July/August 2002 - Greater Ohio Showmen`s Association
July/August 2002 - Greater Ohio Showmen`s Association
Greater Ohio Showmen's Association Inside GOSAm4'.'f1 President's Message GOSA Golf Outing Dear Members, greatest in 'The Great Generation." Ed served as secretary for the GOSA for many years. He kept us on our toes at all the meetings and functions. He will be missed by his family, friends, and all of his fellow showmen. Have a safe and prosperous season and I'll see you at the fall round up' The heart of the season is upon us and I trust that everyone is in high gear. Unfortunately, the damp spring and irrunediate heat of early summer made it quite a challenge to get up to speed. My apologies for the delay in this newsletter. No one is to blame but me. There just aren't enough hours in the day or days in the week this time of year. Our deepest sympathies go out to the family of Ed Ebe11. He was one of the --------- Membership Sales Incentives Yearbook Corrections Benefit Additions ------------- Deadline Policies Classifieds Until next time, Bill Prowant President, GOSA Greater Ohio Showmen's Association 5002 County Home Rd .• Greenville, OH 45331 937-996-8100· Fax 937-996-1091 E-mail: gosa@brightnet • Web: www.mygosa.org ATTENTION, FUN-LOVING GOSA MEMBERS: 2002/03 GOSA Meeting Schedule -q. ~":""L-~" .. It's not too late to join the fun in the sun aboard Carnival Legend, the newest Spirit-class ship setting sail for an Exotic Western Caribbean Cruise with your GOSA friends. Time is of the essence so PLEASE CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR CABIN. A deposit of $200 p.p. will hold your spot. Contact Bob Keating at 330-683-4831 today! Change to Bylaws Proposed October 14, Ila.m. J.R. Hooks Restaurant- Circleville, OH FALL ROUND-UP October 14, 6p.m. J.R. Hooks Restaurant- Circleville, OH November 7, Ila.m. Holiday Inn Worthington, OH Exotic Western Carribbean Itinerary DAY PORT ARRIVE 1 "Fun Day" at Sea 2 Belize City, Belize 3 "Fun Day" at Sea 4 Limon, Costa Rica 5 Colon, Panama' 6 "Fun Day" at Sea 7 "Fun Day" at Sea 8 Miami DEPART 4:00 p.m. Miami December 12, 1] a.m. Holiday Inn Worthington, OH January 6, lp.m. Hyatt Regency- Columbus, OH 7:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. ANNUAL MEETING January 7, 2:30p.m. Hyatt Regency- Columbus, OH Noon 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. January 16, 11 a.m. Holiday Inn Worthington, OH February 21, Ila.m. Holiday Inn Worthington, OH 8:00 a.m. 'Optional shore tour to Panama Canal and Gatun Lake available. March 13, lla.m. Holiday Inn Worthington, OH April 10, 11 a.m. I-X Center, Cleveland, OH GOSA GOLF OUTING The Drives Were Long 0 ~f. t and Hard.... _ ~ q;-"". Ifff:'~ . F The drive to the Pines G o l f / Course that is! But well worth it! "~ Roger and Ray Mowry, Al Bozich, . ~:! . G'f 11 B ra d ~'\~ ~ '/,//p ~¢'.. KeVIn 1 t, S tan C onne, Gentille, Brad Dallman, Sam ""';< Hamilton, Tom Linn, Tony and Sugg Albanese, Kurt and Dean Otterbacher all were present at this year's outing. The weather was perfect and the scores were impressive, at least the ones we remember. Brad Dallman fin ished with the low score. Unfortunately, Brad Gentille had to pay a course surcharge due to his excessive number of strokes. We are going to try and work with the course Superintendent to see if we can't get that waived for Brad next year. Thanks to all who participated and we wish to invite all of you to make the drive to next year's event. Membership Sales Incentative In an eff0I1 to strengthen and increase the size of our organi zation, the GOSA is implementing a sales incentive to members. Starting now and continuing throughout the summer and fall, ending at our annual meeting in January, any member who signs up seven (7) new members will receive either a free membership for their self or $100 cash. To gain recognition of the sale, make sure your name appears