3rd Sunday of Advent - Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church


3rd Sunday of Advent - Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Parish
San Clemente, California
A Eucharistic Community Living The Good News Daily
December 16, 2012
3rd Sunday of Advent
is the season for bell choirs and brass renditions of beloved
carols. Church musicians are rounding up trumpeters and
French horn players to rehearse for Christmas liturgies. What would a
Christmas television special be without pealing bells in the closing
sequence? The joyful sounds of brass instruments herald the good news
that the Lord of the universe has entered into human history once and
forever in the poor infant Jesus.
There is another kind of bell that seems to follow us wherever we go at
this time of year—the Salvation Army bells. They remind us that not everyone has experienced the good
news of salvation yet. There are many who suffer while others wallow in abundance. Today’s scriptures
remind us that the Lord is with us to save us from our sinfulness, so that justice, love, and peace might reign
at last in the world. Then all God’s people will be able to rejoice.
—Virginia Stillwell - Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:30p.m. Sunday: 7, 9, 11a.m., 1p.m. (Sp), and 5:30p.m. Daily Mass: M-F 7a.m., 8:30a.m.; Sat 8a.m.
Reconciliation: Saturday 4-5 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: M-F 9a.m.-9p.m.; Sat 9a.m.-5p.m.; Sun 2p.m.-5p.m.
105 N. La Esperanza • San Clemente, CA 92672 • 949-492-4101 • Fax 949-492-4856
Welcome to Our Lady of Fatima Parish
December 16—23
Zep 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-6; Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18
All Masses
Monthly Food Drive
8:45am - 10:15am
Child Care
9am Mass
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
After 9am Mass (10-10:45am)
Children's Choir rehearsal
9am & 11am Masses
Coffee & Donuts
pick up grocery bag after Mass
kids 12 mos. up to age 4
kids preK thru 4th grade
Family chapel / yates2@cox.net
after Mass / McGowan Hall
Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17
Bridge Group—beginners & seniors
McGowan Hall E
Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25
McGowan Hall E
Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25
Reconciliations (Bilingual)
Faith Formation for Children
Mission hospital nurse visit
Reconciliations (Bilingual)
McGowan Hall E / see pg. 4
Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-6; Lk 1:26-38
Bible Study
Bible Study
McGowan Hall A
McGowan Hall E
Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21; Lk 1:39-45
Reconciliations (Bilingual)
1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56
6:30am - 8am
Catholic Men’s Fellowship
McGowan Hall E / see pg. 4
Mi 5:1-4a; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; Heb 10:5-10; Lk 1:39-45
All Masses
Monthly Food Drive
8:45am - 10:15am
Child Care
9am Mass
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
After 9am Mass (10-10:45am)
Children's Choir rehearsal
9am & 11am Masses
Coffee & Donuts
food collected at all Masses
kids 12 mos. up to age 4
kids preK thru 4th grade
Family chapel / yates2@cox.net
after Mass / McGowan Hall
December 16, 2012
3rd Sunday of Advent
From our Pastor, Fr. Michael P. Hanifin
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Wednesday, December 19
9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
Friday, December 21
9:00 a.m. (Bilingual)
Christmas Eve
Monday, December 24
8:30 a.m. (English daily Mass)
4:00 p.m. (English in Church)
4:00 p.m. (English in McGowan Hall)
6:00 p.m. (English)
9:00 p.m. (English)
Tuesday, December 25
9 a.m. (English)
11 a.m. (English)
1 p.m. (Spanish)
Tuesday, January 1
Solemnity of Mary,
Mother of God
8:30 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. (English)
ear Parishioners and Friends of Our Lady of Fatima,
The Third Sunday of Advent is called “Gaudete” Sunday
because today’s Mass begins with the opening antiphon,
“Gaudete in Domino semper” (“Rejoice in the Lord always”). On the Third Sunday of Advent the rose candle of
the Advent wreath is lit, and the priest may wear rose colored vestments to express our communal joy in the coming
of Jesus as our Savior. We rejoice because we are celebrating the day of Christ’s birth; we recognize his daily presence in our midst; and we
wait for his return in glory. The theme of today’s readings is the
command "Rejoice!" We mainly do so by realizing the presence
of Jesus in our midst and by receiving him into our lives through
our repentance, our renewal of life, and by doing God’s will in
every aspect of our lives.
