Seremoniau sifil ym mwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y


Seremoniau sifil ym mwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y
Civil Ceremonies
in The County Borough of Bridgend
Seremonïau Sifil
ym Mwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
3Civil Ceremonies in The County Borough
of Bridgend
The Register Office at Ty’r Ardd
Ceremonies in Approved Premises
Legal Preliminaries
Documents you need to produce
Religious Ceremonies
Marriage Abroad
Other Celebratory Ceremonies
Naming Ceremonies
3Seremonïau Sifil ym Mwrdeistref Sirol
Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
Y Swyddfa Gofrestru yn Nhy’r Ardd
Seremonïau mewn Safleoedd Cymeradwy
Rhagbaratoadau Cyfreithiol
Dogfennau y mae angen i chi eu cyflwyno
Seremonïau Crefyddol
Priodi Dramor
Seremonïau Dathlu Eraill
Seremonïau Enwi
Civil Ceremonies
in The County Borough of Bridgend
Welcome to Bridgend Registration District. This guide is to inform
you of the types of ceremonies that we offer and to help you
choose a venue which will suit your personal taste and requirements.
Whatever type of ceremony you have in mind, marriage, civil
partnership, renewal of vows or naming, you can be sure of
a friendly and professional service from the staff at Bridgend
Register Office. Our experienced team is dedicated to making
your ceremony a special and memorable occasion. Whether you
are planning a small intimate gathering or a much grander affair
we will assist you every step of the way by ensuring the legal
preliminaries are carried out according to law and that you have
the ceremony you have always wished for. Each ceremony is
tailor-made making your ceremony as unique as you are.
Contact details:
The Register Office
Ty’r Ardd
Bridgend CF31 4AR
Tel: 01656 642391
Fax: 01656 642389
Seremonïau Sifil
ym Mwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
Croeso i Ardal Gofrestru Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Mae’r arweiniad
hwn wedi’i fwriadu i’ch hysbysu ynghylch y mathau o seremonïau
yr ydym yn eu cynnig ac i’ch helpu iddewis lleoliad a fydd yn
gweddu i’ch chwaeth a’ch gofynion personol chi.
Pa bynnag fath o seremoni sydd gennych mewn golwg: priodas,
partneriaeth sifil, adnewyddu llwon neu seremoni enwi, byddwch
yn siwr o gael gwasanaeth cyfeillgar a phroffesiynol gan y staff yn
Swyddfa Gofrestru Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Mae ein tîm profiadol yn
ymroddedig i wneud eich seremoni’n achlysur arbennig a chofiadwy.
Pa un a ydych yn cynllunio aduniad cartrefol, bach ynteu digwyddiad
llawer mwy mawreddog, byddwn yn eich cynorthwyo bob cam
o’r ffordd trwy sicrhau bod y rhagbaratoadau cyfreithiol yn cael eu
cyflawni’n unol â’r gyfraith a’ch bod yn cael y seremoni yr ydych
wastad wedi dymuno ei chael. Caiff pob seremoni ei theilwra’n
arbennig gan wneud eich seremoni’r un mor unigryw â chi.
Manylion cyswllt:
Y Swyddfa Gofrestru
Ty’r Ardd
Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr CF31 4AR
Ffôn: 01656 642391
Ffacs: 01656 642389
Civil Ceremonies in The County Borough of Bridgend
The Register Office at Ty’r Ardd
Our new location at the recently renovated Ty’r
Ardd is adjacent to the main Sunnyside Council
Offices just outside Bridgend town centre. We
offer exclusive car parking for ceremony guests
at the rear of the building with separate access
through the gardens to the waiting room. Access
on weekdays is via the barrier at the left hand
side of the main Sunnyside building; on Saturday
the barrier is permanently open for ease of
access. On weekdays it is not advisable to arrive
by limousine as they are unable to gain direct
access to the building but this is not an issue
on Saturdays.
There is a choice of two rooms in which to
hold your ceremony depending on the size of
the party:
The Register Office room offers seating for 22.
The room is tastefully decorated with attractive
flower arrangements permanently on display.
Music is provided or you may wish to bring a
CD of your choice.
The Garden Room can accommodate 75 guests
and has been designed with a modern yet
elegant colour scheme in tones of cream and
gold. The room is fitted with a hearing loop,
surround sound system and a webcam so that
the ceremony can be broadcast live via the
internet – this is especially useful when family
members or friends are unable to attend; they
can view the ceremony from anywhere in
the world!
We have a wide selection of music available for
background and for the entrance of the bride
or alternatively you may wish to bring a CD of
your choice.
Both rooms have access to spacious attractive
gardens giving the opportunity for photographs
both before and after the ceremony.
Ceremonies are offered Monday – Saturday
between 10.00am and 3.30pm. We can take
bookings up to two years ahead so please
contact us well in advance in order to secure
your preferred date and time.
Seremonïau Sifil ym Mwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
Y Swyddfa Gofrestru yn Nhy’r Ardd
Mae ein lleoliad newydd yn adeilad Ty’r Ardd,
a adnewyddwyd yn ddiweddar, ar bwys prif
Swyddfeydd y Cyngor yn Sunnyside nid nepell o
ganol tref Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Rydym yn cynnig
cyfleusterau parcio neilltuedig ar gyfer gwesteion
sy’n mynychu seremonïau y tu ôl i’r adeilad gyda
mynediad ar wahân trwy’r gerddi i’r ystafell aros.
