Noeline Franklin - Natural Resources Commission


Noeline Franklin - Natural Resources Commission
Noeline Franklin Brindabella NSW. This
illustrated submission is in 4 parts because of
internet restrictions please reassemble when
Up to $50B in losses from lost sheep population in NSW
*NSW used to run safely 55+ million sheep when dingo were declared noxious
animals over all titles. Wildlife was recovered abundance and diverse. Bushfire
was an inconvenience not a mass extinction event followed by no water and
incinerated forests. The 3000 giga litres reformed off the Murray basin irrigators
left destitute after the alpine inferno canopy 2002-9 because of soil con policies
destocking the alps cost NSW $48+ billion a year in produce fed to tourists, retail
and export. Sheep ecoservices are not understood by fanatics recruited to the
environmental movement waxing lyrical about what sheep achieved for the
environment in results for biodiversity and beauty but no idea how it happened.
Today NSWs sheep population has dropped 28M to 27M and many of these flocks
pilfered by packs of free roaming killer dogs sourced from public lands. Perhaps
deliberately fester there because some ill informed demigod of the environmental
movement said “sheep threaten wilderness.” Sheep are native to the Sierra
Nevada and Central alps of Asia 10000 feet above any alpine ecology Australia
could offer. These areas some of the world most biodiverse plant communities
coevolving with sheep for millions of years. When the Californian gold rush shot
out the sheep for rations the Californian redwood forests began to burn down
from dysfunctional ungrazed understorey.
In todays prices these sheep forcibly destocked off NSW, alone, have a
renewable earning capacity of $4.7 billion farm gate or $38 billion retail and
export returns. We will not mention their ecoservices to weed control forest and
fire safety they contribute producing wool meat skins and maintaining a presence
for farming communities retaining biodiversity and water catchment values never
mentioned. How renewable wool insulates people and houses saving carbon
emissions. Some farmers value sheep ecoservices to blackberry control at $20
per sheep per year. Potentially $580M a year as weed and fire control converted
to product. Avoiding a lot of imported chemical remedies, labour and tractor fuel.
Others say sheep and fireweed control is worth 70c a kilo of beef produced on the
coast where this weed is invasive. Then there are calves, foals, wildlife, goats
that have been butchered and damned by these dogs as well. Piled driven
through fences displaced and destroyed pasture budgets and crops. Much of the
high rainfall coastal and tableland areas of NSW are now forcibly destocked and
farm families destitute or dismissed as unviable. Well done NSW. More industries
killed off, biodiversity needlessly lost. $65+M a year in fire fighting and damage
largely avoidable. Australia’s clothing industry and woollen mills no longer exists
harassed into oblivion by environmental regulations and OH&S stunts.
Top heavy bureaucracies soak massive budgets for little result
* Bureaucracies appear to be self serving on the matter of pest animals among
other issues not part of the scope of this enquiry. The restructure of DPI CMA and
farmer funded LHPA/RLPB was a disgraceful process excluding the farm sector
with pest animal management and the confiscation of travelling stock routes
drought aid grazing options two major sources of unrest. The PPB RLPB LHPA
system having its origins back in 1835! A very long history of farmer
commitment. Asset stripped in 2013. Brumbies camel donkey water buffalo are
set up for massacres by hoof hating fanatics and adrenaline junkies in helicopters
looking to have the public pay for their hunting trips. Not so committed to control
of dogs, cats, foxes, rabbits, pigs breeding more than 1 foal a year to graze green
the Upper Murrumbidgee so Canberra can replace the destocked dog infested
incinerated Cotter basin as a water supply. Rendered rain shadow by incineration
beyond regeneration denied grazing logging or cool fire ecoservices. These same
policy failures due to spread Cook Town to Adelaide via the eastern rangers
bushfire dingo speedway 3200 km of chaos being put in place by some more
highly paid committees signing off on international treaties Australia was not
consulted about. (We will not mention blackberry, serrated tussock, st johns wort
among other invasive weeds wiping out entire ecologies and water supplies
allowed to run riot in dog country abandoned wilderness set to burn in man made
industrial strength fuel loads) Rate exempt government departments cannot
be trusted to allocate budgets to deal with the basics of fire risk
mitigation, weeds or pest animals on public land. Rates are absorbed into
staff comforts. Shonky commissioned science hiring select cronies
legitimises doing more of nothing and once again wreaking of corruption.
Address inequality in legislation
*legislation dealing with dog management in town shows little resemblance to the
dog anarchy condoned and encouraged on and near public lands in relation to
fecund savage mongrel dingo hybrids repeatedly gutting and maiming well bred
sheep selection lines of 140 years in the one family. Sheep underpinning the
restocker market for disease freedom and productivity. Dingo mongrels massacre
them just the same as the old wether at the end of his run. In fact dogs will walk
through wethers and massacre ewes, ewe hoggets and lambs just for the blood
lust. They will devicerate an echidna, platypus, bandicoot, potoroo as a side dish
on the way through. Farmers publically blamed for “loss of habitat” however
‘conservationists and experts’ have claimed more biodiversity in Australia with
their fire and dogs than any rabbit plague previous. There is no legislation in
place that will protect our public lands and national assets from
depreciation and loss since the dissolution of crown leases. Schedule I
&II lands is a deceitful way of shifting onus onto neighbours to muster
chaos and negligence. The dog management picture double standard and
hypocrisy comparing rural and urban circumstances. Animal welfare
standards any thing goes out beyond the street lights where ‘do nothing’
is supported by protecting dogs not their victims plight, dismissed as
“natural” by committees of largely remote academics and agenda driven
environmental sociological basket cases. Largely self appointed and
questionably qualified to make credible and informed judgements.
Beneficiaries of dog country, fund containment
* Solution:- either restore wild dogs of any genetic make up as “noxious” over all
titles and fund a retrieval program to rid these dogs from all land south of the
dog barrier fence or get realistic about containing these dogs to sustainable dingo
colonies. Not many people are convinced dingo need all of the Australian
mainland to do with as they please.
So who funds the dog containment programs? The beneficiaries of dogs doing the
cheap pest control in public lands, getting rid of farmers, foresters, fishermen,
dog containment program resources should be realistically matched to the task of
containment. Containment programs paid for by city water, hydro electricity,
tourism, irrigation, timber building and paper industries, academic
researchers tinkering with national assets. Why do public land near
neighbours, food producers have to subsidise obscene profits for staff,
shareholders and executives of city water, hydro, plantation timber, cheap
exclusive holidays surf and ski in dog country rate exempt? Listening to dogs
howl up endangered wildlife and enjoy wilderness until they run out of food and
head for the wildlife and domestic animals on neighbouring farms? The public pay
for the uncontrollable inferno, the fire rehabilitation, compilation of the species
obituary list, the captive breeding programs. The farmer produces food for below
cost of production while mustering the governments dogs and vermin in their
spare time and at their own cost. The pro dingo environmental lobby groups and
the politicians they lobbied, long departing the crime scene. Hardly equality or
conservation of biodiversity to ‘naturalise’ Asian dingo hybrids as weapons to
guard the wilderness empire, buying city votes from bushwalkers in
Integrated community pest animal management or get rid of dogs
*if dogs are to maintain their dictatorship across eastern Australia then
integrated pest control programs have been proven to work if they are continued
to be well resourced by professional staff taking out not only dogs but their
reason to be, cats, foxes, pigs and rabbits. Farm families many involved as crown
lessees are disgusted with how public land management values have deteriorated
in just a couple of decades or less. As the chaos leaks out across their remaining
farms they are not prepared to be accused of ‘loss of habitat’ when they are
denied by legislation, regulation, the traps, poisons, gun laws, skilled staff to help
defend their land and farming generally, from creeping chaos and corrupt
behaviour. What would happen if city people in a rat plague carrying bubonic
plague were denied garbage disposal, rat poisons and rat traps, because
someone declared it “cruelty to rats!” This is what is being done to hard working
dog affected families finding themselves in the war zone trying to stem the tide of
chaos flowing out of our public land threatening our unique plants and animals
our forests water and food supplies.
