brian Kane, 583-0466 Eucharistic Ministry of Hosp. & Home: Joni Egan, 527-2444 Bereavement Ministry: Dcn. Melecio Zamora, 526-6499 Knights of Columbus: Rick Lepore, (805) 218-5703 Music Director: Jim Leslie, (818) 324-2109 Prayer Network: for prayer requests or be a member: Chuck Gebert, 908-2000 email: Respect Life: Rhonda Freeson, (818) 403-1617 Couples for Christ: Chito & Beth Coronel, 285-7453 Filipino Catholic Comm. Group: Vangie Carlos, (805) 813-3995 Hispanic Catholic Community Group: Dcn. Melecio Zamora, (818) 262-1090 Las Guadalupanas: Pilar Osorio, (310) 597-9548 Isabel Zamora, (805) 285-8652 Parish Library: Sue Marron, (805) 584-5620 BINGO: Thursday, 6:30pm BINGO hotline: 526-2781 Course catalogues are available at church doors. All sessions are $8.00, which includes a guest for free! The University Series 2016 this week at St. Peter Claver: While the University Series at St. Peter Claver has concluded, there are 16 valuable sessions this week from Monday through Friday at other University sites. The Remaining University Series 2016: all Classes 7:30-9:00pm unless noted otherwise Sunday, March 13th - Requiem Concert St. Rose Of Lima Choir @ St. Peter Claver Church Monday, March 14th Christianity In The Middle East; Fr. Dave Heney; San Buenaventura Mission, O'Brien Hall 20 Myths About The Catholic Church, Session 2; Fr. Joe Shea; St. Rose Of Lima Church The Joy Of The Gospel; Fr. Paul Hruby/Dcn. Dave Smith/Jim Bullock; St. Julie Billiart Hall Can I Ever Marry Again If My Marriage Failed?; Fr. Bill Leser; St. Maximilian Kolbe Hall Is Mark Mad (Or Brilliant)? Going A Bit Deeper Into Mark’s Method; Fr. Pat Mullen; Padre Serra, Serra Center Will The Pope Redefine Marriage?; Fr. Dave Heney; Holy Cross Church How To Stay Catholic In College; Aurora Griffin; St. Jude The Apostle Hall The Historical Jesus And The God Of Metaphysics; Dr. Mark Fischer; St. Maximilian Kolbe Hall Tuesday, March 15th Wednesday, March 16th The Journey From Palm Sunday To Easter Sunday; Fr. Peter Gelfer; Padre Serra, Serra Center ¿Puedo Perdonar?; Karyme Lozano; St. Rose Of Lima Church Finding God In Disorder And Sickness; Fr. John Love; Our Lady Of The Assumption, Santa Cruz Room Thursday, March 17th Reading Difficult Texts In The Bible; Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher; St. Jude The Apostle Hall Why Do I Have To Confess To A Priest?; Dcn. Jim Carper; St. Maximilian Kolbe, Room 2 Was The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ Necessary?; Dcn. Memo Rodriguez; St. Julie Billiart Hall Friday, March 18th: Classes are 12:15-1:45pm Food For Thought: Pope Francis And Other Religions: Where Might He Be Leading Us?; Rev. Alexei Smith; St. Paschal Hall Food For Thought: A Mission Tour; Docents; San Buenaventura Mission, O'Brien Hall Page Three March 13, 2016 My dear Parishioners, The journey of Lent reminds us how God provided the Israelites with a vision for life that would guide them in the years ahead, so that on entering the promised land, they might live in love and unity with God and one another, and be a source of blessing to the world. These instructions are summed up by the commandment, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Let us imagine a community where this commandment is held in the highest regard and practiced with the greatest care. This is God’s vision for human relations! The commandment to love your neighbor as yourself comes from the mind and heart of God. Self-giving love is the essence of God, since He is a communion of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Following the instructions and commands of God with regard to love of neighbor is one important way in which we imitate God and share His love with others. God tells Moses to tell the Israelites, “Be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy.” Loving our neighbor is not only an important way for us to imitate God and demonstrate our faith and love for Him. It is also an essential element of living as a disciple of Jesus – a fundamental criterion Jesus will use to determine whether we are found worthy to enter eternal life in heaven. This reality is made clear with Jesus speaking of the sheep and the goats. He explains that those who genuinely and sincerely strive to love and care for others – especially the least in their midst – will be judged worthy of coming to share eternal life in heaven. Those who do not exercise love and care for their neighbor, they receive eternal condemnation and separation from God. May we strive this day and every day to pour ourselves out in love and service to our neighbor, so that we might imitate God, show forth our faith and love for God, know the blessings that come from living in love and unity with God and loving others, and ultimately one day come to enjoy perfect happiness in God’s heavenly kingdom. This coming Wednesday, March 16, we will be having our Parish Communal Penance service. Please come to experience the mercy and love of God by the forgiveness of the sins we bring to confession. There will be several priests from nearby parishes who will help hear individual confession and give individual absolution beginning at 7:00 p.m. Kindly bring the whole family, invite friends and join us for this celebration. The last schedule for confession is Saturday, March 19, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. There are NO confessions scheduled during the Holy Week. But of course, in case of emergency, you may call any of us priests at the Rectory office. Peace, Fr. Riz Page Four St. Peter Claver Offer this day to the Lord Parish Activities This Week Monday, March 14th 4:00 pm Confessions (C) 7:00 pm Cub Scout Tiger Den Meeting (PC) 7:00 pm Parish Organization Committee Meeting (H) 7:00 pm Yr. 1 Confirmation Planning (YC) 7:00 pm Baptism Class (C) 7:00 pm Hombres Misioneros de Cristo Rey (PC) 7:00 pm Mujeres Misioneros de Cristo Rey (PC) 7:00 pm Bereavement Team Meeting (PC) Tuesday, March 15th 6:30 pm Adult Confirmation (PC) 6:30 pm Society of St. Vincent de Paul Meeting (PC) 7:00 pm Adult Music Ministry (C) 7:00 pm Yr. 2 Confirmation Candidate Session (YC) 7:00 pm Hispanic Comm. Prayer Group (PC) Wednesday, March 16th 9:30 am Adult Women’s Bible Study (CLR) 6:30 pm Vocations Committee Meeting (O) 7:00 pm Boy Scouts (H) 7:00 pm Parish Penance Service (C) 7:00 pm Adult Women’s Bible Study (PC) Thursday, March 17th 5:00 pm MSYM Stations Rehearsal (C) 6:00 pm Children’s Choir (C) 6:30 pm BINGO 7:00 pm Noon Choir (C) 7:00 pm Yr. 2 Confirmation Retreat Team Mtg. (YC) 7:30 pm Adult Bible Study (CLR) Friday, March 18th 5:00 pm Lenten Meal (PC) 6:30 pm Cub Scout Pack Meeting (H) 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross followed by Holy Hour (C) 7:00 pm Hispanic Community Choir (PC) Saturday, March 19th 9:00 am Easter Choir Rehearsal (C) 9:00 am Koinonia Evangelization Prayer (CLR) 3:00 pm Confessions (C) 3:30 pm 33 Days To Morning Glory Retreat (H) 4:15 pm Choir Practice (C) 6:00 pm MSYM Planning Meeting (YC) 6:00 pm Bethlehem Art Works (P) 6:15 pm Confessions (Español) (C) 8:00 pm Bethlehem Art Works (P) Thank you, also, for your donations on Sunday, March 6th: $15,714.72. Lending Library after all Masses Easter Lily and Child Sponsorship Drive after 8:00, 10:00, and 12(noon) Masses Coffee and Donut Hospitality after 8:00am and 10:00am Masses RCIA 3rd Scrutiny - 8:00am Blessing Bags, 11:00am Baptisms, 1:30pm Youth Choir, 4:00pm University Series ConcertSt. Rose of Lima Master Chorale, 7:30pm Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, March 14th 7:30 am Espiridion Trafalgar, Sr. (RIP) Angelica Garcia (INT) Robert Hernandez (RIP) Tuesday, March 15th 7:30 am Onesifero Macavinta (RIP) Paula Langejans (RIP) Ethel Moreno (RIP) Wednesday, March 16th 7:30 am Dong Nguyen (RIP) Phuc Nguyen (RIP) Pedro Cayenan (RIP) Thursday, March 17th 7:30 am Clarence and Daisy Ayers (RIP) Dong Nguyen (RIP) Phuc Nguyen (RIP) Friday, March 18th 7:30am Mark Bustamante (RIP) Yolanda Carrion (INT) Vinh Nguyen Family (RIP) We’d like to welcome our newest Christians through Baptism… Blake Varn Behr John David Gray Aria Elizabeth Salazar Page Five St. Peter Claver SPCFAITHFORMATION.ORG The Office of Faith Formation is open Monday - Thursday, 1-5pm and 6-8pm. As a family make it a practice to serve this Lent with one of our ministries! Contact the Ministries in our Parish who serve those in need of mercy: Apostle's Kitchen - Donna Baldwin -; Get on the Bus - Lois Lengel -; The Samaritan Center - Socrates Domingo -; Ministry to the Homebound - Jonie Egan -; Bereavement - Deacon Melecio Zamora -; Tuesday, 3/15 - Adult Confirmation 6:30-8:30pm. Saturday, 3/19 - 33 Days to Morning Glory 3:30pm in the Youth Center. Sunday, 3/20 - Faith Formation meets. Please park in the Simi High Parking lot on Stow. Please log on to our website for more information regarding the formation sessions offered for small children through adults. MSYM is hosing Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 18th at 7pm in the Church! We hope to see everyone there! Our next Edge Night is on Monday, March 21st at 7pm in the Youth Center! Come learn about Holy Week! Sunday, March 13th: Remembrance Lily Sales and Unbound Child Sponsorship Drive on the Church plaza after all Masses. Tuesday, March 15th: Yr. 2 Confirmation Candidate Session (7-8:45pm, Youth Center) Wednesday, March 16th: Parish Penance Service (7-9pm, Church) Friday, March 18th: Breakfast with the King (7:30am Mass, then breakfast at McDonalds and off to school for 9am start day) Sunday, March 20th: Palm Sunday Sunrise Hike to the Cross on Mt. McCoy (Contact the Youth Ministry Office for details.) Yr. 1 Confirmation Candidate and Parent Session (6-8:30pm, West Hall) Youth First Communion Preparation Session with Parents (6-8:30pm, Parish Center) Youth Ministry’s Child Sponsorship Drive through Unbound concludes this weekend. You will find us on the church plaza seeking sponsors after all Masses. Unbound is an international nonprofit founded by lay Catholics with the mission of walking with the poor and marginalized of the world. Unbound invites you to live in solidarity with the poor through one-to-one sponsorships. As an added bonus, for every sponsorship begun through this event, Unbound will make a donation to St. Peter Claver Youth Ministry. We hope to see you at our sponsorship table after Mass. God bless you! Page Six St. Peter Claver I consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. ~ Philippians 3:8 In this penitential season of Lent, the Christian faithful are obliged, and encouraged, to confess sacramentally all serious sins not previously acknowledged in individual confession. Pastors and parishes are encouraged to make available communal celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to emphasize the social and ecclesial aspects of sin and reconciliation. The Lenten Communal Penance Service at St. Peter Claver Church will be held this Wednesday, March 16th at 7pm. Several priests will be available. There will be no confessions during Holy Week. St. Peter Claver recently joined with LPi (Liturgical Publishing) to provide media services for the parish. Our first endeavor is an abbreviated Parish Resource guide to be given to new registering families and visitors. This Resource Guide will provide an overview of the parish as well as a listing of key Liturgical, Spiritual, Service, and Service & Outreach ministries. The week of February 29th, George Velazquez, LPi Advertising Sales Executive, visited our parish and contacted some of you regarding advertising in the Resource Guide. Please prayerfully consider supporting your parish by advertising in the Resource Guide. If you were not contacted and would like explore the possibility, please contact the parish office for information. Please pray for the health of… Fleeta Milversted; Mary Anne Brown; Brian Apuzzo; Sister Rita Vasta; Sister Carol Baetz; Tim Burt; James Obcamp; Lisa Gallardo; Deann Glynn; Jamie McClintock; Albert Edmonds; Carole Derrick; Cecil Somera; Myrtis Butler; Brittni Cassity; Jamie Rosen; Elizabeth Moreno; Father Bill Crowe; Dale Kauffman; Dan Lang; Don Karl; Jack Scroggins; Joe Ortega; Sherry Kimmet; Claire Keighley; Dan Boland; Catherine Capaldi; Craig Turner; Gregg Cassity; Miles Go; Alice Ridge; Lupe Pina; Dan Zengierski; Donald Cashion; Virginia Dalcoe; Joel Hicks; Vera Barker; Baby Cooper; Chris Bordeleau; Darlene Baumgartner; Bruce Vandelinder; Frank Cesario; Susan Womack; Ray Broderick; Helene ParlmsJackson; Shirley Zengierski; Maria Lozano; Carolyn Currie; Chelsea White; Pat Cain; Mary Smart; Mimi McGilvray; Rick Schuler; Elaine Swieca; Bill Waters; Marge Porterfield; Aaron Byron; Bob Bower; Jacqueline Sylvestre; Kittie Fidermutz; Martina Peters; Dillon Tunney; Barbara Pogorzelski; Troy Weatherall; Heidi Frie; Sherry