From December 17 through December 24 the readings from
Mass take on a new significance. For one thing, we start off with
the so called “O Antiphons” at Mass and Evening Prayer which
describe Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of the promise of a Messiah who is a descendent of King David. The readings change from our wait for the
second coming of Jesus at the end of time to his first coming as a babe in a manger
in the little town of Bethlehem.
This past Sunday, our new bishop, the Most Reverend Kevin W.
Vann, was installed as the fourth Bishop of Orange. When I arrived at the Crystal Cathedral (the soon to be Christ Cathedral)
for the Evening Prayer, I was amazed at the huge crowd that
turned out for the celebration. I ran into a Fort Worth couple
who told me how lucky we are to have Bishop Vann as the new
bishop. My encounters with Bishop Vann in the last few months
have been equally positive. The Mass of Installation was on
Monday afternoon, December 10, at the Bren Center at the University of California, Irvine. That arena holds 15,000 people and there were many
friends of Bishop Vann, as well as bishops and priests, from all over the United
I wish to end this letter with an expression of gratitude to newly retired Bishop Tod
D. Brown. He led the Diocese of Orange through the most trying time in its history.
He brought warmth and compassion to those impacted by the clergy sexual abuse
crisis. He opened the door for the diocese to purchase the Crystal Cathedral, providing the Diocese of Orange with a suitable place for our diocesan celebrations
and events. We offer him our best wishes in his retirement.
Gratefully yours in Christ the Good Steward,
Father Michael P. Hanifin
Welcome to Our Lady of Fatima Parish
Members of our parish prayer shawl ministry "Work of Our Hands" traveled to the Sisters of St. Joseph mother house in Orange last Thursday to
participate in a special ritual. The ministry makes prayer blankets for
patients at Mission Hospital but first they are transported to Orange to be
blessed with the hope that they be a reminder of God's love and comfort
for those that receive them. Our members hands were also blessed as
they continue this good work. Pictured from l to r, Marlene Manning,
Rita Ergas, Maria Ayala (Mission Hospital outreach nurse), Annice
Douglas, Susan Meyers and Mary Jones.
Parish Office schedule
The following is the Parish office schedule during the
Monday, Dec. 24
Tuesday, Dec. 25
Wednesday, Dec. 26
Thursday, Dec. 27
Friday, Dec. 28
Saturday, Dec. 29
Sunday, Dec. 30
Monday, Dec. 31
Tuesday, Jan. 1
Wednesday, Jan. 2
Thursday, Jan. 3
Friday, Jan. 4
Children’s Christmas Eve Choir
Come Home for Christmas
Campaign Week Three
Our Lady of Fatima Parishioners are invited participate in
the Come Home for Christmas Campaign. Our parishioners are asked to be the Lord’s instrument to bring home
for Christmas those family members or friends who are
away from their Catholic Faith. In this third week of the
Season of Advent process we are asked to hand deliver a
copy of the parish bulletin (that includes the schedule of
Christmas Masses) to the person we are praying for, along
with a handout on how to make a good Confession. And
please continue to pray for that person who has been
away from the regular practice of their Catholic faith.
If you have any questions regarding Come Home for
Christmas contact Fr. Mike at the parish office (949-4924101).
All children in the 4th grade and older are invited to join
the Children’s Christmas Eve Choir. This choir will sing
for the 4pm Mass on Christmas Eve.
