Council Meeting
Council Meeting
35 Alice Street, Brighton ON KOK 1H0 Meeting Date: March 21, 2016 Location: Council Chambers Time: 6:30 PM Council Agenda Page 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda 2.1. March 21, 2016 Council agenda That Council approves the agenda for the March 21, 2016 Council agenda, as presented. 3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests and the General Nature Thereof 4. Announcements 5. Adoption of Minutes 5.1. Council minutes, March 7, 2016 That Council approves the Council minutes of the March 7, 2016 Council meeting as presented. 5.2. Council minutes Closed Session, March 7, 2016 That Council approves the Council minutes Closed Session of the March 7, 2016 Council meeting as presented. 6. Statutory Public Meeting 7. Delegations 10 - 19 Page 7.1. Emily Rowley regarding the Municipal Purchasing By-law That Council receives the information from Emily Rowley regarding the Municipal Purchasing By-law. 8. Citizen Comments 8.1. 9. Citizen Comments, March 21, 2016 Staff Reports 9.1. 2015 Wastewater Pollution Control Plant Annual Report from Jeff Graham, GSS Engineering 20 - 41 That Council receives the 2015 Wastewater Pollution Control Plant Annual Report as information. 9.2. Timers for Aerators from Jeff Graham, GSS Engineering 42 - 44 That Council approves the report from Jeff Graham, GSS Engineering regarding the purchase of timers for aerators at the Brighton WPCP. 9.3. Containment at the lagoon in basement from Jeff Graham, GSS Engineering & Keith Lee, Public Works 45 - 49 That Council approves the report from Jeff Graham, GSS Engineering & Keith Lee, Public Works, regarding containment at the lagoon in the basement, as presented. 9.4. Verbal updates from Jeff Graham, GSS Engineering 50 That Council receives the verbal updates from Jeff Graham, GSS Engineering. 9.5. Monthly Report from the Fire Department from Lloyd Hutchinson, Fire Chief 51 - 59 That Council receives the Fire Department Agenda: Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Monday, March 21, 2016 Page 1 of 148 Page Activity Report for February 2016, as presented. 9.6. Creation of an Ad Hoc Trails Working Group from Jim Millar, Director of Parks & Recreation 60 - 61 That Council accepts the recommendations from the Director of Parks and Recreation to establish an ad-hoc trails working group to coordinate the trail development within the urban area. The composition for this ad-hoc working group to be made up of the Mayor, and one other member of Council, the Municipal Planner, Public Works Project Supervisor, and Director of Parks and Recreation. 9.7. January and February 2016 Accounts Payable Report from Linda Widdifield, Director of Finance & Administrative Services 62 - 87 That Council receives the January and February 2016 Accounts Payable Report, in the amount of $1,723,137.16, as paid. 9.8. January and February 2016 Public Works Operations Report from Linda Widdifield, Director of Finance & Administrative Services 88 - 93 That Council receive the January and February 2016 Public Works Operations Report as information 9.9. Council Code of Conduct from Vicki Kimmett, Deputy Clerk 94 - 101 That Council approves the report Council Code of Conduct and approves the by-law establishing a Council Code of Conduct. 9.10. Fuel Tank Recommendation - Emergency Services and Public Works from Lucas Kelly, Public Works & Development 102 - 104 That Council direct staff to issue a Request for Quotations for the purchase of a 1500 gallon above ground diesel tank for clear diesel only, with a card-lock system for installation at 71 Agenda: Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Monday, March 21, 2016 Page 2 of 148 Page Chatten Road; and That Council direct Staff to have the coloured diesel removed from the existing aboveground tank at 67 Sharp Road and have the tank identified for gasoline use; and That Council direct staff to include a card-lock system for the Sharp Road fuel tanks in the Request for Quotations; and That Council direct staff to transfer the total cost of the fuel tank and card-lock system from the Public Works Reserve. 9.11. Twinning the Watermain on George Street from Alice Street to the former Town Limits from Lucas Kelly, Public Works & Development 105 - 106 That Council approve the twinning of the watermain from the intersection of Alice and George Street to the former town limits for the estimated cost of $90,375.50. 9.12. Critical Path and Timeline for 42 Chapel Street Drainage from Linda Widdifield, Director of Finance & Administrative Services 107 - 109 That Council receives the Critical Path and Timeline Report for 42 Chapel Street Drainage as information. 9.13. Cormier Correspondence Report from Linda Widdifield, Director of 110 - 113 Finance & Administrative Services That Council receives the Cormier Correspondence Report as information 9.14. Ostwald Correspondence Report from Linda Widdifield, Director of Finance & Administrative Services 114 - 115 That Council receives the By-Law Enforcement at Lakeside Landing report as information 10. Council Direction Follow Up List Agenda: Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Monday, March 21, 2016 Page 3 of 148 Page 10.1. 11. For March 21, 2016 116 - 122 Notice of Motions & Motions 11.1. Notice of Motion from Councillors John Martinello & Roger McMurray regarding open insurance claims & legal claims report 123 11.2. Motion from Councillors John Martinello & Roger McMurray regarding staff seeking legal counsel 124 In the interest of accountability & transparency & in an effort to reduce the amount of money Brighton taxpayers pay to lawyers, Council directs that staff shall not refer any issue, related to bylaw enforcement at Lakeside Landing Subdivision, 952849 Ontario Limited, to legal counsel without the prior & explicit approval of Council. 11.3. Motion from Councillors John Martinello & Roger McMurray regarding legal counsel 125 In the interest of accountability & transparency Council directs that staff & legal counsel shall carbon copy all members of Council, on all correspondence related to bylaw enforcement at Lakeside Landing Subdivision, 952849 Ontario Limited. Council further directs that all correspondence related to bylaw enforcement issues at Lakeside Landing Subdivision, 952840 Ontario Limited, shall only be conducted by e-mail. 12. Unfinished Business 13. By-Laws 13.1. Council Code of Conduct By-law By-law of the Municipality of Brighton being a by-law to establish a Code of Conduct for members of Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Brighton Agenda: Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Monday, March 21, 2016 126 - 132 Page 4 of 148 Page That Council gives a By-Law its first, second and third reading and finally passes this date: Being a by-law to establish a Code of Conduct for members of Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Brighton 14. Reports of Advisory Committees of Council 14.1. 1. Committee of the Whole minutes, February 22, 2016 2. Heritage Advisory Committee minutes, February 6, 2016 133 - 138 That Council approves the following Advisory Committee minutes and the recommendations contained therein: 1. Committee of the Whole minutes, February 22, 2016 2. Heritage Advisory Committee minutes, February 6, 2016 15. Reports of Statutory Committees, Boards & External Agencies 15.1. 1. Community Care Northumberland minutes, December 10, 2015 2. DBIA minutes, February 24, 2016 That Council receives the reports of the Statutory Committees, Boards and External Agencies: 1. Community Care Northumberland minutes, December 10, 2015 2. DBIA minutes, February 24, 2016 16. Correspondence 16.1. Correspondence from the Municipality of Bluewater regarding Physicians in rural areas 139 - 140 That Council approves or receives the correspondence from the Municipality of Bluewater regarding physicians in rural areas; and if supported, Agenda: Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Monday, March 21, 2016 Page 5 of 148 Page Whereas Ontario's growing and aging population is putting an increasing strain on our publiclyfunded health care system; And Whereas since February 2015, the Ontario government has made an almost 7% unilateral cut to physician services expenditures which cover all the care doctors provide to patients – including cuts to programs which are specifically designed to act as incentives for physicians to practice in rural areas: And Whereas the decisions Ontario makes today will impact patients’ access to quality care in the years to come and these cuts will threaten access to the quality, patient-focused care Ontarians need and expect: And Whereas Ontario in experiencing a growing rural population as retirees move to the countryside; And Whereas many rural municipalities in Ontario have formed physician recruitment and retention committees and strategies to deal with the reality of physician retirements and shortages; And Whereas rural areas in Ontario are already at a distinct disadvantage in recruiting family physicians due to a number of factors; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Brighton hereby requests that the Minister of Health and Long Term Care reinstate incentives for physicians to practice in rural areas of Ontario, and that the minister return to the table with Ontario’s doctors and work together through mediation-arbitration to reach a fair deal that protects the quality, patient-focused care Ontario families deserve; And Be It Further Resolved that copies of this resolution be sent to the Premier of Ontario, the federal and provincial Ministers of Health, the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, and all municipalities in Ontario. 16.2. Correspondence from Community Living Campbellford Brighton regarding a request to proclaim May as Community Living Month. Agenda: Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Monday, March 21, 2016 141 Page 6 of 148 Page That Council proclaims "May is Community Living Month" in the Municipality of Brighton. 16.3. Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command regarding the Military Service Recognition Book 142 - 144 That Council approves or receives the correspondence from the Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command; and, if supported, Agrees to purchase an ad for $____________________ 16.4. Make-A-Wish Foundation with a request to purchase an advertisement 145 - 147 That Council approves or receives the correspondence from the Make-A-Wish Foundation with a request for a sponsorship; and if supported, Agree to a sponsorship of $___________________ 16.5. Correspondence from Jim Kovacs regarding snowplowing in Presqu'ile Park 148 - 149 That Council receives the correspondence from Jim Kovacs regarding snowplowing in Presqu'ile Park as information. 17. FYI Correspondence 18. Question Period 19. In Camera Session 19.1. 1. Ian McArdle regarding staff issues being a subject regarding labour relations or employee negotiations pursuant to Section 239(2)(d) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended 2. Correspondence received with complaints about staff being a subject regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual including municipal or board Agenda: Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Monday, March 21, 2016 Page 7 of 148 Page employees, pursuant to Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended That Council now moves into closed session to consider: 1. Ian McArdle regarding staff issues being a subject regarding labour relations or employee negotiations pursuant to Section 239(2)(d) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended 2. Correspondence received with complaints about staff being a subject regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual including municipal or board employees, pursuant to Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended 20. Confirmatory By-Law 20.1. Confirmatory By-law for March 21, 2016 By-law of the Municipality of Brighton being a bylaw to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Brighton meeting held on March 21, 2016. 21. Adjournment 21.1. Adjournment of the March 21, 2016 Council meeting That this meeting of the Municipality of Brighton Council be adjourned at _____ p.m. Council to meeting again on Monday, April 4, 2016 Agenda: Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Monday, March 21, 2016 Page 8 of 148 Page 10 of 148 Page 11 of 148 Page 12 of 148 Page 13 of 148 Page 14 of 148 Page 15 of 148 Page 16 of 148 Page 17 of 148 Page 18 of 148 Page 19 of 148 2015 WASTEWATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT ANNUAL REPORT Environmental Certificate of Approval No 3081-9XQNZK Sewage Works No. 110000953 March, 2016 Page 20 of 148 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................1 2.0 WASTEWATER FLOWS ................................................................................................................................ 1 2.1. Flow Interpretation .......................................................................................................................................2 2.2. Raw Sewage Quality ....................................................................................................................................3 3.0 WASTEWATER EFFLUENT QUALITY .......................................................................................................3 4.0 CONSTRUCTED WETLAND EFFLUENT QUALITY .................................................................................5 5.0 OVERVIEW OF SUCCESS AND ADEQUACY OF WORKS ......................................................................6 6.0 OPERATING PROBLEMS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ........................................................................7 7.0 SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................8 8.0 EFFLUENT QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CONTROL .............................................................................9 9.0 SUMMARY OF CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE ON MONITORING EQUIPMENT ..................9 10.0 EFFORTS AND RESULTS TO MEET EFFLUENT LIMITS AND OBJECTIVES ......................................9 10.1. Total Phosphorus (TP) ............................................................................................................................... 10 10.2. Total Suspended Solids (TSS).................................................................................................................... 11 10.3. Ammonium Nitrogen ................................................................................................................................. 11 11.0 BIOSOLIDS MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 12 12.0 SUMMARY OF COMPLAINTS ................................................................................................................... 12 13.0 SUMMARY OF BY-PASSES, SPILLS AND ABNORMAL DISCHARGES ............................................. 12 14.0 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL SPILLS .......................................................................................................... 13 15.0 SUMMARY OF 2015 .................................................................................................................................... 13 LIST OF TABLES TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX MONTHLY WASTEWATER FLOWS TO WPCP MONTHLY RAW INFLUENT TO WPCP MONTHLY AVERAGE WASTE STABILIZATION POND EFFLUENT QUALITY MONTHLY AVERAGE WASTE STABILIZATION POND EFFLUENT LOAD MONTHLY AVERAGE CONSTRUCTED WETLAND EFFLUENT QUALITY OVERALL EFFICIENCY OF WPCP SEWAGE WORKS SYSTEM SUMMARY OF OPERATING PROBLEMS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCE DATES OF EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B SUMMARY OF STREETS WITH SEWER REPAIRS IN 2015 NOTICE OF MODIFICATIONS - SUBMITTED TO MOECC UNDER LOF PROCESS – 2015 Page 21 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Municipality of Brighton is pleased to present its Annual Performance Report for wastewater treatment for the operating period of January 1 to December 31, 2015. Brighton’s Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) services a population of approximately 6,462 people or 3,203 homes and businesses, as well as Presqu’ile Provincial Park. The WPCP is classified as a Class 1 treatment facility that operates under Environmental Certificate of Approval (ECA) Number 3081-9XQNZK, issued by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) July 7, 2015. This report has been prepared in accordance with Section 8.5 of the ECA. This ECA includes Limited Operational Flexibility (LOP) provisions to allow expedited changes to the treatment operation, subject to final MOECC approval and conditions. The WPCP is located at 100 County Road 64. Wastewater collected from the serviced area of the Municipality passes through four treatment components at the WPCP, in the order listed below: 1) 2) 3) 4) A 0.7 hectare aerated lagoon (Lagoon #1) with two mechanical surface aerators, and two air injection aerators installed August 13, 2015. A chemical mixing chamber where ferric chloride is added. The coagulant used was changed from alum to ferric chloride on July 15, 2015 A 5.44 hectare waste stabilization pond (Lagoon #2) with three baffles, A two celled constructed wetland having a total surface area of 6.2 hectares. The effluent from the constructed wetland is discharged continuously into a natural wetland that borders Presqu’ile Bay, which is located off the northeast shore of Lake Ontario. 