Estrella; Chase Dobson; (child) Tyler Evans; Loretta Payne; Barbara Knight; Thuong Tran; Suzanne Shaefer. Next weekend, March 19th and 20th, Bethlehem Art Works will be here on behalf of the Christian families in Bethlehem. They will be on the plaza after all Masses. Please stop by their display and view their carved Olive Wood religious art from the Holy Land. Please pray for the souls of… Lorraine Jacoby, 3/6/16; Roger Reeder, 3/5/16; Jack Dooling, 3/4/16; Arturo Morales, 2/22/16; Mark Bustamante, 3/18/14; William Cervantes, 3/16/14; Carmellina Smith, 3/19/12; Barbara Wellman, 3/14/12; Michael Moore, 3/17/11; Espiridion Trafalgar, Sr., 3/14/08; Haylie Corcoran, 3/18/07; Colleen Langley, 3/16/07; Eugene Bieker, 3/18/06; Elena Peralta, 3/19/05; Carol Berkhout, 3/19/05; Caryn Talkington, 3/18/03; Margaret Saavedra, 3/14/03; Bill Ryan, 3/13/03; William Trejo, Sr., 3/17/01; Jody Rushton, 3/19/00; Amy Germano, 3/14/99; Rose Bruno, 3/17/97; Rene Beausoleil, 3/17/96; Crisanto Venzon, 3/15/96; Stephania Roman, 3/18/91; Alvena Sailer, 3/14/91; Juanita Parker, 3/18/90; Anthony Parisi, 3/17/90; Faye Herbert, 3/14/89; Alma McCoy, 3/17/88; Ralph Smith, 3/18/86; Paul McWilliams II, 3/13/78; Marie Mornac, 3/15/77; Patricia Arvizo, 3/15/77; Anna Varso, 3/14/76. Page Seven St. Peter Claver Do you have trouble understanding the Lectors, Commentators, or Choir? Assisted Listening Devices are available from the ushers which can help to improve sound clarity. These devices are capable of wirelessly connecting to the church sound system allowing for a direct feed. One parishioner recently started using this device and the results were fantastic. Before she could not understand the music because of her hearing loss, but now she is able to sing along with the choir and enjoy Mass again. If you are interested in trying the amplifier, please see an Usher or Deacon before Mass. Jesus asked that this Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Novena of Chaplets to the Divine Mercy, which would begin on Good Friday. Therefore, Saint Peter Claver will recite the Novena of Chaplets at 3pm each day beginning on Good Friday, March 25th, through Saturday, April 2nd. This will be followed up with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy recited before the 12noon Mass, at 11:45am, on April 3rd, Divine Mercy Sunday. We hope you can participate in this event! Thanks to all our generous parishioners who donated poncho rain slickers for our guests at Apostles Kitchen. There were many surprised and excited faces when they were handed out! Thank you again. ~Apostles Kitchen Staff Campaign Results # of Pledges Amt Pledged Avg Pledge 261 $58,676.00 $224.81 Goal % of Goal $69,400.00 85% Thank you to everyone who has generously pledged to Together In Mission. Your generosity is greatly appreciated by the parishes and schools who benefit from your donation. Last year we exceeded our goal of $67,500.00. Through your generosity, we donated over $77,000.00 If you have not yet made a pledge, envelopes are available at the doors. Please consider helping our brothers and sisters in parishes who are struggling. We are still in need of individually wrapped candy for the Hunt! Please leave your donations in the box in the entrance of the church, or bring them to the parish office. From all the adorable kids who look forward to the Easter Egg Hunt, THANK YOU!!! Parents, please make sure your children bring an Easter basket on Easter Sunday so they will be ready for the hunt! Please join us this Friday for our final Lenten meal in the Parish Hall, then join us in the church for Stations of the Cross followed by Holy Hour. This week we’re having Traditional Mexican Lenten Dried Shrimp patties in Red Sauce with rice and refried beans, and Lenten Potato soup. The Kid’s menu includes Mexican Potato and Cheese Patties (Tortas de papa con queso), Rice and Beans. For dessert we have Chocoflan. March 18th: Las Guadalupanas - Lenten meal (5pm) Middle School Youth Ministry - Stations (7pm) Page Eight St. Peter Claver We are looking for ladies who would like to be table hostesses for our Ladies’ Spring Tea on April 17th. If you are interested, please call Debbie at 526-6499 or 581-4671. Holy Thursday — March 24, 2016 Liturgy of the Hours —7:30am (No morning Mass) Mass of the Lord’s Supper —7:30pm (Washing of Feet, Transfer of Holy Eucharist and Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament un l midnight) Good Friday — March 25, 2016 Liturgy of the Hours —7:30am (No morning Mass) Reflec on on the Seven Last Words —12(noon) Celebra on of the Lord’s Passion —1:00pm (Liturgy of the Word, Venera on of the Cross and Holy Communion) Celebra on of the Lord’s Passion (Spanish) — 5:00pm Celebra on of the Lord’s Passion —7:30pm Have you seen any warming trays, tablecloths and other kitchen items that look unfamiliar? We are missing several warming trays, quite a few round tablecloths, several 8 ft. table cloths, as well as other kitchen items. If you have seen them or borrowed them, please return them to the parish kitchen…it would be greatly appreciated! Holy Saturday — March 26, 2016 Liturgy of the Hours —7:30am (No morning Mass) Blessing of Easter Food Baskets — 12(noon) The Easter Vigil Mass —7:30pm (Service of the Light, Liturgy of the Word, Bap sm, Confirma on and Eucharist) Easter Sunday — March 27, 2016 Masses — 8:00am/Church; 8:00am/Parish Hall (Spanish) 10:00am/Church; 10:10am/Parish Hall 12:00(noon)/Church; 12:10pm/Parish Hall (No evening Mass) Present caretaker of the Icon Pope Pius, who as a boy had prayed before the picture in San Matteo, became interested in the discovery and in a letter dated 11 December 1865 to Father General Mauron, C.Ss.R., ordered that Our Lady of Perpetual Succour should be again publicly venerated in Via Merulana, and this time at the new church of St. Alphonsus. Pope Pius IX directed the Augustinian friars to surrender the icon to the Redemptorist priests, on condition that the Redemptorists must supply the Augustinians with another picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help or a good copy of the icon in exchange as a gesture of goodwill. Pope Pius IX instructions to the Redemptorists were: The Cardinal Prefect of Propaganda will call the Superior of the community of Sancta Maria in Posterula and will tell him that it is Our desire that the image of Most Holy Mary, referred to in this petition, be again placed between Saint John and St. Mary Major; the Redemptorists shall replace it with another adequate picture. Upon its official transfer, Pope Pius IX finally gave his Apostolic Blessing and titled the icon Mater de Perpetuo Succursu (Mother of Perpetual Help). On 23 June 1867, the image was given a Canonical Coronation by the Dean of the Vatican Chapter in a solemn and official recognition of the Marian icon under that title. On 21 April 1866, the Redemptorist Superior General gave one of the first copies of the icon to Pope Pius IX. This copy is preserved in the chapel of the Redemptorists' Generalate in Rome. The original icon remains under the care of the Redemptorist Fathers at the Church of St. Alphonsus with the latest restoration of the icon having taken place in 1990. Page Nine St. Peter Claver Youth Ministry’s Remembrance Lily Fundraiser Honor your loved ones and support Youth Ministry by purchasing Remembrance Lilies to adorn our church during the Easter Season. Orders are being taken on the church plaza again after the 8am, 10am and 12(noon) Masses this weekend. All order forms must be received by this Monday, March 14th. Free-will offering is greatly appreciated Thursday Nights in the Parish Center Doors open at 4:30pm - Games begin at 6:30pm All games always pay $250 - Major credit cards accepted Phone: (805) 526-2781 La seguridad contra incendios comienza en casa - Cuando las familias tienen planes contra incendio, tienen más probabilidades de escapar de los peligros en caso que ocurra un incendio. Debido a que un incendio puede separar a los padres de sus hijos, es importante que todos sepan cómo salirse de la casa y dónde ir. Enseñar a sus hijos a ser ingeniosos en situaciones de peligro puede ayudarles en todos los aspectos de sus vidas. Para más información de la Cruz Roja Americana sobre planeación de un escape en caso de incendio, envíe un correo electrónico a Fire safety starts at home - When families have fire plans in place, they are much more likely to escape the dangers should a fire occur. Because a fire can separate parents from their children, it’s important that