Summer 2011 - Methodist Children`s Home


Summer 2011 - Methodist Children`s Home
The magazine of Methodist Children’s Home
Summer 2011
Annual Report:
God’s blessings
Also inside:
Recognizing our Circle of Friends
Measuring success at MCH
As president of Methodist Children’s Home, the most frequent question I am asked is, “What is
your success rate?” Since this question is unique to each child’s circumstances, it is difficult to
provide a simple answer. I experienced two events on campus in recent months that reminded me
that success can be measured in different ways.
This past Easter, we hosted the annual alumni Homecoming. Although there have typically been
more of the older alumni in attendance, I noticed an increase in the number of younger alumni
who returned to campus this year. Many alumni brought their families to see the campus and meet
their friends from the Home. Alumni expressed their appreciation for the Home and the education
and support they received while living here.
Q & A with Tim Brown
This issue of Sunshine
features the final interview
in a three-part Q & A series
with Tim Brown, president
of MCH. The Q & A begins on
page 2.
We graduated 44 high school seniors in June, and 113 graduating seniors and returning college
students were approved for scholarships for the fall semester. In addition to financial support
provided by the Home, we expect all of our students to contribute to their education by applying for
other scholarships and working while they attend school. Many of the students in our graduating
class would admit they out-performed their own expectations. In addition to their academic
success, they achieved significant personal growth. We have students who contributed countless
hours of voluntary community service, and most of our seniors worked off-campus jobs. Many of
these students have a true appreciation for the blessings they have received through the Home,
including safety, shelter, healthy meals, education, spiritual growth, recreation, counseling,
medical care, advocates and friendships that will last a lifetime.
For most of these youth, their appreciation for the Home did not exist when they arrived in our
care. Some were scared, angry or depressed by an overall sense of hopelessness. Many were
behind in school due to family circumstances, learning disabilities or poor choices and behavior.
When some of these children came to us, they were reeling from death of a family member,
trauma, sexual assault, family violence, bullying, homelessness, poverty or incarceration of a
parent. Others had to grow up too quickly as they were forced to care for younger siblings as their
single parent worked two jobs to support their family. Some of these youth were raised by their
grandparents, who were ill-equipped to care for young children.
When we consider that the average length of stay at the Home is less than two years, youth have
a short time to “be successful” as they work to overcome their personal challenges. In addition to
dealing with emotional or behavioral issues, they must quickly adjust to a new living environment,
get back on track academically, develop self-confidence and social skills, learn independent living
skills, and make plans for college, the workforce or military.
In spite of these challenges, our children are amazingly resilient, and they have an unquenchable
desire to be successful and to not repeat abusive patterns or past mistakes. If you knew the sagas
and stories of our children, you would not only be extremely proud of their accomplishments
and the courage they demonstrate daily, but you would be proud of the investment you continue
to make in their lives. Their success is made possible through the commitment and skills of an
amazing staff, terrific resources, and the prayers and financial support of friends like you.
Methodist Children’s Home
offers hope to children, youth
and families through a
nurturing, Christian community.
This annual report issue of Sunshine provides an overview of many of the blessings God has
provided in the lives of our children, youth and staff during the past year. As you read this report,
please know that your support, prayers and belief in our mission and ministry are critical to the
success of the children, youth and families in our care. God bless you!
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Boys Ranch youth enjoyed a day of water activities in Fort Worth at a
special event hosted by In His Wakes Ministries in May. Called “A Day to
Remember,” the event gives youth an opportunity to enjoy a variety of
water sports and listen to Christian testimonies from staff members of
In His Wakes Ministries. Enjoying an exhilarating ride on the tube are,
from left, Tyler, Austin and David.
Waco, Texas
Tim Brown
Judy Broadway
Vice President, Human Resources
2 Sharing the vision: A Q & A interview with Tim Brown
Moe Dozier
Vice President, Residential Services
5 Annual Report: Celebrating God’s blessings on our ministry
Julie Mitchell
Vice President, Finance
20 Circle of Friends: Recognizing financial gifts to MCH in 2010
Trey Oakley
Vice President, Development
31 Memorial Gifts and Gifts of Honor
Melissa Opheim
Vice President, Community Services
Sunshine is a quarterly publication produced by the Development Department. Send letters and change of address to:
Methodist Children’s Home, 1111 Herring Avenue, Waco, TX 76708; Phone: 254-753-0181, E-mail:
Bryan Mize, Public Relations Director; Jill Anderson, Public Relations Officer; Lindy Dehm, Public Relations Officer
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Sharing the vision:
An interview with
MCH President Tim Brown
In this final interview of the three-part series, Tim Brown discusses his vision for Methodist Children’s Home, including the new
Strategic Plan and a partnership with Texas Christian University.
As you complete your first
year as president of MCH,
you have spent time thinking about the Home’s mission and ways we offer hope
to children and families.
What aspect of this ministry is especially meaningful
to you?
One of the great benefits
Methodist Children’s Home
offers youth is the opportunity
to create an appetite and passion for new things they never
would have been exposed to had
this ministry is also a testimony
to the leadership of our Board
of Directors, the wisdom and
legacy of our previous administrators, and the faithful support of our benefactors. It is my
privilege to help us stay focused
on our mission, build on our
ing a message to youth that it is
can function more efficiently as
strengths, and introduce new
‘not cool’ to believe in God, go
an organization, educate and
tools and opportunities that will
to church or serve others in the
equip our staff to incorporate
enable us to meet the challeng-
name of Jesus Christ.
current research and techniques
ing needs of at-risk children
and create an atmosphere of
and efficient way.
munity for the youth in our
intentionality, deliberateness
care. Our employees have an
and urgency about doing the
awesome responsibility to help
right things for our youth.
to appear in their eyes as they
I tend to agree with a recent
move beyond anger and a sense
national report, titled
of hopelessness to discover that
“Hardwired to Connect,” that
there is potential for peace,
identifies two of the biggest
meaning, purpose, fulfillment
needs for children and youth in
and creativity in life.
our society: authoritative communities and moral and spiritu-
When you speak about
Methodist Children’s Home,
you often talk about the rich
heritage of this ministry.
What makes MCH special?
al meaning.
First of all, we have good
information about issues they
employees who are competent
face. These would include plac-
and capable in their field of ser-
es such as boys and girls clubs,
vice and committed to offer-
churches and school organiza-
ing hope to children and youth.
Everyone does their job and
pulls their load. The success of
in working with at-risk youth,
serves as an authoritative com-
light up or the twinkle begin
is a blessing to see their faces
Methodist Children’s Home
and youth in a more effective
What are some of the
greatest challenges facing
children and youth today?
they not come to the Home. It
MCH President Tim Brown and other administrators recently gave a tour
of the Waco campus to Dr. Karyn Purvis, director of the Institute of Child
Development at Texas Christian University, and her staff. MCH and the
Institute have formed a partnership that will enable TCU to share its
expertise in attachment and healing relationships with the staff at MCH.
Authoritative communities
are places where youth can go
to build positive relationships
with adults and get accurate
youth gain a sense of belonging
I am excited to have the
and feel nurtured and cared for.
opportunity to take the wis-
In many cases, we have to miti-
dom, history and foundation
gate against negative messages
laid by previous administra-
or information youth received
tors to the next level so we can
before they came into our care.
offer wounded and hurting chil-
And, we must provide every
dren and families resources
opportunity for youth to under-
they have never had before. I
stand God’s love for them and
also look forward to utilizing the
discover the role and benefits of
skills, knowledge and expertise
moral and spiritual meaning in
of our staff in new and dynamic
their life.
ways as we continue to inspire
youth to make positive changes
tions that are led by competent,
You recently led MCH
through a strategic planning process. What do you
hope the Home accomplishes through this five-year
Strategic Plan?
Why did you make strategic
planning a priority in your
first year as president?
committed and caring adults. In
The Strategic Plan will help us
I think organizations often take
opposition, our society is send-
streamline our services so we
on the personality of the indi-
in their lives as they become all
God wants them to be.
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Methodist Children’s Home
2011-2015 Strategic Plan Summary
vidual who leads them. When
Development, led by my friend,
that individual leaves the orga-
Dr. Karyn Purvis.
nization, the people who fol-
This relationship with TCU
lowed that person tend to drift
will provide an exciting oppor-
away, too, if there is not some-
tunity for us to gain insight into
thing that attracts them or
new methods, techniques and
gives them the same sense of
ways to interact with children
fulfillment they felt under the
that will positively impact their
previous leader. The Bible and
brain development. TCU’s work
many other books on manage-
in attachment and healing rela-
ment and leadership show that
tionships is consistent with our
unless you have a plan, you are
mission and strength-based
going to fail. If we can keep our
philosophy of care, and I am
five-year Strategic Plan active
confident this partnership will
and relevant, then our course
enable us to serve children more
will be laid out and it will pro-
effectively and impact healthy
vide predictability and securi-
growth and proper brain devel-
ty. The Strategic Plan will keep
opment and functioning in
the work we do viable and
future generations.
While this partnership will
involve research, Methodist
The Strategic Plan calls MCH
to incorporate research
and training in neuroscience and trauma-informed
care into our program of
care. Much of this work will
come through a partnership with the Institute of
Child Development at Texas
Christian University. Why is
this partnership important
to the Home?
Children’s Home will not
I am reading and learning a
ever wanted them to be. Our
great deal about the impact of
approach in working with youth
trauma on the developmental
will always be based on com-
stages of brain growth in chil-
petence, skill, knowledge, wis-
dren, which is the basis for the
dom, God’s love and biblical
work of the Institute of Child
become an organization that
treats youth as though they are
laboratory experiment subjects. We recognize that scientific research and information
is also God-given. We will take
the knowledge that God has
given us, pray about it and use
it to respond in a way to help
our youth become all that God
Strategic Priority 1: Increase the impact MCH has on
children, youth and families in Texas and New Mexico.
Goal 1: Document and develop MCH core competencies.
Goal 2: Research and develop new core competencies to position
MCH to have greater impact on the challenges facing
children, families and helping organizations.
Goal 3: Develop a future program master plan to meet the
growing demand for services.
Goal 4: Develop a master facilities plan to support the identified
program needs and future program plan.
Goal 5: Develop a financial resources plan to support the
identified program needs and future program plan.
Strategic Priority 2: Strengthen the organizational
culture and sense of community to support employee
development, retention and morale.
Goal 1: Integrate the MCH mission, core values and strategic
goals into daily operations, actions and decision-making.
Goal 2: Evaluate the current organizational structure and infrastructure and make adjustments based on current needs,
future development and growth goals.
Goal 3: Re-evaluate processes and tools for employee participation
and feedback in the strategic direction and culture of MCH.
Goal 4: Develop communication methods that encourage and
support meaningful multi-site, interdepartmental
Goal 5: Fully embrace diversity at all levels of the organization.
Goal 6: Implement professional learning community model.
Strategic Priority 3: Develop a technology plan to
position MCH to provide more effective and efficient
Goal 1: Conduct a complete technology assessment that provides
recommendations for needed technology and positions
MCH for future expansion.
Goal 2: Increase effectiveness and impact of MCH through the
implementation of technology recommendations.
Strategic Priority 4: Increase impact of MCH on
children and families through partnerships with
like-minded child care agencies and churches.
Goal 1: Collaborate with child care agencies to enhance our
services and reduce costs for program development,
program evaluation and training.
Goal 2: Develop and market programs and services to help
churches meet the needs of their communities and
A PDF document of the Strategic Plan
is available on our website:
To receive a copy by mail, please
contact the Development Department
at 800-853-1272 or by e-mail:
Strategic Priority 5: Increase visibility and awareness
of MCH in all current and targeted future locations.
Goal 1: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan for MCH to
support current and future program plans.
Goal 2: Increase awareness and utilization of services through
implementation of approved marketing plan.
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Methodist Children’s Home
Class of 2011
Methodist Children’s Home congratulates the following June graduates for reaching this significant milestone.
University of Texas
Charter School —
MCH Campus
Tammika Jefferson
Amber Adams
Waco Campus
Waco Campus
Trent Arredondo
Boys Ranch
Alexis Barrientos
Waco Campus
AnnaKaren Bejarano
Waco Campus
Alfonso Cavada-Tavares
Waco Campus
Andrea Crossland
Waco Campus
Amanda Drumheller
Waco Campus / Salutatorian
Preston Duke
Boys Ranch / Valedictorian
Alia Felton-Swift
Waco Campus
Javen Gibson
Boys Ranch
Shaunte Glass
Waco Campus
Saddiq Granger
Waco Campus
Alexandria Hall
Waco Campus
Caressa Hill
Waco Campus
Jennifer Hollis
Waco Campus
Dalton Horton
Waco Campus
Waco Campus
Christian Kinnard
Darren Le
Waco Campus
Deon McCrary
Waco Campus
Royce McHenry
Boys Ranch
A.J. Moore
Aarrin Behrens
Waco Campus
Joshua Shepard
Waco Campus
Simona Tilahun
Waco Campus
Jennifer Trimble
Waco Campus
Bradley Melton
Waco Campus
Brice Neal
Boys Ranch
Jonathan Nicol
Boys Ranch
Brianna Riley
Waco Campus
Bobby Shrum
Waco High School
Alexander Bailey
Waco Campus
Adam Beheler
Waco Campus
Mindy Vo
Waco Campus
Waco Campus
Meron Tesfayesus
Waco Campus
Tsion Tesfayesus
Waco Campus
University High School
Essence Stowe
Waco Campus
Morgan Toms
Waco Campus
Alyona Willacker
Waco Campus
Tashawn Williamson
Waco Campus
Waxahachie High School
Christina Nail
Waxahachie Campus
Monesha Valentine
Waxahachie Campus
Mariah Woodard
Waco Campus
Samueal Zina
Boys Ranch
Whitehouse High School
Heather Perser
Foster Care
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Methodist Children’s Home
2010 Financial Report
Founded in 1890, MCH is a nonprofit child care provider affiliated
with the seven United Methodist
annual conferences of Texas and
New Mexico.
Child Care
MCH serves more than 1,400
children and youth daily through
residential group care, foster
care, a variety of family services,
and a transition services program
for former residents, ages 18-25.
MCH serves children and youth
from diverse backgrounds, without
regard to ethnicity, religion or
financial status.
The annual budget provides for
the daily needs of our children.
The budget is funded by earnings
from the endowment, special
offerings and other gifts from
United Methodist churches, and
private donations. MCH does not
receive church apportionments.
General Operating
Residential Group Care — Admissions Contact
Waco Campus and Boys Ranch
Shawn Powell
800-964-9226 / 254-750-1235
Endowment /
Designated Funds
Waxahachie Campus
Candice Darwin
Community Services Outreach Offices
Theresa Wilson
Jorge Soto
Alicia Carter
Veronica Whalon-Peters
MCH does not offer foster care
in New Mexico.
George Theos
Michelle Abundez
Marie Gateley
Mary Carpenter
Dana Bearden
Jessica Butters
Traci Wagner
Brooke Rasco
* University of Texas Charter School — MCH Campus
General Operating
Community Services
Shared Services
Boys Ranch
Educational Services
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Methodist Children’s Home
Executive Management
Tim Brown
President and CEO
Judy Broadway
Vice President for Human Resources
Board of Directors
Central Texas Conference
Dr. Shera Atkinson
Dr. Clifton Howard
Mr. Wesley Masters
Dr. Johnel Louie
Bishop J. Michael Lowry
Moe Dozier
Vice President for Residential Services
Northwest Texas Conference
Mr. James DuBois
Rio Grande Conference
Rev. Rodolfo Barrera
New Mexico Conference
Judge Henry Santana
Rev. Jim Hawk
Julie Mitchell
Vice President for Finance
Dr. Tom Nagle
Southwest Texas Conference
Rev. John Alsbrooks
Trey Oakley
Vice President for Development
North Texas Conference
Dr. J. Clayton Oliphint
Melissa Opheim
Vice President for Community Services
Mr. Bill Bingham
Dr. Ouida Lee
Mrs. Betty Vilven
Mr. Scott Wallace
Texas Conference
Mr. Hank Coleman
Mr. Don Strickland
Mr. Charles Szalkowski
Dr. Ann Weiss
Members of the Methodist Children’s Home Board of Directors include: (front, left to right) Dr. Shera Atkinson, Mr. Don Strickland,
Mr. Wesley Masters and Mrs. Betty Vilven; (middle, left to right) Rev. Rodolfo Barrera, Dr. Ouida Lee, Dr. Tom Nagle, Dr. Johnel Louie,
and Mr. Tim Brown, MCH president; (back, left to right) Dr. Clayton Oliphint, Mr. Charles Szalkowski, Mr. Hank Coleman, Rev. Jim Hawk
and Mr. Bill Bingham. Photograph by Doug Fitzjarrell
Sunshine I Summer 2011
MCH provides a variety of
opportunities that enable
youth and staff to build
positive relationships.
