Prospectus - Plastic Surgery The Meeting
Prospectus - Plastic Surgery The Meeting
INTRODUCTION EXHIBITS Page 4 Grow your ROI Thousands of decision makers visit the exhibit hall looking for products and services to help them grow their business and profits. In 2015, the exhibit hall makes way to innovation with interactive sessions engaging our member surgeons, with you, our industry partners. This year we’re carving out additional time for educational tech talks and exciting Residents Bowl competition that will drive traffic, conversation, and ultimately business to your booth. Online Space Assignment will be held in April. Submit your application and deposit by March 25 to be included. ADVERTISING Page 16 We are pleased to announce that Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2015 will be hosted in Boston, a first-class city known worldwide for its prestigious educational institutions, bay fronts, and a unique blend of colonial charm with urban sophistication. Boston’s medical and educational institutions have helped make it an international hub of intellectual activity, where our specialty will gather this fall. Reach your audience REACH, GROW and DISCOVER in BOSTON. Build interest in your brand, both in advance of and at the meeting, with cost effective advertising opportunities from ASPS. The Registration Brochure reaches more than 10,000 medical professionals through a mailing and a later insertion into the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal. Onsite materials, such as the Official Program and Door Drop, are sure to put your brand at top of mind each day. More than 3,000 attendees, including 2,300 physicians, will meet and do business with 300 industry innovators, providing the products and services that support the plastic surgery specialty—all under one roof. CORPORATE PARTNERSHIPS Page 17 This Meeting Means BUSINESS. Year after year, Plastic Surgery The Meeting connects businesses with surgeons from around the globe, generating thousands of business leads in the exhibit hall; 2014 was no exception with more than 8,300 leads generated. 2 Connect in 2015 Complement your presence in the exhibit hall by sponsoring an event, hosting a satellite symposium or building a custom-tailored branding opportunity. Make a lasting impression that reaches far beyond the exhibit hall; partner with ASPS to connect with your target audience before, during, and after the event. 2014 PROFILE OF ATTENDEES AND THEIR PRACTICES 2014 PROFILE OF ATTENDEES OVERALL ATTENDANCE 2,976 SURGEONS & ALLIED MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS 2,499 70% PHYSICIANS 2,095 9% AFFILIATE ORGANIZATION PARTICIPANTS 9% SPOUSE/GUEST 5% MEDICAL STUDENTS 5% AFFILIATES/TEAM MEMBERS 270 267 157 1% EXHIBIT HALL ONLY GUESTS .75% INDUSTRY RESEARCH/ SCIENTIFIC PERSONNEL .07% INVESTMENT ANALYSTS 31 20 2 134 ATTENDEES BY GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION United States Canada Mexico 2,497 82 32 COUNTRIES REPRESENTED International 383 48 3 EXHIBIT OPPORTUNITIES “You won’t find a better opportunity to get in front of the world’s leading plastic surgeons. We exhibit every year and wouldn’t think of missing it.” - Canfield Imaging Systems Why Exhibit at Plastic Surgery The Meeting Plastic Surgery The Meeting delivers the quality and quantity of prospects your business deserves. Join us and connect with thousands of plastic surgeons and opinion leaders of the specialty and its sub-specialties. • It’s the largest international meeting of plastic surgeons and surgical medical professionals, with more than 3,000 attendees •It’s the world’s leader in providing plastic surgery related CME programming for Maintenance of Certification Networking We understand the value of exhibitor networking with meeting attendees while onsite. Be sure to participate in all of our key networking opportunities with the thousands of plastic surgery professionals gathered in Boston. • NEW! Exhibitor-hosted TechTalks with ASPS member surgeons • Welcome Reception on Friday evening • Breakfast with Exhibitors on Sunday morning • Dedicated daily breaks and lunches in the Exhibit Hall • Exhibitor-hosted Satellite Symposia opportunities* Education for Exhibitors Plastic Surgery The Meeting strives to keep its industry partners abreast of the latest scientific developments and techniques in the specialty and offers more educational opportunities for exhibitors to remain competitive in the marketplace. • NEW! Instructional course registration open to exhibitors • Complimentary admittance to all general scientific sessions *Subject to satellite symposia application, processing and fee. Limited availability. 4 OUR AUDIENCE CURRENT ROLE IN PURCHASING DECISIONS 54% of attendees make final purchase decisions or recommend products for purchase. ATTENDEE PLANNED PURCHASES BY CATEGORY (Within 12 months) 5 EXHIBIT DATES AND HOURS Saturday, October 17 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Welcome Reception • Morning Break: 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. • Lunch: 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. • Afternoon Break: 3:15 – 4:00 p.m. Sunday, October 18 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. • Breakfast Reception: 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. • Lunch: 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. • Afternoon Break: 2:45 – 3:30 p.m. Monday, October 19 | 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. • Morning Break: 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. • Lunch: 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. • Afternoon Break: 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. See booth install and dismantle section for additional dates and requirements. Complete program schedule online at (Available May 15, 2015) Schedule subject to change. 