December 2004
December 2004
Greater Ohio Showmen's Association President's Message Inside GOSAID:;'. 'hi GOSA November 18 Board Meeting Happy Holidays! 2005 OFMA Convention Schedule The holiday season is upon us and we find ourselves caught up in the hustle of the shop ping season. Economists are predicting a brisk season for the retailers, and if any of you were out Friday after Thanksgiving, you know the parking lots were full. Your board has been very busy in preparation for the upcoming O.F.M.A. convention. We will be providing numerous workshops to help our members in their day to day oper ations as well as our fellow OFMA members. Here are a few highlights: o On Tuesday, January 4, Erin Nyhan ofClEE will be explaining everything you need to know about hiring foreign students. We are also wrapping up our workshop geared toward fairboard and fair managers, titled "In search of a better bottom line." o We have a great panel set up to share ideas and techniques. Our goal is to substi tute rent increases with some proven ideas, so all fairs listen up and plan on attend ing this session on Wednesday, January 5. o The annual meeting will be held in the Fairfield Room (across from the G.O.S.A. office) on Tuesday at 3 pm. o Immediately following the annual meeting will be the firstAnnual Membership Appreciation Night, at the second floor lounge. o The convention will wrap up on Wednesday night with the Extravaganza. This year's entertainment will be provided by the Van Dells. They will provide two great sets of music for your listening and dancing enjoyment. Don't wait any longer to buy your chance to win the big money in the Reverse Raffle. There are only a few tickets left. T would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas season and hope to see you all at the convention. Thanks, Bob Notes and Reminders Classifieds New Members Upcoming Events Inspectors Found Guilty Membership Application Greater Ohio Showmen's Association P.O. Box 2448 • Zanesville, OH 43702-2448 877-977-GOSA (4672) • E-mail: Web: Sincerely, Bill Prowant GOSA President Doug Guinsler supersized his holding tank capac ity at the Muskinghum County Fair. p----------------------------------------- -----. Nominations needed CONVENTION AWARD NOMINATIONS before 12-15-04! SHOWMAN OF THE YEAR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN RIDES OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN GAMES _ _ _ OUTSTANDlNG ACHIEVEMENT IN FOOD _ OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN STRAIGHT SAlES _ SPECIAL APPRECIATJON _ LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT Visit the GOSA vvebsite at vvvvvv. ." _ Minutes for GOSA Officers & Trustees Meetings November 18, 2004 • 11 :00 a.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Bill Prowant, First Vice President Tom Linn, Second Vice President Kevin Koski, Secretary Treasurer Suzanne McCarty, Trustees: Michael Albanese, Tony Albanese, Brent Bair, Stan Connell, Dave Gallapoo, Doug Gliinsler, Kurt Otterbacher, Ray Prowant, Todd Sipe, and Bill Sterling. GUESTS PRESENT: Shane Comer President Bill Prowant called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken. Bill welcomed everyone and thanked guest Shane Comer for attending. Minutes of the October meeting were approved with a motion made by Doug Guinsler and seconded by Ray Prowant. Motion carried. The Annual Financial Report was presented. Secretary-Treasurer Suzanne McCarty asked for any questions concerning the content and format of the report. A motion to approvc the annual report was made by Ray Prowant and seconded by Kurt Otterbacher. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: The program for the upcoming Ohio Fair Managers Association Convention was reviewed. The details for each session topic were discussed. The possibility of hosting a hospitality event for the membership and promotion of our organization on Tuesday following the annual meeting was discussed. The event will take place in the second floor lounge and will include a band for entertainment and banners advertising our organization. It was decided that each board member should attempt to obtain at least one $100.00 sponsorship to assist with the costs for this event. Sponsors will be recognized in the newsletter, yearbook, on the website, at the annual meeting and on banners and signs at the event. At this point in the meeting, Mr. Jim