March 2004 - Greater Ohio Showmen`s Association
March 2004 - Greater Ohio Showmen`s Association
L..~ AV'ON SIiowmen's Greater Ohio Showmen's Association President's Message Dear Members, Inside GOSAm4','b1 GOSA January 15 Board Meeting rhihk$p~ Pepsi National Account Pricing Program What a winter this has been! Yesterday was the first the sun has been out in what seems like months. I believe the high was all the way to 35 degrees, but it sure felt warmer. Just remember, only four more weeks until spring. For those of you that didn't go to Florida during Gibtown week, I'm here to tell you the weather was great! After taking in the trade show, [ stopped in at the NICA Food Show and attended their annual meeting. I appreciated the hospitality extended to me in representation of the GOSA. Upcoming projects for the board and me include the hiring of a Secretary/Treasurer on a permanent basis. We have some game rule issues that we will be discussing with the ODA. The spring awards nominations need to be decided upon, as well as planning stages for the 2005 OFMA Convention and joint membership. Remember - think spring. Until next time, Bill Prowant, Presiden!, GOSA Thank You to Door Prize Donors Preaching to the Choir Historical Section: Birth of the GOSA News from the Backlot 2004 Convention Awards Fairboard Hires New Managing Secretary 2004 GOSA Committee Appointments Membership Application Greater Ohio Showmen's Association 1525 Bethel Road #201 • Columbus, OH 43220 877-977-GOSA (4672) E-mail: • Web: At left, the GO SA's new SecretaryfTreasurer and her proud father: Suzanne and Doug Guinsler Below from left, GOSA members Harry and Gloria Faint and Bob and Kitty Keating at the 2004 Convention ~'s AV'ON 2004 (ONV£NTION & GALA Minutes for GOSA Officers & Trustees Meeting January 15, 2004 • 11 :00 a.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Bill Prowant, First Vice President Tom Linn, Second Vice President Kevin Koski, Interim Secretary-Treasurer Suzanne Guinsler. Trustees: Michael Albanese, Tooy Albanese, Brent Bair, Stan Connell, Dave Gallapoo, Doug Guinsler, Kurt Otterbacher, Ray Prowant and Bill Sterling. GUESTS PRESENT: Howard Call, Jon Overmyer and Andy Pocock. President Bill Prowant called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved with a motion made by Ray Prowant and seconded by Brent Bair. Motion carried. Minutes of the meeting at the convention were read and approved with a motion made by Ray Prowant and seconded by Kevin Koski. Motion carried. Bill Prowant introduced guests Howard Call and Jon Overmyer from the OFMA. A thorough discussion concerning the Extravaganza event was held. Bill Prowant mentioned some concerns brought to him by the membership, including the loss of identity of the organization and the lack of table space. Various possible changes to improve the event in the future were discussed, including showing the numbers and names drawn on the projector screens, adjusting the timing of drml;ing tickets and the playing of the band so that more people are around after the final drawing, and the possibility of getting a sponsor for the food for the future. Both boards feel that the event went well overall. Discussion was held on the overall success of the convention. Possible suggestions for improvement were to make the sessions have more appeal to attendees. The large number of sessions held on Wednesday aftennr0n in a limited amount of time was alSlTl11t~nri()!RCl. Possible solutions for these issues were discussed. Howard will forward the bill for the convention expenses with a complete breadkown of expenses. Howard announced the dates for the spring district meetings as follows: Districts I and 2 on March 20 in Bowling Green. Districts 5 and 9 on March 21 in Norwalk, Districts 7 and 8 on March 27 in ZaneSl'ille. and Districts 3, 4 and 6 on March 28 in Washington Court House Suzanne Guinsler presented the following new membership applications, received at the convention, for approval: L.T. Bones - Bones Framed Pictures & Plush, Associate; Art Strozewski - Bow River Jewelry, Regular; Susan Miles - GT Wolf Awning & Tent, Spousal; Jo Ellen Albanese, Spousal; Meralie Pierce-Pocock, Spousal; Gary Prater Prater's Concessions Inc., Regular; Peggy