St. Peter Claver Parish


St. Peter Claver Parish
St. Peter Claver Parish
Corner of Cochran & Stow Streets
Parish Mission Statement
Pastor: Rev. Riz J. Carranza
Associate Pastor: Rev. Adrian M. San Juan
Permanent Deacons:
Rev. Mr. Jim Carper, Rev. Mr. Brian Clements,
and Rev. Mr. Melecio Zamora
Auxiliary Priest: Rev. John Gouldrick, C.M.
Saturday: 5pm Vigil; 7pm (Español)
Sunday: 8am; 10am; 12noon & 5pm
Holy Day of Obligation: 5pm Eve before;
Day-7:30am; 12noon & 7pm
Weekdays: 7:30am (Monday - Friday)
DEVOTIONS: Perpetual Help Novena, Wednesdays, 7pm, Mass on first Wednesdays, 7pm;
Adoration every Friday, 7pm
3 - 4:30pm (or by appointment); Eve of Holy Day
& Thursday before first Friday, 4 - 4:45pm
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Sundays, 1:30 pm;
4th Sunday - Spanish Baptism
Second Monday of each month, 7pm
notification needed
We, the parish of Saint Peter Claver,
are a Catholic faith community within the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the
Universal Church. Firm in the hope of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ and inspired by the
example of our patron, we proclaim the
kingdom of God to embrace everyone in
love without discrimination of any kind.
We are devoted to worship, to witness,
and joyful service in the Spirit.
Parish Office Address: 5649 Pittman St.
Simi Valley, CA 93063-3525
Parish Office hours: (Monday - Friday)
9am-12noon, & 1-5pm
Phone: (805) 526-6499
Fax: (805) 526-7233
Web Site:
Bulletin e-mail:
Pre-School & Kindergarten:
Katelyn Colvin, Principal
(805) 526-2244 Fax: (805) 526-2225
Office of Faith Formation:
Bianca Langlois, Director
(805) 526-0680
Jon Teague, Coordinator
Middle School Youth Ministry
Confirmation / Youth Ministry Office:
Andrew Gafvert, Director
(805) 526-7975
Parish Information
Safeguard the Children Committee:
Chito Coronel, Chair
Adult Education: Chris Redondo, 526-6499
Bible Study: Richard Kimmet, 581-2742
Becoming Catholic (Rite of Christian Initiation
of Adults):
Office of Faith Formation, 526-0680
Parish Vocation Animator: Ken Ward, 526-6499
Annulment Assistance:
Wally & Linda Cravens, 526-6499
Lector Coordinator: Jim Small, (805) 390-7260
Altar Servers: Brian Kane, 583-0466
Eucharistic Ministry of Hosp. & Home:
Joni Egan, 527-2444
Bereavement Ministry:
Dcn. Melecio Zamora, 526-6499
Music Director: Jim Leslie, (818) 324-2109
Prayer Network: for prayer requests or be a member:
Chuck Gebert, 908-2000
Respect Life: Rhonda Freeson, (818) 403-1617
Couples for Christ:
Chito & Beth Coronel, 285-7453
Filipino Catholic Comm. Group:
Joseph Redublo, 581-0932
Hispanic Catholic Community Group:
Dcn. Melecio Zamora, (818) 262-1090
Las Guadalupanas: Pilar Osorio, (310) 597-9548
Isabel Zamora, (805) 285-8652
Knights of Columbus: Rick Lepore, (805) 218-5703
Parish Library: Sue Marron, (805) 584-5620
BINGO: Thursday, 6:30pm BINGO hotline: 526-2781
St. Peter Claver West Hall
The Mystery of God: Who God is
and Why God Matters
on the Core Belief of Catholic Life and Faith
By Bishop Robert Barron, Word on Fire Ministries
Questions about God confront us daily:
 Who is God in a universe of immense time and space?
 How can believers respond to the challenges of
contemporary atheism?
 How does faith in God enrich humanity and human living?
