Nursery School Summer Camp - Congregation Sons of Israel
Nursery School Summer Camp - Congregation Sons of Israel
Congregation Sons of Israel JUNE 2014 3 Sivan – 2 Tammuz 5774 Continuing the Vision ♦ ♦ ♦ Building our Future 3 SIVAN - 2 TAMMUZ 5574 June 2014 Sunday, June 1st Last Day of Religious School Celebrate Israel Parade in N.Y.C. Support Israel th March up 5 Avenue from 57th to 74th Street – Rain or Shine SHAVUOT Tuesday, June 3rd - Erev Ma’ariv Service 9:00 PM followed by a Tikkun Leil Shavuot (study session) with Rabbi Kane for those who wish to celebrate the receiving of the Torah through study of the Torah. Join us as we learn while enjoying cheesecake. And as Shavuot continues . . . . Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Day Shavuot Service - 9:30 AM Holiday Evening Service 6:30 PM 1st 6 Sivan 5774 2nd Day Shavuot Service – 9:30 AM (Yizkor) 7 Sivan 5774 Friday, June 6 Family Night & Shabbat Under the Stars We will makeJune/July a visit to our Memorial Garden and dedicate a planting made in Join us for hors d’oeuvres at 6:15 PM followed by 7:00 PM memory of Toni Band’s father, Nicola D’Ippolito, followingservices services. Thursday, June 5, 2014 Friday, June 6 June/July Family Night/Shabbat Under the Stars preceded by hors d’oeuvres Tuesday, June 10 Ha Mishpacha luncheon & program Friday, June 13 Wednesday, June 11 Paid-Up Sisterhood Membership Celebration “Under the Lights” Last day Nursery School & Moving Up Ceremony Tuesday, June 24 - 7:30 PM Annual Congregational Meeting - Voting on Budget & New Officers and Board Members. Monday, June 30 Opening Day Nursery School Summer Camp Happy Summer to All! No Bulletin in July & August but watch for our summer newsletter in July! 1 FROM THE RABBI, Steven C. Kane On April 14, NY Times columnist David Brooks wrote an op-ed entitled "A Long Obedience". This column, printed on the day of the first Seder, appears to most people to be about the meaning of Pesach. In reality, Brooks was really writing about the meaning of our next holiday, Shavuot. Shavuot has the distinction of being the least known of our major holidays. First, it suffers from its short length, celebrated for one day in Israel and two days in the diaspora. That makes for a difficult comparison with the other two "Pilgrimage Festivals", (the holidays where our ancestors in Biblical times would make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem), Pesach and Sukkot which are each a week long. Second, Shavuot celebrates the revelation of the Torah, and most people today associate Simchat Torah (at the end of Sukkot) as the holiday which celebrates the Torah, (it does, but it celebrates the completion of the yearly cycle of reading the Torah, not its revelation-quite confusing!), not Shavuot. Yet Brooks writes perhaps the most cogent explanation of Shavuot and its relationship to Pesach, without ever mentioning the word Shavuot. The word Shavuot means weeks. The reason for its name already hints that it is tied to Pesach, because Shavuot occurs exactly seven weeks after Pesach. There is a wonderful symmetry here. A week is seven days, and so there is a sense of completion, perhaps even perfection found in the idea of seven times seven. It sets up revelation as a moment of perfection following our liberation from Egypt. Here is what Brooks writes about celebrating Pesach: "Jews celebrate the liberation of the Israelites from slavery to freedom. This is the part of the exodus story that sits most easily with modern culture. We like stories of people who shake off the yoke of repression and taste the first bliss of liberty. We like it when masses of freedom-yearning people gather in city squares in Beijing, Tehran, Cairo or Kiev." Yet Brooks understands that Pesach cannot stand alone. We are not simply liberated from slavery, we need to be liberated to something else. This of course has been one of the failures of the "Arab Spring", which saw people liberating themselves from one form of oppression without a vision of what comes after the liberation. Not so our ancestors. Brooks understands that the greatness of Moses was that he became, not just the great liberator but in Brooks words, the great "re-binder". "Liberating to freedom is the easy part. Re-binding with just order and accepted compulsion is the hard part." This then is the needed connection between the liberation we celebrate on Pesach, and the revelation of the Torah that we celebrate on Shavuot. Regarding our observance of mitzvot, Brooks continues, "...the general vision is that the laws serve many practical and spiritual purposes. For example, they provide a comforting structure for your daily life. If you are nervous about the transitions in your life, the moments you go through a door post, literally or metaphorically, the laws will give you something to do in those moments and ease you on your way...(they) take the ego and create habits of deference by reminding you of the subordination to something permanent. The laws spiritualize matter, so that something very normal, like having a meal, has a sacred component to it. The laws build community by anchoring belief in common is everyday habits." We all celebrated Pesach by attending a Seder. Now it's up to each of us to complete our liberation from freedom with a commitment to greater involvement in Jewish life. This year we will celebrate Shavuot beginning Tuesday June 3 with our late night Tikkun/study, (we begin at 9:00 PM), commemorating what David Brooks calls our "rebinding" to greater study and religious observance. Whether you attend that session or any other services on Shavuot, consider whether our least known major holiday can bring you this year to a deeper spiritual commitment. If a well-known writer for the NY Times op-ed page can give it serious consideration, shouldn't we? L'hitraot, Rabbi Steven Kane Bulletin of Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 A Conservative Synagogue Founded 1891-Affiliated With Our Mission Statement adopted 1999, revised 2007: Congregation Sons of Israel is an egalitarian, Conservative synagogue dedicated to imparting Jewish values and traditions from generation to generation in a welcoming participatory environment. We are a caring community committed to lifelong Jewish learning, the observance of mitzvot, meaningful prayer and charitable deeds. We promote spiritual, cultural and social connections within our community, to the State of Israel, and to Jews worldwide. Office: (914) 762-2700 E-Mail: Fax: (914) 941-3465 Steven C. Kane, Rabbi Jeffrey Shiovitz, Hazzan Roni Shapiro Ben-David, Educational Director Andrew Kagan Lisa Goodkin Roberta Kay Neil Schluger OFFICERS President Jack Zinn Vice President Vice President Robert Margolies Treasurer Vice President Dan Levine Secretary Vice President Daniel Singer Imm. Past Pres Reach CSI on the Web Page at Bulletin published 10 months a year, no issues in July & August Publication year 2013 – 2014 Issue 9 2 2 CANTORIAL NOTES Hazzan Jeffrey Shiovitz HA MISHPACHA Tuesday, June 10th – 12:30 PM at CSI Lunch will be served . . . The temperature is rising. The flowers are in bloom. Baseball season is in full swing and the boats have returned to the water. This can only mean that summer is quickly approaching. The days are long, the nights are warm. It is a time when life seems to slow down a little bit. Children are off from school and many will enjoy well-deserved vacations. The summer is a perfect opportunity to explore and rediscover some new Jewish ideas. In moments of escape from the hustle-bustle rat race of life, the soul is free for refreshment and revival. Nothing fancy – a few suggestions: When you are choosing which books to read on the beach, on the boat, or relaxing on a lounge chair in the yard, choose a few of Jewish interest, fiction or non-fiction. I would be very pleased to help you make some selections. If you will be away during the summer, whether in the United States or anywhere in the world, I will be happy to help you make a connection with a Conservative shul in the area where you will be. Often summer allows parents to spend more time with their young children or grandchildren away from the pressure of homework or Hebrew School. It is a wonderful opportunity to talk and to discuss matters of Jewish life and culture. Listen to what the children are saying and share with them the Jewish energy and identity that you are feeling. Once again, I would be happy to share with you some discussion tips and topics. The summer should be a time to exercise not only the bodies but our minds and our spirits as well. It is a time to explore not only new places but also new ideas. It is my hope and prayer that Judaism, in whatever form, will be part of your summer plans. But whatever you do, please have an enjoyable, safe and healthy few months. Followed by Book DCDTeTje “End of Life Issues” with Michael Rosenthal Ha Mishpacha means the family. It is a group for couples and singles over 65. Each month a different musical, cultural, social or educational program will be presented. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month – but please always check the Bulletin for the current month’s date. For more information Contact Cantor Shiovitz, 923-0175 MEET NEW FRIENDS – GREET OLD FRIENDS CSI SUMMER CAMP BEGINS Monday, June 30th HAVE YOU REGISTERED? THERE ARE STILL A FEW SPOTS LEFT – CALL 914-762-2700 for information. SPECIAL KABBALAT SHABBAT SERVICES Friday, June 6 Shabbat under the Stars June-July Family Night Service You are invited to join us at 6:15 PM for hors d’oeuvres followed by services at 7:00 PM A reminder that our regular Shabbat services continue throughout the summer. It is a wonderful time to enjoy a Friday night service as the sun sets and the week ends. Please join us on Fridays throughout the summer at 6:30 PM and Shabbat mornings at 9:30. Also please remember our weekday minyan at 7:15 on Monday and Thursday mornings. With many on vacation during the summer months, help is needed to make a minyan, Please try to help those who may be mourning and need a minyan by attending once, twice, or more, over the summer if you can. CSI NURSERY SCHOOL for the 2014-2015 school year. Please call the synagogue office, 762-2700, for information and registration forms. REGISTRATION IS OPEN 3 3 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS Roni Shapiro, Educational Director New Religious School Schedule for the 2014-2015 school year YOU SPOKE – WE LISTENED! Some Highlights of Our Year: Nursery School Israel Day celebration & Shabbat dinner; Dalet & Heh Classes Supermarket Wars to Benefit the Passover Food Drive; Studying Jewish heroes, Tzedakah & Maimonides, God & Faith; Learning Passover customs at our Family Learning Days; School-wide Israel celebrations; Holocaust survivors speakers; Trip to the Tolerance Center & Lower East Side; Israeli Soldier visits; lots of Tikun Olam; Chanukah Tzedakah Fair; Midnight Run; field trips; PJ Library programs; chocolate seder;, Purim everything; Nursery School Mad Science, Sign Language, Dinosaur Rocks, Israel trip; Israeli dancing; challah baking; singing, cooking, eating, planting, praying and lots of learning and fun! Lev Sunday 9-11 Shorashim (kindergarten)Sunday 9-11 Prozdor 1 (first) Sunday 9-1 1 Prozdor 2 (second)Sunday 9-11 Alef (third)Sunday 9-11 & Wednesday 4-6 Bet (fourth)Sunday 9-11 & Wednesday 4-6 Gimel (fifth) Sunday 9-11 & Wednesday 4-6 Dalet (sixth) Sunday 9-11 & Tuesday 4-6 Heh (seventh) Sunday 11:10-1:10 & Tuesday 4-6 Registration forms were mailed on May 15th. If you did not receive your copy, please email Thank you to our teachers: Nursery School: Maris Aschen Susan Hartman Aimee Axelrod Faith Kavy Toni Band Lori Kavy Tami Drucker Michelle Korzen Elizabeth Dworkin Beverley Wizwer UPCOMING SCHOOL DATES TO ENTER ON YOUR JUNE CALENDAR June 1st – Last Day of Religious School All classes attend 9-11:00 AM 2 The “Bossy Frog Band” performs for N.S. 13 Last Day of N.S. and Moving Up Ceremony 16 Deadline for returning R.S. registrations - - - Registration fees received by that date will be applied to tuition. 30 Nursery School Summer Camp begins Debra Aronson (Sign Language) Pam Gittleman (Music) Religious School: Maris Aschen Toni Band Malvina Browne Tamar Drucker Susan Hartman Faith Kavy Michelle Korzen Bette Slutsky Beverley Wizwer Sheera Zuckerman Youth & Family Educator: Beverly Sarkozi IMPORTANT DATES TO MARK ON YOUR CALENDAR USY Leader: Josh Sarkozi PJ Library Educators: Merrie Satran (Current) Beth Roth & Lauren Benjamin (Past) 4 7 8 21 And to Doreen Gioio for everything she does to make it all work! Thank you to: the Yules Family for their donation of watermelon for our Yom Ha’atzmaut program. our wonderful teenagers who help in our classrooms and office. They are instrumental to the success of our programs. 4 4 September Nursery School Back to School Night First day of Religious School School First day of Nursery High School First day of Hebrew 4. OUR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL & TZEDAKAH 5. In the beginning of every class in Hebrew School, we collect Tzedakah money. It is a tradition at CSI that the graduating Heh Class decides at the end of the year where it will be donated. “The Mitzvah of Tzedakah” is that we show compassion to people less fortunate than us and G-d will have mercy upon us. The highest form of Tzedakah is to give anonymously. This is another way of doing Tikun Olam, “Repairing the World”. This year the Heh Class has decided to give Tzedakah to the following charities: 6. 7. 1. Magen David Adom: Provides pre-hospital emergency medical needs and blood services. They have 100 emergency medical stations and 11 dispatch stations throughout Israel. The MDA National Blood Services Centers provide 100% of the blood requirements for the IDF and 97% of the nation’s blood needs. Men and Women volunteer for MDA. 2. SHALVA: At SHALVA they strive to accomplish the following crucial objectives: To support the inclusion of individuals from birth to young adulthood with intellectual and physical disabilities by providing innovative, high quality and comprehensive therapies, intervention programs and educational services in order to empower and enhance their participation within their communities. An atmosphere of support and love encourages their development To empower their families through the experience of partnership, support, trust and partial respite services, to enhance effective parenting at home To ensure the availability of these services free-of charge to all in need, regardless of ethnicity, background and financial status To promote social change through the advocacy of individuals with disabilities and their families, to guarantee their access and achievement of their rights and to ensure their public inclusion and participation as valued members of our society 3. Edenwald Cottage School: Is part of the Jewish Child Care Association (JCCA). It is a residential school in Pleasantville that cares for kids ages 7-16 who have either been neglected or abused or whose families can no longer care for them. Charity Water – Non-profit organization on a mission to bring clean and safe drinking water to every person on the planet. SPCA of Briarcliff: SPCA of Westchester was affiliated with the ASPCA of New York City, but became an independent organization in the 1920s. Today, it is the only humane society in Westchester County empowered to enforce laws relating to animal cruelty. Project EZRA: To provide the elderly who are home bound with a variety of services. They provide: peoplehood events, group programs, transportation, social work, direct relief, food distribution and burial funds. Ronald McDonald House: The mission of Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) is to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and wellbeing of children. Guiding them in their mission are their core values: Focusing on the critical needs of children, celebrating the diversity of the programs they offer and the staff, volunteers and donors who make them possible, Staying true to their heritage of responsible stewardship. Operating with accountability and transparency. Religious School registrations Deadline for Religious School registration is Monday, June 16th. Return your registration form by the deadline and the $75 fee will be applied towards your tuition. If you need a form go to our website CHANGE IN SHABBAT MORNING TIME UP FOR RITUAL COMMITTEE VOTE The Ritual Committee voted at the April meeting to have Shabbat morning services begin at 9:10 AM instead of the current time of 9:30. This change will take place at the first Shabbat service in September. At the June meeting a second vote will be taken to confirm this. If you have thoughts about this proposed change, please contact Ritual Committee Chair, Bob Davis at or come to the meeting on Monday, June 9th at 7:30 PM in the small chapel. 