November 2003 - Greater Ohio Showmen`s Association


November 2003 - Greater Ohio Showmen`s Association
Greater Ohio Showmen's Association
President's Message
Welcome home everyone!
The Pumpkin Show is wrapped up for yet another year and so the 2003 season has come
to its conclusion. It's great to be home. Ovemight moves and all day setups have been
replaced with my never ending honey-do list, soccer games, football games and helping my
children with their homework. It just doesn't get any better than this.
The 2003 season has been fairly successful for a majority of people whom I have con­
tacted. No matter what the weather or the economy brings, we must keep on moving toward
our own goals and determine our own successes. And don't forget. .. the 2004 season will be
here before we know it and we'll all be ready to test our fate against all the elements, known
and unknown.
The Roundup at JR Hooks was once again a huge success. The efforts of Tony, Bridgette,
Michael and Nancy Albanese are sllre to be applauded. The room was packed; the food was
delicious and the company, of course, was outstanding. Thanks to all who donated items and
also to the buyers. The proceeds from the evening go directly to the scholarship fund. Last
year 12 scholarships were awarded.
I would like to take this time to once again offer condolences on behalf of the GOSA to all
the families of those who have passed away this 2003 season and have gone on to their comer
location in the sky. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of you as you cope with your loss.
Stan COimell has been working velY hard throughout the summer to obtain a national
account with Pepsi for members of our organization. Make sure you read all about this in the
newsletter. We need everyone's panicipation, so come on and suppon your GOSA.
Once again we will be participating in the Ohio Festival and Events Association trade
show on November 7 and 8 and the Ramada Inn, Columbus. This is a great marketing oppor­
tunity for our organization.
Enjoy your off time with your family and friends.
Until next time,
Bill Prowant, PreSident, GOSA
are bein(J accepted for the followin(J awards:
GOSA April and October Board Meetings
Roundtown Round-up
2003 Tax Relief Act
Concessionaires Donate Largest Pumpkin Award
Extravaganza 2004
Second Annual GOSA Golf Outing
GOSA Meeting Schedule
News from the Backlot
Membership Application
Greater Ohio Showmen's Association
1525 Bethel Road #201 • Columbus, OH 43220
877-977-G05A (4672)
E-mail: • Web:
NOTICE: You may now vote
online at
Showmen of the Year
Outstanding Achievement in Rides
Outstanding Achievement in Food
Outstanding Achievement in Straight Sales
Lifetime Achievement
To give your nominee the greatest chance of winning, please provide background on why you feel they are deserving of the
award. Please clip and maillo the GOSA office, 1525 Bethel Road #201, Columbus, OH 43220 or call 877-977-GOSA (4672).1
All nominations must be received by December 8, 2003.
Minutes for GOSA
Officers & Trustees Meetings
April 10, 2003 • 11 :00 a.m.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Pres. Bill Prowant, First Vice Pres.
Tom Linn, Sec.-Treas. David Shives, Travis Downs, Tony Albanese,
Stan Connell, Ray Prowant, Todd Sipe, Doug Guinsler and Kurt
GUESTS PRESENT: Ninia Downs (Ohio Restaurant Association),
David Waun (Taste of the Town), Han-y Faint and Jill Shives.
The meeting was called to order with the PLEDGE OF
ALLEGIANCE and ROLL CALL. The minutes of the March 2003
meeting were presented. Motion to accept made by Ray Prowant,
seconded by Stan c.; motion carried.
The treasurer's report was presented. Motion to accept by Tom L.,
seconded by Ray P.; motion can-ied.
Dave S. read a letter from Bev Fisher at Canfield Fair thanking the
GOSA for her Fair Manager of the Year Award.
Bill P. reported on the death of Lucille Utz (Gary Duncan's mother),
June Otterbacher (Gary, Judy and Jimmy's mother); also Digger O'Dell
passed away recently.
