May 15, 2016 - The Church of St Paul the Apostle
The Church of Saint Paul the Apostle Mother Church of the Paulist Fathers Mass Schedule Saturday Sunday Weekday 8:30 am, 5:15 PM (Vigil) 8 am, 10 am (Choir), 12:30 (Spanish), 5:15 PM (Young Adult), Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016 7:30 am, 12:10 PM Reconciliation Hours Tuesdays & Thursdays Following 12:10 Mass Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 PM Exposition of Blessed Sacrament Fridays Following 7:30 am Mass Benediction 12:00 Noon Parish Information Parish Center & Offices 405 West 59th Street New York, NY 10019 Parish Center Hours Monday - Thursday······························ 9 am - 9 PM Friday ············································· 9 am - 5 PM Saturday··········································· 9 am - 5 PM Sunday············································8:30 am - 3 PM Contact Parish Center ·································· (212) 265-3495 Bookstore ······································ (212) 315-0918 Fax·············································· (212) 262-9239 Email ···························· Religious Education Parents should contact Hernán Sanchez at (212) 265-3495, ext. 341 to register their children for Religious Education. Visit us at: Find us on Facebook Church of Saint Paul the Apostle, NYC Visit the Tomb of Servant of God, Father Isaac Thomas Hecker, CSP, founder of the Paulist Fathers located in the northeast corner of the Church. The Church of St. Paul the Apostle presents: Principle and Practice: René Girard, politics, religion and violence A presentation by James Alison and Duncan Morrow Thursday, May 26, 2016 | 7 PM Parish Center Room 201/202 James Alison is a theologian and priest. He is noted for his application of René Girard’s theory to theology. He is the author of numerous books including: “The Joy of Being Wrong”; “Faith Beyond Resentment, Fragments Catholic and Gay” and “Undergoing God: Dispatches from the Scene of a Break-In.” Duncan Morrow is Director of Community Engagement at the University of Ulster. He has served as a research officer in the Centre for the Study of Conflict looking into the role of churches and religion in conflict in Northern Ireland. With Derick Wilson and Frank Wright, he established the Understanding Conflict Trust, designed to lead and facilitate difficult dialogue and conversation around issues of history, politics and conflict and to identify practical steps to promote change. Please join us for this fantastic presentation by these amazing men. PENTECOST SUNDAY Dear Friends – Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Pentecost. The Pentecost Sequence is sung before the proclamation in Gospel. The sequence, in part, offers the prayer for the coming of the Holy Spirit to our lives and our world: Come, Holy Spirit, come! And from your celestial home Shed a ray of light divine! Come, Father of the poor! Come, source of all our store! Come, within our bosoms shine. You, of comforters the best; You, the soul’s most welcome guest; Sweet refreshment here below; In our labor, rest most sweet; Grateful coolness in the heat; Solace in the midst of woe. O most blessed Light divine, Shine within these hearts of yours, And our inmost being fill! Heal our wounds, our strength renew; On our dryness pour your dew; Our parish, this holy place is a place where so many have invoked the Spirit and have received “the most welcome guest; sweet refreshment … rest most sweet.” Many of you will have the opportunity to travel or to hit the shore for a weekend of rest and refreshment. Please don’t forget your spiritual home. Help us keep the doors open and the “grateful coolness” of the Spirit. Our parish is a place of refuge, a cool spot, for those with no home. Summer also sees a decline in weekly collections while the fixed costs remain the same. You can help by making a one-time summer gift if you are going to be away or register with Faith Direct,, our online giving program. May the Lord bless you and keep you in his care and inspire you with the Holy Spirit. Mil gracias – thank you! Peace! Father Gil 2 MAY 15, 2016 OSP Supper Club on the Rooftop Sunday, May 