 Where is God in the midst of human suffering?
Mondays, November 16th, 23rd, 30th and December 7th, 2015, 7-8:30pm
SPC Parish Center, West Hall. Video presentations and live discussion.
Page Three
Dear friends,
I hope that the previous articles on the meaning of
the Sunday Mass have helped you understand
better what the Mass is about and why we do what
we do. This week I would like to present additional
information we need to know about the Sunday
Celebrating the Sunday Eucharist—though central
and essential—does not complete our observance
of Sunday. In addition to attending Mass each
Sunday, we should also refrain “from those
activities which impede the worship of God and
disturb the joy proper to the day of the Lord or the
necessary relaxation of mind and
body” (Compendium of the Catechism of the
Catholic Church, no. 453).
Sunday has traditionally been a day of rest.
However, the concept of a day of rest may seem
odd in a world that runs 24/7, where we are
tethered to our jobs by a variety of electronic
gadgets, where businesses run as normal no matter
what the day of the week, and where silence seems
to be an endangered species. By taking a day each
week to rest in the Lord, we provide a living
example to the culture that all time belongs to God
and that people are more important than things.
As Saint John Paul II said in Dies Domini (The Day
of the Lord), his apostolic letter on Sunday:
“Through Sunday rest, daily concerns and tasks can
find their proper perspective: the material things
about which we worry give way to spiritual values;
in a moment of encounter and less pressured
exchange, we see the true face of the people with
whom we live. Even the beauties of nature—too
often marred by the desire to exploit, which turns
against man himself—can be rediscovered and
enjoyed to the full.” (Dies Domini, no. 67)
Not everyone has the freedom to take Sundays
away from work. Some people, including medical
professionals and public safety workers, must work
on Sundays to keep the rest of us safe and healthy.
Others must work for economic reasons beyond
their control.
November 15, 2015
Resting on Sunday does not mean that we are
inactive. Instead, Sunday is traditionally
consecrated by Christian piety to good works and
humble service of the sick, the infirm, and the
elderly. Christians will also sanctify Sunday by
devoting time and care to their families and
relatives, often difficult to do on other days of the
week. Sunday is a time for reflection, silence,
cultivation of the mind, and meditation which
furthers the growth of the Christian interior life.
(CCC, no. 2186)
To celebrate the Lord’s Day more fully, consider
trying the following:
 Don’t use Sunday as your catch-all day for
errands and household chores.
 Share a family dinner after Mass. Have the whole
family join in the preparation and cleanup.
 Go for a walk or bike ride and give thanks to God
for the beauty of nature.
 Spend time reading the Bible or a spiritual book.
 Pray the Rosary or the Liturgy of the Hours, alone
or with others.
 Volunteer in a local food pantry.
 Visit parishioners and others who are
 Read Bible stories to your children.
 Turn off your gadgets and enjoy the silence.
As we take time each week to celebrate the
Paschal Mystery in the Eucharist and to rest from
the burdens of our daily lives, we remind ourselves
that we are made in the image and likeness of God
who “rested on the seventh day from all the work he
had undertaken” (Gn 2:2). (Gratis permission is
hereby granted to reproduce these materials for
nonprofit educational use, when accompanied by
the following acknowledgment: “Copyright © 2010
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops,
Washington, D.C. Used with permission. All rights
Please save this week’s bulletin and the last two
issues of the bulletin for your safekeeping and for
you to go back to in case you need to be reminded
again. Thank you for taking the time to read them.