Ceir mynediad ar benwythnosau trwy’r atalfa
ar yr ochr chwith i brif adeilad Sunnyside, ac ar
ddydd Sadwrn mae’r atalfa ar agor yn barhaol
er mwyn cynnig mynediad rhwydd. Yn ystod
yr wythnos nid yw’n ddoeth cyrraedd mewn
limwsîn gan nad ydynt yn gallu cael mynediad
uniongyrchol at yr adeilad ond nid yw hyn yn
broblem ar ddydd Sadwrn.
Mae dewis o 2 ystafell ar gyfer cynnal eich
seremoni gan ddibynnu ar faint y grwp:
Mae lle eistedd i 22 o bobl yn ystafell y Swyddfa
Gofrestru. Mae’r ystafell wedi’i haddurno’n
chwaethus gyda threfniadau blodau deniadol
yn cael eu harddangos yn barhaol. Darperir
cerddoriaeth ar eich cyfer neu efallai y byddwch
yn dymuno dod â chryno ddisg o’ch dewis chi.
Mae lle yn Ystafell yr Ardd i 75 o westeion ac
mae wedi’i dylunio gan ddefnyddio cynllun lliw
modern ond coeth mewn arlliwiau hufen ac aur.
Mae dolen glywed, system sain amgylchynol
a gwe-gamera wedi’u gosod yn yr ystafell fel
bod y seremoni’n gallu cael ei darlledu’n fyw
dros y Rhyngrwyd – mae hyn yn arbennig o
ddefnyddiol pan nad yw aelodau o’r teulu neu
ffrindiau’n gallu bod yn bresennol; gallant wylio’r
seremoni o unrhyw ran o’r byd! Mae gennym
ddetholiad eang o gerddoriaeth i’w defnyddio fel
cerddoriaeth gefndir ac ymdeithgan y briodferch
neu fel arall efallai y byddwch yn dymuno dod â
chryno ddisg o’ch dewis chi.
Mae’r ddwy ystafell yn cynnig mynediad at
erddi deniadol helaeth sy’n rhoi’r cyfle ar gyfer
ffotograffau cyn ac ar ôl y seremoni.
Cynigir seremonïau o ddydd Llun i ddydd Sadwrn
rhwng 10.00am a 3.30pm. Gallwn gymryd
archebion hyd at 2 flynedd ymlaen llaw felly
cysylltwch â ni mewn da bryd er mwyn sicrhau’r
dyddiad a’r amser a ffafrir gennych.
Ceremonies in
Approved Premises
You may wish to hold your ceremony at one of the venues
licensed for Marriages and Civil Partnerships within the
County Borough of Bridgend. We have a wide variety of
venues depending on the size of your party and personal
taste. There are many venues to choose from including
country houses, seafront hotels, a theatre and golf club,
giving the option of a small intimate gathering or a more
extravagant affair. You firstly need to contact your
preferred venue to book the date and then check
with the Superintendent Registrar on the availability of
the registration officers on your chosen date and time.
The venues currently licensed within the County Borough
of Bridgend are:
Bryngarw House, Brynmenyn
Coed-y-Mwstwr Hotel, Coychurch
Court Colman Hotel, Pen-y-fai
Heronston Hotel, Ewenny
Hi Tide Inn, Porthcawl
The Great House, Laleston
The Grove Golf Club, near Porthcawl
The Grand Pavilion, Porthcawl
Seabank Hotel, Porthcawl
(01656) 729009
(01656) 860621
(01656) 720212
(01656) 668811
(01656) 782432
(01656) 667644
(01656) 788771
(01656) 783860
(01656) 782261
The fees for the attendance of the registration officers at
the venues listed above are set by the Local Authority and
will differ between neighbouring districts. This is separate
to the fee charged by the venue for hiring the room for the
ceremony. The registration fees are reviewed annually so
please contact the Register Office for the current fees or
check the website.
You may choose to enhance your ceremony with poetry
or music, but any enhancements have to be non religious
in content. If you are unsure please check with the
Superintendent Registrar at your pre-ceremony interview
a month before the ceremony. We include meaningful and
sincere vows as part of our ceremony or you may wish to
write your own words to personalise this significant occasion
and to make the words of commitment uniquely yours.
Seremonïau mewn
Safleoedd Cymeradwy
© Bob Grainger Photography
Efallai y byddwch yn dymuno cynnal eich seremoni yn un
o’r lleoliadau sydd wedi’u trwyddedu ar gyfer Priodasau
a Phartneriaethau Sifil ym Mwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont
ar Ogwr. Mae gennym amrywiaeth eang o leoliadau gan
ddibynnu ar faint eich grwp a’ch chwaeth bersonol chi. Mae
nifer o leoliadau i ddewis ohonynt gan gynnwys plastai gwledig,
gwestai ar lan y môr, theatr a chlwb golff sy’n rhoi’r dewis o
gynulliad cartrefol bach neu ddigwyddiad mwy mawreddog.
Yn gyntaf bydd angen i chi gysylltu â’r lleoliad a ffafrir gennych
i gadw lle ar y dyddiad dan sylw ac wedyn gwirio gyda’r
Cofrestrydd Arolygol i weld a oes un o’r swyddogion cofrestru
ar gael ar eich dewis ddyddiad ac amser.
