November 2015 Boght Hills newsletter


November 2015 Boght Hills newsletter
Boght Hills Colt News
Nove m b e r, 2015
Dear Families:
Boght Hills’ 4th, 5th and 6th graders participated in the district elementary Cross
Country Meet on October 7th. Congratulations to our medal and ribbon winners. Their
names appear in this issue. A huge thank you should be extended to our Physical Education staff who work many hours off-duty to prepare for this event. The Harvest Hoedown was cancelled this year due to the lack of a coordinator. However, replacing it was
another fabulous event. Our First Annual International Food Festival with pumpkin decorating and donut bobbing! Over 30 countries were represented with more than 35 different dishes to sample. Everything was delicious. A huge thank you goes out to Ms.
Kalas, our ENL teacher, for coordinating the dinner, the families who cooked and ate,
and the many staff and PTA volunteers who set up and cleaned up. We also would like
to thank our custodians and food service personnel for their flexibility and support. A
big thank you to Mrs. Meunier and Mrs. Yocum who coordinated and staffed the Scholastic Book Fair for another successful sale. Please join us for Movie Night on November
13th at 6:30. Concessions will also be available. Speaking of our PTA, if you haven’t had
a chance to renew your membership, or join for the first time, please do so. Our next
meeting is November 19th. PTA provides many cultural programs and other activities for
our students. Another benefit is receiving a directory of all Boght Hills’ families.
November promises to be an equally busy month. On Election Day, November 3rd,
school will be closed to allow the teachers to participate in district-wide professional
development and conduct parent-teacher conferences. Please exercise your right to vote.
Elementary students will have a half day of school on November 5th for parent-teacher
conferences. The faculty recital will be held at 7 pm on November 12th in the Shaker
Junior High auditorium. What a great opportunity to see the many talents of our district’s staff. School will be closed on November 11th in honor of Veterans’ Day. Let me
encourage you to attend the Annual Veterans Day Celebration on November 4th, at 6:30
pm, at Shaker High School. School will be closed November 25th-27th for Thanksgiving.
If you haven’t already registered for the School News Notifier, please go to the district
website and click on the SNN logo. We use this tool to reduce the number of paper publications sent home and send important event announcements and reminders.
To insure student safety for staff and students that remain in the building after dismissal, the main doors are locked again at 3:00. Over the course of the school year, there
are many after-school activities such as Math League, play practice, etc. that do not conclude until after the school office closes at 3:30. Therefore, there is no one in the office
to unlock the door after 3:30. With cold weather quickly approaching, we suggest that
you do not arrive to pick up your child prior to the time his/her activity concludes.
Adults in charge of the activity will bring the students to the lobby for pick-up at the
conclusion of their event.
Please enjoy the remaining days of fall. Best wishes to you and your family for a Happy
Boght Hills
Phone: 518 785-0222
Fax: 518 785-8801
Health Office Fax: 518-785-2764
Mrs. Kim Greiner
Boght Hills Colt News
1 6B
Daylight Savings
Set clock back
1 hour
K-Kids Mtg.,
November, 2015
3 1A
4 2A
5 3A
School in session
half day ; dismissal
begins approx. 11:30
Election Day
No school
AM: Staff
School Banking
PM: Parent-teacher
8 4A
9 5A
Barnes & Noble
Book Fair
15 2B
16 3B
11 6A
No School
Veteran’s Day
23 2A
Movie Night
6:30 pm
Staff Recital,
SJHS, 7 pm
18 5B
K-Kids Mtg.,
22 1A
12 1B
School Banking
19 6B
School Banking
Spirit Day:
PTA Mtg.,
6:30 pm
BOE Mtg.
Forts Ferry
7:15 pm
Thanksgiving Recess– No School
29 3A
Health Office News
To the Parents of 6th grade students:
If your child’s 11th birthday is during the months of October, November or December, you have already or will be receiving a reminder letter
from me in the mail regarding the mandatory Tdap immunization. All students in 6 th grade need to submit proof of the immunization soon after
their 11th birthday per NYS health law. The October and November letters have been sent and December letters will be sent out closer to the
appropriate time. Please call today to make the appointment for your child so there is no issue with them receiving their shot within a timely manner. Please feel free to call me at any time with questions. I appreciate your cooperation.
