March 2006 - Greater Ohio Showmen`s Association
March 2006 - Greater Ohio Showmen`s Association
Greater Ohio Showmen's Association President's Message Greetings once again, GOSA February Board Meeting Minutes As you read this newsletter, you will see that "Team GOSA" had a busy month. The membership committee met with representatives from Western & Southern Financial Group to discuss an insurance oppOltunity for the membership. They will continue meeting with a similar company to compare offers. The committee for the Circleville Pumpkin Show IOOth Anniversary met to discuss plans for the GOSA float, which will be in all the parades of the show. We are counting on your generosity to provide a spectacular entry. The yearbook has gone to press; hopefully they will be ready by mid-April. Big thanks to Andy Pocock and the Nominating & Awards committee. They provided us with some great candidates for the Spring Awards. We have a lot of work to complete in our last two meetings, and I am confident we will get it all done. Everyone is working hard, and I sincerely appreciate all of their efforts. Thanks to all of you for your continued support. Respectfully yours, Kevin Koski, President 2006 GOSA Gala News from the Backlot Member Appreciation Night Classifieds Goals of the GOSA Spotlight on Scholarship Winners Ray & JoAnn Prowat in OFM Hall of Fame Welcome to Our New Members ----------Photos GOSA Enters Float in Pumpkin Parade Membership Application Greater Ohio Showmen:s Association P.O. Box 2448 • Zanesville, OH 43702-2448 877-977-GOSA (4672) • Web: E-mail: The President and First Lady hitting the high seas Visit the GOSA website at Minutes for GOSA Officers & Trustees Meeting February 23, 2006 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Kevin Koski, First Vice President Kurt Otterbacher, Second Vice President Doug Guinsler, Secretary-Treasurer Suzanne McCarty; Trustees: Michael Albanese, Tony Albanese, Stan Connell, Travis Downs, David Drake, Ryan Kuzma, Jeff Otterbacher, Andy Pocock and Bill Sterling. GUESTS PRESENT: Carole Kowatch, Wilbert Drake, Harold Hudson, Immediate Past President Bill Prowant, 1. R. Woods. President Kevin Koski called the meeting to order at 11 :00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken and board members and guests were welcomed. The minutes of the January meeting were approved as written with a motion made by Stan Connell and seconded by Doug Guinsler. Motion carried. The treasurer's report for January was presented and approved with a motion made by Andy Pocock and seconded by David Drake. Motion carried. Bills owed by the organization were presented and approved for payment with a motion made by Stan Connell and seconded by Kurt Otterbacher. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: Our organization's participation in the 100th Anniversary of the Circleville Pumpkin Show was discussed. The possibility of obtaining sponsorships through the newsletter was mentioned. The committee planned to meet immediately following the meeting. The Extravaganza event at the convention was discussed. Kurt and Doug reported on severai improvements to the event proposed at the recent OFMA meeting. Board members were reminded to think about possible session topics and an event for Tuesday evening. Michael Albanese reported on the status of the Gibtown Museum. He reported that they are currently in a holding pattern and that they would contact him when they are ready to accept materials. He also mentioned that they are accepting donations to aid in completing the project. Various other reports were given from those who attended the trade show in Gibtown. NEW BUSINESS: Nominations were presented and voting took place for the awards to be given at the OFMA Spring District meetings. A motion was made by Doug Guinsler and seconded by Bill Sterling to present a special award to the Circleville Pumpkin Show in recognition of their 100th anniversary this year. Motion carried. The possibility of having a raffle of a lemonade cart was discussed. Income would go to the scholarship fund, and ticket prices would be one for $5.00 or three for $10.00. Matt Gallapoo will provide further details at the March meeting. The necessity of reviewing the bylaws was mentioned. Parliamenta.rians Kurt Otterbacher and Dave Gallapoo will make necessary changes. The IAFE Spring Zone Meeting to be held March 10-12 in Goshen, Indiana, was announced. All board members were encouraged to attend. Doug Guinsler reported that member Gary Butcher requested a letter be written to Pepsi in Dayton, Ohio, to encourage them to deliver product to fairs in their service area. In the past, no deliveries have been made. Kevin Koski will contact them. A brief discussion was held on the procedures for ordering flowers upon the death or illness of members or their families. It was decided that the current chairpersons and procedures would be kept in place. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Membership Committee - David Drake reported on the insurance information presented prior to the meeting by representatives of Western & Southern. Quotes will be obtained for comparison before a membership program is established. David also reported on prices to print the Employee membership cards. A motion to approve funding to print the cards for employee members up to $250.00 was made by Kurt Otterbacher and seconded by Doug Guinsler. Motion carried. He also mentioned that he and the committee would begin to look into a group-pricing program for Coca-Cola. Tony Albanese requested to have a representative from the National Association of the Self Employed give a presentation on health insurance prior to the next meeting at 9:30 a.m. The following new members were presented for approval: Champaign County Fair, Luc Ice, Virgil Strickler and Luis Perez. A motion to approve all new members was made by Stan Connell and seconded by Kurt Otterbacher. Motion carried. Round-up Committee - Nothing new was reported. Tickets will be distributed at the March meeting. Yearbook Committee - A letter recei\"ed from a member wishing to reinstate their ad was shared with the board. The conmlittee will attempt to accommodate their request. Ride Safety Committee - Bill Prowant reported that no changes had taken place since his last report. He reported that a meeting concerning the fee increase \\'ould be held in March. He also mentioned a study in progress to compare the length of inspection time of portable rides \'ersus the rides in the parks in the state. Discussion was held on requirements of licenses and inspections being required for tents. Newsletter Committee - Ryan Kuzma reported that biography infOlmation on scholarship winners would begin being printed in the newsletter. The possibility of going to in-house printing was also discussed. Scholarship Committee - No report. Games Committee - No report. Health & Sanitation Committee - Nothing ne\\' was reported. Website Committee - Jeff Otterbacher reported that he registered the domain name for 10 years at a cost of $150.00. He also reported that updates are continuing and asked for suggestions for links to other websites. Membership Appreciation Night Committee - No report. Convention Committee - Board members were reminded to think of topics for sessions to be held at the convention. It was also suggested that we return to having appetizers and drinks immediately following the annual meeting, rather than having an event Tuesday evening. The possibility of holding a Texas Hold 'em Poker Tourna ment was also discussed. Sponsorship Committee - No report. With no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made by Andy Pocock and seconded by David Drake. Motion can"ied. The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 p.m. GOSA 2006 UPCOMING EVENT APRIL MEETING Thursday, April 13 • 11:00 a.m. Rhodes Center, Ohio State Fairgrounds, Columbus The GOSA Officers and Trustees welcome all participation and remind you that all Board Meetings are open to the Membership. 2006 GOSA Gala Member Appreciation Night At 6:00 p.m. on January 4, 2006, the doors of beautiful Batelle Hall opened, and the room began to fill with excited conventioneers. The atmosphere was electric as people grabbed a cold drink to steady their nerves and rushed to find tables with an unobstructed view of the stage. Over $30,000 in cash prizes would be awarded tonight, and no one wanted to miss a thing. Shortly after 6:00 p.m., the first ticket was pulled - a $500 winner - and the evening was rolling! Moans and groans and cheers and laughter peppered the crowd. Hopes were lifted to the mountaintop, only to be cast into the valley, as ticket by ticket Ohio Fair Queen Meredith Logsdon pulled each number from the barrel. (GOSA member David Miller had to be revived with smelling salts several times throughout the evening.) Meanwhile, GOSA volunteers Carole Kowatch, Arlene Crumpler, Amy Otterbacher and Meralie Pocock were so swamped at the SO/SO table that ticket seller extraordinaire David Drake had to spring into action. He recruited brand new board members Ryan Kuzma and Jeff Otterbacher to sell SO/SO in the crowd. Their efforts netted $1,356.00 for the GOSA. Secretary Treasurer Suzanne McCarty paid the lucky winner $1,356.00. Wow! Fundraising All-Stars Nikki Bair, Nancy Albanese and Bridget Albanese raised $1,435.00 for cancer research while selling raffle tickets for a beautiful Longaberger basket. This