5 5 Sephardic and Holocaust Torah Scroll Cases Dedicated on April 12th FROM OUR YOUTH & FAMILY EDUCATOR, Beverly Sarkozi I would like to introduce you to the 2014-15 USY Board Members: Co-Presidents: Susan Palefsky & Talia Shiovitz VP Religious Education: Katie Katz Co-VPs Israeli Affairs: Jason Levitt & Zach Mortman VP Membership: Marissa Lewis Co-VPs Communications: Noah Ginsberg & Jamie Scharf Co-VPs Social Action Tikun Olam: Brandon & Rebecca Thrope The display cases that will permanently house our Sephardic and Holocaust Torah Scrolls were dedicated in a special ceremony following Shabbat morning services on Saturday, April 12th. Special thanks to Rudy and Ally Masry and Claude Tusk and Joyce Perlmutter whose generosity enabled us to proceed with this project once it was initially proposed. We want to thank all those families who helped us make the project a reality with dedications in memory of loved ones. Their names were listed in our April Bulletin but some corrections have now been made as follows: It is exciting to welcome this new Board. Josh and I look forward to working with them in the upcoming year. We also want to thank our outgoing seniors, Molly Charney, Beth Reisman, Eric Wasserman and Julia Weiss for their leadership and involvement in our program over the years. It is always an exciting time to see some of our teens move on to a new phase in their lives. We wish them all the best as they head off to college and hope they will come back to visit when they are home (Don’t forget Thanksgiving morning). It is also exciting to see the teens who continue to take a leadership role and those who step up for the first time. Each board is unique and brings their interests and ideas to the organization. This group is filled with ideas and the planning is just beginning. Watch for our emails and like us on our Facebook page for all the upcoming events and programs. It was especially warm to attend the Heh Class Graduation this past month and to see how our children have grown. We hope to see them continue on with us at Hebrew High School, USY and our Social Action Projects. We have so much to offer. I can only ask that you give us a try and let us show you all the fun and exciting things we have in store. Unlike Hebrew School which must follow a prescribed curriculum, we are directed toward the interests of the participants. Your opinions are considered and often steer the course of our meetings and projects. I hope our graduates will join us on a Sunday morning in the fall for High School or to work.. The breakfast is always great, the friendship is wonderful and the learning is meaningful. Our teen opener will be October 26, 2014 so please save the date. Have a great summer. Holocaust Torah: Claude Tusk & Joyce Perlmutter Malvina, Bruce & Alexis Browne, Erika, Steve & Dylan O’Brien Lisa, Steven, Jared & Sarina Cohn Jack & Ellen Freeman Francine & Robert Goldstein Lois & Joseph Gottlieb William & Melissa Jelinek Henry Newman The Metzger Family The Mitzner Family Gayle & Jay Waxenberg The Wrubel Children Sephardic Torah: Rudy & Ally Masry 6 6 Roni Shapiro Ben David & Benny Ben David Helen Chuckrow Adele, Lauree & David Feldman Rosanna & Marshall Frank The Kavy Family Roberta & Richard Kay David & Georgia Keidan Paulette Levy, Celiane Levy Silverstein & Tania Levy Medney Murray Rottenberg Michael & Bryna Sweedler Susan & B. Michael Thrope PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE, Andrew Kagan and is compatible with today's economic pressures and peoples' lives and lifestyles? Obviously, these are deep and serious existential questions. They are ones that I know several of you are concerned about and one that I will continue to focus on when my term is over. The fourth lesson I've learned is in how many different ways so many of you have given of yourselves to support, sustain and grow our community. There is a great spirit of generosity among a core of very devoted and dedicated members who have made it possible to provide services, programs and support. Those of you who have worked so diligently on behalf of the congregation know as I do that, while difficult and frustrating as it may sometimes be, the rewards of volunteering far outweigh the negatives. We are very fortunate to have so many wonderful volunteers. For those of you who have ever thought of volunteering yourself but haven't been able to find the time, I recommend that you force yourself to make the time. You will be very glad you did and all of us will be better off for it. In particular, I want to thank the Board, and especially my executive committee, for their boundless devotion and tireless efforts on my behalf and on behalf of the entire congregation. We are very lucky to have them. Finally, the fifth lesson I've learned is how wonderful our entire staff is. Rabbi Kane, Cantor Shiovitz, Roni, Ellen, the office staff, teachers and custodial staff all have worked very hard and have contributed so much to all of us. I have been so fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with all of them. They make CSI so much of what it is for each of us and care very much about each of us. So, as I said, this is not a thankless job at all but quite the opposite! This will be my last article as CSI President. I cannot believe that my two year term is nearly over. It has been an extraordinary experience. Probably the most frequently asked question I've heard has been, "Isn't it a thankless job?" Any of you who have asked me that know that my answer has been, "No, quite the opposite." By that, did I mean that people were constantly running up to me and thanking me? Well, a few of you did, but for the most part, no, they did not. But frankly, it wasn't necessary. What I actually meant was that I was grateful for the opportunity to have served in this position and that has been thanks enough. I am not saying the job is without its stresses and challenges, but I am saying that I have learned far more than I ever expected to, about so many things. First, I now have much greater insight into why people choose to join CSI and later decide to maintain their membership. The reasons run the gamut, whether economic, spiritual or practical, but in every case, very personal. As an organization, we represent many things to many people. For some, we are the center of their community and of their lives. For others we are a springboard for social or political action. For some, a spiritual refuge and source of comfort and continuity. For others, a center of education for themselves and their children. For some, a place to celebrate joyous Simchas. For others, a source of prayer and religious observance, of quiet reflection and renewal. We are so many things to so many people. My first lesson was that everyone's reason for joining and for staying is the right one for them. Second, I have also learned more about the many reasons why people choose to leave. They, too, run