porsche - Suncoast Florida Region – PCA
porsche - Suncoast Florida Region – PCA
PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA • SUNCOAST REGION PORSCHE Profile Photo by BRUCE BERNSTEIN DECEMBER 2011 Secure Your Peace of Mind. Exclusive For Our Loyal Customers Reeves Porsche 6/50 Club Customer Appreciation: To say thank you for your loyalty, we formed the Reeves Porsche 6/50 Club. There are no fees to join, just huge savings including 17% off services and parts and boutique items*, 2 years/unlimited mileage warranty for most repairs, and more for all Porsches over 6 model years or 50,000 miles. Includes price protection guarantee. Reeves Porsche 6/50 Club Benefits Include: Loaner Cars: We have a fleet of late model loaners available for your use while your vehicle is in for service. Special Porsche Profile Customer Offer: A Oil Service* + Replace engine oil & filter + Perform multi-point inspection + Replacement of oil filter & Valvoline synthetic motor oil * SPORTSCARS ONLY. EXCLUDES ALL PANAMERA OR CAYENNE MODELS $119.95 B Brake Fluid Flush* * 1998 AND NEWER CARS $95.95 Price Protection Guarantee: We will match any written estimate from any dealer or independent shop using factory parts. Full Service Tire Shop: Competitive pricing on all wheel and tire service. Reeves Porsche has 7 factory-trained technicians with over 90 years combined experience ready to serve you. To schedule an appointment, call (813) 935-9444 or visit: I-275 & Fowler Ave. | www www.driver .drivereeves.com eeves.com Reeves Porsche | 11333 N. Florida Avenue | Tampa Florida 33612 *17% does not apply after price match. Excludes tire purchases. Up to $400 discount per visit. Deadlines All submissions, photos, ads, editorial and changes are due by the first of the month prior to the next issue, eg. Feb. 1 for insertion in the March issue. PORSCHE Profile Contact editor Alicia Nordquist, alicia.nordquist10 @gmail.com with suggestions, comments, and further information Porsche Profile is also on the Suncoast Web site at www.SuncoastPCA.org Advertising Rates Contact Page Obenshain pageone@tampabay.rr.com 727-823-2555 Business cards (3.83” x 2.1”) $195 Quarter page (3.83” x 5”) $500 Half page (7.83” x 5”) $750 Full page (7.83” x 10”) $1,200 Two adjoining pages (ea.)$1,500 Inside covers (7.83” x 10”) $1,500 Outside back (7.83” x 10”) $1,875 Rates listed above are per year for 12 issues commencing with the January issue. Rates for advertisers contracting after January will be prorated. Display ads must be camera-ready, scaled to page size, and require no change in text or graphics. For full pages, a full, 1/4-inch bleed may be added. Business cards are accepted as camera ready and will print only as good as what is submitted. Policies & Procedures • Porsche Profile is the official newsletter of the Porsche Club of America Suncoast Region. Alicia Nordquist, Editor, Melissa Schneider, Graphic Artist. No portion of this publication may be duplicated without the written permission of the Suncoast Region Board of Directors. • The ideas, opinions, and subjects are those of the authors and no authentication is implied by the editor, or endorsement given by the Suncoast Region, Porsche Club of America. • All submissions are subject to editing for space constraints, style and editorial consistency, and must be accompanied with name and contact phone number. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Photos, articles, letters to the editor are accepted by email to the editor, and by snail mail, returnable only with SAS envelope. • Address changes should be submitted to joe. shukys@suncoastpca.org. • Subscriptions to non-Suncoast Region, PCA members are $24 per year. Editor Graphic Artist Alicia Nordquist Melissa Schneider alicia.nordquist10 @gmail.com PORSCHE Profile 2010 - 2011 Advertisers Officers & Board of Directors The following businesses generously support Porsche Profile and the Suncoast Region. Officers President – David Bassett 941-720-1964, david.bassett@mssb.com Past President – David Herndon 727-804-1439, davidh2310@gmail.com Vice President – Page Obenshain 727-823-2555, pageone@tampabay.rr.com Secretary – Jose Uranga 941-351-7228, jandjuranga@verizon.net Treasurer – Charles Neilson 727-593-2838, charles.neilson@verizon.net Elected Directors Social – Jill Perry 727-244-5137, steelmag@gmail.com Membership – Joe Shukys 727-235-3591, joe.shukys@suncoastpca.org Safety – Eunice Painter 727-773-5823, eunicepainter@gmail.com Competition – Danny Shields 813-681-5378, FastDan5@aol.com Board Members Christian Rava 727-278-5991, crava68@yahoo.com Frank Chaney 727-599-9597, fchaney@tampabay.rr.com Steve Laymon 727-521-6856, slaymon@tampabay.rr.com President Appointed Web Master – Jim Farmer 813-732-6212, jfarmer1124@verizon.net Profile Editor – Alicia Nordquist 941-228-2184, alicia.nordquist10@gmail.com DE Registrar – Amy Gustafson 941-518-0004, suncoastde@tampabay.rr.com DE Tech – Carlos DeBonis 941-928-5213, los914@netzero.net Chief Track Instructor – John Oppihle 941-626-5078, john928@verizon.net Charitable Endeavors – Sharron Shields 813-681-5378, golfsharro@aol.com 48 Hours Club Race Chairman – David Herndon 727-804-1439, davidh2310@gmail.com 50th Anniversary Celebration Chairmen Bill and Ellen Riley 863-619-8983, P951@aol.com mtaylordesigns @gmail.com AAA Financial Services Apparel World l Auto Paint Guard l Bert Smith Porsche l Bloomtown Florist l Cabriolet Hydraulics l Carson Pest Control l Chateau Elan l Coldwell Banker Res’l Real Estate l Delaney Creek/Nature Coast/West Winds l Driving Expressions l Eibell Performance, Inc. l Fast Lane Travel Inc. l Flamingo Lawn Service l German Tech l Hurricane Tennis Academy l Inn on the Lakes l Jeffrey B. LLC Jewelry & Design l Leland West l Manny’s Tire l Mariner Car Wash l Michael T. Heider, P.A. l Michael Saunders & Company l Morgan Stanley l Neiser & Neiser Attorneys l Reeves Import Motorcars l Renn Haus l Reeves Porsche Service Center l Scottshop, Inc. l Southern Tire Company l St. Petersburg Yacht Charters & Sales l Suncoast Motorsports l Suncoast Parts l Suncoast Porsche l Superior Auto Body l Vortex Motorsport l l © Porsche Profile 2011Suncoast Region Porsche Club of America PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 3 Clarity. The new 911 Carrera GTS. Limited Production Starting at $112,900 Starting at $103,100 3.8 Liters, 408 hp @ 7,300 rpm 0-60 mph 4.6 seconds, top track speed: 190 mph 2 0 1 1 Suncoast Porsche 5005 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34231 941.923.1700 www.suncoastporsche.com P o r s c h e Mon.-Thurs. 9-7 | Fri. 9-6 | Sat. 9-5 | Closed Sunday P o r s c h e D e a l e r 2 0 1 1 D e a l e r The President’s Message Tempest Fugit – It’s Been Said In the Past But I never Knew It Could Fugit So Fast From DAVID BASSETT 2011 President Wow! It seems like yesterday that I was composing my first President’s Message for last January’s Profile. Now, I am drafting my last. Page Obenshain will take over as your new president in January, and I will take over Dave Herndon’s job as that wise (some would dispute that) old (few would dispute that) sage who did it before. I am extremely confident that Page will do an outstanding job and lead this club to continued greatness. Many of your board will continue in their current roles, but I wanted to note the changed roles, and welcome the new members. Jose Uranga moves up to Vice President and Frank Chaney moves to Safety Chair. New blood is what keeps your club energized, and as such we want to welcome Jane Lane as Secretary, Brian West as Competition Chair, and Carolyn Spencer and Jeremy Dixon as In This Issue of PORSCHE Profile also between them have held just about Board Members. I want to thank the departing board every job in the Region. members: Dave Herndon, Past President; We could not have gotten more soEunice Painter, Safety; Danny Shields, cial. Jill Perry made sure that our calenCompetition; and Steve Laymon, Board. dar was full of fun, interesting, and varied You all were an integral part of this year’s events, and our Autocross program is in success, and your dedication and hard great shape. Your Profile, which you are curwork is very much appreciated. The full information on your new board is noted rently reading, just keeps getting beton page 7 of this issue. ter and better, thanks to the dedication In this humble and probably very bi- of your extremely hard working editor, ased opinion, it was a good year for Sun- Alicia Nordquist. coast PCA. Drivers Education got some We acquitted ourselves well at Parade new winter dates so we could stop this year as Danny Shields, Sharon Shields, torturing ourselves in the broiling sum- Bill Riley, and Carolyn Spencer won their mer heat. The 48 Hours at Sebring had Autocross classes, and Gerry and Beth another successful year. Both of those Curts, Bill and Ellen Riley, and Tom and turned a profit to your club. These are Cindy Briest took 1, 2, 3 respectively in the only two significant revenue-positive the Unequipped Plus Rally category. club activities, and it is those that allow us Although we have another month to provide free or subsidized socials and to go with some great holiday parties, I other activities for your enjoyment. wanted to take this time to thank all of We had by all accounts, an outstand- you for giving me the honor and privilege ing 50th Anniversary celebration, thanks of serving as your President for 2011. It to the capable guidance of Bill and El- is something that I will treasure always. len Riley assisted by their hard working May you all have a wonderful Holiday committee. Bill and Ellen not only did Season, and may Y may the theworst worstofofthe theNew New an incredible job on our celebration, but Year earbebebetter betterthan thanthe thebest bestofofthe theold. old. From the Social Corner .............................. 