School #5 - Oceanside School District
School #5 - Oceanside School District
School #5 PTA News NEWSBEAM January/February 2016 PTA Presidents’ Message Dear School #5 Families, We hope you will enjoy the latest issue of Newsbeam! The smiles on your children's faces are the reasons why our PTA does what we do! • We enjoyed seeing lots of smiles at our Holiday Boutique this year! • There were lots of smiles the day PTA's Arts in Education welcomed 'The Blue Project'! • And there sure were lots of smiles (and giggles too) at our PTA Movie Day over the break! But the fun is far from over--2016 is jampacked with lots of other smile-inducing events such as Family Fun and Fitness, our award-winning PARP program, and Supermarket Bingo--just to name a few! Each time your child smiles, it's like a feel good party in their brain. But instead of chips, dips and candy, there's dopamine, endorphins and serotonin. And you know smiles are contagious--the part of your brain that is responsible for smiling when you're happy is called the cingulate cortex-an unconscious automatic response part of your brain. So when your child is smiling, you (and us too!) just can't help but smile back! And the world simply is a better place when your child smiles. School #5 PTA is truly grateful to have your support. Thank you for the opportunities we've had to make them smile--we can't wait for more! And as always we welcome your comments, questions, suggestions and of course SMILES. Respectfully, Kathy Schirrmacher & Jean Nelson Co-Presidents School #5 PTA 1 8 Tips to Stop Literacy Loss Over the Summer “You can help your child grow into an adept and motivated reader by creating a reading rich home..” Winter 2016 Dear School #5 Families, I hope you enjoyed the holiday break and returned to school with renewed energy and excitement for learning. While January marks the start of a new calendar year, it also marks the midway point of the school year. As such, this is the perfect time to reflect on the routines and habits set at home and recommit to supporting academic success. Check out the tips below to help your child thrive in school. Make sure your child consistently gets a good night’s sleep. In order for school age children to have the energy, focus and concentration to perform their best in school, they need 10-11 hours of sleep a night. Tucking your child into bed at the same time each evening is the simplest way to make sure they get the sleep they need. Talk about school often with your child. Ask open-ended specific questions such as, what is one thing you did in math today? Be sure to keep these conversations positive by praising effort, hard work, resiliency and showing kindness to peers. I once read that ‘the written word is a gateway to all kinds of learning’. I am inclined to say that the written word is the gateway to everything. You can help your child grow into an adept and motivated reader by creating a reading rich home. Make reading alongside your child each night a priority. Model and encourage reading voraciously and varied, from newspapers, magazines, recipes, to really great books. Be sure your child can name the book they are reading and even has one ‘on deck’. Don’t hesitate to contact your teacher if you need support helping your child find book titles that are right for them. We have much to look forward to over the next few months. While this winter has been quite a mild one, our January read aloud tells the story of the extreme blizzard of 1978. It is an event that I remember clearly and think many of you may, as well. The book Blizzard by John Rocco also emphasizes themes such as the power of nature, putting the needs of others first and a School #5 favorite, choosing kindness. Additionally, we are set to launch the Great Kindness Challenge and Pick a Reading Partner (PARP) 2016. Be on the lookout for information on both these events. Finally, we continue to celebrate our talented student authors as they publish their amazing pieces through the first of three writing process experiences all students in grades 1-6 will have this year. So School #5, here we go into 2016! Warm regards, Diane Provvido Diane Provvido Principal 2 11/18 PTA Meeting Highlights 3 Arts in Education Box Tops Our second assembly was another success!! On December 15th your children attended a character education program called The Blue Project, that literally rocked School 5! Welcome back after the break, parents! I hope you were all saving your Box Tops over the holidays. Keep on clipping! Did you know that we’ve already earned $463.80 from Box Tops this school year? This year we are hoping to beat our total of $679 from last year. We are so close! Allison