The Rapid Fall Fling is Friday! - Oak Hills Local School District


The Rapid Fall Fling is Friday! - Oak Hills Local School District
Attendance Line: 347-2970
School Phone: 467-0300
School Fax: 467-0333
Safe Schools Hot Line: 574-9444
District Office: 574-3200
District Fax: 598-2947
The Rapid Fall Fling is Friday!
October 9, 2:15-5 p.m.
Students can buy tickets during lunch on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
A ticket is $5, or $4 to those with an activity card. This is going to be one of
the best Flings ever, with The Adrenaline Rush Obstacle Course, Gaga ball, a
DJ for dancing, ping pong, dodge ball, basketball, corn hole, Wii and more.
Students will be able to buy pizza, soft drinks, candy, and - new this year cotton candy!
To attend, students must have a completed EMA and their school fees paid.
Students are released from the front entrance of the Commons at 5 p.m. and need to be picked up promptly. If
any student needs to leave the Fling early, parents must send a signed note to the office.
Check out The Smart Talk
National PTA - in collaboration with LifeLock - has announced The Smart Talk, a new interactive online tool that
lets parent-child duos set ground rules together about smart digital habits.
With The Smart Talk, you can create a customized, personalized
technology agreement with the kid(s) in your life. It all starts with
creating your ground rules. Give it a try and then help us promote
it by sharing #thesmarttalk on social media and within your PTA
Several of our RRMS parents recommend this tool as a great way
to talk about being smart online. When you finish the tool, you
can print out your own digital use contract so the whole family
can see the ground rules.
Help spread the word about this cool new tool. Like The Smart
Talk on Facebook and share it on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter
with the hashtag, #thesmarttalk.
Rapid Run RamPage, a RRMS PTA publication
October 2015
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The PTA Really Needs Your Help
We have several committees without leaders and MANY whose leaders will leave the PTA next spring
when their students move on to high school. We’re looking for folks willing to spend some time this year
shadowing the veteran committee leaders to learn so the transition next year won’t be so difficult for new
The PTA board is a fun group of parents who know their students are more likely to succeed at a school with
parent involvement and fun things to do. That’s why the RRMS PTA sponsors things like Flings, the winter
dance and so many music events.
We also sell Spirit Wear, plan teacher appreciation events and coordinate the Box Tops and soup labels
Here’s a list of PTA board positions with some descriptions. Please take a look at them and consider joining
us. If you have any questions, please email President Jill Ryland at
Advisory Council Rep
Incentive Program
Attending two meetings a month and being the
bridge between the RRMS PTA and the OHLSD
PTA.Advisory Council is a group consisting of
2 representatives from each school’s PTA, an
executive board, the Superintendent, an HCC
Rep, District Alumni & Communications.
Coordinate the collection and redemption
of incentives, such as Box Tops, Campbell’s/
Tyson labels and possible store rewards. This
may include some student contests to increase
Get the information and entry forms out to the
students of RRMS. Collect all submissions to
this National PTA creative arts program and turn
in to our area advisor. Once submissions are
judged, announce and award any winners and
get work returned.
Share information about school and PTA
advocacy with the RRMS Board.
After Prom
Choose an area of the high school that RRMS
will sponsor to make After Prom a success.
The After Prom Committee will help as much
or as little as you need/want with decorating
and securing any activities needed for our
area. You will coordinate with them and secure
volunteers to help set up and man the area for
one weekend in April.
Board of Ed
Attend two meetings a month. Report to the
RRMS Board meeting what happened at the
OHLSD Board of Education Meeting.
Booster Liaison
Report at the RRMS PTA, what is happening
with the Oak Hills Sports Boosters.
Plan and organize Teacher Appreciation ,
usually with fun surprises for the staff during
a set week in the Spring. This committee also
does a Student Appreciation and sometimes
Conference Day support.
Provide snacks for PTA events in the evening.
Usually Open House, 3 concerts and one
additional event.
Rapid Run RamPage, a RRMS PTA publication
Get forms out to the families of RRMS with the
information to join the PTA. Collect money,
deliver membership cards, and keep track of
our membership.
