discografia de u2


discografia de u2
sta revista digital no habría visto la luz sin
sus intrépidos/as escritores/as. A continuación os presentó a cada uno de ellos:
2FM — U2fanlife Magazine, es una revista digital, dedicada al grupo de música
Rock irlandés U2, que contara con una tirada de 2 ejemplares anuales, siendo éste
el primer número. El segundo número aparecerá a finales del año 2008.
esde U2fanlifemagazine.com, podrás seguir el desarrollo de cada uno de los números de esta revista digital. El equipo de editores de U2FM (Caro Crisosto Carrasco,
César Daniel López Vidal Chein, Jordi Curto Duart y yo mismo, Iván Benito García), ira
escribiendo artículos en esta página y recibiendo comentarios en cada uno de nuestros
post, hasta conseguir una edición final en pdf.
uestros comentarios son importantes. Vuestras opiniones son importantes. U2FM se
hace entre tod@s.
l propósito de U2FM, es lograr conocer un poco mejor a U2, sobre todo a lo largo
de 2008, ya que a finales de año se espera que U2 edite su nuevo álbum de estudio.
Mientras tanto, que mejor manera de aproximarnos a Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton y
Larry Mullen Jr., que analizando sus álbumes, sus videos o las letras de sus canciones.
Conoceremos mejor la personalidad de cada uno de ellos y veremos como son vistos a
través de fans de todo el mundo.
2 Rocks!!!!
ésar Daniel López Vidal Chein: Que
decir de este joven Mexicano. Su juventud no le ha impedido demostrar, artículo
a artículo, que es un excelente redactor y
un gran fan de U2. U2 sigue cautivando a
las nuevas generaciones y César es un buen
ejemplo de ello. Sus puntos de vista han sido
inestimables para que U2FM se convierta en
ordi Curto Duart: Tal y como el mismo me
comento en su día para entrar a participar
en U2FM, es un seguidor español de U2 desde
1991 y su pasión por la banda le ha llevado
a crear el blog Achtungu2j35.blogspot.com.
Simplemente: ¡Visitad su Blog!. Merece la
pena. De verdad.
ván Benito García: Me presento a mi
mismo. Soy el creador de u2fanlife.com,
planetau2.com, u2fanlife.blogspot.com, y
promotor de U2FM desde Madrid, España. El
primer disco de U2 que tuve en mis manos
fue The Joshua Tree y desde entonces U2 ha
formado parte de mi vida. Todos los recuerdos
que tengo, tanto buenos como malos, tienen
como banda sonora una canción de U2.
na fan de Chile, otro de México y dos
de España unidos por una pasión
común: U2. No puede haber nada más meritorio que eso. Muchas a gracias a tod@s por
leer U2FM.
ván Benito García, Madrid, España. 23 de
Mayo de 2008
aro Crisosto Carrasco: Tal vez la fan
numero 1 de U2 en Chile y seguro que
la fan numero 1 de Bono a nivel mundial. Ella
misma se define como “la novia de Bono” (con
permiso expreso de Alison Hewson), así que
con esto esta todo dicho. Si queréis conocerla
un poco mejor, seguid sus comentarios en
u2fanlife.blogspot.com y podréis ver a U2 a
través de sus ojos.
Agradecimientos - licencia - créditos
Quiero agradecer la oportunidad que se me ha brindado a través de este medio, de
poder comunicar mis gustos hacia la banda y dar a conocer parte de lo que ella forma en
mi vida diaria. Así mismo, a Iván, por crear esta idea y gestionar gran parte de la revista, a mis amigos, que sin duda, escuchan y fomentan mi espíritu y a mi novio Bono, que cada día hace que me
sienta orgullosa de seguirlos como fan.
ordi: Empezaré por agradecer a Iván, el permitirme formar parte de esta aventura, en todo
momento divertida, que es nuestra revista. Impresiona el ver como algo que te gusta a ti,
en verdad, no es solo tuyo, sino de tanta gente. Menciono especialmente a Caro Crisosto Carrasco,
César Daniel López Vidal, y como no, al artífice de todo lo que veréis, Iván Benito García, gracias por
todo lo que habéis hecho hasta ahora por la revista, y lo que seguro haréis en un futuro próximo.
Thank´s a todos los que con vuestros comentarios en los diferentes escritos, hacéis que esto sea
una realidad. Claro, como no, agradecer a Bono, Edge, Larry y Adam, todo lo que hacéis por los
fans, seguidores de vuestra música, de vuestro compromiso con las causas difíciles, animadores de
momentos complicados en la vida de todos nosotros. Gracias de todo corazón. Como final quisiera
dedicar todo mi trabajo en la revista, a mi tio Joan, que murió hace un año y medio, una persona
que nunca olvidaré, que me enseñó, que en la vida hay que luchar por los sueños, hasta convertirlos en realidad. ¨Allà on sigues el meu cor es amb tu¨(allá donde estés, mi corazón esta contigo).
En primer lugar, me gustaría agradecer a Caro, Cesar y Jordi todo el trabajo que han realizado. Escribir esta revista digital ha merecido la pena gracias a ellos. En segundo lugar, me
gustaría agradecerle a Merche (un beso enorme desde aquí) toda la paciencia que ha tenido conmigo. Estar al lado de un fan de U2 como yo a veces no es nada fácil. Y por último, me gustaría agradecerle a Larry Mullen Jr. que pusiera esa nota en el tablón de anuncios de su instituto solicitando
componentes para formar una banda de música rock. Mi vida no habría sido lo mismo sin U2.
a tod@s: ¡Muchas gracias por leer U2fanlife Magazine! Os esperamos en el segúndo número
de la revista.
uedes ponerte en contacto a través del e-mail: u2fanlife@gmail.com o dejar tus comentarios
en las páginas web:
En primer lugar me gustaría agradecer a el genio detrás de las páginas U2 Fan Life,
no todos los días participo, pero trato la mayoría de los días actualizarme con datos que
sube el mejor webmaster del mundo: Iván Benito, tu ya eres el ultimo integrante que se unió a
U2. En segundo lugar pero no menos importante, Carolina Crisosto ella siempre me ha dado una
perspectiva más humana de la banda, y he aprendido otras tantas cosas de Chile gracias a ella. Caro
y Calvin ustedes son mi familia repartida en el mundo. También me gustaría agradecer a mi familia,
quienes han soportado cada capricho relacionado con la banda siempre dándome la cara buena en
las situaciones. Gracias al manual de cómo desmantelar una bomba atómica, mi primer disco de U2,
pero no el último, gracias U2 por cambiar el mundo.
Agradecimientos - licencia - créditos
Esta obra está bajo una licencia Reconocimiento-No comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia
2.5 España de Creative Commons. Para ver una copia de esta licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/es/ o envie una carta a Creative Commons, 171 Second Street,
Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA.
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Bajo las condiciones siguientes:
Reconocimiento. Debe reconocer los créditos de la obra de la manera especificada por el autor o el licenciador (pero no de una manera que sugiera que tiene su apoyo o apoyan el uso
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Alguna de estas condiciones puede no aplicarse si se obtiene el permiso del titular de los
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Nada en esta licencia menoscaba o restringe los derechos morales del autor.
El grupo de música U2 esta formado por: The Edge: Guitar player, Bono: Singer, Larry Mullen Jr.:
Drummer y Adam Clayton: Bass Player.
Todas las imágenes pertenecen a sus respectivos autores. Los enlaces a páginas web externas solo
tienen un fin informativo, y no se asume ninguna responsabilidad legal sobre ellos.
Letras de canciones de U2: Todas las letras que aparecen en U2FANLIFE MAGAZINE, son transcripciones recogidas de la página web oficial de U2: U2.com Lyrics
U2 albums /singles: Record Label CBS Records, Island Records, Mercury Records, Interscope Records
U2 Music y Lyrics publicadas por Blue Mountain Music Ltd (UK)/Mother Music Ltd (Irlanda)/PolyGram
International Music.
U2 Recordings propiedad de Universal International Music.
Crisosto. Desde Chile.
Daniel López. Desde México
E ditor: Jordi Curto. Desde España
E ditor, Coordinador y Diseño: Iván Benito. Desde España
Copiar, distribuir y comunicar públicamente la obra
Hacer obras derivadas
6 DE GUSTOS Y TENDENCIAS. Escrito por Caro el 6 de Diciembre, 07
8 MI LOCURA POR U2. Escrito por Jordi el 26 de Noviembre, 07
9 LA PASIÓN POR U2. Escrito por Cesar el 16 de Octubre, 07
9 AQUÍ, TAMBIÉN SE VIVE U2. Escrito por Caro el 9 de Octubre, 07
10 LOS DISCOS. Escrito por Cesar el 7 de Enero, 08
12 LAS MEJORES 24 CANCIONES DE U2. Escrito por Cesar el 2 de Mayo, 08
13 LOS MEJORES 10 VÍDEOS DE U2. Escrito por Cesar el 24 de Enero, 08
14 U23D: LA PELICULA QUE CAMBIO EL MUNDO. Escrito por Iván el 23 de Mayo, 08
16 ENO Y LANOIS. Escrito por Jordi el 9 de Marzo, 08
16 U2 y THE RAMONES. Escrito por Cesar el 29 de Octubre 29, 07
Escrito por Caro el 20 de Enero, 08
Escrito por Jordi el 13 de Diciembre, 07
19 SUS LETRAS (I) y (II). Escrito por Jordi el 21 y el 28 de Diciembre, 07
Escrito por Cesar el 10 de Noviembre, 07
Escrito por Iván a lo largo de 2007-2008
ara comenzar, busque a
dos tipos de personas para
realizar mis incertidumbres y es
así, como me inserte en el lado
romántico, en el de las letras en
español, en esas que hablan de
amores no correspondidos, en
amores esperados, hablo de las
baladas y a su contrario, en el
lado del baile, de la coreografía,
en el lado de lo que ahora se
canta y se vende mucho, el
famoso regeton, estilo musical
muy de moda en estos lados
del continente y con mucha
influencia hacia los jóvenes.
eguido de esto, trate de ser
muy precavida y de poco
ofensiva, porque si bien no me
gustan estos estilos, trataría
de respetar los gustos y de no
influir con los míos, aunque no
puedo negar que en oportunidades me dieron ganas de
Leamos lo que resultó:
i bien podría comenzar a
escribir una larga lista de
canciones que me gustan de
U2, y los momentos que me
evocan con el solo hecho de
nombrarlas, creo que seria poco
serio de mi parte y además
hasta un poco egoísta, porque
en gustos no hay nada escrito.
Pues bien, sé que algunos de
los que escribimos para esta
revista podrían decir lo mismo,
pero no se me ocurrió nada más
original, que conversar con dos
personas neutrales, que si bien
conocen la banda, es muy poco
lo que influye U2 en su vida,
muy diferente como lo hace en
la mía, porque el estilo de estos
personajes, se puede considerar
más colectivo.
Escrito por Caro el 6 de Diciembre, 2007
Consideras que el estilo de
música que escuchas, puede
servir de referente para U2?.
Cuál es la canción de U2 que
más conoces?.
R: mmmm Sunday Bloody SunRegeton (R): considero que si, la
música de
B: City of Blinding
u2 tam"¿Qué conoces de U2
bién tiene
aparte de que son una
un fuerte
(En esta parte,
debo reconoR: Las campañas medio
de critica
cer que espere
ambientales en que parsocial y
la mención de
ticipan y la ayuda social
ambiental, que fomentan, el trabajo
internacional que también
que es en
Qué conoces
parte de la
de U2 aparte
música que
de que son
una banda?.
Baladista (B): No, porque su estilo
es radicalmente distinto (aunque
con algunos matices), de lo que generalmente escucho yo.
Crees que tu cantante favorito, en este momento, pueda
trascender en una carrera de
más de 20 años, como lo ha hecho
R: si, ya tienen una carrera de más de
algunos años.
B: sí, ¡por supuesto!, ya lo hizo.
R: Las campañas medio ambientales
en que participan y la ayuda social
que fomentan, el trabajo internacional que también realizan con la
B: que son un grupo defensor de la
naturaleza y derechos humanos y
amantes de la paz.
Continua en la página siguiente....
Qué impresión te dió, el saber que cuando vinieron a Chile el 2006, se agotaron
las entradas casi a los 2 días?.
B: Que fue la
ansiedad de
escuchar a tu
grupo ídolo, la
que actúo de
esa forma.
B: si, pero eso de
Cristo no lo sabia.
Consideras que
los integrantes
de U2 son personas influyentes
en la historia de la
R: Es obvio (risas),
porque creo que no
han marcado sólo en
la música, sino que
en muchos ámbitos
B: Muchos de los
grupos rock, me da
la impresión, que son
fanáticos de U2, por lo tanto, es un referente
ideal para ellos, para mi estilo, creo que también,
pero en el sentido de la consolidación que tiene la banda.
que U2
Concierto de U2 Vertigo Tour en Madrid, año 2005
Por qué el
estilo de música de U2, no te gusta personalmente?.
R: No soy fanático de U2,
pero eso no dice que no me
guste o me pueda gustar
con el tiempo.
R: algo, pero no sabia que de Cristo, todos los
días se aprende algo
tiene éxito, por ser sus
canciones en inglés?.
R: Considero que tienen
éxito porque su música
es buena, cercana y real”
B: Porque no me he dedicado a escucharlos y a
encontrarle el encanto a su
música. Si me encantó una
canción de ellos, que es la
que mencioné antes, quizás lo más probable, es
que su estilo en general igual me guste.
Consideras que U2 tiene éxito, por ser sus
canciones en inglés?.
R: Considero que tienen éxito porque su
música es buena, cercana y real.
B: Creo que gran parte de su éxito es por ser un
grupo que canta en inglés. El resto considero
que es por su estilo.
inalmente, no pude
quedarme con la idea de
mencionar muchas cosas
más, y deje bien claro que
U2, no sólo es y será siendo
historia junto a sus canciones,
sino que seguirán siendo una
banda de rock con un potencial para decir muchas cosas y así generar cambios en la sociedad,
quizás un poco a su manera y representando lo
fiel que es el rock and roll en plenitud, así como
sólo ellos en estos años, lo han sabido hacer.
(Agradecimientos: Raúl D.P, Rodrigo J.).
R: Envidia sana, porque tienen un público amplio, son una excelente banda y fue una muy
buena oportunidad de verla,
o sea es seguro
que pasa una
de años para
que vuelvan, y
aunque no me
gusten como
grupos, me
perdí ver en
vivo una banda
del nivel de U2.
Conocías la existencia de que las letras
de U2, en su mayoría hablan de Cristo, de
política, de causas sociales, de pobreza y
no precisamente de amor?.
e tenido la suerte, supongo que
compartida por muchos otros, de
poder verles en directo en dos ocasiones, la primera fue en 1997, durante
la gira de PopMart Tour, en el estadio
Olímpico junto con 61.000 forofos más.
El día se levantó nublado,
y se temía que el concierto
pudiera ser suspendido,
pero al fin, para regocijo
de los fans tuvimos lo que
tanto habíamos deseado,
dos horas de puro espec-
Como empezó todo? para mí es fácil
de responder, el día que compré el
disco Achtung Baby allá por 1991.Recuerdo perfectamente como fue, que sentí
al ver el cassette (sí, en aquella época
era de lo más corriente), los ojos como
platos al ver la tapa, tan coloreada, tan
llena de fotos, y mi pregunta fue lo
más lógica que podía hacer: Esto es el
nuevo disco de U2? pues si. Subí a casa
rápidamente y lo puse enseguida en
el walkman, y aluciné. Que sonido tan
lleno de color, de frescura, que diferente
a lo oído por mí anteriormente, ese, y
no otro es mi comienzo en mi devoción
por estos cuatro músicos.
Escrito por Jordi el 26 de Noviembre, 2007
odo empezó a eso de las 11 de la mañana, pasando a buscar a dos colegas,
Pepe, y Antonio, por sus respectivos domicilios, y llegando a Barcelona dos horas
después, dos horas de coche llenas de la música de U2.Encontramos aparcamiento
fácilmente (cosa rara en Barna), ayudó supongo que era
agosto, que hacía buen tiempo(no, como en mi anterior
viaje),y que era temprano, después de una copiosa, y
generosa comida, nos dirigimos hacia los aledaños del
estadio Camp Nou, y ya a esa hora se respiraba el aroma
de que algo especial pasaría esa noche en ese lugar.
l concierto
de U2 Vertigo
Tour en Barcelona
o único desdeñable para mí en las más de cuatro horas de cola
que nos tocó sufrir, fue que nos dimos cuenta que aquello
superaba con creces a la organización del evento, siendo entre los
asistentes una opinión generalizada. Como anécdota solo diré que
por alguna extraña razón, debía parecer yo, alguien ducho en solucionar dudas, ya que más de diez personas me preguntaron por donde
podían entrar al recinto. Por eso mi opinión sobre el fallo en cuanto a
la organización. Por lo demás nada que objetar.
táculo. Fue apoteósico, y muy emotivo.
Se llenó un autobús de gente del sur de
Tarragona, y para nosotros compartir
eso fue único.
a segunda vez, hace dos años y pico
solo, fue casi, o sin casi, una experiencia religiosa. Lo gracioso del asunto
es que desde hace mucho tiempo, U2 se
ha convertido en una creencia para mí.
El Camp Nou. Que puedo decir de ese
uando superamos las puertas del estadio, y pasamos por el
embudo generado, supongo, para controlar la entrada, salimos
al césped, a eso de las 20 horas de la tarde. Llegamos justo cuando
empezaba el concierto de los Keane, (grandes músicos también),y
disfrutamos de algo más de una hora de canciones llenas de frescura.
Pero, lo mejor tenía que llegar y vaya si llegó.
las diez de la noche, se alzó el telón, y las más de 81.000 personas que llenábamos el Camp Nou, estallamos gritando el ya famoso ¨Un,dos,tres,catorce¨ de
Vertigo. A mí, me gusta creer y será la opinión de más de uno de ustedes, que los que
pudimos estar esa noche allí, mantendremos mientras vivamos ese recuerdo, de lo
que esos genios de la música Rock,nos regalaron el 8 de agosto de 2005. Fue algo
más allá de lo imaginable, y más allá de lo que nuestra imaginación colectiva puede
crear. Nuestra comunión fue completa, y esa velada nos hizo uno solo. Uno solo con
ellos, Bono, The Edge, Larry Mulllen Jr, Adam Clayton.
hank’s men. SalU2.
La pasión por U2
las cinco y media de
la mañana escucho
un bello sonido emanado
desde mi celular, la voz de Bono
comienza a entonar lo que ya
se ha vuelto un himno para
mi: “Beautiful Day”, así mi día
comienza con muchas energías
y ganas para vivir.
ero que es esto, puedo
desistir de mi auto más no
de U2, es más que una pasión,
recuerdo como si fuera ayer
aquellas tres mágicas noches en
que U2 se presento en México
con la gran gira Vertigo, mi gran
odisea por los estadios, aparte
debo pedir disculpas por no
haber asistido a los conciertos
del 97, pero bueno para esos
años yo tenia algo así como 9
quí, también se vive U2
años en la gira Popmart, también aprovecho para decir que
rataré de evadir algunos temas a medida que iré escribiendo en esta revista, como
ZooTV fue en el 93 con lo que
por ejemplo el fanatismo que tengo y entre esas cosas lo imparcial que me pongo
yo tendría 5 años, razón por la
cuando se trata de hablar de la banda.
cual no asistí.
Escrito por Cesar el 16 de Octubre, 2007
Escrito por Caro el 9 de Octubre, 2007
Que quien soy yo? César
Daniel, ¿Que desde cuando
estoy hechizado por la
magia de U2? Debe haber sido a mediados del
año 2001, ¿Cuantos años
tienes? 18 y si soy el más
joven de los escritores
de U2 Fan Life Magazine,
¿Que por que yo puedo
escribir aquí y tu no? Un
siglo de más comentarios en U2 Fan Life Blogspot me
avalan, ¿Cuanto me gusta U2?
Lo suficiente como para asociar
toda mi vida a ello, por ejemplo:
mi perro se llama “fly”, mi cuarto
es color rojo y negro, mi iPod
es el de U2 y en este solo caben
las canciones de U2, que cada
vez que alguien cuenta “uno,
dos, tres” no puedo evitar gritar
“¡Catorce!, entre otras.
uchos debemos reconocer que en gustos no hay nada escrito, y a mí felizmente, me
gusta una banda que aún está en trayectoria y puedo decir además, por mis gustos: cada
año mejor.
2 en
Chile y la
pasión de un
fan de U2
alU2 desde México
i experiencia, es bastante vaga e incluso, podríamos decir con
gusto a “poco” con la presencia de ellos en Chile, porque el
encontrarme casi al fin del mundo, no solo es desconocido por nombre mi país, sino también; lejano.
os oportunidades ha venido U2 a Chile., en las cuales han sido
recibidos como “reyes”. Si bien mi país no tiene la fama de tener
gusto a música “más alternativa” a lo que es reguetón, rancheras,
baladas románticas, étc., en las dos visitas de U2, (año 1998 y 2006),
las entradas han sido casi colapsadas a horas de venderse, por millones de jóvenes y adultos.
El fenómeno fue masivo el año pasado, febrero del 2006, el cual ya desde noviembre del año
anterior, se estaba promocionando el concierto y sus entradas, que saldrían a la venta en el
mes de diciembre, las cuales, en el mismo día, a las 00:00 hrs. estaban hasta colapsadas las
páginas de Internet para su compra.
s aquí cuando me pregunto; ¿ Qué tan masivo se hace un grupo, si incluso visitándonos
sólo en 2 oportunidades, no quiere faltar nadie a escucharlo?.
arece entonces que lo de poco popular, es solo mito en mi país, o puede ser que quizás
son las causas que ellos logran que también suena conocido para algunos, el nombre U2.
2: Nombre cortó y preciso. Una letra y un número…una frase que descifrar.
e gusta U2…y sé q “you Too”.
omo cualquier digno seguidor de U2
debe saber nuestra banda tiene once
discos (claro exceptuando recopilaciones,
discos en vivo y uno que otro disco raro
hecho por alguna banda muy parecida
que se cree pasajero de algún lugar), una
carrera musical muy basta, a su vez cada
uno de estos discos tienen la cualidad de
ser totalmente diferentes pero con una esencia parecida, lo cual hace que la banda
no se pierda.
ión acerca de un disco que de una canción
ya que esta ultima suele ser muy ambigua,
plurisignificativa y autotelica.
os tratare de calificar del uno al diez.
Pero mejor comenzare:
Letras simples, música
simple, pero mucho
corazón. Un gran inicio para
este articulo hablare de los discos,
Esi londaré
mi opinión acerca de los mismos;
se, es mucho más fácil dar una opin-
Escrito por Cesar el 7 de Enero, 2008
“No more!” a buscar justicia, eso
es lo que U2 logra aquí.
Mis favoritas del
disco: “Sunday Bloody
Sunday, New year day,
40, Two hearts beat as
one, Seconds”.
Un disco
“evangelizador” es el adjetivo más adecuado
Calificación: 9.5
para October, es uno de esos
discos que sigues escuchando
he unforgetsolo por que tu amor a U2 es tan
table Fire
grande que no te importa que las
letras sean un poco burdas y no
Otra vez las letras maduhaya mucho avance en los sonidos ras de Bono vuelven a aparede la banda.
cer. También de nueva cuenta
cualquier banda, augurando
aparece un suceso central en la
el éxito que se acercaba. Bono Mis favoritas del disco:
creación del disco: El asesinato
entregándose todos los matices
de Martin Luther King. Un disco
“Tomorrow y Gloria”.
de su voz, cabe destacar que
que ya no busca hacerte sentir
en el proceso del grabado de
Calificación: 6.5
rabia como War, este intenta
su música el estaba enfermo
formarte como mejor persona.
pero no influyo en
Canciones con una belleza
el resultado. Debo
extraordinaria la forman, este
de admitir que
disco aparte puede hacer que
Aquí ya sabes
también es uno de
hacia donde
mis discos favoritos
se dirige la banda, guitarde la banda.
razos fuertes, redobles de
Mis favoritas del
guerra, sonidos bélicos desde un
bajo, es imposible definir el sonido
“An Cat Dubh, I will follow, The de este disco. Las letras hacen una algunas lágrimas escapen de ti.
evolución total, se comprometen
electric Co., Stories of boys e
con el entorno exponiendo reali- Mis favoritas del disco: “Pride (In
Into the Heart”
dades, haciéndote sentir furioso al the name of love), Bad y MLK” .
Calificacion: 9
escuchar las letras, a querer gritar
Calificación: 9
he Joshua Tree
Esto señores y señoras
es la comunión de varios
estilos de música, una sinfonía
cargada de Rock, Blues, Reggae,
Rythm y otras más. Las letras
tan variadas como los estilos
que trata. El disco no tiene desperdicio alguno, es imposible
decir: “esta canción es la única
que no me gusta del disco” no
se puede el disco simplemente
es magia pura. Siendo muy
objetivo a mi parecer es el
mejor disco de su genero, si es
que acaso se le puede encasillar
en uno.
Mis favoritas del disco: “With or
without you, Where the streets
have no name, I still havent
found what Im looking for, One
Tree Hill, Red Hill Mining Town,
Bullet the Blue Sky, Mothers of
disappeared, Running tos tan
still, Exit”.
Calificación: 10
attle and Hum
Este es un disco folklórico
y muy criticado por que
ahora si U2 exagero en el manejo
Mis favoritas del disco: “One,
Mysterious Ways, Even Better tha
the real thing, Ultraviolet (Light
My Way), Until the end of the
world, Whos Gonna Ride Your
Wild Horses, The fly, Acrobat,
Love is blindness, So cruel, Tryin
To throw the arms around the
world, Zoo Station”.
Calificación: 10
Calificación: 8.5
Calificación: 8
chtung Baby
los años 90,
redefinió el
concepto musical para todos
los grupos, es
quizá el detonante para muchas
bandas nuevas copiando algunos
sonidos radicales de U2. Así como
uno de los integrantes lo definió
“Eramos cuatro hombres talando
a hachazos el árbol de Joshua”.
Rompiendo generos en sonido
y letras U2 presento su obra más
grande, acompañado de una gran
gira llena de espectáculo y pintorescos personajes. A mi parecer el
mejor disco en la historia de U2.
chtung Baby
La joya de los años 90, redefinió el concepto musical para todos los grupos...
El álbum
inadaptado de U2. No se
por que la gente
lo considera un error, quizá por que
se pierden algunos ideales. Fuera
de eso varias de mis canciones
favoritas se encuentran en este
disco, por lo que yo le guardo un
gran afecto.
contró un álbum
muy rockero de
letras maduras,
este disco es U2
haciendo lo que
mejor sabe: Rock.
ll that you
can’t leave
U2 cambia de nuevo
letras manejan la misma sintonía radicalmente de sonido
del álbum anterior. A excepción y hace una obra maestra, un
disco mucho más introspectivo
de algunas canciones el álbum
y maduro sabihondo de lo que
puede pasar desapercibido.
es hacer rock, pero también
Mis favoritas del disco: “Stay
acercándose peligrosamente
(Faraway so close), Babyface,
a las cuerdas del pop. Pero sin
The First Time, Daddy’s
embargo U2 logra un sonido
Gonna Pay For you crashed muy tranquilo. Creo que si le
car, The wanderer, Numb”.
quieres presentar a alguien U2
este es el disco, ya que tiene
Calificación: 8.5
música muy digerible para
cualquier escucha.
En este disco
regresamos a
los orígenes de U2, grandes
canciones, mucho rock, ahora si
se olvido el rollo popero y se en-
Mis favoritas del disco:
“All I want is you, Desire, Angel of
Harlem, Helter Skelter”.
ow to
dismantle an atomic bomb
de los géneros, para este disco
se pierdo la esencia que U2 tenia
y solo alcanzo para algunas
Este es un
canciones. Pero sin embargo
disco que solo
me parece que sigue siendo un
buen disco. Los covers abundan y
algunas de las canciones podrán
ser olvidadas rápidamente por el
público. Otra cosa que marco el
disco fueron los ridículos atuendos que uso U2 en la giraJ.
Mis favoritas del
disco: “The last Night
on Earth, Please,
If you wear That
Velvet Dress, If god
will send his angels,
Gone, Staring at
the sun, Do you Feel
Loved, Discotheque, Wake up
Dead Man”.
Mis favoritas del disco:
“Walk On, Beautiful Day,
Elevation, Stuck in a
momento and you cant
get out of, Kite, In a Little
While, When I look at the
world, Grace”.
Calificación: 9.5
Mis favoritas del
“Vertigo, Orginal of species,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes you
can’t make i ton your own,
Crumbs from yout table, Fast
Cars, All because of you, City of
Bliding Lights, One Step Closer,
Yaweh, Love and peace or else” .
Calificación: 9.5
sta es una lista muy difícil,
debo de admitir que casi
toda la discografía de U2 me
encanta, pero si tuviese que
elegir con que 24 canciones en
una isla perdida de momento
me iría con estas. No están acomodadas en el orden en que
predilección, simplemente las
acomode acorde a los álbumes
de la banda.
1.-Electric Co.:
.-I Still haven’t
found what I’m
looking for:
Las mejores 24 canciones de U2
Escrito por Cesar el 2 de Mayo, 2008
ario, la canción es un canto de
.- Mysterious
La perfecta
Ways: Las acrobacias júbilo a la vida y al dejar atrás.
aleación de sonidos, un poco
de una mujer que se contonea, The
de reggae, un poco de rock,
.-In a Little
un poco de folk, y muchos más Edge hace alarde de su habilidad al
while: Quizá
crean una de las canciones de dar latigazos en su guitarra.
aquí muchos de ustedes no
letra más hermosas.
.-Stay (Faraway, la comparten conmigo, pero
esta canción tiene algo que me
so Close!): Una
.-With or withtiene enganchado desde los
out you: Es una de canción que Bono ha dicho se
primeros toques de The Edge.
inspiro de Frank Sinatra, y se nota
las canciones que después
de escuchar dices: “I can’t live
without U2”
tiene un ritmo parecido a los que
este usaba, pero la letra es totalmente característica de nuestros
La irreverencia del
ve reflejada en esta
.-Bullet the blue
gran letra, desde el conteo del
sky: Rock del estilo
.-Last night on principio te agarras de donde
psicodélico con letras desgar.-Sunday
earth: Una de las can- puedas para soportar el Vertigo
Bloody Sunday: radoras que asoman un blues
que significa U2.
ciones más rockeras de la banda,
Desde el comienzo de la
acompañada de recursos tecnológimarcha comandada por Larry
.- Sometimes
.-Running to
cos interesantes, hay críticos que diMullen la canción te hace sentir
you can’t
stand still: Un
cen que el rock de U2 sigue la línea
rabia, te compromete con el
i t on your
blues moderno, una canción
“I will follow, Elevation, Vertigo” yo
own: La letra es impresioque a mi parecer
creo que esta es la parte punketera,
nante, Bono completamente
cuenta la historia
en LNOE U2 nos muestra la cara del
te atrapa
inspirado, la canción en una
Bloody Sun- de una chica que se rock pesado.
y quieres
parte casi va en rumbo de conday:
suicida al tomar un
gritar in.-Beautiful day: vertirse un cliché, pero agarra
de drogas,
No More!...¡No coctel
conscienteDespierto todos los días aire y acaba de una manera
no puedo parar de
mente “¡No
con esta canción, creo que mi
corazón palpita al ritmo del primer
.-All I sonido de la canciónJ.
.-Pride (In the
name of love):
El antes
y el después se nota claramente
en esta canción, los viejos
ritmos de U2 se mantienen
pero los nuevos ya asoman, los
riffs son sorprendentes, la letra
es genial.
Una canción
que cuenta la historia de
una persona que hace todo por
dejar las drogas pero estas al
final lo controlan, las letras son
is you:
La historia más
hermosa de amor, un hombre
que ama a una mujer, el lo
único que quiere es su amor y
nada más.
.-Even Better
than the real
Thing: U2 rompiendo con
todas las pautas respecto a su
música, se rehace completamente y estrena una canción
con un riff único y un video
muy interesante.
Una canción con riffs
interesantes, cuando el disco
Una canción que salió yo juraba que esta iba a
ser un single, pero me fallo.
demuestra ese gusto de U2 por
la música norteamicano, en este
caso el soul y el góspel, con una
of species:
letra dedicada a su amigo Michael
El nuevo U2 en su máximo
esplendor, una letra que te deja
.- Elevation: U2 con emociones encontradas, te
hace sentir en un lugar seguro,
divirtiéndose como
nunca, ya con la seguridad de tener la crítica no ha sabido respetar
un buen numero de canciones en este nuevo gran clásico de U2.
el álbum con letras muy introspectivas y de temas fuertes pone esta
.-One: Que puedo canción como la más rockera del
decir de ella que no
ha dicho Calvin http://u2fanlife.
.- Walk on: Dediblogspot.com/2007/02/one-u2cada a Aung San Suu Kyi
una mujer con un arresto domicili-
.-Where the
streets have no
Esta canción me
hace tener ganas de correr, de
ir por las calles a gritar que las
from your
.-Stuck in a mo17
ment you can’t
get out of:
ueno ahí están mis 24
favoritas, seguro se me
olvidaron varias, si quieren ustedes ahí regáñenme y pongan
sus elecciones, SalU2 desde
Monterrey, México.
canción favorita de Boy,
los riffs de The Edge comienzan
a aparecer, y Adam Clayton
captura la esencia de un
manicomio, Bono se encuentra
con una letra muy acertada
dedicada a su amigo que era
tratado con electroshocks.
dictaduras acaben, que el terror
ya no controle nuestras vidas,
alcanzar un lugar donde las
calles no tengan nombre.
spero que les guste esta
propuesta de hacer
una recapitulación de los
mejores de vídeos de U2
hasta el momento. Acepto
cualquier tipo de sugerencia acerca de este “Top ten”.
El conteo sera una simple
lista en forma decreciente
con una reseña acerca del
(Faraway, So
Gran video para una de mis canciones
favoritas de U2. Dirigida por Wim Wenders
un director de cine que a su vez dirigió
una película homónima al nombre de la
canción. La canción es una de las muchos
soundtracks que U2 ha aportado a Hollywood.
Los mejores diez vídeos de U2
Escrito por Cesar el 24 de Enero, 2008
.-Sweetest thing
La canción dedicada a la mujer de
Bono (Ali Hewson) nos muestra un número
importante acerca de la historia de U2 y de
muchas tradiciones irlandeses; este tipo de
vídeos también muestran que U2 es una
banda con mucho sentido del humor.
.-Original of species
Tal y como el nombre de la canción
aclama en este vídeo podemos observar
la evolución del ser humano. imágenes de
una especie de androide computarizada es
la principal trama; en una parte del vídeo
podemos encontrar digitalizado también
a Bono.
The Fly aparece en escena y una cámara
empieza a girar en torno a los integrantes
de la banda.
.-Last night on earth
Otro soundtrack se suma a los andares
de U2; una canción muy rockera y que
se presta para ponerla en el automóvil;
también el vídeo refleja el suicidio de una
mujer. Aparte de todas esas cosas es quizá
lo mejor de U2 en la época Pop.
El material más fuerte de la banda:
ONE. Corbjin no decepciona a los seguidores de esta canción y crea un gran
vídeo. Igual que las letras de la canción las
U2 girando al compas de los acordes
imágenes que se muestran están llenos de
de la canción de Vertigo se muestran aquí, simbolismos. Tambien es uno de los videos
en un escenario parecido a los símbolos de más polemicos de su epoca, por el hecho
las canción es un ingrediente divertido; con de mostrar a los integrantes de la banda
este vídeo U2 sorprende a todo aquel que vestidos de mujer.
pensaba que el disco sonaría repetitivo.
.-Even Better than the
real thing
me, Thrill me,
Kiss me, Kill me
De nueva cuenta nos encontramos con
Un vídeo revolucionario para la época, este un soundtrack, aquí U2 deja la carne y los
comienza con la mano de Bono con un par huesos y se convierten en caricaturas, el
de anillos con letras “U” y “2”, a su vez de sus ingrediente principal de este vídeo es la
dedos salen otros brazos; después de esto
lucha entre los alter-egos de Bono: “The Fly”
y “MacPhisto”
.-Stuck in a moment
and you can’t get out
off (US Version)
Si lo se, este vídeo solo te gustara si conoces
a la perfección a U2; ya que si no jamas
encontraras los innumerables cameos al
pasado de la banda; entre ellos: el domo
unfforgettable fire, the flys vs lemos, Paul
Hewson the angel of Harlem, los coaches
Dave Evans y Paul Mguinnes, entre otros.
Fue una desicion dificil pero finalemente me decidi por el gran video de “Elevation”, el cual tambien sirvio de soundtrack
para la pelicula Tomb Raider. En el Bono
adquiere poderes sobrehumanos, Adam
Clayton en un experto conductor de Taxis,
Larry en un motociclista con hablidades sorprendente y The Edge… en el compañero
de Lara Croft!. A su vez la banda adquiere
enemigos iguales a ellos pero forrados en
cuero, impresionante.
Espero que mi lista les guste y los entretenga un rato.
in dudarlo, U23D es una de las películas más espectaculares que he visto
omo espectador te vas a encontrar
con 2 versiones de la película:
Si has presenciado un concierto
de U2 Vertigo Tour: Mi caso. Todo
lo que implica el primer punto
más un plus añadido de buenos
recuerdos de los conciertos.
obre el setlist de U2 3D, destacaría en
mi critica dos grandes bloques:
Si no has presenciado un concierto de U2 Vertigo Tour: No
hay mejor manera de hacerse
fan de U2, si es la primera vez
que ves al grupo. Realmente es
una película emocionante. Tiene
de todo: Comunión entre el U2
y el publico, interpretaciones
increíbles de clásicos de U2, Bono
prácticamente sentado a tu lado
en el cine...
Escrito por Iván el 23 Mayo, 2008
implemente “Even better than the real thing”. Cuando la estrenen en España la volveré a
e gustaría destacar los pequeños detalles de U2 3D:
Como The Edge mientras toca la guitarra, con los pies esta siguiendo el ritmo de
fondo que proporcionan Adam y Larry con el bajo y la batería.
2. El impresionante beso en la boca que se dan Bono y Adam: ¡Eso es amor!
3. ¿Que estará bebiendo Larry durante los conciertos?
4. Como el publico reacciona ante el más mínimo gesto de Bono...
5. ¿Alguien nota la diferencia cuando cambian los planos entre los conciertos de
Ciudad de México (Estadio Azteca), Sao Paulo, Brasil (Estadio Morumbi), Santiago,
Chile (Estadio Nacional) y Buenos Aires, Argentina (Estadio River Plate)? Yo la verdad es que no...Podemos saber donde se ha grabado cada canción observando al
publico, pero nada más...
6. ¿No es la batería de Larry Mullen increíble? Es espectacular estar a su lado en el
23D se trata del primer concierto en vivo grabado con la tecnología 3D. La película
U2 3D fue grabada en 7 conciertos de U2 Vertigo Tour en 2006 con unas 18 cámaras
“Sony F950 CineAlta”: Ciudad de México, México; Sao Paulo, Brasil;
Santiago, Chile; y Buenos Aires, Argentina. Más de 100 horas de
película 3-D digital fueron grabadas.
Las canciones más “intimas” como pueden
ser One, Miss Sarajevo o With or Without
You donde, gracias a la enorme pantalla
del IMAX y a la tecnología 3D, casi podemos ‘tocar’ los sentimientos que desprenden
las canciones. Se ve la complicidad entre
U2 y el publico y te ves inmerso en el
concierto. Casi dan ganas de “turn on the
lights” (encender las luces) cuando Bono
se lo pide al público y todo el mundo
levanta sus teléfonos móviles... y las
canciones más ‘animadas’ como Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Beautiful Day, New Year’s
Day o Vertigo,
donde se ve
toda la fuerza
que tiene U2
os días 15-16 de Febrero en Ciudad de México (Estadio Azteca),
en directo, esse grabaron las tomas de duración media. Los días 20-21 de
Febrero en Sao Paulo, Brasil (Estadio Morumbi), se usaron 2 cámaras
en Sunday
para tomas de media distancia. El 26 de Febrero en el concierto de Santiago, en Chile (Estadio
Bloody Sunday (¡increíble Bono!)
Nacional), una sola cámara realizo
2 Vertigo Tour en
3 Dimensiones
o te puedes despegar del asiento ni
con los créditos del final, ya que una
versión acústica de Yahweh, acompañada
de las animaciones que aparecen junto
a esta canción en la gigantesca pantalla
de Vertigo Tour, hacen que te quedes
as tomas de la actuación de Larry Mullen Jr. Finalmente, durante los conciertos del 1-2 de
Marzo en Buenos Aires, Argentina (Estadio River Plate), se rodaron escenas de media y larga
distancia con 9 cámaras digital 3-D, recogiendo la actuación de la banda en el escenario y
las reacciones de los 80.000 fans presentes en el estadio. La noche antes de la celebración de
estos 2 conciertos en Argentina, la banda se subió al escenario para grabar 10 canciones sin
publico, para que así los realizadores del film pudieran tomar primeros planos de la actuación
de U2.
U2 3D Opinión de la critica
“”U2 3D” es el
“(como Bono
al demostrar
entes propias
tan fuerte en
Ann Powers, LA Times, 23 de enero de 2008
siguiente paso hacia la
de la” iGeneration
y otros lo han llamado),
que lo que ocurre
carnes puede sentirse
un contexto virtual.” -
“U2 3D….de muchas maneras ofrece una experiencia que es incluso mejor que la
real.( even better than the real thing )” - Edna Gundersen, USA Today, 22 de enero de
U2 3D Track List
1. “Vertigo”
2. “Beautiful Day”
3. “New Year’s Day”
4. “Sometimes You Can’t Make It
on Your Own”
5. “Love and Peace or Else”
6. “Sunday Bloody Sunday”
7. “Bullet the Blue Sky”
8. “Miss Sarajevo”
9. “Pride (In the Name of Love)”
10. “Where the Streets Have No
11. “One”
12. “The Fly”
13. “With or Without You”
14. “Yahweh”
réditos: U2 3D: U2 Vertigo Tour en
3D en salas IMAX
Dirigida por: Catherine Owens, Mark Pellington
A National Geographic Entertainment presentation of a 3ality Digital production
Producida por: Jon Shapiro, Peter Shapiro, John
Modell, Catherine Owens
Cinematografía: Peter Anderson (3-D), Tom
Krueger (2-D)
Distribuida por: National Geographic Cinema
Fecha de Lanzamiento: Enero 23, 2008 (Estados
Formato: formato digital 3-D (REAL D y Dolby) e
Duración: 85 minutos (14 canciones)
Grabación: Durante U2 Vertigo Tour Latinoamerica.
Página WEB oficial de la película: www.u23dmovie.com
“El documental musical “U2 3D”, que junta tres actuaciones de esta banda de rock
irlandesa durante una reciente gira
por América
del Sur, no sólo ha marcado un hito
con una técnica histórica -grabada
totalmente 3D digital-,
sino que
también ha marcado
un hito en la
estética, en el sentido
de que es la
primera película Imax
que merece
ser llamada una obra
de arte. “Matt Zoller Seitz, NY
Times, 23 de
enero de 2008
2 y The Ramones
Escrito por
Cesar el 29 de Octubre 29, 2007
no de los integrantes de The Ramones, Joey Ramone murió
de linfoma el 15 de abril de 2001 en Nueva York, mientras
estaba escuchando la canción “In A Little While” de U2, la ultima
canción que escucho, en el concierto de la gira Elevation Bono
menciona que la canción trata acerca de una resaca pero que
Joey la convirtió en una canción góspel. En un concierto celebrado en Anaheim Bono menciona que era una canción que Joey
amaba y como ellos aman a Joey la cantan en su honor.
o la verdad no le doy al significado de ninguno de los dos, yo
más bien pienso que es una canción dedicada a los hijos de
Escrito por Jordi el 9 de
Marzo, 2008
no, Lanois. Dos nombres asociados
a nombres ilustres de la música, Eno
(David Bowie), por poner un ejemplo.
ada su relación con U2,son considerados por muchos, incluido yo,
como los miembros ocultos de la mejor
banda de rock del planeta.
u colaboración empieza con el disco
¨Unforgettable Fire¨, en 1984.Sustituyendo a Steve Lillywhite, productor del anterior ¨War¨, buscando un
cambio en su forma de entender la música,(cosa que siempre ha sido
su sello más auténtico),de esa colaboración, surge un disco muy ambiental, efectista, lleno de matices. Edge siempre ha tenido un gran
respeto por el trabajo de Eno,dado que el Lef Motiv de Brian, siempre
ha sido extraer de los músicos en sus colaboraciones, el máximo de
sus posibilidades ,aderezando esto, con efectos de mezclas de mesa,
sonidos desgarrados de guitarra, o coros con sus propias voces.
Experimentación, eso define el trabajo de Eno y Lanois.
llos son a mi entender, ese punto extra que les ha permitido,
conocerse mejor,(se dice que en más de una ocasión han hecho
el papel de
mentores, para los
componentes del grupo),y
nada sería igual si
ellos no
hubieran irrumpido en
su história.
Después de Unforgettable, llegó
su colaboración, más
según yo creo, Joshua
Tree, un disco
redondo como pocos,
y dos discos
después coincidirían en
Acthung Baby(1991),otra joya de su repertorio, un cambio radical si lo
comparamos a lo que habían compuesto anteriormente, un trabajo
lleno, de sonidos deformados, voces distorsionadas, es el disco de The
Edge, vamos. Según Roger De Clerk, ¨el Rattle and Hum, fué el disco
de Bono, el Achtung el de Edge¨.
us colaboraciones seguirían, en 2001 con el disco All Than You
Can´t Leave Behind, una vuelta a sus origenes, después de la etaBono, o una canción que tu le puedes dedicar a una persona que
pa discotequera de la banda,en los ´90,más cerca del hip hop, disco
conoces y conforme a los años la has visto crecer y siempre la has
music, que de sus etapas anteriores. Es un muy buen disco, en donde
amado, aunque el o ella te haga sufrir tu esperas que sea tuya,
se nota la mano de Eno y Lanois, con canciones muy bien elaboradas,
otra interpretación que suelo darle es de una persona que te quillenas de optimismo, y con gran carga social, como no podía ser de
ere y esta lejos, pero con los sentidos te hace sentir ahí, te da un
otra manera tratándose de U2. ¿Y ahora que?
abrazo desde lejos. Bueno suelen ser así mis interpretaciones de
cada una de las canciones de U2, nunca terminas de encontrar
esperar, pues según todos los rumores tendremos disco nuevo
trasfondos en sus letras, todas te dejan marcado.
de los cuatro irlandeses, en el otoño de este año. Será producido
e’re a happy family es el nombre de un disco tributo a The
Ramones, en el cual U2 tiene una contribución, una cover
de la famosa canción “Beat on the brat” de paso les digo que la
canción no tiene ningún desperdicio así que por favor escúchenla, esta genial.
por ellos,(Eno/Lanois),y viendo lo que de frutos han dado sus anteriores colaboraciones,podemos asegurar sin temor a equivocarnos,
que se tratará de un gran disco, lleno de canciones que no dejarán
a nadie indiferente, llenas de color, fuerza. Me despido de todos vosotros, esperando el momento de volver a escribir un artículo, sobre
la mejor banda de Rock, del momento.
Cuantas veces has visto el Elevation Tour Live From Boston?
¿La suficientes como para darte cuenta que la interpretación
de “In a Little While” esta dedicada a The Ramones y más concretamente a Joey Ramone? Como mencionaba en la gira Elevation
Bono menciona eso en casi todos los conciertos donde la tocan,
debo de admitir que “In a Little While” es una de mis canciones
favoritas de la banda, tal vez si me das a elegir cuales son mis 25
canciones preferidas sin duda esta aparece, pero centrémonos
a la historia, The Ramones es una banda que antecede a U2, son
casi diez años de diferencia los que separan, siendo The Ramones
más viejos, cabe mencionar, la banda la forman cuatro amigos,
Joey, Johny, Dee Dee y Tommy, todos difuntos a excepción de
Tommy, solamente como dato anecdótico recalco que no tenían
como apellido Ramone, este lo tomaron de un seudónimo usado
por Paul McCartney.
u2 influencias
i bien esta banda ha hecho muchas noticias con
respecto a lo que se dedican a tiempo completo,
su vocalista; Bono, no deja de lado otro de sus intereses, el cual lo mantiene interpretando roles, que lo
dejan, aún más ocupado.
ono nació un 10 de mayo de 1960 en Dublín,
Irlanda. Su signo natal: Tauro, lo hace ser una persona persistente, estable, firme, práctico, cuidadoso y
se sabe a ciencia cierta, porque lucha por todo lo que
él, considera justo. Tiene mucha claridad para ver que
es necesario hacer o decir en cada momento, se ubica y se adapta a lo que vive. Se ve una persona capaz
de mover multitudes hacia una causa determinada,
lo cual lo hace poseer grandes habilidades políticas,
es bueno para debatir y convencer, es imponente y
dominante, dotado de una gran resistencia sicológica
que le convierte en un ser muy equilibrado ante los
obstáculos y las dificultades.
odas estas características, lo han hecho experimentar en muchas oportunidades, el trabajo
que él, considera no le corresponde y me refiero a su
papel político, con respecto a las buenas causas que
él encabeza.
“…Si los políticos no
hacen nada, haré de su
vida una miseria, y ya
he tenido la oportunidad de hacerles pasar
grandes vergüenzas…”
n muchas oportunidades se ha visto llegar a
Bono a algún país y es increíble, como los mismos
jefes de estado, no lo miran como el simple integrante de un grupo, sino más bien, le brindan un papel de
embajador, como alguien que quiere hacer el bien.
“…Lo que yo quiero
hacer, es que ellos despierten, porque es importante que exista un
corazón para gobernar,
pero también creo que
es de suma importancia
que haya una cabeza y
comunicación…y yo;
soy bueno comunicando….”.
Bono: Creo que tengo un
buen grado de credibilidad
Escrito por Caro el 20 de Enero, 2008
i bien muchos críticos han dicho que Bono esta alejándose de lo musical, hay
que decir que está asumiendo roles muy activos en el sentido político, los
cuales lo ha llevado a estar reunido con casi todos los lideres mundiales. Él explica sus razones y cree que lo importante es que los líderes mundiales despierten.
l leer que éste vocalista no sólo se esta haciendo responsable de cargos que
no le corresponden, personalmente da un sentido de confianza, sabiendo
que tenemos Bono, para rato, porque hay que decirlo: pastelero a tus pasteles…
pero hay que reconocer que este personaje nació el signo de Tauro, y lleva en
su sangre la tenacidad y la perseverancia que lo hacen llegar casi siempre a sus
metas prefijadas.
racias Bono por aportar para un mundo mejor.
u pasión, como el mismo dice en el libro ¨U2 BY U2¨ es tocar
la batería en el grupo y ser creativo en el estudio. Él se define
como muy introvertido, nada cómodo con la fama, y que no le
gusta llamar la atención.
C “Adam y yo dependemos
egún Larry su función en la banda es mantenerlos unidos(a
esa misión yo pondría a Adam también).
omo el mismo comenta:
mucho el uno del otro. Edge
pulsa botones, obtiene sonidos diferentes, y Bono se
sube a andamios, se zambulle
entre el público… durante
gran parte del tiempo, en el
escenario estamos solamente
Adam y yo, así que debemos
interactuar mucho y comunicarnos el uno con el otro.
Podría decirse que U2 es una
democracia…pero solo en el
sentido clásico griego según
el cual, una democracia está
en manos de los que están en
el poder”.
No soy extrovertido en
ningún caso.
egún él y quizás como muchos suponemos, el secreto de su
unión y de su larga vida como grupo, es la mescolanza de sus
caracteres, unas veces se impone un criterio, en otras, gana otro.
Escrito por Jordi el 13 de Diciembre, 2007
aremos algunos datos personales:
ace el 31 de Octubre de 1961, segundo hermano de
tres, hijo de funcionario y de ama de casa. Su vida
queda marcada con la muerte de su hermana teniendo él 12
años, y de su madre con 15. Según el mismo nos dice:
“La muerte de mi madre sin
duda me catapultó a los grupos de música”.
“Mi padre fué quien me sugirió
lo de la notita en el tablón de
anuncios, decía más o menos:
Batería busca músicos para formar una banda”.
sea que fue idea del padre, el poner el germen, de lo que hoy
en día a mi entender es,la mejor banda de rock de la actualidad,
s entendible que debido a ese trauma, buscara como canalisin lugar a dudas. El sábado 25 de septiembre de 1967,en la cocina
zar esa rabia, y encontró ese canal detrás de una batería. Su
de la casa de los Mullen,se reunieron un grupo de personas entre
interés por la batería, empezó a temprana edad(9 años),pero
las que estaban Paul Hewson (Bono), Dave Evans (The Edge) y Adam
sus padres estaban más por la opción de que aprendiera piano.
