June 13th - USD 506 Labette County


June 13th - USD 506 Labette County
 Labette County U.S.D. 506
June 13, 2016 Board Meeting 1
Monday, June 13, 2016, 7:00 PM
Curran Administrative Center, Altamont, KS 67330
Our mission is to provide a positive learning environment where all students develop: skills to live and work in a
progressive world, a positive work ethic, a sense of individual worth, pride in citizenship, and a life-long desire for
Our vision is to be recognized and respected as one of the premier public school systems in Kansas.
Agenda – Regular Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to order
2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
The board president will recognize visitors at this time. The board may allow public comments
during this time. Public comments will be kept to a maximum of 5-minutes unless stated by the
board president.
3. Recognitions / Communications
• None at this time
4. Approval of Printed Agenda
At this time Board members may (1) accept the agenda as shown below, (2) add items, or (3)
request that one or more “Consent Agenda Items” be placed under “Action, information,
discussion, or executive session for separate consideration.
5. Consent Agenda
Approval of May 9, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes and May 9, 2016 Indian Education
Hearing Meeting Minutes and Annual Site Council Minutes/Report
Approval of June 2016 bills, Investments, and Activity Fund Report
Approval of Site Council Members
Approval of Supplemental Assignments
Scott Austin—Assistant High School Softball Coach
• Travis Burk—Assistant High School Football Coach
Approval of Classified Work Agreements
Approval of Personnel:
Anna NooNoo—Science Instructor @ LCHS and Altamont Grade School
Amanda Goodwin—Food Service @ Meadow View Grade School
Starla Trimble—Paraprofessional @ Edna Grade School
Shandi Kepley—Paraprofessional @ Meadow View Grade School
Roxie Vail—Paraprofessional @ Edna Grade School
Approval of Resignations
6. Reports
SEK Interlocal #637
7. Discussion Items
8. Action Items
Chromebook Purchase (A)
Adoption of 9-12 Student Handbooks—Second Reading (A)
End of Year Transfers (A)
Workers Compensation Renewal (A)
9. Executive Session
For the purpose of discussing matters related to negotiations.
10. Board Member Comments
11. Adjournment
A= Action Item
Next Regular Meeting: July 11, 2016 at Curran Administrative Center Altamont, Kansas
D= Discussion Item
I= Information Item
Supplemental Agenda- Regular Board Meeting
Board of Education
Monday, June 13, 2016
Meadow View Grade School
1. Call to Order:
The board president will call the meeting to order for business.
2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments:
The board president will recognize visitors at this time. The board may allow public
comments during this time. Public comments will be kept to a maximum of 5-minutes
unless stated by the board president.
3. Recognitions / Communications:
None at this time
4. Approval of Printed Agenda:
At this time Board member may accept the agenda as shown below; add items to the
agenda, or request that one or more “Consent Agenda Items” be place under “Action,
information, discussion, or executive session for separate consideration.”
5. Adoption of the Consent Agenda:
The consent agenda is a method whereby the board, with one motion, may approve (by
consent) items on the agenda, which are routine, informational, or the receipt of reports,
which may not need discussion. This procedure assumes each board member has read and
studied the agenda prior to the meeting. Furthermore, at this time the Board may request
that one or more consent agenda items be placed under action, information, or discussion
for separate consideration. The motion should read- I move the board approve by
consent, items in the agenda, which are identified as 5.1-5.7.
Approval of May 9, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes; May 9, 2016 Indian Education
Meeting minutes, and Annual Site Council Minutes (pgs. 8-17)
Approval of June 2016 bills, Investments, and Activity Fund Report
(pgs. 95-111)
Approval of Site Council Members (pgs. 29-31)
Approval of Supplemental Assignments (pgs. 26-28)
Scott Austin—Assistant High School Softball Coach Travis Burk—Assistant High School Football Coach •
Anna NooNoo—Science Instructor @ LCHS and Altamont Grade School Amanda Goodwin—Food Service @ Meadow View Grade School Starla Trimble—Paraprofessional @ Edna Grade School •
Shandi Kepley—Paraprofessional @ Meadow View Grade School Roxie Vail—Paraprofessional @ Edna Grade School Approval of Classified Work Agreements (pgs. 23-25)
Approval of Personnel (p. 18-19)
Approval of Resignations: (p. 20-22)
6. Reports:
6.1 Superintendent- Dr. Wyrick will share his report with the board at the
scheduled meeting.
6.2 Building Administrators- See enclosed reports on pages 32-41.
6.3 KASB- Gail Billman will share her report with the board at the scheduled
6.4 SEK Interlocal #637- Mr. Kevin Cole will share his report with the board
at the scheduled meeting.
7. Discussion Items7.1
8. Action Items8.1 Chromebook Purchase:
Jake Knaup, Technology Director, will ask the board to approve the purchase of
Chromebooks to be utilized within our buildings during the upcoming school year. The
purchase will allow the district to continue with the technology device plan that was
presented to the board 3-years ago and has been shared on an annual basis since that time.
This purchase aligns with board goal 4.1.1 which states, “USD 506 will work towards
providing the technological infrastructure, hardware, software, and training necessary
for student success in the 21st century. Continue the acquisition of hardware, software,
and equipment based on needs dictated by curriculum.”
The administration and technology director respectfully recommends that the Board of
Education give final approval for the purchase of additional Chromebooks as listed for
the 2016-17 school year.
Pages: 91-93
8.2 Adoption of 9-12 Student Handbooks—Second Reading:
A motion to adopt the 9-12 student handbooks will be required at this time. This is the
second reading. (A)
Pages: 42-90
8.3 End of Year Transfers:
Dr. Wyrick will ask the board for approval to make end of the year transfers on behalf of
the board of education before July 1, 2016. Motion to approve will be entertained at this
time. (A)
8.4 Workers Compensation Renewal:
A motion to renew our workers compensation rates will be required at this time. Please
see enclosed information for further details. (A)
9. Executive Session
9.1 For the purpose of discussing matters related to negotiations.
10. Board Member CommentsIndividual board members are encouraged to share stories of success and opportunities
for growth at this time.
11. AdjournmentMotion to adjourn the meeting. Next Regular meeting is scheduled for July 11, 2016 at
Curran Administrative Center in Altamont, Kansas 67330.
BOARD OF EDUCATION LABETTE COUNTY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 506 Altamont, KS 67330 Curran Administrative Center May 9, 2016 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Justin Bebb Gail Billman Kevin Cole Jessie Foister Dr. Kolette Smith ABSENT BOARD MEMBERS: Rich Falkenstien Dr. Dennis Wilson OTHERS PRESENT: John Wyrick, Superintendent Cindy Dean, Board Clerk Dylan Giager, LCHS Student Eddie Green, Building Trades Instructor Melissa Green, MD Valley Principal Shane Holtzman, LCHS Principal Chris Kastler, MDView Principal Bradley Myers, LCHS Student Colton Sanders, LCHS Student Matt Strathe, LCHS Student Mark Turnbull, ACT Work Ready Mason Volmer, LCHS Student 1. Justin Bebb called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. 2. Chris Kastler presented the 2016-­‐2017 Indian Education Grant Information. Mr. Kastler stated the grant will be in the amount of $88,141. 3. Gail Billman made a motion to approve the 2016-­‐2017 Indian Education Grant. Jessie Foister seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-­‐0. 4. Gail Billman made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Kevin Cole seconded. Motion carried 5-­‐0. Meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m. 8
BOARD OF EDUCATION LABETTE COUNTY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 506 Altamont, KS 67330 Curran Administrative Center May 9, 2016 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Justin Bebb Gail Billman Kevin Cole Rich Falkenstien Jessie Foister Dr. Kolette Smith ABSENT BOARD MEMBERS: Dr. Dennis Wilson OTHERS PRESENT: John Wyrick, Superintendent Cindy Dean, Board Clerk Dylan Giager, LCHS Student Eddie Green, Building Trades Instructor Melissa Green, MD Valley Principal Shane Holtzman, LCHS Principal Chris Kastler, MDView Principal Bradley Myers, LCHS Student Colton Sanders, LCHS Student Matt Strathe, LCHS Student Mark Turnbull, ACT Work Ready Mason Volmer, LCHS Student 1. Justin Bebb called the meeting to order. Gail Billman opened with prayer. 2. There were no visitors who desired to address the board during the recognition of visitors. 3. Recognitions/Communications Building and Trades Instructor Ed Green introduced Mason Volmer as receiving the State Carpentry Champion Award and also Bradley Myers, Matt Strathe, Dylan Giager and Colton Sanders were all recognized as members of the Skills Team Works. Gail Billman made a motion to take a recess at 7:10 p.m. to tour the home constructed by the Building and Trades Class. Kevin Cole seconded. Motion carried 5-­‐0. The board returned from recess at 7:35 p.m. The Board thanked Mr. Green and the students for the tour and congratulated them for their outstanding accomplishments this year. 9
4. Gail Billman moved to approve the printed agenda with the following addition under 5.6 approval of resignations: April Roberts resignation for the 2016-­‐2017 school year. Mrs. Roberts will return to Meadow View Grade School in August 2017. Kevin Cole seconded. Motion carried 5-­‐0. 5. Consent Agenda Gail Billman moved to approved the consent agenda with the addition of April Roberts resignation under items 5.6. Kevin Cole seconded. Motion carried 5-­‐0. Rich Falkenstien arrived at 7:35 p.m. 6. Reports 6.1 Superintendent Report Dr. Wyrick reported the Science Position has not been filled and hopes to find an instructor soon. 6.2 Building Administrators Melissa Green reported the Mound Valley Fun Day was enjoyed by the staff, students and parents. Shane Holtzman reported the High School has had a great year. Chris Kastler reported Meadow View as having a busy end of year. 6.3 KASB/Legislative Gail Billman reported the KASB Board of Directors met in Oxford, KS on April 16th. The board toured the town and enjoyed the visit to the old mill that the school district partners with. Mrs. Billman reported she plans to attend the National School Board Convention next month and KASB will pay for those attending. Mrs. Billman urged all board members to listen to the KASB oral arguments tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. 6.4 SEK Interlocal 637 Kevin Cole reported the SEK Interlocal is pursuing to fill teacher vacancies. 7. Discussion Items 7.1 The 2016-­‐2017 LCHS Student Handbook recommendations are available for board members to review and consider. The board will take action on the LCHS Student Handbooks at the June board meeting. 7.2 Mark Turnbull with the ACT Work Ready Initiative reviewed the program the district implemented 28 months ago. The board thanked Mr. Turnbull for his presentation. 10
8. Action Items 8.1 Kolette Smith moved to approve the K-­‐8 Student Handbook. Gail Billman seconded. Motion carried 6-­‐0. 8.2 Jessie Foister made a motion to approve the proposed enrollment fee changes and .10 cent increase in lunch prices. Gail Billman seconded. Motion carried 6-­‐0. 8.3 Gail Billman made a motion to approve the KASB Membership Renewal. Rich Falkenstien seconded. Motion carried 6-­‐0. 8.4 Gail Billman made a motion to approve the KASB Legal Assistance Fund Renewal. Rich Falkenstien seconded. Motion carried 6-­‐0. 9. Board Member Comments Rich Falkenstien said he has enjoyed all the banquets and graduations. Kevin Cole congratulated all the staff on a job well done. Mr. Cole said each of our staff members molds and shapes our students lives and appreciates all staff. Jessie Foister congratulated all our students accomplishments this year. Mrs. Foister thanked Dr. Wyrick for the tour of the facilities here lately. Justin Bebb said the month of May went by quickly and the LCHS Graduation and Banquets were a huge success. Mr. Bebb reminded the board members of the 8th Grade Graduation tomorrow night with 115 students participating. Gail Billman said the end of year banquets were all a success. Mrs. Billman said she loves to see our students shine. Kuddos to all our students! Mrs. Billman congratulated Mr. Holtzman on a job well done for his 1st year of being Principal. Mrs. Billman said he has done a great job. Dr. Kolette Smith said LCHS and the Grade School activities have been very busy this month. The Altamont Grade School 6th Grade Class Wax Museum was awesome! Sharon Grommet was a wonderful teacher for the 6th Grade Class this year. Dr. Smith thanked all the staff for their hard work and dedication they give our district. 10. Adjournment Kevin Cole made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Gail Billman seconded the Motion. Motion carried 6-­‐0. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The next regular board meeting will be: June 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the District Office. 11
Altamont Grade School
Annual Site Council Report
June 2016
The Altamont Grade School Site Council met four times this year: September 8th, October 6th,
November 10th, and April 12th.
September 8 – The new members were provided with information about the function of the site
council and were given a copy of the operational guidelines. Officers were then selected: Brian
Hestand – Chair, Cathy Kibler – Vice Chair, and Daria Condon - Secretary. The AGS Site
Council By-Laws were discussed. The council approved an amendment to increase the term that a
site council member could serve from two-years to three-years.
October 6 - The AGS site council met at LCHS for the district site council meeting at 5:30. Dr.
Randy Watson, Commissioner of Education spoke to the group about the goals of the KSDE and
his vision for education in Kansas. Discussion followed.
November 10- The Altamont Grade site council met at 6:00 in the AGS library. Items of
discussion included: state assessments and the reporting of the 2015 assessment results. Mrs.
Aikins explained the results of our school in comparison to the State and the District. She also
went over how the information was presented for an individual student. Information was shared
about how interventions are provided for students in reading and math as the need arises.
The role of how Title I, the after school program, and the classroom teacher work together to
provide the interventions was discussed.
April 12 – Stephen Jones, County Attorney, and Sheriff Robert Sims, spoke at the district site
council meeting held at LCHS on April 12th. Every parent of USD 506 was invited to attend this
meeting, as was the general public.
The topic of discussion for the evening was teenage sexting and the potential consequences of it
for those who participate in it and for those who receive the messages. Mr. Jones discussed the
Kansas Laws regarding child pornography and how they relate to teenage sexting. Sheriff Sims
and Mr. Jones also talked about the possible legal ramifications of teenage sexting. Information
was shared on how to tell if your child might be sexting and how to prevent it. Several possible
courses of action for parents to take if they have children who are sexting and/or who have
received sexting messages were discussed.
Mr. Jones and Sheriff Sims had met with all students in grades 5-8 in USD 506, prior to speaking
at the April 12th meeting.
Recommendations for new site council members were submitted to the principal for 2016-2017.
Mrs. Aikins will submit the names of those who accepted to serve, along with those remaining on
the council for board approval.
Submitted by: Glenda Aikins
Bartlett Grade School
June 2016
The Grade School Site council held four meetings throughout the 2015-2016
school year. The committee members were: Lisa Strickland, Melissa Russell, Tonia
Wilson, Rich Falkenstien, Kris and Francis Graves, Ashley Moore, Kelly Tun, Rebecca
Gray, Darcey Fesmire, and Tim Traxson.