Fr. Riz
Page Four
St. Peter Claver
Offer this day to the Lord
Parish Activities This Week
Monday, November 16th
6:00 pm Contemplative Prayer Group (PC)
6:30 pm Webelos 2 Den Meeting (PC)
7:00 pm Baptism Class - (Español) (C)
7:00 pm MSYM Edge Night (YC)
7:00 pm Adult Faith Formation - “ The Mystery of God”
Series (H)
7:00 pm Hombres Misioneros de Cristo Rey (PC)
Tuesday, November 17th
6:00 pm OLG Play Rehearsal (H)
6:30 pm Society of St. Vincent de Paul (PC)
7:00 pm Holiday Boutique Meeting (O)
7:00 pm Yr. 2 Confirmation Planning Meeting (YC)
7:00 pm Hispanic Comm. Prayer Group (PC)
7:00 pm Adult Music Ministry (C)
Wednesday, November 18th
9:30 am Adult Women’s Bible Study (CLR)
6:00 pm 3-5 Club (PC)
6:30 pm VIRTUS “Keeping the Promise Alive”
Recertification Session (PC)
6:30 pm School Casino Night Meeting (S)
7:00 pm Yr. 1 Confirmation Planning Meeting (YC)
7:00 pm Adult Women’s Bible Study (PC)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts (H)
7:00 pm Perpetual Help Novena (C)
Thursday, November 19th
Parish Office Closed
6:00 pm Children’s Christmas Choir (C)
6:30 pm BINGO
7:00 pm Spring Tea Committee Meeting (O)
7:00 pm Noon Choir (C)
7:00 pm Yr. 2 Confirmation Planning Meeting (YC)
7:30 pm Adult Bible Study (CLR)
Friday, November 20th
9:30 am Adult Bible Study (CLR)
6:30 pm Cub Scout Pack Meeting (H)
6:30 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet (C)
7:00 pm Hispanic Community Choir (PC)
7:00 pm Holy Hour (C)
Saturday, November 21st
9:00 am Christmas Choir Rehearsal (C)
3:00 pm Confessions (C)
4:15 pm Choir Practice (C)
5:00 pm Couples for Christ Thanksgiving Mass with
Bishop Solis (C)
6:00 pm Offering Envelope Pickup (P)
6:00 pm Kathryn Fairchild Book Sale (P)
6:00 pm Casino Night Ticket Sales (P)
6:00 pm Couples for Christ Thanksgiving Mass
Reception (PC)
8:00 pm Offering Envelope Pickup (P)
8:00 pm Casino Night Ticket Sales (P)
Lending Library after all Masses
Shepherd’s Field Olive Wood Handcrafts
after all Masses
Offering Envelope Pickup after all Masses
Casino Night Ticket Sales after all Masses
Coffee and Donut Hospitality after
8:00am and 10:00am Masses
YM See’s Candy and Poinsettia Sales
after 8:00am, 10:00am and 12(noon) Masses
Faith Formation (1st Communion 1 & 2)
8:15am and 10:15am
Sprouts, 8:30am and 10:00am
Seeds, 9:00am
RCIA, 10:30am
Baptisms, 1:30pmn
Ultreya, 2:00pm
Youth Usher and Greeter Training, 4:00pm
Youth Choir, 4:15pm
Youth First Eucharist Prep., 6:00pm
Yr. 1 Confirmation Candidate and Parent
Session, 6:00pm
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, November 16th
7:30 am Short Family (RIP)
Ed and Bonnie Bellefontaine (INT)
Sam Lind (INT)
Tuesday, November 17th
7:30 am Corazon Velasco Espinueva (RIP)
Joseph Petersam (RIP)
Julie McKenna (RIP)
Wednesday, November 18th
7:30 am Corazon Velasco Espinueva (RIP)
Douglas Rodman (RIP)
Len Geller (RIP)
Thursday, November 19th
7:30 am Ann Jacoby (RIP)
Flaviano Garde (RIP)
Corazon Velasco Espinueva (RIP)
Friday, November 20th
7:30am Felix Ortix Luna (RIP)
James L. and Frances J. Brown (RIP)
Muriel Wright (RIP)
Page Five
St. Peter Claver
The Office of Faith Formation is open Monday - Thursday, 1-5pm and 6-8pm.
Gospel Reading: Mark 13:24-32, Jesus teaches about the signs of the coming of the Son of Man. In the
Gospel this week, we learn about some things that will happen when the world is about to fall or end.
