rigby fair schedule
rigby fair schedule
Summer Days The Country Way Jefferson County Fair 2015 INDEX TO DEPARTMENTS Admissions................................................................................... Agriculture…………………........................................................... Baby Contest…………………………………………………………. Barn and Arena Rules.................................................................. Booth Information…………………………………………………… Canning......................................................................................... Cattle, Beef .................................................................................. Cattle, Dairy ................................................................................. Community BBQ…………………………………………………….. Community Talent Show…………………………………………… Death by Chocolate…………………………………………………. Directors and Superintendents................................................... Early Iron Car Festival………………………………………………. Fair Schedule………………………………………..……………….. Family 5K Run/Walk………………………………………………… Fine Arts....................................................................................... Flowers......................................................................................... 4-H Club ....................................................................................... FFA ............................................................................................... General Rules and Regulations.................................................. Goats……….................................................................................. Hobbies and Crafts ……………................................................... Home Arts Department ……....................................................... Home Kitchen………………………………………………………... Iron Florist Contest…………………………………………………. Kids Day……………………………………………………………… Map .............................................................................................. Market Animal Sale...................................................................... Needlecraft ................................................................................... Photography ................................................................................ Poultry ......................................................................................... Queen Contest………………………………………………………. Open Class Animal Registration Form………………..………… Quilts………………………………………………………….………. Rodeo........................................................................................... Sheep........................................................................................... Small Animals……………………………………………………...... Swine ........................................................................................... 2 4 34-35 29 12 11 27 19,22 17-18 18 26 29 5 20 3 12 36 33 14 15 6-7 16 32 26 30 21 28 4 13 37 38 25 28 10 31 8-9 24 25 23 RIGBY FAIR SCHEDULE DAY TIME EVENT LOCATION Wednesday July 31 Open Class animal registration due Saturday, Aug 1 Working Ranch Show Rodeo Grounds 8:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 4-H Horse Show 5K Fair Run/Walk registration 5K Fair Run/Walk 4-H Style Show Rodeo Grounds Outside Pavilion 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 1-6 p.m. 5:00-8:00p.m. 4-H Dog Show 4-H Home Ec and misc. demonstrations Check in 4-H projects and record books Enter open class art, photography, hobbies & crafts, needlework, canning, quilts, agriculture, flowers. Rodeo slack Monday Aug 10 Tuesday Aug 11 ` 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Aug 12 8-8:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 8:30 –11a.m. Rigby Fair Building Extension Office Rigby Fair Building Rigby Fair Building Rodeo Grounds Check in all small animals Judge 4-H Home Ec and misc. projects Enter open class agriculture and flowers, art, Photography, hobbies & crafts, needle work Canning, quilts, home kitchen Fairgrounds Judge small animals/poultry/rabbits Check in sheep, Check in all large animals Goat check in Judge Market Goats (4-H, FFA and open class) Judge Dairy Goats immediately to follow Beef weigh in Queen Coronation Queen Presentation and Grand Entry with Amateur Jackpot rodeo to follow Fairgrounds 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Swine Show (4-H, FFA, and open class) Sheep show (4-H, FFA, and open class) Live animal demonstrations Craft & Artisan Market Place Open Iron Floral Contest Enter for kids and ladies jackpot rodeo events Community barbeque Talent Show sponsored by Farm Bureau Walker Arena Fairgrounds Walker Arena Fairgrounds Friday Aug 14 9:00 a.m. 9:00-10:30a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30-11:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Beef show (4-H, FFA, and open class) Entries due – Death by Chocolate Kid’s Day Fire trucks and fire safety Craft & Artisan Market Place Open Death by Chocolate Judging Dairy show (4-H, FFA, and open class) Round Robin Competition Market Sale Buyers Dinner (Buyers only) Market Sale Walker Arena Fairgrounds Outside Pavilion (stage) Fairgrounds Fairgrounds Fairgrounds Outside Pavilion (stage) Walker Arena Fairgrounds Walker Arena Fairgrounds Walker Arena Fairgrounds Walker Arena Fairgrounds Saturday Aug 15 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.-noon 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 4-6 p.m. 4-6 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Craft & Artisan Market Place Open Baby contest 4-H and FFA judging contest Pet/Hold the bunnies Premiums paid (memorial park shelter) 4-H premiums paid in 4-H room check out projects Fairgrounds Stage Fairgrounds Stage Fairgrounds Fairgrounds Fairgrounds 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.-3p.m. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 11:00-12:30pm 1:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Thursday Aug 13 3 Rigby Fair Building Fairgrounds Walker Arena Fairgrounds Walker Arena Fairgrounds Rodeo Grounds Rodeo Grounds Fairgrounds Fairgrounds Rodeo Grounds Fairgrounds MAP AND ADMISSION FEES Welcome to the Jefferson County Fair! We are pleased that you are interested in attending, entering or both. If you have any questions, please ask! Call Fair Secretary, Jeanette Anderson at 745-6407. ENTRY INFORMATION: Please read the rules of the department and division you are entering carefully, as well as the General Rules at the front of this handbook. Deliver exhibits on the date specified in the Department rules. Reminders will not be sent. MAP TO FAIRGROUNDS Rigby Fair Grounds RODEO GROUNDS EVENTS: Admission (This does not include participation or registration fees. The fees listed below are for attending the events.) Jackpot Rodeo Adult Ticket……………………………...................................... Child Ticket (ages 7-12).......................................................... Ages 0-6.................................................................................. Community Barbeque Adult (ages 13 & over)................................................ Child Ticket (ages 12 & under)………….…………..… Farm Bureau Variety-Talent Show……………..……..…….…………… Baby Contest………………………………………………………………. Death by Chocolate……………………………………………………….. Kid’s Day……………………………………………………………………. Livestock Market Sale……………………………..………..….…………. Livestock Market Sale Dinner.............................................................. 4 $ 5.00 $ 3.00 FREE $ 6.00 $ 3.00 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE Open to buyers only RIGBY DIRECTORS AND COMMITTEE RIGBY DIRECTORS PHONE Carl Anderson .......................................................................Manager Robert Hale……....................................................................Assistant Manager Jeanette Anderson .......................................................... ....Fair Secretary 745-6407 604-0052 745-6407 DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENTS Barn Chairman..………………………………….…….……….Mick Davie Chairman (Open Class)..............................................Billie Jo Blackson 4-H Coordinator……………………………………...……..….Sue Walker Beef Cattle..................................................................Wendy Mickelsen Swine..................................................................................Josh McNeill Sheep .........................................................................Amanda Hickman Goats……………………………………….………………..…Holly Fullmer Small Animals and Poultry……….……………….…..…….…Patti Willkie Dairy Cattle………………………….……….………...…….Dale Mortimer Market Sale…………………………..…………….….MaryAnne Willmore Special Event Chair Person......................................Jeanette Anderson Home Arts Department……………..……….……..….……..Shawnie Orr Canning ..........................................................................Doris Mortimer Home Kitchen..................................................................Sharon Walker Flowers …….............................................................. Marilyn Shumway Agriculture ...............................................................Don & Shirley Biorn Quilts................................................................................Leisha Sievers Needlework/Sewing.............................................Ilianna & Kiera Ralston Art.......................................................................................... Ann Wood Photography..............................................................Devaree Dallimore Hobbies and Crafts .......................................................Lisa Danklefsen FFA………………………….................................................Robert Hale FFA …………………………………………………………..Holly Fullmer FFA………………………………………………….…...Billie Jo Blackson FFA…………………………………………………………….Jake Landon Rodeo……………………………………………….…………..Robert Hale Exhibitor’s Handbook/Events Flier………………………….….Ruth Hale Queen Contest…………………………………………….... Chandra Day Booth Space………………………………………………...Wanda Larson Death by Chocolate ………………………...