Clayton, aparte de Larry, claro. Ese fue la semilla de lo que hoy son
Como es evidente no siguió por esa senda musical. Lo dejará
los U2,gente sencilla, humanitaria, preocupada por el prójimo, y
muy pronto(el piano).Todo cambiará al ingresar en el Mount
sobretodo unos talentos musicales, sin parangón. Es gracioso ver
Temple,(su padre quería que ingresara en escuelas secundarias
como a veces pequeños detalles como el anuncio en un tablón de
de mejor nivel, pero la muerte a los 9 años de edad de la hermana
una escuela, puede con el tiempo desembocar, en lo que hoy en día
de Larry, hará que su familia opte por que ingrese en Mount, más
cerca del hogar familiar). Es de todos conocido que en ese colegio
cursan sus estudios (con más o menos suerte), Dave Evans (The
oy las gracias de todo corazón al padre de Larry. Gracias.
Edge), Adam Clayton, y Paul Hewson (Bono).
uente: libro U2 por U2
omo comenta el mismo Larry:
I. Sus letras tienen algo especial, y desde una posición de
humildad, diré, que muchas de ellas
evocan, o tienen un significado muy
Vamos a ello:
One Uno 一个 Ein 하나
Een Un μια um En один
Escrito por Jordi el 21 de Diciembre y el 28 de Diciembre, 2007
l amor, otro tema importante a la hora de componer las letras en
on cual empezar, gran dilema, gran duda, no
U2,aparece también, y como podéis ver en la última parte hace referencia
porque no haya alguna interesante, sinó mas
bien porque hay muchas que son elegibles. En mi lista de a un lugar en el desierto(puede ser Etiopía tranquilamente), donde el polvo
preferencias está sin lugar a dudas Where the streets have campa a sus anchas y donde el viento(el hambre) hace estragos.
no name. Empieza así:
llos siempre se han caracterizado por ser activistas en pos de una solución
pacífica al problema de la violencia en Irlanda. Incluso algún descerebrado
“I want to run/I want to hide/I
a decir la soberana estupidez, que ellos recogían dinero para el I.R.A, duwant to tear down the walls
rante las giras por E.E.U.U en sus inicios, cosa imposible viendo los canales por
that hold me inside./I want to
reach out and touch the flame/ donde esta gente se mueve, Amnistia Internacional, Greenpeace,e.t.c. La letra
de Sunday Bloody Sunday, habla de la locura de matar por ideales.
Where the streets have no
“Broken bottles under children’s feet/Bodies strewn across a dead end street/but i
won’t heed the battle call/it puts my back
up,puts my back up against the wall”
“Quiero correr, quiero esconderme, Quiero echar abajo los
muros que me tienen prisionero, quiero elevarme para tocar
la llama, donde las calles no
tienen nombre”.
“Botellas rotas bajo los pies de los niños/
Cuerpos esparcidos a lo largo de una calle
sin salida/pero no llamaré a la gente a
luchar/pondré mi espalda, mi espalda contra la pared”
Interesante,¿no? en las letras de Bono siempre hay un
componente de fe, fe religiosa, fe en un día mejor, en un
futuro mejor. Este trozo quizás como el resto de la canción
n 1972 hubo una manifestación en Belfast que acabó con muertos entre
tienen un significado, a mi entender, relacionado con
los que se manifestaban, tiroteados por el ejército inglés. Esta canción
su experiencia humanitaria en Etiopía allá por los años
habla de la estupidez de usar las armas para dirimir un conflicto. Y sigue:
ochenta, como queda claro en la parte que sigue:
“I can’t believe the news today/I can’t close
my eyes and make it go away/How long,
how long must we sing this song?/How
long, tonight we can be as one”.
“The city’s a floor and our love
truns to rush/We’re beaten and
blows by the wind, trampled in
dust/I’ll show you a place, on a
desert plain, where the streets
have no name”.
“La ciudad es una inundación y
nuestro amor se oxida/Somos
golpeados y empujados por el
viento, pisoteados en el polvo/
Te enseñaré un lugar allá en la
planicie del desierto, donde las
calles no tienen nombre”.
“No puedo creer las noticias de hoy/no
puedo cerrar mis ojos y hacer que todo lo
que veo desaparezca/¿Cuanto tiempo tendremos que cantar esta canción?/Cuanto
tiempo? esta noche podemos ser uno solo”.
omo observáis su compromiso con la paz viene de lejos, y sigue vigente
hoy en día. El final podría ser su lef motiv, dado que su nombre U2, quiere
decir, traduciendo su significado you too, tu también.
n este artículo intentaré desgranar algunas de esas letras,y que
seguro que en más de una ocasión
,hemos hecho el esfuerzo de pensar,
que significará tal letra, a que se refieren al tratar así esa canción, etc.
u2: Letras de canciones
u2: Letras de canciones
hora nos vamos unos años más hacia el presente musical
del grupo (el año 1991,exactamente),y trataremos de
tocar el tema religioso a través de la canción Until the end of
the World. La acción la situamos en la última cena, donde se
escruta la relación entre Judas y Jesucristo:
i sabes de que va el tema, empiezas a vislumbrar esa historia
escondida detrás de esa letra. Aparte claro está que se podría
decir cosas parecidas de una relación entre dos personas que ha
acabado mal, pero cuando Judas después de arrepentirse, vuelve a
ver a Jesús:
“La última vez
que nos vimos
fue en una habitación tenuemente iluminada, estábamos
tan juntos como
una novia con su
novio/nos comimos la comida,
bebimos el vino/
todo el mundo
pasándolo bien,
excepto tú, tu estabas hablando
sobre el fin del
“En mi sueño estaba ahogando mis
penas, pero mis penas aprendieron a
nadar(este trozo es
para mí increíble)
cayendo sobre mí,
rebosando por el
borde/En olas de
olas de felicidad/
traté de dar la
mano al que traté
de destruir(alusión
directa a Jesús)/Tú,
tu dijiste que esperarías hasta el fin
del mundo”
ásicamente estaríamos
hablando de la escena
de la última cena, como se
Letras que perdio Bono en Portland en 1981
puede leer entre líneas. Y sigue
e nuevo sale a colación en esta letra, su fe, la de Bono, esa
en el huerto de Getsemaní (lugar donde Judas con un beso,
mezcla naciente de la unión de sus padres, uno católico y el
traicionó a su maestro)dice:
otro protestante, que en más de una ocasión se ve reflejada en sus
“You led me on with those innocanciones.
cent eyes, and you know i love the
elements of surprise/In the garden
i was playing the tart, i kissed your
lips and broke your heart/You,You
were acting like it was the end of
the world”
“Tu me engañaste con esos ojos
inocentes, y sabes que amo el
elemento sorpresa/En el jardín
me estaba haciendo el mordaz,
besé tus labios(el beso de Judas)y
rompí tu corazón/actuabas como
si fuera el fin del mundo”.
“In my dream,i was drowing my
sorrows,but my sorrows they learned
to swim/Surrounding me,going down
on me,spilling over the brim/In waves
of regret,waves of joy,/I reached out
for the one,i tried
to destroy/You,you
said you’d wait
until the end of the
“Last time we met it was a low-lit
room,we were as close together as
bride and groom/We ate the food we
drank the wine/Every body having
a good time except you/you were
talking about
the end of the
u2: Letras de canciones
omo ya anunciamos en el anterior
pero no somos lo mismo/Tenemos
artículo, y sabedores de que por
que apoyarnos el uno en el otro/Uno”.
mucho que quisiéramos no podríamos
“You say,love is a temple/love,a
abarcar todas sus letras, este será la sehigher law/You ask me to enter,but
gunda, y última parte de nuestro viaje a
then you make me craw/and I can’t be
través de sus pensamientos, de sus verholding on to what you got,when all
sos, de su dolor a la hora de componer,
you got is hurt”
como a veces a dicho el propio Bono,
“sino saco todo lo que tengo en mi cabe“Dices,el amor es un templo/el amor,
za sufro”, donde intentaremos ver que
la ley más alta(nada hay por encima
se esconde detrás de la imagen que de
de ella)Me dejas entrar, para luego
ellos proyectan sus canciones. Mi primhacerme arrastrar/no puedo cogerme
era elección es ¨One¨ del disco Achtung
a nada de lo que tienes, porque lo
Baby, un tema, que en mi opinión supera
único que tienes es dolor”
en algunos
registros al
s muy factible que también
dado el cariz de sus letras,
With or Wtique Bono te hable aquí de una
hout you, y
relación de dominio entre dos
trata de un
personas, una que manda y
enfermo de
otra que sufre. Es una de mis
Sida, que
preferidas, como la que sigue,
se odia a si
With or Without you:
mismo y a
“Slight of hand
todo lo que
and twist of
le rodea,
fate,on a bed of
culpánnails she makes
dose de su
me wait/through
the storm we
Evidentreach the shore/
emente que
you give it all but i
también se
want more/and I’m
Cuaderno de notas con las letras de October, que perdio Bono en
le puede
waiting for you”
Portland (1981)
hacer una
lectura más
“Dejado de la
situada en
mano y por una vuelta del destino,
el desamor, de una relación, que ya no
en una cama de clavos, ella me hace
volverá nunca a ser como en un principesperar/a través de la tormenta, llegaio. Empecemos:
mos a la orilla/tu lo das todo, pero yo
quiero más/y espero por ti”
“Did I disappoint you?/Or leave a
bad taste in your mouth?/You act
s muy interesante ver como se entrelaza todo el dolor, sufrimienlike you never had love and you
to, o cualquier sentimiento ligado a una relación, con esta letra.
want me to go without/Well’s it’s
Impresionante. Sigue así:
too late /tonight/to drag the past
into the light/We’re one,but we’re
“With or Without you/I can’t live/With
not the same/We get to carry each
or without you/My hands are tied, my
body bruised, she’s got me with nothing to win/and nothing left to lose”
“¿Te disgusté?/te dejé un mal sabor
de boca?/actúas como si nunca hu“Con o sin tí/yo no puedo vivir/Con
bieras tenido amor, y quieres que
o sin tí/mis manos están atadas, mi
me vaya sin el/Bueno es demasiado
cuerpo magullado, ella ha conseguido
tarde /esta noche/para llevar el
que no me quede nada por ganar, y
pasado hacia la luz/Somos uno/
tampoco nada más que perder”.
u2: Letras de canciones
se con o sin tí, se refiere a la duda que puede tener una persona, al no saber si el amor que siente por otra es correspondido. Ese
dolor que va en aumento, hasta hacerse irrespirable. Para mí sino la mejor letra de U2,una de las 3 mejores sin duda alguna. Sería
muy largo, seguir desgranando canciones, porque temas los hay, pero espacio para tamaña aventura, no. Para terminar, os pondré una
traducción, libre como todas las que he puesto en los dos artículos (todas ellas candidatas a una interpretación diferente por parte de
quien las lee) de una canción que si bien quizás para muchos es una buena canción y ya está. Para mí, encierra un tesoro como pocas en
la discografía de los 4 irlandeses, me refiero a Kite. Adaptación de una fan de ellos, Ana Carrasco, y que dice así:
in comentarios. Sin habla. Sin nada. Así me deja esta letra. Nos vemos pronto en otro artículo, que encumbre a estos mitos
vivientes(lo de mitos a Larry no creo que le guste),que son Bono, The Edge, Larry y Adam.
hanks a Ana Carrasco. Fuente: libro¨De mesías a mercaderes¨de Jota Martinez Galiana.
Algo está a punto de pasar, puedo sentirlo
Creo que sé lo que és
No tengo miedo de morir
No tengo miedo de vivir
Y cuando esté sin vida de regreso
Espero sentirme como que lo he conseguido
La dureza se extiende
y necesitas cuidado
Pero quiero que sepas
Que no me necesitas más
Que no necesitas a nadie, ni a nada en absoluto
Quién soy para decirte donde te llevará el viento
Quién soy para decir que te destruirá
Es que no sé en que dirección soplará el viento
quién soy para saber cuando el tiempo cambiará
No quiero verte llorar
Se que esto no es un adiós
En los veranos, puedo saborear la sal en el mar
Hay una cometa volando entre la brisa fuera de control
Y me pregunto, que va a pasar contigo
Y tu te preguntas, que ha pasado conmigo.
Soy un hombre, no un niño
Un hombre que ve
La sombra tras tus ojos
Estribillo¿Lo derroché?
No demasiado, sino no lo hubiera podido saborear
La vida debería ser una fragancia
Arriba en el tejado de un sótano
La última de las estrellas del rock
Donde el hip hop conduce grandes coches
En el tiempo de los nuevos medios, fue una gran idea
Esa era, una gran idea.
La campaña para hacer
historia a la pobreza
Escrito por Cesar el 10 de Noviembre, 2007
a África desaparece un poco buscando más justicia para Latinoamérica, Bono decía algo así “La gente dice que tu no puedes cambiar
al mundo, y es verdad, yo no puedo, tu tampoco, The Edge tampoco,
pero si actuamos todos como uno lo lograremos”.
n la pagina de la campaña puedes encontrar la pulserita blanca
con la leyenda “ONE”, por diez dólares puedes contribuir un poco
lgunos lemas que Bono ha
pronunciado a favor de la
campaña serian:
“No se trata de
caridad, se trata de
“No necesitamos
tu dinero, necesitamos tu voz”
“Nosotros podemos decir “no” a la
pobreza extrema,
si, si podemos”
“Nosotros vamos
hacer historia a la
n lo que a mi caso personal
respecta yo estoy registrado a la campaña desde mediados
más, aparte de otro tipo de indumentaria, como camisetas, claro
del 2006, unas horas después de ver el “Vertigo Tour live from
todo es más sencillo si radicas en EUA, puesto a que México el envió
Chicago”, en el cual Bono antes de la interpretación de “One” da un
seria algo así como 249.99 dólares.
discurso acerca de lo que su campaña busca, en un principio era
reunir gente para “Live 8”, pero ahora incluso se intenta combatir
i quieres unirte a la campaña “ONE”, cosa que te agradecería,
la malaria.
entra a la página y accede a la parte “Act Now”
ale la pena dar un pequeño resumen de lo que Bono dice
antes de cantar “One” en Latinoamérica, en el cual el apoyo
ink: www.one.org
uele ser muy recurrente escuchar a Bono
hablar sobre esta campaña, de la cual el funge
como estandarte, la campaña “ONE” consiste en
buscar firmas, o siendo más objetivos “voces”
para combatir a los mafiosos del G-8 (no se que
tan mal suena ese adjetivo), nosotros debemos
estar al tanto de la pobreza extrema en los confines del mundo, siendo este África, el continente
abandonado y a la vez explotado por varios
países, lo que la campaña busca es crear más
fondos económicos para el continente. Bono se
ha hartado de repetirlo una y otra vez, pero si tú
te vuelves parte de la campaña también estarías
ayudando a Bono a poner presión a las naciones
más poderosas del mundo para acabar con la
pobreza extrema.
Escrito por Iván a lo largo de 2007-2008
lo largo de 2007 y 2008 he ido recopilando en la web planetau2.com toda la información sobre los
conciertos que ha dado U2 a lo largo de su carrera:
1979-1980 U2 Early Years tours
1980 U2 Boy Tour
1981-1982 U2 October Tour
1982-1983 U2 War Tour
1984-1985 U2 Unforgettable Fire
1987 U2 Joshua Tree Tour
1989-1990 U2 Lovetown Tour
1992-1993 U2 Zoo TV Tour
1997-1998 U2 Popmart Tour
2001 U2 Elevation Tour
2005-2006 U2 Vertigo Tour
a continuación podéis ver el resultado en formato PDF. Si os resulta demasiado aburrido consultarlo de esta manera, no dejéis de visitar Planeta U2 y podréis navegar en Google Maps para descubrir todos los conciertos de U2 y sus Setlist.
ono, The Edge, Adam Clayton y Larry Mullen Jr. están dispuestos a visitarte...
1.1 Windmill Lane Studios - Dublin, Irlanda
Primera sesión de grabación de U2 en los estudios de Windmill Lane en Dublin Localización (Venue) : Windmill Lane Studios - Dublin, Irlanda Fecha (Date) : Mediados 1979
Setlist : Out Of Control, Boy-Girl, Stories For Boys, A Day Without Me Comentarios : U2
graba con el productor Chas de Whalley. Out Of Control, Stories For Boys y Boy-Girl salen a
la venta en el single U2 Three, en Septiembre de 1979.
1.2 U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour : Dalymount Festival Dublin, Irlanda
Tour : U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/28/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Dalymount Festival - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.3 U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour : Leixlip Castle - Co.
Kildare, Irlanda
Tour : U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/27/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Leixlip Castle - Co. Kildare, Irlanda Setlist (incompleto) : Another Day, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, Shadows And Tall Trees, A Day Without Me, Twilight
1.4 U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/13/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Speed Of Life, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Pete The Chop, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories
For Boys, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
1.5 U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour : Moonlight Club Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/12/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Moonlight Club - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.6 U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour : Half Moon Club Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/11/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Half Moon Club - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.7 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Clarendon Hotel Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/10/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Clarendon Hotel - Londres, Inglaterra (4-37 Bedford Place) Setlist (incompleto) : An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, I Will Follow
1.8 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Half Moon Club Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Half Moon Club - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist (incompleto) : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Out Of
Control, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
Table of Content
1.9 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Marquee Club - Londres,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/07/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.10 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : J.B - Dudley, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/1980 Localización (Venue) :
J.B’s - Dudley, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.11 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Fan Club - Leeds,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/05/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Fan Club - Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.12 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Beach Club Nottingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/04/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Beach Club - Nottingham, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.13 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Boat Club Nottingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/03/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Boat Club - Nottingham, England Setlist : no disponible
1.14 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : 77 Club - Uneaton,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/02/1980 Localización (Venue) :
77 Club - Uneaton, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.15 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Polytechnic Manchester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/31/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Polytechnic - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.16 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Nashville - Londres,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/30/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Nashville - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.17 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Cedar Ballroom Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/29/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Cedar Ballroom - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.18 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Trinity Hall - Bristol,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/28/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Trinity Hall - Bristol, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.19 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Rock Garden - Londres,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/27/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Rock Garden - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
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1.20 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : New Regent - Brighton,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/26/1980 Localización (Venue) :
New Regent - Brighton, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.21 U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour : University - Sheffield,
Tour : U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/24/1980 Localización (Venue) :
University - Sheffield, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.22 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Moonlight Club Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/23/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Moonlight Club - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist (incompleto) : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Twilight,
Another Time, Another Place, Stories For Boys
1.23 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Hope & Anchor Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : 11 O‘Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (date) : 05/22/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Hope & Anchor - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.24 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Garden Of Eden Club Tullamore, Irlanda (II)
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/11/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Garden Of Eden Club - Tullamore, Irlanda Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Speed Of
Life, The Magic Carpet, Another Time, Another Place, Another Day, The Dream Is Over, The
Electric Co., Cartoon World, Things To Make And Do, Touch, Stories For Boys, Shadows And
Tall Trees, Pete The Chop, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Another Day, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
Table of Content
1.25 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Acklam Hall - Londres,
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (date) : 03/19/1980 Localización (Venue) : Acklam Hall - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.26 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Garden Of Eden Club Tullamore, Irlanda
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/02/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Garden Of Eden Club - Tullamore, Irlanda Setlist : Silver Lining, The Speed Of Life, The
Magic Carpet, Stories For Boys, Trevor, Another Time, Another Place, Another Day, The Dream
Is Over, Pete The Chop, Cartoon World, Jack In A Box, Shadows And Tall Trees, A Day Without
Me, Twilight, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control
1.27 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : National Stadium - Dublin,
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/26/1980 Localización (Venue) :
National Stadium - Dublin, Irlanda setlist : Silver Lining, The Speed Of Life, The Magic
Carpet, Stories For Boys, Trevor, Another Time, Another Place, Another Day, Pete The Chop,
The Dream Is Over, Cartoon World, Jack In A Box, Shadows And Tall Trees, A Day Without
Me, Twilight, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control comentarios : Después del show, U2 firmo su primer
contrato con Island Records
1.28 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Country Club - Cork,
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/04/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Country Club - Cork, Irlanda Setlist (incompleto) : Cartoon World, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control,
Trevor, Twilight, Another Day, The Dream Is Over, Shadows And Tall Trees
1.29 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Queen’s University - Belfast,
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Irlanda del Norte
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/01/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Queen’s University - Belfast, Irlanda del Norte Setlist : No disponible
1.30 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Windsor Castle - Harrow
Road, Londres - Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/15/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Windsor Castle - Harrow Road, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.31 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Dingwalls - Camden,
Londres - Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/14/1979 Localización (venue) :
Dingwalls - Camden, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.32 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Brunel University,
Londres - Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/12/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Brunel University, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.33 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Bridge House - Canning
Town, Londres - Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/11/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Bridge House - Canning Town, Londres - Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible Comentarios :
Los carteles promocionales ponían a U2 como UR.
1.34 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Electric Ballroom,
Londres - Inglaterra (II)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/08/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Electric Ballroom - Camden, Londres Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.35 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Electric Ballroom,
Londres - Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/07/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Electric Ballroom - Camden, Londres Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.36 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Rock Garden - Covent
Garden, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/05/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Rock Garden - Covent Garden, Inglaterra Setlist : Twilight, Shadows And Tall Trees, BoyGirl Comentarios : Los carteles promocionales ponían V2 en vez de U2.
1.37 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Hope & Anchor Islington, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/04/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Hope & Anchor - Islington, England Setlist : No disponible
1.38 U2 Early Days, London Tour : 100 Club - Clapham,
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/03/1979 Localización (Venue) :
100 Club - Clapham, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.39 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Nashville Rooms Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/02/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Nashville Rooms - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
Table of Content
1.40 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Moonlight Club - West
Hampstead, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (date) : 12/01/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Moonlight Club - West Hampstead, Inglaterra Setlist (incompleto) : Concentration Cramp,
The Dream Is Over, Inside Out, Shadows And Tall Trees, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control
1.41 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Cork Opera House - Cork,
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/05/1979 Localización (Venue) : Cork
Opera House - Cork, Irlanda Setlist : Stories For Boys, The Speed Of Life, Cartoon World, The
King’s New Clothes, Inside Out, Another Time, Another Place, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Glad
To See You Go
1.42 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : The Baggot Inn - Dublin,
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/21/1979 Localización (Venue) :
The Baggot Inn - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist (incompleto) : Concentration Cramp, In Your Hand,
Stories For Boys, Shadows And Tall Trees, Out Of Control
1.43 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Dandelion Car Park Dublin, Irlanda (II)
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/11/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Dandelion Car Park - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist (Incompleto) : Concentration Cramp, In Your
Hand, Out Of Control, Shadows And Tall Trees, The Magic Carpet, The Fool
1.44 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Project Arts Centre - Dublin,
Irlanda (IV)
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/01/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Project Arts Centre - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
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1.45 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Youth Club - Dublin, Irlanda
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/00/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Youth Club - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist (Incompleto) : Cartoon World, The Magic Carpet, Stories
For Boys, Silver Lining
1.46 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Youth Club - Dublin, Irlanda
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/01/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Youth Club - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.47 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : McGonagles - Dublin,
Irlanda (IX)
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/28/1979 Localización (Venue) :McGonagle’s - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist (incompleto) : Trevor, Cartoon World, The Speed Of Life,
Shadows And Tall Trees, Stories For Boys, The Magic Carpet, Boy-Girl
1.48 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : McGonagles - Dublin,
Irlanda (VIII)
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/21/1979 Localización (Venue) :
McGonagle’s - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.49 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : McGonagles - Dublin,
Irlanda (VII)
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/14/1979 Localización (Venue) :
McGonagle’s - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.50 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : McGonagles - Dublin,
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Irlanda (VI)
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/07/1979 Localización (Venue) :
McGonagle’s - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.51 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Dandelion Car Park Dublin, Irlanda
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/05/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Dandelion Car Park - Dublin, Irlanda Selist : No disponible
1.52 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour :Trinity College - Dublin,
Irlanda (II)
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/01/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Trinity College - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.53 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Project Arts Centre - Dublin,
Irlanda (III)
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/17/1979 Localización (Venue) :Project Arts Centre - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist (incompleto) : Another Time, Another Place, Cartoon World, Shadows And Tall Trees, Street Mission, Glad To See You Go
1.54 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : McGonagles - Dublin,
Irlanda (V)
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/03/1979 Localización (Venue) :
McGonagle’s - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : no disponible
1.55 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour :Trinity College - Dublin,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/03/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Trinity College - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist (incompleto) : Concentration Cramp, Street Mission
1.56 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : McGonagles - Dublin,
Irlanda (IV)
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/03/1979 Localización (Venue) :
McGonagles - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.57 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : The Stardust - Dublin,
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/11/1978 Localización (Venue) : The
Stardust - Dublin, Irlanda Setlis : No disponible
1.58 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Arcadia Ballroom - Cork,
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/01/1978 Localización (Venue) :
Arcadia Ballroom - Cork, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.59 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Project Arts Centre - Dublin,
Irlanda (II)
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/18/1978 Localización (Venue) :
Project Arts Centre - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.60 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Top Hat Ballroom - Dublin,
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/09/1978 Localización (Venue) : Top
Hat Ballroom - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
Table of Content
1.61 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Liberty Hall - Dublin,
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/01/1978 Localización (Venue) :
Liberty Hall - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.62 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : McGonagle’s -Dublin,
Irlanda (III)
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (Date) : 07/31/1978
Localización (Venue) : McGonagle’s, Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : no disponible
1.63 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Youngline - TV Irlanda
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (Date) : 05/01/1978
Localización (Venue) :Desconocido, Youngline - TV Irlanda Setlist : Street Mission
1.64 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Project Arts Centre - Dublin,
Irlanda (I)
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (Date) : 05/25/1978
Localización (Venue) : Project Arts Centre - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : no disponible Comentarios (Comments) : Paul McGuinness fue a conocer a U2 en este concierto. Paul McGuinness
went to know U2 in this concert.
1.65 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : McGonagle’s - Dublin,
Irlanda (II)
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (Date) : 04/11/1978
Localización (Venue) :McGonagle’s - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.66 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Church Hall - Dublin,
Table of Content
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (Date) : 03/20/1978
Localización (Venue) : Church Hall - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Dancing In The Moonlight,
Glad To See You Go, Shadows And Tall Trees
1.67 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Harp Lager Contest Limerick, Irlanda
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (Date) : 03/17/1978
Localización (Venue) : Harp Lager Contest - Limerick, Irlanda Setlist : no disponible Comentarios (Comments) : U2 gana el concurso Harp Lager Talent Contest. U2 wins the Harp
Lager Talent Contest.
1.68 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Project Arts Centre - Dublin,
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (Date) : 03/16/1978
Localización (Venue) : Project Arts Centre - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : no disponible
1.69 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Howth Community Centre Dublin, Irlanda
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (date) : 03/01/1978
Localización (Venue) : Howth Community Centre - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : no disponible
1.70 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Crofton Airport Hotel Crofton, Irlanda
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (Date) : 1978 Localización (venue) : Crofton Airport Hotel - Crofton, Irlanda Setlist : no disponible
1.71 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : McGonagle’s - Dublin,
Table of Content
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (Date) : 1978 Localización (venue) : McGonagle’s - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.72 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Mount Temple
Comprehensive School - Dublin, Irlanda
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (date) : 02/10/1978
Localización (Venue) : Mount Temple Comprehensive School - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist (incompleto) : Street Mission, The Fool
1.73 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Marine Hotel - Dublin,
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (date) : 10/07/1977
Localización (Venue) : Marine Hotel - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : 2-4-6-8 Motorway, Anarchy
In The UK, Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment, Suffragette City, What ?s Going On (canción de
The Hype)
1.74 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : St. Fintans School - Dublin,
Tour : Early Days, Irish Tour (Primeros Tiempos de U2) Fecha (date) : 04/11/1977
Localización (venue) : St. Fintan’s School - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist (incompleto) : Show Me
The Way, Johnny B. Goode, Nights In White Satin, Peaceful Easy Feeling, Suffragette City
1.75 U2 October Tour : Civic Center - San Francisco,
California, USA (II)
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/30/1982 Localización (Venue) : Civic Center San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Will Follow,
Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
Table of Content
1.76 U2 October Tour : Civic Center - San Francisco,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/29/1982 Localización (Venue) : Civic Center
- San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.77 U2 October Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA
Tour : U2 October tour Fecha (Date) : 03/27/1982 Localización (Venue) : Sports Arena Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., Stories For Boys,
I Will Follow, I Fall Down, Twilight, Out Of Control
1.78 U2 October Tour : San Diego Sports Arena - San Diego,
California, USA
Tour : u2 October tour Fecha (Date) : 03/26/1982 Localización (Venue) : San Diego
Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA Selist : no disponible
1.79 U2 October Tour : Coliseum - Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 03/25/1982 Localización (Venue) : Coliseum Phoenix, Arizona, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.80 U2 October Tour : Alumnae Hall - Brown University Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) :03/20/1982 Localización (venue) : Alumnae Hall
- Brown University - Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.81 U2 October Tour : Nassau County Community College
Table of Content
Ballroom - Garden City, New York, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 03/19/1982 Localización (Venue) : Nassau County
Community College Ballroom - Garden City, New York, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.82 U2 October Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 October tour Fecha (Date) : 03/18/1982 Localización (Venue) : The Ritz New York, New York, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Southern Man, A Celebration
1.83 U2 October Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/17/1982 Localización (Venue) : The Ritz New York, New York, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.84 U2 October Tour : University Of Massachusetts Bowker
Auditorium - Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/16/1982 Localización (Venue) : University Of
Massachusetts Bowker Auditorium - Amherst, Massachusetts, USA Setlist (incompleto) : A
Day Without Me, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Will Follow, Out Of Control
1.85 U2 October Tour : Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/14/1982 Localización (Venue) : Indiana
Convention Center - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
1.86 U2 October Tour : Louisville Gardens - Louisville,
Kentucky, USA
Tour : U2 October tour Fecha (date) : 03/13/1982 Localización (Venue) : Louisville
Gardens - Louisville, Kentucky, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
1.87 U2 October Tour : North Hall Auditorium - Memphis,
Tennessee, USA
Tour : U2 october Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/12/1982 Localización (Venue) : North Hall
Auditorium - Memphis, Tennessee, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
1.88 U2 October Tour : Civic Center - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/11/1982 Localización (Venue) : Civic Center
- Atlanta, Georgia, USA setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, I Will
Follow, Out Of Control
1.89 U2 October Tour : University of Tennessee - Knoxville,
Tennessee, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/10/1982 Localización (Venue) : University of
Tennessee - Knoxville, Tennessee, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
Table of Content
1.90 U2 October Tour : Leon County Arena - Tallahassee,
Florida, USA
tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/06/1982 Localización (Venue) : Leon County
Arena - Tallahassee, Florida, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
1.91 U2 October Tour : Curtis Hixon Convention Hall Tampa, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/05/1982 Localización (Venue) : Curtis Hixon
Convention Hall - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
1.92 U2 October Tour : West Palm Beach Auditorium - West
Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/04/1982 Localización (Venue) : West Palm
Beach Auditorium - West Palm Beach, Florida, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control
1.93 U2 October Tour : Lee County Arena - Fort Myers,
Florida, USA
Tour : u2 October tour Fecha (Date) : 03/03/1982 Localización (venue) : Lee County
Arena - Fort Myers, Florida, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.94 U2 October Tour : Colorado State University
Community Center - Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
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Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/28/1982 Localización (Venue) : Colorado
State University Community Center - Fort Collins, Colorado, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.95 U2 October Tour : Rainbow Music Hall - Denver,
Colorado, USA
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 02/27/1982 Localización (venue) : Rainbow Music
Hall - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.96 U2 October Tour : Uptown Theater - Kansas City,
Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/25/1982 Localización (Venue) : Uptown Theater - Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A
Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, A Celebration, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Southern Man, I Will Follow
1.97 U2 October Tour : University Of Illinois Auditorium Champaign, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 02/23/1982 Localización (Venue) : University
Of Illinois Auditorium - Champaign, Illinois, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another
Place, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow,
Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Southern Man
1.98 U2 October Tour : Headliners - Madison, Wisconsin,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 02/22/1982 Localización (venue) : Headliners
- Madison, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control,
Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Southern Man
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1.99 U2 October Tour : First Avenue - Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/21/1982 Localización (Venue) : First Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, Southern Man, I Will Follow
1.100 U2 October Tour : Night Moves - St. Louis, Missouri,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/19/1982 Localización (Venue) : Night Moves
- St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.101 U2 October Tour : Cardi’s - Dallas, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/16/1982 Localización (Venue) : Cardi’s Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.102 U2 October Tour : Cardi’s - Houston, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/15/1982 Localización (Venue) : Cardi’s Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.103 U2 October Tour : Cardi’s - San Antonio, Texas, USA
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 02/14/1982 Localización (Venue) : Cardi’s - San
Antonio, Texas, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.104 U2 October Tour : Opry House - Austin, Texas, USA
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Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/13/1982 Localización (Venue) : Opry House
- Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.105 U2 October Tour : New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/11/1982 SS Localización (Venue) : President
Riverboat - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I
Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out
Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.106 U2 October Tour : Royal Dublin Society Hall - Dublin,
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 01/26/1982 Localización (venue) : Royal Dublin
Society Hall - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist (incompleto) : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A
Window, A Day Without Me, Out Of Control, Tomorrow
1.107 U2 October Tour : City Hall - Cork, Irlanda
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 01/24/1982 Localización (venue) : City Hall Cork, Irlanda Setlist : no disponible
1.108 U2 October Tour : Leisureland - Galway, Irlanda
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 01/23/1982 Localización (venue) : Leisureland Galway, Irlanda Setlist : no disponible
1.109 U2 October Tour : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 October tour Fecha (date) : 12/21/1981 Localización (venue) : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice,
Table of Content
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.110 U2 October Tour : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/20/1981 Localización (venue) : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.111 U2 October Tour : Malibu Night Club - Lido Beach,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/13/1981 Localización (Venue). Malibu Night
Club - Lido Beach, New York, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, Rejoice, With A Shout, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Out Of Control, Twilight, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.112 U2 October Tour : Stage West - Hartford, Connecticut,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/12/1981 Localización (venue) : Stage West Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
1.113 U2 October Tour : Ontario Theater - Washington,
District of Columbia, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/11/1981 Localización (venue) : Ontario Theater - Washington, District of Columbia, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I
Table of Content
Threw A Brick Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control encores :
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.114 U2 October Tour : Uncle Sam’s - Buffalo, New York,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/10/1981 Localización (venue) : Uncle Sam’s
- Buffalo, New York, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
1.115 U2 October Tour : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/08/1981 Localización (venue) : The Agora Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of
Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.116 U2 October Tour : Dooley’s - East Lansing, Michigan,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/07/1981 Localización (venue) : Dooley’s East Lansing, Michigan, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out
Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.117 U2 October Tour : Park West - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/06/1981 Localización (venue) : Park West Chicago, Illinois, USA setlist : no disponible
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1.118 U2 October Tour : Fountain Street Church - Grand
Rapids, Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/05/1981 Localización (venue) : Fountain
Street Church - Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place,
I Threw A Brick Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.119 U2 October Tour : Royal Oak Music Theater - Detroit,
Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/04/1981 Localización (venue). Royal Oak
Music Theater - Detroit, Michigan, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I
Threw A Brick Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.120 U2 October Tour : Vanderbilt University - Nashville,
Tennessee, USA
tour : u2 October tour Fecha (date) : 12/02/1981 Localización (Venue) : Vanderbilt
University - Nashville, Tennessee, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, Rejoice, With A Shout, The Cry, The Electric Co., Twilight, I Fall
Down, October, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
1.121 U2 October Tour : The Agora - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/01/1981 Localización (venue) : The Agora
- Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
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1.122 U2 October Tour : Warfield Theater - San Francisco,
California, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/29/1981 Localización (venue) : Warfield Theater - San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout,
Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow,
Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.123 U2 October Tour : Hollywood Palladium - Los Angeles,
California, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/28/1981 Localización (venue) : Hollywood
Palladium - Los Angeles, California, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I
Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, I Fall Down, Twilight, Out Of Control
1.124 U2 October Tour : Hitsville South - Asbury Park, New
Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/25/1981 Localización (venue) : Hitsville South
- Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A
Brick Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control,
Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
1.125 U2 October Tour : Hitsville North - Passaic, New
Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/24/1981 Localización (venue) : Hitsville North
- Passaic, New Jersey, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.126 U2 October Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York,
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Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/22/1981 Localización (venue) : The Ritz - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
1.127 U2 October Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/21/1981 Localización (venue) : The Ritz - New
York, New York, USA setlist : no disponible
1.128 U2 October Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/20/1981 Localización (venue) : The Ritz - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.129 U2 October Tour : Ripley’s Music Hall - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/18/1981 Localizacion (Venue) : Ripley’s Music Hall - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I
Threw A Brick Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of
Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.130 U2 October Tour : Center Stage - Providence, Rhode
Island, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/17/1981 Localización (venue) : Center Stage
- Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist (incompleto) : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place,
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An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, I Will Follow, Fire, I Will Follow
1.131 U2 October Tour : Toad’s Place - New Haven,
Connecticut, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/15/1981 Localización (venue) : Toad’s Place New Haven, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out
Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow
1.132 U2 October Tour : The Orpheum Theater - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/14/1981 Localización (venue) : The Orpheum
Theater - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of
Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.133 U2 October Tour : J.B. Scott’s - Albany, New York, USA
tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/13/1981 Localización (venue) : J.B. Scott’s
- Albany, New York, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.134 U2 October Tour : Ruisrock Festival - Turku, Finlandia
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/07/1982 Localización (Venue) : Ruisrock
Festival - Turku, Finlandia Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, A Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I
Will Follow, Southern Man
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1.135 U2 October Tour : Vilar De Mouros, Portugal
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 08/03/1982 Localización (venue) : Vilar De Mouros, Portugal Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, I Will Follow, Out
Of Control, Fire, A Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.136 U2 October Tour : International Stadium - Gateshead,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/31/1982 Localización (venue) : International
Stadium - Gateshead, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Will Follow,
Out Of Control, A Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.137 U2 October Tour : Punchestown Racecourse - Dublin,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/18/1982 Localización (venue) : Punchestown
Racecourse - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, I
Will Follow, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.138 U2 October Tour : Festival Grounds - Werchter, Belgica
tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/04/1982 Localización (venue) : Festival Grounds
- Werchter, Belgica Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, I Will Follow,
Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Fire
1.139 U2 October Tour : Festival Grounds - Torhout, Belgica
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/03/1982 Localización (venue) : Festival Grounds
- Torhout, Belgica Setlist (incompleto) : The Cry, The Electric Co., I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock
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1.140 U2 October Tour : Festival Grounds - Roskilde,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 07/02/1982 Localización (venue) : Festival Grounds
- Roskilde, Dinamarca Setlist : Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, I Will Follow,
Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Gloria
1.141 U2 October Tour : Groenoordhallen - Leiden, Paises
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/01/1982 Localización (Venue) : Groenoordhallen - Leiden, Paises Bajos Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, I
Will Follow, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.142 U2 October Tour : ’T Heem - Hattem, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/14/1982 Localización (Venue) : ’T Heem Hattem, Paises Bajos Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, A Celebration, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Southern Man
1.143 U2 October Tour : Metropol - Berlin, Alemania
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : Metropol Berlin, Alemania Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The
Ocean, I Will Follow
1.144 U2 October Tour : Fabrik - Hamburg, Alemania
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : Fabrik - Hamburg, Alemania Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick Through A
Table of Content
Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control
1.145 U2 October Tour : De Lantaarn - Rotterdam, Paises
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/01/1981 Localización (venue) : De Lantaarn
- Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : no disponible
1.146 U2 October Tour : Stokvishal - Arnhem, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/31/1981 Localización (Venue) : Stokvishal Arnhem, Paises Bajos Setlist : no disponible
1.147 U2 October Tour : Paradiso - Amsterdam, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/30/1981 Localización (venue) : Paradiso Amsterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.148 U2 October Tour : De Harmonie - Tilburg, Paises Bajos
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 10/29/1981 Localización (venue) : De Harmonie
- Tilburg, Paises Bajos Setlist : no disponible
1.149 U2 October Tour : Stadsgehoorzaal - Leiden, Paises
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/28/1981 Localización (venue) : Stadsgehoorzaal - Leiden, Paises Bajos Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control
Table of Content
1.150 U2 October Tour : Elysee Montmartre - Paris, Francia
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/26/1981 Localización (Venue) : Elysee Montmartre - Paris, Francia Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean, Fire
1.151 U2 October Tour : Zaal Lux - Herenthout, Belgica
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 10/25/1981 Localización (venue) : Zaal Lux Herenthout, Belgica Setlist : no disponible
1.152 U2 October Tour : Brielpoort - Deinze, Belgica
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 10/24/1981 Localización (Venue) : Brielpoort Deinze, Belgica Setlist : No disponible
1.153 U2 October Tour : Pavilion - Hemel Hempstead,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/21/1981 Localización (venue) : Pavilion Hemel Hempstead, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.154 U2 October Tour : Tiffany’s - Leeds, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 10/20/1981 Localización (venue) : Tiffany’s Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
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1.155 U2 October Tour : Locarno - Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/19/1981 Localización (Venue) : Locarno Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean
1.156 U2 October Tour : Locarno - Bristol, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/18/1981 Localización (venue) : Locarno Bristol, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
1.157 U2 October Tour : Sports Centre - Bracknell, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/17/1981 Localización (venue) : Sports Centre
- Bracknell, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.158 U2 October Tour : King’s Hall - Stoke, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/16/1981 Localización (venue) : King’s Hall Stoke, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.159 U2 October Tour : Top Rank - Cardiff, Gales
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 10/14/1981 Localización (venue) : Top Rank Cardiff, Gales Setlist : No disponible
1.160 U2 October Tour : Locarno - Portsmouth, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/13/1981 Localización (Venue) : Locarno Portsmouth, Inglaterra Setlist (incompleto) : Gloria, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, I
Table of Content
Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick
1.161 U2 October Tour : Top Rank - Brighton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 10/12/1981 Localización (venue) : Top Rank Brighton, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean
1.162 U2 October Tour : Royal Court Theater - Liverpool,
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/10/1981 Localización (venue) : Royal Court
Theater - Liverpool, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, Fire
1.163 U2 October Tour : Mayfair - Newcastle, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/09/1981 Localización (venue) : Mayfair Newcastle, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.164 U2 October Tour : Lyceum - Sheffield, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/08/1981 Localización (Venue) : Lyceum Sheffield, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean
1.165 U2 October Tour : Polytechnic - Leicester, Inglaterra
Table of Content
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/07/1981 Localización (venue) : Polytechnic
- Leicester, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean
1.166 U2 October Tour : Warwick University - Coventry,
Tour : U2 October tour Fecha (Date) : 10/06/1981 Localización (venue) : Warwick University - Coventry, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.167 U2 October Tour : Tiffany’s - Glasgow, Escocia
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : Tiffany’s Glasgow, Escocia Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, With A Shout, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean
1.168 U2 October Tour : University - Salford, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/03/1981 Localización (Venue) :University
- Salford, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, With A Shout, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean
1.169 U2 October Tour : Rock City - Nottingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/02/1981 Localización (venue) : Rock City Nottingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, I Will Follow,
Table of Content
I Fall Down, October, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.170 U2 October Tour : University Of East Anglia - Norwich,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/01/1981 Localización (Venue) : University
Of East Anglia - Norwich, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry,
The Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
I Will Follow, I Fall Down, October, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The
1.171 U2 October Tour : Coasters - Edinburgh, Escocia
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/31/1981 Localización (venue) : Coasters Edinburgh, Escocia Setlist : With A Shout, Twilight, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Fire
1.172 U2 October Tour : International Stadium - Gateshead,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 08/29/1981 Localización (Venue) : International
Stadium - Gateshead, Inglaterra Setlist : With A Shout, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, Stories For Boys, Out Of Control, I Will Follow, Fire
1.173 U2 October Tour : Greenbelt Arts And Music Festival Odell, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/24/1981 Localización (veneu) : Greenbelt
Arts And Music Festival - Odell, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Fire
1.174 U2 October Tour : Paris Cinema Studio - Londres,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/23/1981 Localización (Venue) : Paris Cinema
Studio - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, With A Shout, Twilight, Out Of Control, Rejoice
1.175 U2 October Tour : Slane Castle - Slane, Irlanda
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/16/1981 Localización (venue) : Slane Castle
- Slane, Irlanda Setlist : With A Shout, Twilight, I Will Follow, I Threw A Brick Through A
Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Gloria, Rejoice, October, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl,
Out Of Control, Happy Birthday, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.176 U2 War Tour : Pier 84 - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/29/1983 Localización (venue) : Pier 84 - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.177 U2 War Tour : The Centrum - Worcester,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/28/1983 Localización (Venue) : The Centrum Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
I Will Follow, 40
1.178 U2 War Tour : Coliseum - New Haven, Connecticut,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/27/1983 Localización (venue) : Coliseum - New
Haven, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Table of Content
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
1.179 U2 War Tour : Civic Center - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 war Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/25/1983 Localización (Venue) : Civic Center
- Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
1.180 U2 War Tour : Civic Auditorium - Jacksonville, Florida,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/24/1983 Localización (Venue) : Civic Auditorium
- Jacksonville, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.181 U2 War Tour : Sunrise Musical Theater - Miami,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/23/1983 Localización (Venue) :Sunrise Musical
Theater - Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.182 U2 War Tour : Curtis Hixon Convention Hall - Tampa,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/22/1983 Localización (Venue) : Curtis Hixon
Convention Hall - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
I Will Follow, 40
1.183 U2 War Tour : Jai Alai Fronton Hall - Orlando,
Table of Content
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/21/1983 Localización (venue) : Jai Alai Fronton
Hall - Orlando, Florida, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
1.184 U2 War Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/17/1983 Localización (venue) :Sports Arena Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
1.185 U2 War Tour : Houston Music Hall - Houston, Texas,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) :06/14/1983 Localización (venue) :Houston Music
Hall - Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
1.186 U2 War Tour : Bronco Bowl - Dallas, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/13/1983 Localización (Venue) : Bronco Bowl Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.187 U2 War Tour : The Meadows - Austin, Texas, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/11/1983 Localización (Venue) :The Meadows Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.188 U2 War Tour : Lloyd Noble Center, University of
Oklahoma - Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/10/1983 Localización (Venue) : Lloyd Noble Center, University of Oklahoma - Norman, Oklahoma, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.189 U2 War Tour : The Brady Theater - Tulsa, Oklahoma,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 06/09/1983 Localización (Venue) : The Brady Theater - Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.190 U2 War Tour : Memorial Hall - Kansas City, Missouri,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/1983 Localización (Venue) : Memorial Hall Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.191 U2 War Tour : Colorado State University - Boulder,
Colorado, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/1983 Localización (Venue) : Colorado State
University - Boulder, Colorado, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, New Year’s Day, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat
Table of Content
As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna
Fall, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.192 U2 War Tour : Red Rocks Amphitheater - Denver,
Colorado, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/05/1983 Localización (Venue) : Red Rocks Amphitheater - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
A Day Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.193 U2 War Tour : Salt Palace Assembly Hall - Salt Lake
City, Utah, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/03/1983 Localización (venue) : Salt Palace Assembly Hall - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Setlist (incompleto) : Gloria, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Sunday Bloody Sunday, October, New Year’s Day,
Party Girl, 40
1.194 U2 War Tour : Civic Auditorium - San Francisco,
California, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/01/1983 Localización (venue) : Civic Auditorium
- San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.195 U2 War Tour : Glen Helen Regional Park - Devore,
California, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/30/1983 Localización (venue) : Glen Helen Regional Park - Devore, California, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, New Year’s Day, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat
Table of Content
As One, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., California, I Will Follow, 40
1.196 U2 War Tour : Paramount Theatre - Portland, Oregon,
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/27/1983 Localización (venue) : Paramount Theatre
- Portland, Oregon, USA Setlist (incompleto) : An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two
Hearts Beat As One, Sunday Bloody Sunday, I Fall Down, New Year’s Day
1.197 U2 War Tour : Paramount Theater - Seattle,
Washington, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/26/1983 Localización (venue) : Paramount Theater - Seattle, Washington, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.198 U2 War Tour : Queen Elizabeth Theater - Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/25/1983 Localización (venue) : Queen Elizabeth
Theater - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
A Day Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.199 U2 War Tour : Northrop Auditorium - Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/22/1983 Localización (venue) : Northrop Auditorium - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
Table of Content
1.200 U2 War Tour : Aragon Ballroom - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/21/1983 Localización (venue) : Aragon Ballroom
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist (incompleto) : I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, A Day
Without Me, I Threw A Brick Through A Window
1.201 U2 War Tour : Grand Circus Theater - Detroit,
Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/20/1983 Localización (venue) : Grand Circus
Theater - Detroit, Michigan, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.202 U2 War Tour : Music Hall - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : u2 war Tour Fecha (date) : 05/19/1983 Localización (venue) : Music Hall - Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, New Year’s Day,
Gloria, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.203 U2 War Tour : Massey Hall - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/17/1983 Localización (venue) : Massey Hall Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, New
Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.204 U2 War Tour : Shea Center - Buffalo, New York, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/16/1983 Localización (venue) : Shea Center -
Table of Content
Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.205 U2 War Tour : Tower Theater - Upper Darby,
Pennsylvania, USA (II)
tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/14/1983 Localización (venue) : Tower Theater
- Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, New Year’s Day, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.206 U2 War Tour : Tower Theater - Upper Darby,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/13/1983 Localización (venue) : Tower Theater Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Surrender, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
October, Gloria, New Year’s Day, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, 40
1.207 U2 War Tour : Capitol Theater - Passaic, New Jersey,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/12/1983 Localización (venue) : Capitol Theater
- Passaic, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
1.208 U2 War Tour : Palladium - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/11/1983 Localización (venue) : Palladium - New
Table of Content
York, New York, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.209 U2 War Tour : Woolsey Hall - Yale University - New
Haven, Connecticut, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/10/1983 Localización (venue) : Woolsey Hall - Yale
University - New Haven, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.210 U2 War Tour : Trinity College - Hartford, Connecticut,
tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/08/1983 Localización (venue) : Trinity College Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, 40
1.211 U2 War Tour : State University Of New York - Albany,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/07/1983 Localización (venue) : State University
Of New York - Albany, New York, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, 40
1.212 U2 War Tour : The Orpheum Theater - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/06/1983 Localización (venue) : The Orpheum
Theater - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
Table of Content
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A
Window, A Day Without Me, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.213 U2 War Tour : The Orpheum Theater - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/05/1983 Localización (venue) : The Orpheum
Theater - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Two Hearts Beat As One, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., October, Gloria,
I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me
1.214 U2 War Tour : Fulton Theater - Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/03/1983 Localización (venue) : Fulton Theater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.215 U2 War Tour : State University of New York, Stony
Brook - Stony Brook, New York, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/01/1983 Localización (venue) : State University
of New York, Stony Brook - Stony Brook, New York, USA Setlist (incompleto) : Gloria, A
Day Without Me, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, Seconds, Surrender, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Tomorrow, New Year’s Day, Two Hearts Beat As One
1.216 U2 War Tour : Brown University - Providence, Rhode
Island, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/30/1983 Localización (Venue) : Brown University
- Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, New Year’s Day, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of
Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
Table of Content
1.217 U2 War Tour : State University Of New York - Delhi,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 04/29/1983 Localización (venue). State University
Of New York - Delhi, New York, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.218 U2 War Tour : Rochester Institute Of Technology Ice
Rink - Rochester, New York, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 04/28/1983 Localización (venue) : Rochester Institute Of Technology Ice Rink - Rochester, New York, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender / Billie Jean (snippet), Sunday
Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, New Year’s Day,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.219 U2 War Tour : Cayuga County Community College
Gym - Auburn, New York, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 04/27/1983 Localización (venue) : Cayuga County
Community College Gym - Auburn, New York, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.220 U2 War Tour : Ritchie Stadium - College Park,
Maryland, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 04/25/1983 Localización (venue) : Ritchie Stadium College Park, Maryland, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, New Year’s Day, 40
1.221 U2 War Tour : Chrysler Hall - Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/24/1983 Localización (venue) : Chrysler Hall Norfolk, Virginia, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Table of Content
Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.222 U2 War Tour : Kenan Stadium - Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour fecha (date) : 04/23/1983 Localización (Venue) : Kenan Stadium Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow
1.223 U2 War Tour : Nakano Sun Plaza - Tokyo, Japon
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/30/1983 Localización (Venue) : Nakano Sun Plaza
- Tokyo, Japon Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, A
Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.224 U2 War Tour : Shinjuku Koseinenkin Kaikan - Tokyo,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/29/1983 Localización (venue) : Shinjuku Koseinenkin Kaikan - Tokyo, Japon Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, A Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.225 U2 War Tour : Shibuya Kokaido - Tokyo, Japon (II)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/27/1983 Localización (Venue) : Shibuya Kokaido
- Tokyo, Japon Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
Table of Content
1.226 U2 War Tour : Shibuya Kokaido - Tokyo, Japon
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/26/1983 Localización (venue) : Shibuya Kokaido
- Tokyo, Japon Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.227 U2 War Tour : Seto-shi Bunka Center - Seto City, Japon
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) :11/23/1983 Localización (Venue) : Seto-shi Bunka
Center - Seto City, Japon Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
1.228 U2 War Tour : Festival Hall - Osaka, Japon
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/22/1983 Localización (venue) : Festival Hall Osaka, Japon Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two
Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.229 U2 War Tour : Kalvoya Festival - Oslo, Noruega
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/21/1983 Localización (venue) : Kalvoya Festival