School Supplies
Music Dept (Lessons/Jazz)
Work with teachers in the Spring to finalize
school supply lists. Get information and order
forms out to the RRMS families. Secure a
company to fill the orders and then determine a
delivery plan upon the return to school.
This is a two part committee to support the
band and orchestra.
1. Make sure contracts get to the instrument
teachers recommended by the band &
orchestra director and that he/she gets their
background checks complete. Collect money
from the students and deposit with the PTA
Treasurer. Request the Treasurer pay the
instructors once a month.
2. Collect money from the students who the
band director chooses to be in the RRMS PTA
Jazz Band. Present the jazz band director with
a PTA contract. Request the Treasurer pay the
director per contract.
Newletter (RamPage)
Collect information and design into a newsletter
to be sent (electronically) to RRMS families once
a month.
Understand Robert’s Rules of Order and attend
PTA meeting to help make sure procedures,
bylaws and standing rules are followed.
Procedure Books
– Make sure that each committee has and
updates the procedures they do while
completing their work each year.
Organize the RRMS school spiritwear program.
Determine designs and selections, collect
orders for the company. Detribute the items
when the arrive.
Student Directory
Collect RRMS family information and
permission. Design into a booklet format and
get printed and distributed. Often distribution is
best orchestrated along with the Membership
chair and the membership cards.
Theater Program
Work with the Chorus teacher on contracts,
student fees, and organizing various parent
committees to keep the RRMS Musical on
budget and successful.
School Representatives: J.F. Dulles,
C.O. Harrison, Oak Hills High School
These representatives serve on RRMS PTA and
one of the others. The serve as the bridge of
information between the two to keep informed
of what is going on in these related buildings of
our district.
October 2015
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PTA Bylaws To Be Updated
The PTA is required to update its ByLaws and Standing Rules every three years - 2015 is the year to do this. The
PTA Board went over the bylaws at its last meeting and have a revised version for the members to consider. We
are hoping to present these for your approval at the next General Unit Meeting in December.
A copy of the proposed changes can be found on our website for your inspection. If you have any questions
about these changes or anything related to the bylaws, please don’t hesitate to email our Parliamentarian!! Linus
Ryland at
We need candy!
Rapid Run is kicking off the school year with our Positive Behavior
Intervention Support program by rewarding students frequently
with “Big Deal” tickets. As one of the choices for their reward,
students can exchange their ticket for a piece of candy. We need
bags of candy to be able to keep this up throughout the year. Any
type of donation (with the exception of gum or lollipops) would
be greatly appreciated. Please have your student bring the bag
of candy to the office so they can earn a “Big Deal” ticket for the
Thank you.
A big THANK YOU to
the RRMS PTA!!
Their Disbursement Committee allowed $2,000
(nearly half the cost) for the 6th grade Rocks & Rope
Program to come to Rapid Run last month!
Thank you to all who support the
PTA to make things like this possible
for our students!
Rapid Run RamPage, a RRMS PTA publication
October 2015
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These three students were the top sellers in our PTA Basket Fundraiser:
1. Nicholas Anderson, who plans to spend his money at Disney World.
2. Chloe Fink. She plans to put her money in the bank.
3. Cristian Williams, who plans to save his money until he has enough for a cell phone.
Thank you to these and all our other sellers.
We raised just over $6,000.
Thank you also to these donors:
Mrs. Cary & the Music Department
Skallywag Tag
Mr. Hunt and Officer Murphy
Cincinnati Reds
PTA Spirit Wear
Dance Jamz
Cakes and Pastries by George
Maribelle Cakery
M J Holland Photo
Cincinnati Museum Center
Playhouse in the Park
Rewind 94.9
Newport Aquarium
Compliments Hair Salon
University of Cincinnati
Smith’s Martial Arts
Mount St. Joseph University
Meiners Meats
J McQueen Hair Salon
Goldstar Chili
Rapid Run RamPage, a RRMS PTA publication
October 2015
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Congratulations and Thank You
to these three RRMS students who helped with and participated in the Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Greater
Cincinnati’s 9th Annual Teal Power 5K Run & Walk at Summit Park in Blue Ash.