Remember a Loved One with a
Red Christmas Poinsettia
Rehearsals take place from 10–10:45am (following the
9am Mass) on December 16 and 23. There is also a rehearsal on Saturday, December 22 in the afternoon. If you
are interested, please contact Kathy Yates at 366-1083 or
Catholic Men’s Fellowship Meeting
FREE Nurse Visits at OLF
Talk with a Mission Hospital nurse in a private setting
regarding your health questions and concerns including
nutritional counseling, coping with life changes, blood
pressure counseling, and resources for you and your family. There is no charge for this service and no appointment
is necessary. Just drop by Room E in McGowan Hall on
Wednesday, December 19 between 4pm – 6pm. For more
information contact Maria Ayala, Mission Hospital nurse,
at 364-1400, x5063.
Remember a loved one by donating a red poinsettia that
will be used to decorate our Church for Christmas. Please
drop off the poinsettias at the Church on Saturday, December 22, between 9am and noon.
Saturday, December 22, 6:30am – 7:55am
“How is Advent going for you?”
Catholic Men’s Fellowship is a group of men who discuss
topics about faith, fatherhood, and fraternity through
Catholic eyes. We meet in McGowan Hall on the 2nd and
4th Saturday mornings of each month. And in January
we're adding Thursday evening meetings! Our casual setting allows us to share modern issues that are up-close
and personal. Come hang with the guys, get more from
your Church, and make genuine friends with people like
yourself. Contact Gil Manalo at
manalo.design@gmail.com or Jim Ryder at
December 16, 2012
3rd Sunday of Advent
Year End Giving 2012
Liturgy of the Word for Children
Changes in the tax laws are certain to happen in 2013.
This means there is a greater incentive for our OLF parishioners to make charitable gifts before the year's end.
Please contact Ron Runolfson or Fr. Mike at the parish
office (949-492-4101) for more information or to facilitate a year end gift of securities. Remember – gifts must
be postmarked on or before December 31, 2012 to count
as a 2012 tax deduction.
Will not take place on December 23rd and
December 30th. It will resume on January 6th.
Knights of Columbus
Corporate Communion –
The Knights’ Corporate Communion will
take place on Sunday, December 30. Prospective members and their families are
invited to join current Knights at the 9am Mass. Seating is
in the first few pews on the music side of the church. Immediately following Mass, a buffet breakfast will be
served at Bella Colina Towne and Golf Club in San
Clemente. Prospective members and their families will be
the guests of the Knights. Please RSVP to Roy Calvetti @
royvetti@gmail.com or 949-361-1729. What a wonderful
way to end the year and what a great kick off 2013!
OLF Men’s Retreat 2013
All parish men and friends are invited to our annual 3-day
retreat on Friday, January 25 through Sunday, January 27,
2013. This year’s theme is “Remember and experience
the life-giving embrace of the compassion of Christ.”
The retreat is being held at the Mater Dolorosa Passionist
Retreat Center in Sierra Madre. It is a spectacular location
offering a prayerful and thoughtful environment along
with excellent food and accommodations. The suggested
donation of $195 covers your accommodations for two
nights and five meals. A deposit of $50 will reserve your
Please contact Doyle Manning at 949-369-9612 or Eduardo Jimenez at 949-584-9680 for information.
This is a wonderful opportunity to join with fellow parishioners and men from other Catholic parishes to express
and rekindle your faith!
This program takes place during the 9am Mass. Children
4 years (pre-k) through grade 4 are sent from the main
assembly to a nearby space where they celebrate the Liturgy of the Word in a simplified, yet equivalent format.
Children in grades 1-4 return at the offertory. Pre-k and
kindergarteners remain with their leaders until the end of
Mass when they are picked up in the school kindergarten
classroom by a parent. Pre-registration is NOT required to
attend. This ministry currently has openings for leaders
and teen assistants. Leaders must have a love of both the
Liturgy and an understanding of effective communication
with children and be willing to serve on a rotating basis
every 4-6 weeks. Training is provided. Please contact Liz
Pederson at 492-8631 or Rosa Rama at 492-4101 or
Save the date!