7 Ladies Day AX ............................................... 17 Fast Tracks, Tony Little ................................ 11 Rennsport Reunion ................................... 18 Reeves Hosts October Social .............. 12 Featured Advertiser: Southern Tire ............................................ 32 PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 5 A D V E RT I S E M E N T i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orsche recommends From the SCHEDULE OF Social Corner EVENTS By JILL PERRY, 2011 Chair, Social Committee the party.) You will not want to miss our 2011 Holiday Gala this year as it is at the beautiful and historical St. Petersburg Yacht Club. Come and join your fellow Suncoasters on Saturday, Dec. 10, as we celebrate the holidays, reminisce about the past year and its achievements with awards and recognition, and dance the night away. Cash bar and hors d’oeuvres from 6:30 – 7:30 and dinner at 7:30 p.m. Awards and dancing follow dinner. The St. Petersburg Yacht Club is located at 11 Central Ave., St. Petersburg. Registration opens on November 1 and closes on November 30 on www. ClubRegistration.net. We have reserved a larger room this year but register early as there are a maximum number of members who can attend. For questions or additional information, contact Jill Perry at steelmag@ gmail.com. (Your Suncoast Porsche Club is picking up more than 50 percent of the cost of the event to show you we value The holidays are in full swing right here in Paradise and as Suncoasters we are off to a busy start.We give special thanks to the Morells for hosting another successful event in their beautiful home! The Social Corner is written one month before the printed version of Profile is in your home, but you may still be able to register for the annual Holiday Party at Mike Kwasin’s being held on Saturday, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m. if you’re reading this online. (See page 27 this issue.) By popular demand, we are bringing back a menu similar to last year’s delights. Registration opened Nov. 1 and although the event is free for members, in order to attend this culinary event you need to register on ClubRegistration.net by Wednesday, Nov. 30. Mike Kwasin’s beautiful home is located at 3615 Beach Drive in Tampa.Mike lives in the Bel Mar Shores Officers President area and you can enPage Obenshain joy the downtown Past President skyline and the Gandy David Bassett and Howard Frankland bridges from his home Vice President Jose Uranga and dock. (Due to the large number of people Treasurer who showed up last Charles Neilson year without sending Secretary in an RSVP, we ran out Jane Lane of food for those who did send in their “yes.” Elected Directors Social You must be registered Jill Perry on ClubRegistration.net Membership to gain entrance to the Joe Shukys event. (In addition to welcoming you at the Safety Frank Chaney event, greeters will verify that attendees have Competition sent in their registraBrian West tion for entrance into Dec. 3 – Holiday Party Dec. 10 – Porsches in the Park, St. Armand’s Dec. 10 – Holiday Gala, St. Pete Yacht Club Dec. 11 – Autocross 2012 Jan. 18 – Date Your Porsche Night – Colonnade Jan. 28-29 – Rolex 24, 50th Anniversary Feb. 2-5 – 48 Hours of Sebring Feb. 11 – Collier Museum Tour March 8-11 – Amelia Island Concours March 14-17 – 12 Hours of Sebring Stay tuned! The Suncoast Region calendar is updated monthly with new events and changes as they occur. For more info, contact: Autocross – Dan Shields Concours/Rally: Sharron Shields Drivers Ed: John Oppihle Social Events: Jill Perry you as a member!) Some Save the Dates for 2012 – Date Your Porsche Night at the Colonnade on January 18, 48 Hours of Sebring February 2-5, Feb. 11 for the Collier Museum Tour and the Amelia Island Concours in March. Be on the lookout for more information. Registration for the Collier Museum will be on ClubRegistration.net early January. It has been a pleasure being your Social Director over the past year. I will continue in this position in 2012 and am open to some new ideas. If you have Board Members an event you think sounds inChristian Rava teresting, please let me know Carolyn Spencer about it. If you would like to Jeremy Dixon participate in volunteering for activities, I am always looking President Appointed for a friendly helping hand. Web Master – Jim Farmer Happy Holidays to you and Profile Editor – Alicia Nordquist yours, my dear friends. Enjoy your friends and family and take DE Registrar – Amy Gustafson the time this joyous season to DE Tech – Carlos DeBonis let them know how much they Chief Track Instructor – John Oppihle mean to you. Charitable Endeavors – Sharron Shields See you next year right here 48 Hrs Chair – David Herndon in the Social Corner. 2012 Officers and Board of Directors PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 7 The Membership Starting Line By JOE SHUKYS, Membership Chairman Dear Members, I am in the Refrigeration & HVAC business as a Rep Agency owner and this line of work affords me the opportunity to put anywhere from 20K to 50K miles a year on my vehicle. I just took delivery of a new 2012 VW Passat TDI and was conducting an experiment of the effects of speed and the subsequent fuel mileage of this uber efficient diesel steed. My luck ran out last week at mile marker 150 heading north on I-75 as I tested the upper range of my MPG experiment. As the FHP Trooper approached my vehicle, I consciously said “both hands on the wheel,” but they were already there and I knew that this was a habit I picked up doing many Driver Education events with our club. I am a trooper’s dream speeder as I am very courteous; I ask if it is okay to open the glove box for my insurance card, reach in New members Larry Cox, Tampa, 2012 Red 911 GTS Ricardo Fernandez, Clearwater, 2006 Silver Boxster Sarah Guthrie, Clearwater, 2012 Cayenne PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA • SUNCOAST REGION PORSCHE Profile my pocket for my license…you get the picture. I provided light humor (okay, we all know how witty I am) complimenting him on his GREAT HIDING SPOT as he complimented me on my ability to brake as hard as I did! He returned to the vehicle with my license stating that “84 mph in a 70 mph zone is a $194 fee,” but that he could not bring himself to ticket someone I knew you with such a good attitude. He then joked about were wondering: how many people he catches at this spot and 70 MPH – 50.1 MPG asked me about the new TDI. Whoooaaa, for 72 MPH – 48.5 MPG MPH – 44.1 MPG just having a good attitude?! What a beautiful 75 78 MPH – 40.1 MPG gesture and such an honest thing to say to a 85 MPH – 38.7 MPG until I got caught complete stranger. As you read this our club is just about to have all of the holiday parties. Please come out, even if you have to RSVP at last minute, and meet some complete strangers who just might surprise you with kindness and warmth in a PCA member kind of way. William & Mady Iseman, Anna Marie, ‘08 Black Boxster S Gene Kickliter, St. Petersburg, 2004 Black 911 Turbo Edwin Lopez Chaves, Tampa, 2006 Black Boxster Frank LoScalzo, Odessa, 2005 Blue Carrera S Martin Nusbaum, Beverly Hills, 1985 Red 911 Carrera Victor Tirado, Bradenton, 2007 Silver 911 Ian & Teri Turner, Bradenton, 2008 Black Cayman S Ann White, Seminole, 2007 Silver Boxster Transfers in Kevin & Sally Carroll Bradenton Beach, 2004 Black 911 C4S Transfer from: Western Michigan (WMI) Edward McNulty, Florida, 2006 Black Cayenne S, 2010 Cayenne, 2011 911 GTS Transfer from: Riesentoter (RTR) Roger & Mary Nelson, Sarasota, 2003 Black Boxster Transfer from: Rocky Mountain (RMT) Alberto Ruiz, Odessa, 2010 White GT3 RS Transfer from: Florida Citrus (FLC) Photo by Page Obenshain On the cover… DECEMBER 2011 Bruce Bernstein took this month’s cover shot of his 2001 996 coupe at the north rest area at the Sunshine Skyway on Tampa Bay on November 2 with a Nikon Coolpix S7c digital camera. At this popular place for aquatic sports, the person on the water is kite boarding. 