Baker, Associate; Matt Freiling, Regular; Clyde Carter - Johnny's Pizza, Regular; Mike Weis Weis Choice Productions, Associate/Joint; and Larry Mouser - Ohio Classic Tractor Pullers, Associate/Joint. A motion to approve all new members was made by Brent Bair and seconded by Kurt Otterbacher. Motion carried. Suzanne Guinsler presented the treasurer's report and bills. A motion to approve the treasurer's report and pay the bills was made by Stan Connell and seconded by Tom Linn. Motion Carried. Bill Prowant mentioned that the permanent replacement for the SecretarylTreasurer position would be discussed and decided at Ihe February meeting. A notice of the availability of the position will appear in the next newsletter. Guest Andy Pocock was recognized and made a presentation on the possibility of setting up a buying group of vendors in our industry. Members of the buying group would offer discounts to the membership when they purchase from the participating vendors. He shared sample information from the National Costumers Association, including requirements for participation that could be used as a basis in establishing the buying group for our industry. Andy mentioned that game prize suppliers would be a good place to start as a pilot for the program. Kurt Otterbacher will assist Andy in contacting possible vendors. More information will follow at future meetings. Further discussion was held on the Extravaganza event. Doug Guins!er mentioned the importance of all tickets being sold prior to the start of the event. Other items discussed included the location of the door prize tables, seating accommodations, the amount of time the live auction took between drawing the tickets, the possibility of having the silent auction and cash bar in the foyer, and possibly selling reserved tables. Discussion on the convention as a whole was continued. Kevin Koski stated that all of the sessions went well overall, however, there were too many sessions geared toward concession managers on Wednesday afternoon. A total of 11 sessions were held on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. The convention committee will meet and have a report for ideas for next year at future meetings. Goals for 2004 were discussed. Various ways of increasing membership numbers were mentioned. Suggestions included having a membership drive in the form of a contest with a signiticant prize awarded for the person bringing in the most new members. The membership committee will meet and have a report at the February meeting. Spring Award: were discussed. The next newsletter will include a form for nominations. Voting for the awards will take place at the February meeting. Committee assignments for 2004 were made. A complete list will be distributed at the February meeting. CO!\nUTTEE REPORTS: \Iembership: Brent Bair reported that packets are being prepared for nell' members. He .ls reported that the membership application needs updating. incluJin", a list f benefits t members..-\ list of members with unpaid dues \\'a~ istri lIled and relie\\' d. Februa.· 1- will be the deadline for all memberships to be paid before benefits are lost. Suzanne will send out second notices 10 all members who have not yet paid their dues. A notice will also be in the next newsletter. ound-up: PI ns reoeIJlg made tor-rn-e--nnr--ra11i'0ITi1Ll-upTn-- October. It will be held at the same location as in the past. It was suggested that an appreciation award be presented to the owner of lR. Hooks for his hospitality to our organization, A motion was made by Ray Prowant and seconded by Doug Guinsler to present this appreciation award at the round-up in Oerober. 'vlotion carried. Yearbook: Tom Linn reported that the billings have been sent ('ut and that se\'eral payments for ads hm'e been received. The deadline for the yearbook will be February 15. Ride Safety: Ray Prowant reported that there was nothing !lew to report. Newsletter: Kurt Otterbacher repartee! that the deadline for the next newsletter would be Friday, January 23. Anyone with information for the newsletter should forward it to Kurt as soon as possible. Scholarship: Doug Guinsler reported that he verified eligibility of all recipients and all recipients are currently eligible. Doug also reported that there is no limit to the number of recipients for the Kissel Scholarship. Games: No report. Health & Safety: No report. Website Committee: Kurt Otterbacher reported that he will continue to update the information on the website, including posting pictures from the Extravaganza and the annual meeting. With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Brent Bail' and seconded by Dave Gallapoo. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m. The next meeting will be ThursiUly, February 19, 2004, at 11:00 a.m. at the Holiday Inn in Worthington. Upcoming Meeting Dates March 18, 11 :00 a.m., Holiday Inn-Worthington. April 22, 11 :00 a.m., I-X Center, Cleveland. ATTENTION GOSA MEMBERS! We are very happy to announce the opportunity for all members to join a National Account Pricing Program through the Pepsi Cola Company. You will be mailed all of the details and savings, which will be quite substantial. It is critical for all of us to participate in order to meet the requirements. If you are interested in this program, please call Mike Nast at 314-983-0686 to set up an account, or send this form to: Pepsi Cola 622 Emerson Drive, Suite 350 St. Louis, MO 63146 Attn: Mike Nast .9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----Greater Ohio Showman's Association Preliminary Member Information For Pepsi National Account Application Business Name _ Business Address _ Business Phone _ Contact Person _ E-mail Address _ Cell Phone _ THE GOSA thanks the following members for their donations of door prizes for the 2004 Extravaganza: The Prowants Tony & Bridget Albanese Bill & Lori Sterling Buchy Food Service Bates Bros. Amusements Bill & LeAnne Bush Lee Amos Harry & Gloria Faint Kim & AI Bozich Greg Myers Jeff Breece Kenneth Risley Mercurio Produce Kevin & Jenny Koski Wheaton's Concession Supply Travis & Penny Downs Gordon Food Service Jim Molnar Nancy & Michael Albanese Troy Kissel Shreve Printing Tony & Barb Boyer Linn Enterprises *plus anyone we may have forgotten Durant Amusements Albanese Concessions Sterling Fundways C.J. DANNEMILLER CO. 5300 Hametown Road Norton, Ohio 44203 330-825-7808 • 800-624-8671 Fax: 330-825-3793 WEB SITE: MEMBER G.O.SA Big Onion Faint's Concessions, Inc. Bozich Food Service Myers Concessions, Inc. Breece Concessions Risley Sales Hollmann Specialty Co. Downs Concessions M Manufacturing Albanese Concessions Kissel Brothers Shows Boyer Concessions Ryan & Kelly Kuzma, Stacey & Brian Linn Concession Supplies & Equipment POPCORN • PEANUTS • COTTON CANDY • NACHOS • SNO KONES • FUNNEL CAKES • CANDY APPLES • WAFFLES • CARAMEL CORN • DRINK CUPS • COLD DRINKS • PAPER GOODS • ELEPHANT EARS • HOT DOG ON A STICK • FRYERS • FRYING OILS • LEMON SQUEEZERS Family Owned and Operated We have a complete and full time Service Department to keep your equipment in A-1 condition. Established 1935 Preaching to the Choir By Brent Bair As I enter into my final year on the board as a GOSA trustee, I can say that the board has never ceased to amaze me with their hard work, accomplishments and dedication to improving our industry. However, there is one area of concern that perplexes me. It is the number of mem bers in our association. In the year 2003, we had 363 members. While this is a respectable number, it represents only a small percentage of the people who work in the outdoor amusement business in Ohio. One can surmise as to the reasons people and companies working in the show industry in Ohio choose not to belong to our organization. While I am undoubtedly sure the reasons vary, I believe that perhaps they are all tied to the same underlying beliefs: misconceptions. As I traveled throughout the state this past season, naturally I would strike up conver sations with fellow associates who were nonmembers and try to convince them to join. I was taken aback by many of the reasons they gave as to why they weren't and/or weren't even interested in becoming members. I would like to address a few of these misconceptions. Some statements conveyed were: 1) 'The board is a clique that is only interested in personal gain." Answering that statement personally, I would say that neither I, nor I have ever witnessed anyone personally profit from