The Sunriser May 13, 2016 - Northshore School District
The Sunriser May 13, 2016 - Northshore School District
THE SUNRISER SUNRISE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 14075 172 Ave. NE Redmond, WA 98054 425-408-5300 FAX: 425-408-5302 Steve Hopkins, Principal May 13, 2016 - Vol. 18, #17 Dear Sunrise Families, Let me open by extending a heartfelt THANK YOU to our parents and community for once again spoiling us during Staff Appreciation Week. Everything from the fresh flowers, to the snacks, to an allout luncheon, to the Sunrise mugs filled with treats were greatly appreciated. I am constantly amazed at the supportive community we have here at Sunrise, and as a staff we do not take it for granted how fortunate we are to have your support and partnership. It is a privilege to serve your children, and we know that your involvement and support leads to success. I often tell folks I wish all schools could be like Sunrise. Thank you! 2016-17 Preliminary Teaching Assignments Congratulations are in order for Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. McCurry who have officially submitted their retirement letters, effective at the end of this school year. They have both taught kindergarten at Sunrise for years and now are looking forward to their next assignment, which includes grandchildren, travel, and many other fun adventures. With their retirements, and the addition of one teacher due to enrollment growth, we currently have three openings. Here are the preliminary classroom teaching assignments for next year Kindergarten Kindergarten 1st Grade 1st Grade 2nd Grade 2nd Grade 2nd Grade EAP 3rd Grade 3rd Grade TBD TBD Krista Vetterlein Eileen Spong Nance Watson Stacy Shires Rachael Kennedy Jeff Snyder TBD 3rd Grade EAP 4th Grade 4th Grade 4th Grade EAP 5th Grade 5th Grade 5th Grade EAP 6th Grade 6th Grade EAP Tricia Billes Diane Jensen Carol Savage Gaylynn Lynch Kathie Koch Scott Miller Alicia Herron Maureen Juenger Hannah Fast Please note the word preliminary! A great deal can happen between May and August. As you know, your child’s classroom placement will be mailed to you in August before our Open House. Between now and then I will be closely watching enrollment, waivers, and more to make sure we start next year with class configurations that best support student learning. Smarter Balance Testing Underway I wanted to express appreciation to our 3rd through 6th grade students for giving it their best on the Smarter Balanced Assessments. Throughout the month of May, our students are taking these assessments, and it can make for a bit of a long morning (and sometimes into the afternoon) during testing. So far our students have had great attitudes and effort. Not a surprise! Popsicles with the Principal Mark your calendars for this fun event. I can’t believe it will already be my third summer doing this! I will be on the playground this summer to share popsicles with all who show up. It will be a great chance to catch up with friends and also meet new ones. The event will be August 4 from 4:006:00pm. Warmly, Steve Hopkins Coffee With the Principal Principal Hopkins will have his final “Coffee with the Principal” on Friday, June 3 in the Science Lab (room 124). Feel free to contact Mr. Hopkins if there is a topic you would like to focus on during at this gathering. SUNRISE HAPPENINGS Apr. 25-June 6 Smarter Balance Testing Window May 17 PTA General Meeting 6:30-8:00pm in the Library May 24-27 PTA Book Fair in the library May 24 Full Day Kindergarten and First Grade Musical 6:30pm in the gym May 25 PTA Art Docent Thank You Tea in the Activity Rooms 1:15-1:45pm May 27 All School Talent Show 6:30-8pm May 30 No School--Memorial Day May 31 Elementary String Orchestra Concert Northshore Performing Arts Center 7pm June 1 Full Day Wednesday--School from 8:50am to 3:20pm June 2 Last Morning Rehearsal for Beginning Strings June 3 Last Morning Rehearsal for Advanced Strings June 3 Coffee with the Principal in the Science Lab June 3 PTA Picnic on the Playground 6-8pm June 6-10 PTA Book Exchange June 8 Elementary and Junior High Band Concert Timbercrest 7pm June 10 Last Morning Rehearsal for First and Second Year Band June 13 Open House to Celebrate Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. McCurry’s Retirement 46pm June 14 High School Graduations