Mark Dalessandro and Bob Keating catered an excellent lunch
buffet, Thanks a lot, Mark and Bob; it was very tasty. They spoil the
board each spring and at no charge.
Bill P. brought up the joint membership drive and the training and
procedures necessary to make this a success. There are posters available
and they should be posted in every Fairboard's office.
Ninia Downs reported that she had received a quote from
Nationwide Insurance on an Accidental Death Benefit for our members.
Decided to set up a meeting with the agent before the November
meeting. It was decided to have the officers and Brent Bail' meet on Nov.
13 at 9:30 a.m. in the GOSA Boardroom, Holiday Inn-Worthington.
Stan C. reported on the Pepsi National Account pricing, which has
become an issue since Pepsi is doing away with the National Account
Pricing of the past. Tom L. reported that he has talked with several
different Pepsi distributors who have said they will work with us. This
is going to be a priority for the board to work on and Bill P. put Ninia
Downs and Stan C. in charge of getting a state or national discount,
Ninia reported on the sales tax and excise taxes and how they are
being increased. The ORA will continue to monitor and keep us
Bill P. asked for any comments on the District meetings. Everything
seemed to go well.
Tom L. passed out the Reverse Raffle tickets and the Round-up
tickets. Each trustee was told they are required to sell $250 worth of
Round-up tickets and to each have their fifteen reverse raffle tickets sold
at the October meeting and no later than the November meeting. Since
we are doing the joint raffle with the OFMA, it is extremely important
to have these tickets sold. This will give Tom and Dave time to get the
information keyed into the computer.
Ninia reported on a program called list serve, which is a way we
could send information out to our membership through e-mail. The
possibility of sending the newsletter to members bye-mail in the future
could save on postage. This would be a long time in the future, however
now is the time to get started collecting e-mail addresses to send notices
and things of a more urgent nature.
Stan C. asked about the Health Department sheets and Dave S. said
the printer was supposed to have them done today. Dave has a list of
people who requested them. Anyone who would like a copy should
contact Dave S.
Bill P. brought up the new rules for overtime and how or if it would
affect our industry. Bill and Ninia are both going to check into it further
and report back.
There will be an informal meeting September 16 in Ashland to
discuss convention topics.
Membership: Dave S. presented this month's new membership
application for approval: Todd Stucky from New Madison, Ohio.
Moved to accept by Tom L., seconded by Travis D.; motion carried.
Discussed the printing of new applications and that we have a
members' benefits list on the side of each application. It was decided to
have Kurt O. update our member application on the web site and we
could just print hard copies from it,
Round-up: Tony A. reported the tickets are ordered, $5.00 apiece,
six for $25.00. They will be distributed at the I-X meeting. Bridget will
be selecting the menu. We will gather at Hooks on October 13,2003.
Yearbook: Jill S. reported everyone has paid for his or her ad except
nine people. Doug G. moved to order 700 yearbooks, seconded by Stan
c.; motion carried. Changes to the by-laws, membership applications.
Need a picture from Ninia Downs. Ninia will get a Govemor's message
from Taft and maybe even a message from the Dept. of Ag.
Ride Safety: Ray reported there is nothing to report, They are
looking for another inspector.
Newsletter: Todd S. reported everything is in to Shreve and should
be ready for print. Ray P. passed out the cameras for the trustees to take
pictures this summer for the yearbook and newsletter.
Scholarship: Doug G. reported there will be a full report next
Games: Tony A. had nothing to report,
Health & Safety: Stan C. reported there was nothing to report.
Web Site: - Kurt reported he will be updating
the site soon. He has scanned some pictures and will be getting them
loaded. There is a problem getting thel11 the right size.
Kurt is trying to get a golf outing together for next week here at the
I-X Center.
Convention: There will be a informal meeting to discuss last minute
details on September 16 at the Ashland County Fair.
Budget: See audit report,
Nominating & Reverse Raffle: No report.