8 Region Summary Primary Members 1,128 Affiliate Members 854 Total Members 1,982 www.SuncoastPCA.org PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 Saturday, December 10, 2011 PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 9 Special rates for Porsche Club 10 PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 members! Tony’s 2011 911 Twin Turbo with ground effects. TY I R EBION! L E C DIT E GETTING TO KNOW YOUR PCA SUNCOAST REGION, ONE MEMBER AT A TIME 10 Questions for Tony Little, PCA Suncoast Region member for one year PP: What interests you, other than Porsche? PORSCHE PROFILE: What is your occupation and in which part of the Suncoast Region do you live? TL: Muscle cars and working out and my family. TONY LITTLE: I’m a fitness and lifestyle expert on TV. I live in Tampa Bay. PP: Do you prefer the direct way home or the twists and turns route? PP: How did you first become a Porsche/Suncoast enthusiast? TL: In 1996 with my first 911. TL: Interstate and then the back roads home. PP: What models of Porsches have you owned and what do you currently drive? PP: In your opinion, how could Porsche improve the driving experience? TL: 1993 – Cabriolet, 1996 – 911, 1998 – 911 Targa, 2003 – 911 Turbo, 2007 – 911 Turbo, 2011 – Custom Turbo, 2011 – Panamera S. “Every year I’ve set a goal for myself on my birthday to do a two-day photo shoot with well-known photographer Jorge Alvarez. I always like to use my cars and toys as props. I do the normal fitness pics to show I’m still in great shape for being 55, but then we get off track!” PP: What is your “dream” car? PP: In which PCA/Suncoast activities or events do you participate most? TL: I have it! 2011 – 911 Turbo with body kit and an aluminum package interior. TL: Just love reading the magazine. My schedule hasn’t allowed me any events. PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 TL: They’re already the best. PP: Do you have a Porsche story you’d like to share with our readers? TL: When looking for a family sedan that still drove great, I tried all the BMWs and found that the Panamera S was just plain awesome. 11 All photos by Reeves Administrative Assistant BEVERLY BERNARD Jeff Holcombe picks a winner Reeves Hosts October Social By DAVID COOK R eeves does it again! On October 19, Reeves Motorsports opened its arms to our Suncoast Region. It was a gala evening in their beautiful showroom, featuring refreshments and an array of tables set for dining. Before the dinner, our board of directors held a 30-minute meeting which our members were invited to attend. Members mingled together at various tables, which gave them a chance to sit and visit with new friends. A very delicious buffet was presented and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the culinary delights. President David Bassett greeted Suncoasters with a Tech quiz. Winners were given shirts from the 2011 48 Hours at Sebring. Past President David Herndon assisted in the quiz. Last but not least, Suncoast member Jeffrey Holcombe from Reeves thanked fellow members for attending. In addition, the Reeves Dealership held a drawing for some really great door prizes. Reeves has been a faithful supporter of the Suncoast Region for many years. We are very lucky to have their support! Thank you, Reeves! 12 Board member Christian Rava accepts a door prize. PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 Suncoasters gather at Reeves for the October Social. SUNCOASTPARTS.COM Your online store for genuine Porsche parts and accessories. ACCESSORIES RACING SEATS PADDLE STEERING WHEELS CLEAR SIDE MARKERS SHIFTER KITS APPAREL & WATCHES AEROKITS & SPOILERS PORSCHE DESIGN MAINTENANCE PARTS AND MUCH MORE parts@suncoastparts.com SPECIAL LABOR RATES FOR PORSCHE CLUB OWNERS $79.00 PER HOUR FOR VINTAGE (PRE MODEL YEAR 2000) AND ANY MOTORSPORTS INSTALLATION CALL YOUR SUNCOAST PORSCHE SERVICE ADVISOR FOR DETAILS OR TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT 941-923-1700 ALL PORSCHE DESIGN DRIVER'S SELECTION ITEMS 10% OFF IN ADDITION TO THE 10% PCA DISCOUNT STOP BY AND SEE SUNCOAST AT THE FOLLOWING LOCAL EVENTS: ➢ ➢ CARS AND COFFEE AT SUNCOAST MOTORSPORTS THE FIRST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH 8:00-10:00 AM SUNCOAST PCA CONCOURS AND CARS AND COFFEE AT SUNCOAST MOTORSPORTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 ➢ AUTOCROSS AT THE SARASOTA KENNEL CLUB SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 ➢ FIXXFEST EUROPEAN CAR SHOW AT BRADENTON MOTORSPORTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 WWW.SUNCOASTMOTORSPORTS.COM OFFER VALID AT SUNCOAST PORSCHE, SARASOTA, FL ONLY. OFFER NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNT OR SPECIAL. SOME RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY. PORSCHE DESIGN DRIVER'S SELECTION DISCOUNT IN STORE ONLY AT SUNCOAST MOTORSPORTS BOUTIQUE. VALID THROUGH 12/31/2011. Assisted Living at its Finest PORSCHE Profile Serving you more ways than ever. ® A D V E RT I S E M E N T Rewarding Holiday Shopping Serving you more ways than ever. ® By Jill Perry Holiday Bonus! I f you love the excitement of holiday shopping, hold onto your handbag. AAA has an easy way to make all of the excitement rewarding: the new AAA Member Rewards Visa® credit card designed just for AAA members. Members earn their first reward of 2,500 bonus points with a qualifying purchase. Afterward, unlimited points can be earned on everyday purchases, including: AAA Member Rewards Visa® credit card Serving you more ways than ever.® Get 10,000 Bonus Points after first qualifying purchase.* Serving you more ways than ever. ® • TRIPLE POINTS for all qualifying Act now and get 3 points per $1** on all purchases in the first 60 days. AAA purchases, including travel. Apply Today! • DOUBLE POINTS for grocery, gas and drugstore purchases. Serving you more ways than ever.® Must apply between 11/1/2011 and 1/6/2012. Click: AAA.com/applynow Visit: Any AAA Branch • SINGLE POINTS for all other retail purchases. Earned points can be turned into gifts, such as: • CASH— Convert points to 1 percent Source Code VAA40D For information about the rates, fees, other costs and benefits associated with the use of this card or to apply go to your local AAA branch or visit AAA.com. This credit card program is issued and administered by FIA Card Services, N.A. *You will qualify for 10,000 bonus points if you use your new account to make at least one purchase transaction that posts to your account within 90 days of the account open date. Limit (1)10,000 bonus points credit per new account. Allow 8 - 12 weeks from qualifying for the bonus points to post to your account. Visa and Visa Signature are registered trademarks of Visa International Service Association and are used by the issuer pursuant to license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. ** Earn 3 points per dollar (consisting of 1 base point and 2 bonus points) of new net retail purchase transactions (qualifying purchases less credits, returns, and adjust® the first 60 days. ments) (“Net charged to theever. card for Serving youPurchases”) more ways than cash back. • GIFT CARDS—Use at more than 100 national retailers and restaurants. list of name-brand products. • AAA VOUCHERS— Use at A A A offices for travel, car rentals, flights and attraction tickets, or to renew A A A membership. • AAA APPROVED AUTO REPAIR— Use for repairs, bodywork and tires at AAA Approved Auto Repair facilities. The new AAA Member Rewards Visa® credit card is also filled with safety features that include $500,000 in travel accident insurance, overnight card replacement and zero liability for fraudulent purchases. For a rewarding holiday shopping season, visit AAA.com/ApplyNow for an application or visit your local AAA office to learn more. Get more information on AAA Financial Services at AAA.com/Financial, call 1-877-222-5054, or visit your local AAA office. Deck the halls with savings. Serving you more ways than ever. ® Get preferred member rates with AAA CD, Money Market & Online Savings Accounts. Serving you more ways than ever.® 1.15 % apy 1 Open an accOunt tODay 12-Month certificate of Deposit Serving you See more ways than ever. other rates and terms at ® aaa.com/Deposits aaa.com/Deposits 1-888-728-3096 Banking Specialist available 24/7 Offer cODe: faSt2 Discover Bank Annual Percentage Yield (APY). Applies to personal accounts only. Advertised CD rate is valid as of 10/31/11 and subject to change daily without notice. Rate applies to a 12-month term. A penalty may be charged for early CD withdrawal. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Deposit accounts offered through Discover Bank, Member FDIC. ©2011 Discover Bank, Member FDIC 1 11-FS-0592 • MERCHANDISE—Select from a wish Ladies Day Autocross winners from left: Tori Lewis, Boxster S, 2nd Place Ladies; Shari Francavilla, Mazda Miata, 1st Place Novice Ladies; Heather Broadbent, 911, 3rd place Ladies; Amy Gustafson, GT3-RS, 1st place Ladies and Top Time of Day Ladies; Susan Espino, Chevy Corvette, 4th place Ladies; and Suchada Eickemeyer, 911, 2nd place Novice Ladies. “Ladies First” at October Autocross T By DANNY SHIELDS he Ladies Day Autocross on October 23 brought more than 50 drivers to the Sarasota Kennel Club to enjoy the beautiful fall weather and a fun Suncoast PCA autocross. Although the event was open to all licensed drivers, ladies competed for special prizes, and enjoyed special instruction and their own guided course walk, led by Sharron Shields. Suncoast Porsche joined in to provide lunch for all participants, nice prizes for the ladies, and door prizes for the rest of the group. Mark Lasota, Brian West, Tod Byram and Jeff Gregg arrived before dawn to begin setting up the course, since the lot had been in use the previous night. The smooth, quick course design was clear and easy to follow. The scant few “DNFs” that did occur came not from getting lost, but from simply driving too hard to make it through a turn. Most runs were clean, with just an occasional pylon being toppled. After an instructed course walk, everyone had the opportunity to make a parade lap and six timed runs. The competition among the ladies was intense, and the results were close. Amy Gustafson brought out her rowdy GT3-RS, which looks great, sounds mean and goes really fast. She won by three tenths of a second over Tori Lewis in her Boxster S. Heather Broadbent ran third, driving a 996. In the separate group for ladies with less autocross experience, Shari Francavilla drove a Miata to victory, defeating Suchada Eickemeyer, who drove a beautiful red Carrera. Lindsey Gustafson, driving a Ford Fiesta in her first autocross, finished fourth, right behind Katelynn Tucker in a BMW. The two winning ladies were each presented with a bottle of champagne and Continued on page 20 AX results from 10-23-11 Class # Expert 5 P-6 P-8 917 .Open 50 .Open 25 P-5 21 S-4 2 P-8 73 P-8 16 S-3 41 P-8 13 S-4 9 P-5 75 P-5 84 S-3 60 S-4 18 P-6-L 6 S-4 166 P-2 968 P-8-L 51 S-3-L 141 .Open 19 I-1 18 .Open 31 P-2 54 S-1 29 S-1 8 BMW 27 Name Best time Place TOTALS Class Shields, Danny Riches, Gavin Uhrinec, Ryan Corona, Cory Byram,Tod Cummins, Harvey Swope, Russell Wise, Ryan Gregg, Jeff Sumansky, Bill Lasota, Mark Riley, Bill Franck, Matthew West, Brian Hamill, Maury Sweet,Tom Gustafson, Amy McKnight,Ty Quinones, Frank Shields, Sharon Lewis,Tori Francavilla, Ed Parrish, Steve Espino, Jorge Leach, Al Scarfario, Adam Bienick, Paul Moons, John 39.911 40.975 42.916 42.323 42.377 42.532 42.785 42.916 42.958 43.236 43.363 43.412 43.599 43.981 43.997 44.333 44.356 44.555 44.627 44.651 44.666 44.896 45.014 45.031 45.586 45.630 45.731 45.744 S-1 S-4-L .Open P-4 P-2 P4 P-4 P-2 .Open .Open P-2 S-3-L .Open P-7 .Open BMW S-4 .Open .Open P-1 .Open P-8 S-1-L .Open S-1-L BMW .Open S-3-L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 45 9 18 33 34 34 51 6 12 45 12 44 12 44 6 4 9 3 18 45 24 4 36 3 31 9 6 9 PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 # 38 21 3 8 30 91 896 83 28 19 8 423 46 70 99 37 66 14 22 912 1 825 138 21 16 137 0 411 Name Best time Place TOTALS Meyer, Bob 45.745 Broadbent, Heather 45.817 Espino, Susan 46.200 Velez, Jose 46.263 Alaisa, Rene 46.280 Puertas, Julio 46.668 Guixons, Manny 46.921 Sirota, Jan 46.960 Chan, Michael (s2k) 47.252 Bradley, Rick (eclipse) 47.272 Layman, Steve 47.464 Clarke, Julie 47.490 Francavilla, Shari 47.576 Mavromates, Nickolas 47.591 Vida, Jean-Luc 47.910 Bronn, Pav 48.069 McKnight, Patrick 48.075 Bjorge, Kendall audi S4 48.086 Esteban, Phillip (s2k) 48.124 Kwasin, Mike 49.618 Williams, Kale 49.728 Crawford, Brian 49.922 Meyer, Jackie 50.136 Partin, John (mx5) 50.512 Eickemeyer, Suchada 50.808 Tucker, Katelynn 51.859 Gustafson, Lindsey 52.556 Hovind, Beth 57.051 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 19 36 0 42 20 6 9 3 1 0 13 21 0 18 3 12 11 0 0 51 0 2 27 1 6 4 0 17 Rennsport Reunion IV and Carl Yastrzemski By RICH TILLOTSON T he people who get to know me are usually not very surprised that I was born and raised in New York. In my defense I always remind folks that I was 18 born and raised on Long Island, not the city, as if that will give me some cover from my actions and character flaws. Well, as a New Yorker, you learn a few things early in life; one thing is that pizza is a good meal at all times, lunch and dinner for sure, but cold it qualifies as a perfect breakfast food. An- PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 other thing you learn early is that any sports team from Boston is the enemy of New York and all things holy! The Boston Bruins are a dirty hockey team, the Boston Celtics are arrogant, and the New England Patriots at that time were a joke. So imagine how hard it was to root for Carl Yastrzemski of the Red Sox, but I did. Yaz was a classy ball player who had so much talent it was a pleasure to watch him as often as possible, and just as important, he was born and raised on Long Island, Southampton to be exact. OK, hold on, I am getting to the hook to Rennsport. In the 1970 All Star game, Yaz went four for four against the best national league pitchers at the time. Four for four is a wonderful feat at any time, but in an All Star game, give me a break! The Rennsport Reunion is an event that occurs every three or four years and brings the world’s most significant cars and Porsche race drivers together for a celebration that includes great racing and social events. When Rennsport Reunion IV was announced and was scheduled for October 2011 at Laguna Seca Raceway in Monterey, California, my first thought was “too bad it is so far from us Porsche enthusiasts in Florida.” I have attended all three prior Rennsport Reunions; the first one at Lime Rock Park, then the next two at Daytona. So I figured why not go four for four. Got my story hook now? So, I started throwing out hooks to see who among my friends were up for the ultimate Porsche road trip. I used the best bait I could think of: I will handle making all the travel arrangements and hotel requirements, I will look into getting the event tickets, all my friends will need to do is show up and split the expenses. I tried to real in Lou but he slipped off the hook. My lifelong friend Gary from a hoot to see 911s, New York had a bite on the bait 914s, 944s, 356s, but fell off the hook due to work 956s, 962s and the requirements at the last minute. famous 917s roar Then a strike. I got a hook into through this part Bobby Fabricatore and landed of the track. The him in the boat! lineup of famous So on Thursday, Oct. 13, BobPorsche racecars Rich Tillotson at Laguna Seca. by and I flew from Tampa to San was only matched Jose then drove up to our hotel by the famous drivers in attendance. in Monterey. We got as good a night’s How about seeing Brian Redman, Dersleep as possible with dreams of the next few days at the track. Friday morn- ek Bell, Hurley Haywood, Patrick Long, ing, bright and early, we headed out to David Murry, Tino Bernhard and many, many others, including Jerry Seinfeld, Laguna Seca. Friday brought Florida weather at who we talked with on Saturday after the track with temperatures in the high he was the guest starter for the first 80s. If you have never been to this track, race. On Saturday, the weather had remake a point of getting out there and watching some racing. The track sits on ally changed, temperatures in the low a hill, which, to my Florida flat topogra- 50s with a blanket of low-hanging fog phy eyes, seemed like a mountain to me. that burned off around 11a.m., when it We quickly made our way over to warmed up nicely. Bobby and I volunthe Corkscrew, the signature turn on teered to work for the Porsche Club. the track. The cars approach that turn We were assigned the responsibility for and brake hard at the top of the hill, the corral that handled the PCA memturn left, step on the gas, and drop bers driving 356s, 914s, 904s, 912s, Caydown from the highest part of the track, mans, Cayennes and Panameras. We worked from 7- 10 a.m. By the that includes a total of 300 feet of elevation change, to a fast left hander. What end of our shift, we probably had 150 PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 Rich’s idea of a “mountain?” Photos by ROBERT FABRICATORE plus cars in our corral, of those maybe 60 were 356s. Some of the west coast 356s are amazing with no rust and details that really grab the eye. There were additional corrals for all the