continues… - St. Brendan Catholic Church


continues… - St. Brendan Catholic Church
Dear Parish family,
As we journey into a new calendar year, I want to take time to
share our 2015 Voyage of Faith survey results with you. The
survey provided a wonderful opportunity for our parish to listen
to your needs. Now we are using your valuable feedback to help
shape our direction over the coming year.
Please remember that percentages on the next page may
not = 100% as several questions asked participants to select
2-3 answers.
God bless,
Fr Bob
Survey Results on the Next Page…
• 926 adults participated
(19% of total) an increase of 10%
19% of our survey participants have been at St. Brendan’s
under 5 years
9% of our survey participants were age 18-34 (Generation Y)
For the Mass Experience - 54% (an increase of 11%)
To grow in their faith - 36%
For the Eucharist - 35%
• The Mass 47%
• The sense of community 35%
92% strongly agree or agree that they feel informed
(an increase of 8%), email
and the bulletin are seen as
our top channels
• Space needs are not well-known:
The space we have at our parish is not sufficient for our needs:
I Don’t Know - 19.52%
• Our parish needs additional
parish space (meeting rooms, gathering areas, storage, etc.)
to more effectively minister:
I Don’t Know - 40.56%
• We are a good parish – But there is opportunity to shift to GREAT!
I am inspired by the experience I have at Mass:
Strongly Agree - 11.93%
Agree - 61.58%
• Our parish offers an engaging experience around the Mass
Strongly Agree - 8.57%
Agree - 55.24%
• 54% feel connected or very
connected to parish family
BUT 40% say keep working at it
• Improved Sunday Experience (new question in 2015) 38%
• Financial Stewardship
82% indicate St Brendan is
a top three priority in their giving
• Spiritual Life is a priority: Strongly Agree - 40%
Agree - 54%
20% Strongly Agree they feel invited to do so through
St. Brendan (10 % increase)
EXPECTATIONS (new survey item)
• My expectations are being met by St. Brendan’s parish:
Strongly Agree - 15%
Agree - 62%
How do you perceive your role as a member of our parish family?
82% selected attending Mass regularly
60% volunteering
50% supporting with treasure
28% Strongly Agree they would recommend St. Brendan’s
We do not feel prepared or comfortable with evangelization:
7% Strongly Agree the parish prepares them to speak about faith
Strong stewardship can be built upon:
50% would give more if they had a closer connection
• Create and implement a plan to connect with new families and members who have been in the parish less than five years
• Welcoming and building relationships are important!
- The parish is offering more opportunities for fellowship
outside of Mass like Trunk or Treat and Living Nativity to
draw people in.
-The Welcome Ministry is helping at Mass, and behind the scenes is contacting new parishioners to welcome them, help them connect, and get involved.
That Man Is You! has expanded its meetings and
Walking With Purpose is helping the women of our parish connect in their faith.
• The Sunday Experience is when we have access to the
most people – define a measureable plan for how we take
this experience from good to GREAT.
- We continue to revise our programming to reflect this,
e.g. Children’s Liturgy of the Word, etc.
• Enhance our focus on Catechesis and Evangelization
• Tap into that desire to grow spiritually!
- This Christmas we rolled out Formed.Org to help people with busy schedules take advantage of time at home or
on the road to deepen their catechesis and encourage
• Space needs are not well known:
- A needs assessment committee has begun looking at current and future needs for our site. Currently they are gathering data and will contact ministries and groups soon to get
your vital input!
The number of homeless
families in Central Ohio
has more than doubled
since 2010. We now have over
1,500 homeless families in Franklin
County alone. Local shelters are
reporting record numbers of people
who count on them for a hot lunch.
We all would love to share our blessings
and help, but we sometimes aren’t sure
how. Did you know that St. Brendan
helps feed the hungry and clothe the
poor in several ways? I’m sure one of
them is a great opportunity for you!
1) Holy Family Soup Kitchen, Columbus
On most Wednesdays during the school
year, several middle school students
volunteer to serve lunch at Holy Family
Soup Kitchen. They are driven down by
volunteers, and they often have room in
their cars to take food donations. Get
your kids involved by spending Tuesday
the Starbucks for two or three days and
buy some peanut butter and bread. You
can drop off your donations (food only,
9am on Wednesdays during the school
are going that week. We also gather
donations from the school and Faith
Formation families to cook and
deliver Thanksgiving Dinner for
over 300 people.