- Oslo, Noruega Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Gloria,
New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, 40
1.230 U2 War Tour : Loreley Amphitheater - St.
Goarshausen, Alemania
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/20/1983 Localización (venue) : Loreley Amphitheater - St. Goarshausen, Alemania Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Gloria, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, 40
Table of Content
1.231 U2 War Tour : Phoenix Park Racecourse - Dublin,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 08/14/1983 Localización (venue) : Phoenix Park
Racecourse - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.232 U2 War Tour : Festival Grounds - Werchter, Belgica
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/03/1983 Localización (venue) : Festival Grounds
- Werchter, Belgica Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender,
Two Hearts Beat As One, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Gloria, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, Happy Birthday, I Will Follow, 40
1.233 U2 War Tour : Festival Grounds - Torhout, Belgica
Tour :U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/02/1983 Localización (Venue) : Festival Grounds
- Torhout, Belgica Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, New Year’s
Day, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Gloria, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.234 U2 War Tour : Festival De Printemps - Bourges, Francia
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/03/1983 Localización (Venue) : Festival De Printemps - Bourges, Francia Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.235 U2 War Tour : Hammersmith Palais - Londres,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/29/1983 Localización (venue) : Hammersmith
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Palais - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party
Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, 40
1.236 U2 War Tour : Royal Centre - Nottingham, Inglaterra
tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/28/1983 Localización (venue) : Royal Centre Nottingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.237 U2 War Tour : Odeon - Birmingham, Inglaterra (II)
tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/27/1983 Localización (venue) : Odeon - Birmingham, Inglaterra setlisT : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.238 U2 War Tour : Newcastle City Hall - Newcastle,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/26/1983 Localización (venue) : Newcastle City
Hall - Newcastle, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party
Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.239 U2 War Tour : Royal Court Theater - Liverpool,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 War tour Fecha (Date) : 03/25/1983 Localización (venue) : Royal Court Theater - Liverpool, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Table of Content
Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party
Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.240 U2 War Tour : Tiffany’s - Glasgow, Escocia (II)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/24/1983 Localización (venue) : Tiffany’s - Glasgow,
Escocia Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds,
Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One / Let’s Twist Again (snippet), Twilight, Out Of
Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.241 U2 War Tour : Hammersmith Odeon - Londres,
Inglaterra (III)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/22/1983 Localización (venue) : Hammersmith
Odeon - Londres, Inglaterra setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party
Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.242 U2 War Tour : Hammersmith Odeon - Londres,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/21/1983 Localización (Venue) : Hammersmith
Odeon - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control,
Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.243 U2 War Tour : Assembly Rooms - Derby, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 03/20/1983 Localización (Venue) : Assembly Rooms
- Derby, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
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1.244 U2 War Tour : Apollo Theater - Manchester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/19/1983 Localización (Venue) : Apollo Theater Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.245 U2 War Tour : Leeds University - Leeds, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/18/1983 Localización (Venue) : Leeds University
- Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.246 U2 War Tour : City Hall - Sheffield, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/17/1983 Localización (venue) : City Hall - Sheffield, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Gloria, A Celebration, 40
1.247 U2 War Tour : Gaumont Theatre - Ipswich, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 03/15/1983 Localización (venue) : Gaumont Theatre
- Ipswich, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.248 U2 War Tour : Hammersmith Odeon - Londres,
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Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 03/14/1983 Localización (venue) : Hammersmith
Odeon - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control,
Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.249 U2 War Tour : Top Rank - Brighton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/13/1983 Localización (Venue) : Top Rank - Brighton, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, The Cry, The Electric Co., Happy Birthday, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control,
Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, 40
1.250 U2 War Tour : St. David’s Hall - Cardiff, Gales
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 03/11/1983 Localización (Venue) : St. David’s Hall
- Cardiff, Gales Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.251 U2 War Tour : Odeon - Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/10/1983 Localización (Venue) : Odeon - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.252 U2 War Tour : Arts Centre - Poole, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 03/09/1983 Localización (Venue) : Arts Centre Poole, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
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1.253 U2 War Tour : University - Exeter, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/08/1983 Localización (Venue) : University - Exeter, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.254 U2 War Tour : Colston Hall - Bristol, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/07/1983 Localización (venue) : Colston Hall Bristol, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.255 U2 War Tour : Guildhall - Portsmouth, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/06/1983 Localización (venue) : Guildhall - Portsmouth, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Tomorrow, Surrender, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I
Will Follow, 40
1.256 U2 War Tour : Victoria Hall - Hanley, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 03/04/1983 Localización (venue) : Victoria Hall Hanley, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, Seconds, Two Hearts Beat As One, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.257 U2 War Tour : Royal Court Theater - Liverpool,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/03/1983 Localización (Venue) : Royal Court
Theater - Liverpool, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Seconds, Two Hearts Beat As One, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Table of Content
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Party Girl, A Celebration, 40
1.258 U2 War Tour : Lancaster University - Lancaster,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/02/1983 Localización (venue) : Lancaster University - Lancaster, Inglaterra setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Seconds, Two Hearts Beat As One, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl,
A Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.259 U2 War Tour : Newcastle City Hall - Newcastle,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/01/1983 Localización (venue) : Newcastle City
Hall - Newcastle, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, A Celebration, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.260 U2 War Tour : Playhouse Theater - Edinburgh, Escocia
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/28/1983 Localización (Venue) : Playhouse Theater
- Edinburgh, Escocia SetlisT : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, Seconds, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Tomorrow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Party Girl,
Surrender, A Celebration, 40
1.261 U2 War Tour : Capitol Theater - Aberdeen, Escocia
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/27/1983 Localización (Venue) : Capitol Theater
- Aberdeen, Escocia Setlist (incompleto) : Gloria, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., October, Out Of Control, I Will Follow, Party Girl, A Celebration
Table of Content
1.262 U2 War Tour : Caird Hall - Dundee, Escocia
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/26/1983 Localización (Venue) : Caird Hall Dundee, Escocia Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I
Will Follow, Party Girl, Surrender, Like A Song, 40
1.263 U2 War Tour : S.F.X. Center - Dublin, Irlanda (III)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/24/1982 Localización (venue) : S.F.X. Center Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.264 U2 War Tour : S.F.X. Center - Dublin, Irlanda (II)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 12/23/1982 Localización (venue) : S.F.X. Center Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.265 U2 War Tour : S.F.X. Center - Dublin, Irlanda (I)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 12/22/1982 Localización (venue) : S.F.X. Center Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.266 U2 War Tour : Maysfield Leisure Center - Belfast,
Irlanda del Norte
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/20/1982 Localización (Venue) : Maysfield Leisure
Center - Belfast, irlanda del Norte Setlist (incompleto) : Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
New Year’s Day, A Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
1.267 U2 War Tour : Leisureland - Galway, Irlanda
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/19/1982 Localización (venue) : Leisureland -
Table of Content
Galway, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.268 U2 War Tour : City Hall - Cork, Irlanda
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/18/1982 Localización (Venue) : City Hall - Cork,
Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.269 U2 War Tour : Konserthuset - Stockholm, Suecia
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/15/1982 Localización (venue) : Konserthuset Stockholm, Suecia Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire, A
Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.270 U2 War Tour : Falkoner Teatret - Copenhagen,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/14/1982 Localización (Venue) : Falkoner Teatret
- Copenhagen, Dinamarca Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Gloria, Fire,
A Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.271 U2 War Tour : Limburghal - Genk, Belgica
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/12/1982 Localización (Venue) : Limburghal Genk, Belgica Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Gloria, Fire, A Celebration,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.272 U2 War Tour : Brielpoort - Deinze, Belgica
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/11/1982 Localización (Venue) : Brielpoort -
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Deinze, Belgica Setlist : No disponible
1.273 U2 War Tour : Volksbelang - Mechelen, Belgica
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/10/1982 Localización (Venue) : Volksbelang Mechelen, Belgica Setlist : No disponible
1.274 U2 War Tour : Martinihal - Groningen, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/09/1982 Localización (Venue) : Martinihal - Groningen, Paises Bajos SetlisT : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire, A
Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.275 U2 War Tour : Muziekcentrum Vredenburg - Utrecht,
Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/08/1982 Localización (venue) : Muziekcentrum
Vredenburg - Utrecht, Paises Bajos Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A
Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow,
Fire, A Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.276 U2 War Tour : Hammersmith Palais - Londres,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/06/1982 Localización (venue). Hammersmith
Palais - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire,
A Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.277 U2 War Tour : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra
Table of Content
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/05/1982 Localización (Venue) : Lyceum Ballroom
- Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire, A
Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.278 U2 War Tour : Odeon - Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/04/1982 Localización : (Venue) : Odeon - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, A Celebration, Sunday Bloody Sunday
1.279 U2 War Tour : De Montfort Hall - Leicester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 12/03/1982 Localización (Venue) : De Montfort Hall
- Leicester, Inglaterra Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire, A
Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.280 U2 War Tour : Apollo Theater - Manchester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/02/1982 Localización (Venue) : Apollo Theater Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire, A
Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
1.281 U2 War Tour : Tiffany’s - Glasgow, Escocia
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/01/1982 Localización (venue) : Tiffany’s - Glasgow, Escocia Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire, A Celebration,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
Table of Content
1.282 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Hollywood
Sportatorium - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/04/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Hollywood Sportatorium - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.283 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Hollywood
Sportatorium - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/03/1985 Localización (venue) :
Hollywood Sportatorium - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA Setlist (incompleto) : 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, A Sort Of
Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria,
1.284 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sun Dome - Tampa,
Florida, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/02/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Sun Dome - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On
Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.285 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Jacksonville
Memorial Coliseum - Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/30/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Jacksonville Memorial Coliseum - Jacksonville, Florida, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.286 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Omni - Atlanta,
Table of Content
Georgia, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/29/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Omni - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.287 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Spectrum Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/24/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Spectrum - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.288 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Civic Center Hartford, Connecticut, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/23/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Civic Center - Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Two
Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.289 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Spectrum Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/22/1985 Localización (Venue) : The
Spectrum - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
1.290 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Civic Center Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/20/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Civic Center - Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.291 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Centrum Worcester, Massachusetts, USA (III)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/19/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.292 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Centrum Worcester, Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/18/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, I Fall Down, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Two Hearts Beat
As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, I Will Follow, 40
1.293 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Centrum Worcester, Massachusetts, USA (I)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/16/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Two Hearts Beat As One, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
1.294 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena
- East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (III)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/15/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40 / Do They Know It’s Christmas (snippet)
1.295 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena
- East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/14/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Two Hearts Beat As
One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
1.296 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena
- East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/12/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.297 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Hampton Coliseum Hampton, Virginia, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/10/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, Virginia, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Table of Content
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.298 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Civic Arena Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/09/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Civic Arena - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.299 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Capital Centre Landover, Maryland, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 04/08/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Capital Centre - Landover, Maryland, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.300 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Nassau Coliseum Uniondale, New York, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/03/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Nassau Coliseum - Uniondale, New York, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.301 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Providence Civic
Center - Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/02/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Providence Civic Center - Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Table of Content
Co., Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, 40
1.302 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Madison Square
Garden - New York, New York, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/01/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Madison Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I
Will Follow, Seconds, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.303 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Civic Center Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/30/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Civic Center - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.304 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Maple Leaf Gardens Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/28/1985 Localización (venue) :
Maple Leaf Gardens - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.305 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Forum Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/27/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Forum - Montreal, Quebec, Canada Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Se-
Table of Content
conds, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.306 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Richfield Coliseum Richfield, Ohio, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/25/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Richfield Coliseum - Richfield, Ohio, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.307 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Joe Louis Arena Detroit, Michigan, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/23/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Joe Louis Arena - Detroit, Michigan, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.308 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : University Of Illinois
Pavillion - Chicago, Illinois, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/22/1985 Localización (Venue) :
University Of Illinois Pavillion - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I
Will Follow, Seconds, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, 40
1.309 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : University Of Illinois
Pavillion - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/21/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Table of Content
University Of Illinois Pavillion - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I
Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.310 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Minneapolis
Auditorium - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/19/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Minneapolis Auditorium - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I
Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.311 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : McNichols Sports
Arena - Denver, Colorado, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/17/1985 Localización (Venue) : McNichols Sports Arena - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.312 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Neal Blaisdell Center
Arena - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/11/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Neal Blaisdell Center Arena - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.313 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Cow Palace - Daly
City, California, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/08/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Cow Palace - Daly City, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday
Table of Content
Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, 40
1.314 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Cow Palace - Daly
City, California, USA (I)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/07/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Cow Palace - Daly City, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.315 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sports Arena - Los
Angeles, California, USA (III)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/05/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.316 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sports Arena - Los
Angeles, California, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/04/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.317 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sports Arena - Los
Angeles, California, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/02/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Table of Content
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.318 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Compton Terrace Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/01/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Compton Terrace - Phoenix, Arizona, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.319 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Summit Houston, Texas, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/27/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Summit - Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On
Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.320 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Frank Erwin Center Austin, Texas, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/26/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Frank Erwin Center - Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.321 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Reunion Arena Dallas, Texas, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/25/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Table of Content
Reunion Arena - Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl,
Gloria, 40
1.322 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Lark By The Lee
Festival - Cork, Irlanda
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/25/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Lark By The Lee Festival - Cork, Irlanda Setlist : I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Gloria, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, 40
1.323 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour (LIVE AID) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour (LIVE AID) Fecha (Date) : 07/13/1985 Localización
(Venue) : Wembley Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bad
1.324 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Festival Grounds Werchter, Belgica
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/07/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Festival Grounds - Werchter, Belgica Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
Out Of Control, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.325 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Torhout Festival Torhout, Belgica
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/06/1985 Localización (Venue) :Torhout Festival - Torhout, Belgica Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On
Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
1.326 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Croke Park - Dublin,
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/29/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Croke Park - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, A Sort Of Homecoming, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), My Hometown,
Out Of Control, Gloria, 40
1.327 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Milton Keynes Bowl Milton Keynes, Inglaterra
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/22/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Milton Keynes Bowl - Milton Keynes, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Rain, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.328 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : St. Jakob’s Stadion Basel, Suiza
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/01/1985 Localización (Venue) :
St. Jakob’s Stadion - Basel, Suiza Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
Gloria, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad,
October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), 40
1.329 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Freigelande Halle
Munsterland - Munster, Alemania
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/27/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Freigelande Halle Munsterland - Munster, Alemania Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Gloria, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), 40
Table of Content
1.330 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Neckarstadion Stuttgart, Alemania
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/26/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Neckarstadion - Stuttgart, Alemania Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, October,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), 40
1.331 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Nurburgring
Racecourse - Koblenz, Alemania
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/25/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Nurburgring Racecourse - Koblenz, Alemania Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Gloria, 40
1.332 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Palais Omnisports De
Bercy - Paris, Francia
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/10/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Palais Omnisports De Bercy - Paris, Francia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
1.333 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Hallenstadion Zurich, Suiza
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/08/1985 localización (Venue) :
Hallenstadion - Zurich, Suiza Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
1.334 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Teatro Tenda Bologna, Italia (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/06/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Teatro Tenda - Bologna, Italia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of
Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party Girl,
Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
1.335 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Teatro Tenda Bologna, Italia
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/05/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Teatro Tenda - Bologna, Italia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of
Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria,
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, 40
1.336 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Teatro Tenda
Lampugnano - Milan, Italia
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/04/1985 Localización (venue) :
Teatro Tenda Lampugnano - Milan, Italia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, Indian Summer Sky, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.337 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour :
Rudi-Sedlmayer-Halle - Munich, Alemania
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/02/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Rudi-Sedlmayer-Halle - Munich, Alemania Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, Indian Summer Sky, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
1.338 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Musensaal Mannheim, Alemania
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/01/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Musensaal - Mannheim, Alemania Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl,
Gloria, Southern Man, 40
1.339 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sporthalle - Cologne,
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/31/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Sporthalle - Cologne, Alemania Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of
Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party Girl,
Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
1.340 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Stadhalle Offenbach, Alemania
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/29/1985 Localización (Venue) :Stadhalle - Offenbach, Alemania Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of
Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party Girl,
Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
1.341 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Congress Center Hamburg, Alemania
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/28/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Congress Center - Hamburg, Alemania Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria,
Party Girl, Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
Table of Content
1.342 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Scandinavium Gothenburg, Suecia
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/26/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Scandinavium - Gothenburg, Suecia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party
Girl, Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
1.343 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Ice Stadium Stockholm, Suecia
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/25/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Ice Stadium - Stockholm, Suecia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party
Girl, Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
1.344 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Drammenshallen Drammen, Noruega
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/23/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Drammenshallen - Drammen, Noruega Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria,
Party Girl, Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
1.345 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Long Beach Arena Long Beach, California, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/16/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Long Beach Arena - Long Beach, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
1.346 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Civic Auditorium San Francisco, California, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/15/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Civic Auditorium - San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.347 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Aragon Ballroom Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 12/11/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Aragon Ballroom - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.348 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Music Hall Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/09/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Music Hall - Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl,
Gloria, 40
1.349 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Fox Theater - Detroit,
Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 12/08/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Fox Theater - Detroit, Michigan, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party
Girl, 40
Table of Content
1.350 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Massey Hall Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 12/07/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Massey Hall - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party
Girl, Gloria, 40
1.351 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Constitution Hall Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 12/05/1984 Localziación (Venue) :
Constitution Hall - Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Gloria, Party Girl, Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
1.352 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Radio City Music
Hall - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/03/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Radio City Music Hall - New York, New York, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.353 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Centrum Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 12/02/1984 Localización (Venue) :
The Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
1.354 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Tower Theater Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 12/01/1984 Localización (venue) :
Tower Theater - Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Gloria, Party Girl, Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
1.355 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Westfalenhalle Dortmund, Alemania
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/21/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Westfalenhalle - Dortmund, Alemania Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, 40
1.356 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Wembley Arena Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/15/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Wembley Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party
Girl, Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
1.357 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Wembley Arena Londres, Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 11/14/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Wembley Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party
Girl, Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
Table of Content
1.358 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : National Exhibition
Centre - Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 11/12/1984 Localización (Venue) :
National Exhibition Centre - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Party Girl, 40
1.359 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Apollo Theater Manchester, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/10/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Apollo Theater - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.360 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Apollo Theater Manchester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/09/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Apollo Theater - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, Indian Summer Sky, October,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.361 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Barrowlands Glasgow, Escocia (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/07/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Barrowlands - Glasgow, Escocia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
1.362 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Barrowlands Glasgow, Escocia
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 11/06/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Barrowlands - Glasgow, Escocia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.363 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Edinburgh Playhouse
- Edinburgh, Escocia
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/05/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Edinburgh Playhouse - Edinburgh, Escocia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Wire, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of
Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.364 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Brixton Academy Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 11/03/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Brixton Academy - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co. / Send In The Clowns (snippet),
Bad, Indian Summer Sky, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love) encores :
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.365 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Brixton Academy Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 11/02/1984 Localización (venue) :
Brixton Academy - Londres , Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, Indian Summer Sky, October,
Table of Content
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.366 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sportpaleis Ahoy Rotterdam, Paises Bajos (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 10/31/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Sportpaleis Ahoy - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Wire, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of
Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.367 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sportpaleis Ahoy Rotterdam, Paises Bajos (I)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 10/30/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Sportpaleis Ahoy - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Wire, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of
Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.368 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Vorst Nationaal Brussels, Belgica (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/28/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Vorst Nationaal - Brussels, Belgica Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender / In A Big Country (snippet), Two Hearts Beat As One,
Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co. / Stranger
In A Strange Land (snippet) / Send In The Clowns (snippet), Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love) encores : Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.369 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Vorst Nationaal Brussels, Belgica
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 10/27/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Vorst Nationaal - Brussels, Belgica Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire, MLK,
Table of Content
The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, Indian Summer Sky, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.370 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Espace Ballard Paris, Francia
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 10/25/1984 Localización (venue) :
Espace Ballard - Paris, Francia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.371 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : St. Herblain - Nantes,
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 10/23/1984 Localización (venue) :
St. Herblain - Nantes, Francia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, Indian Summer Sky, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.372 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Patinoire - Bordeaux,
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 10/22/1984 Localización (venue) :
Patinoire - Bordeaux, Francia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, Indian Summer Sky, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), A Sort Of Homecoming, Gloria, Party Girl, 40
1.373 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Palais De Sports Toulouse, France
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 10/20/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Table of Content
Palais De Sports - Toulouse, Francia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), A Sort Of
Homecoming, Gloria, 40
1.374 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Marseilles Stadium Marseilles, Francia
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 10/19/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Marseilles Stadium - Marseilles, Francia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, The
Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, October, New Year’s Day, A Sort Of Homecoming, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
1.375 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Espace Tony Garnier
- Lyon, Francia
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) :10/18/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Espace Tony Garnier - Lyon, Francia Setlist : MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two
Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, Indian
Summer Sky, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
I Will Follow, Gloria, 40
1.376 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Entertainment Centre
- Perth, Western Australia, Australia (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/24/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Entertainment Centre - Perth, Western Australia, Australia Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As
One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
1.377 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Entertainment Centre
Table of Content
- Perth, Western Australia, Australia (I)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 09/23/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Entertainment Centre - Perth, Western Australia, Australia Setlist : No disponible
1.378 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Apollo Entertainment
Centre - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/21/1984 Localización (Venue) : Apollo Entertainment Centre - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Setlist : Gloria,
I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, The
Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.379 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Apollo Entertainment
Centre - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (I)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/20/1984 Localización (venue) :
Apollo Entertainment Centre - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia SetlisT : No disponible
1.380 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sports And
Entertainment Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (V)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 09/18/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Sports And Entertainment Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : Gloria, I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.381 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sports And
Entertainment Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (IV)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 09/17/1984 Localización (venue) :
Sports And Entertainment Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : Wire, Gloria,
I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, The
Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Out Of Control, Party Girl, I Will Follow, 40
1.382 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sports And
Entertainment Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (III)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 09/15/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Sports And Entertainment Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : Out Of Control,
Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As
One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
1.383 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sports And
Entertainment Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 09/14/1984 Localización (venue) :
Sports And Entertainment Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : Gloria, I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Seconds,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two
Hearts Beat As One, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Out Of Control,
Party Girl, I Will Follow, 40
1.384 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sports And
Entertainment Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (I)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 09/13/1984 Localización (venue) :
Sports And Entertainment Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : no disponible
1.385 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Festival Hall -
Table of Content
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 09/11/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Festival Hall - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Setlist : No disponible
1.386 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Entertainment Centre
- Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (V)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/09/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As
One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
1.387 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Entertainment Centre
- Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (IV)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/08/1984 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : Gloria, I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Out Of
Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.388 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Entertainment Centre
- Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (III)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/06/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A
Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two
Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Table of Content
1.389 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Entertainment Centre
- Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/05/1984 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : Gloria, I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Out Of
Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.390 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Entertainment Centre
- Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (I)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/04/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : No disponible
1.391 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Logan Campbell
Centre - Auckland, Nueva Zelanda (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/02/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Logan Campbell Centre - Auckland, Nueva Zelanda Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender / In The Midnight Hour (snippet),
Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co. / Send In
The Clowns (snippet), Southern Man (snippet) / , I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Gloria encores : Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
1.392 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Logan Campbell
Centre - Auckland, Nueva Zelanda
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/01/1984 Localización (Venue) : Logan Campbell Centre - Auckland, Nueva Zelanda Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts
Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
Table of Content
1.393 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Show Building Wellington, Nueva Zelanda
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/31/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Show Building - Wellington, Nueva Zelanda Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A
Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As
One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I
Will Follow, 40
1.394 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Town Hall Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/29/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Town Hall - Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One,
Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
1.395 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Pairc Ui Chaoimh - Cork,
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/08/1987 Localización (Venue) : Pairc
Ui Chaoimh - Cork, Irlanda SetlisT : Stand By Me, C’mon Everybody, I Will Follow, Trip
Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, People Get Ready, Help, Bad, October,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
With Or Without You, Party Girl, Out Of Control, 40
1.396 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : National Exhibition Centre Birmingham, Inglaterra (III)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/04/1987 Localización (venue) : National Exhibition Centre - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
Table of Content
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Guantanamera, People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, With Or Without You, 40
1.397 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : National Exhibition Centre Birmingham, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/03/1987 Localización (Venue) : National Exhibition Centre - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, I Will Follow, Silver And Gold, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s
Country, The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Spanish
Eyes, With Or Without You, 40
1.398 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Murrayfield Stadium Edinburgh, Escocia
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/01/1987 Localización (Venue) : Murrayfield Stadium - Edinburgh, Escocia Setlist : Stand By Me, C’mon Everybody, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, People Get Ready,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Electric
Co., Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.399 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Scottish Exhibition and
Conference Centre - Glasgow, Escocia (II)
tour : U2 The joshua Tree Fecha (Date) : 07/30/1987 Localización (Venue) : Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre - Glasgow, Escocia Setlist : Stand By Me, C’mon Everybody,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, People Get Ready,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.400 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Scottish Exhibition and
Table of Content
Conference Centre - Glasgow, Escocia
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/29/1987 Localización (Venue) : Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre - Glasgow, Escocia Setlist : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s
Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Lucille, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Party Girl, Spanish Eyes, With Or Without You, 40
1.401 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Arms Park - Cardiff, Gales
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/25/1987 Localización (Venue) : Arms
Park - Cardiff, Gales Setlist : Stand By Me, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Electric Co., Help, Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With
Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.402 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Olympiahalle - Munich,
Alemania (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/22/1987 Localización (Venue) : Olympiahalle - Munich, Alemania Setlist : Stand By Me, C’mon Everybody, I Will Follow, Trip
Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Electric Co., Help, Bad, October,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.403 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Olympiahalle - Munich,
Alemania (I)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/21/1987 Localización (Venue) : Olympiahalle - Munich, Alemania Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip
Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party
Table of Content
Girl, Spanish Eyes, With Or Without You, 40
1.404 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Espace Richter Montpellier, Francia
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/18/1987 Localización (Venue) : Espace Richter - Montpellier, Francia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, People Get Ready, Bad, October,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.405 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Estadio Santiago Bernabeu Madrid, España
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/15/1987 Localización (Venue) : Estadio Santiago Bernabeu - Madrid, España Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, The Electric
Co., Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Spanish
Eyes, With Or Without You, 40
1.406 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Feyenoord Stadium Rotterdam, Paises Bajos (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/11/1987 Localización (Venue) : Feyenoord Stadium - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : Stand By Me, C’mon Everybody, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, People Get Ready, Help,
Bad, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.407 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Feyenoord Stadium Rotterdam, Paises Bajos (I)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/10/1987 Localización (Venue) : Feyenoord Stadium - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, The Electric Co., Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without
You, Party Girl, 40
1.408 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Vorst Nationaal - Brussels,
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 07/08/1987 Localización (Venue) : Vorst
Nationaal - Brussels, Belgica Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, The Electric Co.,
Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, With Or Without
You, 40
1.409 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Hippodrome - Paris,
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/04/1987 Localización (Venue) : The
Hippodrome - Paris, Francia Setlist : Stand By Me, C’mon Everybody, I Will Follow, Trip
Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, The Electric Co., Help, Bad, October,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.410 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Elland Road Stadium Leeds, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/01/1987 Localización (Venue) : Elland Road Stadium - Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : Stand By Me, C’mon Everybody, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, The Electric Co., Help,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
Table of Content
1.411 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Croke Park - Dublin,
Irlanda (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/28/1987 Localización (Venue) : Croke
Park - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Stand By Me, C’mon Everybody, I Will Follow, Trip Through
Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, October, Help, Bad, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.412 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Croke Park - Dublin,
Irlanda (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree tour Fecha (Date) : 06/27/1987 Localización (Venue) : Croke
Park - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, A Sort Of Homecoming, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, The Electric Co., People Get Ready,
Help, Bad, Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet
The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.413 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : King’s Hall - Belfast,
Irlanda del Norte
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/24/1987 Localización (Venue) : King’s
Hall - Belfast, Irlanda del Norte Setlist : Stand By Me, Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, The Electric Co., People Get Ready, Help,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.414 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Muengersdorfer Stadion Cologne, Alemania
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/17/1987 Localización (Venue) : Muengersdorfer Stadion - Cologne, Alemania Setlist : Stand By Me, C’mon Everybody, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday
Table of Content
Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, The Electric Co., Help, Bad, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, Party
Girl, 40
1.415 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Zenith - Paris, Francia
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/15/1987 Localización (Venue) : The
Zenith - Paris, Francia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Trip Through Your
Wires, Help, Springhill Mining Disaster, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Party Girl, Sweet Jane, Gloria, With Or Without You, 40
1.416 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Wembley Stadium Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/13/1987 Localización (Venue) : Wembley Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Stand By Me, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Exit, In God’s Country, C’mon Everybody, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow,
Gloria, Where The Streets Have No Name, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With
Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.417 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Wembley Stadium Londres, Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/12/1987 Localización (Venue) : Wembley Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Trip Through
Your Wires, People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, With Or Without You, 40
1.418 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Eriksberg Shipyard Docks Gothenburg, Suecia
Table of Content
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/1987 Localización (Venue) : Eriksberg Shipyard Docks - Gothenburg, Suecia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bad, Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, With Or
Without You, People Get Ready, 40
1.419 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : National Exhibition Centre Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/03/1987 Localización (Venue) : National Exhibition Centre - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, People Get Ready, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, 40
1.420 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Wembley Arena - Londres,
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/02/1987 Localización (Venue) : Wembley Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm,
C’mon Everybody, Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Party Girl, Trip Through Your Wires, Gloria, With Or Without You, 40
1.421 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Stadio Comunale Braglia Modena, Italia (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/30/1987 Localización (Venue) : Stadio
Comunale Braglia - Modena, Italia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s
Country, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, With
Or Without You, 40
Table of Content
1.422 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Stadio Comunale Braglia Modena, Italia
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/29/1987 Localización (Venue) : Stadio
Comunale Braglia - Modena, Italia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm,
October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Trip Through Your Wires,
Gloria, With Or Without You, People Get Ready, 40
1.423 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Stadio Flaminio - Roma,
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/27/1987 Localización (Venue) : Stadio Flaminio - Roma, Italia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip
Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You,
1.424 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : ASU Sun Devil Stadium Tempe, Arizona, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/20/1987 Localización (Venue) : ASU
Sun Devil Stadium - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree
Hill, Gloria, Exit, In God’s Country, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or
Without You, Mothers Of The Disappeared, People Get Ready, Christmas (Baby, Please Come
Home), 40
1.425 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : ASU Sun Devil Stadium Tempe, Arizona, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/19/1987 Localización (Venue) : ASU
Table of Content
Sun Devil Stadium - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Out Of Control,
MLK, One Tree Hill, Gloria, Exit, In God’s Country, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or
Without You, Mothers Of The Disappeared, People Get Ready, 40
1.426 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Hampton Coliseum Hampton, Virginia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/12/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, Virginia, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Tequila Sunrise, Out Of Control, Bad, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Mothers Of
The Disappeared, With Or Without You, Lucille, 40
1.427 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Hampton Coliseum Hampton, Virginia, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/11/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, Virginia, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, Gloria, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Southern Man, Help, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get Ready, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or
Without You, 40
1.428 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Omni - Atlanta,
Georgia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/09/1987 Localización (Venue) : The
Omni - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, Gloria, Exit, In God’s Country,
Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, People Get Ready, 40
1.429 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Omni - Atlanta,
Table of Content
Georgia, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/08/1987 Localización (Venue) : The
Omni - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip
Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get Ready, Bad, Out Of Control,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without
You, New Year’s Day, 40
1.430 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Tampa Stadium - Tampa,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/05/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Tampa Stadium - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, One Tree Hill,
Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, People Get Ready, Bad, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With
Or Without You, Spanish Eyes, 40
1.431 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Orange Bowl - Miami,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/03/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Orange Bowl - Miami, Florida, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, One Tree Hill,
Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, People Get Ready, Bad, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With
Or Without You, 40
1.432 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Charles M. Murphy Athletic
Center - Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/28/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Charles M. Murphy Athletic Center - Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA Setlist : Where The
Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, One Tree
Table of Content
Hill, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, With Or Without You, Can’t Help Falling In Love, People Get Ready, 40
1.433 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Assembly Center, Louisiana
State University - Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/26/1987 Localización (Venue) : Assembly Center, Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA SetlisT : Where
The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit,
Silver And Gold, In God’s Country, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get Ready, 40
1.434 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Tarrant County Convention
Center - Fort Worth, Texas, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/24/1987 Localización (Venue) : Tarrant County Convention Center - Fort Worth, Texas, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, Out Of Control, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, One Tree Hill, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, With Or Without You, When Love Comes To Town, 40
1.435 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Tarrant County Convention
Center - Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/23/1987 Localización (Venue) : Tarrant County Convention Center - Fort Worth, Texas, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, MLK, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad,
October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, With Or Without You, Spanish Eyes, 40
1.436 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Frank Erwin Center -
Table of Content
Austin, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/22/1987 Localización (Venue) : Frank
Erwin Center - Austin, Texas, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, One Tree Hill, Gloria,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or
Without You, Stand By Me, Spanish Eyes, 40
1.437 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Memorial Coliseum - Los
Angeles, California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/18/1987 Localización (Venue) : Memorial Coliseum - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Out Of Control, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Helter Skelter, Help,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, Party Girl, Stand By Me, 40
1.438 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Memorial Coliseum - Los
Angeles, California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/17/1987 Localización (Venue) : Memorial Coliseum - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, One Tree
Hill, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, People Get Ready, Bad, October,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
With Or Without You, 40
1.439 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Oakland-Alameda County
Stadium - Oakland, California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/15/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Oakland-Alameda County Stadium - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, People Get Ready, Help, Bad,
Table of Content
October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, With Or Without You, Stand By Me, 40
1.440 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Oakland-Alameda County
Stadium - Oakland, California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/14/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Oakland-Alameda County Stadium - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Gloria, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, People Get Ready, 40
1.441 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : B.C. Place Stadium Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/12/1987 Localización (Venue) : B.C.
Place Stadium - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Setlist : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, Bad,
October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.442 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Justin Herman Plaza - San
Francisco, California, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/11/1987 Localización (Venue) : Justin
Herman Plaza - San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : All Along The Watchtower, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Out Of Control, People Get Ready, Trip Through Your Wires, Silver And Gold,
Helter Skelter, Help, Pride (In The Name Of Love)
1.443 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : McNichols Sports Arena Denver, Colorado, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/08/1987 Localización (Venue) : Mc-
Table of Content
Nichols Sports Arena - Denver, Colorado, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Silver And Gold, Spanish Eyes, With Or Without You, 40
1.444 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : McNichols Sports Arena Denver, Colorado, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/07/1987 Localización (Venue) : McNichols Sports Arena - Denver, Colorado, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Silver And Gold, Spanish Eyes, With Or Without You, 40
1.445 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Saint Paul Civic Center Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Fecha (Date) : 11/04/1987 Localización (Venue) : Saint Paul
Civic Center - Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, Gloria,
Spanish Eyes, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, Silver And Gold, In God’s Country, People Get
Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.446 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Saint Paul Civic Center Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/03/1987 Localización (Venue) : Saint
Paul Civic Center - Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria,
MLK, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Help, Bad, October,
With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Out Of Control, 40
Table of Content
1.447 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Hoosier Dome Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/01/1987 Localización (Venue) : Hoosier Dome - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get Ready,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, Lucille, 40
1.448 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Rosemont Horizon Rosemont, Illinois, USA (III)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/30/1987 Localización (Venue) : Rosemont Horizon - Rosemont, Illinois, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Out Of
Control, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Spanish Eyes, With Or Without You, 40
1.449 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Rosemont Horizon Rosemont, Illinois, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/29/1987 Localización (Venue) : Rosemont Horizon - Rosemont, Illinois, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Silver And Gold, Out Of Control,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, People Get Ready, Gloria, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Party Girl, With Or Without You, 40
1.450 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Rosemont Horizon Rosemont, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/28/1987 Localización (Venue) : Rosemont Horizon - Rosemont, Illinois, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Table of Content
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Southern Man, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, Bad,
October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.451 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Kemper Arena - Kansas
City, Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/26/1987 Localización (Venue) : Kemper Arena - Kansas City, Missouri, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, Southern Man, Bad,
October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.452 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : St. Louis Arena - St. Louis,
Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/25/1987 Localización (Venue) : St.
Louis Arena - St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get Ready,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.453 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Rupp Arena, Lexington
Center - Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/23/1987 Localización (Venue) : Rupp
Arena, Lexington Center - Lexington, Kentucky, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People
Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You
1.454 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : University Of Illinois
Table of Content
Assembly Hall - Champaign, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/22/1987 Localización (Venue) : University Of Illinois Assembly Hall - Champaign, Illinois, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help,
People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.455 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Carver - Hawkeye Arena Iowa City, Iowa, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/20/1987 Localización (Venue) : Carver - Hawkeye Arena - Iowa City, Iowa, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get Ready,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.456 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Three Rivers Stadium Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/13/1987 Localización (Venue) : Three
Rivers Stadium - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get
Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.457 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Silver Stadium - Rochester,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 10/11/1987 Localización (venue) :Silver
Stadium - Rochester, New York, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get Ready,
Table of Content
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.458 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Carrier Dome - Syracuse,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/09/1987 Localización (Venue) : Carrier Dome - Syracuse, New York, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get Ready,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.459 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Civic Auditorium - Buffalo,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/07/1987 Localización (Venue) : Civic
Auditorium - Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Springhill Mining Disaster, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.460 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Municipal Stadium Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/06/1987 Localización (Venue) : Municipal Stadium - Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Out Of Control,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.461 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Canadian National
Table of Content
Exhibition Stadium - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/03/1987 Localización (Venue) : Canadian National Exhibition Stadium - Toronto, Ontario, Canada SetlisT : Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help,
People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.462 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Olympic Stadium Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/01/1987 Localización (Venue) : Olympic Stadium - Montreal, Quebec, Canada SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get Ready,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.463 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Madison Square Garden New York, New York, USA (II)
Tour : The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/29/1987 Localización (venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get Ready, In
God’s Country, Exit, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), With Or Without You, 40
1.464 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Madison Square Garden New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/28/1987 Localización (venue) : Madison Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, In God’s Country, Sunday
Table of Content
Bloody Sunday, Exit, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With
Or Without You, Party Girl, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Spanish Eyes, 40
1.465 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : John F Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/25/1987 Localización (Venue) : John
F Kennedy Stadium - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get
Ready, In God’s Country, Exit, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, Party Girl, Stand By Me, 40
1.466 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Coliseum - New Haven,
Connecticut, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/23/1987 Localización (Venue) : Coliseum - New Haven, Connecticut, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Help, Helter Skelter, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl,
With Or Without You, 40
1.467 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Sullivan Stadium - Foxboro,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/22/1987 Localización (Venue) : Sullivan Stadium - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA SetlisT : Stand By Me, Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Help, Helter Skelter, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, 40
1.468 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Arizona State University
Table of Content
Activity Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/20/1987 Localización (Venue) : Robert F. Kennedy Stadium - Washington, District of Columbia, USA SetlisT : Where The
Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
People Get Ready, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, With Or Without You, 40
1.469 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Boston Garden - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 09/18/1987 Localización (Venue) : Boston
Garden - Boston, Massachusetts, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit,
In God’s Country, Help, Helter Skelter, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, Spanish Eyes, Out Of Control, 40
1.470 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Boston Garden - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/17/1987 Localización (Venue) : Boston Garden - Boston, Massachusetts, USA SetlisT : Bullet The Blue Sky, Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, People Get Ready, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, Silver And Gold, In God’s Country,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, Bad, Running To Stand Still, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.471 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Giants Stadium - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree tour Fecha (Date) : 09/14/1987 Localización (Venue) : Giants
Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get Ready, Sunday
Table of Content
Bloody Sunday, Exit, Silver And Gold, In God’s Country, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.472 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Spectrum Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/12/1987 Localización (Venue) : The
Spectrum - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get Ready, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.473 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Nassau Coliseum Uniondale, New York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/11/1987 Localización (Venue) : Nassau Coliseum - Uniondale, New York, USA SetlisT : Bullet The Blue Sky, Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, Silver And Gold, In God’s Country, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Help, Helter Skelter, Bad, Running To Stand Still, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.474 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Nassau Coliseum Uniondale, New York, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/10/1987 Localización (venue) : Nassau
Coliseum - Uniondale, New York, USA SetlisT : Bullet The Blue Sky, Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, Silver And Gold, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Help, Helter Skelter, Bad, Running To Stand Still, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
1.475 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena - East
Table of Content
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (V)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 05/16/1987 Localización (Venue) : Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA SetlisT : Stand By Me, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, The Electric Co., Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Gloria,
Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, With Or Without You, 40
1.476 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/15/1987 Localización (Venue) : Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, People Get Ready, I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, C’mon Everybody, Trip
Through Your Wires, Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), With Or Without You, Gloria, 40
1.477 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (III)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/13/1987 Localización (Venue) : Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, 40
1.478 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/12/1987 Localización (Venue) : Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
Table of Content
For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s
Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Electric Co., People Get Ready, Bad, October, Springhill
Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, 40
1.479 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/11/1987 Localización (venue) : Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, C’mon Everybody, Bad, October,
Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without
You, Gloria, 40
1.480 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Civic Center - Hartford,
Connecticut, USA (III)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 05/09/1987 Localización : Civic Center Hartford, Connecticut, USA SetlisT : Stand By Me, Pride (In The Name Of Love), MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit,
In God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, The
Electric Co., October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, With Or Without You, 40
1.481 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Civic Center - Hartford,
Connecticut, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 05/08/1987 Localización (Venue) : Civic
Center - Hartford, Connecticut, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In
God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, C’mon Everybody, Bad, October, Springhill Mining
Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Mothers Of The Disappeared, With
Or Without You, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
1.482 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Civic Center - Hartford,
Connecticut, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/07/1987 Localización (venue) : Civic
Center - Hartford, Connecticut, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, People Get Ready, Trip Through Your
Wires, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In
God’s Country, C’mon Everybody, Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, Gloria, 40
1.483 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Centrum - Worcester,
Massachusetts, USA (III)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/04/1987 Localización (venue) : The
Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA SetlisT : Stand By Me, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, The Electric Co., October,
New Year’s Day, Gloria, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, With Or Without You, 40
1.484 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Centrum - Worcester,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 05/03/1987 Localización (venue) : The
Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In
God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, C’mon Everybody, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, 40
1.485 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Centrum - Worcester,
Massachusetts, USA (I)
Tour : u2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/02/1987 Localización (Venue) : The
Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Table of Content
Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, Gloria, 40
1.486 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Pontiac Silverdome Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Tour : u2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/30/1987 Localización (Venue) : Pontiac Silverdome - Pontiac, Michigan, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In
God’s Country, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without
You, Gloria, 40
1.487 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Rosemont Horizon Rosemont, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/29/1987 Localización (Venue) : Rosemont Horizon - Rosemont, Illinois, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Mothers Of The Disappeared, With Or Without You, Gloria, 40
1.488 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Cow Palace - Daly City,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 04/25/1987 Localización (Venue) : Cow
Palace - Daly City, California, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, The Electric Co., Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Mothers Of The Disappeared, With Or Without You, 40
1.489 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Cow Palace - Daly City,
Table of Content
California, USA (I)
Tour : The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 04/24/1987 Localización (Venue) : Cow
Palace - Daly City, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s
Country, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You,
Gloria, 40
1.490 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA (V)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/22/1987 Localización (venue) : Sports
Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA SetlisT : Stand By Me, MLK, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Trip Through Your Wires, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, The Electric Co.,
October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, With Or Without You, 40
1.491 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA (IV)
Tour : u2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/21/1987 Localización (Venue) : Sports
Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, 40
1.492 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA (III)
Tour : The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 04/20/1987 Localización (venue) : Sports
Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s
Farm, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You,
Table of Content
Gloria, I Shall Be Released, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, 40
1.493 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/18/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Maggie’s Farm, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without
You, Gloria, People Get Ready, 40
1.494 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/17/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Exit, In God’s Country, Gloria, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
With Or Without You, I Shall Be Released, 40
1.495 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : San Diego Sports Arena San Diego, California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 04/14/1987 Localización (venue) : San
Diego Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
With Or Without You, Gloria, I Shall Be Released, Mothers Of The Disappeared
1.496 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : San Diego Sports Arena San Diego, California, USA (I)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/13/1987 Localización (Venue) : San
Diego Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Gloria, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), With Or Without You, I Shall Be Released, 40
1.497 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Thomas And Mack Arena Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/12/1987 Localización (venue) : Thomas And Mack Arena - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Gloria, Bad, October, With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Trip
Through Your Wires, People Get Ready, 40
1.498 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Pan American Center - Las
Cruces, New Mexico, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/10/1987 Localización (venue) : Pan
American Center - Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s
Country, Bad, October, With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, People Get Ready, Trip Through Your Wires
1.499 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Summit - Houston,
Texas, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/08/1987 Localización (Venue) : The
Summit - Houston, Texas, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Bad, October,
With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Trip Through Your Wires, 40
Table of Content
1.500 U2 Lovetown Tour : The Summit - Houston, Texas,
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/07/1987 Localización (Venue) : : The
Summit - Houston, Texas, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Bad, October,
With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, People Get Ready, 40, Trip Through Your Wires, Southern Man
1.501 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Community Center Tucson, Arizona, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/05/1987 Localización (Venue) : Community Center - Tucson, Arizona, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s
Farm, Bad, October, With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Lucille, People Get Ready, 40
1.502 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Arizona State University
Activity Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/04/1987 Localización (Venue) : Arizona State University Activity Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, I Will Follow, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Bad, October, With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, People Get Ready
1.503 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Arizona State University
Activity Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA (I)
Tour : The Joshua Tree tour Fecha (Date) : 04/02/1987 localización (Venue) : Arizona
State University Activity Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have
Table of Content
No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), People
Get Ready, 40
1.504 U2 Lovetown Tour : Osaka Castle Hall - Osaka, Japon
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/01/1989 Localización (venue) : Osaka Castle
Hall - Osaka, Japon SetlisT : Stand By Me, Pride (In The Name Of Love), New Year’s Day, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, People Get Ready, MLK, One Tree Hill, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Gloria, Help, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Slow Dancing, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue
Me, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, 40
1.505 U2 Lovetown Tour : Osaka Castle Hall - Osaka, Japon
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/29/1989 Localización (Venue) : Osaka
Castle Hall - Osaka, Japon SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Van Diemen’s Land, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue
Me, With Or Without You
1.506 U2 Lovetown Tour : Osaka Castle Hall - Osaka, Japon
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/28/1989 Localización (Venue) : Osaka
Castle Hall - Osaka, Japon SetlisT : Bullet The Blue Sky, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, With Or Without You, God Part II, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), People Get Ready, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Love Rescue Me, 40
Table of Content
1.507 U2 Lovetown Tour : Tokyo Dome - Tokyo, Japon (II)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (date) : 11/26/1989 Localización (Venue) : Tokyo Dome
- Tokyo, Japon Setlist Bullet The Blue Sky, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is
You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, MLK, One Tree Hill, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, With Or Without You,
1.508 U2 Lovetown Tour : Tokyo Dome - Tokyo, Japon (I)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/25/1989 Localización (Venue) : Tokyo Dome
- Tokyo, Japon setlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, With Or Without You, God Part II, Desire, All Along The
Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Van Diemen’s Land, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, People Get Ready, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), 40
1.509 U2 Lovetown Tour : Sports Arena - Yokohama, Japon
Tour : u2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/23/1989 Localización (Venue) : Sports Arena
- Yokohama, Japon SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, God Part II, Desire, All Along
The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Van Diemen’s Land, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, With Or Without
1.510 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia (VIII)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/19/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, God Part II, Desire,
All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, Party Girl, 40
Table of Content
1.511 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia (VII)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/18/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia SetlisT : Hawkmoon 269, Desire, All
Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, God Part II, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Gloria, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel
Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, 40
1.512 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia (VI)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/17/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia SetlisT : Bullet The Blue Sky, Desire, All
Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Gloria, God Part
II, Help, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of
Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, With Or Without You, 40
1.513 U2 Lovetown Tour : Western Springs Stadium Auckland, Nueva Zelanda (II)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/11/1989 localización (Venue) : Western
Springs Stadium - Auckland, Nueva Zelanda SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, MLK, One Tree Hill, God
Part II, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, People Get Ready, Bad, October,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Love Rescue Me, With Or Without You, 40
1.514 U2 Lovetown Tour : Western Springs Stadium Auckland, Nueva Zelanda
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/10/1989 Localización (venue) : Western
Springs Stadium - Auckland, Nueva Zelanda SetlisT : Bullet The Blue Sky, Desire, All Along
Table of Content
The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), People Get Ready, Angel Of Harlem, When Love
Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, With Or Without You, 40
1.515 U2 Lovetown Tour : Athletic Park - Wellington, Nueva
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/08/1989 Localización (Venue) : Athletic Park
- Wellington, Nueva Zelanda SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For / Exodus (snippet), MLK, One Tree Hill, Gloria, Desire,
All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, People Get Ready, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love) encores : Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Love Rescue Me, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You,
1.516 U2 Lovetown Tour : Lancaster Park - Christchurch,
Nueva Zelanda
Tour : u2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/04/1989 Localización (Venue) : Lancaster
Park - Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, God Part II,
Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, People Get Ready, Bad, Van Diemen’s
Land, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Love Rescue Me, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You
1.517 U2 Lovetown Tour : Memorial Drive Stadium Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (II)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/28/1989 Localización (Venue) : Memorial
Drive Stadium - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Desire, All Along The Watchtower / Like A Hurricane (snippet), Help, Bad, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Love Rescue Me, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You
Table of Content
1.518 U2 Lovetown Tour : Memorial Drive Stadium Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (I)
Tour : U2 Lovetown tour Fecha (date) : 10/27/1989 localización (venue) : Memorial
Drive Stadium - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, God Part II, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, People Get Ready, Bad,
Van Diemen’s Land, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When
Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, With Or Without You, 40
1.519 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia (V)
Tour : u2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (date) : 10/21/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia SetlisT : Bullet The Blue Sky, Desire, All
Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, People Get Ready, Bad, Van
Diemen’s Land, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love
Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me
1.520 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia (IV)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/20/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, God Part II, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Bad, Van
Diemen’s Land, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love
Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
1.521 U2 Lovetown Tour : National Tennis Centre Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (VII)
Tour : U2 Lovetown tour Fecha (Date) : 10/16/1989 Localización (Venue) : National
Table of Content
Tennis Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia SetlisT : Hawkmoon 269, Desire, All Along
The Watchtower, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
People Get Ready, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, With Or
Without You, God Part II, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, 40
1.522 U2 Lovetown Tour : National Tennis Centre Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (VI)
Tour : U2 Lovetown tour Fecha (Date) : 10/14/1989 Localización (Venue) : National
Tennis Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, Gloria, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, Help, Bad, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Love Rescue Me, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You
1.523 U2 Lovetown Tour : National Tennis Centre Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (V)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (date) : 10/13/1989 Localización (Venue) : National
Tennis Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia SetlisT : Hawkmoon 269, Desire, All Along
The Watchtower, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, God Part II, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Van Diemen’s Land, Bad, With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Love
Rescue Me, 40
1.524 U2 Lovetown Tour : National Tennis Centre Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (IV)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/12/1989 Localización (Venue) : National
Tennis Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia SetlisT : Bullet The Blue Sky, Where The
Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, God Part II, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is
You, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land, With Or Without You, People Get Ready, Angel Of Harlem,
When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Table of Content
Out Of Control, Stand By Me, 40
1.525 U2 Lovetown Tour : National Tennis Centre Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (III)
Tour : U2 Lovetown tour Fecha (date) : 10/09/1989 Localización (Venue) : National
Tennis Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : Stand By Me, In God’s Country,
Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, God Part II,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Van Diemen’s Land, Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love
Rescue Me, 40
1.526 U2 Lovetown Tour : National Tennis Centre Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (II)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (date) : 10/08/1989 Localización (venue) : National
Tennis Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia SetlisT : Hawkmoon 269, Desire, All Along
The Watchtower, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, God
Part II, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When
Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, With Or Without You, 40
1.527 U2 Lovetown Tour : National Tennis Centre Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (I)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/07/1989 Localización (Venue) : National
Tennis Centre - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, God
Part II, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, People Get Ready, Bad, October,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Love Rescue Me, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You
1.528 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Brisbane,
Table of Content
Queensland, Australia (III)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/04/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, God Part II,
Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, People Get Ready, Bad, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Love Rescue Me, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You
1.529 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia (II)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/03/1989 Localización (venue) : Entertainment Centre - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Setlist : Hawkmoon 269, Desire, All Along
The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, In God’s Country, God Part II, People Get Ready, Bad,
October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Love Rescue Me, With Or Without You, 40
1.530 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia (I)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/02/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, God
Part II, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, Help, Bad, With Or Without You, Angel Of Harlem,
When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
All I Want Is You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love)
1.531 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia (III)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/29/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, One Tree Hill, God Part II,
Desire, All Along The Watchtower, Stand By Me, Bad, With Or Without You, Angel Of HarTable of Content
lem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, All I Want Is You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love)
1.532 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia (II)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (date) : 09/28/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, God Part II, All Along
The Watchtower, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel
Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, 40
1.533 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia (I)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/27/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : Hawkmoon 269, Desire, All
Along The Watchtower, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, All I Want Is You, Where
The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, People
Get Ready, Bad, With Or Without You, God Part II, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, 40
1.534 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Perth,
Western Australia, Australia (III)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (date) : 09/23/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Perth, Western Australia, Australia Setlist : In God’s Country, All Along The
Watchtower, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, People Get Ready,
Bad, With Or Without You, God Part II, Desire, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me
1.535 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Perth,
Table of Content
Western Australia, Australia (II)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/22/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Perth, Western Australia, Australia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, God Part II, Desire,
All Along The Watchtower, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me
1.536 U2 Lovetown Tour : Entertainment Centre - Perth,
Western Australia, Australia (I)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/21/1989 Localización (Venue) : Entertainment Centre - Perth, Western Australia, Australia Setlist : Hawkmoon 269, Desire, All
Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, One Tree Hill, God Part II, In God’s Country,
People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Love Rescue Me, 40
1.537 U2 Lovetown Tour : Sportpaleis Ahoy - Rotterdam,
Paises Bajos (IV)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/10/1990 Localización (Venue) : Sportpaleis
Ahoy - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : Bullet The Blue Sky, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, Slow Dancing, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, People Get Ready, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Love Rescue Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Out Of Control, 40
1.538 U2 Lovetown Tour : Sportpaleis Ahoy - Rotterdam,
Paises Bajos (III)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/09/1990 Localización (Venue) : Sportpaleis
Ahoy - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, Gloria, God Part II, Desire, All
Table of Content
Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Van Diemen’s Land, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love
Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, 40
1.539 U2 Lovetown Tour : Sportpaleis Ahoy - Rotterdam,
Paises Bajos (II)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/06/1990 Localización (Venue) : Sportpaleis
Ahoy - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, God Part II, Desire,
All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Van Diemen’s Land, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, She’s A Mystery To Me, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Love Rescue Me, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), 40
1.540 U2 Lovetown Tour : Sportpaleis Ahoy - Rotterdam,
Paises Bajos (I)
Tour : U2 LoveTown Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/05/1990 Localización (Venue) : Sportpaleis
Ahoy - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : God Part II, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All
I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, People Get Ready, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love
Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, 40
1.541 U2 Lovetown Tour : Point Depot - Dublin, Irlanda (IV)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/31/1989 Localización (Venue) : Point Depot
- Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, Gloria, God Part II, Desire, All Along The
Watchtower, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, The Times
They Are A-Changin’, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Angel Of
Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, 40
1.542 U2 Lovetown Tour : Point Depot - Dublin, Irlanda (III)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/30/1989 Localización (Venue) : Point Depot
Table of Content
- Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, God Part II, Desire, All
Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, Van Diemen’s Land, Out
Of Control, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), She’s A Mystery To Me, Angel
Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, With Or
Without You
1.543 U2 Lovetown Tour : Point Depot - Dublin, Irlanda (II)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/27/1989 Localización (Venue) : Point Depot
- Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, God Part II, Desire, All Along
The Watchtower, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People
Get Ready, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, Two Hearts Beat
As One, Pride (In The Name Of Love), 40
1.544 U2 Lovetown Tour : Point Depot - Dublin, Irlanda (I)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/26/1989 Localización (Venue) : Point Depot
- Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : God Part II, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
One Tree Hill, Van Diemen’s Land, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love
Rescue Me, With Or Without You, 40
1.545 U2 Lovetown Tour : Rai Europa Hal - Amsterdam,
Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/18/1989 Localización (Venue) : Rai Europa
Hal - Amsterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : Hawkmoon 269, Desire, All Along The Watchtower,
All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, God Part II, Help, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), 40
1.546 U2 Lovetown Tour : Westfalenhalle - Dortmund,
Table of Content
Alemania (III)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/16/1989 Localización (Venue) : Westfalenhalle - Dortmund, Alemania Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, Gloria,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, With Or Without You, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Van Diemen’s Land, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), White Christmas, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Love Rescue Me
1.547 U2 Lovetown Tour : Westfalenhalle - Dortmund,
Alemania (II)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/15/1989 Localización (Venue) : Westfalenhalle - Dortmund, Alemania Setlist : Bullet The Blue Sky, Desire, All Along The Watchtower,
All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, Help, Bad, Van Diemen’s Land, New Year’s Day, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, People Get Ready, When Love Comes To Town,
Love Rescue Me, 40
1.548 U2 Lovetown Tour : Westfalenhalle - Dortmund,
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/14/1989 Localización (Venue) : Westfalenhalle - Dortmund, Alemania Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, God Part II, Desire, All
Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Van Diemen’s Land, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love
Comes To Town, Love Rescue Me, With Or Without You, 40
1.549 U2 Lovetown Tour : Palais Omnisports De Bercy Paris, Francia (II)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/12/1989 Localización (Venue) : Palais Omnisports De Bercy - Paris, Francia Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, Gloria, God Part II, Desire,
All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Van Diemen’s Land, Bullet The Blue Sky, RunTable of Content
ning To Stand Still, People Get Ready, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Love
Rescue Me, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), 40
1.550 U2 Lovetown Tour : Palais Omnisports De Bercy Paris, Francia (I)
Tour : U2 Lovetown Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/11/1989 Localización (venue) : Palais Omnisports De Bercy - Paris, Francia Setlist : Bullet The Blue Sky, Desire, All Along The Watchtower, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, God Part II, Bad, Van Diemen’s
Land, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Love Rescue Me, With Or Without You, 40
1.551 U2 ZOO TV Tour : R.D.S. Arena - Dublin, Irlanda (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/28/1993 Localización (Venue) : R.D.S. Arena
- Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms
Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.552 U2 ZOO TV Tour : R.D.S. Arena - Dublin, Irlanda (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 08/27/1993 Localización (Venue) : R.D.S. Arena
- Dublin, Irlanda SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms
Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, I Will Follow, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Satellite Of
Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You,
Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.553 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Pairc Ui Chaoimh - Cork, Irlanda
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/24/1993 Localización (Venue) : Pairc Ui
Table of Content
Chaoimh - Cork, Irlanda Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra
Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.554 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (IV)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/21/1993 Localización (Venue) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Stay (Faraway,
So Close !), Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way),
With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.555 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (III)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/20/1993 Localización (Venue) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Babyface,
Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help
Falling In Love
1.556 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Arms Park - Cardiff, Gales
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 08/18/1993 Localización (Venue) : Arms Park
- Cardiff, Gales Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Babyface, Angel Of Harlem,
Dancing Queen, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire,
Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In
Table of Content
1.557 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Roundhay Park - Leeds, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/14/1993 Localización (venue) : Roundhay
Park - Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Babyface, Stay
(Faraway, So Close !), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In
1.558 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV tour Fecha (date) : 08/12/1993 Localización (Venue) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Zooropa,
Babyface, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), I Will Follow, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.559 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/11/1993 Localización (Venue) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Zooropa,
Babyface, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Those
Were The Days, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.560 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Celtic Park - Glasgow, Escocia (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/08/1993 Localización (venue) : Celtic Park Glasgow, Escocia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Zooropa, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), Happy Birthday, Angel Of Harlem, Lost Highway, When Love Comes To Town, Sa-
Table of Content
tellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.561 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Celtic Park - Glasgow, Escocia (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 08/07/1993 Localización (Venue) : Celtic Park Glasgow, Escocia SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Numb,
Angel Of Harlem, I Will Follow, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra
Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.562 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Goffertpark - Nijmegen, Paises
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 08/03/1993 Localización (venue) : Goffertpark
- Nijmegen, Paises Bajos SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), Numb, Angel Of Harlem, I Will Follow, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help
Falling In Love
1.563 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Valle Hovin Stadion - Oslo, Noruega
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 07/29/1993 Localización (Venue) : Valle Hovin
Stadion - Oslo, Noruega Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, I Will Follow, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.564 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Gentofte Stadion - Copenhagen,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/27/1993 Localización (venue) : Gentofte
Stadion - Copenhagen, Dinamarca Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Angel Of
Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra
Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.565 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Nepstadion - Budapest, Hungria
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Fecha (date) : 07/23/1993 Localización (venue) : Nepstadion - Budapest, Hungria Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Angel Of Harlem, When
Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.566 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Stadio Comunale - Bologna, Italia
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 07/18/1993 Localización (Venue) : Stadio Comunale - Bologna, Italia SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Angel Of Harlem,
Dancing Queen, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.567 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Stadio Comunale - Bologna, Italia
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 07/17/1993 Localización (venue) : Stadio Comunale - Bologna, Italia SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Satellite Of
Love, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Redemption Song, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.568 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Stade Velodrome - Marseilles,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 07/14/1993 Localización (Venue) : Stade Velodrome - Marseilles, Francia SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Satellite Of
Love, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Redemption Song, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling
In Love
1.569 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Stadio Delle Alpi - Turin, Italia
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 07/12/1993 Localización (venue) : Stadio Delle
Alpi - Turin, Italia SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Satellite Of Love,
Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Redemption Song, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way),
With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.570 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Stadio San Paulo - Napoles, Italia
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 07/09/1993 Localización (venue) : Stadio San
Paulo - Napoles, Italia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Satellite Of Love,
Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.571 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Stadio Flaminio - Rome, Italia (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/07/1993 Localización (venue) : Stadio Flaminio - Rome, Italia SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Satellite Of Love, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, I Will Follow, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Table of Content
Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.572 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Stadio Flaminio - Rome, Italia
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 07/06/1993 Localización (venue) : 07/06/1993
Stadio Flaminio - Rome, Italia SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Van Diemen’s
Land, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help
Falling In Love
1.573 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Stadio Bentegodi - Verona, Italia
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 07/03/1993 Localización (venue) : Stadio Bentegodi - Verona, Italia SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Satellite Of Love, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, I Will Follow, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is
Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.574 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Stadio Bentegodi - Verona, Italia
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/02/1993 Localización (Venue) : Stadio Bentegodi - Verona, Italia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Happy Birthday, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.575 U2 ZOO TV Tour : St. Jakobs Stadion - Basel, Suiza
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/30/1993 Localización (Venue) : St. Jakobs
Stadion - Basel, Suiza Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite
Of Love, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love) encores : Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My
Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.576 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Stade De La Pontaise - Lausanne,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/28/1993 Localización (Venue) : Stade De La
Pontaise - Lausanne, Suiza Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.577 U2 ZOO TV Tour : L’Hippodrome - Paris, Francia
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/26/1993 Localización (Venue) : L’Hippodrome - Paris, Francia SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Rover, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.578 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Stade De La Meinau - Strasbourg,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/23/1993 Localización (Venue) : Stade De
La Meinau - Strasbourg, Francia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Table of Content
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.579 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Olympiastadion - Berlin, Alemania
Tour : U2 ZOO TV tour Fecha (date) : 06/15/1993 Localización (venue) : Olympiastadion - Berlin, Alemania SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.580 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Muengersdorfer Stadion - Cologne,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 06/12/1993 Localización (Venue) : Muengersdorfer Stadion - Cologne, Alemania Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old
Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling
In Love
1.581 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Weserstadion - Bremen, Alemania
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 06/09/1993 Localización (venue) : Weserstadion
- Bremen, Alemania SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite
Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.582 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Cannstatter Wasen - Stuttgart,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/1993 Localización (venue) : Cannstatter
Wasen - Stuttgart, Alemania SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Party Girl, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.583 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Olympiastadion - Munich,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/04/1993 Localización (venue) : Olympiastadion - Munich, Alemania SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, I Will Follow, Satellite Of Love,
Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way),
With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.584 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Waldstadion - Frankfurt, Alemania
Tour : U2 ZOO TV tour Fecha (date) : 06/02/1993 Localización (venue) : Waldstadion
- Frankfurt, Alemania SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Satellite Of Love, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love) encores : Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.585 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Festival Grounds - Werchter,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 05/29/1993 Localización (Venue) : Festival
Grounds - Werchter, Belgica SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Table of Content
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Party Girl, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite
Of Love, Bad , Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.586 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Stade De La Beaujoire - Nantes,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 05/26/1993 Localización (venue) : Stade De La
Beaujoire - Nantes, France SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.587 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Estadio Vicente Calderon - Madrid,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/22/1993 Localización (venue) : Estadio Vicente Calderon - Madrid, España SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Rover,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.588 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Estadio Carlos Tartier - Oviedo,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/19/1993 Localización (Venue) : Estadio
Carlos Tartier - Oviedo, España SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue
Table of Content
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help
Falling In Love
1.589 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Estadio Jose Alvalade - Lisboa,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV tour Fecha (Date) : 05/15/1993 Localización (venue) : Estadio Jose
Alvalade - Lisboa, Portugal SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.590 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Feyenoord Stadium - Rotterdam,
Paises Bajos (III)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 05/11/1993 Localización (venue) : Feyenoord
Stadium - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Rover,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Slow Dancing, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra
Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.591 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Feyenoord Stadium - Rotterdam,
Paises Bajos (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV tour Fecha (Date) : 05/10/1993 Localización (venue) : Feyenoord
Stadium - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos SetlisT. Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Party Girl, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, I Will Follow, Satellite Of Love,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way) / My Way
(snippet), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Are You Lonesome Tonight
Table of Content
1.592 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Feyenoord Stadium - Rotterdam,
Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 05/09/1993 Localización (Venue) : Feyenoord
Stadium - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.593 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Palacio De Los Deportes - Mexico
City, Mexico (IV)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/25/1992 Localización (venue) : Palacio De
Los Deportes - Mexico City, Mexico Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Van Diemen’s
Land, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, I Will Follow, Angel Of Harlem, We
Will Rock You, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness / 40 (snippet)
1.594 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Palacio De Los Deportes - Mexico
City, Mexico (III)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/24/1992 Localización (venue) : Palacio De
Los Deportes - Mexico City, Mexico Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.595 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Palacio De Los Deportes - Mexico
Table of Content
City, Mexico (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO Tv Tour Fecha (date) : 11/22/1992 Localización (venue) : Palacio De Los
Deportes - Mexico City, Mexico SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Rover,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.596 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Palacio De Los Deportes - Mexico
City, Mexico (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO Tv Tour Fecha (date) : 11/21/1992 Localización (venue) : Palacio De
Los Deportes - Mexico City, Mexico Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, La Bamba,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.597 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Anaheim Stadium - Anaheim,
California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 11/14/1992 Localización (venue) : Anaheim Stadium - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.598 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Sam Boyd Stadium - Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/12/1992 Localización (Venue) : Sam Boyd
Stadium - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.599 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Jack Murphy Stadium - San Diego,
California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 11/10/1992 Localización (venue) : Jack Murphy
Stadium - San Diego, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old
Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.600 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Oakland-Alameda County Stadium
- Oakland, California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 11/07/1992 Localización (Venue) : OaklandAlameda County Stadium - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even
Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When
Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.601 U2 ZOO TV Tour : B.C. Place Stadium - Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada (II)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 11/04/1992 Localización (venue) : B.C. Place
Stadium - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Wild Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t
Help Falling In Love
1.602 U2 ZOO TV Tour : B.C. Place Stadium - Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 11/03/1992 Localización (Venue) : B.C. Place
Stadium - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Dirty Old Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When
Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet
The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t
Help Falling In Love
1.603 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Dodger Stadium - Los Angeles,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/31/1992 Localización (Venue) : Dodger Stadium - Los Angeles, California, USA SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old
Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.604 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Dodger Stadium - Los Angeles,
California, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/30/1992 Localización (venue) : Dodger Stadium - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old
Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way),
With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.605 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Texas Sun Bowl - El Paso, Texas,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/27/1992 Localización (venue) : Texas Sun
Bowl - El Paso, Texas, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Satellite Of Love, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.606 U2 ZOO TV Tour : ASU Sun Devil Stadium - Tempe,
Arizona, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/24/1992 Localización (venue) : ASU Sun
Devil Stadium - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old
Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Suspicious Minds,
When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.607 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Mile High Stadium - Denver,
Colorado, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/21/1992 Localización (Venue) : Mile High
Stadium - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.608 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Arrowhead Stadium - Kansas City,
Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/18/1992 Localización (venue) : Arrowhead
Stadium - Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old
Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When Love
Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.609 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Texas Stadium - Irving, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/16/1992 Localización (venue) : Texas Stadium - Irving, Texas, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way),
With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.610 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Houston Astrodome - Houston,
Texas, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/14/1992 Localización (venue) : Houston
Astrodome - Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Tryin’ To Throw
Table of Content
Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite
Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.611 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Tampa Stadium - Tampa, Florida,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/10/1992 Localización (Venue) : Tampa Stadium - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In The Jar,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Dear Prudence, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire,
With Or Without You, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.612 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Legion Field - Birmingham,
Alabama, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/07/1992 Localización (Venue) : Legion Field
- Birmingham, Alabama, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In The
Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.613 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Joe Robbie Stadium - Miami,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/03/1992 Localización (venue) : Joe Robbie
Stadium - Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, Wild Rover, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
Table of Content
To Town, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.614 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Georgia Dome - Atlanta, Georgia,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/25/1992 Localización (Venue) : Georgia
Dome - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Rover,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Slow Dancing, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), Love Is
Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.615 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Williams - Brice Stadium Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/23/1992 Localización (Venue) : Williams Brice Stadium - Columbia, South Carolina, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Wild Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love
Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Slow Dancing, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.616 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Busch Memorial Stadium - St.
Louis, Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/20/1992 Localización (Venue) : Busch Memorial Stadium - St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild
Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
Table of Content
To Town, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.617 U2 ZOO TV Tour : World Music Amphitheater - Tinley
Park, Illinois, USA (III)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/18/1992 Localización (Venue) : World Music
Amphitheater - Tinley Park, Illinois, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild
Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Party Girl, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Slow Dancing, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.618 U2 ZOO TV Tour : World Music Amphitheater - Tinley
Park, Illinois, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/16/1992 Localización (Venue) : World Music
Amphitheater - Tinley Park, Illinois, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One / She’s A Mystery To Me (snippet), Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In The Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The
World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad / All I Want Is
You (snippet), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love) encores : Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.619 U2 ZOO TV Tour : World Music Amphitheater - Tinley
Park, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/15/1992 Localización (Venue) : World Music
Amphitheater - Tinley Park, Illinois, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild
Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, So Cruel, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
Table of Content
To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.620 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Camp Randall Stadium - Madison,
Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/13/1992 Localización (Venue) : Camp Randall Stadium - Madison, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey
In The Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When
Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t
Help Falling In Love
1.621 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Cyclone Stadium - Ames, Iowa,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/11/1992 Localización (Venue) : Cyclone
Stadium - Ames, Iowa, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Rover, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling
In Love
1.622 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Pontiac Silverdome - Pontiac,
Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/09/1992 Localización (Venue) : Pontiac
Silverdome - Pontiac, Michigan, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Rover,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, So Cruel, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Table of Content
Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.623 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Canadian National Exhibition
Stadium - Toronto, Ontario, Canada (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/06/1992 Localización (Venue) : Canadian
National Exhibition Stadium - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even
Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Whiskey In The Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem,
When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t
Help Falling In Love
1.624 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Canadian National Exhibition
Stadium - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/05/1992 Localización (Venue) : Canadian
National Exhibition Stadium - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly,
Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem,
Dancing Queen, When Love Comes To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All
I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way),
With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.625 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Veteran’s Stadium - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/03/1992 Localización (Venue) : Veteran’s
Stadium - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In The Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love
Comes To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet
Table of Content
The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.626 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Veteran’s Stadium - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/02/1992 Localización (Venue) : Veteran’s
Stadium - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild
Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.627 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Yankee Stadium - New York, New
York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/30/1992 Localización (Venue) : Yankee Stadium - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In The
Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, New York New York,
When Love Comes To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In
1.628 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Yankee Stadium - New York, New
York, USA (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/29/1992 Localización (Venue) : Yankee Stadium - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, New York New York,
When Love Comes To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
Table of Content
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.629 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Olympic Stadium - Montreal,
Quebec, Canada
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Venue) : 08/27/1992 Localización (Venue) : Olympic
Stadium - Montreal, Quebec, Canada Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t
Help Falling In Love
1.630 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Three Rivers Stadium - Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/25/1992 Localización (Venue) : Three Rivers
Stadium - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In
The Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling
In Love
1.631 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Foxboro Stadium - Foxboro,
Massachusetts, USA (III)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/23/1992 Localización (Venue) : Foxboro
Stadium - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Table of Content
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help
Falling In Love
1.632 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Foxboro Stadium - Foxboro,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/22/1992 Localización (Venue) : Foxboro
Stadium - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild
Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, So Cruel, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is
1.633 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Foxboro Stadium - Foxboro,
Massachusetts, USA (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/20/1992 Localización (Venue) : Foxboro
Stadium - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In
The Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling
In Love
1.634 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Saratoga Raceway - Saratoga
Springs, New York, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/18/1992 Localización (Venue) : Saratoga
Raceway - Saratoga Springs, New York, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Dirty Old Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing
Queen, When Love Comes To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is
You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Table of Content
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.635 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Robert F. Kennedy Stadium Washington, District of Columbia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/16/1992 Localización (Venue) : Robert F.
Kennedy Stadium - Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly,
Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help
Falling In Love
1.636 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Robert F. Kennedy Stadium Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/15/1992 Localización (Venue) : Robert F.
Kennedy Stadium - Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly,
Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
When Love Comes To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, All I
Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is
Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.637 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Giants Stadium - East Rutherford,
New Jersey, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/13/1992 Localización (Venue) : Giants Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet
The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name
Table of Content
Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.638 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Giants Stadium - East Rutherford,
New Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/12/1992 Localización (Venue) : Giants Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your
Wild Horses, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.639 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Hershey Park Stadium - Hershey,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/07/1992 Localización (Venue) : Hershey
Park Stadium - Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Van Diemen’s Land, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Happy
Birthday, When Love Comes To Town, All I Want Is You, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra
Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.640 U2 ZOO TV Tour : G-Mex Center - Manchester,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/19/1992 Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Localización
(venue) : G-Mex Center - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing
Queen, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
Table of Content
1.641 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Scottish Exhibition and Conference
Centre - Glasgow, Escocia
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/18/1992 Localización (Venue) : Scottish
Exhibition and Conference Centre - Glasgow, Escocia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even
Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s
Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of
Harlem, Dancing Queen, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness
1.642 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Indoor Sports Arena - Sheffield,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/17/1992 Localización (Venue) : Indoor
Sports Arena - Sheffield, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand
By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.643 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Sportpaleis Ahoy - Rotterdam,
Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour FEcha (Date) : 06/15/1992 Localización (Venue) : Sportpaleis
Ahoy - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand
By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.644 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Ostseehalle - Kiel, Alemania
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 06/13/1992 Localización (Venue) : Ostseehalle
- Kiel, Alemania Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me,
Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.645 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Globen - Stockholm, Suecia (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/11/1992 Localización (Venue) : Globen Stockholm, Suecia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra
Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.646 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Globen - Stockholm, Suecia (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 06/10/1992 Localización (Venue) : Globen Stockholm, Suecia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra
Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.647 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Scandinavium - Gothenburg, Suecia
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/1992 Localización (Venue) : Scandinavium - Gothenburg, Suecia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways / Love To Love You Baby (snippet), One / Unchained Melody (snippet), Until
The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms
Around The World / Three Little Birds (snippet), Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite
Of Love, Bad / All I Want Is You (snippet), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me encores : Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You,
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Love Is Blindness
1.648 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Westfalenhalle - Dortmund,
Alemania (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 06/05/1992 Localización (Venue) : Westfalenhalle - Dortmund, Alemania Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.649 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Westfalenhalle - Dortmund,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/04/1992 Localización (Venue) : Westfalenhalle - Dortmund, Alemania Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me,
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.650 U2 ZOO TV Tour : National Exhibition Centre Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/01/1992 Localización (Venue) : National
Exhibition Centre - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, She’s A
Mystery To Me, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness
Table of Content
1.651 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Earl’s Court Arena - Londres,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/31/1992 Localización (Venue) : Earl’s Court
Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra
Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.652 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Festhalle - Frankfurt, Alemania
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/29/1992 Localizacion (Venue) : Festhalle Frankfurt, Alemania Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By
Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.653 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Hallenstadion - Zurich, Suiza
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/27/1992 Localización (Venue) : Hallenstadion - Zurich, Suiza Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.654 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Olympiahalle - Munich, Alemania
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/25/1992 Localización (Venue) : Olympiahalle - Munich, Alemania Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite
Table of Content
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.655 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Donauinsel - Viena, Austria
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/24/1992 Localización (Venue) : Donauinsel
- Viena, Austria Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra
Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.656 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Forum Di Assago - Milan, Italia (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/22/1992 Localización (Venue) : Forum Di
Assago - Milan, Italia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.657 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Forum Di Assago - Milan, Italia (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 05/21/1992 Localización (Venue) : Forum Di
Assago - Milan, Italia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra
Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.658 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Palau Sant Jordi - Barcelona,
España (II)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/18/1992 Localización (Venue) : Palau Sant
Jordi - Barcelona, España Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.659 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Palau Sant Jordi - Barcelona,
España (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/16/1992 Localización (Venue) : Palau Sant
Jordi - Barcelona, España Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness
1.660 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Velodromo Anoeta - San Sebastian,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/14/1992 Localización (Venue) : Velodromo
Anoeta - San Sebastian, España Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
Spanish Eyes, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.661 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Patinoire De Malley - Lausanne,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/12/1992 Localización (Venue) : Patinoire De
Malley - Lausanne, Suiza Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Table of Content
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.662 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Espace Tony Garnier - Lyon,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/11/1992 Localización (Venue) : Espace Tony
Garnier - Lyon, Francia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My
Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.663 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Flanders Expo Hall - Gent, Belgica
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/09/1992 Localización (Venue) : Flanders
Expo Hall - Gent, Belgica Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.664 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Palais Omnisports De Bercy - Paris,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/07/1992 Localización (Venue) : Palais Omnisports De Bercy - Paris, Francia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness
Table of Content
1.665 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Egg Dome - Tokyo, Japon (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/10/1993 Localización (Venue) : Egg Dome
- Tokyo, Japon Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms
Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Satellite Of Love, Dirty Day,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Daddy’s Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car, Lemon, With Or Without You,
Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.666 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Egg Dome - Tokyo, Japon (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/09/1993 Localización (Venue) : Egg Dome
- Tokyo, Japon Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious
Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms
Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Satellite Of Love, Dirty Day,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Daddy’s Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car, Lemon, With Or Without You,
Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.667 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Western Springs Stadium Auckland, Nueva Zelanda
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/04/1993 Localización (Venue) : Western
Springs Stadium - Auckland, Nueva Zelanda Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), Satellite Of Love, Dirty Day, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Daddy’s Gonna Pay For Your Crashed
Car, Lemon, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.668 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Lancaster Park - Christchurch,
Nueva Zelanda
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/01/1993 Localización (Venue) : Lancaster
Park - Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Table of Content
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
Satellite Of Love, Dirty Day, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Daddy’s Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car,
Lemon, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.669 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Sydney Football Stadium - Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/27/1993 Localización (Venue) : Sydney Football Stadium - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Numb, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), Satellite Of Love, Dirty Day, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Daddy’s Gonna Pay For Your Crashed
Car, Lemon, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.670 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Sydney Football Stadium - Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/26/1993 Localización (Venue) : Sydney Football Stadium - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Numb, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), Satellite Of Love, Dirty Day, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Daddy’s Gonna Pay For Your Crashed
Car, Lemon, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.671 U2 ZOO TV Tour : ANZ Stadium - Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour FEcha (Date) : 11/20/1993 Localización (Venue) : ANZ Stadium - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
Satellite Of Love, Dirty Day, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Table of Content
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Daddy’s Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car,
Lemon, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.672 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Football Park - Adelaide, South
Australia, Australia
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/16/1993 Localización (Venue) : Football Park
(AAMI Stadium) - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even
Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Numb, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, Stay
(Faraway, So Close !), Satellite Of Love, Dirty Day, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Daddy’s Gonna Pay
For Your Crashed Car, Lemon, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In
1.673 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Cricket Ground - Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/13/1993 Localización (Venue) : Cricket
Ground - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Satellite Of Love, Dirty Day, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Daddy’s Gonna Pay For Your
Crashed Car, Lemon, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.674 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Cricket Ground - Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/12/1993 Localización (Venue) : Cricket
Ground - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
Satellite Of Love, Dirty Day, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Daddy’s Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car,
Lemon, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
Table of Content
1.675 U2 ZOO TV Tour : P.N.E. Coliseum - Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/23/1992 Localización (Venue) : P.N.E. Coliseum - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna
Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem,
Dancing Queen, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.676 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Tacoma Dome - Tacoma,
Washington, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 04/21/1992 Localización (Venue) : Tacoma Dome
- Tacoma, Washington, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem / Van Diemen’s Land (snippet), When Love Comes To Town, Slow Dancing, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness
1.677 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Tacoma Dome - Tacoma,
Washington, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/20/1992 Localización (Venue) : Tacoma
Dome - Tacoma, Washington, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire,
Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.678 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Oakland Arena - Oakland,
Table of Content
California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/18/1992 Localización (Venue) : Oakland
Arena - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire,
Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.679 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Arco Arena - Sacramento,
California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/17/1992 Localización (Venue) : Arco Arena Sacramento, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness
1.680 U2 ZOO TV Tour : San Diego Sports Arena - San
Diego, California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/15/1992 Localización (Venue) : San Diego
Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing
Queen, Satellite Of Love, Van Diemen’s Land, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.681 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/13/1992 Localización (venue) : Sports Arena
Table of Content
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire,
Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.682 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 04/12/1992 Localización (Venue) : Sports Arena
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.683 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Arizona State University Activity
Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/10/1992 Localización (Venue) : Arizona State
University Activity Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness
1.684 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Frank Erwin Center - Austin,
Texas, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/07/1992 Localización (Venue) : Frank Erwin
Center - Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Table of Content
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My
Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.685 U2 ZOO TV Tour : The Summit - Houston, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/06/1992 Localización (Venue) : The Summit
- Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My
Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.686 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Reunion Arena - Dallas, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/05/1992 Localización (Venue) : Reunion
Arena - Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My
Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.687 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Rosemont Horizon - Rosemont,
Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 03/31/1992 Localización (venue) : Rosemont
Horizon - Rosemont, Illinois, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.688 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Target Center - Minneapolis,
Table of Content
Minnesota, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/30/1992 Localización (Venue) : Target Center - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.689 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Palace Of Auburn Hills - Auburn
Hills, Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/27/1992 Localización (Venue) : Palace Of
Auburn Hills - Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your
Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of
Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.690 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Richfield Coliseum - Richfield,
Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/26/1992 Localización (venue) : Richfield
Coliseum - Richfield, Ohio, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.691 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Maple Leaf Gardens - Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/24/1992 Localización (Venue) : Maple Leaf
Table of Content
Gardens - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your
Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of
Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.692 U2 ZOO TV Tour : The Forum - Montreal, Quebec,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/23/1992 Localización (Venue) : The Forum
- Montreal, Quebec, Canada Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Slow Dancing, Satellite Of
Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.693 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Knickerbocker Arena - Albany,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/21/1992 Localización (Venue) : Knickerbocker Arena - Albany, New York, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your
Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of
Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.694 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/20/1992 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your
Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of
Table of Content
Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.695 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/18/1992 Localización (Venue) : Brenden
Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.696 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Boston Garden - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/17/1992 Localización (Venue) : Boston Garden - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dirty Old Town,
Satellite Of Love, Van Diemen’s Land, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.697 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Providence Civic Center Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/15/1992 Localización (Venue) : Providence
Civic Center - Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna
Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire,
Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
Table of Content
1.698 U2 ZOO TV Tour : The Centrum - Worcester,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/13/1992 Localización (venue) : The Centrum
- Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.699 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Civic Center - Hartford,
Connecticut, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/12/1992 Localización (Venue) : Civic Center
- Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My
Way), With Or Without You
1.700 U2 ZOO TV Tour : The Spectrum - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/10/1992 Localización (venue) : The Spectrum
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.701 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Nassau Coliseum - Uniondale, New
York, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/09/1992 Localización (Venue) : Nassau Coliseum - Uniondale, New York, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.702 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Hampton Coliseum - Hampton,
Virginia, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/07/1992 Localización (venue) : Hampton
Coliseum - Hampton, Virginia, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, The Fly, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You
1.703 U2 ZOO TV Tour : The Omni - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/05/1992 Localización (Venue) : The Omni
- Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My
Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.704 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Charlotte Coliseum - Charlotte,
North Carolina, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/03/1992 Localización (venue) : Charlotte
Coliseum - Charlotte, North Carolina, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your
Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of
Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Table of Content
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.705 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Miami Arena - Miami, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/01/1992 Localización (Venue) : Miami Arena
- Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With
Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.706 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Lakeland Arena - Lakeland,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/29/1992 Localización (Venue) : Lakeland
Arena - Lakeland, Florida, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
1.707 U2 POPMART Tour : Hayarkon Park - Tel Aviv, Israel
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/30/1997 Localización (Venue) : Hayarkon
Park - Tel Aviv, Israel Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The
Sun, Desire, Dancing Queen, Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me,
Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
1.708 U2 POPMART Tour : Harbour Yard - Thessaloniki,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/26/1997 Localización (Venue) : Harbour
Yard - Thessaloniki, Grecia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Desire, Sugar
Sugar (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Staring At The Sun
1.709 U2 POPMART Tour : Kosevo Stadium - Sarajevo,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/23/1997 Localización (Venue) : Kosevo
Stadium - Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Miss
Sarajevo, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.710 U2 POPMART Tour : Festival Site - Reggio Emilia,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/20/1997 Localización (Venue) : Festival
Site - Reggio Emilia, Italia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Volare (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
1.711 U2 POPMART Tour : Aerporte De-Urbe - Roma, Italia
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/18/1997 Localización (Venue) : Aerporte
De-Urbe - Roma, Italia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Table of Content
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Volare (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.712 U2 POPMART Tour : Espace Grammont - Montpellier,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (date) : 09/15/1997 Localización (Venue) : Espace
Grammont - Montpellier, Francia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The
Sun, Born To Be Wild (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
1.713 U2 POPMART Tour : Estadi Olimpic de Montjuic Barcelona, España
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/13/1997 Localización (Venue) : Estadi
Olimpic de Montjuic - Barcelona, España Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Staring At The Sun, Macarena (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without
You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man, Rain
1.714 U2 POPMART Tour : Estadio Jose Alvalade - Lisboa,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/11/1997 Localización (Venue) : Estadio
Jose Alvalade - Lisboa, Portugal Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Desire,
Staring At The Sun, Sugar Sugar (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where
Table of Content
The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody, Wake Up
Dead Man
1.715 U2 POPMART Tour : Estadio Vicente Calderon Madrid, España
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/09/1997 Localización (Venue) : Estadio
Vicente Calderon - Madrid, España Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At
The Sun, Sugar Sugar (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.716 U2 POPMART Tour : Parc des Princes - Paris, Francia
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/06/1997 Localización (Venue) : Parc des
Princes - Paris, Francia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Suspicious Minds (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, MLK, One, Unchained Melody
1.717 U2 POPMART Tour : Murrayfield Stadium Edinburgh, Escocia
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/02/1997 Localización (Venue) : Murrayfield Stadium - Edinburgh, Escocia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring
At The Sun, Sailing (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, MLK, One, Unchained Melody
Table of Content
1.718 U2 POPMART Tour : Lansdowne Road - Dublin,
Irlanda (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/31/1997 Localización (Venue) : Lansdowne Road - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At
The Sun, Whiskey In The Jar (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, MLK, One, Unchained Melody
1.719 U2 POPMART Tour : Lansdowne Road - Dublin,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (date) : 08/30/1997 Localización (Venue) : Lansdowne
Road - Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun, All
Kinds Of Everything (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
1.720 U2 POPMART Tour : Roundhay Park - Leeds,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/28/1997 Localización (Venue) : Roundhay
Park - Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Singing In The Rain (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Rain
1.721 U2 POPMART Tour : Botanic Gardens - Belfast,
Irlanda del Norte
Table of Content
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/26/1997 Localización (Venue) : Botanic
Gardens - Belfast, Irlanda del Norte Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At
The Sun, Suspicious Minds (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.722 U2 POPMART Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/23/1997 Localización (Venue) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.723 U2 POPMART Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/22/1997 Localización (Venue) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At
The Sun, Suspicious Minds (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.724 U2 POPMART Tour : Expo Field - Hanover, Alemania
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/20/1997 Localización (Venue) : Expo Field
- Hanover, Alemania Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Suspicious Minds (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Table of Content
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.725 U2 POPMART Tour : Zeppelinfeld - Nuremberg,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/18/1997 Localización (Venue) : Zeppelinfeld - Nuremberg, Alemania Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.726 U2 POPMART Tour : Airfield - Wiener Neustadt,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/16/1997 Localización (Venue) : Airfield
- Wiener Neustadt, Austria Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Suspicious Minds (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.727 U2 POPMART Tour : Strahov Stadium - Prague,
Republica Checa
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/14/1997 Localización (Venue) : Strahov
Stadium - Prague, Republica Checa Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring
At The Sun, Born To Be Wild (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
Table of Content
1.728 U2 POPMART Tour : Horse Track - Warsaw, Polonia
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/12/1997 Localización (Venue) : Horse
Track - Warsaw, Polonia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At
The Sun, Born To Be Wild (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.729 U2 POPMART Tour : Olympic Stadium - Helsinki,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/09/1997 Localización (Venue) : Olympic
Stadium - Helsinki, Finlandia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways / Funky Town (snippet), One, MLK
1.730 U2 POPMART Tour : Valle Hovin Stadion - Oslo,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/06/1997 Localización (Venue) : Valle Hovin Stadion - Oslo, Noruega Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, She’s A Mystery To Me
1.731 U2 POPMART Tour : Parken Stadium - Copenhagen,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/04/1997 Localización (Venue) : Parken
Table of Content
Stadium - Copenhagen, Dinamarca Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At
The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.732 U2 POPMART Tour : Ullevi Stadion - Gothenburg,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/02/1997 Localización (Venue) : Ullevi
Stadion - Gothenburg, Suecia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
1.733 U2 POPMART Tour : Maimarkt - Mannheim,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/31/1997 Localización (Venue) : Maimarkt
- Mannheim, Alemania Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Singing In The Rain (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Rain
1.734 U2 POPMART Tour : Festwiese - Leipzig, Alemania
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/29/1997 Localización (Venue) : Festwiese
- Leipzig, Alemania Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Table of Content
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.735 U2 POPMART Tour : ButzweilerHof - Cologne,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/27/1997 Localización (Venue) : ButzweilerHof - Cologne, Alemania Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
1.736 U2 POPMART Tour : Festival Grounds - Werchter,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/25/1997 Localización (Venue) : Festival
Grounds - Werchter, Belgica Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Radar Love (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me,
Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
1.737 U2 POPMART Tour : Feyenoord Stadium - Rotterdam,
Paises Bajos (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/19/1997 Localización (Venue) : Feyenoord
Stadium - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Staring At The Sun, Radar
Love (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.738 U2 POPMART Tour : Feyenoord Stadium - Rotterdam,
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Paises Bajos (I)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/18/1997 Localización (Venue) : Feyenoord
Stadium - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The
Sun, I Love You Love (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK, Rain
1.739 U2 POPMART Tour : Johannesburg Stadium Johannesburg, Sudafrica
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/21/1998 Localización (Venue) : Johannesburg Stadium - Johannesburg, Sudafrica Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, 40
1.740 U2 POPMART Tour : Greenpoint Stadium - Cape
Town, Sudafrica
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/16/1998 Localización (Venue) : Greenpoint Stadium - Cape Town, Sudafrica Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Bad, Staring At The
Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.741 U2 POPMART Tour : Osaka Dome - Osaka, Japan
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/11/1998 Localización (Venue) : Osaka
Dome - Osaka, Japan Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Table of Content
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The
Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.742 U2 POPMART Tour : Tokyo Dome - Tokyo, Japon
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/05/1998 Localización (Venue) : Tokyo
Dome - Tokyo, Japon Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Bad, Staring At The Sun, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque,
If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me,
Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.743 U2 POPMART Tour : Sydney Football Stadium Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/27/1998 Localización (Venue) : Sydney
Football Stadium - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone,
Even Better Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Bad,
Desire, Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, MLK, One
1.744 U2 POPMART Tour : ANZ Stadium - Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/25/1998 Localización (Venue) : ANZ Stadium - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Bad, Staring At The Sun,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me,
Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, MLK, One
Table of Content
1.745 U2 POPMART Tour : Waverley Park - Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/21/1998 Localización (Venue) : Waverley
Park - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Bad, Staring At The
Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
1.746 U2 POPMART Tour : Burswood Dome - Perth, Western
Australia, Australia
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/17/1998 Localización (Venue) : Burswood
Dome - Perth, Western Australia, Australia Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Bad, Staring At
The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill
Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.747 U2 POPMART Tour : Estadio Nacional - Santiago,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/11/1998 Localización (Venue) : Estadio
Nacional - Santiago, Chile Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Bad, Staring At The Sun, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque,
If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me,
Mysterious Ways, One, Mothers Of The Disappeared
1.748 U2 POPMART Tour : River Plate Stadium - Buenos
Aires, Argentina (III)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/07/1998 Localización (Venue) : River
Plate Stadium - Buenos Aires, Argentina Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Bad, Slow Dancing,
Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Mothers Of The Disappeared
1.749 U2 POPMART Tour : River Plate Stadium - Buenos
Aires, Argentina (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour FEcha (Date) : 02/06/1998 Localización (Venue) : River
Plate Stadium - Buenos Aires, Argentina Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Staring
At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me,
Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Mothers Of The Disappeared
1.750 U2 POPMART Tour : River Plate Stadium - Buenos
Aires, Argentina (I)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/05/1998 Localización (Venue) : River
Plate Stadium - Buenos Aires, Argentina Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Mothers Of The Disappeared
1.751 U2 POPMART Tour : Morumbi - Sao Paulo, Brasil (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/31/1998 Localización (Venue) : Morumbi
- Sao Paulo, Brasil Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Last
Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque,
Table of Content
If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me,
Mysterious Ways, One, 40
1.752 U2 POPMART Tour : Morumbi - Sao Paulo, Brasil (I)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/30/1998 Localización (Venue) : Morumbi
- Sao Paulo, Brasil Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Last
Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Bad, Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That
Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways,
One, Unchained Melody
1.753 U2 POPMART Tour : Nelson Piquet Autodrome - Rio
de Janeiro, Brasil
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/27/1998 Localización (Venue) : Nelson
Piquet Autodrome - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Desire, Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.754 U2 POPMART Tour : The Kingdome - Seattle,
Washington, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/12/1997 Localización (Venue) : The Kingdome - Seattle, Washington, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, All I Want Is You,
Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man, 40
1.755 U2 POPMART Tour : B.C. Place Stadium - Vancouver,
Table of Content
British Columbia, Canada
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/09/1997 Localización (Venue) : B.C. Place
Stadium - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even
Better Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want
Is You, Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.756 U2 POPMART Tour : Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez
- Mexico City, Mexico (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/03/1997 Localización (Venue) : Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez - Mexico City, Mexico Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even
Better Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is
You, Desire, Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.757 U2 POPMART Tour : Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez
- Mexico City, Mexico (I)
Tour : U2 POMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/02/1997 Localización (Venue) : Autódromo
Hermanos Rodríguez - Mexico City, Mexico Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.758 U2 POPMART Tour : Houston Astrodome - Houston,
Texas, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/28/1997 Localización (Venue) : Houston
Table of Content
Astrodome - Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Desire, Staring
At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me,
Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.759 U2 POPMART Tour : Georgia Dome - Atlanta,
Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/26/1997 Localización (Venue) : Georgia
Dome - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World / Break On Through (snippet), New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I
Want Is You, Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, 40
1.760 U2 POPMART Tour : Alamodome - San Antonio,
Texas, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/23/1997 Localización (Venue) : Alamodome - San Antonio, Texas, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The
Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.761 U2 POPMART Tour : Louisiana Superdome - New
Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/21/1997 Localización (Venue) : Louisiana
Superdome - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Table of Content
Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.762 U2 POPMART Tour : Pro Player Stadium - Miami,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/14/1997 Localización (Venue) : Pro Player
Stadium - Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At
The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill
Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.763 U2 POPMART Tour : Municipal Stadium Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/12/1997 Localización (Venue) : Municipal
Stadium - Jacksonville, Florida, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring
At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me,
Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Rain
1.764 U2 POPMART Tour : Houlihans Stadium - Tampa,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/10/1997 Localización (Venue) : Houlihans
Stadium - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The
Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
Table of Content
1.765 U2 POPMART Tour : Trans World Dome - St. Louis,
Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/08/1997 Localización (Venue) : Trans
World Dome - St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Desire, Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.766 U2 POPMART Tour : Olympic Stadium - Montreal,
Quebec, Canada
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/02/1997 Localización (Venue) : Olympic
Stadium - Montreal, Quebec, Canada Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring
At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me,
Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.767 U2 POPMART Tour : Pontiac Silverdome - Pontiac,
Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/31/1997 Localización (Venue) : Pontiac
Silverdome - Pontiac, Michigan, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Desire,
Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.768 U2 POPMART Tour : Hubert H. Humphrey
Metrodome - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/29/1997 Localización (venue) : Hubert
H. Humphrey Metrodome - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow,
Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
All I Want Is You, Desire, Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With
Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead
1.769 U2 POPMART Tour : Skydome - Toronto, Ontario,
Canada (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/27/1997 Localización (Venue) : Skydome
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.770 U2 POPMART Tour : Skydome - Toronto, Ontario,
Canada (I)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/26/1997 Localización (Venue) : Skydome
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At
The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill
Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
1.771 U2 POPMART Tour : Foxboro Stadium - Foxboro,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/02/1997 Localización (Venue) : Foxboro
Stadium - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Table of Content
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Staring At The Sun, Suspicious Minds (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or
Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK, Rain
1.772 U2 POPMART Tour : Foxboro Stadium - Foxboro,
Massachusetts, USA (I)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/01/1997 Localización (Venue) : Foxboro
Stadium - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is
You, Staring At The Sun, Sweet Caroline (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or
Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
1.773 U2 POPMART Tour : Soldier Field - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (date) : 06/29/1997 Localización (Venue) : Soldier
Field - Chicago, Illinois, USA SetlisT : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The
Sun, It’s Not Unusual, Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
1.774 U2 POPMART Tour : Soldier Field - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/28/1997 Localización (Venue) : Soldier
Field - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Table of Content
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.775 U2 POPMART Tour : Soldier Field - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/27/1997 Localización (Venue) : Soldier
Field - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Last Night
On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun,
Sweet Caroline (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill
Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Hallelujah
1.776 U2 POPMART Tour : Camp Randall Stadium Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/25/1997 Localización (Venue) : Camp
Randall Stadium - Madison, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring
At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.777 U2 POPMART Tour : Los Angeles Coliseum - Los
Angeles, California, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/21/1997 Localización (Venue) : Los Angeles Coliseum - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, All I Want Is You, Staring At
The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
Table of Content
1.778 U2 POPMART Tour : Oakland-Alameda County
Stadium - Oakland, California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/19/1997 Localización (Venue) : OaklandAlameda County Stadium - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even
Better Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God
Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun, San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In
Your Hair) (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me,
Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.779 U2 POPMART Tour : Oakland-Alameda County
Stadium - Oakland, California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/18/1997 Localización (Venue) : OaklandAlameda County Stadium - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even
Better Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His
Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With
Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Hallelujah
1.780 U2 POPMART Tour : Commonwealth Stadium Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/15/1997 Localización (Venue) : Commonwealth Stadium - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Slow Dancing, Staring At The Sun, Sweet Caroline (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet
Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One,
1.781 U2 POPMART Tour : Commonwealth Stadium Table of Content
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/14/1997 Localización (Venue) : Commonwealth Stadium - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With
Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained
1.782 U2 POPMART Tour : Winnipeg Stadium - Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/12/1997 Localización (Venue) : Winnipeg
Stadium - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring At
The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Hallelujah
1.783 U2 POPMART Tour : Franklin Field - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/1997 Localización (Venue) : Franklin
Field - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer
(Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me,
Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Hallelujah
1.784 U2 POPMART Tour : Giants Stadium - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (III)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/03/1997 Localización (Venue) : Giants
Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring
At The Sun, New York New York, Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill
Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.785 U2 POPMART Tour : Giants Stadium - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/31/1997 Localización (Venue) : Giants
Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring
At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.786 U2 POPMART Tour : Robert F. Kennedy Stadium Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/26/1997 Localización (Venue) : Robert F.
Kennedy Stadium - Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow,
Even Better Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His
Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With
Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained
1.787 U2 POPMART Tour : Ohio Stadium - Columbus, Ohio,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/24/1997 Localización (Venue) : Ohio Stadium - Columbus, Ohio, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Table of Content
Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Last Night
On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun,
Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.788 U2 POPMART Tour : Three Rivers Stadium Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/22/1997 Localización (Venue) : Three Rivers Stadium - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring
At The Sun, Sweet Caroline (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
1.789 U2 POPMART Tour : Arrowhead Stadium - Kansas
City, Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/19/1997 Localización (Venue) : Arrowhead Stadium - Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring
At The Sun, Sweet Caroline (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.790 U2 POPMART Tour : Death Valley Stadium - Clemson,
South Carolina, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/16/1997 Localización (Venue) : Death
Valley Stadium - Clemson, South Carolina, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels,
Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please,
Table of Content
Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or
Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.791 U2 POPMART Tour : Liberty Bowl - Memphis,
Tennessee, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/14/1997 Localización (Venue) : Liberty
Bowl - Memphis, Tennessee, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Last
Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun,
Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Can’t Help Falling In Love
1.792 U2 POPMART Tour : Cotton Bowl - Dallas, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/12/1997 Localización : Cotton Bowl - Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Last Night On Earth,
Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.793 U2 POPMART Tour : ASU Sun Devil Stadium - Tempe,
Arizona, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/09/1997 Localización (Venue) : ASU Sun
Devil Stadium - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Gone, Do You Feel Loved ?, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send
His Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress,
With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.794 U2 POPMART Tour : Autzen Stadium, U. of Oregon Table of Content
Eugene, Oregon, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/06/1997 Localización (Venue) : Autzen
Stadium, U. of Oregon - Eugene, Oregon, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Do You Feel Loved ?, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Gone, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God
Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet
The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.795 U2 POPMART Tour : Rice-Eccles Stadium - Salt Lake
City, Utah, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/03/1997 Localización (Venue) : RiceEccles Stadium - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Do You Feel Loved ?, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Gone, Until The End Of The World, If God Will
Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet
Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.796 U2 POPMART Tour : Mile High Stadium - Denver,
Colorado, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/01/1997 Localización (Venue) : Mile High
Stadium - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Do You Feel Loved ?, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Gone, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His
Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill
Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.797 U2 POPMART Tour : Jack Murphy Stadium - San
Diego, California, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/28/1997 Localización (Venue) : Jack MurTable of Content
phy Stadium - San Diego, California, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Do You Feel Loved ?, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Gone, Until The End Of The World, If God Will
Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, With Or Without You, Hold
Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
1.798 U2 POPMART Tour : Sam Boyd Stadium - Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/25/1997 Localización (Venue) : Sam Boyd
Stadium - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Do You Feel Loved ?, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Gone, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His
Angels, Staring At The Sun, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That
Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways,
1.799 U2 Elevation Tour : American Airlines Arena - Miami,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/02/2001 Localización (Venue) : American
Airlines Arena - Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, Mysterious Ways, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, In God’s Country, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Please, Bad, Where The
Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, My Sweet Lord, Walk On
1.800 U2 Elevation Tour : Ice Palace - Tampa, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 12/01/2001 Localización (Venue) : Ice Palace
- Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of,
Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On,
New York, One, Walk On
Table of Content
1.801 U2 Elevation Tour : Philips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/30/2001 Localización (Venue) : Philips
Arena - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, My Sweet Lord, Angel Of Harlem, People Get Ready, Please, Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.802 U2 Elevation Tour : Savvis Center - St. Louis, Missouri,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/28/2001 Localización (Venue) : Savvis Center - St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out
Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet
The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Peace On Earth, Walk On
1.803 U2 Elevation Tour : Kemper Arena - Kansas City,
Missouri, USA
Tour :U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/27/2001 Localización (Venue) : Kemper
Arena - Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Desire, Angel Of Harlem, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Peace On Earth, Walk On
1.804 U2 Elevation Tour : Reunion Arena - Dallas, Texas,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/25/2001 Localización (Venue) : Reunion
Arena - Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Table of Content
New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, Kite, In God’s Country, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s
Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.805 U2 Elevation Tour : America West Arena - Phoenix,
Arizona, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/23/2001 Localización (Venue) : America
West Arena - Phoenix, Arizona, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, In God’s Country, I Shall Be Released, Please, All I Want Is You, Where
The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.806 U2 Elevation Tour : Arco Arena - Sacramento,
California, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/20/2001 Localizacióñn (Venue) : Arco Arena
- Sacramento, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Mysterious Ways, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s
Going On, New York, Happy Birthday, One, Peace On Earth, Walk On
1.807 U2 Elevation Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
California, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/19/2001 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, Mysterious Ways, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Wild Honey, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.808 U2 Elevation Tour : Thomas And Mack Arena - Las
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Vegas, Nevada, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/18/2001 Localización (Venue) : Thomas And
Mack Arena - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Wild Honey, People Get Ready, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet
The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.809 U2 Elevation Tour : Oakland Arena - Oakland,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/16/2001 Localización (Venue) : Oakland
Arena - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t
Get Out Of, Slow Dancing, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, A Sort Of Homecoming, Please, All I Want
Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, New York, One, Walk On
1.810 U2 Elevation Tour : Oakland Arena - Oakland,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : Oakland
Arena - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Wild Honey, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.811 U2 Elevation Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/12/2001 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, People Get Ready, Please, Bad, Where The Streets
Table of Content
Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On.
