July 12, 2015 - St. Eugene Parish
July 12, 2015 - St. Eugene Parish
St. Eugene Parish Chicago, IL 60656 THE VOICE Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 Rectory 7958 W. Foster 773/775-6659 Fax 773/775-2832 churchoffice@st-eugene.org www.st-eugene.org School 7930 W. Foster 773/763-2235 Fax 773/763-2775 www.steugene-school.org Convent Spiritual Center Verbum Dei Sisters 7920 W. Foster 773/467-0295 vdeichicago@comcast.net SUNDAY MASSES: (5:30 PM Saturday), 7:00, 9:30, 11:30 AM, 4:30 PM WEEKDAYS: 6:30, 9:00 AM (8:30 AM Saturday) CONFESSIONS: Saturdays from 4:00—5:00 PM in the Reconciliation Room. BAPTISMS: 1st & 3rd Sundays at 1:00 PM. Baptismal Preparation Class the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM in the rectory. Please telephone the rectory to register. WEDDINGS: Arrangements must be made 6 months in advance with one of the Priests. Weddings are celebrated for registered parishioners of St. Eugene Parish. PARISHIONERS: When moving in or out of St. Eugene Parish, please notify the rectory. YOUR WILL: Remember the church in your bequests. CHURCH ETIQUETTE: The priest should be the last in, and first out of church. Parish Staff Rev. George Koeune, Pastor Rev. James J. O’Brien, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Grzegorz Wójcik Associate Pastor Rev. Philip J. Grib, S.J., Resident Senior Deacon Edward O’Leary Deacon Jim Cozzo, Jr. Deacon Chick O’Leary, Business Manager Ms. Catherine Scotkovsky, Principal Mrs. Janet Kusinski, Assistant Principal Dr. James E. Bergman, Director of Music Mr. Vincent Hilado, Assist. Director of Music Mrs. Barbara Meier, Bulletin Editor Mrs. Joanna Bischof, Mrs. Pat Conlon, Mrs. Kathleen Kon & Mrs. Terri Swiderski, Receptionists Please TURN OFF any electronic devices before entering the church for Mass or any other Liturgical service. Please do NOT park in front of church to ensure emergency vehicle access. There are ample parking spaces provided on the north side, to the rear of the church and the Shaunessy Center parking lot. Page Two St. Eugene Parish Welcome, visitors and guests, to St. Eugene Church and Parish. Please sign our guest register in the rear vestibule and let our ushers know if you need a taxi or need to use a phone. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time RECTORY HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:00 - 11:30 am & 12:30 - 8:00 pm (closed for lunch: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm) SATURDAY & SUNDAY: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign I wanted to give an update on some of the projects we are hoping to accomplish in the next few months. Playground equipment has been ordered and the new playground for the children should be in place at the beginning of our new school year. This past Wednesday Mr. Chick O’Leary and I met with an architect regarding updating our church bathrooms. Both of these projects will have an estimated cost around $170,000 dollars. There is good and bad news regarding the playground and bathroom projects. The good news is that we are going forward. The bad news is that we are using our savings to fund the projects. As you may recall from the campaign drive last year, we have already dipped into our savings to cover the cost of our church air -conditioning unit. Although monies are coming in, the parish bank account will need to be replenished before any more projects can be addressed. I am thankful for those who responded to our To Teach Who Christ Is campaign. Some parishioners have been very generous. Unfortunately, roughly only twenty-percent of our families responded to our campaign. It is hoped that parishioners who have not responded will do so once they see our new bathrooms and playground for the children. Every amount given truly helps our parish and archdiocese. Some people are unclear on how to fulfill their pledge or how to contribute. The green envelope in your monthly packets is the way you can contribute to the Teach Who Christ Is campaign. An example of the envelope has been printed below my article. I want to thank you for helping our parish and for taking care of God’s house. I know your generosity will be rewarded. Yours in Christ, Bulletin copy MUST be in the rectory office NO LATER THAN 12:00 NOON EACH MONDAY. Copy material received past the deadline will not be published in