Through the 2015-2016 school year the Site Council for Bartlett has met to
discuss the means by which we can improve the education of our children. The
committee discussed several issues that included: AYP Results, Educational process and
the current budget situation, State Assessment - results and what our school does in
preparing our students for them, Tiered Intervention process - training and what its
purpose is and how it will look and impact our building, School-wide SMART Goals and
how these goals work toward building and district goals, DRA (Developmental Reading
Assessment), SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) and SMI (Scholastic Math Inventory)
and how it provides information for teachers and parents on their children. Jill Spencer
shared what the counseling and social work services will look like. She explained some
of the programs that will be happening in our school this year, involving all grade levels.
There will be an assembly for Rachel’s Challenge, Kindness/Compassion Clubs for grade
levels 6-8, Red Ribbon Week Acitivities, Bullying Prevention Assembly, Student
Leadership Academy for 7th graders. Susan Allison talked about our After School
Program, F.A.S.T., and the summer BOOST Program. Dr. Wyrick and Kevin Cole meet
to discuss the up coming bond. We meet a couple times this year at the district wide site
council meeting to get information from our superintendent and to hear about the latest in
state legislation that will have effects on education. The first was a presentation by
Randy Watson (Education Commissioner of Education). Our second district wide
meeting we were presented a presentation from Sherriff Simms and our County Attorney
(Steven Jones) on sexting and the concerns we as parents need to be aware. From our
discussions we have put together a list for our board to consider.
Ø Technology is part of our daily routine here at Bartlett. We ask that the district
continue to support and make improvements to the Technology Programs in USD
506. The added bandwidth has made a huge difference in the use of technology in
our classrooms on a more regular basis. Thank You!
Ø Support Staff – We want to express our support and appreciation for the paras that
work in our school. We want the district to know that retaining our highly skilled
para staff is a priority to Bartlett Site Council. We ask for the continued support and
funding of these vital staff members but also understand the current budget and the
struggles we have.
Ø Pre School Program – We support the districts early (3-4) year old pre schools
programs in our district. We would like to thank the board for providing such a
program for the students and families in the Edna/Bartlett community. We hope that
it will continue every year.
Ø Tiered Interventions – The Tiered Intervention process has made a significant
impact within our school. This support system has helped focus our instruction for
struggling students and has given teachers a framework to guide their instruction with
these students. We hope the board continues supporting the implementation of this in
our building.
Ø Few Odds and Ends to consider –
We ask that the board consider providing our secretary with a “Hands Free Phone”.
Mr. Traxson travels back and forth between schools putting more responsibilities to
manage by LaFaye. Some of these duties pull her away from the desk throughout
the day. By allowing LaFaye to have a head set she would not have to run back to
the office every time the phone rings while she is performing her other duties.
This is our rotation of members for the next two years. The continuing members for one
year are: Lisa Strickland, Darcey Fesmire, and Rebecca Gray. The new members that
will begin their two-year cycle are: Sarah Thompson, Brian Benning, Johna Carter,
Melisa Hilderbrand, and Tara and Matt George. New officers will be elected at our first
meeting in the 2016 – 2017 school year. We feel like the Council has had another
successful year.
Bartlett Site Council
Edna Elementary School
June 2016
The Edna Elementary School Site council held four meetings throughout the
2015-2016 school year. The committee members were: Chairman – Judy Smith,
Secretary – Karen Smith, Matt Shields, Therese Foster, Nina Kinzie, Lindsey and Kasey
Wilson, and Trent and Kim Tatmen.
Through the 2015-2016 school year the Site Council for Edna has met to discuss
the means by which we can improve the education of our children. The committee
discussed several issues that included: AYP Results, Educational process and the current
budget situation, State Assessment - results and what our school does in preparing our
students for them, Tiered Intervention process - training and what its purpose is and how
it will look and impact our building, School-wide SMART Goals and how these goals
work toward building and district goals, DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment), SRI
(Scholastic Reading Inventory) and SMI (Scholastic Math Inventory) and how it provides
information for teachers and parents on their children. Jill Spencer shared what the
counseling and social work services will look like. She explained some of the programs
that will be happening in our school this year, involving all grade levels. There will be an
assembly for Rachel’s Challenge, Kindness/Compassion Clubs for grade levels 6-8, Red
Ribbon Week Acitivities, Bullying Prevention Assembly, Student Leadership Academy
for 7th graders. Susan Allison talked about our After School Program, F.A.S.T., and the
summer BOOST Program. Dr. Wyrick and Kevin Cole meet to discuss the up coming
bond. We meet a couple times this year at the district wide site council meeting to get
information from our superintendent and to hear about the latest in state legislation that
will have effects on education. The first was a presentation by Randy Watson (Education
Commissioner of Education). Our second district wide meeting we were presented a
presentation from Sherriff Simms and our County Attorney (Steven Jones) on sexting and
the concerns we as parents need to be aware. From our discussions we have put together
a list for our board to consider.
Ø Technology is part of our daily routine here at Edna. We ask that the district
continue to support and make improvements to the Technology Programs in USD
506. The added bandwidth has made a huge difference in the use of technology in
our classrooms on a more regular basis. Thank You!
Ø Security – We ask that the district continue to make improvements with the security
as budget allows. Added lighting outside the building is a concern. Another concern
is our outside doors. We have a lot of heat or cool air escaping due to the gaps in our
doors as well as a concern that the doors do not shut and lock every time they close.
It is our hope the district will make consideration in dealing with this.
Ø Support Staff – We want to express our support and appreciation for the paras that
work in our school. We want the district to know that retaining our highly skilled
para staff is a priority to Edna Site Council. We highly recommend continued
support and funding of these vital staff members but also understand the current
budget and the struggles we have.
Ø Parking – We would like to ask the district when time allows, providing rock for
additional parking south of the building. We have talked to the city of Edna and they
have approved during a city council meeting the school district to do this since an
alley runs south through the district properties. We would like to add this parking lot
south of the road between our white building and the tennis court. This would allow
parking space enough so parents do not have to walk a couple blocks away from
school on special events.
Ø Pre School Program – We support the districts early (3-4) year old pre schools
programs in our district. We would like to thank the board for providing such a
program for the students and families in the Edna community. We hope that it will
continue every year.
Ø Tiered Interventions – The Tiered Intervention process has made a significant
impact within our school. This support system has helped focus our instruction for
struggling students and has given teachers a framework to guide their instruction with
these students. We hope the board continues supporting the implementation of this in
our building.
Ø Recommendations to consider:
First: We ask the board to consider upgrading our phone system so that we have more
than one line out. At the current time when one teacher is on the line with a parent we
have no ability to call out any where in the building. We realize this is a major expense
but feel it should be considered as a future project. Not only for the fact of improving
communication with parents but if we ever had an emergency we would be very limited
with our communication efforts. If not an upgrade to our system at we would like you to
consider providing our secretary with a “Hands Free Phone”. Mr. Traxson travels back
and forth between schools putting more responsibilities to manage by Karen. Some of
these duties pull her away from the desk throughout the day. By allowing Karen to have
a head set she would not have to run back to the office every time the phone rings while
she is performing her other duties.
Second: We ask the board to consider upgrading our main entrance doors. At this time
the doors have visible gaps between them allowing for air to blow freely in and we have
to place additional inside locks on them in order to secure them at night. First - This is a
safety concern - that the doors do not shut and lock all the time during the day and it
could easily be jimmied and opened during the day. Second - Installing a new system
that would allow the secretary to unlock the door with a button from her desk would help
greatly. Third – a new system would stop the lose heat during the winter and cool air
during the spring and early fall.
Third: We want to thank the board and superintendent in the pursuit of the added
parking lot south of the school (which will be completed this summer). Located south of
the road between the white building and tennis courts. Through the donations of our
community the expense to the district will be very minor. Thank you again for your
continued support.
Two of our meetings this year we participated in our district site council meetings.
This is our rotation of members for the next two years. The continuing members for one
year are Matt Shields, Lindsey and Kasey Wilson, and Trent & Kim Tatman. The new
members that will begin their two-year cycle are Richard Pierce, Missy Buchanan, Erica
Vanderveen, Jamie Carr, and Emma Steelman. New officers will be elected at our first
meeting in the 2016 – 2017 school year. We feel like the Council has had another
successful year.
Edna Site Council
Meadow View Site Council Annual Report for 2015-­‐16 The Meadow View Site Council met a total of four times during the 2015-­‐16 school year. Two of the meetings were held at Meadow View and two meetings were part of the district wide meetings held at the High school. Our first meeting was held on September 9th, 2015. At the meeting we reviewed members terms of service and elected officers. Gina Pearson was elected chairperson and Cliff Oshel was elected vice chairperson. Terri Saye and Kathy Carrillo were elected as co-­‐secretaries. Mr. Kastler presented the new accreditation procedures from the state and the work the USD 506 administrative team had done to begin the process. Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Giefer gave a presentation about our counseling program. The meeting ended with a discussion of goals for the council. Our second meeting was a district wide meeting held on October 6th, 2015 at the LCHS cafeteria. Dr. Randy Watson gave a presentation about the common core standards, skills needed for today’s graduates and answered questions and concerns. Our third meeting was held on February 23rd, 2016. Justin Bebb, School Board President and Dr. John Wyrick, Superintendent presented information pertaining to the upcoming bond election. Our last meeting was a district wide meeting held on April 12th, 2016 at the LCHS cafeteria. Sheriff Sims and County Attorney Steven Jones gave a presentation on sexting and the dangers presented to our youth. We would like to thank Terri Saye, Kaylee Handshy, Andres Chavez Martinez, Gina Pearson and Renea Whitaker as they go off the council, for their 3 years of Site Council service. Returning next year for one more year we have Kathy Carrillo, Meri Smith, Tisha Karhoff. Those with two years of service still on the council are: Misty Burke, April Roberts and Cliff Oshel. At our first meeting next year, September 13th, 2016 we will elect officers and secure our membership for the school year. 17
Unified School District 506
P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330
(620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879
“Where Excellence and
Education Meet”
Board of Education
John Wyrick, Superintendent
Supplemental Coaching/Activity and Classified List
June 13, 2016
Supplemental Work Agreement:
Scott Austin—Assistant High School Softball Coach
Effective 06.13.2016
Travis Burke—Assistant High School Football Coach
Effective 06.13.2016
Classified Work Agreement:
Amanda Goodwin—Food Service @ Meadow View Grade School
Effective 08.22.2016
Starla Trimble—Paraprofessional @ Edna Grade School
Effective 08.22.2016
None at this time
Unified School District 506
P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330
(620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879
“Where Excellence and
Education Meet”
Board of Education
John Wyrick, Superintendent
Certified Employment Report
June 13, 2016
Work Agreement
Anna NooNoo
Science Instructor @ LCHS and Altamont Grade School
Effective 08.17.2016
None at this time
Unified School District 506
P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330
(620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879
“Where Excellence and
Education Meet”
Board of Education
John Wyrick, Superintendent
Classified/Certified/Supplemental Employment Report
June 13, 2016
None at this time
Shandi Kepley
Paraprofessional @ Meadow View Grade School
Effective 05.13.2016
Roxie Vail
Paraprofessional @ Edna Grade School
Effective 05.12.2016
Labette County High School
2016-2017 Coaching Supplemental Contracts
Fall Sports – Head Coaches
Cross Country – Marty Warren
Cheer – Hiliary Cook
Dance – Julie Oswald
Football – Sean Price
Football Junior High – Richard Pierce
Girls Golf – Samantha Hestand
Girls Tennis – Rob Page
Volleyball – Heather Wilson
Fall Sports – Assistant Coaches
1. Cheer – Kyndra Reynolds
2. Football – Bradley Argabright
3. Football – Doug Billingsly
4. Football – David Brown
5. Football – Travis Burk
6. Football – Marcus Shearhart
7. Football Junior High – Matt Shields
8. Football Junior High – Tony Simmons
9. Football Junior High – Jason Storm
10. Girls Tennis – Spence Allison
11. Volleyball – Amber Costa
12. Volleyball – Brianna Volmer
Winter Sports – Head Coaches
Boys Basketball – Brad Smith
Cheer – Hilary Cook
Dance – Julie Oswald
Girls Basketball – Kristi Snider
Wrestling – Jason Storm
620-778-6453 cell
620-784-2682 fax
620-784-5321 ext. 1007 office
P.O. Box 407 – 601 S. High School Street – Altamont, KS. 67330
Social Media: @LCGrizzlyNation – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat
Live Stream at www.thecube.com -- search LCGrizzlNation
THE Grizzly Nation
Ezra 10:4
Labette County High School
Winter Sports – Assistant Coaches
Boys Basketball – Brian Tucker
Boys Basketball – Clint Witty
Cheer – Kyndra Reynolds
Girls Basketball – Heather Wilson
Girls Basketball – Morgan Workman
Wrestling – Sean Price
Spring Sports – Head Coaches
Baseball – Jesse Ybarra
Boys Golf – Jack Leake
Boys Track – Craig Hartman
Boys Tennis – Spence Allison
Girls Track – Kristi Snider
Softball – Lori Green
Swim – Mona Garrett
Spring Sports – Assistant Coaches
Baseball – Brian Tucker
Baseball – Will Owens
Boys Golf – Matt Shields
Boys Track – Marty Warren
Girls Track – Scott Carson
Softball – Scott Austin
620-778-6453 cell
620-784-2682 fax
620-784-5321 ext. 1007 office
P.O. Box 407 – 601 S. High School Street – Altamont, KS. 67330
Social Media: @LCGrizzlyNation – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat
Live Stream at www.thecube.com -- search LCGrizzlNation
THE Grizzly Nation
Ezra 10:4
Boys' Basketball
Girls' Basketball
Asst Track
Lori Green
Ed Green
Lori Green
Eddie Green
Kayla Roberts
Lori McKinzie
Boys' Basketball
Girls' Basketball
Carolyn Waugh
Tony Swanwick
Tony Swanwick
Carolyn Waugh
Nancy Wyckoff
Tonia Wilson
Boys' Basketball
Girls' Basketball
Asst Track
Shelby Johnston
Kris Graves- Rule 10
Shelby Johnston
Richard Pierce
Jayme Winters
Therese Foster
Asst. Volleyball
Boys' Basketball
Girls' Basketball
Asst. Track
Asst Track
Asst Basketball
Boys' Basketball
Girls' Basketball
Asst Track
Karla Viranda
Bradley Argabright
Karla Viranda
Karla Viranda
Megan Gabehart2/3 Bailey Walters 1/3
Karla Viranda
Morgan Wacker
Kristin Shaw
Mike Hayward - Rule 10
Tammy Hayward
Kristin Shaw
Dena Terrell
Shawna Terrell
Extended Period
Sam Hestand (12%)
Counselor (20 days) Nicole Dean
Elementary Music 1. Terrell/Gabehart/Rucker/Damewood_Goddard