15th | 6:15 pm – 9:00 pm Parish Center Rooftop Join us as we gather up on the roof for an evening of fellowship and food. This event as become a monthly tradition and is the most popular OSP event and to ensure we have the right amount of everything please RSVP to: All are welcome! We hope to see you there. GMHC Dinner Service Fridays, May 20th and June 17th | 5 - 8PM Volunteer with other members of OSP to serve and share a dinner with clients of New York City's largest HIV/AIDS Community Center. Please RSVP Out @ St Paul (OSP) is the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Ministry of our parish at St. Paul the Apostle in New York City, which seeks to engage our Catholic faith through service to our community, social activities and the exploration of Catholic spirituality. Catholic Fiction Book Club Lord of the World by Mgr Robert Benson Tuesday, May 24 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM Parish Center Can a timeless book become timely 100 years after its first appearance? In this profound and prescient novel, Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson gives us an imaginative foretelling of the end of the world. Since this novel appeared in 1906, many others have been devoted to nuclear disaster, destructive comets, and other hair-raising possibilities. What sets Benson’s story apart and makes it as readable today as when it was written is the Catholic and biblical context that provides the ultimate meaning. The discussion will be led by Paulist Father James DiLuzio. 3 IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO DONATE MAY 15, 2016 Poets@StPaul Gathering Monday, May 16th | 7 - 9 PM Parish Center Vincentians of St. Paul the Apostle Our mission is to help one another grow in faith by encountering Christ in each other through our service to those in need. Weekly Rosary, Adoration Chapel Our weekly rosary event takes place every Sunday at 9:15am in the Adoration Chapel (South Tower between the book store and the elevator). Prayer intention forms are on the round table in the back of the church and can be filled out at any time and returned to the Parish Center. Rosaries and programs will be supplied if needed. All are welcome to this event: poetry writers, poetry lovers, and the poetry curious. We meet, read, and discuss at the Parish Center of Saint Paul the Apostle Church, 405 W 59th Street. Free and open to the public. Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry Saturday, May 21st @ 8:45am Meet us in the Parish Center to help distribute food to those in our community that are in need. Run Club Monday May 16, 6:15pm Parish Center Step up, move forward, and achieve health and fitness goals with a social spark 6:15pm bag drop at the Parish Center. 6:30pm run/walk to start. All levels are encouraged to join! Want to get involved with the group or get more info? We’re always open to new members! Send an email with your name, contact info, and why you’re interested to Christian Meditation and Chant Every Wednesday at 6 PM Parish Center Wednesday, May 25 Adoration Join us for this devotional practice. We’ll experience the Lord’s presence through song, meditation, and silence. Enter through the Parish Center. Start time is 7PM Practice Christian meditation and chant as inspired by the monks and desert fathers. Be drawn to a life of increased creativity, vitality, and substance in these times of turmoil and confusion. Saturday, June 4 Habitat Build Grab your tool belt and hard hat as we team up with Habitat for Humanity from 8 am - 4 pm for a day of building. Please RSVP at: Apostolist is the young adult ministry of the Church of St. Paul the Apostle, NYC (60th & Columbus). Join us every Sunday for our 5:15pm Mass. For more information visit us at, "like"us on ApostolistNYC and find us on Twitter and Instagram @ApostolistNYC. Sacred Sites Open House Weekend Saturday, May 21st Once again, the Church of Saint Paul the Apostle will be participating in the Sacred Sites Open house sponsored by the New York Landmarks Conservancy. Our Prayers Go Out To Our Recently Departed We are opening our doors to people who visit from 9AM 2PM on Saturday, May 21st. Father