June 15 Full Day Wednesday--School from 8:50am to 3:20pm June 15 Sixth Grade Recognition in the gym 1:30-3pm approximate times June 16 Field Day 9:30-11am for Grades 3-6 1-2:30pm for grades K-2 June 16 Last Day of Half-Day Kindergarten June 17 Last Day of School Ends at 10:50am June 24 Report Cards Mailed Home Aug 4 Popsicles with the Principal on the playground 4-6pm Aug 15 First Day to Submit Kindergarten waivers for 2016-17 School Year PLEASE NOTE THAT WEDNESDAY JUNE 1 AND 15 ARE A FULL DAY OF SCHOOL FROM 8:50AM TO 3:20PM Kindergarten & First Grade Musical! The Full Day Kindergarten and First grade classes will be performing the musical “PAJAMA PARTY!” on Tuesday, May 24 th at 6:30 in the Sunrise Gym. The evening of the performance, students would need to be on stage in their costume and ready by 6:25. All Family members are welcome to attend. Talent Show -- Friday, May 27th 6:30-8:00pm Everyone is invited to attend the Sunrise Talent show. We have a variety of talents that will be performed including singing, dancing, joke telling, skits and jump roping. Please join us for a fun evening. You are sure to be entertained. Sixth Grade Recognition The sixth grade recognition assembly will be Wednesday, June 15 at approximately 1:30-3pm in the gym. We hope all sixth grade families can come celebrate this great group of students . Slideshow Pictures Needed! The Sunrise ASB needs your photos! Please send pictures from field trips, classroom parties, assemblies, and school events that you would like featured in the End of the Year Slideshow. Send the pictures to by June 1st. Also, you can give CDs of photos to Mrs. Koch. Preferred format is JPEG. Please try to have the photos portray many students, not just one. Year End Assembly On the last day of school, June 17 from 9:00-10:30am, there will be special recognition for our Sixth Graders, and an awards ceremony. Students will be recognized who have participated in ASB, Geography Club, Safety Patrol, Service Club, Library Helpers, Math Club, Sunrise Choir, Assembly Crew, Knitting, Reflections, Chess Club, Track, NHD Club and Green Team. The Outstanding Educator and Golden Acorn will be awarded also. As with all our assemblies, family members are welcome. Bear Sightings Bear sightings in the neighborhood have been reported to the school recently. Please take a look at the following site and discuss it with your children. We want them to stay safe. SMARTER BALANCE ASSESSMENT TESTING (SBAC) SCHEDULE Testing Grade Subject Testing Grade Subject Teacher Teacher Date Level Area Date Level Area 16-May Miller 6 Math 24-May Savage 3 Math 16-May Juenger 5th/6th Math 24-May Snyder 3 Math 17-May Miller 6 Math 25-May Savage 3 Math 17-May Juenger 5th/6th Math 25-May Snyder 3 Math 18-May Jensen 4 Math 26-May Herron 5 Science 18-May Fast 6 Math 26-May Koch 5 Science 19-May Jensen 4 Math 26-May Juenger 5 Science 19-May Fast 6 Math 1-Jun Lynch 4 Math 20-May Herron 5 Math 1-Jun Billes 3 Math 20-May Koch 4th/5th Math 2-Jun Billes 3 Math 23-May Herron 5 Math 2-Jun Lynch 4 Math A NOTE FROM THE NURSE Medication at School Dear Parent/Guardian, We are making plans to close out the school year. This includes seeing that any medication your child has left in the Health Room will get home in a safe manner. Please make arrangements to pick up the medication at school. If the only medication your child has is an inhaler, with your permission, your child can pick up the inhaler to take home. All other m edications need to be picked up by a parent/guardian. We cannot keep any medications over the summer. Any m edication left in the building after 12:00 p.m . on June 17 th (last day of school) will be destroyed. State law requires that a child with a life threatening condition must have medication and treatment orders in place on or before the child's first day of school. As a result, students with severe asthma, allergies that require EpiPens, diabetes, or any condition considered life threatening will need to have medication and treatment orders completed and brought to school before the first day of attendance. If you have any questions about this law please contact me. Im m unization updates for 6th grade entry: Tdap vaccination dates must be on file at school prior to start of 6th grade. Parents are responsible for updating vaccination dates at