husky tales - Anchorage School District
husky tales - Anchorage School District
HUFFMAN NEWS HUSKY TALES Anchorage School District Volume 1, Issue 17 12000 Lorraine Street Anchorage, Alaska 99516 907-742-5650 SCHOOL BUSINESS PARTNERS May 9, 2014 CALENDAR May 13 Western Day May 13 Volunteer Appreciation Lunch May14 PTA General Meeting 4pm May 15 Band/Orch. Concert 1:30p May 21 Field Day/ Potato Planting 4th-6th Grade 9:15a-1115a K-3rd Grade 1:15p-3:15p May 22 Last Day of School May 22 6th Grade Recognition BIKE TO SCHOOL DAY On-Line Registration If you haven’t logged into zangle before please contact the front office at 742-5661. You’ll need your pin/password for registration in July. 2014/2015 School year Registration begins July 7th-Aug 8th Next School Year With only 2 weeks left to go in the school year questions about next school year occasionally come up. One question we sometimes hear is, ‘who will be my child’s teacher next year’. This is a question I can never answer in the spring. I would like to make some general comments in hopes of dispelling any misconceptions or misinformation that may have circulated about classes for next school year. The first task at hand when building next year’s classes is for me to determine the number of classes we will have at each grade level based on our projected student numbers. This includes consideration of the possibility of split or multi-grade classes because a grade level may be high in numbers. Next, our teachers and I had a day set aside to meet to create classes for next year. In those meetings grade level teachers discuss the class configurations or make up for next school year. In simple terms, who will be in whose classes. Our teachers are making professional decisions based on many factors that include, but are not limited to, learning styles, teaching styles, gender balance, the number of students with disabilities or 504 accommodations, students who work well together and, students who may not work so well together. Often several factors must be considered for a particular child with some factors taking precedent over others. This is never an easy task and one we take very seriously. Because of the unpredictability of the actual fall enrollment versus projections and the always-present possibility of changes in classroom configurations, we do not tell parents who their next year’s teacher will be or who the other students will be in their classroom. Fall enrollment is a critical time when we realize our actual enrollment numbers versus what we had projected the student population may be. With those actual numbers changes to the original class configurations may and often will incur. If you have any concerns you are welcome to discuss those with your classroom teachers but please know that we do our best to make placement decisions on what is best for each child and each class. Also know that when actual enrollment numbers happen during registration we often have to make adjustments to class configurations and class sizes. If you have any questions I am always happy to meet with you. Please register on time next year when registration opens in the fall. All the best, Happy Spring Darrell Vincek HUFFMANNEWS NEWS HUFFMAN Page 2 PAW PRINTS 4-28-14 PAW PRINTS 5-5-14 Kindergarten Kindergarten McDaniel Jillian Janicka, Gavin Swegle McDaniel Charlee Carroll, Deegan Hoffbauer Sterling Sam Bellamy, Baylor Berg Sterling Tayvin Wedman, Morelia Rodriguez-Cortez 1st Grade 1st Grade Sooter Grace Barrett, Camryn Penny Sooter Weaver Lukas Kosinski Weaver Maleah Wallace, Anna Boltz Chloe Wilson, Audrey Schneider 2nd Grade 2nd Grade Barrett Tahila Carroll, Cameron Ratcliff Barrett Lyric Granbois, Parker Johnston Jungwirth Penelope Whitlock, Gavin Yi Jungwirth Donna Hoffbauer, Andrew Murray 3rd Grade 3rd Grade Calabro Calabro Kaelin Lemon, Joey Baldessari, Gavin Partch Deschamps/Scott Kay Virror Tes, Alison Janicka Brandon Moore, Nick Barbosa Rennick Heatwole, Brett Peichel, Maggie Pearce, Farren McCormick 4th Grade Deschamps/Scott Kay Avy Robbins Anna Seryozhenkov, Mo Narus 4th Grade Mandsager Chase Scott, Reese Bouwens, Sarah McGovern Carroll A.J Sawicki, Claire Daniels Mandsager Carroll Grace Asselin, Trevor Monahan Oliver Brown, Glenn Ball, Garrett Lessley 5th Grade 5th Grade Tjaden Xander Stephenson, Natalie Marks Math Team Challenge Winners 6th Grade Grumblis Katie Peichel Simmons Kaylie Ball, Abby Thomas Mitchell Maddie O’Connor, David Bascom Tjaden Math Team Challenge 2, Sophie Cusick 6th Grade Grumblis