2) Hilliard Food Pantry
Generous parishioners fill the big wagon by the church entrance with canned
food at Thanksgiving time. It helps to fill the shelves of the Hilliard Food Pantry.
We do it every year, so make shopping for the hungry a part of your family’s
Thanksgiving tradition!
3) St. Vincent DePaul
The St. Vincent DePaul Society does a variety of projects to help the less
fortunate. A group of parish volunteers make sandwiches for the Saint
Lawrence Haven Soup Kitchen the first Thursday morning of every month.
All are welcome to help. There is also a second collection taken on every fifth
weekend of a month. So if there are five weekends in a month, there will be
a collection for St. Vincent DePaul that goes to help the needy. Mark your
calendar and help your family plan to bring a little extra to Mass.
4) J.O.I.N. (Joint Organization for Inner-City Needs)
JOIN provides material needs for low-income and homeless families in our
area. There is a container in the church gathering area where you can drop off
your donations all year. The most needed items are toiletries (toothpaste, soap,
shampoo, etc.) and baby items. Grab an extra item when you buy your weekly
groceries and drop it off when you come to Mass.
5) Habitat for Humanity
St. Brendan’s works with other area churches as Hilliard Adopt-A-House.
Through Habitat for Humanity Mid-Ohio, we build affordable housing for
families in central Ohio. Members of St. Brendan who are age 16 or older are
welcome to join our ministry. Volunteers are needed for both construction
work and providing lunch for volunteers. We work on Wednesdays and
Saturdays when a new house build or rehab project is in progress. Please
see the parish website for more information.
These are just some of the ways our parish helps the needy in our community.
God calls us all to share our blessings and serve the poor. May one of these
opportunities allow you to be Christ to a stranger.
The challenges that our Catholic families face grow
every day in this secular world. As Father Gregory Drahman
reminds us,’ The Catholic home must become a strong citadel against the rising
tide of immorality in our society. The family must be well defended against
all evil influence so young people can grow in wisdom, grace and holiness”. One of the many ways that Christ has given us to strengthen and defend our
families is to enthrone our homes, churches and schools to the Sacred Heart
of Jesus.
Christ chose Saint Margaret Mary Alocoque, a young French nun, to bring this
devotion to our attention. At the age of twenty, she began to have visions of
Christ. On December 27, 1673 she had the first of a series of revelations from
God that would continue for the next year and a half. Christ informed
Margaret Mary that she was to be His chosen advocate for His Sacred Heart.
He instructed her as to how to increase devotions to Him, and taught her
what we now call the “Nine Fridays” and the “Holy Hour”. Christ told Saint
Margaret Mary that he wanted her to have a very specific picture of His Sacred
Heart made. Around His Heart is a crown of thorns. There is a wound, from
the soldier’s spear, showing that our sins hurt Him in the Heart. The flames
coming from His Heart show the intensity of His love. Above the flames is a
cross showing that His love for us was so great that He died for us. Christ also
asked that Margaret Mary ask the Church to establish a feast day to His Sacred
Heart. Jesus promised Saint Margaret Mary, “I will bless the home in which
the image of my Sacred Heart shall be exposed and honored. I will establish
peace in their homes. I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of
On January 8, 2016, Bishop Watterson High School was enthroned to the
Sacred Heart of Jesus at an all-school Mass.
In preparation for the enthronement, Fr. Stash Dailey, Chaplain to Sacred
Heart, Columbus, spoke to all students during their theology classes the day
before Mass. After Mass, Bishop Watterson’s statue of the Sacred Heart was
moved to the chapel lobby and Sacred Heart painted pictures will be placed
in each classroom.
- Principal Marian Hutson
“As a family or school community receives Jesus in the Eucharist at Mass, Jesus
desires through His image to remain present spiritually in their home or school
as the ‘domestic church.’ The image of the Sacred Heart is more than just a
picture,” said Chaplain and Theology teacher Deacon Frank Iannarino. “It is
meant to draw us toward God and enlighten our hearts, minds and souls with
divine truths. There is no question that from the moment Bishop Watterson
High School opened its doors in 1954 this search for divine truth has been our
So how do we go about consecrating our homes to the Sacred Heart of Jesus?
Well, begin by having your entire family go to confession and Mass together
the weekend before you enthrone your home. Gather your family together
to place a blessed picture or statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a place of
honor in your home. This could be by your front door, over your mantel or
anywhere it can be seen by all who enter. Make this a very special event, and
make sure the children feel included. Then, while kneeling, the whole family
should recite the following prayer, approved by Pope Saint Pius X in 1908:
O Sacred Heart of Jesus,/ Who didst make known to
St. Margaret Mary/ Thine ardent desire to reign over Christian
families,/ behold us assembled here today/ to proclaim Thine
absolute dominion/ over our home.