2.0 WASTEWATER FLOWS The ECA stipulates that the rated, Average Day Flow capacity of the WPCP is 4,600 m3/day. The average flow for 2015 was 2,804 m3/day, which represents 61% of the rated flow capacity. The highest average flows occurred in April, 2015. The lowest average flows occurred in September, 2015. The maximum daily flow for the year was 7,310 m3 on April 21, 2015. The lowest daily flow was 1,481 m3 on February 26, 2015. There were no exceedances of the above average day, rated flow capacity of the WPCP in 2015. In 2014 and 2015, Sewer Technologies Inc. was retained to CCTV, flush and record issues in the wastewater collection system. They also compiled a list of recommended, priority repairs to the sewer system to reduce infiltration. The repairs were subsequently Page 22 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report 2 completed in January of 2015 and flows did reduce significantly. A summary of streets where sewer repairs were completed in 2015 is provided in Appendix A. The above repairs were completed in the western and central areas of Brighton. Additional sewer repairs were completed in the “Gasport” area of Brighton in January, 2016. As noted, average flows during 2015 were 2,804 m3/day. This compares to an average wastewater flow, for the previous 5 years (2010 to 2014) of 3,317 m 3/day. Therefore, repairs to the sewer system in early 2015 appear to have reduced average day sewage flows by approximately 500 m3/day. As a result, the Municipality dropped from 75% of rated capacity in 2014 to 61% of rated capacity in 2015. Monthly wastewater flows for 2015 are summarized in Table I. TABLE (I) – MONTHLY WASTEWATER FLOWS TO WPCP MONTH TOTAL FLOW (M3) AVG. FLOW (M3/DAY) PERCENT OF THE RATED CAPACITY (%) January 85,024 2,743 60% February 53,496 1,911 42% March 83,679 2,699 59% April 133,129 4,438 96% May 82,200 2,652 58% June 107,879 3,596 78% July 88,904 2,868 62% August 80,130 2,585 56% September 61,595 2,053 45% October 82,672 2,667 58% November 85,399 2,847 62% December 80,370 2,593 56% Annual 1,024,475 2,804 61% 2.1. Flow Interpretation The variations in the flow of wastewater received at the WPCP are caused by infiltration and inflow to the collection system, as a result of local precipitation events, fluctuations in ground water elevations and snow melt. Page 23 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report 3 As noted, in January of 2015, work completed by Sewer Technologies Inc. to reduce infiltration to the sanitary system resulted in an average flow reduction of approximately 500 m3/day. 2.2. Raw Sewage Quality As per the ECA, raw sewage samples are to be collected and analyzed for select parameters once per month. These samples were collected monthly at minimum and for most of the year, raw wastewater samples were collected weekly as part of an intensive study of the WPCP to better treat ammonia. Table II as follows summarizes raw wastewater quality for 2015. For all months, samples results for all samples collected within a month were averaged to determine raw sewage quality provided in Table II. TABLE (II) MONTHLY RAW INFLUENT TO WPCP YEAR CBOD5 TSS TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS TKN AMMONIA NITROGEN 2015 Raw Sewage (mg/L) Raw Sewage (mg/L) Raw Sewage (mg/L) Raw Sewage (mg/L) Raw Sewage (mg/L) January 84.0 74.0 3.13 27.0 18.40 February 97.0 156.0 5.14 47.8 31.07 March 88.8 142.0 3.99 22.3 22.32 April 206.3 606.5 7.84 35.9 15.09 May 148.5 240.5 5.65 52.6 35.93 June 104.4 157.0 3.29 24.9 15.86 July 91.5 181.0 5.21 45.6 38.20 August 153.0 220.0 5.31 38.1 26.90 September 195.6 324.0 6.73 45.9 31.50 October 165.0 267.5 6.06 43.7 29.85 November 139.5 207.5 4.36 33.3 24.23 December 115.2 159.2 4.27 36.8 29.78 Yearly Average 132.4 227.9 5.08 37.8 26.59 3.0 WASTEWATER EFFLUENT QUALITY Section 5 of the ECA lists monthly average limits for the levels of four parameters in the effluent from the waste stabilization pond. The parameters are: five day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP) and ammonia plus ammonium nitrogen (ammonia nitrogen). Page 24 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report 4 Section 7 of the ECA outlines the frequency that the parameters must be tested and lists an additional six parameters that must be tested: total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, temperature, pH and E. Coli. In 2015, the effluent quality met the limits for the parameters tested, with the exception of limits for Ammonia Nitrogen in January, February and March and from June to September inclusive. The limit for Total Phosphorus was exceeded for the months of February and March and matched the ECA limit of 1.0 mg/l in July. While suspended solids levels were higher during some months, the Annual Average Concentration remained below the TSS limit of 40 mg/l. Table III as follows summarizes effluent quality from the stabilization pond for 2015. In addition to the four parameters that have effluent limits, monthly values of E. Coli and pH are also provided in the following table. TABLE (III) – MONTHLY AVERAGE WASTE STABILIZATION POND EFFLUENT QUALITY PARAMETER CBOD5 (MG/L) TSS (MG/L) TP (MG/L) AMMONIA NITROGEN (MG/L) E. COLI (CFU/100ML) PH Effluent Limit (mg/L) 30 40 1.0 (May-Oct 14 mg/l) Nov-Apr 17 mg/l) No Limit specified No Limit January 8.5 19.0 0.87 20.2 11,400 7.6 February 12.3 39.5 1.49 22.1 320 7.4 March 9.0 36.8 1.30 20.1 3800 7.2 April 9.0 16.6 0.51 11.3 40 7.8 May 10 17.0 0.51 13.7 24 8.0 June 9.4 29.6 0.83 17.0 300 8.3 July 6.8 28.5 1.02 15.8 160 8.3 August 10.3 31.0 0.56 17.6 22 8.2 September 7.2 43.2 0.61 16.0 72 8.2 October 3.0 7.8 0.30 13.9 <100 7.9 November 2.8 5.0 0.26 12.8 12 7.9 December 3.8 8.0 0.27 14.9 2,900 7.8 Section 7 of the ECA also lists effluent loading limits for CBOD5, TSS, TP and Ammonia Nitrogen. The effluent from the waste stabilization pond met the effluent loading limits for all required parameters for each month in 2015. Page 25 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report 5 Table IV summarizes effluent loadings for 2015 from the stabilization pond effluent. TABLE (IV) – MONTHLY AVERAGE WASTE STABILIZATION POND EFFLUENT LOAD CBOD5 (KG/D) TSS (KG/D) TP (KG/D) AMMONIA NITROGEN (KG/D) ECA Limit 138 184 4.6 May-Oct 64.4 kg/d Nov-Apr 78.2 kg/d January 23.3 52.1 2.4 58.8 February 23.4 75.5 2.8 64.3 March 24.3 99.3 3.4 60.9 April 39.9 73.8 2.3 32.9 May 26.5 45.1 1.3 37.6 June 33.8 106.4 3.0 46.4 July 19.4 81.7 2.9 43.3 August 26.5 80.1 1.4 48.1 September 14.8 88.7 1.3 43.6 October 8.0 20.7 0.8 38.0 November 7.8 14.2 0.7 60.2 December 9.9 20.7 0.7 57.9 4.0 CONSTRUCTED WETLAND EFFLUENT QUALITY Section 4 of the ECA lists monthly average objectives for the levels of six parameters in the constructed wetland effluent. There are effluent objectives for six parameters (CBOD, TSS, TP, Ammonia Nitrogen, E. Coli and pH). Table V as follows summarizes effluent quality from the constructed wetlands for the above six parameters for 2015. Section 7 of the ECA outlines the frequency that the parameters must be tested and lists an additional four parameters that must be tested: total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and temperature. In 2015, the effluent quality met the limits for the parameters tested, with the exceptions of ammonia nitrogen from January to March, and from June to October, E-coli in January, March, August and September, and TSS and Total Phosphorous in February and March. Page 26 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report 6 TABLE (V) – MONTHLY AVERAGE CONSTRUCTED WETLAND EFFLUENT QUALITY PARAMETER CBOD5 (MG/L) TSS (MG/L) TP (MG/L) Effluent Objective (mg/L) 15 mg/L 15 mg/L 0.8 mg/L January 6.5 10.5 0.62 February 9.5 32.0 March 11.2 April AMMONIA NITROGEN (MG/L) May-Oct 10 mg/L Nov-Apr 15 mg/l E. COLI (CFU/100 ML) PH 200 mg/L 6.09.5 21.3 520 7.6 1.14 22.8 80 7.4 34.4 1.15 19.9 9,600 7.1 13.0 7.3 0.25 11.2 40 7.8 May 5.0 5.5 0.23 4.9 10 8.0 June 4.0 11.2 0.26 11.3 80 8.3 July 3.5 8.3 0.37 12.9 54 8.3 August 7.5 11.5 0.33 14.6 1,700 8.3 September 3.8 10.4 0.47 13.9 72 8.2 October 3.0 5.8 0.23 13.4 84 7.9 November 2.5 4.3 0.22 13.0 12 7.9 December 2.6 4.6 0.10 12.8 2,900 7.9 5.0 OVERVIEW OF SUCCESS AND ADEQUACY OF WORKS For the most part, the WPCP is successfully treating the effluent for the key effluent parameters with the exception ammonia nitrogen. As per Table III, there were exceedances of ammonia nitrogen for seven of the twelve months in 2015. A more thorough discussion of efforts to improve lagoon performance is provided in later sections of this report. Table VI summarizes overall treatment efficiency of the lagoon system, based on effluent quality from the wetland portion of the treatment works compared to the raw sewage quality. TABLE (VI) – OVERALL EFFICIENCY OF WPCP SEWAGE WORKS SYSTEM DATE CBOD5 (%) TSS (%) TP (%) AMMONIA NITROGEN (%) January 92.3 85.8 80.2 -15.9 February 90.2 79.5 77.9 26.7 March 87.4 75.8 71.1 10.8 April 93.7 98.8 96.8 25.7 May 96.6 97.4 96.0 86.5 Page 27 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report 7 June 96.2 92.9 92.0 29.0 July 95.6 95.4 92.9 66.2 August 95.1 94.8 93.8 45.6 September 98.1 96.8 93.6 56.0 October 98.2 97.9 96.2 55.2 November 98.1 97.8 95.0 46.2 December 98.3 98.3 97.9 69.1 Average 95.0% 92.6% 90.3% 47.0% 6.0 OPERATING PROBLEMS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS The following table summarizes main mechanical problems experienced in 2015 and corrective actions taken. TABLE (VII) – SUMMARY OF OPERATING PROBLEMS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS DATE PROBLEM CORRECTIVE ACTION Magmeter failure at SPS Under review if needs to be replaced February GFI alarm Liftstation Replace GFI plug May GFI plug Sump pump replaced June Phase Meters Meters rather than lights October Liftstation pump #3 Replace pump, motor and volute August Ammonia Installed two additional aerators September/October Debris in pumps Open and remove debris October Chemical feed line connection Replace and repair January/February November Chemical Pump hosing Replace and repair lines and grab rings May, September and November Lagoon Aerators, and Flashmixer Cleaned off debris- multiple times December Chemical pump seized 5 years old Replacing December Liftstation transducer Replace transducer Page 28 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report November/December 8 Ferric Chloride leaks SAC and MOECC contacted. Coupling at ferric tank failed. Was replaced and spilled ferric and effected ground cleaned up. SAC contacted as was MOECC. Ferric chloride pump fittings in basement of control building failed on two occasions. One spill reportable to SAC and MOECC as volume >100 l. Other spill minor. Pump fittings all subsequently replaced and spilled material cleaned up. 7.0 SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCE The following is an abbreviated summary of normal maintenance completed at the lagoon system and sewage pumping stations. TABLE (VIII) – SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCE DATE Weekly NAME OF EQUIPMENT MAINTAINED pH meter / DO ACTION Calibration Quarterly Flash mixer/ Aerators/Pumps Grease/check oil February yearly maintenance. Chemical Pump 1&2/ flush quarterly Flushed and clean, replace Diaphragms May and October Lift station debris Quinte Sewer clean wetwell April Yearly Constructed wetland Trapping of muskrats April yearly OCMIII, MultiRanger, Siemens Magmeter, LUT400 Calibration Spring Constructed wetland Water levels lowered May, September and November Aerators Removed debris Summer Constructed wetland Water levels raised Sept./Oct./Nov. Facultative lagoon Lagoon 1 Biosolids removed from to drying beds July Alum system cleaned and changed to ferric Flushed November Raised wetland levels Removed and reinstalled weirs to same level Page 29 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report 9 November/December Replaced hoses, grab rings for chemical pumps Replaced all hoses and grab rings Spring and Fall yearly Constructed wetland Trapping of muskrats 8.0 EFFLUENT QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CONTROL Wastewater exiting the aeration pond passes through a chemical dosing chamber. Ferric chloride is a coagulant used to precipitate soluble phosphorus. It also aids in the settling of other substances (TSS) and odour control. The dosing system operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The system is checked and logged daily by a wastewater operator. Raw wastewater and effluent samples are collected by trained wastewater operators, following the applicable MOECC guidelines. All collected wastewater samples are sent to an accredited laboratory for analysis. The results of the water samples are analyzed weekly by Brighton staff. A result showing non-compliance with the required wastewater quality stated in the ECA, is reported to the MOECC, as required by the ECA. 9.0 SUMMARY OF CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE ON MONITORING EQUIPMENT Calibration of key measurement equipment was completed as follows in 2015. Table (IX) – Dates of Equipment Calibration DATE OF CALIBRATION OR MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT CALIBRATED/MAINT. COMPANY PERFORMING CALIBRRATION/MAINT. April 14, 2015 Yearly Flow monitors/ Mag Meters Franklin/MeasureMax December 2015 Yearly DO meter/ DR2800/ Hach Technician Weekly Do/pH meters In-house 10.0 EFFORTS AND RESULTS TO MEET EFFLUENT LIMITS AND OBJECTIVES In May of 2015, Brighton retained the engineering and wastewater operations firm of GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. (GSS) to assist with operation of the lagoon system. With the assistance of GSS, the Municipality of Brighton implemented four activities under the LOF process of the ECA to potentially improve performance of the lagoon treatment system. A copy of the four (4) Notices associated with each activity are included in Appendix B. The following summarizes the four activities: Page 30 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report - 10 Under LOF Notice 1, the Muncipality procured two additional floating aerators for installation in the aerated cell. These units were installed in August, 2015 and adjusted in September 2015 for better oxygen transfer. Oxygen levels increased significantly from 1 mg/l or less before the additional aerators to over 6 mg/l. - Under LOF Notice 2, the coagulant used was changed from alum to ferric chloride in July, 2015. The main objective of changing the type of coagulant was to improve phosphorus removal. In addition to improving removal of TP, it was anticipated that ferric chloride would also provide odour control and enhanced settling of solids in the inlet area of the stabilization lagoon. Due to the potential for significantly reduced chemical use, some savings in chemical costs were also anticipated. As per Section 10.1, significantly improved TP results have been achieved in the last three months of 2015. - Under LOF Notice 3, the Municipality restarted the existing, on site BioDome pilot unit. This pilot unit features a proprietary, media system to support growth of attached nitrifying bacteria and includes an aeration system for supplementary oxygen supply and circulation of pretreated effluent through the media. The BioDome pilot ran continuously from late May, 2015 to the end of November of 2015. Generally, the unit removed 30% to 60% of the influent ammonia nitrogen. - Under LOF Notice 4, the Municipality completed trial addition of Aqua N, a proprietary nitrifying bacteria supplement at various locations in the lagoon system. A discussion of effluent quality, and progress in dealing with effluent limits and objectives, is provided on a parameter basis as follows: 10.1. Total Phosphorus (TP) As per Table III, there were two exceedances of the TP limit of 1.0 mg/l in 2015 (February and March). Historically, there have been exceedances of the TP limit. Typically, these occurred in the cold weather months, but elevated levels of TP have occurred at other times of the year. As above, the coagulant was changed from alum to ferric chloride in July, 2015. As per Table III, levels of TP in the stabilization pond effluent remained similar to previous values in August and September, 2015 but significantly improved in October, November and December, 2015. The three month average for October, November and December, 2015 was 0.28 mg/l. This is significantly below historic levels of TP in the stabilization lagoon effluent which normally ranged from 0.5 to 1.0 mg/l. Page 31 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report 11 Levels of TP in wetland effluent also improved. The three month average for October, November and December, 2015 was 0.18 mg/l, well below the effluent objective of 0.8 mg/l. 10.2. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) There was no exceedances of the TSS limit (40.0 mg/l) in 2015, based on the annual average concentration of TSS. However, monthly TSS objectives for wetland effluent were exceeded during some months. As noted above, the change from alum to ferric chloride in July, 2015 appears to have improved TP levels, and also appears to have improved levels of TSS in the stabilization pond effluent and wetland effluent. The three month, TSS average for October, November and December, 2015 was 7.0 mg/l for effluent from the stabilization lagoon. As well, the three month, TSS average for October, November and December, 2015 for the wetland effluent was 4.9 mg/l, which was well below the objective of 15.0 mg/l. 10.3. Ammonium Nitrogen Removal of ammonia nitrogen has been a long standing issue for the Brighton WPCP. LOF provisions under Notice 1, 3 and 4 were primarily initiated to improve removal of ammonia nitrogen in the lagoon system. As well, in October 2014, after fall closure of Presquile Provincial Park, Brighton stopped receiving trailer dumping wastewater from the Park as a precautionary move to reduce ammonia nitrogen loadings in the raw sewage and eliminate possible chemicals that might be present on the trailer wastewater that might interfere with ammonia nitrogen treatment in the lagoon system. This decision was further confirmed when Brighton passed a bylaw in February, 2015 to officially end receipt of this wastewater source. Additional sampling of raw wastewater was also completed. Raw wastewater was sampled, at minimum, weekly from approximately June, 2015 to December 2015. As well, the pumped wastewater (from the Harbour St. sewage pumping station) was sampled separately from the gravity flow component of the sewage flow. The time of day the raw samples were taken was also varied to some degree to confirm ammonia nitrogen concentrations at various times. Supplementary samples of raw sewage were also collected at various locations in the sewer collection system. Additional samples were collected at night time locations from select locations to confirm if there were any diurnal variation in ammonia nitrogen concentrations and other parameters, such as CBOD. Improved treatment of ammonia nitrogen was achieved for October, November and December of 2015. During these months, effluent ammonia nitrogen levels were within Page 32 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report 12 the effluent compliance limits for the stabilization lagoon. As well, for the same months, ammonia nitrogen levels in the effluent from the wetlands met effluent objectives for November and December. Better results for ammonia nitrogen these months is believed to be related to improved aeration and higher oxygen levels in the aerated cell, which consequently supported a limited amount of nitrification in the aerated cell and the stabilization lagoon. For 2016, continual efforts to improve removal of ammonia nitrogen in the treatment process are anticipated. Overall, in 2015, investigations completed would indicate there are no inhibitory substances that would interfere with removal of ammonia nitrogen in the lagoon system. As well, while extensive sampling indicated that ammonia nitrogen and TKN levels in the raw sewage appeared to be somewhat higher than usual (when compared to CBOD levels in the raw sewage), a point source(s) of high loadings of ammonia, if present, was not located. The Muncipality plans to purchase a 24 hour composite sewage sampler in 2016. If purchased, such sampler will be used to complete additional sampling of raw sewage at various locations in the collection system. A Sewer Use Bylaw was introduced in February of 2015 to assist in the control of sewage quality and inflow of rain and groundwater to the sewer system. 11.0 BIOSOLIDS MANAGEMENT A small amount of sludge was pumped up to the drying bed as a limited test to see if some sludge management could be done in-house. Less than 1 cubic meter of solids was collected. No sludge sampling or sludge analysis was completed in 2015. 12.0 SUMMARY OF COMPLAINTS The Municipality received one odour complaint in 2015. The resident complained about an odour from a manhole lid, as well as the lift station on Harbour Street at 4 am in the morning. The complaint was subsequently investigated by Keith Lee and no odours were detected. No other complaints were received. 13.0 SUMMARY OF BY-PASSES, SPILLS AND ABNORMAL DISCHARGES There were no sewage by-passes, spills or abnormal discharges during this reporting period. Page 33 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report 13 14.0 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL SPILLS As reported previously, there were two chemical spills of ferric chloride and one minor leak of ferric chloride. The first spill occurred just outside of the control building at the ferric chloride tank in November 2015 and released approximately 1800 litres of chemical onto the ground around the tank. This spill was due to breakage of a PVC pipe coupler. The SAC office and local MOECC office were contacted. The second spill occurred in the basement of the control building in early December 2015 and was due to a coupler on the discharge hosing from one of the chemical pumps coming apart. The SAC office and local MOECC office were contacted. The minor leak occurred on the second chemical pump later in December 2015 with another piping coupler. A very small amount of chemical was released during this second release. All of the pipe coupler connections have since been replaced. 