May 8, 2016 - The Church of St Paul the Apostle
May 8, 2016 - The Church of St Paul the Apostle
The Church of Saint Paul the Apostle Mother Church of the Paulist Fathers Mass Schedule Saturday Sunday Weekday 8:30 am, 5:15 PM (Vigil) 8 am, 10 am (Choir), 12:30 (Spanish), 5:15 PM (Young Adult), Seventh Sunday of Easter May 8, 2016 7:30 am, 12:10 PM Reconciliation Hours Tuesdays & Thursdays Following 12:10 Mass Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 PM Exposition of Blessed Sacrament Fridays Following 7:30 am Mass Benediction 12:00 Noon Parish Information Parish Center & Offices 405 West 59th Street New York, NY 10019 Parish Center Hours Monday - Thursday······························ 9 am - 9 PM Friday ············································· 9 am - 5 PM Saturday··········································· 9 am - 5 PM Sunday············································8:30 am - 3 PM Contact Parish Center ·································· (212) 265-3495 Bookstore ······································ (212) 315-0918 Fax·············································· (212) 262-9239 Email ···························· Religious Education Parents should contact Hernán Sanchez at (212) 265-3495, ext. 341 to register their children for Religious Education. Visit us at: Find us on Facebook Church of Saint Paul the Apostle, NYC Visit the Tomb of Servant of God, Father Isaac Thomas Hecker, CSP, founder of the Paulist Fathers located in the northeast corner of the Church. Confirmandi 2016 Religious Education Program Mr. Scott Miller and Mr. Sean Barry Anthony Figueroa Josue Figueroa Owen Harris Jesse Hernandez Joseph Keefe Miranda Licardo Yaquelin Mendoza-Figueroa Yoheni Ramirez Elizabeth Rauenhorst Christina Salas Jayrene Shaw Adult Program Fr. Thomas Holahan, CSP Morgan Cretella Melissa Alejandra Carrasco Farrell Katherine Susan Gallagher Thomas Hernandez Elaine Homer Abel Laura Dominick Leon Nicholas J. Morin Jerson Munoz-Mendoza Nora Murphy Marie A. Nazario Meredith O’Donnell Lars Oetjen Hyewon Rhieu Dinorah Mercedes Rodriguez Elizabeth Adriana Soto Laura Spinelli Lorenzo SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Dear Friends – The Spanish expression for giving birth, ‘dar luz’, means ‘to give light’ and captures a piece of the Easter Celebration. The light of the Risen Christ brings the light of peace and forgiveness, new life. The light of new life given by God through our mothers brings faith, hope and love. With gratitude then, we pray for our mothers, who have given us life and love; for mothers who have lost a child through death; for mothers who struggled to be light for their children and, for mothers who have died, may they rest in the eternal light, happiness and peace of the Lord of life. Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for your contributions to the Cardinal’s Appeal. To date, 111 parishioners have pledged $53,197 toward our goal of $151,500. If you have been thinking and praying about a gift or a pledge, please help our parish come closer to our goal by making your gift soon. You may make your gift online at The goal of the 2016 Annual Cardinal's Appeal is to help all Catholic institutions do their work of ministering to the needs of God’s people, the work of the Church as mother. This work includes caring for the elderly; feeding the hungry; passing on our faith; and, supporting parishes that need help to keep their doors open so their parishioners can celebrate the joy of Christ among us communally. The work also includes advocating for the dignity of all life, educating our future priests; and supporting our retired religious. Peace – Father Gil Prayer of Blessing for Mothers Loving God, as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so you watch over your Church. Bless all mothers, that they may be strengthened as Christian mothers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them always with love and a spirit of profound respect. Amen. 2 MAY 8, 2016 Summer Schedules Saturday, May 14 Father’s Heart Ministry Soup Kitchen & Pantry Apostolist teams up with the Father’s Heart Ministry (545 E 11th Street) to help with their combination soup kitchen and food pantry to serve a meal and distribute groceries to our fellow New Yorkers. Event will start at 8AM *RSVP required* OSP Supper Club on the Rooftop Sunday, May 15th | 6:15 pm – 9:00 pm Parish Center Rooftop Join us as we gather up on the roof for an evening of fellowship and food. This event as become a monthly tradition and is the most popular OSP event and to ensure we have the right amount of everything please RSVP to: All are welcome! We hope to see you there. Wednesday, May 25 Adoration Join us for this devotional practice. We’ll experience the Lord’s presence through song, meditation, and silence. Enter through