6 How to Reserve Booth Space Application Process 1. On or prior to March 25. Select booth size and submit completed and signed contract, including minimum of 50% deposit to the ASPS/PSF. 2. After March 25. All space for applications received after this date will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis and full payment is due upon receipt. 3. Booth Assignments. For contracts submitted by the March 25 deadline, booth confirmations will be emailed to all exhibitors in early May. After this time, confirmations will be sent as assigned. 4. On or after May 1. Select booth size and preferred booth locations, per the online floor plan and submit completed and signed contract, including payment in full to the ASPS/PSF. First-Time Exhibitors Any company that has not exhibited with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in the past must provide Application/ Contract for exhibit space and their company bio/mission statement and/or product literature and brochure(s). This information can be submitted via email to: Bonnie Burkoth, or Eileen Maloney, Exhibit Space Application Rules & Regulations Booth Construction Guidelines Submit completed applications accompanied by payment to: Mail: ASPS Executive Office Attn: Finance Department 444 East Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Fax: Attn: Bonnie Burkoth, (847) 981-5497 Email: ASPS Tax ID# 94-1535436 7 How to Reserve Booth Space Online Space Assignment Exhibit Space Rates Applications/Contracts received on or prior to March 25, 2015 that are accompanied by the required deposit payment are eligible to be included in the Online Space Assignment. Applications submitted on or after March 25, should include up to four (4) preferred booth locations, and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. 10’ x 10’ Linear = $3,100 10’ x 10’ Corner = $3,500 20’ x 20’ and larger, $3,500 per 10’ x 10’ (100 sq. ft.) Island Booth Configurations 20’ x 20’ 20’ x 30’ 20’ x 40’ 20’ x 50’ 20’ x 60’ 30’ x 50’ 40’ x 50’ 50’ x 50’ $14,000 $21,000 $28,000 $35,000 $42,000 $52,500 $70,000 $87,500 400 sq. ft. 600 sq. ft. 800 sq. ft. 1,000 sq. ft. 1,200 sq. ft. 1,500 sq. ft. 2,000 sq. ft. 2,500 sq. ft. ASPS will conduct an online space assignment, in which exhibiting companies are provided the opportunity to interact in the space selection process. Each company is assigned a call-in date and time, based on their current priority points and the Priority Point System, to finalize their booth selection. If needed, booth preferences can be adjusted based on current availability, during the assignment process. The floor plan is online and updated in real-time. Special accommodations can be made for any company without internet access during their call-in time. A wait list will begin once all available space is assigned. All companies on this list will be contacted, based on the date of application and payment submission, as space becomes available. Included with exhibit space • 8’ high back drape and 36” high side dividers (linear booths only) • 7” x 44” identification sign with company name and booth number (linear booths only) • Complimentary company description and product listing in the printed Official Program, online exhibitor directory and the Meeting app. Subject to deadline, See ‘Key Exhibit Dates’. • Six (6) complimentary exhibitor booth personnel badges, per 10’ x 10’ booth/100 sq. ft. (additional badges available for purchase, $75 each) • Two (2) complimentary Welcome Reception tickets per 10’ x 10’ booth/100 sq. ft., not to exceed 10 per company (additional tickets available for purchase) • Access to all General Scientific Sessions (exhibitor badge required. Does not include instructional courses) • Two (2) complimentary exhibitor lunches, per 10’ x 10’ booth/100 sq. ft., during exhibit dates (Saturday – Monday) Not included: Floor covering/carpet, furniture or utilities 8 SHIPPING/INSTALLATION/DISMANTLING Boston Convention and Exposition Center (Halls A and B1) Booth Installation and Dismantling Guidelines Plastic Surgery The Meeting will be held in Halls A and B1 of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, located at 415 Summer Street, Boston Massachusetts. Please reference the ‘Online Floor Plan’ for the exhibit hall layout and booth options and the BCEC Facility Floor Plans for an overview of the center. Thursday, October 15 Friday, October 16 Booth Installation Schedule • All exhibit crates must be removed from the exhibit floor by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, October 16. No exceptions will be allowed. • Any exhibit booth not set to booth guidelines by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, October 16, will be penalized by ASPS – See ‘Rules and Regulations’. Facility Floor Plans BCEC Shipping Information • Exhibitors are expected to make travel arrangements in accordance with the official exhibit schedule. Complete shipping information available in the exhibitor service manual, May 2015. Booth Dismantling Schedule Monday, October 19 Tuesday, October 20 Advance Shipments to Warehouse Accepted September 11 – October 12, 2015 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. • Sanctions will be applied to exhibitors tearing down and/or moving out prior to 3:00 p.m. on Monday, October 19. This rule applies to all exhibitors, including non-profit organizations. Direct Shipments to Show Site Accepted Thursday, October 15 Friday, October 16 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. • Any exhibit materials remaining unboxed on the exhibit floor may be mistaken for disposables. • Exhibit material or damaged exhibits remaining in the convention center after the contracted move-out time has expired will be removed by GES at the expense of the exhibitor. 