Frank Sabatte will be doing a free tour at 11AM. Thomas Gerard Dolan Vincent Joseph Labbato Faithwalkers will also participate in this weekend’s events by touring some of the churches on the East side of the Park. Congratulations to all the newly Baptized! Tyler Thomas Torre Robert Anthony Dunn Please rsvp if you are interested in joining us at 4 PENTECOST SUNDAY New York Catholic Bible Summit Saturday, June 18th New York Catholic Center 350 East 56th Street Visiting Voices - May Concert Schedule Please Welcome the following Award-Winning Musical Ensembles to St. Paul’s: Join us this year for the New York Catholic Bible Summit in celebration of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. You may register online at The registration fee is $25 per person and includes admission to the opening liturgy, keynote address, midday prayer, two workshops of your choice, forum panel discussion, and a box lunch. Sunday, May 15th at 10AM Mass National Children’s Chorus Friday, May 27th at 4PM Hopewell High School Choir This event is sponsored by the Archdiocesan Catechetical Office and American Bible Society. Sunday, May 29th at 10AM Mass Northville High School Choir (MICHIGAN) For more information, please visit Catholic Relief Services ABC’s of Catholic Relief Service... This week - CRS/ Vietnam: American Catholics officially returned to Vietnam in 1992. Since, your agency has focused on educating and training the disabled. CRS is contributing to a series of Vietnamese government legal documents covering disability law. In high risk communities more than 79,000 teachers and community leaders have been trained on mine risk and unexploded ordnance. Last week - CRS/Ukraine. Next week – CRS&Water. For more info visit: (IV/47) A Word from Servant of God, Father Isaac Hecker, CSP Parish Staff Founder of Paulists and 1st Pastor of our Parish Rev. Gilbert Martinez, CSP··································Pastor Rev. Thomas Holahan, CSP·····················Associate Pastor Deacon Waldemar Sandoval····Saint Vincent de Paul Society, Baptismal Preparation, Homebound Rev. Robert Collins, SJ··············Director of Adult Initiation Sister Maria Luz Lemus, OSJ····························Sacristan Ms. Mara Halley································Business Manager Mr. Hernán Sanchez···········Director of Religious Education Ms. Kathy Zirnhelt·······Welcome Center Bookstore Manager Mr. Javier Castro·······························Facilities Manager Ms. Valerie Shondel····························Director of Music Mr. Patrick Fleury·······················Administrative Assistant Religion is the solution to the problem of man’s destiny. Religion, therefore, lies at the root of everything which concern’s man’s true interest. [The Church and the Age, p. 22] For more information about the sainthood cause of Fr. Isaac Hecker, go to Please remember in prayer the following Paulist Fathers, the anniversary (day/year noted) of whose death is this week: Paulist Ministries John P. Collins (5/15/1987), Joseph I. Malloy* (5/16/1959), Basil W. Kenny (5/21/1969) Rev. David Dwyer, CSP··················· Rev. Larry Rice, CSP················· Rev. Frank Sabatté, CSP·················· 5 Iglesia del San Pablo el Apostol VIII Domingo de Pascua - 15 DE MAYO 2016 Misa Hispana: Domingo 12:30 PM Grupo de Oración Jueves 7 PM Legión de María Sábado 10 am Cura Ultraya Cursillista: Domingo 1:30 PM Confesiones: Llame por cita DIRECTIVA PASTORAL Padre Gilbert S. Martinez, CSP, Parroco Padre Thomas Holahan, CSP, Vicario Diacono Waldemar Sandoval Eddie Marrero: Coro Hispano Queridos Amigos - Con la llegada del Día Memorial y cálidos días de verano, también celebramos la conclusión de la temporada de Pascua este domingo con la Solemnidad de Pentecostés. Rezaremos la canción del Espíritu Santo, que le pide al Espíritu prometido venir a nosotros otra vez: Ven, Dios Espíritu Santo, y envíanos desde el cielo tu luz, para iluminarnos. Ven ya, padre de los pobres, luz que penetra en las almas, dador de todos los dones. Fuente de todo consuelo, amable huésped de alma, paz en las horas de duelo. Eres pausa en al trabajo; brisa, en un clima de fuego; consuelo, en medio