15.0 SUMMARY OF 2015 Overall, the Brighton WPCP performed relatively successfully in 2015 with improved levels of treatment achieved in the latter part of the year. Further efforts to improve operation of the treatment system is anticipated in 2016. Prepared by: Keith Lee, Wastewater ORO Muncipality of Brighton Jeff Graham, P. Eng. GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. Page 34 of 148 APPENDIX A Summary of Streets with Sewer Repairs completed in 2015 Page 35 of 148 In 2014 Sewertec did sewer repair on the streets listed below. Total costs were approximately $149.000. This costs also included flushing, cctv and the actual repairs. Main street Sanford Kingsley Cheer Prince Edward Maplewood Orchard Crescent Richardson Crestview Doorman Ontario St. north of tracks North St. Centre St. Sobeys parking lot (our sewer runs through there.) Prepared by Keith Lee Page 36 of 148 APPENDIX B NOTICE OF MODIFICATIONS SUBMITTED TO MOECC UNDER LOF PROCESS – 2015 Page 37 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report Appendix A 17 Page 38 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report Appendix A 18 Page 39 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report Appendix A 19 Page 40 of 148 The Municipality of Brighton 2015 Wastewater Annual Report Appendix A 20 Page 41 of 148 Subject: Recommendation to install timers for aerators - Brighton WPCP Dear Linda and Vicki As you are aware, Council previously approved having us ask the MOECC whether timers on the aerators, at the Brighton WPCP, can be installed under the LOF provisions of the ECA. Our analysis shows that installation of timers should retain important biological solids in the initial aerated cell. Such solids are strongly linked with improved removal of ammonia. As per our email below of February 4, 2016, and Viktoria Light's responding email of February 10, 2016, the MOECC has indicated installation of the timers can be installed now under the LOF conditions of the ECA. As such, I would ask that this item be placed on the agenda for the next Council meeting - with the recommendation that Council approve the installation of the timers as soon as possible. I should note that ammonia levels in the lagoons remains a serious issue. Since October, the levels of ammonia have reduced to the point that ammonia levels are within compliance - but just barely. The ammonia limit rises (relaxes) from 14 mg/l to 17 mg/l in the winter (beginning November 1) and we have been below 17 mg/l since that time. However, the average value for January 2016 was 15 mg/l...and if ammonia concentrations remain at this level until May, 2016 (when the compliance limit drops back to 14 mg/l) we run a real risk of being out of compliance again. Dan Rowley has previously priced the supply and installation of the timers as $2,900.00. This cost should be recouped in less than one month based on the assumption of energy usage reducing 50%. As such, the cost to install the timers is very low. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitated to contact me. Sincerely, Jeff Graham P. Eng., | President GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. Unit 104D, 1010 9th Ave W, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5R7 Tel: 519-372-4828 Ext. 24 | Page 42 of 148 -----Original Message----From: Light, Viktoria (MOECC) [] Sent: February-10-16 11:39 AM To: Jeff Graham <>; Fuller, Jacqueline (MOECC) <> Cc: Linda Widdifield <>; Vicki Kimmett <>; Winch, Melissa <>; Uukkivi, Raivo <>; Brian Ostrander <>; John Martinello <>; Laura Vink <>; 'Mary Tadman' <>; Mayor Mark Walas <>; Roger McMurray <>; Steven Baker <> Subject: RE: Emailing: Report to MOE - Timers for Aerators - Brighton WPCP Good morning, Thank you the submission of the proposal to install timers on the aerators at the Brighton WPCP. This modification to the aerator operation can be accommodated under the LOF condition of the current ECA. Regards, Viktoria Light Water Inspector - Provincial Officer #1100 Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Peterborough District Office P: 705-755-4330 F: 705-755-4343 -----Original Message----From: Jeff Graham [] Sent: February-04-16 11:41 AM To: Light, Viktoria (MOECC); Fuller, Jacqueline (MOECC) Cc: Linda Widdifield; Vicki Kimmett; Winch, Melissa; Uukkivi, Raivo; Brian Ostrander; John Martinello; Laura Vink; 'Mary Tadman'; Mayor Mark Walas; Roger McMurray; Steven Baker Subject: FW: Emailing: Report to MOE - Timers for Aerators - Brighton WPCP Dear Ms. Light As per previous performance reports for the Brighton WPCP, the new aerators installed in August, 2015 have significantly increased oxygen levels in the aerated cell. As such, we attach our background report on our proposal to install timers on the aerators and turn off the aerators for 50% of the time to retain volatile suspended solids (VSS) in the aerated cell. We are Page 43 of 148 confident that higher values of VSS in the aerated cell will improve ammonia removal in the aerated cell, and result in overall lower levels of ammonia in the stabilization pond effluent. We also ask for clarification if this change in aerator operation can be accommodated under the LOF (limited operational flexibility) section of the current ECA. If you have any questions regarding our proposal, please contact the undersigned. Jeff Graham P. Eng., | President GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. Unit 104D, 1010 9th Ave W, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5R7 Tel: 519-372-4828 Ext. 24 | Page 44 of 148 To Linda Widdifield and Vicki Kimmett Please find attached Keith Lee’s report regarding construction of a relatively small leak containment system (approximately 1,000 l maximum) in the basement of the control building at the lagoon site. The concrete containment is designed to contain leaks from broken or leaking coagulant pipes…and will prevent the spread of any leaked ferric chloride across the basement floor. If the containment fills to within several inches of the top, the fluid will overflow down a drain pipe attached to the wall to the sump pit – and would then be automatically pumped into the coagulant dosing channel beside the control building. If this containment had been previously constructed, it would have contained the ferric chloride that leaked on two occasions in the basement of the control building in December. As per the summary by Mr. Lee, total costs were minimal ($500) as the containment was constructed by Mr. Lee and one of the members of the Works Department who has significant experience with construction with cast in place concrete. Mr. Lee is also sourcing a liquid contact alarm that could be mounted inside the containment fairly near the floor – to provide an early alarm if ferric chloride begins to fill the containment. If installed, this alarm would dial out on the lagoon alarm dialer system. We have not advised the MOE CC of this containment system. The LOF provisions, of the relatively new ECA say, under Item 3 of Schedule B Appendix A, that “Normal or emergency operational modifications, such as repairs, reconstructions, or other improvements that are part of maintenance activities, including cleaning, renovations to existing approved sewage works equipment, provided that the modification is made with Equivalent Equipment, are considered pre-approved.” It is my opinion that this containment can be classified as an appropriate maintenance activity. The following statement in Schedule B of the ECA (clause 4) goes on to say that modifications done in clause 3 are not required to follow the LOF notification protocols and do not require submission of a Notice of Modification. I would recommend this cover note and attached document be included in the current Council agenda package. Thank you. Jeff Graham P. Eng., | President GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. Unit 104D, 1010 9th Ave W, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5R7 Tel: 519-372-4828 Ext. 24 | Page 45 of 148 Containment at the lagoon in basement After the leaks we had in the basement at the lagoon in the past I decided to create a containment in the basement. This containment will hold over a 1000 liters, and make clean up better in the future, this will also enable us to recoup some of the product if this ever happens in the future. In the past we have had alum spills as well as ferric spills. When I designed this containment the main purpose was to contain and recoup the material. I have an overflow built in to handle any chemical that we use. Page 46 of 148 The overflow runs along the wall to the sump pit, but is also plumbed into the sink run off, if for any reason we need to dilute the chemical. Page 47 of 148 The containment is concrete reinforced with rebar, 30” high by 5” wide and 14’ long The only contracted work for this job was the plumbing for the sink which cost $200 by a local plumber. Page 48 of 148 We will be installing a monitoring system for this containment, which will be done by an electrician and up to TAS too hook up into our alarm system. This job was completed in house by municipal employees, at a cost of less the $500 for the containment. Keith Lee Wastewater supervisor Page 49 of 148 From: Jeff Graham [] Sent: March-17-16 2:40 PM To: Vicki Kimmett <>; Linda Widdifield <> Subject: FW: Council agenda - Wastewater issues Dear Vicki and Linda At Monday Council’s meeting, I recommend I report on the following issues: - Automatic sewage sampler – has now been received and is being used on trial basis to collect weekly samples at lagoon site from first treatment cell. Staff are planning to deploy in sewer manholes upstream of lagoons soon. - Monthly progress reports to MOECC– our last one was done for December and I suggest the next one (covering January and February, 2016) be completed if Council agrees. - Containment for ferric chloride tank – I have made general inquiry to MOECC to see if this could proceed under LOF conditions in the ECA. I understand budget for the containment has been approved in this year’s budget and we have previously indicated to MOECC we would construct this year. Suggest design and tender be approved by Council now for construction in approximately June, 2016. As discussed, I will attend Council on Monday night. Jeff Graham P. Eng., | President GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. Unit 104D, 1010 9th Ave W, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5R7 Tel: 519-372-4828 Ext. 24 | Page 50 of 148 Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Council Date: 21 Mar 2016 To: Council Prepared By: Lloyd Hutchinson, Fire Chief Reviewed By: Department: Fire Department Subject/Title: Council Report Recommendation: That Council receives the Fire Department Activity Report for February 2016. Background/Purpose: This report provides updates to inform the Council on Fire Department activities. Analysis/Comments: Fire Department Responses The Department responded to 32 calls in February 2016 compared to 36 calls in February 2015. Nine (9) incidents in February 2016 occurred in the urban area south of the CN/CP train corridor with one (1) delay clearing the train crossings and no obstructions. Training Activities Page 51 of 148 The following training sessions were held in February 2016: HR Downloads Incident Scene Protection Evidence Management by the OPP 1 Firefighter completed their DZ Driver Training. Service Calls The following service calls were performed in February 2016: There was one (1) service call for a strong smell There was one (1) CO detector There was one (1) burn complaint Fire Prevention Activities 2 Firefighters participated in a tour of the Hall on two occasions for the Girl Guides. Meetings 1. Officer’s Meeting – 7 attended 2. Chief’s Meeting – 2 attended 3. General Meeting – 18 attended Emergency Notification Update As of Monday March 14, 2016 – 1538 households have registered. After inserting a reminder and instructional sheet in the tax bill, we are continuing to receive applications for registration, and we are continuing to see an increase in the number of people registering on their own. Received notification from the OFMEM that the Municipality was compliant for 2015. Attachments: Page 52 of 148 1. 2. 3. 4. Incident Summary February 2016 vs February 2015 Incidents south of the tracks February 2016 Notification of compliance from the OFMEM. Letter from the Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario notifying us of the packages they made up for us to put on our trucks. Page 53 of 148 Brighton District Fire Department Incident Type Report (Summary) Alarm Date between February 1, 2016 and February 29, 2016 Incident Type Count 2. Prefire Conditions or no fire 29 Other pre fire conditions (no fire) Pct of Incidents 1 Total 1 6. Rescue 62 Vehicle Collision 7. Medical/Resuscitator Call 701 Oxygen administered 73 Seizure 76 Chest pains or suspected heart attack 8. Medical 89 Other Medical Call/Resuscitator Call 0.00% 0% 3.12% 3.12% $0 $0 0.00% 0.00% 3.12% 3.12% $0 $0 0.00% 0.00% 4 Total 4 12.50% 12.50% $0 $0 0.00% 0.00% 4 3 4 Total 11 12.50% 9.37% 12.50% 34.37% $0 0.00% $0 $0 0.00% 0.00% 11 Total 11 34.37% 34.37% $0 $0 0.00% 0.00% 2 1 3 6.25% 3.12% 9.37% $0 $0 $0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 9. Other Incident Type 96 Call cancelled on route 98 Assistance not required by other agency Total Total Incident Count: Pct of Losses $0 $0 3. False Alarms/False Calls/No Loss Outdoor Fire 32 Alarm System Equipment – Accidental 1 Total 1 4. Public Hazard 41 Gas Leak – Natural Gas 1 Total 1 3.12% 3.12% Total Est. Loss 32 Total Estimated Loss: $0 February 2016 Number of Incidents south of the railway tracks: 9 Delays at the railway crossings: 1. 16-039 – Fire assisted patient until EMS arrived – delayed approx. 1 minutes. Number of railway crossing blockages: None reported. Page 54 of 148 Brighton District Fire Department Incident Type Report (Summary) Alarm Date between February 1, 2015 and February 28, 2015 Incident Type Count Pct of Incidents 2. Prefire Conditions or no fire 21 Overheat (no fire, e.g. engines, mechanical 29 Other pre fire conditions (no fire) 6. Rescue 62 Vehicle Collision 63 Building Collapse 6 1 Total 7 7. Medical/Resuscitator Call 701 Oxygen administered 76 Chest pains or suspected heart attack 8. Medical 85 Vital signs absent, DOA 89 Other Medical/Resuscitator Call 9. Other Incident Type 96 Call cancelled on route 97 Incident not found Total Incident Count: 3 Total 4 1 Total Est. Loss 2.77% 8.33% 11.11% 16.66% 2.77% 19.44% Pct of Losses $0 0.00% $0 $0 0.00% 0.00% $0 $0 $0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3 7 Total 10 8.33% 19.44% 27.77% $0 $0 $0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1 11 Total 12 2.77% 30.55% 33.33% $0 $0 $0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2 1 Total 3 5.55% 2.77% 8.33% $0 $0 $0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 36 Total Estimated Loss: $0 February 2015 Number of Incidents south of the railway tracks: 5 Delays at the railway crossings: None reported. Number of railway crossing blockages: None reported. Page 55 of 148 Brighton District Fire Department Incidents South of the Train Tracks in Urban Area February 2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Incident # Street or Location Type of Call Delay 16-039 16-042 16-046 16-051 16-053 16-054 16-055 16-063 16-066 Prince Edward Pier Drive Lucas Court Rogers Road Prince Edward Deerfield Drive Westview Drive Raglan Street Deerfield Drive Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Yes No No No No No No No No Assist Assist Assist Assist Assist Assist Assist Assist Assist Delays at train crossings: 1. 16-039: Truck 290 delayed approximately 1 minute. Obstruction of Rail Crossing: None. Page 56 of 148 F») Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Ministére Sécurité Office of the Fire Marshal and Bureau du commissaire des incendies et de la gestion des situations d'urgence Emergency Management Suite 6 3767 Hwy. 69 South Sudbury, ON PSG OA7 Tel: 14300-565-1842 Fax: (705) 564-4555 de la communautaire et des Services correctionnels M’ Ontario Suite 6 3767, route 69 sud Sudbury, ON PBG 0A7 Télz Télécz 1»800-565-1842 (705) 564-4555 March 01, 2016 Dear Mayor: It is the responsibility of municipalities to ensure they are in compliance with the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) and its associated Regulation, Ontario Regulation 380/04. The Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management (OFMEM) has determined that your municipality has complied with the Act and the Regulation for 2015. Completed Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) appointed (O.Reg.380/04,s.10(1)) CEMC completed the required training (O.Reg.380/04,s.10(2)) and Fire Marshal & Chief, Emergency Management Guidance: 2015-01-08 (0. Reg 380/04 Training Requirements) yes yes The Municipality Emergency Management Program Committee met at least once this year (0. Reg. 380/04, s.11 (6)) yes Current by-law for the municipa|ity’s adoption of its emergency management program (EMCPA s. 2.1(1)) yes Municipal Community Risk Profile reviewed by the Emergency Management Program Committee (EMCPA s. 2.1 (3)) yes Municipality's Emergency Response Plan reviewed and the most current copy submitted to EMO (EMCPA s.3(1), s.3(6) s. 6.2 (1)) Current by-law for the municipality's Emergency Response (EMCPA 3. 3(1)) Municipal Emergency Operations Centre designated (O.Reg.380/04,s.13 (1)) J yes Plan? yes yes Page 57 of 148 Municipality's EOC communications system deemed to be appropriate (0. Reg. 380/O4,s.13 (2)) yes Municipality's Critical Infrastructure reviewed by the Emergency Management Program Committee (EMCPA s. 2.1 (3)) yes Four (4) hours of annual municipal training conducted for the Municipal Emergency Control Group, staff and others identified in the ER Plan (EMCPA s.2.1(2), O. Reg. 380/O4,s.12 (3)) yes Municipal annual Exercise for the Municipal Emergency Control Group, staff and others identified in the ER Plan (EMCPA s.2.1(2), O.Reg.380/04 s. 12 (6)) and Fire Marshal & Chief, Emergency Management Guidance: 2015-01-O8 (O. Reg 380/04 Training Requirements) yes Municipal designated employee appointed to act as Emergency Information Officer (O.Reg.380/04, s. 14 (1)) yes Public Education Strategy completed (EMCPA s. 2.1 (2c)) yes Municipa|ity’s Emergency Management Program Committee conducted an Annual Review of the Program (O.Reg.380/04,s.11 (6) yes The safety of your citizens is important, and one way to increase that safety is to ensure that your municipality is prepared in case of an emergency and is compliant with the applicable legislation and regulation. You are to be congratulated on your municipality's efforts in achieving compliance in 2015. I hope and trust that you willcontinue your efforts to be compliant in 2016. If you have any questions regarding the monitoring process, please contact your Emergency Management Field Officer. Sincerely, ._ J »;v”?)?