Elementary Band 1.5 Gabehart/Damewood/Rucker/Terrell
Deleted Position
Added Position
(Holding Contract
until Season)
New Assignment/Open
Altamont Grade School
705 E. 6th Street * Altamont, KS * 67330
(620) 784 – 5511
Glenda Aikins, Principal
June 4, 2016 TO: Dr. Wyrick and the Board of Education FROM: Glenda Aikins RE: Altamont Grade Site Council Membership I recommend the following individuals, for your consideration, to serve on the Altamont Grade School Site Council for the 2016-­‐2017 school year. The individuals are: Officers: • Chair – Selected by the group in the fall • Reporter – Selected by the group in the fall Site Council Membership and terms: • Brian Hestand 2015-­‐2017 Parent/Business • Cathy Kibler 2015-­‐2017 Parent/PTO Representative • Vickie Rankins 2015-­‐2017 Classified Staff Representative • Kelsey Hanigan 2015-­‐2018 Teacher/Parent • Tony Templeton 2015-­‐2018 Parent • Audra Cochran 2016-­‐2019 Parent • Daria Condon 2016-­‐2019 Special Education Representative • Glenda Aikins On-­‐going Principal Sincerely, Glenda Aikins Principal 29
Bartlett Grade School
Dr. John Wyrick
Fax: 620-226-3340
U.S.D. No. 506
Box 4676
Bartlett, KS 67332
Tim Traxson
LaFaye Noble
June 1, 2016
To: USD 506 Board of Education
From: Bartlett Site Council
Members for 2016-2017
The Bartlett Site Council respectfully submits, for your approval, the
following individuals to serve on site council:
Board Member:
Rich Falkenstien
Certified Staff:
Lisa Strickland (2015-2017)
Sara Thompson (2016-2018)
Non-certified Staff:
Brian Benning
Parents/Community Member:
Darcey Fesmire
Rebecca Gray
Johna Carter
Melisa Hilderbrand
Tara and Matt George
Principal: Tim Traxson
Edna Elementary School
John Wyrick
Fax: 620-922-3417
U.S.D. No. 506
Box 220
EDNA, KS 67342
Tim Traxson
Karen Smith
June 1, 2015
To: USD 506 Board of Education
From: Edna Site Council
Members for 2015-2016
The Edna Site Council respectfully submits, for your approval, the following
individuals to serve on site council:
Board Member:
Jesse Foister
Certified Staff:
Richard Pierce (2016-2018)
Matt Shields (2015-2017)
Non-certified Staff:
Missy Buchanan (2016-2018)
Parents/Community Member:
1. Erica Vanderveen (2016-2018)
2. Emma Steelman
3. Lindsey and Kasey Wilson (2015 – 2017)
4. Trent and Kim Tatman (2015 – 2017)
5. Jamie Carr (2016 – 2018)
Principal: Tim Traxson
Date: To: From: Re: •
June 6, 2016 Board of Education Superintendent John Wyrick June BOE Report Assessment Updates: ü State Assessments. USD 506 completed all state assessments in all grade levels during the first part of April. Last year was a baseline year, so this year the district should start seeing some data, although the data is not expected until September, October, or November. •
Beginning of 2016-­‐2017 School Year Calendar: ü
August 22nd – Staff Development August 23rd – Staff Development August 24th – Teacher Work Day August 25th – K-­‐9 ½ day of school; ½ day Teacher Work Day August 26th – 1st Full Day with K-­‐12 Students •
Safety and Security Update: ü Chuck Clanahan, Homeland Security, toured our entire district and has provided the administration with some suggestions for safety and security. ü The administration is working with Chuck to implement some of his suggestions and ideas. ü Also, the safety and security team has met a couple of times since the conclusion of school and have a meeting scheduled in late July to make modifications to our shelter in place procedure. ü Chuck has been invited to attend our August 22nd professional development day to provide input and training for our staff. ü The safety and security team will bring an updated plan before the board in the near future. •
USD 506 STEAM Program (2016-­‐2017): ü Our admin team met in late May to discuss different and innovative ways for the district to implement STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) initiatives for our students in grades K-­‐8. ü Lisa Blair, Greenbush, introduced our middle school students and staff to a few STEM projects over the course of a 1-­‐week span during the 2016 school year. Students had the opportunity to dabble a little bit in STEM during that brief time period. ü During the 2017 school year, as a part of our Greenbush participation fee, Lisa will spend one day per month in each of our five middle school science classrooms. The focus will be incorporating/integrating STEAM curriculum in our 6-­‐8-­‐science program. 32
ü A goal of the STEAM initiative is for all students to have opportunities to explore, discover, and for students to have multiple opportunities for flexible and personalized learning. The staff, along with Lisa, will provide our students with a platform where each student will be actively engaged in learning that is connected to science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. ü Brook Drumm, LCHS Graduate, owner of Printrbot has agreed to donate a total of 10 3D printers for our students to use as they embark on this exciting journey. ü Summary: § STEAM Initiative for grades 6-­‐8 § Start in the Fall of 2016 § 6-­‐8 science staff will collaborate with Lisa Blair § Lisa will work with 6-­‐8 staff one day per month for 8-­‐months § One day per week will be devoted as STEAM day in 6-­‐8 science (outside of day with Lisa) § Fall Semester Course: 3D Printing § Spring Semester Course: Virtual Reality § Brook Drumm, founder and owner of Printrbot to donate 10 3D printers to our grade schools § Focus on creativity, innovation, problem-­‐solving, real life experience, individualization, and communication § Learning is connected to the world around the kids § Priceless! 33
Altamont Grade Administrative Report
Board of Education Meeting
June 2016
Building Management
• 2016-17 AGS Calendar completed
• Renovation of PK classroom in progress (Walls moved, painting being
done, A/C planning, etc.)
• Lighting upgrades at AGS in progress
• Custodial summer schedules set; vacation times scheduled
• Approval of all current out of district and out of attendance center students
for 2016-2017 completed as they are submitted
• Summer school, K-3, in session daily. All classrooms used except those in
the west hallway (PK, science lab, 7th grade classroom)
Educational Leadership
• State Reports Completed prior to due dates
• All teachers hired for 2016 – 2017 @ AGS
• Site Council membership for 2016- 2017 submitted for approval by the
• Site Council annual report submitted for approval
• Letters mailed to parents concerning PK enrollment
• Reading textbooks are in and teachers were notified that they can pick up
their materials
• Planning for 2016-2017 in progress; ie: schedules, activities, programs,
PLC’s, etc.
• No information on State assessments at this time
Glenda Aikins
Board Meeting Report for Bartlett and Edna June 13, 2016 •
Educational Leadership 1.
Building Management 1.
Attended IEP Meetings between the two schools to finish out the year. Submitted End of the year building reports and documents for both buildings. a) QPA annual report b) KAN-­‐DIS report for KSDE c) Daily Log for the year d) Next Year’s Calendar events for each building e) Verified Staff Keys f) Site Council Reports and Site Council Members for 2015-­‐2016 g) Building Inventories updated and filed h) Supplemental Assignments for 2015-­‐16 i) Retention List j) KSHSAA Eligibility Report Attended USD 506 Leadership Advisory Council Quarterly Meeting June 1st Did a walk through of both buildings with Mike and Chuck from homeland security. We did a follow up session with all building principals on what are next step is. Attended a second meeting with Chuck and principals to develop a plan to upgrade our security needs. Interviewed and made a recommendation for a Title Para for Edna. Met with Kim to finalize my pre school list for next school year. Mailed letters to parents informing them of what session their child will be attending next school year. Called all parents that had a child on the waiting list. Attended a meeting with Lisa Blair (from Greenbush) on May 25th to discuss: 1. Discuss STEM training and dates Lisa will be in each school 2. Lego Program 3. Student Spaceflight Experiments 4. 3D Printing and Tinkercard Activities 1.
Completed teacher check outs in both buildings Contacted parents by phone about “Outstanding Fees” that needed to be taken care of. Worked with Mike Starr on summer projects in both buildings. Sent out newsletters for parents and students in both buildings. Meet with students on behavior concerns. Gave disciplinary consequences. Sent letters out to parents of students that is having absenteeism problems. Continue to work with Mike Starr on summer projects for both buildings. Finished next year’s COOP orders – Including Building Supply Orders and COOP Paper order for next year in both buildings. Finalized the May Calendar before sending out to parents. Finalized weekly schedules for each building before sending out to staff. Picked up and delivered May’s “Food for Kids” boxes to both schools. Both schools held their May Fire Drills. Completed next year’s calendar dates for the district calendar Continue to work on next year’s schedules for both buildings. Bartlett held its sports banquet on Monday May 9th. Coaches recognized their student athletes for their accomplishments for the year. I recognized the teams that maintained an Averaged GPA of 3.00 to 4.0 with the KSHSAA Outstanding Certificates and Distinguished Certificates. Edna held it’s end of the year cook out on May 10th Attended LCHS Graduation on Sunday, May 8th 2016 Attended 8th Grade Graduation on Tuesday, May 11th 2016 Both schools held their “Awards Assembly” on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Edna and Bartlett held “Cheer Tryouts” for the next school year. 35
Meadow View Board Report June 13th, 2016 Building Management *I met with all my staff and went through the check out sheets for the end of the year. Meadow View is fortunate to have such an outstanding and dedicated staff teaching our students. *I have done a walk through of my building with Dr. Wyrick, Mike Starr and Paula Rameriz to prioritize summer work and discuss the custodial schedule. Our custodians Paula, Cindy and Felicia really work well together and our school is very well maintained. Educational Leadership *I have organized the PreK and 5th -­‐9th summer school for this year. We have around 60 students attending 3-­‐days a week. This year students are doing read-­‐
alouds with their teachers, and working on Lang. Arts skills, writing and math. Students are also using the Istation program each day to work on vocabulary and reading skills. There are 4 students from the high school working on credit recovery for English I. *I helped Mrs. Green unpack, organize and deliver our new Lang. Arts books. Melissa did a great job in getting this overwhelming task complete. Hopefully teachers will get the chance to look over their materials this summer. Noteworthy Items *We had 8 of our 9 students pass the Algebra test. Mr. Carson did a great job with our students this year. *We had 5 teachers attend the PSU technology conference last Friday. These teachers asked to attend this conference to increase their computer skills for their students for next year. *We have reorganized our Pre-­‐School program for next year. As you know we are moving the Pre-­‐School programs to the auxiliary building east of the school. We will have Nancy Heenan teach our two four year old programs one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Lisa Allison will teach our three year old program in the morning and then travel to Altamont to teach in the afternoon. 36
Mound Valley Grade School
Administrative Report
June 2016
Building Management
• Conducted the teacher check out process
• Sent all building fire/tornado drills and safety drills to Mike
• Met with custodians about summer schedule and projects
• Conducted a building walk through
Educational Leadership
• Will attend summer Administrative Planning session
• Conducted non-certified evaluations
• Will attend all Administration meetings
• Will plan Kagan training for new staff
• Will work with Micheal Koonce to plan professional development for next year
• Submitted Administration reports
• Submitted State reports
• Sorted K-8 ELA material for each building
• Will create a list of ELA materials for teachers
• Will plan and order district consumables
• Will plan ELA training for the Fall
• Will order math consumables
• Will recruit new Site Council members
• Will attend meetings with Chuck from Homeland Security to update our Crisis Plan
• Will conduct several Substitute trainings
Noteworthy Items
• Will hold a 5K run/walk for Athletics fundraiser on Friday, June 24 at the Mound
Melissa Green
Labette County High School
2016 - 2017 Student Handbook
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Labette County High School Mission
The mission of Labette County High School is to educate
every student every day.
Labette County High School Vision
LCHS will be a premier school dedicated to providing a
comprehensive education, with exceptional academic, career,
performance arts, and extra-curricular programs through
which every student will exceed established school objectives
in reading, writing, and computation.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
The school district of Labette County USD 506 does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides
equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person
has been designated to handle inquiries or complaints regarding the nondiscrimination
policies, including requests for accommodations or access to District buildings and
Complaints in regard to Discrimination
Discrimination against any student or employee on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, disability, or religion in the admission or access to or treatment in the districts
programs or activities is prohibited. The Superintendent of Schools, PO Box 189,
Altamont, Kansas 67330-0188, 620-784-5326, has been designated to coordinate
compliance with nondiscrimination requirements contained in Title VI of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Americans with Disability
Act of 1990. Superintendent of Schools, 401 S High School Street, PO Box 189, Altamont,
KS 67330, 620-784-5326, 620-724-6280 (telecommunications device for the deaf), 620328-3121 (speech impaired), jwyrick@usd506.org
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Labette County High School
Philosophy of Secondary Education
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Each student is an individual differing from other individuals, in respect to different
likes and dislikes, different interests, abilities, attitudes, personalities, financial and
social conditions, and home upbringing. Each student has been subjected to
various methods of teaching in the elementary schools. We believe it is the
purpose of the secondary school to take the student with varied training,
techniques, and faculties and to guide them along the way as efficiently and
effectively as possible toward being a responsible citizen and a moral, thoughtful
decision maker.
The secondary school should not only enable the individual to grow in and adjust
to the cultural patterns of the local community, but also the cultural patterns of a
democratic nation and a global world. The secondary school should provide
students what they need to be successful not only here at Labette County High
School but beyond. Students should be provided with every opportunity possible
to educate and prepare them for success in life. At Labette County High School
we will continue to combine a rigorous College Prep academic standard with a
top-notch Career and Technical Education in one place where the two are
intertwined to provide every student the opportunities they need to be successful.
Along with this we will continue to provide and see our students excel in high
quality Extracurricular activities.
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The students must be taught industry, respect for property, respect for the rights
of other people, and respect for themselves. The student may forget a few
problems in algebra or laws in science, but if the secondary school can help build
a foundation for a better life in such qualities as honesty and just dealing’s with
one’s associates, sympathy and understanding, facing responsibility, and a desire
to make a community better by having lived in it, then it may be said that the
secondary school is contributing a worthwhile service to our students.
The secondary school faculty should be focused on building those relationships
with students so that they can identify the individual characteristics that make
each student unique and the circumstances that student comes to LCHS from. By
doing so the faculty can better individualize each student’s education. The faculty
should strive to create lessons that are both rigorous and relevant for the
students. Every effort should be made to continue to produce students who
graduate from LCHS with the skills and “grit” to be a successful and productive
Exit Outcomes:
Each Student will demonstrate:
1. Mastery of essential skills necessary to access and
analyze information solves problems, reach
conclusions, communicate ideas, and articulate results.