other model Porsches that attendees drove in. All in all there were probably 2000 plus Porsches in attendance. The weather on Sunday was in a word perfect, temperatures in the low 70s with very little humidity. We watched all the races, including a Porsche Club race dedicated to the Cup cars. There was also a group that included the Cayman Interseries cars, Caymans done up in classic livery from past famous Porsche cars. The weekend ended all too soon on Sunday afternoon. As attendees we can only thank the organizers of the Rennsport Reunion IV and also to the PCA folks involved as they did a great job in making this event a lifelong memory. So I went four for four. Now I need to think back to a ball player I know who went five for five so I have my justification for Rennsport Reunion V. Bring it on! 19 Sharron Shields presented Amy Gustafson with the 1st Place Award and the ribbon for Top Time of Day for the Ladies Class. Gustafson running the AX course in the Ladies Class winning GT3RS. All photos by ERIC TILLOTSON. Ladies’ AX, from page 17 a trophy mug. In addition, Gustafson won a big pink bow as the quickest lady overall. Susan Espina and Heather Broadbent won Porsche purses from Suncoast Porsche in the ladies’ door prize drawing. The men’s competition featured outstanding driving in all kinds of Porsches. None was more exciting to watch than Gavin Riches, co-driving the Amy Gustafson GT3-RS. He kept getting quicker over his six runs, as he found the places on the course where he could open up Porsche’s “race car for the street.” He finished second overall and took home the trophy for P6. I held onto Fast Time of Day in Sharron’s trusty blue Boxster S. Suncoast technician Ryan Uhrinec guided the Suncoast Cayman GT project car to first place in P8 and third place among all the Porsches. Ryan Wise and Jeff Gregg battled for second and third places in the class, driving their Boxster Ss, with Wise prevailing by a mere four hundredths of a second. Harvey Cummins had a great day in his 997, driving to first place in P5 and fourth overall among the Porsches. Russell Swope took top honors in S4 driving his black 996, fifth Porsche overall. Cory Corona was victorious in the Other group, deftly guiding his black Nissan 350Z through a final run that put him ahead of Tod Byram’s Miata by mere hundredths of a second. Corona was quicker 20 than all but three of the Porsches, impressive for a stock Nissan with automatic transmission! Byram had actually delivered the club equipment trailer with his Ford pickup truck, then made a trip back home to bring his Miata for the competition. Top honors in the BMW group went to John Moons. The 2011 season closes with the Porsche-BMW Challenge Autocross doubleheader on December 4 at the BMW Club home site in Brooksville, and December 11 at the Zephyrhills Airport. See details page 22 this issue. September AX Results Best time Class 43.629 44.835 45.589 45.819 46.243 46.51 46.749 46.84 46.944 46.973 47.087 47.305 47.339 47.397 47.418 47.543 47.672 47.749 47.807 47.814 47.873 48.262 48.348 48.4 48.482 48.777 49.244 49.291 49.403 49.427 49.638 49.805 49.987 50.313 P-8X .Open .Open S-3 .Open S-4 P-8 .Open S-4 M-2 S-4 .Open P-5 .Open S-2 .Open P-3 S-2 P-2 S-3 .Open S-3-L P-8 .Open P-5 S-2 .Open S-3 .Open P-5 .Open .Open .Open .Open Name Shields, Danny Tamandli, Bob (s2000) Surprenant, Jim Sumansky, Bill Byram, Tod (Miata) Swope, Russell Shields, Sharon Surprenant, Andy Johnson, Ryan Uhrinec, Ryan Riley, Bill McInturf, Michael Cummins, Harvey Norman, Josh Scarsbrook, Gary Alford, Tucker Carr, Albert Hamill, Maury Quinones, Frank Wise, Ryan Lasota, Mark($1kMiata) Lewis, Tori Gregg, Jeff Bator, Ryan West, Brian Sherrard, Brook Layman, Steve Renmus, Pat Francaville, Ed Perrone, Ricky Panzarella, Tom Dittmer, Derek Flint, R.C. Bradley, Rick (Eclipse) PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 50.788 50.934 50.944 51.302 51.503 51.52 51.582 51.789 51.824 51.952 52.265 52.413 52.421 52.609 52.771 53.547 55.771 55.823 57.019 60.92 61.135 63.716 66.509 80.115 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 S-1 P-2 P-2 S-1 S-3-L .Open P-4 .Open S-4 S-2 .Open .Open P-6 I-2 .Open S-4-L P-4 S-4 S-1-L S-3-L S-3 S-3-L I-2 P-4 P-3 .Open .Open P-6 S-2 S-3 S-3 P-8 Meyer, Bob Webb, Jackson Alaisa, Rene Law, Trevor Clarke, Julie Vida, Jean-Luc Velez, Jose Huff, Nate Bradley, Richard Lechner, Jay Gabriel, Tony Serafan, Michael Wojkiewicz, Austin Barragan, Jay Lopes, Eric Broadbent, Heather Guixane, Manny McKnight, Patrick Meyer, Jackie Remus, Denise Frye, Pat Hovind, Beth Mejia, Manny Wienhold, George Bogart, Gary Elrod, Alex Franklin, Richard Grist, Richard Hoey, Jim Pridgeon, Dave Stevenson, Kevin Uranga, Jose 99.999 indicates no time (DNF or Off Course) PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 21 Porsche AX Drivers, Unite! By DANNY SHIELDS It is time once again to challenge our BMW-driving colleagues, as the Suncoast “Porsche-BMW Challenge Autocross” returns with a pair of events in December. On Sunday, Dec. 4, we travel to Brooksville to face the Roundel rogues on their home concrete. One week later, December 11, we show them how it is done on the tricky asphalt at Zephyrhills Airport. The Porsche club has dominated the competition in recent years, but the rules will be different this year. All Porsche autocross drivers are encouraged to take part. Even if you are a newcomer, don’t worry that you might hurt the club’s chances.Your participation can only help. Drivers may take part in either or both events but they are administered separately by the different clubs. For the December 4 BMW club event, the preregistration deadline was November 28, at www.MotorSportReg.com so hopefully you got word of that through the web site and e-mails. For the PCA event on December 11, preregister at www.clubregistration.net. In both cases, participants should plan to arrive by 8 a.m. The PCA events at the Zephyrhills are held on Taxiway B, on the back side of the airport. Do not enter from the public airport entrance! We don’t want anyone crossing an active runway. (Neither does the FAA.) FROM THE NORTH OR WEST: From I-75 take Highway 54 (Saddlebrook exit) East on 54, approx. 11 miles into downtown Zephyrhills. Right (South) onto US 301. Left at Traffic Light (South Ave.) Right on 20th Street Left on Alston (ball park on left) IF COMING FROM THE SOUTH OR EAST: North on US 301 into Zephyrhills, then Right at Traffic Light (South Ave.) Right on 20th Street Left on Alston (ball park on left) Alston dead-ends into water plant Follow PCA signs through water plant to airport site.. 22 The Making of an r e s s o Autocr By SUCHADA EIKEMEYER O n the day of my first Porsche autocross, and I was a bundle of nerves and energy – feeling a lot like a kid on Christmas morning. I spent a great deal of my childhood in my dad’s old 1970 911E, it being one of the first cars I drove, but I don’t have many opportunities to drive Porsches hard or fast or pushed to their limits. Until last week I didn’t even know what an autocross was. I’m vacationing here in Florida, and on a whim I accompanied my dad to the monthly PCA meeting. When the social chair announced a special Ladies Day event for the October autocross, I looked at my dad and he already knew what I was thinking. I signed up the next day. On Saturday we went out with his “new” Porsche – a 1983 Guards Red 911SC -- so he could show me how to race it. We went out to an open road with some U-turns and drove ‘round and ‘round until I could remember to keep my hands at 10 and 2 through the turns and bring both of them back after I shifted. When he was satisfied (and I was hooked on the speed), we went home. We made sure his helmet fit me, and we stripped the car down to the metal to lose all the extra weight. I was giddy. Early Sunday morning I drove out to the Sarasota Kennel Club with my dad talking me through the course and reminding me where to PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 The author with the car that earned her 2nd place in the Ladies Novice category in the October Autocross. Not bad for her first time out! Photo by ERIC TILLOTSON. keep my hands through the turns. I thought it was memorized, but I forgot everything when we turned into the parking lot and I saw a sea of orange cones. There’s a track in there? How on earth could anyone see where they were supposed to go? I eyed the other cars and drivers, who all looked like they knew what they were doing. I had visions of plowing the Porsche through the center of the lot, sending a hail of cones flying in my wake, and wondered if this was a good idea. When other people started walking the course, my dad and I joined them. It started making sense. I could see where I needed to put the car to make the turns, where I needed to brake, and where I could Continued on