The Voice until the following weekend—NO EXCEPTIONS. July 12, 2015 St. Eugene Parish Page Three THIS WEEKEND BLESSING OF EXPECTANT MOTHERS AFTER THE 9:30 AM MASS SENT BY GOD In Amos’ time the vocation of prophet had achieved a very formal status in Israel. The prophets had arisen, originally, to act as God’s voice when Israel was no longer led by the spiritual/civil figures known as “judges,” but by monarchs. Over time, the monarchy had appropriated the offices of priest and prophet, established them into companies, and reserved the right to appoint courtly prophets. Then, as now, when those in power also got to choose who would act as their official conscience, things sometimes went awry. At such times, God raised up prophets from unlikely places, and this is how Amos received his vocation as prophet. In last week’s Gospel we heard how Jesus was raised up as God’s anointed from a place many viewed as unlikely. As we continue to discern our own vocation as baptized disciples, we can be assured that we are, in Paul’s words, “chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will” (Ephesians 1:11). July 5, 2015 Regular Sunday Offering $ 13,037 Electronic Giving Weekly Average June (four week average) $ 1,216 Total $ 14,253 Sunday Budget 2014-15 $ 16,000 Over / (short) $ 1,747 To Teach Who Christ Is $ 2,396 Sharing Parish $ 44 THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR PARISH. YOUR EFFORTS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED. We have over 85 donors on Give Central and we continue to see our online giving grow. You can now visit our giving page by going to our web site (www.st-eugene.org) Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. FOOTBALL MANIA TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE AT THE RECTORY DURING REGULAR OFFICE HOURS. Find St. Eugene on SUNDAY MONDAY 12 NO ACTIVITIES 13 Facebook! ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM TUESDAY 14 NO ACTIVITIES WEDNESDAY 15 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus: CH THURSDAY 16 NO ACTIVITIES FRIDAY 17 NO ACTIVITIES SATURDAY 18 10:00 am AA.SCH.RH SUNDAY 19 NO ACTIVITIES FACILITY CODES CH CV REC.MR SCH.110 SCH.RH SH.CTR SH.CTR+MR SH.MR Church Convent Rectory Meeting Room School Room 110 Ryan Hall Shaunessy Center Shaunessy Center & Meeting Room Shaunessy Center Meeting Room Page Four St. Eugene Parish ADORATION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT Mondays in church 12:00 NOON - 8:00 pm with Benediction at 7:45 pm ISIS has started to offer Christian and Yazidi girls as sex slaves to fellow terrorists as prizes for those who have mastered the Koran. Yazidi are a religious minority community in Iraq. Pray for the suffering women and girls in the Middle East. WEAR ORANGE!! PLEASE COME -- VISIT JESUS POPE FRANCIS TWEET FOR THE WEEK A great challenge: stop ruining the garden which God has entrusted to us so that all may enjoy it. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BECOME A PARISHIONER OF ST. EUGENE PARISH, WE WELCOME YOU TO PLEASE STOP BY THE RECTORY OFFICE DURING REGULAR OFFICE HOURS. M-F 9 am - 8 pm, SAT – SUN 9 am - 1 pm Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Prayer with Scripture We invite you to an encounter of prayer where you can stop from the hurry of the moment and listen to God through God’s Word, in silence, meditation, adoration and contemplation. In this short but intense time, we listen to a talk that introduces us into the understanding of the Word of God, which later, we reflect on and meditate in an attitude of faith, discovering what God is trying to reveal to us. The prayer is accompanied by the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with songs to help the faithful enter more into prayer. As the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God. Psalm 42,2 Every Tuesday in Spanish - 7:00 pm Every Wednesday in English - 7:00 pm Every Thursday in Polish - 7:30 pm Every Thursday in Filipino - 7:00 pm St. Eugene Convent 7920 W. Foster, Chicago IL 60656 For more information please contact the convent at:773-467-0295 ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY After our close-out meeting, NO ONE had signed up for Hostess & Assistants for our meetings of September 2015 - April 2016. If you forgot to sign-up and are willing to be a “Hostess” , please call Lois at: 