the gamut. And my second lesson has been that for most, the reason has been different and personal for each. In some cases, we have been able to work out the issues, and retain those members. In every case, we certainly try. We are always willing to listen and will do our best to work with you. As a service organization, we are here to serve. My third lesson, and one that not only troubles me but is at the forefront of discussions, meetings, seminars, books and studies nationwide has been the changes in affiliation patterns among the Jews in America of all ages and all denominations. In particular, all movements are struggling with two major issues: (1) Why don't younger families affiliate the way they have in generations past? and (2) Is there a different model for financial membership that will both sustain synagogues (and the movement itself) LOST & FOUND: All items left after the last day of school will be donated on Friday, June 6th. If your child is missing a jacket, shirt, etc. Please check the lost & found box in the school wing before the 6th. 7 7 To make your online donations, please go to our Tzedakah web page at: and click on “giving” at the top of the page. PLEASE NOTE: To make certain that we are covering our costs, each online donation should be a minimum of $18. NURSERY SCHOOL P.T.A. Jenean Eichenholtz We can't believe the school year is winding down already! The time has flown by and summer is (finally) just around the corner. Our last Mom’s Night Out of the year was held at Stacy Thompson's house last month, where the moms had a great time enjoying some snacks and drinks while making jewelry. To finish off the year with a fun program for the kids, the P.T.A. is sponsoring the “Bossy Frog Band” on June 2nd. We know the kids will love it! Just a week later is “Moving-Up Day”, on June 13th. We are excited for our 4’s to be on their way to kindergarten, and will be looking forward to seeing ours 2’s and 3’s back next year. CSI has a wonderful nursery school and summer camp program. If you know of a family with young children please tell them to contact the office, 762-2700 for an appointment to find out more. We hope everyone has a wonderful summer! CSI MEN’S CLUB Ronnie Myers, Chair Elliott Barish & Jason Eidlitz, Co-Chairs We would like to thank all CSI men who helped with our activities this year and to those who joined us at our various events. Following last fall’s High Holidays, we began our 2014-15 year with a Monday Night Football event on November 4th followed by a Bagel Breakfast in December. We enjoyed a Men’s Club Shabbat on January 25th when members of the Men’s Club led the Shabbat morning service. Then on February 2nd we moved on to a successful fund raiser to benefit Conservative/Masorti Congregations in Latin America by wrapping tefillin at the “worldwide wrap”. March arrived with our annual March Madness/Texas Hold’em Tournament after which we prepared for Yom Hashoah with our “light a yellow candle” program. All CSI member families were provided with a yellow candle to light in commemoration of this annual observance. (“Lest we forget”!) These are just a few of the events our Men’s Club was involved in during the past year. Congregation Sons of Israel Nursery School Summer Camp Briarcliff Manor Monday, June 30th – Friday, August 15th 9:00 - 11:55 AM Ages: almost 2 to older 4's THE CSI MEN’S CLUB - WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOU? - JOIN US AND FIND OUT “A Summer filled with fun and exploration” Weekly Themes Arts & Crafts Music Water Play Sports Science Men’s Club Membership 2014-15 Specials Cooking Snacks Enclosed is my check for $36 payable to CSI for active membership in Men’s Club ‘14-‘15. Register Now at 914-762-2700 or email : Name____________________________________ Extended day available: Kids Karousel For more information call 914-923-0160 Telephone________________________________ E-Mail___________________________________ Return to: CSI Men’s Club 1666 Pleasantville Rd., Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Note: Applications are being accepted for summer camp counselors. Please email 8 8 NEWS FROM SISTERHOOD Marion Jablansky for new merchandise that will be delivered over the summer. However, if you need anything, please email to set up an appointment. As you can see, being a part of Sisterhood is a wonderful experience. During the summer, when the letter comes inviting you to join, don’t hesitate to do so. These wonderful programs will not be able to continue without your support. The CSI bulletin and the CSI website are great sources of information. Continue to read future bulletins as well as check the website for future Sisterhood programs. Also, we are always looking for new ideas so if you have any suggestions or wish to lead or help with an activity, please let us know. Our officers/chairpersons are always happy to receive your input. On April 19, the Saturday during Passover, the annual Sisterhood Shabbat was held. The service was lovely. Thanks to all the women who participated. You were all inspirational. Thanks also to all the people who attended the service. It was so nice to see you all there. And a very special thank you to Gail Sider and Roberta Bar-Levav for putting together such a wonderful day. On Wednesday, June 11, at 8 PM, Sisterhood will be having a first annual year-end paid up membership celebration. This year’s celebration will consist of a cake and dessert social, with wine and Karaoke. Sisterhood has a lot to celebrate this year. Membership and participation are up, the programs and fund raisers are successful, and the new lighting in the social hall for the entire congregation to enjoy is almost completed. All Sisterhood members are invited to attend this special evening. Please RSVP to Annleah Berger at 762-5312 or by June 4. Not a Sisterhood member and would like to celebrate too? No problem --- for $36 you can attend the celebration, and your payment will go towards your Sisterhood dues for the 2014-2015 membership year. Mah Jong nights were very popular this year! The next game will be in September. Games will probably be held the third Monday of the month, adjusted for holidays and of course, weather permitting. Actual dates will be posted over the summer. Mah Jong is a fun game to play and everyone who comes always has an awesome time. There is always a beginner’s table so there is no excuse not to come. Don’t miss out on this hottest trend. Sisterhood is looking for one or two special women who would like to take over the Mishloach Manot program. Running this program is in itself a mitzvah, as it enables the members of our congregation to participate in the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot, and at the same time raises money for such things as our Rosh Chodesh programs and the new lights in the social hall. If you have any interest in doing this, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Annleah Berger ( or Sharon Richter ( They will be happy to discuss it with you. The Gift Shop will be open on Sunday, June 1, from 9-12:30. This will be the last Sunday the gift shop will be open until September, and many items will be on sale. We are trying to make room President: Robin Ginsberg Immediate Past President: Elizabeth Dworkin Treasurer/Financial Secretary: Sharon Richter Recording Secretary: Beth Levine Corresponding Secretary/ Bulletin: Marion Jablansky Membership: Annleah Berger Gift Shop: Annleah Berger / Robin Ginsberg / Jill Greenstein / Marion Jablansky / Sharon Orenstein Gift tip: Have an empty space on a wall? How about a beautiful hamsa wall hanging to fill the gap? = the website for Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the organization to which your Sisterhood belongs. Log in and check it out today! Sisterhood Membership 2014-2015 To join, please send your check for $36.00 dues, payable to CSI Sisterhood and return it with this form to: CSI Sisterhood, 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Name_______________________________ Phone_______________________________ Email _____________________________ For questions concerning membership or to sign up for one of our committees please P E O P L E Call Annleah Berger: 914-762-5312 9 9 Have you watched the progress of the installation of new lights in our social hall? 5/7 After a two-day lapse due to electrician’s illness, the project moves to the upper social hall 4/24 We begin by removing the old fixtures The first new light fixtures are installed Our Assistant Construction Crew discusses the expected completion date for the installation. We are quickly moving along! Thank you to our Sisterhood for this much needed Synagogue improvement! 