next page push it. Sharron Shields walked the ladies group through the course to give us more pointers, and reminded us not to be afraid to make mistakes – it was the only way we would learn. I got excited again. Since it was Ladies Day, the ladies lined up first. My stomach did little flips when I started the ignition and pulled up to the grid. The sound of engines and the smell of gasoline made me a little lightheaded, and I couldn’t wait to get started. I watched the cars in front me carefully during the parade lap, seeing where they started the corners and when they accelerated. It was hard to get a feel for how to drive the course when we went slow, but it was a step up from walking it on foot. Sharron rode with me my first run. The weight of the helmet felt strange, and I was so eager to get to the start line I ignored the official who told me to wait to pull up. No matter – it was my turn soon enough, and I was off. I shifted to second too quickly, and knew I left some power behind, but I went in and out of the first turns smoothly. I got disoriented coming into the second half of the course and was wide going into the loop, but stayed on course and had my bearings back to finish. The best advice Sharron could give me was to go faster. I let her drive the second run, so I could see how she took it. She went into the turns harder, and came out of them harder, but she followed a similar line to what I chose. On my next run, I let loose and scared myself, and I chopped four The author, right, with her dad, Fritz, and sister, Sirikit Valentin, at Mt. Ranier in 1989 with the 1970 911E. Suchada first learned to drive on this Porsche. Photo provided by SUCHADA EIKEMEYER. seconds off my time. By run three I was hooked. None of the runs were all that pretty, and compared to the experienced drivers I was slow. But I learned something each time: how I started to lose control if I braked when the wheels were turned; how quickly I could brake to set up a turn; how much control I still had when the wheels were slipping from under me; and how hard I could push before the tires really started squealing. I wouldn’t learn any of this by putzing around town. Where I learned even more, though, was working the track and watching other drivers in the afternoon. I could hear when they shifted out of the gate, see where they applied the brake, watch which ones made the turns smoothly and which ones struggled, and listen to when and how they used their accelera- tors. The best drivers made it look easy, guiding their cars fluid and fast through the loops. When the day ended, I was exhausted. Six runs with the Beast (no power steering, no power brakes, and a short-shift racing transmission – there’s nothing else I can call it), plus a couple hours standing in the hot sun breathing in gasoline and road dust did me in. It was a happy tired, though – my head was spinning with everything I’d learned, and I had a deeper appreciation for the Porsches I’ve loved my whole life. I’m sad to return to California, where I’m far from a PCA and don’t have a Porsche to drive. I have a feeling I’ll plan my next Florida vacation to coincide with another autocross. Or Sebring. Something that will let me push the Porsche – and myself – to the limits again. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Porsche Profile welcomes ideas and suggestions for single or series articles pertaining to Porsche. Contact the editor if you have something to share with PCA Suncoast Region members. PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 23 Check it out! www.SuncoastPCA.org 24 PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 DON GARLITS MUSEUM TOUR AND CAR SHOW By DANNY SHIELDS was a unique experience for Porsche club members visiting the Don Garlits Museums in Ocala on October 22. The “Rats and Rods With Big Daddy” car show and swap meet filled the museum grounds, the sounds of ‘50s Rock & Roll music and the smell of barbecue cooking filled the autumn air. A handful of Porsche owners blended into the crowd, as well as they could. It LATEST TREND? The outdoor car show, organized by the “Altered Iron” car club, was the antithesis of a Porsche Club concours. Shiny hot rods are old school, rat rod trucks are in. While the “barn find” movement may be gaining approval in collector car circles, the latest trend goes one step farther: old trucks that look like they were parked behind the barn for decades before being resurrected for the road.The engines and power accessories may be new, but the look is “weathered fifty years.” Rust is cool. If the rat rods are painted, it is gray primer or satin black. They may appear to be works in progress, but the delicate pin striping tells you the “look” is complete. There must have been 50 rat rods in the show. No judges were seen making deductions for wax residue. THE PORSCHE CONNECTION So, if the car show wasn’t exactly Renns- port Reunion, what is the Porsche connection to drag racing great Don Garlits? Alongside an incredible drag racing museum, Garlits has a lesser known, but equally fascinating, antique car museum. Among the beautiful and intriguing cars there, you will find a restored 1950 Volkswagen Sedan (Beetle) and a new leftover 1974 Karmann-Ghia, both tracing their development to Ferdinand Porsche. Porsche fanatics know that Ferdinand Porsche’s team designed the original “Type 60” in the ‘30s, hoping to provide a simple “people’s car” for millions of German workers who had never enjoyed the opportunity to own a car. The “Volkswagen” was to Germans what the Ford Model T was to Americans, the machine that elevated personal mobility from the horse and buggy era to that of the automobile. In fact, Ferdinand Porsche had even visited Henry Ford in Detroit, to learn more about his mass production of cars. In 1949, just after Ferdinand’s son “Ferry” had begun building sports cars bearing the Porsche name, entrepreneur Max Hoffman imported the first two VW “Beetles” into the U.S. A few dozen entered the country in 1950, making the 1950 car an extremely rare piece. Who thought to save an old Beetle? The basic black “Bug” in the Garlits museum stands as a monument to simplicity and utility, with its 25 hp engine, knitting needle shifter, and turn signal semaphore stalks instead of lights. The big PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 innovation that year was hydraulic brakes. The museum’s “new” 1974 KarmannGhia was purchased from a bank, following the closure of a VW dealership. Those were hard times for the economy and especially for VW. Many VW dealers never recovered. ANTIQUES/DRAG RACERS The antique car museum also houses a great collection of Fords, mostly from the ‘40s and 1949-50, and an eclectic group of other automotive milestones, including Model Ts, Corvairs, Mustangs, NASCAR versions of the Dodge Charger, an MG, some Crosleys, even a Pontiac Fiero powered by Smokey Yunick’s experimental hot vapor engine. Many of the cars have been Don and Pat Garlits’ personal vehicles at one time or another. The separate Museum of Drag Racing provides an incredible collection of drag racing cars, beginning with Garlits’ first drag racer. Garlits grew up in Tampa, and set his first e.t. and speed records in 1957 on the concrete runway at Brooksville. (You can tell from a large photo in the museum that it is the same strip we used for the for Suncoast Region’s 50th Anniversary Autocross in May.) The hot rod establishment in California wouldn’t recognize his records since they were recorded on concrete, so he packed up his “Swamp Rat” and hit the national circuit. The rest, as they say, is history. Continued on page 28 25 This photo was taken from the back of a pace car by CINDY OPPIHLE 48 Hours at Sebring Is Coming Closer! By CINDY OPPIHLE Volunteer Chairman 48 Hours at Sebring event will be here before you know it. Volunteer sign-up is now open, so don’t delay as positions fill quickly. Mark the calendar and go to the Volunteer tab at www.48hoursatsebring.com to sign up for the specialty of your choice. Click on Position Description for a brief summary and list of responsibilities to help you choose. The dates are February 2 thru 5, Thursday through Sunday. To make the 48 Hours event a success, it takes approximately 200 volunteers in areas such as Grid, Timing and Scoring, Corner Helper, Hospitality, Tech & Scales, Pit Marshalls and Autocross. Each specialty offers an exciting time, plus an excellent oppor- The 26 tunity to meet other members sharing the same interest – Porsches. Should you be arriving Wednesday, access to the track is currently scheduled for 5:00 p.m. Once access is granted, the line will move quickly providing everyone has signed the various waivers. Staff will be available to make this process run smoothly. So, if you get to the track on Wednesday, you can be a big help by insuring you and your crew sign all waivers and secure the various dots for your trucks and PCA wrist bands. So don’t be a ‘flat tire’ at the gate because you didn’t sign the necessary waivers. Mark the calendar and start thinking of where you would like to help. Check out the 48HoursAtSebring.com web site to see what is available. Should you have any questions about volunteering, feel free to PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 call, Cindy Oppihle, at 941-426-3319, or email cindyjeano@gmail.com Don’t be left behind. Now, in case you want to drive but not on the big track, don’t forget there will be another exciting Autocross. Registration is open for the Saturday event and you may register by going to www.clubregistration. net. Autocross questions may be directed to Steve or Dottie Kidd at dottiekidd@ bellsouth.net or 954-946-3196. The clock is ticking, so get it in gear and check out the 48 hours at Sebring web site to sign up as a volunteer or sign up for the Autocross by going to the Club Registration web site. See you at the 2012 48 Hours at Sebring. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the 48 Hours staff. PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 27 Don Garlits’ Museum from page 25 At one point, “Big Daddy” won Top Fuel Eliminator in 24 out of 30 NHRA events over two seasons. They don’t call him “King of the Dragsters” for nothing! Many of his “Swamp Rat” racers are on display, from Swamp Rat I to Swamp Rat 34, including the first successful rear-engined dragster, his Dart funny car and his outrageous flathead-powered Bonneville streamliner. Trophies, memorabilia, even the man’s Eagle Scout card tell the life story of an American hero. But it isn’t just Don Garlits’ own cars in the museum. Cars from the greatest names in drag racing have been brought together in Ocala. Successful racecars and even notable failures are displayed, such as early streamliner dragsters and a twin-engined car. One room in the museum houses nothing but racing engines and an early Smokey Yunick dynamometer. BIG DADDY Garlits will turn 80 next year. He still races a Dodge Challenger “drag pack” car, and drives battery-powered dragsters in charity match races for the Darrell Gwynn Foundation. At the swap meet, fans could stop by “Don’s Garage” to purchase some of his surplus items from a life spent playing with cars. Can you use a shortened axle assembly for a dragster? How about a fender for a 1949 Ford? He also offered copies of his new book, “Don Garlits and His Cars.” Each item came with a good story, and an autograph from “Big Daddy.” 100% Protection, 100% Guaranteed. Radar & Laser Protection as Advanced as your Car. Available at: www.drivingexpressions.com Protect your Cars Paint from Stone & Bug Damage. Installing quality paint protection film for the past 14 years….why go anywhere else. 941-922-2711 PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 29 PAGE OBENSHAIN Cell (727) 430-6532 Fax (727) 821-2555 Email spycs@tampabay.rr.com 727-823-2555 www.StPeteYachtSales.com PORSCHE Profile 30 PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 www.porscheinsurance.com You move fast So do we Almost twenty years ago, we pioneered limited-pleasure-use insurance in a program exclusive to PCA members, nationwide. Over time our offerings have grown. They have grown again. A lot. • Want to commute occasionally? Fine. • Want unlimited mileage? No problem. • Don’t want to pay a deductible? Ok. Don’t need all this fancy stuff? Pile savings on top of savings. Set some limits for even bigger discounts. There’s more. Our new Florida program also covers: race cars, trailers, classic and custom motorcycles, street rods, special interest vehicles (yes we want that Porsche tractor!), kit cars and replicas. One thing that hasn’t changed is our personal service. We’re here to help you, and we like our jobs. Give us a call or stop by our web site and get an instant quote. Insurance for your classic and exotic vehicles. Get your Instant Insurance Quote• DECEMBER at porscheinsurance.com or call 800.237.4722 31 PORSCHE PROFILE 2011 Get to know our loyal advertisers in their own words PORSCHE Profile Send your photos and articles by the first of the month to alicia.nordquist10@gmail.com for inclusion in the following month’s issue Our Featured Advertiser: Southern Tire Company 3218 South MacDill Ave., Tampa, 33629 (See page 28) (813) 839-6261 Business Owners: Troy Ragano Diminished Value Claims What is the nature of your business? We are a complete automotive center. What distinguishes you from similar businesses? Our quality of service. We pride ourselves on doing the job right. Are you a PCA Suncoast Region member? If so, what do you drive and do you participate in any events? No, but I just attended the Porsche Sport Driving School held at Barber Motorsports Park. What message do you have for Porsche Profile readers? August was Southern Tire Company’s 50th year in business. I am the third generation owner. We have been able to be here 50 years by taking care of our customers. We are an independent company, so we can get you the tire you are looking for. If your vehicle is damaged in an accident, the insurance company could owe you thousands above the cost of repair. Find out at www.thedvattorney.com Possible! Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer St. Petersburg, Florida Personal Injury | Insurance Claims | Probate | Sinkholes | Diminished Value 727.823.1818 • www.thedvattorney.com 32 PORSCHE Profile David D. Neiser 2010 Our Advertisers Make Please remember to consider using their services and thank them for their continued support PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 Welcome to Market Place The Suncoast Florida PCA’s official free classified section Wanted/Trade n WOULD LIKE TO TRADE MY PEARSON 323 SAILBOAT, for a Porsche 930, Boxster, or a newer 911, car + cash is ok. See craigslist. Call Peter Somkowicz for more detailed info at 727560-4849 cell. n BOLT-IN ROLL BAR OR CAGE to fit my 911SC Targa. Used racing suit, size XL, SFI 3.2A/5 min. Performance exhaust headers & megaphones. Fiberglass Targa top. Call or email Albert at 813-598-0623 alhoot42@verizon.net. n A NICE REAR DECK LID for ‘74 to ‘85 911/912E. No pre-drilled whale-tail holes or big dents, please. Guards Red a plus. Email or call David with offer. (813) 653-4757, farcyde@earthlink.net. Automobiles NEW! n VAN DIEMEN DP06 This car ran in the IMSA Lites 3 series, comes with a 205hp 2.3 liter Mazda motor. Fresh rebuild with only 2 hours of break in time. It also has a 5-speed Sadev sequential gear box, AP brakes, and complete AIM dash and data logging. Three sets of OZ wheels. Repainted last year, 100 amp McLaren alternator system to run lights and data. This car won the IMSA Lites 3 race at Sebring in ‘08. Qualified on the pole with a 2:12. Fast and fun. Pics on request. Located at Sebring Race track. $38,000. Email Mike Baker at mb911@msn.com. NEW! n 1987 PORSCHE 911 COUPE - Silver, 103K miles. Engine total rebuild and upgraded from 3.2L to 3.4L at 101K miles. Total new AC system at 102K miles, new clutch, performance chip, SSI exhaust, K&N, 930 steering wheel, 3 point strut brace, turbo tie rods, factory front & rear spoilers, SS brake lines, drilled rotors, 2 sets of wheels and tires, 16" BBS and 17" Turbo Twist wheels, sport seats, always garaged. Excellent condition and FAST. VIN: WPOABO919HS120681. $25,000. Contact Rob, 352-584-0741 or email bvc@ tampabay.rr.com for more information and photos. NEW! n 1987 PORSCHE 924S Black on black, 52,000 miles, for sale by original owner. FL car garage kept and in nice condition. $6,500. Call Phil Livengood in Palm Harbor at 727-784-1264. NEW! n 2002 996 CARRERA COUPE - Black on grey leather (deviated carpet color: black). 6-speed manual, 3.6L 6-cyl 320hp, 58k miles. Options: 18” 5-spoke Carrera wheels, PSM, sunroof, sport seats with crest in headrest, heated seats. Upgrades: custom GPS/Stereo including Eclipse head unit with GPS, JL audio amp (front trunk) with custom JL audio door speakers (total $4000), Nearly new Michelin Pilot Sport tires (4), clear side markers. Maintenance up to date, recent new alternator (brand new, genuine Porsche, $1700) and battery done at Porsche North Houston. Always hand detailed, looks nearly new, kept on battery maintainer. Needs nothing. Asking $27,000. Contact Matt at moskasa82@yahoo.com or call 941-773-6811. n 1999 PORSCHE 911- 55,000 miles, pale yellow, black top, matching yellow hardtop, Boxster red interior, full leather, Classic II wheels $29,500. The car is in Lakeland. Call Carl at (863) 944 4979. n 2002 911 Carrera, 6 Spd, 32K miles, black/grey, well maintained. This car has every upgrade possible with premium Bose speakers, enhanced leather seats. Must see and drive! Immaculate condition! $30,000. Contact Felix Subervi at 813-601-5830 or drfsubervi@hotmail.com n 1982 WIESSACH EDITION 928, #148 out of 205 produced. Two owners, climate controlled garage its entire life. Judges Choice and 1st in Class winner at 50th Anniversary for Suncoast. VIN. WPOJA0926CS821614. (125Kmi). All receipts and service records. Drove to PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 Parade in Savanah. Wonderful car to show and enjoy. Asking $16,900. Located in Punta Gorda. Contact Carl at 941-916-4152 or cdbohall@yahoo.com. n 1998 911 TARGA - Excellent condition, black on black, Tiptronic. 