Set up meeting dates for next year as follows: September 16, 9:00
a.m., Ashland County Fair; October 13, II a.l11 .. Hooks. Circleville;
Nov. 13, II a.m., Holiday Inn-Worthington; Dec II, II a.m .. Holiday
Inn-Worthington; Jan. 5, I p.m .. GOSA Office, Champaign Room,
Convention Center, Columbus; Jan 6, Annual Meeting, time pending,
Convention Center, Columbus; Jan 15, II a.m., Holiday
Inn-Worthington; Feb 19, II a.I11., Holiday Inn-Worthington; March 18,
11 a.m., Holiday Inn-Worthington; April 22, II a.m., I-X Center,
Date of next meeting will be September 16, 2003, at 9:00 a.m., at
Ashland County Fair. Motion to adjoum by Ray P., seconded Doug G.;
motion carried at 2:40 p.m.
October 13, 2003 • 1:00 p.m.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Pres. Bill Prowant, First Vice Pres.
Tom Linn, Sec.-Treas. David Shives, Travis Downs, Tony Albanese, Stan
Connell, Michael Albanese, Todd Sipe, Doug Guinsler, Kurt Otterbacher,
Dave Gallapoo, Brent Bail', Kevin Koski and Ken Jaskiewicz.
The meeting was called to order with the PLEDGE OF
ALLEGIANCE and ROLL CALL. The minutes of the April 2003
meeting were presented. Motion to accept made by Doug G., seconded
by Stan c.; motion carried.
The treasurer's report was presented. Motion to accept by Dave G.,
seconded by Brent B.; motion carried.
Stan C. reported on the Pepsi National Account pricing, which has
become an issue since Pepsi is doing away with the National Account
Pricing of the past. Stan passed out sheets for signing up to receive a
number and start enjoying a significant discount on each purchase. The
board is going to pass out sign-up sheets at Circleville Pumpkin Show.
Bill P. reported on the John Hodgson Award. He will be receiving it,
hopefully, at this year's convention.
Bill P. brought up the OFMA convention the second (?) week of
November. We need to get the Trade Show booth set up and manned.
Everyone needs to see if they can be there and help.
Reported on the number of tickets sold for the Round-up. It is going
great and expect a good turnout tonight. Michael and Tony have it all
under control.
Bill P. brought up the awards for convention. We will be voting on
them at the November meeting.
Jim Childress expressed an interest in doing a consignment auction
in the spring through the GOSA. Todd Sipe will look into it further and
report back.
Membership: Dave S. presented this month's new membership
applications for approval: Larry Wright from London, Ohio; Greg Peck
from Greenville, Ohio; Auntie Anne's Pretzels (Charlie Bauer);
Twaddle Mfg.; Oliver Close; Moon and Beverly Kilgore; Dave & Gloria
Stoops. Motion to accept by Dave G., seconded by Travis D.; motion
Round-up: Tony A. reported the tickets are ordered. $5.00 apiece, 6
for $25.00.
Yearbook: Jill S. reported everyone has paid for his or her ad.
Ride Safety: Ray reported there is nothing to report. They are
looking for another inspector.
Newsletter: Todd S. reported he has been trying to get Ninia involved
with increasing the advertisers in the newsletter. They have been looking
at ways to streamline and get help on producing the newsletter.
Scholarship: Doug G. reported there will be a full report next
Games: Tony A. had nothing to report.
Health & Safety: Stan C. reported there was nothing to report.
Web Site:
Convention: Dave G. pointed out that we need to have the target audience
listed on each round table and seminar. There was a lot of discussion on the
wording of the convention information report.
Budget: See audit report.
Nominating & Reverse Raffle: No report.
Nov. 13, II a.m., Holiday Inn-Worthington; Dec II, 11 a.m., Holiday
Inn-Worthington; Jan. 5, I p.m., GOSA Office, Champaign Room
Convention Center, Columbus; Jan 6, Annual Meeting, time pending.