Cough Drops:
As of September 11, 2012, our school district physician has written a standing order authorizing the school nurse to administer Halls Cough
Drops (or its generic equivalent) to children 5 years of age and up. As with all other prescription and over the counter medications, the nurse also
is required to obtain written permission from the parent. Without this permission the nurse is not authorized to administer the cough drops.
Please do not send cough drops to school without including a permission slip. The cough drops need to be kept in the health office and not with
the student.
If sore throat is severe, persists for more than 2 days, is accompanied or followed by fever, headache, swelling, rash, nausea, or vomiting, consult a
physician promptly.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Physical Exams
New York State Education Law requires that each student receive a physical exam when entering a school district for the first time and again in
grades K, 2, 4, 7, and 10. This law also requests a comprehensive dental exam. While the physical examination can be administered by the school
physician, and we can offer you names of dentists in the community; we urge you to use your family physician/dentist for this purpose during
your child’s summer vacation. In this manner, a pattern of consistent, optimum health care can be established.
Labels for Education
November is a double UPC month! For every label we submit during the month of November we can earn and extra point on each. Each 1 point
label becomes 2, 5 point label becomes 6 and so on. Lets see how many we can turn in and boost our balance! We currently have 16,117 points
to use towards great merchandise for the school.
There have been some changes to the Labels for Education program recently. The following brands are no longer participating in the program:
Post, Emerald, and Pop Secret. If you purchase any of these products and the packaging does still contains the Labels for Education logo, it is
valid to send it in. Unfortunately if there is no logo on these brands, we can not submit them. The following brands still continue to participate
in the Labels for Education program: Campbell's, Pepperidge Farms, Pace, V8, Swansons, Bic and Spaghetti O's. Please be advised though that
some of these brands have removed the Labels for Education logo from their packaging but they ARE still valid to submit. I apologize for the
confusion and when in doubt feel free to send them in and I will review the labels in question.
We are two months into the school year and the classrooms with the most labels towards the end of year ice cream parties are:
5M - 150 labels
6W - 88 labels
5F - 71 labels
As always, in order to be in the running for the parties, be sure to submit the labels with you child's classroom noted on the back of each one or
on the outside of an envelope.
Box Tops for Education
November 2nd is a submission deadline! Check back next month to see how much we submitted. Please continue to be on the look out for any
Box Tops that expire between now and the end of the year.
The gift card winners for the month of October are:
Riley Strand (5M)
Jason Giambertone (6W)
Counselor’s Corner
Dear Boght Hills Families:
The holiday season is fast approaching and your help is needed. Mrs. Van Sleet, our school
counselor, and the PTA are teaming up again and will be having a food drive for families in our
own Boght Hills school community. We will be collecting various non-perishable food items for
distribution this Thanksgiving. Any extra items will be distributed before the holiday break.
Your generosity as a school community is always overwhelming and we are so grateful.
We are asking each grade level to contribute a different food item. Food can be donated starting
on Monday, November 9th. If your family is able, please have all contributions in by Friday, November 20th.
Kindergarten - Stuffing mix
Grade 1
- Canned vegetables
Grade 2
- Brownie, Cake, and/or Bread mix and/or Frosting
Grade 3
- Gravy
Grade 4
- Instant Potatoes
Grade 5
- Cranberry Sauce
Grade 6
- Apple juice, Fruit juice, or Juice boxes
The PTA will be providing families with gift cards to purchase any perishable items they will
As always thank you for your support. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. VanSleet at
school (785-0222) or at
Boght Hills
Membership and our Next PTA Meeting
We hope all our members have received your copy of the PTA Faculty and Student Directory w hich was sent home
with your youngest or only Boght Hills student in mid-October. Thank you t o David Morl itz and Karen Buresh f or
all their hard work in compiling the directory. If you are a member and did NOT receive a directory, please e-mail
Karen at . If you would like to join PTA, please log onto our website
( for more information about how to complete that process. Our next PTA meeting will be
Thursday, November 19m at 6:30pm in the Boght Hills Library. Hope to see you there!