Pictured here are Maggie Stewart, (7th grader), Owen
King and Emily Harrell, both 8th graders. Owen
placed second overall in the 5K, with a time of 20:26.
And here’s Owen with Debbie Walter (Oak Hills grad,
Class of ‘88). Debbie’s a two-year ovarian cancer
survivor and co-chair of the Ovarian Cancer Alliance
of Cincinnati.
A Broadway favorite will be coming to life on the Rapid Run Middle
School stage in January, and auditions for Disney’s The Lion King, Jr. are
set for late October.
“Lion King Jr. came out less than a year ago so we are very excited
to have the opportunity to be one of the first schools to tackle this
production,” said Molly Cary, the musical’s director. “The Lion King, Jr.
was just recently released as a ‘junior’ production so we’re setting the
bar high. We have a bunch of awesome talent in this school and we
know this will be another top-notch performance by our students.”
Any student in grades 6-8 is invited to audition for either a lead role or a part in the ensemble. Students
interested can pick up an audition packet in Mrs. Cary’s music room. Auditions are set for Tuesday, October
20 and Wednesday, October 21 with callbacks on Friday, October 23. Students interested in being in Tech
Crew and working “behind the scenes” can pick up an application with Mrs. Cary and submit it by October
22. Students selected for a part in the musical must pay a $100 participation fee; tech crew members for the
musical must pay $40.
Practices are held after school and some weekends until the performances on January 22 and 23.
Rapid Run RamPage, a RRMS PTA publication
October 2015
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Five Questions With Dr. Matt Warner
Dr. Warner is the new director of bands and orchestra. He comes to ARMS from Cincinnati Hills Christian
Academy, where he taught for seven years. He earned his Doctor of Musical Arts, Music Education from Boston
University in 2014 after earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Wright State University in Dayton.
Q What was the first instrument you played?
A I tried a little piano and then viola, but the first instrument I really
stuck with was the alto saxophone. I was terrible for a long time,
but I hung in there and one day it just clicked! I try to remember
that when I’m teaching; sometimes it takes a while for students to
get going and I try to be patient and help them stick with it until
they find that success.
Q When and how did you know that you wanted to go into
music education?
A My first love was always playing the instrument and performing,
but I double-majored in music performance and music education.
When I had my student teaching experience, I knew that teaching
music was something I could really enjoy because I could see the
many positive effects it has on kids’ lives. I also realized that I have
a unique skill set and personality that could really make me an
effective teacher. I still love to perform, but teaching is rewarding in
a different way.
Q What instruments can you play? What’s your favorite?
A My “real” instrument is saxophone - I am, by far, best at that!
I also play bassoon, flute, piccolo, clarinet and some drum sets
pretty well. I can do all the other band instruments (trumpet,
horn, baritone, trombone, tuba, oboe, percussion) at least at an
8th-grade level, and these days I’m working on improving my
string playing. The great thing about music is there is always a new
Q What do you like to do in your spare time?
A Scuba diving, baseball, reading, and cooking are some of my
favorite things to do - if I get a chance! I also love to play and listen
to music, of course.
Q What are you looking forward to about RRMS?
A Working alongside Mrs. Cary is a blast - we make each other
laugh a lot. I’m excited to see the progress the students will make
by the end of this year! Our first concert is coming up, so that will
be a big moment. Everything this year at RRMS will be a “first” for
me, so the whole year should be an adventure!
We love our rock wall!
The PTA bought this rock wall years ago, but it had
been installed on the wall behind the stage. So it was
difficult to get to, with storage items in the way.
So we’re so thankful to Mr. Hunt, for figuring out a
way for the wall to be used more. Now we can install
it for events, but also lock it up for safekeeping.
Thank you to the PTA for buying it and to Mr. Hunt
for helping the kids use it again!
Rapid Run RamPage, a RRMS PTA publication
October 2015
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Here are some photos from last week’s Spirit Week adventures. Students wore
pink, dressed in blue, wore their pajamas and collected canned food.
Rapid Run RamPage, a RRMS PTA publication
October 2015
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