Reasons to
choose MCH for
residential care
Methodist Children’s Home is
a Christian organization with a
strong spiritual component.
MCH offers residential care on the Waco campus, Boys Ranch and Waxahachie campus.
Group care enables youth to build positive relationships with caring staff members who are
committed to their personal growth and success. Residents range in age from 12 to 18, however youth must be younger than 18 to be considered for admission. The average length of
stay in our residential programs is 16 months. Youth live in homes served by homeparents
and a unit manager or in homes supervised by a unit manager and a youth care staff that
rotates throughout the day.
Our strength-based philosophy of
care is innovative and proven to
be effective.
Services are diversified and we
offer an individualized plan of
development, including education, for all youth.
MCH exhibits longevity and
financial security.
Our program is affordable for
anyone because of our sliding
scale fee.
No youth is ever turned away
due to financial concerns.
The Waco campus consists of
130 acres in the northwest part
of the city. The campus is the
original location of the Home.
MCH can serve up to 170 youth
in 16 homes on the Waco campus, which also includes administrative offices and a chapel,
charter school, gym and other
recreation facilities.
MCH serves up to 50 youth at
our 500-acre Boys Ranch, which
is located about 10 miles northeast of Waco. The Boys Ranch
includes six home units, administrative offices, a recreation
and activities center, a variety of livestock pens and barns,
horse arena and dining hall.
MCH serves up to 40 youth in
five homes on the campus of
Presbyterian Children’s Homes
and Services. MCH utilizes our
strength-based philosophy that
is consistent with the Waco
campus and Boys Ranch. Youth
and staff often come to Waco
to participate in activities with
other MCH residents.
Basic care or structured care? The residential program offers basic
care and structured care. Youth in both programs can fully participate in
activities at MCH. Youth in basic care homes are served by homeparents,
who live in the home with their youth. Basic care youth have more independence than youth in structured care. Youth in structured care require
more intense supervision due to their behavior and needs. Structured homes
utilize a shift-work model, which consists of staff who rotate throughout
the day. Every home has a unit manager, a licensed social worker who works
with child care staff to meet the individual needs of youth.
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Through recent collaboration
and expansion in Waxahachie,
MCH offers another choice for
youth to be in closer proximity
to their families.
MCH’s residential services provides a continuum of care that
extends to a strong transition
services program for youth.
MCH offers one of the most successful residential service programs in the state. Thus, our
program should be strongly considered as a positive alternative
for youth who need out-of-home
care and as a family reunification approach to child care.
MCH is committed to using outcome data and evidence-based
approaches through our innovative strength-based and traumainformed care.
The overall average when
parents were surveyed about
their level of satisfaction with
their child’s care.
(Scale of 1 to 7, with 7 being
completely satisfied)
“I learned that
becoming a
Christian is not
about being
perfect; it’s about
God accepting
us for who we are.”
Josh Shepard
MCH, Class of 2011
Religious Education
The Religious Education
(R.E.) Department leads the
MCH community in Christian
worship. This includes carrying out worship services
and events that convey the
good news of Jesus Christ.
The department is led by a
chaplain, religious education
director and music director.
WORSHIP: Youth from the
“I was blessed
that my family
found MCH. Not
only did the Home
give me hope for
a new life, it also
gave me a passion
to use my life to
serve others.”
Heather Reed
MCH, Class of 2005
Texas A&M University, 2009
The percentage of youth in
our residential program who
complete their program of care
as planned at admission.
(Target: 75%)
Waco campus and Boys
Ranch attend worship services in Harrell Memorial
Chapel. During low-census
periods, home units are invited to visit local churches.
department offers Wednesday
evening activities, which are
optional for youth. Weekly
Bible studies are offered at
the Boys Ranch and in some
home units, in addition to
group devotionals.
LEADERSHIP: Youth take lead-
ership roles in worship. They
serve as Acolytes and ushers,
read scripture, lead prayers,
participate in the worship
band, present special music,
and assist with audio and
multimedia services.
Youth enjoy opportunities to
serve others through mission
trips across Texas, and youth
always look forward to our
annual summer camp at Glen
Lake Camp.
director gives or coordinates
music lessons in voice or on a
variety of instruments. Youth
take lessons in guitar, piano,
bass, drums, violin, trumpet
and trombone.
Youth in Waxahachie attend
worship services and participate in youth group activities
at First United Methodist
Church. MCH youth attend
day trips, retreats and mission trips with FUMC youth.
The church’s youth minister
regularly visits our youth.
Identifying spiritual needs: Each new resident is led through a Spirituality Assessment to help our staff
determine the specific spiritual needs of our youth. In addition to teaching opportunities and group discussions about the Christian faith and spiritual development, our staff often provides one-time or short-term
counseling on religious matters. The R.E. staff also lead short-term studies in preparation for baptism, write
and distribute weekly devotional booklets, and teach a sex education program from a biblical perspective.
The average number of
months youth remain in care
in our residential program.
Family-child conflict
Social issues
Caregiver unable to
provide care
CPS placement
School issues
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Serving our
Educational Services
Education is an important
component of our program
of care. Child care staff work
closely with school administrators and teachers to ensure
the individual educational
needs of youth are met.
Many of our youth have
experienced academic problems due to a lack of educational support at home or
other family issues, behavior
issues or other challenges.
MCH SCHOOL: Located on
the Waco campus, the MCH
School is operated in partnership with the University
of Texas – University
Charter School. About 160
students from the Waco
campus and Boys Ranch
attend the school.
The school is accredited by
the Texas Education Agency
(TEA), and all teachers are
highly-qualified and state certified. The school has been rated “Academically Acceptable”
by state standards for the past
six years under the alternative
reporting standard. The school
serves students in grades 7-12
and offers the state recommended high school graduation requirements.
When the Boys Ranch
students moved to the charter school in 2009-2010, the
school created an Agriculture
Department that previously was part of the Boys Ranch
curriculum. This program provides an opportunity for Waco
campus students to participate
in FFA and show animals and
enter shop projects in area
staff and the school coordinator designate the assigned
school (public or MCH) for
each student based on school
records, behavior history and
academic interests. Thirty
students attended seven
public schools in the Waco
Independent School District
in 2010-2011.
WAXAHACHIE: Youth in our
program at Waxahachie are
enrolled in local schools. Our
child care staff work closely
with school staff to develop appropriate educational
plans for our youth.
Extracurricular Activities: Our students are active leaders on their school campuses. Charter school students participate in UIL choir and academic contests, Student Council and the Principal’s Cabinet. Public school
students are involved in Student Council, National Honor Society, debate, band, orchestra, athletics and drill
team, among others.
The percentage of youth in our
residential programs who made
educational gains last year.
(Target: 85%)
The percentage of the
Class of 2010 graduates who
currently attend college or
maintain employment.
Preston, one of 44 high school graduates in June, was valedictorian
for the University of Texas Charter School at MCH. He is pictured
with Tim Brown (left), MCH president, and Moe Dozier, vice president for residential services.
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Number of colleges and
technical training programs MCH
freshmen and returning students
will attend this fall.
MCH youth volunteer to meet
a variety of needs in our community. Staff and youth in each
home unit are responsible for
identifying needs and partnering with organizations, agencies, businesses and churches.
The total number of community
service hours provided by the
youth in our three residential
programs last year.
Recent Partnerships:
Abuse Center Thrift Store
Bledsoe-Miller Rec Center
Boys and Girls Club
Corp of Engineers/Lake Waco
Cowboy Church
Dewey Recreation Center
Food Bank
Friends for Life
Greenview Manor
Habitat for Humanity
Hillcrest Hospital
Just As I Am Ministries
Keep Waco Beautiful
Lake Air Little League
Lakeshore Baptist Church
Laura Edwards Day Care
McLennan Community College
Meals on Wheels
Mission Arlington
Red Oak Nursing Home
Renfro Nursing Home
Ridgecrest Nursing Home
Royal Manner Health Center
Salvation Army
Second Chance
Shepherds Heart Food Pantry
Spring Street Baptist Church
Tim’s Greenhouse
Waco Community Development
Waco Humane Society
Waxahachie Cowboy Church
MCH supports children
and families across
Texas and New Mexico
through foster care or
prevention services.
Reasons to
choose MCH for
foster care
Staff members in Community Services help families during crisis situations by offering assistance that strengthens the family and supports each child’s healthy development. Services are
offered through outreach offices in Abilene, Bedford, Corpus Christi, Crockett, Dallas, El Paso,
Houston, Lubbock, San Antonio, Tyler, Waco, and Albuquerque, NM. Each outreach office
provides support to families through Partnership in Parenting. Should families need foster
care, each outreach office in Texas has case management staff to provide foster care services
and help in the efforts toward family stability and reunification.
We carefully screen, train and
support foster families who will
care for the children.
We are faith-based.
Families have a voice in the care
of their children and are included in the decisions that affect
their children while they are in
foster care.
We genuinely care about families, children and family reunification.
Families are treated with dignity
and respect.
The Partnership in Parenting
(PIP) program offers services to
families in their homes and communities to support a strong and
resilient family structure. The
multi-faceted program offers
individualized assessment, case
management, parenting support and prevention services to
meet basic needs and promote
child safety and family stability. Our staff members partner
with families to help them overcome their individual challenges
through a service plan, face-toface contact with a caring pro-
fessional, skill-building opportunities, encouragement and
support. PIP helps families develop a network of support in their
MCH is licensed by the Texas
Department of Family and
Protective Services to provide
foster care in Texas. The program
is accredited by the Council on
Accreditation (COA). Foster care
provides a safe and nurturing
home to support families while
they work toward reunification. If
reunification is not possible, outreach offices help children find a
The overall average when
biological families were surveyed about their satisfaction
with their child’s care in our
foster care program.
The overall average when
our foster parents were surveyed
about their level of satisfaction
with the support and services
provided by our staff.
(Scale of 1 to 7, with 7 being
completely satisfied)
(Scale of 1 to 7, with 7 being
completely satisfied)
Sunshine I Summer 2011
safe, stable and nurturing permanent home.
The foster care program
can place children, ages 0-17,
with licensed foster families in
or close to their home community. Foster care services are
meant to be short-term, ranging
from 6-18 months, until parents
can stabilize their circumstances and resume parenting. MCH
accepts voluntary placements,
in addition to placements
through the Texas Department
of Family and Protective
Services for children removed
from their homes due to allegations of abuse or neglect.
The number of counties in
Texas where MCH provided foster
care services to more than
200 children last year.
Families are provided with ongoing updates and communication through letters from our
foster parents, weekly communication with a caseworker, and
pictures and regular visitation
with their child in a comfortable
and kid-friendly place.
Foster care staff responds quickly and professionally to all correspondence from foster and
biological families.
Foster parents and staff understand and value the importance
of the family connections and
how a child’s identity builds
from their relationships with
parents and other caregivers.
“Having the support
of my foster parents
has been amazing.
The only reason
I am looking
toward college is
because of MCH.”
Foster child
Reasons foster
parents choose
our ministry
Foster Care
Foster families understand the
difficult transition children
face when they come into their
homes, so they make every
effort to help children become
comfortable with their family.
Foster families meet the needs
of children in many ways, such
as providing for their daily
care, attending school events
and parent meetings, celebrating birthdays and holidays, and
transporting them to family
visits and other appointments.
Foster parents report being
attracted to MCH because we
are faith-based.
Foster parents choose MCH
because they were referred by
a friend.
Foster parents report being
attracted to MCH because they
see that the agency is committed to meeting the needs of
children that are being served.
MCH has an excellent reputation and is financially stable.
ACTIVITIES: Foster children
Reasons foster parents
remain with MCH:
get swept into an active family lifestyle with their foster
family. Children participate
in church activities, Scouts,
band, sports, running clubs,
karate, choir and swimming.
Some of our children live with
families out in the country,
so they have opportunities
to learn about farm animals.
They also participate in community reading programs and
Vacation Bible School.
Foster parents express that
they stay with MCH because
they are supported by case
managers who care about them
and work with them to meet
the needs of children that are
placed in our care.
Our staff takes extra steps to
match children to homes based
on information shared about
the child and the knowledge of
each foster family’s strengths.
Foster care staff provides personal service, providing a network of support for the foster
FAMILY VISITS: Children visit
with their biological families in
ways that are appropriate for
their situation. The visits are
The foster family has 24-hour
access to casework support.
Foster care staff communicate
regularly with foster parents.
determined by whether children are voluntary placements
or CPS placements. For voluntary placements, visits may be
unsupervised and children are
often able to visit with their
family in their home. If children are placed by CPS, visits may have to be supervised
and can be more restrictive.
Children may also be able
to visit by telephone with family members. When appropriate, foster parents visit with
the biological family about
the child’s progress, medical
issues or other topics relevant
to the child’s care.
Foster parents, biological
parents and caseworkers talk
with the children throughout
placement about their plan
for reunification with their
family or an alternate plan
when reunification is not possible. When it is time for a
child to return home, MCH
offers aftercare services to
families who wish to participate. Staff members follow up
with families after release and
continue to offer case management services, including
our Partnership-in-Parenting
“One of the best things for children is to
know and be loved by their parent. Our foster
parents understand the built-in need for
a connection to a child’s biological parent.”
Foster parents are valued and
esteemed for the care they
provide children.
0 to 2
3 to 5
6 to 8
9 to 11
12 to 15
16 to 18
0 to 3
3 to 6
6 to 9
9 to 12
12 to 18
18 to 24
24 +
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Ways we’re serving
children, families
Staff members in our 12 outreach
offices serve children and families in a variety of ways. Here are
a few recent examples:
Abilene: We partnered with
local agencies to lead
a community workshop on bullying.
Albuquerque: Our
staff hold workshops for
family preservation clients.
We provide prizes that reflect
the theme of the workshop,
such as picnic items for a
workshop about spending time
together as a family.
Bedford: Our office has helped
families gain employment and
health insurance, enabling them
to become stabilized.
Corpus Christi: We partnered
with Healthy Marriage Coalition
to offer parenting classes.
Crockett: We help our foster
parents find fun family events
that are free or affordable.
Dallas: We take foster children
to visit their parents who are
incarcerated in prison or jail.
Sunshine I Summer 2011
El Paso: Our staff spoke at a
Career Day at a local middle
school. This gave us an opportunity to educate school staff
about our services.
Houston: During our monthly
visits in foster homes, we give
the children cards or small gifts
to recognize their success.
Lubbock: We provide older children
in our grandparents’ program the
opportunity to attend
church camp.
San Antonio: Our staff makes a
collage of pictures of our foster
children at different developmental milestones to give to
their biological parents.
Tyler: Our staff helped plan
kid-friendly events throughout
East Texas that drew attention
to Child Abuse Prevention and
Awareness Month. We worked
with Texas Department of Family and Protective Services and
other resources to make these
events fun and successful.
Waco: Our staff visits a local
foster home regularly to provide tutoring to one of our
foster children.
Our outreach offices partner with agencies, churches and other
groups to meet specific needs in communities throughout Texas
and New Mexico. Below are just a few of our recent partnerships:
Albuquerque (N.M.) Transit
Boys and Girls Clubs, Abilene
Christian Women’s Job Corps, Waco and Lubbock
Coastal Bend Area Agency on Aging, Corpus Christi
Dallas After-School Network
Healthy Marriage Coalition, Corpus Christi
Hope Community of Shalom, Lubbock
Methodist Healthcare Ministries, Corpus Christi
Mexican-American Historical League, Dallas
Mutual Enrichment through Learning and Discovery, San Antonio
South Plains Food Bank, Lubbock
Texas Youth Tobacco Awareness Program, Lubbock
United Methodist churches throughout Texas and New Mexico
Vickery Meadows Learning Center, Dallas
West Dallas Community Coalition
West Texas Community Supervision and Correction’s
Community Intervention Center, El Paso
West Texas Food Bank, El Paso
Youth exhibit courage
and develop confidence
as they climb the 50foot Alpine Tower at
the Boys Ranch.
Sunshine I Spring 2011
Celebrating youth
Through our strength-based philosophy of care, staff members at Methodist Children’s Home
The following seniors were
members of the National Honor
Society for 2010-2011:
Adam Beheler
Brianna Riley
Waco High
A.J. Moore
Josh Shepard
Simona Tilahun
focus on the strengths, gifts and talents of children and youth, not their weaknesses. We help
youth identify the things they do well and intentionally develop opportunities for them to use
their strengths to achieve success. Our staff members are committed to building positive relationships with every child as they help them become all God wants them to be. In this section of our annual report, we recognize many of our youth for their accomplishments in school,
extracurricular activities and campus life during the past year. Youth on the Waco campus and
Boys Ranch attend either public school or the University of Texas – University Charter School
A.J. Moore
A.J. Moore
at MCH. Youth in our Waxahachie program attend public school.