Barnes and Noble Book Fair
On Tuesday, November lOth, the PTA Barnes & Noble Book Fair will be held at Colonie Center. The event will run
all day with activities for the kids taking place in the evening. It's the perfect night for fa m ily fun because there is
no school the next day! Have dinner in the mall with your family and before or after come to Barnes and Noble
and support your school.
This year, we have decided on a circus theme ! " Under the Boght Top" will celebrat e the 60th Anniversary of
Boght Hills Elementary School. Mrs. Greiner, Mrs. Pickett and many Boght Hills tea chers will be making guest
appearances at Barnes and Noble to read a story, so we hope you can join us to provide them with an excellent
audience! A portion of all proceeds will be donated directly to our PTA so if you can't attend, please consider
placing an order online. If you have any questions, please e-mail our Barnes and Noble Bookfair chairperson, Ali
larsen, at or contact any of our PTA Board M embers. Can' t wait t o see you there!
FREE Movie Night sponsored by PTA
On Friday, November 13th Boght Hills PTA will present our first movie night of the school year. "Inside Out" is a
delightful Disney Pixar movie, rated PG, that was a box office sensation when it was released in June. It's fun ny
and also has a very inspiring message which helps kids get in touch with their feelings. There is absolutely no cost
to attend and all Boght Hills families are welcome. We will have a concession stand with candy, popcorn and
water available f or purchase and all proceeds will benefit the 6th grade class trip. Bring you r pillow and a blanket
to sit on and join us in the cafeteria. Please remember that no drop-offs will be allowed and parents must remain
with their child at the event. Thank you and we will see you at the movies!
International Food Festival
Thank you to the many families who brought dishes to share at our first ever Int ernational Food Festival. We had
15 different countries represented and everyone had a great time sampling these t asty foods and learning about
the many cultures represented at Boght Hills. PTA would like to extend a special tha nk you to M s. Kalas, who
organized the event this year.
Thank you Book Fair Volunteers
Thank you to those parents who helped out at our recent PTA Scholastic Book Fair in October. W e so appreciate
the extra hands helping the students make and cash out with their selections. See you in May for our next fa ir !
Gift Card Sale during month of November
Do you have someone on your holiday shopping list who is difficult to buy for? Are there businesses you shop at
regularly that you could use gift cards instead of credit cards to make your purchases? If so, then our Great Lakes
Scripp Gift Card sale is right up your alley. A flyer explaining all the details will be sent home soon, but basically
you pre-order gift cards at face value and our PTA makes a small percentage off each sale. If enough people
participate, this amount can really add up! We thank you in advance for your support.
Save Around Book Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Save Around Book Fundraiser. As a
reminder, any unsold books must be returned to school as soon as possible or we will
be charged for them. We are working diligently to fill all remaining orders placed and
you should be receiving any additional books that were purchased shortly. The top
three sellers will be notified soon so we can distribute their prizes.
20th is our
next School
Spirit Day!
Mix up a crazy
outfit and
show your
school spirit!
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education are found on hundreds of items you use each day. For each Box Top that is submitted, our
school earns 10 cents. While that may not seem like a lot, Boght Hills has earned over $10,000 since we began
participating. If each student submitted just three box tops each month, we could earn almost $1,500 this year.
Please do not send in expired Box Tops, as these cannot be submitted. Be sure to check out for a complete list of participating products. If you would like your child entered
into the monthly drawing for a gift card to Regal Cinemas or Barnes and Noble, please write their name and
classroom on each box top and place them in the collection box in the lobby of the school. Good luck!