school; they are not automatically sent from the doctor’s office. Students who are not within state immunization requirements are at risk of exclusion from school. Thank you for your cooperation. N urse M arika Brady 425 408-5306 School Board to Decide on Middle School Academic Program in May Northshore School District will implement grade reconfiguration in fall 2017 and move to a middle school model for grades 6-‐8. The district created a Middle School Grade Reconfiguration Task Force (MS GRTF) to help plan for the implementation of grade reconfiguration at the middle school level by studying issues associated with middle schools and making recommendations to the district and school board on middle school philosophy, the academic and electives program for middle school, athletics and activities and transition planning. At the junior high school level, the district currently offers general education classes for students in core content areas of English/language arts, social studies and science and more rigorous Challenge classes for those content areas that students in grades 7-‐8 can choose to take. The Challenge courses provide an increased level of difficulty and deeper level of complexity for students than the general education class. Challenge courses are also vertically aligned with high school preparatory classes such as pre-‐Advanced Placement (AP), pre-‐International Baccalaureate (IB), AP, IB and College in High School (CHS). The task force has studied academic options for middle school over the past 10 months and developed a prioritized recommendation on the middle school academic program for school board for consideration and action. The school board held a study session on May 4 to continue discussion about the recommendation and moved two of the four academic options recommended by the task force forward for board consideration at its May meetings (May 10, first reading; May 24, second reading and board action). The board has moved forward Option 1, which would provide more rigorous Challenge courses for all middle school students in grades 6-‐8 in English/language arts, social studies and science, and Option 3, which would automatically enroll all 6th-‐graders in Challenge courses in English/language arts, social studies and science and provide the option for seventh-‐ and eighth-‐graders to choose to participate in Challenge courses in English/language arts, social studies and science. Option 1: Challenge Courses for ALL students in grades 6-‐8 in English/LA, Social Studies and Science Description All students in grades 6-‐8 would receive a challenging and rigorous curriculum with an increased level of difficulty in all core content area courses. Students would receive differentiated instruction to meet the unique academic needs of individual students in any classroom. Students would be given assignments with different levels of difficulty with choice on which tasks or assignments to challenge themselves at different points through the course. Teachers would provide additional encouragement to students to select more rigorous assignments. Academics Teachers would also provide support to all students to reach and exceed their individual potential by providing enrichment and extension activities/assignments system-‐wide and by providing intervention activities and programs for students before, during and after school system-‐wide. The district would also use an “advisory-‐ like” time during the day for students to engage in focused enrichment, extension or intervention support based on the changing needs of the student and his/her interests. Additional interventions will need to be in place to support students who struggle as well as additional enrichment/extensions to support students who want to go more in-‐depth or have more complex assignments/topics/readings. Option 3: Self-‐select Challenge Courses available for students in 7th & 8th grade; ALL 6th grade students will take/enroll in Challenge courses (English/LA, Social Studies, Science) Description Sixth grade year would be a transitional year with all 6th-‐grade students automatically enrolled in the same core content courses in English/language arts, social studies, and science, using rigorous curriculum and Challenge-‐level pacing to prepare them to select/enroll in self-‐select Challenge courses