%M" "‘ ‘A./," ’ Art Booth Operations Manager Field and Advisory Services cc: CEMC CAO/Clerk Field Officer Page 58 of 148 January 15, 2016 Dear Friends, The Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario are celebrating our 119"‘Anniversary on February 19, 2016. We are a not-for—pro?torganization with branches throughout Ontario. To celebrate our anniversary, members of our organization are giving packages to you to help comfort children in your care. We hope that you will accept our gi?s. For more information about our organization, please visit our website: On behalf of our members, A21}:u \/x. t Margaret Byl, President Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario FederatedW{>me;z‘s Ixzgrii//resqr Om /;~,'(; 552 Ridge Road, Stoney Creek. ON 1.8} 2Y6 0 Phone: 905-662-2691 U Page 59 of 148 Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Council Date: 21 Mar 2016 To: Council Prepared By: Jim Millar, Director of Parks & Recreation Reviewed By: Department: Parks & Recreation Subject/Title: Creation of an Ad Hoc Trails Working Group Recommendation: That Council accepts the recommendations from the Director of Parks and Recreation to establish an ad-hoc trails working group to coordinate the trail development within the urban area. The composition for this ad-hoc working group to be made up of the Mayor, and one other member of Council, the Municipal Planner, Public Works Project Supervisor, and Director of Parks and Recreation. Analysis/Comments: With the purchase of the property on the corner of Ontario and Main streets in 2012, an opportunity presented itself to develop this property into a high-visibility, user-friendly park and with that in mind a committee was created. The 2 Ontario Committee was made up of 2 members of council, 2 community members and staff as liaisons who attended whenever required. In the end the committee was quite successful developing this property into what we have today and call Rose Ellery Park after the long-time resident and former Councillor. With this in mind, there are funds placed in the budget for 2016 which are to continue development of the municipal trail system along Butler Creek. There are two areas identified which are to be developed and both along the creek at Ontario Street and in areas south of Butler Street. In order to best organize these trial areas I recommend that Council create an Ad-Hoc working group to help develop and oversee the development of these areas and help with the process of negotiating with the landowners who may be affected by this trail Page 60 of 148 development. I would further recommend that this working group be comprised of Mayor Walas, one other member of Councillor, and staff support from the Municipal Planner, the Public Works Project Supervisor and myself (The Director of Parks and Recreation). The main idea behind the creation of this working group would be to begin the process of trail development in these areas, to overcome land issues which will affect the trail’s construction, liasioning with landowners, and other agencies such as the Lower Trent Conservation, and the MNR and advise on bid document content. I believe having been involved with past projects such as both the Tobey Trail link and the creation of Rose Ellery Park, that such a working group is required to get things moving and keep it moving as circumstances dictate as it utilizing the skills of each group member to make it the most cost-effective way to develop these trail links. Progress from this working group will be communicated to Council via staff reports from the Director of Parks and Recreation who will be the main liaison for this working group. It is my feeling that a coordinated effort is required by both Council and staff to get see these trails through the planning process. Financial Implications: Funding for the expansion of the Butler Creek Trail has been placed in the 2016 Budget at $40,000.00. $20,000 is from a generous donation from the Brighton Health Services Centre and $20,000 in matching funds from the Municipality through Development Charges. The Stalwood trail link has $50,000 in the 2016 budget with $20,562 coming from Reserves and $29,438 coming from Development Charges as identified in this last Development Charges study. Strategic Plan Alignment: Strategy#1 - Quality of Place Page 61 of 148 Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Council Date: 21 Mar 2016 To: Council Prepared By: Linda Widdifield, Director of Finance & Administrative Services Reviewed By: Department: Finance Subject/Title: January and February 2016 Accounts Payable Report Recommendation: That Council receives the January and February 2016 Accounts Payable Report, in the amount of $1,723,137.16, as paid. Background/Purpose: Payments that have been included in the 2015 Annual Budget are made by cheque to vendors. Additionally, payments have been made by cheque to vendors to sustain ongoing operations of the Municipality in advance of the 2016 budget approval. In anticipation of public interest and to respect the intentions of Bill 130 initiatives for accountability and transparency, the Accounts Payable Report is provided monthly to Council. Attachments: January and February 2016 Accounts Payable Page 62 of 148 January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 63 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39204 AC Grinding Machine & Tool Vendor Name 04/01/2016 21523 74.58 Sharpen Ice Scrapper Blades 39245 AC Grinding Machine & Tool 17/11/2015 21483 74.58 Sharpen Ice Scrapper Blades 39245 AC Grinding Machine & Tool 10/12/2015 21505 99.44 Sharpen Ice Scrapper Blades 39314 Advantage Specialties 12/01/2016 20140 269.38 Soap, Black Bags 39246 Air Liquide/Messer Canada 29/11/2015 63030052 88.27 Cylinder Rental 39246 Air Liquide/Messer Canada 14/12/2015 63430743 83.13 Cylinder Rental 39247 Alarm Systems 16/12/2015 481769 310.75 Alarm Maintenance 39315 Alarm Systems 01/02/2016 481894 243.40 Security System Sharp Rd 39315 Alarm Systems 14/01/2016 483638 237.30 Alarm Maintenance Sharp Rd 39205 Alarm Systems 05/01/2016 483450 183.51 Fix Alarm-100 Cty Rd 64 39205 Alarm Systems 01/01/2016 479815 271.20 Monitoring of Security System 39206 AMCTO 01/01/2016 105556 MILLAR 2016 424.88 Membership Fees-Millar 39206 AMCTO 01/01/2016 104103 SELMAN 2016 424.88 Membership Fees - Selman 39206 AMCTO 01/01/2016 104635 WIDDIFIELD 16 424.88 Membership Fees - Widdifield 39206 AMCTO 01/01/2016 3029 KELLY 2016 424.88 Membership Fees - Kelly 39206 AMCTO 01/01/2016 208110 KIMMETT 2016 424.88 Membership Fees - Kimmett 39316 Arboriculture Canada 14/01/2016 STAFF TRAINING 2,220.45 Training Course 39317 Ascent Solutions Inc. 14/12/2015 J229475 2,135.70 LED Streetlights 39248 ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems Canada Inc. 20/12/2015 SEI/00096981 372.73 39207 Association Of Municipalities 01/01/2016 MEM004787 4,075.52 39252 B.M.R.Mfg., Inc., 17/12/2015 350293 373.26 Road Signs 39252 B.M.R.Mfg., Inc., 17/12/2015 350294 362.71 Signs 39172 Bardon Supplies Limited 15/12/2015 5908753 12.80 Poly Tubing 39249 Behan Construction Limited 18/12/2015 YOUNG/GEORGE CERT#5 230,381.04 39208 Bell Canada 20/12/2015 521274748 DEC15 212.44 Business Internet Line 39250 Bell Canada 01/01/2016 300291338 JAN16 212.44 Internet Line 39251 Bell Canada-Public Access 28/12/2015 141742 113.00 Pay Phone 39318 Bell Mobility 01/01/2016 508538694 JAN16 2,297.04 Cell Phone Billing January 39173 Branch Electric Motor Service 11/12/2015 43932 4,377.87 Electric Motor Repairs 39253 Brighton Automotive & 29/12/2015 14833-57220 79.04 Parts/Supplies 39320 Brighton Automotive & 21/01/2016 14833-58768 23.87 Rapidfix Page 1 of 25 Description Door Maintenance - Arena 2016 Membership Young & George - Cert#5 January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 64 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39320 Brighton Automotive & Vendor Name 19/01/2016 14833-58588 147.13 Castrol Edge 39320 Brighton Automotive & 14/01/2016 14833-58265 496.59 Hydraulic Fluid, Hose Assembly 39320 Brighton Automotive & 14/01/2016 14833-58296 108.34 Honey Goo Lube 39320 Brighton Automotive & 18/11/2015 14833-54472 50.93 Socket, Chisel, Snowbrush 39320 Brighton Automotive & 17/11/2015 14833-54395 39.38 Ratchet, Socket 39320 Brighton Automotive & 03/11/2015 14833-53361 21.21 Saw Blade 39320 Brighton Automotive & 06/10/2015 14833-51335 5.71 Material 39320 Brighton Automotive & 16/09/2015 14833-49679 13.74 Energizer Industrial 39209 Brighton Automotive & 06/01/2016 14833-57718 24.13 Washer Hose 39209 Brighton Automotive & 06/01/2016 14833-57694 69.53 Greasegun 39209 Brighton Automotive & 06/01/2016 14833-57685 53.66 Beartex 39209 Brighton Automotive & 05/01/2016 14833-57594 83.95 Tie Rod End 39209 Brighton Automotive & 05/01/2016 14833-57643 40.00 Brake Cleaner 39210 Brighton Tire Warehouse 06/01/2016 47689 22.60 Repair Trailer Tire 39255 Caduceon Enterprises Inc. 31/12/2015 15-17930 1,530.29 Brighton WTP 39255 Caduceon Enterprises Inc. 31/12/2015 15-17933 63.57 North Firehall 39255 Caduceon Enterprises Inc. 31/12/2015 15-17932 63.57 Hilton Hall 39255 Caduceon Enterprises Inc. 31/12/2015 15-17931 63.57 Codrington Hall 39255 Caduceon Enterprises Inc. 31/12/2015 15-17934 2,358.63 Brighton WPCP 39256 Cambium Environmental 21/12/2015 2015-17610 3,277.00 Supplemental Phase II ESA 39211 Canadian National Railways 01/01/2016 91188333 1,552.50 Public Crossing - Maintenance 39263 Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 25/12/2015 11080811 1,208.50 Flasher Contract 39324 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 14/01/2016 160117SAL 214.61 160117SAL 39324 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 14/01/2016 160110HRY 434.60 160110HRY 39324 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 28/01/2016 160131SAL 225.71 160131SAL 39324 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 28/01/2016 160124HRY 446.76 160124HRY 39200 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 03/12/2015 151206SAL 211.66 151206SAL 39200 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 03/12/2015 151129HRY 463.77 151129HRY 39200 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 17/12/2015 151220SAL 211.66 151220SAL 39200 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 10/12/2015 151213HRY 455.03 151213HRY 39200 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 31/12/2015 160103SAL 212.16 160103SAL Page 2 of 25 Description January Accounts Payables Cheque# Vendor Name Date Page 65 of 148 Invoice # Amount 151227HRY 448.25 151227HRY 23/12/2015 3198388 135.78 Municipal Law Book 24/12/2015 7859544 135.78 Municipal Law Book Cassels Brock 29/12/2015 1977441 24,504.64 Re: Water/Sewage Systems 39321 Cassels Brock 31/12/2015 1979870 12,311.35 Wastewater Legal 39321 Cassels Brock 31/12/2015 1978554 20,973.67 Water & Sewage Systems 39300 Catherine Stutt 16/12/2015 BDA POSTAGE 96.05 Postage Brighton Archives 39287 Cathy O'Reilly 22/12/2015 CREDIT 2,000.00 Credit on Account 39244 Cheer Homes 14/01/2016 SECURITY RELEASE 34,421.25 Security Release 39259 Coco Paving Inc. 18/12/2015 1407 2,977.85 QPR 39259 Coco Paving Inc. 10/12/2015 14064509 1,637.88 HL3 39212 Codrington Women's Institute 01/01/2016 357101 522.00 New Years Levee 39260 Cole's Tim-Br Mart 12/01/2015 2665537 18.01 Hinge & Screws 39260 Cole's Tim-Br Mart 12/01/2015 2665536 28.20 Casters 39262 Corix Water Products (East) 07/12/2015 10513150174 63.71 S/S Saddle 39176 Corix Water Products (East) 07/12/2015 10513150173 127.42 Saddle 39322 Corix Water Products (East) 08/01/2016 10616001117 3,767.62 TR/Touch Pad Service Box 39213 Country Homes Of Quinte 08/01/2016 2015-38 REFUND 1,000.00 Permit Refund 39286 County Of Northumberland 14/12/2015 28387 320.00 OMLI Report Writing 39190 County Of Northumberland 31/12/2015 31122015 TAGS 6,778.75 Bag Tag Remittance 39190 County Of Northumberland 14/12/2015 28393 123.37 39349 County Of Northumberland 25/01/2016 25012016 TAGS 7,975.00 Bag Tag Remittance 39349 County Of Northumberland 31/12/2015 28493 7,680.00 Plumbing Permits 39349 County Of Northumberland 31/12/2015 28533 1,675.00 Septic 39226 County Of Northumberland 06/01/2015 06012016 TAGS 2,667.50 Bag Tag Remittance 39264 Cunningham Swan 03/12/2015 135882 1,105.69 Services Oct - Nov 2015 39264 Cunningham Swan 29/12/2015 136072 339.00 39264 Cunningham Swan 29/12/2015 136074 1,410.52 General Advice - Planning 39264 Cunningham Swan 29/12/2015 136075 1,419.56 Kuipers - OMB 39264 Cunningham Swan 29/12/2015 136077 1,081.98 Subdivision Servicing Opinion 39264 Cunningham Swan 29/12/2015 136078 868.69 39200 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 31/12/2015 39257 Carswell 39257 Carswell 39258 Page 3 of 25 Description Loyalist-Managing/Leading General Advice 60 Ontario Bldg Permit Opinion January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 66 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39177 Cunningham Swan Vendor Name 27/11/2015 135627 173.74 General Advice 39177 Cunningham Swan 27/11/2015 135628 1,879.76 Kuipers - OMB 39177 Cunningham Swan 27/11/2015 135630 566.61 Orchard Gate Subdivision 39323 Cunningham Swan 04/01/2016 136489 205.38 Habitat For Humanity Easement 39323 Cunningham Swan 19/01/2016 136589 1,175.95 Kuipers OMB 39306 D. M. Wills Associates 30/11/2015 9476 1,863.37 Brighton By The Bay Phase 8 39306 D. M. Wills Associates 30/11/2015 9448 932.25 39306 D. M. Wills Associates 30/11/2015 9477 2,143.05 Orchard Gates 39267 D.L. Services Inc. 31/12/2015 1000897 14,168.55 Ferric Spill 39241 David Woodward 01/01/2016 WATERSEWER OVERPYMNT 190.64 39265 Diamond Municipal Solutions 31/12/2015 D23054 2,254.35 GP2015 Upgrade 39215 Digital Postage On Call 23/12/2015 23122015 2,260.00 Replenish Postage Machine 39266 Digital Postage On Call 07/01/2016 07012016 2,260.00 Postage for Postage Machine 39269 Dorothy Fletcher 19/12/2015 BDA 244.33 Brighton Digital Archives 39269 Dorothy Fletcher 18/12/2015 HISTORY OPEN HOUSE 200.42 History Open House 39261 Dot Connolly 11/12/2015 HILTON HALL CHRISTMA 212.67 Heritage History Seminar 39236 Doug Simpson Electric 10/01/2016 3422 242.89 Replace Traffic Light Bulb 39325 Electrical Safety Authority 13/01/2016 94222627 687.04 Inspection Fees 39268 EMC Your Community Newspaper 03/12/2015 OTD0571812 265.55 Christmas Song Book 39268 EMC Your Community Newspaper 10/12/2015 OTD0575056 96.95 Capital Projects 39268 EMC Your Community Newspaper 17/12/2015 OTD0578152 66.11 Display Invoice 39268 EMC Your Community Newspaper 17/12/2015 OTD0578153 92.55 Holiday Free Skate 39268 EMC Your Community Newspaper 24/12/2015 OTD0582328 180.35 New Years Levee 39268 EMC Your Community Newspaper 31/12/2015 OTD0584607 105.77 Council Meeting 39268 EMC Your Community Newspaper 31/12/2015 OTD0584608 112.38 Budget Meeting 39268 EMC Your Community Newspaper 31/12/2015 OTD0584609 180.35 New Year's Levee 39268 EMC Your Community Newspaper 31/12/2015 OTD0584610 81.53 Christmas Tree Pick Up 39268 EMC Your Community Newspaper 24/12/2015 OTD0582341 73.45 Cancelled Meeting 39326 Evoqua Water Technologies Ltd. 05/01/2016 902466840 953.77 Materials/Supplies 39327 Fellows Towing, 12/01/2016 28912 3,051.00 39328 Fireservice Management Ltd 08/01/2016 432732 149.27 Page 4 of 25 Description Mills Rd Drainage Water Overpayment Plow Recovery Oil Wash - Suit, Cleaning January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 67 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39329 First Place Trailers & Powersports Vendor Name 21/01/2016 14839 480.25 39180 G & K Meter Reading Services 17/12/2015 40 1,979.25 Meter Reading Billing 39273 G. Hart & Sons 31/12/2015 110043 4,519.23 Brighton Well#2 39277 G.D. Jewell Engineering Inc. 22/12/2015 106567 966.15 Industrial Park Electrical 39277 G.D. Jewell Engineering Inc. 22/12/2015 106565 26,852.97 Young/George Contract 39338 G.D. Jewell Engineering Inc. 11/01/2016 106596 6,910.37 Young/George Admin Contract 39338 G.D. Jewell Engineering Inc. 11/01/2016 106598 101.70 39178 Geo Kamp Limited 23/12/2015 16-1315 13,414.52 39330 Gerow Propane 14/01/2016 300540 258.18 Propane Firehall 39330 Gerow Propane 04/01/2016 298952 344.56 Propane Firehall 39270 Gerow Propane 22/12/2015 21894 50.00 Propane 39270 Gerow Propane 19/12/2015 298069 149.02 Hilton Hall Propane 39270 Gerow Propane 31/12/2015 298836 79.73 Hilton Hall Propane 39270 Gerow Propane 31/12/2015 298835 731.36 Garage - Propane 39270 Gerow Propane 19/12/2015 298078 469.38 Firehall - Propane 39179 Gimpel Electric Supply Ltd. 09/12/2015 850444 51.47 Batteries 39216 Gin-Cor Industries Inc. 07/01/2016 35158 630.61 Quick Disconnect 39331 Gin-Cor Industries Inc. 18/01/2016 35354 1,402.53 39331 Gin-Cor Industries Inc. 20/01/2016 35396 666.85 Clevis Yoke Ass, Cab Control 39271 Git-R-Down Tree Service 30/11/2015 2409 4,746.00 Poplar/Pinewood School Rd 39271 Git-R-Down Tree Service 07/12/2015 1648 994.40 Smith Street 39332 Gordon Co. Locksmiths Ltd. 27/11/2015 2611 672.35 Lock Maintenance 39272 Harper Ontario Truck Centres 17/12/2015 C066072939:01 344.56 Gasket, Oilfill Pipe 39181 Hastings Fire Equipment 2000 22/12/2015 2015497 1,395.55 39334 Henry House 20/01/2016 42 40.68 Key for Arena 39217 Herrington, Peter 08/01/2016 574004 105.03 Livestock Valuer/Bernier 39333 Herrington, Peter 14/01/2016 574005 104.47 Livestock Valuer 39274 HPEMFAA Training Complex 31/12/2015 201644 423.75 Fire - Training 39275 Hydro One 24/12/2015 200003833790 DEC15 36.29 Butler Streetlights 39275 Hydro One 16/12/2015 200025758723 DEC15 35.51 Elizabeth St Ballpark 39275 Hydro One 16/12/2015 200074564574 DEC15 35.51 King Edward-Ball Park#2 Page 5 of 25 Description 200lbs Force Vib Kit Industrial Park Electrical Brighton Well Field Chain Main Conveyor Valve-Hydrostatic Testing January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 68 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39275 Hydro One Vendor Name 16/12/2015 200046062944 DEC15 107.65 Elizabeth Canteen 39275 Hydro One 04/01/2016 200106149491 JAN16 66.50 Lot 4 Conc 4 39275 Hydro One 06/01/2016 200022501543 JAN16 254.32 1256 County Rd 27 39275 Hydro One 06/01/2016 200105800695 JAN16 96.06 50 Chatten Rd 39275 Hydro One 06/01/2016 200042642985 JAN16 65.73 Fieldcrest Court 39275 Hydro One 06/01/2016 200017716211 JAN16 1,000.98 39275 Hydro One 06/01/2016 200031941158 JAN16 6.10 39275 Hydro One 07/01/2016 200095499396 JAN16 2,046.61 7 Harbour St 39275 Hydro One 07/01/2016 200053586912 JAN16 3,463.94 35 Alice St 39275 Hydro One 04/01/2016 200039139770 JAN16 337.07 Smithfield Streetlights 39275 Hydro One 04/01/2016 200059582522 JAN16 111.38 Orland Streetlights 39275 Hydro One 04/01/2016 200093778759 JAN16 58.70 Hazelton Streetlight 39335 Hydro One 18/01/2016 200074564574 JAN16 34.97 Elizabeth Ball Park 2 39335 Hydro One 18/01/2016 200046062944 JAN16 113.30 Elizabeth St Canteen 39335 Hydro One 18/01/2016 200025758723 JAN16 34.95 Elizabeth St Ball Park 39335 Hydro One 15/01/2016 200047371030 JAN16 123.35 Millpond Rd Streetlights 39335 Hydro One 18/01/2016 200063550226 JAN16 143.74 Lakeview Hgts Pumping Chamber 39335 Hydro One 18/01/2016 200006252528 JAN16 319.79 Kingsley/Main 39182 Hydro One 16/12/2015 200045751231 DEC15 399.36 20 Elizabeth 39182 Hydro One 16/12/2015 200077682924 DEC15 56.69 Memorial Park 39182 Hydro One 17/12/2015 200030047638 DEC15 320.91 Hope Street 39182 Hydro One 15/12/2015 200047371030 DEC15 118.96 Millpond Road Streetlights 39182 Hydro One 16/12/2015 200050124315 DEC15 7,895.72 39182 Hydro One 16/12/2015 200032525582 DEC15 43.42 Division Streetlights 39182 Hydro One 16/12/2015 200063550226 DEC15 127.93 Lakeview Heights 39182 Hydro One 16/12/2015 200063481720 DEC15 119.04 37 Pinnacle St 39182 Hydro One 17/12/2015 200101528251 DEC15 8,279.19 75 Elizabeth St 39335 Hydro One 14/01/2016 200109793156 JAN16 34.78 Price St E Ball Diamond 39335 Hydro One 14/01/2016 200007604060 JAN16 34.78 3 Bay St E 39335 Hydro One 14/01/2016 200024663431 JAN16 98.46 232 Presquilr Pkwy 39335 Hydro One 14/01/2016 200089255731 JAN16 37.38 71 County Rd 64 Sewage Lagoon Page 6 of 25 Description 71 Chatten Rd 2992 County Rd 30 100 Cty Rd 64 January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 69 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39335 Hydro One Vendor Name 14/01/2016 200005355074 JAN16 1,521.40 39335 Hydro One 18/01/2016 200032525582 JAN16 45.07 Division Street Light 39335 Hydro One 12/01/2016 200008905173 JAN16 50.58 Bayshore, Sewage Station 39335 Hydro One 12/01/2016 200079896544 JAN16 3,653.18 39335 Hydro One 12/01/2016 200104418851 JAN16 51.28 70 Bayshore Dock Lights 39335 Hydro One 04/01/2016 200083273861 JAN16 654.19 Alice Street 39335 Hydro One 04/01/2016 200047775602 JAN16 156.24 Codrington Streetlights 39335 Hydro One 05/01/2016 200006022354 JAN16 15,944.34 Streetlights 39336 Hydro One Networks Inc 22/12/2015 33922-1030584 1,386.25 Claim Settlement 39218 Imagine Campaign 12/01/2016 01012016 25,000.00 Council Resolution 2010-335 39219 Industrial Alliance 01/01/2016 JANUARY 2016 25,103.82 Monthly Premium - January 39305 Ivan B. Wallace 09/12/2015 20243 904.00 Habitat Dufferin St 39174 J Bryant Plumbing 23/12/2015 109 79.09 Backflow Preventer 39183 JC Group 16/12/2015 41115 387.29 Fuel - Water Dept 39183 JC Group 16/12/2015 41063 81.01 Fuel - Bldg & Bylaw 39183 JC Group 16/12/2015 41114 177.00 Fuel - Waste Water 39183 JC Group 16/12/2015 41095 234.62 Fuel - Park & Rec 39337 JC Group 18/01/2016 41443 260.24 Fuel Water Dept 39337 JC Group 18/01/2016 41442 141.59 Fuel Waster Water 39337 JC Group 18/01/2016 41423 317.67 Fuel Rec Dept 39337 JC Group 18/01/2016 23302 74.58 Tractor Fluid 39276 JC Group 16/12/2015 41100 514.63 Public Works