9 KEY EXHIBIT DATES AND DEADLINES ASPS provides exhibitors with complete planning information needed to successfully prepare for their exhibit experience at Plastic Surgery The Meeting. The Exhibitor Prospectus and Exhibitors’ Website will serve as reliable resources during pre-planning and on-site. Participating exhibitors will also receive periodic e-Newsletters to keep them up-to-date on any upcoming deadlines, discounts and other important announcements, as needed. Please refer to the exhibitor service manual for order forms, available the week of May 11, 2015. March September 25• Exhibit application and 50% deposit due for online space assignment • 100% refund (less $500 handling fee) ends 26• 100% payment due with exhibit space application begins • 50% refunds for exhibit space cancellations and downsizing begins 3 • Earliest recommended date for pre-meeting attendee mailing list distribution 11 • First day advance warehouse shipments are accepted • Last day to request name badges for advance mailing 15• Deadline to submit EAC intent and agreement forms to general contractor (GES) 24• Last day for discounted pricing on all general contractor (GES) services April 21-23 • Online Space Assignment May October Early May • Exhibitors receive official booth space confirmation letters • Exhibitor service manual available online • Exhibitor housing opens (onPeak | GES) 12• Last day advance warehouse shipments accepted 15• Exhibitor installation begins, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. • Direct shipments accepted, beginning at 8:00 a.m. 16• All exhibits intact by 3:00 p.m. Direct shipments accepted no later than 3:00 p.m. 17• Exhibit Hall Opening at 9:00 a.m. 19• Official closing of exhibits at 3:00 p.m. Dismantle from 3:00 - 8:00 p.m. 20• Dismantle 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. All exhibit material must be removed from the Exhibit Hall by 4:30 p.m. June 1 • Exhibitor badge and course registration opens 30 • 50% refund for exhibit space cancellation or downsizing ends July 1 • Final exhibit space payment due • 100% booth cancellation fee begins August November 6 • Deadline for exhibitor product and company listings to be included in printed Official Program Applications for exhibit space received after this date will not be included in the printed Official Program Floor Plan drawings due for review and approval (20’ x 20’ booths and larger) 13• Deadline to submit Raffle/Drawing entry forms (and be included in published materials) • Deadline to submit exhibitor signed copy of Rules and Regulations • Deadline to submit pre-meeting attendee mailing list order form, final version of promotional material and payment 1 • Recommended deadline for post-meeting attendee mailing list orders (form, payment, and proof) 10 Priority Point System Advertising Points For companies that submit an Application/Contract on or prior to March 25, 2015, a priority point system is used to determine the order in which the exhibiting company will select their exhibit space. Advertising in ASPS publications: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery® journal, Plastic Surgery News®, Plastic Surgery The Meeting Registration Brochure or Official Program Priority points are calculated based on support of ASPS/PSF programs over a range of three years (January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2014), ending with the most recent year. Additionally, companies will retain and accumulate (1) one point per year of exhibits participation, over their entire exhibit history. •One (1) point will be awarded for each full-page ad or 3/4-page ad •One-half (1/2) point for each 1/2-page or 1/3-page ad •One-quarter (1/4) point for each 1/4-page ad Web banner advertising in the following:, PSN Connection,, the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal website and/or the Plastic Surgery The Meeting App. Exhibit Points •One (1) point per year of exhibits participation at all prior annual meetings •One (1) point per 10’ x 10’ (100 sq. ft.) booth •One (1) point for ($1 - $10,000) •One-half (1/2) point per tabletop exhibit at any ASPS Clinical Symposium •Two (2) points for ($10,001 - $20,000) •Three (3) points for ($20,001 - $30,000+) Housing Program Points Corporate Support Points •One (1) point for 1-5 hotel rooms utilized through ASPS Housing (onPeak|GES) •One (1) point for every $2,500 in contributions toward 2014 ASPS programs •Two (2) points for 6-10 hotel rooms utilized through ASPS Housing (onPeak|GES) •Two (2) points for every $2,500 in contributions toward the 2014 ASPS Breast Reconstruction Awareness Campaign •Three (3) points for 11-20 hotel rooms utilized through ASPS Housing (onPeak|GES) •Five (5) points for every $2,500 in contributions toward the 2012 – 2013 ASPS Breast Reconstruction Awareness Campaigns •Four (4) points 20+ or more hotel rooms utilized through ASPS Housing (onPeak|GES) In addition, Plastic Surgery The Meeting ‘Premier Supporters’ will have priority selection to choose their space, in order of support level and by date of signed LOA submission, prior to other exhibiting companies. For more information on Premier Support Levels, see page 16 or contact Joél Marie Payne at 11 2014 EXHIBITORS 3dMD AAAASF, Inc. AAAHC AART, Inc. ABC Trading Solutions ABL Medical, LLC Access Medical Purchasing (AMP) ACell, Inc. AcuLux, Inc. Advice Media AestheticLink Affinity Medical Group Afiniti Medical AIG Benefit Solutions AirXpanders Allergan Allergan Medical Affairs Allofill Alma Lasers, Inc. ALPHAEON Corporation Alpine Pharmaceuticals Alps