Dyma’r lleoliadau sydd wedi’u trwyddedu ar hyn o bryd ym
Mwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr:
Ty Bryngarw, Brynmenyn
Gwesty Coed-y-Mwstwr, Llangrallo
Gwesty Cwrt Colman, Pen-y-fai
Gwesty Heronston, Ewenni
Hi Tide Inn, Porthcawl
Y Ty Mawr, Trelales
Clwb Golff The Grove, ger Porthcawl
Pafiliwn y Grand, Porthcawl
Gwesty’r Seabank, Porthcawl
(01656) 729009
(01656) 860621
(01656) 720212
(01656) 668811
(01656) 782432
(01656) 667644
(01656) 788771
(01656) 783860
(01656) 782261
Caiff y ffioedd a godir am ddarparu swyddogion cofrestru i
fod yn bresennol yn y lleoliadau a restrir uchod eu pennu gan
yr Awdurdod Lleol a byddant yn amrywio rhwng ardaloedd
cyfagos. Mae hon yn ffi ar wahân i’r ffi a godir gan y lleoliad
am logi’r ystafell ar gyfer y seremoni. Caiff y ffioedd cofrestru
eu hadolygu’n flynyddol felly cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Gofrestru
i gael y ffioedd cyfredol neu gwiriwch y wefan.
Efallai y byddwch yn dewis ychwanegu barddoniaeth neu
gerddoriaeth at eich seremoni, ac mae’n rhaid i unrhyw
ychwanegiadau o’r fath fod yn anghrefyddol o ran eu natur.
Os ydych yn ansicr gwiriwch gyda’r Cofrestrydd Arolygol yn
eich cyfweliad cyn y seremoni a gynhelir fis cyn y seremoni.
Rydym yn cynnwys llwon ystyrlon a diffuant fel rhan o’n
seremoni neu efallai y byddwch yn dymuno ysgrifennu eich
geiriau eich hun i wneud yr achlysur arwyddocaol hwn yn
fwy personol a gwneud y geiriau o ymrwymiad yn rhai sy’n
perthyn yn unigryw i chi.
© Bob Grainger Photography
Legal Preliminaries –
Giving notice of marriage/civil partnership
Unless you are marrying in the Church in Wales or Church of
England by Banns or Licence you must give notice of marriage/civil
partnership at your local Register Office. This is a legal requirement.
Although we can provisionally book your ceremony date up to two
years in advance you have to be within 12 months of the ceremony
date in order to give notice. The notice of marriage/civil partnership
is a legal document which must be signed by each party giving notice,
therefore you both must attend in person. You must both have had
your usual place of residence in a registration district for at least the
seven days prior to giving notice. If you both live in different districts
you will each need to give notice in your own registration district.
After giving notice your details are displayed in public for 15 clear
days after which time the authority is issued allowing the ceremony
to take place. The authority is valid for 12 months from the date of
notice. If you are giving notice in a district different from the one
where the ceremony is taking place you need to allow time to collect
your authorities from the notice district in order for them to be given
to the person responsible for registering the marriage.
For civil partnerships the authority is issued by the registration officer
in the district where the ceremony will take place so you do not
need to go back to the notice district to collect it.
There is a fee payable for giving notice of marriage/civil partnership.
Please contact the Superintendent Registrar or visit our website
for current fees.
Rhagbaratoadau Cyfreithiol –
Rhoi hysbysiad o briodas/partneriaeth sifil
Oni bai eich bod yn priodi yn yr Eglwys yng Nghymru neu yn Eglwys
Loegr â Gostegion neu Drwydded mae’n rhaid i chi roi hysbysiad o
briodas/partneriaeth sifil yn eich Swyddfa Gofrestru leol. Mae hwn
yn ofyniad cyfreithiol. Er y gallwn gadw dyddiad eich seremoni dros
dro hyd at 2 flynedd ymlaen llaw mae’n rhaid eich bod o fewn
12 mis i ddyddiad y seremoni i allu rhoi’r hysbysiad. Mae’r hysbysiad
o briodas/partneriaeth sifil yn ddogfen gyfreithiol y mae’n rhaid iddi
gael ei llofnodi gan y ddau barti sy’n hysbysu felly mae’n rhaid i’r ddau
ohonoch fod yno yn eich person. Mae’n rhaid bod preswylfa arferol y
ddau ohonoch wedi bod yn yr ardal gofrestru am o leiaf y 7 niwrnod
cyn rhoi’r hysbysiad. Os yw’r ddau ohonoch yn byw mewn gwahanol
ardaloedd cofrestru bydd angen i’r ddau ohonoch roi hysbysiad
yn eich ardaloedd cofrestru eich hunain. Ar ôl rhoi hysbysiad bydd
eich manylion yn cael eu harddangos yn gyhoeddus am 15 niwrnod
clir, ac ar ôl hynny rhoddir awdurdod sy’n caniatáu i’r seremoni
gael ei chynnal. Mae’r awdurdod yn ddilys am 12 mis o ddyddiad yr
hysbysiad. Os ydych yn rhoi hysbysiad mewn ardal wahanol i’r un
y bydd y seremoni’n cael ei chynnal ynddi mae angen i chi ganiatáu
amser i gasglu eich awdurdodau o’r ardaloedd hysbysu er mwyn
iddynt gael eu rhoi i’r sawl sy’n gyfrifol am gofrestru’r briodas.