Fuel 39276 JC Group 31/12/2015 41217 73.02 Bldg/Bylaw Fuel 39276 JC Group 31/12/2015 41267 181.35 Water Dept Fuel 39276 JC Group 31/12/2015 41266 81.49 Wastewater Fuel 39276 JC Group 31/12/2015 41246 218.27 Parks/Rec Fuel 39276 JC Group 31/12/2015 41252 618.18 Public Works Fuel 39185 John's Portable Welding 18/12/2015 59137 3,729.00 39188 Keith Lee 31/12/2015 113855-01 54.90 Chemical Feed System 39188 Keith Lee 29/12/2015 114028-01 123.41 Chemical Dosing System 39221 Kingston Online Services 05/01/2016 461629 67.80 Webspace Jan 5 to Apr 4/2016 Page 7 of 25 Description 67 Sharp Rd 406 County Rd 26 Replace Concrete/Aluminium January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 70 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39278 Krecklo Municipal Consultants Inc. Vendor Name 22/12/2015 16-006 6,960.80 39281 L.B. Welding 27/11/2015 33590 16.95 Truck Bar 39279 Lafrance Sod Farms 27/11/2015 613216 105.77 Small Sod Rolls 39340 Lakeport Power 05/01/2016 113508 654.27 Gloves 39199 Landmark Associates Limited 01/12/2015 157220 8,475.20 General Planning Services 39199 Landmark Associates Limited 01/12/2015 157213 2,962.17 Mac's Gas Bar 39199 Landmark Associates Limited 01/12/2015 157214 1,492.48 Rosslyn Subdivision Phase 2 39199 Landmark Associates Limited 01/12/2015 157215 331.57 McDonald/Shell 39199 Landmark Associates Limited 01/12/2015 157216 879.69 Applewood Meadows 39199 Landmark Associates Limited 01/12/2015 157217 1,700.53 Lakeside Landing 39199 Landmark Associates Limited 01/12/2015 157218 1,519.47 Hamilton Woods 39199 Landmark Associates Limited 01/12/2015 157219 856.85 Brighton By The Bay 39280 Landmark Associates Limited 22/12/2015 157242 700.08 Mac's Site Plan Approval 39280 Landmark Associates Limited 22/12/2015 157245 2,534.65 Lakeside Landing Subdivision 39280 Landmark Associates Limited 22/12/2015 157246 1,516.08 Tackaberry Ridge Subdivision 39280 Landmark Associates Limited 22/12/2015 157247 925.56 Presquile Landing Subdivision 39280 Landmark Associates Limited 22/12/2015 157241 809.39 Rosslyn Subdivision Phase 2 39280 Landmark Associates Limited 22/12/2015 157244 360.78 McDoanld/Shell 39280 Landmark Associates Limited 22/12/2015 157243 1,360.35 Applewood Meadows Subdivision 39280 Landmark Associates Limited 22/12/2015 157240 15,269.05 General Planning Services 39186 Lucas Kelly 14/12/2015 PIZZA 172.86 Pizza-Kids Christmas Party 39186 Lucas Kelly 14/12/2015 CLOTHING 2015 112.98 Clothing 39341 Matco Tools 12/01/2016 37869 192.09 Torque Wrench Calibration 39197 Michael Ryckman 11/12/2015 CLOTHING 226.00 Clothing Allowance 39285 Mike & Lori's No Frills 24/12/2015 06 0242 38.28 Grocery Supplies 39285 Mike & Lori's No Frills 02/12/2015 01 3532 15.98 Grocery Supplies 39285 Mike & Lori's No Frills 04/12/2015 06 8316 172.65 Grocery Supplies 39285 Mike & Lori's No Frills 12/12/2015 08 0611 21.07 Christmas Party Supplies 39285 Mike & Lori's No Frills 12/12/2015 07 7638 77.21 Grocery Supplies 39285 Mike & Lori's No Frills 07/12/2015 07 6796 36.00 Grocery Supplies 39285 Mike & Lori's No Frills 10/12/2015 08 1267 40.50 Grocery Supplies Page 8 of 25 Description Professional Fees-Search January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 71 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39345 Minister Of Finance Vendor Name 12/01/2016 17120116021 260.00 39345 Minister Of Finance 12/01/2016 17120116191 1,172.34 39282 Minister Of Finance 05/01/2016 17050116033 -10946.00 2015 Adjustments 39282 Minister Of Finance 15/12/2015 17151215094 149,287.00 Policing Contract 39344 Minister Of Finance EHT 14/01/2016 151231COU 186.80 151231COU 39344 Minister Of Finance EHT 14/01/2016 160117SAL 1,085.67 160117SAL 39344 Minister Of Finance EHT 14/01/2016 160110HRY 1,014.30 160110HRY 39344 Minister Of Finance EHT 28/01/2016 160131SAL 1,094.21 160131SAL 39344 Minister Of Finance EHT 28/01/2016 160124HRY 1,100.09 160124HRY 39344 Minister Of Finance EHT 28/01/2016 SALARY 106.12 39201 Minister Of Finance EHT 03/12/2015 151206SAL 1,066.97 151206SAL 39201 Minister Of Finance EHT 03/12/2015 151129HRY 1,004.23 151129HRY 39201 Minister Of Finance EHT 04/12/2015 151130FIR 1,647.66 151130FIR 39201 Minister Of Finance EHT 10/12/2015 151130COU 282.35 151130COU 39201 Minister Of Finance EHT 17/12/2015 151220SAL 1,051.13 151220SAL 39201 Minister Of Finance EHT 10/12/2015 151213HRY 934.82 151213HRY 39201 Minister Of Finance EHT 31/12/2015 160103SAL 1,132.68 160103SAL 39201 Minister Of Finance EHT 31/12/2015 151231COM 21.06 151231COM 39201 Minister Of Finance EHT 31/12/2015 151227HRY 937.16 151227HRY 39344 Minister Of Finance EHT 27/01/2016 27012016 -109.32 Payroll Correction 39283 Multi-Vac Services Ltd. 31/12/2015 9399 1,776.93 Repair Valve 107 Main St 39223 Mun. Finance Officer's Assoc. 25/11/2015 MEMBERSHIP 2016 355.95 Membership Fees - 2016 39343 Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Ontario 01/01/2016 MC002070 237.30 2016 Municipal Contribution 39224 Municipal World 09/10/2015 96438 270.62 Taxi Plates 2016 39189 Murray's Rug Rental 14/12/2015 10045 104.00 Rug Rental - Admin 39189 Murray's Rug Rental 04/01/2016 10317 56.00 Rug Rental Arena 39189 Murray's Rug Rental 04/01/2016 10318 88.00 Rug Rental Public Works 39346 Murray's Rug Rental 04/01/2016 10315 104.00 Rug Rental Alice St 39189 Murray's Rug Rental 04/01/2016 10316 44.50 Rug Rental Firehall 39346 Murray's Rug Rental 14/12/2015 10046 44.50 Rug Rental - Firehall 39346 Murray's Rug Rental 14/12/2015 10047 56.00 Rug Rental - Arena Page 9 of 25 Description Registration Fees Ride Dec 26 SALARY January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 72 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39346 Murray's Rug Rental Vendor Name 14/12/2015 10048 88.00 Rug Rental - P.W. 39347 National Sanitation And 11/01/2016 342638 471.46 Janitorial Supplies 39347 National Sanitation And 18/01/2016 342829 114.38 Janitorial Supplies 39225 Neopost Leasing Services Canada Ltd 01/12/2015 6135526 812.83 Lease Jan 1 to Mar 31/2016 39348 Noco Fuels 05/01/2016 FCSINV10870 49.13 Diesel Exhaust Fluid 39348 Noco Fuels 19/01/2016 FCSINV12886 759.90 Diesel 39348 Noco Fuels 19/01/2016 FCSINV12896 2,038.88 Diesel 39348 Noco Fuels 19/01/2016 FCSINV12895 1.16 Diesel 39348 Noco Fuels 19/01/2016 FCSINV12894 4,857.64 Diesel 39284 Noco Fuels 21/12/2015 FCSINV9535 860.24 Gasoline 39368 Northumberland County 31/12/2015 W006291 253.00 Tipping Fees 39235 Northumberland Road 18/12/2015 2016 DUES 270.00 Membership Fees - 2016 39228 OAPSB Zone 3 05/01/2016 2015 & 2016 MEMBER 100.00 Membership Fees - 2015 &16 39202 OMERS 31/12/2015 151227HRY 6,411.64 151227HRY 39202 OMERS 03/12/2015 151206SAL 11,034.02 151206SAL 39202 OMERS 03/12/2015 151129HRY 6,945.82 151129HRY 39202 OMERS 17/12/2015 151220SAL 10,864.76 151220SAL 39202 OMERS 10/12/2015 151213HRY 6,461.02 151213HRY 39202 OMERS 31/12/2015 160103SAL 11,054.00 160103SAL 39350 OMERS 14/01/2016 160117SAL 11,083.08 160117SAL 39350 OMERS 14/01/2016 160110HRY 6,826.92 160110HRY 39350 OMERS 28/01/2016 160131SAL 11,104.86 160131SAL 39350 OMERS 28/01/2016 160124HRY 6,738.68 160124HRY 39350 OMERS 27/01/2016 27012016 -1400.58 Payroll Correction 39350 OMERS 28/01/2016 SALARY 1,352.52 SALARY 39288 One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning 28/12/2015 133188 673.48 Service Call/Maintenance 39227 Ont Assn Fire Chiefs 28/10/2015 1269 282.50 Membership Fees - Hutchinson 39227 Ont Assn Fire Chiefs 28/10/2015 1099 282.50 Membership Fees - Caddick 39229 Ontario Association of Police Services Board 11/01/2016 2016 MEMBERSHIP 1,214.75 39231 Ontario Municipal Tax & Revenue Association 10/01/2016 2016*0612 231.65 Membership Fees - Kelly 39289 Ontario One Call 201564110 159.73 Dec 1 - 31st 31/12/2015 Page 10 of 25 Description Membership Fees January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 73 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39230 Ontario Recreation Facilities Vendor Name 05/01/2016 MEMBERSHIP 2016 632.80 Membership Fees 2016 39290 Orkin Canada Corporation 18/12/2015 IN-6641802 73.45 Pest Control 39232 OSM Networks Inc. 17/11/2015 20153786 372.28 Applefest Jan - Dec 2016 39232 OSM Networks Inc. 08/12/2015 20160133 48.53 Brighton Jan - Feb 2016 39291 Paradigm Transportation Solutions Ltd. 04/12/2015 11125 242.33 Consulting Services 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 28/12/2015 93368 40.67 Electric Engraver 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 29/12/2015 93383 42.35 Snow Pusher/Shovel 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 31/12/2015 93430 9.03 Pressure Inlet Hose 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 31/12/2015 93431 8.11 Hose Clamps/Couplings 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 01/12/2015 92879 84.35 Snow Pusher, Gloves, Cleaner 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 03/12/2015 92923 47.10 Gloves, Spray Bottle, Mophead 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 07/12/2015 92987 34.44 Cable, Jack 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 08/12/2015 92999 5.98 Screws 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 09/12/2015 93045 10.16 Batteries 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 09/12/2015 93048 67.73 Lightbulbs, Screwdriver Set 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 13/12/2015 93116 46.69 Cleaning Supplies 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 19/12/2015 93250 1.68 Screws 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 29/12/2015 93386 13.55 Rubber Mallet 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 23/12/2015 93323 10.16 Batteries 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 22/12/2015 93305 50.57 Tape Measure, Tarp Strap 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 17/12/2015 93213 11.15 Quick Links 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 17/12/2015 93201 18.63 Anti Siphon Valve 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 29/12/2015 93393 219.20 Sump Pump, Snow Pusher 39292 Pare's Home Hardware 30/12/2015 93409 28.24 Snow Shovel 39339 Pat Johnston 11/01/2016 TONERS 392.55 Xerox Toners 39339 Pat Johnston 15/01/2016 LINK RINGS 10.17 Link Rings 39339 Pat Johnston 31/12/2015 PROJECTOR/DESK 506.35 Screen For Projector/Desk 39184 Pat Johnston 18/12/2015 PROJECTOR 1,794.35 Projector - Hilton Hall 39233 Penex Brighton Ltd. 07/01/2016 2014-127 REFUND 1,000.00 Permit Refund 39233 Penex Brighton Ltd. 07/01/2016 2015-32 REFUND 1,000.00 Permit Refund 39233 Penex Brighton Ltd. 07/01/2016 2014-167 REFUND 1,000.00 Permit refund Page 11 of 25 Description January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 74 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39233 Penex Brighton Ltd. Vendor Name 07/01/2016 2014-162 REFUND 1,000.00 Permit Refund 39233 Penex Brighton Ltd. 07/01/2016 2014-161 REFUND 1,000.00 Permit Refund 39233 Penex Brighton Ltd. 07/01/2016 2015-98 REFUND 1,000.00 Permit Refund 39233 Penex Brighton Ltd. 07/01/2016 2013-188 REFUND 1,000.00 Permit Refund 39233 Penex Brighton Ltd. 07/01/2016 2014-07 REFUND 1,000.00 Permit Refund 39233 Penex Brighton Ltd. 07/01/2016 2014-73 REFUND 1,000.00 Permit Refund 39351 Phillips Farm Supply 07/08/2015 185662 315.27 Field Stripe 39351 Phillips Farm Supply 16/07/2015 185746 251.71 Blades Finishing Mower 39352 Pitney Bowes Global Credit Ser 06/01/2016 3200096043 522.98 Lease Contract 39353 Purolator Courier Ltd. 01/01/2016 429904190 24.16 Courier Services 39353 Purolator Courier Ltd. 08/01/2016 429943767 5.06 Courier Services 39293 Purolator Courier Ltd. 11/12/2015 429674874 14.84 Courier Services 39293 Purolator Courier Ltd. 18/12/2015 429789225 33.05 Courier Services 39293 Purolator Courier Ltd. 25/12/2015 429861438 8.52 Courier Services 39191 Purolator Courier Ltd. 18/12/2015 429760568 14.09 Courier Services 39294 QBT Excavating Services Ltd. 31/12/2015 15-071 1,794.16 Sewer Repair 39354 Quinte Business Achievement 19/01/2016 SPONSORSHIP 2016 1,000.00 Silver Level Sponsorship 39234 Quinte Economic Develop Commis 01/12/2015 1ST QUARTER 9,878.52 First Quarter Billing 39193 Quinte Sewer Service 17/12/2015 7891 5,014.49 Flushing - Algonquin Drive 39295 Quinte Sewer Service 17/12/2015 7889 745.80 Camera Inspection Bay St 39295 Quinte Sewer Service 31/12/2015 7901 836.20 Clean Sewer Lines Bay St 39355 Quinte Sewer Service 11/01/2016 7918 4,373.10 Flushing Gosport/Bay St. 39192 Quinte West Animal Control 31/12/2015 12-15 1,130.00 Animal Control Dec 15 39356 Receiver General For Canada 27/01/2016 27012016 -2196.45 Payroll Correction 39356 Receiver General For Canada 28/01/2016 160131SAL 5,315.34 160131SAL 39356 Receiver General For Canada 28/01/2016 160131SAL-1 2,340.85 160131SAL 39356 Receiver General For Canada 28/01/2016 160131SAL-2 11,011.27 160131SAL 39356 Receiver General For Canada 28/01/2016 160124HRY 4,462.54 160124HRY 39356 Receiver General For Canada 28/01/2016 160124HRY-1 1,975.90 160124HRY 39356 Receiver General For Canada 28/01/2016 160124HRY-2 8,909.92 160124HRY 39356 Receiver General For Canada 28/01/2016 SALARY 525.42 Page 12 of 25 Description SALARY January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 75 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39356 Receiver General For Canada Vendor Name 28/01/2016 SALARY 227.03 SALARY 39356 Receiver General For Canada 28/01/2016 SALARY 1,359.85 SALARY 39356 Receiver General For Canada 28/01/2016 SALARY 13,005.98 SALARY 39194 Receiver General For Canada 31/12/2015 160103SAL 418.68 160103SAL 39194 Receiver General For Canada 31/12/2015 160103SAL-1 99.86 160103SAL 39194 Receiver General For Canada 31/12/2015 160103SAL-2 12,092.95 160103SAL 39194 Receiver General For Canada 31/12/2015 151227HRY 1,088.94 151227HRY 39194 Receiver General For Canada 31/12/2015 151227HRY-1 193.69 151227HRY 39194 Receiver General For Canada 31/12/2015 151227HRY-2 6,681.77 151227HRY 39242 Receiver General For Canada 14/01/2016 160117SAL 5,271.92 160117SAL 39242 Receiver General For Canada 14/01/2016 160117SAL-1 2,278.23 160117SAL 39242 Receiver General For Canada 14/01/2016 160117SAL-2 10,918.25 160117SAL 39242 Receiver General For Canada 14/01/2016 160110HRY 4,044.20 160110HRY 39242 Receiver General For Canada 14/01/2016 160110HRY-1 1,760.75 160110HRY 39242 Receiver General For Canada 14/01/2016 160110HRY-2 7,545.77 160110HRY 39243 Receiver General For Canada 14/01/2016 151231COU 552.12 151231COU 39243 Receiver General For Canada 14/01/2016 151231COU-1 1,443.92 151231COU 39243 Receiver General For Canada 14/01/2016 160110HRY 588.96 160110HRY 39243 Receiver General For Canada 14/01/2016 160110HRY-1 400.46 160110HRY 39243 Receiver General For Canada 14/01/2016 160110HRY-2 929.47 160110HRY 39195 Receiver General For Canada 31/12/2015 151227HRY 573.62 151227HRY 39195 Receiver General For Canada 31/12/2015 151227HRY-1 386.86 151227HRY 39195 Receiver General For Canada 31/12/2015 151227HRY-2 889.90 151227HRY 39357 Receiver General For Canada 28/01/2016 160124HRY 634.68 160124HRY 39357 Receiver General For Canada 28/01/2016 160124HRY-1 408.27 160124HRY 39357 Receiver General For Canada 28/01/2016 160124HRY-2 859.65 160124HRY 39358 Reliance Home Comfort 07/01/2016 3111 720 JAN16 95.23 Water Heater Rental 39296 Reliance Home Comfort 05/01/2016 3112 544 JAN16 124.30 75 Elizabeth St-Dec Rental 39296 Reliance Home Comfort 28/12/2015 4329 200 DEC15 48.24 67 Sharp - Sept-Dec Rental 39259 Renegade Buyers Group 12/01/2016 3164 45.20 Paper Towels 39297 Rent All Centre 31/12/2015 677517 33.90 Fencing Panels Page 13 of 25 Description January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 76 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39360 Rent All Centre Vendor Name 14/12/2015 676548 33.90 Fencing Panels Dec 01-29th 39220 Rick Jones 06/01/2016 95723 342.94 Membership Dues - Jones 39220 Rick Jones 08/01/2016 4022 772.92 Annual OBOA Meeting/Training 39196 Rowley Electric Ltd. 21/12/2015 211623 625.46 Maintenance/Repairs 39298 Rowley Electric Ltd. 18/12/2015 211628 141.25 Outside Lights Water Plant 39361 Rowley Electric Ltd. 11/01/2016 211649 90.40 Electrical Sharp Rd 39198 Scandinavian Building Services Ltd 01/10/2015 IN038675 2,177.80 Cleaning Contract - Oct 15 39198 Scandinavian Building Services Ltd 01/12/2015 IN039325 2,177.80 Cleaning Contract - Dec 15 39362 Scandinavian Building Services Ltd 01/01/2016 IN039675 2,177.80 Janitorial Services January 39363 Scott Drummond Motors Ltd 15/01/2016 60912 107.19 Switch 39254 Sherry Burkitt 08/12/2015 BALANCE OWEING 28.24 Balance Oweing for Purchases 39364 Socan 01/01/2016 88 135.59 Jan-Dec Provisional Invoice 39365 Staples Advantage 11/01/2016 40410748 42.96 Office Supplies Admin 39365 Staples Advantage 06/01/2016 40366496 135.26 Office Supplies Admin 39365 Staples Advantage 06/01/2016 40375808 70.43 Office Supplies Admin 39299 Staples Advantage 22/12/2015 40301152 347.57 Office Supplies Planning 39299 Staples Advantage 22/12/2015 40301182 96.16 Office Supplies Public Works 39299 Staples Advantage 10/12/2015 40200344 84.82 Office Supplies Admin 39299 Staples Advantage 11/12/2015 40214468 53.66 Office Supplies Public Works 39299 Staples Advantage 17/12/2015 40270385 631.62 Office Supplies Admin 39299 Staples Advantage 15/12/2015 40246643 129.87 Office Supplies Admin 39299 Staples Advantage 10/12/2015 40204686 88.55 Office Supplies Admin 39342 Stephen Maxwell 25/01/2016 FOAM SPRAYER 90.00 Foam Sprayer Arena Showers 39222 Stephen Maxwell 05/01/2016 USB CABLE 14.98 Printer/Scanner Cable 39366 Swish Maintenance Ltd 20/01/2016 K539524/S 221.99 Cleaning Supplies 39238 T. A. S. Communications 01/01/2016 333954 39.54 Elevator Monitoring 39238 T. A. S. Communications 01/01/2016 333731 142.49 Answering Service 39367 T. A. S. Communications 01/01/2016 333706 28.25 Emergency Radio Dispatch 39237 TAS-Page Communications 01/01/2016 975166-010116 248.94 Message Centre Service - Jan 39237 TAS-Page Communications 01/01/2016 975165-010116 9,840.89 Message Centre - Jan-Mar 2016 39301 Telizon Inc. 06/01/2016 3795520160106 1,992.72 Telephone Bill Dec Usage Page 14 of 25 Description January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 77 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39214 Terry Denyes Vendor Name 05/01/2016 LEVEE 2016 300.00 39319 Tracey Bowker 12/01/2016 2015-24 REFUND 1,000.00 39369 Turris Communications Ltd. 01/01/2016 TCL-1504412 167.24 Pagers 39302 Turris Communications Ltd. 22/12/2015 TCL-1504288 829.43 Radio, Minitor 39302 Turris Communications Ltd. 24/12/2015 TCL-1504925 4,384.40 Recorder 39303 Uniongas 16/12/2015 114-5006 DEC15 1,256.66 75 Elizabeth St 39303 Uniongas 15/12/2015 114-3906 DEC15 279.76 20 Elizabeth St 39303 Uniongas 15/12/2015 114-5049 DEC15 460.47 35 Alice St 39303 Uniongas 17/12/2015 114-4715 DEC15 530.85 67 Sharp Rd 39303 Uniongas 14/12/2015 253-1453 DEC15 381.83 406 Cty Rd 26 39370 Uniongas 18/01/2016 253-1453 JAN16 437.73 406 County Rd 26 39370 Uniongas 19/01/2016 114-5049 JAN16 1,063.20 39370 Uniongas 19/01/2016 114-3906 JAN16 474.47 20 Elizabeth St 39370 Uniongas 21/01/2016 114-4715 JAN16 969.08 67 Sharp Rd 39304 Vanderlaan Installations Ltd. 14/12/2015 9612 203.40 35 Alice Drip Cap Installation 39371 Waste Management 01/02/2016 717-778760 488.36 Waste Collection February 39239 Waste Management 01/01/2016 717-777653 506.85 Waste Colletion 39372 White's Wearparts Ltd 06/01/2016 123295 245.21 Plow Shoe, Shoe Holder 39372 White's Wearparts Ltd 05/01/2016 123285 1,128.49 H.S. Plow, Bolt, Lock Nut 39307 Winslow Gerolamy Motors Ltd 29/12/2015 371102 450.87 Altenator 39373 Winslow Gerolamy Motors Ltd 12/01/2016 373130 65.12 Clamp 39373 Winslow Gerolamy Motors Ltd 12/01/2016 373148 86.40 Flex Hose 39373 Winslow Gerolamy Motors Ltd 11/01/2016 372747 151.14 Flex Hose, Clamp 39373 Winslow Gerolamy Motors Ltd 14/01/2016 373687 417.28 Tank, Clamp 39373 Winslow Gerolamy Motors Ltd 14/01/2016 373637 45.15 Lamp Seale 39240 Winslow Gerolamy Motors Ltd 07/01/2016 372274 3,875.19 39240 Winslow Gerolamy Motors Ltd 07/01/2016 372289 171.88 Filter, Clamp 39309 Wireless Personal Communications Inc. 10/11/2015 NYORKIN53302 901.62 iPhone 39375 Wireless Personal Communications Inc. 12/11/2015 NYORKIN53452 67.69 Car Charger 39308 Workman Repair 10/12/2015 40592 490.14 Truck