Essence earns
National Merit
Three A.J. Moore
seniors garner
academic honors
Essence Stowe, a June graduate
of University High School, was
recognized as a Commended
Student in the 2011 National
Merit Scholarship Program.
The program is an academic
competition for high school students who take the Preliminary
SAT/National Merit Qualifying
Test during their junior year.
Essence also earned recognition for her writing skills, winning the “Voice of Democracy”
essay contest sponsored by the
Veterans of Foreign Wars post
in Mart. Her essay qualified for
Three seniors at A.J. Moore
Academy earned the following
honors during 2010-2011:
All-American Scholar
Jennifer Trimble
Top 10% of Graduating Class
Simona Tilahun, Jennifer Trimble
Essence Stowe
the district competition, earning
second place.
Essence received the Home’s
Albaugh Scholarship and will
attend Texas A&M University.
Business Advisory Board
Josh Shepard, Simona Tilahun,
Jennifer Trimble
Academic Achiever Award
Simona Tilahun, Jennifer Trimble
“If I hadn’t come to the Boys Ranch, I don’t think
I would be in school or have hope for attending
college. The Home has helped me grow, and it has
provided so many opportunities for me.”
The number of MCH students
who earned a “Commended”
score on the TAKS test.
Sunshine I Summer 2011
The number of students who
were named to the academic
honor roll last spring.
The number of graduating
seniors and returning college
students who were approved for
scholarships for 2011-2012.
Jennifer Trimble
Mindy Vo
A.J. Moore
A.J. Moore
Each spring, campus administrators present senior awards recognizing personal growth and
academic excellence. The presentation included the following
special awards:
Outstanding Seniors
Christian Kinnard, Josh Shepard,
Jennifer Trimble, Mindy Vo
Academic Excellence Award
Josh Shepard, Simona Tilahun
LaTonya Basey
Circle of Courage Award *
Jennifer Trimble
Bulldog Award **
Royce McHenry, Simona Tilahun,
Mindy Vo, Tashawn Williamson
* This award named in memory of
Ms. Basey, a youth care counselor,
recognizes a resident who exemplifies outstanding courage.
** This award recognizes youth who
demonstrate a high level of leadership and character.
Calvin tutors children through the
Communities in
Schools program.
Yesenia is active
in JROTC at A.J.
Moore Academy.
Alfonso was
Student of the Year
for the Northwest
Optimist Club.
Alex was a member
of the Waco High
robotics team.
The Agricultural Proficiency
Awards program recognizes the
following youth for exceptional
accomplishments and excellence
in our Ag Science/FFA program:
Ag Mechanics Design and
Preston, Cody, Coby, Trent, Jon
and James
Ag Mechanics Repair and
Beef Production
Diversified Livestock
Star Discovery Award
Chapter Star Agriscience
Kelly, Carlos and Andrew
Chapter Star Farmer
Sarah, pictured here
during the Heart of Texas
Livestock Show, won first
place in the Breeding Beef
Heifers competition at the
2011 McLennan County
Livestock Show.
Creed Speaker
Alex (all-region), Saddiq and
High school team competition:
2nd place (tie)
Two youth from Waxahachie
received special awards from
their high school. Kurstyn
received the C.H.O.I.C.E.S.
Award for good character and
academic excellence. Donald
received the Principal’s Award
for good behavior and grades.
Lloyd, Director’s Choice Choir
A Cappella and Show Choirs:
Adam (Choir Academic
Achievement Award)
Brad, 6th place, Spelling and
Steel Drum Band:
Michael, silver medal,
Reba (saxophone/third chair)
Outstanding Singer Award:
Zairyn, high school
Jessica, middle school
Heather became the first
foster child in our Tyler outreach office to graduate from
high school since the office
opened in 2006. MCH staff,
her foster family and birth
family held a celebration in
Heather’s honor.
Adam, Solo (highest score)
Reba, first place, Current Issues
and Events, Literary Criticism
and Computer Science
Five MCH youth attended
the Perkins Youth School of
Theology at SMU. George,
Abenezer, Austin, Simona and
Josh attended classes and participated in personal discipleship during the three-week
summer program.
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Chance was selected to
the Waco Tribune-Herald’s
Super Centex team.
MCH offers a competitive athletics program for youth who attend the
University of Texas Charter School on the Waco campus. The Bulldogs
compete in six-man football, volleyball, cross country, basketball, and
track and field. MCH is a member of the Texas Christian Athletic League
(TCAL). MCH youth who attend public school are eligible to participate on
their school teams.
Team: State tournament runner-up
Chance: State all-tournament
team; Waco Tribune-Herald’s
Super Centex, 2nd team; 1st
team all-state
Steven: State all-tournament
team; Waco Tribune-Herald’s
Super Centex, honorable mention;
1st team all-state
Christian: 2nd team all-state;
“Good Grades/Good Hoops”
all-star team
Javen: 2nd team all-state
Tashawn: Honorable mention
all-state; “Good Grades/Good
Hoops” all-star team
Team: State quarterfinals (TCAL)
Denzel, DB: 2nd team all-state
Chance, WR: honorable mention
Christian, QB: honorable mention
all-state; Super Centex FCA
Victory Bowl
Henok, 2nd place, state meet
Team: State tournament qualifier
Victoria: 2nd team all-state
Erica: honorable mention all-state
Team: State tournament qualifier
Jackie: State all-tournament
team; 2nd team all-state
Taylor V.: 2nd team all-state
Taylor D.: 2nd team all-state
Kayla: 2nd team all-state
Destiny: hon. mention all-state
Henok, 2nd place, 3200 meters,
state meet
Mindy, Track
Adam, Football
Calvin, Basketball
Circle of Friends
Recognizing the friends of Methodist Children’s Home for outstanding contributions
in the support of children throughout Texas and New Mexico
What is the Circle Of Friends?
returned the card, granting permission
The Circle of Friends was created by
to print. We respect your privacy and the
the Board of Directors in 1990 at the
confidentiality of your gifts. At any time,
beginning of our second century of
you may indicate that you wish all gifts to
ministry to children. It is designed
remain unrecognized and we will mark
to give appropriate recognition and
your record accordingly.
expressions of appreciation to those
who generously support Methodist
Children’s Home. The Circle of Friends
does not include all gifts to the MCH
endowment fund.
Methodist Children’s Home has been
blessed with a heritage of friends who
we are pleased to recognize in the
Circle of Friends.
Will my church receive credit if I
President’s Award ............ $25,000
send my gift directly to the Home?
Founder’s Club ................. 10,000
Yes, when you request church credit. We
Centennial Roundtable ......... 5,000
routinely send all gifts back through the
Development Council ........... 3,500
annual conference treasurer for church
Who can join the Circle of Friends?
credit, just as your church treasurer does
Individuals, churches, businesses, United
when a Methodist Children’s Home gift
Methodist Women and Men’s groups,
is given through the church. Please let us
Sunday School classes and civic organiza-
know the name of your church when you
tions may be members of the Circle of
make your gift.
Methodist Children’s Home does not
What if I do not want my name
receive any funds through apportion-
publicly announced?
ments. All giving to the Home is through
In February, we mail a card to each do-
the free will of those who love Methodist
nor asking for permission to list his or
Children’s Home boys and girls and who
her name in our Circle of Friends. We
give generously, above and beyond gifts
only print the names of those who have
to the local church.
First Family Circle:
Platinum ......................... $1,000
Gold ..................................500
Silver .................................300
Bronze ...............................100
Sunshine I Summer 2011
2 Anonymous Donors
Jane L. Fieldcamp
Annie L. Stevens Fund of the
Dallas Foundation, Dallas, TX
The PSH Foundation,
Wimberley, TX
Ouita N. Moseley Fund of the
San Antonio Area Foundation
San Antonio, TX
First UMC, Rockwall, TX
10 Anonymous Donors
Rick and Elizabeth A. Devereaux
Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Hemberger
Janet and Bob Loeffler
Estate of Dean Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Patton
L. F. and Carla Perry
Wadene Lampe Estate
Mr. Jon N. Sole
Mr. and Mrs. Steve S. Sydow
Dr. Ann Weiss and Mr. Garry Weiss
La Verne and Thomas Howell
Foundation, Rockport, TX
Methodist Children’s Home
Alumni Association
Ragsdale Foundation, Smithville, TX
First UMC, Grapevine, TX
Marvin UMC, Tyler, TX
12 Anonymous Donors
Virginia Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Brown III
Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Collins
Dianne and Bill Cooner
James and Sylvia DuBois
Susan and Woodrow Gandy
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Gentry
Goldie Hermsmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Hoffman III
Mr. Charles W. Huffman
David E. and Lynn W. Hunt
Sandy Jones
Carol and Bill Kelley
Geoff and Tricia Kimbrough
Randall and Lyn Mason
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Maxwell
Sue and Joe Neuhoff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Duane Perkins
Glenn and Sherryl Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Reynolds
Joe and Myra Wheeler
Jane Wirth
Sunshine I Summer 2011
The Meredith Foundation
Mineola, TX
Valero Energy Foundation
San Antonio, TX
Genesis Class
First UMC, Dallas, TX
Bethany UMC, Austin, TX
First UMC, Boerne, TX
First UMC, Center, TX
First UMC, Richardson, TX
Highland Park UMC, Dallas, TX
Jewett UMC, Jewett, TX
Kingwood UMC, Kingwood, TX
Lometa UMC, Lometa, TX
New Home UMC, Lubbock, TX
The Woodlands UMC,
The Woodlands, TX
Travis Park UMC, San Antonio, TX
Trietsch Memorial UMC,
Flower Mound, TX
9 Anonymous Donors
Nancy S. Atkinson
Carl and Christy Brininstool
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richmond S. Clark, Jr.
Bobby and Debbie Deen
Mrs. Kerby (Betty Carole) Edwards
Ron and Betty Hearne Founders
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Kent
Thomas and Anna McCoy
John and Cindy Middleton
Jeff and Paula Nichols
Dale and Kay Oder
Eloise N. Philp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Rork
Joe Chat Sumner III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wittman
First UMC, Conroe, TX
Trinity UMC, Arlington, TX
University Park UMC, Dallas, TX
White’s Chapel UMC, Southlake, TX
130 Anonymous Donors
Drs. James E. and Elizabeth U.
Edna Anderson
Mrs. Marian Ross Anderson
Reverend Judy and Bud Baskin
Vida Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Biggers
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Billings III
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Blubaugh
Mark and Katherine Bodron
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Boyer
Ray and Sue Brinkman
Dr. Edwina and Herbert L.
Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Buchanan
Tom and Virginia Buckingham
Ed and Kay Buie
Scott and Kathy Bukhair
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Burlison
Clyde Capps
Mrs. and Mr. Frank C. Carter
Dr. Lin and Ruth Cates
Betty Jean Chaney
Carroll and Joyce Choate
Donnie and Mary Clinton
Bob and Julie Cole
Hank and Kathryn Coleman
Robert Hinnant Collins
Diana C. Condra
Ola Lee and Bill Coons
Mrs. Robert H. Cooper
Robert and Lynda Copple
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Correll
Kristen Cramer
Harold and Joyce Crooks
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cunningham
John D. and Gerry L. Dalby
Jo Anna Dale
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Davison
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Dees
Randy and Debbie Dews
Gene and Julie Dimock
Moe and Janet Dozier
David H. Dunbar
Dr. Philip and Suzanne Duvall
Patsy R. Edens
Steve and Nancy Ellis
Mrs. Ann Enloe
George and Ann Eubanks
Allan and Betty Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forrest
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Futch
Peter and Florence Gibson
Ms. Diane A. Gillet
Stephen and Mariglyn Glenn
Jack and Janet Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Gonzalez
Joyce F. Gorman
Edna and Frank Greenwood
Judge and Mrs. Guy Griffin
Ms. Kelly M. Griffin
Jim and Karen Guest
Reverend and Mrs. D. Gene Gurley
Mr. and Mrs. C. Clyde Hamblin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Hancock
Nelda Hardin
Bobby and Molly Harris
Nelda Hazlewood
Katherine S. Henry, M.D.
James K. Herriage
Reverend Steve and Reverend
Rachel Heyduck
Shirley and Larry Hickman
Mrs. William D. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hines
Sally and Houston Holmes
James and Ellen Hurst
Dick and Ruth Irvine
Donna Ivey, M.D.
Don Williams Jackson
Ed Johnson, Jr.
Ken and Ruth Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Jones
Jerry and Bel Keesee
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keim
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Kenyon
Mr. and Mrs. Casey J. Knust
Dr. and Mrs. Ken Korthauer
Victor Lehotsky
Mr. Elton E. Lockwood
Alton and Ariel Lohberger
Melba and Harold A. Magnus
Leslie and Candy Mallonee
Charles and Susie Manhoff
Margie W. Marie
Mr. David E. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Matthews
Dr. Henry A. and Joyce S. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Rick McCalip
Mr. James S. McMullen
Mr. and Mrs. William McPike
Jeanette and Garland McWatters
Reverend and Mrs. James E. Merrell
Colonel and Mrs. James R. Milam
John and Elaine Milam
Mr. Eddie Monlezun
Mrs. Joyce A. Morman
Margie Morrison
Joe and Mary Lou Morriss
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mungle
Hilry J. Nabours
Chuck and Sheila Nagel
Jo G. Oakley
Trey and Karen Oakley
Virginia O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Parker III
Paula and Dale Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne L. Pedigo
Sam and Ginny Perrine
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pikett
Jeff and Connie Mims Pinkerton
Glynn and Dorothy Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Reese
Zonell Rice
Robert and Bette Robinson
Lillian Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Sage
Gene and Jennell Sanders
Judge and Mrs. Henry A. Santana
Will and Carolyn Saunders
George A. and Susan E. Scott
Lynda L. Scurlock
Ellen Elizabeth Smith
Bubba and Nancy Smith
Donald and Gwen Spiess
Lisa Stephenson
Anne V. Stevenson
Larry and Rebecca Stifflemire
Jane and Charles Szalkowski
Dave Tamm
Jean and Pat Thomas
Robert and Betty Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Tiedt
Sandra and Pete Tinkham
Kim and Randy Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. John Tuggle
Bobby J. and Louise Vance
Catherine L. Vandiver
George and Martha Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Wallace
Mrs. Mary Beth Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Weathers
Brit R. Webb
John and Joyce Webb
John P. Wheat
Ronald and Nancy White
Mr. and Mrs. Troy N. Whitehurst, Jr.
Charlsie Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Wilkins
Mrs. Gene Womack
Charlene and Ginny Woods
Doug and Duana Yates
Eddie and Valerie Yocham
Carole and Gene Chambers
Foundation, Katy, TX
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift
Program, Princeton, NJ
ConocoPhillips Company
Houston, TX
Joe E. Davis Foundation, Abilene, TX
Goldman, Sachs and Co. Matching
Gift Program, Princeton, NJ
The Grant Family Fund
Galveston, TX
Greater Houston Community
Foundation, Houston, TX
Ihlo Sales & Import Co., Center, TX
Coy and Patsy Johnson Foundation
Sulphur Springs, TX
Virginia Duvall Johnson Trust
Idalou, TX
M. & A. Mc Cullough Foundation
Wichita Falls, TX
Virginia Duvall Johnson, Idalou, TX
Adult Bible Class
Trinity UMC, Arlington, TX
Bend UMC Youth Fund
Bend UMC, Bend, TX
Epworth Sunday School Class
First UMC, Big Spring, TX
Gleaners Sunday School Class
Oak Park UMC, Reno, TX
Herveys Main St. Sunday School
First UMC, Houston, TX
Inquirers Class
First UMC, Fort Worth, TX
Pairs & Parents Class
Marvin UMC, Tyler, TX
Questers Sunday School Class
First UMC, Hurst, TX
Rainbow Emmaus Community
Grace UMC, Copperas Cove, TX
United Methodist Men
Liberty Hill UMC, Liberty Hill, TX
United Methodist Women
Forney UMC, Forney, TX
United Methodist Women
Clear Lake UMC, Houston, TX
United Methodist Women
Kingwood UMC, Kingwood, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Rockwall, TX
Wesleyan Class
Christ Church UMC,
The Woodlands, TX
Acton UMC, Granbury, TX
Aldersgate UMC, Abilene, TX
Argyle UMC, Argyle, TX
Axe Memorial UMC, Garland, TX
Bay Harbour UMC, League City, TX
Booker UMC, Booker, TX
Cedar Bayou Grace UMC,
Baytown, TX
Christ Church UMC,
The Woodlands, TX
Christ UMC, College Station, TX
Christ UMC, Sugar Land, TX
Coker UMC, San Antonio, TX
Colfax UMC, Van, TX
Covenant UMC, Austin, TX
Crosby UMC, Crosby, TX
Cuthand UMC, Bogata, TX
Cypress UMC, Cypress, TX
Deer Park UMC, Deer Park, TX
Fellowship UMC, Roanoke, TX
First UMC, Dallas, TX
First UMC, De Kalb, TX
First UMC, Denton, TX
First UMC, Dickinson, TX
First UMC, Fort Worth, TX
First UMC, Georgetown, TX
First UMC, Gonzales, TX
First UMC, Graham, TX
First UMC, Hawkins, TX
First UMC, Hereford, TX
First UMC, Humble, TX
First UMC, Huntsville, TX
First UMC, Jasper, TX
First UMC, Lake Jackson, TX
First UMC, Lufkin, TX
First UMC, Midland, TX
First UMC, Missouri City, TX
First UMC, Muleshoe, TX
First UMC, Orange, TX
First UMC, Paris, TX
First UMC, Pittsburg, TX
First UMC, Roaring Springs, TX
First UMC, Waxahachie, TX
First UMC, Winona, TX
Greggton UMC, Longview, TX
Gruver UMC, Gruver, TX
Hamlin Memorial UMC, Farwell, TX
Hope UMC, Yoakum, TX
Kessler Park UMC, Dallas, TX
Klein UMC, Spring, TX
Liberty Hill UMC, Grapeland, TX
Linden UMC, Linden, TX
London UMC, Junction, TX
Memorial Drive UMC, Houston, TX
Mt. Vernon UMC, Frankston, TX
Oklahoma Lane UMC,
Lazbuddie, TX
Paul Horton UMC, Coldspring, TX
Pidcoke UMC, Killeen, TX
Plymouth Park UMC, Irving, TX
Polk Street UMC, Amarillo, TX
The Development Department shares the MCH story while
actively cultivating relationships with benefactors and friends
that enable this ministry to continue fulfilling its mission.