It might be scary to think of these things. However, the Gospel tells us that God will catch us and save us.
 3-5 CLUB is collecting new white men's socks for Apostle's Kitchen and the Samaritan Center. A box is at
the back of the church. Thank you!
 Monday, 11/16, The Mystery of God series by Bishop Barron will be presented over four Mondays,
beginning Monday in the West Hall. Bring your friends!
 Wednesday, 11/18, 3-5 CLUB meets in Room 1 at 6pm. Bring your socks!
Also, Virtus Re-Certification, Keeping the Promise Alive, is at 6:30pm in Room 6 & 7. Please contact
Mary in the parish Office 526-6499 to register.
Log on to our website for Year at a Glance and more!
 Join us for Edge Night on Monday, November 16th at 7pm in the Youth Center! We will be talking
about the Saints and why we should strive to live like them!
 MSYM will be hosting 'Baking for Bibles' fundraiser to benefit Holy Name of Jesus Middle School after
all Masses on November 28th and 29th! More information at our Edge Night!
A great big thank you to all those who helped make our Yr. 1 Confirmation Candidate Weekend Retreat
last weekend such an awesome one! Many thanks to those of you who kept us in prayer too!
 Saturday-Sunday, November 14th-15th: Remembrance Poinsettia & See’s Candies Sales
This weekend is your first chance to place orders for See’s Candies and Christmas Remembrance
Poinsettias. You’ll find us outside on the plaza taking orders after every Mass. Please see our extended
announcement within this bulletin for more information.
 Sunday, November 15th:
Yr. 1 Confirmation Parent & Candidate Session (6-8:30pm, West Hall)
Youth First Communion Preparation Session with Parents (6-8:30pm, Parish Hall)
 Sunday, November 29th:
Yr. 1 Confirmation Candidate Session (6-8:30pm, Youth Center)
Youth First Communion Preparation Session with Parents (6-8:30pm, Parish Hall)
Page Six
St. Peter Claver
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. ~ Mark 13:31
Next week’s collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD
was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help individuals help
themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and community economic development,
CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity
and reach out to those living on the margins. Please give to the CCHD collection.
Families and individuals are needed to light the
Advent wreath during Mass on November 28th and
29th, December 5th and 6th, 12th and 13th,
and 19th and 20th. To volunteer, call Debbie
at the parish office at 526-6499 or email This is a wonderful
opportunity for everyone to participate at Mass!
Thank you for your donations on
Sunday, November 8th: $14,718.50.
Please pray for the health of…
Jason Marchelletta; Julie Hoobler; Don and Fran
Tomasulo; Craig Turner; Bill Payne; Rich Reilly; Bill
Ganger; Carl Walinski; Nancy King; David
Hornbeck; Hernan Gonzales; Don Karl; Jean DCUbi; Doreen Spencer; Collin Dion; Gregg Cassity;
Miles Go; Alice Ridge; Lupe Pina; Joe Ortega; Dan
Zengierski; Donald Cashion; Virginia Dalcoe; Joel
Hicks; Vera Barker; Baby Cooper; Chris Bordeleau;
Darlene Baumgartner; Bruce Vandelinder; Frank
Cesario; Susan Womack; Ray Broderick; Helene
Parlms-Jackson; Shirley Zengierski; Maria Lozano;
Theresa Guardino; Carolyn Currie; Ginger
Trematore; Catherine Capaldi; Chelsea White; Pat
Cain; Barbara Nespor; Mary Smart; Mimi McGilvray;
Rick Schuler; Elaine Swieca; Isabel Oliva; Bill
Waters; Marge Porterfield; Aaron Byron; Bob Bower;
Jacqueline Sylvestre; Kittie Fidermutz; Martina
Peters; Dillon Tunney; Barbara Pogorzelski; Martha
Weatherall; Troy Weatherall; Heidi Frie; Sherry
Estrella; Arlene Parker; Chase Dobson; (child) Tyler
Evans; Loretta Payne; Barbara Knight; Thuong
Tran; Suzanne Shaefer.