del llanto. Padre Hecker confió en la promesa del Espíritu Santo, para que cada temporada y cada momento de la vida reflejan la presencia del Espíritu. Nuestra parroquia, este lugar sagrado es un lugar donde tantos han invocado el Espíritu y han recibido "Eres pausa en al trabajo … consuelo, en medio del llanto.". Muchos de ustedes tendrán la oportunidad de viajar o para golpear la costa para un fin de semana de descanso y refrigerio. Por favor no se olvide de su hogar espiritual. Ayúdanos a mantener las puertas abiertas y la " brisa, en un clima de fuego.” Nuestra parroquia es un lugar de refugio, un lugar fresco, para los que no tienen hogar. Verano también ve una disminución en las colecciones semanales, mientras que los costos fijos siguen siendo los mismos. Usted puede ayudar haciendo una regalo del verano de una sola vez, si usted va a estar lejos o se registra en la fe directa, nuestro programa de donación por internet. Que el Señor te bendiga y te guarde en su cuidado y te inspirará con el Espíritu Santo. Mil gracias - gracias! - Padre Gil 6 MAY 15, 2016 Parish Stewardship Thank you for your generosity! Receipts: 2016 2015 th May 8 $10,202 $10,312 Faith Direct Donations $6,634 $5,783 o $1,709.00 for Ascension o $500.00 for Easter Flowers o $248.00 for Friends of Music o $157.00 for Aid to the Church in Central & Eastern Europe o $107.00 for Cardinal’s Annual Appeal o $50.00 for Circulo de Oracion o $25.00 for Easter gifts o $3.00 for Archdiocese of the Military Faith Direct Are you starting to plan your summer vacations? Consider enrolling in eGiving through Faith Direct so that your gift can reach us even when you cannot. Visit and use our church code: NY539. Your gifts through Faith Direct will help stabilize our parish finances through the busy (but beautiful) summer months. First Saturday, May 14th, Saint Matthias 8:30 Nadyar Castillo 5:15 Curtis Wheeler Sunday, May 15th, Pentecost Sunday 8:00 For the People 10:00 Thomas Rodriguez 12:30 Aracelis Almanzar 5:15 Joseph Kearney Monday, May 16th 7:30 Chad Lauver 12:10 Marylynn Kelly Tuesday, May 17th 7:30 Christopher Shea & Family 12:10 Marion Egan Wednesday, May 18th, Saint John I 7:30 Mary E. Cullen 12:10 Ellen Dell’Abate Thank you for your continued support of our parish family with your time and talents as well as treasure! Thursday, May 19th 7:30 Jack Nooney 12:10 Monica & Ann Egan God Bless You, Father Gil Friday, May 20th, Saint Bernardine of Siena 7:30 Fred Santos 12:10 Maureen Tilley Gluten-Free Communion Hosts If you require gluten-free hosts during communion, please talk to a priest at the back of the Church before Mass begins. Thank you! Become a Member of Saint Paul’s Please fill out this form & drop it at the Welcome Center Bookstore or place it in the collection basket. You may also send an email to Name____________________________________ Address___________________________________ City__________________State______Zip_______ Home/Cell #:_______________________________ E-mail:____________________________________ I would like to register as a parishioner and to receive the weekly e-blast. I only visit occasionally & would like to receive the weekly e-blast. Saturday, May 21st, Saint Christopher Magallanes 8:30 Jean Clark 5:15 Venerable Henriette DeLille Let us Pray for Our Sick Natan Sheyer, John Gerosimo, Daniel Lofaso, Eve Lofaso, Sandy Lofaso, Kathy Sandholm, Ethan Maldonado, Margaret Payn, Gladys Rodriguez, Evelyn Lloyd, Michael Joseph Palmiotto, Dorothea Toker, Robert Reese, Margaret Payne, Daniel Martin Espinoza, Merrele Early Wanly, Popi Stefanidis, Harris Pousson, Changchun Song, Coustauza Laboru, Iluminado Brazo, Johnathan Stile, Miguel Rojas, Jules Richard Kraneburg, Josephine Reiter, Berta Alvarado, Robert Aroian, Americo Frank Fumo, Bonnie Reznek Englett, and Kathleen Spaldo. Each week we ask our readers and parishioners to pray for the sick listed in our bulletin. You can add a name by contacting the Parish Center 212-265-3495. We will continue to list the name of the person for two months unless otherwise notified. The Power of Prayer is an 7 important part of healing.
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