Hannaford Helps
HELP SCHOOLS HELP KIDS with Hannaford Helps Schools. For every 4 participating items you buy, you'll earn $3
for our school. Just take the register receipt that prints out and place it in the collection tower at the front of the
school or send it in with your child in an envelope labeled Hannaford Helps and we will get it there for you. Last
year we earned $144 and are looking to increase this amount for this school year. Search for Hannaford Helps
Schools to get a list of participating products. Thank you!
What Does a Nut-free Classroom Mean?
Nut-free classrooms can be dangerous when misunderstood. 7% of items "made in the same facility" as nut
will contain nuts. Food processing changes often- never assume a product is safe. Always read labels!
The website www. can help you pack safe snacks. Also check out another list of safe snacks at 2015/09/1516_FF_safe_snack_list.pdf. It may be helpful to pack
your child's snack in a separate "snack bag" to avoid children getting confused about what is their safe snack and
what is their lunch. You can purchase these at Target for $5 or just use a brown bag to separate items.
Remember, every exposure can be life threatening so we thank you for your help and consideration in making our
classrooms as safe as possible.
Congratulations to our 136 4th, sth and 6th grade runners from Boght Hills who participated in the North Colonie
District Cross Country Meet on Wednesday, October 7, 2015, at the Town of Colonie Park. Everyone did a fantastic
job! We are very proud of all our runners! A special congratulation to our medal winner this year:
Bronze medal winner: Jackson Doolittle
6th Grade Girls
Christina Savastio- 8
Sandra Sheedy -14
Meredith Hayes -18
Cierra Walker- 24
Minyi Chen- 31
Sarah Biazon- 33
Mia Fredrick- 37
Leah Hinkell- 38
Mary Moryl- 41
Allison August- 42
Cadence Young- 45
Myah Bermudez- 50
Mira Brehm- 62
Mahnoor Hasan- 65
India Singh- 67
Karly Penker- 70
Taylor Jarboe- 71
Felicity Cole- 87
Ciara Torrey- 91
Alexa LaBella- 93
Rajani Nimma- 94
Adays Dominguez-Flares- 95
6th Grade Boys
Killian O'Connor- 6
Dean Hood -10
Schuyler Wang- 11
Ayaan Bargeer -15
Kai Wen Liu -17
Jason Prestipino- 28
Harrison Fazzone- 29
Joshua Demarest- 34
Joshua Busch- 35
Logan Shaw-41
Colin Vega - 44
Louis Meunier- 49
Jacob Joslin -54
Lucas McGarry- 57
So han Pattanaik- 60
Zackary Howe- 67
5th Grade Girls
Micaela Tahoe- 6
Lillianna Brzac- 16
Caitlyn Asher -17
Riley Strand- 20
Kaitlin Neumeister- 21
Lillian Buresh- 22
Shannon Shea- 23
Julia Spinelli- 28
Destiny Greene- 29
Lucy Catalano- 34
Abby VanVranken- 35
Francesca Logrippo- 37
Grace Teson- 38
Alayna Britt- 39
Victoria Bender- 46
Yuktha Milukuri- 48
Alexia Folmsbee- 50
Lara Luczak- 52
Bella Bermudez- 53
Emily Yocum- 60
Erin Farnsworth- 61
Abigail Walsh- 64
Lauren Curley- 71
Jada Potts- 72
Samantha Kinnicutt- 76
Cassie Clovis - 79
5th Grade Boys
Andrew Kang- 6
Tommy Egan- 7
Ben Halek-8
Jack Burns -12
Haroon Syed- 23
Connor Orr- 25
Aldion Markocaj- 26
Nakib Barak- 27
Neil Gupta- 34
Andrew Caiano- 39
Nicholas Pepe - 47
Craig Foshee- 49
Bret Lortie -51
Vincent Zhang- 56
Jadyn Castracani- 59
Andrew Church- 60
Alan Wolf-61
James Easton- 66
Bryan Chae- 67
Jeffrey Guzy- 78
Brandon Bhola- 85
Dylan Foshee- 87
Farzad Arif- 90
Ryan Martin kat- 95
John Dominguez -Fiores-100
Pranav Puviarasu -101
Aarya Tyagi- 102
Mason Roberts -103
John Han -106
Seth Eberle - 108
Michael Josol-117
Cai-Lin Hughes- 57
Angelina Wu -58
Shannon Hockford- 69
Gabriella McGrail- 70
4th Grade Boys
Jackson Doolittle - 3
Peter Resnick- 6
Ethan McGarry- 7
Aidan Garland -11
Aidan Bailie- 24
John DiMarino- 25
Muhammad Ali han- 26
Kenneth Cole- 28
Mark Cannistraci- 32
Andrew Kim - 38