South American Association for Hand Surgery American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association American Healthcare Lending American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) American Society of Plastic Surgical Nurses (ASPSN) AmicCARE Amiea Med Andersen Products, Inc. Andrew Technologies Angie’s List Anthony Products / Gio Pelle Apollo Endosurgery, Inc. Applied Medico Legal Solutions, Inc. ASMS Aspen Rehab Tech ASPS Endorsed Practice Solutions ASPS/CareCredit Photo Booth ASSI-Accurate Surgical Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons Bakel SRL Bank of America Practice Solutions 2014 EXHIBITOR OVERVIEW 284 49 2,064 Number of Exhibiting Companies Product Types Represented Number of Exhibit Personnel Exhibitor Product Category Bilogics/Tissue Computer Cosmetics/Skin Care Fiber Optics Furniture Garments Implants and Prostheses Lifestyle/Luxury Lighting Monitoring Equipment Pharmaceuticals Photography Practice Management Professional Organizations Publishing and Patient Education Surgical Instruments and Equipment Wellness Wound Care Other Products and Services TOTAL 12 782 2% 8% 13% 1.5% 1% 2% 10.5% 2% 3% 1% 2% 1% 6% 1.5% 3% 24% 2% 7.5% 9% 2014 EXHIBITORS Becon Aesthetics Bella Body Shaper Bellaire/Mesopen Biodermis Bio-Oil Black & Black Surgical Blinc Inc. Brava, LLC brumaba USA, Inc. BTL Industries, Inc. BuildMyBod Buxton BioMedical, Inc. Calisher & Associates, Inc. Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons (CSPS) Canfield Imaging Systems CareCredit CAREstream America Carolina Biological Supply Co. Castle Biosciences, Inc. Ceatus Media Group, LLC CeLuvia Chromogenex US Inc. ClearPoint Medical Cloud [8] Sixteen, Inc. Cook Medical CosMedicList CosmetAssure Cosmetic Networks Inc. Cosmetic Surgery Suppliers, Inc. CosmetiSuite Covidien CP Medical CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group CreativeTake Medical Crisalix Labs SLU CryoProbe Crystal Clear Digital Marketing Curve Cure LLC Cutera Cynosure Cypris Medical Davol, Inc. Delasco DePuy Synthes CMF DermaConcepts/Environ Skin Care Dermapen Dermapenworld LLC Design Veronique Designs for Vision, Inc. Diederich Healthcare Doctella DoctorLogic Dornier MedTech America, Inc. Dr. Fuji / ACIGI DRE Inc. eClinicalWorks Einstein Medical Elizabeth Arden Rx Ellman International Elmed Incorporated Elsevier EltaMD Skincare EMS Surgical LP enaltus EndyMed Medical Inc. Enova Illumination EO2 Concepts, Inc. Episciences, Inc. eraclea Skin Care Facial Imaging Research Project Firm Media, Inc. Flagship Surgical Fluoptics Imaging Galatea Surgical Galderma Laboratories Hanson Medical, Inc. Hawaiian Moon Hayden Medical Instruments Heartland Medical Sales & Services Henry Schein, Inc. HiTeck Surgico Canada HK Surgical HotShotz Reusable Heat Packs HydraFacial MD - Edge Systems LLC HyTape International Implantech Associates, Inc. 13 Incredible Marketing Infinite Therapeutics InMode Integra Invuity, Inc. Isavela Enterprises, Inc. Jac-Cell Medic Jan Marini Skin Research, Inc. Keller Medical, Inc. Kimberly-Clark KLS Martin Lasering USA Leica Microsystems LEIO Aesthetics Leonisa LifeCell, an Acelity Company Light Age, Inc. Lila Enterprise LLC Lipocosm, LLC Logos Biosystems, Inc. Lumenis Lumitex MD M.D. Resource Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Marasco & Associates, Healthcare Architects & Consultants Marina Medical Instruments Masimo Matrix Surgical USA MD-Ware Software MedEsthetics & Surgical Aesthetics Magazine MedNet Technologies Medtronic Mentor Worldwide, LLC Merz North America MICRINS Snowden Pencer MicroAire Surgical Instruments Microsurgery Instruments, Inc. Midmark Corporation Miele, Inc. Millennium Medical Technologies, Inc. MiMedx 2014 EXHIBITORS Miramar Labs Mitaka USA Modernizing Medicine MTI Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF) Mybody Skincare Neodyne Biosciences, Inc. NeoGraft New Look Now, LLC NEWmedical Technology, Inc. Nextech NKP Medical Marketing Novo Surgical, Inc. Novus Scientific, Inc. Nutational North America Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc. OptiCall Orbix Medical, Ltd. Orthoscan OsteoMed Otto Trading, Inc. Oxygenetix Institute, Inc. Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Page 1 Solutions Patient First Pharmacy PatientNOW PCA Skin PeriOptix PhotoMedex Physician Owned Surgery Centers Pierre Fabre USA Plastic Surgery Education Network (PSEN) Plastic Surgery Practice Plastic Surgery Practice Solutions (MSO) Plastic Surgery Studios PlasticSurgery.INFO PMT Corporation Pollogen, Ltd./Lumiere Medical Practice Enhancement Specialists, Inc. Prestige Employee Administrators, Inc. PRIME Journal Puregraft Quality Medical Publishing, Inc. Quill/Surgical Specialties Quirutex Rainey Compression Essentials ReachLocal Real Patient Ratings Rejuvapen Reputation Impression Resurge International Revision Skincare RGP, Inc. Rhein Cosmetic Surgery Solutions Rose Micro Solutions Rosemont Media RTI Surgical, Inc. SAGE Samahope Scar Heal, Inc. Sciton Sensus Healthcare Shanghai Haohai Biological Technology Co., Ltd. Shippert Medical Sientra Sirius RadioXM - Doctor Radio SkinCeuticals Smile Train Smith & Nephew (Biotherapeutics) Snap On Optics Society of Plastic Surgical Skin Care Specialists Solutionreach Specialty Surgical Products, Inc. Spectros Corporation Stille Surgical Strategic Edge/WebGold Strathspey Crown Stryker SupraMed, Inc. Surgiform Technologies, Ltd. SurgiSil SurgiTel/General Scientific Corp. Syneron Candela Synovis Micro Companies Alliance TEI Biosciences THE Aesthetic Guide The Doctors Company The Gideons International The Marena Group 14 The Materials Acquisition Company Thermi Aesthetics Thieme Medical Publishers Tizo by Fallene Topix Pharmaceuticals TransFirst