We’d like to welcome our newest
Christians through Baptism…
Zechariah Bernard Cross
Leonardo Philip Bonesteel
Mila Juliette Cruz
Francesca Ann Proia
Lucas Bernal Robles
St. Peter Claver parishioner Kathryn Sojka-Fairchild will
be selling her book “IN THE HIDDEN CORNERS OF
MY HEART”, on Saturday, November 21st after the 5pm
Mass, and Sunday, November 22nd after the 10am and 5pm
Masses. Proceeds will go to the charity FOREVER
FOUND, a non-profit organization that exists to prevent,
rescue and restore child trafficking victims.
To shelter these children, homes have been built in Turkey,
Africa, India and two homes in the United States.
Please pray for the souls of…
James Sobolis; Robert Quijada; Johanna Stein,
11/8/15; (infant) Mary Joan Tran, 11/6/15; Elizabeth
Tarczy, 11/6/15; Dorothy Scordia, 10/25/15; Minah
Kowalski, 11/15/14; Linda De Jesus, 11/16/13;
Austin Doyle, 11/15/13; Nanette Caso, 11/18/12;
Joseph Messing, 11/17/12; Remedios Ogtong,
11/17/11; Louise Miner, 11/17/10; Robert Skultety,
11/17/10; Evelyn Manahan, 11/16/10; Jesus
Zantua, 11/15/10; Robert Smith, 11/21/07;
Bernadette Nolan, 11/16/07; John Redmond,
11/20/06; Helen Smith, 11/21/02; Agnes Junkins,
11/20/02; Donald Slack, Jr., 11/16/02; James
Holeman, 11/20/97; Norma Barry, 11/19/96; Irwin
Rodman, 11/21/95; Francisco Suarez, 11/19/93;
Bertha DiIanni, 11/19/90; Cecelia Hogle, 11/21/82.
Page Seven
St. Peter Claver
St. Peter Claver Preschool & Kindergarten
2015 Annual Fundraiser
It’s not too late to join the expanded
St. Peter Claver children’s Christmas
Eve Mass Choir! Our choir will now
include 1st – 12th grade - to increase the
number of students who can participate
– including those who have wanted to
be in the choir but became “too old”
for it. Rehearsals are held Thursdays
from 6-7pm in the church.
PLEASE JOIN US in making this
another great year for the Children/
Youth Combined Christmas Choir!
~Gregg and Teddi Cassity, co-directors
Dinner• Cocktails • Casino Games
Texas Hold’em Tournament • Raffles • Live & Silent Auctions
Tickets only $5 each. Enter to win these amazing prizes!
50/50 RAFFLE
Tickets $1 each. ALL CASH PRIZE!
Split between winner and St. Peter Claver Preschool & Kindergarten
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Doors open at 6:00pm in the Parish Hall
Tickets on sale now!
Tickets available on the patio after mass and in the school office.
For more information visit or call (805) 526-2244
Attention to Detail Moving Company, located in Simi Valley,
is a company that prides itself in its reputation as a moving
company built and focused on helping the veterans who have
proudly served our nation.
This company has donated their time and resources to move
and deliver many large office furniture items recently donated
to St. Peter Claver Parish. Attention to Detail Moving is now
hosting the Heroes for Holidays Event, a toy drive for
children. To express our gratitude to them for their help,
there will be a box in the Parish Office where you can drop
off unwrapped, new children’s toys anytime before
December 11th, to support them in their toy drive.
It’s not too late to join our annual Christmas
Combined Choir! We are rehearsing on Saturdays
from 9-11am in the church. All singers are invited to
join us! Please contact Jim Leslie at (818) 324-2109
for more information.
Hirose Electric, a company formerly
located in Simi Valley, has
generously donated several needed
office furniture items to our parish.
We would like to thank Hirose for
their donation and thinking of
St. Peter Claver Parish!