the Parish Center. Start time is 7PM OSP Faith-Sharing Groups Thursday, June 2nd | 7 PM Parish Center OSP is sponsoring a program for the parish focused on faithsharing and spiritual development. We will be meeting in small groups once per month through May. At the meeting, in keeping with the Jubilee Year of Mercy announced by Pope Francis earlier this year, we will have a facilitated small-group discussion of an upcoming gospel reading through the lens of mercy. This program is open to all members of the parish and we would welcome all who want to attend – please RSVP at if you plan on attending. Saturday, June 4 Habitat Build Grab your tool belt and hard hat as we team up with Habitat for Humanity from 8 am - 4 pm for a day of building. Sunday, June 12 Catholic 101 Hungry for a little more knowledge about your Catholic faith? Join us after the 5:15 pm Mass to pick the brain of a priest! GMHC Dinner Service Fridays, May 20th and June 17th | 5 - 8PM Volunteer with other members of OSP to serve and share a dinner with clients of New York City's largest HIV/AIDS Community Center. Please RSVP Thursday, June 16 Dance Lessons Grab your cowboy boots and get ready to boot-scoot-andboogie during some country two-step lessons followed by a dance party! You don’t need to be an expert and you don’t need a partner. Just come for a grand ole’ time. LGBT Mets Game Saturday, August 13th Citi Field More information about this event coming soon! Friday, June 24 Yoga & Wine on the Roof Drinking a glass of red wine while in tree pose looking at the beautiful view of the city... What more could you ask for? Out @ St Paul (OSP) is the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Ministry of our parish at St. Paul the Apostle in New York City, which seeks to engage our Catholic faith through service to our community, social activities and the exploration of Catholic spirituality. 3 Apostolist is the young adult ministry of the Church of St. Paul the Apostle, NYC (60th & Columbus). Join us every Sunday for our 5:15pm Mass. For more information visit us at, "like" us on and find us on Twitter and Instagram @ApostolistNYC. MAY 8, 2016 Poets@StPaul Gathering Monday, May 16th | 7 - 9 PM Parish Center Vincentians of St. Paul the Apostle Our mission is to help one another grow in faith by encountering Christ in each other through our service to those in need. Weekly Rosary, Adoration Chapel Our weekly rosary event takes place every Sunday at 9:15am in the Adoration Chapel (South Tower between the book store and the elevator). Prayer intention forms are on the round table in the back of the church and can be filled out at any time and returned to the Parish Center. Rosaries and programs will be supplied if needed. All are welcome to this event: poetry writers, poetry lovers, and the poetry curious. We meet, read, and discuss at the Parish Center of Saint Paul the Apostle Church, 405 W 59th Street. Free and open to the public. Bake Sales to Support Global Outreach Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry Saturday, May 21st @ 8:45am Meet us in the Parish Center to help distribute food to those in our community that are in need. In the coming weeks, students from Fordham University will be hosting a bake sale in the back of the Church after masses to help support the GO! (Global Outreach) student trips. This is a fantastic opportunity for these students and we so hope that you take a moment to buy something sweet from them in the back of the Church. Your support will go a long way in helping them fund their trip. GO! Ghana May 8th: 8AM - 12:30PM Want to get involved with the group or get more info? We’re always open to new members! Send an email with your name, contact info, and why you’re interested to Visiting Voices - May Concert Schedule Catholic Fiction Book Club Lord of the World by Mgr Robert Benson Tuesday, May 24 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM Parish Center Can a timeless book become timely 100 years after its first appearance? In this profound and prescient novel, Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson gives us an imaginative foretelling of the end of the world. Since this novel appeared in 1906, many others have been devoted to nuclear disaster, destructive comets, and other hair-raising possibilities. What sets Benson’s story apart and makes it as readable today as when it was written is the Catholic and biblical context that provides the ultimate meaning. Please Welcome the following Award-Winning Musical Ensembles to St. Paul’s: Friday, May 13th at 12:10PM Mass Holt High School Choir (MICHIGAN) Sunday, May 15th at 10AM Mass National Children’s Chorus Friday, May 27th at 4PM Hopewell High School Choir Sunday, May 29th at 10AM Mass Northville High School Choir (MICHIGAN) The discussion