Bowman Jared Campbell is an award winning singer/songwriter who has toured the country performing at hundreds of schools. His music focuses on showing respect and being kind and to encourage young people to treat others the way they would want to be treated. Elisa Berman You can send Box Tops to school anytime! Simply clip the Box Tops logo from select products, put them in an envelope or Ziploc bag, and send them in to your child’s teacher. *Important Tip: Please don't staple Box Tops. They can't accept them with staples in them. The best part is schools can use Box Tops cash to buy whatever they need! Visit for more information and get access to new, printable coupons for Box Tops products every month! Or, contact School #5’s Box Tops Coordinator, Elisa Berman at 917-716-6884. Holiday Boutique The children were captivated by the music and were singing along to songs like “No Bullies Allowed” and “Change the World”. And if the music wasn’t enough, Jared’s humor kept them laughing out loud!! We hope your children shared their thoughts about this program with you, it truly was a great experience! Movie Day Lisa Thornton Approximately 70 of our School #5 family and friends gathered at The Bellmore Playhouse on December 31st to spend New Year’s Eve morning watching Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip. The movie was a great way to end the year - with family and friends, singing and laughing! Look for a flyer with details about our next Family Movie Day over February break. Stay tuned! 4 Darlene Brunetta and Andrea Failla The Holiday Boutique was a huge success! We are so thankful for all of the time and energy our volunteers gave us! It was so nice to see the children really excited to buy gifts for all of their family members! Jewelry was a big hit this year! We had quite a wide variety for sale! Food inspired pillows were a big seller, as was our holiday section! Happy New Year! PTA Council Update Board of Ed Update Fran Perpero & Tara Stromer Laura Lisi The last PTA Council meeting was held on November 18th and attended by local assemblymen Brian Currran and Todd Kaminsky, who were invited by Council to discuss the latest updates from Albany, as well as address any concerns related to public education. Our Board of Ed Meetings are held every month at 7:30pm and rotate to the different schools in our district. The full schedule can be found online at Meeting Highlights include: The next meetings are on January 19th School #9M, February 9th at school #4 (Budget Workshop #1), and March 1st at School #6 (Budget Workshop #2). • Council advised attendees to participate in the 1) Common Core Learning Standards survey put out by NYS Ed Commissioner Elia and 2) Common Core Task Force survey from Governor Cuomo. The following links include the background on the CCLS . Note surveys were closed on 11/30 and no longer available,. Updates below. • • • • • • Commissioner of State Education's Website Survey Results on Common Core Learning Standards Common Core Task Force Recommendations (12/10) Gratitude to parents and positive feedback from Albany were expressed from Curran and Kaminsky on Common Core/AARP/ Education Standards/Testing; concerns are being heard and improvements are imminent . Kaminsky is leading the issue on access to Regents diplomas for Special Needs students. Better learning paths with universallyaccepted credentials are needed. Notes form m at Oceanside Library Forum on 12/8 • Growing concerns of substance abuse problems in the community, were addressed. Community has to work together on awareness, prevention , and treatment. Special forums and meetings are being held to start the conversation among educators, parents, & students. Forum held in East Rockaway on 12/3. • The next PTA Council meeting is scheduled for January 25th at 8 pm. Some highlights from the December Meeting were: • A review of new course offerings at the High School including Virtual Enterprise, Intro to Engineering and Design, Materials Processing, Advanced Choreography and Dance, Theatre Production, Advanced Theatre Production, 3D Sculpture & Crafts, and AP Computer Science Principles. • A review of course modifications made at the High School • The District’s security vendor is finalizing necessary programming and testing of the automated lockdown system • New scoreboards were purchased and installed at the High School. • Bond Update: Phase IIB Projects were approved. Work to be completed this summer include parking lot reconstruction and masonry restoration at School #4, locker room renovations and auditorium and bathroom refurbishment at OHS, installation of A/C and replacement of seats in the School #6 Auditorium, and district-wide