on the new member's application. This offer is only valid for new member registration and does not include renewals. You can receive membership applications from trustees or by calling the office. You can also photo copy the applications located in both the newsletter and the yearbook. We will keep you updated of any new benefits we are able to procure over the summer, to help assist you in signing up new members. We've got 8 months until convention. That's only 1 new member a month that you need to sign. What a fun way to help the organization, the industry, and yourself, all at the same time. Remember, there is strength in numbers. Good Luck! la o.,,·..: G· ~....."'" NOTICE Change to Bylaws Proposed The membership committee, chaired by Brent Bair, recently took to the board a membership dues change motion, which would require an amendment change to the GOSA constitution for it to be implemented. There are two ways to make a chang~ to the GOSA constitution. One is for the president to call a spe cial board meeting of the trustees at which time the motion is presented, discussed, and then voted upon. The other is for the motion to be presented at our annual meeting for the general membership of the organization to discuss and vote upon. The board deems that this idea is in need of feedback and discussion in a public forum, so they have decided to present it at our annu al meeting for the general membership to decide upon. The motion to be made to the floor at the annual meeting per tains to the offering of a spousal membership at a reduced rate. A spousal membership would be offered to the spouse, male or female, of a member paid in full at the regular rate. A person joining under the proposed spousal plan would have the same benefits as a full member with the exception of two benefits. They would not be eligible for the $1000.00 death benefit and they would not receive a newsletter mailing. Only one newslet ter would be mailed to the married couple under this plan. They would retain voting rights and all other benefits that full mem bers receive. Under this new proposal a spousal membership would be offered at the price of $50.00, currently _ of the full member rate of $100.00. It would be up to the married couples, whether current or new members, to decide which program they join under, either as both being full members or one being a spousal member. The new plan, if passed would take effect beginning with the year 2004. You, the membership, will decide the outcome of this pro posal at our annual meeting in Columbus this coming January. We urge you to take the next eight months to engage in dialogue with other members to help form an opinion on whether you feel this is beneficial or harmful to the organization. Come to the annual meeting prepared to state your case. Your vote counts! I ,. NOTICE: Visit the GOSA Website at www.mygosa.org REDESIGNED GOSA WEB SITE READY FOR INPUT We encourage you to check out our updated and redesigned web site: mygosa.org. Inside, you will find information such as upcoming events, meeting highlights, committee goals, etc. Also, an interactive Q & A board allows you a chance to express your opinions and comments about certain topics. There are many industry links added to help you find equipm'ent and companies. We at"e constantly building, so J browse regularly to see what's new. '-' Dates to Remember October 14 GOSA FALL ROUND-UP Dinner at 6p.m. followed by EveI1l l.R, Hooks RestauraI1l- 6p.m. Circleville, OH November 18-26 GOSA CRUISE ABOARD CARNIVALS LEGEND (NOT TOO LATE TO SIGN UP!) January 7 - 9 OHIO FAIR MANAGERS CONVENTION Hyatt Regency- Columbus, OH January 7 GOSA ANNUAL MEETING 2:30p.m. Hyatt Regency- Columbus, OH January 8 GOSA GALA & SUPER RAFFLE 7p.m. Hyatt Regency- Columbus, OH See our website at www.mygosa.org for upcoming eveI1ls. The GOSA Officers and Trustees welcome all participation and remind you that all Board Meetings are open to the Membership. HI STRIKER CO.IF ,'.,." ,_0 "'~ ell c, . rr-')I' St. James, Missouri l/ff~~~' ' ~~,~ 'c?