………...Rebecca Olaveson Baby Contest………………………………………....Erica/Debbie Timms Kids Day………………………………………………….….Debbie Karren Talent Show…………………………………………….…..Bonnie Helsing 745-8435 270-7850 313-0603 538-6068 390-2863 547-4958 785-580-5022 709-1802 745-7779 745-8210 745-6407 521-7075 745-7779 745-6177 557-9022 745-0838 745-7464 745-7988 228-6072 403-2963 745-5214 604-0052 785-580-5022 270-7850 317-3546 604-0052 604-0051 681-5296 745-8015 754-4955 589-2742 716-0249 745-6251 JEFFERSON COUNTY GENERAL FAIR BOARD Jeanette Anderson…………Chairman Don Bird……………………..Vice Chairman Matt Mecham…………….....Mud Lake Fair Chairman Carl Anderson………………Rigby Fair Chairman Sue Walker………………….4-H Representative Robert Hale………………… FFA Representative Barney Carpenter…………...Member Steve Cook…………………..Member Ruth Hale…………………….Secretary/Treasurer 5 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of this exhibitor handbook. However, exhibitors are cautioned that the current rules and regulations of the Jefferson County Fair, as interpreted by the Fair Board, take precedence over this listing due to the possibility of typographical error or inadvertent omission. In the event of conflict between the general rules and the special rules governing the various departments, the special rules will take precedence. The Board reserves the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions and differences in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of, connected with or incident to the Fair. The Board reserves the right to amend or add to these rules, as it, in its judgment, may deem advisable. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Entries In all departments, unless otherwise specified, are open to the world. The Board of Directors and management reserve the right to accept entries after closing dates, if good and sufficient reasons for the delay are given, and reserve the right to offer classifications and premiums for any recognized breed of livestock, or other exhibit, at their discretion. The management reserves the right to reject any exhibits, if it is objectionable in any way, if it requires an excessive amount of space, or if the capacity of the department has been reached. All exhibits must be in place as specified in the general rules of each department. NO EXHIBITS W ILL BE RELEASED BEFORE 4 P.M. NO EXCEPTIONS. Admission to the fairgrounds is free except for Special Attraction Events. Exhibitors having space assigned to them will not be permitted to change to another location without first having obtained permission from the superintendent of the department, under penalty of forfeiture of premiums. The judges’ book shall be evidence of payment of premiums. Ribbons and cards not accepted. No diseased or inferior stock or articles will be assigned space on the fairgrounds for exhibition purposes. Exhibitors must in all cases be the bona fide owners of articles or animals exhibited by them, except where otherwise specified. A transfer of ownership for the purpose of exhibiting will be assigned space on the fairgrounds for exhibition purposes. COMPETITION: Competition is defined as a contest for supremacy between two or more animals, products, or articles owned by separate exhibitors. Two exhibits owned by the same person does not constitute competition. Awards may not be made for Champions or Grand Champions where there is no competition. Conditions of competition: if two or more exhibitors are not competing in any breed, exhibits must be a quality to meet the awards given. Judges will give a lesser award if the exhibit is not of a high enough quality to merit the first place award. Exhibitors may make as many entries in each class as desired, except as specified in the special rule of each department, but no exhibitor will be allowed more than one premium in any one class. All animals in group class must be shown in own individual open class. No animal or article may compete in more than of a pair, group or championships, or except as otherwise specified in special rules of departments. All exhibits shall be owned by exhibitor. Premiums will be designated by ribbons as follows: First……………….Blue Ribbon Second…..……….Red Ribbon Third………….…..White Ribbon Fourth………..…...Pink Ribbon No director of this fair shall act as judge in any class, nor shall any exhibitor in any given class act as judge for that class. The judges will be expected, if called upon, to give the reasons for their decisions, embracing the value and desirable qualities of the animals or articles to which the awards were given. Prior to the judging, the superintendent will inspect all exhibits in his department to determine if they are entered in the class in which they should compete. If the superintendent and exhibitor cannot reach an agreement as to the classification, it shall be reported to the management. Classification will then be made by a committee appointed by the manager, whose decision shall be final. In cases where it is obvious that entries are not correctly entered, the change may be made by the department superintendent without reference to the exhibitor. If there is any question during the judging as to any entry, or the right of an exhibitor to compete in any class, the report shall immediately be made to the department superintendent for adjustment. Awards will be made according to the merits of the exhibit. The judge may disqualify or award 2 nd, 3rd premiums at this discretion. Special awards will be made only after the judges have agreed with the manager that such awards should be made. Any person attempting to influence the judges in their decisions in any manner will forfeit all awards and will be excluded from all competition and exhibition. No persons will be permitted in the ring during judging except the Awards Committee, the officers of the fair, and the necessary attendants. Trucks and trailers cannot be parked in the vicinity of the livestock buildings, but must be parked on the space designated by the General Livestock Superintendent west of the barn. Each exhibitor or concessionaire will be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury or damage done to or occasioned by, or arising from any animal or articles exhibited by legal proceedings in regard thereto. Said Jefferson County Fair will take reasonable precautions to insure the safety of exhibits and property of every description entered for competition or display, or any other purpose, while anywhere on the grounds that shall be subject to the control of the Jefferson County Fair, but the owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting them. In no case will the Jefferson County Fair be responsible in any way for any loss, damage or injury. Presentation of articles or animals for exhibition and entrance upon said grounds shall be deemed acceptance of the rule. 6 23. The Jefferson County Fair will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by or arising out of strikes, riots, lockouts or acts of God or carelessness of an individual. 24. Exhibitors of animals, machinery in motion, and other exhibits liable to occasional accidents, injury or damage to persons coming in contact therewith, every such exhibitor shall indemnify the Jefferson County Fair from and against all claims and demands, costs, charges and expenses which it may incur, suffer or be put to, by reasons of any exhibit not properly guarded or the public not be properly guarded there from. 25. Attendants at exhibits and concessions must be neatly attired and will be required to conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner. Dogs or pet animals kept about exhibits or concessions will not be permitted to run at large. 26. Sales of exhibits may be made for delivery at the close of the fair, but no exhibit may be removed until after 4:00 p.m. of the closing day of the fair. NO EXCEPTIONS. Ribbons and premiums will be forfeited if this rule is not followed. 27. Ample light is furnished in all buildings. If additional light or power is required, all wiring and power must be furnished by the consumer and wired under supervision. 28. No person or exhibitor will be permitted to distribute printed or advertising matter, put signs on the grounds other than at the space allocated to exhibitors for the purpose. The use of gongs, bells or other noise instruments, for the purpose of attracting attention is prohibited on the fairgrounds. 29. Exhibitors winning premiums in the 4-H Club crop projects, Future Farmers crop division, shall not be eligible for entry in open classes. 30. No superintendent or assistant of any department will be authorized to employ help without the written authorization of the manager. 31. A signed order for all supplies must be obtained from the manager. 32. No bills will be audited or paid during the fair except labor bills. All claims against the Jefferson County Fair must be presented within ten days after the closing date of the fair. 33. Each open class livestock exhibitor will pay a $1 entry fee per class for Dairy and Beef Cattle, $1 for Sheep and Swine and $1 for Dairy and Pet Goats. 34. Open Class rabbits and poultry will pay an entry fee of $1 per class. 35. Open class animals will be judged 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in each class, but the Home Arts Division will use the Danish system and each article will be judged on its own merits. All Home Arts articles will receive a ribbon. Premiums on 1 st and 2nd place. 36. Information concerning entry qualifications, premiums, and prizes awarded will be listed under each category. 37. All livestock and small animal exhibitors at the Jefferson County Fair must care for and clean up after all of their animals from check in and until animals are dismissed on Saturday at 4:00pm. All stalls and pens must be cleaned after animals are removed. Failure to do so will result in a $50.00 fine. CONCESSIONS 1. The Board of Directors of the Fair Board will authorize the letting of such privileges as are required to supply the necessary wants of the people that may add to their comfort, convenience and pleasure but under no circumstances will privileges of a questionable nature or of a demoralizing tendency be sold or in any manner tolerated on the grounds or in the building. 