1.812 U2 Elevation Tour : Delta Center - Salt Lake City, Utah,
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 11/09/2001 Localización (Venue) : Delta Center
- Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, Kite, Wild Honey, People Get Ready, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.813 U2 Elevation Tour : Pepsi Center - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/07/2001 Localización (Venue) : Pepsi Center
- Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out
Of, Kite, Wild Honey, All Along The Watchtower, Please, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.814 U2 Elevation Tour : Frank Erwin Center - Austin,
Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/05/2001 Localización (Venue) : Frank Erwin
Center - Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out
Of, Kite, Wild Honey, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On,
New York, One, Walk On
1.815 U2 Elevation Tour : First Union Center - Philadelphia,
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Pennsylvania, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 11/02/2001 Localización (Venue) : First Union
Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Wild Honey, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.816 U2 Elevation Tour : Providence Civic Center Providence, Rhode Island, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/31/2001 Localización (Venue) : Providence
Civic Center - Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Party Girl, Slow Dancing, Kite, Wild Honey, Please, Bad / Fool To
Cry (snippet) / 40 (snippet), Psalm 116 (snippet) / , Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love) encores : Bullet The Blue
Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, When Will I See You Again (snippet) / , Walk On
1.817 U2 Elevation Tour : Providence Civic Center Providence, Rhode Island, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 10/30/2001 Localización (Venue) : Providence
Civic Center - Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet
The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.818 U2 Elevation Tour : Continental Airlines Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/28/2001 Localización (Venue) : Continental
Airlines Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until
The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Table of Content
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Please, All I Want Is You, Where The
Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.819 U2 Elevation Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (V)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/27/2001 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On, Out Of Control
1.820 U2 Elevation Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/25/2001 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.821 U2 Elevation Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/24/2001 Localizacióñn (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Staring At The
Sun, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk
Table of Content
1.822 U2 Elevation Tour : Arena - Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/19/2001 Localización (Venue) : Arena Baltimore, Maryland, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Staring At The Sun, Please,
Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.823 U2 Elevation Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/16/2001 Localización (Venue) : United Center - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out
Of, Kite, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.824 U2 Elevation Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : United Center - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, People Get Ready, Staring At The Sun, Bad, Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
1.825 U2 Elevation Tour : Copps Coliseum - Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/13/2001 Localización (Venue) : Copps Coliseum - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, People Get Ready, Staring At The Sun, Bad, Where
Table of Content
The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, With Or Without You, One, Walk
1.826 U2 Elevation Tour : Molson Centre - Montreal, Quebec,
Canada (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/12/2001 Localización (Venue) : Molson
Centre - Montreal, Quebec, Canada Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Staring At The Sun, Bad, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going
On, New York, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.827 U2 Elevation Tour : Joyce Center - South Bend,
Indiana, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/10/2001 Localización (Venue) : Joyce Center
- South Bend, Indiana, USA Setlist : Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, What’s Going On, New York, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Sunday Bloody Sunday, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Staring At The Sun, Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, With Or
Without You, Elevation, Mysterious Ways, One, Walk On
1.828 U2 Elevation Tour : Slane Castle - Slane, Irlanda (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/01/2001 Localización (Venue) : Slane Castle
- Slane, Irlanda Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake Up Dead Man, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Desire, Staring At The Sun, All I Want Is You, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.829 U2 Elevation Tour : Scottish Exhibition and Conference
Centre - Glasgow, Escocia (II)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 08/28/2001 Localización (Venue) : Scottish
Exhibition and Conference Centre - Glasgow, Escocia Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day,
Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake
Up Dead Man, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Desire,
Staring At The Sun, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.830 U2 Elevation Tour : Scottish Exhibition and Conference
Centre - Glasgow, Escocia (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 08/27/2001 Localización (Venue) : Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre - Glasgow, Escocia Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until
The End Of The World, Discothèque, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Wake Up Dead Man, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While,
Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.831 U2 Elevation Tour : Slane Castle - Slane, Irlanda
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/25/2001 Localización (Venue) : Slane Castle
- Slane, Irlanda Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Kite, A Sort Of Homecoming, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake Up Dead
Man, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Dancing In The Moonlight,
Desire, Staring At The Sun, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.832 U2 Elevation Tour : Earl’s Court Arena - Londres,
Inglaterra (IV)
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 08/22/2001 Localización (Venue) : Earl’s Court
Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Kite, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Sweetest Thing, Staring At The
Sun, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet
The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
Table of Content
1.833 U2 Elevation Tour : Earl’s Court Arena - Londres,
Inglaterra (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/21/2001 Localización (Venue) : Earl’s Court
Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Kite, Gone, New York, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake
Up Dead Man, In A Little While, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.834 U2 Elevation Tour : Earl’s Court Arena - Londres,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/19/2001 Localización (Venue) : Earl’s Court
Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Discothèque, Staring At The Sun (snippet), Kite, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Wake Up Dead Man, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, The Ground Beneath
Her Feet, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Angel Of Harlem, One, Walk
1.835 U2 Elevation Tour : Earl’s Court Arena - Londres,
Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/18/2001 Localización (Venue) : Earl’s Court
Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday / Get Up Stand
Up (snippet), Wake Up Dead Man, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little
While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad / 40 (snippet), 40 (snippet) / , Where The Streets
Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly encores : Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You / Love Will Tear Us Apart (snippet), One / Live Forever (snippet), Walk On
1.836 U2 Elevation Tour : NEC Arena - Birmingham,
Inglaterra (II)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : NEC Arena
- Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Discothèque, Kite, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake Up Dead Man,
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), All
I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Party Girl, One, Walk On
1.837 U2 Elevation Tour : NEC Arena - Birmingham,
Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/14/2001 Localización (Venue) : NEC Arena Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake Up Dead Man,
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad / The Drugs
Don’t Work (snippet) / 40 (snippet), Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The
Fly encores : Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You / Love Will Tear Us Apart (snippet),
One, Walk On
1.838 U2 Elevation Tour : M.E.N. Arena - Manchester,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/12/2001 Localización (Venue) : M.E.N.
Arena - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Kite, Gone, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake
Up Dead Man, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Sweetest Thing, Staring At The Sun,
All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One
1.839 U2 Elevation Tour : M.E.N. Arena - Manchester,
Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/11/2001 Localización (Venue) : M.E.N.
Arena - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, Discothèque, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
Table of Content
You, One, Wake Up Dead Man, Walk On
1.840 U2 Elevation Tour : Palau Sant Jordi - Barcelona,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/08/2001 Localización (Venue) : Palau Sant
Jordi - Barcelona, España Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Spanish Eyes, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake
Up Dead Man, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Happy Birthday,
Party Girl, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One,
Walk On
1.841 U2 Elevation Tour : Sportpaleis - Antwerp, Belgica (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/06/2001 Localización (Venue) : Sportpaleis Antwerp, Belgica Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, Discothèque,
Kite, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake Up Dead Man, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, All I Want Is You, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
With Or Without You, We Love You, One, Walk On
1.842 U2 Elevation Tour : Sportpaleis - Antwerp, Belgica (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/05/2001 Localización (Venue) : Sportpaleis Antwerp, Belgica Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Two Shots of Happy, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With
Or Without You, One, Wake Up Dead Man, Walk On
1.843 U2 Elevation Tour : Gelredome - Arnhem, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/03/2001 Localización (Venue) : Gelredome
- Arnhem, Paises Bajos Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, Pride
Table of Content
(In The Name Of Love), Kite, Gone, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck
In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, One, Wake Up Dead Man, Walk On
1.844 U2 Elevation Tour : Gelredome - Arnhem, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/01/2001 Localización (Venue) : Gelredome
- Arnhem, Paises Bajos Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, Kite, New York, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Sweetest Thing, Staring At The Sun, Happy Birthday, The
Ground Beneath Her Feet, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On, Out Of Control
1.845 U2 Elevation Tour : Gelredome - Arnhem, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/31/2001 Localización (Venue) : Gelredome
- Arnhem, Paises Bajos Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You,
One, Wake Up Dead Man, Walk On
1.846 U2 Elevation Tour : Waldbuehne - Berlin, Alemania
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/29/2001 Localización (Venue) : Waldbuehne
- Berlin, Alemania Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One,
Wake Up Dead Man, Walk On
1.847 U2 Elevation Tour : Stadthalle - Vienna, Austria (II)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/27/2001 Localización (Venue) : Stadthalle
- Vienna, Austria Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious
Ways, Kite, New York, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck
In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Sweetest Thing, Desire, The Ground Beneath Her Feet,
All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet
The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.848 U2 Elevation Tour : Stadthalle - Vienna, Austria
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/26/2001 Localización (Venue) : Stadthalle Vienna, Austria Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Mysterious Ways, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Wake Up Dead
Man, Walk On
1.849 U2 Elevation Tour : Hallenstadion - Zurich, Suiza (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/24/2001 Localización (Venue) : Hallenstadion - Zurich, Suiza Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, Kite, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Sweetest Thing, Staring At The Sun, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, All I
Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.850 U2 Elevation Tour : Hallenstadion - Zurich, Suiza (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/23/2001 Localización (Venue) : Hallenstadion
- Zurich, Suiza Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, People Get Ready, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Way, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With
Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.851 U2 Elevation Tour : Stadio Delle Alpi - Turin, Italia
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/21/2001 Localización (Venue) : Stadio Delle
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Alpi - Turin, Italia Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One,
Wake Up Dead Man, Walk On, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Out Of Control
1.852 U2 Elevation Tour : Palais Omnisports De Bercy - Paris,
Francia (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/18/2001 Localización (Venue) : Palais Omnisports De Bercy - Paris, Francia Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, Mysterious Ways, Kite, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Sweetest Thing, Wild Honey, The Ground Beneath Her Feet,
All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet
The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, Walk On
1.853 U2 Elevation Tour : Palais Omnisports De Bercy - Paris,
Francia (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/17/2001 Localización (Venue) : Palais Omnisports De Bercy - Paris, Francia Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In
A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or
Without You, One, Wake Up Dead Man, Walk On
1.854 U2 Elevation Tour : Olympiahalle - Munich, Alemania
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : Olympiahalle - Munich, Alemania Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You,
One, Walk On
1.855 U2 Elevation Tour : Koelnarena - Cologne, Alemania
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Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/13/2001 Koelnarena - Cologne, Alemania
Localización (Venue) : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious
Ways, Kite, Gone, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Sweetest Thing, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, All I Want Is You,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With
Or Without You, The Fly, One, Wake Up Dead Man, Walk On
1.856 U2 Elevation Tour : Koelnarena - Cologne, Alemania (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/12/2001 Localización (Venue) : Koelnarena Cologne, Alemania Setlist Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.857 U2 Elevation Tour : Globen - Stockholm, Suecia (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/10/2001 Localización (Venue) : Globen Stockholm, Suecia Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Kite, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t
Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, All I Want Is You, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, One, Wake Up Dead Man, Walk On
1.858 U2 Elevation Tour : Globen - Stockholm, Suecia (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/09/2001 Localización (Venue) : Globen Stockholm, Suecia Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious
Ways, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, Wake Up
Dead Man, Walk On
1.859 U2 Elevation Tour : Forum - Copenhagen, Dinamarca
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Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/07/2001 Localización (Venue) : Forum Copenhagen, Dinamarca Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk
1.860 U2 Elevation Tour : Forum - Copenhagen, Dinamarca
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/06/2001 Localización (Venue) : Forum Copenhagen, Dinamarca Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Mysterious Ways, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Staring At The Sun, Bad, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, One, Walk On
1.861 U2 Elevation Tour : Continental Airlines Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/22/2001 Localización (Venue) : Continental
Airlines Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until
The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Wild Honey, The
Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.862 U2 Elevation Tour : Continental Airlines Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/21/2001 Localización (Venue) : Continental
Airlines Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until
The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway,
Table of Content
So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, Walk On
1.863 U2 Elevation Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/19/2001 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, I Remember You, Desire, Staring At The Sun, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious
Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One,
Walk On
1.864 U2 Elevation Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/17/2001 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway,
So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, I Remember You, Walk On
1.865 U2 Elevation Tour : MCI Center - Washington, District
of Columbia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : MCI Center
- Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, New York,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.866 U2 Elevation Tour : MCI Center - Washington, District
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of Columbia, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 06/14/2001 Localización (Venue) : MCI Center
- Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, Mysterious Ways, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, The Ground Beneath Her
Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.867 U2 Elevation Tour : First Union Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/12/2001 Localización (Venue) : First Union
Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In
A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Desire, All
I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.868 U2 Elevation Tour : First Union Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/11/2001 Localización (Venue) : First Union
Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New
York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, Walk On
1.869 U2 Elevation Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 06/09/2001 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Elevation, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Until The
End Of The World, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, Stuck In
A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody
Table of Content
Sunday, Desire, Party Girl, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Beautiful Day, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.870 U2 Elevation Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/2001 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, Angel Of Harlem, The Ground Beneath
Her Feet, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.871 U2 Elevation Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/2001 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will
Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, People Get Ready, Bad, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, The Fly, One, Walk On
1.872 U2 Elevation Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/05/2001 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Selist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will
Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With
Or Without You, The Fly, One, Walk On
1.873 U2 Elevation Tour : Civic Center - Hartford,
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Connecticut, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/03/2001 Localización : Civic Center - Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, The Fly, One, Walk On
1.874 U2 Elevation Tour : Pepsi Arena - Albany, New York,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/02/2001 Localización (Venue) : Pepsi Arena
- Albany, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will
Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The
Fly, One, Walk On
1.875 U2 Elevation Tour : HSBC Arena - Buffalo, New York,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/31/2001 Localización (Venue) : HSBC Arena
- Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out
Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire,
Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, Walk On
1.876 U2 Elevation Tour : Palace Of Auburn Hills - Auburn
Hills, Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/30/2001 Localización (Venue) : Palace Of
Auburn Hills - Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, Discothèque, Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of,
Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay
Table of Content
(Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, Walk On
1.877 U2 Elevation Tour : Molson Centre - Montreal, Quebec,
Canada (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/28/2001 Localización (Venue) : Molson
Centre - Montreal, Quebec, Canada Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Angel Of
Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, The Fly, I Remember You, Walk On
1.878 U2 Elevation Tour : Molson Centre - Montreal, Quebec,
Canada (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 05/27/2001 Localización (Venue) : Molson
Centre - Montreal, Quebec, Canada Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, Discothèque, Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite,
Gone, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet
The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, Walk On
1.879 U2 Elevation Tour : Air Canada Centre - Toronto,
Ontario, Canada (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/25/2001 Localización (Venue) : Air Canada
Centre - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York,
Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet
The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.880 U2 Elevation Tour : Air Canada Centre - Toronto,
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Ontario, Canada (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/24/2001 Localización (Venue) : Air Canada
Centre - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, Discothèque, New York, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, I Will Follow,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.881 U2 Elevation Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/16/2001 Localización (Venue) : United Center - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Elevation, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing,
Angel Of Harlem, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, Beautiful Day, I Remember You, Walk On
1.882 U2 Elevation Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : United Center - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Discothèque, New York, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.883 U2 Elevation Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/13/2001 Localización (Venue) : United Center - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, Discothèque, New York, I Will Follow,
Table of Content
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, All
I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.884 U2 Elevation Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/12/2001 Localización (Venue) : United Center - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.885 U2 Elevation Tour : Conseco Fieldhouse - Indianapolis,
Indiana, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/10/2001 Localización (Venue) : Conseco
Fieldhouse - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Kite, New York,
I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), All I Want Is You,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or
Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.886 U2 Elevation Tour : Bradley Center - Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/09/2001 Localización (Venue) : Bradley
Center - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Kite, New York,
I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With
Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.887 U2 Elevation Tour : Nationwide Arena - Columbus,
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Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/07/2001 Localización (Venue) : Nationwide
Arena - Columbus, Ohio, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Kite, New York, I Will
Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or
Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.888 U2 Elevation Tour : Mellon Arena - Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 05/06/2001 Localización (Venue) : Mellon Arena
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Kite, New York,
I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, Angel Of Harlem,
Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.889 U2 Elevation Tour : Rupp Arena, Lexington Center Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/04/2001 Localización (Venue) : Rupp Arena,
Lexington Center - Lexington, Kentucky, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With
Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.890 U2 Boy Tour : Gund Arena - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/03/2001 Localización (Venue) : Gund Arena
- Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride
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(In The Name Of Love), One, I Remember You, Walk On
1.891 U2 Elevation Tour : Target Center - Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/01/2001 Localización (Venue) : Target Center - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or
Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.892 U2 Elevation Tour : America West Arena - Phoenix,
Arizona, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/28/2001 Localización (Venue) : America
West Arena - Phoenix, Arizona, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In
A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, I Remember You, Walk On
1.893 U2 Elevation Tour : Arrowhead Pond - Anaheim,
California, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/26/2001 Localización (Venue) :Arrowhead
Pond - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The
Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.894 U2 Elevation Tour : Arrowhead Pond - Anaheim,
California, USA (II)
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Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/24/2001 Localización (Venue) : Arrowhead
Pond - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little
While, Angel Of Harlem, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad , Where The Streets Have No
Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.895 U2 Elevation Tour : Arrowhead Pond - Anaheim,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/23/2001 Localización (venue) : Arrowhead
Pond - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Desire, Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or
Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, I Remember You, Walk On
1.896 U2 Elevation Tour : San Jose Arena - San Jose,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/20/2001 Localización (venue) : San Jose
Arena - San Jose, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The
Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.897 U2 Elevation Tour : San Jose Arena - San Jose,
California, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/19/2001 Localización (Venue) : San Jose
Arena - San Jose, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little
While, Desire, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Myste-
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rious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
One, I Remember You, Walk On
1.898 U2 Elevation Tour : San Diego Sports Arena - San
Diego, California, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/17/2001 Localización (Venue) : San Diego
Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A
Little While, Desire, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), One, I Remember You, Walk On
1.899 U2 Elevation Tour : Rose Garden - Portland, Oregon,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : Rose Garden
- Portland, Oregon, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque, New York, I Will
Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, Desire, The Ground Beneath
Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, I Remember You, Walk On
1.900 U2 Elevation Tour : GM Place - Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/13/2001 Localización (Venue) : GM Place
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A
Little While, Desire, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), One, Walk On
1.901 U2 Elevation Tour : Tacoma Dome - Tacoma,
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Washington, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/12/2001 Localización (Venue) :Tacoma
Dome - Tacoma, Washington, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little
While, Desire, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
One, Walk On
1.902 U2 Elevation Tour : Saddledome - Calgary, Alberta,
Canada (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/10/2001 Localización (Venue) : Saddledome
- Calgary, Alberta, Canada Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, The Ground Beneath
Her Feet, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
1.903 U2 Elevation Tour : Saddledome - Calgary, Alberta,
Canada (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/09/2001 Localización (Venue) : Saddledome
- Calgary, Alberta, Canada Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque, New York,
I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, Desire, Bad, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, One, Walk On
1.904 U2 Elevation Tour : Pepsi Center - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/06/2001 Localización (Venue) : Pepsi Center Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque, New York, I Will
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Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, The Ground Beneath Her
Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky,
With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.905 U2 Elevation Tour : Reunion Arena - Dallas, Texas,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/03/2001 Localización (Venue) : Reunion
Arena - Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque, New York,
I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, Desire, Bad, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, One, Walk On
1.906 U2 Elevation Tour : Compaq Center - Houston, Texas,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/02/2001 Localización (Venue) : Compaq
Center - Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque, New York, I
Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, The Ground Beneath
Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.907 U2 Elevation Tour : Philips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/30/2001 Localización (Venue) : Philips
Arena - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque, New York, I
Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, The Ground Beneath
Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.908 U2 Elevation Tour : Charlotte Coliseum - Charlotte,
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North Carolina, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/29/2001 Localización (Venue) : Charlotte
Coliseum - Charlotte, North Carolina, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Staring At The Sun,
New York, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, The Ground Beneath Her
Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky,
With Or Without You, One, Walk On
1.909 U2 Elevation Tour : National Car Rental Center Sunrise, Florida, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/26/2001 Localización (Venue) : National
Car Rental Center - Sunrise, Florida, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, Discothèque, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, New York, New Year’s
Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, Angel Of Harlem, Bad, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, One, Walk On
1.910 U2 Elevation Tour : National Car Rental Center Sunrise, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/24/2001 Localización (Venue) : National Car
Rental Center - Sunrise, Florida, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque,
New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, The
Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On, 40
1.911 U2 A Conspiracy of Hope Tour : Giants Stadium - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 A Conspiracy Of Hope Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/15/1986 Localización (Venue) :
Giants Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : MLK, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Bad, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Help, Sun City, Invisible Sun, I Shall Be
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1.912 U2 A Conspiracy of Hope Tour : Rosemont Horizon Rosemont, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 A Conspiracy Of Hope Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/13/1986 Localización (Venue) :
Rosemont Horizon - Rosemont, Illinois, USA Setlist : MLK, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Help, Bad, If You Love Somebody,
Sun City, Invisible Sun, I Shall Be Released
1.913 U2 A Conspiracy of Hope Tour : The Omni - Atlanta,
Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 A Conspiracy Of Hope Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/11/1986 Localización (Veneu) :
The Omni - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : MLK, Pride (In The Name Of Love), New Year’s
Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Help, Bad, If You Love Somebody, Sun City, I
Shall Be Released
1.914 U2 A Conspiracy of Hope Tour : McNichols Sports
Arena - Denver, Colorado, USA
Tour : U2 A Conspiracy Of Hope Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/1986 Localización (Venue) : McNichols Sports Arena - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : MLK, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Help, Bad, If You Love
Somebody, Sun City, Happy Birthday, I Shall Be Released
1.915 U2 A Conspiracy of Hope Tour : The Forum Inglewood, California, USA
Tour : U2 A Conspiracy Of Hope Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/1986 Localización (Venue) :
The Forum - Inglewood, California, USA Setlist : MLK, Pride (In The Name Of Love), New
Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Help, Bad, If You Love Somebody, Sun
City, I Shall Be Released
1.916 U2 A Conspiracy of Hope Tour : Cow Palace - San
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Francisco, California, USA
Tour : U2 A Conspiracy Of Hope Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/04/1986 Localización (Venue) :
Cow Palace - San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : C’mon Everybody, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Help, Bad, Sun City, I Shall
Be Released
1.917 U2 Boy Tour : Hammersmith Palais - Londres,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : Hammersmith
Palais - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Carry Me Home, Twilight, I Will Follow, I Fall Down,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Fire, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean, I Will Follow
1.918 U2 Boy Tour : Sportpark - Geleen, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/1981 Localización (Venue) : Sportpark - Geleen, Paises Bajos Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Stories For Boys,
Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow
1.919 U2 Boy Tour : Friars Club - Aylesbury, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : Friars Club Aylesbury, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I Fall Down, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Fire, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Boy-Girl,
Out Of Control
1.920 U2 Boy Tour : University - Salford, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : University - Salford, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
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1.921 U2 Boy Tour : Fast Lane - Asbury Park, New Jersey,
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 05/31/1981 Localización (Venue) : Fast Lane - Asbury
Park, New Jersey, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.922 U2 Boy Tour : Palladium - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/29/1981 Localización (Venue) : Palladium - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, I Will Follow, I Fall
Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Fire, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will
Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
1.923 U2 Boy Tour : The Metro - Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/28/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Metro - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, I Will Follow,
I Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Fire, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I
Will Follow, A Day Without Me
1.924 U2 Boy Tour : Toad’s Place - New Haven, Connecticut,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/27/1981 Localización (Venue) : Toad’s Place New Haven, Connecticut, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will
Follow, A Day Without Me, Fire
1.925 U2 Boy Tour : Center Stage - Providence, Rhode Island,
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Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/25/1981 Localización (Venue) : Center Stage Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.926 U2 Boy Tour : The Casino - Hampton Beach, New
Hampshire, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/24/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Casino Hampton Beach, New Hampshire, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.927 U2 Boy Tour : J.B. Scott’s - Albany, New York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/23/1981 Localización (Venue) : J.B. Scott’s Albany, New York, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.928 U2 Boy Tour : City Limits - Syracuse, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/22/1981 Localización (Venue) : City Limits Syracuse, New York, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I Fall
Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow, A Day
Without Me
1.929 U2 Boy Tour : Uncle Sam’s - Buffalo, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/21/1981 Localización (Venue) : Uncle Sam’s - Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I Fall Down,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Touch, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow,
A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.930 U2 Boy Tour : Red Creek - Rochester, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/20/1981 Localización (Venue) : Red Creek - Rochester, New York, USA Setlist : No disponible
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1.931 U2 Boy Tour : Ryerson Theater - Toronto, Ontario,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/19/1981 Localización (Venue) : Ryerson Theater
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : No disponible
1.932 U2 Boy Tour : California Hall - San Francisco,
California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/15/1981 Localización (Venue) : California Hall San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Touch, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I
Will Follow, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.933 U2 Boy Tour : Santa Monica Civic Center - Santa
Monica, California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/13/1981 Localización (Venue) : Santa Monica
Civic Center - Santa Monica, California, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.934 U2 Boy Tour : Rainbow Music Hall - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/11/1981 Localización (Venue) : Rainbow Music
Hall - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Touch, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day
Without Me, Twilight, I Will Follow
1.935 U2 Boy Tour : Poets - Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 05/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : Poets - Memphis,
Tennessee, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into
Table of Content
The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The
Ocean, I Will Follow
1.936 U2 Boy Tour : Ol’ Man River’s - New Orleans,
Louisiana, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 05/08/1981 Localización (Venue) : Ol’ Man River’s
- New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow
1.937 U2 Boy Tour : The Agora - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Agora - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.938 U2 Boy Tour : The Agora - Hallandale, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Agora - Hallandale, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.939 U2 Boy Tour : End Zone - Tampa, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : End Zone Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.940 U2 Boy Tour : Rathskeller University Of Florida Gainesville, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 05/02/1981 Localización (Venue) : Rathskeller University Of Florida - Gainesville, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
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1.941 U2 Boy Tour : The Decade - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/21/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Decade Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, I Will Follow
1.942 U2 Boy Tour : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/20/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.943 U2 Boy Tour : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/19/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.944 U2 Boy Tour : Harpo’s - Detroit, Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/18/1981 Localización (Venue) : Harpo’s - Detroit,
Michigan, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, A Day Without Me
1.945 U2 Boy Tour : Bogart’s Club - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fehca (Date) : 04/17/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bogart’s Club Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.946 U2 Boy Tour : Palm’s - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/15/1981 Localización (Venue) : Palm’s - Milwau-
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kee, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.947 U2 Boy Tour : Merlyn’s - Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/14/1981 Localización (Venue) : Merlyn’s - Madison, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.948 U2 Boy Tour : Park West - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 04/12/1981 Localización (Venue) : Park West - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, A Day
Without Me
1.949 U2 Boy Tour : International House - University of
Chicago - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/11/1981 Localización (Venue) : International
House - University of Chicago - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I
Will Follow, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.950 U2 Boy Tour : Fillmore - Ames, Iowa, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 04/10/1981 Localización (Venue) : Fillmore - Ames,
Iowa, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, Twilight, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
1.951 U2 Boy Tour : Uncle Sam’s - Minneapolis, Minnesota,
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Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : Uncle Sam’s Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
1.952 U2 Boy Tour : Graham Chapel - Washington University
- St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/07/1981 Localización (Venue) : Graham Chapel
- Washington University - St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day
Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
1.953 U2 Boy Tour : Uptown Theater - Kansas City, Missouri,
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 04/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : Uptown Theater
- Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
1.954 U2 Boy Tour : Cain’s Ballroom - Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 04/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : Cain’s Ballroom
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
1.955 U2 Boy Tour : Quicksilver’s - Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : Quicksilver’s Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.956 U2 Boy Tour : Dallas, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/02/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bijou - Dallas,
Texas, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.957 U2 Boy Tour : Cardi’s - Houston, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/01/1981 Localización (Venue) : Cardi’s - Houston,
Texas, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.958 U2 Boy Tour : The Club Foot - Austin, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/31/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Club Foot Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.959 U2 Boy Tour : The Rox - Lubbock, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/30/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Rox - Lubbock, Texas, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.960 U2 Boy Tour : Rainbow Music Hall - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 03/28/1981 Localización (Venue) : Rainbow Music
Hall - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : The Ocean, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
1.961 U2 Boy Tour : New Faces Club - Salt Lake City, Utah,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/26/1981 Localización (Venue) : New Faces Club Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.962 U2 Boy Tour : Commodore Ballroom - Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/24/1981 Localización (Venue) : Commodore Ballroom - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Setlist : No disponible
1.963 U2 Boy Tour : Astor Park - Seattle, Washington, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/23/1981 Localización (Venue) : Astor Park Seattle, Washington, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.964 U2 Boy Tour : Fog Horn - Portland, Oregon, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/22/1981 Localización (Venue) : Fog Horn - Portland, Oregon, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.965 U2 Boy Tour : The Old Waldorf - San Francisco,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/20/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Old Waldorf
- San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
1.966 U2 Boy Tour : The Old Waldorf - San Francisco,
California, USA (I)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/19/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Old Waldorf
- San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.967 U2 Boy Tour : San Jose State Student Union Ballroom San Jose, California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/18/1981 Localización (Venue) : San Jose State
Student Union Ballroom - San Jose, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day
Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.968 U2 Boy Tour : Woodstock - Anaheim, California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/16/1981 Localización (Venue) : Woodstock - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.969 U2 Boy Tour : Wolf and Rissmiller’s Country Club Los Angeles, California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/15/1981 Localización (Venue) : Wolf and Rissmiller’s Country Club - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, Twilight, I Will
Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The
Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow, A Day Without Me
1.970 U2 Boy Tour : Globe Theater - San Diego, California,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/14/1981 Localización (Venue) : Globe Theater San Diego, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The
Table of Content
1.971 U2 Boy Tour : Maple Leaf Ballroom - Toronto, Ontario,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/11/1981 Localización (Venue) : Maple Leaf Ballroom - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : No disponible
1.972 U2 Boy Tour : Barrymore’s - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/10/1981 Localización (Venue) : Barrymore’s Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Setlist : No disponible
1.973 U2 Boy Tour : Le Club - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : Le Club - Montreal, Quebec, Canada Setlist : No disponible
1.974 U2 Boy Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/07/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Ritz - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.975 U2 Boy Tour : The Paradise - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Paradise
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
1.976 U2 Boy Tour : The Paradise - Boston, Massachusetts,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Paradise Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Twilight, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co. / Send In The
Clowns (snippet), Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow
1.977 U2 Boy Tour : J.B. Scott’s - Albany, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/05/1981 Localización (Venue) : J.B. Scott’s Albany, New York, USA Setlist : No disponible
1.978 U2 Boy Tour : Bijou Cafe - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bijou Cafe - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The
1.979 U2 Boy Tour : Bayou Club - Washington, District of
Columbia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bayou Club Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
1.980 U2 Boy Tour : Bayou Club - Washington, District of
Columbia, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bayou Club Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch,
Table of Content
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
1.981 U2 Boy Tour : Le Palace - Paris, Francia
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/21/1981 Localización (Venue) : Le Palace - Paris,
Francia Setlist : No disponible
1.982 U2 Boy Tour : Ecole National Des Travaux - Paris,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/20/1981 Localización (Venue) : Ecole National
Des Travaux - Paris, Francia Setlist : No disponible
1.983 U2 Boy Tour : Salle Du Fauburg - Geneva, Suiza
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/19/1981 Localización (Venue) : Salle Du Fauburg
- Geneva, Suiza Setlist : No disponible
1.984 U2 Boy Tour : Sugar Shack - Munich, Alemania
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/18/1981 Localización (Venue) : Sugar Shack Munich, Alemania Setlist (Incompleto) : The Cry, The Electric Co., Stories For Boys, I Will
Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.985 U2 Boy Tour : Kantkino - Berlin, Alemania
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/17/1981 Localización (Venue) : Kantkino - Berlin,
Alemania Setlist : No disponible
1.986 U2 Boy Tour : Onkel Po’s Carnegie Hall - Hamburg,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/15/1981 Localización (Venue) : Onkel Po’s Carnegie Hall - Hamburg, Alemania Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
1.987 U2 Boy Tour : Stadsschouwburg - Sittard, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/14/1981 Localización (Venue) : Stadsschouwburg
- Sittard, Paises Bajos Setlist : No disponible
1.988 U2 Boy Tour : De Lantaarn - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/13/1981 Localización (Venue) : De Lantaarn Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow
1.989 U2 Boy Tour : Paard Van Troje - The Hague, Paises
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/12/1981 Localización (Venue) : Paard Van
Troje - The Hague, Paises Bajos Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean,
Out Of Control
1.990 U2 Boy Tour : Paradiso - Amsterdam, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/11/1981 Localización (Venue) : Paradiso - Amsterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : No disponible
1.991 U2 Boy Tour : Beursschouwburg - Bruselas, Belgica
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/10/1981 Localización (Venue) : Beursschouwburg
Table of Content
- Bruselas, Belgica Setlist : Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
1.992 U2 Boy Tour : TV ’Mandagsborsen’ - Stockholm,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : TV ’Mandagsborsen’
- Stockholm, Suecia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow
1.993 U2 Boy Tour : Underground - Stockholm, Suecia
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : Underground
- Stockholm, Suecia Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Stories For Boys, I Will Follow
1.994 U2 Boy Tour : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/01/1981 Localización (Venue) : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, All Along The Watchtower, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock
1.995 U2 Boy Tour : City Hall - St. Albans, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/31/1981 Localización (Venue) : City Hall - St.
Albans, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.996 U2 Boy Tour : Loughborough University Loughborough, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/30/1981 Localización (Venue) : Loughborough
University - Loughborough, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
Table of Content
1.997 U2 Boy Tour : Iron Horse - Northampton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/29/1981 Localización (Venue) : Iron Horse Northampton, Inglaterra Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
1.998 U2 Boy Tour : University Of East Anglia - Norwich,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/28/1981 Localización (Venue) : University Of East
Anglia - Norwich, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.999 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Manchester, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/27/1981 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1000 U2 Boy Tour : University - York, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/26/1981 Localización (Venue) : University York, Inglaterra Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.1001 U2 Boy Tour : Valentino’s Club - Edinburgh, Escocia
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/25/1981 Localización (Venue) : Valentino’s
Club - Edinburgh, Escocia Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
1.1002 U2 Boy Tour : Strathclyde University - Glasgow,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/24/1981 Localización (Venue) : Strathclyde
University - Glasgow, Escocia Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
1.1003 U2 Boy Tour : McMordie Hall Queen’s University Belfast, Irlanda del Norte
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/23/1981 Localización (Venue) : McMordie Hall
Queen’s University - Belfast, Irlanda del Norte Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Twilight, I Will Follow, A Day Without Me, Out Of Control
1.1004 U2 Boy Tour : TV Club - Dublin, Irlanda
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/22/1980 Localización (Venue) : TV Club - Dublin,
Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.1005 U2 Boy Tour : Downtown Kampus - Cork, Irlanda
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/20/1980 Localización (Venue) : Downtown Kampus - Cork, Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.1006 U2 Boy Tour : Baymount - Sligo, Irlanda
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/19/1980 Localización (Venue) : Baymount - Sligo,
Irlanda Setlist : No disponible
1.1007 U2 Boy Tour : Leisureland - Galway, Irlanda
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/18/1980 Localización (Venue) : Leisureland Galway, Irlanda Setlist : no disponible
1.1008 U2 Boy Tour : Ulster Hall - Belfast, Northern Ireland
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/17/1980 Localización (Venue) : Ulster Hall Belfast, Northern Ireland Setlist : no disponible
1.1009 U2 Boy Tour : Bijou Cafe - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/15/1980 Localización (Venue) : Bijou Cafe - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.1010 U2 Boy Tour : Toad’s Place - New Haven, Connecticut,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/14/1980 Localización (Venue) : Toad’s Place New Haven, Connecticut, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.1011 U2 Boy Tour : The Paradise - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 12/13/1980 Localización (Venue) : The Paradise Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Twilight, I
Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Out Of Control
1.1012 U2 Boy Tour : Main Event - Providence, Rhode Island,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/12/1980 Localización (Venue) : Main Event Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.1013 U2 Boy Tour : Mudd Club - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/11/1980 Localización (Venue) : Mudd Club - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : no disponible
Table of Content
1.1014 U2 Boy Tour : El Mocambo - Toronto, Ontario,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/09/1980 Localización (Venue) : El Mocambo Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : no disponible
1.1015 U2 Boy Tour : Stage One - Buffalo, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/08/1980 Localización (Venue) : Stage One - Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : no disponible
1.1016 U2 Boy Tour : Bayou Club - Washington, District of
Columbia, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/07/1980 Localización (Venue) : Bayou Club Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Out Of Control
1.1017 U2 Boy Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 12/06/1980 Localización (Venue) : The Ritz - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another
Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Twilight, The Ocean, Stories For Boys, I Will
Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
1.1018 U2 Boy Tour : Baltard Pavilion - Paris, Francia
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/03/1980 Localización (Venue) : Baltard Pavilion
- Paris, Francia Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time,
Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock
1.1019 U2 Boy Tour : Hammersmith Palais - Londres,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/02/1980 Localización (Venue) : Hammersmith
Palais - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1020 U2 Boy Tour : Hammersmith Odeon - Londres,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/01/1980 Localización (Venue) : Hammersmith
Odeon - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1021 U2 Boy Tour : Jenkinson’s - Brighton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/30/1980 Localización (Venue) : Jenkinson’s Brighton, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1022 U2 Boy Tour : Keele University - Stoke, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/29/1980 Localización (Venue) : Keele University
- Stoke, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1023 U2 Boy Tour : Aston University - Birmingham,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/28/1980 Localización (Venue) : Aston University
- Birmingham, Inglaterra Stories For Boys, The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Father Is An
1.1024 U2 Boy Tour : Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Venue) : 11/27/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1025 U2 Boy Tour : Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra (V)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Venue) : 11/26/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1026 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Coventry, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/24/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Coventry, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1027 U2 Boy Tour : Brady’s - Liverpool, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/22/1980 Localización (Venue) : Brady’s - Liverpool, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1028 U2 Boy Tour : Nite Club - Edinburgh, Escocia
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/21/1980 Localización (Venue) : Nite Club - Edinburgh, Escocia Setlist : Stories For Boys, The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, Father Is An Elephant
1.1029 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Blackpool, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/20/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Blackpool, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1030 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Wolverhampton,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/19/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Wolverhampton, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1031 U2 Boy Tour : University - Redding, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/18/1980 Localización (Venue) : University - Redding, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1032 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Bristol, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha(Date) : 11/15/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic - Bristol, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1033 U2 Boy Tour : Town Hall - Kidderminster, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/14/1980 Localización (Venue) : Town Hall - Kidderminster, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1034 U2 Boy Tour : Limit Club - Sheffield, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/13/1980 Localización (Venue) : Limit Club Sheffield, Inglaterra Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Touch, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, Twilight, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
1.1035 U2 Boy Tour : University - Bradford, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/12/1980 Localización (Venue) : University - Bradford, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1036 U2 Boy Tour : Kent University - Canterbury,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/11/1980 Localización (Venue) : Kent University -
Table of Content
Canterbury, Inglaterra Setlist : Stories For Boys, The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Electric Co., Things To Make
And Do, Twilight, I Will Follow, Father Is An Elephant
1.1037 U2 Boy Tour : Moonlight Club - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/09/1980 Localización (Venue) : Moonlight Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1038 U2 Boy Tour : University - Southampton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/08/1980 Localización (Venue) : University - Southampton, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1039 U2 Boy Tour : University - Exeter, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/07/1980 Localización (Venue) : University - Exeter, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1040 U2 Boy Tour : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/19/1980 Localización (Venue) : Lyceum Ballroom
- Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1041 U2 Boy Tour : Claridge - Bruselas, Belgica
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/18/1980 Localización (Venue) : Claridge - Bruselas, Belgica Setlist : no disponible
1.1042 U2 Boy Tour : Gigant - Apeldoorn, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/17/1980 Localización (Venue) : Gigant - Apeldoorn, Paises Bajos Setlist (No completo) : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Table of Content
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Twilight, Out Of Control
1.1043 U2 Boy Tour : Vera - Groningen, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/16/1980 Localización (Venue) : Vera - Groningen,
Paises Bajos Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, The Electric Co.
1.1044 U2 Boy Tour : The Milkyway - Amsterdam, Paises
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 10/15/1980 Localización (Venue) : The Milkyway Amsterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Touch,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, Twilight, The Electric Co., Things To Make
And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
1.1045 U2 Boy Tour : KRO Studios - Hilversum, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/14/1980 localización (Venue) : KRO Studios Hilversum, Paises Bajos Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, Twilight, The Electric Co., Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out
Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
1.1046 U2 Boy Tour : Kingston Polytechnic - Londres,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/11/1980 Localización (Venue) : Kingston Polytechnic - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1047 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Manchester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/09/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
Table of Content
1.1048 U2 Boy Tour : Boat Club - Nottingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/07/1980 Localización (Venue) : Boat Club - Nottingham, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1049 U2 Boy Tour : Half Moon Club - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/05/1980 Localización (Venue) : Half Moon Club
- Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1050 U2 Boy Tour : School Of Economics - Londres,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/04/1980 Localización (Venue) : School Of Economics - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1051 U2 Boy Tour : Porterhouse - Retford, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/03/1980 Localización (Venue) : Porterhouse Retford, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1052 U2 Boy Tour : Fan Club - Leeds, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/02/1980 Localización (Venue) : Fan Club - Leeds,
Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1053 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Brighton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/30/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Brighton, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1054 U2 Boy Tour : Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/29/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Touch, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, Twilight, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
1.1055 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Coventry, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/27/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Coventry, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
1.1056 U2 Boy Tour : Cedar Ballroom - Birmingham,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour 09/26/1980 Localización (Venue) : Cedar Ballroom - Birmingham,
Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1057 U2 Boy Tour : Brady’s - Liverpool, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/25/1980 Localización (Venue) : Brady’s - Liverpool, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1058 U2 Boy Tour : Bogart’s - Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/24/1980 Localización (Venue) : Bogart’s - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1059 U2 Boy Tour : Limit Club - Sheffield, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/23/1980 Localización (Venue) : Limit Club Sheffield, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1060 U2 Boy Tour : Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/22/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1061 U2 Boy Tour : Nag’s Head - Wollaston, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/21/1980 Localización (Venue) : Nag’s Head - Wollaston, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1062 U2 Boy Tour : Marshall Rooms - Stroud, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/19/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marshall Rooms
- Stroud, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1063 U2 Boy Tour : Civic Hall - Totnes, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/18/1980 Localización (Venue) : Civic Hall - Totnes,
Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1064 U2 Boy Tour : Demelzas - Penzance, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/17/1980 Localización (Venue) : Demelzas - Penzance, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1065 U2 Boy Tour : Fiesta Suite - Plymouth, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/16/1980 Localización (Venue) : Fiesta Suite Plymouth, Inglaterra Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Touch, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, Twilight, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control
1.1066 U2 Boy Tour : Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/15/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
Table of Content
1.1067 U2 Boy Tour : Queen’s Hall - Leeds, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/13/1980 Localización (Venue) : Queen’s Hall Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1068 U2 Boy Tour : Taboo Club - Scarborough, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/12/1980 Localización (Venue) : Taboo Club Scarborough, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, Twilight, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories
For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
1.1069 U2 Boy Tour : Wellington Club - Hull, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/11/1980 Localización (Venue) : Wellington Club
- Hull, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1070 U2 Boy Tour : Berkeley - Bristol, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/09/1980 Localización (Venue) : Berkeley - Bristol,
Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1071 U2 Boy Tour : Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/08/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1072 U2 Boy Tour : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/07/1980 Localización (Venue) : Lyceum Ballroom
- Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Stories For Boys, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, Twilight, The Electric Co., 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
1.1073 U2 Boy Tour : General Woolfe - Coventry, Inglaterra
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/06/1980 Localización (Venue) : General Woolfe Coventry, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
1.1074 U2 Vertigo Tour : Rose Garden - Portland, Oregon,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/19/2005 Localización (Venue) : Rose Garden
- Portland, Oregon, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, Instant Karma !, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You,
Happy Birthday, Yahweh, 40
1.1075 U2 Vertigo Tour : Delta Center - Salt Lake City, Utah,
Tour :U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/17/2005 Localización (Venue) : Delta Center Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Norwegian Wood, Original Of
The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without
You, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1076 U2 Vertigo Tour : Qwest Center - Omaha, Nebraska,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/15/2005 Localización (Venue) : Qwest Center
- Omaha, Nebraska, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Crumbs From Your Table, Yahweh, 40
Table of Content
1.1077 U2 Vertigo Tour : Savvis Center - St. Louis, Missouri,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : Savvis Center
- St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes You
Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One,
Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Instant Karma !, Yahweh, 40
1.1078 U2 Vertigo Tour : New Charlotte Arena - Charlotte,
North Carolina, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/12/2005 Localización (Venue) : New Charlotte
Arena - Charlotte, North Carolina, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No
Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Yahweh, Happy Birthday, 40
1.1079 U2 Vertigo Tour : Gund Arena - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/10/2005 Localización (Venue) : Gund Arena
- Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Norwegian
Wood, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You,
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Instant Karma !, Yahweh, 40
1.1080 U2 Vertigo Tour : HSBC Arena - Buffalo, New York,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/09/2005 Localización (Venue) : HSBC Arena
Table of Content
- Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, The
Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No
Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Instant Karma !, Yahweh, 40
1.1081 U2 Vertigo Tour : Civic Center - Hartford,
Connecticut, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/07/2005 Localización (Venue) : Civic Center
- Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Norwegian
Wood, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You,
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Instant Karma !, Yahweh, 40
1.1082 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (VII)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/05/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Norwegian
Wood, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You,
Crumbs From Your Table, Instant Karma !, Yahweh, 40
1.1083 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (VI)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/04/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Table of Content
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No
Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Yahweh, Bad, All Because Of You, Fast Cars
1.1084 U2 Vertigo Tour : Bell Centre - Montreal, Quebec,
Canada (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/28/2005 Localización (Venue) : Bell Centre
- Montreal, Quebec, Canada Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No
Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Love Will
Tear Us Apart, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1085 U2 Vertigo Tour : Bell Centre - Montreal, Quebec,
Canada (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/26/2005 Localización (Venue) : Bell Centre Montreal, Quebec, Canada Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No
Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Yahweh, Bad
1.1086 U2 Vertigo Tour : Corel Centre - Ottawa, Ontario,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/25/2005 Localización (Venue) : Corel Centre Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Yahweh, 40
Table of Content
1.1087 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (VIII)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :11/22/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison Square
Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The
Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, MLK, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without
You, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Instant Karma !
1.1088 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (VII)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/21/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of
The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without
You, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Instant Karma !, Bad
1.1089 U2 Vertigo Tour : Philips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/19/2005 Localización (Venue) : Philips Arena
- Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, MLK, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, The First
Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Bad
1.1090 U2 Vertigo Tour : Philips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/18/2005 Localización : Philips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Beautiful Day, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Mysterious Ways, Original Of The Species, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, Until The End Of The World, The Fly, With Or Without You, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Yahweh, All Because Of You, 40
1.1091 U2 Vertigo Tour : St. Pete Times Forum - Tampa,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/16/2005 Localización (Venue) : St. Pete Times
Forum - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Mysterious
Ways, Until The End Of The World, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful
Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t
Get Out Of, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1092 U2 Vertigo Tour : American Airlines Arena - Miami,
Florida, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : American
Airlines Arena - Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
I Will Follow, The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Original Of The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or
Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, The Fly, With Or
Without You, All Because Of You, Walk On, Bad
1.1093 U2 Vertigo Tour : American Airlines Arena - Miami,
Florida, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/13/2005 Localización (Venue) : American
Airlines Arena - Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
Mysterious Ways, Until The End Of The World, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Table of Content
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1094 U2 Vertigo Tour : Oakland Arena - Oakland,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/09/2005 Localización (Venue) : Oakland Arena
- Oakland, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow,
Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, With Or Without You, All
Because Of You, Fast Cars, Bad
1.1095 U2 Vertigo Tour : Oakland Arena - Oakland,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/08/2005 Localización (Venue) : Oakland Arena
- Oakland, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Mysterious
Ways, Until The End Of The World, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You,
Yahweh, 40
1.1096 U2 Vertigo Tour : MGM Grand Garden Arena - Las
Vegas, Nevada, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/05/2005 Localización (Venue) : MGM Grand
Garden Arena - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
Mysterious Ways, Until The End Of The World, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You,
Table of Content
All Because Of You, In A Little While, Bad
1.1097 U2 Vertigo Tour : MGM Grand Garden Arena - Las
Vegas, Nevada, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/04/2005 Localización (Venue) : MGM Grand
Garden Arena - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
The Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Walk On, Who’s Gonna
Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1098 U2 Vertigo Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
California, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fehca (Date) : 11/02/2005 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Miss
Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, MLK, Walk
On, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Bad
1.1099 U2 Vertigo Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
California, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fehca (Date) : 11/01/2005 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No
Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, With Or Without You,
All Because Of You, Out Of Control, Fast Cars, Yahweh, 40
1.1100 U2 Vertigo Tour : American Airlines Center - Dallas,
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Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fehca (Date) : 10/29/2005 Localización (Venue) : American
Airlines Center - Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
The Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Angel
Of Harlem, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1101 U2 Vertigo Tour : Toyota Center - Houston, Texas,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/28/2005 Localización (Venue) : Toyota Center
- Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, The
Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, With Or
Without You, All Because Of You, Fast Cars, Yahweh, 40
1.1102 U2 Vertigo Tour : Palace Of Auburn Hills - Auburn
Hills, Michigan, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/25/2005 Localización (Venue) : Palace Of Auburn Hills - Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, Gloria, The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful
Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, MLK, The First Time, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, With Or Without You, Crumbs From Your Table, Bad.
1.1103 U2 Vertigo Tour : Palace Of Auburn Hills - Auburn
Hills, Michigan, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/24/2005 Localización (Venue) : Palace Of
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Auburn Hills - Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Walk On, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1104 U2 Vertigo Tour : Mellon Arena - Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/22/2005 Localización (Venue) : Mellon Arena
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will
Follow, The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day , Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own / Torna A Surriento (snippet), Love And
Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Party Girl, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1105 U2 Vertigo Tour : MCI Center - Washington, District
of Columbia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/20/2005 Localización (Venue) : MCI Center Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
The Electric Co., Out Of Control, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Walk On, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without
You, All Because Of You, Bad
1.1106 U2 Vertigo Tour : MCI Center - Washington, District
of Columbia, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/19/2005 Localización (Venue) : MCI Center Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
I Will Follow, The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Table of Content
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, With
Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1107 U2 Vertigo Tour : Wachovia Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/17/2005 Localización (Venue) : Wachovia Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
I Will Follow, The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Walk On, Fast Cars, People Get Ready, With Or Without You, All
Because Of You, 40
1.1108 U2 Vertigo Tour : Wachovia Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/16/2005 Localización (Venue) : Wachovia
Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Fast
Cars, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1109 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (VI)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co., Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Fast
Cars, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Party Girl, Yahweh, Vertigo.
Table of Content
1.1110 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (V)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/11/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Out Of Control, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One,The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Fast Cars,
With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Crumbs From Your Table, 40
1.1111 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/10/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
Bad, 40
1.1112 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/08/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, All I Want Is You, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t
Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The
First Time, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without You, All Because Of You,
Fast Cars, Original Of The Species, 40
1.1113 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (II)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/07/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Fast
Cars, All Because Of You, Crumbs From Your Table, Yahweh, With Or Without You
1.1114 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (V)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/04/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co., The Ocean, Crumbs From Your Table, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t
Get Out Of, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, 40
1.1115 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/03/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric
Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have
No Name, One, MLK, The First Time, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without
You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1116 U2 Vertigo Tour : Bradley Center - Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/25/2005 Localización (Venue) : Bradley Center - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The
Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Table of Content
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, The First Time, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without
You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1117 U2 Vertigo Tour : Target Center - Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/23/2005 Localización (Venue) : Target Center
- Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The
Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, The First Time, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without
You, All Because Of You, Crumbs From Your Table, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1118 U2 Vertigo Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/21/2005 Localización (Venue) : United Center
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co.,
The Ocean, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Yahweh, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have
No Name, One, Bad, Original Of The Species, With Or Without You, Fast Cars, All Because
Of You, 40
1.1119 U2 Vertigo Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/20/2005 Localización (Venue) : United Center
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co.,
The Ocean, Walk On, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own, Yahweh, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss
Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Discothèque,
The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, The First Time, Bad.