being on this board. It is just the opposite. All officers spend a great deal of time and their own personal money to benefit the organization. As far as being a clique, I see most of the other tmstees only at board meetings or at the convention. I speak for most of the trustees when I say we do not view this as a profit seeking position or strictly a social club. It is a volunteer position that we do, so we can give something back to the industry that supports us. 2) "The cost of membership is too high." At $100.00 for a full membership and $50.00 for a spousal member ship, it is one of the lowest dues that I pay compared to all the other orga nizations to which I belong. I feel that it is also the organization that gives me the most bang for the buck. Other occupations such as realtors, auctioneers, teachersand florists charge rnuch higher fees to belong to their professional organizations. When calculating expenses associated with my concession business. my GOSA dues are just a minute fraction in the cost of doing business. The GOSA is the only organization repre senting all phases of the outdoor amusement business in Ohio. the indus try in which I choose to make my living. 3) "My spouse is a member; therefore there is no reason for me to be a member." The spousal membership was created as an incentive to encourage a spouse, who actively works and benefits from the industry, to become a member at a reduced rate. Therefore, their voice is also heard and they have the right to vote on issues that might affect them and their business. I think it also gives a spouse a stronger sense of belonging when attend ing sponsored events. Lastly, I address the most common misconception of them all. 4) "The organization does nothing for me." The organization was formed back in the 1946 so that show people would have a strong and unified voice, to thwal1 regulations and laws that might have an adverse or unfair affect on our industry, and to promote the image of our livelihood. I can proudly say that, some 58 years later, we are still accomplishing those goals. Whether or not a person takes advan tage of the monetary benefits we offer, such as discounts on cars, auto parts and post mix syrup, the organization is still doing a vast amount of work for you. We keep up to date on legislation affecting the outdoor amusement business. relating to health, ride, game and other issues, by representing the membership at hearings and committee meetings. We also promote a close working relationship with the Ohio Fair Managers Association and the Ohio Festival and Events Association, so they under stand our needs and concerns. We publish a yearbook, provide scholar ships, offer a S I000.00 memorial death benefit and give seminars, just to name a feY more benefits. If you are reading this article in your GOSA newsletter, then you are probably a member and I am Preaching to the Choir. You already real ize the importance of belonging to the Association. I guess the point I am trying to stress is that for our organization to succeed and move forward, to promote and protect our industry, we need to have strength in num bers. I Yyould s y that any person or company doing business that is relat ed to the outdo r amusement industry in the State of Ohio, whether you are a member or 1/01, we are working for you. Those nonmembers are enjoying the fruits of our labor and sharing in our successes. We are a-.-ing eY'eryone's help in spreading the message of the GOSA. As y u go about your business, please take the time to encour age your bu iness a so iates who are not members to join the GOSA and current member" to enroll their spouses. Whether it is simply conveying your thoughts to them or maybe even showing them this article, all efforts are needed and appreciated. There is strength in numbers. and I believe with more support. yy'e can become an ey'en greater organization. GOSA - OFMA JOINT MEMBERSHIP • $200 gets you into 2 great organizations Call: 877-977-GOSA (4672) !