JANUARY 27, 2013
10am – 1pm
Educating Students to Become Catholic Leaders
of the 21st Century!
Our Lady of Fatima Parish School is a 21st century learning community, fully accredited by WCEA/WASC, and
staffed by credentialed professionals. The school’s Catholic identity permeates instruction from kindergarten to
eighth grade. Our Lady of Fatima students are ambassadors to the global community, demonstrating excellence
in academic expectations, athletics, fine arts, world languages, and authentic service learning. Please inquire at
our school office for ongoing enrollment, prospective enrollment for 2013-14, and need-based scholarships. Call
our Admissions Office at (949) 492-7320 or email
cclark@olfschool.net for more info!
Welcome to Our Lady of Fatima Parish
COME LET US ADORE HIM - Eucharistic Adoration
"The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love."--John Paul II.
Weekly Offertory Report
December 9
Received during week
Electronic giving
$ 9,078
$ 6,725
$ 9,936
$ 26,419
Maintenance Fund
Retired Religious Fund
$ 1,022
$ 3,459
We at Our Lady of Fatima are blessed with the opportunity to visit Jesus in
the quiet and worshipful surroundings of our Adoration Chapel from 9am to
9pm Monday through Friday and 9am to 4:30pm on Saturday. Come and be
blessed with the Lord's presence, whether for an hour or just a few minutes
of your busy day.
Father Michael Hanifin’s Book of Homilies:
“God’s Word Alive”
For those who make a financial contribution to the Our Lady of Fatima
Church building fund Father Mike would like to give you (while supplies
last) the gift of his collection of Sunday homilies including his jokes. Copies of the book are available at the parish office. Make your check payable
to Our Lady of Fatima Church and on the memo line include the words:
building fund.
Sign up for Online
Giving at
Please Patronize the Advertisers
Our parish bulletin is paid for by those who advertise in it. Our Lady of Fatima Parish does not pay for it. The parish
does get a nominal check from JS Paluch – the company that prints the bulletin – based on those who pay to advertise
their business. Please support the merchants, businesses and organizations that advertise and let them know that you saw
their ad in the parish bulletin at Our Lady of Fatima. And please encourage those businesses you know to consider advertising in the OLF parish bulletin.
Mass Intentions
Monday 12/17
7a.m. Jacinta Rivera
8:30a.m. Ruby June Stack
Tuesday 12/18
7a.m. Frances Krevalis
8:30a.m. Elsie Coward
Wednesday 12/19
7a.m. Michael Horn
8:30a.m. Eugene Neikirk
Thursday 12/20
7a.m. Jeffrey & Dorothy Julian
8:30a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Tan
Friday 12/21
7a.m. Marc Russell
8:30a.m. Steven Herman
Frances Herman
Saturday 12/22
8a.m. Michael Juul
Tom Butler
We pray for all the sick
Rebecca Morales
Jose Lara
John Ornellas
Dalia Ornellas
Jacqueline Nowak
Rosemary Kern
Lina Melissano
John Dempsey
Angela Rosales
Victoria Jung
Juana V. Villalobos
Daveen Nichols
Jim Ireland
Debbie Stranahan
Larry Mountford
Chris Fort
Kathleen Schouten
Dona White
Lilly Needham
Sabina Monroe
Sally Hoy
Rocio Caudillo
Sarai Morales
Edward Lesneski
and for our beloved dead
Guillermina Rangel
Dorris Write-Walrose
Luella Lenahan
Donald Ronald
Wanda Perrault
Carmelita Rollins
Lorna Seno Gio
Weldon Carroll
Irene Frydrychowski
Anthony Mastrangelo
Rose Sullivan
Irma Zarco
Filogonio Franco
Basilisa Barrera
Basilio Perez
Ramon Lopez
and all victims of
war and violence.