773-7741511 no later than July 31. The months of November, December and April have already been taken. Unfortunately, if we don’t get volunteers, we will not have any hospitality after those meetings. Parishioner Contact Update To help us keep our records current, please print the information below and drop the form in the collection basket or at the rectory. Thank you. Last Name _________________________ First Name __________________ M/M, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss Last Name _________________________ First Name __________________ M/M, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss Address ________________________________________ City __________________ Zip code ________ Email address: _____________________________ Email address: ______________________________ Phone # (Home) _______________________ Cell # ___________________ Cell # __________________ July 12, 2015 St. Eugene Parish Page Five Page Six St. Eugene Parish July 12, 2015 PLEASE PRAY For the Sick: Pat Apida, Robert Apida, Rosemary Beyak, Baby Jeremy Brigante, Arthur Bronski, Francine Bruno, Rosa Canepa, Cathy Cassettari, Franco Chiappetta, Infant Liam Thomas Clark, Mirna Cozzo, Ed Czerwinski, Ron DiCicilia, Marge Dyson, Don Feist, Carol Gasiorek, Robert W. Gelfond, Gloria Gera, Rev. Bob Grib, S.J., Michelle & Shaun Hamilton, Tim Heider, Patricia Imburgia, Kathy Jeskey, Linda Knight, Katherine Koeune, Olga Kykta, Rose Marie La Coppola, Vernon Lipps Jr., Rosaria Lombardo, Rosina Macak, Helen Manda, Rose Mary Maratto, Rosemary Marinello, John Masley, Dennis Mikulski, Nick Milazzo, Michael C. Muscarello, Virginia Muscarello, Lou Nava, Leo Navickis, Dorothy O’Leary, Robynn O’Leary, Lois Pallo, Bertha Pappalardo, Isaac Parris, Lena Pighini, Norma Quilici, Gerry Randazzo, Charlotte Rice, Rita Rogers, John Ruberti, Teresa Ruberti, Theresa Samborski, Jerry Schippers, Joanne Schippers, John Schuster, Michael Shannon, Yolanda Shannon, Dean Showalter, Michael Solberg, Emily Steckiewicz, Maxine Stefanowski, Maria Tenuta, Rev. Fred Tomzik, Beverly Wijas, Louanne Will, Mary Ann Zulawinski and for those who are homebound, in hospitals, nursing homes and under hospice care. Newly added to our sick list: For the Deceased: Enriqueta Fretig, Norma Smith THE SICK LIST HAS BEEN UPDATED. PLEASE CALL THE RECTORY IF YOU WOULD LIKE A NAME LISTED. HIGH SCHOOL HONORS RESURRECTION: Morgan Crivlare, Alison Crivlare, Kailey Bolger, Emily Heerdt, Ashley Kelly, Nicole Campanile, Kaitlynn Dziadosz, Sara Korhonen, Gianna LaSusa, Jessica Lepley, Alexandria Mangano, Andrea Romano, Kaitlyn Schmeda, Francesca Addesso, Allison Carleton, Briana DiBenedetto, Alexis Fontanetta, Jessica Briglio, Danielle LaSusa, Madison Van Horn, Angela Campanile, Kelly Salvo, Emma Wietecha, Nichole Tomasik, Cailey McIntyre, Alyssa Thome, Alexa DiBenedetto, Alexandria Kalamaris, Samantha Pagani, Brittany Welch CRISIS PREGNANCY HELPLINE 1-800-400-4205 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) The RCIA is a process by which one enters the Catholic Church through prayer, study, and discussion. This class is designed for those who are: not baptized; baptized in another denomination; or baptized Catholic but did not make their First Holy Communion or Confirmation. We meet on Wednesdays at 7 pm in the Rectory from September 16, 2015 through the Easter Vigil, March 26, 2016. For more information, please contact: Angie Cisek - (708) 456 - 1375 or the rectory - (773) 775 - 6659 July 12, 2015 St. Eugene Parish + MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK + Page Seven Ed & Victoria Wnek 4:30 Pamela Heider Saturday, July 11 - Vigil: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time + MINISTERS OF THE LITURGY + 5:30 Maria & Rosa D’Avino Sunday, July 12 - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 People of the Parish 9:30 Colleen O’Malley 11:30 Pasquale & Caterina Busa, Anna Cale, Leonard Cataldo, Chris & Tadeusz Dabros, Mariej Dun, Boguslaw Frycz, Lenore Grow, Frank Jablonski, Marion Kalwajtys, Rev. Kazimierz Kowalski, Conrad Kolassa, Vince & Mary LaPietra Fam. & Friends, Lekarczyk & Rubio Fams., Richard Niewinski, Frances Persoski, Wytrwol Fam., Zlotorzycki & Johida Fams. 4:30 Mary Dziukala Monday - Friday: 6:30 am & 9:00 am Saturday: 8:30 am Monday, July 13 - St. Henry 6:30 Purgatorial Society 9:00 Lawrence & Mary Csuk