Convention Center, Columbus; Jan 15, II a.m., Holiday Inn-Worthington
Feb 19, II a.m., Holiday Inn-Worthington; March 18, 11 a.m., Holiday Inn·
Worthington; April 22, 11 a.m., I-X Center, Cleveland.
Date of next meeting will be November 13, 2003, at 11:00 a.m., aI
Holiday Inn- Worthington. Motion to adjourn by Tom L., seconded Doug G..
motion carried at 2:40 p.m.
Greg Peck • Sam Hamilton
Becky Sipe (spousal) • Charlie Bauer
Twaddle Manufacturing • Oliver Close
Moon & Beverly (spousal) Kilgore
Dave & Gloria (spousal) Stoops
Larry Wright
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Gold Medal makes it easy to offer all the most popular fun foods.
All four make one great sound at the cash register - Ka-Ching!
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The season was reaching its end and the leaves were beginning to fall. That meant one thing - it was
time for the GOSA Fall Round-up! The event was once again held at the delicious lR. Hooks Restaurant
in downtown Circleville, Ohio. Inside, the room was full of smiling faces. It may have been due to the
season's end, or more than likely, because of the thousands of dollars and terrific door prizes that were being
handed out. Festivities began with a delicious buffet-style meal. Eighty-plus members and friends joined us
for dinner followed by an exciting evening of fun and prizes. The evening's highlights included the $2,000
Grand Prize Raffle, an auction of many gifts, and drawing for door prizes (all generously donated by
GOSA members) and a 50/50 raffle.
The auction items donated are always impressive and this year's selection was better than ever. With help
of auctioneers Dave and Matt Gallapoo and Todd Stuckey, we were able to raise many dollars toward our
scholarship program.
The raffle winners for the evening were
Donna Drake winning both the Color
TVIDVD and over $500 in cash as the 50/50
drawing winner. The two $500 prize
winners were Karl Dearwester and Donna Drake hit the jackpot tWice, win­
Elizabeth Guinsler. Our $2,000 Grand ning the 20" TV/DVD AND over $500 in
Prize winner for this year's Round-up was cash from the evening's 50/50 drawing.
Simona, one of Koski's help from Romania.
We thank all of you that purchased tickets, donated prizes and participated in this
year's Fall Round-up. As always, you are who make this event special and a success.
With your help, we were able to earn a total of over $11,000, all going directly into the
Rupert A. Otterbacher Memorial and Sonny Kissel Scholarship Program, which
award several of our students $1,000 towards college each year. We would also like to
thank Tony and Bridget, Michael and Nancy Albanese for once again planning and
Michel Albanese presented Jennifer Koski's summer help, promoting this great event. If you would like to receive information on obtaining a
Simona, with the $2,000 Grand Prize.
GOSA Scholarship, you may contact Doug Guinsler at 740-872-3912.
The 2003 Tax Relief Act:
What Does It Mean for You?
in myBUSINESS Magazine­
You've heard a lot of talk about the $350 billion tax relief package ­
experts discussing raised expensing limits, accelerated tax-rate reduc­
tions, and so on- but what does all of that mean for your bottom line?
Well, mostly it's good news. The only bad news is that you only have
a limited amount of time to lake advantage of the tax savings. Here's a
closer look at how to get the most bang out of the bill for those of us
who are self-employed.
Increase in Expensing
What it means: You can immediately quadruple your deductions,
from the current $25,000 up to $100,000 now, and receive a 50 percent
bonus write-off for new equipment, up from 30 percent. This gives
small business owners substantial cost-savings when buying new
equipment, software, vehicles and supplies. But: The expensing limits
return to the previous levels in 2006, and the bonus depreciation
expires in 2004.
For instance, if you use trucks or SUVs for business, your chance to
expense those purchases once hit the brakes at $25,000, - but not
anymore. The 2003 tax relief package quadruples your level of
investment to $100,000, meaning entrepreneurs now receive
substantially greater tax savings when buying vehicles for business.