Truex from the Ohio Department of Agriculture Ride Safety Division joined the meeting to provide an update on the accident in Lake County. Mr. Truex reportcd that inspector Ted Brubaker had been sentenced to 15 days in jail for the charge of dereliction of duty and inspector Kalin Turner's sentencing will be held on December 17,2004. Mr. Truex said that the Department of Agriculture fully supports both inspectors and will continue to do so. While at the meeting, he also mentioned that the meeting with our games rules committee went well and that a games workshop is being planned for sometime in 2005. Membership benefits provided by the organization were reviewed. All benefits are still in existence at this time. Stan Connell reported that in order to receive full credit for the organization for purchases in the Pepsi program, each member must call Pepsi and have them credit purchases to the G.O.S.A. parent number. NEW BUSINESS: Members of the games committee that recently met with O.D.A., gave a report on the meeting. They reported that the build-ups within some games would be done away with. It was mentioned that most problems with games occur after the O.D.A. inspectors have left the grounds of the event. A workshop geared toward fair managers will be held in 2005 so that better policing of games can occur. President Bill Prowant reported on the introduction of House Bill HR4190 by Congressman Edward Markey. The bill proposes a federal law requiring the Department of Labor to make the minimum age of ride operators be J 8 years old. At this point no changes have taken place. A report was given on the O.FE.A. Convention held recently in Columbus. Board members that attended distributed yearbooks and membership applications. A report was given on the O.FM.A. meeting held earlier in the month. An update was given concerning the Extravaganza event. The silent auction items will be placed in the foyer area outside the Regency Ballroom. The entertainment for the event has not yet been finalized but it will most likely be either Phil Dirt and the Dozers performing a different show than last year or the Van Dells. Dates for 2005 Spring District meetings were also announced. They are as follows: Districts 1 and 2 on April 2nd, Districts 5 and 9 on April 3rd, locations for both to be announced later; Districts 7 and 8 on April 9th in Zanesville and Districts 3, 4, and 6 on April 10th in Washington Court House. Discussion was held on budget availability for future projects and the need to watch our funds while planning these projects. The possibility of offering additional Life Memberships to the organization was mentioned. Further details and ideas will be reviewed at future meetings. Brent Bair mentioned that someone interested in sell ing our yearbook advertising in the future contacted him. He will get fUl1her information on this possibility. Possible award nominations for this year were discussed briefly. Awards will be voted on at the December meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Membership Committee-Arrangements for the trip giveaway for the membership contest were discussed. The following applications from new members were presented for approval: William Howells Regular, Virginia Howells-Spousal, Matthew Scott-Associate, Ray Reitz-Regular, Charles Schwochow-Associate, George Creegan Associate, and Dan Swiney-Associate. A motion to approve all new memberships was made by Tom Linn and seconded by Brent Bair. Motion carried. B. Roundup Committee-A report on the income and winners from the Round Up was distributed and reviewed. Tony and Michael Albanese reported that J.R. Hooks was given a plaque in appreciation of his support of the organization. Mr. Hooks was very surprised and honored and ll1ill1ediately hung the plaque. The possibility of giving a plaque to everyone that supports the organization by making donations was discussed. Further information will be provided at the December meeting. C. Yearbook Committee-Necessary corrections to the 2004 yearbook were brought to the attention of the committee. Billing for the 2005 yearbook will be sent out shortly. Prices for ads were discussed. No changes will be made to advertising prices at this time. D. Ride Safety Committee-Ray Prowant reported that Bob Johnson from the O.A.B.A. was at the last Ride Safety meeting. He also reported on the Sizzler accident that occurred in Massachusetts. E. Newsletter Committee-A proof of the upcoming newsletter was available for review. Another newsletter will be done prior to the December meeting. F. Scholarship Committee-Doug Guinsler reported that he has received one application for the Kissel Memorial Scholarship and four for the Rupert Otterbacher Scholarship. G. Games Committee-No report. H. Health & Sanitation Committee-Nothing new to report. I. Website Committee-Todd Sipe shared information he will be npdating on the site. The possibility of changing to the web-hosting program offered by the O. EM.A. was discussed. A motion was made by Stan Connell and seconded by Kevin Koski to change to the O.FM.A. program. Motion carried. J. Joint Membership-No report. K. Convention-A title for the Tuesday evening event was chosen. The event will be called "G.O.S.A. Membership Appreciation Night." It will take place immediately following the annual meeting in the second floor lounge from approximately 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. L. Sponsorship Committee-Already reported. Bill reminded board members that we would be meeting on December 13th in Dupont to go tlu'ough items belonging to the organization. With no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made by Ray Prowant and seconded by Todd Sipe. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. 2005 OFMA CONVENTION SCHEDULE FOR GOSA MEMBERS MONDAY, JANUARY 3 1O:30-7:00pm 10:30-6:00pm 12:45-2:45pm O.F.M.A. Registration - County Hall Foyer, 2nd Floor G.O.S.A. Office Open - Champaign Room Workshop - Ride Management Seminar Presenter - Jim Truex - O.D.A. Moderator - Ray Prowant - G.O.S.A. TUESDAY, JANUARY 4 8:00-6: 15pm O.EM.A. Registration - County Hall Foyer 10:00-5:00pm G.O.S.A. Office Open - Champaign Room 11:00-12:00pm Hiring of Foreign Students - Union E Room Presenter - Erin Nyhan, Program Coordinator for eel. Moderator - Anissa Prowant - G.O.S.A. 12:00-2:00pm Concession Games / Midway Control - Fairfield Room Presenters: John Dodson, Sr. Inspector - O.D.A. Jim Truex, Division Chief - O.DA. Moderators: Kurt Otterbacher - G .0. S.A. Tony Albanese - G.O.S.A. 3:00-5:00pm G.O.S.A. Annual Meeting - Fairfield Room Bill Prowant, G.O.S.A.President 6:00 G.O.S.A. Membership Appreciation Night Thanks, Bob Just thought we should say farewell to a friend, business associate and perhaps the "World's Greatest Raffle Ticket Seller." The G.O.S.A. family has lost a friend in Bob Keating. Bob's passion for the Outdoor Amusement Business was unparalleled, even as his health was failing his first question was "how is your new item going')" Bob was always going forward, never looking back. We realize that so many of you have so many Bob stories. lfhe wasn't organizing a trip somewhere, he was arriving somewhere else with a car full of steaks, shrimp or "Tipsy Olives." Always giving. Of course, there was the ever-present "Raffle Ticket," you did not ever ask for what, just how much because you knew it was always for a good cause. As one famous Bob from Ohio's theme song said, "Thanks for the memories." Bob sure gave a whole lot of people that. Thanks Bob! Wait a minute ... Hey ... Who's going to sell the tickets? Can't you just hear Bob say ... "You big @#&%@# I've got yours already." Save a ticket for us Bob. (Contributed by Harry Faint) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5 8:00-5:00pm 9:00-10:30am 2:45-3:30pm 7:00 pm O.EM.A. Registration - County HaJJ Foyer G.O.S.A./OFMA Workshop - Midway Management Issues Panel: Dave Gallapoo - Food Concessions Todd Sipe - Food Concessions Bill Sterling - Games Tony Albanese - Games Geary Bates - Rides Ray Prowant - Rides Doug Guinsler - O.EM.A. Past President Dave Benson - Fairfield Co. Fair Mgr. Moderator: Jon Overmyer, O.EM.A. Past President Fair and Associates Roundtables - 2 sessions I. Concession Manager Duties and Concessionaire's Responsibilities - Madison Room 2. Unified Membership - Delaware Room A O.EM.A./G.O.S.A. O.EM.A. and G.OS.A. EXTRAVAGANZA Evening Regency Ballroom From left, G.O.S.A. members Harry and Gloria Faint and Bob and Kitty Keating at the 2004 Convention Things Not To Say When Hanging The Lights Did you know that hanging lights on a Christmas tree is one of the three most stressful situations in an on-going relationship? Psychiatrists claim the other two danger zones are teaching your mate to drive and wallpapering. They are rarely wrong on these things. We rush to print with an emergency prompt list of Things Not To Say When Hanging Lights on the Christmas Tree. "You've got two red lights right next to each other, dummy. You're sup posed to go yellow, green, red, blue, not yellow, red, red, green, blue... " • "Up a little higher. YOll can reach it. Go on, try." "What the hell do you do to these lights when you put them away every year? Tie them in knot?" THURSDAY, JANUARY 6 8:00-10:00am G.O.S.A. Office Open "Come away from that aluminum ladder, kids. I'm going to fry that sucker." "If you're not going to do it right, don't do it at all. Don't just throw them on, like you do the icicles. You're worse than your father." "Give me that!" • "You've got the whole thing on the tree upside-down. The electric pluggee thing should be down here at the bottom, not up at the top." "I don't care if you have found another two strings, I'm done!" "You've just wound 'em around and around - I thought we agreed it shouldn't look like a spiral this year?" "Have you been drinking?" • "Where's the cat?" Notes and Reminders Remember to call or write to verify that you and the GOSA get cred it for your Pepsi purchases this season. Pepsi is normally not perfect at allocating the rebates. The G.O.S.A. also needs the credit of your pur chases to continue our program. The number to call is 1-800-431-1707. Call or make use of the sample letter below. Yearbook advertising fees and membership dues are cUlTently payable to the G.O.S.A. office. Extravaganza Super Raffle tickets are available from the office or any trustee. Do you have your tickets yet? We are seeking sponsorships for a "Membership Appreciation Night" at the Convention following our annual meeting. We are targeting some of our major suppliers to help us recognize our membership. We are also looking for door prizes for the Extravaganza. We apologize for not providing the Convention Award Nomination form in the last newsletter. Please take the time to nominate for these prestigious awards. Contact the office or any officer or trustee as soon as possible. You are probably aware that our monthly Board Meetings have changed locations. We have actually returned to the Ohio State Fairgrounds. We meet in the Rhodes Center. From [-71: exit at 17th Avenue toward fairgrounds and follow the signs to the Rhodes Center. We welcome all guest attendance' SAVE MONEYll GOSA - OFMA JOINT MEMBERSHIP $200 gets you into 2 great organizations. Call 877-977-GOSA (4672). WELCOME, NEW MEMBERS! 11-18-04 Matthew Scott The Blue Suede Sound 11-18-04 Lee Rice Desperado Concessions 11-18-04 William & Virginia Howells 11-18-04 Dan Swiney Awards & More 11-18-04 George Creegan Creegan Company Inc. 11-18-04 Charles Schwochow C.C.S. Portable Staging LLC 11-18-04 Ray Reitz R.G. Reitz & Sons January 20, 20~~MPANY PEPSI COLA I Pepsi Way 'k 10589 Somers, New YOI . mer ServIce Attn: C u sto 2NMD21 4 Sirs, b t check for the . d ur re a e \ 'ust rece\Ve 0 . ur Nationa Our company has J s p'll'ticipants In yo . as . Once agam, '. . I eriod of 200_ a ' seasona P -am account # - - - : t i c i ating in thiS Account pro;l~ y;ar since we started P;~tri~ltorS that we has been ev It of the regional Pepsi _. woices to the program, not a h have forwarded OUI II t to us was for f inyoic purchase throug ffice. Our check yoU sen. ple; 0 urchas . 1 have enclosed co National Accou~1t 0 ed wW in question that shO t C~ould you the amount of $-::--od · the pen . 1'0 d uc s. es d urlng f Pepsi post miX P ') Th nk yOU in ga\lons 0 f our rebate. a -. the amount 0 lease COl rect . f this request. P for taking care 0 advance Sincerely, Revised Christmas Song Titles See ij'you are able to translate these back into their original titles. Answers on next page. I. Castaneous-Colored Seed Vesicated in a Conflagration 2. Singular Yearning for the Twin-Anterior Incisors 3. [nteljection Followed by Righteous Darkness 4. Arrival Time: 2400 hours; Weather: Cloudless 5. Emphasis on Entire Assembly of Loyal Followers Advancing Hitherward 6. In a Feeder Asunder 7. Array the Corridors 8. Bantam Male Percussionist 9. Nocturnal Noiselessness 10. Monarchial Triad 11. Jehovah Deactivate Blithe Chevaliers 12. Red Man en Route to Borough 13. Frozen Precipitation Commence [4. Proceed and Enlighten on the Pinnacle 15. The Quadruped with the Scarlet Proboscis 16. Query Regarding Identity of Progeny 17. Delight in this Planet 18. Give Attention to the Melodious Celestial Beings 19. The Dozen Festive 24-Hour Intervals 20. Our Fervent Hope is That You Enjoy Your Yuletide Season 21. Parent Was Observed Osculating an Unshaven, Red-Coated Teamster 22. Natal Celebration Devoid of Color, Rather Albino, As a HallucinatoryPhenomenon for Me 23. a) Obese Personification Fabricated on Compressed Mounds of Minute Frozen Crystals b) Same Personification, but he belongs to the G.O.S.A. 24. A Diminutive Middle Eastern Municipality Preceded By a Vowel 25. Amazing Terrain in the Blustery Season 26. Perched Up on the Loftiest Domicile Covering 27. Instruments of Precious Metal Capable of Producing Sounds 28. Inquiry as to You Auditory Perception Compared to Mine 29. Tragedy Inflicted by an Ungulate to a Female Ancestor INSPECTORS FOUND GUILTY IN LAKE COUNTY Ted Brubaker, O.D.A. Ride and Game Inspector from Bellevue, was found guilty by a judge in Lake County last month. He was sentenced to, and has served, 15 days in jail. Ted Brubaker and Kalin Turner pled no contest to the misdemeanor in exchange for the prosecution dropping the charges of involuntary manslaughter and reckless homicide. The plea was also supposed to eliminate any possible jail time, but the judge apparently disagreed. The significance of the plea bargain is ultimately the dropping of felony charges. The State of Ohio does not employ anyone with a felony record. The sentence, although it surprisingly included jail time, will allow the two inspectors to keep their jobs in the O.D.A. Department of Ride Safety. Kalin Turner is due for sentencing this month. Attorneys for the inspectors speculate that he will receive a similar sentence to Mr. Brubaker. Because of the timing, it is possible that Inspector Turner could spend the Christmas holiday in jail. Mentor electrician Nick Rock was convicted earlier of reckless homi cide and involuntary manslaughter for not following state electrical codes. He is appealing his conviction and is seeking a new trial. Jim Truex, the head of the O.D.A. Ride Inspection Department, has been in close contact with the G.O.S.A. Board concerning the Lake County situation. He is very disturbed by the events. He takes particu lar issue with the fact that the inspectors have been convicted of derelic tion of duty, but nobody from Lake County has contacted his office to ascertain what their duties actually are. The two inspectors have their own private attorneys, but their defense is being funded by the state. Mr. Truex is not certain what action will be taken by the inspectors, the O.D.A., or the state as a result of these con victions. The G.O.S.A. Board has been monitoring this issue with utmost care and scrutiny. At some junctures, the Board has considered taking spe cific action, but we have deferred to the O.D.A. in waiting for the current process to come to its conclusion. It has been speculated that small-town politics has played a role in the way blame has been placed in this tragedy. As a result of the Lake County tragedy, the O.D.A. Ride Inspection reports have been changed in some areas to reduce the possibility of this kind of litigation. This case may also have judicial implications as cases against ride inspectors are now pending in other states. The precedent established in Lake County might have an adverse effect on ride inspec tors (or any inspectors) throughout the country. The G.O.S.A. Board welcomes the thoughts of the membership on this issue and we will continue to keep the organization informed on any new developments. • CLASSIFIEDS • NOTICE: Classified ads will run for one month and must be renewed by the fifteenth of the month and are free to members to sell only the equipment they own. All other classified ads are $15.00 for three lines per month. To renew or place ads please fax ad copy along with your name, address and phone numberto Kurt Otterbacher at 330-769-1389, or e-mail FOR SALE -16' WELLS CARGO concession trailer, gas grill and fryer, 2 exhaust systems, extra door signs. Complete and ready to go! CALL PRESLERS CONCESSIONS: 740-756-4347. FOR SALE - INFLATABLE MONEY MACHINE. Four players at at time. Use at open houses, school carnivals, promotions, special events. $1500.00 like new. CALL KENNETH RISLEY: 419-927-2404. 1992 GMC LOPRO TOPKICK - 20' box with living quarters, AlC with Heat Strip in LQ, Sleeps 4. $8,000. CONTACT JR WOODS: 937-539-1601 or 937-843 1954. DECEMBER MEETING December 16 • 11 :00 a.m. Ohio State Fairgrounds Rhodes Center OHIO FAIR MANAGERS ANNUAL CONVENTION January 3-6 • Columbus Convention Center Annual Meeting Tuesday, January 4 • 3:00 p.m .• Fairfield Room GOSA/OFMA Extravaganza Wednesday, January 5 • 7:00 p.m .• Ballroom JANUARY MEETING January 20 • 11 :00 a.m. Ohio State Fairgrounds Rl10des Center NICA FOOD SHOW AND BUSINESS EXPO February 7-9 • Tampa Florida IISF GlBTOWN EXTRAVAGANZA February 9-12 • Gibsonton, Florida FEBRUARY MEETING February 24 • 11 :00 a.m. Ohio State Fairgrounds Rl10des Center MARCH MEETING March 17 • 11 :00 a.l11. Ohio State Fairgrounds Rhodes Center APRIL MEETING April 21 • I I :00 a.m. Ohio State Fairgrounds Rhodes Center The GOSA Officers and Trustees welcome all participation and remind you that all Board Meetings are open to the Membership. Answers to Christmas Song Quiz 1. Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire 2. All I want for Christmas is my 2 Front Teeth 3. Oh Holy Night 4. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear 5. Oh Come All Ye Faithful 6. Away in a Manger 7. Deck the Halls 8. Little Drummer Boy 9. Silent Night 10. We Three Kings II. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 12. Santa Claus is coming to Town 13. Let it Snow 14. Oh Come All Ye Faithful 15. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 16 What Child is This? 17. Joy To the World 18. Hark l The Herald Angels Sing 19. The 12 Days of Christmas 20. We Wish You a Merry Christmas 21. I Saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus 22. I'm Dreaming of a White Cluistmas 23. a) Frosty the Snowman. b) Frosty the Showman 24. 0 Little Town of Bethlehem 25. Winter Wonderland 26. Up on the Rooftop 27. Silver Bells 28. Do you hear what I hear~ 29. Grandma got run over by a Reindeer C.J. DANNEMILLER CO. 5300 Hametown Road Norton, Ohio 44203 330-825-7808 • 800-624-8671 Fax: 330-825-3793 WEB SITE: MEMBER G.O.S.A. Concession Supplies & Equipment POPCORN • PEANUTS • COTTON CANDY • NACHOS • SNO KONES • FUNNEL CAKES • CANDY APPLES • WAFFLES • CARAMEL CORN· DRINK CUPS • COLD DRINKS • PAPER GOODS • ELEPHANT EARS • HOT DOG ON A STICK • FRYERS· FRYING OILS • LEMON SQUEEZERS Family Owned and Operated We have a complete and full time Service Department to keep your equipment in A-1 condition. ~ i1 FIBRE CORE ~...:....J technologies Established 1935 800·521·6036 Gerich Fiberglass Inc. 7004 U.S. Rt. 42 MI. Gilead, Ohio 43338 Htt:// E-Mail: YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR CUSTOM PRINTED FOOD SERVICE DISPOSABLES Call or Write for Our Free Catalog CUSTOM BUILT CONCESSION TRAlLERS Phone: 330-542-3052' Fax: 330-542-0304 • Web Site: 10065 Rapp Rd .• New Middletown. OH 44442 AIMS· NiCA' OABA' GOSA· MSA' NSA' IISF 2671 Youngstown Rd, S.E. • Warren, OH 44484 330-369-1192 FAX 330-369-6279 800-323-3547 Visit our website: r-----~----~------------------------------------, MEMBERSHIP ApPLICATION NAME _ ADDRESS _ CITY _ STATE _ ZIP _ FREE LISTING IN YEARBOOK • EXTRA LISTINGS AT $2.50 EACH TELEPHONE _ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER _ DATE OF BIRTH _ BENEFICIARY* _ SPONSOR o REGULAR MEMBER - $100.00 (Individuals actively involved in the Outdoor Amusement Business) o ASSOCIATE MEMBER* - $100.00 o SPOUSAL MEMBER - $50.00 o RETIRED MEMBER - $40.00 (No longer in business) (Businesses who provide product/services to the industry) *Manufacturers & Suppliers are Non-voting and No Death Benefits. Received from L _ Amount of $ for Greater Ohio Showmen's Association dues. Date _ Signed _ ~ ~~E.E.'t.£ £6~ ,,~achines .,." tt.0~ (;01(; ,)3-(\6, ()IU~A\Nlr A\f\\IUSEf\\ENlS If-l'!-5()G-31~lfDivision Durant Enterprises. Inc. 106 South River Street. P.O. Box 79 Dupont. Ohio 45837 RIDES AND CONFECTIONS Ray and JoAnne Prowant 419-596-3284 Bill and Anissa Prowant 419-596-3286 :Oe Stainless steel band G.O.S.A. NEWS ¥ ¥ Single 7-inch tubular element Includes aluminum floss pan and whirl grip stabilizer Wheaton's Concession Supply Co. 231 N. Fourth Street • Columbus, OH 43215 1-800-KER-NELS (537-6357) • Fax 614-224-3297 ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE Full Page Ad $150.00 1/2 Page Ad . . . . . . . .. 85.00 1/4 Page Ad . . . . . . . .. 55.00 1/8 Page Ad . . . . . . . .. 35.00 Plus $15 for Each Photo
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