in grades 7 and 8. Self-‐ select Challenge courses will be offered to all students in grades 7 and 8 in the core content areas of English/Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science. Students in grades 7 and 8 who do not select Challenge courses will enroll in general education English/language arts, social studies, and science courses. Academics The 6th grade year would be a transitional year with all 6th graders receiving a challenging and rigorous curriculum in English/language arts, social studies and science to prepare them for the opportunity to enroll in self-‐select Challenge courses in grades 7-‐8. Teachers would provide 6th grade students with differentiated instruction to meet the unique academic needs of individual students in the classroom and provide assignments with different levels of difficulty that would allow student choice on which tasks or assignments to challenge themselves at different points through the course. Teachers would provide additional encouragement to students to select more rigorous assignments. Importantly, teachers would teach students to advocate for their own learning. Teachers would provide support to all students to reach and exceed their individual potential by providing enrichment and extension activities/assignments system-‐wide and by providing intervention activities and programs for students before, during and after school system-‐wide. The district would also use an “advisory-‐ like” time during the day for students to engage in focused enrichment, extension or intervention support based on the changing needs of the student and his/her interests. Additional interventions will need to be in place to support students who struggle as well as additional enrichment/extensions to support students who want to go more in-‐depth or have more complex assignments/topics/readings. FIELD DAY--2016 Field Day will be held on Thursday, June 18th. There will be 2 sessions: 9:30-11:00 for grades-3-6 1:00-2:30 for grades K-2 W e need at least 20 parent helpers to help run the stations during each session. Stations will be setup by the PE teachers. Classroom teachers will rotate with their classes to each station. If you are able to run a Field Day station, please complete the form below and return it to the PE office. Thank you, Kelli Arrivey and Brigid Arsenault --------------------------------------------------________Yes, I can help with Field Day on June 18th Please plan on arriving 30 minutes prior to your start time Return this form to the PE office. Thank you. Parent’s Name: ______________________________________ Student’s Name & Teacher ___________________________________ Phone Number_________________________ TRACK & FIELD INFORMATION Coaches: Mrs. Arrivey, Mrs. McCurry, and Mrs. Arsenault Track and Field registration opened on Monday, March 28. Registration info can be found on the district website. If you need your Username and Password to sign in please email the office or Track and Field is open to all 3rd-6th graders. Practice has started and continues on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30. There will be no Tuesday practice once meets start. Students must find their own transportation home after practices and to and from meets. If you are unable to make it to the practices, please practice on your own. Team uniforms will be handed out at practice. Track Meets Tuesday, May 17 at Sunrise 4:15pm Tuesday, May 24 Junior Olympics at Woodinville High School 4:30pm The following events are offered: Running events- 50 yd. Dash, 75 yd. Dash, 440 yd. Run and 4 X 50 yd. Relay Field events- High jump, Long jump, Triple jump, Ball throw and Ball kick Students may compete in 1 running event, 1 field event and 1 relay in the regular meets and 1 running or 1 field event and possibly 1 relay in the Jr. Olympics. Questions? Contact Mrs. Arrivey - TRACK AND FIELD RESULTS FROM MAY 3rd MEET The Sunrise Track and Field team had their first meet on Tuesday, May 3 versus Hollywood Hill and East Ridge Elementary. There were over 200 kids participating! This was a non-team scoring meet but our team won many ribbons. The kids were awesome. Our fabulous team includes: Third grade- Ava Abbott, Ria Agarwal, Sam Bendotti, Isaac Bruckner, Taryn Han, Caroline Horn, Tyler Hyde, Kristina Hyde, Idan Katan, Matteo