tullamore central weekly - Tullamore Central School


tullamore central weekly - Tullamore Central School
TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
Tullamore Central School
Hinkler Street Tullamore NSW 2874
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In this issue:
Executive Staff
Mrs Sandra Carter
Assistant Principal
Mrs Donna-Lee Horsburgh
Principal’s Report
Pg. 2
Primary News
Pg. 4
Secondary News
Pg. 6
Pg. 8
Community News
Pg. 12
Head Teacher Secondary
Miss Natasha Shankelton
Parents & Citizen’s
Mr P.J. Edwards
Mrs Melissa Alvey
Pictured above LtoR: Daniel Walker, Lily Patton, Charlotte Fisher and Luke Ball our very
successful Year 6 debating team who recently won their debate against Bourke.
Mrs Cindy Larkings
Tullamore Central School is a
Positive Behaviour for Learning
School. At Tullamore Central
School we are:
Pictured above with Mrs Sandra Carter are the Principal Award recipients from last
Wednesday’s Primary Assembly
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TUESDAY 5th JUNE- TERM 2: WEEK 7, 2012
TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
Term 2
Week 7
Wednesday 6th June
Friday 8th June
Week 8
Monday 11th June
Wednesday 13th June
Thursday 14th June
Week 9
Wednesday 20th June
Friday 22nd June
Week 10
Monday 25th June
Wednesday 27th June
Thursday 28th June
Friday 29th June
UNSW Science test
Athletics carnival at
Queen‟s Birthday holiday
Western CHS and PSSA
cross country at Wellington
Primary assembly 2:30pm
Western Rugby Union trials
at Wellington
Nerd Night
Gobondery/Narraf touch/
netball gala day at Warren
Year 11 Primary
Industrial Work Placement
Primary assembly
Military boot camp Yrs 7-12
U16‟s central school league
7s at Dubbo
Military boot camp Yrs 7-12
Open central schools
League 7s at Dubbo
Last day Term 2
Term 3
Week 1
Monday 16th July
Tuesday 17th July
Friday 20th July
Staff Development Day
Students return
CWA Country of Study
Congratulations to all our wonderful P&C
members who did an outstanding job with the
catering for the Gobondery/NARRAF Cross
Country carnival last Friday. We are very
appreciative and thank all our parents and staff
who generously donated food for the carnival.
Our students who participated in the carnival
had a great run and enjoyed the atmosphere.
Our Year 9/10 students also participated as
part of their Physical Activity and Sport
elective where they are looking at event
management. The students were very helpful
to the smooth running of the carnival. Miss
Cassie Richards, our sport coordinator is also
to be congratulated on her excellent
organization and planning. All our students are
looking forward to our Athletics Carnival this
Friday, weather permitting!
Last Thursday I had the pleasure of taking our
Year 4/5/6 class to the visiting performance of
Mr Geoffrey Graham. Mr Graham was very
impressed with the knowledge our students
had of the history of Australia. Alex Brown
and Paris Curr did a great job helping to
illustrate some of the jobs that were available
in the 1800‟s. The students were not so keen
on these jobs once they were explained! Mr
Graham was also very impressed that three
students, Rhiannon Bolam, Paris Curr and
Mikala McLean could dance an Irish jig! I was
very proud of the students as they were
engaged and interacted with the performance
when asked.
On Friday I also spent a little more time with
Kindergarten and Year 1. Abbey Larkings
read me a wonderful story and I was very
impressed with the feeling that she put into her
reading of the story. Again it was great to see
the students helping each other with their
In our PBL lesson time we looked at having a
special handshake to mark National Buddy
Day. The students from Kindergarten to Year
11 all had a great time making up their own
special handshakes to illustrate our school
expectations of being respectful, responsible,
cooperative and honest. I particularly liked the
one that Lily Aveyard and Shanae Alvey
Mrs Donna-lee Horsburgh has commenced our
Kindergarten transition program with a visit to
our wonderful Tullamore Preschool last
Wednesday. Mrs Horsburgh will be visiting
the Preschool on various occasions for the rest
of the year.
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TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
Our students spoke very well at the CWA
Public Speaking competition last Tuesday.
The standard of the competition was very high
and the adjudicators had a difficult task in
separating the students to find an eventual
winner. This was a great experience for our
students to speak in front of a large audience
of people they did not know. It was also good
for them to listen and see how students from
other schools spoke.