TransMotion Medical Tulip Medical Products U.S. Jaclean, Inc. UBS Financial Services, Inc. Ulthera, Inc. United Medical Credit USI Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America, LLC Venus Concept Veriteq Corporation Vi Peel ViOptix, Inc. Viora Inc. Viscot Medical Warnock Medical WCT, Inc. Webb Dordick, Rare Medical Books Wells Johnson Whitney Medical Solutions Wolters Kluwer Health Yodle Young Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ZELTIQ Zimmer MedizinSystems ZO Skin Health, Inc. 2015 Exhibitor Advisory Council The ASPS extends their gratitude to the Exhibitor Advisory Council (EAC) for their service, by way of providing a vital communication link between the society and its exhibitors. Members of the EAC are available and welcome discussions with any suggestions or ideas for the betterment of the meeting. To learn more about the EAC, or to become a member, contact Bonnie Burkoth at (847) 228-3396 or Marie Bonazinga, ASSI - Accurate Surgical Todd Lane, Black & Black Surgical Rollin Read, Canfield Imaging Systems Rob Emmons, Cosmetic Surgery Suppliers, Inc. Michele Von Gerichten, Keller Medical, Inc. Patrice Duhau, Mentor Worldwide, LLC Bern Teitz, Micrins Carol Reynolds, Miramar Labs, Inc. Michael Powers, Plastic Surgery Studios 15 ADVERTISINg opportunies Advertising at Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2015 – Make the most of your investment Official Program ad pages are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Tab order subject to change. We honor space requests whenever possible, but can make no guarantee for positioning. Agency discount accepted. For all Advertising Opportunities at Plastic Surgery The Meeting, please contact: Senior National Account Manager Brian Parker Wolters Kluwer Health 215-521-8969 Cover Rates Cover 2: $7,150 Cover 3: $6,400 Cover 4: $7,850 Tab Rates $4,750 – One side (front or back) of any available tab – 20 tabs available REGISTRATION BROCHURE ADVERTISING Space closes: May 1 Materials due: May 15 Approximate mail date: August 1 DOOR DROP Company or Product Logos for inclusion on bag due: July 15 Electronic proof of insert due: August 17 Materials due: September 15 Dropped at registered attendee hotel room doors: October 17 Reach approximately 10,000 medical professionals, including TDB % plastic surgeons, with the most anticipated mailing of the year. Our Registration Brochure features details on the scientific sessions, panels and instructional courses, registration and housing, technical and scientific exhibits, plus social events and tour details.. Ad Rates – (All ads are four-color) COVER 2: $5,995 COVER 3: $4,495 COVER 4: $6,495 FULL PAGE: $3,750 Generate greater awareness for your company and booth presence with plastic surgeons, nurses, technicians and paramedicals with a message that they literally cannot miss. Distribution includes more than 3,000 medical professionals. All participating advertisers in this year’s door drop will have their company logo printed on one side of the bag. Reservation and logo must be received by the space closing date. NOTE: Due to their weight and bulk, magazines, newspapers and other publications will not be permitted in the door drop. Circulation is based on projected attendance and room blocks at the time the rate card is prepared. OFFICIAL PROGRAM ADVERTISING Space closes: July 20 Materials due: August 3 Available: on-site in Boston Bag Insert: $3,495 Includes your logo printed on bag with other sponsors and one insert Bag Sponsor: $11,995 Includes your logo predominantly printed on bag, one insert and one sample Product Sample: $1,995 Add a product sample with your insert for this additional cost This indispensable on-site reference is distributed to all registered attendees. The Official Program features comprehensive meeting information including a schedule of all scientific presentations, instructional courses and social events, listing of exhibits and products, society leadership information, spouse/guest program and tours, floor plans and Boston-specific information. After the meeting, it remains a valued product guide for attendees. Get your message into the hands of board-certified plastic surgeons and drive traffic to your booth. 16 CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP Corporate Partnerships at Plastic Surgery The Meeting – Connect in 2015 •Right to use Plastic Surgery The Meeting logo on company advertising, marketing and promotions related to the meeting •Use of Premier Supporter logo in company marketing and promotion •Support recognition displayed on all marketing collateral for Plastic Surgery The Meeting, including Registration Brochure, Official Program and Meeting Registration materials Contact: Joél Marie Payne Senior Manager, Corporate Development 847-228-3325 Complement your presence in the exhibit hall by sponsoring an event, hosting a satellite symposium or taking advantage of one of our unique branding opportunities. Partner with ASPS and connect with your target audience. * These items have preference assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis, upon receipt of an executed Letter of Agreement and level of support. Platinum Support | $100,000 As an industry-leading company, your continued success relies greatly upon strong brand recognition and unwavering customer loyalty. Take advantage of the benefits of being a Platinum level supporter; stand apart from the competition, make lasting impressions with plastic surgeons, and get recognition for your loyal support of the specialty. Premier Level Support Premier Support levels are designed to offer you unprecedented opportunities to communicate with attendees by capitalizing on exposure gained through Plastic