The 13th Archdiocesan
Principal Celebrant will be Archbishop José Gomez
Tuesday, December 15th, 2015 at 6:30pm
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
555 W. Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
The Filipino Catholic Community of St. Peter
Claver has secured a bus to travel to and from the
Annual Simbang Gabi Mass that will take place
on Tuesday, December 15th, 6:30pm at the
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. There are 24 seats left on
the bus; the cost is $16 per person - first come/first served.
We will assemble at 4:45pm in the church parking lot. The bus
leaves St. Peter Claver at 5pm. We will be picked up at the
Cathedral between 9:15 and 9:30pm for the trip home.
Snacks will be provided. For more information or to reserve
your seat, call Gloria Venzon at 583-3891.
Page Eight
St. Peter Claver
See’s Candies and Christmas
Remembrance Poinsettia orders
will be taken on the plaza after all
Masses this weekend and the
weekend of November 28th-29th.
Candy orders must be placed by
November 30th and will be
available for pick up after all
Masses the weekend of December
12th-13th. The deadline for placing
Poinsettia Orders is December 14th.
If you aren’t ready to place your
order today you can pick up forms
to take home at our table or
download them from our website
( and turn them
in later (see forms for details).
All proceeds support St. Peter
Claver Youth Ministry.
Thank you for your support!
--Doors open at 4:30pm
--Games begin at 6:30pm
--All games
always pay $250
--Visa and MasterCard
--Phone: (805) 526-2781
Your love as husband and wife is a gift to one
another as well as a gift from God. Attend a
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to receive
the tools needed to make the most of this precious
gift. Deepen your communication, strengthen your
relationship, rekindle your romance - and renew your
sacrament by attending the next WWME weekend
Nov. 14th-15th at St. Jude In Westlake Village or
Nov. 20th-22nd at the Best Western Canoga Park.
Contact Jeanine and Russ Walker at (805) 648-4244
or go online at
We help make good marriages better.
Kindred Hearts Ministries is a
collection of spiritual experiences,
faith sharing opportunities and
pastoral services offered by the
Sisters of Notre Dame, and usually
held at Notre Dame Center in
Thousand Oaks. We have recently
updated the list of events scheduled
for the 2015-2016 year. Please
take a moment to look over our
calendar at
We are especially excited to offer
an Advent Reflection Retreat in
December, hosted by our Provincial
Superior Sister Mary Anncarla
Costello. Please call Sister Marie
Paul Grech at 805-496-3243 x760
with questions, or to request a
printed version of the calendar.
Page Nine
St. Peter Claver
La colecta de la próxima semana para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano (CCHD) necesita su ayuda.
CCHD fue fundada para eliminar el ciclo de pobreza en los Estados Unidos otorgando fondos a organizaciones que
ayudan a las personas a ayudarse a sí mismas. Con su tradición de mejoras en la educación, en la vivienda y en el
desarrollo económico de las comunidades, CCHD continúa teniendo un impacto positivo en las comunidades en
todo el país. Su contribución servirá para defender la dignidad humana y llegar a todos los que viven al margen.
Por favor, contribuya a la colecta para CCHD.
ALL SOULS - Evening Prayer and Concert
Sunday, November 22nd, 2015 at 5pm
During the month of November, we come together to remember with thankfulness those we have known and
loved who have died. The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels will remember All Souls with a performance
of the Fauré’s masterwork for chorus and organ.
The Evening Prayer and concert are on Sunday, November 22nd, 2015. Evening Prayer will begin at
5pm and the concert at 5:30pm. After the concert, the Choir will process to the Mausoleum, followed by
all who wish to visit their friends and family.
The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is located at 555 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012. This event
is free and open to the general public (no tickets are required). Secure parking is provided at the Cathedral for
$8.00. For additional information visit the Cathedral website at or call (213) 680-5205.