Our Police School Liaison Officer, Senior
Constable Marty Paice, is visiting us today to
say hello to our Kindergarten students and to
talk to students about their responsibilities
with electronic media.
Mrs Pam Bell is also visiting us today to talk
to our Kindergarten to Year 6 students about
East Timor which is the CWA country of
study for this year. It is a privilege to have Mrs
Bell back at our school.
The new date for our athletics carnival is
Friday 8th June. We are currently monitoring
the weather and hope that our athletics
carnival will go ahead as scheduled! Thank
you to everyone for your preparations for this
day and hopefully any pre-prepared food
could be used elsewhere or frozen.
There were no internal applications for the
School Administration Manager position.
This position will now be advertised to
external applicants tomorrow on the Jobs@det
site: https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/jobs/. It will
close on Friday 22 nd June. Our General
Assistant and Farm Assistant positions are
currently advertised on this site and these
close on Friday 15th June.
Our next P&C meeting is on Monday 6th
August in the Library at 7:00pm. Everyone is
Please feel free to call me at school on 6892
5005 or make an appointment if you need to
discuss any aspect of your child‟s education or
if you need clarification on any issues or
events your child may be involved in.
Our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
expectations: At Tullamore Central School we
are respectful, responsible, cooperative and
honest learners.
Mrs Sandra Carter
Tullamore Central School
We are currently working with Mrs Kellylee
Dunn to have a military style boot camp on
Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th June for all
our students from Kindergarten to Year 12 and
our staff. This exciting program that Kellylee
is tailoring to our school involves exercise and
team work which are aspects of our
curriculum. It also involves students being
respectful, responsible, cooperative and honest
which are our school expectations. It is great
to be able to utilize local expertise to help our
students and school.
Please read our helpful advice for student
attendance in this newsletter. Our Home
School Liaison Officers, Ms Tina Heterick and
Ms Karen O‟Callaghan will visit us on Friday
to help monitor our student attendance.
WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! What an amazing
effort by all the volunteers that helped out to
provide such a huge variety of food for the
Gobondery NARRAF Cross Country on
Friday. I am both impressed and very proud to
be part of the Tullamore Central School
community and the P&C, especially when we
all pull together to help out with such a big
day. I don‟t like to mention people by name
because I always forget somebody (so if I do I
sincerely apologize), but for the mammoth
effort that was put in last Friday, I think you
should all be acknowledged for the valuable
help you gave.
Many, many thanks must go these very
generous people who donated their time and
delectable treats – Cindy Larkings, Julie
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TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
Porter, Julie Langley, Jo Fisher, Ann Walker,
Heather Jones, Renee Colley, Sandra Carter,
Tracey Edwards, Gemma Horsburgh, Lauren
Gaiter, and Gary Cashman. Another special
thanks must also go to Heather Jones‟ mother
who also pitched in and helped out on the day.
By all accounts the children, teachers and
families were overwhelmed and highly
impressed by the variety, quantity and the
quality of all the food that was provided on the
The next catering opportunity for the P&C is
the school athletics carnival on Friday 8th
June. Hopefully the wet weather stays away so
we can hold the day...fingers crossed. We are
again asking for some help on the day to
provide the kids with some tasty treats. We
need volunteers to come and help set up and
prepare food for the kids and donations of
cakes, muffins and cookies to sell on the day.
If you are available to help out or able to make
something for the day could you please
contact Mel as soon as possible. All cake
donations would need to be dropped off at the
school in the morning please. We would need
helpers from around 9:00am onwards and we
would be preparing the food in the food tech
room at the school. The food and drinks
provided on the day will be:
Athletics Carnival Menu
Egg & Bacon Rolls Hot Dogs Sausage Rolls Pumpkin Soup Bottled water Cans soft drink
Tea, Coffee, milo Poppers Fruit kebabs Cakes will also be available
Mel Alvey can be contacted on (02) 6892
5562 or jmalvey@bigpond.com
Our next meeting will be held on Monday 6th
August at 7:00pm in the school library. All
families are invited and most welcome to
K/1 Homework
Reading – Readers each night.
complete the reading log.
Yr 1 spelling rule – magic „e‟, long vowel a-e
and „sc‟ blend. Write words out each night.
Use them in sentences.