Richland Hills UMC,
Richland Hills, TX
Ridgewood Park UMC, Dallas, TX
Salado UMC, Salado, TX
Smyrna UMC, Harleton, TX
Spurger UMC, Spurger, TX
St. Luke’s UMC, Midland, TX
St. Mark’s UMC, El Paso, TX
St. Paul UMC, Amarillo, TX
St. Peter’s UMC, Katy, TX
St. Stephen’s UMC, Houston, TX
Tarrytown UMC, Austin, TX
Tomball UMC, Tomball, TX
Troup UMC, Troup, TX
Wesley UMC, Andrews, TX
Wesley UMC, Bonham, TX
Westlake UMC, West Lake Hills, TX
Wildwood UMC, Magnolia, TX
Wildwood UMC, Village Mills, TX
Windcrest UMC, San Antonio, TX
Winterfield UMC, Longview, TX
160 Anonymous Donors
Jimmy and Janeil Adams
Grant and Nelda Adamson
Dr. and Mrs. Sam R. Adkisson
John E. and Kay Allison
Larry W. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. (Pete)
Andrews, Jr.
Clara W. Arnold
Mike and Janet Aycock
Margaret Barrelle
Gertrude and Harold Batiste
Ms. Nancy S. Bickel
Ed and Demie Bingman
Steve and Lotte Bostick
Ms. Judy Broadway
Tim and Susan Brown
Bill and Karen Brunson
Damon B. Burlison
Metta Burney
Frank Busch
Tim and Lynn Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Carroll
Jerry and Shirley Chapman
Jim and Mary Chionsini
Mrs. Courts K. Cleveland, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ace M. Connell
Beverly Cotton
Mrs. Lou W. Criswell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Crosby
Robin Cummings
Hunter and Totsy Cunningham
Geneva Dake
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Kyle Daniels
Jim and Peggy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Elwell
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Fadal, Jr.,
Mrs. Carolyn E. Ferguson
Don and Marcia Fitzner
Elizabeth Ann Franklin
D. D. Gabriel
Dallas and Debbie Garrett
Ray and Nicki George
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gholson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Gibson
Rex H. Gibson
Mary Gill
Dr. and Mrs. Noé E. Gonzales
Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Goodwin, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Allen Goss
Dr. and Mrs. Derek B. Grant
Mrs. Myrtis Gray
Drs. Steven and Deborah Greer
Mrs. Barbara L. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Gresham
Chaplain and Mrs. Philip E.
Grimmett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grogan
L. Marvin Guier
Mr. Alfred B. Guinn
Harry and Charlotte Gump
Ms. Harriet Halsell
Charlie and Helen Hampton
Leita Hart
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hayward
Dixie Heinle
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hill
Neal and Joyce Hinson
Ben and Martha Honea
Harold and Mary Hooks
Ronald and Bonnie Hopperton
Robert and Sandra Houghton
Dr. and Mrs. Clifton O. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Jackson
John and Paulina Jones
Kenneth and Molly Kent
Barbara King
Bruce and Martha King
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kruse
Robert and Dorothy Lacy
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton M. Lake
Dolores Flynn Lawhorn
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lewis, Jr.
Gary and Stephanie Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Luetger
Mitzi Maceo
Dr. and Mrs. Rias H. Majors
Virginia F. Martin
Nancy Kelly McBride
Ronnie D. McCormick
Ben and Janice Meador
Billy and Dana Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Mize
Lee and Lit Moore
Emily Moreland
Dorothy Tomme Morgan
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Ralph and Frances Morgen
Mr. and Mrs. Chris O. Morton
Mrs. Terri Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Orr, Jr.
Reverend Hugh A. Pankey
Mr. Harold R. Parkison
Vicki C. Patterson
Lanny and Marsha Peavy
Judge and Mrs. Lloyd W. and
Dorothy O. Perkins
Phillip E. Perkins
Daniel Craig Pitrucha
Nancy Powell
Wayne and Betty Priddy
W. E. and Charlotte Probst
Reverend and Mrs. Henry Radde
Ms. Ruth Ramaker
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ray
Mrs. E. R. Richter
Virginia Bates Riddle
B. J. and Virginia Roberts
Judy K. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rohloff
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rouze
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ruhman
Mr. and Mrs. John Runberg
Jerry and Patsy Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Sanders
E. L. and Peggy Sanders
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Schulze, M.D.
Major and Mrs. C. C. Schwartz
Martha Ann Sharpe
(Mrs. Tom Sharpe)
Ida Mae Shawn
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sisler
Bill and Linda Smith
James and Nancy Smith, Jr.
David W. Stodghill
Virgil and Gay Stone
Mrs. Mary L. Suarez
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Taylor
Billy Bob Thomason
Jeretta Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Towers
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Travis
Mel and Cindy Trousdale
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Tucker
Manuel and Donna Underwood
Nora M. Walker
Marcia R. Walrath
Ned and Jo Walter
Guy and Kay Weathers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Weaver
Mrs. Tom W. Webster
Edward and Peggy Weise
Charles and Virginia Werlla
Dr. and Mrs. Darrell S. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Whiteman
Deborah and Scott Wilder
Beth Wilkinson
Doris J. Wilson
Ross and Kris Wirth
Earl A. and Debbie Wood
Timothy and Joyce Woodlock
Betty Woods
Ouida M. Yeager
Virginia H. Ziemer
Hopi Farms & Minerals, Ltd.
Marble Falls, TX
McClane Brown Foundation
Waco, TX
Milton M. Frank & Thomas B.
Sprague Foundation, Inc.
College Station, TX
Felix L. & Jo Stehling Foundation
San Antonio, TX
2 X 2 Sunday School Class
Highland Park UMC, Dallas, TX
African American Clergy Fellowship
North Texas Conference, Dallas, TX
Alpha Night Circle
First UMC, Olney, TX
Builders Sunday School Class
First UMC, Waxahachie, TX
Circle Twenty - UMW
Highland Park UMC, Dallas, TX
Come One Come All Class
First UMC, Victoria, TX
Covenant Sunday School Class
First UMC, Waxahachie, TX
Disciples Sunday School Class
Christ UMC, Allen, TX
Downtown Men’s Bible Class
First UMC, Olney, TX
Everyday Christians
First UMC, Garland, TX
Faith Builder’s Class
White’s Chapel UMC,
Southlake, TX
Fidelis Class
First UMC, Odessa, TX
Fidelity Sunday School Class
Post UMC, Post, TX
Forum Discussion Group
Clear Lake UMC, Houston, TX
Friendship Sunday School Class
First UMC, Royse City, TX
Grace UMW
Grace UMC, Corpus Christi, TX
J. E. Wilson Sunday School Class
First UMC, Rockwall, TX
John Wesley Sunday School Class
St. Luke’s UMC, Lubbock, TX
The individual is the primary focus of fundraising efforts at
Methodist Children’s Home. Nationally, more than 80% of all
charitable gifts come from individuals, compared to nearly 8%
from foundations and less than 7% from corporations. Our greatest support comes from individuals who care about children.
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Joy Sunday School Class
Kingwood UMC, Kingwood, TX
Koinonia Sunday School Class
Lake Highlands UMC, Dallas, TX
Kum-Double Sunday School Class
First UMC, Monahans, TX
M.E. Fellowship Class
First UMC, Breckenridge, TX
Marantha Sunday School Class
First UMC, South Plains, TX
Mary-Martha Circle
Leander UMC, Leander, TX
Men’s Bible Class
First UMC, Silsbee, TX
Messengers Sunday School Class
First UMC, Sulphur Springs, TX
Methodist Women Fellowship
First UMC, Lovelady, TX
Pathfinders Class
Axe Memorial UMC, Garland, TX
Pathfinders Class
First UMC, Missouri City, TX
Ruth Circle
Bellville UMC, Bellville, TX
Seekers Sunday School Class
St. Luke’s UMC, Lubbock, TX
Seekers Sunday School Class
Marvin UMC, Tyler, TX
Society of St. Stephen
Summit UMC, Marshall, TX
The Friendly Bible Class
Marvin UMC, Tyler, TX
Tuesday AM Men’s Bible Group
William C. Martin UMC,
Bedford, TX
United Methodist Men
First UMC, Brenham, TX
United Methodist Men
First UMC, Euless, TX
United Methodist Men
Springtown UMC, Springtown, TX
United Methodist Men
Universal City UMC,
Universal City, TX
United Methodist Women
Coldspring UMC, Coldspring, TX
United Methodist Women
St. Philip’s UMC, Garland, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Hemphill, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Hooks, TX
United Methodist Women
Magnolia UMC, Magnolia, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Nacogdoches, TX
United Methodist Women
Onalaska UMC, Onalaska, TX
United Methodist Women
Asbury UMC, Pasadena, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Sachse, TX
United Methodist Women
Highland Heights UMC,
Sweetwater, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, The Colony, TX
United Methodist Women
Troup UMC, Troup, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Willis, TX
United Methodist Women
Zapata UMC, Zapata, TX
Upper Room SS Class
First UMC, College Station, TX
Wesleyan Agape Sunday School
First UMC, Mesquite, TX
A&M UMC, College Station, TX
Asbury UMC, Odessa, TX
Atascocita UMC, Humble, TX
Bedias UMC, Bedias, TX
Bering Memorial UMC, Houston, TX
Bethel UMC, Waxahachie, TX
Coldspring UMC, Coldspring, TX
Copeville UMC, Plano, TX
Curtis UMC, Jasper, TX
Dido UMC, Fort Worth, TX
El Divino Salvador UMC,
San Antonio, TX
Farmersville UMC, Farmersville, TX
Fashing UMC, Karnes City, TX
First UMC, Amherst, TX
First UMC, Bay City, TX
First UMC, Borger, TX
First UMC, Brady, TX
First UMC, Brenham, TX
First UMC, Brookshire, TX
First UMC, Celina, TX
First UMC, Daingerfield, TX
First UMC, Decatur, TX
First UMC, Fort Sumner, NM
First UMC, Grapeland, TX
First UMC, Hillsboro, TX
First UMC, Jefferson, TX
First UMC, Johnson City, TX
First UMC, Junction, TX
First UMC, Katy, TX
First UMC, Kaufman, TX
First UMC, Kingsville, TX
First UMC, La Grange, TX
First UMC, Mesquite, TX
First UMC, Normangee, TX
First UMC, Plano, TX
First UMC, Rowlett, TX
First UMC, San Angelo, TX
First UMC, Smithville, TX
First UMC, Waco, TX
First UMC, Waskom, TX
First UMC, Winnie, TX
Flynn UMC, Normangee, TX
Forest Heights UMC, Lubbock, TX
Franklin UMC, Franklin, TX
Friona UMC, Friona, TX
Fritch UMC, Fritch, TX
Grace UMC, Texas City, TX
Harker Heights UMC,
Harker Heights, TX
Helotes Hills UMC, Helotes, TX
Highland Lakes UMC,
Buchanan Dam, TX
Iago Federated Church, Boling, TX
Ira UMC, Ira, TX
Keltys UMC, Lufkin, TX
La Trinidad UMC, San Antonio, TX
Lake Rayburn UMC, Jasper, TX
Latexo UMC, Crockett, TX
Macedonia UMC, Hockley, TX
Memorial UMC, Walnut Springs, TX
Monthalia UMC, Cost, TX
Moody-Leon UMC, Moody, TX
Mt. Zion/Panola UMC, Panola, TX
New Energy Community UMC,
Crockett, TX
New Fountain UMC, Hondo, TX
Oak Island UMC, San Antonio, TX
Oakwood UMC, Lubbock, TX
Old River Terrace UMC,
Channelview, TX
Olton UMC, Olton, TX
Paige UMC, Paige, TX
Paradise UMC, Paradise, TX
Pierces Chapel UMC,
Jacksonville, TX
Pleasant Retreat UMC,
Thorndale, TX
Quitman UMC, Quitman, TX
Refugio UMC, Refugio, TX
Saltillo UMC, Saltillo, TX
Schreiber Memorial UMC, Dallas, TX
Shelbyville UMC, Shelbyville, TX
Somerset UMC, Somerset, TX
St. John’s UMC, Albuquerque, NM
St. John’s UMC, Richmond, TX
St. Paul UMC, Hurst, TX
St. Paul’s UMC, Houston, TX
Sunset UMC, Pasadena, TX
Tenaha UMC, Timpson, TX
Tennison Memorial UMC,
Mt. Pleasant, TX
University UMC, Las Cruces, NM
Van UMC, Van, TX
Whaley UMC, Gainesville, TX
Woodville UMC, Woodville, TX
130 Anonymous Donors
Jane F. Admire, M.D.
Reverend and Mrs. Peter V. Adrian
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Alexander
Reverend Melvin Amerson
Shirley and Carl Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Anderson
Daniel and Debra Baggett
Reverend and Mrs. Harvey
Stephen and Luanne Beller
Ms. Janet A. Black
James and Jeanne Blackwell
Lucy Blackwell
Frank N. Boggus
Mrs. Marcia H. Boling
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bradfield
Billie and Bob Bryant
Donna and Tom Burton
Alana and Jerry Byrum
Dewayne and Paula Cady
Anne Chamberland
Richard and Claire Cook
Mr. and Mrs. N. Campbell Cox
Wilbur and Donnita Cunningham
Ermia Cupit
Brenda Nix Davis
Mrs. Lindy Dehm
Lane and Michael Devereux
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Dougall
Reverend and Mrs. Todd Dyess
Katharine A. Ferguson
Courtland and Marie Frankson
Harry and Carol Frankson
Glenn and Kay Furman
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley E. Gale
Dr. and Mrs. David F. Gardner
Mr. James M. Gaubatz
Jim and Helen Geiger
Dennis and Opal Lee Gill
Dr. Donald L. and Barbara Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Griffin
Bud and Martha Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Hatton
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dennis Hawk
Starling and Bill Hay
Laura Forbes Helms
Susan and Jeff Hinger
Joyce Holder
Carol L. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hughey
Jerry and June Jackson
Grant Jacobs
Reverend and Mrs. William H.
Craig and Jan Jaynes
Eldo Johnson
Jane and Phil Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Kelley
Ms. Mary Kirby
Sylvia Kirby
Ms. Lois M. Lackey
Jack R. and Barbara H. Landrum
Reverend Dr. Ouida F. Lee
Bob and Linda Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie L. Lee
Bill and Clara Leshikar
Walt and Deborah Lind
Mr. Edwin B. Logan, Jr.
Norma Lopez
Joe and Ella Machac
Shirley J. Magnuson
Dr. John H. Marshall, Jr.
Donald and Peggy Martin
The average gift to the Daily Needs Fund is $189. The Daily
Needs Fund makes up the shortfall between the annual budget
and the earnings from our endowment fund and special or
designated funds.