2. All concessions must make application and pay a ground fee to the Manager of the Fair Board before allowed to transact any business on the fairgrounds. 3. All concessions are required to comply with the State, Country and City food and health laws. 4. All refreshment stands or booths are required to be neat and clean and substantially built. Food and drinks must be wholesome and at reasonable prices. All prices must be prominently posted and approved by the management of the fair. There shall be a base price. 2. 3. 4. COMMERCIAL This department offers an opportunity for merchants and manufacturers to display their goods, wares and merchandise to the public. Indoor and outdoor space is available at reasonable charge. Application for space must be made with the Fair Manager. Exhibits must remain in place until 4 p.m. the last day of the fair. 5. 6. Fair trade practices will be observed. Each booth will be responsible to clean own area. 1. 7 Jefferson County Fair Amateur Jackpot Rodeo Tuesday August 11, 2015 – Slack at 6:30 pm (timed events only) R O D E O Wednesday August 12, 2015 6:30 pm - Performance Queen Coronation 5:30 Grand Entry 6:30 - performance will follow EVENT Mutton Bustin’ - under 50 pounds with all gear Calf Riding - ages 7 - 11 Steer Riding - ages 12 - 15 Ages 12 & over Bareback Riding Saddlebronc Riding Stock Saddle Riding Bull Riding Breakaway Roping Calf Roping Steer Wrestling Barrel Racing Pole Bending Goat Tying Ribbon Roping Team Roping-each person can enter twice All entry fees -TBA 8 HOW TO ENTER: Entries open on July 19 - August 7 email at rigbyfairrodeo@yahoo.com (If needed call Kristi Conover at 313-0552) Please email to enter all events: first come, first served (Kristi will email you back to confirm the entry) Please email name, age, event. Cash entries only: No late entries will be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS Appropriate western attire is required. The draw will be emailed after August 8 Entry fee office will be open Tuesday, August 11 from 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm Wednesday August 12 from 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm --Performance 60 entries maximum in each event (excluding rough stock) Everyone pays to go through the gates, contestants will be reimbursed Adults $5.00 Kids ages 7 – 12 $3.00 Ages under 6 are free Rules for the Amateur entries: If you hold a card in IMPRA or any other professional rodeo you are not eligible to compete in amateur division, will be entered in pro open division. Certain timed events will be split into divisions for placing and pay-outs Possible divisions; Jr. High, High School, Open Amateur (18+ amateur), Open Pro (18+ card holders). All money after stock charge is jackpotted and no arena fee. For rough stock riders, all entry fee is jackpotted no stock fee. Those under 18 must have permission slips signed by parents and notarized prior to competing. A notary will be at the entry office. All High School contestants welcome as well as High School graduates of 2015 (can enter High School or Open division). Any questions email Kristi at rigbyfairrodeo@yahoo.com or 313-0552 9 R O D E O Open Class Animal Entry Form Open Class Animal Entry Form Exhibitor Name: Phone Number: Class # County: Animal Name/Tag/ Tattoo Breed/Size ** For additional entries, please attach additional pages Send Entries to: Billie Jo Blackson 243 E 300 N Rigby, ID 83442 208-745-6685 or drop off at 4H office Due Date: August 5th 10 Craft / Artisan Market Place Jefferson County Fair August 13-14-15, 2015 Reserve your space today!! Contact: Wanda Larson 745-8015 Paula Gilbert 851-8497 Or pick up an application at the Jefferson County Extension / 4-H Office Accepting applications thru July 31st. Indoor and Outdoor Spaces Available. $45.00 $10.00 Refunded if you set up until close of Fair. Vendors that will participate at the Fair this year…so far!! Granny’s Gifts & Goodies- Jolene Hurst Paparazzi Jewelry- Rebecca Funk/Diana Parker Youique/Lashes by Auttie- Autumn Hill doTerra- Monica Smith The Elwen Cottage- Wendy Vaughn Hand Crafts- Cindy Lemons Amazing Pens- Steve Hagen Wild county Photography- Karen Jones Sew Crafty- Tandra Thomas Thirty One Gifts- Alison Holderman Jamberry Nails- Brandie Smith Goodies & Candy- Brittany Farm Bureau Family Services NRCS Farm Services Jefferson County Republican Women Art - Ann Wood Usborne Books- Melanie Allen Reeds Dairy House of Bounce Rigby Lions FFA Eastern Idaho Public Health We are also looking for Groups, Individuals or Business’ who would like to share a talent, craft or product through live demonstrations, to be held throughout the Fair. Call Wanda or Paula to schedule. 11 DEPARTMENT - BARN AND ARENA SUPERINTENDENT: Mick Davie B A R N & A R E N A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Exhibitors shall not attach evidence of previous awards to any article or animal. The only ribbons that may be displayed are those won at this year’s Jefferson County Fair. Exhibitors must make entries with the distinct understanding that stock must be brought to the show ring for judging and awards in a prompt manner. Disrespect shown to any award or to any judge by an exhibitor forfeits all the awards made to him/her. The management requires that all exhibitors of livestock comply with the health regulations set forth in the special rules of each department. FFA and 4-H youth will comply with youth rules in their divisions and also with all open class rules. Each exhibitor of livestock and small animals are expected to keep their pens and stalls clean and sanitary. Stalls and pens must be cleaned by 9:00 a.m. each day and refuse disposed of as the Barn Superintendent may direct. The Eastern Idaho State Fair Exhibitors handbook will be referred to if there are any questions on rules. All animals on the grounds must be shown. All manure and straw removal of livestock and small animals is the responsibility of each exhibitor. Pens must be cleaned out at the conclusion of the fair before premiums can be picked up. $50.00 will be taken from sale check if exhibitt6or doesn’t clean pens. All animals on the fairgrounds will be clean, fit and healthy or they will be removed from the fairgrounds. Any exhibitor treating animals inhumanely will be disqualified and asked to leave the fairgrounds. There will be no injections given on the grounds unless the barn chairman and a veterinarian have been notified. Injections will only be given under the direction of a veterinarian. 1st Annual Jefferson County Fair FAMILY FUN RUN/WALK Everyone Welcome Race Begins at 7:00pm Registration at 6:30pm Free Event Everyone Welcome 12 DEPARTMENT: JUNIOR MARKET SHOW & SALES SUPERINTENDENT: MARY ANNE WILLMORE 1. All market stock entering the auction ring must be sold. No animals sold through any other sale within 60 days prior to the Fair shall be permitted in this market show or sale. 2. All market stock entered must be on the Fairgrounds by Wednesday between 10:00am and no later than 4:00pm of the fair week and will be weighed in a received by the Barn Chairman or Market Sale Committee. 3. All animals entered in the Market Stock Sale must have been shown in the show ring and have received a blue or red ribbon. 4. It is required that each 4-H and FFA member be the bona fide owner of each animal that he or she has exhibited. The County Agent or FFA Advisor will be responsible for this verification. 5. Exhibitors will bring their own feed and care for their own animals. 6. All entries are accepted with the understanding that the Fair Officials shall not be held responsible for any damage or loss that may arise to livestock on exhibition or sale. 7. Beginning weigh in will be required for all animals in conjunction with Eastern Idaho State Fair rules. Each animal must be identified at weigh in. 8. Exhibitors will be allowed to sell only one animal at the market sale, with the following exception: a. That all Grand Champion and Reserve Champion animals must sell. (Even in the event that an exhibitor has a Champion or a Reserve Champion in two or more species.) b .Youth that are registered in 4-H and FFA and have been a member of FFA for at least one year may sell two animals. Animals must be two different species. 9. At the discretion of the Sale Committee any hog will be disqualified if it shows evidence of pigginess, scars, sores, bruises or blemishes that may impair the carcass. 10. Terms of sale will be CASH. 11. A brand inspection must accompany any steer sold. 12. A 3% shrink will be deducted from the weigh in weight to determine the sale weight. 13. A commission charge of 2% will be deducted from each animal. 14. Market sale pictures will be available. 