As part of the literacy unit on „Dogs‟ K/1 are
doing it would be great if they are able to
bring a stuffed toy dog to be used in class.
Thank you.
K/1 PD/H
For PD/H K/1 are doing activities based on the
theme „Dogs as Pets‟. They may bring a toy
dog into school for our lessons on Thursday.
Year 1/2 maths
Complete unit 10 and please return on Friday.
Year 2/3
Year 2/3 have spelling homework to be
practised each night.
Home readers are sent home on Tuesdays and
are to be read every night to someone older
and returned on Fridays.
This week’s Star of the Week is:
* Charlotte Darcy*
Charlotte always completes her work and is a
cooperative student
Library Borrowing
Please encourage your children to return their
library books each week and to borrow new
books every Monday.
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TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
Year 3/4 Maths
Students are to complete unit 12.
Lauren Gaiter
Year 4/5/6 Homework
Latest homework contract has gone home
today. Spelling words plus 3 sentences due on
Thursday which is spelling test day. Thank
you to students who regularly hand in
completed homework contracts.
Athletics Carnival
Friday 8th June our athletics carnival will be
held on our school oval. Students in
Kindergarten, Year 1 and those NOT turning 8
this year will work in the K/1 room until lunch
time. We will join the carnival for lunch and
have some fun races in the afternoon.
Premier’s Reading Challenge
How many books have you read? K/1 and
Year 2/3 have been reading at school and are
making great progress. Well done!
If you send reading lists in to the Library Mrs
Perks and I will photocopy and register the
books online for students.
Mrs McCosker
Kindergarten and Year 1 were thrilled to visit
Miss Shankelton, Alfred and Luke in the Ag
Plot last Friday. The class met the new
residents – ducks, ducklings, chickens and
hens – and had lots of questions to ask. Thank
you Alfred, Luke and Miss Shankelton. We
had a great time and would love to visit again.
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TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
Thursday 24th May saw our debating team of
Charlotte Fisher, Daniel Walker, Lily Patton
and Luke Ball put forward very strong
arguments to convince the audience and the
adjudicator that we do need to do more for our
environment, Charlotte and Daniel presented
their cases with conviction while Lily
challenged the opposition with her thoughtful
rebuttal before summing up.
Congratulations on a convincing win over
Bourke B team.
Our next debate is against Nyngan primary
school at Tullamore. We are waiting on
confirmation of a date, possibly in week 9.
The topic is „That zoos should be abolished‟
and our team is the affirmative. We are
including more „team‟ members in the
Janette McCosker
CWA Country Of Study
This year the CWA Country of Study is East
Timor. Children were visited by Mrs Pam Bell
who shared her knowledge and experiences of
East Timor. The classes will continue to learn
more about the country with their teachers and
participate in the CWA Country of Study Day
at the start of next term.
Welcome to week 7!
There are a few short reminders that follow in
this section for secondary students and their
Laptop Issues!
Year 9 and 10 students who have signed the
laptop charter and who are not bringing their
laptops to school charged and ready for
lessons are in violation of the charter that they
have signed. If it continues to be a problem,
laptops will be taken off students and they will
only be able to access them at school.
Remember our expectations regarding use of
the laptops:
 Bring them to school fully charged
 See Mr Owen if they are having any
issues with the device as soon as
 Your laptop is a learning tool - it is to
be used at the direction of your
 Teacher is talking – lids ajar and
paying attention
WH&S compliant shoes
Students and parents were advised at the end
of 2010 and 2011 about compliant footwear
for school. Students should be wearing black
leather shoes or boots that cover the entire
foot. On days that students have PE or Sport
they need to be bringing their sports shoes
with them and changing into them for those
lessons. Canvas slip on shoes are not
acceptable for PE or Sport as they provide no
shock absorption for the foot. Please ensure
that students have the correct footwear
otherwise they will not be able to participate
in practical elements in specialist subjects.
Mobile phones and music players
Students are reminded that they are not to
have their phones or music players out in class
unless they are using them under the direction
of their teachers for a specific lesson activity.
They are also reminded that they should not be
using their phones or music players in the
playground during recess and lunch breaks or
between classes. This is due to WH&S. We
have already had some near miss incidents
with people texting and not looking where
they are going and incidents where a student
has not heard a teacher‟s instruction because
they had their music player / phone earphones
in. Please adhere to these rules and do not be
surprised when a staff member asks you to put
your phone / music player away.