Cristina Martinez - TSTA/SP UTEP
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Massingill
Ms. Jewel McAfee
Meg and Mike McGrew
Obie D. Milton
Jeanne and Allen Muncey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neelley
Phyrne O’Day
Floyd and Margaret Ostrom
Ms. Eleanor Page
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Patterson
Ms. Linda Phillips
Billy and JoAnne Prewitt
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Pritchett
Charles Proffitt
Mrs. Dorothy Wyatt Reed
Gerald and Nancy Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rutherford
Jerry B. and Patti L. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Self
Mr. and Mrs. Grover L. Shade
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sherrod
Cary A. Shields
Evelyn and Elgin Shupak
Mrs. Edwin Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Colby G. Smith
Al and Terry Smith
Ben and Kae Stuart
Mrs. Millie H. Stuck
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Thomas, Jr.
Lynn and Sandy Thompson
Catherine and Jack Threet
Ms. Jimmie L. Wainscott
Ray and Becky Wanieck
Stan and Paula Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Wenthold
Vic and Terri Whitley
Jim and Phyllis Wilson
Martha Wittenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Foster J. Witthauer
Dr. Robert and Reverend Barbara
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wussow
Helen Reid Yarbrough
Aetna Foundation, Inc.,
Princeton, NJ
Burgess Aviation Consultants
Fort Worth, TX
Halliburton, Princeton, NJ
The Knot Hole, Killeen, TX
Methodist Healthcare Ministries
San Antonio, TX
Tri-County Livestock Market, Inc.
New Summerfield, TX
Verizon Foundation, Andover, MA
ALR/Fellowship Sunday School
Wesley UMC, Campbell, TX
Bible Buffs Sunday School Class
First UMC, Celina, TX
Bible Study Class
Sunset UMC, Pasadena, TX
Bob Thomas Bible Sunday School
Tomball UMC, Tomball, TX
Bykota Class
Payne Springs UMC, Mabank, TX
Candlelighters Class
St. Paul’s UMC, Houston, TX
Century Class
Marvin UMC, Tyler, TX
Challenge Sunday School Class
St. Mark’s UMC, Marshall, TX
Challengers Sunday School Class
First UMC, De Kalb, TX
Crusaders Class
Marvin UMC, Tyler, TX
Dawson Sunday School Class
First UMC, Temple, TX
Discovery Sunday School Class
Bethany UMC, Austin, TX
Faith Bible Class
First UMC, Marshall, TX
Faith Sunday School Class
Friona UMC, Friona, TX
Fellowship Class
Westlake UMC, Austin, TX
Fellowship Class
Pleasant Mound, Dallas, TX
Fellowship Class
First UMC, Seminole, TX
Friendship Beacon Sunday School
St. Luke’s UMC, Houston, TX
Friendship Class
Edge Park UMC, Benbrook, TX
Friendship Class
Friona UMC, Friona, TX
Friendship Class
First UMC, Nacogdoches, TX
Friendship Sunday School Class
First UMC, Crane, TX
Friendship Sunday School Class
First UMC, Crowley, TX
Friendship Sunday School Class
Custer Road UMC, Plano, TX
Friona United Methodist Women
Friona UMC, Friona, TX
Good News Sunday School Class
William C. Martin UMC,
Hurst, TX
Harleton Busy Bees
Harleton UMC, Harleton, TX
Harmony Class
First UMC, Allen, TX
Harmony Sunday School Class
White Rock UMC, Dallas, TX
Helping Hands Circle
Brownsboro UMC,
Brownsboro, TX
High Questors Sunday School Class
First UMC, Graham, TX
Kaleidoscope Sunday School Class
St. Mark’s UMC, Mesquite, TX
Men’s Bible Class
First UMC, College Station, TX
Methodist Men’s Club
First UMC, Navasota, TX
Methodist Mens Fellowship
Albany UMC, Albany, TX
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Morning Doves
First UMC, San Marcos, TX
Pathfinders Class
First UMC, Childress, TX
Quester’s Sunday School Class
First UMC, Lubbock, TX
Questor’s Sunday School Class
First UMC, Lamesa, TX
Singles in Ministry
First UMC, Mesquite, TX
Sunday Scholars Class
First UMC, Hillsboro, TX
Sunshine Class
First UMC, Mason, TX
Theophilite Sunday School Class
St. Barnabas UMC, Arlington, TX
Thomas Class
Claude UMC, Claude, TX
Tinney Chapel Ladies Group
Tinney Chapel UMC,
Winnsboro, TX
United Disciples Sunday School Class
Bear Creek UMC, Houston, TX
United Methodist Men
First UMC, Columbus, TX
United Methodist Men
Pidcoke UMC, Gatesville, TX
United Methodist Men
First UMC, Lampasas, TX
United Methodist Women
Aransas Pass UMC,
Aransas Pass, TX
United Methodist Women
Aldersgate UMC, Arlington, TX
United Methodist Women
Covenant UMC, Austin, TX
United Methodist Women
Bullard UMC, Bullard, TX
United Methodist Women
Spring Valley UMC, Dallas, TX
United Methodist Women
Dripping Springs UMC,
Dripping Springs, TX
United Methodist Women
Tobin Park UMC, El Paso, TX
United Methodist Women
Elysian Fields Bethel UMC,
Elysian Fields, TX
United Methodist Women
Payne Springs UMC, Eustace, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Hawkins, TX
United Methodist Women
Lakewood UMC, Houston, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Marble Falls, TX
United Methodist Women
St. Mark’s UMC, Marshall, TX
United Methodist Women
Tennison Memorial UMC,
Mt. Pleasant, TX
United Methodist Women
Palacios UMC, Palacios, TX
United Methodist Women
Lakeway UMC, Pottsboro, TX
United Methodist Women
Prosper UMC, Prosper, TX
Sunshine I Summer 2011
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Shiner, TX
United Methodist Women
Stinnett UMC, Stinnett, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Waco, TX
Upper Room Sunday School Class
First UMC, Madisonville, TX
Victor Sunday School Class
First UMC, Palestine, TX
Wesley Class
St. Mark UMC, Cleburne, TX
Wesley Progressors Sunday School
First UMC, Arlington, TX
Winsome Class
First UMC, Vernon, TX
Ackerly UMC, Ackerly, TX
Alliance of Faith UMC, Ennis, TX
Anna UMC, Anna, TX
Bellville UMC, Bellville, TX
Benjamin UMC, Benjamin, TX
Birthright UMC, Sulphur Springs, TX
Capitan UMC, Capitan, NM
Chappell Hill UMC,
Chappell Hill, TX
Crowell UMC, Crowell, TX
Elmwood UMC, Dallas, TX
Faith UMC, Vernon, TX
First UMC, Allen, TX
First UMC, Atlanta, TX
First UMC, Avery, TX
First UMC, Beaumont, TX
First UMC, Beeville, TX
First UMC, Bonham, TX
First UMC, Cameron, TX
First UMC, Clovis, NM
First UMC, Crowley, TX
First UMC, Deming, NM
First UMC, Elgin, TX
First UMC, Ennis, TX
First UMC, Fairfield, TX
First UMC, Frankston, TX
First UMC, Frisco, TX
First UMC, Granbury, TX
First UMC, Hallettsville, TX
First UMC, Hobbs, NM
First UMC, Jacksonville, TX
First UMC, Lampasas, TX
First UMC, Los Alamos, NM
First UMC, Newton, TX
First UMC, Palestine, TX
First UMC, Pasadena, TX
First UMC, Silsbee, TX
First UMC, Spur, TX
First UMC, Trinity, TX
Forney UMC, Forney, TX
Fredericksburg UMC,
Fredericksburg, TX
Gause UMC, Gause, TX
Grace UMC, Alamogordo, NM
Grace UMC, Dallas, TX
Hainesville UMC, Mineola, TX
Heald UMC, McLean, TX
Higgins UMC, Higgins, TX
Hope UMC, Hope, NM
John Wesley UMC, Houston, TX
The Christmas fundraising season at MCH runs from the week
prior to Thanksgiving through the third week of January, when all
church conference gifts arrive at MCH. Last year, MCH received
61% of the total annual dollars raised for the Daily Needs Fund
during this time period.
Leander UMC, Leander, TX
Leona UMC, Hearne, TX
Living Way UMC, Conroe, TX
Lorenzo UMC, Lorenzo, TX
Morgan Mill UMC, Morgan Mill, TX
New London UMC, New London, TX
Oak Grove UMC, Aubrey, TX
Palacios UMC, Palacios, TX
Preston Hollow UMC, Dallas, TX
Quanah UMC, Quanah, TX
Red Bayou UMC, New Boston, TX
Reeves Chapel UMC, Pittsburg, TX
Soules Chapel UMC, Gilmer, TX
Spring Woods UMC, Houston, TX
St. Andrew’s UMC, Killeen, TX
St. James UMC, Temple, TX
St. John’s UMC, Austin, TX
St. John’s UMC, Lubbock, TX
St. Luke’s UMC, Houston, TX
St. Paul’s UMC, Albuquerque, NM
St. Paul’s UMC, Las Cruces, NM
St. Stephen’s UMC,
Albuquerque, NM
Thornton UMC, Groesbeck, TX
Throckmorton UMC,
Throckmorton, TX
Tira UMC, Paris, TX
Trent UMC, Trent, TX
Trinity First UMC, El Paso, TX
Trinity UMC, Denton, TX
Tyler Street UMC, Dallas, TX
Wesley UMC, Larue, TX
White Deer UMC, White Deer, TX
1,306 Anonymous Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Adams
Martha Sharon Adams
David L. and Pat L. Aistrup
Linda and Dean Alderson
Loretta Alexander
Ivan E. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson B. Alpers
Alan and Nancy Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. W. Max Anderson
Mrs. Eldon F. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Anthony
Peggy Archer
Mrs. Eleanor A. Arguijo
Mrs. Marian L. Ashley
Frank and Norma Babbitt
Ms. Velma Jean Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Balentine
Hugh Ann Bankhead
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barber
Carolyn and Harry Barnard
Mrs. Dawn S. Barnes
Harold and Rosine Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Winston A. Barney
Harold and Sadie Barnhart
Mrs. Jean L. Barrar
Sam and Geneva Barrett
Billy P. Barton
Barbara and Billy Bass
Steve and Meda Beaird
Jim and Kathryn Beard
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Beaty
Dr. and Mrs. Jay L. Beavers
Agnes L. Bennett
Leslie and B. C. Bennett
Mrs. Raymond Bergstrom
Wayne and Mary Billeck
Betty J. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Major E. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Blankinship
Bishop W. Earl and Leslie Bledsoe
Sarah E. Boehme
Al and Anne Boggess
Elizabeth B. Bolger
Beverley Bowen
Ms. Nancy Bowen
David and Terry Bowers
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bowling
Honey and Bill Bracken
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Bradbeer
Ms. Bobbie Bradley
Leo H. Bradshaw, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Brandenberger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Branum
Mr. and Mrs. Arledge Brashers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brawner
Clayton and Diane Brazelton
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Brian
Baldwin and Wilma Bridger
Elton and Bobby Brigham
Jan Brockett
John Ed Brothers
Mrs. Doris L. Brown
Mrs. Elizabeth Brown
William R. and Marsha D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. Brownfield
Gilda and Robert S. Bryant, Jr.
John and Gail Buckler
Van and Colette Bullock
Wilmer D. Bunkley
Art and Carla Burchard
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Burrus
Charles Robert Butler
The Rick and Teri Butler Family
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Cade
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Caldwell
Mr. David Calliham
Gordon G. Campbell
Pat and Ruby Carlisle
Gene G. Carney
Mr. Carl L. Carpenter, Jr.
Mabel and Rex Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Carroll
Barbara and Jack Cartwright
Louise and Frank Carvey
Mr. William D. Cash
Reverend and Mrs. Jim D. Chandler
Anneliese Charles
Mack and Linda Christian
W. A. Chumbley
Sandra and Dick Clark
Mildred Clearman
Reverend and Mrs. Harold M.
Les and Janis Cockerell
Wesley and Patsy Coleman
Lester and Nelda Colley
Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Collins
Mr. David K. Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Cothran
Carlos Cotton
Mrs. Carolyn Cotton
Mrs. Pauline H. Couch
Mrs. Richard A. Cox
Reverend and Mrs. Joseph F. Cox
Dee Warwick Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Crawford
Mrs. Norma J. Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. Randal D. Crum
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fred Currie
Charles, Elizabeth, Chase, Alex,
Jordan and Nick Daigle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Damron
Reverend and Mrs. Allie M.
L. Dennis and Judy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Luther D. Davis III
Denise Evers and Doug Davis
Mrs. Mary Beth Dawes
Joe and Bobbie Day
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Deardorff
Nancy Deen
Pat Ford Denman
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Denny
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Dethlefsen
Mark and Vicki Devito
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. DeVito
David and Marlene Dibrell
David and Carol Dickson
Sonny and Suzanne Donaldson
Daniel R. Droemer
Mr. and Mrs. Lane Dryden
Mrs. Pat Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. Loften B. Dunlap
Mr. Fred H. Dunlop
Ruth N. Dunn
Drs. Dybwad and Bliss
David and Mary Dyer
Dorothy Eastabrooks
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elrod
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eschenfelder, Jr.
Mr. Alfred V. Evans, Jr.
Billie Evans
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans, Jr.
Barbara and Odell Evartt
Keith and Judy Everett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Eyler
Mr. Curtis Eyre
Reverend and Mrs. Thomas M. Faile
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Farmer, Jr.
Mrs. Roy L. Felder
Mrs. Bessie L. Fenn
Mike and Nancy Fenton
Norma Wood Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. B. Keith Fields
Richard and Evelyn Fish
Ted and Kathy Floca
Mrs. T. A. Flournoy
Reverend and Mrs. John Fluth, Sr.
Bob and Marilyn Ford
Betty Foree
Mrs. Theo W. Fory
Heidi and Ottis Foster
Ms. Evelyn Fredrickson
Mr. and Mrs. David Freeman
John and Betty Freeman
Alice and Roger Freidline
Beth Gallagher
Marjorie B. Garey
Mr. Kenneth C. Garland
William Garrett
Bill and Eunice Gary
Nelda W. Gathings
Mr. and Mrs. Winston C. Gatlin
Rollin Gattis
Mr. and Mrs. Arlis D. Geddie
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gessley
Dorcus B. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon F. Gibson
Ms. Christina L. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilchrist
Ms. Peggy Gillespie
Lewis and Barbara Gillett
Sharon Ann Gillette
Glyn and Marty Gilliam
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Goff
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gooch
Earl and Martha Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Graner
Arnold and Penny Gray
Lynn and Carolyn Gray
Larry and Anna Green
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Greenhaw
The Gregory Family
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Grimes
Larry and Judy Grisham
Andy and Beth Guinn
Dot Guttery
Elsie Hadley
Colleen A. Hager
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Haggard
Ms. Denise S. Hampt
Jack and Judy Hardison
Glynn and Sybil Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrington
Hazel Harrison
Wava Hayes
Ronnie and Kay C. Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hazard
Sidney and Doris Hearne
Howard and Ann Hendrix
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Herford
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heritage
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Herzog
Don and Patti Hewlett
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Hiers
There are more than 2,100 United Methodist churches in Texas
and New Mexico. Last year, 630 churches made a donation to
Methodist Children’s Home.
Jack W. Highfill, Jr.
Sandra Hiler
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Hill
Fred and Janet Himes
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hinds
Ed and Susan Hinson
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hodges
Frances C. Holdeman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holder
Gwen Holladay and Paul Hergert
Ms. Jacqueline D. Holmes
Mrs. Ann M. Bell Honan
Virgel Horn
Ms. Dorothy C. House
Mrs. Mary Jim House
Mrs. Duncan Howard
Ms. Mary Anne Howard
Jefferson D. and Janel C. Howell
Dorothy Hughes
Lovelyn and Pat Hughes
Jim and Margaret Ingram
Mrs. Verna Mae Jackson
Charlotte and Warren Jackson
Stephen and Caral Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. B. Van James
Mary Jennings
Brian and Ruth Jensen
Reverend and Mrs. Milton Jochetz
Michael and Glenna Johns
Mrs. Doris S. Johnson
Pam Johnson
Susie Johnson
Hunter and Caroline Jones
Karen S. Jones
Lonnie L., Sr. and Derilda Ann Jones
Mary Morrow Jones
Eldin and Rosemary Jontra
Ms. Sandra Joy
Dr. and Mrs. Clifton Julian
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kastor
Pat and Paul Keating
Gwen P. Kee
Irma Jo Kemp
Jim and Ann Kenney
Rebecca A. Kent
William and Mary Kenyon
Rusty and Elizabeth Ann Ketz
Reverend T. Irving King Jr.,
Dr. Linda Kinslow
Mr. and Mrs. Homer D. Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Latham Knight
Susan Knight
Kenneth and Gwendolyn Kordzik
Ms. Barbara S. Krohn
Steve and Celia Krug
Bud and Kathy Kulesza
Stan and Carol Labay
Sean and Whitney Laffere
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. LaGrone
Mrs. A. W. Lair
Marcheta Langford
Wanda Langston
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Laschinger
Margaret Lay
Barb Lea
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Leavell
Mrs. Martha Ann Lee
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. LeFevre
Ms. Annette McGhee (Lewis)
Mr. Cayward Lewis
John and Jan Lineweaver
Cliff and Edda Litherland
Mr. Clarence and Reverend Nancy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Locke
Debbie Louder
Kermit and Cheryl Lowe
Philip Lowe
Marjory and Harry Lucker
Colonel Raymond H. Lumry
William L. Machemehl
Myrtice Macomber
Jerry and Daurice Malina
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mangum
Billy and Barbara Marcum
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Marshall
Charles and Julie Martin
Mr. and Mrs. John U. Martin
Sonja Martin
D. L. and Kathy Martine
Tawn Marzahn
Ms. Estelle Massey
Mr. and Mrs. James Maxton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCaffree, Jr.
