
99 South Main Street
Natick, MA
Produced by the parents and teachers of the Johnson Elementary School
April 2011
Building the Future,
One Child at a Time
Important Dates to Remember
April 6
April 6
April 8
April 18-22
April 28-May 4
May 20
May 26
May 30
Whale Day
PTO Meeting (7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.)
School-Aid Auction (7 p.m. to 11 p.m.)
April Vacation
Spring Book Fair
No School (Kindergarten Only)
Early Release (Noon Dismissal)
No School (Memorial Day)
Natick Food Pantry Collection: Thursday, April 28
The Food Pantry is in need of spring-cleaning supplies,
such as paper towels, sponges, dish soap, laundry detergent,
kitchen trash bags and Natick trash bags.
Principal’s Page
It’s going to be a big summer for the Johnson School
gymnasium/auditorium/cafeteria, more affectionately known as the
cafetorium. We recently secured two grants to help breathe some new
life into this space, which supports so many of our programs.
One grant supports the installation of a rock wall. This installation
is possible due to the generosity of the Regina Pratt Grant Fund, Natick
Education Foundation and the Class Gift of 2010. We will be able to
install a climbing wall to stretch 16 feet along one wall in the gym.
This will be a great addition to our physical education program, as well
as Fit Kidz, and has the potential to inspire an after-school club.
Our art teacher, Ms. Sunday, submitted and received a second grant.
She will complete an art installation project. This project will incorporate
student work samples that demonstrate the art standards aligned with our
curriculum. This project will inject color and form into this well-used space.
Spring is the time of year when we have one foot in this year and one foot in next year. With that
comes the conversation about class placement. At Johnson, we take a team approach to this process.
We work to create balanced, heterogeneous classes that meet the needs of all children. We do not make
unilateral decisions. Instead, we work through the process together to achieve our goal.
I understand that parents may have compelling information to share about their student. If that is the
case, please forward a letter to me sharing information about your child. Please, do not request a specific
teacher. If you have a strong feeling about your child’s needs, it is highly likely that our team also will
share a similar view, based on our working relationship with your child. As principal, I will collect the
information that you wish to share and incorporate it into the placement process. Please forward this
letter to me by Friday, April 15.
Fourth-Grade Parents Can Join Wilson PTO
Fourth-grade parents, are you interested in becoming a Wilson PTO officer?
The Wilson PTO will have elections at its PTO meeting on Thursday, April 14. Officer positions include:
• President (either run solo or with a friend as Co-Presidents)
• Vice President
• Mini-Grant Chair
• Treasurer
• Secretary
Those interested can contact the current Wilson PTO officers or email Jane at
Volunteers make Wilson a great parent community!
Jane Boyle, Co-President,
Amy Siegel, Co-President,
Stacy Bradford, Vice President,
Susan Mega, Treasurer,
Jen Murphy, Mini-Grant Chair,
PTO News
Our Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough fundraiser has wrapped up and
was a success! Look for your cookies soon.
This month, we found out that our Gym Beautification Project is off
to a great start after receiving two separate grants from the Natick Education Foundation. When you see those flamingos around town this spring,
think of our incoming rock climbing structure and wall art that will be done
by Ms. Sunday in our gymnasium/auditorium/cafeteria. We offer a huge
thank-you to Mrs. Ghilani and Ms. Sunday for writing grants to receive
funds for these projects.
Upcoming events
At our next PTO meeting on April 6, Christine Gauthery will speak about bullying and cyberbullying.
There also will be a short presentation on our outside gardens from Mary Estella Bartlett. As at all PTO
meetings, baby-sitting is available free of charge.
Our School-Aid Auction is also fast approaching. Join us for a fantastic, fun-filled night to benefit our
school. The event is from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday, April 8, at the Elks.
Volunteer Opportunities
Our Street/Sidewalk Committee is still forming. If you would like to be involved in trying to work
with the town to make improvements and make the roads around Johnson School safe for everyone, please
contact Samantha at
We will have many opportunities for volunteering and support next year as well. We are looking for
volunteers to fill or to be a part of the following committees:
• Sock Hop Committee
• Holiday Bazaar Committee
• Fall Fun Fair Committee
• Auction Committee
Happy spring from your PTO!
Samantha, Kathleen, Ivylee and MaryEllen
Spring Book Fair Scheduled
The Spring Scholastic Book Fair will take place
from Thursday, April 28, through Wednesday, May
4, in the Johnson library. Family Night will be from
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 3. The book fair will
be open before and after school, as well as during
class visits. Volunteers are always needed! If you are
interested in helping, please contact Virginia Seery at
Students at Johnson School work hard. We continue to acknowledge and celebrate effort as our
core value. Here is this month’s list of students who were honored for their effort in the classroom and
the community, as witnessed by their teachers at Johnson School.
Go Jaguars!
Denise Zhong
Ali Joseph
Adam Loftus
Madison Schmid
Peter Rodriguez
Danny Filipski
Bailey Elder
Jordan Grant
Kiley Kearns
Luke Landon
Lily Wilson
Ella Gerrard
D.J. D’Antonio
Jennifer Crisafulli
Jack Murphy
Samantha Lemon
Ella Lesher
Duncan Beard
Carly Bennet
Rylee Kelleher
Shannon Foley
Alex Duca
Aiden Canoni
Ashley Wixson
Christian Dominguez
James Barrera
Emma Connolly
Cora Kemp
Brody Assencoa
Jennifer Chan
Sarah Takasaki
David Mega
Effort = Success
Deadline for May Gazette submissions:
Wednesday, April 13
All submissions via electronic format must be a Microsoft Word file, a text file or
typed in the body of an email. Please send all electronic submissions to Belinda Filipski
All other submissions can be put in the box labeled “Gazette Submissions” in the office.
If you have any questions, please email Belinda or contact her at 508-545-2270.
Thank you for your continued support!