Manfredi, Aayan Naqvi, Jane Norris, Ainsley Oleson, Darby Rogers, Sahiti Sistla, Alexis Smigelski, Darren Smith, Monica Spassova, Audrey Tudor, Kara van den Huevel, Sarah Vannoy, Clara Weigel and June Zarza-Hoskeer Fourth grade- Arman Aslanyan, Maya Belieres, Georgia Dhaliwal, Anna Hampton, Alex Hume, Oliver Ingebretsen, Tate Johnson, Julia Kary, Matthew Kasemeier, Noor Khalidi, Ryder Koch, Charlotte Kovacich, Yeju Kwon, Kaitlyn Lucido, Brandon Lynch, Olivia Mareno, Gillian McArthur, Sean Smith, Asher Villa, Kameron Wimsatt and Abby Wood Fifth grade- Ty Dixie, Anna Harris, Andrew Keating, Eileen Miller, Liana Moldovanu, Kaitlin Nguyan, Jillian Padget, Caleb Sehmel and Olivia Torrie Sixth grade- Zach Anderson, Jake Bendotti, Maddie Brown, Alex Chang, Humza Ghouse, Janvi Jagtap, Gabe Kary, Marisa Leinenwever, Ryan Millard, Aaryan Mistry, Maggie Mus, Joey Roberts, Ella Robinson, Lundon Shaw, Simon Swan, Ethan Tang, Arthur Tudor, Jake Wendover TRACK AND FIELD RESULTS FROM MAY 10th MEET The Sunrise Track and Field team had their second meet on Tuesday, May 10 versus Kokanee and Woodmoor Elementary. There were over 300 kids participating! We were the smallest team competing but we still had many top marks. Congratulations to all out great runners, jumpers, throwers and kickers! Here are the team results: 3rd grade girls- 1st place 3rd grade boys- 2nd place 4th grade girls- 2nd place 4th grade boys- 3rd place 5th grade girls- 2nd place 5th grade boys- 3rd place 6th grade girls- 3rd place 6th grade boys- 2nd place Our fabulous team includes: Third grade- Ava Abbott, Ria Agarwal, Sam Bendotti, Isaac Bruckner, Taryn Han, Caroline Horn, Tyler Hyde, Kristina Hyde, Idan Katan, Matteo Manfredi, Aayan Naqvi, Jane Norris, Ainsley Oleson, Darby Rogers, Sahiti Sistla, Alexis Smigelski, Darren Smith, Monica Spassova, Audrey Tudor, Kara van den Huevel, Sarah Vannoy, Clara Weigel and June Zarza-Hoskeer Fourth grade- Arman Aslanyan, Maya Belieres, Georgia Dhaliwal, Anna Hampton, Alex Hume, Oliver Ingebretsen, Tate Johnson, Julia Kary, Matthew Kasemeier, Noor Khalidi, Ryder Koch, Charlotte Kovacich, Yeju Kwon, Kaitlyn Lucido, Olivia Mareno, Gillian McArthur, Sean Smith, Asher Villa, Kameron Wimsatt and Abby Wood Fifth grade- Ty Dixie, Anna Harris, Andrew Keating, Brandon Lynch, Eileen Miller, Liana Moldovanu, Kaitlin Nguyen, Jillian Padget, Caleb Sehmel and Olivia Torrie Sixth grade- Zach Anderson, Jake Bendotti, Maddie Brown, Alex Chang, Humza Ghouse, Janvi Jagtap, Gabe Kary, Marisa Leinenwever, Ryan Millard, Aaryan Mistry, Maggie Mus, Joey Roberts, Ella Robinson, Lundon Shaw, Simon Swan, Ethan Tang, Arthur Tudor, Jake Wendover ARE YOU MOVING OUT OF THE SUNRISE AREA? If your child is NOT returning to Sunrise next year, please let us know by calling Shirley Heimbigner in our office at (425) 408-5300 or email Having this information now helps us plan for next year. Lost and Found W ith the cool mornings and warm afternoons, the Lost and Found is overflowing. Please have your child check the Lost and Found rack by the gym. There are many jackets and sweatshirts on the rack right now. If you label your child’s clothing with their last name, we make every effort to get the item back to them. All items remaining after school is out will be donated to charity on June 17, 2016. Library Information Last day for check out June 3rd. All books due June 10th Overdue notices will be sent home week of June 13 for lost materials All library books were due by June 10 ( unless needed for a class project). Mrs. Gallagher is trying to round up outstanding library books and to help with this process, students and parents are encouraged to go online and log into their account to see what books have been checked out. Here are the steps you can do at home to help them check from there. First go to the Sunrise Elementary website and locate the library website on the left menu. You can also go directly to this URL. Click on Sunrise Elementary School. Once on the library home page, click on library catalog and locate the login on the top right hand corner. Open the box and fill in the user name and password boxes with the following information Grades K Username is student number (lunch card number). Password is student number (lunch card number). Grades 1-3 (some 3rd grade students have changed their passwords then you