gas upgrades. • The school calendar for the 2016-2017 was approved. First day of school next year is Thursday September 1st, BEFORE Labor Day. Shared Decision Team Update We have been in contact through phone calls and letter writing with the Town of Hempstead and Nassau County, about getting a left hand arrow signal installed at the light on Merrick Rd and Oceanside Road. The County has looked at the feasibility of this, and recommends a delayed light may be the better option, due to space constraints. We are hopeful that something can be done to help ease some of the traffic issues at this intersection, and improve safety conditions, which is obviously the priority. Look for The Kindness Challenge in early 2016, which will include a week long celebration of kindness, including activities families can share in at home. Date TBD. 5 New & Upcoming PTA Events P.A.R.P Nutrition Update Virginia Lestingi We had a brief meeting in early December and discussed the proposed outline of our presentation for the P.A.S.S meeting as well as the NYS audit update that was to take place mid December. Auditors visited School #5 on December 9th to evaluate the school and lunch program. Results of the audit have not yet been shared with the committee. Pick A Reading Partner Mary DiGiovanna & Fran Perpero On Monday, February 1st, School #5’s PTA and staff will kick off the 2016 PARP Reading Program. "School #5 - Rocking, Reading and Rapping." Student's will explore the art of story telling and reading through music. We will introduce books written by musicians and encourage the person picked to be the student's reading partner, to share their favorite music and the stories that they tell. The Pick A Reading Partner (PARP) program began in the New York State Senate Education Committee through the efforts of the late Senator James H. Donovan. In 1987, the PARP program was turned over to the New York State PTA to be sponsored and administered. The PARP program is a reading program which encourages parents or someone in a parental role (i.e. grandparents, aunts, uncles, step-parents, guardians, older siblings, etc.) to read with their child at least 15 minutes a day. Stay tuned for details on the program! The next nutrition committee meeting will take place at School # 5 on February 10 at 11am to do a lunch observation. This is done each year and a school is picked at random. Committee members will have a checklist of items to observe both what the kitchen/lunch staff is serving, procedures in place as well as what children are eating and bringing in on their own. Let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Staff Appreciation Amy de la Teja & Marlo Goodstein 2016 is upon us and the Annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon is fast approaching. On Thursday, March 17 we have an opportunity to show our appreciation for all the hard work the School #5 teachers and staff do for our children. The theme is under wraps for now. We are ready to celebrate all the wonderful people who make School# 5 as great as it is!! Many volunteers will be needed so please contact Amy de la Teja at if you can help. 6 PTA Membership Form Name:_______________________________________ Child’s Name:____________________Grade:_______ Teacher:_____________________________________ # of Memberships:_______________x$11:_________ Family Membership________x $17:__________ Please send form back in envelope marked PTA Membership. Please make all checks payable to School #5 PTA. VPs of Membership Darlene Brunetta 377-4229 Mary O’Donoghue 536-1784 7 20 Tips for Pick A Reading Partner You are encouraged to read at least 15 minutes every day with your child. Here are some tips to help you become successful at reading together while making it an enjoyable experience for you (the parent or any adult) and your child. ESTABLISH THE RIGHT CLIMATE • Make reading a pleasant experience. • Build a home library. Children love to reread their favorite books. Give books as gifts. Subscribe to a children’s magazine in your child’s name. • Work with your child on projects that involve reading: cooking, model building, arts and crafts. • Read to your child as often as possible. Discuss the story and ask a question or two about what you’ve read to encourage good listening habits. • Success is important. In selecting a book, choose any page and have your child read it aloud. If your child makes fewer than five errors, the book is at his or her reading level. • Listen to their questions and stories. Give them time to put their ideas into words. • Talk and sing with your children. CREATE EXCITEMENT • Make a story come alive by using a finger or sock puppet and have the puppet