2. Ability to apply technical/vocational skills in career
3. Ability to work effectively as an individual and in a
4. Physical and emotional well-being.
5. Appreciation for the fine arts and individual creativity.
6. Appreciation for cultural diversity and respect for self.
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General Student Information
Bus Transportation ........................................................................... 5
Change of Address .......................................................................... 5
College Courses ............................................................................... 6
Concurrent Credit ............................................................................. 6
Online Courses ................................................................................ 6
Dual Credit ....................................................................................... 6
Enrollment and Schedule Changes .................................................. 6
Graduation Requirements ................................................................ 7
Guidance and Counseling ................................................................ 7
Honor Roll ........................................................................................ 8
KS Board of Regents Qualified Admissions ..................................... 9
KS Scholars Curriculum ................................................................. 10
Career and Technical Education Certification ................................ 10
Library ............................................................................................ 10
Lunch prices ................................................................................... 10
Nurse .............................................................................................. 11
Out of District Students .................................................................. 11
Payment for Fees, Charges, Rent and Fines ................................. 11
Faculty Contacts ............................................................................ 12
Reporting Student Progress…………………………………………..13
Severe Weather and School Closing ............................................. 13
Summer School .............................................................................. 13
Transcripts ..................................................................................... 13
Valedictorian and Salutatorian selection process........................... 14
Course Weighting ........................................................................... 14
Withdrawal from School ................................................................. 14
Academic Dishonesty ..................................................................... 15
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Rules and Regulations
Attendance ..................................................................................... 16
Perfect Attendance Award ............................................................. 16
Absences ....................................................................................... 16
Truancy .......................................................................................... 16
Excused Absence .......................................................................... 17
Unexcused Absence ...................................................................... 17
7 Day Documentation ..................................................................... 17
Activity/Extracurricular “F” Policy.................................................... 17
College Visitation............................................................................ 18
Grizzly Time ................................................................................... 18
Academic Opportunity .................................................................... 19
Advisory ......................................................................................... 19
Early Release ................................................................................. 20
Bullying Policy ................................................................................ 21
Cell Phones .................................................................................... 22
Computer Use ................................................................................ 22
Discipline Policy ............................................................................. 23
Drug Free Schools and Community Act ......................................... 30
Overnight Student Trips ................................................................. 30
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Personal Appearance ..................................................................... 31
Possession and/or use of Tobacco Products ................................. 31
Sexual Harassment ........................................................................ 32
Student in Good Standing .............................................................. 32
Student Trips .................................................................................. 32
Tardiness ....................................................................................... 33
Teacher Authority ........................................................................... 33
Test Out…………………………………………………………………34
Weapons Policy (State Statute) ..................................................... 34
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Daily Procedures
Closed Lunch ................................................................................. 35
Equipment and Property................................................................. 35
Extended Day ................................................................................. 35
Finals .............................................................................................. 35
Hall Passes .................................................................................... 35
Student Identification Badges......................................................... 35
Late Work ....................................................................................... 36
Lockers ........................................................................................... 36
Daily Schedules.............................................................................. 37
Leaving Campus during the school day ......................................... 38
Vehicles and Parking ..................................................................... 38
Vocational Work Areas ................................................................... 38
Visitors ........................................................................................... 38
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Athletic and Activities Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Free Policy ..... 39
Clubs and School Organizations .................................................... 40
Extra-Curricular Activities ............................................................... 41
Eligibility Requirements .................................................................. 42
Attendance Requirements for Activities/Athletics ........................... 43
School Dances ............................................................................... 44
Random Extra-Curricular Drug Testing Policy ............................... 45
FERPA- Parental Rights................................................................. 47
2016-2017 School Calendar........................................................... 48
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General Student Information
Bus Transportation
Bus Rules
1. The driver is in charge of students on the bus.
2. Each student must remain in their provided seat at all times, except after
the passenger load has lightened, and then only if permission is first
obtained from the driver and if the bus is not in motion.
3. Students must be on time to meet the bus. The bus cannot wait on those
who are tardy. Students must walk on the far left side of the road facing
traffic when going to the bus stop.
4. Students must never stand in the roadway while waiting for the bus. All
Students must wait for the bus off the traveled portion of the road. Students
should wait in an orderly manner and exhibit appropriate conduct.
5. Unnecessary conversation with the driver is prohibited. Do not talk loud or
distract the driver’s attention. Remember, your safety is in the driver’s
6. Outside of ordinary conversation, classroom conduct is to be observed.
7. Students must not throw waste paper or other rubbish on the floor of the
bus. Help keep your bus clean and sanitary at all times.
8. Students must not extend arms, legs, or head out of the bus window.
9. Students must not try to get on or off the bus or move about within the bus
while it is in motion.
10. When leaving the bus, students must observe the directions of the driver. If
you cross the road, do so in front of the bus after making sure the highway
is clear.
11. Any damage to the bus is to be reported to the driver at once.
12. Students should get on and off the bus promptly, without stopping to visit.
13. Animals, insects, fowl, etc. shall not be transported in the bus.
14. Glass containers such as bottles and jars are not permitted on the bus.
15. There should be no food consumed on the bus while the bus is in motion.
Violation of the bus rules is a violation of the school discipline code. Students
violating bus rules may be denied bus-riding privileges.
All school rules are in effect from the time the students leave home for the bus,
until they return home.
Change of Address
The office should be notified of any changes in address, telephone number, name,
or parent’s marital status occurring after enrollment.
College Courses
Per enrollment requirements in the current course catalog, seniors who
successfully complete coursework at the college level will be awarded dual credit
toward completion of graduation requirements.
A junior who successfully completes college work in the core subject areas of
English-language arts, social studies, science, or math will be awarded dual credit
toward completion of graduation requirements on the following basis - credit for
three (3) college hours in one core class shall be equal to .5 unit of high school
No credit for a course of less than three (3) college hours shall be counted toward
awarding high school credit.
The student shall provide official college transcripts within one week of the
completion of the college semester as proof of completion of college course work.
College credit awarded for an AP Test qualifying score will be counted as
completion of Composition 1 English credit (.5 credit)
Concurrent Credit
Concurrent credit toward completion of graduation requirements may be earned
for college level courses taught by LCHS teachers during the regular school day.
-Students/Parents are required to either pay the College from which they
are taking the course fees owed at the time of enrollment or set up an automatic
payment plan with the College Business Office. No enrollment forms will be
accepted without full payment or the completed payment authorization form.
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LCC Online and Dual Credit
Students are responsible for all materials related to the course. Ie.: Books,
Labs, etc.
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Deleted: -$50.00 is required as a
minimum payment to LCC, upon
Students dropping an online course, which is taken during the school day
in which High School credit is being given, will receive a grade of “F”.
Enrollment and Schedule Changes
Prior to enrollment, a letter is sent to parents explaining the enrollment process
and providing them the opportunity to discuss their student’s prospective
Schedule Changes may be made prior to the 1st day of either semester.
Schedule changes may be made by filling out the change request form in
the Counselor’s Office.
Changes will be considered until the capacity of the course is reached.
The Compass test must be completed and meets the required score
needed for enrollment in an LCC class, prior to the 1st day of the semester.
Student’s enrolling in an LCC Class during the school day will be required to
complete the course, or receive a grade of “F” for their High School Grade.
Class changes after the first day of school are not allowed unless approved
by the Student Improvement Team based upon an educational need. Credit
will not be given for dropped classes.
Graduation Requirements
A student is eligible for graduation from grade twelve upon the successful
completion of twenty-five,(25)units. These units shall include the following
required credits:
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Four units of English
Three units of Social Science
1 unit of American History
½ unit of Constitution of the United States
½ unit of World History
½ unit of Economics
½ unit of Elective S.S. (World Hist.II/Sociology/Psychology)
Three units of Science
Three units of Math
One unit of Physical Education
One unit of Fine Arts
One unit of Vocational Designation
2016-2017- One half unit of Personal Finance
2016-2017- One half unit of Career Preparation, or College Preparation.
2016-2017- Eight units of Electives.
One-half unit of credit is received in a semester class if the student earns a
passing grade.
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Students must have successfully completed all requirements of graduation prior to
being eligible to participate in the Graduation Ceremony.
Guidance and Counseling
Guidance and counseling services are available to all students. Appointments to
see the counselor can be made before or after school, during activity period, or
during class time with teacher's permission. Guidance services consist of class
scheduling, credits information, curriculum planning, information about colleges
and scholarships, national testing, and other forms of financial aid for college.
The counselor welcomes the opportunity to assist students with any social or
personal matter.
Mr. Leake at jleake@usd506.org
Ms. Witty at crwitty@usd506.org
Mrs. Mona Garrett at mgarrett@usd506.org
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Honor Roll
High school honor rolls will be published as soon as grades are posted after the
closing of the semester under the following categories, upon signed confidentiality
release from parent;
Kansas Scholars Honor Roll
Kansas Scholars Curriculum
The requirements for the Kansas Scholars Curriculum are as
q English, 4 years – one unit to be taken each year at the high
q Mathematics, 4 years – Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry plus
one year of higher-level mathematics such as trigonometry and
q Science, 3 years – one year each in Biology, Chemistry, and
Physics. Two years of one of the above courses may not be
substitute for a third course.
q Social Science, 3 years
q Foreign Language, 2 years
Kansas Scholars Honors Roll- students following the above
Kansas Scholars Curriculum with grades of A and B’s for the
semester. This honor roll includes:
• Freshmen:
o Biology or Honors Biology
o English I or Honors English I
o Algebra I or higher
• Sophomores:
o Biology, Honors Biology or Chemistry
o Honors/ AP English II.
o Algebra II or higher
• Juniors and Seniors
o Zoology, Chemistry or Physics
o English IV, Comp. I, II and Literature
o Geometry or higher
o Two years of Foreign Language
o Currently enrolled in Scholars
Curriculum courses, in order to meet
those requirements.
All A Honor Roll
o Students earning all A’s in all coursework.
A’s and B’s Honor Roll
o Students earning all A’s and B’s in all coursework
Kansas Board of Regents Qualified Admissions Requirements
To qualify for admission to any of the Kansas Regents universities, students must
meet one of the following requirements:
Complete the Qualified Admissions curriculum with at least a 2.0
grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale; or
Achieve an ACT score of 21 or above; or
Achieve an SAT score of 980 or above; or
Rank in the top one-third of your high school’s graduating class.
Units Required for Qualified Admissions
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One of the ways to meet the university admission requirement to Kansas
Board of Regents institutions is to successfully complete the pre-college
curriculum as outlined by the Kansas Board of Regents. You must complete the
curriculum with at least a 2.0 GPA (“C” average) on a 4.0 scale.
The following outlines the high school courses that are required to meet the
requirements for admission to any of the Kansas Regents universities.
Note: 1 unit = 1 year.
v Four units of English
v At least one unit of English must be taken each year of high school,
including .5 unit in Speech. Beyond this requirement, students are
encouraged to take courses in journalism, speech, drama/theater, and
forensics/debate, but these courses may not be used to fulfill the English
v Three units of Natural Science
Students must take three units chosen from the following
courses: Earth and Space Science, Biology, Zoology, Chemistry,
and Physics. At least one unit must be in chemistry or physics.
v Three units of math (With an ACT of 22 Math Subscore – 3 units of math at
or above Algebra I must be taken in high school.)
Or Four approved units, with one unit taken in the graduating
year. At or above Algebra 1, without an ACT of 22 Math
v Three units of Social Sciences
Students must complete the following:
§ One unit of US/American History
§ One-half unit of US government/ Constitution
§ One-half unit selected from World history, World Geography.
§ One-half unit of Economics
§ One unit selected from one or more courses in psychology, or
v Electives
Students must complete 3 units from the following:
English, Math, Natural Science, Social Science, Fine Arts,
Career and Technical Education, Foreign Languages, Speech.
Kansas Scholars Curriculum
The requirements for the Kansas Scholars Curriculum are as follows:
v English, 4 years – one unit to be taken each year of high school.
v Mathematics, 4 years – Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry plus one year
of higher-level mathematics such as trigonometry and pre-calculus
v Science, 3 years – one year each in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Two
years of one of the above courses may not be substitute for a third course.
v Social Science, 3 years
v Foreign Language, 2 years
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Career and Technical Education Certification: (Starting with the class of
Students wanting to receive this certification will complete the following criteria:
• Complete all academic requirements needed for Kansas Board of Regents
Qualified Admissions, and:
• Receive a Silver, Gold or Platinum ACT WorkKeys Certificate.
• Receive an OSHA 10 Certificate (Construction or General)
• Complete all CTE Coursework with no less that a 3.0 GPA.
• Complete 5 units of CTE Coursework, 3 hours in a single pathway.
• Complete 40 hours of an approved Internship
o Approved by administration and CTE Instructor
The Library’s purpose is to serve as the hub of learning and research for the
students and staff of Labette County High School. In today’s information age, the
Library’s physical holdings are supplemented with online databases, periodicals,
and an interlibrary loan service. The library also houses a media room that
contains supplies for both students and staff to use. Students are allowed to check
out books for a period of two weeks. It is their responsibility to return the book
within that time frame. If they fail to do so a fine of .05 per day will be assessed.
Failure to return books and pay fines by specified dates may result in disciplinary
action and having library privileges suspended for a period of time. This will be
determined by the administration.
Lunch prices
Breakfast for students
Breakfast for adults
Lunch for students
Lunch for adults
Extra milk or juice
$ .30
$ .40
$ .45
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Students should report to the nurse’s office in case of illness or injury. No student
is to leave the building without first checking out through the office.
When possible, students are advised to take medication at home. If it is
necessary that a medication be taken during school hours, the following
regulations will be followed.
• Written permission must be obtained from the parent/guardian in advance
of the administering of any medication.
• The school nurse or personnel as designated by Board policy will supervise
administering of medication. Administering of any medication will be
completely and accurately documented.
• Medication must be brought to school in the original container with the
appropriate label intact. This includes, but is not limited to, Tylenol, Advil,
ibuprofen, aspirin, ointments, cough/cold medication, dietary supplements,
• All medications will be kept in a locked, safe place that is inaccessible to
• Medication must be picked up prior to the last day of school. Any
medication left in the nurse’s office will be disposed of if not picked up.
• In the nurse’s absence, illness or injury will be evaluated by an
administrator or its designee and appropriate measures taken.
Out-of-district Students
Out-of-district students are those who do not live within the territorial boundaries
of USD 506. Out-of-district students may be admitted only to the extent that staff,
facilities, equipment, and supplies are available and will be re-evaluated annually.
A request for permission to attend LCHS must be made in writing to the building
principal each year. A decision to accept will be based on space available by
grade level as well as the student’s past attendance record, academic
performance, and discipline record.
Transportation to and from school is the responsibility of the out-of-district student
and his/her family. Exceptions to this rule can be providing transportation by bus
to school from designated bus pick up points on the USD 506 district boundaries.
Payments for Fees, Charges, Rent and Fines
Student accounts must be paid in full prior to being allowed to participate in the
Graduation Ceremony.
Labette County High School (620) 784-5321
Shane Holtzman
Ed Raschen
Susan Cunningham
Wanda McGuire
Diane McCartney
Scott Austin
Scott Carson
Carrie Case
Lisa Chapman
Catherine Dean
Kristi Esquibel
Jeff Falkenstien
Mona Garrett
Jenny Gartner
Jim Gilpin
Lewis Goins
Ed Green
Lori Green
Craig Hartman
Candace Harris
Kim Hawks
Larry Hollandsworth
Lewis Hundley
Bob Lamb
Lynn LaTurner
Jack Leake
Ashley Moore
JC Morgan
Kim McMunn
Peter Omarkhail
Julie Oswald
Rob Page
Sean Price
Clint Ruttgen
Connie Omarkhail
Marcie Ryan
Kristi Snider
Jason Storm
Greg Traxson
Marty Warren
Dustin Wiley
Heather Wilson
Crystal Witty
Jesse Ybarra
Kyle Zwahlen
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Reporting Student Progress
-Progress Reports will be issued at the end of the 1st 9 weeks period and at the
end of the 3rd 9 weeks period via Parent/Teacher Conferences.