Year 9 and Year 10 Geography Community
Collaboration Project
On Tuesday this week students in Years 9 and
10 will be involved in collaborating with Year
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TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
9 students from Riverside Girls High School
in Gladesville in Sydney. As part of the
mandatory geography course students are
required to study two different communities,
one urban and one rural. We will be studying
Gladesville as our urban community, whilst
students at RSGH will be studying Tullamore
as their rural community.
This collaboration project will give students
the opportunity to study an urban community
through the eyes of a person their age and vice
versa for students at Riverside Girls High to
study a rural community. Students will be
participating in video conference link ups with
RSGH where they will present their final
presentations about their communities via
Bridgit conference.
Applied Math
Visual Arts
Visual Design
This is a wonderful opportunity for our
students to meet other Year 9 students from a
very different school to ours and see that they
face both similar and different challenges
during adolescence.
Assessments and Home Work
Half yearly examinations have commenced for
all students from Year 7 – 10 in this week. If
students are absent from school during the
exam period they must have a doctor‟s
certificate to cover absences due to illness.
Other absences must be approved by the
Students are reminded that they should be
asking their teachers questions and be revising
the work covered this semester in preparation.
Senior Assessment Items - the following items
are due over the next few weeks:
Preliminary Assessment Tasks
Dovetail Marker
of a Group
Senior Science
Financial Math
Speech and
Newspaper report
Australian Poets Picture Book
French Revolution
Case Study Essay
First Hand
Data Analysis
Self-portrait VAPD
Calorimetry - First
Hand Investigation
Recording weather
character “Othello”
examination -Thera
Product Design Lighting/Lamp
Data Analysis quiz
Case Study: Better
Health for
Oil Stone Case
VET Work placements
Year 11 Primary Industries will be heading to
a week of TAFE in Week 10 this term as part
of their Certificate II in Agriculture. They will
be covering several areas including use of
ATV‟s, Chainsaws, Tractors and PTO
equipment and chemical application. Students
participating in this will receive paperwork
this week that needs to be returned before they
attend this section of their course.
Miss Natasha Shankelton
Head Teacher Secondary Studies
Industry Study
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TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
can alter the activities to suit. A gold coin
donation would be appreciated as all monies
raised will go towards our school sport
School Athletics Carnival on Friday 8th June
on the school oval
Gobondery/Narraf Cross Country
Congratulations to all students who
participated in the district cross country last
Friday. They all made a huge effort and should
be very proud of their results. It was also
extremely pleasing to have so many
compliments from other schools about our
student‟s behaviour and manners. Many
thanks to our fantastic P&C and to everyone
who contributed to the organisation, making
and selling of food on the day. Again we had
great compliments from all the schools. It was
so great to be able to “show off” Tullamore to
the many parents and students who had never
visited before.
Upcoming Events
Western cross country on Wednesday 13th
June at Wellington
Western Rugby Union trials on Thursday 14th
June at Wellington
Gobondery/NARRAF touch/netball Gala Day
on Friday 22nd June at Warren
School athletics carnival on Friday 8th June on
the school oval
Western cross country on Wednesday 13th
June at Wellington
Opens Central Schools League on Friday 29th
June at Dubbo.
Western Cross Country
Secondary students who have received
permission notes please make sure you return
these as soon as possible as transport needs to
be arranged.
Opens Central Schools Netball on Friday 29th
June at Dubbo
Please see Miss Richards for more information
regarding any of these details.
School Athletics Carnival
At this stage we will keep the carnival booked
in for Friday. Our oval is still quite wet and
with today‟s rain it will probably still be wet. I
am looking at possibly moving it back to Pola
Park but will discuss this with council closer
to the day. A letter will go home to students if
there are any changes to the current
Boot Camp
Even though it is wet we will still be on this
week. It will run from 3:30pm - 4:30pm.
People of all abilities are welcome to come
along. If you have any health issues that could
affect your participation could you please let
me know prior to the session starting so that I
Secondary Students Weekly Sports Awards
Teachers Choice:
(Participation, Effort and Teamwork)
Kylie Pietsch
Veronica Slade
Students Choice:
Kylie Pietsch
Andrew Ashe
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TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
In week one this year, primary
students re-
commenced our
Lexia Literacy Program. It has been great to
witness students both enjoying and achieving in
our program.