Servicing 39374 Workman Repair 27/01/2016 40553 109.61 Vehicle Repair Page 15 of 25 Description Levee Entertainment Permit Refund 35 Alice St Tube Assy, Nut Flange January Accounts Payables Cheque# Date Invoice # Amount 39308 Workman Repair Vendor Name 17/12/2015 40674 7,833.84 Truck Service Description 39376 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 28/01/2016 160131SAL 1,616.07 160131SAL 39376 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 31/01/2016 JANUARY 2016 760.32 39376 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 28/01/2016 160124HRY 1,449.82 39376 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 28/01/2016 SALARY 156.72 39203 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 03/12/2015 151206SAL 1,068.23 151206SAL 39203 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 03/12/2015 151129HRY 1,320.04 151129HRY 39203 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 17/12/2015 151220SAL 1,001.81 151220SAL 39203 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 10/12/2015 151213HRY 1,185.31 151213HRY 39203 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 31/12/2015 160103SAL 882.50 160103SAL 39203 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 31/12/2015 151227HRY 1,194.20 151227HRY 39310 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 14/01/2016 160117SAL 1,603.43 160117SAL 39310 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 14/01/2016 160110HRY 1,335.42 160110HRY 39376 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 27/01/2016 27012016 -161.46 Payroll Correction 39311 Xerox Canada Ltd. 27/12/2015 F48493506 574.45 Copying Charges 39311 Xerox Canada Ltd. 27/12/2015 F48503887 54.14 Copying Charges 39311 Xerox Canada Ltd. 27/12/2015 F48520732 251.03 Copying Charges 39377 Xplornet 29/12/2015 INV11780214 67.79 Internet Services 39312 Xstream Services Ltd 23/12/2015 2576 339.85 Copier Charges 39313 Zycom Technology Inc. 31/12/2015 IN-54133-01 610.20 Onsite Diagnostic/Repair 39313 Zycom Technology Inc. 31/12/2015 IN-54157-01 508.50 Remote Monitoring December 39378 Zycom Technology Inc. 12/01/2016 IN-54211-01 1,864.50 Volunteer Forces 160124HRY SALARY Work Preformed On Wireless Page 78 of 148 39383 A.S. Custom Contracting Ltd. 30/11/2015 1691 982.29 Asbestos Abatement 39462 AC Grinding Machine & Tool 28/01/2016 21552 99.44 Sharpen Ice Scraper 39379 Ainley Graham & Associates Ltd. 26/12/2015 IN0012658 2,025.53 39380 Air Liquide/Messer Canada 29/11/2015 63030052 88.27 Cylinder Rental 39380 Air Liquide/Messer Canada 14/12/2015 63430743 83.13 Cylinder Rental 39563 Alarm Systems 01/03/2016 483800 284.76 Monitoring Alarm System 39381 AMCTO 01/02/2016 34119 339.00 Kimmett 39382 AMCTO Zone 5 01/02/2016 KIMMETT 2016 250.00 AMCTO Workshop 39464 Argus-Hazco 02/03/2016 1014532 708.89 Gas Monitor 39432 Argus-Hazco 29/01/2016 1014502 367.85 Gas Monitor Page 16 of 25 Applewood Subdivision January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 79 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39465 Ascent Solutions Inc. Vendor Name 10/02/2016 W13909 5,176.53 Poleline 39385 B.M.R.Mfg., Inc., 18/01/2016 350483 1,095.70 Road Signs 39433 Bardon Supplies Limited 28/01/2016 5947828 264.35 39466 Barrett's Farm & Family Centre 31/12/2015 12158 1,815.20 Cover All Repair 39467 Behan Construction Limited 05/02/2016 4352 3,466.84 Equipment Rental 39384 Bell Canada 01/02/2016 300291338 FEB16 212.44 Internet Line 39468 Bell Canada 20/01/2016 521274748 JAN16 212.44 Internet Line 39434 Bell Canada-Public Access 28/01/2016 142210 56.50 Pay Phone 39470 Blossoms Flower Shop 05/02/2016 183188 113.00 Flower Arrangements 39473 Brian Brose 05/09/2015 209812 339.00 Grass Cutting Coey Property 39386 Brighton Automotive & 26/01/2016 14833-59011 -135.60 Core Return 39386 Brighton Automotive & 26/01/2016 14833-58977 417.98 Brake Pads, Calipers 39386 Brighton Automotive & 22/01/2016 14833-58825 4.78 Pins 39386 Brighton Automotive & 15/01/2016 14833-58380 21.61 Ratchet Strap 39386 Brighton Automotive & 12/11/2015 14833-54082 7.42 Fuel Cap 39386 Brighton Automotive & 28/01/2016 14833-59184 169.33 Hydraulic Fluid 39386 Brighton Automotive & 28/01/2016 14833-59193 18.77 Celsius Allveh Ext A/F 39436 Brighton Automotive & 29/01/2016 14833-59242 37.74 U-Joint 39436 Brighton Automotive & 04/02/2016 14833-59639 3.12 Parts/Supplies 39436 Brighton Automotive & 04/02/2016 14833-59623 6.05 Parts/Supplies 39436 Brighton Automotive & 02/02/2016 14833-59437 22.70 Oil, Air Filters 39471 Brighton Automotive & 08/02/2016 14833-59876 3.45 Quick Pin 39471 Brighton Automotive & 08/02/2016 14833-59852 90.98 Oil & Oil Filter 39471 Brighton Automotive & 08/02/2016 14833-59805 9.01 Oil Filter 39471 Brighton Automotive & 08/02/2016 14833-59851 239.33 Hydraulic Fluid Pail 39472 Brighton Speedway 01/10/2015 652072 678.00 Dash Plaques 39443 C.W. Enterprise 06/01/2016 06012016 32.93 Chain, File 39437 Caduceon Enterprises Inc. 31/01/2016 16-1163 1,037.00 Brighton WTP 39437 Caduceon Enterprises Inc. 31/01/2016 16-1166 45.09 North Firehall 39437 Caduceon Enterprises Inc. 31/01/2016 16-1164 45.09 Codrington Hall 39437 Caduceon Enterprises Inc. 31/01/2016 16-1165 45.09 Hilton Hall 39437 Caduceon Enterprises Inc. 31/01/2016 16-1167 1,591.89 39474 Cambium Environmental 05/02/2016 2015-17785 791.00 39476 Canadian National Railways 01/02/2016 91194724 1,552.50 Public Crossing Maintenance 39441 Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 25/01/2016 11081553 1,208.50 Flasher Contract Page 17 of 25 Description Air Filters Brighton WPCP Meetings & Administration January Accounts Payables Cheque# Invoice # Amount 39477 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 11/02/2016 Vendor Name Date 160214SAL 222.71 160214SAL Description 39477 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 11/02/2016 160207HRY 450.46 160207HRY 39477 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 25/02/2016 160228SAL 195.66 160228SAL 39477 CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 25/02/2016 160221HRY 463.71 160221HRY Page 80 of 148 39388 Chalmers Enterprises/U Serv 03/02/2016 961158 99.00 Coffee 39438 Chalmers Enterprises/U Serv 29/01/2016 961157 99.00 Coffe & Filters 39475 Cheer Homes 22/02/2016 2015-22 1,000.00 Permit Refund 39435 Claude Bernier 10/02/2016 10022016 735.00 Livestock Claim 39469 Claude Bernier 16/02/2016 16022016 700.00 Livestock Claim 39440 Cole's Tim-Br Mart 26/01/2016 2668042 45.19 Primer Sealer 39440 Cole's Tim-Br Mart 26/01/2016 2668041 85.20 Painting Supplies 39440 Cole's Tim-Br Mart 22/01/2016 2667894 23.73 Lag Bolt, /washer 39440 Cole's Tim-Br Mart 28/01/2016 2668099 45.18 Rural Mailbox 39440 Cole's Tim-Br Mart 28/01/2016 2668098 28.86 Float Rod, Lever,Hinge Bolts 39411 Compass Minerals 18/01/2016 72506226 4,815.43 Salt Supply 39411 Compass Minerals 20/01/2016 1073113223360 3,356.85 Salt Supply 39411 Compass Minerals 15/01/2016 72505772 3,475.34 Salt Supply 39411 Compass Minerals 15/01/2016 72505773 14,223.83 Salt Supply 39390 Corix Water Products (East) 08/01/2016 10616001119 982.76 Water Parts/Supplies 39390 Corix Water Products (East) 18/01/2016 10616003236 247.94 Water Parts/Supplies 39390 Corix Water Products (East) 18/01/2016 10616003238 88.68 Water Parts/Supplies 39457 County Of Northumberland 09/02/2016 09022016 TAGS 2,310.00 Bag Tag Remittance 39457 County Of Northumberland 27/01/2016 28538 313.84 39418 County Of Northumberland 03/02/2016 03022016 TAGS 4,303.75 Bag Tag Remittance 39496 County Of Northumberland 23/02/2016 23022016 TAGS 4,606.25 Bag Tag Remittance 39442 Cunningham Swan 29/01/2016 136838 678.28 Subdivision Servicing Opinion 39442 Cunningham Swan 29/01/2016 136839 230.52 General Advice Planning 39442 Cunningham Swan 29/01/2016 136835 950.81 Industrial Park Expansion 39391 Custom Blended Treatments Ltd. 22/01/2016 10131 1,189.27 39487 D. Koets Plumbing And Heating 26/06/2015 305864 423.75 Snake Out Sewer 39392 Darke Heating Ltd 20/01/2016 31278 161.03 Furnace Service Hilton Hall 39393 De Lage Landen Financial Services Canada11/01/2016 Inc. 5823612 166.85 Copier Contract 39482 Dennis Fletcher 06/01/2016 POSTER 28.25 History Week Poster 39482 Dennis Fletcher 04/02/2016 15419 118.65 T-Shirts 39444 Diamond Municipal Solutions 03/02/2016 D23499 663.88 Year End Update Page 18 of 25 Staff Training Cal Clear January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 81 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39445 Digital Postage On Call Vendor Name 03/02/2016 03022016 4,520.00 Postage For Meter 39515 Doug Simpson Electric 09/02/2016 3427 725.38 Repair Traffic Light 39394 Eastern Ontario Waterworks Ass 01/02/2016 5 - 2016 100.00 2016 Municipal Dues 39478 Elliott Refrigeration Ltd. 03/02/2016 35998 777.02 Element/Thermostat For Range 39479 EMC Your Community Newspaper 31/01/2016 OTD0592830 81.36 Civic Award Advertising 39479 EMC Your Community Newspaper 07/01/2016 OTD0587493 81.53 Christmas Tree P/U 39479 EMC Your Community Newspaper 28/01/2016 OTD0595848 81.53 Budget Meeting 39480 Evoqua Water Technologies Ltd. 27/01/2016 902490422 4,291.99 39395 Evoqua Water Technologies Ltd. 14/01/2016 902476601 964.07 39396 Fanchem Ltd. 12/01/2016 52779 7,829.00 Ferric Chloride Solution 39481 Farwes Homes Ltd 22/02/2016 2015-31 1,000.00 Permit Refund 39446 Fire Marshal's Public Fire Safety Council 02/02/2016 IN003742 100.00 Membership Renewal 39503 Fred Pryor Seminars 10/02/2016 19143341 337.87 Seminar Fees 39447 Gerow Propane 03/02/2016 301412 307.55 Propane Hilton Hall 39447 Gerow Propane 03/02/2016 303022 513.61 Propane Firehall 39397 Gerow Propane 25/01/2016 301403 1,395.32 39398 Gin-Cor Industries Inc. 25/01/2016 35466 473.90 39399 GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 31/12/2015 335-15 9,787.53 39399 GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 31/12/2015 334-15 797.99 39483 GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 08/12/2015 297-15 18,995.33 WPCP Management Nov 2015 39483 GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 16/02/2016 001-16 19,441.93 WPCP Management Jan 2016 39449 Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP27/10/2015 355241 4,111.51 Professional Services 39449 Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP27/10/2015 363851 457.65 Professional Services 39449 Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP27/10/2015 363850 50.85 Professional Services 39400 HPEMFAA Training Complex 26/01/2016 201654 4,921.15 Ice Water Rescue 39401 Hydro One 22/01/2016 200101528251 JAN16 11,488.28 75 Elizabeth St 39401 Hydro One 18/01/2016 200030047638 JAN16 337.11 Hope Street 39401 Hydro One 19/01/2016 200053142934 JAN16 1,188.02 35 Dundas St 39401 Hydro One 18/01/2016 200045751231 JAN16 506.39 20 Elizabeth St 39401 Hydro One 19/01/2016 200050124315 JAN16 10,271.14 100 Cty Rd 64 39401 Hydro One 18/01/2016 200077682924 JAN16 62.19 Memorial Park 39401 Hydro One 18/01/2016 200063481720 JAN16 185.06 37 Pinnacle St 39401 Hydro One 26/01/2016 200003833790 JAN16 37.68 Butler Streetlights 39402 Industrial Alliance 01/02/2016 01022016 25,369.32 February Premium 39450 Industrial Refrigerated System 26/01/2016 216753 2,293.90 Replace Amonia Relief Valve Page 19 of 25 Description Metering Premia Pump Pump Kit Propane Chatten Rd Garage Pins, Lift Lock Brighton WPCP Management RFP Sewage Lagoon January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 82 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39428 Ivan B. Wallace Vendor Name 02/11/2015 20261 4,633.00 39387 J Bryant Plumbing 27/01/2016 131 241.53 Funnels Brighton Reservoir 39484 JB Printing (Trenton) Ltd. 09/02/2016 34615 11.30 Scanning/Emailing 39403 JC Group 18/01/2016 41428 836.69 Fuel Public Works 39451 JC Group 31/01/2016 41603 235.82 Fuel Parks & Rec 39451 JC Group 31/01/2016 41620 251.81 Water Dept Fuel 39451 JC Group 31/01/2016 41575 76.01 Bldg & Bylaw Fuel 39451 JC Group 31/01/2016 41619 125.56 Waster Water Fuel 39451 JC Group 31/01/2016 41608 548.79 Public Works Fuel 39405 L.B. Welding 25/01/2016 33771 234.49 Repair Wing Hinge 39405 L.B. Welding 22/01/2016 33764 47.46 Machine Pin Caps 39405 L.B. Welding 19/01/2016 33749 22.60 Aluminum Angle Cut To Size 39405 L.B. Welding 21/12/2015 33679 1,356.00 Box Repairs Truck #402 39404 Lakeport Power 08/01/2016 113514 -163.57 Returned Items 39404 Lakeport Power 08/01/2016 113513 261.71 Gloves 39489 Landmark Associates Limited 03/02/2016 157269 7,582.64 39489 Landmark Associates Limited 03/02/2016 157270 345.69 Mac's Gas Bar Dec 2015 39489 Landmark Associates Limited 03/02/2016 157271 826.05 Rosslyn Phase 2 Dec 2015 39489 Landmark Associates Limited 03/02/2016 157272 364.30 McDoanlds Dec 2015 39489 Landmark Associates Limited 03/02/2016 157273 999.86 Applewood Meadows Dec 2015 39489 Landmark Associates Limited 03/02/2016 157274 3,593.23 Lakeside Landing Dec 2015 39489 Landmark Associates Limited 03/02/2016 157286 491.10 Tackaberry Ridge Dec 2015 39488 Len Kuipers Homes 23/02/2016 PERMIT 2014-166 1,000.00 39453 Lloyd Burns McIinnis LLP 18/01/2016 8767 419.57 Water Damage 39486 Lucas Kelly 16/02/2016 CASE/CHARGER 79.09 Cell Phone Case/Charger 39410 Marilyn Pickell 02/02/2016 UTENSILS 61.88 Kitchen Utensils Community Cen 39427 Mark Walas 14/01/2016 ROMA 2016 800.00 ROMA/OGRA per diem/meals 39456 Mike & Lori's No Frills 01/02/2016 08 6889 29.66 Grocery Items 39456 Mike & Lori's No Frills 13/01/2016 01 6930 38.21 Grocery Items 39456 Mike & Lori's No Frills 06/01/2016 08 3958 9.33 Grocery Supplies 39456 Mike & Lori's No Frills 01/02/2016 08 6936 9.01 Grocery Supplies 39456 Mike & Lori's No Frills 26/01/2016 08 3759 17.42 Grocery Supplies 39456 Mike & Lori's No Frills 05/01/2016 08 2870 11.93 Grocery Supplies 39417 Minister Of Finance 15/01/2016 17130116071 149,432.00 39491 Minister Of Finance EHT 11/02/2016 160214SAL 1,105.76 Page 20 of 25 Description Road Closure Planning Services Dec 2015 Permit Refund 2014-166 Policing Contract January 160214SAL January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 83 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39491 Minister Of Finance EHT Vendor Name 11/02/2016 160207HRY 1,001.02 160207HRY 39491 Minister Of Finance EHT 11/02/2016 160131COU 207.08 160131COU 39491 Minister Of Finance EHT 25/02/2016 160228SAL 1,048.30 160228SAL 39491 Minister Of Finance EHT 25/02/2016 160221HRY 1,036.49 160221HRY 39492 Minister Of Finance/MTO 24/02/2016 2016 LICENSES 16,938.00 2016 License Renewals 39493 Mitchell Fire Protection Systems 16/02/2016 7218 177.41 Replace Sprinkler Head 39454 Monarch Print Services 26/01/2016 6763 346.05 A/P Cheques 39406 Murray's Rug Rental 01/02/2016 10591 56.00 Rug Rental Arena 39406 Murray's Rug Rental 01/02/2016 10590 44.50 Rug Rental Firehall 39406 Murray's Rug Rental 01/02/2016 10589 104.00 Rug Rental Alice St 39406 Murray's Rug Rental 01/02/2016 10592 88.00 Rug Rental Public Works 39407 National Sanitation And 20/01/2016 343060 462.00 Garbage Bags 39494 NEPSMAA/NEFEC 05/02/2016 549 310.75 Registration Fees 39495 Noco Fuels 02/02/2016 FCSINV15199 134.46 Diesel Fuel 39495 Noco Fuels 03/02/2016 FCSINV15250 1,856.64 Diesel Fuel 39495 Noco Fuels 05/02/2016 FCSINV15598 525.33 39495 Noco Fuels 10/02/2016 FCSINV16219 3,045.87 39455 Noco Fuels 22/01/2016 FCSINV13535 257.82 Gasoline 39416 North'd Cty. Fire Chiefs Assoc 19/01/2016 7 800.00 Yearly Membership 39523 Northumberland County 31/01/2016 W006337 327.75 Tipping Fees 39408 Northumberland Food For Thought 28/01/2016 FOOD FOR THOUGHT 300.00 Food For Thought Grant 39497 OMERS 11/02/2016 160214SAL 11,300.84 160214SAL 39497 OMERS 11/02/2016 160207HRY 7,018.92 160207HRY 39497 OMERS 25/02/2016 160228SAL 10,678.94 160228SAL 39497 OMERS 25/02/2016 160221HRY 7,001.34 160221HRY 39458 Ontario Aggregate 30/01/2016 16-168244 200.00 Telephone Rd Pit 39458 Ontario Aggregate 30/01/2016 16-168241 811.14 Gainforth Pit 39458 Ontario Aggregate 30/01/2016 16-168251 200.00 Flindall Pit 39458 Ontario Aggregate 30/01/2016 16-168252 421.36 Herrington Pit 39459 Ontario One Call 31/01/2016 201664956 55.31 January 2016 39409 Orkin Canada Corporation 22/01/2016 IN-6699956 73.45 Pest Control 39498 Ottawa Rental & Supply Ltd. 04/02/2016 11762-0001 6.79 Rearview Mirror 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 27/01/2016 93921 20.33 Hose Nozzle 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 27/01/2016 93915 6.77 Murphy Oil Cleaner 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 26/01/2016 93904 67.78 LED Lights Page 21 of 25 Description Gasoline Diesel Fuel January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 84 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39499 Pare's Home Hardware Vendor Name 26/01/2016 93901 102.78 Mailboxes 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 25/01/2016 93880 33.28 Seal, Cap 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 25/01/2016 93863 28.24 Mailbox 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 14/01/2016 93684 20.33 Filters 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 20/01/2016 93784 11.29 Garbage Can 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 14/01/2016 93685 7.90 Lamps 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 14/01/2016 93682 7.90 Lights 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 12/01/2016 93620 35.01 Snow Brush/Pusher 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 11/01/2016 93598 36.69 Doorsweep, Foam Tape 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 26/01/2016 93890 74.47 Connector, Plug 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 07/01/2016 93523 70.67 Lights, Flags 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 05/01/2016 93491 39.24 Couplings, Bushings, Pail/Lid 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 20/01/2016 93782 40.07 Shovel, Propane Cylinder 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 04/01/2016 93479 67.96 Batteries, Brake Cleaner 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 13/01/2016 93650 57.07 Cleaner, Mophead,Security Snap 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 14/01/2016 93674 60.57 Flexsnake Tool, Bits, Lights 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 15/01/2016 93704 5.74 Wall Protector, Plugs 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 15/01/2016 93705 31.35 Poly Scoop, Anti Freeze 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 18/01/2016 93731 16.11 White Chalk, Flapper 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 26/01/2016 93891 107.27 Cable, Mophead/Handle 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 26/01/2016 93892 64.57 Faucet 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 26/01/2016 93900 46.26 Windshield Washer, Flapper 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 29/01/2016 93956 57.87 Lights, Cable Ties, Cleaner 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 21/01/2016 93800 10.95 Hinge Zamboni Door 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 04/01/2016 93475 31.05 LED Lantern, Battery 39499 Pare's Home Hardware 04/01/2016 93477 98.29 Ontario/Canada Flags 39485 Pat Johnston 17/02/2016 OAGA 2016 120.00 OAGA Membership Dues 39419 Pepsi Bottling Group 27/01/2016 5123208 422.42 Pepsi Machine Supplies 39500 Pesce & Associates 31/01/2016 622 1,186.50 Research Review Documents 39501 Petty Cash 10/02/2016 24022016 45.00 Replenish Petty Cash - P.W. 39502 Pine Ridge Chapter, O.B.O.A. 24/02/2016 JONES/GRENNING 120.00 2016 Memberships 39420 Practica 28/01/2016 36401 253.64 Pick Up Bags - Dogs 39504 Purolator Courier Ltd. 05/02/2016 430233513 8.70 Courier Services 39504 Purolator Courier Ltd. 29/01/2016 430129993 11.02 Courier Services 39421 Purolator Courier Ltd. 15/01/2016 430000338 44.02 Courier Services Page 22 of 25 Description January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 85 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39421 Purolator Courier Ltd. Vendor Name 22/01/2016 430064713 12.57 Courier Services 39421 Purolator Courier Ltd. 15/01/2016 430026632 4.83 Courier Services 39505 Quinte Business Achievement Awards 19/01/2016 2016 SPONSORSHIP 1,000.00 39507 Quinte Truck And Trailer Parts 09/02/2016 172-107400 124.53 Convex MRR 39507 Quinte Truck And Trailer Parts 09/02/2016 172-107418 86.76 LED Flood