Table of Content
1.1120 U2 Vertigo Tour : Air Canada Centre - Toronto,
Ontario, Canada (IV)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/17/2005 Localización (Venue) : Air Canada
Centre - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The
Electric Co., The Ocean, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Ol’ Man River, Discothèque, The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Fast Cars, Yahweh, 40
1.1121 U2 Vertigo Tour : Air Canada Centre - Toronto,
Ontario, Canada (III)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/16/2005 Localización (Venue) : Air Canada
Centre - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The
Electric Co., The Ocean, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The Fly, With Or
Without You, All Because Of You, Fast Cars, Yahweh, Out Of Control, 40
1.1122 U2 Vertigo Tour : Air Canada Centre - Toronto,
Ontario, Canada (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : Air Canada
Centre - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : Vertigo, The Electric Co., Elevation, Beautiful
Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No
Name, One, The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Bad.
1.1123 U2 Vertigo Tour : Air Canada Centre - Toronto,
Ontario, Canada (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/12/2005 Localización (Venue) : Air Canada
Centre - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation,
Table of Content
Beautiful Day, In A Little While, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, City Of Blinding
Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, All
Because Of You, Fast Cars, Yahweh, 40
1.1124 U2 Vertigo Tour : Estadio Jose Alvalade - Lisboa,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : Estadio Jose
Alvalade - Lisboa, Portugal Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New
Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, City Of Blinding
Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, All
Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1125 U2 Vertigo Tour : Estadio Vicente Calderon - Madrid,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/11/2005 Localización (Venue) : Estadio Vicente Calderon - Madrid, España Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation,
New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, City Of Blinding
Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo.
1.1126 U2 Vertigo Tour : Estadio Anoeta - San Sebastian,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/09/2005 Localización (Venue) : Estadio
Anoeta - San Sebastian, España Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, City Of
Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Table of Content
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You,
All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1127 U2 Vertigo Tour : Camp Nou - Barcelona, España
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/07/2005 Localización (Venue) : Camp Nou
- Barcelona, España Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New Year’s
Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, City Of Blinding Lights,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You,
Happy Birthday, Party Girl, Vertigo.
1.1128 U2 Vertigo Tour : Parc des Sports Charles Ehrmann Niza, Francia
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/05/2005 Localización (Venue) : Parc des
Sports Charles Ehrmann - Niza, Francia Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co.,
Elevation, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, City Of
Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You,
All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1129 U2 Vertigo Tour : Olympiastadion - Munich, Alemania
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/03/2005 Localización (Venue) : Olympiastadion - Munich, Alemania Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New
Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, City Of Blinding
Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Party Girl, Vertigo.
1.1130 U2 Vertigo Tour : Parken Stadium - Copenhague,
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Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/31/2005 Localización (Venue) : Parken Stadium - Copenhague, Dinamarca Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation,
New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is
You, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own,
Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With
Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1131 U2 Vertigo Tour : Ullevi Stadion - Gothenburg, Suecia
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/29/2005 Localización (Venue) : Ullevi Stadion
- Gothenburg, Suecia Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New Year’s
Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, City Of
Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You,
All Because Of You, Party Girl, Vertigo.
1.1132 U2 Vertigo Tour : Valle Hovin Stadion - Oslo, Noruega
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/27/2005 Localización (Venue) : Valle Hovin
Stadion - Oslo, Norway Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New Year’s
Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, City Of
Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You,
All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1133 U2 Vertigo Tour : Stadio Olimpico - Roma, Italia
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/23/2005 Localización (Venue) : Stadio Olimpico - Roma, Italia Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New Year’s
Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, City Of
Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Table of Content
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You,
All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1134 U2 Vertigo Tour : San Siro - Milan, Italia (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/21/2005 Localización (Venue) :San Siro Milan, Italia Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New Year’s Day,
Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, City Of Blinding
Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, Original
Of The Species, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo.
1.1135 U2 Vertigo Tour : San Siro - Milan, Italia (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/20/2005 Localización (Venue) : San Siro Milan, Italia Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New Year’s Day,
Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, City Of Blinding
Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, Original
Of The Species, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1136 U2 Vertigo Tour : Letzigrund Stadion - Zurich, Suiza
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/18/2005 Localización (Venue) : Letzigrund
Stadion - Zurich, Suiza Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, Beautiful
Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, City Of Blinding Lights,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You,
Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1137 U2 Vertigo Tour : Amsterdam Arena - Amsterdam,
Paises Bajos (III)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/16/2005 Localización (Venue) : Amsterdam
Arena - Amsterdam, Países Bajos Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation,
New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Who’s Gonna
Ride Your Wild Horses, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make
It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss
Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station,
The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Original Of The Species, Yahweh, 40
1.1138 U2 Vertigo Tour : Amsterdam Arena - Amsterdam,
Paises Bajos (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/15/2005 Localización (Venue) : Amsterdam
Arena - Amsterdam, Países Bajos Setlist : Vertigo, Out Of Control, The Electric Co., Elevation, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, City Of
Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo.
1.1139 U2 Vertigo Tour : Amsterdam Arena - Amsterdam,
Países Bajos (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/13/2005 Localización (Venue) : Amsterdam
Arena - Amsterdam, Países Bajos Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation,
New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And
Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or
Without You, All Because Of You, Happy Birthday, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1140 U2 Vertigo Tour : Stade de France - Paris, Francia (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/10/2005 Localización (Venue) : Stade de
France - Paris, Francia Setlist : Vertigo, Out Of Control, The Electric Co., Elevation, New
Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, City Of Blinding
Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still / Amazing Grace (snip-
Table of Content
pet), Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The
Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1141 U2 Vertigo Tour : Stade de France - Paris, Francia (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/09/2005 Localización (Venue) : Stade de
France - Paris, Francia Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New
Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love
And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With
Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1142 U2 Vertigo Tour : Olympiastadion - Berlin, Alemania
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/07/2005 Localización (Venue) : Olympiastadion - Berlin, Alemania Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New
Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love
And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With
Or Without You, All Because Of You, Happy Birthday, Yahweh, Vertigo.
1.1143 U2 Vertigo Tour : Slaski Stadium - Chorzow, Polonia
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/05/2005 Localización (Venue) : Slaski Stadium
- Chorzow, Polonia Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New Year’s
Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, City Of
Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without
You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo.
1.1144 U2 Vertigo Tour : Ernst Happel Stadion - Viena,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/02/2005 Localización (Venue) : Ernst Happel
Stadion - Viena, Austria Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New
Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love
And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With
Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1145 U2 Vertigo Tour : Millenium Stadium - Cardiff, Gales
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/29/2005 Localización (Venue) : Millenium
Stadium - Cardiff, Gales Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation, New
Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love
And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With
Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1146 U2 Vertigo Tour : Croke Park - Dublin, Irlanda (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/27/2005 Localización (Venue) : Croke Park Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Vertigo, All Because Of You, Gloria, Elevation, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Original Of The Species,
Bad, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own,
Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly,
With Or Without You, Vertigo, Yahweh, 40
1.1147 U2 Vertigo Tour : Croke Park - Dublin, Irlanda (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/25/2005 Localización (Venue) : Croke Park
- Dublin, Irlanda Setlist : Vertigo, Out Of Control, The Electric Co., Elevation, New Year’s
Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, City Of
Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious
Ways, Party Girl, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo.
Table of Content
1.1148 U2 Vertigo Tour : Hampden Park - Glasgow, Escocia
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/21/2005 Localización (Venue) : Hampden
Park - Glasgow, Scotland Setlist : Vertigo, All Because Of You, The Electric Co., Elevation,
New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Who’s Gonna
Ride Your Wild Horses, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It
On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo
Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, Yahweh, Vertigo.
1.1149 U2 Vertigo Tour : Twickenham Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/19/2005 Localización (Venue) : Twickenham
Stadium - London, England Setlist : Vertigo, All Because Of You, The Electric Co., Elevation,
New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Who’s Gonna
Ride Your Wild Horses, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It
On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo
Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, Yahweh, Vertigo.
1.1150 U2 Vertigo Tour : Twickenham Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/18/2005 Localización (Venue) : Twickenham
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation,
New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is
You, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own,
Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly,
Mysterious Ways, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1151 U2 Vertigo Tour : City of Manchester Stadium Manchester, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :06/15/2005 Localización (Venue) : City of ManTable of Content
chester Stadium - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co.,
Elevation, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I
Want Is You, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own / No Regrets (snippet), Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, Yahweh, Vertigo.
1.1152 U2 Vertigo Tour : City of Manchester Stadium Manchester, Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : City of Manchester Stadium - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Cry, The Electric Co., Elevation, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You,
All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo.
1.1153 U2 Vertigo Tour : Arena AufSchalke - Gelsenkirchen,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/12/2005 Localización (Venue) : Arena AufSchalke - Gelsenkirchen, Germany Setlist : Vertigo, Beautiful Day, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Elevation, New Year’s Day, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t
Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One,
Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
Party Girl, Vertigo
1.1154 U2 Vertigo Tour : King Baudouin Stadium - Bruselas,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/10/2005 Localización (Venue) : King Baudouin Stadium - Bruselas, Bélgica Setlist : Vertigo, Until The End Of The World, The Electric
Co., Elevation, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own,† Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Table of Content
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
1.1155 U2 Vertigo Tour : Aloha Stadium - Honolulu, Hawaii,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/09/2006 Localización (Venue) : Aloha Stadium
- Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Angel Of Harlem, Who’s Gonna
Ride Your Wild Horses, The First Time, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love
And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or
Without You, Window In The Skies, The Saints Are Coming, Rockin’ In The Free World, All I
Want Is You
1.1156 U2 Vertigo Tour : Saitama Super Arena - Saitama,
Japon (III)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/04/2006 Localización (Venue) : Saitama Super
Arena - Saitama, Japan Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Out Of Control,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Angel Of Harlem, The First Time,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Bad, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One,
The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, The Saints Are Coming, Window In The
Skies, Vertigo.
1.1157 U2 Vertigo Tour : Saitama Super Arena - Saitama,
Japon (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/30/2006 Localización (Venue) : Saitama Super
Arena - Saitama, Japon Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, Angel Of Harlem, The First Time, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, One Tree Hill, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The Fly,
Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Window In The Skies, Desire, All I Want Is You
Table of Content
1.1158 U2 Vertigo Tour : Saitama Super Arena - Saitama,
Japon (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :11/29/2006 Localización (Venue) : Saitama Super
Arena - Saitama, Japon Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Window In The Skies, Walk On,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Bad, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Miss Sarajevo,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The Fly, Mysterious
Ways, With Or Without You, The Saints Are Coming, Angel Of Harlem, One Tree Hill
1.1159 U2 Vertigo Tour : Mt Smart Stadium - Auckland,
Nueva Zelanda (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/25/2006 Localización (Venue) : Mt Smart
Stadium - Auckland, Nueva Zelanda Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
Until The End Of The World, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Angel Of Harlem, Walk On, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Bad, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, The Saints Are Coming,
Desire, One Tree Hill
1.1160 U2 Vertigo Tour : Mt Smart Stadium - Auckland,
Nueva Zelanda (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/24/2006 Localización (Venue) : Mt Smart
Stadium - Auckland, Nueva Zelanda Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I
Will Follow, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, One Tree Hill, Sometimes You Can’t Make It
On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss
Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The Fly,
Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, The Saints Are Coming, Angel Of Harlem, Kite
1.1161 U2 Vertigo Tour : Telstra Dome - Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/19/2006 Localización (Venue) :Telstra Dome
Table of Content
- Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Until
The End Of The World, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Angel
Of Harlem, The First Time, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without
You, The Saints Are Coming, Party Girl, Kite, Bad.
1.1162 U2 Vertigo Tour : Telstra Dome - Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/18/2006 Localización (Venue) :Telstra Dome
- Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will
Follow, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Angel
Of Harlem, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, The Saints Are
Coming, Desire, Kite
1.1163 U2 Vertigo Tour : AAMI Stadium - Adelaide, South
Australia, Australia
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/16/2006 Localización (Venue) : AAMI Stadium - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of,
Angel Of Harlem, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where
The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, The Saints Are
Coming, Desire, Kite
1.1164 U2 Vertigo Tour : Telstra Stadium - Sydney, New
South Wales, Australia (III)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/13/2006 Localización (Venue) : Telstra Stadium - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Angel Of Harlem, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Table of Content
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With
Or Without You, The Saints Are Coming, Party Girl, Kite
1.1165 U2 Vertigo Tour : Telstra Stadium - Sydney, New
South Wales, Australia (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/11/2006 Localización (Venue) :Telstra Stadium - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Sometimes You Can’t Make It
On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss
Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, Zoo Station, The
Fly, With Or Without You, The Saints Are Coming, Desire, Kite
1.1166 U2 Vertigo Tour : Telstra Stadium - Sydney, New
South Wales, Australia (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/10/2006 Localización (Venue) : Telstra Stadium - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, Yahweh, Walk On, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No
Name / All You Need Is Love (snippet), One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, The
Saints Are Coming, Angel Of Harlem, Kite
1.1167 U2 Vertigo Tour : Queensland Sports And Athletics
Centre - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :11/07/2006 Localización (Venue) : Queensland
Sports And Athletics Centre - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Setlist : City Of Blinding
Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, Yahweh, Walk On, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where
The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, The Saints Are
Coming, Angel Of Harlem, Kite
Table of Content
1.1168 U2 Vertigo Tour : River Plate Stadium - Buenos Aires,
Argentina (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/02/2006 Localización (Venue) : River Plate
Stadium - Buenos Aires, Argentina Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Until
The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful
Day, The First Time, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or
Without You, Mothers Of The Disappeared, Original Of The Species, All I Want Is You
1.1169 U2 Vertigo Tour : River Plate Stadium - Buenos Aires,
Argentina (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/01/2006 Localización (Venue) : River Plate
Stadium - Buenos Aires, Argentina Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Until
The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful
Day, The First Time, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or
Without You, Fast Cars, Yahweh, All I Want Is You, Love Is Blindness
1.1170 U2 Vertigo Tour : Estadio Nacional - Santiago, Chile
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/26/2006 Localización (Venue) :Estadio Nacional - Santiago, Chile Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
The First Time, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You,
Mothers Of The Disappeared, Yahweh, All I Want Is You
1.1171 U2 Vertigo Tour : Morumbi - Sao Paulo, Brasil (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/21/2006 Localización (Venue) : Morumbi Sao Paulo, Brazil Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Until The End Of The
Table of Content
World, New Year’s Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, The First
Time, Desire, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You,
Yahweh, All I Want Is You.
1.1172 U2 Vertigo Tour : Morumbi - Sao Paulo, Brasil (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/20/2006 Localización (Venue) : Morumbi - Sao
Paulo, Brasil Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo / She Loves You (snippet), Elevation,
Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
/ Está Chegando A Hora (snippet), Beautiful Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own / Torna A Surriento (snippet), Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky / When Johnny Comes Marching Home
(snippet) / The Hands That Built America (snippet), Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One encores : Zoo Station, Jean Genie (snippet) / ,
The Fly / (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (snippet), Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, All
Because Of You, Norwegian Wood, Original Of The Species, 40
1.1173 U2 Vertigo Tour : Azteca Stadium - Mexico City,
Mexico (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/16/2006 Localización (Venue) : Azteca Stadium - Mexico City, Mexico Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Until The
End Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful
Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own,
Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious
Ways, With Or Without You, Fast Cars, Original Of The Species, 40
1.1174 U2 Vertigo Tour : Azteca Stadium - Mexico City,
Mexico (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :02/15/2006 Localización (Venue) : Azteca Stadium - Mexico City, Mexico Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Mysterious
Ways, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Beautiful Day, Norwegian Wood, Original Of The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It
Table of Content
On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss
Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station,
The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1175 U2 Vertigo Tour : Estadio Tecnológico - Monterrey,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :02/12/2006 Localizacion (Venue) : Estadio Tecnológico - Monterrey, Mexico Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation,
Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, City Of Blinding Lights, Original
Of The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Bad, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With
Or Without You, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1176 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha : 05/28/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The Electric
Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet
The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have
No Name, One, The Fly, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
All Because Of You, Yahweh, Party Girl, Vertigo
1.1177 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/26/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, The
Ocean, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And
Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The Fly, Until The End Of The
World, Out Of Control, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Original Of The Species,
Table of Content
1.1178 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/24/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry,
The Electric Co., The Ocean, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On
Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station,
The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1179 U2 Vertigo Tour : Wachovia Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/22/2005 Localización (Venue) : Wachovia
Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, The Ocean, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The
Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1180 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/21/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo / Rockaway Beach (snippet), Elevation, The Cry, The Electric Co. / Send In The Clowns (snippet) / I
Can See For Miles (snippet), An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day / Blackbird (snippet),
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky / When Johnny Comes Marching Home (snippet) / The
Hands That Built America (snippet), Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One encores : Zoo Station, The Fly / Jean Genie (snippet),
Mysterious Ways, Original Of The Species, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo
1.1181 U2 Vertigo Tour : Continental Airlines Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (II)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/18/2005 Localización (Venue) : Continental
Airlines Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo,
Elevation, Gloria, The Ocean, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On
Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo
Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, Bad.
1.1182 U2 Vertigo Tour : Continental Airlines Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :05/17/2005 Localización (Venue) : Continental
Airlines Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo,
Elevation, The Cry, The Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, Original Of The Species,
All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40, Vertigo
1.1183 U2 Vertigo Tour : Wachovia Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : Wachovia
Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The Electric Co. / Send In The Clowns (snippet) / I Can See For Miles (snippet),
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day / Blackbird (snippet), Miracle Drug, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own / No Regrets (snippet), Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky / When Johnny Comes Marching Home (snippet) / The
Hands That Built America (snippet), Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One encores : Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All
Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1184 U2 Vertigo Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/12/2005 Localización (Venue) : United Center
Table of Content
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Vertigo, All Because Of You, Elevation, Gloria, The Ocean, Beautiful
Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, City Of Blinding Lights,
Original Of The Species, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, Until The End Of The World, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Yahweh,
1.1185 U2 Vertigo Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/10/2005 Localización (Venue) : United Center
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day, New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, Party Girl, All Because Of You,
Original Of The Species, Vertigo
1.1186 U2 Vertigo Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/09/2005 Localización (Venue) : United Center
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day, New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
Party Girl, 40
1.1187 U2 Vertigo Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/07/2005 Localización (Venue) : United Center
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t
Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
Table of Content
To Stand Still, Bad, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One,
Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1188 U2 Vertigo Tour : GM Place - Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/29/2005 Localización (Venue) : GM Place Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
The Cry, The Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day, New Year’s Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because
Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1189 U2 Vertigo Tour : GM Place - Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/28/2005 Localización (Venue) : GM Place
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day,
Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, The Ocean, New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t
Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Bad, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Original Of The Species, 40
1.1190 U2 Vertigo Tour : Key Arena - Seattle, Washington,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/25/2005 Localización (Venue) : Key Arena Seattle, Washington, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Vertigo, Elevation,
Gloria, The Ocean, New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Bad, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo
Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Original Of The Species, Vertigo
1.1191 U2 Vertigo Tour : Key Arena - Seattle, Washington,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/24/2005 Localización (Venue) : Key Arena Seattle, Washington, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1192 U2 Vertigo Tour : Pepsi Center - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/21/2005 Localización (Venue) : Pepsi Center
- Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Vertigo, Elevation,
Gloria, The Ocean, New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Bad, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The
Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Original Of The Species, 40
1.1193 U2 Vertigo Tour : Pepsi Center - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/20/2005 Localización (Venue) : Pepsi Center
- Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1194 U2 Vertigo Tour : Glendale Arena - Glendale, Arizona,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/15/2005 Localización (Venue) : Glendale
Arena - Glendale, Arizona, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Vertigo,
Elevation, Gloria, The Ocean, New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It
On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
Table of Content
To Stand Still, Bad, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One,
The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1195 U2 Vertigo Tour : Glendale Arena - Glendale, Arizona,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : Glendale
Arena - Glendale, Arizona, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The
Cry, The Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where
The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You,
Yahweh, 40
1.1196 U2 Vertigo Tour : HP Pavilion - San Jose, California,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/10/2005 Localización (Venue) : HP Pavilion San Jose, California, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Original Of The Species, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You,
Yahweh, 40
1.1197 U2 Vertigo Tour : HP Pavilion - San Jose, California,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/09/2005 Localización (Venue) : HP Pavilion San Jose, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., The Ocean, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t
Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1198 U2 Vertigo Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
Table of Content
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/06/2005 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo , Elevation, The Cry,
The Electric Co., The Ocean, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day , Miracle Drug, Sometimes You
Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways,Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
1.1199 U2 Vertigo Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/05/2005 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry,
The Electric Co. , An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
1.1200 U2 Vertigo Tour : Arrowhead Pond - Anaheim,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/02/2005 Localización (Venue) : Arrowhead
Pond - Anaheim, California, USA Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
1.1201 U2 Vertigo Tour : Arrowhead Pond - Anaheim,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/01/2005 Localización (Venue) : Arrowhead
Pond - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Table of Content
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Beautiful Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly,
Elevation, Mysterious Ways, City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
1.1202 U2 Vertigo Tour : San Diego Sports Arena - San Diego,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :03/30/2005 Localización (Venue) :San Diego
Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, The
Cry, The Electric Co., Gloria, Beautiful Day, With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Elevation, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
1.1203 U2 Vertigo Tour : San Diego Sports Arena - San Diego,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/28/2005 Localización (Venue) : San Diego
Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo , The
Cry, The Electric Co. , An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day, New Year’s Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky , Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Elevation, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
1.1204 U2 Vertigo Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :03/26/2005 Localización (Venue) : Sports Arena
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, The Electric Co., An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Elevation, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Yahweh,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Vertigo, Pride (In The Name
Table of Content
Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, 40
Table of Content
2.1 U2 Estados Unidos : The Million Dollar Hotel - Los
Angeles, California
U2 Estados Unidos. The Million Dollar Hotel Localización : Los Angeles, California.
CA 90013 Hotel donde se rodó la película dirigida por el director Wim Wenders, y en la que
participaron Mel Gibson, Jeremy Davies y Milla Jovovich. Bono co-escribió la película y la
produjo. La banda sonora de la película cuenta con 6 canciones de U2
2.2 U2 The Joshua Tree National Park, California, USA
U2 The Joshua Tree National Park Parque natural de Estados Unidos donde tuvo lugar la
sesión de fotos con Anton Corbijn para el album de U2 The Joshua Tree en Diciembre de 1986
(Natural Park in USA where Anton corbijn took the photos for "U2 The joshua Tree" album in
December 1986) Localización (location) : California, USA
2.3 Bono, Giving - Live at the Apollo
<p class="MsoNormal">Evento (Event) : Bono participa en "Giving - Live at the Apollo".
Mesa redonda, donde se discute el activismo de la juventud. También participan : el ex-Presidente
de los Estados Unidos Bill Clinton, Alicia Keys, Shakira o Chris Rock. (Bono takes part in
"Giving - Live at the Apollo" a roundtable discussion on the state of youth activism with ex310
President of USA, Bill Clinton, Alicia Keys, Shakira or Chris Rock). Fecha (date) : 29/09/2007
Localización (Venue) : "<a href="http ://www.apollotheater.com" title="Apollo Theather
New York">Apollo Theater</a>", New York. 253 West 125th Street (7th and 8th Ave). New
York, NY 10027
Vía : <a href="http ://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1570284/20070921/bono.jhtml"><span
lang="EN-GB">Bono, Alicia Keys, Shakira Team Up With MTV, Bill Clinton For ’Giving’
2.4 U2 October Tour : Civic Center - San Francisco,
California, USA (II)
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/30/1982 Localización (Venue) : Civic Center San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Will Follow,
Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
2.5 U2 October Tour : Civic Center - San Francisco,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/29/1982 Localización (Venue) : Civic Center
- San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.6 U2 October Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California,
Tour : U2 October tour Fecha (Date) : 03/27/1982 Localización (Venue) : Sports Arena Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., Stories For Boys,
I Will Follow, I Fall Down, Twilight, Out Of Control
2.7 U2 October Tour : San Diego Sports Arena - San Diego,
California, USA
Tour : u2 October tour Fecha (Date) : 03/26/1982 Localización (Venue) : San Diego
Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA Selist : no disponible
Table of Content
2.8 U2 October Tour : Coliseum - Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 03/25/1982 Localización (Venue) : Coliseum Phoenix, Arizona, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.9 U2 October Tour : Alumnae Hall - Brown University Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) :03/20/1982 Localización (venue) : Alumnae Hall
- Brown University - Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.10 U2 October Tour : Nassau County Community College
Ballroom - Garden City, New York, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 03/19/1982 Localización (Venue) : Nassau County
Community College Ballroom - Garden City, New York, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.11 U2 October Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 October tour Fecha (Date) : 03/18/1982 Localización (Venue) : The Ritz New York, New York, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Southern Man, A Celebration
2.12 U2 October Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/17/1982 Localización (Venue) : The Ritz New York, New York, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
Table of Content
2.13 U2 October Tour : University Of Massachusetts Bowker
Auditorium - Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/16/1982 Localización (Venue) : University Of
Massachusetts Bowker Auditorium - Amherst, Massachusetts, USA Setlist (incompleto) : A
Day Without Me, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Will Follow, Out Of Control
2.14 U2 October Tour : Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/14/1982 Localización (Venue) : Indiana
Convention Center - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
2.15 U2 October Tour : Louisville Gardens - Louisville,
Kentucky, USA
Tour : U2 October tour Fecha (date) : 03/13/1982 Localización (Venue) : Louisville
Gardens - Louisville, Kentucky, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
2.16 U2 October Tour : North Hall Auditorium - Memphis,
Tennessee, USA
Tour : U2 october Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/12/1982 Localización (Venue) : North Hall
Auditorium - Memphis, Tennessee, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
2.17 U2 October Tour : Civic Center - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/11/1982 Localización (Venue) : Civic Center
- Atlanta, Georgia, USA setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, I Will
Follow, Out Of Control
2.18 U2 October Tour : University of Tennessee - Knoxville,
Tennessee, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/10/1982 Localización (Venue) : University of
Tennessee - Knoxville, Tennessee, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
2.19 U2 October Tour : Leon County Arena - Tallahassee,
Florida, USA
tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/06/1982 Localización (Venue) : Leon County
Arena - Tallahassee, Florida, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
2.20 U2 October Tour : Curtis Hixon Convention Hall Tampa, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/05/1982 Localización (Venue) : Curtis Hixon
Convention Hall - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
2.21 U2 October Tour : West Palm Beach Auditorium - West
Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/04/1982 Localización (Venue) : West Palm
Beach Auditorium - West Palm Beach, Florida, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry,
Table of Content
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control
2.22 U2 October Tour : Lee County Arena - Fort Myers,
Florida, USA
Tour : u2 October tour Fecha (Date) : 03/03/1982 Localización (venue) : Lee County
Arena - Fort Myers, Florida, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.23 U2 October Tour : Colorado State University
Community Center - Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/28/1982 Localización (Venue) : Colorado
State University Community Center - Fort Collins, Colorado, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.24 U2 October Tour : Rainbow Music Hall - Denver,
Colorado, USA
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 02/27/1982 Localización (venue) : Rainbow Music
Hall - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.25 U2 October Tour : Uptown Theater - Kansas City,
Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/25/1982 Localización (Venue) : Uptown Theater - Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A
Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, A Celebration, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Southern Man, I Will Follow
2.26 U2 October Tour : University Of Illinois Auditorium Champaign, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 02/23/1982 Localización (Venue) : University
Table of Content
Of Illinois Auditorium - Champaign, Illinois, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another
Place, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow,
Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Southern Man
2.27 U2 October Tour : Headliners - Madison, Wisconsin,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 02/22/1982 Localización (venue) : Headliners
- Madison, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control,
Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Southern Man
2.28 U2 October Tour : First Avenue - Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/21/1982 Localización (Venue) : First Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, Southern Man, I Will Follow
2.29 U2 October Tour : Night Moves - St. Louis, Missouri,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/19/1982 Localización (Venue) : Night Moves
- St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.30 U2 October Tour : Cardi’s - Dallas, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/16/1982 Localización (Venue) : Cardi’s -
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Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.31 U2 October Tour : Cardi’s - Houston, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/15/1982 Localización (Venue) : Cardi’s Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.32 U2 October Tour : Cardi’s - San Antonio, Texas, USA
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 02/14/1982 Localización (Venue) : Cardi’s - San
Antonio, Texas, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.33 U2 October Tour : Opry House - Austin, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/13/1982 Localización (Venue) : Opry House
- Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.34 U2 October Tour : New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/11/1982 SS Localización (Venue) : President
Riverboat - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I
Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out
Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.35 U2 October Tour : Malibu Night Club - Lido Beach, New
York, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/13/1981 Localización (Venue). Malibu Night
Club - Lido Beach, New York, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, Rejoice, With A Shout, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Out Of Control, Twilight, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean
Table of Content
2.36 U2 October Tour : Stage West - Hartford, Connecticut,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/12/1981 Localización (venue) : Stage West Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
2.37 U2 October Tour : Ontario Theater - Washington,
District of Columbia, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/11/1981 Localización (venue) : Ontario Theater - Washington, District of Columbia, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I
Threw A Brick Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control encores :
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.38 U2 October Tour : Uncle Sam’s - Buffalo, New York, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/10/1981 Localización (venue) : Uncle Sam’s
- Buffalo, New York, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
2.39 U2 October Tour : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/08/1981 Localización (venue) : The Agora Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of
Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
Table of Content
2.40 U2 October Tour : Dooley’s - East Lansing, Michigan,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/07/1981 Localización (venue) : Dooley’s East Lansing, Michigan, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out
Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.41 U2 October Tour : Park West - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/06/1981 Localización (venue) : Park West Chicago, Illinois, USA setlist : no disponible
2.42 U2 October Tour : Fountain Street Church - Grand
Rapids, Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/05/1981 Localización (venue) : Fountain
Street Church - Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place,
I Threw A Brick Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.43 U2 October Tour : Royal Oak Music Theater - Detroit,
Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/04/1981 Localización (venue). Royal Oak
Music Theater - Detroit, Michigan, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I
Threw A Brick Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.44 U2 October Tour : Vanderbilt University - Nashville,
Tennessee, USA
Table of Content
tour : u2 October tour Fecha (date) : 12/02/1981 Localización (Venue) : Vanderbilt
University - Nashville, Tennessee, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, Rejoice, With A Shout, The Cry, The Electric Co., Twilight, I Fall
Down, October, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
2.45 U2 October Tour : The Agora - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/01/1981 Localización (venue) : The Agora
- Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
2.46 U2 October Tour : Warfield Theater - San Francisco,
California, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/29/1981 Localización (venue) : Warfield Theater - San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout,
Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow,
Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.47 U2 October Tour : Hollywood Palladium - Los Angeles,
California, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/28/1981 Localización (venue) : Hollywood
Palladium - Los Angeles, California, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I
Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, I Fall Down, Twilight, Out Of Control
2.48 U2 October Tour : Hitsville South - Asbury Park, New
Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/25/1981 Localización (venue) : Hitsville South
Table of Content
- Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A
Brick Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control,
Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
2.49 U2 October Tour : Hitsville North - Passaic, New Jersey,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/24/1981 Localización (venue) : Hitsville North
- Passaic, New Jersey, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.50 U2 October Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York, USA
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/22/1981 Localización (venue) : The Ritz - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
2.51 U2 October Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/21/1981 Localización (venue) : The Ritz - New
York, New York, USA setlist : no disponible
2.52 U2 October Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/20/1981 Localización (venue) : The Ritz - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.53 U2 October Tour : Ripley’s Music Hall - Philadelphia,
Table of Content
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/18/1981 Localizacion (Venue) : Ripley’s Music Hall - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I
Threw A Brick Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of
Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.54 U2 October Tour : Center Stage - Providence, Rhode
Island, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/17/1981 Localización (venue) : Center Stage
- Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist (incompleto) : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, I Will Follow, Fire, I Will Follow
2.55 U2 October Tour : Toad’s Place - New Haven,
Connecticut, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/15/1981 Localización (venue) : Toad’s Place New Haven, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out
Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow
2.56 U2 October Tour : The Orpheum Theater - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 11/14/1981 Localización (venue) : The Orpheum
Theater - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of
Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.57 U2 October Tour : J.B. Scott’s - Albany, New York, USA
Table of Content
tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/13/1981 Localización (venue) : J.B. Scott’s
- Albany, New York, USA setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.58 U2 War Tour : Pier 84 - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/29/1983 Localización (venue) : Pier 84 - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.59 U2 War Tour : The Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/28/1983 Localización (Venue) : The Centrum Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
I Will Follow, 40
2.60 U2 War Tour : Coliseum - New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/27/1983 Localización (venue) : Coliseum - New
Haven, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
2.61 U2 War Tour : Civic Center - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 war Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/25/1983 Localización (Venue) : Civic Center
- Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Table of Content
Follow, 40
2.62 U2 War Tour : Civic Auditorium - Jacksonville, Florida,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/24/1983 Localización (Venue) : Civic Auditorium
- Jacksonville, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.63 U2 War Tour : Sunrise Musical Theater - Miami,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/23/1983 Localización (Venue) :Sunrise Musical
Theater - Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.64 U2 War Tour : Curtis Hixon Convention Hall - Tampa,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/22/1983 Localización (Venue) : Curtis Hixon
Convention Hall - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
I Will Follow, 40
2.65 U2 War Tour : Jai Alai Fronton Hall - Orlando, Florida,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/21/1983 Localización (venue) : Jai Alai Fronton
Hall - Orlando, Florida, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
2.66 U2 War Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/17/1983 Localización (venue) :Sports Arena Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
2.67 U2 War Tour : Houston Music Hall - Houston, Texas,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) :06/14/1983 Localización (venue) :Houston Music
Hall - Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
2.68 U2 War Tour : Bronco Bowl - Dallas, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/13/1983 Localización (Venue) : Bronco Bowl Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.69 U2 War Tour : The Meadows - Austin, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/11/1983 Localización (Venue) :The Meadows Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.70 U2 War Tour : Lloyd Noble Center, University of
Oklahoma - Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/10/1983 Localización (Venue) : Lloyd Noble Cen-
Table of Content
ter, University of Oklahoma - Norman, Oklahoma, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.71 U2 War Tour : The Brady Theater - Tulsa, Oklahoma,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 06/09/1983 Localización (Venue) : The Brady Theater - Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.72 U2 War Tour : Memorial Hall - Kansas City, Missouri,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/1983 Localización (Venue) : Memorial Hall Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.73 U2 War Tour : Colorado State University - Boulder,
Colorado, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/1983 Localización (Venue) : Colorado State
University - Boulder, Colorado, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, New Year’s Day, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat
As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna
Fall, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.74 U2 War Tour : Red Rocks Amphitheater - Denver,
Colorado, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/05/1983 Localización (Venue) : Red Rocks Amphitheater - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
Table of Content
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
A Day Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.75 U2 War Tour : Salt Palace Assembly Hall - Salt Lake
City, Utah, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/03/1983 Localización (venue) : Salt Palace Assembly Hall - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Setlist (incompleto) : Gloria, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Sunday Bloody Sunday, October, New Year’s Day,
Party Girl, 40
2.76 U2 War Tour : Civic Auditorium - San Francisco,
California, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/01/1983 Localización (venue) : Civic Auditorium
- San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.77 U2 War Tour : Glen Helen Regional Park - Devore,
California, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/30/1983 Localización (venue) : Glen Helen Regional Park - Devore, California, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, New Year’s Day, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat
As One, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., California, I Will Follow, 40
2.78 U2 War Tour : Paramount Theatre - Portland, Oregon,
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/27/1983 Localización (venue) : Paramount Theatre
- Portland, Oregon, USA Setlist (incompleto) : An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two
Hearts Beat As One, Sunday Bloody Sunday, I Fall Down, New Year’s Day
Table of Content
2.79 U2 War Tour : Paramount Theater - Seattle,
Washington, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/26/1983 Localización (venue) : Paramount Theater - Seattle, Washington, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.80 U2 War Tour : Northrop Auditorium - Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/22/1983 Localización (venue) : Northrop Auditorium - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.81 U2 War Tour : Aragon Ballroom - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/21/1983 Localización (venue) : Aragon Ballroom
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist (incompleto) : I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, A Day
Without Me, I Threw A Brick Through A Window
2.82 U2 War Tour : Grand Circus Theater - Detroit,
Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/20/1983 Localización (venue) : Grand Circus
Theater - Detroit, Michigan, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.83 U2 War Tour : Music Hall - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Table of Content
Tour : u2 war Tour Fecha (date) : 05/19/1983 Localización (venue) : Music Hall - Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, New Year’s Day,
Gloria, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.84 U2 War Tour : Shea Center - Buffalo, New York, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/16/1983 Localización (venue) : Shea Center Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.85 U2 War Tour : Tower Theater - Upper Darby,
Pennsylvania, USA (II)
tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/14/1983 Localización (venue) : Tower Theater
- Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, New Year’s Day, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.86 U2 War Tour : Tower Theater - Upper Darby,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/13/1983 Localización (venue) : Tower Theater Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Surrender, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
October, Gloria, New Year’s Day, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, 40
2.87 U2 War Tour : Capitol Theater - Passaic, New Jersey,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/12/1983 Localización (venue) : Capitol Theater
- Passaic, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
2.88 U2 War Tour : Palladium - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/11/1983 Localización (venue) : Palladium - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.89 U2 War Tour : Woolsey Hall - Yale University - New
Haven, Connecticut, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/10/1983 Localización (venue) : Woolsey Hall - Yale
University - New Haven, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.90 U2 War Tour : Trinity College - Hartford, Connecticut,
tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/08/1983 Localización (venue) : Trinity College Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, 40
2.91 U2 War Tour : State University Of New York - Albany,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/07/1983 Localización (venue) : State University
Table of Content
Of New York - Albany, New York, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, 40
2.92 U2 War Tour : The Orpheum Theater - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/06/1983 Localización (venue) : The Orpheum
Theater - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A
Window, A Day Without Me, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.93 U2 War Tour : The Orpheum Theater - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/05/1983 Localización (venue) : The Orpheum
Theater - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Out Of Control, Two Hearts Beat As One, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., October, Gloria,
I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me
2.94 U2 War Tour : Fulton Theater - Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 05/03/1983 Localización (venue) : Fulton Theater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.95 U2 War Tour : State University of New York, Stony
Brook - Stony Brook, New York, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/01/1983 Localización (venue) : State University
of New York, Stony Brook - Stony Brook, New York, USA Setlist (incompleto) : Gloria, A
Day Without Me, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, Seconds, Surrender, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Tomorrow, New Year’s Day, Two Hearts Beat As One
Table of Content
2.96 U2 War Tour : Brown University - Providence, Rhode
Island, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/30/1983 Localización (Venue) : Brown University
- Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, New Year’s Day, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of
Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.97 U2 War Tour : State University Of New York - Delhi,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 04/29/1983 Localización (venue). State University
Of New York - Delhi, New York, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.98 U2 War Tour : Rochester Institute Of Technology Ice
Rink - Rochester, New York, USA
Tour : u2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 04/28/1983 Localización (venue) : Rochester Institute Of Technology Ice Rink - Rochester, New York, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender / Billie Jean (snippet), Sunday
Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, New Year’s Day,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.99 U2 War Tour : Cayuga County Community College Gym
- Auburn, New York, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 04/27/1983 Localización (venue) : Cayuga County
Community College Gym - Auburn, New York, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.100 U2 War Tour : Ritchie Stadium - College Park,
Maryland, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 04/25/1983 Localización (venue) : Ritchie Stadium College Park, Maryland, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, New Year’s Day, 40
2.101 U2 War Tour : Chrysler Hall - Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/24/1983 Localización (venue) : Chrysler Hall Norfolk, Virginia, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
2.102 U2 War Tour : Kenan Stadium - Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, USA
Tour : U2 War Tour fecha (date) : 04/23/1983 Localización (Venue) : Kenan Stadium Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A
Day Without Me, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow
2.103 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Hollywood
Sportatorium - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/04/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Hollywood Sportatorium - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.104 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Hollywood
Sportatorium - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/03/1985 Localización (venue) :
Hollywood Sportatorium - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA Setlist (incompleto) : 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, A Sort Of
Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria,
Table of Content
2.105 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sun Dome - Tampa,
Florida, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/02/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Sun Dome - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On
Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.106 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Jacksonville
Memorial Coliseum - Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/30/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Jacksonville Memorial Coliseum - Jacksonville, Florida, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
2.107 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Omni - Atlanta,
Georgia, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/29/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Omni - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.108 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Spectrum Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/24/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Spectrum - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody
Table of Content
Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
2.109 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Civic Center Hartford, Connecticut, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/23/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Civic Center - Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Two
Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.110 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Spectrum Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/22/1985 Localización (Venue) : The
Spectrum - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.111 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Civic Center Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/20/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Civic Center - Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
2.112 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Centrum Worcester, Massachusetts, USA (III)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/19/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Table of Content
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.113 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Centrum Worcester, Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/18/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, I Fall Down, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Two Hearts Beat
As One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, I Will Follow, 40
2.114 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Centrum Worcester, Massachusetts, USA (I)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/16/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Two Hearts Beat As One, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.115 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena
- East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (III)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/15/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40 / Do They Know It’s Christmas (snippet)
2.116 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena
- East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/14/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Table of Content
Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Two Hearts Beat As
One, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, 40
2.117 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena
- East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/12/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.118 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Hampton Coliseum Hampton, Virginia, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/10/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, Virginia, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.119 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Civic Arena Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/09/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Civic Arena - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
2.120 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Capital Centre -
Table of Content
Landover, Maryland, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 04/08/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Capital Centre - Landover, Maryland, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.121 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Nassau Coliseum Uniondale, New York, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/03/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Nassau Coliseum - Uniondale, New York, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
2.122 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Providence Civic
Center - Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/02/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Providence Civic Center - Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, 40
2.123 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Madison Square
Garden - New York, New York, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/01/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Madison Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I
Will Follow, Seconds, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
2.124 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Richfield Coliseum Richfield, Ohio, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/25/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Richfield Coliseum - Richfield, Ohio, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.125 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Joe Louis Arena Detroit, Michigan, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/23/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Joe Louis Arena - Detroit, Michigan, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.126 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : University Of Illinois
Pavillion - Chicago, Illinois, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/22/1985 Localización (Venue) :
University Of Illinois Pavillion - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I
Will Follow, Seconds, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, 40
2.127 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : University Of Illinois
Pavillion - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/21/1985 Localización (Venue) :
University Of Illinois Pavillion - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I
Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
2.128 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Minneapolis
Auditorium - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/19/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Minneapolis Auditorium - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I
Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.129 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : McNichols Sports
Arena - Denver, Colorado, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/17/1985 Localización (Venue) : McNichols Sports Arena - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
2.130 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Neal Blaisdell Center
Arena - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/11/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Neal Blaisdell Center Arena - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.131 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Cow Palace - Daly
City, California, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/08/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Cow Palace - Daly City, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, 40
2.132 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Cow Palace - Daly
Table of Content
City, California, USA (I)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/07/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Cow Palace - Daly City, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.133 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sports Arena - Los
Angeles, California, USA (III)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/05/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.134 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sports Arena - Los
Angeles, California, USA (II)
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/04/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
2.135 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Sports Arena - Los
Angeles, California, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/02/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
2.136 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Compton Terrace Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/01/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Compton Terrace - Phoenix, Arizona, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.137 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Summit Houston, Texas, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/27/1985 Localización (Venue) :
The Summit - Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Knockin’ On
Heaven’s Door, Gloria, 40
2.138 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Frank Erwin Center Austin, Texas, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/26/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Frank Erwin Center - Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
2.139 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Reunion Arena Dallas, Texas, USA
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/25/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Reunion Arena - Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl,
Gloria, 40
Table of Content
2.140 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Long Beach Arena Long Beach, California, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/16/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Long Beach Arena - Long Beach, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
2.141 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Civic Auditorium San Francisco, California, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/15/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Civic Auditorium - San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
2.142 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Aragon Ballroom Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 12/11/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Aragon Ballroom - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
2.143 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Music Hall Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/09/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Music Hall - Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl,
Gloria, 40
Table of Content
2.144 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Fox Theater - Detroit,
Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 12/08/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Fox Theater - Detroit, Michigan, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort
Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party
Girl, 40
2.145 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Constitution Hall Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 12/05/1984 Localziación (Venue) :
Constitution Hall - Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry,
The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Gloria, Party Girl, Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
2.146 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Radio City Music
Hall - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/03/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Radio City Music Hall - New York, New York, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
2.147 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : The Centrum Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 12/02/1984 Localización (Venue) :
The Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
2.148 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Tower Theater Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 12/01/1984 Localización (venue) :
Tower Theater - Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Gloria, Party Girl, Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
2.149 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : ASU Sun Devil Stadium Tempe, Arizona, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/20/1987 Localización (Venue) : ASU
Sun Devil Stadium - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree
Hill, Gloria, Exit, In God’s Country, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or
Without You, Mothers Of The Disappeared, People Get Ready, Christmas (Baby, Please Come
Home), 40
2.150 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : ASU Sun Devil Stadium Tempe, Arizona, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/19/1987 Localización (Venue) : ASU
Sun Devil Stadium - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Out Of Control,
MLK, One Tree Hill, Gloria, Exit, In God’s Country, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or
Without You, Mothers Of The Disappeared, People Get Ready, 40
2.151 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Hampton Coliseum Hampton, Virginia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/12/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, Virginia, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Table of Content
Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Tequila Sunrise, Out Of Control, Bad, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Mothers Of
The Disappeared, With Or Without You, Lucille, 40
2.152 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Hampton Coliseum Hampton, Virginia, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/11/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, Virginia, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, Gloria, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Southern Man, Help, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get Ready, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or
Without You, 40
2.153 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Omni - Atlanta,
Georgia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/09/1987 Localización (Venue) : The
Omni - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, One Tree Hill, Gloria, Exit, In God’s Country,
Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, People Get Ready, 40
2.154 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Omni - Atlanta,
Georgia, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/08/1987 Localización (Venue) : The
Omni - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip
Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get Ready, Bad, Out Of Control,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without
You, New Year’s Day, 40
2.155 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Tampa Stadium - Tampa,
Table of Content
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/05/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Tampa Stadium - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, One Tree Hill,
Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, People Get Ready, Bad, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With
Or Without You, Spanish Eyes, 40
2.156 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Orange Bowl - Miami,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/03/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Orange Bowl - Miami, Florida, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, One Tree Hill,
Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, People Get Ready, Bad, October, New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With
Or Without You, 40
2.157 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Charles M. Murphy Athletic
Center - Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/28/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Charles M. Murphy Athletic Center - Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA Setlist : Where The
Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, One Tree
Hill, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, With Or Without You, Can’t Help Falling In Love, People Get Ready, 40
2.158 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Assembly Center, Louisiana
State University - Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/26/1987 Localización (Venue) : Assembly Center, Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA SetlisT : Where
The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit,
Table of Content
Silver And Gold, In God’s Country, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get Ready, 40
2.159 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Tarrant County Convention
Center - Fort Worth, Texas, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/24/1987 Localización (Venue) : Tarrant County Convention Center - Fort Worth, Texas, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, Out Of Control, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, One Tree Hill, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, With Or Without You, When Love Comes To Town, 40
2.160 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Tarrant County Convention
Center - Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/23/1987 Localización (Venue) : Tarrant County Convention Center - Fort Worth, Texas, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, MLK, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad,
October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, With Or Without You, Spanish Eyes, 40
2.161 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Frank Erwin Center Austin, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/22/1987 Localización (Venue) : Frank
Erwin Center - Austin, Texas, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, One Tree Hill, Gloria,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or
Without You, Stand By Me, Spanish Eyes, 40
2.162 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Memorial Coliseum - Los
Table of Content
Angeles, California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/18/1987 Localización (Venue) : Memorial Coliseum - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Out Of Control, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Helter Skelter, Help,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, Party Girl, Stand By Me, 40
2.163 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Memorial Coliseum - Los
Angeles, California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/17/1987 Localización (Venue) : Memorial Coliseum - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, One Tree
Hill, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, People Get Ready, Bad, October,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
With Or Without You, 40
2.164 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Oakland-Alameda County
Stadium - Oakland, California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/15/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Oakland-Alameda County Stadium - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, People Get Ready, Help, Bad,
October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, With Or Without You, Stand By Me, 40
2.165 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Oakland-Alameda County
Stadium - Oakland, California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/14/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Oakland-Alameda County Stadium - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Gloria, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody
Table of Content
Sunday, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, People Get Ready, 40
2.166 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Justin Herman Plaza - San
Francisco, California, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/11/1987 Localización (Venue) : Justin
Herman Plaza - San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : All Along The Watchtower, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Out Of Control, People Get Ready, Trip Through Your Wires, Silver And Gold,
Helter Skelter, Help, Pride (In The Name Of Love)
2.167 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : McNichols Sports Arena Denver, Colorado, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/08/1987 Localización (Venue) : McNichols Sports Arena - Denver, Colorado, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Silver And Gold, Spanish Eyes, With Or Without You, 40
2.168 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : McNichols Sports Arena Denver, Colorado, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/07/1987 Localización (Venue) : McNichols Sports Arena - Denver, Colorado, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Silver And Gold, Spanish Eyes, With Or Without You, 40
2.169 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Saint Paul Civic Center Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Fecha (Date) : 11/04/1987 Localización (Venue) : Saint Paul
Table of Content
Civic Center - Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, Gloria,
Spanish Eyes, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, Silver And Gold, In God’s Country, People Get
Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
2.170 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Saint Paul Civic Center Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/03/1987 Localización (Venue) : Saint
Paul Civic Center - Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria,
MLK, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Help, Bad, October,
With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Out Of Control, 40
2.171 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Hoosier Dome Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/01/1987 Localización (Venue) : Hoosier Dome - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get Ready,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, Lucille, 40
2.172 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Rosemont Horizon Rosemont, Illinois, USA (III)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/30/1987 Localización (Venue) : Rosemont Horizon - Rosemont, Illinois, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Out Of
Control, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Spanish Eyes, With Or Without You, 40
Table of Content
2.173 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Rosemont Horizon Rosemont, Illinois, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/29/1987 Localización (Venue) : Rosemont Horizon - Rosemont, Illinois, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Silver And Gold, Out Of Control,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, People Get Ready, Gloria, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Party Girl, With Or Without You, 40
2.174 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Rosemont Horizon Rosemont, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/28/1987 Localización (Venue) : Rosemont Horizon - Rosemont, Illinois, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Southern Man, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, Bad,
October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
2.175 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Kemper Arena - Kansas
City, Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/26/1987 Localización (Venue) : Kemper Arena - Kansas City, Missouri, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, Southern Man, Bad,
October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
2.176 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : St. Louis Arena - St. Louis,
Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/25/1987 Localización (Venue) : St.