Once students satisfactorily complete a stage,
they automatically step up to the next level and
will receive a certificate of recognition.
The following student gained a Lexia Literacy
delivering their speeches to an audience of
mostly unfamiliar spectators.
Kylie Pietsch, Bridgette Bor, Chloe Newman,
Emily Ashe, Justin Bolam, Dominic Lopez
and Kimberley Cashman participated in the
secondary section of the competition. The
students all did their best and were able to
come out of the event with a range of new
skills and ideas about public speaking that
should enhance their future endeavours in the
field. Public speaking is unrivalled in its
interpersonal communication skills and clarity
in the spoken expression of ideas.
certificate last week:
Alan Clifton
Yours in Literacy
Louise McAneney
Lexia Literacy Teacher
Book Worms and Book Bugs!
The school library has many great books
waiting to be borrowed by you!
Fiction, non-fiction, PRC book and new
Take home a good read today!
Last Tuesday, several primary and secondary
students competed in the CWA Public
Speaking Competition at the Tullamore
Memorial Hall and CWA Rooms. Whilst the
results did not fall in the favour of our
students, I was incredibly proud of the efforts
that they all placed in writing, rehearsing and
Bailee Merriman, Rhiannon Bolam, Sam
Horsburgh and Charlotte Fisher performed
their speeches to a rather large and
intimidating audience at the Tullamore
Memorial Hall. In the Year 5/6 division Sam
Horsburgh gave us a glimpse of how his
imagination often drifted away „through the
window‟ while Charlotte Fisher looked into
her future „through the window‟ of
opportunities she could create for herself with
the support of her family. In the Year 3/4
division Bailee-Jane Merriman gave us her
view on why „every child should have a pet‟
and Rhiannon Bolam spoke about the many
beautiful scenes „through the windows‟ of
family homes and the car.
We are all extremely proud of their efforts as
they should be also. Their confidence and
ability to speak so well in front of so many
teachers, students and parents from a wide
range of schools, demonstrated their
preparedness for the competition and even
showed promise in terms of their ability to
become leaders of our school (and beyond) in
the future.
I would like to congratulate all students on
their achievements and encourage them to
continue to develop these skills to ensure they
have the same wonderful opportunity to
participate in next year‟s competition.
Erin O‟Dwyer and Janette Mccosker
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TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
This test will take place tomorrow for students
who were nominated.
When: Wednesday 20th June
Organise your „nerd‟ gear now!
SRC Nerd Night Committee
Attendance every day that the school is open
for instruction is a legal requirement and a
major responsibility of parents/carers. Do not
keep your child away from school for the
following reasons as they are not considered
 Birthdays, shopping, minding other
children, for routine check ups or care
such as hair cuts or minor family
 Medical and other health appointments
for your child with specialists such as
dentists or doctors should be made
either before or after school or during
the school holidays
 Regular appointments (i.e. private
swimming or music lessons during
school time) which require students to
leave school early.
It is important to understand that the
Department may take further action where
children of compulsory school age (6 – 17)
have recurring numbers of unexplained or
unacceptable absences from school. Some of
the following actions may be undertaken:
Attendance meetings and compulsory
attendance conferences – Parents (and
sometimes their child) can be asked to
go to a meeting with school personnel
and other regional officers. The aim of
the meeting is to help identify
strategies to support the child and
family. Other agencies may also be
invited along to help, if parents agree.
If the school and other regional officers have
tried to help improve a child‟s attendances
without success, parents (and sometimes their
child) can be asked to go to a compulsory
attendance conference. The conference will be
run by a trained conference convenor. The aim
of the conference is for the school,
parents/child and other identified agencies
(“the parties”) to further identify the issues
which are impacting on a child‟s attendance.
The outcome of a compulsory attendance
conference is for the parties to agree to
undertake certain actions to improve the
child‟s attendance. These actions are written in
the form of undertakings.
Applications to the Children‟s Court – A legal
compliance can be sought through an
application to the Children‟s Court for a
Compulsory Schooling Order. The aim is to
assist a family and/or child to address the
issues which are preventing satisfactory school
attendance but has the added enforcement of a
Court‟s powers.