Tuesday, July 14 - St. Kateri Tekakwitha 6:30 Joseph Jagiello 9:00 Lawrence & Mary Csuk Wednesday, July 15 - St. Bonaventure 6:30 Robert Cisek 9:00 Chillemi, Kilmer & Brickman Fams, Cornell & Lincoln Fams., Rev. Richard Feller, Sarah Gilhooly, Gonzalez & Syslo Fams., Josephine & Angelo Greco, Vince & Mary LaPietra Fam. & Fri., Int. of Brenda Eileen O’Connor Thursday, July 16 - Our Lady of Mount Carmel 6:30 Maria Thomas 9:00 Dennis & Marie Egan Friday, July 17 *Lector **Eucharistic Minister ***Server Saturday, July 18 - 8:30 am *** Team 10 Saturday, July 18 - 5:30 pm * ** *** D. Divello G. Bermas, A. Cisek, M. Guerrieri, M. Lopez, J. Schmitt Team 5 Mon., 7/20 - 9:00 am Sunday, July 19 - 7:00 am * ** *** J. Bischof R. Trovela, J. Carrozza, R. Kennedy, P. Gerard, C. Paulini Team 9 Tue., 7/21 - 9:00 am Sunday, July 19 - 9:30 am * ** *** T. Swiderski T. Swiderski, M. Vasich, B. Ndiwe, P. Brown, R. Niemczyk Team 8 Wed., 7/22 - 9:00 am Sunday, July 19 - 11:30 am * T. Bernacki ** M. Russo, R. Spanola, L. Vasich, V. Parado, D. Lazzaroni *** Team 7 Thu., 7/23 - 9:00 am Sunday, July 19 - 4:30 pm * ** *** P. Wagner D. Laterza, E. Della Santina, R. Kopf, C. O’Malley, Y. Sarmiento Team 6 Fri., 7/24 - 9:00 am 6:30 Rev. Richard Feller 9:00 Wanda Chwalibog Saturday, July 18 - St. Camillus de Lellis 8:30 Fredi Mei Saturday, July 18 - Vigil: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:30 Cheryl A. Egan Sunday, July 19 - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 People of the Parish 9:30 Phil Saineghi 11:30 Joan Carlino, Jeff Chierici, Oscar E. Cordon, Sr., Dominic Cullotta, Mariej Dun, Yolanda Farinella, Boguslaw Frycz, Keen & Saaby Fams., Rev. Kazimierz Kowalski, Vince & Mary LaPietra Fam. & Fri., Iolanda Lucchesi, Romuald Milewski, Barbara Peele, Renoylds & Traversa Fams., A REMINDER To make sure a Mass Intention is included in the bulletin, it must be made 2 weeks in advance. To make sure a Mass Intention is read at Mass, it must be made at least 1 week in advance of the date requested. PLEASE NOTE: The designated multi-intentional Mass times will be the 9:00 morning Mass on Wednesday, and the 11:30 morning Mass on Sunday. Multi-intentional Masses will have no more than 30 names. Page Eight St. Eugene Parish TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Many marriage customs stand in tension with modern American attitudes and values, notably “giving away the bride,” which is no longer in the Catholic liturgy, and reminds us of a time when marriage was a contract between men (the groom and the bride’s father). A Mexican custom, now approved for use in the United States, has a very different message. An ancient Roman custom called for smashing pieces of gold and silver so that bride and groom could each keep half. This is the origin of today’s Mexican practice of the groom giving thirteen gold coins to the bride, symbolically placing all his worldly goods into her care, and a sign of his unconditional trust. The coins are often given in beautiful gift boxes and are retained as an heirloom. Why thirteen? The standard explanation is that they represent Jesus and the apostles. The priest blesses the coins and pours them into the bride’s cupped hands. Then she entrusts them to the groom, who later pours them back into her hands. This enduring ritual is in such harmony with our tradition’s view of marriage that it is now increasingly performed by English-speaking Hispanic Catholics at weddings in the United States. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time DRESS APPROPRIATELY FOR MASS As warm weather is here, we would like to remind everyone that Sunday Mass is the most important and solemn event of the week. It is not an “informal occasion.” As a consequence, the appropriate attire for Mass should be characterized by modesty, dignity, and elegance. Clothing suitable for a picnic, or for the beach, can indicate a lack of respect for the Eucharistic Sacrifice. SCHOOL OFFICE The school office will be closed until August. If you would like to leave a message your call will be returned in August. At the time of a family member’s death, if you would like memorials to be made to St. Eugene Parish, please instruct the Funeral Home to use the following in the death notice: “In lieu of flowers, a memorial may be made to St. Eugene Parish, Foster Avenue, Chicago.” Envelopes