~ ::C~n: 800-521-6036 Gerich Fiberglass Inc. 7004 U.S. Ht. 42 MI. Gilead. Ohio 43338 Htt:/ E-Mail: -=:> :Jl2sLo-/ icabJ ectiolz; ~ t The Birth of the GOSA Fifty-five years ago, January 14, J949, a meeting of "Concessionaires doing business in the state of Ohio" was held at the Deshler Hotel in downtown Columbus. In the minutes of that meeting the stated purpose was to form a "permanent organization." A state inspector named Harley Swaim opened the meeting and suggested that a chairman should be selected to preside over the meeting. Nate M. Cohen was selected and called the meeting to order. The minutes of the meeting were condensed to less than one typewritten page. Among the things discussed was a place to meet and form an organization. Their first committee was appointed by Earl Howe, who was elected President Pro Tem. That committee was to meet with the Ohio State Fair director for the purpose of expanding the types of games allowed to work county fairs. The first election was also held at this time, and Nate Cohen became the first President of the yet unnamed organization. Charles Krekeler was elected treasurer and Mrs. Roger (Irene) Work served as secretary. It is not recorded who all was present at this meeting, but the games committee consisted of William Eck, Carl Razor, Roy Barber, Earl Davis, William (Red) Hall, Roger Work, Angelo Cardella, Jimmy Chanos, Mrs. William Curl and H. W. Judd. Also meeting at the State Fair Manager's office as reported in the min utes were Guy Snider, George Fichter and Harley Swaim. Additional games approved were Athletic Shows, 1-2-3 Ball Roll, Ping Pong Blow game, Clown Head, Automatic Bowling, Ping Pong Drop In and Sling Shot G me. The only other game mentioned in these minutes was "Mrs. Keener." The next meeting recorded seems to be at Lancaster Fair in the dining hall on October 11, 1949, and will be reported in our next newsletter. NEWS FROM THE BACKLOT \;ll~~f~*~:~0tH4{o) \ g~~~~EJ~Q~ ~~~ Ki m and AI Bozich are the proud parents of a new 10-pound, I I-ounce, 231," baby boy. Hayden Alan Bozich was born on his father's birthday, February 19. CongratLllations! We are sorry to report the loss of Clarence Radcliffe of the Circleville Pumpkin Show. He was festival trustee from 1959 to 2004 and treasurer from 1971 to 1991. He also served as a queen chairman. Mr. Radcliffe was president of the OFEA from 1987 to 1989. The NICA golf tournament was won by a group of Ohio boys: Brad Dallman, Tony Albanese, Dom Albanese Jr. and Nick Albanese prevailed in the scramble format with a scorching 13 under par. Way to go guys ... see you in the GOSA Open in April. Visit the GOSA website at www.mVUOS8.0rg Bert Paper and Supplt;! Distributor of Concession Supplies This is the first of a series of articles which will attempt 10 track the early days of GOSA. During the next six years following this meeting, the organization grew, became incorporated and established rules and regulations 10 operate by, - Dave Gallapoo, Historian. dgallapoo@webtv YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR CUSTOM PRINTED FOOD SERVICE DISPOSABLES Call or Write for Our Free Catalog 2671 Youngstown Rd, S.E. • Warren, OH 44484 330-369-1192 FAX 330-369-6279 800-323-3547 Visit our website: At the 2004 Convention - the 50-50 drawing 2004 CONVENTION AWARDS SHOWPERSON OF THE YEAR 2004 Scholarship Recipients Rupert Otterbacher Memorial Scholarship THIRD YEAR SECOND YEAR Et, 1m Leubbe Ashley Genrille Megan Genrille lenl1ljer Poeppelman Carrie Schrader Aly. on .vfiles lefferey Ollerbacher lenni er Sipe Sheila \\' ber DORIS LEHMAN (presented by Stan Connell) KISSEL MEMORIAL FIRST YEAR Eli::.abnh GuillSler Tiffany Sipe Sf phallie'v/alllS Caila Block Brian Power [with Doris's family] OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN STRAIGHT SALES .---..,..;.;..;.....;;"", OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN GAMES OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN RIDES GARY SMITH (presented by Michael Albanese) OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN FOOD LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT CHESTER ROTROFF (presented by Tom Ansteatt) [picture not available] BRAD GENTILLE (presented by Tom Linn) [with Brad's manager, at left, and Brad's wife and daughter] FAIRBOARD HIRES NEW MANAGING SECRETARY Excerpt from the Bellefontaine Examiner An experienced local concessionaire was hired to take over the reigns of the Logan County Fair as it heads into a new