Only those vehicles that are- A: Used primarily for business and -B:
Weigh more than 6,000 pounds fully loaded- qualify for the expensing
under Section 179 of the federal tax code.
But there is a hitch, and not just the one on the back of your truck:
The expensing limit returns to $25,000 after Dec. 31, 2005. Small
business owners who need large vehicles would be wise to take
advantage of this assistance before it zooms by. And with many car
dealers offering record-low-interest financing, there's never been a
better time to buy, even if you have to take out a loan. For instance,
according to small business tax expe11 Dan Gleason, owner of My Tax
Man, Inc., if you need a $50,000 truck for your business, interest on that
amount should not exceed $2,500 per year. But the first year tax savings
should range frol11 $5,000 to $17,500, depending on your tax bracket.
Article found
Accelerated Reduction in Income-Tax Rates
What it means: A reduction in income-taxes previously set to take
effect in 2004 and 2006 takes place immediately. At least 85 percent of
all small business owners file tax returns as individuals, so any tax
refunds and increased earnings will go back into their businesses. The
Department of Treasury finds that 23 million small business owners will
receive tax cuts averaging $2,209. But: Tax rates return to their
previous levels in 2011.
Consult with your tax advisor to learn more about how your business
may benefit from these new tax law changes.
NOTICE: Classified ads wilt run for one month and must be renewed by the fifteenth
of the month and are free to members to sell only the equipment they own. Ait other
classified ads are $15.00 for three lines per month. To renew or place ads please fax
ad copy along with your name, address and phone number to Todd Sipe at 419-524­
9989 or calt Todd at 419-524-9988.
1999 Jayco 285 Bunkhouse (Fifth Wheel). $15,500. Phone 330-428-1021.
FOR SALE - 12-fool Trailer with Ping Pong Ball Cork Shooling Gallery - 4 new guns
and tols of parts, enough stock to pay for game. $2,500. CONTACT ROSE MARY WOODS,
FOR SALE - '93 12-lane Skeeball wtfinished office. $79,000. '88 Southern 24' Une Up
(12' machine gun, 12' darts). Fulty carpeted. $12,000. '86 Soulhern 28' Une Up (14' mini
bait, 14' cork gun). Completely refurbished this spring. $14,000. 2001 35-fool Haulmark
Bunkhouse. Sleeps 10,5 individual roof air units, shower room, utility room. $13,500. CAll
DICK PILATI, 336-894-2174.
1992 36-fool Cavalier Camper, 2 bed, $4,000.1983 GMC 000 Refer Truck, spring hitch,
6 possum belites, half refer, half stock racked. Refer unit 3 yrs. old. $6,500. 2 Otlerbacher
Picnic Tables, orange/white. $150 each. 2 Alum. Benches, w/rack. $750 pair. CONTACT
BUD DOWNS, 937-842-4141.
1998 Uni-Glide Line-Up, 24-ft., mint cond, 515,000. CALL MICHAEL ALBANESE, 746­
1983 Dodge 1-Ton, 360 Auto, 12' fiberglass box with 110v reeter unit. Original mileage
39,400. Clean truck, runs great. $5,250. CALL BRENT BAIR, 740-215-4171.
1994 Chevy Dually, 6.5 Diesel wlbanks power upgrade, Western Hauler conversion
package, 5th wheel hitch, 75 gal. fuel tank. 137,000 mi. Looks & runs great. $12,500. CALL
TODD SIPE, 419-524-9988.
Concessionaires Donate
Largest Pumpkin Award
a~ technologies
Gerich Fiberglass Inc. 7004 U.S. HI. 42 Mt. Gilead, Ohio 43338
Htt:// E-Mail:
In order to show their appreciation to the Circleville Pumpkin Show
and to its pumpkin growers, concessionaires joined together to
purchase and present trophies to the grower that brings in the
winner. The idea was proposed by GOSA Member Karl
Deanvester to help increase the farmers' desire to bring in the big
ones; after all, that is what "the pumpkin show" is all about. Each
year, the winner will receive his or her trophy and their name will
be placed on the grand trophy to be displayed at the Pumpkin Show
office. Karl did a great job presenting the award as well as
representing his fellow concessionaires. Also present at the
ceremony was GOSA President Bill Prowant; NICA President
Jack Woods, III, CCE; and Barb Kissel.