If dogs, cats, pigs, foxes are to be targeted by well resourced
professional pest animal controllers then with integrated biological
control undertaken for rabbits they feed and breed on, then over 500 of
the threatened species of the 972 recorded in NSW will be better off.
Agricultural lands better off, the economy of NSW better off, dog affected
rural minorities given a taste of humanity and democratic process many
families fought for in wars when their country sounded the bugle. How
much loyalty needs to be demonstrated for Australians we are?
Noeline Franklin Brindabella NSW.
Our family business has been ruined and family health
compromised by the naturalised dingo hybrids allowed to
wander largely condoned through and out of public lands for
the last 40+ years. The process of naturalising the dingo and
its hybrids was based on a whim of a few urban based
academics. What has this cost Australia’s genuinely native
wildlife and native ecologies security of food, forests, water
supplies and fisheries? This submission attempts to answer
some of these questions and reiterates a solution we have
been trying to refine since 2001 and before. We have been
forced to endure continued lack of cooperation with the
public sector even standover and threat, abuse of public
Rural families which in the past stood as crown land lessees in many cases are
disgusted, to be mild, with what has happened to their cherished grazing and
forestry leases, pork barrelled over the last several decades by swinging
governments for swinging city votes and promised to be looked after “better than
the lessees could afford” for clean reliable water supply and conservation values.
These words have been proven to have a very hollow ring to them where both
these aspects are failing alarmingly and contributed to by dogs, foxes, cats, pigs
rabbits and wilderness policies of fire suppression to offset urban affluence and
greed. The bushwalking bureaucrats being rate exempt and exempt from other
obligations enforced by crown leases. Pest animal management being one of the
big three obligations of land managers just falling off the wagon. Declaration of
national park has been a key threatening process to conservation
achievement, national water, food and forests. Massive impacts down played and
denied. The impact of bushfire in areas sheep have been removed from and
wildlife fed to the dingo.
Lessees publically slandered and misrepresented, declared ‘exploitive’ because
they paid for grass, logs, volunteered as fire fighters, provided ‘in kind’ control of
fuel, grass tinder, log thinnings, weeds and pests where dingo and hybrid
mongrels were declared noxious animals not bred up and naturalised by
academics to chase on their land claims pigs, foxes, cats, rabbits, chase wallaby
and kangaroo out onto the neighbours to destroy fences, pasture, fodder crops,
food security spread disease, chaos, suffering and so on. Government legislation
complicit with this notion where landholders following the law of the time were
said to ‘persecute the dingo.’ These were public paid people masquerading as
scientists or departmental employees. Deceitful misrepresentation, abuse of
public office and corrupt in another time and place. When farmers were said to
“persecute dingo” they declared noxious and by law must be removed from all
titles across NSW.
Rural minorities have over the years been stripped of their credibility, left without
right of appeal or a political voice. Stone walled by the public paid media among
others lobbied and misled. A media, benefiting from paper off dog country and
holiday resort investments in dog country hardly independent or impartial.
Neighbours attempt production of food and fibre extortive in most cases for below
cost of production. 3 times the production of the 1950s attracts the same farm
gate returns today as options for farmers to destock their land and once were
strategically able make fire safe public forests and travel thoroughfares fire safe
across the region. Many families are lumbered with a greater fire risk and pest
species (plants and animals) pouring out of land they once ran as crown lease
well managed crown lease. Paid rates on and not rate exempt as these public
lands are today rate exempt and still have been turned into cesspits of weeds and
pest animals by chronic abandonment. What value do the public get for these
rate exemptions to their public lands?
Rates going into wages, conditions, fleet vehicles, offices uniforms, glossy
propaganda material, computer gadgetry and so on not into the up keep of the
land for weeds, pests or fire risk mitigation allowed to impact on the regions
affairs. Very unviable, unsustainable and greatly depreciated public land to the
point of lost conservation value, value for tourism a national embarrassment to
invite international people to see it muchless pay to see it as abandoned
wilderness over grown tangle and weed reservoir, crawling with pigs, dogs, foxes,
cats, rabbits among the weeds and fire hazard. Fire hazards without peer across
the world. If farmers put up a vermin fence it will likely burn down before it is
paid for itself in restored production.
Towns, cities and irrigators can no longer rely on these lands to reliably produce
quality water as dingo no graze country burns down somewhere each year with
unprecedented fury and lasting damage. Canberra bushwalkers and rock climbers
went to Coonabarabran routinely and with others obstructed grazing, logging cool
fire for decades so they may exclusively enjoy public land at the expense long
term of that land. It incinerated with spectacular damage in 2013. The koala
burnt out, starved out of the Pilliga decommissioned as a timber community. The
coastal forests decommissioned local communities dispossessed and tourism a
total hoax as a replacement. Fire that will burn down farmers pest fencing, cause
unlimited flood damage as burnt killed trees rip down incinerated gullies filled
with debris and onto silt and soot traps called water reservoirs. Yes pests are
integral to these aspects of land management.
Dingo hybrids have mysteriously been let go and bred in public managed lands
across eastern Australia fed and bred on wildlife “taken for salvation and
conservation” according to the propaganda of the day. The outcome can be
nothing shorter of the truth. Dogs fed on rabbits, feed foxes and pigs on wildlife,
pigs feed dogs until the dogs can feed them. Cats make their own arrangements
and contribute to the endangered species business run by academics enjoying
public paid wages, offices, paying students to indoctrinate with myth and
unproven theory. Slander and misrepresentation of rural minorities enters into
textbooks and media releases international conferences, government
recommendations. Exclusive Ministerial advisory committees. Declaration of
national park wilderness or water catchment is a key threatening process for the
immediate titles and the chaos spreads across the landscape to farms trashed by
continual out flow of chaos. Public land neighbours do not attract premiums for
produce achieved in the face of bigger weed, pest and fire liability. Local Land
Services local Shires and other bodies have no legislative capacity to deal with
the oozing chaos which then becomes infectious to adjacent titles dropping their
land management standards. Lifestylers buying up dog country made unviable
then spread the chaos out another level. Most have no incentive or ability to deal
with the out flow of chaos. Land owners rated on land rendered destocked by
estimated carrying capacity or land sale values of people unwittingly buying dog
country dashing their hopes of self sufficiency.
Dealing with dogs is totally different between private owners and government
departments. Private owners can be severely penalised for their dogs trespassing
wandering freely or causing damage or threat. Local councils and police can
declare “dangerous dogs” which have to be kept strictly under the law or even be
put down, damages paid fines paid. Private owners are bound to have their dog
identified and likely desexed with the view to stop it hybridising with dingo
genetics according to some sources showing all the symptoms of dingo coooks.
Breeding of pups is subject to regulations and laws, exempt if you are
The government on the other hand can harbour dogs which as referred to as
dingo yet they can be hybrids highly fecund and savage killers. Encouraged to be
savage it appears to “guard the wilderness” city water catchment and deliver the
no graze policies. Massacre the wildlife recovered by crown land lessees when
dingo were declared noxious animals over all titles south of the 8650 km dog
fence installed and maintained since 1914 in the east and 1927 in Western
While it is illegal for people to remove species from national park public land
dingo and hybrids can and do remove tonnages of species killed maimed chased
away orphaned. These species can include now threatened or near extinct
species. No one cares because its “natural” and the concept is dingo did this
unopposed presettlement which is rubbish and a blatant manipulation of the
facts. Academia win both ways because when wildlife are robust on crown lease
this gives a reason to save them from “exploitationists” without the right of
appeal and when starvation ecological collapse occurs from the lack of grazing,
logging, cool fire, dog control, these academics advising the government
exclusively can sit on public money and count the endangered species as they
disappear entered on the species obituary list and set up publically funded captive
breeding programs resettling these progeny back in the same dysfunctional
ecology they created through their environmental lobby groups.