Ar gyfer partneriaethau sifil caiff yr awdurdod ei roi gan y swyddog
cofrestru yn yr ardal y bydd y seremoni’n cael ei chynnal ynddi felly
nid oes angen i chi fynd yn ôl i’r ardal hysbysu i’w gasglu.
Codir ffi am roi hysbysiad o briodas/partneriaeth sifil. Cysylltwch
â’r Cofrestrydd Arolygol neu ewch at ein gwefan i gael y
ffioedd cyfredol.
© Bob Grainger Photography
Documents you need
to produce
When you attend the Register Office you will need to
produce certain documentation in order to verify your
name, age, nationality and home address.
Documents required:
Current valid passport or full birth certificate (if you
were born in the UK after 1st January 1983 but do
not have a valid British passport you will also need
to provide documentation confirming your parents’
nationality – please check when you book your
notice appointment);
Proof of address e.g. utility bill, driving licence, bank
statement, payslip;
If you have changed your name you need to show the
change of name deed or statutory declaration;
If you are divorced or your civil partnership has ended
in dissolution you need to show the decree absolute or
the dissolution document bearing the court’s original
stamp (if you cannot produce this you need to contact
the county court which dealt with the case);
© Bob Grainger Photography
If you are a widow/widower or your civil partner has
died you will need to produce the death certificate of
your late partner plus your marriage/civil partnership
certificate if you are not mentioned on the
death certificate;
If either of you is under 18 we will need to see proof
that your parents agree to the marriage/civil partnership
– please contact the Superintendent Registrar for
further advice;
If either of you is a foreign national you may need to
give notice at a designated office – please contact the
Superintendent Registrar for further advice;
For further information or advice relating to any of the
above please contact the Superintendent Registrar.
Dogfennau y mae angen
i chi eu cyflwyno
Pan fyddwch yn dod i’r Swyddfa Gofrestru bydd angen
i chi gyflwyno dogfennaeth benodol er mwyn gwirio
eich enw, eich oedran, eich cenedligrwydd a’ch
cyfeiriad cartref.
Dogfennau sy’n ofynnol:
Pasbort dilys cyfredol neu dystysgrif geni lawn
(os cawsoch eich geni yn y DU ar ôl y 1af o Ionawr
1983 a’ch bod heb basbort Prydeinig llawn bydd
angen i chi hefyd ddarparu dogfennaeth sy’n cadarnhau
cenedligrwydd eich rhieni – gwiriwch pan fyddwch
yn trefnu eich apwyntiad ar gyfer rhoi hysbysiad);
Prawf o’ch cyfeiriad e.e. bil cyfleustod, trwydded yrru,
cyfriflen banc, slip cyflog;
Os ydych wedi newid eich enw mae angen i chi ddangos
y weithred newid enw neu ddatganiad statudol ar
newid enw;
Os ydych wedi ysgaru neu fod eich partneriaeth sifil
wedi cael ei diddymu mae angen i chi ddangos yr
archddyfarniad terfynol neu’r ddogfen ddiddymu sy’n
cynnwys stamp gwreiddiol y llys (os na allwch gyflwyno’r
dystiolaeth hon bydd angen i chi gysylltu â’r llys sirol a
ymdriniodd â’r achos);
Os ydych yn wraig weddw/yn wr gweddw neu os yw
eich partner sifil wedi marw bydd angen i chi gyflwyno
tystysgrif marwolaeth eich diweddar bartner a’ch
tystysgrif priodas/partneriaeth sifil os nad ydych yn
cael eich enwi ar y dystysgrif marwolaeth;
Os yw’r naill neu’r llall ohonoch dan 18 bydd angen
i ni weld prawf bod eich rhieni’n cytuno â’r briodas/
partneriaeth sifil – cysylltwch â’r Cofrestrydd Arolygol
i gael cyngor pellach;
© Bob Grainger Photography
Os yw’r naill neu’r llall ohonoch yn ddinesydd tramor
efallai y bydd yn rhaid i chi roi hysbysiad mewn swyddfa
ddynodedig – cysylltwch â’r Cofrestrydd Arolygol i gael
cyngor pellach;
I gael mwy o wybodaeth neu gyngor ynghylch unrhyw
beth a nodir uchod cysylltwch â’r Cofrestrydd Arolygol.
Civil Ceremonies in The County Borough of Bridgend
Religious Ceremonies Marriage abroad
All enquiries relating to marriages in the Anglican
Church (i.e. Church in Wales/Church of England)
should be made to the Vicar of your local parish
church. If you wish to marry in any other religious
building e.g. Catholic, Baptist, Methodist you must
firstly contact the responsible person for the
church/chapel before giving notice of marriage at
your local Register Office as described previously
in the “Legal Preliminaries” section.
In some cases a Registrar must attend the
church/chapel to register the marriage. You
should therefore confirm with the church/chapel
whether this is necessary and, if so, contact the
Superintendent Registrar for the district where
the church/chapel is located to enquire as to
the availability of a Registrar.
If you wish to marry abroad you may need
a “Certificate of no impediment” from the
Register Office for the district in which you live.