Samuel Harkavy- 41
Miles Ehrlich- 43
Abhinav Thati- 44
Seth Hood - 46
Braeden Rhatigan -49
Joey Leoni- 58
Nicholas Nystoriak- 62
Nick Duncan- 64
Tyler Graeber- 67
Andrew VanVranken- 73
Tyler Kearns- 75
Bradley Penker- 77
Mohanad Nahhas- 79
4th Grade Girls
Leina Dunn- 8
Alyssa Kearns - 9
Cailan Drake -11
Madelyn Rempel -15
Naomi Gaddy -17
Genevieve Vincelette- 21
Rachel Dwyer- 22
Rojan Javaheri- 28
Tessa Forcucci- 33
Sana Bargeer-44
Annabelle O'Connor- 46
Ruby Travis- 51
Gia Patel - 54
Vanessa Bermejo- 55
Kindergarten 2016
We are currently compiling a list of incoming Kindergarten students for the fall of 2016.
If you have a child or know of a new family in your neighborhood who may have a Kindergarten-age child, please call our Central
Registrar at 785-8591 ext. 3135. To be eligible for kindergarten in September, 2016, a child must be five years of age on or before
December 1, 2016. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Picture Retake Day
The date for picture retake day has not yet been determined. Information will be sent home as soon as it is available .
Absences/Tardies/Early Dismissals
It is VERY IMPORTANT that we are able to account for students. When a child does not come to school and a parent has not
called to report the absence, we become concerned about the safety of the child. Therefore, please call the school at 785-0222 to
report your child’s absence or tardiness.
It is in the best interest of all of our students that they arrive at 8:05 a.m. each morning (unless, of course, they are sick or have a
doctor’s or dentist’s appointment). If a student arrives in his classroom after 8:25 a.m., the student will be marked tardy. The
school day is very busy, and all students benefit from being in homeroom to start all of their morning work on time. A
parent/guardian must sign in a student who arrives at 8:25 or later.
Parents should be reminded that a student who is late to school and arrives AFTER 10:30 a.m. will be counted as a half-day a.m.
Parents should be reminded that a student with an early dismissal who leaves before 12:30 p.m. will be counted as a half-day p.m.
New York State Education Department regulations require that we record absences, tardiness, and early dismissals more carefully
than ever before. As such, please be sure to include the reason for your child’s absence, tardiness, or early dismissal on their attendance note.
Music Faculty Recital
The Music Faculty Recital is Thursday, November 12th, at 7:00 pm in the Shaker JHS auditorium.
Come hear North Colonie music teachers perform lots of great music – from classical to pop to jazz! The recital is sponsored by the North Colonie
Friends of Music. Donations of $4 for adults, $2 for students or senior citizens, or $6 for a family will be accepted at the door. All proceeds benefit
the Linda Wagner and John Malthouse Awards for graduating SHS seniors.
Alternate Dismissal Plans – Boght Hills
Date: __________________________________
Student: _______________________________
(First and last name)
Grade/Teacher: __________________________
From: __________________________________
(First and last name)
__________will be picked up at dismissal by ________________________________
(First and last name)
__________should go home on bus # __________
__________should take bus# ______ to the home of ________________________
(First and last name)
__________will be picked up at __________ by _____________________________
(First and last name)
Please Excuse…
Student Name:___________________________________
(First and last name)
Was absent/tardy from school on _______________ because of:
______Medical Appointment
______Family emergency
______Other (please list reason below):