-Grade Cards will be issued at the end of each semester via electronic means or
“snail” mail depending on preference of parent/guardian stated at enrollment.
-Teachers are expected to update student grades in Power school by
Wednesday of each week.
-Incompletes for unfinished course requirements have to be reconciled one week
after the completion of a semester grading period. All course work has to be
completed unless extenuating circumstances approved by the principal are taken
into account.
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Severe Weather and School Closings
In case of severe weather, snow, ice, etc., the announcement for school closing
may be heard on KKOW Radio (FM 96.9 or AM 860), or KOAM-TV
(Channel 7) in Pittsburg, KGGF Radio (AM 860) in Coffeyville, and KLKC Radio
(FM 93.5or AM 1540) in Parsons, KODE-TV (Channel 12) in Joplin, or KOBC
Radio (FM 90.7) in Joplin.
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Parents will be notified by the automated phone service in the event of school
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Summer School and Credit Recovery
Students needing to recover credit may do so in situations the administration
deems appropriate. Recommendation for summer school will be sought through
the supervising teacher from whom the student received a failing grade, if the
students grade is ABOVE 50%.
• Students are required to have:
o 60 hours of seat time.
o Meet all requirements set forth by the Summer School
Students will receive a Pass/ Fail grade for summer school. Students may not
receive more than 1 unit of credit during a summer school session.
Credit recovery may only be utilized by students at risk of not graduating, based
upon the amount of time remaining in their program and units of credit needed.
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Deleted: -Labette County High School
has a weighted grading scale Classes with
a weighted designation will count one
grade point higher than a regular class
when determining a student’s grade point
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Applications for Transcripts must be requested from the Guidance Office.
Valedictorian and Salutatorian
Each year a Valedictorian and Salutatorian from the graduating class will be
determined based upon the following criteria after the final grades for the senior
year are recorded.
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1. To be considered for this award, a student must have completed the Kansas
Honors Scholars Curriculum as listed in the most recent LCHS Student
Handbook (see pg.8).
2. Selection will be based upon the highest overall grade point average for the
four years of high school using a 4.0 scale.(25 Credits - Highest Overall GPA
on Kansas Honors Scholars Curriculum and LCHS Graduation requirements
only.) Course percentages will be used as well in figuring GPA for those
Kansas Honors Scholars Curriculum courses and those courses required for
LCHS Graduation.
3. In the event of more than one student having a GPA of 4.0, percentages in the
Kansas Honors Scholars Curriculum classes will be used to break the tie.
4. In the event of a tie, the Composite score of the ACT will be utilized in order to
establish the Valedictorian.
5. In the event of a tie at this point, those tied will be declared multiple
Valedictorians, and the Salutatorian will not be recognized.
(Teacher’s Assistant credit hours cannot be counted toward GPA for Val and Sal.)
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Deleted: 2A.Beginning with the Class of
2016 the highest overall GPA will not be
based on a weighted scale. Also for
2016, course percentages will be utilized
to determine class rank.
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TOP 10% of Senior Class will be figured upon the same criteria as listed
above for Val and Sal.
Course Weighting
Beginning with the Class of 2016 there will be no “weighted courses” or
“weighted grades” given.
Withdrawal from School
If students plan to withdraw from school, the parent should report those intentions
to the counselor’s office. The student shall return all properties belonging to the
school, reconcile any outstanding debts, and receive a clear checkout sheet from
teachers before records may be transferred to the next school.
Rules and Regulations
Academic Dishonesty
Any action taken with the intention of obtaining credit for work which is not one's
own is considered academic dishonesty. The action may include, but not limited
to, the following:
• Submitting another student's work as one's own work.
• Obtaining or accepting a copy of tests or scoring devices.
• Giving or obtaining test questions or answers from a member of another class.
• Copying from another student's test or computer file, or allowing another student
to copy during a test or computer program.
• Using materials which are not permitted during a test.
• Plagiarism (presenting as one's own material taking ideas, writings, etc. from
another and submitting that work as one’s own).
• Copying or having someone other than the student prepare the student's
homework, paper, project, laboratory report, computer program or take-home test
for which credit is given.
• Permitting another student to copy or writing another student's homework,
project, report, paper, and computer program or take-home test.
• Accessing restricted computer files without authorization.
• Copying materials including computer software, in violation of the copyright law
Individual Teachers in conjunction with the Administration will be responsible for
determining the consequences for a student in violation of the Academic
Dishonesty policy.
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K.S.A. 72-1111 - Every parent or person acting as parent in the state of
Kansas who has control over or charge of any child who is under the age of 18
years and has not attained a high school diploma or general educational
development (GED) credential, shall require such child to attend continuously
each school year.
K.S.A. 72-1113 - Whenever a child is required by law to attend school and
is enrolled in school, and the child is inexcusably absent there from on either three
consecutive school days or five school days in any semester or seven school
days in any school year, whichever of the foregoing occurs first, the child shall be
considered to be not attending school as required by law. A child is inexcusably
absent from school if the child is absent from all or a significant part of the school
day without a valid excuse acceptable to the school employee designated by the
board of education to have responsibility for the school attendance of such child.
The employee designated by the school board shall report to the
appropriate county or district attorney all cases of children who are less than 18
years of age and not attending school as required by law.
Perfect Attendance Award
Students will be recognized for perfect attendance on a semester and yearly
Absences due to school activities or school related events would not qualify as an
absence for this award. Any/ All Excused or Unexcused absences will disqualify
students from receiving this award.
Absences related to school approved activities or resulting from homebound
education will not be included in the attendance policy
When a student is absent, a parent or guardian must call the school attendance
office within 24 hours of the absence. (The school will accept a signed note from
the parent or guardian when the student returns to school.)
If a telephone call or note is not received from the parent or guardian within 24
hours, the absence will be recorded as unexcused.
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A student returning to school after an unexcused absence must report to the
attendance office before school begins and request an "admit slip" in order to be
admitted to class.
By State Statute, upon 3 consecutive unexcused absences, 5 within a semester or
7 within a year. An official letter will be sent to the Labette County Attorney’s office
and to the parent/guardian.
Excused Absence
Parents state the reason for the absence, and then an administrator will
determine whether the absence is excused or unexcused. Absence for the
following reasons will be administratively excused:
• Illness
• Medical and dental appointments with written verification are excused. The
student will be excused for the time of the appointment and travel time to
and from the appointment.
• Funerals, family emergencies, and court hearings
• Participation in school sponsored activities and college visitations with prior
administrator or counselor approval are excused.
• Anticipated absences that have been requested in writing or by phone call
to an administrator and approved in advance by the building administrator.
An assignment form will be given to the student by the principal. This form
will have to be signed by all of the student’s teachers before the trip
absence occurs.
Unexcused Absence
All absences that do not fall in the categories of the excused absences listed shall
be unexcused. In addition, leaving school when school is in session without
obtaining permission and signing out in the attendance center shall be deemed an
unexcused absence.
7-day documentation
Students exceeding 7 days of total absences during a semester (not including
school activities, Doctor’s visits with a Doctor’s note, Court appearances with a
note from the Court, funerals) in which a parent calls in or sends a note from
home, will be required to provide professional documentation for all future
absences. A letter confirming student’s placement on the 7-Day List will be sent.
-Absences without prescribed documentation will result in the absence being
deemed as unexcused.
-Assignments and time requirements must be met prior to being released to any
school activity during the school day.
Activity/Extracurricular “F” Policy
A student must be passing in all subjects he/she is enrolled in during the school
year. If a student is not passing all subjects enrolled in on Wednesday each week
he/she will be placed on probation for the week period. If a student is still failing
one or more classes at the end of their probationary one-week period they will not
be eligible to miss school to participate in or attend any school activity during that
following one week period. The period will begin on Wednesday and end on
Tuesday. Students who are Failing any class at LCHS two consecutive weeks will
not be allowed to miss school for a School Activity (i.e. – field trip, performance,
contest, college visit, etc…).
An “F-List” will be ran on Wednesday on a weekly basis starting with week 4 of
each semester.
Students on the Weekly “F-List”:
1st Occurrence = PROBATION – Student has one week to raise all grades
to passing.
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Deleted: are either excused or unexcused
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Deleted: if they are also making a grade
of “D” or “F” in any class at the end of the
9 weeks. Attendance/Grades will be
checked quarterly – at the end of the 9
weeks period
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2nd Consecutive Occurrence = On “F-List” – Student is not eligible to
miss school to participate in or attend any school activity as mentioned
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-Student can be on Probation multiple weeks and still be eligible to miss school –
Has to be Consecutive weeks with a grade of “F” in a class.
-Teachers are expected to update student grades in Power school by Wednesday
of each week. Any appeals due to grading issues are to be addressed with the
(LCHS will follow KSHSAA Eligibility guidelines for ALL Extracurricular Activities)
College Visitation
Seniors will be excused from school to make three(3) college visits and Juniors
will be excused to make two(2) college visits. Visitation to any college must be
arranged through the counselor’s office. Students must Sign-Up and pick up a
Verification Form in the counselor’s office to be signed and completed at the
college visitation. Students must have a Parent Phone Call to the attendance
office and turn in the Verification Form to the attendance office in order for the
absence to be excused.
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Deleted: -The Parent/Guardian may
appeal in writing the 10-day requirement to
school administration.
School related absences during the school day
Students missing school due to a school related absence, such as clubs or
athletics, must have all work completed and turned in when they return to school.
Grizzly Time
During Grizzly Time students will have 25 minutes of academic time built into their
day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday in order to receive additional
individualized support for any class in which they are currently enrolled.
Each teacher at LCHS will have a set number of Cards to issue to students
throughout the school day who need academic assistance or have another reason
to be with that teacher during Grizzly Time. Any student who has not been issued
a card to go to a teacher’s classroom during Grizzly Time will report to the
cafeteria for a supervised study hall.
If a student has been issued a card to attend Grizzly Time by a teacher it is
because a teacher has required the student’s attendance during Grizzly Time in
order to provide additional instructional support. If the student does not report for
the priority assignment they will be issued a discipline report for not complying
with a teacher’s request.
• Failure to report to the teacher who issued you a card will result in a Level
3 violation for non-compliance with a reasonable request.
If a student is issued a card by more than one teacher the student will report to the
teacher who has Priority on that day (see schedule below).
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Priority will be able to choose a teacher
they are currently enrolled in to receive
additional support, or may choose to
attend a supervised study hall in the
Library or Cafeteria.
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Grizzly Time Daily Schedule
Monday – Math Priority
Tuesday – Science/Social Studies Priority
Wednesday – Activity Period for School Clubs and Organizations
Thursday – English Priority
Friday – Early Release
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Academic Opportunity
Academic Opportunity will be provided to all students who are repeatedly not
staying current with their daily work. The primary goal of Academic Opportunity is
to address the student’s continual habit of not completing assignments on time.
AO will be provided from 3:15-4:30 Tuesday through Thursday. Students
participating will have the option to leave campus at 4:30 if they are providing their
own transportation, or if they wish to utilize the late bus which runs at 5:45, they
will report to the detention room in Haury Hall until that time.
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The procedure to be utilized by Faculty utilizing AO, will include:
On the first occurrence of late work or the student Failing the class:
• Assignment to a Grizzly Time Priority/ Choice for prior incomplete or late
On the second occurrence of late work and/or student Failing the class:
• Phone communication with the parent describing the details of the
• Assignment to a Grizzly Time Priority/ Choice for prior incomplete or late
On the third occurrence and every occurrence afterward.
• Assignment of AO until work is completed each and every occurrence
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Teachers will fill out an AO form and hand that form to the student when assigning
Attendance of AO is required to be completed within one day of the AO
Failure to report to the AO assignment will result in a 8:00-5:40 ISS assignment,
as a level 1 violation.
Please be aware that an assignment to the AO will take precedent over any/ all
extra/ co-curricular practices and participation.
Students will report to their Advisor Teacher during Grizzly Time when instructed
to by LCHS Administration. Advisory will not meet on a regularly scheduled basis.
A students Advisory Teacher will be their 7th hour classroom teacher.
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Early Release
In an effort to provide the highest quality academics for all students, and as a
reward/motivation for those who are doing a quality job, LCHS will have an early
release program on Friday for those students who meet the criteria listed below.
Students who on Wednesday of each week are meeting the criteria below will be
dismissed at 2:40 on Friday. Doing so will also allow teachers to provide the
specific help needed for those students who are struggling in a class.
The early release program will be set up on a weekly basis. A student’s eligibility
will be determined on Wednesday and communicated during their 7th Hour class.
All students that are eligible and have a signed permission slip on file will be
released at 2:40pm (end of 7th hour) Friday. Any student that needs/wants help in
a subject is more than welcome to seek that help during Grizzly Time. Bus
students and all other students who are unable to leave will gather in the Gym
Commons during Grizzly Time under teacher supervision.
Eligibility to Participate in the Program:
The parent permission form on the next page must be signed and on file.
The student must meet the following criteria:
-Cannot be on the D or F List
-Have no missing assignments
-No discipline referrals
-No unexcused absences
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-The list will be generated each Wednesday by the Assistant Principal.
-If a student skips the required Grizzly Time, the consequence will be In-School
Suspension the next day.
-If a student gets into trouble during release time, eligibility will be revoked for a
minimum of 4 weeks.
-If a student raises their grade or turns in missing assignments during the week,
they will still be required to attend Grizzly Time for the remainder of the week.
Grizzly Time
Early Release Parent Permission Form
My student has permission to be released from Labette County
High School at 2:40pm during Grizzly Time if they have met the
weekly requirements to do so. This form must be returned signed
and on file in order to participate.
Student Signature:___________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________
Bullying Policy
We as students and staff at LCHS will create a school environment where bullying
and cruelty are not tolerated.
Definition of Bullying:
Bullying means any intentional written, electronic, verbal or physical act or actions
against another person that a reasonable person under the circumstances should
know will have the effect of:
1. Placing a person in reasonable fear of substantial harm to his or her
emotional or physical well-being or substantial damage to his or her
2. Creating a hostile, threatening, humiliating or abusive educational
environment due to the pervasiveness or persistence of actions or due
to a power differential between the bully and the target; or
3. Interfering with a student having a safe school environment that is
necessary to facilitate education performance, opportunities or benefits;
4. Perpetuating bullying by inciting, soliciting or coercing an individual or
group to demean, dehumanize, embarrass or cause emotional,
psychological or physical harm to another person.
This shall include any form of intimidation or harassment prohibited by the USD
506 Board of Education in policies concerning bullying adopted pursuant to this
section or subsection (e) of K.S.A. 72-8205 and amendments thereto.
Students and Staff have a responsibility to report bullying and harassment when
they witness it occurring to them or those around them.
Examples of bullying include but are not limited to the following:
-Someone is threatening to beat you up.
-Someone is taking something of yours without your permission.