77,000 miles. California/Florida car. $34,000. Call Mike 727 424 5015. n 1995 993 CARERRA COUPE, 3.6 Air Cooled/52,225 miles/$34,500. Grand Prix white exterior and cashmere leather interior, 3.6/auto speed control, power heated side mirrors, torque limited slipw/ ABD, 6 speed, factory air, electric sunroof, rear wiper option, headlight washers, power windows, factory central locking alarm, full power driver’s seat, and more. For more info and photos, call 941-650-7771 or email n 1991 PORSCHE 911/964 RACECAR WITH 18' ENCLOSED TRAILER. Ready to race, professionally prepared, $36K in receipts since 2008. Straight, no-incident car with brand new interior. Converted from streetcar mid2000s in excellent condition. Very low hours on rebuild. Class in PCA G/H, PBOC R-4 or equivalent. In St. Petersburg; will separate. $39K for the whole package with spare wheels/tires. David 727.744.0856 or deichenb@yahoo.com. n 2004 GT3 RACE/DE CAR, Street Car converted by NGT (11,319 Total Miles). VIN: WPOAC29924S692703, Speed Yellow, CF Doors/Deck Lid, Motons, H&R, 2 sets Forgeline, R6 & Hoosier Cups, Giro Floating, Pagids, Cage, Recaro, Cool Suit, TraqMate w/Camera, Cup Rear Wing, Modified Trans, SS, LSD, 3.6L remapped, headers, Center Exhaust, etc. $60,000. Located at Vortex Motorsport, Tampa.Contact: JLBolles@gmail.com or 813-965-1253. n 2007 GT3 RS, silver with orange accents over black interior, ceramic brakes More classifieds on next page! 33 and clear paint guard. This car is in showroom condition with 22k miles. $74,900. Contact Ralph, 727-692-7778, or email rdk993@ msn.com. Pictures available. n 2001 911 CARRERA CPE, WPOAA29951S622971, dark blue/blue, 97,000 mi, original owner, all dealer serviced, not tracked, FL car, $22,500, Philip Foley, St. Petersburg (727) 823-1897. n 1996 PORSCHE 911 CABRIOLET - 44,500 miles, Polar Silver with Plum convertible top. New clutch, tires, and brakes, all maintenance records. Excellent condition, driven only in spring and summer in Midwest, garaged in winter. The car is now in Osprey (suburb of Sarasota). $33,500 obo. Call Barry at 847-858-4515. n 1986 PORSCHE 944 TURBO #WP0AA0958GN150404, Alpine White w/Black Interior and Black/Polished Fuchs, 46,000 miles, one owner, always garaged, excellent condition, serviced by Porsche garages with all records, $15,500, A/C, cruise control, electric seats and windows, electric sunroof, alarm system, upgraded sound system. Resides in Land O' Lakes, FL. Contact Jim Brown at 713-828-1496 or e-mail jdbrown0942@sbcglobal.net. n 1978 911SC TARGA. 911SC w/ Stainless Steel Targa. Black/tan leather Interior, 112K miles. Chain tensioners, popoff, short shift, turbo tie-rods, black painted Fuchs w/Dunlop SP9000, power windows, anti-theft, cruise control, AC upgraded to R134a, Alpine CD player w/ poweramp & Boston Acoustic speakers, sport exhaust, Weltmeister Strut Braces (Front/Targa), Momo wheel & shifter, red painted calipers, lowered suspension w/spacers, TechArt pedals & rest w/911 stainless door sills, 911 crest door handles, always garaged. Cabrella Targa top, car cover, bra & mirror covers. Runs very strong, always professionally serviced, all maintenance records since purchased. $12,500 OBO. Serious buyers only. Contact Ed Grohe for pictures or questions at: egrohe3@tampabay. rr.com or 727-743-8320. n 1987 944 COUPE, sunroof; 5-spd; 350 Spyder steering wheel; 32,688 new clutch; 34,736 new timing belt/water pump. Eibell Performance “car is a Home Run.” Appraiser “a true survivor in show condition.” Always garaged; never raced, all new belts. Always lived Pinellas County, $12,995. Rick Zinth, linkou6987@yahoo.com; 727-560-4529 (WP0AB0944HN473287). n A STRIKING CAR! FULLY LOADED. 2009 PORSCHE 911 4S Convertible, 6-speed, silver/grey interior, turbo rims, (car is 4 months old) like new, 4,900 miles. Just installed TUBI exhaust, software update, Fabspeed cold air intake, rear wing (all installed in last 30 days), 129k new as configured (not including above updates). $82,000. Contact Jerry at 1-813713-3592 or email jerry.newberry@beipros. com, Tampa. Parts NEW! n WHEELS FOR 997. 3 piece AVUS 19X 11, and 19X8.5. Chrome polished lips and assembly bolts. Centers painted Porsche black to match 2006 C4S. Constant remarks of how stunning on car. 3 excellent, 1 has about 8” curb scratch on lip. New $4500+, $1500. Sitting in garage past two years. Pictures available at rrgillis@ verizon.net or phone (813) 431-8241. NEW! n MUFFLERS FOR 997.1 C2, 10K miles on them. Perfect for turning a stock muffler into full time PSE (Porsche Sport Exhaust), by welding a 1.5" - 2" pipe connecting the two pipes of each muffler. Could be done by a local muffler shop for about $200. Price $225. Contact Harvey at 941.567.6007 or h.cummins997@gmail. com. n TRACK TIRES & TRAILER ITEMS - Two 225/45/17 and 2 255/40/17 BFGoodrich g-Force R1. Tires are used with good rubber remaining on fronts and at least 1/32 on rears - $75; Pit Posse trailer aluminum cabinet - $75; Pit Posse aluminum fuel jug racks - $50 each; 5 gallon fuel jugs - $20 each. Contact mtowry@tampabay. rr.com or 727-397-1753. n 6-SPEED MANUAL SHIFTER for 997, part number 997 424 010 00, taken from my 2010 Carrera. $200 Contact Tim Balon aei727-535-6006 or timbp997@gmail. com n CONSOLE LID WITH PORSCHE LOGO, Sand Biege color, perfect condition, for Carrera or Boxster. Part numbers 997553231 01, 987 553 231 00, $200.00. Contact Tim Balon at 727 535 6006 or timbp997@gmail.com or robert@ inspect2protect.com. n WHEELS FOR 993, 996 OR 968. OZ Fittipaldi 500 Modular. Polished lip, center covers, very attractive, near perfect condition. 17”x8.5 and 9.5. If new $3,950, buy for only $1,600. Dennis O’Keefe, cell 727-422-3533 or for pictures dennis@ okeefepainter.com Other NEW! n PACE DAYTONA GT TRAILER - 28 ft. Pace Daytona GT trailer. Light package, Cabinet package, Tire rack, plenty of Pit Pal, 2 AC units with heat strips, even wired for TV. Only 1500 miles on trailer. Includes sway control, electric jack. Pics on request. Would like to trade for an enclosed Trailex, BRE, or would consider the right open Trailex. Cash works well, too. $18500. No disappointments. Located at Sebring Race Track. See Carlos or email Mike Baker at mb911@msn.com. n TRAILEX TRAILER (CT7541, 895 lbs, 4,100 lb capacity), electric brakes, tire rack, diamond aluminum tool box, aluminum dual gas jug holder, spare tire mounted on trailer, electric crane winch for loading tires. Five new tires. Trailer dolly included. Replacement cost over $7,000, yours for $5,500. Call Russ Lee, 941-928-9500. The Marketplace is a free service for PCA members. Space is limited. Ads are accepted by order of date received. Unpublished ads will be held for following issues. Requests must be received by the 1st of the month. Be sure to include your PCA membership number. E-mail Alicia Nordquist at alicia.nordquist10@gmail.com or send to: 1243 Siesta Bayside Drive, Sarasota, FL 34242 Sold your listing? Great! Please be sure to let us know in order to make room for fellow Suncoast PCA members. When listing, please be considerate of other members and keep the length to a minimum. Sell your Porsche products in 34 Market Place The PORSCHE PROFILE • DECEMBER 2011 GERMAN TECH INC 10881 75th St. N. • Largo, FL 33777 • Phone: (727) 547-0818 or (800) 200-1231 • Fax: (727) 547-1809 info@germantech.com • Our Business Hours: Mo-Fr 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. • Sat/Sun/Holidays by Appointment PRESORTED STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERRYS SERVICES Suncoast Region Porsche Club of America 1243 Siesta Bayside Drive Sarasota, FL 34242 EXCLUSIVE INVITATION You are invited to Reeves MotorSports Gathering – an exceptional opportunity for car owners and enthusiasts to showcase classic, exotic, luxury and super cars. This exclusive event is hosted at Reeves Import Motorcars the first Saturday of every month. Bring a friend and join us for coffee, bagels, muffins, and espirit de corps! THE FIRST S AT U R D AY 1 O F E V E R Y M O N T H 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM Please enter from Florida Avenue, between Hummer and Subaru. For more information or directions, please email Jeff Wisz at jwisz@drivereeves.com or call 813.933.2811