January 7, 2004 - 7:30 p.m.
OFMA Convention
Visit the GOSA Web Site at
The Ohio Fair Managers Association and the Greater Ohio
Showmen's Association are combining the Wednesday night activities.
The OFMA Auction and the GOSA Gala are becoming the
Extravaganza. The event will consist of dual drawings, auction items,
dancing and much more. The event will start at 7: 30 p.m., January 7,
2004, at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus.
The OFMA and GOSA are each holding a Reverse Raffle. Each will
sell 300 tickets at $100.00 each, with a return of $15,000 in 15 prize­
winning tickets for each raffle. There will be side boards, door prizes, a
50/50 raffle and the OFMA will auction
Prize Winning Tickets
nine to ten large items.
Event organizers are hopeful that
1st. ..... S500
instead of two great crowds for each
25th. . .. SIOO
separate event, there will be one HUGE
50th. . .. S100
crowd. The evening promises to be filled
with fun and excitement, with two lucky
ticket holders leaving $10,000 richer.
125th. . .. . SI 00
As always, the GOSA Super Raffle
tickets can be purchased from any board
member or by contacting I -877 -977­
GOSA. Your GOSA board members will
also have OFMA Super Raffle ticket order
forms, or you can obtain an OFMA ticket
by calling 419-874-0170.
275th.. .. SIOO
Always remember ­
"It pays to buy tickets."
We encourage you to check out our updated and redesigned
web site:, you will find information such as
upcoming events. meeting highlights, committee goals, etc.
Also, an interactive Q & A board allows you a chance to
express your opinions and comments about certain topics.
There are many industry links added to help you find
equipment and companies. We are constantly building. so
browse regularly to see what's new.
G.O.S.A. Super Raffle
$13,000 In Prizes Awarded
$10,000 !irand Prize
Drawing at the Allllual Gala all Wednesday, JaIl/lillY 8, 2004
!ireater Ohio Showmen $ AJJociation
7und RaiJing Raffle
ONLY 300 7ICR£7S'
Distributor of Concession Supplies
Now that the 2003 season has reached its end, it is time to
take a moment to reflect upon the old friends whom we've lost,
the new ones whom we've gained, and the accomplishments that
have been made throughout the past few months.
William Kensler.
Martin Culler, 84, of Ashland, Ohio, died September 13, 2003,
following a lingering illness. Martin was born in 1918 in Lucas,
Ohio. In 1955, he bought the "Worlds Largest Hot Dog"
Concession, which was the start of Culler Concessions. He and
his wife, Vivian, branched out into other concessions over the
years, operating them at numerous fairs and festivals until their
retirement at the close of the 2001 season. In 1991, Mr. and Mrs.
Culler were awarded the "Show Persons of the Year" Award
by GOSA.
Ed Newlon, 86, former OFMA President from New Lexington,
Ohio. Ed had served on the PelTY County Agricultural Society
from 1956 to 1996, 24 of those years as Secretary.
Jack Woods, Sr.
Olga Stevens died unexpectedly December 20, 2002. She mar­
ried Dick Stevens in 1937 and was well known in the business.
Dick died in 1987. Daughters Bernice and Millie and sons Steve,
Stan, JOlulOY and Walter survive Olga.
Oliver Lewis, Lifetime GOSA member, passed away JuLy 25,
Call or Write for Our Free Catalog
2671 Youngstown Rd, S.E. • Warren, OH 44484
330-369-1192 FAX 330-369-6279 800-323-3547
Visit our website:
Clara Grace Gallapoo, born September 19, 2003, daughter of
Matt and Wendy.