15. Market sale animals will stay on the grounds until check out time. 16. All market animals will be the responsibility of the youth until Saturday at 4:00 p.m. including animals that have been sold. J R M A R K E T Jefferson County Junior Market Sale Sale Time: 7 p.m. Friday, August 14h Place: Walker Livestock Show Arena How to buy at the Market Sale: Buyer numbers will be available at the night of the sale. Buying at the market sale is done by offering the highest bid in the auction on the animal in question. Once the animal is purchased, the buyer informs the “runner” whether he wants to keep it or resell it. If the bidder keeps the animal, it is their responsibility to get the animal to a packing plant.. Of course, should the buyer decide to keep the animal, he pays the full purchase price. If the bidder decides to resell the animal, he pays only the difference between the floor price and the purchase price. Another way that you can “buy” at the market sale is to put a boost on an individual’s animal. You decide how much you would like to boost; $10, $20, $100 etc. Make checks out to Jefferson County Fair or take cash to Jefferson County Extension office before the auction or pay the night of the sale. The livestock clubs of Jefferson County are actively progressing. During the past several months at our 4-H meetings, members have been taught efficient livestock management. We have learned about different feeds, basic nutrition and rations for weight gain. We have worked with our animals and each child did a demonstration. Our members have raised their market animals for the Jefferson County Junior Market Sale on Friday, August 14 th. We try to have our animals tamed, groomed, as well as finished. Remember, “Our members are our Nation’s Future Food Producers.” We would certainly appreciate your support at our Market Sale. We would like to thank Market Sale buyers for their continued support of our youth. 13 S A L E Department: 4-H Extension Educators: Lorie Dye, Jon Hogge 4-H Program Assistant: Sue Walker “4-H… More than you ever imagined” PLEASE CHECK THE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS DEMONSTRATIONS: Demonstration contests for all of Jefferson County will be held: Home Ec & Misc: August 11, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Extension Office. 4 H LIVE ANIMAL: August 13, 2:00 p.m. at the fairgrounds. There will be no live animal demonstrations at the State Fair. Awards for overall demonstration, Live Animal, Home Ec and Misc: 1 st -- $ 35.00, 2nd -$20.00, 3rd - $10.00 LIVESTOCK REQUIREMENTS: Animals shown in the Market Class may not be shown in the Breeding Class, and animals shown in the Breeding Animal Class may not be shown in the Market Class. 4-H members exhibiting beef, dairy, sheep, swine, goat or rabbit projects must enter the showmanship contest. Animals and showmanship will be judged separately. C L U B There will be three showmanship divisions according to age: Junior: Ages 8-11 Intermediate: Ages 12-14 Senior: Ages 15-19 Suggested Dress Code for animal showmanship classes: Long pants Hard soled Shoes Long hair pulled back No baseball caps Button up shirt: long/short sleeve is acceptable Round Robin: The animal entered in Round Robin competition will be the exhibitor’s winning animal that was used to qualify. Sale Animals: Only sheep, swine, meat goats, meat rabbits and fat steers are eligible in the sale. Any animal that enters the sale ring cannot be shown at any other fair. The sale committee strongly opposes the use of tranquilizers on cattle at fair time. General Rules: All 4-H work will be judged according to 4-H standards, 4-H exhibitors will comply with all general rules of the Fair. 4-H animals will be shown by 4-H members only, except by special permission of Extension Personnel. The group award system will be used for comparative judging of all 4-H exhibits. The record book and story are a very important part of the project exhibit. They should be checked for completeness, signed by the leader, and then exhibited in the building. Any 4-H member may exhibit an animal at either the Rigby fair or the Mud Lake fair, but not at both fairs. Premiums: Premiums will be paid as follows: All Home Ec, Beef, Dairy, Swine, Sheep, Goat, Horse and other miscellaneous projects: Blue $3.00 Red $2.00 White $1.00 14 Department: FFA Advisors: Robert Hale, Rigby Billie Jo Blackson, Rigby Holly Fullmer, Rigby Jake Landon, Ririe General Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Each FFA Member is limited to one exhibit in each class of crops and the entries must have been produced on the farm operated by student or his parents. County FFA Members may show at only one fair, either Mud Lake or Rigby for credit or awards. Each FFA Member is limited to two entries in each class of livestock. The FFA Member must own the livestock exhibits or in which student has 50% or more financial interest. Market sale animals will be governed by Market Sale rules. Health requirements shall be the same as for open entry. All entries to be graded according to breed standards and premiums to be paid on the basis of the awards of A, B and C ratings in both crops and livestock. All exhibits shall comply with open class regulations. All animals to be shown must be in record books. Entries in both agriculture and livestock shall be limited to active FFA Members in good standing in their local chapter and who are regularly enrolled as students of Vocational Agriculture. Boys or girls who graduated last May are eligible to compete in FFA activities and exhibits. New fall students of Vocational Agriculture are eligible. AGRICULTURE DIVISION Crops: 1. Wheat, winter and variety, 2 quarts. 2. Wheat, spring and variety, 2 quarts. 3. Barley, and variety, 2 quarts. 4. Oats, and variety, 2 quarts. 5. Peas, any variety, 2 quarts. 6. Beans, any variety, 2 quarts. 7. Alfalfa, 5 lbs. 8. Red Clover seed, 5 lbs. 9. Grass seed, 5 lbs Grain Sheaves & Legumes: 10. Sheaf of Wheat, any variety 11. Sheaf of Barley, any variety 12. Sheaf of Oats, any variety 13. Sheaf of Alfalfa 14. Sheaf of Red Clover All sheaves exhibited must measure at least 3 inches in diameter through the middle of the stalk. Row Crops: 15. Sugar Beets 16. Potatoes 17. Field Corn 18. Other Row Crops Horticulture: 19. Vegetables 20. Annual Flowers 21. Perennial Flowers 22. Planters 23. Hanging Baskets 24. House Plants 25. Landscape Drawing 26. Irrigation Drawing LIVESTOCK DIVISION: Horses: 1. Horses will be shown with 4-H on August 10th . 2. Entries due by July 28th in the Extension office. 3. Will show in the proper age group. 4. Horse shown must be the member’s FFA project animal. 5. Same horse cannot be shown in 4-H & FFA Dairy Cattle: 1. Aged cow: 3 years or over. Date of fair being the beginning date of age. 2. Cow: over 2 & less than 3 years. 3. Senior Heifers: under 2 years and over 18 months. 4. Junior Heifers: under 18 months and over 12 months. 5. Heifers: under 1 year and over 6 months. 6. Heifers: under 6 months. 7. Bulls: bulls of any age must be registered or eligible for registration. Beef Cattle: 1. Females 2 years old and over 2. Females, 1 year and under 2. 3. Females, under 1 year. 4. Bulls, registered or eligible for registration. 5. Feeder steer or heifer, any breed or cross-breed (beef) type. Sheep: 1. Ewe, 2 years or over. 2. Ewe, 1 year and under 2. 3. Ewe lambs. 4. Ram, 2 years or over. 5. Ram 1 year and under 2 6. Ram lambs 7. Fat lambs, any breed or crossbreed 15 F F A F F A DEPARTMENT: FFA Cont. Swine 1. Sow, over 1 year. 2. Gilts, (Senior) under 1 year, over 6 months. 3. Gilts, (Junior) under 6 months. 4. Boar, over 1 year. Must be registered. 5. Boar, (Senior) under 1 year, over 6 months. Must be registered or eligible for registration. 6. Market Hog, barrow or gilt, 220#-245#. Cannot be shown in breeding classes. 7. Pen of three market hogs, barrows, or gilts. Cannot be shown in above classes. SHOP PROJECTS 1. Manufactured Projects: metal or wood SALE ANIMALS: Only sheep, swine, meat goats, meat rabbits and fat steers are eligible in the sale. One animal per FFA member is eligible to enter the sale. DEPARTMENT – GOATS SUPERINTENDENT: Holly Fullmer G O A T S CHECK IN Wednesday 11:00 a.m.-12:30 a.m. Goats will not be released until 4 p.m. on Saturday. JUDGING SCHEDULE Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. Judging following 4-H and FFA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. All Dairy Goats shall be hornless. Entries close Wednesday 12:30 a.m. All livestock must be on the grounds by 12:30 a.m. on Wednesday. Exhibitors may make entries in each class as desired, limit of 2. Classes may be combined if not sufficient entries for judging. There will be no billies allowed on the grounds. No livestock will be released before 4 p.m. the last day of the fair. No exceptions. We would like to encourage all exhibitors to wear white while showing animals. Inspections for any indication of infectious diseases will be made at the fairgrounds. Each livestock exhibitor will pay a $1.00 entry fee per class. Open Class Premium 1st 2nd 3rd 4th $6.00 $4.00 $2.00 Ribbon Classes for all breeds: Alpine, LaMancha, Saanen, Toggenburg, and Nubian. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dam and daughter, consists of dam and her daughter. 10. Produce of Dam, consists of 2 does any age from same dam. 11. Get of Sire, consist of 3 does, sired by the same buck Dairy Herd, consist of 3 does in milk, same breed, same owner. 12. One herd per exhibitor. Doe kids under 4 months. Junior Doe, 4 months and under 12 months. Senior Doe Kid, 12 months and under 24 months Yearling milkers. Does, 2 years and under 3 years. Does, 3 years and under 4 years. Does, 4 years and over. Champion Doe, Reserve Champion Doe. 16 DEPARTMENT – DAIRY CATTLE SUPERINTENDENT: DALE MORTIMER CHECK IN Wednesday by 4 p.m. Cattle will not be released until 4 p.m. on Saturday. JUDGING SCHEDULE Friday at 1:00 p.m. Judging following 4-H and FFA 1. Entries close Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. All livestock must be on the grounds and entries paid at the time. 2. Exhibitors may make two entries in each class. 3. No livestock will be released before 4 p.m. the last day of the fair. No exceptions. 4. All animals will have neck ropes. 5. All bulls over 1 year old must have a ring in nose. 6. The board of directors reserves the right to refuse admittance or remove from the fairgrounds all unmanageable animals which may endanger the public safety. 7. All heifers over 6 months of age and all cows will have proof of a Brucellosis Vaccination. 8. Animals must be owned by the firm or individual exhibiting them at the time of making entry, and shown this way throughout the show. 9. Animals owned in partnership may be entered in one partner’s name, but must be shown under one ownership throughout the classifications of the fair, and the entry must carry a footnote showing the actual ownership. 