10 10 16 Richard & Roberta Kay 16 Steven & Karen Saponar 17 Joseph & Lois Gottlieb Burton & Joyce Koyner Todd Greenberg & Miriam Shigon 18 Marshall & Rosanna Frank Alan & Debra Goodman 20 Louis Sherman & Marci Dressler Ronald & Hillary Wohl 21 Stanley & Jewell Kirwin Neal & Jane Rechtman Andrew & Beverly Sarkozi 22 William & Joyce Schacter 23 Norman & Barbara Block Richard & Mara Weissmann Ronald & Samantha Hawson 24 Richard & Deborah Yoken David & Wendy Preston Michael & Martha Klein David & Suzanne Wexler 26 Steven & Bonnie Bromberg John & Ziona Rubin 27 Michael & Margery Kirsch Barry & Laurie Dank Isaac & Alice Merin Marc & Paige Ross 28 Bernard & Bella Jacobson John & Barbara Palefsky 29 Ludwig & Etti Cziment Larry & Paula Edlavitch 30 Arnold & Rhonnie Zeitlin Neal & Deborah Temple P E O P L E Mazal Tov to: Sharon & Gilbert Balog on the marriage of their daughter, Aliza to Scott Goodside. Lindsay & Oscar La Fleur (nursery school parents) on the April 29th birth of their daughter, Grace Caroline. Grace is the sister of Madeline 3 and Chloe 2. Roslynne Reichgott on the marriage of her son, Martin to Amy Ruben Barbara & Henry Schoenfeld on the marriage of their son, David to Sarah Mense. Aaron & Mayra Stern on the April 24th birth of their granddaughter, Ivy Skye Stern, daughter of Nursery School parents Nicole & Michael Stern, sister of Zoey 3 and Marley 2. Mazal Tov Correction to Karen & Barry Malmet on the birth of their granddaughter. Her name was listed incorrectly as Olivia Van Wagner – correct name is Brooke Olivia Van Wagner. Condolences to: David Fishkin on the death of his father, Herbert Fishkin. Nelly Sereny on the death of her father, Samuel Kwartler. Libby Spitzer on the death of her aunt, Marcia Koenig. Mazal Tov to the following members who will celebrate anniversaries in the month of June 1 2 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 WOW! CSI members celebrate 52 anniversaries in June ranging from a 4th to a 67th! Yes 67!! July 1 Marc & Jennifer Horowitz 13th 3 Henry & Susan Hartman 29th 4 Alan & Jenna Lash 38th William & Rhonda Rosenbaum 27th 5 Marc & Rochelle Auslander 51st Gary & Nancy Turer 32nd Larry Holzberg & Merrie Daitch 27th 6 Jonathan & Meredyth Satran 17th 7 David & Melissa Kogan 23rd 9 Robert & Mary Wallis 36th 11 David & Dayna Kleiner 16th 12 Bruce Woolf & Dale Scharlat 16th Edward & Dawn Bronson 13th 17 Jason & Sharon Wolin 21st 25 Irwin & Lori Kavy 38th David & Orit Daly 15th 31 Christopher & Lauren Lucht 10th (See next page for June & July Birthdays) th Ronnie & Diane Myers 35 Fredrick & Lois Schulman 29th Adam & Jill Semler 23rd Wayne Spector & Michelle Schauer Sanford & Marla Goldstein Allen & Karen Saperstein Andrew & Susan Morris Lawrence Goldstein & Cindee Ivker Eric Scholnick & Ellen Ginsberg Daniel & Susan Ziskin Michael & Erica Olin Michael & Ivy Lewis Marc & Carol Levitt Joel & Jill Greenstein Robert & Kiera Berkenblit Jonathan & Erica Ben-Zvi John & Helene Miller Barry & Janice Kirschner Daniel & Orly Zonan Martin & Meryl Weinberg 41st 23rd 58th 53rd 8th 53rd 37th 32nd 15th 55th 33rd 33rd 67th 40th 23rd 12th 41st 26th 24th 13th 31st 24th 43rd 39th 32nd 21st 45th 27th 62nd 34th 57th 29th 30th 24th 37th 32nd 25th 4th 16th 26th 18th 17th 41st 24th 8th 48th 43rd 34th 33rd 11 11 Each child brings his or her own blessings into the world. The following children, members of our Congregation and/or school, will celebrate a birthday during the months of June or July. They will be called to the bimah to receive a blessing at our Family Night Shabbat Under the Stars service on Friday, June 6th. We will begin with hors d’oeuvres at 6:15 PM, followed by a 7:00 PM service. Since we do not have Family Night services during July and August. July birthdays will be recognized at our June service and August birthdays will be recognized at our September Family Night service along with our September birthdays. August birthdays will be listed in our summer newsletter. Note: Only the names of those students present will be called. Please take your name card out of the “birthday” box on the table in the front lobby and present it to a Ritual Committee usher if you would like to be called up to receive a birthday blessing. Zachary Anisman Alexei Di Donato Jack Fogel Joseph Hentel Camryn Ivler Russell Kleiner Matthew Kornblau Lea Levine Caleb Levitt Lexi Nemeroff Jesse Roth Sienna Shulman Eric Silverstein Jared Singer Jordyn Sokoloff Tyler Wancier Adin Fijman Caleb Fijman Madeline LaFleur Zoe London Gabriel Lucht Rachel Mathisson Ivy Minkoff Joshua Moskow Sophie Nass Emma Nirenberg Hannah Nirenberg Josephine Parker-Blue Noah Payes Mia Plitt Rachel Rosen Caden Roth Hayley Satran Benjamin Schifrin David Schifrin Maci Strauss Jesse Wohl PJ LIBRARY AT CSI Merrie Satran PJ Library has been busy! We had our post Passover Israeli Pasta Fest in April. We strung, glued, decorated and ate pasta. (An alternate title might be 118 uses for noodles!) Then we played Israeli games, colored pictures of Israel and read Dinosaur Goes to Israel. It was a fun and tasty program! Coming up this summer, PJ Library will be holding a PJ Library Mommy and Me Shabbat. Parents with children from birth to age 2 can come hear a Shabbat story, play with bubbles, enjoy a snack and then celebrate Shabbat with the children from CSI Camp. Be on the watch for flyers for those events. We plan to have one in July and one in August so watch for future announcements. I would like to thank the following families for donating to the PJ Library Program this year - the Linett Family, The Moskow Family, and the Rubin Family. The donations go directly into the programs we plan for the children and are very much appreciated. J U N HIGH HOLIDAY RESERVED PARKING E A limited number of reserved parking spots will be available for the High Holidays. If you are interested in purchasing a space ($300), please call Joanne at 762-2700 or email J U RESERVED SEATING FOR HIGH HOLIDAYS L Those members who had reserved seats last year will receive a letter from Joanne (around early August) asking them if they want the same seats this year. Please respond as soon as possible. If you did not have reserved seats last year and are interested in the possibility of reserved seats in our beautiful sanctuary, should they be available, please call Joanne Wagner, 762-2700 or email Y Please note: We do not print bulletins in July and August but we do mail a summer newsletter. Deadline for the newsletter is July 10th and for our September, High Holiday bulletin is August 8th. If you would like something included, please email your articles to Thank you and happy summer. ARE YOU MISSING A YOUTH SIZE TALLIT & BAG A youth size tallit and bag were left in our sanctuary on the Shabbat of May 3rd. It is white with seafoam green trim. Does this sound familiar? If your child is missing a tallit please call the office, 762-2700. 