Surgery The Meeting premeeting and on-site marketing collateral. Support at the Platinum level affords you the first chance to capture key engagement opportunities, including priority exhibit hall space selection, preferred selection of evening satellite symposia, choice of a daytime workshop event and recognition in the Grand Rounds Mentorship Program for Residents. Gold Support | $50,000 Capitalize on the marketing, advertising and promotional opportunities at Plastic Surgery The Meeting. Benefit from preferential exhibit hall placement, daytime events, pre-meeting recognition, and more with this well-rounded support package. All Premier Supporters will receive: •First preference in exhibit hall space selection* •Choice of one non-CME event: Daytime* •Digital advertising on •Inclusion in welcome video played at PSTM 15 registration; company spokesperson message and company name •Support recognition in on-site signage at Plastic Surgery The Meeting •Program flyer in the Registration Bag •Complimentary attendee mailing lists (pre and post-meeting) •Complimentary door drop insert 17 INTRO MESSAGE CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP Benefit Platinum Gold First preference in exhibit hall space selection* Yes Yes Priority selection for evening Satellite Symposia opportunities (Fee included)* Yes No Yes No Yes No Included in direct mail and display ads (half-page or larger) Yes No Choice of one non-CME event: Daytime* Yes Yes Company description in the widely distributed Registration Brochure, Official Program and Meeting App 100 Words 50 Words Exclusive invitation to VIP event 10 Invitations 5 Invitations ASPS will announce each Platinum Supporter via press release, and post it on, through PSN Connection and social media Yes Group Press Release Digital advertising on, 2 ads Yes Yes Inclusion in welcome video played at PSTM 15 registration; company spokesperson message and company name Yes Yes Support recognition in on-site signage at Plastic Surgery The Meeting Yes Yes Program flyer in the Registration Bag Yes Yes Complimentary attendee mailing list (pre- and post-meeting) Yes Yes Complimentary door drop insert Yes Yes Right to use Plastic Surgery The Meeting logo on company advertising, marketing and promotions related to the meeting Yes Yes Use of Premier Supporter logo in company marketing and promotion Yes Yes Support recognition displayed on all marketing collateral for Plastic Surgery The Meeting, including Registration Brochure, Official Program and Meeting Promotional materials Yes Yes Right of first refusal for additional designated support opportunities at Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2015* Support recognition in program materials of Grand Rounds Mentorship Program for Residents * These items have preference assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis, upon receipt of an executed Letter of Agreement and level of support. 18 CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP New! Sky Bridge Branded Zones | $22,000 Per Zone (2 Zones - East and West - Available) Industry-Supported Satellite Symposia $15,000 – $40,000 The Sky Bridge is a heavily traveled path, taking attendees from the transportation drop-off point to the General Sessions and Instructional courses. Sky Bridge Branded Zones assure that your company gets the first and last impression of each day at the convention center. Each end of the Sky Bridge is available. Satellite Symposia are a great way to reach Plastic Surgery The Meeting attendees, allowing you to showcase your newest product or service in a setting of your choice. Contact us today and learn more, check availability, and start talking advantage of these highly effective promotional tools. The package includes one banner, four window clings and four meter boards. Please contact Alyssa Spratte for details. Satellite Symposia Application Thursday, October 15, 2015 7:15 – 10:15 p.m. (2 maximum) Friday, October 16, 2015 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. (SOLD) Saturday, October 17, 2015 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. (SOLD) Sunday, October 18, 2015 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. (SOLD) New! Escalator Runners | $20,000 Per Escalator (2 Escalators - East and West - Available) Get a step ahead of the competition by attaching branding and messaging to the east or west escalators in the convention center’s lobby. Use this branding tool to drive surgeons on the move into your company booth. Marketing Your Satellite Symposium New! Golf Cart Shuttles | $15,000 Although your organization is responsible for the marketing of your Satellite Symposium; ASPS will include your Satellite information in these promotional materials: Help attendees get from point A to point B inside of the convention center with a sponsored golf cart shuttle service. Sponsorship includes branded signage on four golf carts. Official Program received by all attendees Postcard to pre-registered attendees New! North Lobby Branding Package #1 | $15,000 Satellites page on the PSTM 2015 attendee website Located on the east end of the North Lobby, this will be a popular stopping point for surgeons with a handful of registration materials; these six cocktail tables will carry your company branding on their top surface. Along with the tables, two meter boards will draw attention to your company and the sponsor of this oasis. Plastic Surgery The Meeting Mobile App Email to PSTM attendees listing all satellite events On-site recognition Additional Promotional Opportunities $1,500 – $40,000 Portable Phone/Device Chargers | $12,000 ASPS offers a vast array of opportunities for partnership and exposure throughout the meeting. Contact us