popular fundraiser is in its sixth year and has become an important part of this event. As the evening rolled on, Rick K and the Allnighters belted out two crowd-pleasing sets, packing the dance floor with a throbbing mass of humanity, the likes of which has not been seen since Woodstock. The evening's jam-packed program also included the OFMA's silent auction and two segments of live auction handled by OFMA Executive Board members Keith Sheridan and Jon Overmyer. The OFMA also raised $565 with their sideboard. Action on stage was supervised by GOSA director Matt Gallapoo with the assistance of the GOSA First Lady Jen Koski and volunteer Melody Hodson. The Big Board was ably manned by several trustees: David Drake, Bill Sterling, the Brothers Albanese - Tony and Michael - as well as President Kevin Koski and Vice President Kurt Otterbacher. Special recognition is deserved by GOSA Past President Stan Connell. Stan's tireless efforts in coordinating the evening with the OFMA made for the smoothest Gala in history. By the end of the evening, with just ten tickets left in the barrel, the crowd was on the edge of their seats. The final tickets were drawn and the big winners were announced to cheers of joy! Then it was over. As the room emptied, more than one reveler could be heard saying wistfully, "NEXT YEARI" See you in 2007. We would like to thank all those who attended the Membership Appreciation Night. Hopefully, everyone had a pleasant time. We will be hard at work planning next year's event; anyone who has suggestions, please forward them to Bill Sterling. A very special thank you goes out to the members and suppliers who funded this event. Remember them when looking for supplies and equipment this year. Sponsors: Peek A Boo Toys Delphos Tent and Awning Selby Gas Redbone Classic Toy Kevin and Jen Koski Durant Enterprises Newman Foods Newlon Motors Bones Framed Pictures Cox Concessions Rhode Island Novelty Wheaton's Dannemiller Berk Mercurio Michael's Amusements Kelly Toy Nanco Isner Insurance Sterling Fundways Haas Wilkerson Insurance Tony and Bridget Albanese Audio Innovators Buchy Food Mr. Fun (costumes) Hitch-Hiker Michael Rose Productions Toy Factory Mastermind Productions • CLASSIFIEDS • NOTICE: Classified ads will run for one month and must be renewed by the fifteenth of the month and are free to members to sell only the equipment they own. All other classified ads are $15.00 for three lines per month. To renew or place ads please fax ad copy along with your name, address and phone number to Kurt Otterbacher at 330-769-1389, or e-mail FOOD CONCESSION BUSINESS FOR SALE: Concession trailer and box truck, fully equipped, ready to operate. Excellent bookings. In business 11 years. Call 937·843·2549. MONEY MACHINE. Great for school carnivals. Call 419-927-2404 or e-mail for pictures. MALL KIOSK. Used three times inside amall, 10 x 10, can be closed at night. Call 419-927-2404 or e-mail for pictures. 1998 CHEVY 3500 EXT. CAB SILVERADO. 35,000 miles, 454 cu. in (7.3) engine, automatic transmission, power everything, leather, clean inside and out. $15,000. Call Harold Rogers, 330-638-7392 or 330-717-6011. RITEWAY BUNKHOUSE, 28 FT. Two rooms, sleeps 8-10, 2 showers, 2 sinks, air. $6000; 7 X 7 CENTER JOINT TRAILER. Opens to 12 x 12, exc. condition, pictures available, $2500; OTTERBACHER 240FT. LINE-UP GAME TRAILER. Awning lights, reskinned in 2001 by Otterbacher, exc. condition, $12,000 obo; WARD TRAIN WITH TRAILER. Mall use only, with fence, exc. condition, $8,500. Can be seen in operation at Colony Square Mall, Zanesville, Ohio; Call Michael Albanese, 740-403-6023. Barbara (Leedy-Willard) Bullis spent four days in Manin Memorial Hospital in Stuart, Florida, stat1ing Jan. 23. She received transfusions of four units of blood and was found to have an ulcer in her esophagus. Barbara is home now, recovering from her ordeal. 12 X 20 COMPLETE TENT SETUP. Includes 2 grills, steam table, 2 under counter refrigeration units, 5-headed drop-in pop dispenser, lights, signs, 50 amp electric service box. All stainless eqUipment. 1994 Ford 20-ft. box truck. Too many extras to list. Trying to retire. Call Jinx Pfile, 330-562-2524, Pfile Concessions, LLC. KING FERRIS WHEEL. $7,500. KING BIG SWING. $10,500. See photos at Call Eddie Miracle, 513-615-1497. Ray & JoAnne Prowant of Durant Enterprises, Inc. Inducted into Ohio Fair Manager's Hall of Fame On January 5, Ray and JoAnne Prowant of Durant Enterprises, Inc., Dupont, Ohio, were honored at a brunch held at the Hyatt Regency and Convention Center in Columbus. The Prowants were inducted into the Ohio Fair Manager's Hall of Fame for their outstanding dedication to the fair industry since 1948. Ray and JoAnne Prowant were nominated for this honor by the Allen County Agricultural Society and the Van Wert County Agricultural Society. The inductees were selected based on their inspiration and leadership to their profession through their work with the Greater Ohio Showmen's Association, the Ohio Fair Manager's Association and countless fair boards and festivals. JoAnne and Ray Prowant At lett, from lett: Anissa Prowant, Allison Prowant, Jeff Prowant, Bill Prowant, JoAnne Prowant, Ray Prowant, Lynn Miller, Bill Miller, Lisa Gable, Anna Jo Gable I - ... .:..,........ -_.:.r.~, -- I C. J. DANNEMILLER CO. WELCOME TO OUR ~EW MEMBERS! 5300 Hametown Road Norton, Ohio 44203 330-825-7808 • 800-624-8671 Fax: 330-825-3793 WEB SITE: (approved January meeting) Clay Chester, Regular Melody Hodson, Spousal Mary Brown, Regular Nick Blois, Regular Gary Bohlander, Regular Bonnie Hendricks Martin, Regular Kathleen Sunny, Regular Arlene Crumpler, Retired Gary Yasko, Regular Hartford Independent Fair, Associate John Moore, Regular John Tolve Jr., Joint/Regular Jerry Beckley-Beck Tech Audio Productions, Joi nt/Associate I MEMBER GOSA Concession Supplies & Equipment POPCORN • PEANUTS • COTTON CANDY • NACHOS • SNO KONES • FUNNEL CAKES • CANDY APPLES • WAFFLES • CARAMEL CORN • DRINK CUPS • COLD DRINKS • PAPER GOODS • ELEPHANT EARS • HOT DOG ON A STICK • FRYERS • FRYING OILS • LEMON SQUEEZERS Family Owned and Operated We have a complete and full-time Service Department to keep your equipment in A-1 condition. I Established 1935 'Goals of the GOSA -/ Distribute the yearbook as early in the Spring as possible President Kevin Koski, immediate Past President Bill Prowant and Vice President Kurt Otterbacher led a discussion at the Convention about short- and long-term goals for our organization. Despite the early hour and a partially misleading title, nearly 30 people were in attendance. The attendance included many GOSA members, including a large portion of the NICA leadership and two of its former presidents. Some fair managers, who may have been misled by the title "Short and Long Term Goals" (omitting "of the GOSA"), graciously stayed and contributed greatly to the discussion. President Kevin pledged to continue to focus on these goals to springboard his presidency. The goals were all discussed, and many were delegated to individual Board members at the January meeting following the Convention. Please feel free to contact any Board member or the GOSA office to comment on or contribute to achieving the following goals for our organization. -/ Review the electoral process at the Annual Meeting -/ Renew the visibility program by making items with the GOSA logo available to members and encouraging their display to gain public awareness -/ Create a Review Board to look at the Board's efficiency in attaining feasible goals and publish these results in GOSA News Long-term Goals for the GOSA -/ Continue actively reclUiting new members -/ Always look for opportunities to enhance the value of our memberships -/ Strive to maintain a proactive (rather than reactive) stance on issues facing the industry -/ Maintain and enhance our working relationship with the OFMA Short-term Goals: GOSA Objectives for 2006 -/ Increase the participation of our general membership -/ Reintroduce and modify the website for the benefit of the membership -/ Work to increase our presence and exposure to the thousands of other special events in Ohio -/ Actively pursue potential members -/ Require all committees to meel on a regular basis and publish committee reports in GOSA News -/ Further increase credibility and influence with OFMA, OFEA, ODA, ODH, other state ancl national trade organizations (e.g. NICA, IAFE), Ohio Legislators, the media and our members -/ Continue to encourage the membership to submit articles and pictures for publication in the newsletter to improve each issue -/ Continue to encourage fairs, festivals ancl events to strongly recommend GOSA membership to their concessionaires and ride companies -/ Continue working with the Department of Agriculture on important ride and game issues -/ Find methods to decrease the burden on the GOSA president by spreading more responsibility to the other officers and trustees -/ Create an orientation process for new Board members -/ Strive to maintain a high level of integrity ancl professionalism as individuals and businesses representing our organization and its membership -/ Improve the nomination process for Convention and Spring awards Spotlight on Scholarship Winners: Holly Redmond I was just a normal kid until about. .. two weeks after I was born, when I was stuck under the counter of my mom's food trailer with nothing to do but listen to a radio and the occasional conversation. Now, 