~ '~' .·6J7Ift'~ 1-800-642-3254 ~ ~ <>} "Il!,~ ~/i~'\ Manufacturer of Fine QUali~0E ~ Hi Strikers & Dunk Tanks • • • •• .JOKES ••••• AI: "I developed respiratory problems the day I was discharged from the hospital." Bob: "How'd that happen?" AI: "I was holding my breath as they were totalling up the bill." 0 Three rules for healthy teeth: brush after every meal, see your dentist often and mind your own business. Bigot: A person who is obstinately and zealously attached to an opinion that you do not entertain. After saying, "I have wrote," the teacher explained to him how wrong it was, and told him to write "I have written" 100 times. The lines were left on the teacher's desk with this note: "I have wrote 'I have written' 100 times as you told me and so I have went home." /hichael's Amusements Rides • Games • Food Michael Albanese P.O, Box 306 Hebron, Ohio 43025 740-928-4475 "How long have you been driving without a taillight buddy?" demanded the policeman. The driver jumped out, ran to the rear of his car, and gave a low moan. His distress was so great that the cop was moved to ease up on him a bit. "Aw, come now," he said, "you don't have to take it hard. It isn't that serious." "It isn't?" cried the motorist. "What happened to my trailer?" "I'm sure glad I don't have to go to work today," the businessman said happily to his wife. "Well, don't think that you're going to run off to play golf and leave me to clean up the house after our party last night." "Honey, golf is the furthest thing from my mind. Now would you please pass the putter!" HOT N~W GOLD N~DAL NOH~Y NAK~RS FOR TH~ NIDWAY! G-Whiz Gas Popper High-Output Floss Ma(hine Gold Medal Ribbon Fries Cutter K-8 Shallow Fryer Gold Medal's G-Whiz Popper is the perfect way to pump up profits where there's no electricity available. II's a gas' Our High-Output Cotton Candy models provide about 40% more servings per pound of sugar· almost 40% more servings per hour' The hottest, most profitable fried funfood on the Midway. Watch the continuous ribbons appear, then flavor 'em, bread 'em ... do whatever. Makes great Ribbon Fried Apples, too' Ahigher capacity shallow fryer that will easily make 8 Funnel Cakes at a time and keep up with virtually continuous "pour and cook" on both sides. .. G GOLD MEDAL®pRODUCTS CO. 10700 Medallion Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45241-4807 • (513) 769-7676 • Fax (513) 769-8500 Toll-Free (800) 543-0862 • Toll-Free Fax (800) 542-1496 • e-mail: info@gmpopcorn.com • www.gmpopcorn.com Free 2002 96-pg. full-color catalog C.J. DANNEMILLER CO. 5300 Hametown Road Norton, Ohio 44203 330-825-7808 • 800-624-8671 Fax: 330-825-3793 WEB SITE: www.cjdannemiller.com r----------------------, , MEMBERSHIP SlirGrea~ owmens ApPLICATION '-f ASSOCIATION MEMBER G.O.S.A. NAME _ ADDRESS _ CITY STATE _ ZIP Concession Supplies & Equipment FREE USTING IN YEARBOOK POPCORN • PEANUTS • COTTON CANDY • NACHOS • SNO KONES • FUNNEL CAKES • CANDY APPLES • WAFFLES • CARAMEL CORN • DRINK CUPS • COLD DRINKS· PAPER GOODS • ELEPHANT EARS • HOT DOG ON A STICK • FRYERS • FRYING OILS • LEMON SQUEEZERS Family Owned and Operated We have a complete and full time Service Department to keep your equipment in A-1 condition. • EXTRA LISTINGS AT $2.50 EACH CaD ~ ~ TELEPHONE Established 1935 _ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER _ DATE OF BIRTH _ BENEFICIARY* _ SPONSOR - - -_ _ o REGULAR MEMBER - $100.00 (Individuals actively involved in the Outdoor Amusement Business) o ASSOCIATE MEMBER* - $100.00 (Businesses who provide producVservices to the industry) *Manufacturers & Suppliers are Non-voting and No Death Benefits o JUNIOR MEMBER - $25.00 (Youth under the age of 18 interested in the industry. o RETIRED MEMBER - $40.00 (No longer in business) Received from Amount of $ _ _ for Greater Ohio Showmen's Association dues. CUSTOM BUILT CONCESSION TRAILERS Phone: 330·542·3052' Fax: 330·542·0304' Web Site: www.Hitch-HikerMfg.com 10065 Rapp Rd .