12 12 JUNE B’NAI MITZVAH Hello! My Name is RUSSELL KLEINER and I will be reciting my Torah portion Korach on June 14, 2014. I live in Briarcliff Manor with my parents Dayna and David and my brother Mason. I am a 7th grader at Briarcliff Middle School. For my Bar Mitzvah project I have been volunteering my time at the Ossining Children’s Center. I am enjoying my time with these children. Whether it’s reading them a book or playing with them on the playground, it has been equally rewarding. This spring I have been participating in track after school. It is great to be able to run outside after being in classes all day. Then at home, I enjoy watching “YouTube” videos and researching the latest in technology. This summer I am looking forward to my 4th summer at Iroquois Springs. I am very excited about my upcoming Bar Mitzvah. I have enjoyed my years at CSI as I was working towards this special day. I would like to thank everyone who has made it possible for me to get to where we are today including my Hebrew School teachers, Rabbi Kane, Cantor Shiovitz and Roni Shapiro. I would also like to give an extra thank you to my parents and my brother for always having confidence in me and encouraging me to reach this day. Hello, my name is JAMIE ALEXA BERKENBLIT and I will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on June 7, 2014. I live in Briarcliff Manor with my mom Kiera, my dad Rob, my brother Brett, and my sister Carly, but she is away at college. CSI has been a part of my life for a long time as I started nursery school 11 years ago when I was two years old. I currently attend Briarcliff Middle School where I am in 7th grade. During the school year, I play on the modified field hockey team in the fall and lacrosse in the spring. Overall, my favorite sport would have to be lacrosse and I am on the BMYL 7th/8th grade team as well as a travel team. The one thing I look forward to most each summer is returning to Camp Iroquois Springs where I have gone for the past four summers. I go to camp for six weeks and during my past years I have made so many amazing friends and have such great memories. For my Bat Mitzvah project I chose to do two different things. Because of my love for lacrosse I chose to help coach the younger girls in the Briarcliff Manor Youth Lacrosse program. This experience was rewarding and showed me that it feels great when you help others. For my other project I worked with my friend Sam Kilman and we helped with the Passover Food Drive for Project Ezra here at CSI. Sam and I went to all the Hebrew School classes telling the students about the project and asking for donations. Besides helping buy Passover food for the drive we then sorted and boxed all the donations. These boxes of mouth-watering food went to those who couldn’t afford it. With all that I did to help, I really do believe I made a big difference for the better for all of those less fortunate people. I can’t wait for my Bat Mitzvah and I thank all of you for taking the time to read this. I would like to thank Cantor Shiovitz, Rabbi Kane and Ellen Johnson for helping me prepare for my Bat Mitzvah and a special thanks to Mrs. Shapiro-Ben David and all of my Hebrew School teachers for helping me throughout the years. I would especially like to thank my parents for pushing me and encouraging me throughout the entire Bat Mitzvah process. Also, to my brother Brett and my sister Carly, although we sometimes argue and I can be a pain, I still love you and thank you for not yelling at me when I practiced my Hebrew for this special day. I am very happy to share this special day in my life with everyone who came. Mazal tov to the Berkenblit & Kleiner Families who will assist in hosting the Oneg Shabbat on Friday, June 5th, at our 7:00 PM Family Night/Shabbat Under the Stars service in honor of their childrens’ achievements. Note: Everyone is invited to join us for hors d’oeuvres at 6:15 PM prior to services. For news on CSI graduates see page 16. 13 13 June 1 – July 5, 2014 June 1 3 Sivan – 7 Tammuz 5774 Note: Shabbat ends 1 hour after Friday’s C/L Time Changes in calendar events may take place – please check our website for up to date information Sun 3 Sivan 9:15 AM Minyan LAST DAY OF R.S. 9:00AM – 12:30 PM Gift Shop Open 10:30 & 11:15 AM Adult BM Class June 2 Mon 4 Sivan 7:15 AM Minyan 9:15 AM N.S.P.T.A. Meeting 10-11:00 AM N.S. Bossy Frog Band Performance June 3 Tue 5 Sivan June 4 11:15 AM Jews in the News 12:30 PM Yiddish Club 9:00 PM Tikkun Leyl Shavuot. 8:45 PM Talmud Wed 6 Sivan 9:30 AM 1st Day Shavuot Service NO SCHOOL OFFICE CLOSED 6:30 PM Holiday Evening Service June 5 Thu 7 Sivan 9:30 AM 2nd Day Shavuot Service (Yizkor) MEMORIAL GARDEN DEDICATION NO SCHOOL OFFICE CLOSED June 6 Fri 8 Sivan 7:00 PM June/July Family Night/ Shabbat Under the Stars preceded by 6:15 PM hors d’oeuvres June 7 Sat 9 Sivan Beha’alotecha 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service BM JAMIE BERKENBLIT CL: 8:04 PM June 8 in N.Y.C. 9:15 AM Minyan 10 Sivan June 9 11 Sivan June 10 7:15 AM Minyan 7:30 PM Men’s Club 7:30 PM Ritual Committee-vote on change in Shabbat morning service time 8:45 PM Talmud 12 Sivan June 11 11:15 AM Jews in the News 12:30 PM Ha Mishpacha luncheon & “End of Life Issues” with Michael Rosenthal 13 Sivan 8:00 PM Year end Sisterhood Paid-Up Membership Celebration “Under the Lights” June 12 14 Sivan 7:15 AM Minyan 10:30 AM Ha Mishpacha Discussion Group with Shari Baum June 13 15 Sivan 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service 7:00 PM Caring Community June 14 16 Sivan 9:00 AM Last day of Shelach Nursery School & 9:30 AM Shabbat Moving Up Morning Service Ceremony Mincha BM RUSSELL KLEINER (offsite) CL: 8:08 PM June 15 9:15 AM Minyan June 22 9:15 AM Minyan June 29 17 Sivan 24 Sivan 1 Tammuz 9:15 AM Minyan June 16 18 Sivan June 17 7:15 AM Minyan 19 Sivan 11:15 AM Jews in the News REMINDER 12:30 PM Yiddish Religious School Club registrations must be received by June 16th 7:00 PM Camp in order for your Staff Meeting registration fee to be 7:30 PM Executive applied to tuition Committee June 23 25 Sivan 7:15 AM Minyan June 30 June 24 20 Sivan 26 Sivan June 25 3 Tammuz 11:15 AM Jews in the News June 19 21 Sivan 7:15 AM Minyan June 20 22 Sivan 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service June 21 23 Sivan June 28 30 Sivan Korach 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service CL: 8:10 PM 27 Sivan 11:15 AM Jews in the News 7:30 PM Congregational Meeting & Voting for Trustees & Budget?? 8:00 PM Board of Trustees 2 Tammuz July 1 7:15 AM Minyan OPENING DAY NURSERY SCHOOL CAMP June 18 June 26 28 Sivan 7:15 AM Minyan 10:30 AM Ha Mishpacha Discussion Group with Shari Baum June 27 29 Sivan 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Chukat 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service CL: 8:11 PM July 2 4 Tammuz 12:30 PM Yiddish Club July 3 5 Tammuz July 4 7:15 AM Minyan 6 Tammuz July 5 Independence Day OFFICE CLOSED/ NO N.S. CAMP 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service CL: 8:11 PM 14 14 7 Tammuz Balak 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service In Memory of Jeanne White “ “ “ “ CONTRIBUTIONS (received by May 9th) CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of From Sarah Shiovitz Esther Schwartz Cantor Shiovitz Pamela Sherman receiving the Samuel Rosenbaum Award “ David & Jewel Weiss Keith Gordon’s Pamela Sherman college graduation Elliot Tusk’s college “ graduation Sarah Shiovitz's college “ graduation Jean Dittelman Cynthia Miller Samuel Kwartler Larry Dittelman Jean Dittelman Harold Dittelman EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of From Susan Brodsky Ellen Weiser Thank You From to everyone who Etti Cziment sent their best wishes to me during my recent illness In Memory Of Evelyn Abramowitz Norbert Schoenfeld Carl Stein ETZ CHAIM - TREE OF LIFE FUND Mazal Tov From Judy Boehr upon Neil & Leona Schluger being honored by Westchester Jewish Council From Alan & Joan Gordon Henry & Barbara Schoenfeld “ CARING COMMUNITY In Honor of From Walter & Nathan Sylvia Eisenstein Holzberg's Achievements In Memory of Jeanne White Leo Freilich Roberta Rudman Jeanne White “ Harry Freeman From Barbara White Ballard Esther Schwartz Sharon Dittelman Jay C. White Faye