Private dog owners are subject to cruelty laws but the government declared dingo
activity “natural” dismembering wildlife and domestic animals barbarically ripped
up for the bloodlust or eaten alive from the groin and gutted first. Mauled and
abandoned to die lingering of blood poisoning and trauma if not found by some
humanitarian. The animal welfare arm of the environmentalist lobby are
accepting or complicit of these atrocities dismissed as “natural” and are not
considered when farmers are trying to deal with animal welfare on a landscape
basis and are being denied best practice traps, poisons, skilled staff, supported
realistic access to guns or harbour and resources to protect their farms, families
and the animals on their farms from utter brutality. Farmers left feeling packs of
wild dogs are in fact “weapons” used by fanatics within government
departments and universities public paid position including farmers levies used
and abused by these people who are very callous and cavalier about dogs running
amuck on ‘public land neighbours’ for decades.
Farmers are told
“we don’t care dogs do not eat trees”
“dingo were in Australia before exotic hooved animals”
“farmers owe researchers and scientists a living” (Ag levies run at $500-600M pa
subsidy to universities, department research, CSIRO etc. are farmers getting
value for money? Expensive dictators?)
“be careful what you say and wish for, the environmentalists will ban 1080”
(may as well they have whittled the dose rate, bait rate regulated it underground
and placed by the uncooperative unskilled where dogs don’t go so it is rendered
costly and ineffective)
“if it wasn’t for public agency money you people would have nothing to spend on
dogs” (if it wasn’t for public lands breeding and dispersing dogs there would not
be a problem)
“Verify the kills, we do not believe you have lost stock to wild dogs they likely
died or disappeared because of neglect, worms, flystrike, the neighbours sheep
dog….” (why should farmers believe anything agency staff or scientists say,
denial generating industries or inactivity?)
“Prove the dogs are coming from public lands” (exhaustive tracking, monitoring
dismissed by desk jockeys)
“Sheep are worth nothing anyway” (you need every one to ride out commodity
“Farmers destocked because of bad commodity prices” (agencies determining
when farmers are getting enough money and if they are allowed to use their own
land! Out in the car park at dog meetings tells the story. Farmers have
dilapidated work vehicles 20 years old and agencies slick fleet vehicles bought on
the public purse hardly leaving the bitumen. Uniformed sleek public servants with
smooth clerks hands and full of theory gang up on the handful of beleaguered
private landholders growing old waiting for some equity and humanity, public
service they pay for, rates, taxes GST, fuel, commodity levies and so on Tony
Burke opinionated typically arrogantly ignorant)
Universities spread hatred and resentment of farming communities treated like
unintelligent unviable fools. Media and government reports consolidate this
misrepresentation and cultural belittlement.
No other community minority is subjected to such harassment, bullying,
ridicule, deceit, social isolation by their public service as are dog affected
families. Unacceptable. Declared guilty before offered any democratic
process. Laws in NSW do not protect farm minorities from bureaucratic
abuse and deprivation of liberty to farm as they need or wish.
Agencies and departments primary industry, national park, city water, state
forest, crown land Local Land Services staff often gang together and stonewall
rural communities such these staff need not act or contribute resources or their
time. Solidarity breeds inactivity or tick the box we have a plan made up in the
tea room of the LLS, no landholders or dog behaviourist present and certainly not
realistic for the task involved where bureaucrats determine how many baits are
allowed, located where dogs do not go, traps put in by armatures, set to train
dogs not catch them.
Farmers are not told they are entitled to funded negotiated dog containment
programs around schedule II lands. The cooperative community programs
around schedule II land are being frustrated by the withdrawal of funds and
ganging up non cooperation punishing farmers for speaking up. Like the rural fire
operatives punishment dealt out by non cooperation. There is no legal recourse
for farmers stood over harassed and bullied including elderly farmers, women,
isolated families run into the ground psychologically by chronic ineptitude and
non cooperation, dismissive smears by complacent staff either at public meetings
or over the phone. I have worked in commonwealth public service and this
behaviour is no longer acceptable in the work place so why justified between hard
working farm communities and public staff? Affluent and complacent
condescending of struggling farm families over run with savage killer packs of
dogs carrying diseases, threaten people, children with attack, valued wildlife and
domestic animals.
Graduate clerks have assumed all the high moral ground and slick answers to put
down hard working farm families. Most dog meetings are out numbering farmers
with agencies staff. They work on the principle of intimidation and crowding irate
disenfranchised farmers. Agencies clean out the tea room to attend dog meetings
one to a fleet vehicle to out number dog affected families they arrive like a possie
in some Hollywood western. Agendas and minutes loaded with agency business
and landholder matters fall of the agenda and what is recorded in the minutes. It
can take $1000s in staff wages to run a dog meeting for no result. Tick the box
for process and consultation as nothing changes or is meant to change.
The environmental lobby (duplicating as departmental staff) has got into the ear
of the Minister and locked out any other sectors of society literally fed to killer
dog packs. Society progressed little from the Colosseum days when Romans fed
10000 people a week to the lions for public entertainment. Legislation currently
reflects this abomination. Dogs can flow continually out of unsustainable chewed
out schedule II lands onto farm land schedule I and the farmers are obliged to
remove them, muster, them do the reporting, lobby for funds to hire a
professional equipped pest controller, patrol the dog paddock, pay wool levies to
muster the dogs flowing off the cities water, cheap carbon off set, the hydro
electricity the ski and surf resorts for high society enjoying dog guarded
wilderness. Cafés and shops feed them into complacency and arrogance. Long
gone is the notion the public pay for ‘service.’ Paid for no service is fraud.
The government has two choices. Get serious about containing dogs to their
rabbit warrens in national park, state forest or restore dingo “noxious animal”
over all titles and put legislation in place to enforce it. Money provided for dog
work be subject to rigorous financial accountability. Dog money has a long history
of disappearing and we have a flush of capital works evident of a very nice staff
Christmas party. The dogman and dog affected farmers still dressed in rags their
equipment still something from the dark ages. Bureaucracies milking an insoluble
problem and enjoying the fruits of an unpaid lobby group.
The information NSW Victoria ACT farming communities has paid dearly for as
“researching the problem” is a curiosity for the environmental lobby that most
wild dogs south of the fence are hybrid mongrels. Likely released by the
environmental lobby for the purpose of destroying wildlife and domestic animals
in their “bushwalking destinations.” Poisons target specific, non residual, neural
toxin, affordable are declared “cruel” by people not always containing domestic
dogs on their lifestyle getaways, so $Ms have been spent on an alternative non
specific, an antidote basically impractical to administer and within 20 minutes.
Farmers and dogmen unlikely to be working within 20 minutes of a vet surgery. A
great junket for researchers where they conveniently did not accept information
from overseas research. Globe trotting was required to investigate the substance
and what research registration junket could be justified on industry funding. If we
wait long enough there will be no more sheep and small animals to worry about
the hypotheticals. One of many examples wreaking of a blend of corruption and
After decades no one knows who sits on the NSW Pest Animal Council a statutory
body yet no one can access minutes or knows when these people meet. Who do
they answer to? Can have agenda items added and issues addressed. Pest control
subject to these clandestine processes which then pop up to obstruct and
interfere with how farmers can deal with pest or nuisance animal populations.
Manipulate access to poisons, traps, forced to pay for training junkets every
couple of years as if the entire world has to return to kindergarten every so often
for a refresher because they are farmers. DPI makes money out of farmers forced
to muster the neighbours escaping dingo hybrids, dispossessed wallaby and
kangaroo, wombats, the accompanying pigs, cats, foxes, crows, eagles fleeing
utopia covered in blackberry, serrated tussock, aggressive flammable scrub and
water ways bringing down hemlock, scotch thistle, hawke weed that washes off a
tourist 4WD or snow glooming gadget. Road or power line crew machinery.
Blackberry and scrub form harbour for dogs, cats, foxes, pigs, rabbits. No one
can deal with the problem because the land declared wilderness or city water
catchment where nothing happens and you cannot spray, graze clear cool burn
the chaos so pest animal control too can be facilitated.