Light 39422 Quinte West Animal Control 01/02/2016 01-16 1,130.00 39506 Quinte West Chamber of Commerce 03/02/2016 1865 25.00 39389 Randy Cipparone 31/12/2015 31122015 1,260.00 Trapping Services 39439 Randy Cipparone 31/12/2015 31122015 WHITE'S RD 480.00 Trapping Services 39508 Receiver General For Canada 25/02/2016 160228SAL 4,891.80 160228SAL 39508 Receiver General For Canada 25/02/2016 160228SAL-1 2,242.62 160228SAL 39508 Receiver General For Canada 25/02/2016 160228SAL-2 10,646.54 160228SAL 39508 Receiver General For Canada 25/02/2016 160221HRY 4,096.26 160221HRY 39508 Receiver General For Canada 25/02/2016 160221HRY-1 1,821.59 160221HRY 39508 Receiver General For Canada 25/02/2016 160221HRY-2 7,675.37 160221HRY 39460 Receiver General For Canada 11/02/2016 160214SAL 5,167.08 160214SAL 39460 Receiver General For Canada 11/02/2016 160214SAL-1 2,321.13 160214SAL 39460 Receiver General For Canada 11/02/2016 160214SAL-2 11,164.82 160214SAL 39460 Receiver General For Canada 11/02/2016 160207HRY 4,025.70 160207HRY 39460 Receiver General For Canada 11/02/2016 160207HRY-1 1,752.95 160207HRY 39460 Receiver General For Canada 11/02/2016 160207HRY-2 7,462.47 160207HRY 39461 Receiver General For Canada 11/02/2016 160207HRY 597.52 160207HRY 39461 Receiver General For Canada 11/02/2016 160207HRY-1 378.16 160207HRY 39461 Receiver General For Canada 11/02/2016 160207HRY-2 741.98 160207HRY 39461 Receiver General For Canada 11/02/2016 160131COU 562.68 160131COU 39461 Receiver General For Canada 11/02/2016 160131COU-1 1,468.93 160131COU 39509 Receiver General For Canada 25/02/2016 160221HRY 706.90 160221HRY 39509 Receiver General For Canada 25/02/2016 160221HRY-1 428.13 160221HRY 39509 Receiver General For Canada 25/02/2016 160221HRY-2 889.93 160221HRY 39510 Reliance Home Comfort 02/02/2016 3112 544 FEB16 124.30 75 Elizabeth St 39452 Rick Jones 03/02/2016 FEES 2016 107.00 Annual Fees 39511 Rock, Paper, Scissors 09/02/2016 71665 45.20 Clip board 39511 Rock, Paper, Scissors 08/02/2016 71634 38.42 Office Supplies 39423 Rock, Paper, Scissors 26/01/2016 71421 97.18 Laser Toner 39512 Rosslyn Builders Ltd. 24/02/2016 PERMIT 2014-23 1,000.00 Page 23 of 25 Description Sponsorship 2016 Animal Control January Luncheon Permit Refund 2014-23 January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 86 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39512 Rosslyn Builders Ltd. Vendor Name 24/02/2016 PERMIT 2014-18 1,000.00 39513 Rowley Electric Ltd. 28/01/2016 211695 124.55 Replace Ballasts 39513 Rowley Electric Ltd. 04/02/2016 211705 90.40 Install Plugs 39514 SCM Insurance Services 15/02/2016 33922-006093 1,742.60 Insurance Claim 39516 Sine's Flooring 30/12/2015 26353 7,539.64 Flooring 39517 Socan 01/02/2016 89 135.59 39518 Spirit Signs 03/02/2016 9004 2,034.00 39519 Staples Advantage 04/02/2016 40645743 383.34 Office Supplies 39519 Staples Advantage 09/02/2016 40684792 123.20 Office Supplies 39519 Staples Advantage 03/02/2016 40634448 305.07 Office Supplies 39519 Staples Advantage 02/02/2016 40626680 365.17 Office Supplies 39519 Staples Advantage 15/01/2016 40462723 195.48 Office Supplies 39519 Staples Advantage 28/01/2016 40589259 304.85 Office Supplies 39519 Staples Advantage 28/01/2016 40588878 119.36 Office Supplies 39519 Staples Advantage 28/01/2016 40589411 220.01 Ink Cartridges 39490 Stephen Maxwell 22/02/2016 MONITOR CORDS 36.14 Monitor Cords 39490 Stephen Maxwell 22/02/2016 INK CARTRIDGE 28.25 Ink Cartridge 39520 Sterlmar Equipment 12/01/2016 160039 946.94 LED Lighthead, Spotlight 39448 Steve Grenning 03/02/2016 REGISTRATION 2016 519.94 Registration & Renewal Fees 39521 T. A. S. Communications 01/02/2016 334101 159.10 Answering Service 39521 T. A. S. Communications 01/02/2016 334076 28.25 Emergency Radio Dispatch 39521 T. A. S. Communications 01/02/2016 334326 41.91 Elevator Alarm Monitoring 39412 TAS-Page Communications 01/02/2016 975166-020116 203.85 Message Centre Service 39424 Technical Standards And 14/01/2016 2801741 585.05 Inspection 75 Elizabeth St 39522 Tenaquip Limited 28/01/2016 10040346-00 880.52 Hi-Boy 39524 Turris Communications Ltd. 01/02/2016 TCL-1505680 167.24 Pager Rentals 39524 Turris Communications Ltd. 22/02/2016 TCL-1507440 10,589.68 Radio's 39425 Turris Communications Ltd. 22/01/2016 TCL-1505269 1,081.22 New Dispatch Cutover 39425 Turris Communications Ltd. 12/01/2016 TCL-1505143 83.06 Minitor Service 39413 Turris Communications Ltd. 26/01/2016 TCL-1505518 231.34 Service Minitor 39525 UniformUniforms 05/01/2016 44289 493.25 Uniform Supplies 39525 UniformUniforms 05/01/2016 44293 33.34 Uniform Supplies 39526 Uniongas 15/02/2016 253-1453 FEB16 524.52 406 County Rd 26 39526 Uniongas 18/02/2016 114-5006 FEB16 1,727.78 75 Elizabeth St 39526 Uniongas 17/02/2016 114-5049 FEB16 1,223.38 35 Alice Street Page 24 of 25 Description Permit Refund 2014-18 Tariff 7 Hall of Honour Letters January Accounts Payables Cheque# Page 87 of 148 Date Invoice # Amount 39426 Uniongas Vendor Name 20/01/2016 114-5006 JAN16 1,733.31 39527 Upper Canada Office Systems 05/02/2016 93701 214.70 39528 White's Wearparts Ltd 25/01/2016 123405 1,073.50 39529 Willow Publishing Co 04/02/2016 B11952 750.05 Transit Map 39529 Willow Publishing Co 20/01/2016 15619 395.50 Tour Guide Advertising 39429 Willow Publishing Co 26/01/2016 B11903 72.32 Civic Award Tickets 39414 Willow Publishing Co 28/01/2016 15669 395.50 Brighton Cramahe Tour Guide 39414 Willow Publishing Co 21/01/2016 B11876 661.05 Window Envelopes 39430 Wireless Personal Communications Inc. 26/01/2016 NYORKIN57438 395.49 Blackberry 39530 Workman Repair 08/01/2016 40916 478.07 Vehicle Maintenance 39530 Workman Repair 21/01/2016 41068 458.62 Vehicle Maintenance 39531 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 11/02/2016 160214SAL 1,633.12 160214SAL 39531 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 11/02/2016 160207HRY 1,316.46 160207HRY 39531 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 25/02/2016 160228SAL 1,548.23 160228SAL 39531 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 25/02/2016 160221HRY 1,346.72 160221HRY 39531 Workplace Safety Insurance Bd 29/01/2016 FEB 2016 760.32 39532 Xerox Canada Ltd. 05/02/2016 L07966571 1,629.15 39532 Xerox Canada Ltd. 26/01/2016 F48641999 10.18 Copying Charges 39532 Xerox Canada Ltd. 26/01/2016 F48667520 615.83 Copying Charges 39532 Xerox Canada Ltd. 28/01/2016 F48678564 211.55 Copying Meter Charges 39431 Xplornet 29/01/2016 INV12106397 67.79 Internet Fire Dept 39415 Zee Medical Canada, Inc 22/01/2016 32787101 238.61 Gloves 39533 Zee Medical Canada, Inc 12/02/2016 160420680 55.11 First Aid Supplies 39533 Zee Medical Canada, Inc 12/02/2016 160420679 31.00 First Aid Supplies 39533 Zee Medical Canada, Inc 12/02/2016 160420681 262.67 First Aid Supplies 39533 Zee Medical Canada, Inc 12/02/2016 160420682 53.71 First Aid Supplies 39533 Zee Medical Canada, Inc 12/02/2016 160420690 98.46 First Aid Supplies 39534 Zycom Technology Inc. 29/01/2016 IN-54380-01 508.50 Remote Monitoring Jan 2016 January Payables Total 1,723,137.16 Page 25 of 25 Description 75 Elizabeth St Inserter Maintenance Western Proplus Volunteer Services Lease Contract Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Council Date: 21 Mar 2016 To: Council Prepared By: Linda Widdifield, Director of Finance & Administrative Services Reviewed By: Department: Public Works & Development Subject/Title: January and February 2016 Public Works Operations Report Recommendation: That Council receive the January and February 2016 Public Works Operations Report as information Attachments: January 2016 PW Operations Report February 2016 PW Operations Report Page 88 of 148 January 2016 Public Works Operations Urban services • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jan 4, garbage removal in downtown core and snow removal in Municipal parking lots. Jan 5, snow removal in down town core, Elizabeth Street and Main Street. Jan 6, shop maintenance and Christmas tree pick up. Jan 7, Christmas tree pick up, various work orders and assisted Water Dept. Jan 8, garbage removal in downtown core and digging test holes on Bay Street. Jan 10, unplugged flooded catch basin on Loyalist Parkway. Jan 11, Salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks, Christmas tree pick up and various work orders. Jan 12, plowed snow and salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks. Jan 13, plowed snow and salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks, Road inspections and ordered 4 loads of salt. Jan 14, plowed and salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks and Road inspections. Jan 15, salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks, garbage removal in down town core and Christmas tree pick up and salt was delivered. Jan 18, plowed and salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks and picked up sign order from Campbellford. Jan 19, salted all Urban roads and sidewalks, Christmas tree pick up and snow removal in Municipal parking lots Jan 20, snow removal in down town core, Main Street and Elizabeth Street, plowed and salted all Urban Roads and Christmas tree pick up. Jan 21, shop maintenance to prepare for renovations. Jan 22, garbage removal in down town core, sign replacement and mapping out storm sewers on Alice Street. Jan 25, shop maintenance, garbage removal in down town core, sign replacement and various work orders. Page 89 of 148 • • • • Jan 26, Contractors replacing floors at 67 Sharp Road, salted all Urban Roads and culvert installation on Butler Street West. Jan 27, salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks and plowed sidewalks in Tackaberry Ridge subdivision. Jan 28, salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks. Jan 29, salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks. Rural Services • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jan 4, shop maintenance. Jan 6, cut and chipped large tree on Grosjean Road, blocked off Boes Road for a traffic incident and shop maintenance. Jan 7, ditching on Lakeshore Road and Huff Road intersection and various work orders. Jan 8, changing plow blades and cold patching on Cramahe Hill Road. Jan 11, sanded all Rural Roads, cold patching on Goodrich Road various work orders and replaced weather stripping on Hilton Hall doors. Jan 12, plowed snow and sanded all Rural Roads. Jan 13, plowed snow and sanded all Rural Roads and ordered 1 load of salt. Jan 14, plowed and sanded all Rural Roads. Jan 15, sanded all Rural Roads and salt was delivered. Jan 18, plowed and sanded all Rural Roads. Jan 19, sanded all Rural Roads. Jan 20, plowed and sanded all Rural Roads. Jan 21, Road inspections and replaced various Municipal signs. Jan 22, Road inspections. Jan 25, replaced mailbox on Ross Road. Jan 26, cold patching on Little Lake Road and Telephone Road West. Jan 27, sanded all Rural Roads. Jan 28, sanded all Rural Roads. Jan 29, sanded all Rural Roads. Scott Hodgson, Public Works Operations Supervisor. Page 90 of 148 February 2016 Public Works Operations Urban services • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Feb 1, cold patching of Walt Street, Prince Edward Street, Main Street, Kingsley Street, Grimes Street and Dundas Street and shop and equipment maintenance. Feb 2, shop and equipment maintenance, cold patching various Roads and picked up 2 loads of cold patch from Belleville. Feb 3, salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks and shop and equipment maintenance. Feb 4, cold patching various Urban Roads and shop and equipment maintenance. Feb 5, garbage removal in downtown core and cold patching of various Urban Raods. Feb 6, staff in to plow all Urban Roads and sidewalks. Feb 8, garbage removal in downtown core and cold patching of various Urban Roads. Feb 9, plowed and salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks and equipment maintenance. Feb 10, plowed and salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks. Feb 11, cold patching of various Urban Roads and ordered 3 loads of salt. Feb 12, garbage removal in down town core, shop work and picked up a sign order from Campbellford. Feb 16, plowed and salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks. Feb 17, plowed and salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks. Feb 18, plowed and salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks and removed snow from Municipal parking lots. Feb 19, snow removal in Municipal parking lots and cul-de-sacs, garbage removal in down town core and various work orders. Feb 22, garbage removal in down town core, and cold patching on Alice Street , Singleton Street, Chapel Street, Division Street, Sandford Street, Applewood Drive and the Curling Club. Page 91 of 148 Feb 23, storm sewer work on Meade Street, replaced various street signs and cold patching of various Urban Roads. • Feb 24, plowed and salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks • Feb 25, salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks. • Feb 26, salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks. • Feb 29, installing half load signs on Municipal Roads, garbage removal in down town core, chipped a tree on Bay Street and salted all Urban Roads and sidewalks in the evening. • Rural Services • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Feb 2, cold patching various Rural Roads. Feb 3, sanded all Rural Roads and equipment maintenance. Feb 4, replaced sign on Grosjean road and cold patching on Presquile Parkway, Lakeshore Road, Boundry Road, Lawson Road, Little Lake Road, Alexander Road, Huff Road, Carman Road East/West, Percy Boom Road, Chatten Road, Goodfellow Road, Old Wooler Road, Lord Road, Jamison Road and Cowan Road Feb 5, cold patching of various Rural Roads. Feb 6, staff in to plow all Rural Roads. Feb 8, Road inspections and cold patching on Lawson Settlement Road, Stoney point Road North and Telephone Road East. Feb 9, plowed all Rural Roads and equipment maintenance. Feb 10, plowed and sanded all Rural Roads. Feb 11, road inspections and cold patching of Scriver Road North, Telephone Road East/West and Whites Road. Feb 16, plowed and sanded all Rural Roads. Feb 17, plowed and sanded all Rural Roads. Feb 18, plowed and sanded all Rural Roads. Feb 20, sanded all Rural Roads. Feb 22, cold patching on Whites Road, Georgina Street, Cramahe Hill Road, Aranda Way, Cederdale Road and Loomis Road. Feb 23, cold patching of various Rural Roads and contractors in to remove dead trees from Pinewood School Road. Feb 24, plowed and sanded all Rural Roads. Feb 25, sanded all Rural Roads. Feb 26, sanded all Rural Roads. Feb 29, chipping trees on Richmond Street and Pinewood School road and sanded all Rural Roads in the evening. Page 92 of 148 Scott Hodgson, Public Works Operations Supervisor. Page 93 of 148 Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Council Date: 21 Mar 2016 To: Council Prepared By: Vicki Kimmett, Deputy Clerk Reviewed By: Department: Clerks Subject/Title: Council Code of Conduct Recommendation: That Council approves the report Council Code of Conduct and approves the by-law establishing a Council Code of Conduct. Background/Purpose: At the February 17, 2016 Council meeting, Council passed the following resolution: Whereas the council of the Municipality of Brighton continues to reference and refer to "accountability and transparency". Therefore be it resolved that council direct staff to provide a report on adopting a best practices "Council Code of Conduct" for the Municipality of Brighton, as soon as possible. This report should include, but not be limited to, recommendations from the office of the Ombudsman of Ontario. The Ombudsman of Ontario recommends adopting a Code of Conduct for Council. However, it is the responsibility of a Council to produce the Code of Conduct. The attached by-law is from Northumberland County and has been adapted to the Municipality of Brighton. Northumberland County has a very straightforward Code of Conduct that emphasizes both accountability and transparency, and addresses best practices for Council. Page 94 of 148 Page 95 of 148 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BRIGHTON BY-LAW NO. xxx-2016 Being a by-law to establish a Code of Conduct for members of Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Brighton. Whereas Section 11 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, authorizes municipalities to pass by‐laws regarding Accountability and Transparency of the municipality and its operations and of its local boards and their operations; And whereas Section 223.2(1) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, authorizes municipalities to establish codes of conduct for members of the council of the municipality and of local boards of the municipality; Whereas Section 223.2(5) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, authorizes penalties for a contravention of the code of conduct; And whereas Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Brighton deems it expedient to establish a Code of Conduct for Council; Now therefore be it enacted as a By-law of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Brighton, as follows: 1. THAT this Council does hereby adopt the Code of Conduct, attached hereto as Schedule “A” and forming part of this by-law; 2. THAT this By‐law shall come into force and take effect upon receiving the final passing thereof. THAT By-law No. xxx-2016 be introduced and be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, be passed and be properly signed and sealed at the Municipality of Brighton this 21st day of March, 2016. Page 96 of 148 2 POLICY This policy outlines a written Code of Conduct which helps to ensure that the Members of Council share a common basis for acceptable conduct. These standards are designed to provide a reference guide and a supplement to the legislative parameters within which the Members must operate. These standards should serve to enhance public confidence that the Municipality of Brighton’s elected representatives operate from a base of integrity, justice and courtesy. The Municipality of Brighton Code of Conduct is a general standard that augments the provincial laws and municipal by-laws that govern its conduct. It is not intended to replace a Members’ personal ethics. General All Members shall serve their constituents in a conscientious and diligent manner. No member shall use the influence of office for any purpose other than the exercise of his or her official duties. Gifts and Benefits Members should not, directly or indirectly, solicit any gift or accept/receive any gift, whether it be money, services, loan, travel entertainment, hospitality, promise, or any other gift/benefit if, (1) it could be reasonably inferred or expected that the gift was intended to influence them in the performance of their official duties; or (2) the gift was intended to serve as a reward for any official action on their part. It is important that the prohibition of unsolicited gifts be limited to circumstances related to improper influence. In minor situations, such as meal checks for example, some modest maximum dollar value should be determined by the member as a guideline. The guideline is not intended to isolate Members from normal social practices where gifts among friends, associates, and relatives are appropriate for certain occasions or conventional hospitality. This section does not apply to tokens, mementoes, souvenirs, or such gifts or benefits up to and including an annual value of $500.00 that are received as an incident of protocol or social obligation that normally accompanies the responsibilities of office. Tokens, mementoes, souvenirs of gifts with a value of greater than $500.00 shall be the property of the municipality and should be reported and turned over to the C.A.O. Page 97 of 148 3 Confidentiality of Municipal Information It is every Council Member’s responsibility to ensure that all information collected, produced or obtained in the course of his/her duties, whether in reports, memos, oral communication or electronic format, is as accurate as possible. No Council Member shall willfully mislead other Council Members, employees or the public