10. We would like to encourage all exhibitors to wear white when showing animals. 11. Each exhibitor will pay a $1 entry fee per class. Open Class Premium 1st $9.00 2nd $7.00 3rd $4.00 4th Ribbon Classes for all breeds Bulls 1. Bull calf, born after August 31, 2014 and over four months of age. 2. Yearling bull, born after August 31, 2013 and prior to September 1, 2014 3. Grand Champion Bull. 4. Grand Champion Bull, all breeds. Females 5. Spring Heifer Calf, born after February 28, 2015. 6. Winter Heifer Calf, born after November 30, 2014 and prior to March 1, 2015. 7. Fall Yearling Heifer, born after August 31, 2014 and prior to December 1, 2014. 8. Summer Yearling Heifer, born after May 31, 2014 and prior to September 1, 2014. 9. Spring Yearling Heifer, born after Feb 28, 2014 and prior to June 1, 2014 10. Winter Yearling Heifer, born Nov 30, 2013 and prior to March 1, 2014 11. Fall Yearling Heifer, born after August 31, 2013 and prior to Dec 1, 2013. 12. Champion and Reserve Champion Junior Female 17 D A I R Y C A T T L E D A I R Y C A T T L E DEPARTMENT – DAIRY CATTLE Continued: DRY COWS MUST HAVE FRESHENED WITHIN PAST 18 MONTHS 13. Dry cow, 3 - 4 years old 14. Dry cow, 5 years old and older 15. Junior cow, 2 years old - born after Feb 28 and prior to Sept. 1, 2013. Any senior yearling in milk shall show in Junior 2 year old class. 16. Senior cow, 2 year old - born after Aug. 31, 2013 and prior to March 1, 2014. 17. Junior cow, 3 years old - born after Feb. 28, 2013 and prior to Sept. 1, 2013. 18. Senior cow, 3 years old - born after Aug. 31, 2012 and prior to Feb. 28, 2013. 19. Intermediate Champion -Rosette 20. Cow, 4 years old - born after Aug. 31, 2010, and prior to Sept. 1, 2011. 21. Cow, 5 year old - born after Aug. 31, 2009, and prior to Sept. 1, 2010. 22. Cow, 6 years old & older - born prior to Sept. 1, 2008. 23. Cow, 125,000 lb., DHIA sheets must be present. 24. Senior Champion Female - Purple Ribbon Reserve Senior Grand Champion Female - Lavender Ribbon 25. Grand Champion Female - Purple Ribbon and Trophy Reserve Grand Champion Female - Lavender Ribbon 26. Grand Champion Cow - bred & owned by exhibitor -Rosette 27. Best Udder Award - Rosette ONLY 28. Dairy Herd Group - to consist of 4 cows that have freshened. All to be owned by exhibitor. Each exhibitor limited to one entry. 29. Best 3 females, any age, all bred and at least two owned by exhibitor. Each exhibitor limited to one entry. 30. Produce of Dam - to consist of 2 animals, any age, either sex, the produce of one cow. Dam must be named. Each exhibitor limited to one entry from same dam. Exhibitor need not own animals. 31. Dam and Progeny - to consist of 2 animals, a dam and offspring of any age. Dam must be named. Exhibitor need not own both animals. 32. Breeders Herd - 5 head - females. All must be owned and at least three must be bred by the exhibitor to consist of two females over the age of 2 and two under the age of 2 and 1 any age. COMMUNITY WESTERN BARBECUE Thursday August 13, 6 p.m. Rigby Fairgrounds Memorial Park Tickets: 13 & over --- $6.00 12 & under-- $3.00 Kathryn McLain -- Chairperson 18 Chicken Tossed Green Salad Corn Baked Beans Rolls Watermelon DEPARTMENT – BEEF CATTLE SUPERINTENDENT: Wendy Mickelsen CHECK IN Wednesday by 3:30 p.m. Cattle will not be released until 4 p.m. on Saturday. JUDGING SCHEDULE Friday, Aug. 15, 9:00 a.m. Judging following 4-H and FFA 1. Entries close Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. All livestock must be on the grounds and entry fees paid at this time. 2. Exhibitors may make two entries per class. 3. No livestock will be released before 4 p.m. the last day of the fair. No exceptions. 4. All animals will have neck ropes. 5. All bulls over 1 year will have a ring in their nose. 6. The board of directors of the fair reserves the right to refuse admittance or remove from the fairgrounds all unmanageable animals which may endanger the public safety. 7. All heifers over 6 months of age and all cows will have proof of a Brucellosis Vaccination. 8. Suckling calves may be removed by 5:00 p.m. and returned by 9:00 a.m. the next day for duration of the fair. 9. No individual panels. 10. Classes may be combined if not enough entries. 11. Each livestock exhibitor will pay a $1.00 entry fee per class. PREMIUM 1st $9.00 2nd $7.00 3rd $4.00 4th Ribbon Classes for All Breeds: Limousin, Hereford, Shorthorn, Angus, Charolais, Simmental, or any other breed. Heifers: Late Junior Heifer Calves- born March 1, 2015 or later Early Junior 2. Heifer Calves- born January 1 to February 28, 2015. Junior Heifer Calf Champion 3. Winter Heifer Calves- November 1 to December 31, 2014. 4. Senior Heifer Calves- September 1 to October 31, 2014. Senior Heifer Calf Champion 5. Late Summer Yearling - July 1 to August 31, 2014. 6. Early Summer Yearling- May 1 to June 30, 2014. Intermediate Champion 7. Late Spring Yearling - April 1 to April 30, 2014 8. Early Spring Yearling - March 1 to March 31, 2014. 9. Junior Yearling Heifer- January 1 to February 28, 2014. 19 B E E F C A T T L E 20 2nd Annual Iron Florist Contest Fresh Flower Contest Thursday August 13, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Jefferson County Fairgrounds Community Barbeque to Follow Register by August 11th No Cost to Register All Floral Supplies will be provided Grand Prize $50.00 Gift Certificate to Floral Classics + $50.00 Cash 1st Prize $30.00 Gift Certificate to Floral Classics + $30.00 Cash 2nd Prize $20.00 Gift Certificate to Floral Classics + $20.00 Cash Prizes Sponsored by Floral Classics and Jefferson County Fair For More Information or to Register Contact Floral Classics Carla Schmardebeck Owner/Manager 129 E Main * Rigby, ID 83442 208-745-0051 * www.floralclassics.net 21 Junior Yearling Champion 10. Senior Yearling - September 1 to December 31, 2013. Senior Champion 11. Cow Calf Pair - Natural cow and calf - calf may show in its proper age class. Cow can be of any age - calf must be less than 9 months old. Champion Female B E E F C A T T L E BULLS: 12. Late Junior Bull Calves- March 1, 2015, or later 13. Early Junior Bull Calves - January 1 to February 29, 2015 Junior Bull Calf Champion 14. Winter Bull Calves - November 1 to December 31, 2014. 15. Senior Bull Calves - September 1 to October 31, 2014. Senior Bull Calf Champion 16. Late Summer Yearling-July 1 to August 31, 2014. 17. Early Summer Yearling - May 1 to June 30, 2014. Intermediate Champion 18. Late Spring Yearling - April 1 to April 30, 2014. 19. Early Spring Yearling - March 1 to March 31, 2014. 20. Junior Yearling Bull - January 1 to February 28, 2014. Junior Yearling Champion 21. Senior Yearling Bulls - September 1 to December 31, 2013. 22. Late 2 Year Old - May 1 to August 31, 2013. 23. Early 2 Year Old - January 1 to April 30, 2013. Senior Champion Champion Bull Other Classes: 24. Pair of Calves - Bull and heifer - 1 from classes 1-4 and 1 from classes 12-15 (owned or coowned) 25. Pair of Yearlings - Bull and heifer - 1 from class 5-10 and 1 from classes 16-21 (owned or coowned)) 26. Pair of Heifers - 2 heifers from classes 1-10 (owned or co-owned) 27. Pair of Bulls - 2 bulls from classes 12-23 (owned or co-owned) 28. Produce of Dam - 2 head any age shown in previous classes natural or ET from same dam (owned or co-owned) 29. Calf Get-of-Sire - 3 head (both sexes represented - all by same sire) from classes 1-4 and 12-15 (owned or co-owned) 30. Senior Get-of-Sire - 4 head (both sexes represented-all by same sire) (owned or co-owned) 31. Best 5 Head - 5 head (owned or co-owned) Grand Champion Female – All Breeds – Trophy Grand Champion Bull – All Breeds – Trophy 22 DEPARTMENT – SWINE SUPERINTENDENT: Josh McNeill CHECK IN-CHECKOUT Wednesday 11a.m. – 3 p.m. Released Saturday at 4 p.m. JUDGING SCHEDULE Thursday, Aug. 13, 8:00 a.m. Judging following 4-H and FFA S W I N E 1. Entries close Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. All livestock must be on the grounds and entry fees paid at this time. 2. Exhibitors may make two entries per class. 3. No livestock will be released before 4 p.m. the last day of the fair. No exceptions. 4. Exhibits will be required to have a showman with each animal in the show ring. 5. All boars must be tusked. 6. All animals shall be the property of the exhibitor. 7. Classes may be combined if not sufficient entries. 8. Each livestock exhibitor will pay a $1.00 entry per class. Open Class PREMIUM 1ST $6.00 2ND $4.00 3RD $2.00 4TH Ribbon Classes for All Breeds: Yorkshire, Durocs, Hampshire, Spotted Poland China and any other breed. 1. Junior Yearling boar farrowed Jan. 1 - June 30, 2014. 2. Senior boar farrowed July1 – Dec. 31, 2014. 3. Jan. boar farrowed during January 2015. 4. Feb boar farrowed during February 2015 5. March boar farrowed during March 2015. 6. Champion Boar, Reserve Champion Boar 7. Junior Yearling sow farrowed Jan. 1 – June 30, 2014. 8. Senior Sow farrowed July1 – Dec 31, 2014. 9. Jan. gilt farrowed during Jan 2015. 10. Feb. gilt farrowed during Feb 2015. 11. March. gilt farrowed during March 2015. 12. Champion Sow, Reserve Champion Sow 13. Grand Champion Boar-all breeds-trophy 14. Grand champion Sow-all breeds-trophy. 23 DEPARTMENT – SHEEP SUPERINTENDENT: Amanda Hickman CHECK IN Wednesday by 11:00a.m. to 3:00 pm Released Saturday at 4 p.m. JUDGING SCHEDULE Thursday August 13 at 1:00 p.m. Judging following 4-H and FFA S H E E P 1. Entries close Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. All livestock must be on the grounds and entry fees paid at this time. 2. Exhibitors may make two entries in each class. 3. No livestock will be released before 4 p.m. the last day of the fair. No exceptions. 4. All sheep must be inspected for any indication or symptoms of Blue Tongue, contagious or infectious diseases. Inspections can be made at any time at the fairgrounds. 