Prospective students and their families are invited to experience all that
Bishop Alemany has to offer at our Open House on Sunday, November 22nd,
2015 from 12(noon) to 4pm. Please join us for an exciting and informative
afternoon. Biship Alemany is located at 11111 N. Alemany Dr. in Mission
Hills, between Laurel Canyon and Sepulveda Blvd., off Rinaldi Street.
For more information, please contact Cecelia Garza at (818) 837-5222, or
email or visit our website at
Chaminade College Preparatory High School is having its
annual OPEN HOUSE on Sunday, November 15th from
1 - 4pm. Families are invited to tour the campus, meet
the faculty and administrators, and experience all that
Chaminade has to offer. For more information, call
Chaminade’s Admissions office at (818) 347-8300, ext. 355
or visit Chaminade on the web at
Cuando los secretos se vuelven peligrosos - No hay ningún mejor momento durante el año para repasar
las reglas familiares sobre la seguridad de los niños. Tome sólo unos minutos para repasar con sus hijos qué
hacer durante una emergencia, quiénes son los adultos especiales en su vida con quienes están seguros, y
la importancia de no mantener secretos. Algunos secretos, como un regalo para una ocasión especial,
pueden ser divertidos y seguros de mantener. Secretos que hacen daño a otros, que implica contacto físico
inapropiado, o cualquier cosa que molesta a un niño, son secretos que NO son seguros de mantener. Ayuda
a su hijo a entender la diferencia. Para una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® “Back to School:
Secrets” (Regreso a la escuela: Secretos) envíe un correo electrónico a:
When secrets become dangerous - There is no better time of year to review the important family rules
that help to keep all children safe. It takes just a few moments to review with your children what to do in
an emergency, who the special and safe adults in their life are, and the importance of not keeping secrets.
Some secrets, like a gift for a special occasion, can be fun and safe to keep. Secrets that hurt others,
involve any kind of unsafe or inappropriate touching or anything that bothers a child – are secrets that are
NOT safe to keep. Help your child understand the difference. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Back to
School: Secrets,” email:
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“Everything we touch turns to $OLD”
913100 St Peter Claver Church (A)
First Lesson is FREE!
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
Many seniors and families live at or below the poverty level. We are inviting the parish community to help
these families enjoy both Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Your food donations can help us do this!
We will be collecting donations from November 14th through November 22nd. All donations need to be brought to the parish kitchen before each weekend Mass or to the Parish Office
between the hours of 9am-12(noon) or 1-5pm, Tuesday-Friday. Find the initial of your last name below and
bring those items suggested in your name group. (Example: If your last name is Smith we would like you to
bring in items from “S thru Z”.)
A thru C
D thru I
J thru N
Please bring
Please bring
Please bring
1 Can Cranberries
2 Cans Vegetables
2 Cans/Packages of Gravy
1 Jar Peanut Butter
2 Cans Tuna/Chicken
2 Cans Soup
1 Cake Mix and Frosting
1 Can Black Olives
2 Cans Chicken Broth
2 Cans Tuna/Chicken
2 Boxes Instant Mashed Potatoes
O thru R
S thru Z
Please bring
Please bring
1 Box Turkey Stuffing
2 Cans Chicken Broth
1 Can Black Olives
2 Cans Fruit
2 Jars Peanut Butter
2 Cans Soup
2 Cans Vegetables
2 Cans/Packages of Gravy
1 Can Cranberries
1 20 oz. Can Yams
2 Boxes Instant Mashed Potatoes
2 Cans Fruit
2 Boxes Turkey Stuffing
1 Package Pasta
1 Cake Mix and Frosting
1 Jar Spaghetti Sauce
1 20 oz. Can Yams
Peanut Butter
Pork and Beans
We also need turkeys! Bring in any size frozen turkey, or you can contribute cash or
Grocery Store Gift Cards. Put your contribution in an envelope, write TURKEY on the envelope
and drop it in the collection basket or drop off at the Parish Office. For further information,
call Richard at 581-2742, Chris at 526-0215 or the Parish Office at 526-6499.

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