Louis Arena - St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Table of Content
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get Ready,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
2.177 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Rupp Arena, Lexington
Center - Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/23/1987 Localización (Venue) : Rupp
Arena, Lexington Center - Lexington, Kentucky, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People
Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You
2.178 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : University Of Illinois
Assembly Hall - Champaign, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/22/1987 Localización (Venue) : University Of Illinois Assembly Hall - Champaign, Illinois, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help,
People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
2.179 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Carver - Hawkeye Arena Iowa City, Iowa, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/20/1987 Localización (Venue) : Carver - Hawkeye Arena - Iowa City, Iowa, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get Ready,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
2.180 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Three Rivers Stadium Table of Content
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/13/1987 Localización (Venue) : Three
Rivers Stadium - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get
Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
2.181 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Silver Stadium - Rochester,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 10/11/1987 Localización (venue) :Silver
Stadium - Rochester, New York, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get Ready,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
2.182 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Carrier Dome - Syracuse,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/09/1987 Localización (Venue) : Carrier Dome - Syracuse, New York, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, People Get Ready,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
2.183 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Civic Auditorium - Buffalo,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/07/1987 Localización (Venue) : Civic
Auditorium - Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Springhill Mining Disaster, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Table of Content
Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, With Or Without You, 40
2.184 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Municipal Stadium Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/06/1987 Localización (Venue) : Municipal Stadium - Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Out Of Control,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, With Or Without You, 40
2.185 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Madison Square Garden New York, New York, USA (II)
Tour : The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/29/1987 Localización (venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get Ready, In
God’s Country, Exit, Helter Skelter, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), With Or Without You, 40
2.186 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Madison Square Garden New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/28/1987 Localización (venue) : Madison Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, In God’s Country, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Exit, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With
Or Without You, Party Girl, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Spanish Eyes, 40
2.187 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : John F Kennedy Stadium -
Table of Content
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/25/1987 Localización (Venue) : John
F Kennedy Stadium - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get
Ready, In God’s Country, Exit, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, Party Girl, Stand By Me, 40
2.188 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Coliseum - New Haven,
Connecticut, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/23/1987 Localización (Venue) : Coliseum - New Haven, Connecticut, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Help, Helter Skelter, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl,
With Or Without You, 40
2.189 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Sullivan Stadium - Foxboro,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/22/1987 Localización (Venue) : Sullivan Stadium - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA SetlisT : Stand By Me, Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Help, Helter Skelter, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, 40
2.190 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Arizona State University
Activity Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/20/1987 Localización (Venue) : Robert F. Kennedy Stadium - Washington, District of Columbia, USA SetlisT : Where The
Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
Table of Content
People Get Ready, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, With Or Without You, 40
2.191 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Boston Garden - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 09/18/1987 Localización (Venue) : Boston
Garden - Boston, Massachusetts, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit,
In God’s Country, Help, Helter Skelter, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, Spanish Eyes, Out Of Control, 40
2.192 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Boston Garden - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/17/1987 Localización (Venue) : Boston Garden - Boston, Massachusetts, USA SetlisT : Bullet The Blue Sky, Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, People Get Ready, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, Silver And Gold, In God’s Country,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Help, Bad, Running To Stand Still, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
2.193 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Giants Stadium - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree tour Fecha (Date) : 09/14/1987 Localización (Venue) : Giants
Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get Ready, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Exit, Silver And Gold, In God’s Country, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
2.194 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Spectrum -
Table of Content
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/12/1987 Localización (Venue) : The
Spectrum - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, People Get Ready, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
2.195 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Nassau Coliseum Uniondale, New York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/11/1987 Localización (Venue) : Nassau Coliseum - Uniondale, New York, USA SetlisT : Bullet The Blue Sky, Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, Silver And Gold, In God’s Country, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Help, Helter Skelter, Bad, Running To Stand Still, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
2.196 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Nassau Coliseum Uniondale, New York, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/10/1987 Localización (venue) : Nassau
Coliseum - Uniondale, New York, USA SetlisT : Bullet The Blue Sky, Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, Silver And Gold, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Help, Helter Skelter, Bad, Running To Stand Still, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), One Tree Hill, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
2.197 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (V)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 05/16/1987 Localización (Venue) : Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA SetlisT : Stand By Me, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found
Table of Content
What I’m Looking For, The Electric Co., Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Gloria,
Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, With Or Without You, 40
2.198 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/15/1987 Localización (Venue) : Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, People Get Ready, I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, C’mon Everybody, Trip
Through Your Wires, Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), With Or Without You, Gloria, 40
2.199 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (III)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/13/1987 Localización (Venue) : Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, 40
2.200 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/12/1987 Localización (Venue) : Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s
Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Electric Co., People Get Ready, Bad, October, Springhill
Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, 40
2.201 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena - East
Table of Content
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/11/1987 Localización (venue) : Brenden Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, C’mon Everybody, Bad, October,
Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without
You, Gloria, 40
2.202 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Civic Center - Hartford,
Connecticut, USA (III)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 05/09/1987 Localización : Civic Center Hartford, Connecticut, USA SetlisT : Stand By Me, Pride (In The Name Of Love), MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit,
In God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, The
Electric Co., October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, With Or Without You, 40
2.203 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Civic Center - Hartford,
Connecticut, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 05/08/1987 Localización (Venue) : Civic
Center - Hartford, Connecticut, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In
God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, C’mon Everybody, Bad, October, Springhill Mining
Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Mothers Of The Disappeared, With
Or Without You, Gloria, 40
2.204 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Civic Center - Hartford,
Connecticut, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/07/1987 Localización (venue) : Civic
Center - Hartford, Connecticut, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Table of Content
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, People Get Ready, Trip Through Your
Wires, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In
God’s Country, C’mon Everybody, Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, Gloria, 40
2.205 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Centrum - Worcester,
Massachusetts, USA (III)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/04/1987 Localización (venue) : The
Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA SetlisT : Stand By Me, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, The Electric Co., October,
New Year’s Day, Gloria, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, With Or Without You, 40
2.206 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Centrum - Worcester,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 05/03/1987 Localización (venue) : The
Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In
God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, C’mon Everybody, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, 40
2.207 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Centrum - Worcester,
Massachusetts, USA (I)
Tour : u2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/02/1987 Localización (Venue) : The
Centrum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, Gloria, 40
2.208 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Pontiac Silverdome Table of Content
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Tour : u2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/30/1987 Localización (Venue) : Pontiac Silverdome - Pontiac, Michigan, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In
God’s Country, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without
You, Gloria, 40
2.209 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Rosemont Horizon Rosemont, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/29/1987 Localización (Venue) : Rosemont Horizon - Rosemont, Illinois, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Mothers Of The Disappeared, With Or Without You, Gloria, 40
2.210 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Cow Palace - Daly City,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 04/25/1987 Localización (Venue) : Cow
Palace - Daly City, California, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, The Electric Co., Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Mothers Of The Disappeared, With Or Without You, 40
2.211 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Cow Palace - Daly City,
California, USA (I)
Tour : The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 04/24/1987 Localización (Venue) : Cow
Palace - Daly City, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s
Table of Content
Country, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You,
Gloria, 40
2.212 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA (V)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/22/1987 Localización (venue) : Sports
Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA SetlisT : Stand By Me, MLK, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Trip Through Your Wires, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, The Electric Co.,
October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, With Or Without You, 40
2.213 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA (IV)
Tour : u2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/21/1987 Localización (Venue) : Sports
Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, 40
2.214 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA (III)
Tour : The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 04/20/1987 Localización (venue) : Sports
Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s
Farm, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You,
Gloria, I Shall Be Released, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, 40
2.215 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA (II)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/18/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Maggie’s Farm, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without
You, Gloria, People Get Ready, 40
2.216 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/17/1987 Localización (Venue) :
Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Exit, In God’s Country, Gloria, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
With Or Without You, I Shall Be Released, 40
2.217 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : San Diego Sports Arena San Diego, California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (date) : 04/14/1987 Localización (venue) : San
Diego Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
With Or Without You, Gloria, I Shall Be Released, Mothers Of The Disappeared
2.218 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : San Diego Sports Arena San Diego, California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/13/1987 Localización (Venue) : San
Diego Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Gloria, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), With Or Without You, I Shall Be Released, 40
Table of Content
2.219 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Thomas And Mack Arena Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/12/1987 Localización (venue) : Thomas And Mack Arena - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Gloria, Bad, October, With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Trip
Through Your Wires, People Get Ready, 40
2.220 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Pan American Center - Las
Cruces, New Mexico, USA
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/10/1987 Localización (venue) : Pan
American Center - Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s
Country, Bad, October, With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, People Get Ready, Trip Through Your Wires
2.221 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : The Summit - Houston,
Texas, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/08/1987 Localización (Venue) : The
Summit - Houston, Texas, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Bad, October,
With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Trip Through Your Wires, 40
2.222 U2 Lovetown Tour : The Summit - Houston, Texas,
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/07/1987 Localización (Venue) : : The
Summit - Houston, Texas, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t
Table of Content
Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Bad, October,
With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, People Get Ready, 40, Trip Through Your Wires, Southern Man
2.223 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Community Center Tucson, Arizona, USA
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/05/1987 Localización (Venue) : Community Center - Tucson, Arizona, USA SetlisT : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s
Farm, Bad, October, With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Lucille, People Get Ready, 40
2.224 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Arizona State University
Activity Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/04/1987 Localización (Venue) : Arizona State University Activity Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, I Will Follow, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Bad, October, With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, People Get Ready
2.225 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Arizona State University
Activity Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA (I)
Tour : The Joshua Tree tour Fecha (Date) : 04/02/1987 localización (Venue) : Arizona
State University Activity Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Gloria, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), People
Get Ready, 40
2.226 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Anaheim Stadium - Anaheim,
Table of Content
California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 11/14/1992 Localización (venue) : Anaheim Stadium - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.227 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Sam Boyd Stadium - Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/12/1992 Localización (Venue) : Sam Boyd
Stadium - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.228 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Jack Murphy Stadium - San Diego,
California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 11/10/1992 Localización (venue) : Jack Murphy
Stadium - San Diego, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old
Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.229 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Oakland-Alameda County Stadium
Table of Content
- Oakland, California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 11/07/1992 Localización (Venue) : OaklandAlameda County Stadium - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even
Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When
Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.230 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Dodger Stadium - Los Angeles,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/31/1992 Localización (Venue) : Dodger Stadium - Los Angeles, California, USA SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old
Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.231 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Dodger Stadium - Los Angeles,
California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/30/1992 Localización (venue) : Dodger Stadium - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old
Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way),
With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.232 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Texas Sun Bowl - El Paso, Texas,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/27/1992 Localización (venue) : Texas Sun
Bowl - El Paso, Texas, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town,
Satellite Of Love, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.233 U2 ZOO TV Tour : ASU Sun Devil Stadium - Tempe,
Arizona, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/24/1992 Localización (venue) : ASU Sun
Devil Stadium - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old
Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Suspicious Minds,
When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.234 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Mile High Stadium - Denver,
Colorado, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/21/1992 Localización (Venue) : Mile High
Stadium - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.235 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Arrowhead Stadium - Kansas City,
Table of Content
Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/18/1992 Localización (venue) : Arrowhead
Stadium - Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old
Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When Love
Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.236 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Texas Stadium - Irving, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/16/1992 Localización (venue) : Texas Stadium - Irving, Texas, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way),
With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.237 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Houston Astrodome - Houston,
Texas, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/14/1992 Localización (venue) : Houston
Astrodome - Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Tryin’ To Throw
Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite
Of Love, Redemption Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.238 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Tampa Stadium - Tampa, Florida,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/10/1992 Localización (Venue) : Tampa Stadium - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In The Jar,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Dear Prudence, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire,
With Or Without You, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.239 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Legion Field - Birmingham,
Alabama, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/07/1992 Localización (Venue) : Legion Field
- Birmingham, Alabama, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In The
Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.240 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Joe Robbie Stadium - Miami,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 10/03/1992 Localización (venue) : Joe Robbie
Stadium - Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, Wild Rover, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.241 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Georgia Dome - Atlanta, Georgia,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/25/1992 Localización (Venue) : Georgia
Table of Content
Dome - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Rover,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Slow Dancing, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), Love Is
Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.242 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Williams - Brice Stadium Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/23/1992 Localización (Venue) : Williams Brice Stadium - Columbia, South Carolina, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Wild Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love
Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Slow Dancing, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.243 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Busch Memorial Stadium - St.
Louis, Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/20/1992 Localización (Venue) : Busch Memorial Stadium - St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild
Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.244 U2 ZOO TV Tour : World Music Amphitheater - Tinley
Park, Illinois, USA (III)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/18/1992 Localización (Venue) : World Music
Amphitheater - Tinley Park, Illinois, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
Table of Content
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild
Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Party Girl, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, Slow Dancing, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.245 U2 ZOO TV Tour : World Music Amphitheater - Tinley
Park, Illinois, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/16/1992 Localización (Venue) : World Music
Amphitheater - Tinley Park, Illinois, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One / She’s A Mystery To Me (snippet), Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In The Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The
World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad / All I Want Is
You (snippet), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love) encores : Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.246 U2 ZOO TV Tour : World Music Amphitheater - Tinley
Park, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/15/1992 Localización (Venue) : World Music
Amphitheater - Tinley Park, Illinois, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild
Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, So Cruel, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.247 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Camp Randall Stadium - Madison,
Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/13/1992 Localización (Venue) : Camp Randall Stadium - Madison, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Table of Content
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey
In The Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Hello, Angel Of Harlem, When
Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t
Help Falling In Love
2.248 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Cyclone Stadium - Ames, Iowa,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/11/1992 Localización (Venue) : Cyclone
Stadium - Ames, Iowa, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Rover, Tryin’ To
Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling
In Love
2.249 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Pontiac Silverdome - Pontiac,
Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/09/1992 Localización (Venue) : Pontiac
Silverdome - Pontiac, Michigan, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Rover,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, Satellite Of Love, So Cruel, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness,
Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.250 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Veteran’s Stadium - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/03/1992 Localización (Venue) : Veteran’s
Stadium - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
Table of Content
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In The Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love
Comes To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet
The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.251 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Veteran’s Stadium - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/02/1992 Localización (Venue) : Veteran’s
Stadium - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild
Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, Satellite Of Love, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.252 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Yankee Stadium - New York, New
York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/30/1992 Localización (Venue) : Yankee Stadium - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In The
Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, New York New York,
When Love Comes To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In
2.253 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Yankee Stadium - New York, New
York, USA (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/29/1992 Localización (Venue) : Yankee Stadium - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild Ro-
Table of Content
ver, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, New York New York,
When Love Comes To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.254 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Three Rivers Stadium - Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/25/1992 Localización (Venue) : Three Rivers
Stadium - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In
The Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling
In Love
2.255 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Foxboro Stadium - Foxboro,
Massachusetts, USA (III)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/23/1992 Localización (Venue) : Foxboro
Stadium - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To
Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help
Falling In Love
2.256 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Foxboro Stadium - Foxboro,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/22/1992 Localización (Venue) : Foxboro
Stadium - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Wild
Table of Content
Rover, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, So Cruel, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is
2.257 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Foxboro Stadium - Foxboro,
Massachusetts, USA (I)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/20/1992 Localización (Venue) : Foxboro
Stadium - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Whiskey In
The Jar, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes
To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling
In Love
2.258 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Saratoga Raceway - Saratoga
Springs, New York, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/18/1992 Localización (Venue) : Saratoga
Raceway - Saratoga Springs, New York, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Dirty Old Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing
Queen, When Love Comes To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is
You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.259 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Robert F. Kennedy Stadium Washington, District of Columbia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/16/1992 Localización (Venue) : Robert F.
Kennedy Stadium - Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly,
Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New
Table of Content
Year’s Day, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help
Falling In Love
2.260 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Robert F. Kennedy Stadium Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/15/1992 Localización (Venue) : Robert F.
Kennedy Stadium - Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly,
Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
When Love Comes To Town, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, All I
Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is
Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.261 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Giants Stadium - East Rutherford,
New Jersey, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/13/1992 Localización (Venue) : Giants Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet
The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.262 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Giants Stadium - East Rutherford,
New Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/12/1992 Localización (Venue) : Giants Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your
Wild Horses, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Har-
Table of Content
lem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or
Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.263 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Hershey Park Stadium - Hershey,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/07/1992 Localización (Venue) : Hershey
Park Stadium - Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Van Diemen’s Land, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Happy
Birthday, When Love Comes To Town, All I Want Is You, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra
Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.264 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Tacoma Dome - Tacoma,
Washington, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 04/21/1992 Localización (Venue) : Tacoma Dome
- Tacoma, Washington, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem / Van Diemen’s Land (snippet), When Love Comes To Town, Slow Dancing, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness
2.265 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Tacoma Dome - Tacoma,
Washington, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/20/1992 Localización (Venue) : Tacoma
Dome - Tacoma, Washington, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
Table of Content
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire,
Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.266 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Oakland Arena - Oakland,
California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/18/1992 Localización (Venue) : Oakland
Arena - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire,
Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.267 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Arco Arena - Sacramento,
California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/17/1992 Localización (Venue) : Arco Arena Sacramento, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness
2.268 U2 ZOO TV Tour : San Diego Sports Arena - San
Diego, California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/15/1992 Localización (Venue) : San Diego
Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing
Queen, Satellite Of Love, Van Diemen’s Land, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
Table of Content
2.269 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/13/1992 Localización (venue) : Sports Arena
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire,
Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.270 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 04/12/1992 Localización (Venue) : Sports Arena
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.271 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Arizona State University Activity
Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/10/1992 Localización (Venue) : Arizona State
University Activity Center - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, With Or Without
You, Love Is Blindness
2.272 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Frank Erwin Center - Austin,
Texas, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/07/1992 Localización (Venue) : Frank Erwin
Center - Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My
Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.273 U2 ZOO TV Tour : The Summit - Houston, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/06/1992 Localización (Venue) : The Summit
- Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My
Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.274 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Reunion Arena - Dallas, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/05/1992 Localización (Venue) : Reunion
Arena - Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My
Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.275 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Rosemont Horizon - Rosemont,
Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (date) : 03/31/1992 Localización (venue) : Rosemont
Horizon - Rosemont, Illinois, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
Table of Content
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.276 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Target Center - Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/30/1992 Localización (Venue) : Target Center - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.277 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Palace Of Auburn Hills - Auburn
Hills, Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/27/1992 Localización (Venue) : Palace Of
Auburn Hills - Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your
Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of
Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.278 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Richfield Coliseum - Richfield,
Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/26/1992 Localización (venue) : Richfield
Coliseum - Richfield, Ohio, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.279 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Knickerbocker Arena - Albany,
Table of Content
New York, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/21/1992 Localización (Venue) : Knickerbocker Arena - Albany, New York, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your
Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of
Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.280 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/20/1992 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your
Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of
Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.281 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Brenden Byrne Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/18/1992 Localización (Venue) : Brenden
Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite
Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.282 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Boston Garden - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/17/1992 Localización (Venue) : Boston GarTable of Content
den - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dirty Old Town,
Satellite Of Love, Van Diemen’s Land, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.283 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Providence Civic Center Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/15/1992 Localización (Venue) : Providence
Civic Center - Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna
Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire,
Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.284 U2 ZOO TV Tour : The Centrum - Worcester,
Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/13/1992 Localización (venue) : The Centrum
- Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.285 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Civic Center - Hartford,
Connecticut, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/12/1992 Localización (Venue) : Civic Center
- Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Table of Content
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My
Way), With Or Without You
2.286 U2 ZOO TV Tour : The Spectrum - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/10/1992 Localización (venue) : The Spectrum
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.287 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Nassau Coliseum - Uniondale, New
York, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/09/1992 Localización (Venue) : Nassau Coliseum - Uniondale, New York, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.288 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Hampton Coliseum - Hampton,
Virginia, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/07/1992 Localización (venue) : Hampton
Coliseum - Hampton, Virginia, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, The Fly, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You
Table of Content
2.289 U2 ZOO TV Tour : The Omni - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/05/1992 Localización (Venue) : The Omni
- Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My
Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.290 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Charlotte Coliseum - Charlotte,
North Carolina, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/03/1992 Localización (venue) : Charlotte
Coliseum - Charlotte, North Carolina, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your
Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of
Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet
(Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.291 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Miami Arena - Miami, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/01/1992 Localización (Venue) : Miami Arena
- Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With
Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.292 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Lakeland Arena - Lakeland,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/29/1992 Localización (Venue) : Lakeland
Arena - Lakeland, Florida, USA Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Table of Content
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love,
Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light
My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
2.293 U2 POPMART Tour : The Kingdome - Seattle,
Washington, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/12/1997 Localización (Venue) : The Kingdome - Seattle, Washington, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, All I Want Is You,
Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man, 40
2.294 U2 POPMART Tour : Houston Astrodome - Houston,
Texas, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/28/1997 Localización (Venue) : Houston
Astrodome - Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Desire, Staring
At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me,
Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
2.295 U2 POPMART Tour : Georgia Dome - Atlanta,
Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/26/1997 Localización (Venue) : Georgia
Dome - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World / Break On Through (snippet), New
Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I
Want Is You, Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where
Table of Content
The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, 40
2.296 U2 POPMART Tour : Alamodome - San Antonio,
Texas, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/23/1997 Localización (Venue) : Alamodome - San Antonio, Texas, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The
Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
2.297 U2 POPMART Tour : Louisiana Superdome - New
Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/21/1997 Localización (Venue) : Louisiana
Superdome - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
2.298 U2 POPMART Tour : Pro Player Stadium - Miami,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/14/1997 Localización (Venue) : Pro Player
Stadium - Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At
The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill
Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
Table of Content
2.299 U2 POPMART Tour : Municipal Stadium Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/12/1997 Localización (Venue) : Municipal
Stadium - Jacksonville, Florida, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring
At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me,
Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Rain
2.300 U2 POPMART Tour : Houlihans Stadium - Tampa,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/10/1997 Localización (Venue) : Houlihans
Stadium - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The
Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
2.301 U2 POPMART Tour : Trans World Dome - St. Louis,
Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/08/1997 Localización (Venue) : Trans
World Dome - St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Desire, Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
2.302 U2 POPMART Tour : Pontiac Silverdome - Pontiac,
Michigan, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/31/1997 Localización (Venue) : Pontiac
Silverdome - Pontiac, Michigan, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Desire,
Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
2.303 U2 POPMART Tour : Hubert H. Humphrey
Metrodome - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/29/1997 Localización (venue) : Hubert
H. Humphrey Metrodome - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow,
Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
All I Want Is You, Desire, Staring At The Sun, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With
Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead
2.304 U2 POPMART Tour : Foxboro Stadium - Foxboro,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/02/1997 Localización (Venue) : Foxboro
Stadium - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You,
Staring At The Sun, Suspicious Minds (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or
Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK, Rain
2.305 U2 POPMART Tour : Foxboro Stadium - Foxboro,
Massachusetts, USA (I)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/01/1997 Localización (Venue) : Foxboro
Stadium - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Table of Content
Than The Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is
You, Staring At The Sun, Sweet Caroline (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or
Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
2.306 U2 POPMART Tour : Soldier Field - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (date) : 06/29/1997 Localización (Venue) : Soldier
Field - Chicago, Illinois, USA SetlisT : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The
Sun, It’s Not Unusual, Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, MLK
2.307 U2 POPMART Tour : Soldier Field - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/28/1997 Localización (Venue) : Soldier
Field - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
2.308 U2 POPMART Tour : Soldier Field - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/27/1997 Localización (Venue) : Soldier
Field - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Last Night
On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun,
Sweet Caroline (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have
Table of Content
No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill
Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Hallelujah
2.309 U2 POPMART Tour : Camp Randall Stadium Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/25/1997 Localización (Venue) : Camp
Randall Stadium - Madison, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring
At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
2.310 U2 POPMART Tour : Los Angeles Coliseum - Los
Angeles, California, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/21/1997 Localización (Venue) : Los Angeles Coliseum - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, All I Want Is You, Staring At
The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
2.311 U2 POPMART Tour : Oakland-Alameda County
Stadium - Oakland, California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/19/1997 Localización (Venue) : OaklandAlameda County Stadium - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even
Better Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God
Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun, San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In
Your Hair) (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No
Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me,
Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
Table of Content
2.312 U2 POPMART Tour : Oakland-Alameda County
Stadium - Oakland, California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/18/1997 Localización (Venue) : OaklandAlameda County Stadium - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even
Better Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His
Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With
Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Hallelujah
2.313 U2 POPMART Tour : Franklin Field - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/1997 Localización (Venue) : Franklin
Field - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer
(Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me,
Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Hallelujah
2.314 U2 POPMART Tour : Giants Stadium - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (III)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/03/1997 Localización (Venue) : Giants
Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring
At The Sun, New York New York, Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill
Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
2.315 U2 POPMART Tour : Giants Stadium - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (II)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/01/1997 Localización (Venue) : Giants
Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring
At The Sun, Sweet Caroline (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
2.316 U2 POPMART Tour : Giants Stadium - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/31/1997 Localización (Venue) : Giants
Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring
At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
2.317 U2 POPMART Tour : Robert F. Kennedy Stadium Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/26/1997 Localización (Venue) : Robert F.
Kennedy Stadium - Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow,
Even Better Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His
Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With
Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained
2.318 U2 POPMART Tour : Ohio Stadium - Columbus, Ohio,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/24/1997 Localización (Venue) : Ohio Stadium - Columbus, Ohio, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Table of Content
Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Last Night
On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun,
Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
2.319 U2 POPMART Tour : Three Rivers Stadium Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/22/1997 Localización (Venue) : Three Rivers Stadium - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring
At The Sun, Sweet Caroline (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
2.320 U2 POPMART Tour : Arrowhead Stadium - Kansas
City, Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/19/1997 Localización (Venue) : Arrowhead Stadium - Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring
At The Sun, Sweet Caroline (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
2.321 U2 POPMART Tour : Death Valley Stadium - Clemson,
South Carolina, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/16/1997 Localización (Venue) : Death
Valley Stadium - Clemson, South Carolina, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels,
Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please,
Table of Content
Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or
Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
2.322 U2 POPMART Tour : Liberty Bowl - Memphis,
Tennessee, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/14/1997 Localización (Venue) : Liberty
Bowl - Memphis, Tennessee, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Gone, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Last
Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun,
Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Can’t Help Falling In Love
2.323 U2 POPMART Tour : Cotton Bowl - Dallas, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/12/1997 Localización : Cotton Bowl - Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Gone, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Last Night On Earth,
Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
2.324 U2 POPMART Tour : ASU Sun Devil Stadium - Tempe,
Arizona, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/09/1997 Localización (Venue) : ASU Sun
Devil Stadium - Tempe, Arizona, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Gone, Do You Feel Loved ?, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send
His Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress,
With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
2.325 U2 POPMART Tour : Autzen Stadium, U. of Oregon Table of Content
Eugene, Oregon, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/06/1997 Localización (Venue) : Autzen
Stadium, U. of Oregon - Eugene, Oregon, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Do You Feel Loved ?, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Gone, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, If God
Will Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet
The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
2.326 U2 POPMART Tour : Rice-Eccles Stadium - Salt Lake
City, Utah, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/03/1997 Localización (Venue) : RiceEccles Stadium - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Do You Feel Loved ?, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Gone, Until The End Of The World, If God Will
Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet
Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
2.327 U2 POPMART Tour : Mile High Stadium - Denver,
Colorado, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/01/1997 Localización (Venue) : Mile High
Stadium - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Do You Feel Loved ?, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Gone, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His
Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill
Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
2.328 U2 POPMART Tour : Jack Murphy Stadium - San
Diego, California, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/28/1997 Localización (Venue) : Jack MurTable of Content
phy Stadium - San Diego, California, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, Do You Feel Loved ?, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Gone, Until The End Of The World, If God Will
Send His Angels, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, With Or Without You, Hold
Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One
2.329 U2 POPMART Tour : Sam Boyd Stadium - Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/25/1997 Localización (Venue) : Sam Boyd
Stadium - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Do You Feel Loved ?, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Last Night On Earth, Gone, Until The End Of The World, If God Will Send His
Angels, Staring At The Sun, Staring At The Sun, Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That
Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways,
2.330 U2 Elevation Tour : American Airlines Arena - Miami,
Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/02/2001 Localización (Venue) : American
Airlines Arena - Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, Mysterious Ways, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, In God’s Country, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Please, Bad, Where The
Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, My Sweet Lord, Walk On
2.331 U2 Elevation Tour : Ice Palace - Tampa, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 12/01/2001 Localización (Venue) : Ice Palace
- Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of,
Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On,
New York, One, Walk On
Table of Content
2.332 U2 Elevation Tour : Philips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/30/2001 Localización (Venue) : Philips
Arena - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, My Sweet Lord, Angel Of Harlem, People Get Ready, Please, Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.333 U2 Elevation Tour : Savvis Center - St. Louis, Missouri,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/28/2001 Localización (Venue) : Savvis Center - St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out
Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet
The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Peace On Earth, Walk On
2.334 U2 Elevation Tour : Kemper Arena - Kansas City,
Missouri, USA
Tour :U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/27/2001 Localización (Venue) : Kemper
Arena - Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Desire, Angel Of Harlem, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Peace On Earth, Walk On
2.335 U2 Elevation Tour : Reunion Arena - Dallas, Texas,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/25/2001 Localización (Venue) : Reunion
Arena - Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Table of Content
New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, Kite, In God’s Country, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s
Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.336 U2 Elevation Tour : America West Arena - Phoenix,
Arizona, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/23/2001 Localización (Venue) : America
West Arena - Phoenix, Arizona, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, In God’s Country, I Shall Be Released, Please, All I Want Is You, Where
The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.337 U2 Elevation Tour : Arco Arena - Sacramento,
California, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/20/2001 Localizacióñn (Venue) : Arco Arena
- Sacramento, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Mysterious Ways, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s
Going On, New York, Happy Birthday, One, Peace On Earth, Walk On
2.338 U2 Elevation Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
California, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/19/2001 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, Mysterious Ways, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Wild Honey, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.339 U2 Elevation Tour : Thomas And Mack Arena - Las
Table of Content
Vegas, Nevada, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/18/2001 Localización (Venue) : Thomas And
Mack Arena - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Wild Honey, People Get Ready, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet
The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.340 U2 Elevation Tour : Oakland Arena - Oakland,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/16/2001 Localización (Venue) : Oakland
Arena - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t
Get Out Of, Slow Dancing, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, A Sort Of Homecoming, Please, All I Want
Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, New York, One, Walk On
2.341 U2 Elevation Tour : Oakland Arena - Oakland,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : Oakland
Arena - Oakland, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Wild Honey, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky,
What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.342 U2 Elevation Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/13/2001 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t
Get Out Of, Kite, Wild Honey, Please, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Table of Content
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.343 U2 Elevation Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/12/2001 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, People Get Ready, Please, Bad, Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On.
2.344 U2 Elevation Tour : Delta Center - Salt Lake City, Utah,
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 11/09/2001 Localización (Venue) : Delta Center
- Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, Kite, Wild Honey, People Get Ready, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.345 U2 Elevation Tour : Pepsi Center - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/07/2001 Localización (Venue) : Pepsi Center
- Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out
Of, Kite, Wild Honey, All Along The Watchtower, Please, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.346 U2 Elevation Tour : Frank Erwin Center - Austin,
Table of Content
Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/05/2001 Localización (Venue) : Frank Erwin
Center - Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out
Of, Kite, Wild Honey, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found
What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On,
New York, One, Walk On
2.347 U2 Elevation Tour : First Union Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 11/02/2001 Localización (Venue) : First Union
Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Wild Honey, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.348 U2 Elevation Tour : Providence Civic Center Providence, Rhode Island, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/31/2001 Localización (Venue) : Providence
Civic Center - Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Party Girl, Slow Dancing, Kite, Wild Honey, Please, Bad / Fool To
Cry (snippet) / 40 (snippet), Psalm 116 (snippet) / , Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love) encores : Bullet The Blue
Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, When Will I See You Again (snippet) / , Walk On
2.349 U2 Elevation Tour : Providence Civic Center Providence, Rhode Island, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 10/30/2001 Localización (Venue) : Providence
Civic Center - Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Table of Content
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have
No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet
The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.350 U2 Elevation Tour : Continental Airlines Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/28/2001 Localización (Venue) : Continental
Airlines Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until
The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Please, All I Want Is You, Where The
Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.351 U2 Elevation Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (V)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/27/2001 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Please, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On, Out Of Control
2.352 U2 Elevation Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/25/2001 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets
Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.353 U2 Elevation Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
Table of Content
York, New York, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/24/2001 Localizacióñn (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Staring At The
Sun, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk
2.354 U2 Elevation Tour : Arena - Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/19/2001 Localización (Venue) : Arena Baltimore, Maryland, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Staring At The Sun, Please,
Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.355 U2 Elevation Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/16/2001 Localización (Venue) : United Center - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out
Of, Kite, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.356 U2 Elevation Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : United Center - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, People Get Ready, Staring At The Sun, Bad, Where The Streets
Table of Content
Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Bullet The Blue Sky, What’s Going On, New York, One, Walk On
2.357 U2 Elevation Tour : Joyce Center - South Bend,
Indiana, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/10/2001 Localización (Venue) : Joyce Center
- South Bend, Indiana, USA Setlist : Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s
Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, What’s Going On, New York, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Sunday Bloody Sunday, Kite, Angel Of Harlem, Staring At The Sun, Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, With Or
Without You, Elevation, Mysterious Ways, One, Walk On
2.358 U2 Elevation Tour : Continental Airlines Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/22/2001 Localización (Venue) : Continental
Airlines Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until
The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Wild Honey, The
Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.359 U2 Elevation Tour : Continental Airlines Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/21/2001 Localización (Venue) : Continental
Airlines Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until
The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway,
So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, Walk On
2.360 U2 Elevation Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
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York, New York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/19/2001 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, I Remember You, Desire, Staring At The Sun, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious
Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One,
Walk On
2.361 U2 Elevation Tour : Madison Square Garden - New
York, New York, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/17/2001 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway,
So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, I Remember You, Walk On
2.362 U2 Elevation Tour : MCI Center - Washington, District
of Columbia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : MCI Center
- Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, New York,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.363 U2 Elevation Tour : MCI Center - Washington, District
of Columbia, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 06/14/2001 Localización (Venue) : MCI Center
- Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, Mysterious Ways, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Table of Content
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, The Ground Beneath Her
Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
2.364 U2 Elevation Tour : First Union Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/12/2001 Localización (Venue) : First Union
Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In
A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Desire, All
I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
2.365 U2 Elevation Tour : First Union Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/11/2001 Localización (Venue) : First Union
Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New
York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The
Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, Walk On
2.366 U2 Elevation Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 06/09/2001 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Elevation, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Until The
End Of The World, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, Stuck In
A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Desire, Party Girl, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Beautiful Day, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
2.367 U2 Elevation Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
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Massachusetts, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/2001 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, Angel Of Harlem, The Ground Beneath
Her Feet, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
2.368 U2 Elevation Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/2001 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will
Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, People Get Ready, Bad, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, The Fly, One, Walk On
2.369 U2 Elevation Tour : Fleet Center - Boston,
Massachusetts, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/05/2001 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Selist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will
Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With
Or Without You, The Fly, One, Walk On
2.370 U2 Elevation Tour : Civic Center - Hartford,
Connecticut, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/03/2001 Localización : Civic Center - Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The
Table of Content
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, The Fly, One, Walk On
2.371 U2 Elevation Tour : Pepsi Arena - Albany, New York,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/02/2001 Localización (Venue) : Pepsi Arena
- Albany, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will
Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The
Fly, One, Walk On
2.372 U2 Elevation Tour : HSBC Arena - Buffalo, New York,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/31/2001 Localización (Venue) : HSBC Arena
- Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out
Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire,
Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, Walk On
2.373 U2 Elevation Tour : Palace Of Auburn Hills - Auburn
Hills, Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/30/2001 Localización (Venue) : Palace Of
Auburn Hills - Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, Discothèque, Mysterious Ways, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of,
Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay
(Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, The Fly, One, Walk On
2.374 U2 Elevation Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/16/2001 Localización (Venue) : United Center - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Elevation, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing,
Angel Of Harlem, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, Beautiful Day, I Remember You, Walk On
2.375 U2 Elevation Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : United Center - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Discothèque, New York, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.376 U2 Elevation Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/13/2001 Localización (Venue) : United Center - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, Discothèque, New York, I Will Follow,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, All
I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
2.377 U2 Elevation Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/12/2001 Localización (Venue) : United Center - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will FolTable of Content
low, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.378 U2 Elevation Tour : Conseco Fieldhouse - Indianapolis,
Indiana, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/10/2001 Localización (Venue) : Conseco
Fieldhouse - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Kite, New York,
I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), All I Want Is You,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or
Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.379 U2 Elevation Tour : Bradley Center - Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/09/2001 Localización (Venue) : Bradley
Center - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Kite, New York,
I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With
Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.380 U2 Elevation Tour : Nationwide Arena - Columbus,
Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/07/2001 Localización (Venue) : Nationwide
Arena - Columbus, Ohio, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Kite, New York, I Will
Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or
Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.381 U2 Elevation Tour : Mellon Arena - Pittsburgh,
Table of Content
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 05/06/2001 Localización (Venue) : Mellon Arena
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Kite, New York,
I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, Angel Of Harlem,
Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.382 U2 Elevation Tour : Rupp Arena, Lexington Center Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/04/2001 Localización (Venue) : Rupp Arena,
Lexington Center - Lexington, Kentucky, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The
End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With
Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.383 U2 Boy Tour : Gund Arena - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/03/2001 Localización (Venue) : Gund Arena
- Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), One, I Remember You, Walk On
2.384 U2 Elevation Tour : Target Center - Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/01/2001 Localización (Venue) : Target Center - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or
Table of Content
Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.385 U2 Elevation Tour : America West Arena - Phoenix,
Arizona, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/28/2001 Localización (Venue) : America
West Arena - Phoenix, Arizona, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In
A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, I Remember You, Walk On
2.386 U2 Elevation Tour : Arrowhead Pond - Anaheim,
California, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/26/2001 Localización (Venue) :Arrowhead
Pond - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The
Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.387 U2 Elevation Tour : Arrowhead Pond - Anaheim,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/24/2001 Localización (Venue) : Arrowhead
Pond - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little
While, Angel Of Harlem, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad , Where The Streets Have No
Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.388 U2 Elevation Tour : Arrowhead Pond - Anaheim,
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California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/23/2001 Localización (venue) : Arrowhead
Pond - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Desire, Bad,
Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or
Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, I Remember You, Walk On
2.389 U2 Elevation Tour : San Jose Arena - San Jose,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/20/2001 Localización (venue) : San Jose
Arena - San Jose, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !),
All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The
Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, Walk On
2.390 U2 Elevation Tour : San Jose Arena - San Jose,
California, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/19/2001 Localización (Venue) : San Jose
Arena - San Jose, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little
While, Desire, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
One, I Remember You, Walk On
2.391 U2 Elevation Tour : San Diego Sports Arena - San
Diego, California, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/17/2001 Localización (Venue) : San Diego
Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Even Better
Table of Content
Than The Real Thing, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A
Little While, Desire, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name,
Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), One, I Remember You, Walk On
2.392 U2 Elevation Tour : Rose Garden - Portland, Oregon,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : Rose Garden
- Portland, Oregon, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque, New York, I Will
Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, Desire, The Ground Beneath
Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love), One, I Remember You, Walk On
2.393 U2 Elevation Tour : Tacoma Dome - Tacoma,
Washington, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/12/2001 Localización (Venue) :Tacoma
Dome - Tacoma, Washington, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Even Better Than
The Real Thing, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little
While, Desire, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
One, Walk On
2.394 U2 Elevation Tour : Pepsi Center - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/06/2001 Localización (Venue) : Pepsi Center Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque, New York, I Will
Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, The Ground Beneath Her
Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky,
With Or Without You, One, Walk On
Table of Content
2.395 U2 Elevation Tour : Reunion Arena - Dallas, Texas,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/03/2001 Localización (Venue) : Reunion
Arena - Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque, New York,
I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, Desire, Bad, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, One, Walk On
2.396 U2 Elevation Tour : Compaq Center - Houston, Texas,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/02/2001 Localización (Venue) : Compaq
Center - Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque, New York, I
Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, The Ground Beneath
Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
2.397 U2 Elevation Tour : Philips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia,
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/30/2001 Localización (Venue) : Philips
Arena - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque, New York, I
Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, The Ground Beneath
Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
2.398 U2 Elevation Tour : Charlotte Coliseum - Charlotte,
North Carolina, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/29/2001 Localización (Venue) : Charlotte
Coliseum - Charlotte, North Carolina, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Table of Content
Of The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Staring At The Sun,
New York, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, The Ground Beneath Her
Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky,
With Or Without You, One, Walk On
2.399 U2 Elevation Tour : National Car Rental Center Sunrise, Florida, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/26/2001 Localización (Venue) : National
Car Rental Center - Sunrise, Florida, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End
Of The World, Discothèque, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, New York, New Year’s
Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, Angel Of Harlem, Bad, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, One, Walk On
2.400 U2 Elevation Tour : National Car Rental Center Sunrise, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/24/2001 Localización (Venue) : National Car
Rental Center - Sunrise, Florida, USA Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of
The World, New Year’s Day, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Gone, Discothèque,
New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Sweetest Thing, In A Little While, The
Ground Beneath Her Feet, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly,
Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On, 40
2.401 U2 A Conspiracy of Hope Tour : Giants Stadium - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 A Conspiracy Of Hope Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/15/1986 Localización (Venue) :
Giants Stadium - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : MLK, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Bad, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Help, Sun City, Invisible Sun, I Shall Be
2.402 U2 A Conspiracy of Hope Tour : Rosemont Horizon -
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Rosemont, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 A Conspiracy Of Hope Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/13/1986 Localización (Venue) :
Rosemont Horizon - Rosemont, Illinois, USA Setlist : MLK, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Help, Bad, If You Love Somebody,
Sun City, Invisible Sun, I Shall Be Released
2.403 U2 A Conspiracy of Hope Tour : The Omni - Atlanta,
Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 A Conspiracy Of Hope Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/11/1986 Localización (Veneu) :
The Omni - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : MLK, Pride (In The Name Of Love), New Year’s
Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Help, Bad, If You Love Somebody, Sun City, I
Shall Be Released
2.404 U2 A Conspiracy of Hope Tour : McNichols Sports
Arena - Denver, Colorado, USA
Tour : U2 A Conspiracy Of Hope Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/1986 Localización (Venue) : McNichols Sports Arena - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : MLK, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Help, Bad, If You Love
Somebody, Sun City, Happy Birthday, I Shall Be Released
2.405 U2 A Conspiracy of Hope Tour : The Forum Inglewood, California, USA
Tour : U2 A Conspiracy Of Hope Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/1986 Localización (Venue) :
The Forum - Inglewood, California, USA Setlist : MLK, Pride (In The Name Of Love), New
Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Help, Bad, If You Love Somebody, Sun
City, I Shall Be Released
2.406 U2 A Conspiracy of Hope Tour : Cow Palace - San
Francisco, California, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 A Conspiracy Of Hope Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/04/1986 Localización (Venue) :
Cow Palace - San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : C’mon Everybody, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, Help, Bad, Sun City, I Shall
Be Released
2.407 U2 Boy Tour : Fast Lane - Asbury Park, New Jersey,
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 05/31/1981 Localización (Venue) : Fast Lane - Asbury
Park, New Jersey, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.408 U2 Boy Tour : Palladium - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/29/1981 Localización (Venue) : Palladium - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, I Will Follow, I Fall
Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Fire, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will
Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
2.409 U2 Boy Tour : The Metro - Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/28/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Metro - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, I Will Follow,
I Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Fire, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I
Will Follow, A Day Without Me
2.410 U2 Boy Tour : Toad’s Place - New Haven, Connecticut,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/27/1981 Localización (Venue) : Toad’s Place New Haven, Connecticut, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will
Follow, A Day Without Me, Fire
Table of Content
2.411 U2 Boy Tour : Center Stage - Providence, Rhode Island,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/25/1981 Localización (Venue) : Center Stage Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.412 U2 Boy Tour : The Casino - Hampton Beach, New
Hampshire, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/24/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Casino Hampton Beach, New Hampshire, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.413 U2 Boy Tour : J.B. Scott’s - Albany, New York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/23/1981 Localización (Venue) : J.B. Scott’s Albany, New York, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.414 U2 Boy Tour : City Limits - Syracuse, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/22/1981 Localización (Venue) : City Limits Syracuse, New York, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I Fall
Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow, A Day
Without Me
2.415 U2 Boy Tour : Uncle Sam’s - Buffalo, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/21/1981 Localización (Venue) : Uncle Sam’s - Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I Fall Down,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Touch, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow,
A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.416 U2 Boy Tour : Red Creek - Rochester, New York, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/20/1981 Localización (Venue) : Red Creek - Rochester, New York, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.417 U2 Boy Tour : California Hall - San Francisco,
California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/15/1981 Localización (Venue) : California Hall San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Touch, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I
Will Follow, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.418 U2 Boy Tour : Santa Monica Civic Center - Santa
Monica, California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/13/1981 Localización (Venue) : Santa Monica
Civic Center - Santa Monica, California, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.419 U2 Boy Tour : Rainbow Music Hall - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/11/1981 Localización (Venue) : Rainbow Music
Hall - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Touch, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day
Without Me, Twilight, I Will Follow
2.420 U2 Boy Tour : Poets - Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 05/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : Poets - Memphis,
Tennessee, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The
Ocean, I Will Follow
Table of Content
2.421 U2 Boy Tour : Ol’ Man River’s - New Orleans,
Louisiana, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 05/08/1981 Localización (Venue) : Ol’ Man River’s
- New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow
2.422 U2 Boy Tour : The Agora - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Agora - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.423 U2 Boy Tour : The Agora - Hallandale, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Agora - Hallandale, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.424 U2 Boy Tour : End Zone - Tampa, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : End Zone Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.425 U2 Boy Tour : Rathskeller University Of Florida Gainesville, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 05/02/1981 Localización (Venue) : Rathskeller University Of Florida - Gainesville, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.426 U2 Boy Tour : The Decade - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/21/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Decade Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, I Will Follow
2.427 U2 Boy Tour : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/20/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.428 U2 Boy Tour : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/19/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.429 U2 Boy Tour : Harpo’s - Detroit, Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/18/1981 Localización (Venue) : Harpo’s - Detroit,
Michigan, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, A Day Without Me
2.430 U2 Boy Tour : Bogart’s Club - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fehca (Date) : 04/17/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bogart’s Club Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.431 U2 Boy Tour : Palm’s - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/15/1981 Localización (Venue) : Palm’s - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.432 U2 Boy Tour : Merlyn’s - Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/14/1981 Localización (Venue) : Merlyn’s - Madison, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.433 U2 Boy Tour : Park West - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 04/12/1981 Localización (Venue) : Park West - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, A Day
Without Me
2.434 U2 Boy Tour : International House - University of
Chicago - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/11/1981 Localización (Venue) : International
House - University of Chicago - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I
Will Follow, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.435 U2 Boy Tour : Fillmore - Ames, Iowa, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 04/10/1981 Localización (Venue) : Fillmore - Ames,
Iowa, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, Twilight, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
2.436 U2 Boy Tour : Uncle Sam’s - Minneapolis, Minnesota,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : Uncle Sam’s Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
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2.437 U2 Boy Tour : Graham Chapel - Washington University
- St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/07/1981 Localización (Venue) : Graham Chapel
- Washington University - St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day
Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
2.438 U2 Boy Tour : Uptown Theater - Kansas City, Missouri,
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 04/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : Uptown Theater
- Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
2.439 U2 Boy Tour : Cain’s Ballroom - Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 04/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : Cain’s Ballroom
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
2.440 U2 Boy Tour : Quicksilver’s - Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : Quicksilver’s Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.441 U2 Boy Tour : Dallas, Texas, USA
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Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/02/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bijou - Dallas,
Texas, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.442 U2 Boy Tour : Cardi’s - Houston, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/01/1981 Localización (Venue) : Cardi’s - Houston,
Texas, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.443 U2 Boy Tour : The Club Foot - Austin, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/31/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Club Foot Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.444 U2 Boy Tour : The Rox - Lubbock, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/30/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Rox - Lubbock, Texas, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.445 U2 Boy Tour : Rainbow Music Hall - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 03/28/1981 Localización (Venue) : Rainbow Music
Hall - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : The Ocean, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
2.446 U2 Boy Tour : New Faces Club - Salt Lake City, Utah,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/26/1981 Localización (Venue) : New Faces Club Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Setlist : No disponible
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2.447 U2 Boy Tour : Astor Park - Seattle, Washington, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/23/1981 Localización (Venue) : Astor Park Seattle, Washington, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.448 U2 Boy Tour : Fog Horn - Portland, Oregon, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/22/1981 Localización (Venue) : Fog Horn - Portland, Oregon, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.449 U2 Boy Tour : The Old Waldorf - San Francisco,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/20/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Old Waldorf
- San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
2.450 U2 Boy Tour : The Old Waldorf - San Francisco,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/19/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Old Waldorf
- San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.451 U2 Boy Tour : San Jose State Student Union Ballroom San Jose, California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/18/1981 Localización (Venue) : San Jose State
Student Union Ballroom - San Jose, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day
Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
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2.452 U2 Boy Tour : Woodstock - Anaheim, California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/16/1981 Localización (Venue) : Woodstock - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.453 U2 Boy Tour : Wolf and Rissmiller’s Country Club Los Angeles, California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/15/1981 Localización (Venue) : Wolf and Rissmiller’s Country Club - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, Twilight, I Will
Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The
Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow, A Day Without Me
2.454 U2 Boy Tour : Globe Theater - San Diego, California,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/14/1981 Localización (Venue) : Globe Theater San Diego, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The
2.455 U2 Boy Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/07/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Ritz - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
2.456 U2 Boy Tour : The Paradise - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Paradise
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat
Table of Content
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
2.457 U2 Boy Tour : The Paradise - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Paradise Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Twilight, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co. / Send In The
Clowns (snippet), Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow
2.458 U2 Boy Tour : J.B. Scott’s - Albany, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/05/1981 Localización (Venue) : J.B. Scott’s Albany, New York, USA Setlist : No disponible
2.459 U2 Boy Tour : Bijou Cafe - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bijou Cafe - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The
2.460 U2 Boy Tour : Bayou Club - Washington, District of
Columbia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bayou Club Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
Table of Content
2.461 U2 Boy Tour : Bayou Club - Washington, District of
Columbia, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bayou Club Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
2.462 U2 Boy Tour : Bijou Cafe - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/15/1980 Localización (Venue) : Bijou Cafe - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.463 U2 Boy Tour : Toad’s Place - New Haven, Connecticut,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/14/1980 Localización (Venue) : Toad’s Place New Haven, Connecticut, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.464 U2 Boy Tour : The Paradise - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 12/13/1980 Localización (Venue) : The Paradise Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart,
Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Twilight, I
Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Out Of Control
2.465 U2 Boy Tour : Main Event - Providence, Rhode Island,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/12/1980 Localización (Venue) : Main Event Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : no disponible
Table of Content
2.466 U2 Boy Tour : Mudd Club - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/11/1980 Localización (Venue) : Mudd Club - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.467 U2 Boy Tour : Stage One - Buffalo, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/08/1980 Localización (Venue) : Stage One - Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : no disponible
2.468 U2 Boy Tour : Bayou Club - Washington, District of
Columbia, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/07/1980 Localización (Venue) : Bayou Club Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Out Of Control
2.469 U2 Boy Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 12/06/1980 Localización (Venue) : The Ritz - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another
Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Twilight, The Ocean, Stories For Boys, I Will
Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
2.470 U2 Vertigo Tour : Rose Garden - Portland, Oregon,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/19/2005 Localización (Venue) : Rose Garden
- Portland, Oregon, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, Instant Karma !, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You,
Happy Birthday, Yahweh, 40
Table of Content
2.471 U2 Vertigo Tour : Delta Center - Salt Lake City, Utah,
Tour :U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/17/2005 Localización (Venue) : Delta Center Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Norwegian Wood, Original Of
The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without
You, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.472 U2 Vertigo Tour : Qwest Center - Omaha, Nebraska,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/15/2005 Localización (Venue) : Qwest Center
- Omaha, Nebraska, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Crumbs From Your Table, Yahweh, 40
2.473 U2 Vertigo Tour : Savvis Center - St. Louis, Missouri,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : Savvis Center
- St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes You
Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One,
Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Stuck In A Moment
You Can’t Get Out Of, Instant Karma !, Yahweh, 40
2.474 U2 Vertigo Tour : New Charlotte Arena - Charlotte,
North Carolina, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/12/2005 Localización (Venue) : New Charlotte
Arena - Charlotte, North Carolina, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No
Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Yahweh, Happy Birthday, 40
2.475 U2 Vertigo Tour : Gund Arena - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/10/2005 Localización (Venue) : Gund Arena
- Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Norwegian
Wood, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You,
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Instant Karma !, Yahweh, 40
2.476 U2 Vertigo Tour : HSBC Arena - Buffalo, New York,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/09/2005 Localización (Venue) : HSBC Arena
- Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, The
Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No
Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Instant Karma !, Yahweh, 40
2.477 U2 Vertigo Tour : Civic Center - Hartford, Connecticut,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/07/2005 Localización (Venue) : Civic Center
- Hartford, Connecticut, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Norwegian
Wood, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Table of Content
Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You,
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Instant Karma !, Yahweh, 40
2.478 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/05/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Norwegian
Wood, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You,
Crumbs From Your Table, Instant Karma !, Yahweh, 40
2.479 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/04/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No
Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Stuck In A
Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Yahweh, Bad, All Because Of You, Fast Cars
2.480 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New York,
New York, USA (VIII)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :11/22/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison Square
Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The
Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, MLK, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without
You, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Instant Karma !
Table of Content
2.481 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New York,
New York, USA (VII)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/21/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of
The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without
You, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Instant Karma !, Bad
2.482 U2 Vertigo Tour : Philips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/19/2005 Localización (Venue) : Philips Arena
- Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, I
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, MLK, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, The First
Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Bad
2.483 U2 Vertigo Tour : Philips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/18/2005 Localización : Philips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Beautiful Day, I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Mysterious Ways, Original Of The Species, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, Until The End Of The World, The Fly, With Or Without You, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Yahweh, All Because Of You, 40
2.484 U2 Vertigo Tour : St. Pete Times Forum - Tampa,
Florida, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/16/2005 Localización (Venue) : St. Pete Times
Forum - Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Mysterious
Ways, Until The End Of The World, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful
Day, Original Of The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t
Get Out Of, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.485 U2 Vertigo Tour : American Airlines Arena - Miami,
Florida, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : American
Airlines Arena - Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
I Will Follow, The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Original Of The Species, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or
Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Until The End Of The World, The Fly, With Or
Without You, All Because Of You, Walk On, Bad
2.486 U2 Vertigo Tour : American Airlines Arena - Miami,
Florida, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/13/2005 Localización (Venue) : American
Airlines Arena - Miami, Florida, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
Mysterious Ways, Until The End Of The World, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.487 U2 Vertigo Tour : Oakland Arena - Oakland,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/09/2005 Localización (Venue) : Oakland Arena
- Oakland, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow,
Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes
Table of Content
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, With Or Without You, All
Because Of You, Fast Cars, Bad
2.488 U2 Vertigo Tour : Oakland Arena - Oakland,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/08/2005 Localización (Venue) : Oakland Arena
- Oakland, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Mysterious
Ways, Until The End Of The World, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You,
Yahweh, 40
2.489 U2 Vertigo Tour : MGM Grand Garden Arena - Las
Vegas, Nevada, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/05/2005 Localización (Venue) : MGM Grand
Garden Arena - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
Mysterious Ways, Until The End Of The World, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You,
All Because Of You, In A Little While, Bad
2.490 U2 Vertigo Tour : MGM Grand Garden Arena - Las
Vegas, Nevada, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/04/2005 Localización (Venue) : MGM Grand
Garden Arena - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
The Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Walk On, Who’s Gonna
Table of Content
Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.491 U2 Vertigo Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
California, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fehca (Date) : 11/02/2005 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will
Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Miss
Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, MLK, Walk
On, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Bad
2.492 U2 Vertigo Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
California, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fehca (Date) : 11/01/2005 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No
Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, With Or Without You,
All Because Of You, Out Of Control, Fast Cars, Yahweh, 40
2.493 U2 Vertigo Tour : American Airlines Center - Dallas,
Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fehca (Date) : 10/29/2005 Localización (Venue) : American
Airlines Center - Dallas, Texas, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
The Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Angel
Of Harlem, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.494 U2 Vertigo Tour : Toyota Center - Houston, Texas, USA
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/28/2005 Localización (Venue) : Toyota Center
- Houston, Texas, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, The
Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, With Or
Without You, All Because Of You, Fast Cars, Yahweh, 40
2.495 U2 Vertigo Tour : Palace Of Auburn Hills - Auburn
Hills, Michigan, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/25/2005 Localización (Venue) : Palace Of Auburn Hills - Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, Gloria, The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful
Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, MLK, The First Time, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, With Or Without You, Crumbs From Your Table, Bad.