5. Scrapie tags will be attached to all breeding animals, including white face. 6. All market lambs will comply with the tail dock rule of having at least a 1 in. tail at fair time. 7. All shearing will be done prior to entry at the fair. If trimming is done on the grounds, all wool is to be cleaned up. 8. All animals shall be the property of the exhibitor. 9. Classes may be combined if not sufficient entries. 10. Each livestock exhibitor will pay a $1.00 entry fee per class. 11. To enter rate of gain contest, lamb must be sheared at final weigh in. Open Class PREMIUM 1ST $6.00 2ND $4.00 3RD $2.00 4TH Ribbon Classes for all breeds: Hampshire, Suffolk, Columbia, Southdown, Cheviots, and any other breed. 1. Ram – 2 years or over 2. Ram – 1 year old and under 2 3. Ram lamb less than 1 year 4. Champion Ram, Reserve Champion Ram 5. Ewe – 2 years or over 6. Ewe – 1 year old and under 2 7. Ewe lamb less than 1 year 8. Champion Ewe, Reserve Champion Ewe 9. Pair of rams (any age) 10. Pair of ewes (any age) 11. Produce of dam-2 animals, either sex, not twins. Dam to be shown with the class 12. Get of Sire-4 animals any age, either sex 13. Flock-1 ram any age, 2 yearling ewes, and 2 ewe lambs 14. Pen of 3 lambs, under 1 year not to have been shown as singles. 15. Grand Champion Ram-All Breeds-Trophy 16. Grand Champion Ewe-all Breeds-Trophy 24 DEPARTMENT – SMALL ANIMALS & POULTRY SUPERINTENDENT: Patti Willkie/Rebecca Squires CHECK IN-CHECK OUT Small animals and poultry must be checked in Wednesday 8:00 to 8:45 a.m. Small animals & poultry will not be released until 4 p.m. on Saturday. JUDGING SCHEDULE Wednesday, August 12, 9:00 a.m. Poultry, rabbits after poultry Judging following 4-H and FFA 1. Entries close Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. All animals and birds must be on the grounds by 9:00 a.m. Wednesday and in their cages. 2. Exhibitors may make two entries per class. 3. No entries will be released before 4 p.m. the last day of the fair. No exceptions. 4. Inspection for any indication of symptoms of any infectious disease will be made at the fairgrounds. No animal or bird showing indications of disease shall be exhibited. 5. All animals will be the property of the exhibitor. 6. No rabbits under 3 months of age will be allowed on the grounds. 7. Any exhibit sold shall remain in place until released by the superintendent. 8. Each exhibitor will pay a $1.00 entry fee for each open class exhibit entered. Open Class PREMIUM 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH $6.00 $4.00 $2.00 Ribbon Rabbit Show 1. Meat Pen 2. 4 Class Any breed that is less than 9 lbs. A. Jr. Doe B. Jr. Buck C. Sr. Doe D. Sr. Buck 3. 6 Class Any breed that the ideal weight is 9 lbs. or more. A. Jr. Doe B. Jr. Buck C. Int. Doe D. Int. Buck E. Sr. Doe F. Sr. Buck Classes may be combined if not sufficient entries CHICKENS- Classes separated by size and breed. Small, medium, and large breeds. Show will begin immediately following the rabbits. Classes are subject to separated by breed. 1. Individual Bird, breed, variety, age, and sex 2. Trios (consists of same breed, variety and age) a. Young Trio – 1 cockerel and 2 pullets hatched after January 1, 2015. b. Old Trio – 1 cockerel and 2 pullets hatched before January 1, 2015 3. Meats (broilers or fryers) consists of 3 birds of the same breed, variety, age and sex. 4. Best in Show - Trophy 5. Best Trio in Show Pigeons and Doves – classes separated by breed. Roller, Fancies, Homer, Utility. There will be a class for each breed entered. Be sure to specify color, sex, and age as below for each bird. 1. Old Cock 2. Old Hen 3. Young Cock 4. Young Hen (Young birds are birds hatched during the current show year. All other entries will be classed as Old Birds.) 25 S M A L L A N I M A L S H O M E A R T S D E P T DEPARTMENT – HOME ARTS SUPERINTENDENT: Shawnee Orr Entries must follow all general regulations that might apply, found at the beginning of the fair book. No entries allowed if awarded in another county fair. All exhibits will be released Saturday at 4 p.m. Any article removed before Sat. at 4 pm will forfeit all ribbons and monies awarded to that item. All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor. Article exhibited for competition must have been completed since the 2014 Fair or have never been exhibited in the Jefferson County Fair before. No judge of a division may enter that particular division as a contestant. They may display only in that division. THE JUDGES WILL NOT MAKE AWARDS UNLESS THE ARTICLES ARE DEEMED WORTHY OF MERIT. THERE WILL BE NO EXHIBITORS ALLOWED IN THE FAIR BUILDING DURING JUDGING. REMAINING IN THE FAIR BUILDING DURING JUDGING COULD RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION. Promotional materials and/or business cards may only be displayed after the judging has taken place JEFFERSON COUNTY TALENT SHOW To enter call Bonnie Helsing 745-6251 Home 589-9252 Cell Judging will be based on: Accomplishment Poise Presentation Audience appeal Thursday, August 13, 2015 at 7:00 pm Fairgrounds West Park End Shelter Open to Jefferson County Residents (Deadline to enter: August 8, 2014) Awards will be given in the following categories: Mini Division - under 12 Junior Division– 12-16 Senior Division– 17 and above Family—no restrictions for age or number in family As a special project, Farm Bureau Women’s Committee is sponsoring and seeking participants of all ages who are residents of Jefferson County for the annual Jefferson County Fair Variety-Talent 26 1st & 2nd place winners will receive trophies. 1st place winners will qualify to participate in the variety show at the Eastern Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot and be a guest performer at the annual Farm Bureau Banquet. DEPARTMENT – CANNING SUPERINTENDENT: DORIS MORTIMER CHECK IN-CHECK OUT Tuesday 5:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Entries will be released Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Early release will result in loss of premium PREMIUM 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 Judges Choice: Junior and Senior Class, $10.00 and rosette. 1. Products will be judged on appearance, uniformity, color, selection of product and container. 2. All canned foods must have been processed within the last 12 months. 3. Canned fruits; vegetables and meats may be packed in either standard quart jars or pint jars. Jams, jellies, conserves and preserves may be in pint jars, half-pint jars or jelly jars. 4. All entries must follow USDA guidelines, with proper processing methods and adjusted for altitude. 5. New rings are recommended. 6. No freezer jam. 7. Multiple entries are allowed as long as they are a different product. Classes 1. Vegetables 2. Meats 3. Canned Fruits and apple sauce 4. Pie Fillings 5. Jelly 6. Jams 7. Preserves and Conserves 8. Pickles and Relishes 9. Soup mixture and Chili 10. Juices, fruit or vegetable 11. Salsa and Tomato products 12. Dehydrated items 13. Other 27 C A N N I N G Join us for the 4rd Annual Jefferson County Fair Kids "K" , Fire Trucks Friday, August 14, 2015 Age Groups: 4-5 years 400 yds. 6-7 years ½ K (.3 miles) run 8-9 years 1 K (.6 miles) run Registration begins at 10am at the picnic area in Rigby South Park near the rock playground. Races begin at 10:30am Popsicles for all at the finish line!!!! Don’t forget to come and see the fire engine and learn about fire safety! For more information contact Debbie Karren at 745-7988 Jefferson County Fair Queen Contest 2015 This contest is open to girls from Jefferson County Only. Or those who are a Jefferson County 4-H Club. Registration: July 18 Deadline Sign-up Fee: $25.00 Age Divisions: Peewee: 3 - 5, Jr. Princess: 6 - 8 Princess: 9 - 12 Junior/Senior: 13+ Judging Times: Speech and modeling: Aug. 1 at 9 a.m. Horsemanship: Aug. 4 at 6 p.m. Prizes: Prizes and awards for all. Prizes for most advanced ticket sales. Announcement of winners: Contestant’s results will be announced at 5:30 p.m. at the Jefferson County Fair Amateur Rodeo, August 12, 2015. 28 Contact Chandra Day (Chair) 681-5296 for sign up or location information 13th Annual Jefferson County Fair Baby Contest Saturday, August 15, 2015 Register at The Hair Station 215 E Fremont, Rigby 589-2742 or 681-5319 Registration fee $7.00; due by Aug 8th ( if you want a t-shirt) After Aug. 8th it will be $10.00 Prizes will be awarded in each division! Lord & Lady 0-6 months Duke & Duchess 7-12 months Prince & Princess 13-18 months King & Queen 19-24 months Each contestant will receive a T-shirt & gift bag! If participating in the Most Photogenic category, bring a 3½ x5 or 4x6 picture of your baby when registering. Child must be a legal and residing resident of Jefferson County Idaho and 0-24 months of age at the time of the contest. ”DEATH BY CHOCOLATE” CONTEST Friday, August 14h , 2015 Entries- 9am -10:15am Judging- 10:30 Awards- Noon (Please bring cold or frozen entries after 9:30) Cookies & Candies Junior Division (15 years & under) Senior Division (16 years & older) Cakes & Desserts Junior Division (15years & under) Senior Division (16 years & older) All entries MUST BE PREPARED BY EXHIBITOR! Include a copy of the recipe, along with serving utensils! Entries must be picked up by 1pm. Cash Prizes awarded!!! Overall winner $30! Senior Divisions: 1st $15 - 2nd $10 - 3rd $5 Junior Divisions: 1st $15 - 2nd $10 - 3rd $5 Pre-register by, Aug. 7th at The Carmel Tree 146 East Main, Rigby. You can register the day of the contest The contest will take place in the outside pavilion, located near the rabbit barn. For more information call Rebecca Olaveson at 754-4955 or 351-4955 29 DEPARTMENT – HOME KITCHEN SUPERINTENDENT: SHARON WALKER H O M E CHECK IN Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 11 am. CHECK OUT Entries will be released Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Items released early will forfeit premium. Senior Division ages 18 and up. Junior Division under 18 years old. PREMIUM 1ST 2ND 3RD $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 Judges Choice: Junior and Senior Class, $10.00 and rosette. All entries must furnish recipe on 3” X 5” index card. K I T C H E N 1. Only products of the home kitchen are eligible to compete. 