Dittelman & David Perelman “ “ Rabbi & Mrs. Steven Kane Faye Dittelman & David Perelman Sharon Dittelman “ Thank you CSI From James Marell For Yizkor From Ettz Cziment Sheldon & Doris Satlin “ From Dr. Elliott & Debbie Barish Roberta Freilich Adrienne & Stuart Gruskin Etti Cziment The Agresti Family Mr. & Mrs. Jack Freeman JEFFREY DITTELMAN/ROBINOV CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Mazal Tov From Henry & Barbara Rabbi & Mrs. Steven Kane Schoenfeld on the Marriage of their son, David to Sarah Mense Gil & Sharon Balog on “ the marriage of their daughter, Aliza to Scott Goodside Aaron & Mayra Stern on “ the birth of their Granddaughter, Ivy Skye Stern Good Health Etti Cziment From Adele Feldman In memory of Jeanne White “ “ “ “ Harvey Zaretsky Stewart Leibert Morris Benowitz From Ruth & Howard Menken Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Ruzinsky Josephine Kellman Neil & Leona Schluger Adele Feldman The Zaretsky Family Neil & Leona Schluger Ruth Jablansky RACHEL GREENSTEIN CHILDRENS RESOURCE LIBRARY FUND In memory of From Abraham Bernstein Melvin & Ruth Speier MEMORIAL GARDEN FUND In Memory of From Ellen Brown Dean R. Brown 15 15 CONTRIBUTIONS (continued) MEMORIAL GARDEN FUND In Memory of From Ellen Brown Dean R. Brown Ray Jay Judith Jay, Barry Shapiro & Family Herbert Silverman Judy & Alan Duke Jeanne White The Lustig family Ben & Madge Shapiro Irma & Larry Shapiro Gladys & Isidore “ Klein Yetta Kaufman Roslynne Reichgott SAMANTHA SILVERMAN YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND In Celebration of the marriage of my son, Martin to Amy Ruben TO THE CSI MAILBOX The following note was received by Rabbi Kane from Judith Altmann, a Holocaust survivor who spoke at CSI’s annual Yom Hashoah Commemoration on April 27th. RHODA & MEL MILLER TUITION ASSISTANCE FUND In Memory of From Selma Sternberg Melvin & Ruth Speier Rhoda & Mel Miller Marsha Landsberg on what would have been their birthdays Dear Rabbi Kane, First I would like to thank you so very much for your most generous donation to our organization, the Holocaust Child Survivors of Connecticut. With donations, we are able to help our members with dental work, hearing aids, transportation and other needs. As for me, I met the most warm, friendly and charming people while speaking at your synagogue. Thank you for your invitation. If any of the children who were there have any questions, please give them my email, I will be glad to answer them. Have a wonderful summer with best regards to all. Judith Altmann PRAYER BOOK FUND In Memory Of From Eleanor Rottenberg Murray Rottenberg Frances Berger “ RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Mazal Tov From On the marriage Norman & Barbara Block of David Schoenfeld to Sarah Mense In Honor Of CSI Ethel Koocher CSI’S YELLOW PAGES Each month in this column we highlight a few of our advertisers. If you know a business person who could benefit by placing an ad in our bulletin, have them contact Lora at 914-762-2700 or email Also, if you use one of our advertisers, please don’t forget to tell them you saw their ad in the CSI Bulletin. Planning a summer party? Thinking about the special wine or liquor you want to serve? Visit Chilmark Wines & Liquors, located in the Chilmark Shopping Plaza, 1876 Pleasantville Road in Briarcliff, 914-762-0696. They will help you choose a popular beverage to make your celebration a special event. Is a summer vacation in the planning stages? Thinking about how you can travel but still feel assured that your pet(s) will be safe while you are away? Call Gracelane Kennels on Grace Lane in Ossining, 914-762-6188. They will be happy to not only take good care of your pet(s) but they also have new luxury suites available to take care of them in style! From Aaron Ovedia Eleanor Kaufman Miller & Murray Miller Thank you to From everyone who sent Etti Cziment me their best wishes during my recent illness In Memory Of Norbert Schoenfeld Carl Stein Eden Hodara Ben Rubin Samuel Reisner Jeanne White “ From Roslynne Reichgott From Henry & Barbara Schoenfeld “ Paul, Susan, Sofie & Ariel Hodara “ Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reisner James Marell Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Citron 16 16 Beth will attend the Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering at Binghamton University. CSI GRADUATES – YASHER KOACH Shayna Roth graduates from Croton Harmon High School. She will attend the University of Pennsylvania in the fall. HIGH SCHOOL Bradyn Schiffman graduates from Horace Greeley High School. He will attend Emory University in the fall. “May you go from strength to strength” Julia Baer graduates from Briarcliff High School. She will attend the University of Michigan in the fall – major undecided. Heather Schneck graduates from Briarcliff High School where she is a member of the Math Honor Society and National Honor Society; Captain and MVP of the school’s varsity gymnastics team; full time gymnastics coach and is currently testing to become a gymnastics judge; recognized as a scholar athlete for all four years of high school. Heather will attend Case Western Reserve University where she will study biomedical engineering. She recently started an internship at Mount Sinai Hospital helping a research team that is studying the use of a robotic suit to help people who are paralyzed walk. Suzannah Bergstein graduates from Briarcliff High School with distinction. She will be attending Duke University in the fall. Amanda Bromberg graduates from Briarcliff High School where she received Good Citizenship and Physical Education Awards and an Advanced College Experience Award in Calculus and Spanish. Amanda will attend the University of Delaware. Max Ship graduates from Briarcliff High School and will attend the Hartt School of Music in Hartford, CT in the fall. David Brown graduates from Briarcliff High School on the high honor roll. He will attend Dickinson College in the fall. Eric Wasserman graduates from Briarcliff High School as Salutatorian of the 2014 class. He will attend Dartmouth College in the fall. Molly Charney graduates from Briarcliff High School; will attend Washington University in St. Louis in the fall with a major in Biology. Noah Weissmann graduates from Horace Greeley High School. He will attend Hamilton College. Maxim Diamond graduates from Croton-Harmon High School as a RPI Medal recipient – - 2nd place award at this year’s Westchester Science and Engineering Fair for his project “PRAD: A Novel Device for Crown-Sourced Road Quality Monitoring”; High Honors in the Physical Sciences category at NYS Junior Science & Humanities Symposium and selected to present his research at the Nation JSHS in Washington, D.C.; selected to present his engineering work at Google offices to Google engineers; together with his team “Listen to ya Mother”, 2nd place in the Scientific Challenge at NY Destination Imagination state finals – advancing to compete at 2014 Global Finals late May. Maxim will attend The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City to study electrical engineering in the fall. COLLEGE Keith Gordon completed a degree from Columbia University. Michelle Neider graduates Honors Cum Laude from Northwestern University with a degree in Communications and a minor in Global Health. Michelle was accepted into the Teach for America program and will be teaching at a Charter School in Brooklyn, NY in the fall. Sarah Shiovitz graduates from the Manhattan School of Music and will attend NYU Grad School in the fall. Danielle Wasserman graduates from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Sciences. She was accepted into the Nurse Residency Program at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, TN. Danielle will return to UPenn to complete her Pediatric Nurse Practitioner degree after two years as a Nurse Resident at Vanderbilt. Beth Reisman graduates from Solomon Schechter School of Westchester. Captain