2.496 U2 Vertigo Tour : Palace Of Auburn Hills - Auburn
Hills, Michigan, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/24/2005 Localización (Venue) : Palace Of
Auburn Hills - Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Walk On, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get
Out Of, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.497 U2 Vertigo Tour : Mellon Arena - Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/22/2005 Localización (Venue) : Mellon Arena
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will
Follow, The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day , Miracle
Table of Content
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own / Torna A Surriento (snippet), Love And
Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You
Can’t Get Out Of, Party Girl, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.498 U2 Vertigo Tour : MCI Center - Washington, District of
Columbia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/20/2005 Localización (Venue) : MCI Center Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
The Electric Co., Out Of Control, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Walk On, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without
You, All Because Of You, Bad
2.499 U2 Vertigo Tour : MCI Center - Washington, District of
Columbia, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/19/2005 Localización (Venue) : MCI Center Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
I Will Follow, The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, With
Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.500 U2 Vertigo Tour : Wachovia Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/17/2005 Localización (Venue) : Wachovia Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation,
I Will Follow, The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Walk On, Fast Cars, People Get Ready, With Or Without You, All
Table of Content
Because Of You, 40
2.501 U2 Vertigo Tour : Wachovia Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/16/2005 Localización (Venue) : Wachovia
Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Fast
Cars, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.502 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New York,
New York, USA (VI)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co., Gloria, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Fast
Cars, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Party Girl, Yahweh, Vertigo.
2.503 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New York,
New York, USA (V)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/11/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Out Of Control, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One,The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Fast Cars,
With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Crumbs From Your Table, 40
2.504 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New York,
Table of Content
New York, USA (IV)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/10/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
Bad, 40
2.505 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New York,
New York, USA (III)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/08/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow, All I Want Is You, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t
Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The
First Time, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without You, All Because Of You,
Fast Cars, Original Of The Species, 40
2.506 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New York,
New York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/07/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Fast
Cars, All Because Of You, Crumbs From Your Table, Yahweh, With Or Without You
2.507 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/04/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
Table of Content
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co., The Ocean, Crumbs From Your Table, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace
Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The First Time, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t
Get Out Of, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, 40
2.508 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/03/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric
Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have
No Name, One, MLK, The First Time, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without
You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.509 U2 Vertigo Tour : Bradley Center - Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/25/2005 Localización (Venue) : Bradley Center - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The
Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, The First Time, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without
You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.510 U2 Vertigo Tour : Target Center - Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/23/2005 Localización (Venue) : Target Center
- Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The
Electric Co., The Ocean, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Table of Content
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, The First Time, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, With Or Without
You, All Because Of You, Crumbs From Your Table, Yahweh, Vertigo
2.511 U2 Vertigo Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/21/2005 Localización (Venue) : United Center
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co.,
The Ocean, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Yahweh, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have
No Name, One, Bad, Original Of The Species, With Or Without You, Fast Cars, All Because
Of You, 40
2.512 U2 Vertigo Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/20/2005 Localización (Venue) : United Center
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Electric Co.,
The Ocean, Walk On, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own, Yahweh, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss
Sarajevo, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Discothèque,
The Fly, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, The First Time, Bad.
2.513 U2 Vertigo Tour : Aloha Stadium - Honolulu, Hawaii,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/09/2006 Localización (Venue) : Aloha Stadium
- Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Beautiful Day, Angel Of Harlem, Who’s Gonna
Ride Your Wild Horses, The First Time, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love
And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Miss Sarajevo, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or
Without You, Window In The Skies, The Saints Are Coming, Rockin’ In The Free World, All I
Want Is You
Table of Content
2.514 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha : 05/28/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The Electric
Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet
The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have
No Name, One, The Fly, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
All Because Of You, Yahweh, Party Girl, Vertigo
2.515 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/26/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, The
Ocean, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And
Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The Fly, Until The End Of The
World, Out Of Control, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Original Of The Species,
2.516 U2 Vertigo Tour : Fleet Center - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/24/2005 Localización (Venue) : Fleet Center
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry,
The Electric Co., The Ocean, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On
Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station,
The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.517 U2 Vertigo Tour : Wachovia Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (II)
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Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/22/2005 Localización (Venue) : Wachovia
Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, Gloria, The Ocean, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand
Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The
Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.518 U2 Vertigo Tour : Madison Square Garden - New York,
New York, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/21/2005 Localización (Venue) : Madison
Square Garden - New York, New York, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo / Rockaway Beach (snippet), Elevation, The Cry, The Electric Co. / Send In The Clowns (snippet) / I
Can See For Miles (snippet), An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day / Blackbird (snippet),
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky / When Johnny Comes Marching Home (snippet) / The
Hands That Built America (snippet), Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One encores : Zoo Station, The Fly / Jean Genie (snippet),
Mysterious Ways, Original Of The Species, All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo
2.519 U2 Vertigo Tour : Continental Airlines Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/18/2005 Localización (Venue) : Continental
Airlines Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo,
Elevation, Gloria, The Ocean, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On
Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo
Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh, I Still Haven’t Found What
I’m Looking For, Bad.
2.520 U2 Vertigo Tour : Continental Airlines Arena - East
Rutherford, New Jersey, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :05/17/2005 Localización (Venue) : Continental
Airlines Arena - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo,
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Elevation, The Cry, The Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, Original Of The Species,
All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40, Vertigo
2.521 U2 Vertigo Tour : Wachovia Center - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : Wachovia
Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The Electric Co. / Send In The Clowns (snippet) / I Can See For Miles (snippet),
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day / Blackbird (snippet), Miracle Drug, Sometimes
You Can’t Make It On Your Own / No Regrets (snippet), Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky / When Johnny Comes Marching Home (snippet) / The
Hands That Built America (snippet), Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One encores : Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All
Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.522 U2 Vertigo Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/12/2005 Localización (Venue) : United Center
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Vertigo, All Because Of You, Elevation, Gloria, The Ocean, Beautiful
Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, City Of Blinding Lights,
Original Of The Species, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, Until The End Of The World, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You, Yahweh,
2.523 U2 Vertigo Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/10/2005 Localización (Venue) : United Center
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day, New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug,
Table of Content
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, Party Girl, All Because Of You,
Original Of The Species, Vertigo
2.524 U2 Vertigo Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/09/2005 Localización (Venue) : United Center
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day, New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
Party Girl, 40
2.525 U2 Vertigo Tour : United Center - Chicago, Illinois,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/07/2005 Localización (Venue) : United Center
- Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t
Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Bad, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One,
Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.526 U2 Vertigo Tour : Key Arena - Seattle, Washington,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/25/2005 Localización (Venue) : Key Arena Seattle, Washington, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Vertigo, Elevation,
Gloria, The Ocean, New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Bad, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo
Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Original Of The Species, Vertigo
Table of Content
2.527 U2 Vertigo Tour : Key Arena - Seattle, Washington,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/24/2005 Localización (Venue) : Key Arena Seattle, Washington, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.528 U2 Vertigo Tour : Pepsi Center - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/21/2005 Localización (Venue) : Pepsi Center
- Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Vertigo, Elevation,
Gloria, The Ocean, New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Bad, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, The
Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Original Of The Species, 40
2.529 U2 Vertigo Tour : Pepsi Center - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/20/2005 Localización (Venue) : Pepsi Center
- Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.530 U2 Vertigo Tour : Glendale Arena - Glendale, Arizona,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/15/2005 Localización (Venue) : Glendale
Arena - Glendale, Arizona, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Vertigo,
Table of Content
Elevation, Gloria, The Ocean, New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It
On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Bad, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One,
The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.531 U2 Vertigo Tour : Glendale Arena - Glendale, Arizona,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : Glendale
Arena - Glendale, Arizona, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The
Cry, The Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day,
Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where
The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You,
Yahweh, 40
2.532 U2 Vertigo Tour : HP Pavilion - San Jose, California,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/10/2005 Localización (Venue) : HP Pavilion San Jose, California, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets
Have No Name, One, Original Of The Species, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, All Because Of You,
Yahweh, 40
2.533 U2 Vertigo Tour : HP Pavilion - San Jose, California,
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/09/2005 Localización (Venue) : HP Pavilion San Jose, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., The Ocean, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t
Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
Table of Content
2.534 U2 Vertigo Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/06/2005 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo , Elevation, The Cry,
The Electric Co., The Ocean, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day , Miracle Drug, Sometimes You
Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The
Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways,Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, Yahweh, 40
2.535 U2 Vertigo Tour : Staples Center - Los Angeles,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/05/2005 Localización (Venue) : Staples Center
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry,
The Electric Co. , An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
2.536 U2 Vertigo Tour : Arrowhead Pond - Anaheim,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/02/2005 Localización (Venue) : Arrowhead
Pond - Anaheim, California, USA Love And Peace Or Else, Vertigo, Elevation, The Cry, The
Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, City Of Blinding Lights, Beautiful Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
2.537 U2 Vertigo Tour : Arrowhead Pond - Anaheim,
California, USA (I)
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/01/2005 Localización (Venue) : Arrowhead
Pond - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
New Year’s Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Beautiful Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly,
Elevation, Mysterious Ways, City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
2.538 U2 Vertigo Tour : San Diego Sports Arena - San Diego,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :03/30/2005 Localización (Venue) :San Diego
Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo, The
Cry, The Electric Co., Gloria, Beautiful Day, With Or Without You, New Year’s Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Elevation, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
2.539 U2 Vertigo Tour : San Diego Sports Arena - San Diego,
California, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/28/2005 Localización (Venue) : San Diego
Sports Arena - San Diego, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, Vertigo , The
Cry, The Electric Co. , An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day, New Year’s Day, Miracle
Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky , Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Elevation, Pride
(In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, Yahweh,
2.540 U2 Vertigo Tour : Sports Arena - Los Angeles,
California, USA
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :03/26/2005 Localización (Venue) : Sports Arena
- Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : City Of Blinding Lights, The Electric Co., An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Table of Content
Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Elevation, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Yahweh,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Zoo Station, The Fly, Vertigo, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, All Because Of You, 40
Table of Content
3.1 U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/13/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Speed Of Life, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Pete The Chop, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories
For Boys, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
3.2 U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour : Moonlight Club Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/12/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Moonlight Club - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.3 U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour : Half Moon Club Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/11/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Half Moon Club - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.4 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Clarendon Hotel Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/10/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Clarendon Hotel - Londres, Inglaterra (4-37 Bedford Place) Setlist (incompleto) : An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, I Will Follow
3.5 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Half Moon Club Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Half Moon Club - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist (incompleto) : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Out Of
Control, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
3.6 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Marquee Club - Londres,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/07/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.7 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : J.B - Dudley, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/1980 Localización (Venue) :
J.B’s - Dudley, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.8 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Fan Club - Leeds,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/05/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Fan Club - Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.9 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Beach Club -
Table of Content
Nottingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/04/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Beach Club - Nottingham, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.10 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Boat Club Nottingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/03/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Boat Club - Nottingham, England Setlist : no disponible
3.11 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : 77 Club - Uneaton,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/02/1980 Localización (Venue) :
77 Club - Uneaton, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.12 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Polytechnic Manchester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/31/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Polytechnic - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.13 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Nashville - Londres,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/30/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Nashville - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.14 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Cedar Ballroom Birmingham, Inglaterra
Table of Content
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/29/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Cedar Ballroom - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.15 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Trinity Hall - Bristol,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/28/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Trinity Hall - Bristol, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.16 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Rock Garden - Londres,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/27/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Rock Garden - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.17 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : New Regent - Brighton,
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/26/1980 Localización (Venue) :
New Regent - Brighton, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.18 U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour : University - Sheffield,
Tour : U2 11 O ?Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/24/1980 Localización (Venue) :
University - Sheffield, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.19 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Moonlight Club Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/23/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Moonlight Club - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist (incompleto) : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Twilight,
Another Time, Another Place, Stories For Boys
Table of Content
3.20 U2 11 O’Clock Tick Tock Tour : Hope & Anchor Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : 11 O‘Clock Tick Tock Tour Fecha (date) : 05/22/1980 Localización (Venue) :
Hope & Anchor - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.21 U2 Early Days, Irish Tour : Acklam Hall - Londres,
Tour : U2 Early Days, Irish Tour Fecha (date) : 03/19/1980 Localización (Venue) : Acklam Hall - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.22 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Windsor Castle - Harrow
Road, Londres - Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/15/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Windsor Castle - Harrow Road, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.23 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Dingwalls - Camden,
Londres - Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/14/1979 Localización (venue) :
Dingwalls - Camden, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.24 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Brunel University,
Londres - Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/12/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Brunel University, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.25 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Bridge House - Canning
Town, Londres - Inglaterra
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/11/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Bridge House - Canning Town, Londres - Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible Comentarios :
Los carteles promocionales ponían a U2 como UR.
3.26 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Electric Ballroom,
Londres - Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/08/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Electric Ballroom - Camden, Londres Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.27 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Electric Ballroom,
Londres - Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/07/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Electric Ballroom - Camden, Londres Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.28 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Rock Garden - Covent
Garden, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/05/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Rock Garden - Covent Garden, Inglaterra Setlist : Twilight, Shadows And Tall Trees, BoyGirl Comentarios : Los carteles promocionales ponían V2 en vez de U2.
3.29 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Hope & Anchor Islington, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/04/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Hope & Anchor - Islington, England Setlist : No disponible
3.30 U2 Early Days, London Tour : 100 Club - Clapham,
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/03/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Table of Content
100 Club - Clapham, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.31 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Nashville Rooms Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/02/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Nashville Rooms - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.32 U2 Early Days, London Tour : Moonlight Club - West
Hampstead, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Early Days, London Tour Fecha (date) : 12/01/1979 Localización (Venue) :
Moonlight Club - West Hampstead, Inglaterra Setlist (incompleto) : Concentration Cramp,
The Dream Is Over, Inside Out, Shadows And Tall Trees, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control
3.33 U2 October Tour : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 October tour Fecha (date) : 12/21/1981 Localización (venue) : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
3.34 U2 October Tour : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 12/20/1981 Localización (venue) : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Rejoice,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
3.35 U2 October Tour : International Stadium - Gateshead,
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Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/31/1982 Localización (venue) : International
Stadium - Gateshead, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Will Follow,
Out Of Control, A Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
3.36 U2 October Tour : Pavilion - Hemel Hempstead,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/21/1981 Localización (venue) : Pavilion Hemel Hempstead, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean
3.37 U2 October Tour : Tiffany’s - Leeds, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 10/20/1981 Localización (venue) : Tiffany’s Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
3.38 U2 October Tour : Locarno - Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/19/1981 Localización (Venue) : Locarno Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean
3.39 U2 October Tour : Locarno - Bristol, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/18/1981 Localización (venue) : Locarno Bristol, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh, Into
Table of Content
The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
3.40 U2 October Tour : Sports Centre - Bracknell, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/17/1981 Localización (venue) : Sports Centre
- Bracknell, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.41 U2 October Tour : King’s Hall - Stoke, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/16/1981 Localización (venue) : King’s Hall Stoke, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.42 U2 October Tour : Locarno - Portsmouth, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/13/1981 Localización (Venue) : Locarno Portsmouth, Inglaterra Setlist (incompleto) : Gloria, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, I
Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick
3.43 U2 October Tour : Top Rank - Brighton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 10/12/1981 Localización (venue) : Top Rank Brighton, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean
3.44 U2 October Tour : Royal Court Theater - Liverpool,
Tour : u2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/10/1981 Localización (venue) : Royal Court
Theater - Liverpool, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
Table of Content
I Fall Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, Fire
3.45 U2 October Tour : Mayfair - Newcastle, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/09/1981 Localización (venue) : Mayfair Newcastle, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.46 U2 October Tour : Lyceum - Sheffield, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/08/1981 Localización (Venue) : Lyceum Sheffield, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean
3.47 U2 October Tour : Polytechnic - Leicester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/07/1981 Localización (venue) : Polytechnic
- Leicester, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean
3.48 U2 October Tour : Warwick University - Coventry,
Tour : U2 October tour Fecha (Date) : 10/06/1981 Localización (venue) : Warwick University - Coventry, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Stories For Boys, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean
3.49 U2 October Tour : University - Salford, Inglaterra
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Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/03/1981 Localización (Venue) :University
- Salford, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, With A Shout, I Will Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean
3.50 U2 October Tour : Rock City - Nottingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/02/1981 Localización (venue) : Rock City Nottingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, I Will Follow,
I Fall Down, October, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
3.51 U2 October Tour : University Of East Anglia - Norwich,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/01/1981 Localización (Venue) : University
Of East Anglia - Norwich, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry,
The Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Rejoice, I Threw A Brick Through A Window,
I Will Follow, I Fall Down, October, Twilight, Out Of Control, Fire, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The
3.52 U2 October Tour : International Stadium - Gateshead,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (date) : 08/29/1981 Localización (Venue) : International
Stadium - Gateshead, Inglaterra Setlist : With A Shout, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Threw
A Brick Through A Window, Stories For Boys, Out Of Control, I Will Follow, Fire
3.53 U2 October Tour : Greenbelt Arts And Music Festival Odell, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/24/1981 Localización (veneu) : Greenbelt
Arts And Music Festival - Odell, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow,
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An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, With A Shout, Fire
3.54 U2 October Tour : Paris Cinema Studio - Londres,
Tour : U2 October Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/23/1981 Localización (Venue) : Paris Cinema
Studio - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, With A Shout, Twilight, Out Of Control, Rejoice
3.55 U2 War Tour : Hammersmith Palais - Londres,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/29/1983 Localización (venue) : Hammersmith
Palais - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party
Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, 40
3.56 U2 War Tour : Royal Centre - Nottingham, Inglaterra
tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/28/1983 Localización (venue) : Royal Centre Nottingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.57 U2 War Tour : Odeon - Birmingham, Inglaterra (II)
tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/27/1983 Localización (venue) : Odeon - Birmingham, Inglaterra setlisT : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.58 U2 War Tour : Newcastle City Hall - Newcastle,
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Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/26/1983 Localización (venue) : Newcastle City
Hall - Newcastle, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party
Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.59 U2 War Tour : Royal Court Theater - Liverpool,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 War tour Fecha (Date) : 03/25/1983 Localización (venue) : Royal Court Theater - Liverpool, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party
Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.60 U2 War Tour : Hammersmith Odeon - Londres,
Inglaterra (III)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/22/1983 Localización (venue) : Hammersmith
Odeon - Londres, Inglaterra setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party
Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.61 U2 War Tour : Hammersmith Odeon - Londres,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/21/1983 Localización (Venue) : Hammersmith
Odeon - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control,
Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
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3.62 U2 War Tour : Assembly Rooms - Derby, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 03/20/1983 Localización (Venue) : Assembly Rooms
- Derby, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.63 U2 War Tour : Apollo Theater - Manchester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/19/1983 Localización (Venue) : Apollo Theater Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.64 U2 War Tour : Leeds University - Leeds, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/18/1983 Localización (Venue) : Leeds University
- Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.65 U2 War Tour : City Hall - Sheffield, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/17/1983 Localización (venue) : City Hall - Sheffield, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Gloria, A Celebration, 40
3.66 U2 War Tour : Gaumont Theatre - Ipswich, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 03/15/1983 Localización (venue) : Gaumont Theatre
- Ipswich, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I
Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
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3.67 U2 War Tour : Hammersmith Odeon - Londres,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 03/14/1983 Localización (venue) : Hammersmith
Odeon - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control,
Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.68 U2 War Tour : Top Rank - Brighton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/13/1983 Localización (Venue) : Top Rank - Brighton, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, The Cry, The Electric Co., Happy Birthday, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control,
Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, 40
3.69 U2 War Tour : Odeon - Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/10/1983 Localización (Venue) : Odeon - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.70 U2 War Tour : Arts Centre - Poole, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 03/09/1983 Localización (Venue) : Arts Centre Poole, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.71 U2 War Tour : University - Exeter, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/08/1983 Localización (Venue) : University - Exeter, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
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3.72 U2 War Tour : Colston Hall - Bristol, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/07/1983 Localización (venue) : Colston Hall Bristol, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, Surrender, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Two Hearts Beat As One, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.73 U2 War Tour : Guildhall - Portsmouth, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/06/1983 Localización (venue) : Guildhall - Portsmouth, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me,
Seconds, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down,
October, Tomorrow, Surrender, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I
Will Follow, 40
3.74 U2 War Tour : Victoria Hall - Hanley, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 03/04/1983 Localización (venue) : Victoria Hall Hanley, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without
Me, Seconds, Two Hearts Beat As One, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The
Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.75 U2 War Tour : Royal Court Theater - Liverpool,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/03/1983 Localización (Venue) : Royal Court
Theater - Liverpool, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Seconds, Two Hearts Beat As One, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Party Girl, A Celebration, 40
3.76 U2 War Tour : Lancaster University - Lancaster,
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Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/02/1983 Localización (venue) : Lancaster University - Lancaster, Inglaterra setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day
Without Me, Seconds, Two Hearts Beat As One, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl,
A Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.77 U2 War Tour : Newcastle City Hall - Newcastle,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/01/1983 Localización (venue) : Newcastle City
Hall - Newcastle, Inglaterra Setlist : Gloria, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, A Day Without Me, Seconds, New Year’s Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall
Down, October, Tomorrow, Twilight, Out Of Control, Party Girl, A Celebration, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, I Will Follow, 40
3.78 U2 War Tour : Hammersmith Palais - Londres,
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/06/1982 Localización (venue). Hammersmith
Palais - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick
Through A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire,
A Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
3.79 U2 War Tour : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/05/1982 Localización (Venue) : Lyceum Ballroom
- Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire, A
Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
3.80 U2 War Tour : Odeon - Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/04/1982 Localización : (Venue) : Odeon - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through
Table of Content
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, A Celebration, Sunday Bloody Sunday
3.81 U2 War Tour : De Montfort Hall - Leicester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (date) : 12/03/1982 Localización (Venue) : De Montfort Hall
- Leicester, Inglaterra Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire, A
Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
3.82 U2 War Tour : Apollo Theater - Manchester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 War Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/02/1982 Localización (Venue) : Apollo Theater Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Out Of Control, Twilight, Surrender, I Threw A Brick Through
A Window, A Day Without Me, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The
Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, October, New Year’s Day, Gloria, I Will Follow, Fire, A
Celebration, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
3.83 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour (LIVE AID) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour (LIVE AID) Fecha (Date) : 07/13/1985 Localización
(Venue) : Wembley Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bad
3.84 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Milton Keynes Bowl Milton Keynes, Inglaterra
Tour : The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/22/1985 Localización (Venue) :
Milton Keynes Bowl - Milton Keynes, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric
Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Rain, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
3.85 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Wembley Arena Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/15/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Wembley Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party
Girl, Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
3.86 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Wembley Arena Londres, Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 11/14/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Wembley Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds,
Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria, Party
Girl, Two Hearts Beat As One, 40
3.87 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : National Exhibition
Centre - Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 11/12/1984 Localización (Venue) :
National Exhibition Centre - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will
Follow, Seconds, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Gloria,
Two Hearts Beat As One, Party Girl, 40
3.88 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Apollo Theater Manchester, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/10/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Apollo Theater - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
Table of Content
3.89 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Apollo Theater Manchester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/09/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Apollo Theater - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, Indian Summer Sky, October,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
3.90 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Brixton Academy Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 11/03/1984 Localización (Venue) :
Brixton Academy - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co. / Send In The Clowns (snippet),
Bad, Indian Summer Sky, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love) encores :
Party Girl, Gloria, 40
3.91 U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour : Brixton Academy Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 The Unforgettable Fire Tour Fecha (date) : 11/02/1984 Localización (venue) :
Brixton Academy - Londres , Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Wire,
MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, Seconds, A Sort Of Homecoming, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., Bad, Indian Summer Sky, October,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Gloria, 40
3.92 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : National Exhibition Centre Birmingham, Inglaterra (III)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/04/1987 Localización (venue) : National Exhibition Centre - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name,
I Will Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK,
The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Coun-
Table of Content
try, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Guantanamera, People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day,
Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, With Or Without You, 40
3.93 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : National Exhibition Centre Birmingham, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/03/1987 Localización (Venue) : National Exhibition Centre - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, I Will Follow, Silver And Gold, Gloria, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s
Country, The Electric Co., I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Party Girl, Spanish
Eyes, With Or Without You, 40
3.94 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Elland Road Stadium Leeds, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 07/01/1987 Localización (Venue) : Elland Road Stadium - Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : Stand By Me, C’mon Everybody, I Will
Follow, Trip Through Your Wires, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The
Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, The Electric Co., Help,
Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, With Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
3.95 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/13/1987 Localización (Venue) : Wembley Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Stand By Me, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Exit, In God’s Country, C’mon Everybody, Help, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, I Will Follow,
Gloria, Where The Streets Have No Name, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, With
Or Without You, Party Girl, 40
3.96 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Table of Content
Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/12/1987 Localización (Venue) : Wembley Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, In God’s Country, Trip Through
Your Wires, People Get Ready, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Party Girl, Gloria, With Or Without You, 40
3.97 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : National Exhibition Centre Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 The Joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/03/1987 Localización (Venue) : National Exhibition Centre - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Where The Streets Have No
Name, I Will Follow, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable
Fire, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm, People Get Ready, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Bad, October, New Year’s
Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), With Or Without You, 40
3.98 U2 The Joshua Tree Tour : Wembley Arena - Londres,
Tour : U2 The joshua Tree Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/02/1987 Localización (Venue) : Wembley Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Where The Streets Have No Name, I Will Follow,
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Exit, In God’s Country, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Maggie’s Farm,
C’mon Everybody, Bad, October, Springhill Mining Disaster, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Party Girl, Trip Through Your Wires, Gloria, With Or Without You, 40
3.99 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (IV)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/21/1993 Localización (Venue) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Tryin’
To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen, Stay (Faraway,
Table of Content
So Close !), Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way),
With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
3.100 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (III)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/20/1993 Localización (Venue) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Babyface,
Angel Of Harlem, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky,
Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help
Falling In Love
3.101 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Roundhay Park - Leeds, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/14/1993 Localización (venue) : Roundhay
Park - Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Babyface, Stay
(Faraway, So Close !), Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In
3.102 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 ZOO TV tour Fecha (date) : 08/12/1993 Localización (Venue) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Zooropa,
Babyface, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), I Will Follow, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love),
Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
3.103 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/11/1993 Localización (Venue) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra SetlisT : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Numb, Zooropa,
Babyface, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To
Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Desire, Those
Were The Days, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love
3.104 U2 ZOO TV Tour : G-Mex Center - Manchester,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/19/1992 Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Localización
(venue) : G-Mex Center - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better
Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing
Queen, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,
Stand By Me, Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
3.105 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Indoor Sports Arena - Sheffield,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/17/1992 Localización (Venue) : Indoor
Sports Arena - Sheffield, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild
Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Dancing Queen,
Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have
No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand
By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
3.106 U2 ZOO TV Tour : National Exhibition Centre Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/01/1992 Localización (Venue) : National
Exhibition Centre - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than
Table of Content
The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride
Your Wild Horses, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, She’s A
Mystery To Me, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love
Is Blindness
3.107 U2 ZOO TV Tour : Earl’s Court Arena - Londres,
Tour : U2 ZOO TV Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/31/1992 Localización (Venue) : Earl’s Court
Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Mysterious Ways, One, Until The End Of The World, Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses,
Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad,
Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Stand By Me, Desire, Ultra
Violet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
3.108 U2 POPMART Tour : Roundhay Park - Leeds,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/28/1997 Localización (Venue) : Roundhay
Park - Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Singing In The Rain (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Rain
3.109 U2 POPMART Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/23/1997 Localización (Venue) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The Real
Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At The Sun,
Table of Content
Daydream Believer (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The Streets
Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You, Hold Me,
Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Unchained Melody
3.110 U2 POPMART Tour : Wembley Stadium - Londres,
Tour : U2 POPMART Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/22/1997 Localización (Venue) : Wembley
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Mofo, I Will Follow, Gone, Even Better Than The
Real Thing, Last Night On Earth, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The
Name Of Love), I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is You, Staring At
The Sun, Suspicious Minds (Edge Karaoke), Miami, Bullet The Blue Sky, Please, Where The
Streets Have No Name, Discothèque, If You Wear That Velvet Dress, With Or Without You,
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Mysterious Ways, One, Wake Up Dead Man
3.111 U2 Elevation Tour : Earl’s Court Arena - Londres,
Inglaterra (IV)
Tour : U2 Elevation tour Fecha (Date) : 08/22/2001 Localización (Venue) : Earl’s Court
Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Kite, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Sweetest Thing, Staring At The
Sun, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet
The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
3.112 U2 Elevation Tour : Earl’s Court Arena - Londres,
Inglaterra (III)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/21/2001 Localización (Venue) : Earl’s Court
Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Kite, Gone, New York, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake
Up Dead Man, In A Little While, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Stay (Faraway, So
Close !), Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue
Sky, With Or Without You, One, Walk On
3.113 U2 Elevation Tour : Earl’s Court Arena - Londres,
Table of Content
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/19/2001 Localización (Venue) : Earl’s Court
Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Discothèque, Staring At The Sun (snippet), Kite, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody
Sunday, Wake Up Dead Man, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, The Ground Beneath
Her Feet, All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In
The Name Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Angel Of Harlem, One, Walk
3.114 U2 Elevation Tour : Earl’s Court Arena - Londres,
Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/18/2001 Localización (Venue) : Earl’s Court
Arena - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
New Year’s Day, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday / Get Up Stand
Up (snippet), Wake Up Dead Man, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little
While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad / 40 (snippet), 40 (snippet) / , Where The Streets
Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly encores : Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You / Love Will Tear Us Apart (snippet), One / Live Forever (snippet), Walk On
3.115 U2 Elevation Tour : NEC Arena - Birmingham,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/15/2001 Localización (Venue) : NEC Arena
- Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World,
Discothèque, Kite, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake Up Dead Man,
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), All
I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In The Name Of
Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Party Girl, One, Walk On
3.116 U2 Elevation Tour : NEC Arena - Birmingham,
Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/14/2001 Localización (Venue) : NEC Arena Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New
Table of Content
Year’s Day, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake Up Dead Man,
Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad / The Drugs
Don’t Work (snippet) / 40 (snippet), Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The
Fly encores : Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You / Love Will Tear Us Apart (snippet),
One, Walk On
3.117 U2 Elevation Tour : M.E.N. Arena - Manchester,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/12/2001 Localización (Venue) : M.E.N.
Arena - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, New Year’s Day, Kite, Gone, New York, Out Of Control, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Wake
Up Dead Man, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Sweetest Thing, Staring At The Sun,
All I Want Is You, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, Pride (In The Name
Of Love), Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, One
3.118 U2 Elevation Tour : M.E.N. Arena - Manchester,
Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 Elevation Tour Fecha (Date) : 08/11/2001 Localización (Venue) : M.E.N.
Arena - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Elevation, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The
World, Discothèque, Kite, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, In A Little While, Desire, Stay (Faraway, So Close !), Bad, Where
The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without
You, One, Wake Up Dead Man, Walk On
3.119 U2 Boy Tour : Hammersmith Palais - Londres,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : Hammersmith
Palais - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Carry Me Home, Twilight, I Will Follow, I Fall Down,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Fire, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean, I Will Follow
Table of Content
3.120 U2 Boy Tour : Friars Club - Aylesbury, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : Friars Club Aylesbury, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I Fall Down, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Fire, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Boy-Girl,
Out Of Control
3.121 U2 Boy Tour : University - Salford, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : University - Salford, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.122 U2 Boy Tour : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/01/1981 Localización (Venue) : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, All Along The Watchtower, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock
3.123 U2 Boy Tour : City Hall - St. Albans, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/31/1981 Localización (Venue) : City Hall - St.
Albans, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.124 U2 Boy Tour : Loughborough University Loughborough, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/30/1981 Localización (Venue) : Loughborough
University - Loughborough, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.125 U2 Boy Tour : Iron Horse - Northampton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/29/1981 Localización (Venue) : Iron Horse -
Table of Content
Northampton, Inglaterra Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
3.126 U2 Boy Tour : University Of East Anglia - Norwich,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/28/1981 Localización (Venue) : University Of East
Anglia - Norwich, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.127 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Manchester, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/27/1981 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.128 U2 Boy Tour : University - York, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 01/26/1981 Localización (Venue) : University York, Inglaterra Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
3.129 U2 Boy Tour : Hammersmith Palais - Londres,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/02/1980 Localización (Venue) : Hammersmith
Palais - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.130 U2 Boy Tour : Hammersmith Odeon - Londres,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 12/01/1980 Localización (Venue) : Hammersmith
Odeon - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
Table of Content
3.131 U2 Boy Tour : Jenkinson’s - Brighton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/30/1980 Localización (Venue) : Jenkinson’s Brighton, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.132 U2 Boy Tour : Keele University - Stoke, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/29/1980 Localización (Venue) : Keele University
- Stoke, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.133 U2 Boy Tour : Aston University - Birmingham,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/28/1980 Localización (Venue) : Aston University
- Birmingham, Inglaterra Stories For Boys, The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, Father Is An
3.134 U2 Boy Tour : Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra (VI)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Venue) : 11/27/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.135 U2 Boy Tour : Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra (V)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Venue) : 11/26/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.136 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Coventry, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/24/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Coventry, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
Table of Content
3.137 U2 Boy Tour : Brady’s - Liverpool, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/22/1980 Localización (Venue) : Brady’s - Liverpool, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.138 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Blackpool, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/20/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Blackpool, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.139 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Wolverhampton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/19/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Wolverhampton, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.140 U2 Boy Tour : University - Redding, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/18/1980 Localización (Venue) : University - Redding, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.141 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Bristol, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha(Date) : 11/15/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic - Bristol, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.142 U2 Boy Tour : Town Hall - Kidderminster, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/14/1980 Localización (Venue) : Town Hall - Kidderminster, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.143 U2 Boy Tour : Limit Club - Sheffield, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/13/1980 Localización (Venue) : Limit Club Sheffield, Inglaterra Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Touch, An Cat
Table of Content
Dubh, Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, Twilight, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
3.144 U2 Boy Tour : University - Bradford, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/12/1980 Localización (Venue) : University - Bradford, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.145 U2 Boy Tour : Kent University - Canterbury, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/11/1980 Localización (Venue) : Kent University Canterbury, Inglaterra Setlist : Stories For Boys, The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Electric Co., Things To Make
And Do, Twilight, I Will Follow, Father Is An Elephant
3.146 U2 Boy Tour : Moonlight Club - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/09/1980 Localización (Venue) : Moonlight Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.147 U2 Boy Tour : University - Southampton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/08/1980 Localización (Venue) : University - Southampton, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.148 U2 Boy Tour : University - Exeter, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 11/07/1980 Localización (Venue) : University - Exeter, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.149 U2 Boy Tour : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/19/1980 Localización (Venue) : Lyceum Ballroom
- Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.150 U2 Boy Tour : Kingston Polytechnic - Londres,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/11/1980 Localización (Venue) : Kingston Polytechnic - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.151 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Manchester, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/09/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.152 U2 Boy Tour : Boat Club - Nottingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/07/1980 Localización (Venue) : Boat Club - Nottingham, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.153 U2 Boy Tour : Half Moon Club - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/05/1980 Localización (Venue) : Half Moon Club
- Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.154 U2 Boy Tour : School Of Economics - Londres,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/04/1980 Localización (Venue) : School Of Economics - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.155 U2 Boy Tour : Porterhouse - Retford, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/03/1980 Localización (Venue) : Porterhouse Retford, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
Table of Content
3.156 U2 Boy Tour : Fan Club - Leeds, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 10/02/1980 Localización (Venue) : Fan Club - Leeds,
Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.157 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Brighton, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/30/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Brighton, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.158 U2 Boy Tour : Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra (IV)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/29/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Touch, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, Twilight, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
3.159 U2 Boy Tour : Polytechnic - Coventry, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/27/1980 Localización (Venue) : Polytechnic Coventry, Inglaterra Setlist : no disponible
3.160 U2 Boy Tour : Cedar Ballroom - Birmingham,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour 09/26/1980 Localización (Venue) : Cedar Ballroom - Birmingham,
Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.161 U2 Boy Tour : Brady’s - Liverpool, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/25/1980 Localización (Venue) : Brady’s - Liverpool, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
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3.162 U2 Boy Tour : Bogart’s - Birmingham, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/24/1980 Localización (Venue) : Bogart’s - Birmingham, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.163 U2 Boy Tour : Limit Club - Sheffield, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/23/1980 Localización (Venue) : Limit Club Sheffield, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.164 U2 Boy Tour : Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra (III)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/22/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.165 U2 Boy Tour : Nag’s Head - Wollaston, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/21/1980 Localización (Venue) : Nag’s Head - Wollaston, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.166 U2 Boy Tour : Marshall Rooms - Stroud, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/19/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marshall Rooms
- Stroud, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.167 U2 Boy Tour : Civic Hall - Totnes, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/18/1980 Localización (Venue) : Civic Hall - Totnes,
Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.168 U2 Boy Tour : Demelzas - Penzance, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/17/1980 Localización (Venue) : Demelzas - Penzance, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
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3.169 U2 Boy Tour : Fiesta Suite - Plymouth, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/16/1980 Localización (Venue) : Fiesta Suite Plymouth, Inglaterra Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Touch, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, Twilight, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control
3.170 U2 Boy Tour : Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/15/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.171 U2 Boy Tour : Queen’s Hall - Leeds, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/13/1980 Localización (Venue) : Queen’s Hall Leeds, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.172 U2 Boy Tour : Taboo Club - Scarborough, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/12/1980 Localización (Venue) : Taboo Club Scarborough, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, Twilight, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories
For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
3.173 U2 Boy Tour : Wellington Club - Hull, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/11/1980 Localización (Venue) : Wellington Club
- Hull, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.174 U2 Boy Tour : Berkeley - Bristol, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/09/1980 Localización (Venue) : Berkeley - Bristol,
Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
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3.175 U2 Boy Tour : Marquee Club - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/08/1980 Localización (Venue) : Marquee Club Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.176 U2 Boy Tour : Lyceum Ballroom - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/07/1980 Localización (Venue) : Lyceum Ballroom
- Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Stories For Boys, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, A Day Without Me, Twilight, The Electric Co., 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
3.177 U2 Boy Tour : General Woolfe - Coventry, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 09/06/1980 Localización (Venue) : General Woolfe Coventry, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
3.178 U2 Vertigo Tour : Twickenham Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/19/2005 Localización (Venue) : Twickenham
Stadium - London, England Setlist : Vertigo, All Because Of You, The Electric Co., Elevation,
New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Who’s Gonna
Ride Your Wild Horses, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It
On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running
To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo
Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, Yahweh, Vertigo.
3.179 U2 Vertigo Tour : Twickenham Stadium - Londres,
Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/18/2005 Localización (Venue) : Twickenham
Stadium - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co., Elevation,
New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I Want Is
You, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own,
Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still,
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Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly,
Mysterious Ways, Yahweh, Vertigo
3.180 U2 Vertigo Tour : City of Manchester Stadium Manchester, Inglaterra (II)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) :06/15/2005 Localización (Venue) : City of Manchester Stadium - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Electric Co.,
Elevation, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, All I
Want Is You, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your
Own / No Regrets (snippet), Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue
Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name,
One, Zoo Station, The Fly, With Or Without You, Yahweh, Vertigo.
3.181 U2 Vertigo Tour : City of Manchester Stadium Manchester, Inglaterra (I)
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/14/2005 Localización (Venue) : City of Manchester Stadium - Manchester, Inglaterra Setlist : Vertigo, I Will Follow, The Cry, The Electric Co., Elevation, New Year’s Day, Beautiful Day, City Of Blinding Lights, Miracle Drug,
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Love And Peace Or Else, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Where The
Streets Have No Name, One, Zoo Station, The Fly, Mysterious Ways, With Or Without You,
All Because Of You, Yahweh, Vertigo.
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4.1 U2 Boy Tour : Hammersmith Palais - Londres, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : Hammersmith
Palais - Londres, Inglaterra Setlist : Carry Me Home, Twilight, I Will Follow, I Fall Down,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Fire, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock,
The Ocean, I Will Follow
4.2 U2 Boy Tour : Sportpark - Geleen, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/08/1981 Localización (Venue) : Sportpark - Geleen, Paises Bajos Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Stories For Boys,
Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow
4.3 U2 Boy Tour : Friars Club - Aylesbury, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : Friars Club Aylesbury, Inglaterra Setlist : 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I Fall Down, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Fire, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Boy-Girl,
Out Of Control
4.4 U2 Boy Tour : University - Salford, Inglaterra
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 06/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : University - Salford, Inglaterra Setlist : No disponible
4.5 U2 Boy Tour : Fast Lane - Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 05/31/1981 Localización (Venue) : Fast Lane - Asbury
Park, New Jersey, USA Setlist : no disponible
4.6 U2 Boy Tour : Palladium - New York, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/29/1981 Localización (Venue) : Palladium - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, I Will Follow, I Fall
Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Fire, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will
Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
4.7 U2 Boy Tour : The Metro - Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/28/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Metro - Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, I Will Follow,
I Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Fire, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I
Will Follow, A Day Without Me
4.8 U2 Boy Tour : Toad’s Place - New Haven, Connecticut,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/27/1981 Localización (Venue) : Toad’s Place New Haven, Connecticut, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will
Follow, A Day Without Me, Fire
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4.9 U2 Boy Tour : Center Stage - Providence, Rhode Island,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/25/1981 Localización (Venue) : Center Stage Providence, Rhode Island, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.10 U2 Boy Tour : The Casino - Hampton Beach, New
Hampshire, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/24/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Casino Hampton Beach, New Hampshire, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.11 U2 Boy Tour : J.B. Scott’s - Albany, New York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/23/1981 Localización (Venue) : J.B. Scott’s Albany, New York, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.12 U2 Boy Tour : City Limits - Syracuse, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/22/1981 Localización (Venue) : City Limits Syracuse, New York, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I Fall
Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow, A Day
Without Me
4.13 U2 Boy Tour : Uncle Sam’s - Buffalo, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/21/1981 Localización (Venue) : Uncle Sam’s - Buffalo, New York, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I Fall Down,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Touch, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow,
A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
4.14 U2 Boy Tour : Red Creek - Rochester, New York, USA
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Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/20/1981 Localización (Venue) : Red Creek - Rochester, New York, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.15 U2 Boy Tour : Ryerson Theater - Toronto, Ontario,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/19/1981 Localización (Venue) : Ryerson Theater
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : No disponible
4.16 U2 Boy Tour : California Hall - San Francisco,
California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/15/1981 Localización (Venue) : California Hall San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Touch, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I
Will Follow, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
4.17 U2 Boy Tour : Santa Monica Civic Center - Santa
Monica, California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/13/1981 Localización (Venue) : Santa Monica
Civic Center - Santa Monica, California, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.18 U2 Boy Tour : Rainbow Music Hall - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/11/1981 Localización (Venue) : Rainbow Music
Hall - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Touch, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day
Without Me, Twilight, I Will Follow
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4.19 U2 Boy Tour : Poets - Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 05/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : Poets - Memphis,
Tennessee, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The
Ocean, I Will Follow
4.20 U2 Boy Tour : Ol’ Man River’s - New Orleans,
Louisiana, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 05/08/1981 Localización (Venue) : Ol’ Man River’s
- New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow
4.21 U2 Boy Tour : The Agora - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Agora - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.22 U2 Boy Tour : The Agora - Hallandale, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Agora - Hallandale, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.23 U2 Boy Tour : End Zone - Tampa, Florida, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 05/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : End Zone Tampa, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.24 U2 Boy Tour : Rathskeller University Of Florida Gainesville, Florida, USA
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Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 05/02/1981 Localización (Venue) : Rathskeller University Of Florida - Gainesville, Florida, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.25 U2 Boy Tour : The Decade - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/21/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Decade Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, I
Fall Down, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, I Will Follow
4.26 U2 Boy Tour : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/20/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.27 U2 Boy Tour : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/19/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Agora - Cleveland, Ohio, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.28 U2 Boy Tour : Harpo’s - Detroit, Michigan, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/18/1981 Localización (Venue) : Harpo’s - Detroit,
Michigan, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Fall Down, Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, A Day Without Me
4.29 U2 Boy Tour : Bogart’s Club - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fehca (Date) : 04/17/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bogart’s Club Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Setlist : No disponible
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4.30 U2 Boy Tour : Palm’s - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/15/1981 Localización (Venue) : Palm’s - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.31 U2 Boy Tour : Merlyn’s - Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/14/1981 Localización (Venue) : Merlyn’s - Madison, Wisconsin, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.32 U2 Boy Tour : Park West - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 04/12/1981 Localización (Venue) : Park West - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, A Day
Without Me
4.33 U2 Boy Tour : International House - University of
Chicago - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/11/1981 Localización (Venue) : International
House - University of Chicago - Chicago, Illinois, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, Twilight, I
Will Follow, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
4.34 U2 Boy Tour : Fillmore - Ames, Iowa, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 04/10/1981 Localización (Venue) : Fillmore - Ames,
Iowa, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The
Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, Twilight, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
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4.35 U2 Boy Tour : Uncle Sam’s - Minneapolis, Minnesota,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : Uncle Sam’s Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
4.36 U2 Boy Tour : Graham Chapel - Washington University St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/07/1981 Localización (Venue) : Graham Chapel
- Washington University - St. Louis, Missouri, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day
Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
4.37 U2 Boy Tour : Uptown Theater - Kansas City, Missouri,
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 04/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : Uptown Theater
- Kansas City, Missouri, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An
Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
4.38 U2 Boy Tour : Cain’s Ballroom - Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 04/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : Cain’s Ballroom
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
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4.39 U2 Boy Tour : Quicksilver’s - Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : Quicksilver’s Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.40 U2 Boy Tour : Dallas, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/02/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bijou - Dallas,
Texas, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.41 U2 Boy Tour : Cardi’s - Houston, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 04/01/1981 Localización (Venue) : Cardi’s - Houston,
Texas, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.42 U2 Boy Tour : The Club Foot - Austin, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/31/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Club Foot Austin, Texas, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.43 U2 Boy Tour : The Rox - Lubbock, Texas, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/30/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Rox - Lubbock, Texas, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.44 U2 Boy Tour : Rainbow Music Hall - Denver, Colorado,
Tour : U2 Boy tour Fecha (Date) : 03/28/1981 Localización (Venue) : Rainbow Music
Hall - Denver, Colorado, USA Setlist : The Ocean, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co.,
Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
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4.45 U2 Boy Tour : New Faces Club - Salt Lake City, Utah,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/26/1981 Localización (Venue) : New Faces Club Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.46 U2 Boy Tour : Commodore Ballroom - Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/24/1981 Localización (Venue) : Commodore Ballroom - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Setlist : No disponible
4.47 U2 Boy Tour : Astor Park - Seattle, Washington, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/23/1981 Localización (Venue) : Astor Park Seattle, Washington, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.48 U2 Boy Tour : Fog Horn - Portland, Oregon, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/22/1981 Localización (Venue) : Fog Horn - Portland, Oregon, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.49 U2 Boy Tour : The Old Waldorf - San Francisco,
California, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/20/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Old Waldorf
- San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock
Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric
Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day Without Me,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow
4.50 U2 Boy Tour : The Old Waldorf - San Francisco,
California, USA (I)
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Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/19/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Old Waldorf
- San Francisco, California, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.51 U2 Boy Tour : San Jose State Student Union Ballroom San Jose, California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/18/1981 Localización (Venue) : San Jose State
Student Union Ballroom - San Jose, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The
Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, A Day
Without Me, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
4.52 U2 Boy Tour : Woodstock - Anaheim, California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/16/1981 Localización (Venue) : Woodstock - Anaheim, California, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.53 U2 Boy Tour : Wolf and Rissmiller’s Country Club - Los
Angeles, California, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/15/1981 Localización (Venue) : Wolf and Rissmiller’s Country Club - Los Angeles, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, Twilight, I Will
Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The
Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control,
11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean, I Will Follow, A Day Without Me
4.54 U2 Boy Tour : Globe Theater - San Diego, California,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/14/1981 Localización (Venue) : Globe Theater San Diego, California, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The
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4.55 U2 Boy Tour : Maple Leaf Ballroom - Toronto, Ontario,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/11/1981 Localización (Venue) : Maple Leaf Ballroom - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Setlist : No disponible
4.56 U2 Boy Tour : Barrymore’s - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/10/1981 Localización (Venue) : Barrymore’s Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Setlist : No disponible
4.57 U2 Boy Tour : Le Club - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/09/1981 Localización (Venue) : Le Club - Montreal, Quebec, Canada Setlist : No disponible
4.58 U2 Boy Tour : The Ritz - New York, New York, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/07/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Ritz - New
York, New York, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh, Into
The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And Do,
Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
4.59 U2 Boy Tour : The Paradise - Boston, Massachusetts,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Paradise
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
4.60 U2 Boy Tour : The Paradise - Boston, Massachusetts,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/06/1981 Localización (Venue) : The Paradise Boston, Massachusetts, USA Setlist : Twilight, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co. / Send In The
Clowns (snippet), Things To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Boy-Girl, Out Of Control, 11
O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow
4.61 U2 Boy Tour : J.B. Scott’s - Albany, New York, USA
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/05/1981 Localización (Venue) : J.B. Scott’s Albany, New York, USA Setlist : No disponible
4.62 U2 Boy Tour : Bijou Cafe - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/04/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bijou Cafe - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The
4.63 U2 Boy Tour : Bayou Club - Washington, District of
Columbia, USA (II)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bayou Club Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch,
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
4.64 U2 Boy Tour : Bayou Club - Washington, District of
Columbia, USA (I)
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 03/03/1981 Localización (Venue) : Bayou Club Washington, District of Columbia, USA Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch,
Table of Content
An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things
To Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control
4.65 U2 Boy Tour : Le Palace - Paris, Francia
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/21/1981 Localización (Venue) : Le Palace - Paris,
Francia Setlist : No disponible
4.66 U2 Boy Tour : Ecole National Des Travaux - Paris,
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/20/1981 Localización (Venue) : Ecole National
Des Travaux - Paris, Francia Setlist : No disponible
4.67 U2 Boy Tour : Salle Du Fauburg - Geneva, Suiza
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/19/1981 Localización (Venue) : Salle Du Fauburg
- Geneva, Suiza Setlist : No disponible
4.68 U2 Boy Tour : Sugar Shack - Munich, Alemania
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/18/1981 Localización (Venue) : Sugar Shack Munich, Alemania Setlist (Incompleto) : The Cry, The Electric Co., Stories For Boys, I Will
Follow, Twilight, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Ocean
4.69 U2 Boy Tour : Kantkino - Berlin, Alemania
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/17/1981 Localización (Venue) : Kantkino - Berlin,
Alemania Setlist : No disponible
4.70 U2 Boy Tour : Onkel Po’s Carnegie Hall - Hamburg,
Table of Content
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/15/1981 Localización (Venue) : Onkel Po’s Carnegie Hall - Hamburg, Alemania Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, Out Of Control, 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock, The Ocean
4.71 U2 Boy Tour : Stadsschouwburg - Sittard, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/14/1981 Localización (Venue) : Stadsschouwburg
- Sittard, Paises Bajos Setlist : No disponible
4.72 U2 Boy Tour : De Lantaarn - Rotterdam, Paises Bajos
Tour : U2 Boy Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/13/1981 Localización (Venue) : De Lantaarn Rotterdam, Paises Bajos Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat Dubh,
Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To Make And
Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow
4.73 U2 Boy Tour : Paard Van Troje - The Hague, Paises
Tour : U2 Vertigo Tour Fecha (Date) : 02/12/1981 Localización (Venue) : Paard Van
Troje - The Hague, Paises Bajos Setlist : The Ocean, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, Touch, An Cat
Dubh, Into The Heart, Another Time, Another Place, The Cry, The Electric Co., Things To
Make And Do, Stories For Boys, Twilight, I Will Follow, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock, The Oc