can be provided by the Funeral Home. July 12, 2015 St. Eugene Parish THANK YOU, BULLETIN ADVERTISERS This bulletin is subsidized completely by those companies whose advertisements appear on the last two pages. If you have the opportunity, you may thank them in the name of our parish by using their products or services. Should you desire to participate as a sponsor or our bulletin, you may contact J.S. Paluch Company at 1-800-566-6170. Keep this Information handy for summer travel. Page Nine ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY If you are in need of assistance, call the rectory. A member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will get back to you. Your parish doesn’t get two weeks off with pay. Please remember to send in your envelope even if you are on vacation. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION God loves each one of us as if there were only one of us. —St. Augustine You can always access Mass times via the internet at: www.Masstimes.org UNFINISHED MISSION Here’s a simple test to find out whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t. —Anonymous Meaning, or merely a mouthful? Our Lady, Mother of the Church parish is having a Rummage Sale in the Hayes Center, 8700 W. Leland, Chicago. Dates: Thursday, August 6, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm (Preview Day, $2 admission), Friday, August 7, 1:00 - 7:00 pm and Saturday, August 8, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ($5 bag sale day). For more information please call: 773-625-3369. As humans we all know how easy it is to stray from God’s will. Sometimes it seems we wander from the path no matter how hard we try. Perhaps that’s why Jesus sent His apostles out in society to call people to repent, not just believe. Jesus knew that we can only have peace of soul when we are in harmony with God. In fact the first step in any true believer’s relationship with God is repenting. Giving up our will, our sinful ways and taking that long hard road to walk back to Him. Without that, belief is merely a mouthful of words, without any valid meaning. Take a moment to consider your life today. Are you shouting your belief from miles away from God or kneeling in repentance at His feet? Page Ten St. Eugene Parish Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time FIVE STEPS TO END OF LIFE PLANNING He hadn’t reached his late twenties yet but there he lay in a hospital bed in a coma. His hospital room had turned into a showdown, much like you’d hear about in the Wild West: his mother and siblings on one side, his estranged father on the other. Dan’s [name changed for privacy] family never dreamed they would end up in a heated battle over whether to give Dan time to recover or end his life by removing food and fluids. Dan had never filled out any end of life documents and didn’t have any conversations with his family regarding his final wishes. His family now fought over his last wishes for months. The five steps below will help you to avoid these heartbreaking situations: Quick pro-life rule of thumb: the cause of death should never be due to a medication overdose, starvation, or dehydration. Choose a healthcare agent. Picking the wrong healthcare agent (a person to make medical decisions for you should you become incapacitated) can be as dangerous as completing the wrong healthcare directive. Have several in-depth conversations with your chosen healthcare agent ensuring they understand your end of life desires. Complete a healthcare directive from. Illinois Right to Life’s Patient-self Protection Document — a pro-life end of life durable power of attorney form - is a good choice. All persons, age 18 and older, should complete a healthcare durable power of attorney. DNR — To sign or not to sign? Illinois’ DNR form has been replaced by the “POLST” form. A DNR is not appropriate for a healthy person to sign. If a need for resuscitation occurs, the patient will be properly resuscitated if this form is not signed. A DNR is appropriate for a person entering the absolute final stage of his or her life and who is also very frail. In this case, resuscitation would only prolong and disturb natural death. Regularly discuss end of life wishes with your healthcare agent. Situations and health change over time. Talk about your end of life wishes regularly and