Prosecution in the Local Court if all attempts
by schools and regional support staff fail to
improve a student‟s attendance, action can be
taken in the Local Court and the result can be
fines up to a maximum of $11,000.
Geoffrey Graham is a unique performer who
specialises in the fine arts of bush poetry,
drama and music. Last Thursday, our K-12
students were lucky enough to tap into these
finely tuned resources when Mr Graham paid
us a visit as part of his tour of several Western
Access Program schools.
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TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
The students were treated to a variety of
different workshops and performances that
combined verse and music to enhance their
learning in a variety of literacy strands
including poetry and the dramatic arts. The
shows had a truly Australian feel about them
and covered a broad range of topics including
history, self-esteem, coping with adversity and
famous Australian personalities to name a few.
Thanks to the school and the Western Access
Program, the students enjoyed these
performances free of charge and their
participation will hopefully prove invaluable
in terms of their ongoing studies in English.
Erin O‟Dwyer
English/LOTE Teacher
Along with the CWA Public Speaking
Competition and the school-funded Geoffrey
Graham performances, another wonderful
opportunity that our students have access to is
the Western Region Drama Camp at Lake
This year, Tiffany Lopez was offered a place
at the camp held last week. The camp gives
the students the opportunity to socialise with
like-minded students and to participate in
drama exercises that all lead up to a final,
playbuilding-based performance.
Tiffany always enjoys being able to hone her
skills in the dramatic arts and her work with
the talented and qualified teachers at the camp
allows her to apply these universal skills to all
of her senior subjects.
Donna-lee Horsburgh
I studied a Bachelor of
Education (Primary) at
the Australian Catholic
University (Signadou) in
My kindergarten teacher was an inspiration to
me throughout all my schooling. She made me
feel that I could achieve anything. I felt valued
and supported, and loved being in her
classroom. I wanted to be just like her! My
primary childhood leisure time was spent
playing teachers and as I hit high school my
thoughts about possible careers began. While
completing my Higher School certificate and
facing the question of “What do I want to be?”
I pondered other ideas, physiotherapy and
counselling but really there was no real
question. I filled out my UAC form applying
for primary school teaching.
Since graduating I have worked in the
Tullamore district as a casual teacher then also
job sharing and in temporary positions. I was
so fortunate to be offered a temporary position
at Tullamore Central School. A permanent full
time position became available here, I applied
and was successful! I love teaching at
Tullamore Central School, the students, the
staff and being a part of this great community.
Thank you for your continued support. We
now have a collection box at Parkes
Woolworths. If you need more sticker cards
please ask for them at the office.
Erin O‟Dwyer
English/LOTE Teacher
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TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
It would be appreciated if all parents could
please check the names on the jumpers their
child brings home from school. Some students
are missing school jumpers that have the
owner‟s names printed on them.
On Wednesday 6th June Venus will cross in
front of the Sun with its whole passage from
beginning to end visible from most of
Australia and New Zealand. Although it last
happened only eight years ago, as we see
Venus‟s dark silhouette move across the disc
of the Sun we will be witnessing one of the
rarest and most famous events in astronomy, a
transit of Venus, which will not occur again
until December 2117.
Transits of Venus are very rare. They occur
twice eight years apart and then not for over a
century. They are of especial interest to
Australians since Lieutenant James Cook‟s
voyage to Tahiti to observe the 1769 transit of
Venus led to the European settlement of the
Continent. And this is why it is of special
interest to Year 4/5/6.
weight or chat. Appointments can also be
made for visiting specialists at this time. All
free and confidential.
Baby/Early Childhood Clinic
Tuesday 19th June. Drop in and have your
baby weighed by Jody who is also available
for information and advice.
Women’s Health Nurse
Leonie can advise you on any women‟s health
issues. Phone to make an appointment. Next
clinic will be in 4th July.
Natalia is no longer visiting monthly. Please
phone Parkes or Forbes Community Health for
appointments until a new dietician is
Morrison Family Eye Care
Phone the Health Service to leave your name
for this clinic. We need at least 12 people for a
clinic to continue.
Ring Sam on 6863 4171 for appointments.
A Diabetic Educator may be available for
appointments at Dr Newton‟s surgery. For
more information please phone the surgery on
6892 5285.
The Australian Red Cross Blood Service
mobile van visits Trundle regularly. To make
an appointment to donate blood when they
next visit, phone 13 14 95 or visit their
website www.donateblood.com.au.