Office Phone: 492-4101
Pastor, Fr. Mike Hanifin
ext. 111
Parochial Vicar, Fr. William Hubbard
ext. 113
Pastoral Associate for Discipleship &
Outreach, Robin Margraf
ext. 117
Business & Facilities, Ron Runolfson
ext. 102
Faith Formation, Rosa Rama
ext. 119
Office Manager/Bulletin Editor
Lourdes Rojas - lrojas@olfchurch.net
ext. 101
Our Lady of Fatima Parish School
Principal, Mrs. Beate Nguyen, M.A. 492-7320 -
bnguyen@olfschool.net / www.olfschool.net
For a complete listing of pastoral staff
please visit us at www.olfchurch.net
Bienvenidos a la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima
Hombres Interesados en el Sacerdocio Diocesano
Reporte del Ofertorio
9 de diciembre
Canasta regular
Recibido durante la semana
Fondo de Mantenimiento
Fondo de Religiosos Retirados
Regístrese para donar
en línea visitando
La Oficina de Vocaciones les invita cordialmente a la tarde de Discernimiento Sacerdotal. El propósito es familiarizar a los hombres
interesados con la vida, el rezo, y la posible llamada al sacerdocio
en la Diócesis de Orange. No hay compromiso de su parte, con
excepción de la expresión del interés de participar. La próxima
tarde de “Discernimiento Sacerdotal” será llevara a cabo el martes
11 de diciembre de 2012 a las 6:45P.M. en la Capilla de Centro
Marywood. Por favor, dele un pensamiento serio a esta invitación.
“La cosecha es abundante pero los trabajadores son pocos; pidan al
amo de la cosecha que envíe trabajadores para
su cosecha. “(Mt 9:37 - 38) Si tienen cualquier pregunta con respecto al discernimiento
sacerdotal, póngase en contacto con el Director de Vocaciones, el Padre John Moneypenny al (714)282-3046, o vía email a
Consulta gratis de una enfermera en la parroquia
Este Miércoles 19 de diciembre
Vengan y dialoguen en privado con una enfermera del Hospital Mission sobre preguntas y preocupaciones de salud; incluyendo el asesoramiento alimenticio, enfrentando los cambios de la vida, consejos sobre presión arterial y recursos
para usted y su familia. Las visitas son el tercer miércoles de cada mes entre 4 y 6pm. La consulta es totalmente gratis.
Para mas información favor de llamar a Maria Ayala, enfermera del Hospital Mission al 364-1400 x 5063.
Lecturas de hoy
Primera lectura
¡Canta! ¡Da gritos de júbilo!
¡Gózate y regocíjate! El Señor tu
Dios está entre ustedes y es un
poderoso salvador
(Sofonías 3:14-18a).
El Señor es mi Dios y salvador
(Isaías 12).
Segunda lectura
¡Alégrense! El Señor está cerca.
Presenten sus peticiones a Dios
(Filipenses 4:4-7).
Juan dice a sus oyentes que
compartan sus posesiones
con los necesitados
(Lucas 3:10-18).