18 years later, I am a first year GOSA scholarship recipient and a freshman at The Ohio State University studying to be a moderatelintensive Special Education teacher, with my summers dedicated to the fair circuit. --- " " ~- ~ ---- -.. -- ~" ~~, " ,,",, My immediate family, the Gallapoos, and my extended family, the Otterbachers, have all been an inspiration in pursuing a career in the outdoor amusement business. However, it was under the close guidance of my mentors: my mother, grandfather and uncles Matt and Dale, that I started to gain more interest in all aspects of the business. Today when I am home from school or in the summers, if I am not playing basketball, lacrosse or any other sport I can attempt to master with my friends and loved ones, I am more than likely behind the counter of an American Family Concessions trailer (or under the counter, depending on the time of year). I hope to carryon American Family Concessions with locations and events of my own, continuing to be an active member in the business with my family, friends and loved ones by my side. At left: Kurt and Amy present Ira Feurer with a Special Appreciation award. At right: Vice President Kurt enjoying the Florida sunshine YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR CUSTOM PRINTED FOOD SERVICE DISPOSABLES Exclusive Distributor for M.arie's caramel Coating Call or Write for Our Free Catalog 2671 Youngstown Rd, S.E. • Warren, OH 44484 330-369-1192 FAX 330-369-6279 800-323-3547 Visit our website: CUSTOM BUILT CONCESSION TRAILERS Phone: 330-542-3052 • Fax: 330-542-0304 • Web Site: 10065 Rapp Rd .• New Middletown, OH 44442 AIMS· NICA • OABA • GOSA • MSA • NSA· IISF r----------------------, GOSA Enters Float in 1DOth Anniversary Pumpkin Show Parades IG_~ , SIiAV'ON owmens The GOSA will pay tribute to the 100th Circleville Pumpkin Show with a float, which will appear in all seven of the parades at the 2006 Pumpkin Show. A committee has been formed to oversee the project. The 100th Anniversary Pumpkin Show Committee members are GOSA member Carole Kowatch; tmstees Bill Sterling, Michael Albanese, Matt Gallapoo and Andy Pocock; President Kevin Koski and Chairman Tony Albanese. Thompson Floats of Williamsport, the primary builder of Pumpkin Show floats, has been contacted, and initial planning is underway. Funding for the float will come from member sponsorships. A minimum sponsorship of $100.00 includes the sponsor's name on the GOSA float and coordinating signage for their concession unit. Those members interested in buying a sponsorship can use the form included in this newsletter. Do not miss this great opportunity to advertise your business and promote the GOSA to the many thousands of people who will attend the lOOth anniversary of the Circleville Pumpkin Show. The deadline for sponsorships is July I, 2006. MEMBERSHIP ApPLICATION NAME _ _ ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP _ _ E-MAIL TELEPHONE _ ~ FREE LISTING IN YEARBOOK • EXTRA LISTINGS AT $2.50 EACH --Jo ___________________________________________________ J_ 100 Years of Great Parades and Memories at the Greatest Free Show on Earth Float Sponsorship Form E-MAIL _ _ TELEPHONE Name as it should appear on float Contact Person SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER _ DATE OF BIRTH _ _ BENEFICIARY· SPONSOR Address o REGULAR MEMBER - $100.00 (Individuals actively involved in the Outdoor Amusement Business) o ASSOCIATE MEMBER* Phone Number _ Cell Phone Number o SPOUSAL MEMBER $50.00 _ o $100.00 Minimum Sponsorship Of Other $ $ 100.00 (Businesses who provide product/services to the industry) "Manufacturers & Suppliers are Non-voting and No Death Benefits. o RETIRED MEMBER $40.00 (No longer in business) _ o Mail to GOSA Office PO. Box 2448 Zanesville, OH 43702-2448 JOINT OFMAIGOSA $200.00 Received from _ Amount of $ _ _ for Greater Ohio Showmen's Association dues. Deadline Is July 1! Don't Get Shut Out! L Date _ Signed _ ~ ~-"'---"------'''''''""'"'''-jr'---/~),....------,;;,~.r-.------..~~~~I~Uf+1· ~A\.;.;.;.N~Jl~r-----, .--------. W~.,_wingto a NEW LOCATION! :' " 1; ._~~ _~ '::'A\f\\IUSEf\\ENlrs ~~ 'fl'1-5'1O-31~'f Division Durant Enterprises. Inc. 106 South River Street. P.O. Box 79 Dupont. Ohio 45837 RIDES AND CONFECTIONS Ray and JoAnne Prowant 419-596-3284 Bill and Anissa Prowant 419-596-3286 GOSANEWS ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE Full Page-Ad Downtown ~ $150.00 1/2 Page Ad '. . . . . . . .. 85.00 GOLD MEDAL COLUMBUS 1/4 Page_Ad . . . . . . . .. 55.00 787 Harrison Drive (614) 228-1155 Columbus, OH 43204 Toll Free (800) 537-6357 Fax: (614) 224-3297 Email: 1/8 Page Ad . . . . . . . .. 35.00 Plus $15 for Each Photo
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