Henceforth we purpose/ to lead a life like unto Thine,/ so
that amongst us may flourish/ the virtues for which Thou didst
promise peace on earth,/ and for this end/ we will banish from
our midst/ the spirit of the world/ which Thou dost abhor
so much.
Thou wilt reign over our understanding/ by the simplicity of
our faith. Thou wilt reign over our hearts/ by an ardent love for
Thee;/ and may the flame of this love/ be ever kept burning in
our hearts/ by the frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist.
We hope that you will consider having
your home consecrated to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus. It takes some effort, but
the rewards to you and your children
will be endless.
Deign, O Divine Heart,/ to preside over our meetings,/ to bless
our undertakings, both spiritual and temporal,/ to banish all
worry and care,/ to sanctify our joys,/ and soothe our sorrows.
If any of us should ever have/ the misfortune to grieve/ Thy
Sacred Heart, remind him of Thy goodness and mercy/ towards
the repentant sinner.
There are also additional prayers for
children, deceased family members,
and others.
Lastly, when the hour of separation will sound,/ and death
will plunge our home into mourning,/ then shall we all,/ and
every one of us,/ be resigned to Thy eternal decrees,/ and seek
consolation in the thought/ that we shall one day be reunited in
Heaven,/ where we shall sing the praises and blessings/ of Thy
Sacred Heart for all eternity.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary,/ and the glorious Patriarch
St. Joseph,/ offer Thee this our Consecration,/ and remind us
of the same all the days of our life.
Glory to the Divine Heart of Jesus,/ our King and our Father.
These prayers and more details on how
to enthrone your home can be found at
Fr Laurinaitis is very well for
a man who is approaching
his 94th birthday on April 2
this year. Woohoo!
Life at The Villas of St Therese is very quiet
and contemplative for Fr Laurinaitis. He
continues to concelebrate Mass daily
and to join his fellow priests for meals
and conversation. Fr Laurinaitis also
enjoys visitors from the many parishes
and groups he was associated with
during his many active years in the
Diocese of Columbus.
Fr Laurinaitis began serving this Diocese
in 1951. This was after he completed
studies in Lithuania (his homeland),
Italy, Germany, and Rome, and with his
ordination into the priesthood in 1948
in Brixen, Austria. He then emigrated
to the United States and Columbus,
Ohio….4,600 miles from home!
Fr Laurinaitis became part of our Diocese in 1951 with his first assignment at
St Vincent Orphanage and St Joseph Academy. And then, over the ensuing
years, he was affiliated with the following parishes: Our Lady of Mercy School,
Immaculate Conception, Corpus Christi, St Andrew, Church of the Ascension,
Mission of the Nativity, Blessed Sacrament, St Mary – Bremen. He also served
the Diocese as the Western Deanery Representative to the Clergy, Northern
Deanery Representative to the Clergy, Liaison for Catholic Charismatic
Renewal, Chaplain to Doctors’ Hospital, and Chaplain to the Sisters of the
Blessed Sacrament. And, of course, he found his way to St Brendan Parish!
Beyond his time here Fr Laurinaitis has also shared his engaging smile and his
warm, caring manner around the globe….from the Alps to Israel…and beyond!
In celebration of Fr Laurinaitis’ beneficence, I hope you will take the
opportunity to visit this truly wonderful person.
His address is:
Fr Saulius Laurinaitis
The Villas of St Therese
25 Noe Bixby, Road, Apt #142
Columbus, OH 43213
The Elizabeth Ministry at St. Brendan is a wonderful outreach for young moms and their children.
We asked
Kelly Hansen, our ministry leader, to answer a few questions about this fun and faith building group.
Kelly, tell us a little bit about yourself and why the Elizabeth Ministry is so important to you.
“I am a mother of 3 girls, Elizabeth, Claira, and Julia and married for 9 years to my husband, Mike. We’ve been members
of this parish since August 2007. I enjoy running and reading and try to carve out time each week for both activities. When
I assumed the position of leader of the ministry when my oldest was 6 months old I was looking for friendship with other
Catholic moms. I wanted to be able to connect with others who share my beliefs and values. It’s important for me to be
a light for others and share the gifts that God has given me.”
What is the purpose of this ministry, what does it do and when does it meet?