today to see how we can customize a package specific to your marketing goals and budget. Help attendees re-charge on the go! These branded portable phone / device chargers are a great pocketable item that will be just what surgeons need to get their mobile devices through the annual meeting and beyond. Give away items at the ASPS Resource Center are always a hit at this popular stop in the Exhibit Hall. 19 CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP Meter Boards | $10,000 - $18,000 New! North Lobby Branding Package #3 | $10,000 Transportation Center | Thank you Allergan for your support! Set of six meter boards located inside the bus drop-off point. Located in the North Lobby near the escalators and the ASPS Registration Desk, a popular stopping point for surgeons with a handful of registration materials, these four cocktail tables will carry your company branding on their top surface. Along with the tables, a meter board will draw attention to your company and the sponsor of this oasis. Hallways from Transportation Drop-Off | Thank you Allergan and Zeltiq for your support! Set of three meter boards in hallways leading from bus drop-off to registration area. Sessions A and Cosmetic Hallway | Thank you CareCredit and LifeCell, an Acelity Company for your support! Set of three meter boards at top of escalators outside of Session A and Session Cosmetic. The PSF’s International Research Reception | $10,000 Sessions B, D and Instructional Course Hallways | Thank you Allergan and LifeCell, an Acelity Company! Set of three meter boards in hallways outside of Session B and Instructional Courses. Join our international members, research community and the ASPS/ PSF leadership at this annual event hosted by The Plastic Surgery Foundation. Your support will be recognized by sinage in the hall, noted in the Official Program, and on other relevant materials. Four company representative tickets will be provided with your sponsorship. Please contact Alyssa Spratte for a detailed map of meter board group placements. Lip Balm/Mints | $8,000 Choose the natural lip balm/mint double stack container as a way to get your name in front of attendees throughout the entirety of Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2015. Give away items at the ASPS Resource Center are always a hit at this popular stop in the Exhibit Hall. Massage Station | $10,000 Let attendees unwind between courses with a quick massage. Sponsor the massage station where professional massage therapists provide a complimentary massage to attendees, thanks to you! Your support includes signage recognizing you as the sponsor. New! Video Wall Advertising | $3,000 - $6,000 Located near ASPS Registration and the Exhibit Hall entrance, the video wall allows for your company message to be displayed across the North Lobby as attendees arrive. Please note: This video advertising does not include audio. There is a limit of six minutes per company. Mobile App Sponsorship | $10,000 Have your name splashed across the meeting through our mobile app! Your company name will be the first thing seen by users each time the app is opened. This sponsorship includes: company icon on app navigation screen, recognition in app announcement emails, company name and booth number printed in the Official Program and on-site signage throughout the registration area and Exhibit Hall. Package A $3,000 15 second spot 6 reps per hour Total time: 1 min 30 seconds New! North Lobby Branding Package #2 | $10,000 Package B $4,500 15 second spot 9 reps per hour Total time: 2 min 15 seconds Located in the North Lobby near the escalators and the ASPS Registration Desk, a popular stopping point for surgeons with a handful of registration materials, these four cocktail tables will carry your company branding on their top surface. Along with the tables, a meter board will draw attention to your company and the sponsor of this oasis. 20 CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP Package C This year in Boston we will be welcoming our members with a brand new laptop bag in which attendees can keep their personal electronic tablets, laptops and important files. $4,500 30 second spot 6 reps per hour Total time: 3 min Residents Bowl–Thank you PRS GO for your support! Package D $6,000 15 second spot 12 reps per hour Total time: 3 min Entering its fifth year, the Residents Bowl has quickly become a go-to event at Plastic Surgery The Meeting. “Residents Bowl Champs” is a title taken very seriously. Posters, flyers and emails are sent to the Resident contingent to motivate and encourage participation. Support includes recognition on all marketing and promotional materials of the Residents Bowl. New! Residents Bowl – Round of Questions | $1,500 - $3,000 Sponsor a round of questions during the PRS Global Open Residents Bowl. Recognition includes notation in the Official Program, verbal recognition by host and on-slide recognition for your sponsored round, and recognition on the official bracket board. Chose your spot carefully, supporters are limited to one round of sponsorship. New! Residents Bowl Arena–Thank you Sientra for your support! The PRS Global Open Residents Bowl is a popular destination for surgeons and residents alike. Make the most of your presence at Annual Meeting by ‘owning’ the arena this year! Recognition includes two meter boards prominently displayed during competition, recognition in the Official Program, verbal recognition by event hosts throughout event, and recognition on the podium located at center stage. Quarter Finals | SOLD!–Thank you Nextech for your support! Semi-Finals | $2,000 Includes ten questions New! Wireless Network–Thank you ALPHAEON for your support! Finals | SOLD!