will be led by Paulist Father James DiLuzio. Sacred Sites Open House Weekend Saturday, May 21st Once again, the Church of Saint Paul the Apostle will be participating in the Sacred Sites Open house sponsored by the New York Landmarks Conservancy. We are opening our doors to people who visit from 9AM 2PM on Saturday, May 21st. Father Frank Sabatte will be doing a free tour at 11AM. Faithwalkers will also participate in this weekend’s events by touring some of the churches on the East side of the Park. Please rsvp if you are interested in joining us at 4 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER The Church of St. Paul the Apostle presents: Principle and Practice: René Girard, politics, religion and violence A presentation by James Alison and Duncan Morrow Thursday, May 26, 2016 | 7 PM Parish Center Room 201/202 New York Catholic Bible Summit Saturday, June 18th New York Catholic Center 350 East 56th Street Join us this year for the New York Catholic Bible Summit in celebration of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. You may register online at The registration fee is $25 per person and includes admission to the opening liturgy, keynote address, midday prayer, two workshops of your choice, forum panel discussion, and a box lunch. James Alison is a theologian and priest. He is noted for his application of René Girard’s theory to theology. He is the author of numerous books including: “The Joy of Being Wrong”; “Faith Beyond Resentment, Fragments Catholic and Gay” and “Undergoing God: Dispatches from the Scene of a Break-In.” This event is sponsored by the Archdiocesan Catechetical Office and American Bible Society. Duncan Morrow is Director of Community Engagement at the University of Ulster. He has served as a research officer in the Centre for the Study of Conflict looking into the role of churches and religion in conflict in Northern Ireland. With Derick Wilson and Frank Wright, he established the Understanding Conflict Trust, designed to lead and facilitate difficult dialogue and conversation around issues of history, politics and conflict and to identify practical steps to promote change. For more information, please visit Catholic Relief Services ABC’s of Catholic Relief Service... This week: CRS/ Tajikistan. Your agency is engaged in helping build Church social service infrastructure in the central Asian nation. Caritas Tajikistan was formed with the help of CRS in 2007. Since, work on water projects and help for the numerous homeless have been the priorities. Last week - CRS/South Sudan. Next week - CRS/Ukraine. For more info visit: (IV/45) Please join us for this fantastic presentation by these amazing men. A Word from Servant of God, Father Isaac Hecker, CSP Founder of Paulists and 1st Pastor of our Parish Parish Staff Rev. Gilbert Martinez, CSP··································Pastor Rev. Thomas Holahan, CSP·····················Associate Pastor Deacon Waldemar Sandoval····Saint Vincent de Paul Society, Baptismal Preparation, Homebound Rev. Robert Collins, SJ··············Director of Adult Initiation Sister Maria Luz Lemus, OSJ····························Sacristan Ms. Mara Halley································Business Manager Mr. Hernán Sanchez···········Director of Religious Education Ms. Kathy Zirnhelt·······Welcome Center Bookstore Manager Mr. Javier Castro·······························Facilities Manager Ms. Valerie Shondel····························Director of Music Mr. Patrick Fleury·······················Administrative Assistant The more a civilization solicits the exercise of man’s intelligence, and enlarges the field for the action of his free-will, the broader will be the basis that it offers for sanctity. Ignorance and weakness are the negation of life; they are either sinful or the consequences of sin, and to remedy these common evils is the aim of the Christian religion. Enlightened intelligence and true liberty of the will are essential conditions of all moral actions, and the measure of their merit. [Sermon, The Saint of Our Day, March 19, 1863, p. 98] For more information about the sainthood cause of Fr. Isaac Hecker, go to Please remember in prayer the following Paulist Fathers, the anniversary (day/year noted) of whose death is this week: George J. Casserly* (5/9/1882), Walter P. Burke* (5/9/1975), Adrian A. Rosencrans (5/11/1876), Michael P.L. Ferry (5/11/1925), Jerome P. Donnegan (5/13/1963), and Walter J. Orchard* (5/14/1960). Paulist Ministries 5 Rev. David Dwyer, CSP··················· Rev. Larry Rice, CSP················· Rev. Frank Sabatté, CSP·················· Iglesia del San Pablo el Apostol VII Domingo de Pascua - 8 DE MAYO 2016 Misa Hispana: Domingo 12:30 PM Grupo de Oración Jueves 7 PM Legión de María Sábado 10 am Cura Ultraya Cursillista: Domingo 1:30 PM Confesiones: Llame por cita DIRECTIVA PASTORAL Padre Gilbert S. Martinez, CSP, Parroco Padre Thomas Holahan, CSP, Vicario Diacono Waldemar Sandoval Eddie Marrero: Coro Hispano Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas – San Juan suele poner en boca de Jesús expresiones como: Yo soy la luz del mundo, yo soy el pan de vida, yo soy la vid verdadera, yo soy la resurrección y la vida, yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida. Todas son expresiones que nos ayudan a entender la misión de Jesús como fuente de vida, y de una vida abundante. Vemos la luz de Cristo también en la expresión, “dar luz” cuando hablamos de una madre que da luz, que da una nueva creación por su hijo recién nacido. Hoy celebramos el Día de las Madres. Quería compartir todas mis deseos y oraciones por todas las madres y un recuerdo especial por todas las madres que han fallecidas. Que Dios les bendiga. ¡Feliz Día de las Madres! La paz de Cristo Resucitado sea siempre con uds. – Padre Gil Bendición de las Madres Dios de amor y vida, como una madre dá vida y luz a sus hijos, así tu cuidas de tu Iglesia. Bendice a todas las madres, abuelas, madrinas y madres políticas, todas las madres futuras, todas las madres que han muerto, y todas las que sostienen cuidan y protejen el don de la vida. Permite que el ejemplo de su fé y amor brille siempre. Concédeles que sus hijos e hijas, puedan honrarlas siempre con un espíritu de profundo amor y respeto. Amén. La Campaña de Corresponsabilidad del Cardenal 2016 Hasta la fecha, 111 filigreses de nuestra parroquia han donado $53,197 hacia nuestra meta de $151,500. No es muy tarde hacer su regalo hoy. Puede hacer su donación en la página web, ¡Gracias! 6 MAY 8, 2016 Parish Stewardship Thank you for your generosity! Receipts: May 1st Faith Direct Donations 2016 $8,635 $4,609 2015 $9,719 $3,509 o $2,705.00 for Aid to the Church in Central & Eastern Europe o $37.00 for Ascension o $15.00 for Archdiocese of the Military o $6.00 for Pastoral Solidarity for the Church in Africa Faith Direct Are you starting to plan your summer vacations? Consider enrolling in eGiving through Faith Direct so that your gift can reach us even when you cannot. Visit and use our church code: NY539. Your gifts through Faith Direct will help stabilize our parish finances through the busy (but beautiful) summer months. First Saturday, May 7th 8:30 Thomas & Bernadette McHugh 5:15 Norah L. Horne Sunday, May 8th, Seventh Sunday of Easter 8:00 Mara Mahon Magnozzi 10:00 Roselia Fatema & Family 12:30 Myriam Campobasso 5:15 For the People Monday, May 9th 7:30 Monsignor Robert O’Connor 12:10 Special Intentions for Richard Day Tuesday, May 10th, Saint Damien de Veuster 7:30 Elwood Kaiser, CSP 12:10 Angelo Rossi Wednesday, May 11th 7:30 Livia Gnesda 12:10 Joseph & Sophie Ladziak Thank you for your continued support of our parish family with your time and talents as well as treasure! Thursday, May 12th, Saints Nereus, Achilleus, and Pancras 7:30 Mary E. Cullen 12:10 Karoly Faqqyas God Bless You, Father Gil First Friday, May 13th, Our Lady of Fatima 7:30 In Honor of Our Lady of Fatima 12:10 Christopher Shea & Family Gluten-Free Communion Hosts If you require gluten-free hosts during communion, please talk to a priest at the back of the Church before Mass begins. Thank you! Become a Member of Saint Paul’s Please fill out this form & drop it at the Welcome Center Bookstore or place it in the collection basket. You may also send an email to Name____________________________________ Address___________________________________ City__________________State______Zip_______ Home/Cell #:_______________________________ E-mail:____________________________________ I would like to register as a parishioner and to receive the weekly e-blast. I only visit occasionally & would like to receive the weekly e-blast. First Saturday, May 14th, Saint Matthias 8:30 Nadyar Castillo 5:15 Curtis Wheeler Let us Pray for Our Sick Natan Sheyer, John Gerosimo, Daniel Lofaso, Eve Lofaso, Sandy Lofaso, Kathy Sandholm, Ethan Maldonado, Margaret Payn, Gladys Rodriguez, Evelyn Lloyd, Michael Joseph Palmiotto, Dorothea Toker, Robert Reese, Margaret Payne, Daniel Martin Espinoza, Merrele Early Wanly, Popi Stefanidis, Harris Pousson, Changchun Song, Coustauza Laboru, Iluminado Brazo, Johnathan Stile, Miguel Rojas, Jules Richard Kraneburg, Josephine Reiter, Berta Alvarado, Robert Aroian, Americo Frank Fumo, Bonnie Reznek Englett, and Kathleen Spaldo. Each week we ask our readers and parishioners to pray for the sick listed in our bulletin. You can add a name by contacting the Parish Center 212-265-3495. We will continue to list the name of the person for two months unless otherwise notified. The Power of Prayer is an 7 important part of healing.
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