“The purpose of the Elizabeth Ministry is to support women in their childbearing age. Our playgroup meets on the 1st and
3rd Thursday of the month in Wellnitz Hall at 9:30am. The kids have free time to play with toys, we have a small snack and
then make a faith based craft. The meetings are a nice time for moms to have fellowship and our craft helps us to sprinkle our
faith on our little ones in a fun way. We also have Mom’s night out 3 or 4 times a year starting with prayer and reflection in
the church and then time spent at a local restaurant. This is a nice time for moms to connect who are unable to attend
playgroup during the week.”
How do you see this ministry supporting the women of our parish and strengthening their faith?
“The ministry has created many new friendships in our parish among families with young children. The ministry has also
contributed to the growth of women’s book and bible studies in our parish. Our faith teaches us that we should help those
in need and there was a need for a place for moms to gather and share their faith.”
If you are a mother of young children in our parish, please consider joining this worthwhile group!
If you have questions about the Elizabeth Ministry or know of a mom who could use some support,
please contact Kelly at
Leaving Sister Pat in Heythuysen for
retreat, my travel companion from
Buffalo, Sharon Lanza, and I visited the
cities and sites of Berlin and Munich in
Germany, but hold in special reverence
our trip to Poland. In Krakow, we prayed
before the picture of Divine Mercy
located in a side chapel on the Monastery
grounds, a picture that St. Faustina’s was
commanded by Jesus to have painted
with the inscription, “Jesus I trust in you.” Many of you say the chaplet daily and
it is here that I prayed for you in special
Ever go on a trip, every moment of which is so priceless you
remember and savor the details with great gratitude? Such are the words that I
use to describe my recent Jubilee trip experience to the Netherlands, Germany
and Poland. When people ask me about the trip and ask me to describe a
“best” memory or “the part of the trip I liked the most” I have a hard time
answering because I truly enjoyed every moment of it.
Naturally I worried about personal safety (we were in Germany when the ISIS
attack killed 130 people in Paris), about making train connections, about the
amount of walking I knew I would have to do, about hotel and travel details! I
truly turned those concerns over to God. You’ve no doubt seen the TV commercial about a wife telling her husband, who’s eating the wrong foods, as she
knocks him lightly on the head, and says “See you should have had a V8.” Well,
literally that was true for me…not that I drank V8 but that anytime I worried
about anything and that worry fizzled, God knocked me gently on the head and
One of the highlights includes my visit with our Dutch Sisters who live in
Heythuysen, in the southeastern part of the Netherlands, where our congregation was founded in 1835. It was at this point of my trip that Sister Pat McMahon
joined me to likewise enjoy the hospitality of our Dutch sisters. We belong to an
International Community with over 2100 religious sisters and several hundred
lay associates who live today in prayerful retirement or minister in schools/hospitals/ orphanages/parishes throughout the world. With “our” Heritage Tour guide,
Sister Chretienne who speaks both English and Dutch, we visited the home/the
birthplace of our foundress, Magdalen Damen; was blessed by baptismal water
from the font of the church of her baptism; toured the parish church where she
taught religion to “unruly” children and attracted by her simplicity and prayerfulness her first 4 followers; and prayed at her tomb on the grounds of our first
foundation. Visiting these sacred places of our congregation’s history was the
“dream” that brought me to this part of the world.
Because Krakow was his home, the
presence of St. John Paul II is everywhere
within the city. We were able to visit
some of the historic sites where he lived
and worked and the house of his first
assignment as a priest. In honor of his
raise to sainthood, WORLD YOUTH
DAY will be held in Krakow from July
25th thru the 31st, 2016.
Known as one of the largest of Hitler’s
extermination camps, we toured
Auschwitz and Birkenau. In building
#13 in Birkenau a resurrection candle
burns continually in memory of Fr/St.
Maximillian Kolbe whose example of
prayer and self sacrifice are legendary. He was placed in an underground cell
with other men left to die of starvation.
As you know, the parish gifted all of us
with a year’s subscription to FORMED,
an on line Catholic resource for the best
e books, movies, talks and programs
available today. I invite you to get on
line, access the part of FORMED called
“movies” and watch “OCEANS OF
MERCY.” It will put in visual form the life
stories of Pope John Paul II, St. Faustina
and Maximillian Kolbe all filmed in
Krakow, Poland. So, without leaving
your home, you will be able to visit some
of the memorable places in Poland that
I was gifted to visit in person. Thank you
for that opportunity which so many of
you made possible!
With Gratitude,
Sister Joanne Fogarty