–Thank you Sientra for your support! Keep attendees connected and sponsor the wireless internet at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Sponsorship includes wireless network sponsorship for the entirety of the program. Your company will have a logo placement on the splash page and an attractive URL re-direct to your web page. Badge Lanyards–Thank you Canfield for your support! Attendees will be wearing your company’s name all week! The lanyard sponsorship provides an exclusive, highly-visible level of exposure during Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2015. Hotel Key Cards–Thank you CareCredit for your support! Women Plastic Surgeons Luncheon–Thank you Allergan for your support! Custom branded hotel key cards ensure that your company name or product is the last one seen at the end of every day and the first one seen each morning – before attendees even leave their rooms. More than 100 women from this special interest group gather to dine, network and share information. This event includes an opportunity for your company to make opening remarks. Registration Laptop Bags–Thank you Nextech for your support! 21 CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP Women Plastic Surgeons Networking Hour–Thank you Sientra for your support! This is an outstanding opportunity to support an annual meeting event, which is attended by more than 120 women plastic surgeons and their guests. Young Plastic Surgeons Luncheon–Thank you Sientra for your support! This annual luncheon attracts more than 150 surgeons from the Young Plastic Surgeons specialty group, representing surgeons under the age of 42 or in practice for less than five years. Programming is focused upon the most relevant topics for these influential young surgeons; making this a perfect opportunity to leave an impression on the future of plastic surgery. 22 2015 CORPORATE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL The Corporate Leadership Council (CLC) was organized in 1997 as a forum to provide an opportunity for increased cooperation, understanding and communication between the leadership of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), The Plastic Surgery Foundation and industry members. Allergan Medical Alphaeon Canfield Imaging Systems Today, the CLC continues to provide a roundtable discussion for society and industry leadership to share information concerning trends and developments in the specialty and industry. Participation in the CLC provides corporate members the opportunity to have unparalleled access to the leadership of ASPS/PSF. CareCredit The CLC is staffed by the ASPS executive vice president and the director of corporate development. The ASPS past president and ASPS president-elect currently serve as the volunteer co-chairs and oversee the CLC meeting, which traditionally occurs in the spring of each year. Mentor Worldwide LLC Enaltus Integra Foundation KCI, an Acelity Company LifeCell, an Acelity Company Merz Aesthetics Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF) Nextech Sientra Strathspey Crown The Doctors Company 23 Housing and Travel Housing Opens May 2015! Complete information for the 10 meeting hotels, rates, amenities and online reservations will be announced via email. Headquarter Hotel: Westin Boston Waterfront 425 Summer Street Boston, MA 02210 Rules and Guidelines Hotel Accommodations • Exhibitor housing must be used only for exhibit personnel. • Exhibitors or their agents must not negotiate blocks of independent hotel rooms for Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2015 and/or future annual meetings. ASPS Official Housing Vendor: onPeak|GES is the Official Housing Vendor for this meeting; our rates, cancellation policies and customer support can only be provided if reservations are arranged through onPeak. Look for the onPeak Official Logo, prior to making reservations. • In the event of exhibit space cancellation, all hotel reservations held on behalf of the exhibiting company will be cancelled immediately. No exceptions will be granted. Benefits of Booking Hotel Rooms through ASPS (onPeak|GES) Travel Arrangements • No pre-payment or deposit required; real-time availability; instant confirmation; and high-level customer service. Exhibitors enjoy a two-percent to ten-percent discount off regularly published airfares with Delta, Southwest and United Airlines, subject to availability and advance purchase requirements. Ground transportation and rental car discounts also available. Further details and airline discount codes will be available at the exhibitor’s website • Exhibitors will receive 1-4 additional priority point(s) by booking through ASPS Housing. See ‘Priority Points’, page 14. • Helps the ASPS meet contractual agreements whereby the ASPS is financially liable for rooms that are not sold. These charges affect overall costs of the meeting, future meeting contracts, and the ASPS exhibit fees. 24 Key Contacts We are here to assist and provide the necessary information or guidance with your decision to exhibit, advertise or build corporate partnerships and answer general meeting or program questions. We look forward to hearing from you and working together at Plastic Surgery The Meeting. Exhibits Exhibits Manager Bonnie Burkoth, CEM Phone: 847-228-3396 Exhibits and Meetings Coordinator Eileen Maloney Phone: 847-981-5412; Fax: 847-981-5449 Corporate Partnership Sr. Manager, Corporate Development Joél Marie Payne Phone: 847-228-3325 Advertising Senior National Account Manager Brian Parker Wolters Kluwer Health Phone: 215-521-8969 Official Contractor GES Exposition Services (Customer Service) Phone: 702-515-5970; Toll free: 800-475-2098 25 6085
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