must ask your child if the information below does not work) User Name is their student number (lunch card number) Password is their student number followed by nsd Grades 4-12 (some students have changed their passwords then you must ask your child if the information below does not work) User Name is student number Password is 8-digit birthdate without dashes or slashes(08062000) Northshore’s Nondiscrimination Statement Northshore School District prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, sex, marital status, genetic information, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, race, creed, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, in all its employment procedures, training, programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged unlawful discrimination: Jeff Sherwood, Human Resources Director, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell, WA 98021, (425) 408-‐7606. Sunrise PTA Newsletter May 13th, 2016 • • • • Upcoming Events Award Nominations Shop with our Affiliates Join the PTA • • • • Recess Volunteers Needed Social Volunteers Needed 2015/2016 PTA Board PTA is on Facebook Upcoming Events! See a list of upcoming events below and mark your calendars. • PTA General Meeting - May 17th, 6:30 - 8:00pm in the library • Book Fair - Week of May 24th – 27th Get an early start on your summer reading and support our school library. Late night hours on Tuesday, May 24th from 5:30-8pm. You can also order online starting Sunday, May 15th using this link: age&url=sunriseelementaryschool39 To volunteer go to: • Picnic on the Playground - June 3rd, 6pm – 8pm The Playground Improvement Committee invites you to celebrate and enjoy recent upgrades to the playground. Join us for food, games and a raffle. All proceeds benefit future playground improvements. • Book Exchange - Week of June 6th – 10th Full details on upcoming events can be found here as they become available: Nominations for Golden Apple & Golden Acorn Awards Each year our PTA presents the Golden Apple Award to a teacher and/or staff member who has provided outstanding educational opportunities for the children in our community that are beyond the normal scope of their jobs. We also present a Golden Acorn award to a volunteer who goes above and beyond in their effort to provide support to all students at Sunrise. Please take time to make a nomination! Nomination forms can be found in the PTA bin in the office and are due by June 10. Support the PTA through our Affiliates Program Shop with our Affiliates Program and help support the PTA at the same time! • Use our link and a percentage of your purchase will go back to Sunrise PTA at no cost to you: ( • PCC Natural Markets: Pick up and use your PCC Scrip card. For all recharges between $50 & $1,000, Sunrise PTA receives 5% back. Please email to purchase one today! Sadly, Target is discontinuing the Target REDcard “Take Charge of Education” program effective May 14, 2016. Get full details of these programs: Join the PTA It's never too late to join or renew your PTA membership! Forms are available in the front office. Please contact Ali van den Heuvel ( or Maureen Lucido ( with any questions. We need Recess Volunteers! We have fantastic recess teachers at Sunrise who could use an extra set of “eyes and hands” on the playground. It is a fun way to be involved with our students in a social setting as well as help keep them safe. You can volunteer as little as one recess per month. We especially need help with the noon recesses (12:00 – 1:00). There are sign up forms in the “Recess Volunteer” envelope in the PTA Box in the office. Please contact Sheri Padget at, 425-885-9539 to sign up or ask questions. Social Activity Volunteers In the future we will post PTA Social Event volunteer opportunities here. We are on Facebook! Posts will also be on our Facebook page: 2015/2016 PTA Board See who is on the PTA Board for the 2015/2016 school year We are happy to announce the following people have been voted in as incoming Board members for the 2016/2017 school year: Treasurer - Phil Lucido Co VP Membership - Natallia Hurst Co VP Membership - Wendy Yang Co VP Fundraising - Jill Twist If you are interested in serving on the board, or know someone who might be, please contact Austina DeBonte (, Liz Cheng (, or Norma Rodriguez ( Thank you!