Please check with the authorities for the country
concerned. If so you need to give notice of
marriage as described previously. Most countries
like the certificate of no impediment to be dated
within three months of the wedding date so
please check with the country concerned before
booking your notice appointment. If you are
getting married abroad to a foreign national the
notice period is extended to 21 days and you
must have lived in the district for at least three
weeks prior to giving notice. The marriage is not
registered in this country so we recommend that
you obtain more than one marriage certificate
when you are abroad just in case the certificate
is mislaid. You do not register the marriage at
your local Register Office. The Foreign and
Commonwealth Office offer a facility where they
keep a record of the marriage certificate in this
country – please check their website for more
Seremonïau Sifil ym Mwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
Seremonïau Crefyddol Priodi dramor
Dylai unrhyw ymholiadau ynghylch priodasau
yn yr Eglwys Anglicanaidd (h.y. Yr Eglwys yng
Nghymru/Eglwys Loegr) gael eu cyflwyno i
Ficer yr eglwys yn eich plwyf lleol. Os ydych yn
dymuno priodi mewn unrhyw adeilad crefyddol
arall e.e. Eglwys Gatholig, Eglwys y Bedyddwyr,
Capel Methodistaidd mae’n rhaid i chi yn gyntaf
gysylltu â’r person cyfrifol ar gyfer yr eglwys/y
capel cyn rhoi hysbysiad o briodas yn eich Swyddfa
Gofrestru leol fel a ddisgrifiwyd yn flaenorol yn yr
adran “Rhagbaratoadau Cyfreithiol”.
Mewn rhai achosion mae’n rhaid i Gofrestrydd
fod yn bresennol yn yr eglwys/y capel i
gofrestru’r briodas. Dylech felly gadarnhau gyda’r
eglwys/capel a yw hyn yn angenrheidiol ac os
felly, dylech gysylltu â’r Cofrestrydd Arolygol ar
gyfer yr ardal y mae’r eglwys/y capel wedi’i eoli
ynddi i holi a oes Cofrestrydd ar gael.
Os ydych yn dymuno priodi dramor efallai y bydd
angen i chi gael “Tystysgrif dim rhwystr” gan y
Swyddfa Gofrestru ar gyfer yr ardal yr ydych yn
byw ynddi. Gwiriwch gydag awdurdodau’r wlad
dan sylw. Os felly, bydd angen i chi roi hysbysiad
o briodas fel a ddisgrifiwyd yn flaenorol. Mae’r
rhan fwyaf o wledydd yn dymuno i ddyddiad
y dystysgrif dim rhwystr fod o fewn 3 mis i
ddyddiad y briodas felly gwiriwch gyda’r wlad
dan sylw cyn trefnu eich apwyntiad ar gyfer rhoi
hysbysiad. Os ydych yn priodi dramor â dinesydd
tramor caiff cyfnod y rhybudd ei ymestyn i 21
diwrnod ac mae’n rhaid eich bod wedi bod yn
byw yn yr ardal am o leiaf 3 wythnos cyn rhoi
hysbysiad. Nid yw’r briodas yn cael ei chofrestru
yn y wlad yma felly rydym yn argymell eich
bod yn cael mwy nag 1 dystysgrif priodas pan
fyddwch dramor rhag ofn i’r dystysgrif gael ei
cholli. Nid ydych yn cofrestru’r briodas yn eich
Swyddfa Gofrestru leol. Mae’r Swyddfa Dramor
a Chymanwlad yn cynnig cyfleuster lle mae’n
cadw cofnod o’r dystysgrif priodas yn y wlad
hon – gwiriwch wefan y Swyddfa i gael mwy o
Other celebratory
Re-affirmation of vows ceremonies
These ceremonies are for couples who wish to renew the
vows they made to one another when they got married
or formed a civil partnership. Often the ceremony marks
a special anniversary such as silver wedding or first
anniversary but there is no reason why you cannot renew
your vows at any other stage. The ceremonies are very
popular for couples who got married abroad who now
wish to share their commitment with friends and family
who were unable to attend the wedding. The ceremony
can be held at Ty’r Ardd in one of the two ceremony
rooms depending on the size of the party or in one of the
venues licensed for marriages and civil partnerships within
the County Borough of Bridgend as detailed below:
Bryngarw House, Brynmenyn
Coed-y-Mwstwr Hotel, Coychurch
Court Colman Hotel, Pen-y-fai
Heronston Hotel, Ewenny
Hi Tide Inn, Porthcawl
The Great House, Laleston
The Grove Golf Club, near Porthcawl
The Grand Pavilion, Porthcawl
Seabank Hotel, Porthcawl
(01656) 729009
(01656) 860621
(01656) 720212
(01656) 668811
(01656) 782432
(01656) 667644
(01656) 788771
(01656) 783860
(01656) 782261
You can make the initial booking up to two years in advance.
Around two weeks before the ceremony the celebrant
will meet you to discuss the ceremony and to obtain some
personal details so that the ceremony can be tailored
specifically to you making it uniquely yours. You may wish
to exchange new rings or re-dedicate the rings you gave to
one another on the wedding day. Any enhancements have
to be non-religious in content. After the ceremony you will
receive a commemorative certificate as a keepsake of this
memorable occasion.