Ali Green Simmons Kinley Nealeigh, Ryann Kane Page 3 HUFFMAN NEWS NEWS HUFFMAN Good Job Awards MCDANIELS Lyla Carlson TJADEN Loke Iese SOOTER Brielle Morehead GRUMBLIS CALABRO Lucca Clopton JUNGWIRTH Tristan Markgraf CARROLL Madison Griffin DESCHAMPS/SCOTT Colette Zidek STERLING Zachary Kenny MITCHELL Lexi Barbachano CARROLL Jared Weaver WEAVER Addison Stephens SIMMONS Maria Lubin CARROLL Daren Gasaway MANDSAGER Reese Cochran Julian Huynh BARRETT Bailey Scott KAY Brett Peichel School Supplies for 2014-2015 Please visit our school website over the summer for the 2014-2015 Supply List. Please remember all pencils and erasers should be latex free. HUFFMAN HUFFMAN NEWSNEWS Page 4 Register online for next school Nurse’s Notes Starts July 7th - August 8th Online registration will give parents the option to register returning students online, eliminating the need to register in person. Is your child returning to our school next year? If so, you can register him/her online from the comfort of your home. The district is implementing an online registration system through Zangle ParentConnection for all returning students starting with the 2014-15 school year. **If you do not have your Zangle Parent Connection PIN/Password, please contact our office. 742-5661*** The online registration window is July 7 – Aug. 8. Online registration will only be available for returning students. New-to-district students will still need to enroll in-person at the school or at the central enrollment event over the summer. Transferring students will also need to register in-person. If you miss the online registration period you may still register in-person at the school at the beginning of August. Questions about online registration should be directed to our front office 742-5650. - End of Year Medication Pick Up: No medications will be stored at school over the summer. All medications must be picked up by the last day of school (May 22, 2014) or they will be discarded. Please make sure to pick up your child’s medication, as they may not be sent home with the student. - Medication Permission Forms for Next Year: For students that will need medication to be administered at school in 2014/2015, ASD policy mandates that the Long Term Medication Form needs to be completed each year by the child's parent/guardian and physician if medications are to be given at school for longer than two weeks. It might be easier for you to take care of this matter before school starts in the fall. Feel free to stop by the Nurse’s office any time before the end of the year to pick up the needed paperwork or download the forms from ASD website. - Thank you: It has been a pleasure to work with you and your children this past school year. I look forward to reconnecting after the summer break. I wish you and your family a wonderful, rejuvenating and healthy summer. Lisa Sutherlin, R.N., B.S.N., N.C.S.N. Huffman Elementary School Nurse 742-5651 ASD Non Discrimination Statement: It is the policy of the Anchorage School District to provide equal educational and employment opportunities, and to provide services and benefits to all students and employees without regard to race, color, religion, disability, national origin, gender, marital status, change in marital status, pregnancy, parenthood or other prohibitions. This policy of the Anchorage School District is consistent with numerous laws, regulations, and executive orders enforced by various federal, state, and municipal agencies, including but not limited to Executive Order 11246, Title 41, part 60-1, 60-2, 60-3, 60-20, Title VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to the School District Equal Employment Opportunity Office, the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights, the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission, or the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, the Department of Education or the Department of Health and Human Services. HUFFMAN NEWS HUFFMAN NEWS Page 5 Huffman PTA News May 9, 2014 Huffman Husky PTA Happenings Last PTA Meeting of the year The last PTA meeting of the year will be held Wednesday, May 14 at 4pm. The PTA is still looking for individuals who are willing to serve on the board for the next two years as secretary and VP for Volunteers. Please email or talk with one of the returning Board members—Pamela Keeler (Zidek), Deb McSweyn or Wendy Rogacki, if you are interested. The PTA Board would like to give a huge thank you to Amy Lefler for serving as the PTA Secretary for