Lecturas de la semana
Lunes 12/17
Gn 49:2, 8-10; Sal 72 (71):1-4ab,
7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17
Martes 12/18
Jer 23:5-8; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 12-13,
18-19; Mt 1:18-25
Miércoles 12/19
Jue 13:2-7, 24-25a; Sal 71 (70):
3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lc 1:5-25
Jueves 12/20
Is 7:10-14; Sal 24 (23):1-6;
Lc 1:26-38
Viernes 12/21
Cant 2:8-14 o Sof 3:14-18a;
Sal 33 (32):2-3, 11-12, 20-21;
Lc 1:39-45
Sábado 12/22
1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd;
Lc 1:46-56
Domingo 12/23
Mi 5:1-4a; Sal 80 (81) :2-3, 15-16,
18-19; Heb 10:5-10; Lc 1:39-45
Oremos por los enfermos
Rebecca Morales
Jose Lara
John Ornellas
Dalia Ornellas
Jacqueline Nowak
Rosemary Kern
Lina Melissano
John Dempsey
Angela Rosales
Victoria Jung
Juana V. Villalobos
Daveen Nichols
Jim Ireland
Debbie Stranahan
Larry Mountford
Chris Fort
Kathleen Schouten
Dona White
Lilly Needham
Sabina Monroe
Sally Hoy
Rocio Caudillo
Sarai Morales
Edward Lesneski
y por nuestros queridos fallecidos
Guillermina Rangel
Dorris Write-Walrose
Luella Lenahan
Donald Ronald
Wanda Perrault
Carmelita Rollins
Lorna Seno Gio
Weldon Carroll
Irene Frydrychowski
Anthony Mastrangelo
Rose Sullivan
Irma Zarco
Filogonio Franco
Basilisa Barrera
Basilio Perez
Ramon Lopez
y por todas las victimas
de la guerra y violencia.
16 de diciembre del 2012
Sacramento de
Miércoles, 19 de diciembre
9:00 a.m. y 7:00 p.m. (Bilingue)
Viernes, 21 de diciembre
9:00 a.m. (Bilingue)
Noche Buena
Lunes, 24 de Diciembre
8:30 a.m. ( Misa diaria en Ingles)
4:00 p.m. (Ingles en la Iglesia)
4:00 p.m. (Ingles en el salon)
6:00 p.m. (Ingles)
9:00 p.m. (Ingles)
Martes, 25 de Diciembre
9:00 a.m. (Ingles)
11:00 a.m. (Ingles)
1:00 p.m. (Español)
Martes, 1ro de Enero
Solemnidad de Maria
Madre de Dios
3º Domingo de Adviento
De nuestro Párroco, Padre Michael P. Hanifin
ueridos parroquianos y amigos de Nuestra Señora
de Fátima,
El tercer domingo de adviento se llama “Gaudete” porque la
Misa de hoy comienza con la apertura: “Gaudete en semper del
dominó” (“Regocíjate en el Señor siempre”). El tercer domingo
de adviento se enciende también la vela de color rosa de la corona de adviento, y el sacerdote puede usar vestiduras de color
rosado para expresar nuestra alegría en la venida de Jesús como
nuestro Salvador. Nos alegramos porque: a) estamos celebrando el
día del nacimiento de Cristo, (b) reconocemos su presencia diaria en
nuestra vida, (c) esperamos su regreso en gloria. El tema de las lecturas de hoy es “Regocíjate” Hacemos esto, principalmente realzando
la presencia de Jesús en nuestro medio y recibiéndolo en nuestras
vidas con arrepentimiento, nuestra renovación de vida y por hacer la
voluntad de Dios en cada aspecto de nuestras vidas.
Comenzando mañana 17 de diciembre y hasta el 24 de diciembre; las
lecturas toman un nuevo significado. Por una parte comenzamos con
el “O Antiphons” rezo en la Misa y la oración de la tarde que describe a Jesús Cristo como el cumplimiento de la promesa del Mesías
como descendiente del rey David. Las lecturas cambian de la espera de la segunda venida de Jesús a finales de los tiempos, al nacimiento en un establo de un bebé en la pequeña
ciudad de Belén.
El pasado domingo, nuestro nuevo Obispo el Reverendísimo Kevin W. Vann fue instalado como el Cuarto Obispo de Orange. Cuando llegué; la Catedral de Cristal (pronto será
Catedral de Cristo) para la oración de la tarde me sorprendió la
enorme muchedumbre que asistió a la celebración. Encontré a una
pareja de Forth Worth quienes me dijeron que somos afortunados
de tener al Obispo Vann como nuestro nuevo obispo. Mi encuentro
con el Obispo Vann en los últimos meses ha sido igualmente positivo. La Misa de instalación fue por la tarde el lunes 10 de diciembre en el Centro Bren de la Universidad de California en Irvine. La
Arena tiene capacidad para 15 mil personas y había muchos amigos del Obispo Vann, así como obispos, y sacerdotes de todas partes de los Estados Unidos.