retell the story. • Start reading or telling a story and stop before it is finished. Have your child finish the story. • Read with expression. There are very few children who would rather watch TV than hear a good story read with feeling and enthusiasm by someone they love. • Dramatize a story you have read with your child, each taking different parts. • Share your childhood through storytelling. Children love to hear stories about their family’s background. OFFER POSITIVE COMMENTS • Build self-respect and morale by praising whenever your child reads. There is a difference between encouragement and pressure. Each child needs to experience success. • Say things like: That’s really nice. I like the way you did this. That’s quite an improvement. Thank you for sharing this paper with me. Let’s send this to grandma and grandpa. That’s an interesting point of view. You really outdid yourself today. Very creative. • Make sure your child has well-balanced meals and adequate rest. How a child feels affects his or her attitude. • Be genuinely interested in the work your child brings home. Your interest will make your child want to do better in school. DEVELOP VOCABULARY • Introduce the fun of language to babies through nursery rhymes and lullabies. • Have your child dictate a short story to you. Children love to tell stories. Help your child read it back to you. Then see if he or she can read it alone. • Develop vocabulary by having your child give the opposite of words such as black, uncle, open, stand, etc. • Choose TV programs with your child. View TV with your child. Talk about TV programs. 8 Mark Your Calendars School District App All of your school related information, from the calendar to the website to the parent portal can now be found in one place, an application that can reside on the home screen of your smartphone or other mobile device. The app is available in both the Google Play and Apple App Stores. Don’t miss out on these important and fun events just around the corner. January **Now Features Days of 6-Day Cycle** Stay Connected Want to get the latest news and updates on exciting School #5 PTA events and programs , as well as future issues of Newsbeam? Stay connected by sharing your email address with the PTA. You may have already shared it with us when you filled out the student directory contact form at the beginning of the year. However, if you did not, and are not currently receiving emails from Oceanside School #5 PTA, then send your child’s name, class, and email address to Jaime Martinetion at or call Jaime at 662-9310 to confirm that your email address is on the list. Volunteers Needed Want to volunteer but don’t know where to begin? Contact our PTA CoPresidents to help you get started. All committees could benefit from a helping hand. You will be so glad you could make a difference. Upcoming events include PARP, Staff Appreciation Day, Flag Day BBQ, a and the Annual Dinner Dance. Share Your News Have an interesting idea for a story or a tip that you believe will benefit PTA members? Contact your PTA Newsletter Editor with your thoughts at Co-Presidents 2015-2016 School #5 PTA Executive Board Contact Information Past President 1st VP Arts in Education 2nd VP Teacher Relations 3rd VP Ways and Means Treasurer Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary PTA Membership Council Delegates Counselor/Principal 1/01 SCHOOLS CLOSED 1/14 School #5 PTA Meeting; 7:30 PM 1/15 School #5 Family, Fun & Fitness Night OUSD Board Meeting; 7:30 PM (#3) 1/18 SCHOOLS CLOSED 1/19 OUSD Board Meeting: 7:30 PM (#9M) 1/20 SEPTA Workshop; 7:00 PM (#5) 1/25 PTA Council Meeting; 7:30 (#7) 1/26 PASS Meeting; 7:30 PM (#7) November 2013 February 2/01 PARP Begins 2/05 School # 5 Principal’s PJ Night 2/09 OUSD Board Meeting; 7:30 PM (#4) 2/15 -219 SCHOOLS CLOSED 2/24 SEPTA Meeting: 7:00 PM (#6) 2/25 School #5 Musical Assembly PASS Meeting: 7:30 PM (#7) 2/26 School #5 Musical: 7:30 PM (#6) March 3/01 OUSD Board Meeting; 7:30 PM (#2) 3/07 School #5 Ecology Fair PTA Council Meeting; 7:30 PM 3/10 School #5 PTA Meeting: 9:45 AM 3/15 OUSD Board Meeting; 7:30 PM (#5) 3/17 School #5 Staff Appreciation Luncheon 3/18 Report Cards Available 3/19 DOCA/Kiwanis Egg Hunt: 11:00 AM aaaaaaa(Schoolhouse Green) 3/24 –3/28 SCHOOLS CLOSED 3/29 OUSD Board Meeting; 7:30 PM (#4) 339 SEPTA Staff Appreciation:7:00 PM (#7) Kathy Schirrmacher 643-1377 Jean Nelson 665-9099 Tommy Beirne 659-2051 Allison Bowman 705-4074 Andrea Failla 578-8131 Lisa Thornton 764-9285 Anne Donohoe 917-407-2141 Jaime Martinetion 662-9310 Patty Salute 695-2210 Darlene Brunetta 377-4229 Mary O’Donoghue 536-1784 Fran Perpero 594-6009 Tara Stromer 917-921-5669 Diane Provvido 678-7585 9