-Someone is spreading rumors about you or your family.
-Someone is embarrassing you in front of others by either calling you
names or doing something to you, such as hiding your book or pulling
your seat out from under you.
-Someone continues to shove you in the halls and says it is always an
-Someone is utilizing technology to communicate in a threatening manner.
Bullying is considered a level 4 violation and will be dealt with in accordance with
the school discipline policy.
Law enforcement will be contacted if the act is in violation of the law.
Cell Phones
Students are allowed to be in possession of cell phones while in
attendance at Labette County High School until they cause a disruption to either
individual student learning or the classroom environment.
Each teacher will address the cell phone issue individually within their
classroom deciding if and when it is permissible for students to access and use
their cell phones. Whatever the individual teacher’s policy is will be clearly
communicated to the student by the teacher and enforcement of the teacher’s
policy will be supported by Administration.
-Individual Cell Phone use during class is a LEVEL 1 Violation (it only
affects that individual student) and will be addressed by the teacher.
-A Cell Phone ringing (causing a disruption to the classroom environment)
is a LEVEL 2 Violation and can be addressed by the teacher or
A teacher may ask for the student to give up his/her cell phone for the hour
only (it must be returned when the student’s time with that teacher is up). Any
student who refuses to give up the phone will result in a LEVEL 4 Violation.
School Assemblies – Cell Phones will NOT be allowed during any and all
school assemblies.
Computer Use
Students may not use any school computer without a signed computer/internet
authorization form on file. Students shall have no expectation of privacy when
using district computer systems. Students must use appropriate language in all
writing. Students are expected to use the computers following guidelines
approved by teachers or the administrators.
Any computer applications or information in district computers or computer
systems is subject to monitoring by the staff and/or administration. The school
retains the right to duplicate any information created by students in a computer
system or on any individual computer.
• A student who violates these rules, or any other classroom rules relating to
computer use is subject to disciplinary action up to and including
suspension from school.
Discipline Policy
The first priority of Labette County High School is the “Teaching and
Learning of the Intended Curriculum for All Students, Including
Misbehaving Students.”
Everything done at Labette County H.S. must support the first priority,
“Teaching and learning of the intended curriculum for all students, including
misbehaving students.” Discipline is one of many ways of supporting the teaching
and learning process. The focus of all discipline procedures is to lessen the
negative impact the misbehaviors will have on a safe, orderly, and academically
productive environment.
Discipline is a process that uses teaching, modeling,
communication, clear expectations, and other appropriate
strategies to maintain the behaviors necessary to ensure a safe,
orderly, and productive learning environment by CHANGING
The consistency of a discipline process is found not in the
administration of the same consequences for the same misbehavior for
all students but, rather, in the beliefs that staff share in the handling of
all discipline situations. The beliefs of Labette County High School are
the following:
Teaching and learning of the intended curriculum for all students is the
highest priority and will be protected. Parents, guardians, and students
have a responsibility to support the expectations of the school
community that ensure a safe, productive learning environment for
-will not be allowed to interfere with the learning opportunities of
another student.
-will not be allowed to interfere with the teacher’s responsibility to
teach all students.
-will not excuse the misbehaving student from successfully
completing the learning objectives.
Teachers and staff understand that:
-Changes in behavior take time.
-Discipline is a part of the daily routine – not a disruption of the daily
-Self-discipline is the expected outcome.
-Every discipline situation is an opportunity to teach expected
-Teaching and modeling appropriate behavior, along with
implementing consequences for inappropriate behavior, is the best
way to help change unacceptable behaviors to acceptable
-Expected behaviors must be communicated, taught, and modeled
on a daily basis throughout the school year.
-Punishment by itself cannot change behaviors.
-In the handling of unacceptable behaviors, the focus should be on
judging the behavior of a student, not on judging the student.
-Staff members should not respond to misbehavior as if it were a
personal attack on them.
-Staff should respect students and parents at all times, regardless of
the students’ and parents’ behavior.
-Parents have a responsibility to ensure that their children’s
behaviors do not take away from a safe and positive learning
environment for others.
-Staff should handle all discipline situations in a professional
The belief statements and the definition of discipline will provide us with
the structure and consistency necessary to maintain a safe, orderly, and
academically productive environment. The third part of the Discipline
Foundation is the behavior expectations for all. Staff, students, and
parents will be expected at all times to:
-Demonstrate self-respect, respect for others, and respect for
all things in the environment.
-Help maintain for all individuals at school and at schoolrelated activities a safe and orderly environment through the
use of self-discipline.
-Handle all conflicts without the use of violence or threats of
violence and with respect for the rights of all.
-Be on task at all times while in the classroom or at other
learning activities.
-Provide learning opportunities for misbehaving students with
support from parents and guardians.
-Assist misbehaving students to change their unacceptable
behavior to acceptable behavior.
This foundation is expected to direct all decisions in the area of discipline.
It is our responsibility to determine the behaviors that take away from the
safety, orderliness, and productivity of the school environment. To provide the
staff with the consistency in the handling of misbehaviors, we have defined levels
of misbehavior that will direct the staff in the handling of all misbehaviors. The
identified levels address the three criteria necessary to provide a positive and
productive teaching and learning environment (safe, orderly, and academically
Labette County High School categorizes misbehavior into four levels
that coincide with the aim of maintaining an environment that is safe,
orderly, and productive for the class and the individual. Misbehaviors that
are considered most serious (LEVEL 4) are those that threaten people’s
safety; (LEVEL 3) behaviors are a threat to the orderliness of the
environment; those at (LEVEL 2) affect the ability of other students to learn;
and those at (LEVEL 1) affect the learning of the individual student who is
Safe Environment
Students cannot learn and teachers cannot teach if they do not feel safe. The first
key to a productive teaching and learning process is to assure a safe environment
for all-to eliminate misbehaviors that are intended to cause another individual
physical or mental harm and/or are illegal. Behaviors that contribute to an unsafe
environment will not be tolerated and are non-negotiable. They will be dealt with
immediately. The following are some, but not all, of the misbehaviors that cause a
school environment to be unsafe. These will not be tolerated:
-Weapons including explosive devices-possession or use of
-Fighting--assault or battery of any kind
-Intimidation, extortion, threats
-Gross disrespect toward an adult--cursing or name-calling
-Open defiance that contributes to an unsafe environment or undermines
-Sexual harassment of any kind
-Alcohol/Drugs—sale, use, or possession
-Harassment of students or staff
Level 4 misbehaviors take priority over everything else, including teaching and
learning. All staff members are required to assist in the correction of such
misbehaviors. Any misbehavior is considered a Level 4 misbehavior if it would
bring an affirmative answer to any part of this question: “Is this behavior intended
to cause another individual physical or mental harm and/or is it illegal?” This
student needs to be sent or escorted to the office.
Orderly Environment
The second key to a productive teaching and learning process is to assure an
orderly environment--eliminating misbehaviors that normally occur outside the
classroom that are not intended to cause physical or mental harm to another
individual but do negatively affect an orderly classroom environment. Students
are expected to handle themselves in a positive way at all times and in all areas
(such as in the cafeteria, hallways, school grounds, and school activities). The
following are examples of behaviors that will not be tolerated.
-Disruptive behaviors
-In appropriate use of a motor vehicle (Grades 9-12)
-Inappropriate literature, web sites
-Truancy, continual tardiness
-Destruction or defacement of property
-Tobacco possession or use (including smoking, chewing)
-Inappropriate language, apparel or devices
-Non-compliance, defiance of a staff’s request
-Inappropriate physical contact
-Disobedience of school rules
The individual(s) assigned to supervise the area will handle level 3 behaviors. If
any other staff member is in the area, he or she is expected to assist when
Productive Classroom Environment
Any behaviors that interfere with another student’s opportunity to learn cannot and
will not be tolerated—that is, misbehaviors that occur in the classroom and
interfere with the learning of others. Level 2 misbehaviors take the highest priority
in the classroom. The
following are examples of Level 2 misbehaviors:
-Failing to follow request of a staff member
-Showing disrespect towards others
-Using equipment improperly
-Profanity, inappropriate language
-Disruptive behaviors
Misbehavior is of the Level 2 category if it would bring an affirmative answer to
this Question: “Does the misbehavior interfere with another student’s opportunity
to learn?”
Level 2 misbehaviors must be corrected immediately.
Productive Personal Environment
Misbehaviors that occur in the classroom that affect only the disruptive student
are considered Level 1. This type of behavior is considered at the lowest level
because it does not negatively affect a safe and orderly environment and it does
not interfere with other students’ opportunity to learn. The teacher should not stop
the learning activity to deal with such behaviors. Examples are:
-Not having appropriate equipment and materials
-Failing to turn in homework, failing to complete assignments
-Being off task but not disrupting others
-Failing to dress out for P.E.
The classroom teacher will address levels 1 and 2 misbehavior.
Determining the Level of Misbehavior
The four levels will give staff the structure to know the urgency of handling
inappropriate behavior and some indication of what to expect. The above lists are
not all-inclusive. If there is confusion as to the level of misbehavior, ask the
following questions in this order.
1. Is the behavior intended to cause another individual physical or mental
harm and/or is it illegal? If the answer to this question is yes, then no
matter where the behavior occurred-in the classroom, cafeteria, hallway,
etc.—this is a Level 4 behavior and must be handled immediately.
If the answer to question 1 is no and the behavior occurred in the classroom, the
next Question would be:
2. Does the behavior actually interfere with the learning of other students?
If the answer is yes, then it must be handled immediately and quickly so
the learning activity can continue without further interruption.
If the answer is no, then this is a Level 1 behavior and should be handled without
interrupting the learning activity.
If the behavior occurred outside the classroom and the answer to question 1 was
no, then this would be a Level 3 behavior and the designated supervisor in the
area is expected to correct the behavior and/or escort the student to the office.
Having hard and fast consequences for each misbehavior is not a way to change
inappropriate behavior to acceptable behavior and does not provide staff the
flexibility to handle each situation as they see fit. To bring about some type of
consistency in the handling of the different levels of misbehavior, a minimum and
maximum range of consequences has been established and will be the rule of
Possible or Potential actions for each level are as follows:
LEVEL 4: Safe Environment
1. In-school suspension
2. Out of school suspension
3. Referral to local agencies
4. Long term suspension
5. Expulsion for rest of the year
6. Expulsion for 186 days
LEVEL 3: Orderly Environment
1. Looking in vicinity of misbehavior
2. Informal talk
3. Walking toward the misbehavior
4. Teacher-Parent conference
5. Behavior contract
6. Referral to Principal's office
7. Restitution
8. Principal-Teacher-parent conference
9. Detention
10. In-school suspension
11. Removal from bus
12. Suspension from school related activities
13. Out of School suspension
LEVEL 2: Productive Classroom Environment
Same as Level 3 (numbers 1-10)
Verbal contact: Identify the exact behavior and tell the offender in a respectful
manner to stop the behavior
LEVEL 1: Productive Personal Environment
1. Ignoring the behavior
2. Verbal response
3. Looking in the vicinity of the misbehavior
4. Informal talk
5. Walking toward the area of the misbehavior
6. Isolation
7. Teacher-parent conference
8. Behavior contract
9. Detention
10. Send student to get materials
11. Provide a book for classroom use only
Our purpose is to make Labette County High School a safe and highly productive
educational environment for all students. Sometimes long-term suspensions or
expulsions are needed. All directives set out by state or federal laws will be
strictly adhered to. Also, all guidelines established by IDEA for special needs
students will be followed. Typically, each behavior “choice” will be dealt with on a
case-by-case basis. However, if the behaviors create a clear pattern the behavior
will be dealt with on a more serious level.
All students on out of school suspension are expected to make up missed work
while on suspension. Any student who is assigned OSS is not considered a
student in good standing and cannot be on school property until their OSS
assignment is complete.
Students who fail to complete their assigned work by the end of their suspension
will not be allowed to return to school until the assigned work is completed.
Failure to comply with the rules while in ISS will result in OSS being assigned.
Any student who is assigned ISS is not considered a student in good standing and
cannot be on school property until their ISS assignment is complete.
Drug Free Schools and Community Act
Students shall not unlawfully manufacture, distribute. dispense, possess, be under
the influence of, or use illicit drugs, controlled substances or alcoholic beverages:
1. On school grounds during, before, or after school hours;
2. On school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by
school personnel or school group;
3. Off the school grounds at any school activity, function, or event.
Any student violating the terms of this policy may be reported to the
appropriate law enforcement officials. The student will also be subject
to the following sanctions
1. A violator of this policy shall be subject to the following:
a. A punishment up to and including expulsion.
b. Suspension from all student activities for a period of up to the
remainder of the school year.
2. Students who are suspended or expelled under the terms of this policy will
be afforded the due process rights contained in board policies and Kansas
statutes, KSA 72-8901. et seq. Nothing in this policy is intended to
diminish the ability of the district to take other disciplinary action against the
student in accordance with other policies governing discipline. The
use/possession of legally prescribed drugs and common over the counter
non-prescription drugs shall not be considered a violation of this policy.
3. School administrators may use dogs trained to detect contraband to
conduct random searches for contraband in student lockers, or other
common areas of school buildings, and vehicles parked on school grounds
at the high school.
Overnight Student Trips
All overnight student trips will be governed by the following policy:
1. All Baggage, and excess clothing (ie: coats) will be searched by
2. Students will be in their assigned rooms no later than 10:30 p.m.
(Except when under the direct supervision of a coach or sponsor.)
3. Persons other than (Same Sex) members of the team or group, their
parents, coaches, or sponsors are not allowed in school rented rooms after
10:30 p.m.
4. Students may not occupy a room at any time with members of the opposite
5. The conduct policy in the student handbook is in effect on all out-oftown trips. Members of teams or school sponsored groups who
violate the rules established for student conduct may be:
a. Suspended
b. Removed from the group or team and not be allowed to
participate for the remainder of the term.
c. Expelled
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Personal Appearance
Student Dress Code
1. All students must wear shoes or sandals when attending regular academic
a. Shoes worn in the gymnasium must not leave marks on the floor.
Footwear for all vocational classes must cover the entire foot below
the ankle.
b. Steel-toed boots are recommended for some classes.
c. Decorative house slippers are not appropriate school footwear for
any class.
2. During school hours, headdress such as hats, bandannas, stocking caps,
hoods, or scarves are not to be worn in school buildings unless used for
protection in vocational areas.
3. No decorative chains, wallet chains or loose ropes/straps will be allowed to
hang from a student’s clothing or body.
4. Shorts and skirts can be worn, but they must be sufficient in length.
a. Shorts and skirts must not be above mid-thigh in length.
b. NO Warnings will be given. Students in violation will be
assigned Disciplinary Action on the 1st Offense and any
subsequent offenses up to and including ISS and/or OSS.
5. Clothing cannot promote or advertise alcohol, tobacco, or drug use. You
will be asked to turn clothing items in violation of this rule wrong side out, or
given replacement clothing by the administration.