• New Middletown, OH 44442 AIMS' NICA' OABA' GOSA' MSA' NSA· IISF _ L Date Signed ~ YEARBOOK CORRECTIONS The 2002 Yearbook and Buyer's Guide has been printed and delivered. The volunteer staff works diligently to prepare this publication and mail it out in a timely fashion. Sometimes information entered is incorrect and unintentional mistakes are made. We will be updating you as to what enteries are incon'ect so that you may make the necessary changes in your book. Please note the following corrections: On page 33, under the heading of "ARCADE", member Mike William's name was erroneously omitted. Please fill in the following information underneath that heading: Mike Williams, 216 Wilson Ave., Lancaster, Ohio 43130, 740-653-7396. Also on page 43, Under the name Virginia Reynolds the address/phone # should be changed to 740 Kathryn Drive, Loudonville, OH 44842-9695. Phone # is 419-994-4391. We apologize to Mr. Williams and Mrs. Reynolds for any inconvenience this may have caused them. Anyone who has not received their copy yet or has found an error, please call the office. r"R~""'ffiR""mw,w I· ...,wmW'ffim,mw"",wm..m m " , m = = OOJor~ ~eur Colen~ors jer t~e @0S<Pb crall ~eun~-u~ This year's Fall Round-up plans to be bigger and better than ever! The annual drawing winnings have been increased to include a Grand Prize worth $2,000, second prize and third prize of $500, and fourth prize, a color TV. The event will take place on Monday, October 14, at JR Hooks Restaurant in Circleville, Ohio. A delicious dinner will be served at 6:30, followed by an auction packed evening full of fun and excitement. One thing is for sure, you're not going to win if you don't purchase your ticJ~ets! 50 catch one of your G05A Board Members to choose your lucky If you need product delivered to any of these area events, CALL US, IT WILL BE THERE!! Mansfield Freedom Festival Bucyrus Bratwurst Festival Medina County Fair Richland County Fair Holmes County Fair Portage County Fair Wayne County Fair Mahoning County Fair Mahoning Popcorn Festival Knox County Fair Loudonville Street Fair Bellville Street Fair Perrysville Street Fair Ashland County Fair Crawford County Fair If you require more information call John or Jack • John Niznik, Jr. - Jack Webber • 419-529-2417 • Fax 419-529-5410 3610 Cooktan Grange MansfIeld, OH 44903 Distributor of Concession Supplies numbers,::~:~=~~~ NEWS FROM THE BACKLOT AAfF-(~~:'H!1{ot~~) \g~~£~~~'?,q, YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR CUSTOM PRINTED FOOD SERVICE DISPOSABLES THANKS to Bob Keating and Mark Dalessandro for providing our lunch at the I-X Center April GOSA Meeting. Great job guys' Fred Thumburg former ride owner past away on March 24, 2002. Our sympathies go out to Fred's family and friends. We are sorry to report the death of long time GOSA friend and past Secretary Ed Ebert. Ed contributed many years of service to our organization and will always remain close in the hearts and minds of those who served with him. Heartfelt sympathies go out to Ed's family and friends. Call or Write for Our Free Catalog 2671 Youngstown Rd, S.E. • Warren, OH 44484 330-369-1192 FAX 330-369-6279 800-323-3547 Visit our website: www.berkpaper.com BENEFIT ADDITIONS We have been working hard to upgrade our benefits to our members. While we admit this is a very slow process, we are happy to announce the addition of two new benefits available to our members. They are as follows: 1) GREATER OHIO SHOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION TELECOM PLAN We have entered into an agreement with First Communications, a provider of long distance telephone service. This offer is for your residential or commercial