openly with your healthcare agent to ensure your end of life desires are understood. It is okay to change your healthcare agent is necessary. Make organ donation desires clear. A new Illinois pro-life power of attorney for healthcare form will be available soon from Illinois Right to Life. Illinois Right to Life newsletter, used with permission July 12, 2015 St. Eugene Parish Page Eleven MARKET DAY NEWS As many of you are already aware, we were recently notified that Market Day has been acquired by World’s Finest Chocolates which has abruptly decided to cancel the Market Day Fundraising Program at all schools effective immediately. Several Market Day products will still be available at GFS Stores thru August (or while supplies last) with 10% profit going to our school. Here are some facts that will be of interest to you. St. Eugene School has been participating in the Market Day Program since 1983, thru the efforts of former School Board members: Barbara Sitko, Angie Cisek and Lois Pallo. During the past 32 years, St. Eugene School was able to realize a gross profit of over $496,000.00 which benefited our school in numerous ways. We would like to express our deep appreciation to all of the dedicated customers, together with our adult and student volunteers, who have supported market Day and made this program so successful. Thanks especially to the following volunteers: Chris Biedermann, Karen Powell, Theresa Samborski, Maureen Johnson, Mary Nee, Kim and Kaitlynn Dziadosz, Tom Swiderski, Herb Flentye, John Imburgia, Angie Cisek, Taire Jurek, Helen Malatia, Arlene Mika, Mike Devyor, Jim Galati, Bob and Phyllis Kwilas who have helped so much during the past several years. We will miss those monthly get togethers! If you have any questions please, call the rectory at: 773-775-6659 and Janet or Barbara will return your call Thank you again for all of your support throughout the past 32 years. Janet Galati and Barbara Meier St. Eugene Market Day Page Twelve SCENES FROM MARKET DAY St. Eugene Parish Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 St. Eugene Parish Page Thirteen SCENES FROM MARKET DAY Page Fourteen St. Eugene Parish We ask all of our parishioners, if you have a loved one serving in the military, to please contact the rectory office to give us the name of the soldier, so the whole parish can pray for your loved one. A book in the church vestibule is available for inscribing the names of all military personnel. This book will be part of the offertory procession from now until the war is over. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time A PRAYER LORD, HOLD OUR TROOPS IN YOUR LOVING HANDS. PROTECT THEM AS THEY PROTECT US. BLESS THEM AND THEIR FAMILIES FOR THE SELFLESS ACTS THEY PERFORM FOR US IN OUR TIME OF NEED. WE ASK THIS IN THE NAME OF JESUS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. AMEN We pray for our loved ones who are serving in any branch of the Armed Forces during this time of conflict. GHALEB AZROUI CHRISTOPHER BAUER TIMOTHY EMMETT CAROLAN CATHY O’LEARY CHAMBERLAIN ZBIGNIEW DUDKOWSKI MARTY DURCAN MATTHEW SCOTT FORREST ANDREW HOPKINS BRANDON JACKSON CHRISTOPHER JENKINS JACK KANE JAMES TYLER MARBACH CHRIS MARCHIORI KEITH MILLER MEGAN MILLER AUGUSTINE EMEKA NDIWE THOMAS NEUHENGEN CATHERINE ANN (BARHAM) NEWELL ERIC NORWOOD VINCENT PAGE CHAD PRITCHARD NICHOLAS RANCH MICHAEL SCHIPPERS, JR. If you would like to add a name to the list, please call the rectory. Also, please call the rectory when your loved one returns home. OUR MISSION STATEMENT Our mission as Catholics united in faith at St. Eugene Parish is to help bring God to people and people to God. Through evangelization, education and being of service to each other, we strive to make our parish community a holistic community in body, mind and spirit. It is our goal to develop, support, encourage and empower one another in our parish ministries, so that each person can reach their human and Christian potential. We are enthused about the future of St. Eugene and the whole Catholic Church and we pledge our participation in that future. We seek dialogue and open communication with all parishioners in fulfilling the needs of our parish. While recognizing the cultural diversities in our community, we will strive to bring all people together in Christ under a common bond of faith, hope and love.