era that may include the construction of a new fairground. The Logan County Agricultural Society voted at its recent meeting to hire Jackie Woods, who resides between Lewistown and DeGraff, to take over the duties as the managing secretary beginning February 1. The position formerly was known as the secretary-manager, but was changed to reflect the new direction the fair is taking, according to meet ing minutes prepared by the Treasurer. Mrs. Woods' immediate goals focus on getting more people involved and attending the annual event as well as spurring year-round use of the existing facilities. "It will be exciting and challenging," she said of the process of build ing a new fairground. "I hope to be a part of it in whatever capacity I fit in best." Mrs. Woods, her husband Jack R. Woods II and other farnily mem bers own and operate Woods Family Concessions, which has been a fam ily business since 1927. Mrs. Woods said she married into the family 36 years ago and has been actively involved in attending and organizing for fairs since. At the 2004 Convention - new Board member Bill Sterling with Steve Raider and Tony Boyer • CLASSIFI NOTICE: Classified ads will run for one month and must be renewed by the fifteenth of the month and are free to members to sell only the equipment they own. All olher classified ads are $15.00 for three lines per month. To renew or place ads please fax ad copy along with your name, address and phone number to Todd Sipe at 419-524 9989 or call Todd at 419-524-9988. FOR SALE - Inflatable Money Machine - Rent to schools or special events. CALL KEN RISLEY, 419-927-2404. 1999 Jayco 285 Bunkhouse (Fifth Wheel). $15,500. PHONE 330-428-1021. FOR SALE - 12-foot Trailer with Ping Pong Ball Cork Shooting Gallery - 4 new guns and lots of parts, enough stock to pay for game 2.500. CAll ROSE ARY WOODS, 937-686-8815. FOR SALE - '93 12-lane Skeeball w/finished office. $79,000. '88 Southern 24' Une Up (12' machine gun, 12' darts). Fully carpeted. $12,000. '86 Southern 28' Line Up (14' mini ball, 14' cork gun). Completely refurbished this spring. $14,000. 2001 35 foot Haulmark Bunkhouse. Sleeps 10, 5 individual roof air units, shower room, utility room. $13,500. CALL DICK PILATI, 330-894-2174. 1992 36-foot Cavalier Camper, 2 bed, $4,000. 1983 GMC C60 Refer Truck, spring hitch,6 possum bellies, half refer, half stock racked. Refer unit 3 yrs, old. $6,500. 2 Otterbacher Picnic Tables, orange/white. $150 each, 2 Alum. Benches, w/rack. 5750 pair. CALL BUD DOWNS, 937-842-4141. 1998 Uni-Glide Line-Up, 24-ft., mint condo 515,000. CALL MICHAEL ALBANESE, 740-403-6023. 1983 Dodge 1-Ton, 360 Auto, 12' fiberglass box with 110v reefer unit. Original mileage 39,400. Clean truck, runs great. $5,250. CALL BRENT BAIR, 740-215-4171. 1994 Chevy Duelly, 6.5 Diesel w/banks power upgrade, Western Hauler conversion package, 5th wheel hitch, 75 gal. fuel tank. 137,000 mi. Looks & runs great. $12,500. CALL TODD SIPE, 419-524-9988. FOR SALE - 2003 Moonwalk, Bungee Run and Obstacle Course, used one month inside of a mall. $8500 takes all. 2003 Joint trailer opens to 12' x 12'. Call for info: MICHAEL ALBANESE, 740-403·6023. FOR SALE -1986 Shoot Out the Star in Otterbacher 18' game trailer. Upgraded compressor, 6 guns, lead and targets. Ready to work, $11,000. JOHN CANESTRARO 330-894-1806. FOR SALE - 1998 Sunnybrook 33' House Trailer, 2 slideouts, air, stereo, new awning, queen bed, queen-sized couch bed, large corner shower. $16,400. HEZZIE NAVE, LOUDONVILLE 419-994-5544. WANTED - CUSTOM BUILT CONCESSION TRAILERS Phone: 330-542-3052 • Fax: 330-542-0304 • Web Site: 10065 Rapp Rd.· New Middletown, OH 44442 AIMS· NICA • OABA· GOSA· MSA· NSA • IISF Used concession trailer 16' or smaller. JOY THOMAS 330-264-8819. FOR SALE - 1999 Ford F350 SuperDuty Lariat, champagne brown, Triton V-l0 engine, 67,000 miles, excellent condition, trailer tow package and fifth wheel hitch. $21,500. 