Mrs. M. Todd McElroy
Daniel and Suzanne McElroy
Dr. and Mrs. Brad McIver
Mr. and Mrs. Don H. McKinnerney
Mrs. Elaine Barbin McLean
Bill and Sue McMahon
Reverend and Mrs. Donald M.
Sally Mercer
Mrs. C. P. Metcalf
Steve and Gail Millard
Michael and Ilene Miller
Elsie Millican
Carole and Howard Millsap
Dr. A. Trow Mims
Norma Lee and Ken Minter
George P. Mitchell
Scot and Ann Mitchell
Elton M. Montgomery
Lt. Colonel and Mrs. Eddie E. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Moore
Mrs. Lorene H. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Morgan
The Jeff Morris Family
Reverend and Mrs. John G.
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Wendell G. and Pamela G. Moseley
Phillip and Darlene Munden
Ron and Martha Munos
Mrs. Delbert Murdoch
Dr. Rebecca Bowden Narramore
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Neal
Jane and Scott Nelson
Colonel Ethel A. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul New
Barbara and Jim Newton
Mr. and Mrs. David Nickell
Mrs. Pat D. Nickels
Michael and Debra Niemann
Reverend Robert and Mimi Nimocks
Mrs. Loretta Nixon
June Nixon
Charolette and Alan Noel
James and Beverly Norman
Mr. and Mrs. John Norman
Abe Nungesser
Mrs. Merril Nunley
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Odom
Frank and Janice Odom
Doyle Ogle
Clayton and Lori Oliphint
Reverend and Mrs. Harold D. Orr
Wayne and Christy Owen
Ms. Elizabeth Page
Jo Ann Pankey
Mr. and Mrs. Royce Parish
Loraine Parks
Rusty and Kim Patten
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Patton
Billie S. Peckenpaugh
Mrs. Bessie K. Perry
J. W. and Ruth Perry
Barbara and John Persefield
Ms. Brenda J. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Petri
Jim and Judy Pharr
Mrs. R. D. Pinkston
LaRue S. Pittman
Mr. and Mrs. Evan G. Pivalizza
Mr. and Mrs. Omer F. Poorman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Portugal
Chaplain Charles R. Posey
Ms. Susan M. Posey
Mary Alice Powell
Lillian Puckett
Mr. and Mrs. James Railsback
Bill Rainey
James and Dorothy Raley
Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Ralston
Mr. Joe Ramsey
Kent and Diane Rasmussen
Mrs. Janet Ratcliff
Don and Jane Ratcliff
Norma Crouser Rathbun
Jewell Ratzlaff
Charles and Deborah Ray
Ms. Dianna L. Raymond
Don and Mary Reese
Marilouise E. Reid
Robert W. Reinicke
Kathy and Mark Renfro
Jerry and Robyn Reno
Rick and Jane Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rhodes
Rita Mills Rice
Dave and Fran Ring
David and Mary Rist
Judy Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Roalson
Dale and Lisa Roberts
Sidney and Bobbie Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney C. Robertson
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Robertson
Billy Robinett
Byron and Netta Rodenburg
Gary and Cheryl Rodgers
Nancy M. Rodriguez
Marjorie Roettger
Sarah Finch Rollins
Betty O’Mara Ross
Gloria and Gordon Rouze
Linda L. Runkles
Bishop and Mrs. John Russell
Terry Russell
Mrs. Norma Russell
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ryan
R.A. and Jane Sadler
Ben and Bette Samford
Ms. Alice Sappington
Paige and Stuart Sayers
Paul and Gayle Schacht
Pam Schaeper-Noe
Dr. and Mrs. Dan Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scroggins
Mr. Don A. Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sharpe
Lon Sharver
Charles W. Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Sherwood
Roy and Judy Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simms
Connie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Smith
Barbara Ann Sorell
Mr. and Mrs. Homer C. Spear
Paul M. Spear
Joe and Joan Spivey
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert St. Clair
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Staggs
Chuck and Margaret Standifer
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Standlee
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stephens
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Stephens, Jr.
Shirley Stephenson
Bill and Wanda Stewart
Mary Fitzgerald Stewart
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stipanovic
The Legacy Club consists of 180 benefactors who have informed
Methodist Children’s Home of their intention to include our
ministry in their estate plans.
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Stiver
Mr. Bert W. Stokey
Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Stone
Louise Stracener
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A. Streder
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strong
Tommy and Linda Strong
Jim and Lynn Stuckey
Drs. Homer and Billie Stuntz
Johnny and Della Swaim
Charles and Gwen Swearengen
Walter H. Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Tanner
Kathy and Randy Taylor
Robert O. Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Taylor
Dr. Tom and Kay Telle
Euna Terrill
J. Elaine Tevebaugh
Ann R. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Thompson
Eddie and Edna Thompson
Murray and Susan Thompson
Mrs. Purvis J. Thrash
Wanda M. Thrower
Paul R. Tiemann
Carlos and Susan Torres
George M. Towns
Mrs. Mattie L. Townsend
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Trotter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tuggle
Mrs. H. E. Turrentine
Laura Marks Tynes
Leon and Dorothy Ullrich
Ms. Ida Underwood
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Vaughan
Reverend Floyd L. Vick
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Vickers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vilven
Sybil Voigt
Melvin and Nelda M. Walker
Jo and Bill Walker
Richard and Martha Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Derl G. Warren
Nell F. Warren
Cecil and Virginia Watlington
Dock and Fannie Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Watson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Watts
Myrlene Weathers
Barbara and Erroll Wendland
Jack and Billie Wendt
Bob and Sheila Whetstone
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Whitaker
Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Whitaker
Mr. Frank W. White
Mr. and Mrs. James E. White
Beverly A. Whitley
Marie Wicklander
Vernon and Linda Wild
Dr. and Mrs. Walter D.
Wilkerson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Willborn
Helen Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Wilson
Wanda W. Wingard
Daniel V. Wiser
Elvira and Walter Woelper
Dr. John C. and Susan Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Wolfe
Marylin Wolfskill
Doris G. Woods
Mr. Timothy E. Wright
Betty O. Yarbrough
Michael and Janis York
Dr. and Mrs. Marcus E. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Young, Jr.
Jim and Carol Zimmer
Brian and Laurie Zimmerman
Bank of America Foundation
Charlotte, NC
Blue Bell Creameries, L.P.
Brenham, TX
BNSF Foundation, Fort Worth, TX
Coca Cola, Waco, TX
The GE Foundation, Fairfield, CT
Lubrizol Foundation, Wickliffe, OH
PepsiCo Foundation, Purchase, NY
San Antonio Children’s Foundation
San Antonio, TX
Tim & Suzanne Word Foundation
New Braunfels, TX
11th Hour Adult Sunday School Class
First UMC, Plano, TX
3’s & 4’s Group
Christ UMC, Dallas, TX
A. D. Lemons Sunday School Class
First UMC, Henderson, TX
ABC Sunday School Class
Fredericksburg UMC,
Fredericksburg, TX
Abigail Circle
First UMC, Killeen, TX
Achievers Sunday School Class
Cedar Creek Lake UMC, Tool, TX
Adult Bible Study Class
First UMC, Cameron, TX
Adult Fellowship Class
First UMC, Sherman, TX
Adult Sunday School Class
Cedar Creek UMC,
Cedar Creek, TX
Adventure Sunday School Class
First UMC, Azle, TX
Agape Sunday School Class
Kingwood UMC, Kingwood, TX
Age & Interest Sunday School
Stewart Memorial UMC,
Oakwood, TX
Aldersgate Adult Sunday School
Schreiber Memorial UMC,
Dallas, TX
Alpha Bible Class
Wesley UMC, Greenville, TX
Apostles Sunday School Class
First UMC, Athens, TX
Asbury Sunday School Class
Dimmitt UMC, Dimmitt, TX
Asbury Sunday School Class
First UMC, Port Neches, TX
Beacon Class
First UMC, Daingerfield, TX
Beacon Sunday School Class
Spring Valley UMC, Dallas, TX
Becomers Sunday School Class
First UMC, Azle, TX
Believers and Doers Sunday School
First UMC, Humble, TX
Believing Hearts Class
First UMC, Hubbard, TX
Bible Explorers Sunday School
First UMC, Arlington, TX
Bill’s Friendship Class
First UMC, Normangee, TX
Branches SS Class
Christ UMC, Farmers Branch, TX
Brinks Bible Study Class
University UMC, San Antonio, TX
Bronte UMW
First UMC, Bronte, TX
Builders Class
First UMC, Athens, TX
Bungalow Class
First UMC, Denton, TX
Celebration Sunday School Class
First UMC, Hereford, TX
Christian Adults Class
First UMC, Corsicana, TX
Circle of Friends UMW
Forest Heights UMC, Lubbock, TX
Circuit Riders Class
First UMC, Graham, TX
Contemporary Forum Sunday
School Class
First UMC, Georgetown, TX
Couples Class
First UMC, Pasadena, TX
Couples Sunday School Class
Floral Heights UMC,
Wichita Falls, TX
Covenant Class
Kingwood UMC, Kingwood, TX
Covenant Class
First UMC, Missouri City, TX
Co-Workers Sunday School Class
Christ UMC, Fort Worth, TX
Crafty Cats
St. Paul’s UMC, Temple, TX
Discipleship Class
First UMC, Hurst, TX
Discovery Class
Bellaire UMC, Bellaire, TX
Ecclesia Class
First UMC, Richardson, TX
Epworth Class
First UMC, Ennis, TX
Escalator Class
Seymour UMC, Seymour, TX
Faith Builders Class
Holy Covenant UMC, Katy, TX
Faith Methodist Women
Faith UMC, Vernon, TX
Faith United Methodist Women
Faith UMC, Spring, TX
Faithful Followers Sunday School
Deer Park UMC, Deer Park, TX
Fellowship Class
First UMC, Burleson, TX
Fellowship Class
St. Philip’s UMC, Houston, TX
Fellowship Class
First UMC, Lampasas, TX
Fellowship Class
Alamo Heights UMC,
San Antonio, TX
Fellowship Sunday School Class
Quanah UMC, Quanah, TX
Fidelis Sunday School Class
Central UMC, Brownwood, TX
Fidelis Sunday School Class
First UMC, Cleburne, TX
Fidelis Sunday School Class
St. Mark UMC, Cleburne, TX
Fidelis Sunday School Class
First UMC, Dumas, TX
Fidelis Sunday School Class
Richland Hills UMC,
Richland Hills, TX
Fidelis Sunday School Class
Seagraves UMC, Seagraves, TX
Fidelity Sunday School Class
First UMC, Muleshoe, TX
First Baptist Church
Deport, TX
First United Methodist Men’s
First UMC, Somerville, TX
Friendly Crusaders
First UMC, Malakoff, TX
Friendship Bible Class
St. Paul UMC, Amarillo, TX
Friendship Builders
First UMC, McGregor, TX
Friendship Circle
First UMC, Teague, TX
Friendship Class
Lake Highlands UMC, Dallas, TX
Friendship Class
Memorial Drive UMC,
Houston, TX
Friendship Class
Oakwood UMC, Lubbock, TX
Friendship Class
Richland Hills UMC,
Richland Hills, TX
Friendship Class
First UMC, Temple, TX
The Sunshine Club is one of this ministry’s most important
groups of contributors. As members, they provide monthly or
other consistent giving. The Sunshine Club has 276 members.
Genesis Partners Sunday School
Arlington Heights UMC,
Fort Worth, TX
Gleaners Sunday School Class
First UMC, Burleson, TX
Goal Diggers Sunday School Class
First UMC, North Richland
Hills, TX
Goodrich Women’s Circle
First UMC, Goodrich, TX
Growing in Faith Sunday School
Trinity UMC, Denton, TX
Hand-in-Hand Sunday School Class
First UMC, Plainview, TX
Harmony Sunday School Class
First UMC, Plainview, TX
Harvesters Sunday School Class
First UMC, Rockwall, TX
Helping Hands Sunday School
Seymour UMC, Seymour, TX
Home Builders Sunday School Class
St. John’s UMC, Georgetown, TX
Horizon Sunday School Class
Wesley UMC, Greenville, TX
Howard Taylor Builders Class
First UMC, Garland, TX
Inspiration Sunday School Class
First UMC, Livingston, TX
Iva Wheeler Circle
First UMC, Plainview, TX
J.O.Y. Sunday School Class
First UMC, San Marcos, TX
Joan Weir Sunday School Class
First UMC, Midland, TX
Johnson City UMW
First UMC, Johnson City, TX
Journey Sunday School Class
Floral Heights UMC,
Wichita Falls, TX
Joy Sunday School Class
Bellville UMC, Bellville, TX
Keystone Class
First UMC, Wichita Falls, TX
Keystone Sunday School Class
First UMC, Weatherford, TX
Kopperl United Methodist Women
Kopperl UMC, Morgan, TX
Kum Doubler Class
Alamo Heights UMC,
San Antonio, TX
Kum Duble Class
First UMC, Graham, TX
Ladies Study Group
Kosse UMC, Kosse, TX
Lampasas United Methodist Women
First UMC, Lampasas, TX
Lee Bible Class
Spring Woods UMC, Houston, TX
Life Two Gether Sunday School
Polk Street UMC, Amarillo, TX
Living and Giving
First UMC, Plainview, TX
Lometa Methodist Men
Lometa, TX
Love Circle
First UMC, Grapeland, TX
Lura Harrison Sunday School Class
Frost UMC, Frost, TX
Lydia Circle
First UMC, Huntsville, TX
Men’s Sunday School Class
Christoval UMC, Christoval, TX
Methodist Men
First UMC, Gatesville, TX
Methodist Sunshine Class
Linden UMC, Linden, TX
Mills - Alderdice Sunday School
First UMC, Midlothian, TX
New Beginnings Sunday School Class
First UMC, Waco, TX
New Dimensions Sunday School
Preston Hollow UMC, Dallas, TX
New Horizon Sunday School Class
First UMC, Waco, TX
New Horizons Sunday School Class
First UMC, Duncanville, TX
New Spirit Sunday School Class
Good Shepherd UMC, Cypress, TX
One With Others Sunday School
Arborlawn UMC, Fort Worth, TX
Open Door Class
First UMC, Plainview, TX
Open Door Sunday School
Aldersgate UMC, Abilene, TX
Open Door Sunday School Class
First UMC, Hurst, TX
Open Door Sunday School Class
First UMC, Nacogdoches, TX
Open Door Sunday School Class
First UMC, Pearland, TX
Pals Sunday School Class
First UMC, Henderson, TX
Partners Class
First UMC, Midland, TX
Pathfinders Class
Post UMC, Post, TX
Pilgrim Class
Terrace UMC, Houston, TX
Praise The Lord Sunday School Class
First UMC, Waco, TX
Prayer And Share United Methodist Women
First UMC, Midlothian, TX
PTL Sunday School Class
First UMC, Waco, TX
Quester’s Class
First UMC, Big Spring, TX
Ramous Sunday School Class
First UMC, Center, TX
Rebecca Circle
First UMC, Hewitt, TX
Rose Hill United Methodist Women
Rose Hill UMC, Tomball, TX
Saints and Sinners Sunday School
First UMC, Temple, TX
Searchers Class
Fair Haven UMC, Houston, TX
Searchers Sunday School Class
Bethany UMC, Austin, TX
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Searchers Sunday School Class
Cedar Bayou Grace UMC,
Baytown, TX
Searchers Sunday School Class
St. Philip’s UMC, Garland, TX
Seekers Class of Bellaire
Bellaire UMC, Bellaire, TX
Seekers Sunday School Class
First UMC, Burleson, TX
Seekers Sunday School Class
Kingwood UMC, Kingwood, TX
Seekers Sunday School Class
Coker UMC, San Antonio, TX
Senior Adult Class
First UMC, Big Spring, TX
Sojourners Class
First UMC, Sulphur Springs, TX
Sunshine Circle
Emory UMC, Emory, TX
Sunshine Class
First UMC, Katy, TX
Susanna Wesley Class
First UMC, Pearland, TX
Team Mates Class
First UMC, Carthage, TX
The Bee-Hive
Fairwood UMC, Troup, TX
The Friendly Class
Bascom UMC, Arp, TX
The Hope Circle
Faith UMC, Richmond, TX
The Mary and Martha Circle
First UMC, Daingerfield, TX
The Seekers Sunday School Class
St. Luke’s UMC, Kilgore, TX
Theophilites Sunday School Class
Flower Mound UMC,
Flower Mound, TX
United Methodist Men
First UMC, Brownwood, TX
United Methodist Men
Estancia UMC, Estancia, NM
United Methodist Men
First UMC, Lake Jackson, TX
United Methodist Men
St. Mark’s UMC, Marshall, TX
United Methodist Men
First UMC, Waco, TX
United Methodist Men’s Club
First UMC, Goodrich, TX
United Methodist Women
Bells UMC, Bells, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Belton, TX
United Methodist Women
Edom UMC, Ben Wheeler, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Brady, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Brenham, TX
United Methodist Women
Highland Lakes UMC,
Buchanan Dam, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Cameron, TX
United Methodist Women
Colfax UMC, Canton, TX
Sunshine I Summer 2011
United Methodist Women
Wesley UMC, Corpus Christi, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Corsicana, TX
United Methodist Women
Crosbyton UMC, Crosbyton, TX
United Methodist Women
Everman UMC, Crowley, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Daingerfield, TX
United Methodist Women
Agape Memorial UMC, Dallas, TX
United Methodist Women
Oak Cliff UMC, Dallas, TX
United Methodist Women
Ridgewood Park UMC, Dallas, TX
United Methodist Women
Schreiber Memorial UMC,
Dallas, TX
United Methodist Women
China Spring UMC, Eddy, TX
United Methodist Women
Western Hills UMC, El Paso, TX
United Methodist Women
Emory UMC, Emory, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Euless, TX
United Methodist Women
Eustace, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Fate, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Fulshear, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Granbury, TX
United Methodist Women
Gruver UMC, Gruver, TX
United Methodist Women
Hamilton UMC, Hamilton, TX
United Methodist Women
Wesley UMC, Hereford, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Hillsboro, TX
United Methodist Women
McKenzie UMC, Honey Grove, TX
United Methodist Women
John Wesley UMC, Houston, TX
United Methodist Women
Phelps UMC, Huntsville, TX
United Methodist Women
St. Paul UMC, Hurst, TX
United Methodist Women
Iredell UMC, Iredell, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Kerrville, TX
United Methodist Women
Lake Cities UMC, Lake Dallas, TX
United Methodist Women
New Mexico Conference
Las Cruces, NM
United Methodist Women
Lubbock Canyon UMC, Lubbock,
United Methodist Women
Good Shepherd UMC, Lucas, TX
United Methodist Women
Wesley UMC, Marshall, TX
Gifts of $125,000 or more from a donor’s estate are recognized
with a plaque in the Mulkey Memorial Garden on the Waco campus. In 2010, six friends met this criteria, providing a combined
total of $3.2 million to the MCH endowment fund.