Farmers are forced to muster the weeds harbour for pests and the pests.
Destocking of sheep across NSW is on going and fatiguing farmers ability to keep
mustering vermin be it weeds or pest animals or both. They pay ever increasing
rates to Local land Services having its origins in 1835 and local shires riding
oblivious of most issues emanating from rate exempt land. LLS rates on the basis
of estimated carrying capacity so does not share the load of forced destocking
because of untenable pest incursions be they dispossessed roos or dingo
mongrels that are allowed if not encouraged to wander about creating wilderness
seen as desirable because food out lets feed the masses as farmers are portrayed
as out there ruining a good wilderness and tourist destination.
Pest Animal Council has been reported to be full of animal welfare activists,
agency staff and generally appears to be the tail that wags the dog. If this
enquiry does nothing else perhaps a close look at the affairs of this body is long
over due. A NSW pest animal enquiry in 2000 went no where but consolidate
secrecy of these bodies and the so called scientific community taking ownership
entirely of budgets to tinker with for nothing but obstruction and more junkets
without any tangible improvements on assistance to farmers. To put it plainly
these budgets have been hijacked by animal welfareists and environmental
groups manipulating more chaos and dysfunction. Funds misdirected to comfort
programs for basically irrelevant science fiction. Public sector staff have no
obligation to declare interests affiliations conflicts of interests in lobby groups
creating careers from bad advice to government. Standover rural minorities to
keep the secret.
Banning of traps, poisons, delivery systems to produce ongoing research to look
for replacements never acceptable. A 20 year registration period. Corruption and
abuse of public office is largely what happens under the guise of environmental or
animal welfare arguments. These people crouch behind departmental security
doors and slander laws. Barcodes to work the lifts in government office blocks.
Oh if only our dog affected farm families could enjoy such security systems
keeping the public at a safe distance! Accountability of public service not in
existence. Many ferals appear to lurk around and in government office blocks.
Dogs are chasing children in the streets, pulling down cattle and horses, killing
domestic dogs in country once made safe for sheep and wildlife of all sizes.
Glossy brochures and documentaries fed to a largely urban and gullible public
including political representative swooned by pseudo science and slick
presentations. Complaint from rural communities is spun as an excuse to occupy
more government funding with more bloated bureaucracy. Nothing changes on
the ground if not gets worse. Lies and deception grows to intercept more
Coordination of pest control misses the point. Farming communities are working
to capacity to pay rates levies taxes for services denied by the economic
rationalists, costs of production, reduction in affordable labour over regulated, the
free trade agreements worked out for urban public sector advantage.
After 2 years of anticipation rate payers have been basically told the LLS is about
overseeing and regulating farmers doing their own work on disease, pests and
the travelling stock routes are to be confiscated just as the grazing, forestry,
crown leases have been. Tinkered with by academics watching biodiversity
disappear denied essential ecoservices provided by migratory mobs and the
people that are committed genuinely to Australia’s native species. People that
know a bit about land and water management judged by the outcomes being
better than what has been delivered since they were ruthlessly displaced for
political collateral. The emotive argument have no substance in effect and
legislation to protect public lands went with the demise of crown leases which
specified management standards and outcomes. The lease legally binding and
The ‘in kind’ fire mitigation, weeding pest animal removal specified in the lease,
all forgotten, dismissed never valued, never replaced by park declaration. Office
jockeys are going on experimenting put up fences for more no graze plots on
travelling stock holding paddocks which are known for 100s of years to kill out
plants and animals starved and out competed. The LLS restructure has been
another skilful deception by the academic bureaucratic class to land grab, asset
strip and delver nothing back. Not even acknowledgement of how seed orchards
came about by big animal activity carting seed soil biota across Australia as has
happened for the last 290 million years or more. Travelling stock routes
maintained for weeds pests fire risk water supply and so on, farmer funded. Now
the academic class can bowl in and take the assets without right of appeal or
recourse when neglect breeds vermin. The crown grazing leases have almost
been grabbed now the TSRs soft title are being targeted for consumption.
The dingo wilderness guard dog will likely be encouraged to follow these corridors
of green from Adelaide to Cook Town. The grey wolf model Yellowstone to Yukon
out done by several hundred kilometres. Dingo can exterminate wildlife of greater
antiquity and the farms and agricultural practice blamed for habitat loss. Children
into the future will be encouraged to eat algae or duckweed as the dingo
dictatorship retrieves the wilderness. Sharks and crocodile manage the fisheries,
beaches and estuaries. Farmers forced to pay GST, rates, commodity levies to
pay for this future for Australia. A bloated bureaucracy.
Tony Burke (Federal) will be long gone into retirement where farmers were
slandered for input into how their LLS was to direct funding and resources. The
Natural Resources Commission NSW apparently having greater insight into
farming matters than farmers shoehorned into Kyoto, Rio agreements they were
not consulted on. Money lobbied for, for wild dog management programs
mustering Bob Carrs and Neville Wran’s ferals siphoned off into consolidated
revenue with centralised accounting, the farmers offices, liquid assets, trained
staff, elected directors just as arrogantly bulldozed aside in the restructure
process and no one knows what happened to the assets. The CMA staff have had
plenty of party practice since 2004 when Telstra was sold up including rural
Australia’s telecommunications network speared into Kyoto policing of native veg
among other duties fall out from international treaties and urban lifestyle offsets
ripping off rural communities without consultation or negotiation. Seeds ripped off
travelling stock reserves and crop paddocks planted down under some
government grant using school children to plant the trees. No royalties or
acknowledgement coming back to the travelling stock route up keep paid for
protected from rabbit plague for 100+ years. Thanks this looks good for a
university junket we’ll have that!
Ratepayers rights and input as to how their rates, levies, taxes, spent 100+ years
of investment in food security and assurance Tony Burke from (Strathfield) can
just blow in and slander as he wishes without recourse. Farmers forced to live by
the consequences. In their own time and at their own expense are forced to try
and retrieve food security from the brink of chaos and political ignorance.
Wild dogs alone, has all but destroyed agricultural production in Queensland.
Queensland used to have 23+ million sheep insulating it from such fiascos as the
live cattle trade. Dingo, now do over drought affected cattle in areas once safe for
wildlife and sheep. If you could muster 2 million sheep in Queensland presently
very well done as Australian owned industry and employment stream. There are
more facilitators and wild dog national committees, scientific theorists bonding
with students in the desert, there overseeing the progress of chaos than ever
before. Farmers are putting up ‘cluster fencing’ repeating technology of 100+
years ago. Trying to recapture their farms before some benevolent political
figurehead sells off the gas coal or other expendable for two bits of silver. Puts
the harbour on the market.
NSW has been host to over 55 million sheep once the rabbits were dealt with. We
are slipping into the mire again as the tablelands, coast and more of the slopes
and western NSW is dog affected. Dogs are considered by environmental
lobbyists the darlings to restore wilderness to the high rainfall areas and save the
rangelands for regeneration still largely rabbit affected. One rabbit a hectare will
destroy regeneration including tree planting by the landcare grants as mentioned
stripping travelling stock reserves of seed endorsed by governments and these
reserves kept rabbit controlled by rates from the farming community. Not a zac
or recognition for how these seeds came about. Saved from pest animal impact
by farmers and their rates ever since these vermin were imported 1860 for
various agendas and subsidised the European fashion industry for decades as
Australia blew and washed away seed and soil. Can the fashion industry fund the
removal of foxes and rabbits. The spice industry come back and get their cats.
Asian fishermen come and muster their boat dogs. Sheep farmers paid damages
for slander and misrepresentation.