everyone knows how to get out of the house safely and where to go. Teaching your kids to be resourceful in dangerous situations can help them in every aspect of their lives. For more information from the American Red Cross about fire escape planning email Counseling If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! Deborah Tucker, MA, MFT 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! LMFT#17142 Local Parishioner Solutions as Low as 1633 Erringer Rd. #204, Simi Valley $1a Day! 805-583-3976 800.393.9954 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal al ompanion n o s r Pe rC Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping Readings • Reflections • Prayers under an ADVERTISED blanket In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. on an ADVERTISED mattress $39.95 and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower 800-566-6150 • Magued Fadly, M.D. Interventional Pain Management 818.225.0045 shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Pain Relief Within One Week Removal of the Disc Without Surgery Platelet Rich Plasma and Stem Cell Injection Kyphoplasty for Vertebrae Fracture Minimally Invasive Procedures For Back and Neck Pain WEST HILLS OFFICE: 7325 Medical Center Dr., Suite 103, West Hills, CA 91307 ENCINO OFFICE: 16250 Ventura Blvd., Suite 165, Encino, CA 91436 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 913100 St Peter Claver Church (B) 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 The Most Complete GS Pool Care 805-907-5383 Local Parishioner Online National Directory of Check It Out Today! Catholic Parishes Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. David P. Harrington, FIC Financial Associate AR License 404040; CA License OH73461 771 E. Daily Drive, Suite 310 Camarillo, CA 93010 805-484-0081 Connecting faith & finances for good. ™ 27193 R3-14 Licensed agent/producer of Thrivent Financial, marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Registered representative of Thrivent Investment Management Inc., Minneapolis, MN. Member FINRA and SIPC. Mission is different today . . . . . . check us out with Proud Community Partner FREE VIDEO LOAN 1357 East Los Angeles Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93065 Visit us today Plan your next big event with us! Party Trays Available Write: Columban Fathers Box 10 St. Columbans, NE 68056 FRESH PRODUCE, QUALITY MEATS, IN-STORE RESTAURANT, AND AN EXQUISITE BAKERY Nicole Hill, M.B.A., M.S., M.F.T., C.P.C. Mansfield Cheney, PC Counseling & Professional Coaching Local Parishioner 805-584-3020 Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Attorneys at Law ❘ Bankruptcy ❘ Real Estate Practical Solutions. Sound Advice. 805-334-0292 ❘ Offices in Simi Valley and Ventura CA License #MFC 36307 Ralph Norton Accounting - Income Tax Bookkeeping - Payroll PHOTO BOOTH RENTAL Events, Portraits, Music 805-210-2532 #1 Simi Valley office agent (818) 361-8621 Parishioners Established 1955 Tim Beaulieu, CPA Richard L. Beaulieu, CPA 2002 - 2012 ESTATE PLANNING 101 24 years experience Free Workshop Saturday, February 27, 2016 Over 600 Homes Sold!!!!!!!! 10:30 am in English • 12:00 pm en Español RSVP at (805) 915-4793 Presented by: Attorney Carmen B. Marquez Website: Over 30 Years of Experience at Your Service! Parishioner Since 1996 Knight Of Columbus E-Mail: {818}422-7355-Cell {805}349-9997-Office Hilltop Reardon Simi Valley Funeral Home 559 Country Club Dr. Simi Valley, CA 93065 Elena Acosta Ed Pongracz REALTOR ® DRE# 01481635 Hablo Español REALTOR ® DRE# 01195613 805.276.6300 805.990.3629 2636 Sycamore Dr. Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 526-6677 • FD 1091 $500/closed referral to Parish “Everything we touch turns to $OLD” 913100 St Peter Claver Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 L-R: Fr. Adrian, Tom Hsieh, Julie Hibbs, Fr. Riz, Bishop Robert Barron (Photo courtesy of Ron Lawson) On Sunday, February 21st, parishioners Julie Hibbs and Tom Hsieh were honored at the Catholic Charities’ Partners in Service Dinner for their years of dedicated service to Saint Peter Claver Parish. Congratulations and thanks to Julie and Tom for using their gifts for the benefit of our parish and community!
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