land-lines (not for cell phones). Members, in good standing, who switch their long distance service to First Communications, under the GOSA plan, will get the following rates and services: 5.9 cents per minute flat rate to anywhere in the continental United States, 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week, billing in 6 second increments, no monthly access or connection fees, or surcharges, no change to how you presently dial - no access codes to dial, no monthly minimums or contracts, State of the art global optic network, low cost calling cards and international rates, and customized billing. Under this agreement the GOSA receives a rebate check for 5% of the total amount of sales that our members spend every month with First Communications. First Communications will also reimburse you for any switch over fees that your phone company charges. Several members have been saving with First Communications for years now, under another group plan. They are extremely happy with the services of this reputable company who enjoys a high customer satisfaction rate. This is a win-win situation for both the organization as a whole and our members. We hope you take advantage of it. First Communications will be making a sales call to you or you may call them toll free at l-888-FIRSTCOM. They can also be contacted at www.firstcomonline.com. Mention the GOSA plan when signing up or obtaining information. 2) NEWLON CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP AND NEWLON FORD PURCHASE PLAN Frank Newlon, president of both Newlon Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep and Newlon Ford of New Lexington, Ohio is pleased to offer GOSA members in good standing, a set price when purchasing any new Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, or Ford truck or car. The purchase price will be 2.5% over the invoice total price. Certain vehicle lines will be excluded from time to time, i.e. Ford Thunderbird. Members will get all factory rebates and Newlons will take trade-ins also. The vehicles can be taken from stock or special ordered. They will give prices over the phone, fax, or in person. There will be no additional charges or hidden fees. You pay the invoice total price plus 2.5% and any taxes and title fee. Dave Bowen will handle all transactions at the Dodge store. He can be reached at 740-342-5151. Rick Reed will handle all transactions at the Ford store. He can be reached at 740-342-5146. When inquiring on prices, mention the GOSA member plan. We welcome these companies on board and look forward to working with them. Let us know your thoughts and keep us updated on your dealings with any of the programs so we can better serve all of our members. We are in the process of dealing with several more companies to obtain discounts. Look for notices in future newsletters. Deadline Policies Keeping up with current technologies, Dave Shives, secretary/treasurer has updated all of our office files to computer format. This has made all of our record keeping more efficient and helped ease the workload of the office. Deadline policies in the past, pertaining mostly to membership dues and yearbook advertising payments, have been loosely enforced. In an effort to keep paperwork to a minimum and keep all records current, it is the board's intention to better enforce the deadlines of all payments due to the office. Membership dues are due and payable from November 15 thru January 15, with a 30-day grace period. In order to stay as a member in good standing, not disrupt your death benefit, and have your name printed in the yearbook, you must be paid in full during this time frame. Yearbook ads are to be paid for in advance by January 15 in order for them to be placed in the next issue. There will be no exceptions to these rules. We hope everyone understands the need for this action and we look forward to your cooperation. • CLASSIFIEDS • NOTICE: Classified ads will run for one month and must be renewed by the fifteenth of the month and are free to members to sell only the equipment they own. All other classified ads are $15.00 for three lines per month. To renew or place ads please fax ad copy along with your name, address and phone number to Todd Sipe at 419-524-9989 or call Todd at 419-524-9988. For Sale: 99' Ford F-350, Super Duty, 4x4, Diesel Dually, crew cab, 90K, 9' Alum. flatbed wI sides. Great shape, runs great! Will separate flatbed. Call Matt at 614-327-6288. For Sale: 2000 36' Bunkhouse, Vacationaire, sleeps 10, many extras, real nice! 200045' Bunkhouse, Vacationaire, sleeps 12, Mgr. Quarters in front, many extras, very nice. Titanic Super Slide, 1999, very clean & in good condition. Contact Bill Prowant at 419-596 3286. For Sale: 1987 FORD 350 - Custom Concession. Includes: Hot Water Tank, Undercounter Refrig., 3 Compo Sink, Hand Sink, Grey Water Holding Tank, Roof Exhaust Fan, New Counters, Newly Repainted Exterior, New Battery, 220 Hookup with 100 amp Panel and Cable, P253 Coldelite Air Cooled Soft Serve Machine, Misc. Equip. & Access., 4 Head Post Mix Coke Machine. ASKING PRICE: $10,000 Complete, Truck Alone: $5000; Soft Serve Machine Alone: $5500; Coke Machine Alone: $500. Old retired 16' Concession Trailer with new counters etc. No Equipment. $2000. 6 Pitco Frylators-11 0,000 btu, Asking $550 each, all 6 for $3000. 1996 -32' Vacationaire 5th Wheel with 16' Slideout. Washer, Dryer, Full Size Tub, Shower, All the comforts of home. Asking $19,900. WAFS, INC., WillardlAccent Food Service, 330-388-1429. Wanted to Buy: 1990 or newer Ford E350 Cube Van, Must have attic. Contact Mike Albanese at 740-928-7482. For Sale: 1998 Otterbacher 24' Clown Town Bull Dozer Trailer. Marquee and awning running lights. New corner pies and bally, $16,000. Call Mike Albanese at 740-928-7482. For Sale: 10- Veri Tee Bowler Roller Tables, $1,000 takes all! Call Mike Albanese at 740-928-7482 For Sale: 50 kw Diesel Generator Set, 471 Detroit, 400 hours since total rebuild, NEW: Liners, Pistons, Mains, Inserts, Turbo Charger, Blower, Water and Fuel Pump and Heads. $6,500. Call Geary Bates at 740-266-3120. For Sale: 2-1981 ClT 9000 Fords, Tandem, 300 Cummings Engine, 10 Speed. $3,000 each or $5,000 for both. Call Geary Bates at 740 266-3120. For Sale: 2- Mid 80's Ford lN8000, Single axle tractor, 3208 Cat engine, 5 speed. $3,000 each or $5,000 for both. Call Geary Bates at 740-266-3120. For Sale: 1985 Chevy 350 Engine, AlC, auto, good condition Box Van; 1987 Ford 351 Engine, auto, retractable loading ramp, high cube van. Call Harold Presler at 740-756-4347. For Sale: 20' Haulmark Food Trailer - Fully equipped, 5 head pop mach; 4 sinks; AlC & heater; other extras. Excellent Condition. $24,500 negotiable. Call 419-368-0475. Bones Mirror & Supply P.o. Box 72809 Newport, Kentucky 41072 l.T. Bones President Toll Free 1-888-GIBTDWN Toll Free 1-888-442-8696 MIRRORS - DARTS - BALLOONS SUPPORTS THE G.O.S.A. ()IU~A\Nl A\f\\IUSEf\\ENlS FROZEN uRiNIi(s i-l'1-5l10- 31~iDivision Durant Enterprises. Inc. 106 South River Street. P.O. Box 79 Dupont. Ohio 45837 RIDES AND CONFECTIONS Ray and JoAnne Prowant 419-596-3284 Bill and Anissa Prowant 419-596-3286 Produce PERFECT frozen slush, smoothies and ice ca,ppuccino ** ** * * ** ** 3.7 gallon bowls Easy to clean Heavy duty motor Easy to use Heavy duty compressor Standby switch 24 hour/7 day timer Lighted hopper tops Stainless steel panels Fan cooled compressor Wheaton's Concession Supply Co. 231 N. Fourth Street • Columbus, OH 43215 1·800·KER·NELS (537-6357) • Fax 614-224·3297 G.O.S.A. NEWS ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE Full Page Ad $150.00 1/2 Page Ad . . . . . . . .. 85.00 1/4 Page Ad . . . . . . . .. 55.00 1/8 Page Ad . . . . . . . .. 35.00 Plus $15 for Each Photo
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