The fox fur fashion industry cost recovery was destroyed by the animal welfare
lobby likely funded by the synthetic clothing and fibre industry, such cost
recovery conservation stopped. Farmers harassed for gun ownership muchless
use. Rabbit and dog traps banned as “too cruel” by whose judgement and
consultation? Farmers blamed for rabbits, foxes, cats, pigs, dogs, carp, cane
toads….. loss of habitat over grazing, denied drought aid grazing on roadsides or
public land set to burn instead. Public lands exempt from pest control reliance on
“dingo” and a dead ground cover to starve out grazers and bury weeds in non
disturbance. Has the LLS, DPI stood the farmers friend on these issues now or in
the past? What advice have they given the Minister? Nothing can be done we’re
too comfortable to make decisions or point out inhibitory legislation. Have the
taxpayers of NSW received value for money for their public service and
academics their political representation. Many in rural NSW doubt it. If the LLS
thinks they are to only oversee farmer cooperation they are equally irrelevant.
Wild dog, dingo populations across Australia have gone out of control and wildlife
disappearing since the 1970s when a small clique of academics decided to
naturalise the dingo on the basis of a dictionary definition and in the eyes of the
law. Dingo were claimed to be persecuted and also required to retain the
“ecological balance” in other words used to control kangaroo numbers within the
dingo barrier fence. Then wild goats were targeted for control, pigs, rabbits,
farmers in the rangeland with sheep, foxes and cats disappeared from dog
country and all sorts of other fantastic theories to legitimise a 1750 pre
settlement Australia exempting the urban areas and so on. For 3500+ years
before this, Asian dingo were a suppressed managed population by the inability to
get rid of them and before rabbits were introduced to give them a guaranteed
food supply buoying their population as they exterminate wildlife of far greater
antiquity and value as never before possible. How fascinating to document and
witness the progress of chaos and not lift a finger because we call it wilderness!
Academics relying on dingo anarchy for a meal ticket are looking to more pen
trials and extrapolations trying to justify and legitimise theories about dingo
ecoservices. Experiment with the people and biodiversity of Australia paid
holidays bonding in the bush with fellows. Fascinated that dingo look after sandy
desert ecologies where rabbits avoid. Even once credible institutions like the
Australian museum hand out awards for dingo research (pen trials) promoted
over much needed medical research to alleviate human suffering. Tasmania,
Kangaroo Island, King and Flinders island to mention a few get along quite fine
without dingo and wildlife enjoy booms and thrifty populations without dingo
wild dog ecoservices. Wilderness mythology has given excuses of denying
management of our environment for the indolent and uninformed. Antarctica 200
years ago was the only true dehumanised wilderness in existence. The antisocial
can all go down there to live and we welcome the idea.
Experts do not know how many dingo are on Frazer island 170000 hectares or
what they are doing so how can they claim extrapolation onto the mainland 770
million hectares! All rural Australians know is as soon as their land becomes dog
country wildlife disappears. Just 100 dogs a year eats 30 tonne of wildlife and
kills a great deal more to feed foxes pigs crows blowflies…… Rural families and
domestic animals are under siege and no one in government really cares because
cafés and shops feed them and they have been told since day care “farmers ruin
a good wilderness.” As soon as land becomes “dog country” rodent, wallabies,
quoll, possum, echidna, bandicoot gone and farmers get the blame for “loss of
habitat” or foxes or cats not dingo or academic experts fiddling with rural
communities capacity to restore dog management and removal. Government
departments regulate farmers tools traps, poisons, skilled dogmen, access to
harbour but are not associated in the “loss of habitat” or loss of farm viability.
Loss of farm incentive or capacity to deal with pests.
Many long time observers have noted dingo are being manipulated by clandestine
cults to access farmland restored to some mythical land called wilderness. One
should issue bulldozers to various people and let them go down the coast and
wipe out a few suburbs restoring the red cedar, Morton Bay figs and rainforest to
be in keeping with this same sort of thinking. We have a very irrelevant fanatical
sect within our universities and moving on into media, law, architecture,
bureaucracy entertaining these notions and setting up committees such as this
national wild dog coordinating circus with no intention of fixing the dog problem
second to creating a career on bad advice to government naturalising the dingo
for invalid reasons in the first place. Manipulating people’s access to effective
traps, poisons, aerial baiting, access to harbour frustrating farmers ability to
protect their farms, families, domestic animals, wildlife on their land. Research to
justify theories why dingo protect wildlife are put in place retrospectively on the
basis of poorly designed pen trials. Given credibility by issuing an Order of
Australia or other public award.
This process illustrated by the Bubonic plague model where rat traps and rat
poison is declared “too cruel and dangerous” for people in the cities to access.
People are abusing the privilege of rat traps and poisons to persecute rats been in
Australia before people, rat poison kills domestic pests and is a danger to children
(non target species) so withdrawn from access unless you pay for training
refreshers every 3 years, are only allowed one regulation bait issue, half dose for
every 340 hectares and should not be placed within 500 kilometres of habitation
and only in the hands of registered operators. Training is required at a cost and
refresher courses run regularly to allow farmers to handle poisons. Baits should
be buried or placed where rats can’t find them. Someone has decided randomly
and without consultation with those implicated and suffering loss and damage,
collected up a heap of mates at a university union or a conference somewhere in
a remote seaside resort, to deny city people garbage collection, rat poison and
baits. If and when a few infected fleas arrive on a boat then people start dying of
plague. No one could have predicted it or have prevented it brought about by
climate change.
One dog affected farmer was even told by a researcher government advisor
“farmers owe them a living.” Keep the wool and meat levies rolling in to pay for
comfortable lifestyles for bureaucrats graduate clerks.
Rural minorities are being held to ransom over dingo anarchy by a network of
dingo huggers on the public purse. If anyone complains the spin doctors put on
another layer of bureaucracy to gratefully spend government budgets dedicated
to fix the problem. More regulations and bad advice for an insoluble problem of
bureaucratic making. The national wild dog junket is just another example which
has been an impediment to dog management siphoning away much needed
budgets imposing more costs for micromanaging failure. DNA dogs to determine
which are descendants of the first shipment dumped here 3500 years ago. In Asia
they raise them on rice and have them with honey soy and rice when fat.
Dingo were naturalised by lobby groups in the eyes of the law protected from
persecution (good emotive words) as a weapon to restore this thing we imported
from America called wilderness. Someone lacking in oxygen dreamed up while
hiking in the Sierras. All the city elite could have their extravagances in town and
head bush to run all over on a whim, guarded by packs of killer dingo their
hybrids and to hell with rural Australia or conservation of wildlife.
Most dingo enthusiasts as maniac power seekers like issuing cowardice
punishments to society through such as dingo anarchy. In town dogs have to be
desexed, on a leach, licenced constrained, costed out of the arms of the elderly
children’s pets, micromanaged declared dangerous dogs streets are manned to
capture unsupervised dogs. Owners of dogs that attack people or pests are
declared criminally responsible. Out in rural Australia anarchy is fine dingo ripping
up animals is cute and natural. Poisons, traps, shooting them is cruel and
“persecution.” No concern shown to barbaric massacres of wildlife and domestic
animals for the bloodlust. Animals stalked and threatened is an adrenaline rush
for the dingo fruit cakes crouched out of site on public wages in universities,
research institutions, lobby groups, government departments, Ministerial advisory
positions as experts because the people that really know dogs have been
excluded from the Ministers earshot. Dogmen assumed cannot run a slick
convincing powerpoint presentation in front of an uninformed audience. May be
they will threaten the dingo administration industry.
National pests who decides and where is the money and resources directed.
Butchering big animals to create some sense of wilderness in new tourist
destinations. Kakadu gets $18M a year yet since 1998 when the buffalo were
exterminated abundance and complexity of ground fauna has all but disappeared.
This follows the same trends observed in the southern alps wildlife abundance
disappeared with species now disappearing. Dog country is spreading and what
have the National Wild Dog Committee done about either Kakadu or Kosciuszko
the fact Australia once had more wildlife and could safely run 180M sheep and
now 63M and decreasing many areas sheep unsafe to return such as the
tablelands and coast of NSW and Victoria and central southern Queensland many
pastoral areas of Western Australia the mid to north of South Australia. Dismissed
as vagaries of commodity returns for wool and sheep products but that’s a cop
out like the $67M declared impact of dogs on Australia. Just one valley near
Tumut has been forced to destock and avoid dog impact has a recurring loss of
productivity of $3M annually. An insult rural communities have to carry and still
pay rates for services not received from LLS. NSW a decade or so ago ran 55M
sheep today 27M and many being pilfered by dogs accompanied by foxes, pigs,
crows, eagles….. These points cannot be made too often.