Please note that neither the ceremony nor certificate holds
any legal status.
dathlu eraill
Seremonïau ailddatgan llwon
Mae’r seremonïau hyn ar gyfer cyplau sy’n dymuno
adnewyddu’r addunedau a wnaethant i’w gilydd wrth briodi
neu wrth ffurfio partneriaeth sifil. Yn aml mae’r seremoni’n
nodi pen-blwydd arbennig megis priodas arian neu’r
pen-blwydd priodas cyntaf ond nid oes rheswm pam na
allwch adnewyddu eich llwon ar unrhyw adeg arall. Mae’r
seremonïau’n boblogaidd iawn ymhlith cyplau a briododd
dramor ac sydd yn awr yn dymuno rhannu eu hymrwymiad
gyda ffrindiau a theulu nad oeddent yn gallu bod yn
bresennol yn y briodas. Gellir cynnal y seremoni yn Nhy’r
Ardd yn un o’r 2 ystafell seremoni gan ddibynnu ar faint y
grwp neu yn un o’r lleoliadau sydd wedi’u trwyddedu ar
gyfer priodasau a phartneriaethau sifil ym Mwrdeistref Sirol
Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr fel a nodir isod:
Ty Bryngarw, Brynmenyn
Gwesty Coed-y-Mwstwr, Llangrallo
Gwesty Cwrt Colman, Pen-y-fai
Gwesty Heronston, Ewenni
Hi Tide Inn, Porthcawl
Y Ty Mawr, Trelales
Clwb Golff The Grove, ger Porthcawl
Pafiliwn y Grand, Porthcawl
Gwesty’r Seabank, Porthcawl
(01656) 729009
(01656) 860621
(01656) 720212
(01656) 668811
(01656) 782432
(01656) 667644
(01656) 788771
(01656) 783860
(01656) 782261
Gallwch wneud yr archeb gychwynnol hyd at 2 flynedd
ymlaen llaw. Tua 2 wythnos cyn y seremoni bydd y gweinydd
yn cwrdd â chi i drafod y seremoni a chael ychydig o fanylion
personol fel bod y seremoni’n gallu cael ei theilwra’n
benodol i chi gan ei gwneud yn seremoni sy’n unigryw
ar eich cyfer chi. Efallai y byddwch yn dymuno cyfnewid
modrwyon newydd neu ailgyflwyno’r modrwyon a roesoch
i’ch gilydd ar ddiwrnod eich priodas. Mae’n rhaid i unrhyw
ychwanegiadau fod yn anghrefyddol o ran cynnwys. Ar ôl
y seremoni byddwch yn derbyn tystysgrif goffaol fel cofrodd
i nodi’r achlysur cofiadwy yma.
Sylwer nad oes statws cyfreithiol i’r seremoni na’r dystysgrif.
Civil Ceremonies in The County Borough of Bridgend
Naming Ceremonies
These ceremonies are for people who wish
to have a gathering of friends and family to
celebrate the arrival of a new baby or as a special
way of welcoming a child into a new family unit
such as after adoption or after re-marriage of
the parents. Parents make public promises of
commitment to the child/children either in their
own words or by choosing from the promises
supplied by the celebrant beforehand. You
can make the initial booking up to two years
in advance. Around two weeks before the
ceremony the celebrant will meet you to discuss
the ceremony and to obtain some personal
details so that the ceremony can be tailored
specifically to you making it uniquely yours.
You are encouraged to include other adults in
the ceremony to make their own promises to
the child/children who will have an influence
on the child/children growing up; these are
known as supporting adults. You may also
want to include grandparents as part of the
ceremony or present a gift to the child/children
to commemorate this important event. Brothers
and sisters are also able to play a part if they
so wish by joining in the promises or presenting
a gift. After the ceremony you will receive a
commemorative certificate as a keepsake of this
memorable occasion.
The ceremony can be held at Ty’r Ardd in one of
the two ceremony rooms depending on the size
of the party or in one of the venues licensed for
marriages and civil partnerships within the County
Borough of Bridgend as detailed previously.
Please note that neither the ceremony nor
certificate hold any legal status.
Seremonïau Sifil ym Mwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
Seremonïau Enwi
Mae’r seremonïau hyn ar gyfer pobl sy’n dymuno
dod â ffrindiau a theulu ynghyd i ddathlu
dyfodiad baban newydd neu fel ffordd arbennig
o groesawu plentyn i uned deuluol newydd
megis ar ôl mabwysiadu neu ar ôl i’r rhieni
ailbriodi. Mae’r rhieni’n gwneud addewidion
cyhoeddus o ymrwymiad i’r plentyn/plant naill
ai yn eu geiriau eu hunain neu drwy ddewis
o blith yr addewidion a ddarparwyd gan y
gweinydd ymlaen llaw. Gallwch wneud yr archeb
gychwynnol hyd at 2 flynedd ymlaen llaw. Tua
2 wythnos cyn y seremoni bydd y gweinydd yn
cwrdd â chi i drafod y seremoni a chael ychydig
o fanylion personol fel bod y seremoni’n gallu
cael ei theilwra’n benodol i chi gan ei gwneud
yn seremoni sy’n unigryw ar eich cyfer chi. Fe’ch
anogir i gynnwys oedolion eraill yn y seremoni
i wneud eu haddewidion eu hunain i’r plentyn/
plant os ydynt yn bobl a fydd yn dylanwadu ar
fagwraeth y plant, sef oedolion ategol. Efallai
y byddwch hefyd yn dymuno cynnwys teidiau
a neiniau fel rhan o’r seremoni neu gyflwyno
rhodd i’r plentyn/plant i goffau’r digwyddiad
pwysig yma. Gall brodyr a chwiorydd chwarae
rhan hefyd os ydynt yn dymuno trwy ymuno
yn yr addewidion neu gyflwyno rhodd. Ar ôl y
seremoni byddwch yn derbyn tystysgrif goffaol
fel cofrodd i nodi’r achlysur cofiadwy yma.