6. Clothing cannot suggest, promote or state any profanity or sexually
suggestive messages.
a. Clothing cannot bear slogans, graphics, pictures, symbols, or words
that demean race, religion, creed, sex, national origin, intellectual
ability, or handicapped condition.
b. Clothing cannot be altered or torn.
7. Clothing must cover all undergarments including underwear, boxer shorts,
bras, and sports bras. Spaghetti strap blouses and tank tops are not
a. All upper body clothing must cover the complete shoulder area
and must be tucked in or hang below the waistline of the pants,
skirt, or shorts.
8. All shirt/ blouse necklines will not exceed the width of the palm when
placed against the neck. (Rule of Thumb)
The final decision on the appropriateness of apparel will be made by the
school administration.
Possession and/or use of Tobacco Products
Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco are not permitted on school grounds
or in school buildings. Students in violation of the “minor in possession of tobacco”
law will be reported to law enforcement.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment shall not be tolerated. Sexual harassment of employees or
students of the district by board members, administrators, certified and support
personnel, students, vendors, and any others having business or other contact
with the school district is strictly prohibited. It shall be a violation of this policy for
any employee to sexually harass a student, for a student to sexually harass
another student, or for any employee to discourage a student from filing a
complaint, or to fail to investigate or refer for investigation, any complaint lodged
under the provisions of this policy.
Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors
and other inappropriate oral, written, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when
made by a member of the school staff to a student or when made by any student
to another student when: (1) submission to such conduct is made, explicitly or
implicitly, a term or condition of the individual’s education; (2) submission to or
rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic
decisions affecting that individual; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of
interfering with an individual’s academic or professional performance or creating
an intimidating, hostile or offensive academic environment. Sexual harassment
may include, but is not limited to: verbal harassment or abuse; pressure for
sexual activity; repeated remarks to a person, with sexual or demeaning
implication; unwelcome touching; or suggesting or demanding sexual involvement
accompanied by implied or explicit threats concerning a student’s grades,
participation in extra-curricular activities, etc.
Student in Good Standing
A student who is under penalty of suspension or whose character or conduct
brings discredit to the school or to the student, as determined by the principal, is
not in good standing and is ineligible for a period of time as specified by the
This policy will include any/all school activities/ clubs or athletics operating outside
the established school day.
Student Trips
The policies of USD 506 require that when school trips are taken by the students,
and with the approval of school officials, they must travel by the means of
transportation designated by the school. An exception would be a student driving
to a designated bus pick up point to meet the bus in another district community
other than Altamont, or the student obtaining permission to drive to an activity that
is taking place in another district community other than Altamont.
On all trips away from the school, the student must return by the same means of
transportation as they had assigned to them for the out going trip. The sponsor in
charge of the students may excuse the student to their parents after obtaining
their signature on the bus trip sheet. The sponsor in charge of the students may
excuse the student to someone other than the parents only with written
permission of the parents signed and affirmed by the administration.
Tardiness is defined as not being in your assigned classroom ready to work when
the tardy bell rings. Teachers have the discretion of requiring a student to be
seated under this definition. If students are tardy arriving at school during 1st
period, they must secure a tardy slip from the attendance center. Because of
unforeseen circumstances, a student is allowed 3 forgiven tardy violations during
1st period.
For tardy violations 4, 5, and 6, the student will serve a one-hour detention.
For tardy violations number 7 and beyond, the student will be placed in in-school
Being late to class more than 15 minutes will count as an unexcused absence.
The individual teachers with the support of the attendance office will handle any
tardy occurring after 1st period.
If a student is detained by a teacher resulting in that student being late to the next
class, the teacher who detained the student will write a pass, so the student will
not be recorded tardy in their next class.
Teacher Authority
Students are under the direct supervision of the teachers, staff and administration
of Labette County High School. Students shall comply with all reasonable
requests of authority.
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Test Out Procedure
1. Application for Testing Out must be completed and approved by the high
school principal in the previous semester by December 1 and May 1,
a. Approved courses for Testing out include only those LCHS courses
approved for the completion of the Kansas Scholars Curriculum.
i. New students to USD 506 who enroll after May 1 will
complete an application for testing out prior to August 21st.
2. Complete any/all published prerequisites, or
a. Provide Individualized Educational Plan document to the high school
principal, citing that the student is exempt from this prerequisite.
3. Students will score no less than 80% or equivalent score on an untimed,
written Criterion Referenced Test (CRT).
a. Students achieving less than 80% on the evaluative CRT shall be
enrolled in the required course for which testing out was attempted.
4. Any student achieving 80% on the evaluative CRT shall be awarded credit
for the required course for which they were tested. Credit shall be awarded
on their high school transcript upon fulltime enrollment and attendance at
Labette County High School. The student’s transcript will indicate the
5. Grade
a. Grade listed on the Transcript will be posted as an “A”.
6. Grade Point Average (GPA)
a. GPA listed on the Transcript will be equal to the published course
value as listed in the course description book (at the time of testing).
i. 4.0 for all courses.
7. Carnegie Credit
a. Credit issued will be based upon the published value as listed in the
course description handbook (at the time of testing).
i. .5 credit for those courses listed as a semester long course.
ii. 1.0 credit for those courses listed as a yearlong course.
Weapons Policy (State Statute)
A student shall not knowingly possess, handle, or transmit any object that can
reasonably be considered a weapon on the school grounds or off the school
grounds at a school activity, function, or event. This policy shall include any
weapon, any item being used as a weapon or destructive device, or any facsimile
of a weapon. Possession of a firearm shall result in expulsion from school for a
period of one year (186 school days), except that the superintendent may
recommend that this expulsion requirement be modified on a case-by-case basis
under the provisions of board policy concerning student conduct.
As used in this policy, the term “firearm” means any weapon which will, or is
designed to, or may readily be converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an
explosive, the frame or receiver of any such weapon, or any firearm muffler or
silencer, or any destructive device.
As used in this policy, the term “destructive device” means any explosive,
incendiary or poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of
more than 4 ounces, missile having a propellant charge of more than one-quarter
ounce, mine, or other device similar to any of these devices.
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Daily Procedures
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Closed Lunch
The lunch period includes a “closed campus” for all ninth grade students. They
must eat in the cafeteria and remain there the entire lunch period. They are
required to “check in” during lunch with a designated teacher for attendance
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Equipment and Property
Each student is expected to assume responsibility for the care of all school
Any student found guilty of damaging or defacing school property is subject to
disciplinary action, including suspension. The expenses incurred for replacement
or repair of damaged equipment or materials will be the responsibility of the
Extended Day
Students may be required by the teacher or administrator to attend school beyond
the established school day or year.
This determination will be based upon the students need for additional resources
in order to gain academic success, and is not intended as a disciplinary action.
However, non-compliance with this requirement will be dealt with as a disciplinary
Final Examinations will occur at the end of each semester. If students are unable
to take any final at the prescribed time a grade of Incomplete will be issued. The
student has one week to complete the examination at the beginning of the next
Hall Passes
Students will secure a Hall Pass from their supervising teacher in order to be in
the hallway during class.
Prior to leaving the classroom students must sign out on the student hall pass
register, and then sign in upon return.
Student Identification Badges
Each student enrolled at Labette County High School will be issued a
Student Identification Card. This card will be used by the student for library
checkout and scanned at lunch to track payments. The first card issued bears no
cost to the student.
The Student Identification Card must be in the student’s possession AT
ALL TIMES while in attendance at Labette County High School. Students must be
able to produce their card at any time when requested by a staff member.
Students ID Card must not be altered in any manner – no alteration to
student picture. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.
A student who does not have their I.D. Card must report to the Attendance
Office to obtain a Temporary I.D. and the student will be assigned ISS Closed
Lunch for the day.
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If a Student I.D. Card is lost, a new one must be purchased for a fee of
$5.00. A student who does not have the money to pay for a new card can serve a
community service assignment as an alternative.
Late Work
All Late work must be completed prior to December 1st of the first semester, and
May 1st of the second semester.
Every student at Labette County High School shall be assigned a locker to keep
his or her books and coats in. Students are “joint tenants” of the lockers that are
the property of USD 506. Locker searches will be conducted by school officials.
Daily Bell Schedule:
Period 1st Wanda McGuire 6/22/2015 7:16 AM
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Leaving Campus During the School Day
At no time does a student leave the buildings without permission from office
personnel. Teachers cannot give a student permission to leave campus. If a
student leaves the building without obtaining permission and signing out in the
office, the absence will be considered unexcused.
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Vehicles and Parking
Students who drive their own automobiles to school are not allowed to move their
automobiles during the day without the permission of the administration. Once the
car is parked it is to remain parked until the end of the school day.
Students are not allowed to sit in or occupy vehicles during any part of the school
Seniors may park to the east of the administration building. All other students are
to park in the Harrison parking area.
Students in after school athletics/ activities may not move their car from the Senior
Parking lot in order to attend practice.
No student parking is allowed on the streets that surround the campus.
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Vocational Work Areas
Students are not permitted in the shop areas unless enrolled in class or by
permission of the instructor. All vocational classes are designed to simulate onthe-job working conditions. Because of the danger involved around machines,
students must conform to the following safety regulations: Long, loose hair must
be covered, pinned, or styled so that it does not hang loose. Footwear must be
worn so that both the top and the bottom of the foot are covered. Safety glasses
must be worn as required by state law.
Loose fitting clothing that is dangerous around machinery shall not be worn. A
covering apron or coveralls are required. Shirts must be worn in the shop area at
all time.
Student visitors will not be allowed during regular class hours.
All adult visitors must report to the principal’s office to register and obtain a visitor
badge. No pre-school children are allowed to visit unless accompanied by a
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Athletic and Activities Drug and Alcohol Free Policy:
The Labette County High School Athletic/Activities Policy is designed to create a positive,
healthy, safe and drug free atmosphere for student-athletes.
Labette County High School recognizes that the use of alcohol, illegal prescription
medication, marijuana, cocaine, and other harmful drugs and controlled substances as
defined by Kansas statutes, and non-prescription steroids, all of which shall be referred to
herein as “substances”, decreases the long term Athletic/Activity performance, increases
the probability for personal injury and physical damage, and lessen the chance for a
student to reach his/her full measure of excellence.
Policy – “Participation in Athletics/Activities” shall include the period of time covered by
practice, preparation, performance, games, attendance or competitions in
This policy will be in effect starting on the 1st day of practice/ participation
(August), to the Last day of June.
Rule – During participation in Athletics/Activities the student shall not: 1.) Use or possess
a beverage containing alcohol, including but not limited to cereal malt beverages 2.) Use,
consume, possess, buy, sell, give away, or transfer illegal prescription medication,
marijuana, cocaine, controlled substances or non-prescription steroids.
Violations and Penalties:
1st Offense
For the first Confirmed Violation, the student shall be suspended from participation in all
activities including meetings, practices, performances, or competitions either as a
spectator or participant for nine (9) weeks.
It is recommended, not required, that the student schedule a drug and alcohol
assessment from a local Mental Health agency and follow all recommendations, at the
parent’s expense. Ineligibility may be reduced to three (3) weeks if this option is pursued.
(Session 1- Initial Contact, Session 2- Admissions Intake, Session 3 and beyond- Drug
and Alcohol Counseling)
Treatment will occur until a recommendation of completion from the Mental Health agency
is communicated to school administration by the parent.
A student may be eligible for activities after three (3) weeks as long as weekly
documentation requirements are met.
*Weekly reports requested by the student and/or parent from the Mental Health agency
must be provided to LCHS Administration, indicating:
a. Student is fully participating in treatment.
b. Student is attending all scheduled appointments.
Note: Failure to provide weekly documentation will result in a reinstatement of the 9 week
suspension from activities, from the date of the original infraction.
2nd Offense
For the second Confirmed Violation, the student shall be suspended from participation in
all extracurricular activities for 1 calendar year. Any further offenses after the second
confirmed violation will result in suspension from all extracurricular activities while the
student is enrolled at Labette County High School.
Clubs and School Organizations
v Local, State and National Future Farmers of America - FFA
v Local, State and National Family, Career, and Community Leaders of
America - FCCLA
v Local, State and National SKILLS/USA
v Future Business Leaders of America - FBLA
v National Honor Society (Grade Point Average requirement)
v Tri-M (Choral Music students)
v KAY - Kansas Association for Youth
v Student Council (elected by classmates)
v Rachel’s Challenge
v SADD - Students Against Destructive Decisions
v Library Club
v “L” Club - Letterman’s Club
v Chess Club
v FCA - Fellowship of Christian Athletes
v Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Classes
v Global Expeditions (Foreign Language students)
v International Thespian Society (Speech & Drama students)
v Stage Band (Instrumental Music students)
v Pep Club
v Art Club
v Math Club
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Activity periods are held on the first four Wednesdays of the month unless
other schedule changes are made which conflict with these days. A club card is
needed for a student to be released to an activity. Any student who does not
take part in a particular activity on the designated day has to remain in the
seventh period classroom. Their instructor can give them permission to be in
another class by receiving an approved hall pass. Students may hold conferences
this period by appointment with teachers or the counselor to receive help and to
make up back work.
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The Activity Period schedule is as follows:
First Wednesday - Stage Band - Room HH221
FBLA - Little Theater
Chess Club - Library
SADD - Cafeteria
Art Club – Room 113
Math Club – Room 201
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Red Card
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Second Wednesday FFA - Little Theater
Blue Card
“L” Club - Harrison Gym
Library Club - Cafeteria
Global Expeditions – Room 105
JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates) – Room 215
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Third Wednesday - Skills USA - Little Theater
Yellow Card
Tri-M - Room HH221
National Honor Society - Grizzly Den
KAY – Cafeteria
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Fourth Wednesday- Pep Club – HH234
Green Card
International Thespian Society – Harrison Auditorium
FCCLA – Room 121
FCA - Cafeteria
Rachel’s Challenge - Library
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Green Card
Pep Club – HH234- Room 110
Extra Curricular Activities
Labette County High School offers the following KSHSAA activities for students:
v Girls / Boys Tennis
v Girls / Boys Cross Country
v Girls Volleyball
v Boys Football
v Girls / Boys Basketball
v Boys Wrestling
v Boys Baseball
v Girls / Boys Track
v Girls Softball
v Girls / Boys Golf
v Girls Swimming
v Instrumental music – Concert band, solos and ensembles
v Vocal music – Large group, solos and ensembles
v Spirit Groups – Cheerleading & Dance Team
v Student Council
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You are eligible to participate if:
1. You passed at least five new subjects (those not previously passed of
unit weight, or its equivalency, the previous semester or the last
semester of attendance.
2. You shall be enrolled in and attending a minimum of five new subjects
(those not previously passed), of unit weight, or its equivalency, during
the present semester.
3. You are a bona fide undergraduate member of your school and a
“student in good standing.”
4. A student who uses any form of tobacco, illegal drugs, alcoholic
beverages, etc., at school events is not in good standing.
5. A student who uses anabolic steroids would be ineligible for
interscholastic competition until such time as medical evidence can be
presented that his/her system is free of that drug.
6. A student shall be in attendance for a significant part of the school day
to be eligible to participate in a school sponsored activity.