The farming community minority has been publically denied assistance and
treated very poorly by their governments, manipulative academics and
bureaucrats milking industry funds and resources for their own agendas little to
do with the good of the rural sector. The NSW government and its departments is
advised to withdraw support from the Invasive Animal CRC which has become
and institution for the staff and esoteric directionless research primed by some
media beat up on ecology or animal welfare destroying industry best practice for
the sake of disruption and siphoning off budgets. It is an old boys club that has
become self serving and thrives on policy failure their own bad advice. One
struggles to think of an achievement for return in many millions of dollars in
investment over a decade of more of funding. Most of these scientists would be
more gainfully employed in filling potholes in country roads.
The IACRC has soaked up massive budgets and resources to what end where
most pests have become worse. People have taken $100000s for training dogs to
chase rabbits on Macquarie island, ear tag dogs on Frazer island and so on. Glitz
and innovation. IACRC fell out of a pest animal enquiry conducted by the Federal
government in 2004 that dogs would be added to the shandy to be investigated
because the Federal government could not interfere with state matters of land
management except closure of the Victorian alps to grazing among other
The federal committee were told camel were over running central Australia aerial
culled destroying another industry in milk, meat, hair etc. and ecoservices
stopping the centre from stagnating and burning. People wanting to manage the
best camel genetics in the world were arrogantly by passed for the blood thirsty
grant seekers. The camels reported were a beat up on numbers. Camel were
mobbing because of drought and lack of water. Extrapolations of population
density were alarmist and inaccurate. Repeat performance for donkey, horses,
water buffalo helicopter gun ships for the hoons and the foxes, cats, dingo plague
by passed as being less spectacular TV footage. Aerial cull breeding vermin of
dogs, foxes, cats, pigs…. Breeding and feeding off animals shot to rot. Animal
welfare lobby missing in action as half shot animals fell into lakes, rivers, suffered
broken legs and horrific sublethal injuries at the hands of thrill seekers enjoying
public paid helicopter joy flights blowing away our nations work animals turned
loose to see out peak oil and return fulltime to ecoservices waiting for when they
may be needed again.
Henry Ford removed 150000 work horses from the streets of New York 18981912 and nothing much has changed in the thinking of industrialists shooting
camel for carbon trading for the helicopter motor bike, 4WD used to run them
down and shoot them. So which is the pest? The oil wells that leak into the
Mexican Gulf killing aquatic ecologies ever after, the iron ore mines dug up and
exported, smelted and poring fumes into the rainclouds with gay abandon. The
smog killing 1.5M Chinese a year. Pollution ending fish farming 40M tonne of
protein annually China has to find elsewhere. For every kilometre of road 10
hectares is buried in gravel cement and bitumen ripped through the wilderness
yet horses camel donkey water buffalo have “impact” on vegetation it is said!
Water buffalo globally endangered, wild camels only exist in Australia, Somali
donkey ancestor of the domestic work donkey on the IUCN endangered list with
the water buffalo. Many work horses on the rare breeds trust watch list and
people saying extinction of horses is possible with current so called environmental
thinking marginalising these animals. In the UK national parks retain managed
pony breeds to restore biodiversity to their native heath and wetlands and the
crofters of Scotland with their sheep are recognised as an essential integral part
of conservation achievements such national park is thrown over the rural
community encouraged to keep doing what they are doing including grazing such
as the Soay sheep grazing Scotland’s biodiverse heathlands for in excess of
10000 years since the ice age receded and likely returned from a previous long
association. Domestic sheep have their origins in north American and central
Asian wilderness tending a rich biodiverse alpine vegetation contradictory to myth
generated and perpetuated among the academic classes of Australia.
While the dingo ecoservices have attracted entire university research teams the
ecoservices contributed by horses, donkey, camel, water buffalo on valued
conservation land domestic sheep goats cattle etc. not a zac is afforded in fact
research legislated against in Victoria. Where was Tony Burke in this situation of
stripping the high country to burn instead and go to the dogs? The now rare frogs
are restricted to grazed cool fired private land and have disappeared off
decommissioned grazing lease. Stagnated and or incinerated because of climate
Canberra has an alternate water supply after the 2003 holocaust because of the
Brumby mobs in the Upper Murrumbidgee retaining fire safe lawns. ACT Brumby
were massacred 1987 after 100+ years of keeping the bogs fire safe. The ‘Bidgee
Brumbies just over the range are put on death row $3M thrown at their demise
when money lobbied for dog containment goes mysteriously astray and paved
meshed walking paths pop up just as mysteriously in the main range wilderness
area unintervened by human activity. Farmers told there is no money for dog
control as 100000s of sheep are forcibly destocked. Wildlife disappears and the
endangered species industry moves on a pace. The $3M dedicated to Brumby
massacre equates to the rolling loss of income carried by one rural community,
one dog affected valley forced to destock and go to town finding work to pay the
rates on their land.
Pigs can consume 300 frogs in one meal. That equates to 1-2 years of
captive breeding program to re-establish frogs back in stagnant over
grown bogs in public land. Of the 15 high country frog species 60% or 9
species are now all but disappeared. Subjected to fly in fly out recovery plans at
the publics expense. Pigs and dogs, foxes run out of abandoned public lands onto
neighbouring farms ripping up wet areas, truffles, orchid, corms, destroying
frogs, lizards, echidna, wallaby, bandicoot, pygmy possum, dunnarts and so on
and the farmers are declared destroying habitat as they resource pest removal
decade after decade on the interface of farmland and chaos. Daily they wonder
why bother feeding an irrelevant insular urban society so committed to denying
farming minorities even the most meagre services in return?
Wild dogs are harboured in public land in theory to control pigs, foxes, cats,
rabbits. Most farmers observe they feed each other and thrive on each others
activities to the demise of native species. No one is accountable for bad advice to
government and misappropriation of pest budgets with gee wiz theories. More
committees sit and deliberate the evidence of species endangerment and think up
causes. One pig on the correct soil moisture can dig up a hectare of land in 1-2
days. Large pigs can and do eat young lambs, disappear adult sheep, wallaby or
kangaroos killed by dogs they accompany. Dogs breed more pigs and foxes than
they dispatch. While pest controller are harassed about non target species caught
in the cross fire of control methods no one mentions the grossly non specific
manner of dingo pest control hoovering up anything in sight. Killed for the
practice not just for food. Greater glider, echidna, broad tooth rats side dishes to
rabbit control. Unconscionable.
Dogs, fox, cat populations are buoyed by rabbits across public lands such these
exotic carnivores move on to destroy wildlife as aside dish. This situation is put
down as the result of ‘climate change!’ If and when the region is burnt as never
before possible dogs foxes pigs cats that survive the holocaust cause also by
climate change, have a choice of hoovering up and wildlife surviving Armageddon
or head for the nearest farm grazed green and as best as possible resilient to
climate changing effects of inferno. Pest fences are generally incinerated so the
wildlife, domestic animals, habitat is done over within a few weeks by the flood of
displaced vermin that survived the impossible by sheltering down long vacated
wombat holes or sheltering on roadways or power lines through the wilderness to
be bowled by speeding tourist traffic. Tourist roads generally claim many wildlife
to feed more pests. Visitors, rushing to the wilderness resorts and too impatient
to avoid livestock or wildlife.
Pests are a matter of definition. Tourism trashing our access tracks for fire and
other destination and travelling stock routes decommissioned to prevent impact
are a disgrace. These off road tourists are also interfering with dog fox cat pig
management strategies. Destroying access tracks for pest animal controllers
volunteer fire fighters maintenance crews for power line and other facilities.