United Methodist Women
St. Mark’s UMC, Mesquite, TX
United Methodist Women
Miami UMC, Miami, TX
United Methodist Women
Ore City UMC, Ore City, TX
United Methodist Women
Mt. Vernon UMC, Palestine, TX
United Methodist Women
Pattison UMC, Pattison, TX
United Methodist Women
Peralta Memorial UMC,
Peralta, NM
United Methodist Women
Perryton UMC, Perryton, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Plano, TX
United Methodist Women
Premont UMC, Premont, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Quinlan, TX
United Methodist Women
Arapaho UMC, Richardson, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Rockwood, TX
United Methodist Women
Oxford UMC, San Antonio, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Sealy, TX
United Methodist Women
Spearman UMC, Spearman, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Sugar Land, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Sulphur Springs, TX
United Methodist Women
Red Lick UMC, Texarkana, TX
United Methodist Women
First UMC, Trinity, TX
United Methodist Women
Universal City UMC,
Universal City, TX
United Methodist Women
Van UMC, Van, TX
United Methodist Women
Wildwood UMC, Village Mills, TX
United Methodist Women
Union Memorial UMC, Waco, TX
United Methodist Women
Wallis, TX
United Methodist Women
Wheeler UMC, Wheeler, TX
United Methodist Women
Windcrest UMC, Windcrest, TX
United Methodist Women-Ruidoso
Community UMC, Ruidoso, NM
Victory Bible Class
First UMC, Brownwood, TX
Votaries Class
First UMC, Mesquite, TX
Voyagers Class
Westbury UMC, Houston, TX
W.W.Y.O. Sunday School Class
First UMC, Hillsboro, TX
Week By Week Class
Christ UMC, College Station, TX
Wesley Bible Class
First UMC, Fort Worth, TX
Wesley Bible Sunday School Class
First UMC, Hurst, TX
Wesley Class
First UMC, Canton, TX
Wesley Sunday School Class
First UMC, Mansfield, TX
Wesley Sunday School Class
Shallowater UMC, Shallowater, TX
Willing Workers Sunday School
First UMC, Muleshoe, TX
Win-Some Class
First UMC, Wichita Falls, TX
Women in the Word
First UMC, Humble, TX
Women of Waples
Waples UMC, Granbury, TX
Women of Wesley
Wesley UMC, Wichita Falls, TX
Women’s Group
Falvey Memorial UMC, Wells, TX
Worldwide Sunday School Class
Servants of Christ UMC,
Houston, TX
Young Crusaders Class
Chico Morris Memorial UMC,
Chico, TX
Aldersgate Trinity UMC,
Port Arthur, TX
Alliance UMC, Fort Worth, TX
Arlington Heights UMC,
Fort Worth, TX
Barry UMC, Barry, TX
Bear Creek UMC, Houston, TX
Bells UMC, Bells, TX
Belmont UMC, Cost, TX
Bend UMC, Bend, TX
Bernalillo UMC, Bernalillo, NM
Bethel UMC, Moriarty, NM
Bluff Dale UMC, Bluff Dale, TX
Bosqueville UMC, Waco, TX
Bridges Chapel UMC,
Mt. Pleasant, TX
Brock UMC, Brock, TX
Burkburnett UMC, Burkburnett, TX
Casa Emanuel UMC, Dallas, TX
Cedar Creek UMC, Cedar Creek, TX
Center Street UMC, Tucumcari, NM
Central UMC, Albuquerque, NM
Central UMC, Brownwood, TX
China Spring UMC,
China Spring, TX
Christ UMC, Albuquerque, NM
Clarendon UMC, Clarendon, TX
Clear Lake UMC, Houston, TX
Cochran Chapel UMC, Dallas, TX
Community UMC, Ruidoso, NM
Cooks Point UMC, Caldwell, TX
Covenant Fellowship Church,
Amarillo, TX
Covenant UMC, Albuquerque, NM
Crescent Heights UMC, Larue, TX
Crestview UMC, Austin, TX
Daniel’s Chapel UMC, De Kalb, TX
Devers UMC, Devers, TX
Diboll UMC, Diboll, TX
Dimmitt UMC, Dimmitt, TX
Discovery UMC, Hutto, TX
Dorn Chapel UMC,
Colorado City, TX
Edom UMC, Brownsboro, TX
El Buen Samaritano UMC,
Albuquerque, NM
Elysian Fields Bethel UMC,
Elysian Fields, TX
Epworth UMC, Arlington, TX
Everman UMC, Everman, TX
Faith UMC, Orange, TX
Farris Chapel UMC, Huntsville, TX
First UMC, Albuquerque, NM
First UMC, Alvarado, TX
First UMC, Arlington, TX
First UMC, Athens, TX
First UMC, Big Spring, TX
First UMC, Bishop, TX
First UMC, Bloomfield, NM
First UMC, Cleburne, TX
First UMC, Cleveland, TX
First UMC, Coleman, TX
First UMC, Commerce, TX
First UMC, Corsicana, TX
First UMC, Crockett, TX
First UMC, Cuero, TX
First UMC, Cushing, TX
First UMC, Dayton, TX
First UMC, Dublin, TX
First UMC, Duncanville, TX
First UMC, East Bernard, TX
First UMC, Eldorado, TX
First UMC, Farmington, NM
First UMC, Gainesville, TX
First UMC, Gatesville, TX
First UMC, Goliad, TX
First UMC, Grandview, TX
First UMC, Harlingen, TX
First UMC, Hempstead, TX
First UMC, Keller, TX
First UMC, Levelland, TX
First UMC, Lockhart, TX
First UMC, Madisonville, TX
First UMC, Malakoff, TX
First UMC, Mansfield, TX
First UMC, McCamey, TX
First UMC, Mission, TX
First UMC, Mount Vernon, TX
First UMC, Oglesby, TX
First UMC, Pampa, TX
First UMC, Plains, TX
First UMC, Port Arthur, TX
First UMC, Raton, NM
First UMC, Roswell, NM
First UMC, Rusk, TX
First UMC, San Benito, TX
First UMC, Sealy, TX
First UMC, Sinton, TX
First UMC, Sulphur Springs, TX
First UMC, Sweetwater, TX
First UMC, Wortham, TX
Florence UMC, Florence, TX
Forrest Hill UMC, Honey Grove, TX
Friendship UMC, Sherman, TX
Godley UMC, Godley, TX
Golden Acres UMC, Pasadena, TX
Gordon UMC, Gordon, TX
Grace UMC, Des Moines, NM
Grace UMC, Palestine, TX
Grove Hill UMC, Leonard, TX
Hamilton UMC, Hamilton, TX
Hamlin UMC, Hamlin, TX
Harwood UMC, Albuquerque, NM
Haskell UMC, Haskell, TX
Highland Heights UMC,
Sweetwater, TX
Highland UMC, Odessa, TX
Holland UMC, Holland, TX
Holly Springs UMC, Canton, TX
Holy Trinity UMC, Houston, TX
Homer UMC, Jasper, TX
Homer UMC, Lufkin, TX
Karnack UMC, Jefferson, TX
Kempner UMC, Kempner, TX
Kingswood UMC, Clovis, NM
Kirvin UMC, Kirvin, TX
Kopperl UMC, Rio Vista, TX
Lake Cities UMC, Lake Dallas, TX
Lake Palestine UMC, Chandler, TX
Lakeside UMC, Streetman, TX
Lanely UMC, Fairfield, TX
Lanham UMC, Temple, TX
Leonard UMC, Leonard, TX
Lexington UMC, Lexington, TX
Liberty UMC, Quitman, TX
Lone Star UMC, Linden, TX
Loraine UMC, Loraine, TX
Lueders UMC, Lueders, TX
Lyford UMC, Lyford, TX
Margaret UMC, Crowell, TX
Meier Settlement UMC,
Woodway, TX
Memphis UMC, Memphis, TX
Millican UMC, Millican, TX
Moody Memorial UMC,
Galveston, TX
Moore Memorial UMC, Fairfield, TX
Morning Star UMC, Las Cruces, NM
Munday UMC, Munday, TX
Murvaul UMC, Carthage, TX
New Mount Olive Baptist Church,
Waco, TX
Noonday UMC, Linden, TX
North Shore UMC, Canyon Lake, TX
Oak Grove UMC, Decatur, TX
Oak Park UMC, Temple, TX
Old Saltillo UMC, Saltillo, TX
Onalaska UMC, Onalaska, TX
Overton UMC, Overton, TX
Payne Springs UMC, Mabank, TX
Perry UMC, Riesel, TX
Perryton UMC, Perryton, TX
Pisgah UMC, Carthage, TX
Riverside UMC, Riverside, TX
Robinson Drive UMC, Waco, TX
Rock Hill UMC, Joinerville, TX
Rotan UMC, Rotan, TX
Ryan’s Chapel UMC, Diboll, TX
Saint Jo UMC, Saint Jo, TX
Salem-Kinser UMC, Greenville, TX
San Augustine UMC,
San Augustine, TX
Santo UMC, Santo, TX
Shiloh UMC, Nash, TX
Shiro UMC, Shiro, TX
Short UMC, Center, TX
Simpson Campground UMC,
Woden, TX
Slocum UMC, Grapeland, TX
Smithfield UMC,
North Richland Hills, TX
Spearman UMC, Spearman, TX
Spring Valley UMC, Dallas, TX
St. John the Apostle UMC,
Arlington, TX
St. John’s UMC, Texas City, TX
St. Luke UMC, San Angelo, TX
St. Luke’s UMC, Odessa, TX
St. Mark’s UMC, Marshall, TX
St. Paul UMC, El Campo, TX
St. Paul’s UMC, Kerrville, TX
Stanton UMC, Stanton, TX
Stinnett UMC, Stinnett, TX
Summit UMC, Marshall, TX
Sunset UMC, Bridgeport, TX
Tapp Memorial UMC,
New Boston, TX
Temple Hall UMC, Millsap, TX
The Woods UMC,
Grand Prairie, TX
Thrall UMC, Thrall, TX
Trinity UMC, Albuquerque, NM
Trinity UMC, Roswell, NM
Troy UMC, Troy, TX
Tulia UMC, Tulia, TX
Umphress Road UMC, Dallas, TX
Velarde UMC, Velarde, NM
Veribest UMC, Veribest, TX
Virginia Point UMC, Bells, TX
Vista Ysletta UMC, El Paso, TX
Walnut Hill UMC, Dallas, TX
Waples Memorial UMC,
Denison, TX
Warren UMC, Kountze, TX
Wellington UMC, Wellington, TX
Wesley UMC, Nederland, TX
West New Hope UMC,
Mt. Pleasant, TX
Western Hills UMC, Fort Worth, TX
White Rock UMC, Los Alamos, NM
Whitehouse UMC, Whitehouse, TX
Whitewright UMC, Whitewright, TX
Williams Chapel UMC, Avery, TX
Wilson Chapel UMC, Kaufman, TX
Woods UMC, Tenaha, TX
Wylie UMC, Wylie, TX
The generosity of the friends of Methodist Children’s Home serves
as an example of the way God uses the resources and stewardship
of others to help carry out the work of this important ministry.
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Gifts made from February 2011 through April 2011.
Emma Jean Webb Adamson
Bobby and Debbie Caswell
Martha Jo Aldridge
Charles and Carol Brown
Toy Allison
Polly and Sidney Jones
Earline Allred
Adult III Sunday School
First Baptist Church
Groves, TX
The Alford Family
Kelley and Jim Allred
The Autrey Family
The Barkemeyer Family
James and Johnnie Bates
Mr. Jack R. Bos
Ms. Ruby Briscoe
Robert and Clarita Dennis
Ms. Marilee Devenzio
Mr. and Mrs. George Fletcher, Jr.
The Friend Family
John and Elizabeth Harris
The Hawthorne Family
Jim and Marilyn Helvey
Becky Thrash Jones and Family
Chris and Gaye Lauritzen
Eric and Jana Leming and Family
Ms. Susan Mabry
The Martin Family
The K. Martin Family
Herky and Janice McCutheon
and Family
Mr. Jim McMullen
Alan and Paula Neace
Ms. Shirley Norwood
Dan and Penny Powhatan
Edwin and Gloria Prestridge
Questers Sunday School Class
First UMC
Hurst, TX
James and Betty Ross
The Ruby Family
Mr. James H. Scott
The Simmons Family
The Standridge Family
Ms. Patricia A. Tallio
Jack and Eileen Thrash
Mark Thrash and Family
Reverend Daniel M. Arguijo
Mrs. Eleanor A. Arguijo
Mary Arnold
Glenda Arnold
Judy, Randy, Greg and Kristi
Marilyn Walker
Alice and Helen Axelson
Larry and Belinda Stanley
Bethel Jean Caldwell Bass
James and Laura Milam
Dr. Roy T. Bassett
The Roy Bassett Family
Betty Beaver
Vivian and Skip Curry
Nancy Dishman Stewart
Sue Beck
FACSFACJAX Wardroom Mess
Jacksonville, FL
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Willie Mae Beckendorf
Ms. Bernice B. Froehlich
Mr. and Mrs. Tom D. Kirkscey
Frances C. Becker
Mr. William A. Becker
Loraine and R. O. Bennett, Jr.