the past two years. Amy has done an incredible job and will be missed. There have been several PTA supported events since the last newsletter. Movie Night We had an incredible turnout for Frozen---the last Movie Night of the year. The new sound system worked wonderfully despite the fact that the singing from the students was, at times, louder than the movie. Thanks to Amy Carman and the girls from Troop 147 for volunteering their time to help make the event such a great success. Food Drive A big thank you to Beth Cassidy and to Mrs. Ellinwood and the Student Council for taking on the Food Drive. Thanks also to H2O Oasis for providing free passes to Huffman Elementary which Mr. Vincek was able to award to one lucky student who had brought in food for donation that day. Empty Bowls A big thank you to Mrs. Ellinwood for volunteering her time for the Empty Bowls program and the volunteers who helped make it happen. As a result of the generous donations from participant families, the PTA was able to donate over $1,200 to the Food Bank this year. Bike to School Day Wow! What a Bike to School Day! Thank you to Fiona Peichel and Roxanne Brandenburg for co-chairing the event. We had 200 student riders, 74 parents and 9 staff participate. A special thank you to Mrs. Bergt for coordinating this event with ASD, Mr. Tom for making sure all the students got across Huffman Road safely and Kelly Tirpack, Christi Kane, Stacey Berg, Laree Stone, Marieke Heatwole and Jenny Partch for volunteering their time to check in students as they arrived. HUFFMAN NEWS Page 6 Teacher Appreciation Week Huffman Elementary has the best teachers and this week was our opportunity to show our appreciation for them! Many thanks to Marieke Heatwole and June Wilson for organizing such a great week with fun events each day. Thanks also to volunteers Rebecca Asselin, Kari Bieshelt, Shauna Bear, Kathy Day, Mary Farinez, Becky Fowler, Linda Franks, Shawna Jones, Arin Sina Lefano, Amy Lefler, Petrita Lubin, Jenny Partch, Jocelyn Schneider, Laree Stone, Lynn Thomas and all the generous, thoughtful families who participated in various appreciation events for their students’ teachers. Special thanks also to Right Touch Massage, Moose’s Tooth for their donation of lunch and root beer, Trinity Presbyterian for breakfast, the office staff for lunch and Carrs Huffman for apples. Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program Thank you to the 8 families who signed up and registered with Huffman Elementary under the Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program! The Huffman PTA just received $65.70 for use by the PTA as part of their first quarter distribution. If you are not one of the 8 families and shop at Fred Meyers, please let Fred Meyer know that you support the Huffman PTA by registering your card at . Our organization number is 87429. PTA Information Did you know that you can find a host of PTA information including the PTA budget, volunteer forms, and meeting minutes on the school’s website? Mark your calendars for these upcoming PTA supported events and meetings: May 14th Membership Meeting 4:00P COLOR WARS AT HUFFMAN Page 7 HUFFMAN NEWS Library News: Thank You for Library Volunteers Throughout the year, the following parents and community volunteers have assisted in our library: Susan Campbell, Stacy Berg, Jennifer Penny, Carolyn Baldessari, Nanor Saboundjion, Lavon Doucette and Dotty Elmore. Thank you for your generous gift of time. Thank You for Donations The following current families and past Huffman families have donated books to our library this year: Tuminella Family, Franks Family, Andres Family, Stassel (Livers) Family, Albright Family and Faith Family Thanks for the beautiful additions to our shelves. Donated Books Please check the Lost and Found Tables for any items lost over the school year. All un-claimed items will be donated after the last day of school. Yes, the Huffman Elementary Library does accept donated books from families in the area. These books should be in great condition, age appropriate and hardback if possible. We have accepted paperbacks in fabulous condition also. Any books that are not added to the Huffman collection are offered to the Huffman classroom teachers. Have a great reading summer! Mrs. Kern 2014 Heart Run Winning School for most Participants! HUFFMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ! Winner of the Heart Run Art Contest Emilie Bieshelt Page 8 HUFFMAN NEWS
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