Brumbies are shot for impact on water quality however tourists are fair game as
long as they buy a beer, motel and a takeaway in town who cares they go bush
spread rubbish, cut fences, shoot livestock, steal wood, equipment, destroy
tracks and facilities. Government spends million of dollars encouraging tourism
and yet the behaviour to condone rorting rural communities is condoned as
farmers are repeatedly portrayed as ‘red necks’ and destroyers of the
environment including via the public broadcaster and public education facilities.
Bushwalkers and bushbashers are condoned and encouraged to bring money to
the towns, not the farms or public lands funded to muster killer dogs.
Our stock routes have been closed to protect the region from soil erosion and loss
of water quality. There is no legislation to address the abusive use of a vehicle on
public infrastructure. Who pays when fire fighters or power line maintenance
crews cannot use these tracks and require heavy equipment to restore
accessibility? Are these pests? As with the dog packs, rabbits etc. striping public
lands of lessees has led to an expansion of issues policing, rubbish, fire risk,
growing of illegal drugs and so on. Government again is missing in action.
Once again dogmen, pest animal controllers have been threatened by drug
growers, put at risk by bad tracks ripped up, traps and control strategies
interfered with and stolen. There is no legislative or public awareness campaigns
to protect public lands or rural minorities from these ferals.
Brumbies are resident fire fighters and retain native plant biodiversity and have
done for over 150 years yet are butchered, trapped and sent to slaughter
because of beat up media claims on “impact on water quality and soil erosion.”
Pests are a matter of definition. The hypocrisy and double standard is very
evident. Government subsidises tourist promotion. Nothing is mentioned about
expected standard of behaviour and respecting public or private property.
Farmers are on their own in drought aid and rates paid for over 100 years for
travelling stock route facilities that can be confiscated on a whim without
compensation or recourse for misrepresentation. Public paid media allowed to tell
lies and spread deception. TSRs trashed wilfully.
Noeline Franklin Brindabella NSW. This
illustrated submission is in 4 parts because of
internet restrictions please reassemble when
Brumbies are shot for claims of soil erosion and impact on water quality. Tourism
is encouraged even wreckreation on destocked stock routes once travelled by
millions of stock. So what can you track?
From a pest animal control, weed fire risk and liability across NSW public lands
need be subject to the same legislation and value system as private land.
Harbouring dangerous savage killer dogs in public lands for near neighbours to
endure threat danger and loss is unacceptable. To have this arrogantly endorsed
and put out as scientific by government is two faced and hypocritical to say the
least. From a scientific stand point a national embarrassment to call it science.
The Azaria Chamberlain case was also a tragic national embarrassment and
symptomatic of how fanatical officials can be to achieve a dingo dictatorship.
Sharks running the swimming beaches is another model of stupidity as is the
crocodile trained to pull people out of commercial tourist boats. Swim around the
streets in the event of a flood to satisfy someone’s interpretation of commercial
Somewhere one has to strike the happy medium of “pest.” Most of the dogs south
eastern Australia are less then 60% dingo who ever decided what a dingo was.
How did this happen from when dingo south of the barrier fence put up by 1914
and too late to contain the European fashion fur rabbit plaguing across Australia.
Dingo were feeding and breeding on rabbit getting rid of native rodents, stick
nest rats, hopping mice then the bandicoot, bettong, potoroo, hare wallaby
hoovered up, bridle nail tail wallaby, hairy nosed wombat massacred and given
hydatids. Dingo advocates living in denial and ‘in town.’ Recruited by the so called
environmental movement as soon as the boat or aeroplane arrives. Indoctrinated
with myth. The wildlife protected from the ravages of rabbit over grazing the fox
pig added to the shandy the intense large area bushfire and so on by stockmen
and rural communities have to now been gagged on the disappearance of our
recovered wildlife with the ‘naturalised dingo’ fed and bred to destroy farms and
families that have for generations taken pride in their clean water fire safe forests
wildflowers wildlife and so on. Lifetimes quietly committed spent weeding,
removing pests, cool burning, selectively thinning and clearing making biodiverse
vegetation fire safe and free from pest species impacts. Blow in bushwalkers with
political connections can snap their fingers abuse privileged public positions and
lay claim and not a backward glance for the responsibility for weed, fire and pest
A late session in parliament before it rises punches through a title change, the
dingo hybrids do over the wildlife within 3-5 years or less. Our public lands have
no protection from rogues. All you have to be is a vocal ‘qualified bushwalker’ to
set in progress loss of fire risk mitigation, pest species management to
insignificant impact. There is no auditing of bureaucratic achievement
Are the wildlife better off as promised?
Where have all the flowers gone and why?
What happened to the water supply and why?
Are the forests saved from logging and grazing better off and why?
Are farmers receiving fair return for their product to afford pest control?
What are the government regulations and legislation doing to facilitate pest
What about OH&S is it set up to frustrate realistic work practices?
Furphy foundry had over 100 years of good safety record among staff yet a 3 day
trained OH&S operative went through them like a tornado, close to closing them
down as unviable, cost them almost a lethal outlay and what did it achieve for
staff safety? The regs our pest animal controllers have to abide by are set up to
frustrate and manipulate, cost budgets and resources to busting point. Subject to
abuse of public office. The LLS restructure has declared pest controllers fall in line
with public service. Not allowed to use dangerous guns traps poisons off road
vehicles unless attended to and accompanied by a fully equipped medical team.
Lovely thought. If food production was left to OH&S experts we’d all be starving
within the week.
Farmers are the less than 1% of society that feeds 60-80 million people. Most are
now self employed because OH&S has destroyed farm employment. More
accidents are happening from stress and fatigue and aging community. Thanks
government, regulations a great deal has been achieved with your rule books and
inappropriate staff. Marks for judgement, zero! Provision of a supportive society,
The fox now has a pest order. Farmers are compelled to put their hand in their
pocket and stretch resources to this fashion fur item dumped here in 1870 and
the animal welfare destroyed cost recovery conservation by banning fur sales. Do
they now compensate farmers for decades of fox breeding? No they are long
gone leaving the farmer holding the baby. Farmers have no recourse for the
dingo fiasco, fox scandal, cat anarchy, pigs bred on such as Peter Garrett and
Penny Wongs Clyde holdings at Bourke let go wilderness purchased with public
money. Peter has gone back to burning midnight oil in Mosman while the
neighbours and wildlife waterways wear the pigs, dogs, cats, foxes, loss of rate
income for the region, loss of skilled staff and what ever has enjoyed the
abandoned wilderness. The promise of a tourist income a hollow disruptive hoax.
Federal government not allowed to interfere with state land management much!
Mungo station closed down for a tourist prop, restoring wilderness. So who mans
and funds pest animal weed control over there now? The anti-sheep cult having
their way and what now in provisions? Do we blame pest sheep for drying up the
lake and habitat loss? If the NSW Government supported the retention of our own
sheep wool clothing industry what would that have done for self funded pest
animal control? Too removed like city water and dingo anarchy backing no graze
policies soil con 10+ tonne to the hectare rocket fuel to bring about
permadrought, mass extinction food, and water crisis. If you are government you
can starve out your rabbits, piling up gum leaves for decades and breed up your
naturalised dingo non target specific pest controller. Manipulate legislation and
regulation to have rural minorities stood over and bullied to muster the escaping
chaos. Stall the peoples enquiries and concerns by hiring the services of an
“independent” scientists funded to come to predetermined conclusions
scientifically convincing for the city press in 20 years time when the complainants
have grown weary by despair. Several governments on, no one remembers.
BUREAUCRATS. Target the problem and it will go away.
The take home message from this submission is we need budgets directed to on
ground active removal of pests dogs, foxes, cats, pigs, rabbits.
Disband bureaucracies as a cover for unemployment because real industry and
enterprise has been closed down. Throw out restrictive, obstructive regulation
and double standard legislation dealing with public and private lands. Make best
practice control strategies agreed to by rural industry accessible to those in need
and offer appropriate support such control is feasible and effective. The cost
savings dismissing self serving bureaucracies directed to the ground where skilled
staff are supported to get on with the removal of pests.