Ms. Megan Bennett
Jack Bills
Robert and Kathryn Butler
Bennie Bock
Mrs. Kerby (Betty Carole) Edwards
Wanda and Robbie Bonner
Mr. Bobby Bonner
Doris Branch
Kent County Nursing Home
Jayton, TX
Mildred Buchanan
Don Crane
Michelle Muehe
Donald Burkett
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Orr, Jr.
Mrs. Roselyn Bustin
Ms. Martha J. Risinger
Florena Byerly
Donnie G. Fincher
Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Fincher
Francis J. Cannavale
Dr. Louis F. Cannavale
James Leon Carson, Jr.
James and Laura Milam
Ronnie Castles
Tony and Patricia Boykin
Dorothy Cedergren’s Birthday
Ms. Agnes L. Smith
Ann Wallace Chapman
Larry and Judy Grisham
Cornelia Cheyne
Ms. Trushell Marts
Richard L. Cole’s Birthday
Mrs. Barbara J. Cole
Erin Alexis Cook
Carroll and Joyce Choate
Melody Choate Cook
Carroll and Joyce Choate
Dr. Donald R. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Drennan
Ms. Stacey L. Franklin
Bobby J. and Louise Vance
Harriett Gardner Hausman
John and Cathey Davis
Oma Lee Davenport
Reverend Allie M. Davenport
I. Irene (Ford) Davis
Mr. M. Gene Davis
Mr. Ted De Ruyter
Mrs. Peggy De Ruyter
Dr. Ken Diehm
Mitchell Jones
Joe Bland Dillard
Chaplain and Mrs. Philip E.
Grimmett, Jr.
David Allen Dodd
Mrs. Barbara Dodd
Jimmy and Berthamae Dollar
John and Donna Edwards
Carol Waller Cunningham
John and Cathey Davis
Tim Drachenberg
Vivian and Skip Curry
E. Jean English
Gene Eubank
Koinonia Sunday School Class
First UMC
Garland, TX
Jane Fanning
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Orr, Jr.
Roger Fedro
Glenn and Kay Furman
Gary Ferguson
Dolores Flynn Lawhorn
Maxine Ferguson
Mr. Thomas D. Ferguson
Juanita Fillingim
Jim and Kay Batton
Marie Rienstra Fleming
Judy, Emily and Joseph Banner
Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Garrett
Francesca Ortiz
Val and Suzi Rose
Jane Thorp
Mary Crow Fletcher
Ms. Allye H. Fuller
Diane Ferguson Fogarty
Dolores Flynn Lawhorn
Mrs. Jan A. Fouts sister, Pearl
The John Brawner Family
Robert Nesta Garner
Owen and Mary Hudson
Jackie Gerald
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny R.
Norma Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Baugh
Geneva Gilbreath
Bob and Jenny Senter
Mildred Gipson
Silas and Patsy Brandenberger
and Family
Nancy Glendenning
Rex and Sherese Glendenning
Rishabh Goel
Manish and Mamta Goel
Paula Graham
Kent County Nursing Home
Jayton, TX
Jimmy Griffith
Mike and Cassie Griffith
Sara Jo Hagler
Lonnie L., Sr. and Derilda Ann
Cliff Hazlewood
The Barley Family
Charles Heathman
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McCormick
Ray Heideman
Peggy and Bud Crozier
John Pinkney Henderson
Miss Jean Fowler
Evelyn Herman
Joe and Claudette Ivison
William Terry Hickman
Melvin and Carol Maresh
Audine Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Thorell
Talmage Hicks
Jaimie Masterson
Oliver Wendol Hill
Mr. Joe Gordon, Jr.
Harold E. Hillin
Ms. Edith E. Craig
James and Laura Milam
Martha Ann Picton Hines
Neeley and Becky Lewis
Mrs. Claudia Hinson
Blanche Turner Hext
Jordena H. Honeycutt
Mrs. Cleo B. (Pat) Curtis
Dr. Jack Hooper
Tom and Virginia Buckingham
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Kyle Daniels
Neil Hudson
David and Billie Wright
Terry Hudson
Carol and Fred Nelle
Mack Huffaker
Jim and Joy Kirby
Albert Hutcheson
Marc and Becky Clark
Della R. Hutto
Mary R. Baird
The Carter Family
Walter and Beverly Davis
Ann Enloe
GVLW Group
Merrill Lynch
Amarillo, TX
Hill Feed Yard
Hart, TX
Rodney and Nora Hutto and
Nancy and Robert Josserand
G. C. and Gladys Merritt
Mary Graham Minnick
Mr. Walter Olson
Janis Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. Townsend
Tri State Feeders, Inc.
Turpin, Oklahoma
Velrick Wilson
Verna Ingles
Don and Faye Railsback
Herschel Ivy
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Orr, Jr.
Roy Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Saunders
Stanley Jahn
Peggy and Dan Devorsky
Ralph and Dorretha Speer
Eldo Johnson
Florine P. Curry
Mrs. Gayle McMahan
Minx Life Group
Lakepoint Church
Rockwall, TX
Pamela Erwin Johnson
Ms. Lois M. Lackey
Billy Ray Jones
Ms. Agnes L. Smith
Keith Jones
James and Laura Milam
J. D. Josey
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Baugh
Five hundred dollar gift
in honor of
Steven A. Woods
Bradford Schmalfuss and
Kitty McDaniel
Houston, TX
Five thousand dollar gift
in honor of
George and Chris Wall
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Wall, Jr.
Devine, TX
Five hundred dollar gift
in memory of
Willaine Miller Elliott
Daniel Droemer, and
Margaret and Dan Gessley
Granbury, TX
Five hundred dollar gift
in memory of
Della R. Hutto
Mr. and Mrs. George Enloe
Amarillo, TX
Five hundred dollar gift
in memory of
Lewis and Loutitia Armstrong,
Ruth and Nallie Cox
Emma Ruth Finley
Sugar Land, TX
Five hundred dollar gift
in memory of
John H. Davis, III
Ms. Beth Hanley
Houston, TX
Five hundred dollar gift
in memory of
Marie Rienstra Fleming
Wentwood Capital Advisors, LP
Austin TX
Five hundred ten dollar gift
in memory of
Dr. Doyle Riley
Jonathan and Angela Riley
Rancho Murieta, CA
Six hundred thirty-seven dollar
and forty-six cent gift
in memory of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward St. Clair
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hohrine
Millsap, TX
Roy Allen Kendrick
Susan and Rick Cade
E. V. Keys
Mr. Bill Melton
Annie Fay King
Barbara and Louin Berry III
Dorothy (Dot) Kirby
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Kyle Daniels
Jimmie L. Kraft
Gary and Laura Jack
David and Peggy Dishman
Mildred Geddes Langford
Mr. Harmon F. Langford
Leonard Raymond (Skip)
Dr. John Dempsey
Sandhills Community College
Pinehurst, NC
Anakin Garrett Lester
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W.
William Henry Lightsey
Lonnie L., Sr. and Derilda Ann
Cecil Littlejohn
Ed and Kay Buie
Amanda Ethel Litton
Peggy and Dan Devorsky
Kathy and John Griffin
Vickie Knuth
Jo Ann Lacy
Earl and Nadine Litton and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben J. Marek
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Molofsky
Jacqueline Pugh
Ms. Yvonne D. Pugh
Ralph and Dorretha Speer
Ms. Elise Walter
Kenneth Logan
Ronny and Sandra Hiler
Rosella Bernice Burgess Lovell
Ms. Edith E. Craig
James and Laura Milam
Barbara Ann Lowe
Mrs. Barbara H. Lowe
Hazel Mahan
Peggy and Bud Crozier
Ruby Lorine Maris
Mary B. Wells
Armentha Martin
Pat Ford Denman
Ed McCauley
Jeff McCauley
Lawrence A. (Mac) McCormack
Linda Huston
Mary McVey
Kent and Betty Beadle
Gertrude McWilliams
Jerry and Laverne Johnson
Allene Means
Carolyn and Phillip Turner
Mrs. Mary Menking
Martha and Tim Hunke
Margie Menking
Michael Michalec
Ms. Margaret Andrews
Mildred Mills
Mrs. Bettye S. Dunlap
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Mills
Chris Moen
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H.
Lila Katherine Monroe
Troy and Katherine Monroe and
Howard Moore
Bobby and Debbie Caswell
Randall Moore
Bonnie Moore
Mr. Charles P. Moreton
Mrs. W. Carter (Linda) Grinstead, Jr.
Marvin Moring
Kay and Bob Robinson
Sam Moses
Community Bank & Trust
Waco, TX
National Banks of Central Texas
Hewitt, TX
Mrs. Estelle Wooten
Robert J. Neely
Janice Patterson Taylor
Campbell Newman
Herb and Dot Zimmerman
Jerry Newsome
James and Laura Milam
Phyllis Nichols
Mrs. Peggy Snider Gikas
Geraldine Nolen
Ron and Susie Bishop
Brian, April and Chayce Coltharp
Bob and Paddy Day
Freese and Nichols, Inc.
Fort Worth, TX
Bob and Sally Hult
The Lindlys
Mr. John MacWilliams
Jerry, Pat and Candy Taylor
Jo Anne and Steve Yionoulis
Mrs. Gussie Norriss
Mrs. Dillon Herring
John O’Brien
Mom and Dad Lancaster
Hayden Todd O’Neal
Dorman and Martha Pickering
Ellen Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy G. Hyltin, Jr.
Ruth Olson
James and Jeanne Blackwell
Bettye Grimes Page
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bradley
Danny Paris
Debbie White
Aleene Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Gilmore
Reverend Bruce Parks
Ms. Debbie L. Pankhurst
Lena Patterson
Lisa Stephenson
Geraldine Peal
Mr. Harry I. Stuessy
Paulette Pechacek
Jeff and Kim Varvel
Joann Perry
Jerry and Ann Gibson
Father of Daniel Peterson
Margaret Briley
Gover Tilman Phillips
Robert and Ima Brown
Joseph Pierson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Orr, Jr.
Frank Joe Potmesil
George and Elaine Roberson
Jessie Mae (Woodlock) Pruett
Timothy and Joyce Woodlock
Gloria May Pryor
Larry and Belinda Stanley
Gregory Ray
Miss Cherral A. Sefcik
Jane Reichenstein
Leslie and Candy Mallonee
Gene Reynolds
Larry and Betsy Pennington
James Reynolds
Jerry and Ann Gibson
Joseph Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon W. Ritter
Nelson M. Roberts
James Roberts
Harold Robertson
Ben and Bette Samford
Wanda Roe
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Orr, Jr.
Jayne Ross
Tom and Virginia Buckingham
Mildred Florence Sadler
Lanell Simpson and Family
Texas State Bank of San Angelo
San Angelo, TX
Janell Shofner Samford
Ms. Margaret Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bradshaw
Short UMC
Center, TX
Susie Sargo
Bobby J. and Louise Vance
Estella Schmidt
Ms. Agnes L. Smith
Harry F. Scott
Alma Jo Scott
Virginia Cotten Scott
James and Mary Plumlee
Mildred (Millie) Sevey
Barbara J. Brooks
Florine Beall Shank
U. S. Trust
Bank of America Private
Wealth Management
Dallas, TX
Barbara Beall Coward
Mark Coward
Lucas and Megan Gaskamp
Eris Shelton
Mr. Herbert Shelton
C. H. Smith
Silas and Patsy Brandenberger
and Family
Johnie Smith
Ms. Ruth D. Fisher
Murlene Smith
Mrs. Peggy Snider Gikas
Lester Stacks
Kathryn and Jerry Oliver
John Starkey
David and Janet Harvey
Doris Stephens
Kaleidoscope Sunday School Class
St. Mark’s UMC
Mesquite, TX
Elouise Stewart
Nancy Dishman Stewart
Mr. Mack Stoeltje
Mrs. W. Carter (Linda) Grinstead, Jr.
Ken Swarts
Cecil and Jane Green
Imogene Swim
First UMC
Roaring Springs, TX
Austin (Jack) Teagardner
Bobby J. and Louise Vance
Lorene Thomas
James and Laura Milam
Sunshine I Summer 2011
Grady Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant H. Birdwell
Mrs. Randall E. Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Claude E.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris W. Davis
Alma Fain
John and Penelope Farris
Ms. Dorotha F. German
Mrs. Faye S. King
Raye King
Gayle Ledbetter
Kenny and Gail Longley
Mitzi Mays
Bud and Lynda Milner
H. G. and Donita Milner
Larry Pittman
Mr. Ed Price
Mrs. LaVerne C. Roberts
Mrs. Tom M. Robinson
Ms. Elmagene Rose
Carroll and Carolyn Sharp
Herb and Jeanette Turner
Vita Weehunt
Father of Marsha Turlington
Margaret Briley
Louise Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Drennan
Fannie Wade
Ms. Maggie Davis
Howard Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Greenhaw
W. T. (Rusty) Walker
Kaleidoscope Sunday School Class
St. Mark’s UMC
Mesquite, TX
Gladys Warr
Short UMC
Center, TX
Mr. Larry Warren
Shirley and Bob Zimmerman
Vina and Grady Warwick
Ms. Dee Cramer
Dr. William (Bill) Wasson
Larry and Carol Wade
Novaleen Berry Watters
Ms. Debbie L. Pankhurst
Mrs. Whightsil
Debbie White
Mary Jo Baker Whitacre
Deborah Daugherty
Louis B. and Martha A. Gillispie
Robert D. White, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wyatt
Nancy Williams
Mr. John C. Williams
Wanda Lee Spinks Williams
Arledge and Peggy Brashers
Ms. Edith E. Craig
James and Laura Milam
Gladys Hallmark and Edna
Jim and Barbara Wills
Sandra McFarland Wilson
Annetta UMC
Aledo, TX
Rick Wolfe
Ms. Janice L. Campbell
Reverend and Mrs. Todd Dyess
Debbie White
Colonel Roger Wray
Ms. Carol A. Mabson
Diana Coco Zody
Mrs. Nona G. Carl
Raymond and Elizabeth
Ms. Bonnie J. Beddall
Victoria Cannavale
Dr. Louis F. Cannavale
Marie Churchwell
Mrs. Kerby (Betty Carole)
Mamie Lee Piper Dodds
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Allen
Ms. Jane E. Jones
Ed and Shirley Fancher
Wendy and Stanley Marsh and
Beth Gibson
Alyce B. Stephenson
Fred and Pat Gunter’s
60th Wedding Anniversary
Hunter and Totsy Cunningham
The James Higgins Family
Mrs. Kerby (Betty Carole) Edwards
Michael and Sherri Honza
Glenn and Kay Furman
Mrs. Virginia Jackson’s
Mrs. Virginia Abernathy
Lyle C. Mason
Ruth Circle
Bellville UMC
Bellville, TX
Bonnie Moore
Jerry and Linda Moore
Chris and Melissa Peterson
Steven and Tere Garlington
Reverend Dr. Ben Petty’s 90th
Hunter and Totsy Cunningham
Olen Roberts
Mrs. Kerby (Betty Carole)
Herbert Shelton’s 88th
Jim and Lynn Stuckey
Glenn and Jan Smith
Mr. Robin Smith
Staff of MCH
Waco, TX
Mike and Laura Clark
The Stockwell Family
Thomas and Barbara Lee
Nancy Teagardner
Bobby J. and Louise Vance
Pat Treat
Alyce B. Stephenson
Velma Wiggins Birthday
Ms. Agnes L. Smith
Lawrence and Mary Lynn
Tony and Nancy Ostroff
Mrs. Dorothy Yeager
Dr. and Mrs. Tillman M. Daniel
One thousand dollar gift
in memory of
my parents,
Charles F. Cox Sr. and Leona Cox,
Ms. Jana R. Craddock
Andrews, TX
One thousand, two hundred
eighty-five dollar and ten cent gift
in memory of
Oscar and Leila Wilson
Ron and Betty Hearne
Nacogdoches, TX
Two thousand dollar gift
in memory of
Marjorie H. Collins
Casey and Ashli Knust
Austin, TX
Fifty thousand dollar gift
in memory of
my loving wife and
generous friend to MCH,
Mrs. Frances Morgen,
Mr. Ralph A. Morgen
Garland, TX
One thousand dollar
Endowment gift
Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Williams
Waco, TX
One thousand dollar
Endowment gift
in memory of
Willie Mae Beckendorf
Reverend Harvey O. Beckendorf
Tomball, TX
Methodist Children’s Home
1111 Herring Ave.
Waco, TX 76708
Kemzuel (K.J.) is developing his artistic talent through the summer enrichment program at Methodist Children’s Home. A senior, K.J.
plans to attend an art institute after graduating from high school. Described as a “good-hearted, passionate person who enjoys helping
others,” K.J. credits Clarence Degrate, a member of the MCH staff, for encouraging him to pursue his passion for art.
To read more about K.J. and other youth at MCH, check out our weekly Q & A feature on our website: