November 2004 - Greater Ohio Showmen`s Association
November 2004 - Greater Ohio Showmen`s Association
Greater Ohio Showmen's Association President's Message Inside GOsAm4','ti GOSA April 22 Board Meeting Dear Members, Welcome Home! For most of us the season is over. I hope that everyone had a safe and profitable one. As the annual winterization of the equipment begins, it's a good time to reflect on the past several months. For us the spring was somewhat wet and dismal. With June came the sun and the crowds. When fair time hit, everything was in full swing, with the excep tion of a few employees who hadn't quite got in the groove yet. As August approached the circus jumps started to take their toll. Moods were a little stressed, trucks were tem peramental, and the presidential race was in full swing. After Labor Day passes, it seems as though we are on the homestretch. Mother Nature was a lot drier this year than in 2003, for this time of year. (She owed us one.) For most of us, we would have to agree that this season was successful, maybe not as profitable as we would have liked, but successful all the same. Now that the equipment is tucked away, suppliers are paid, and employees have gone home we can take this oppor tunity to reunite with family and friends ...and dream about next year when we can do it all over again. Welcome home GOSA Members! GOSA October J8 Board Meeting News In Brief Upcoming Events Fall Roundup 2004 Deceased Members Classifieds Membership Application Greater Ohio Showmen's Association P.O. Box 2448 • Zanesville, OH 43702-2448 877-977-GOSA (4672) • E-mail: Web: Your President, Bill Prowant L to R: Barb Kissel, Dominic Albanese and Karl Dearwester present the $1000 award to the largest pumpkin at the Circleville Pumpkin Show on behalf of the concessionaires. The prize pumpkin weighed over 1300 pounds. Bill Prowant adding tongue-weight while watching the lot. Visit the GOSA \Nebsite at \N\N\ Minutes for GOSA Officers & Trustees Meetings April 22, 2004 • 11 :00 a.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Bill Prowant, First Vice President Tom Linn, Secretary-Treasurer Suzanne McCarty, Trustees: Michael Albanese, Tony Albanese, Stan Connell, Dave Gallapoo, Doug Guinsler, Kurt Otterbacher, Ray Prowant, Todd Sipe, and Bill Sterling. GUESTS PRESENT: Harry Faint, Sy Kolassa, and Carole Kowatch. President Bill Prowant called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken. Bill Prowant welcomed everyone and thanked the guests for attending the meeting. Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved with a motion made by Ray Prowant and seconded by Tom Linn. Motion carried. Various items of correspondence were shared. Suzanne McCarty presented the Treasurer's Report. Options for savings-were discussed and reviewed. A motion was made by Doug Guinsler and seconded by Ray Prowant to open a new short term CD with Unizan Bank. A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report was made by Stan Connell and seconded by Ray Prowant. Motion carried. Bills were presented for payment. A motion to pay the bills presented was made by Tom Linn and seconded by Todd Sipe. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: A report was given on each of the OFMA Spring District Meetings. All of the meetings went well overall. Bill Prowant reported that he ordered plaques for Charlie Blosser and Ninia Downs of the Ohio Restaurant Association for appreciation of their support of our organization. A motion was made by Doug Guinsler and seconded by Stan Connell for the organization to purchase the plaques. Motion carried. Topics for sessions for the convention were discussed and reviewed. Kurt Otterbacher will take care of finalizing the details for each of the sessions with OFMA. At this point in the meeting, member Mark Dalessandro was recognized for providing a lunch. An update was given on the proceedings for the accident in Lake County. Trials will begin in May and June. No new information has been made available recently. A discussion was held on the effects the accident has had on inspections in various industries. Board members were encouraged to contact their legislators individually to make them aware of the situation. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion was held on the possibility of changing the location of the meetings in order to decrease costs. A quote from the Ohio State Fairgrounds was reviewed and compared to the current costs incurred at the Holiday Inn in Worthington. Following discussion, a motion was made by Tom Linn and seconded by Bill Sterling to move the monthly meetings to the Ohio State Fairgrounds. The first meeting to be held at the new location will be in November of this year. Committee budgets for the year were reviewed and finalized. The possibility of holding a meeting at some point in the sununer was discussed. At this point, no summer meeting is scheduled. The increasing cost of insurance in the industry was discussed. Member Sy Kolassa took the floor to share a possible idea for the future. He distributed an article he found concerning the creation of a story collection. Further details on the possibility of doing this will be discussed at future meetings. Questions concerning the Pepsi National Account Program were addressed. Those present were reminded that all bottlers used must be notified of participation in the program individually. Plans for the Extravaganza at the convention were discussed. Tom Ansteatt will be notifying us of the entertainment provider for the event. The Silent Auction will be held in the Foyer area this year to allow for more space. The possibility of having Pepsi sponsor beverages for each table will be checked into. COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Membership Committee- Suzanne McCarty reported that there are currently 332 paid members. The following new membership applications were submitted for approval: Lake County Agricultural Society-Associate, Sam Hamilton-Regular. A motion to approve the new memberships was made by Ray Prowant and seconded by Kurt Otterbacher. Motion carried. Rules and guidelines for the membership contest were reviewed. B. Round Up Committee-Michael and Tony Albanese reported that plans for the round up were all set. A plaque for Mr. Hooks will be ordered and presented to him the night of the Round Up. C. Yearbook Committee- Tom Linn and Suzanne McCarty reported that the proof for this year's yearbook is being reviewed and it will be printed soon. The same amount of books will be ordered as last year. D. Ride Safety Committee-No additional information to report. E. Newsletter-Kurt Otterbacher reported on the results of the annual golf outing. He also reported that the next newsletter will be going to print soon. A summer edition of the newsletter will be attempted in mid August, time permitting. F. Scholarship-Doug Guinsler shared a note of thanks he received from Alyson Miles for awarding her with a scholarship for this year. Applications for both scholarships were distributed to everyone present. G. Games-No report. H. Health & Sanitation-Nothing new to repoli. I. Website-Thc possibility of converting to the OFMA website program was discussed. It was noted that the address needs to be updated on the website. J. Joint Membership-Nothing to report. Everyone present was reminded thatthe next meeting will be held on Monday, October 18, 2004 at 11 :00 a.m. at J.R. Hooks Restaurant in Circleville. With no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made by Ray Prowant and seconded by Todd Sipe. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 2: 17 p.m. Minutes for GOSA Officers & Trustees Meetings October 18, 2004 • 11 :00 a.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Bill Prowant, First Vice President Tom Linn, Second Vice President Kevin Koski, Secretary Treasurer Suzanne McCarty, Trustees: Michael Albanese, Tony Albanese, Stan Connell, Dave Gallapoo, Matt Gallapoo, Doug Guinsler, Kurt Otterbacher, Ray Prowant, Todd Sipe, and Bill Sterling. GUESTS PRESENT: Sy Kolassa President Bill Prowant called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken. Bill Prowant welcomed everyone and thanked guest Sy Kolassa for attending. Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved with a motion made by Tom Linn and seconded by Kevin Koski. Motion carried. Various items of correspondence received since the last meeting were reviewed. Suzanne McCarty presented the Treasurer's Report. The arumal financial report will be completed and available for review at the November meeting. A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report as read was made by Dave Gallapoo and seconded by Todd Sipe. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: President Bill Prowant reported on the legal status of the ODA inspectors involved in the Lake County accident. Discussion was held on the position if any; the board should take on in this situation. It was decided to wait until a later date to take a position. A brief discussion was held on the status of the program for the convention. An additional seminar may be added to address alternatives for rent increases from fairs. It was mentioned that the Entertainment for the Extravaganza has not yet been chosen. Bill Prowant reminded those in attendance that the next meeting would be held at the Ohio State Fairgrounds in the Rhodes Center. Detailed information and directions will be sent to everyone prior to the meeting. Suzanne McCarty gave a short review of the membership benefits currently offered to our members. Discussion was held concerning the necessity of members to verify with Pepsi that the organization is getting credit for their purchases. NEW BUSINESS: Members of the Games Rules Committee were reminded that a meeting would be held with ODA on November 5th to review various possible rule changes concerning games and their operations. A lengthy discussion was held on the future of our industry including continuous increases in rent by fairs and festivals and other issues. A committee consisting of Michael Albanese, Stan Connell, Dave Gallapoo, Matt Gallapoo and Kevin Koski was formed to develop a solid p.lan of alternatives to target fairs and discourage rent increases. This committee will have a report at the November meeting. The possibility of having a hospitality suite at the OFMA convention was discussed. As an alternative to this, hosting a night in the 2nd floor lounge to promote our organization was discussed. Appetizers could be provided and a band could play for entertainment. If this is done, the appetizers would take the place of the appetizers provided at the annual meeting and would be limited to stay within our costs. Maxwell from the Hyatt will be contacted on the possibility of doing this. Matt Gallapoo proposed that we ask members for award nominations for the convention during the Round Up. Matt will make up a form to distIibute. A nomination was accepted for Festival of the Year. Bill Prowant asked officers and trustees when they would be available to go through the older files and belongings of the association. Everyone agreed to Monday, December 13th. Further information and directions will be provided at the November meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Membership Committee-Suzanne McCarty presented the following new membership applications for approval: John Klopfenstein-Regular, Howard Hawkins-Regular, Greene Co. Ag. Society-Regular, James Bell-Regular, Eddie Miracle-Regular, Interactive Game Experience-Regular, Andy Emrisko- Old World Foods-Associate. A motion to approve the new memberships was made by Stan Connell and seconded by Kurt Otterbacher. Motion carried. B. Round Up Committee-Michael and Tony Albanese reported that everything was in place for the night's events. All tickets that were sold had been turned in and the plaque for Mr. Hooks was ready to be presented. C. Yearbook Committee-No report. D. Ride Safety Committee-A meeting will be held on Thursday, October 21st with O.D.A. E. Newsletter Committee-Kurt Otterbacher reported that a newsletter will be sent out prior to the November meeting. F. Scholarship Committee-Doug Guinsler reported that a full report will be given at the November meeting. G. Games Committee-Previously discussed. H. Health & Sanitation Committee-Nothing new to report. I. Website Committee-A discussion was held on the possibility of changing our website to the OFMA Website plan. A report on this will be given in November. J. Joint Membership-No report. Everyone present was reminded that the next meeting would be held on Thursday, November 18, 2004 at I J :00 a.m. at the Rhodes Center on the Ohio State Fairgrounds. With no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made by Matt Gallapoo and seconded by Kurt Otterbacher. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m. NEWS IN BRIEF Members of the Games Rules and Committee and President Bill met with Jim Truex and inspectors from the ODA about games issues. The main focus was on build-up games. The amount of complaints, despite the committee's cautions, will most likely lead to the abolition of these trad ing types of games. These issues will be further discussed in future newsletters and at a special session at the OFMA convention. Please follow up on your Pepsi accounts and billing to make certain that you are credited with all of your purchases from the season. This will allow you to receive your rebate as well assuring that the organiza tion makes the minimum gallon requirement. We want to be able to con tinue this excellent benefit for the organization. Remember that we have a membership contest. The seller of the most memberships will earn a trip to Las Vegas in 2005. Contact the GOSA office for further details. We apologize for our inability to publish a summer newsletter. The committee was not able to find the time necessary to complete it. Please feel free to contact us: with any ideas or photographs. We would be happy to receive any input, including news articles from your local papers or photographs of members during the season. NOVEMBER MEETING November 18 • I I :00 a.m. Ohio State Fairgrounds Rhodes Center DECEMBER MEETING December 16 • II :00 a.m. Ohio State Fairgrounds Rhodes Center OHIO FAIR MANAGERS ANNUAL CONVENTION January 3-6 • Columbus Convention Center Annual Meeting Tuesday, January 4 • 3:00 p.m.• Fairfield Room GOSA/OFMA Extravaganza Wednesday, January 5 • 7:00 p.m .• Ballroom JANUARY MEETING January 20 • II :00 a.m. Ohio State Fairgrounds Rhodes Center FEBRUARY MEETING February 24 • II :00 a.m. Ohio State Fairgrounds Rhodes Center MARCH MEETING March 17 • 11 :00 a.m. Ohio State Fairgrounds Rhodes Center APRIL MEETING April 21 • 11 :00 a.m. Ohio State Fairgrounds Rhodes Center The GOSA Officers and Trustees welcome all participation and remind you that all Board Meetings are open to the Membership. FALL ROUND-U' IS A FUll SUCCESS The GOSA Fall Round-Up was held on October 18 at JR Hooks in downtown Circleville. The event was again well organized by the Albanese families, a tra dition dating back to the event's inception. President Bill Prowant started the evening by presenting an appreciation award to Mr. Hooks for hosting the event the last few years. He was clearly moved by our recognition of him at his establishment. Following dinner and a plea from President Bill to "dig deep for the scholar ship fund," the auction and raffle began. Auctioneers Dave and Matt Gallapoo did their usual stellar job of running the auction. Colby and Andee assisted in the raffle. Although the attendance was down from previous years, the ticket sales were brisk and the bidding wars were spirited. A dolly manufactured and donated by Travis Downs generated nearly as much in ticket sales as the 50-50 raffle. Thanks Bud! The GOSA thanks all of those who attended and/or donated and purchased tickets and auction items. The bottom line was actually improved by over $1000 from the last two years. How many times this year have we been fortunate enough to be "up" in the rain? The proceeds from the event all go to the schol arship fund; one of our finest programs. Please make an effort to attend next year's Round-Up to support our organization and its scholars. Andy Pocock, Shane A nderson and Kevin Gift . K sky guard the dolly . Ier, B',II prowart , and Kevin 0 Doug GUInS ~ . disbelief at the amount of food on Dan Otanicar walks away In Bill Sterling's plate. Kenny Thompson: ticket seller extraordinaire Lois Gallapoo won the 50·50 Raffle. (ShUg and JoE lien Albanese and Shane and Amber Anderson seated behind Lois) 2004 FALL ROUND UP INCOME Ticket sales Auction 50/50 $5,420.00 $5,481.50 $ 345.00 (our half) $ 590.00 Dolly raffle Total income Expenses (tv, cash prizes) Overall total $11,836.50 -$ 3,200.00 $ 8,636.50 PRIZE WINNERS 1st - $2,000.00 Kurt Otterbacher 2nd - $500.00 John Plymeser 3rd - S500.00 Matt Gallapoo TV - Eli Prowant 50/50 $345.00- Lois GaJlapoo Dolly - Stan Connell Michael, David and friends conducting the raffle SAVE MONEY!! GOSA - OFMA JOINT MEMBERSHIP $200 gets you into 2 great organizations. Call 877-977-GOSA (4672). WELCOME, NEW MEMBERS! 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 James Bell, Greene Co. Fair Andy Emrisko, Old World Foods Howard Hawkins John Klopfenstein Eddie Miracle, Miracle Amusements Green Co. Ag. Society Interactive Game Experience • CLASSIFIEDS • NOTICE: Classified ads will run for one month and must be renewed by the fifteenth of the month and are free to members to sell only the equipment they own. All other classified ads are $15.00 for three lines per month. To renew or place ads please fax ad copy along with your name, address and phone number to Kurt Otterbacher at 330-769-1389, or e-mail FOR SALE -16' WELLS CARGO concession trailer, gas grill and fryer, 2 exhaust systems, extra door signs. Complete and ready to go! CALL PRESLERS CONCESSIONS: 740-756-4347. C.J. DANNEMILLER CO. 5300 Hametown Road Norton, Ohio 44203 330-825-7808 • 800-624-8671 Fax: 330-825-3793 WEB SITE: MEMBER G.O.SA Concession Supplies & Equipment POPCORN • PEANUTS • COTTON CANDY • NACHOS • SNO KONES • FUNNEL CAKES • CANDY APPLES • WAFFLES • CARAMEL CORN • DRINK CUPS • COLD DRINKS • PAPER GOODS • ELEPHANT EARS • HOT DOG ON A STICK • FRYERS· FRYING OILS • LEMON SQUEEZERS Family Owned and Operated We have a complele and full time Service Department to keep your equipment in A-1 condition. Established 1935 2004 DECEASED MEMBERS DATE 3/2/04 4/18/04 6/4/04 6/26/04 6/30/04 10/3/04 NAME Helen Ankrum-Lamb Alice Smith John Richards Bob Keating Franklin Enicks Raymond Walsh !~ c=: 800-521-6036 Glrillh Ablrgll.. lnc. 7804 U.S. HI. 42 MI. Gilead, Ohio 43338 HII:// E-Mail: Kyle Otterbacher at the Franklin County Fair Distributor of Concession Supplies YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR CUSTOM PRINTED FOOD SERVICE DISPOSABLES Call or Write for Our Free Catalog CUSTOM BUILT CONCESSION TRAILERS Phone: 330-542-3052 • Fax: 330-542-0304 • Web Site: 10065 Rapp Rd.' New Middletown, OH 44442 AIMS' NICA' OABA' GOSA' MSA' NSA' IISF 2671 Youngstown Rd, S.E. • Warren, OH 44484 330-369-1192 FAX 330-369-6279 800-323-3547 Visit our website: r-----------------------------------------------, ltiGrea:d , S owmens MEMBERSHIP ApPLICATION ASSOCIATION 'J' NAME _ ADDRESS _ CITY _ STATE _ ZIP _ FREE LISTING IN YEARBOOK • EXTRA LISTINGS AT $2.50 EACH TELEPHONE _ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER _ DATE OF BIRTH _ BENEFICIARY* _ SPONSOR _ o REGULAR MEMBER o SPOUSAL MEMBER $100.00 (Individuals actively involved in the Outdoor Amusement Business) o ASSOCIATE MEMBER* o RETIRED $50.00 MEMBER $40.00 (No longer in business) $100.00 (Businesses who provide product/services to the industry) *Manufacturers & Suppliers are I\lon-voting and No Deatll Benefits. Received from _ Amount of $ _ _ for Greater Ohio Showmen's Association dues. Date L _ Signed _ ~ ~t'E.E.-x.E £6P. "t4achines C/~(\4 J .,.v o~ ~O'4;'4; ~ ~ ~ Il)IU~A\Nl A\t\\IUSEt\\ENlS 't 1'1-5()O-,31t)'t Division Durant Enterprises, Inc. 106 South River Street. P.O. Box 79 Dupont. Ohio 45837 RIDES AND CONFECTIONS Ray and JoAnne Prowant 419-596-3284 Bill and Anissa Prowant 419-596-3286 Stainless steel band Single 7-inch tubular element Includes aluminum floss pan and whirl grip stabilizer Wheaton's Concession Supply Co. 231 N. Fourth Street • Columbus, OH 43215 1-800-KER-NELS (537-6357) • Fax 614-224-3297 G.O.S.A. NEWS ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE Full Page Ad , , .... , , ,$150.00 1/2 Page Ad , . , . , , .. , 85.00 1/4 Page Ad .. , , . , .. , 55.00 1/8 Page Ad , , . , . , , .. 35,00 Plus $15 for Each Photo