Don Hulbert, former GOSA Board Member, is currently in ICU
at Kings Daughters Hospital, Ashland, Kentucky, after suffering
a heart aneurysm. We will keep you informed of his progress.
Jasmine Otterbacher and Marcus were joined in marriage on
November 4, 2003, on a Caribbean cruise.
Jeff Otterbacher, GOSA Scholarship recipient, is currently
doing an internship at Florida's Disney World until mid-January.
If you're headed on a Big Mouse Trip, keep an eye out for Jeff.
DECEMBER 11 • 11 :00 a.m.• Holiday Inn, Worthington, OH
JANUARY 5 • 1:00 p.m.• Hyatt Regency, Columbus, OH
JANUARY 6 (time to be determined)
ANNUAL MEETING· Hyatt Regency, Columbus, OH
JANUARY IS • 11:00 a.m.• Holiday Inn, Worthington, OH
FEBRUARY 19 • 11:00 a.m.• Holiday Inn, Worthington, OH
MARCH 18 • 11:00 a.m.• Holiday Inn, Worthington, OH
APRIL 22 • 11:00 a.m.• I-X Center, Cleveland, OH
The GOSA Officers and Trustees welcome all participation and
remind you that all Board Meetings are open to the Membership.
Second Annual GOSA Golf Outing
The second annual golf outing was held April 14 at Brunswick
Hills Golf Course in Brunswick, Ohio. The course was selected
because of its proximity to IX Center, where many of the members
were set up. There were 13 "golfers" this year, exactly matching
last year's total. Sam Hamilton shot an 86 to dethrone last year's
winner, Brad Dallman, by one stroke. Last year's mnner-up, Kurt
Otterbacher, finished two strokes back with an 88. Hamilton also
won the skins competition with three; Dallman, Otterbacher and
Jamie Meldrum of Nanco each garnered one skin. All of the skins
were captured with birdies.
Golfers attending the outing included Sam Hamilton, Brad
Dallman, Kurt Otterbacher, Tony Albanese, Stan Connell, Ray
Mowry, Sugg Albanese, Dean Otterbacher, Brian Foegen, Jamie
Meldrum, Tom Linn, Kevin Gift and Larry Wright. Next year's
event will be held again in the spring during the Indoor
Amusement Park. Watch the newsletter and web site for the exact
date. All members are encouraged to palticipate.
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Norton, Ohio 44203
330-825-7808 • 800-624-8671
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Concession Supplies & Equipment
Family Owned and Operated
We have a complete and full time
Service Department to keep your
equipment in A-1 condition.
Established 1935
(Individuals actively involved in the Outdoor
Amusement Business)
- $100.00
(Businesses who provide product/services to the industry)
'Manufacturers & Suppliers are Non-voting and No Death
(Youth under the age of 18 interested in the Industry.
(No longer in business)
Received from
Amount of $ _ _ for Greater Ohio Showmen's Association dues.
Phone: 330-542-3052 • Fax: 330-542-0304' Web Site:
10065 Rapp Rd~ • New Middletown, OH 44442
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106 South River Street, P.O. Box 79
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Ray and JoAnne Prowant 419-596-3284
Bill and Anissa Prowant 419-596-3286
frozen slush,
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ice cappuccino
3.7 gallon bowls
Easy to clean
Heavy dUty motor
Easy to use
Heavy dUty compressor
Standby switch
24 hour/7 day timer
lighted hopper tops
Stainless steel panels
Fan cooled compressor
Wheaton's Concession Supply Co.
231 N. Fourth Street • Columbus, OH 43215
1-800-KER-NELS (537-6357) • Fax 614-224-3297
Full Page Ad
1/2 Page Ad
, .. 85.00
1/4 Page Ad . . . . . . . .. 55.00
1/8 Page Ad . . . . . . . .. 35.00
Plus $15 for Each Photo