of the girls’ softball team; team starting catcher; played first singles on the girls’ varsity tennis team; Editor of the School Newspaper. This fall 17 17 EARLY HIGH HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS Dear Congregants, Difficult though it may be in June to think past the summer to September and the beginning of the High Holy Days, we do so in this June issue to hopefully catch you before vacation schedules begin. This year Rosh Hashanah begins with Erev services on Wednesday evening, September 24th. As is our tradition at CSI, we will once again prepare a YOM KIPPUR YIZKOR MEMORIAL BOOKLET. This booklet, dedicated to members who have died during the past year, contains an extensive listing of deceased relatives of our members and other CSI friends. Such a listing is an appropriate means of memorializing the names of parents, siblings, a spouse, children or other relatives or close friends. In order to have the booklet prepared for the printer’s deadline we must ask that all names which you wish to include be in our hands by Friday, September 5th. The format is as follows: REMEMBERED BY: Mr. & Mrs. John Smith IN MEMORY OF: Louis Smith Peter Smith Mary Jones To have your loved ones’ names included please fill out the form below and return it to our booklet chairperson, Bette Slutsky, along with your check payable to CSI by Friday, September 5th. (This is the 25th year Bette has volunteered to chair the Memorial Booklet. We are very lucky to have her and as always we thank her!) As noted on the form, the charge for an insertion is $18.00 for up to 3 lines, $3.00 for each additional line over 3. We thank you for your cooperation and once again urge you to return the form as soon as possible. Don’t wait - - mail it before vacation - - but certainly before the 5th so that the names of your loved ones will be included. * After September 5th, please add a $5.00 processing charge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5775 MEMORIAL BOOKLET Please include the following information in your 5775 Memorial Booklet for the High Holy Days. Remembered By: In Memory Of: ______________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Please make your check payable to Congregation Sons of Israel and mail it with this form before September 5th to: Mrs. Bette Slutsky, 60 Edgewood Rd., Ossining, NY 10562** $18.00 up to 3 lines/$3.00 each additional line over 3 * Note: After September 5th please add a $5.00 processing charge. ** If there are no changes since last year’s listing, simply send your check with a note to Bette “same as last year” but before writing your check please check the amounts above, as they sometimes change from year to year. 18 18 PLEASE USE THIS FORM TO MAKE DONATIONS TO CONGREGATION SONS OF ISRAEL (mail this form with your check to: 1666 Pleasantville Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510) ( ) IN MEMORY OF: ___________________________________________________________________ ( ) IN HONOR OF: ____________________________________________________________________ ( ) OTHER: ____________________________________________________________________________ SELECT FUND(S ) - Except where marked, minimum per donation is $10.00 - Descriptions of each fund can be found on our website: - Click on “Grow”. We thank you for your generosity and ask that you do not combine donation checks with other payments of any kind. ( ) BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS FUND ($18.00 minimum) ( ) CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND (SEPARATE CHECK PLEASE) ( ) CARING COMMUNITY ( ) CHAPEL LIBRARY FUND ( ) ABRAHAM COHEN /FRED STARLER MEMORIAL TZEDAKAH FUND ( ) JEFFREY DITTELMAN/ROBINOV CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND (Overnight Camp) ( ) EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND ( ) ETZ CHAIM - TREE OF LIFE FUND ( ) RACHEL GREENSTEIN CHILDREN’S RESOURCE LIBRARY FUND ( ) GILBERT KAVY MEMORIAL BUILDING FUND ( ) IRA KESTENBAUM BEAUTIFICATION FUND ( ) MEMORIAL GARDEN FUND ( ) RHODA & MEL MILLER TUITION ASSISTANCE FUND ( ) MINYAN BREAKFAST FUND ( ) MITZNER FAMILY SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS FUND ( ) ( ) RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND (SEPARATE CHECK PLEASE) ( ) SAMANTHA SILVERMAN YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND ( ) STUDY IN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND ( ) ZUCKERMAN/CHARLOTTE HERING MEMORIAL FUND FOR RAMAH DAY CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS ( ) CHOIR FUND PRAYER BOOK FUND ($36.00 Slim Shalom Siddur, $60.00 Etz Hayim Chumash) SPECIAL GIFTS: ( ) THE NURSERY SCHOOL ( ) STEPHEN B. CAMHI MUSIC FUND ****************************************************************************************** ALL CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO CSI. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. FROM: __________________________________________________________________________ ACKNOWLEDGE TO: Complete address is necessary for proper acknowledgment. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Amount: $_______________ 19 19 MARTY GROSSEL 201.410.3278 MARTY GROSSEL 201.410.3278 STEVE RUBENFELD 646.369.2510 STEVE RUBENFELD 646.369.2510 PrideCaterers Caterers Pride “Unparalleled Kosher Events” “Unparalleled Kosher Events” Exclusive Kosher Caterer at: Studio 450 Kosher Caterer Pillars 37at: & 38 Exclusive And Recommended Throughout The Tri State Area Pillars 37 & 38 Studio 450 And Recommended Throughout The Tri State Area The largest selection of Custom Invitations at Discount Prices Visit our beautiful, light-filled store One King Street Chappaqua 914.861.2799 King David Memorial Chapel, Inc. Generations of lasting service t o t h e J ew i s h C o m m u n i t y ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Reliable, Responsive, Respectful Rosenthal Memorial Chapel is independentlyowned and operated. With care and compassion, we offer a full range of Jewish funeral services. Family Owned and Operated Handicapped Accessibility Graveside Services Monuments Preneed and Prepaid Planning Fully Accommodating Facilities 288 East Main Street ▪ Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 914-241-7100 ▪ 491 Mamaroneck Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 Michael L. Rosenthal 914.773.0030 SCHECHTER WESTCHESTER Donate your party dresses! The Dream Closet was formed in 2012 with the goal of repurposing special event dresses to girls of all ages whose families do not have the resources to buy them dresses. Last year we collected and donated 115 dresses to various charities. Any size and any color dress! Contact: Lauren Friedman: 914-762 2632 * Allie Herskovitz: 914-923 7073 Email: Printer of this Newsletter More than an Education. A Foundation for Life Premier K-12 day school Rigorous dual curriculum Welcoming, inclusive community Accepting students with no Jewish day school background 914-948-8333, ext. 8110 Roger Denhoff • Peter Kirkel 3742 Boston Road, Bronx, NY 10469 718-654-1200 Fax: 718-653-4272 ! proudly supports Congregation Sons of Israel from your friends Jonathan Aviv, MD, FACS Michael Bergstein, MD, FACS Joel E. Portnoy, MD Jill F. Zeitlin, MD John County, MD, FAAAAI 358 North Broadway, Suite 203, Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 • Tel: 914-631-3053 Congregation Sons of Israel Non Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE 1666 PLEASANTVILLE ROAD • BRIARCLIFF MANOR, NY 10510 PAID White Plains, N.Y. Permit No. 10086 Or Current Resident DATED MATERIAL New Luxury Suites Available Bar & Bat Mitzvahs Weddings, Anniversaries & Holiday Dinners Brits & Baby Namings (Under the Rabbinical Supervision of Rabbi Steven C. Kane) David N. Levine Vice President Email: CHARLES GOODMAN JEFF D. KABAT Director Email: & COMPANY LTD. THE GOODMAN GROUP 1210 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510-8000 For All Your Insurance Needs (914) 762-5800