Gellir cynnal y seremoni yn Nhy’r Ardd yn un o’r
2 ystafell seremoni gan ddibynnu ar faint y grwp
neu yn un o’r lleoliadau sydd wedi’u trwyddedu
ar gyfer priodasau a phartneriaethau sifil ym
Mwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr fel a
nodwyd yn flaenorol.
Sylwer nad oes statws cyfreithiol i’r seremoni
na’r dystysgrif.
Bryngarw House
The Ideal Venue…
Bryngarw House is proud to offer…
Congratulations on your forthcoming wedding!
A licence to hold wedding ceremonies and
civil partnerships
It’s your wedding day and with dozens of difficult
choices to make, which dress, what flowers,
how many guests? One choice is simple…
Your choice of venue: Bryngarw House
Bryngarw House is the ideal venue to cater for
your special day. Dating back to 1743, Bryngarw
House is situated within the 113 acres of
Bryngarw Country Park. Located in Brynmenyn,
2 miles from Junction 36 off the M4, it is an ideal
wedding location for all South Wales.
Function room for up to 120 guests
Comprehensive menu selection and wine list
to suit all budgets and tastes
Complimentary overnight accommodation for
the bride and groom on their wedding night
The most picturesque and photogenic setting
for your special day
19 en-suite bedrooms
Please contact us for a full brochure.
T: 01656 729009 F: 01656 729007
Bryngarw House, Bryngarw Country Park, Brynmenyn, Bridgend CF32 8UU
Andrew Davis Photography
Andrew Davis has been a professional photographer since 2001. He is a creative and imaginative
person who is very passionate about photography. Andrew trained at UWCN, which is renowned
for its quality degree courses. Andrew is also a qualified member of the Society of Wedding and
Portrait Photographers (LSWPP).
Providing a contemporary style and approach with a twist of originality to his composition, Andrew’s
main concern is in finding the most visually appealing, elegant and emotive results. Offering both
‘Wedding’ and ‘Studio’ photography allows Andrew to really capture personality and indulge in
a fascination with people and portraiture. Not just a ‘me too’ approach, Andrew is prepared to
consistently go the extra mile!
t: 01656 645203 m: 07796 618598
RMA Williams Jewellers
Our small independent jewellers, members
of the National Association of Goldsmiths,
offer a wide range of wedding rings to
suit everyone by Clogau Gold, Bien and
Domino. We even give a discount of
10% when two wedding rings are bought
at the same time and also offer easy
payment plans through the use of our
savings club.
We combine modern and traditional
designs in white gold, yellow gold,
platinum and palladium, plain or patterned,
diamond set or Celtic designs. We can
even shape a wedding band to fit an
engagement ring. Give us a ring for our
brochure, have a look at our website
or pop in when in Porthcawl.
35 John Street, Porthcawl, CF36 3AP
01656 786007
Got it Covered
Got It Covered specialises in Chair Cover Hire for your special occasion. Whether it be chair covers
for a wedding, anniversary or any other occasion. Our chair covers come in Ivory and White with
a selection of Organza Sashes available to match in with your theme.
We offer a relaxed and personal service. We are based in Bridgend, South Wales and cover the
immediate area surrounding Bridgend. (This includes Bridgend, Maesteg, Porthcawl, Llantwit Major,
Llantrisant, Cardiff, Swansea and many other places in the South Wales / Mid Glamorgan area).
We will of course consider all venues.
Feel free to contact us, either to arrange an
appointment to see what we can provide for
you or for any questions you may have.
Telephone: 01656 757367
Best Western Heronston Hotel
Civil Ceremony & Partnership License
Excellent venue catering for small intimate
gatherings to large lavish weddings
Beautiful gardens for photographs
Ibis Court Suite
Plus only 5 minutes drive from Ogmore Castle
and Stepping Stones
Quality locally sourced food with
first class service
Prices to suit all budgets
Every wedding tailored to suit your
individual requirements
Bridal Suites
Hotel Grounds
Special bed & breakfast rates for guests
with complimentary use of our Herons Leisure
Club (Includes an indoor pool, sauna, spa pool,
steam room and gym)
Ewenny Road, Bridgend, CF35 5AW
Tel: 01656 668811
Ogmore Castle & Stepping Stones
Court Colman Manor
Your Wedding
Your wedding is the most important day of your
life. We at Court Colman Manor understand
this and take pride in our years of experience.
Our vast experience guarantees a trouble-free
wedding and happy, life-long memories.
Whether planning a large or small wedding and
reception, something simple, extravagant or even
a bit out of the ordinary, our experience and
personal attention will ensure that yours is
a perfect day.
Court Colman Manor, Pen-y-Fai, Bridgend CF31 4NG
Telephone: 01656 720212 Email:
Inspirational Balloons
Balloons for All Occasions
From small parties to large wedding receptions, our balloon
decorations will add the finishing touches and transform your
special day into an extra special experience.