Level playing field. Throw out the science fiction junkets. Have all bureaucrats
and academics declare their political lobby group affiliations, building their
careers on bad advice to government. Insoluble problems their own making
exposed for the fraud it is.
Budgets spent on IACRC redirected to on ground control, levies misspent on
chasing city water catchment anarchy dingo no graze water pays to deal with the
dogs pigs cats foxes bushfire weeds. Tourism levied to restore land management
values to acceptable standard for pests and fire risk. The public mindfully kept
safe from crocodile, dingo, sharks and so on. The nation under siege from savage
animals and micromanagement dictators.
The indecently restructured LLS please explain what services they provide for rate
payers also levy payers, tax payers at state federal local and industry levels Tony
Burke and contribute many voluntary unpaid for services to the environment,
water, food, biodiversity security and have done for decades and denied the
appropriate accolades. Subsidise beyond their fair share to contribute to all the
Kyoto, Rio agreements on emissions, biodiversity security and so on. Volunteer
time as PPB RLPB directors before the LLS began the junket mentality of sitting
fees over and above cost recovery for transport. To have LLS staff now say they
want nothing other than an overseeing role is ill informed and irrelevant for rural
needs. LLS is rapidly become another self service flogging an over worked rural
sector forgotten by too many layers of government.
If government is serious about pest management reap cost savings getting rid of
the academic and bureaucratic leaches and setting up trusted and skilled pest
animal control staff equipped and supported by appropriate streamlined financial
administration non interfering. Staff pest animal controllers provided with
appropriate quantity and quality of traps, poisons, rifles, access to harbour,
remote cameras as required to remove the anarchy plaguing public and private
lands. Integrated programs aimed at taking out rabbits (biological control) dogs
foxes, cats, pigs. This group of species are interdependent and at the expense of
wildlife and domestic animals judged for not only their contributions to food fibre
but ecoservices weed control, fire risk mitigation, biodiversity enhancement,
water security and so on. Without these industries the farm families too go, for
what impact? Vandalism, wreckreation, drug production…..
More dog control micromanagement is inversely proportional to wildlife
abundance, proliferation of sheep productivity.
these are general trends across states. More dogs less sheep. Tell the 2.2M
hungry Australians their government values dingo more than them. Sugar coat it
and despite the science fiction however you like dingo are destroying wildlife.
As rabbits dingo then foxes and pigs settled Australia native species disappear
especially in remotely settled areas.
Dingo has led the charge on mainland mammalian extinction and loss of
abundance and distribution. Rabbits have turbo charged this capacity. Cats and
foxes aggravated the species loss but have also provided a scapegoat. Fiddling
while Rome burns the current academic picture indicates of the 6186+ species in
NSW control and removal of dogs rabbits foxes cats pigs will assist 504 of the 972
declared threatened species.
Noeline Franklin Brindabella NSW. This
illustrated submission is in 4 parts because of
internet restrictions please reassemble when
Our city water catchments and public conservation lands are a national disgrace
for weeds pests fire hazard species lost starved butchered burnt. Currently the
LLS embodies this cultural misinformation and policy failure. On the issue of pest
animals it appears LLS is siding with NP and SF staff in denial of what has to
change and be done to fix it. Restore food water biodiversity security. There is no
or little legacy of past crown land lessee management left to exploit by doing
Nationally 446 animal species have made it onto the species obituary list. 1298
plant species have been ravaged by rabbit plague and inappropriate fire regimes,
run over by road networks and suburbia. Buried in piles of toxic gum leaves.
A recent biodiversity survey discovered high rainfall zones supported more
species however this picture is changing rapidly. Declaration of national park is
seen to be a key threatening process and time wears out the legacy of past crown
land lessees astute and committed management.
Take some now rare alpine frogs. There once was at least 15 species on the alps
and now abundance has plummeted and 9 species gone or near so since
destocking grazing leases in 1969, main range destocked in 1944. Frogs coevolve
with dinosaur from 230 million years ago. Dinosaur including those living in
Australia roamed freely in big herds and grew to 100 tonne each. No one fenced
them out of the wet areas frequented by frogs enjoying pugs built by herds of
massive dinosaur. No one fenced off the bogs from access by big animals as they
do today. No one denied or suppressed fire as they do today. Eucalypt, t tree,
bottlebrush are renowned for production of toxic surface active antibiotic oils
leached into the water if cool frequent fire is denied. Water draining these areas
is bitter black and lifeless. Toxic to soil organisms, decomposition and aquatic life.
Since the alps were destocked and fire suppressed frogs have starved in a
collapsing ecology and have succumbed to chytrid fungus skin infection as the
excess surface active oils have made them vulnerable to skin disease likely
spread by tinkering globe trotting frog researchers. What is known is that
mammalian urine is a tonic for aquatic ecologies and a slightly saline solution is
therapeutic for frogs to recover from disease.
Frogs are dying out denied bug animal ecoservices. Starvation, water catchment
dysfunction and pigs are killing them. Brumbies are not the pests but the last life
line for biodiversity. The high country needs more Brumbies not less. Frogs
coevolved with herds of dinosaur, big animals to 100 tonne each. Big animals
create habitat. Pugs, poo, water supplies everything a frog could want.
As Brumby disappear so does viable habitat and fire safe havens for biodiversity.
Water catchment values. Kosciuszko alone should be able to support over 200000
horses for positive outcomes. In the case of Brumbies. which are the pests, the
horses or the fanatics wanting them exterminated and our public lands turned to
barren canopy burn, incinerated rocks and man made desert. Who decides? Dingo
the ‘no graze’ instead groomed the weapon for city agendas and bad ecological
outcomes. No graze fire suppression builds bonfires. Where’s the environmental
impact, what is the causal agent?
Noeline Franklin Brindabella NSW. This
illustrated submission is in 4 parts because of
internet restrictions please reassemble when
Frogs love sharing bogs with pugging big animals stirring up the nutrients.
Fly in fly out frog boffins have missed the ecological factors of why the frog
populations have collapsed. Bad fire regimes, past pig population explosion. Loss
of big animal activity to manage vegetation and fire, nutrient recycling, av gas
blown onto their habitat. Our public lands are in a bad way and the same
academic failures are being imposed on the rest of rural Australia. Theorists have
done us no favours. Since water buffalo, Brumbies and donkey shot out of
Kakadu biodiversity has collapsed, starved, gone to the dogs, cats and burnt. The
public pay $18+M for this conservation achievement. $340M pa in NSW park
budget to breed dogs to destroy $5B sheep products. Propaganda sheets still
indicate dogs only cost the nation $67M pa. Which bush was this information
found under?
Queensland down 20+M sheep an annual cost of $27B in sheep alone. NT
reported 60000 calves affected 2012-13. If this was the normal reporting figures
of 33% then losses to the nation amount to $480M - $1.5B a year from the NT
and $27B QLD $28.5B not the $67M reported by the dingo huggers playing down
How do you value the depreciation of 8M hectares of high rainfall land in NSW.
Take the 3000 giga litres of water not harvested by canopy burn in alpine dog
country. Irrigators could have made $48B retail and export dollars a year out of
that renewable state product for NSW. Dear dingo habitat destocked and
incinerated. That quickly brings NT, QLD, NSW cost of dogs to $76.5B pa value
added in quick figures. $10B farm gate cost to farmers. We have not costed in
the paid for bureaucracy that delivers nothing but obstruction and costs.
water pipes have been around since Roman times. If rural communities went to
town and pulled them all out because there was no scientific evidence to support
continuing with water pipes because of the environmental impacts would any one
Traffic lights were first installed in Sydney in 1936. If they were all removed from
cities would it make a difference? If Sydney comes to rural NSW and pulls down
dog management why should we bother sending in food for domestic and export
Farmers have had their access to dog baits traps guns resources dog harbour
frustrated and yet bureaucrats and political figureheads get paid the same for
obstructing dog management! Paid for no service.