2001 Dodge RAM Dually 3500 Series, red, with sport package, V-l0 Magnum engine, 36,000 miles, total leather heated seats, CD player, trailer tow package. Truck is like new, $24,000.00. CALL AL BOZICH AT BATES AMUSEMENT INC. 740-266-3120, CELL 740-632-8964, e-mail 2004 GOSA Committee Assignments PAST PRESIDENT'S ASVISORY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Michael Sauro Ralph Downey Donald Hoover Jack Woods II David Gallapoo Ray Prowant Dean Otterbacher Stan Connell Bill Prowant LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Tom Linn Chmn. Bill Prowant Kevin Koski Ray Prowant David Gallapoo Stan Connell FALL ROUNDUP FLOWERS & NEWS Tony Albanese, Chairman Mike Albanese Travis Downs Bridget Albanese Nancy Albanese Stan Connell (Northeast Ohio). Anissa Prowant (Northwest Oh.) Doug Guinsler (Southeast Ohio) Jackie Woods (Southwest Ohio) Dominic Albanese (Florida) YEARBOOK EXECUTIVE ASSISTANCE SEARCH COMMITTEE Tom Linn, Chairman Carol Kowatch Andy Pocock Jennifer Koski Suzanne Guinsler Jill Shives MEMBERSHIP NOMINATING & AWARDS Brent Bair, Chairman David Drake Matt Gallapoo Bill Sterling Mike Albanese Tom Linn, Chairman Michael Albanese RIDE SAFETY SCHOLARSHIP Doug Guinsler, Chairman David Gallapoo Tom Linn Kim Bates Bozich Ron Puglisi ____________________ CONVENTION Kevin Koski, Chairman Kurt Otterbacher Tony Albanese Mall Gallapoo Ray Prowant, Chairman Mike Albanese Bill Prowant Geary Bates BUDGET Dave Gallapoo, Chairman --M,j~eS0_--- Bill Pro\\·ant. Chairman Stan Connell Tom Linn HISTORIANS Michael Albanese, Chairman Penny Otterbacher Dave Gallapoo TICKETS GAMES Tony Albanese, Chairman Kurt Otterbacher Michael Albanese Bill Sterling Jack Woods III (l,R.) DOOR PRIZES SPONSORSHIP Brent Bair, Chairman Tony Albanese Bill Sterling David Drake Kevin Koski, Chairman Stan Connell Todd Sipe HEALTH & SANITATION Stan Connell, Chairman David Gallapoo Travis Downs ETHICS Da\'i Gallap R, y PfO\,'anl 1i d i . Chairman TR·\DE SHo\YS Bill Sterling, Chairman Matt-Gallap00 OFMA LIASONS AL'OIT Tom Linn, Chairman Kevin Koski Jennifer Koski Matt Gallapoo Bill Sterling, Chairman Travis Downs EDUCATION &SEMINAR Suzanne Guinsler OFFICE STAFF Suzanne GuinsJer, Chairman Sheila Linn Jennifer Koski Carol Kowatch Tom Linn, Chairman Bill Prowant Kevin Koski NEWSLETTER Kurt Otterbacher, Chairman Todd Sipe Brent Bair Stan Connell Andy Pocock Greg Myers HalTY Faint Doug Guinsler. Chairman Bill Pr wam ~e\in ~ ki Brem B ir Da\'e Gallapoo Tom Linn PARLIAMENTARIANS Da\'id Gallapoo Ray Prowant Penny Otterbacher Kurt Otterbacher EXTRAVAGANZA Stan Connell, Chairman Kevin Koski Tom Linn ivIichael Albanese :'Ii.I.C.A. LIASONS Kevin Koski, Chairman Jack Woods II Tom Linn Brent Bair CHAPLIN & PHOTOGRAPHERS WEB SITE Todd Sipe Penny Otterbacher Penny Otterbacher Greg Myers Jennifer Koski r----------------------, ~rea::d , sAO'DN nOwmens MEMBERSHIP ApPLICATION NAME _ ADDRESS _ CITY At the Convention - Penny Otterbacher, Amy Otterbacher and Jennifer Woods moderating a roundtable on hiring foreign students STATE ZIP _ FREE LISTING IN YEARBOOK • EXTRA LISTINGS AT $2.50 EACH TELEPHONE _ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER _ DATE OF BIRTH At the 2004 Gala - Kevin Koski and Anissa Prowant _ BENEFICIARY* _ SPONSOR _ o REGULAR MEMBER· $100.00 (Individuals actively involved in the Outdoor Amusement Business) o ASSOCIATE MEMBER* • $100.00 (Businesses who provide producVservices to the industry) *Manufacturers & Suppliers are Non-voting and No Death Benefits o JUNIOR MEMBER· $25.00 (youth under the age of 18 interested in the industry. At the 2004 Gala newly-elected NICA President Mike Pence talks with newly-re-elected GOSA President Bill Prowant o RETIRED MEMBER $40.00 (No longer in business) Received from _ Amount of $ _ _ for Greater Ohio Showmen's Association dues. L Oate _ Signed _ ~ £6~ --..." ~~ ~ ~ ,,!43chines ~(\4J ~, o (,Ol{,;/{,# \\~E.E.'%.£ IUIU~A\Nlr A\f\\IUSEf\\ENlS 't 1'!-5{)O-3lt)'t Division Durant Enterprises, Inc. 106 South River Street, P.O. Box 79 Dupont. Ohio 45837 RIDES AND CONFECTIONS Ray and JoAnne Prowant 419-596-3284 Bill and Anissa Prowant 419-596-3286 $ Stainless steel band Single 7-inch tubular element Includes aluminum floss pan and whirl grip stabilizer Wheaton's Concession Supply Co. 231 N. Fourth Street • Columbus, OH 43215 1-800-KER-NELS (537-6357) • Fax 614-224-3297 G.O.S.A. NEWS ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE Full Page Ad $150.00 1/2 Page Ad . . . . . . . .. 85.00 1/4 Page Ad . . . . . . . .. 55.00 1/8 Page Ad . . . . . . . .. 35.00 Plus $15 for Each Photo