Mobile: 07971 463084 | Email:
Hi-Tide Inn
From its humble origins as a beach café, the Hi-Tide
Inn has developed into a premier entertainment
venue perched on the South Wales coast. Over the
years the Hi-Tide has expanded to include a number
of function rooms and along with it, a reputation as
a spectacular wedding venue.
With decades of expertise, the owners, Francesca
and Geoff, understand what makes a wedding
special, from delicious hot and cold buffets to the
linen and balloons. The Hi-Tide is also a top cabaret
venue so you will have no trouble in finding the best
entertainment act and DJ for your evening reception.
Nothing is too much at the Hi-Tide, whether it is a
gourmet four-course dinner with ice sculptures or
a themed wedding complete with original menu and
Elvis tribute.
Just a few minutes walk from Porthcawl town
centre, the Hi-Tide is perfectly placed to take
advantage of the seaside setting. What could be
more fitting than watching the sunset over the sea
while sipping champagne from the Sundeck, which
has breathtaking views across the beachhead?
Your time at the Hi-Tide doesn’t have to start with
the wedding; the venue can cater for a full-blown
engagement party or a more romantic dinner
for two.
The Hi-Tide now offers top class modem facilities. The
original Hi-Tide bar has been recently refurbished and
architecturally designed to provide a truly 21st century
function room, with creative state of the art lighting
and sound systems.
The Bayside Suite also has climate control and
special lighting effects. You can also choose from a
range of interior decor arrangements. Whatever the
size of your wedding party, the Hi-Tide is a must for
your to-see list.
The Hi-Tide Inn, Mackworth Road, Porthcawl,
Mid Glamorgan CF36 5BT
Tel: 01656 782 432
Salthouse on The Square
Here at the Salthouse we can provide you with anything, from
a beautiful wedding breakfast for up to 70 guests to any other
special celebration.
We can obtain special late licences for your special occasion and can
cater to your dietary requirements at any time. It really is up to you
on how you use the facilities we can provide, but this matched with
outstanding food and beautiful sea views makes the Salthouse an
enjoyable experience whether for work or pleasure.
The Square, Porthcawl CF36 3BW
Telephone: 01656 783380
Felicity Jewellers
Felicity Jewellers and Accessories of Bridgend have been
established since 1981.
We have a wide selection of shoes and accessories for the
mother of the bride and all her guests, in matching colours
and all sizes.
In our jewellery department you will find wedding rings and
engagement rings in gold, palladium or platinum. We offer a
remodel or resize service on all jewellery and always consider
part exchange.
Our Pandora collection is huge and changing all the time.
We offer a unique personal service and consider ourselves
well worth a visit!
34-36 Nolton Street, Bridgend, CF31 3BN
Tel: 01656 658080
Contact details:
Manylion cyswllt:
The Register Office
Ty’r Ardd
Bridgend CF31 4AR
Y Swyddfa Gofrestru
Ty’r Ardd
Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr CF31 4AR
Tel: 01656 642391
Fax: 01656 642389
Ffôn: 01656 642391
Ffacs: 01656 642389
The Globe Inn
• Family friendly pub • Small wedding parties catered for
• Food served all day • Guest ales • Car parking available
Bridgend Road, Porthcawl CF36 5RN
Telephone: 01656 773 344
Prenuptial agreements
There can be a view that entering into a prenuptial agreement
is setting out to fail before you even start. However, our view
is that couples openly and constructively talking about the
future, can prevent a lot of worries and concerns festering
and damaging the marital relationship. This is particularly
the case where one party has greater assets than the other
and/or the marriage is a second one.
For example:
1.Couples will often wish to adequately provide for
children of previous marriages, whether upon death
or divorce, or to safeguard hard earned assets or an
inheritance. Hence, a high level of communication and
empathy is extremely important when embarking on a
new relationship.
2.It can provide a useful opportunity to discuss and
agree such provision well before the marriage or
civil partnership commences, giving the parties an
opportunity to iron out and start their relationship free
of these potentially damaging issues.
3.Such steps should be dealt with ideally three to six
months before the marriage or civil partnership, with
both parties having the opportunity to take legal advice
on the implications.
Although not legally binding in the UK, such agreements are
deemed extremely good evidence of your intentions and
therefore carry more weight than ever before in the event
that your relationship breaks down.
Bridgend Register Office would like to thank the following
for the use of their photographs within this brochure:
Bob Grainger Photography –
We are very grateful to the businesses whose advertisements appear in this publication. As a mark of our gratitude we would like to draw the attention of the readers to their details and announcements.
We are required to make it clear however that neither Network UK nor the distributor can accept responsibility for any services or workmanship that they may undertake.
This brochure was produced by Network UK, Communications House, Hillhouse Business Park, Fleetwood Road North, Thornton Cleveleys, Lancashire FY5 4QD
Tel: 01253 820011 Fax: 01253 682201 Email: Web:
Bridgend Register Office
Ty’r Ardd
Bridgend CF31 4AR
Y Swyddfa Gofrestru
Ty’r Ardd
Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr CF31 4AR
Tel: 01656 642391
Fax: 01656 642389
Ffôn: 01656 642391
Ffacs: 01656 642389