7. Summer school is not to be used for making up credit deficiencies for
the purpose of becoming eligible.
8. A student cannot compete under an assumed name.
These guidelines are in accordance with KSHSAA.
For Middle/Junior and Senior High School Counselors to Determine Eligibility
When Enrolling Students Schools may have stricter rules than those pertaining to the questions listed
below. Contact the principal or Athletic Director on any matter of eligibility. A student, to be eligible to
participate in interscholastic activities, must be certified by the school principal as meeting all eligibility
All KSHSAA rules and regulations are published in the official KSHSAA Handbook which is distributed
annually and is available at your school principal’s office. A brief summary of some of the rules pertaining
to eligibility is listed below. If you have questions, please ask your principal.
RULE 7 Physical Examination — Parental Consent: Students shall have passed an adequate physical
examination given by an approved health care provider and have the written consent of their parents or
legal guardian. Students and parents must sign and submit the school's Concussion and Head Injury Form
required by state law.
RULE 14 Bona Fide Student: Eligible students shall be a bona fide undergraduate member of his/her
school in good standing.
RULE 15 Enrollment/Attendance: Students must be regularly enrolled and in attendance not later than
Monday of the fourth week of the semester in which they participate.
RULE 16 Semester Requirements: A student shall not have more than two semesters of possible eligibility
in grade seven and two semesters in grade eight. A student shall not have more than eight consecutive
semesters of possible eligibility in grades nine through twelve, regardless of whether the ninth grade is
included in a junior high or in a senior high school.NOTE: If a student does not participate or is ineligible
due to transfer, scholarship, etc., the semester(s) during that period shall be counted toward the total number
of semesters possible.
RULE 17 Age Requirements: Students are eligible if they are not 19 years of age (16, 15 or 14 for junior
high or middle school student) on or before August 1 of the school year in which they compete.
RULE 18 Transfer: If a student changes schools without a move on the part of his/her parents, they are
ineligible for eighteen weeks.
BEGINNING SEVENTH GRADER — A seventh grader, at the beginning of his or her seventh grade
year, is eligible under the
Transfer Rule at any school in the vicinity of home, which he or she may choose to attend.
graders of a three-year junior high are treated equally to ninth graders of a four-year senior high school, a
student who has successfully completed the eighth grade of a two-year middle/junior high school, may
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transfer to the ninth grade of a three-year junior high school at the beginning of the school year and be
eligible immediately under the Transfer Rule. Such a ninth grader must then, as a tenth grader, attend the
feeder senior high school of their school system. If they attend a different school as a tenth grader, they
would be ineligible for eighteen weeks.
ENTERING HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE FIRST TIME — A senior high student is eligible under the
Transfer Rule at any senior high school he or she may choose to attend when senior high school is entered
for the first time at the beginning of the school year.
RULE 19 Undue Influence: “The enrollment in a school, the transfer from one school to another, or the
failure to transfer from one school to another because of undue influence by anyone connected, directly or
indirectly (including alumni associations, booster groups and similar organizations) with a member school,
shall cause the student to forfeit eligibility for a period not to exceed 365 days. Such conduct shall also
jeopardize the school’s standing in the Association and shall result in such other action as the Executive
Board deems appropriate.”
RULE 20 & 21 Amateur and Awards Rules: Students are eligible if they have not competed under a
false name or for money or merchandise of intrinsic value, and have observed all other provisions of the
Amateur and Awards Rules.
RULE 22 Outside Competition: Students may not engage in outside competition in the same sport during
a season in which they are representing their school. NOTE: Consult the coach, athletic director or
principal before participating individually or on a team in any game, training session, contest, or tryout
conducted by an outside organization.
RULE 25 Anti-Fraternity: Students are eligible if they are not members of any fraternity or other
organization prohibited by law or by the rules of the KSHSAA.
RULE 26 Anti-Tryout and Private Instruction: Students are eligible if they have not participated in
training sessions or tryouts held by colleges or other outside agencies or organizations in the same sport
while a member of a school athletic team.
RULE 30 Seasons of Sport: Students are not eligible for more than four seasons in one sport in a four-year
high school, three seasons in a three-year high school or two seasons in a two-year high school.
Yes ____ No ____ 1. Are you a bona fide student in good standing in school? (If there is a question, your
principal will make that determination.)
Yes ____ No ____ 2. Did you pass at least five new subjects (those not previously passed) last semester?
(The KSHSAA has a minimum regulation which requires you to pass at least five subjects of unit weight in
your last semester of attendance.)
Yes ____ No ____ 3. Are you planning to enroll in at least five new subjects (those not previously
passed) of unit weight this coming semester? (The KSHSAA has a minimum regulation which requires you
to enroll and be in attendance in at least five subjects of unit weight.)
Yes ____ No ____ 4. Did you attend this school or a feeder school in your district last semester? If the
answer is “no” to Question 4, please answer:
a. Do you reside with your parents? Yes _____ No _____
b. If you reside with your parents, have they made a permanent and bona fide move into your school’s
attendance center?
Yes _____ No _____
NOTE: If a negative response is given to any of these questions, the counselor should have this
enrollee contact his/her administrator in charge of evaluating eligibility. This should be done before
the student is allowed to attend his/her first class and prior to thefirst activity practice. If questions
still exist, the school administrator should telephone the KSHSAA for a final determination of
eligibility. (Schools shall process a Certificate of Transfer Form T-E on ALL transfer students.)
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Attendance requirements pertaining to Activities/ Athletics
Students must be present for at least 5 of 7 class periods in order to be eligible to
participate or attend any/all school sponsored activities.
School Dances
Admission to school dances will be closed forty-five minutes after the start of the
function. LCHS students will be required to show a student identification badge
prior to admittance.
All school and district rules and policies are in effect at all school related events.
All students who wish to attend dances will be required to participate in a breath
test prior to admittance.
Positive identification for alcohol will result in:
1. Parents being required to come to school to pick up their student.
2. Student will be suspended from school for a minimum of 5 school days.
3. Student will be held accountable to the Athletic and Activities Drug and
Alcohol Free Policy
The following criteria for Prom attendance is utilized:
1. All students, except Freshman students, are eligible to attend the LCHS Jr./
Sr. Prom if:
a. They are a current 11th/ 12th grade student, or
b. Escorted by a current LCHS 11th or 12th grade student, and
c. Are enrolled in the Drug Screening Pool.
Guests of LCHS students will be permitted for Homecoming, Tamasha and Prom,
1. Application of out of school date is approved.
2. Student is no older than 20 on the date of the event.
3. Student is in grade 10 or higher in their home school, or 16 years old, if not
attending a public school.
4. Inappropriate behavior including “Grinding” or other explicit forms of
dancing will result in the student not being eligible to attend any future
dances, for the remainder of the current school year.
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LCHS Random Extra-Curricular Drug Testing Policy:
Informed Consent for Testing
At the beginning of each semester, students choosing to participate in any extracurricular
activities and their parent/guardian/custodians will complete and sign the Informed
Consent Agreement and Release of Information Form for the Medical Review Officer.
All students wishing to participate in extracurricular activities as defined must have the
forms completed, signed, and on file with the Labette County High School administration
before participating, including practices, no later than 10 days after the start of the
semester. Student forms from 1st semester will be carried over to 2nd semester. Transfer
students will have 10 days from their date of enrollment to complete and return
-Failure to turn in properly completed and signed forms by the appropriate
date will render the student ineligible for extracurricular activities during the
current school year. Those students enrolled in classes which result in graded
performances or competitions will be given alternate but equivalent assignments in place
of performances or competitions when necessary.
-Any student participating in extracurricular activities with the proper paperwork
on file will be included in the pool of students who are subject to random drug testing.
-“Extracurricular activity” means any school-sponsored activities outside the
regular course of study including:
A. Activities involving competition, judging, or comparison of individuals or
groups. Activities included are, but not limited to, all athletic programs,
cheerleading, dance, band, choir, Skills USA, HOSA, FCCLA, FFA, and FBLA.
B. Activities considered noncompetitive but school sponsored are National
Honor Society, KAY, SADD, STUCO, Yearbook, ITH, drama productions, school
dances, and weightlifting. This is not an all-inclusive list.
Selection Process
Upon receipt of all Informed Consent paperwork, students will be assigned a number
(student I.D. Number will be used). On the day of sample collection, numbers will be
drawn by electronic random selection and then corresponded to a previously numbered
student. Student samples will be collected each month. Student selection will be done
randomly by Labette Health, using a computer random selection program. Labette County
High School may opt to test all students in activities prior to the season of activity.
In situations where a student is absent, an alternate student will be randomly selected and
the absent student will be placed on the next available test date.
Sample Collection
Random samples will be collected by the Urine Drug Screen Collector, as determined by
Labette County High School administration and the USD #506 approved collection
agency’s administration, each month school is in session beginning in September and
lasting through May. Students will be discretely removed from class, will have a sample
collected, and be returned to class in order to maintain confidentiality. The specific dates
of sample collection will remain confidential between Labette County High School and
the collection agency. Samples will be tested by the Medical Review Officer as selected
by Labette Health. Preliminary positive test samples will automatically be required to
undergo further testing in order to have a Confirmatory Positive test.
Wanda McGuire 6/5/2015 9:13 AM
Wanda McGuire 6/5/2015 9:13 AM
1st Offense
For the first Confirmed Violation, the student shall be suspended from participation in all
activities including meetings, practices, performances, or competitions either as a
spectator or participant for nine (9) weeks.
It is recommended, not required, that the student schedule a drug and alcohol
assessment from a local Mental Health agency and follow all recommendations, at the
parent’s expense. Ineligibility may be reduced to three (3) weeks if this option is pursued.
(Session 1- Initial Contact, Session 2- Admissions Intake, Session 3 and beyond- Drug
and Alcohol Counseling)
Treatment will occur until a recommendation of completion from the Mental Health agency
is communicated to school administration by the parent.
A student may be eligible for activities after three (3) weeks as long as weekly
documentation requirements are met.
*Weekly reports requested by the student and/or parent from the Mental Health agency
must be provided to LCHS Administration, indicating:
a. Student is fully participating in treatment.
b. Student is attending all scheduled appointments.
Note: Failure to provide weekly documentation will result in a reinstatement of the 9 week
suspension from activities, from the date of the original infraction.
2nd Offense
For the second positive test, the student shall be suspended from participation in all
extracurricular activities for 1 calendar year. Any further offenses after the second positive
test will result in suspension from all extracurricular activities while the student is enrolled
at Labette County High School.
1. -Suspensions under this policy may carry over into the following school year.
2. -Written documentation with dates and facilitator signatures on office letterhead is
required to acknowledge completion of an evaluation/education program.
3. -A student refusing to submit a sample upon being randomly selected will be
considered in violation. The refusal will be treated as a positive test.
4. -The building administrator will notify the parent/guardian/custodian first then the
student upon confirmation from the Medical Review Officer of a Confirmatory
Positive test.
5. -Any Confirmatory Positive test may be appealed to the testing agency’s
designated Doctor within 72 hours of notification. Contact information is provided
upon parent notification by the school administrator.
Non Academic punitive Nature of Policy
Student’s will not be penalized academically for testing positive for illegal drugs. Those
students enrolled in classes which result in graded performances or competitions will be
given alternate but equivalent assignments in place of performances or competitions when
necessary. The results of a random urine drug test will not be documented in any
student’s academic records. Information regarding the results of drug tests may be
disclosed to criminal or juvenile authorities through court order or subpoena. In the event
of such communication, the student’s parent/guardian/custodian will be notified prior to
the release of information.
Under the provision of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents
of students and eligible students (those who are 18 or older) are afforded various rights
with regard to educational records, which are kept and maintained by Labette County
USD 506. In accordance with FERPA, you are required to be notified of those rights,
which include:
1) The rights to review and inspect all of your educational records, except those,
which are specifically exempted.
2) The right to prevent disclosure of personally identifiable information contained
in your educational records to other persons with certain limited exceptions.
Disclosure of information from your educational records to other persons will
occur only if:
a. we have your prior written consent for disclosure;
b. the information is considered “directory information” and you have not
objected to the release of such information; or
c. disclosure without consent is permitted by law.
3) The right to request that your educational records be amended if you believe that
the records are misleading, inaccurate, or otherwise in violation of your rights.
This right includes the right to request a hearing at which you may present
evidence to show why the record should be changed if your request for an
amendment to your records are denied in the first instance.
4) The right to file a complaint with the Family Policy and Regulations Office at the
U.S. Department of Education if you believe that USD 506 has failed to comply
with FERPA’s requirements.
5) The right to obtain a copy of USD 506’s policies for complying with FERPA. A copy
may be obtained from the office of the superintendent, 401 S. High School Street,
Altamont, Kansas 67330.
For purposes of FERPA, USD 506 has designated certain information contained in
educational records as directory information; which may be disclosed for any purpose
without your consent. The following information is considered directory information:
student name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, participation in
officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams,
dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous school
attended by the student, class designation, major field of study and photographs.
You have a right to refuse to permit the designation of any or all of the above information
as directory information. If you refuse, you must file written notification to this effect with
USD 506 at the office of the Superintendent, 401 S. High School Street, Altamont, Kansas
67330 on or before September 10 of each school year. If a refusal is not filed, USD 506
assumes that there is no obligation to the release of the designated directory information.
2016-2017 School Calendar
Shane Holtzman 3/22/2016 2:23 PM
Formatted: Font:Times, 11 pt
Recommendation to Purchase Chromebooks
Year 2
by 155)
Year 3
by 156)
Cost Breakdown
Chromebook - $200
License Fee - $30
Charge and Store Cart - $1,300
Total Cost for 1 cart of 25 Chromebooks - $7,050
LCHS - 3 Carts of 25 - $21,150
MVIEW 3 Carts of 25 - $21,150
AGS 1 Cart of 25 - $7,050
EGS 1 Cart of 25 - $7,050
BGS 1 Cart of 25 - $7,050
MVAL 1 Cart of 25 - $7,050
Total Cost for all Schools - $70,500
USD 506 – Labette County
June bills and financial reports
Total Bills:
Presented June 13, 2016 for Board Approval
Executive Session
School board business is public business and all official board action should be
taken in open session. Executive sessions may sometimes be needed, however,
to discuss matters prior to board action. By statute (K.S.A. 75-4319) no subjects
shall be discussed at any closed or executive session, except the following:
Ø Personnel matters of nonelected personnel.
Ø To discuss matters affecting a student(s).
Ø To discuss confidential financial data or trade secrets of a business.
Ø Consultation with an attorney for the board, which would be deemed,
privileged in the attorney-client relationship.
Ø To discuss negotiations.
Ø To have preliminary discussions about the acquisition of real property.
Ø To discuss matters relating to the security of the board or the school.
I move that the board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing
personnel matters for non-elected personnel; and that the board return to the
open meeting at ___________o’clock in this room. The executive session is
required to protect the privacy interests of an identifiable individual.
I move that the board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing
negotiations; and that the board return to the open meeting at
___________o’clock in this room.