2. Baking must not be on glass of any kind. Use of heavy cardboard covered with foil or clean wrapping paper. 3. 2 entries per class 4. No refrigerated items Products must be uniform in size. Class A - Candies (6 pieces), popcorn. Class B - Cookies (6) Drop, Refrigerator, Brownies, Sugar, etc. Class C - Yeast Breads (1 loaf unless indicated) Points of judging: Appearance, texture, elasticity, and lightness, crust, color of crumb, flavor and uniformity. Bread Classes: White, Raisin, French, Rye, 100% Whole Wheat, Whole Wheat Mixture, Sourdough, Doughnuts (6). Class D - Quick Breads (1 loaf unless indicated): Banana, Date, Zucchini, Pumpkin, Muffins, Baking Powder Biscuits, Cinnamon Rolls (3),Cof-fee Bread, Fancy Coffee Ring, Rolls. Class E - Cakes, Cupcakes, Cake Doughnuts Points of Judging: General appearance, texture, flavor, crumb and lightness Cake Class: White, Chocolate, Spice, Angel Food (not iced), Decorated, Novelty, Fancy Cupcakes (3), doughnuts, cake (3). Class F –Pies Class G - Cake Decorating Cardboard base, syroform JUDGING CRITERIA FOR BREAD GENERAL APPEARANCE---------------------5 LIGHTNESS---------------------------------------15 FLAVOR (TASTE & SMELL)------------------35 CRUMB (TEXTURE)-----------------------------35 CRUST----------------------------------------------10 TOTAL---------------------------------------------100 30 DEPARTMENT –QUILTS SUPERINTENDENT: LEISHA SIEVERS CHECK IN Tuesday 5:00-8:00 pm CHECK OUT Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Entries will be released Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Senior Division ages 18 and up. Junior Division under 18 years old. PREMIUM 1ST 2ND 3RD $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 Judges Choice: Junior and Senior Class, $10.00 and rosette. 1. Articles should have been completed since 2013 fair and should never been used. 2. Professional quilting is defined as; work done for selling purposes. 3. Only one entry per class per exhibitor may be entered. Class-State, professional or amateur 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Pieced Tied Quilted Painted Embroidery Puffed Applique Original Design Juvenile Kits Group Quilt Patriotic Quilt Lap Quilt Wall Quilt Mini Quilt Rag Quilt Machine Quilted Element of Judging Visual impact of design- The quilt must be visible across the room! It needs to be eye-catching Originality and creativity Color and value Balance and integration of design (scale, relationship and arrangement of quilt components including borders) Overall appearance (quilt is clean, free of order, and hangs squarely) General construction– workmanship (piecing, applique, borders even) Level of difficulty Special techniques (if applicable) Machine quilting (stitches of even length, no tension problems –Bobbin thread should not show on to and top thread should not show on back. Starts and stops not visible.) Quilting design appropriate to quilt top, density of quilting consistent Finishing (binding applied securely, evenly and accurately, square corners-no dog ears) 31 Q U I L T S H O B B I E S & DEPARTMENT – HOBBIES AND CRAFTS SUPERINTENDENT: LISA DANKLEFSEN CHECK IN Tuesday 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. CHECK OUT Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Entries will be released Saturday at 400 p.m. Items released early will forfeit premium Senior Division ages 18 and up. Junior Division under 18 years. PREMIUM 1ST 2ND 3RD $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 Judges Choice: Junior and Senior Class, $10.00 and rosette. 1. Articles entered in the Jefferson County Fair in previous years are not eligible for entry again. 2. Every article entered must be the work of the exhibitor. 3. Articles should have been finished since fair time last year. 4. All pictures shall be in condition suitable for exhibition 5. Items may not be larger than 60 inches by 60 inches, including frames. 6. Only 2 exhibits per class from each exhibitor Classes: C R A F T S 21. Lamps 22. Ceramics - fired 23. Wood furniture a. Overall appearance b. Joining c. Finishing d. Design e. Detail f. Sanding 24. Wood carvings/burnings 25. Soft sculptured dolls 26. Dolls – porcelain 27. Calligraphy 28. Rubber stamp work 29. Lace pictures 30. Dried/Pressed flowers 31. Wreaths & arches 32. Silk Floral designs 33. Pottery 34. Scrapbook 35. Lego’s 36. Graphic Art 37. Scrapbooking 1. Pre-cast items painted 2. Hand woven textiles 3. Macramé 4. Jewelry 5. Wall hangings 6. Dolls 7. Toole paintings 8. Articles made with natural materials 9. Articles made with yarn 10. Articles made with leather 11. Articles made with beads 12. Articles made with metals 13. Articles made with paper 14. Articles made with cloth 15. Articles made with wax 16. Articles made with feathers 17. Articles made with wood 18. Articles made with synthetics 19. Combination of materials 20. Miscellaneous creative pieces 32 DEPARTMENT – FLOWERS SUPERINTENDENT: Marilyn Shumway CHECK IN Tuesday 5:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHECK OUT Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Entries will be released Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Early release will result in loss of premium PREMIUM 1ST 2ND 3RD $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 Judges Choice: Junior and Senior Class, $10.00 and rosette. Senior Division is exhibitors ages18 and up. Junior Division is under 18 years 1. Judging will be by quality of each entry not comparative against other entries. Flowers will be judged on quality of flower, size of bloom and length of stem. 2. Only 1 entry accepted in each class or color from any one exhibitor. 3. Exhibitors are urged to replace their exhibits with fresh flowers during the Fair. CLASSES: ARRANGEMENTS (In suitable containers) 1. Table piece for living room 2. Table piece for hall 3. Table arrangements for dining room (over inches high, 3 inches wide) 4. Miniature arrangements (under 3 inches wide) 5. Dried arrangements 6. Vegetable, fruit or mixed arrangements 7. Mixed flower bouquet or arrangements 8. Floating arrangement (rose, clematis, begonia, etc.) 9. Novelty 10. Terrariums – dish gardens 33 F L O W E R S DEPARTMENT – AGRICULTURE A G R I C U T L U R E SUPERINTENDENTS: DON&SHIRLEY BIORN CHECK IN Tuesday 5:00-8:00 pm CHECK OUT Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 am. Entries will be released Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Items released early will forfeit premium PREMIUM 1st 2nd 3rd $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 Judges Choice: Junior and Senior Class, $10.00 and rosette. Jr. under 18 Sr. 18 and over 1. Produce will be judged on appearance, uniformity of size, shape, color, and cleanliness. 2. Exhibits must be grown by the person in whose name they are entered and on their own premises. 3. Only two entries of each variety and type per exhibitor will be accepted. 19. Lettuce – 1 head. Cut close at bottom. Must be solid. Peel off leaves. 20. Cauliflower –1 head. Cut close at bottom. Must be solid. Peel off leaves. 21. Celery – 2 stalks. Leave roots on. 22. Sweet corn – 3 ears. Leave ½ inch stem at butt. Remove husks. DO NOT TRIM TOP. 23. Cucumbers: pickle –5-must have at least ½ inch stem. 24. Cantaloupes – 1 25. Watermelons – 1 26. Peppers any variety – 3. Must have at least ½ ROOT CROPS inch stem. 7. Beets – 3, trim off green tops and feeder roots. 27. Pumpkin – 1--Stem must be left on. 8. Potatoes, commercial – 5 washed 28. Squash – 2--Any variety, stem must be left on. 9. Potatoes, seed any variety – 5 washed 29. Egg plant--3--Stem must be left on. 10. Beets – table, 5-leave 1-inch top and roots on. 30. Tomatoes--5--Leave 1/2 to 1inch stem (red or WASH. green). 11. Carrots, long – 5- leave 1-inch top and root on. 31. String beans, green-10 pods. WASH. 12. Carrots, half-long – 5-leave 1-inch top and roots on. 32. String beans, wax-10 pods. 33. Any agricultural product. WASH. 34. Largest single potato. 13. Parsnips – 5-leave 1-inch top and roots on. DO 35. Peas-7 pods. NOT WASH. 14. Rutabagas – 5-leave 1-inch top and roots on. WASH. 15. Turnips – 5-leave 1-inch top and roots on. 16. Onions – 3-leave 1-inch top and roots on. Peel off outer leaves. 17. Cabbage – 1 head. Cut close at bottom. Must be solid. Peel off outer leaves. 18. Kohlrabi – 5-cut close at bottom. Must be solid. Peel off leaves. FIELD CROPS 1. Barley, and variety – 2 qts. Normal cleaning, no hand picking necessary. 2. Oats any variety – 2 qts. Normal cleaning, no hand picking necessary. 3. Wheat, spring any variety – 2 qts. Normal cleaning, no hand picking necessary. 4. Wheat, winter any variety – 2 qts. Normal cleaning, no hand picking necessary. 5. Corn, any variety – 5 ears. 6. Peas, any variety – 2 qts. 34 Section B 1. Apples, peaches, apricots, pears, plums, crab apples, and strawberries. Must have stem on them. 2. The judge will discount blemished fruit. 3. Exhibitors may replace damaged fruits at any time, except when being judged. 4. Exhibits will be placed under direction of the Superintendent. APPLES 36. Any variety (except crab) 5. 37. Crab apples, any variety 10. PEACHES 38. Any variety (except crab) 5. APRICOTS 39. Any variety 5. PEARS 40. Any variety 5. PLUMS 41. Any variety 10. GRAPES 42. 4 CLUSTERS, any variety. BERRIES 43.Strawberries 10 stems on. 44. Raspberries 10 45. Any other variety 10 HONEY 46. Display of comb honey extracted from. 47. Display of extracted honey (2 pints). 