Phone 6892 5003
The School Dental Service conducts clinics at
Trundle and Tottenham regularly. For an
appointment phone 1300 552 626.
Physiotherapy – Every Thursday, phone for
Wellness Checks
Drop in on Wednesdays from 10:00am to
3:00pm to see the Community Health Nurse,
for a blood pressure, blood sugar check,
With only 70 days until the 2012 show the
Tullamore PA&H Association will be holding
its meeting for June on Tuesday 26th June at
7:00pm at the Tullamore Bowling Club.
Apologies to the secretary on 0423 873 947.
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TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
A number of community members have
expressed interest in attending an information
afternoon relating to iPads, Kindles and
eBooks. To this end an information afternoon
will be held at the Tullamore Library at
2:00pm tomorrow Wednesday 6th June. Please
come with your questions regarding this
session and to learn a little more about modern
day technology. Afternoon tea will be
Today we had a special group organised with
a library session. We enjoyed a
walk from the hospital to the
library, where Margaret read the
children a story.
To register your interest or make enquiries
please contact Margaret Simmons on 6892
(Wednesday11:00am – 1:00pm and 2:00pm to
4:30pm) or the Parkes Library on 6861 2309.
Family Support Tip of the Week
Building Positive Self- Esteem with our
A BIG thankyou to all that brushed off their
family histories for the 2012 Irish Festival.
Histories are safely stored at Tullamore Rural
Trading and are ready for your collection.
Many Thanks
Emma Williams
Create a safe and predictable world
(routine, safe home environment)
Be active and encourage your children
to be active
Show lots of affection, praise and say
“I love you” often
Help your child to be a good friend
Help your child to see their
Encourage your child to express their
thoughts and ideas
Let your child make some choices and
Encourage lots of LAUGHTER!
Children with healthy self-esteem often are
happy, cooperate, succeed and make friends
more easily.
Family Support offers support and
assistance to anyone caring for children in
Parkes, Peak Hill, Forbes, Trundle and
Tullamore communities contact 6862 1872.
Trundle Services and Citizens U/12's travelled
to Parkes to play Parkes Blue on a wet
Saturday morning and came away with the
points 20-6. With a full roster of 18 players it
was good to see players keen to get back on
the field after being subbed. We will try to get
this better as we come into finals.
Good tries to Tom Aveyard x 2 and Lucas Ball
x 2 with goals kicked by Cameron Shepherd
and Jack Eyre. The boys played well in the
first half to go into oranges 8-0. Good
contributions from Tom, Luke, Will Nixon
and Andrew Ashe in attack and Sam Nixon,
Will, Andrew, Sam Horsburgh, Rhino
Williams, Matthias Kelly and Tom in defence
saw Trundle contain the Parkes side.
It was a bit of a worry in the 2nd half when
Parkes scored to come back to 8-6 , but was
pleasing to see the boys put their heads down
to score another 2 and put the result beyond
Thanks to Paul S, Donna R and Matt A for
helping with 12's and running 10's. Also
Number 5 jumper is missing so if mums can
check kids gear it should be somewhere.
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TERM 2 2012 – WEEK 7
Junior Girls League Tag
No training this week due to the long weekend
and movie night at Trundle Central School.
Training as usual the following week.
June 16th is a home game so we will have a
game amongst ourselves on that day. June 23rd
is a game at West Wyalong.
Tullamore Auto will be selling cheap $10.00
pizzas tonight Tuesday 5th June from 5:00pm –
Alex and Dol.
Please note there will be no games next
Saturday, 9th June, and our next game is a
home game against Red Bend on 16th June.
Sunday Pizzas
Pizzas also available on Sunday from 5:00pm
– 8:00pm at a cost of $15.00
Also, there's no training this week. Training to
recommence as usual on Tuesday 12 th June!
Learn to Dance
at the CWA Centre
Tullamore NSW
Every Saturday, during school terms 1 to 4
Dance Sessions:
Semester 1
Semester 2
$5.80 PER WEEK
OF $35.00
Ballet (Senior) 10 and above
Ballet (Junior) 4-9 years
Jazz / Hip Hop
Irish Dancing
Tap Dancing
$5.00 per lesson. Pay as you go
$1.00 CWA membership required
Contact Us – 1300 871 952
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