Deseo terminar esta carta con una expresión de gratitud al reciente obispo jubilado Tod
D. Brown. Él condujo la Diócesis de Orange durante el tiempo más crítico de su historia.
Él trajo calor y compasión a los afectados por la crisis sexual del abuso del clero. Él dio la
autorización para comprar la Catedral de Cristal en donde ahora la Diócesis de Orange
tendrá un lugar conveniente para las celebraciones y acontecimientos diocesanos. Le ofrecemos nuestros mejores deseos en su retiro.
Agradecidísimo en Cristo el Buen Administrador,
8:30 a.m. y 10:00 a.m. (Ingles)
Padre Michael P. Hanifin
Bienvenidos a la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima
Diciembre 16—23
Misa Dominical
Alcohólicos Anónimos
4 - 6pm
Reconciliaciones (Bilingüe)
Visita de enfermera del Hospital de Mission
Formación de Fe para Niños
Reconciliaciones (Bilingüe)
Salón Parroquial E
salones de la escuela
Reconciliaciones (Bilingüe)
Misa Dominical
Horario de la oficina parroquial
El 21 de diciembre se tendrá una posada/
pastorela (obra de teatro del nacimiento de
Jesús) a las 7 de la noche en el salón parroquial. Traigan especialmente a sus hijos
para que puedan
aprender el significado
de estas fiestas.
Los esperamos.
El siguiente es el horario de la oficina
parroquial durante estas fiestas::
Lunes, 24 de Dic.
Martes, 25 de Dic.
Miércoles, 26 de Dic.
Jueves, 27 de Dic.
Viernes, 28 de Dic.
Sábado, 29 de Dic.
Domingo, 30 de Dic.
Lunes, 31 de Dic.
Martes, 1 de Ene.
Miércoles, 2 de Ene.
Jueves, 3 de Ene.
Viernes, 4 de Ene.
Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Fátima
San Clemente, California
Una Comunidad Eucaristía Viviendo La Buena Noticia Diariamente
16 de diciembre del 2012
3º Domingo de Adviento
ste es el tiempo de villancicos interpretados por coros de
campanas y con instrumentos de metal. Los directores de coro
andan juntando a los trompetistas y a los que tocan cornetas francesas
para ensayar las liturgias de Navidad. ¿Qué sería un programa especial en
la televisión sin campanas, que repiquen en la secuencia final? El alegre
ritmo de los instrumentos de metal anuncia la buena nueva de que el
Señor del universo ha entrado en la historia humana de una vez y para
siempre en el niñito pobre, Jesús.
Hay otra clase de campana que parece seguirnos a dondequiera que vamos durante este tiempo del año y
son las campanas del Salvation Army. Ellas nos recuerdan que no todos han experimentado aun la buena
nueva de la salvación. Hay muchos que sufren mientras que otros están sumidos en la abundancia. Las
lecturas de hoy nos recuerdan que el Señor está con nosotros para salvarnos de nuestros pecados, y para que
reine así por fin la justicia, el amor y la paz en el mundo. Entonces todas las personas en el pueblo de Dios
podrán alegrarse.
—Virginia Stillwell - Derechos de autor © 2012, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados.
Horario de las Misas
Sábado: 5:30p.m. Domingo: 7, 9, 11a.m., 1p.m. (Esp), y 5:30p.m. Misas Diarias: L-V 7a.m., 8:30a.m., Sábado 8a.m.
Confesiones: Sábado 4-5p.m. Adoración Eucarística: L-V 9a.m.-9p.m.; Sábado 9a.m.-5p.m.; Domingo 2p.m.-5p.m.
105 N. La Esperanza • San Clemente, CA 92672 • 949-492-4101 • Fax 949-492-4856