48. Display of creamed honey (2 pints). MISC. 49. Miscellaneous 35 A G R I C U T L U R E DEPARTMENT – ART SUPERINTENDENT: ANN WOOD CHECK IN Tuesday 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. CHECK OUT Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Entries will be released Saturday, 4:00 p.m. Early release will forfeit premiums Premiums: 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 Judges Choice: Junior and Senior Class, $10.00 and rosette Spectators’ Choice Award will be given. A R T 1. The General Rules and Regulation of the fair, as found elsewhere in the Premium List, will apply in this department. 2. Articles will be judged on their own merits of universally recognized artistic expression, not in competition with any other article. Junior division judging will emphasize creatively, originality and spontaneity. Artist eligibility rules. A. Divisions: I. Junior Amateur: classes as follows ages 5 and under, ages 6-9, 10-12, 13- 15, and 16-18. II. Amateur: Has not received extensive professional training, and does not receive income from artistic endeavors. III. Semi-professional: Has received some professional training, and occasional income from art sales or services. IV. Professional: Has had professional training, and/or performs art services or regularly creates art for sale. B. Artists may enter any other division ABOVE the degree of the division for which they qualify. Articles eligibility rules: 1. Fine arts articles are generally defined as paintings, drawing, sculptures, etc. 2. Each exhibitor is allowed up to four articles for submission. Each work entered by the artist must differ in style medium, technique or subject. Only two articles for Junior Division exhibitors will be allowed, because of space issues. C. Only original work will be accepted in Division IV. Original work is highly encouraged in all other divisions. D. No work may be submitted for more than one year. E. Articles must be in suitable condition for exhibition. They must be clean, stable, and medium must be set or dry. Art work must be framed and be ready to hang with picture wire securely attached with screw eyes. Saw tooth hangers are not allowed. Junior division art must be on stiff backing. Art unable to be framed may be accepted at the discretion of the department head. 36 DEPARTMENT – NEEDLEWORK / Sewing SUPERINTENDENT: Ilianna & Kiera Ralson CHECK IN Tuesday 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. CHECK OUT Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Entries will be released Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Items released early will forfeit premium. Senior Division ages 18 and up. Junior Division under 18 years. PREMIUM 1ST 2ND 3RD $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 Judges Choice: Junior and Senior Class, $10.00 and rosette. 1. Articles must not have been worn. 2. Articles winning prizes at the Jefferson Country Fair in previous years are not eligible for entry again. 3. Every article entered must be entirely the work of the exhibitor 4. Points of judging: General appearance material, color and design, workmanship, stitches, finish, right side, wrong side, neatness and cleanliness. 5. Only two entry of each variety and type accepted Class: 1. Rugs 2. Pillows 3. Embroidery 4. Needlepoint 5. Crocheted Items 6. Knitted Items (except Afghans) 7. Miscellaneous 8. Counter Cross Stitch 9. Fleece Throws 10. Afghans: a. Crocheted b. Knitted c. Hairpin 11. Home Sewing N E E D L E W O R K / S E W I N G 37 DEPARTMENT – PHOTOGRAPHY SUPERINTENDENT: DEVAREE DALLIMORE CHECK IN Tuesday 5:00-8:00 pm CHECK OUT Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 am. Entries will be released Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Items released early will forfeit premium P H O T O G R A P H Y Premiums: 1ST $3.00 2ND $2.00 3RD $1.00 Judges Choice: Junior and Senior Class, $10.00 and rosette. NO GLASS ACCEPTED-- ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS 1. Each exhibitor is entitled to only two entries in any one class. Two exhibits per class entered by the same person or household do not constitute competition. 2. The combining or subdividing of classes will vary depending on the number or merit or entries on any given year, at the discretion of the official. 3. Work must be original and cannot be entered more than one year. 4. The name and address of the photographer should be on the upper left hand corner of the back of all prints. Indicate on back: pre-teen, teenager, or adult. 5. A person may not enter both amateur and professional divisions. Disqualification may result. 6. Officials reserve the right to not display any picture that does not conform to regulations, is deemed to be objectionable or which is not of high standards for family viewing. 7. Senior division is 18 years of age and up. 8. Junior division is below 18 years of age. 9. No color copies allowed. All prints must be on photo quality paper. Division I – AMATEUR Prints exhibit better if 8x10 or larger, but any size pictures or snapshots may be entered and mounted by any mounting device including photo corners if mounted securely. Poster board is not an acceptable mount. Matt board is required. Minimum of 8X10’ must be mounted. NO GLASS. Photos must be matted with matte board or in a frame. Several snapshots may be entered on one mount. Picture may be framed, but must have Velcro attached ready for hanging. Division II – PROFESSIONAL A professional is one who earns any substantial part of his income from taking pictures or has had professional training or experience or has considered himself a pro-fessional for any period of time. Professional pictures may be framed but must have picture Velcro attached, ready for hanging. Nailed in corrugated metal strip hangers pull out and pictures will fall. Classes: 1. Landscape 2. Portrait A: Colored photos B: Black & White or Sepia C: Group portraits that are colored, black & white or sepia. 3. Still life 4. Animals 5. Action 6. Industrial 7. Architecture and buildings 8. Nature, flowers, trees 9. Series 10. Abstract 11. Insects 12. Sunrise, Sunsets 13. Story telling 38 39 2014 MARKET SALE SUPPORTERS! We would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for the continued support for our youth in the 4-H and FFA livestock Market Sale Buyers Agri-Service Bar S Cattle Barry McLean Bedmaster Inc Bob Hardy CPA Bonneville Co Implement Brent Jones Broulims C&D Choice Beef Cliff Edwards Cal Ranch CE Hawkins & Sons Commercial Tire Dansie Dental Doug Farnsworth Falls Creek Skin & Health Clinic Farnsworth Livestock Foster Land & Cattle Geisler Greenskeeper Grizzley Electric Heartland Builders Hicks Livestock Hidden Butte Cattle Idaho Ag Credit Idaho Fresh Produce IMH Jeff Krantz Kay Christensen LP Propane Matts Custom Meats MM Livestock Mt River Vet Melaluca Mt West Bark P7 Cattle Boosts Pioneer Equipment R&D Assembly R&M Concrete Rafter T Cattle Reed Haymore Rocky Mt Produce Rigby FFA Ririe Grain River Valley Express Robert Walker Scottys Simplot Growers Skaar Feedlot South Fork Animal Spurr Trucking Steele Farms/Scott Steele Terry Hanson Teton Pharmacy Teton West of Idaho Twisted Tech Upper Valley Family Medicine Valley Wide Coop Ward Land & Cattle West Wind Dental 40 Abbotts Agri Service Alan Zohner All Things Automotive Amanda & Jake Hickman American Pump Company Ammon Vet Hospital Aspen Orthodontics Bank of Commerce Barry Maclean Bateman Hall Battleson's Floor Coverings Beaverhead Livestock Beehive FCU Billie Gooch Bish's RV Brett Jensen Construction Brian Lott Brittany & Cody Bond Burley Livestock Burns Concrete Byron's Auto Repair Cache Consultants Inc. CAL Ranch CE Hawkins & Son` Cedar Creek Dental Christiansen Implement of American Falls Circle Valley Produce Clayne & Julie Hanson Cody Puzey/Kartchner Homes Connie & Carl Nelson Couch Equipment Creed Brown Farms Curtis & Sandee Mathews Cyrus Cowan Dad's Travel Stop Dansie Dental Darlene & Dan Winterholler David Harper Denning Drilling Don & Sherry Archibald Don Price Donna Robinson Double Z Land & Livestock Dr. Bret Mooso Dwight Baker Orthodontics Eagle Farms Eagle Rock Dental Elison Orthodontics Evelyn's Beauty Salon Excellence in Dentistry Fall Creek Skin & Health Falls Fertilizer Fern Furnes Gary & Marlene Owens Geilser Gene Ranson Great Scott's/Cyndie Leishman Grover's All Wheel's Guaranteed Rate/Vakorie Hall Gwen Sutton Hammer Income Tax Harrop Post & Pole Helena Chemical Company Hicks Livestock High Mountain Electric Holst Truck Parts Idaho Ag Credit Idaho Falls Livestock Idaho Fresh Produce Idaho Livestock Auction Idaho Package Company Idaho Steel IFA Rex Larsen Jared & Rebecca Anderson Jean Harper Jerome Bowen Construction Jill Thorngren John Foster Johnson Grain Joyce Polson Justin Tawzer KB Concrete Kent Jespersen Kevin & Sue Walker Kinghorn Vet L. Pitcher Legacy Air Museum Les Schwab Lighthouse Montessori M&M Custom Mann Mtg/Deborah Criddle Marian Snow Max & Ramona Romrell Melanee Sutton Michael Hartwell Mound Valley Trucking Mountain West Mr. River Vet North West Farm Credit North Fork Dental Osgood Grain Oxford Dental Pasley's Grain Seed & Feed Company Payne West Insurance Pioneer Equipment Play Mill Theatre Produce Sales of Idaho Produce Sales of Idaho/Wes Parkinson Queen Bee Air Rafter T Cattle Rain For Rent Randall Orthodontics Rigby Dental Rigby Physical Therapy Ririe Auto/Robert Johnson Robinson Farms Rockwood Trucking Ron & Paula Hanson Ron's Tire Rudd & Company Rusty Lantern Diner Ruth & Robert Hale Ryan & Lisa Ellis Ryan Ball Trucking Scotty's Shay Moon Silkwood Nursery Simplot Growers Solutions SJS Inc Trucking Spurr Trucking Stan & Linn Hawkins Sue & Kevin Walker Tadd Jenkins Chevrolet Teamwork Motor Sports Terry Bagley Thorngren Livestock Tracy & Sharon Baxter Troy's Engine MFG Twisted Technology US Bank Valley View Self Storage Valley Wide VIC Ranches/Barry Burke WADA Farms Marketing Group Wagner Transportation Company Walters Ready Mix Ward Land & Cattle Wayne Brown Xtreme Electric Contractors Zion's Bank A special thank you to Skaars and Doug Farnesworth for flooring the beef, sheep, and goats; and to Don Wheeler the auctioneer. 41 2015 JEFFERSON COUNTY FAIR EXHIBITOR’S HANDBOOK 42
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