about any issue of municipal concern. It is the responsibility of each member of Council to ensure that confidential information, provided through Administration, other Council Members, solicitors, employees, the public or through any other party, is kept strictly confidential and not released without the approval of Council. Only with Council authority will Council Members give or release to anyone, confidential information acquired in the course of that Council Member’s duties with the Municipality. The following information must not be used or disclosed, except in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“MFIPPA”): Information which is personal; Information that constitutes the proprietary information of a third party, individual or group; Might reasonably be regarded as having been disclosed to the employee in confidence; Is of sensitive nature, or Imparts to the person in possession of such information an advantage not available to the public generally. Council Members should consult with the Clerk if clarification is required. Information acquired through the Council Member’s position with the Municipality may not be used or disclosed in any personal external activity. No Council Member shall benefit, either directly or indirectly, from the use of information acquired during the course of official duties, which is not generally available to the public. Use of Municipal Property Where a member makes use of any Municipality of Brighton property, equipment, supplies, or services of consequence, other than for purposes connected with the discharge of Council duties, it is Page 98 of 148 4 incumbent upon the member to make restitution for any additional expenses which are incurred by the Municipality for use of said equipment, supplies or services. No member shall obtain financial gain from the use of Municipal developed intellectual property, computer programs, computer hardware, technological innovations, or other patent, trademark, copyright held by the Municipality of Brighton, while an elected official, or thereafter. Such property remains the exclusive property of the Municipality of Brighton. No member shall use information gained in the execution of his or her duties which is not available to the general public, or any purposes other than his or her official duties. Work of a Political Nature No member shall use Municipal facilities, services or property for his or her re-election campaign. No member shall use the services of municipal employees for his or her re-election campaign, during hours in which the employees are in the paid employment of the Municipality. Conduct at Council During Council meetings, Members shall conduct themselves with decorum in accordance with the Municipality of Brighton’s Procedural Bylaw. Respect for deputations and for fellow Members and staff requires that all Members show courtesy and not distract from the business of the Council during presentations and when other Members have the floor. Conduct Respecting Staff Only Council as a whole has the authority to approve budget, policy, processes and other such matters. Accordingly, Members shall direct requests outside of Council-approved budget, process or policy to Council as a whole. Staff serves Council as a whole and the combined interests of all Members as evidenced through the decision of Council. Members shall be respectful of the role of staff to advise based on their professional expertise, political neutrality and objectivity and without undue influence from any individual Member or faction of Council. Accordingly, no Member shall maliciously or falsely injure the professional or ethical reputation of staff. Page 99 of 148 5 No Member shall compel staff to engage in partisan political activities or be subjected to threats or discrimination for refusing to engage in such activities. Nor shall any Member use, or attempt to use, their authority or influence for the purpose of intimidating, threatening, coercing, commanding or influencing any staff member with the intent of interfering with that person’s duties, including the duty to disclose improper activity. Business Relations No member shall act as a paid agent before Council except in the terms of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. A Member shall not refer a third party to a person, partnership or the corporation in exchange for payment or other personal benefit. Discreditable Conduct Harassment of another Member, staff or any member of the public is misconduct. It is the policy of the Municipality of Brighton that all persons be treated fairly in the workplace, in an environment free of discrimination and of personal and sexual harassment. Harassment may be defined as any behaviour, by any person that is directed at, or is offensive to, another person, on the grounds of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, age, handicap, sexual orientation, marital status, or family status and any other ground under the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code. Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures A number of the provisions of this Code of Conduct incorporate policies and procedures adopted by Council. More generally, Members of Council are required to observe the terms of all policies and procedures established by Council. This provision does not prevent a member of Council from requesting that Council grant an exemption from a policy. Reprisals and Obstruction Members of Council should respect the integrity of the Code of Conduct and investigations conducted under it. Any reprisal or threat of reprisal against a complainant or anyone for providing relevant Page 100 of 148 6 information to the Integrity Commissioner is therefore prohibited. It is also a violation of the Code of Conduct to obstruct the Integrity Commissioner in the carrying out of her or his responsibilities, as, for example, by the destruction of documents or the erasing of electronic communications. Integrity Commissioner In accordance with the Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act, 2006, the Municipality has the authority to appoint an Integrity Commissioner to perform related to: Application of the Code of Conduct and other procedures, rules and policies governing ethical behaviour for Members of Council; Penalties that may be imposed b the Municipality where the Integrity Commission reports that a Member of Council has contravened the Code of Conduct include: o Reprimand o A request for an apology to Council, the complainant, or both o Repayment or reimbursement of any moneys received o Suspension of pay. Page 101 of 148 Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Council Date: 21 Mar 2016 To: Council Prepared By: Lucas Kelly Reviewed By: Department: Public Works & Development Subject/Title: Fuel Tank Recommendation - Emergency Services and Public Works Recommendation: That Council direct staff to issue a Request for Quotations for the purchase of a 1500 gallon above ground diesel tank for clear diesel only, with a card-lock system for installation at 71 Chatten Road; and That Council direct Staff to have the coloured diesel removed from the existing aboveground tank at 67 Sharp Road and have the tank identified for gasoline use; and That Council direct staff to include a card-lock system for the Sharp Road fuel tanks in the Request for Quotations; and That Council direct staff to transfer the total cost of the fuel tank and card-lock system from the Public Works Reserve. Background/Purpose: On February 16, 2016 a TSSA Inspector inspected the fuel system at 71 Chatten Road, Public Works North Garage and some deficiencies were noted. The tanks cannot be certified at present. Staff provided a report to Council on March 7, 2016 with the recommendation to replace the underground tanks at that location with above-ground tanks and a card-lock system for the approximate cost of $17,000. Page 102 of 148 At the March 7, 2016 Council Meeting, Council directed staff to empty the fuel tanks at 71 Chatten Road and have them removed. Council also directed the staff to write a report detailing the impact on Emergency Services of removing fuel services from the North Garage. Analysis/Comments: At the Emergency Planning Committee meeting of January 20, 2016, the location for the Emergency Operations Centre was moved to Brighton Fire Department, Station 2, to ensure effective and efficient services in the event of a major emergency. Station 2 Fire Department in Codrington gets their fuel for the trucks at the Hilton Works Department – 71 Chatten Road. The distance from Station 2 to Chatten Road location is 8 kms. The trucks fuel up after an emergency call and training, or if they need to be topped up on a truck check night. If the diesel tank is not replaced Station 2 Fire trucks would have to be fueled up at Public Works - 67 Sharp Road, south of the train tracks making a trip for fuel 17 kms instead of the current 8 kms. If Station 2 receives a call while fueling up, the response time would be delayed due to going through Brighton and/or delays/blockages from the trains to the rural area Station 2 covers. It goes without saying that being delayed could be very important to the call if it is a fire, car accident or medical call with health issues or heart problems. Station 1 Fire Department fuels up at Public Works – 67 Sharp Road, but if for some reason they were unable to fuel up there, they would go for fuel up at the Hilton Works Department. When Lucas Kelly presented his report to Council last Council Meeting he pointed out the importance of having diesel readily available, especially in the winter months for snow plows and loaders. The Water Supervisor has noted that they have a diesel generator as a backup when the power goes out at the water reservoir pumping Station at County Road 26. The Water Department uses diesel from both Public Works locations, and they prefer to have access to these locations in case one department is not accessible. The Water Department has included in their Emergency Plan that they will to get diesel from either Public Works location. In an effort to ensure business continuity and provide essential services for the residents, staff are recommending that the Municipality continues to store fuel in certified tanks. If the Municipality were to sustain a major hydro outage over an extended period, municipal operations would be affected if dependent on others for immediate access to fuel. Page 103 of 148 Coloured diesel is only used for some heavy equipment. Clear diesel can be used in this equipment. The current coloured diesel tank cold be drained to make it available to use for gasoline. By purchasing gasoline in bulk they would be saving at whole sale prices instead of retail. The money saved by purchasing gas would help support the cost of a card lock system. Each Public Works Department would have gas and diesel allowing for access to gas and diesel in the event that one Works Department was not accessible in case of emergency; therefore creating a backup for Fire, Public Works and the Water Department. Financial Implications: The approximate cost for the above-ground fuel tank and card-lock system is $17,000. The table below illustrates the estimated cost savings that could rack prices, current pump prices and the litres of fuel purchased Fuel Type 2015 Litres Estimated Rack Purchased Price Diesel 55,000 $47,245 Unleaded 37,865 $30,735 Total $77,980 occur based on current in 2015: Estimated Pump Price $48,345 $34,040 $82,385 The savings that could be generated by buying fuel in bulk is $4,405 per year. The cost of a new fuel tank and the card-lock system for all municipal fuel tanks would be recovered in less than four years. Above-ground fuel tanks have a life expectancy of 25 years. Page 104 of 148 Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Council Date: 21 Mar 2016 To: Council Prepared By: Lucas Kelly Reviewed By: Department: Public Works & Development Subject/Title: Twinning the Watermain on George Street from Alice Street to the former Town Limits. Recommendation: That Council approve the twinning of the watermain from the intersection of Alice and George Street to the former town limits for the estimated cost of $90,375.50. Background/Purpose: During 2015, the water emergencies and subsequent meetings identified the risk of supplying water to the entire urban centre with a single trunk main. Also in 2015, the Municipality commenced the reconstruction project of Young/George Street, which is scheduled to be complete at the end of June 2016. In the 2016 Budget, staff have included an item for the Survey, Design and Tender preparation for twinning the watermain from the Water Treatment Plant to the former town limits, where the second watermain will already exist. In order to plan for the potential watermain project in the future and, in an effort to ensure that new infrastructure is not disturbed once it is in place, staff are recommending that the Municipality put underground infrastructure in place as part of the Young/George project, from Alice St. to the former town limits. Page 105 of 148 Financial Implications: Additional loan of $90,375.50 Page 106 of 148 Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Council Date: 21 Mar 2016 To: Council Prepared By: Linda Widdifield, Director of Finance & Administrative Services Reviewed By: Department: Public Works & Development Subject/Title: Critical Path and Timeline for 42 Chapel Street Drainage Recommendation: That Council receives the Critical Path and Timeline Report for 42 Chapel Street Drainage as information. Background/Purpose: On March 7, 2016, Council passed the following resolution: That Council amends the motion and directs staff to provide a critical path timeline and costings for the 42 Chapel Street project; and further to seek a legal opinion on who bears financial responsibility for the costs, to be brought to the next regular Council meeting on March 21, 2016 Analysis/Comments: Staff and Engineering Consultants have identified several steps that must occur to redirect the water that is discharging into the French Drain at the rear of the 42 Chapel Street property. The water flows through an underground pipe or pipes from an unknown source or sources, and crosses more than property. Since the source of water has not been identified and staff have confirmed that the pipe could not cameraed due to a barrier, the focus for the last several months has been to determine a way to redirect the water from the north-east corner of 42 Chapel Street to the storm drain on Meade Street. Page 107 of 148 Steps are identified in the table below: Action Legal Opinion Select Engineer's Recommended Option Receive Design Drawing from Engineer Obtain Lower Trent Conservation Approval Submit Easement Application to Bell Canada Application Review and Approval from Bell Canada Legal Registration of Easement Issue RFQ Complete Works Total Estimated Cost Estimated Cost $ 1,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 0.00 unknown unknown $ 1,500.00 $ 100.00 $20,000.00 $25,000.00 Attachments: Critical Path Timeline, 42 Chapel Page 108 of 148 Days: Critical Path Timeline, 42 Chapel Street Project, Starting March 16, 2016 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Start 60 ES 65 70 Critical 75 Flexible 80 85 Events Legal Opinion Select Engineer's Recommended Option Receive Design Drawing from Engineer Obtain Lower Trent Approval Submit Easement Application to Bell Bell Canada Approval Legal Registration of Easement Issue RFQ for Construction Complete Works Finish Weeks: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Page 109 of 148 Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Council Date: 21 Mar 2016 To: Council Prepared By: Linda Widdifield, Director of Finance & Administrative Services Reviewed By: Department: Public Works & Development Subject/Title: Cormier Correspondence Report Recommendation: That Council receives the Cormier Correspondence Report as information Background/Purpose: At the March 7, 2016 Council meeting, Council passed a resolution, as follows: That Council directs staff to draft a report answering the questions posed by Shannon Cormier and bring the report to the March 21, 2016 Council Meeting. Analysis/Comments: Mrs. Shannon Cormier wrote an email to Vicki Kimmett on February 29, 2016 as follows: Thank you for your follow up phone call this morning, it was very appreciated. As I'm sure you are aware, all the Letters of Non-Compliance have been set aside until April 2016 when the weather improves. However, there are still some questions that have not yet been answered. As such, could you please ensure that the below questions be included in the correspondence for the March 7, 2016 council meeting. They are as follows: Page 110 of 148 1. While speaking with Mr. Magee on Feb. 19, 2016 regarding the Notices of NonCompliance we received, he informed me that this was a special case and as such, the normal procedure was not followed. Ie - he would normally come to our home and discuss our apparent violations with us prior to sending out the letters. *Why is our case considered special, which would warrant Mr. Magee not having to follow procedure? 2. While speaking with Mr. Magee on Feb. 19, 2016 again regarding the Notices of NonCompliance, he also stated that it was council who has been directing him regarding the bylaw violations and all decisions pertaining to them. I have spoken to most of council as well as Ms. Widdifield, all of whom adamantly state that they have not and do not direct Mr. Magee on bylaw enforcement. *Why would Mr. Magee be stating that council is directing him in this matter? 3. Mr. Magee has been monitoring the development to the south of our property since Aug. 10/15. *If the litter and play structure were in violation since Aug. and Oct, what prompted Notices of Non-Compliance to be sent out on Feb. 9/16 with an impossible to meet deadline of Feb. 19/16? 4. In addition to the above confusion, I had called on Feb. 22, 2016 and asked multiple people how to go about the appeal process. No one I spoke to, including Mr. Magee, could provide me with information on the appeal process. *How is it that no one (especially Mr. Magee) knows the appeal process? *Though all Notices of Non-Compliance have been set aside, I still have not received any answers on how I would go about this process. 5. One of the major issues that has come up as a result of all of this has been the property stakes that are on the neighbourhood properties. No one can confirm where the stakes came from. I have been informed by more than one person, that Steve Crowe, who is a contractor for Lakeside Landing has been seen on property putting in stakes. I asked on February 19 and February 22 where the stakes came from as they are what is being used to determine our property line. No one has yet to answer me. *Please definitively answer where the stakes came from that are being used to determine our lot line. *Given the circumstances,I feel it is only fair to ask that a licensed surveyor is brought out to confirm property lines for all properties surrounding the Lakeside Landing property, especially if these issues are only going to continue. 6. Though the Notices of Non-Compliance has been set aside for now, this matter is sure to come back up again in April. It pertains to the sump pump drain. The sump pump drain is original to the home, which was built in 1977, therefore pre-dates the byPage 111 of 148 law which was approved on Jan. 7/13 and should be exempt. Mr. Magee states that we have to go by the most current bylaw, but has been unable to answer our questions regarding the sump pump drain. Others we have spoken to, including a lawyer, have stated that no, the sump pump is exempt. *Can someone please confirm which is fact? *In addition to it being exempt from the bylaw, we were informed a swale is eventually being put in-between the two properties, so why is the sump pump drain an issue at all? Staff have provided answers to Mrs. Cormier’s questions, as follows: 1. Mr. Magee has advised that the regular process of By-Law Enforcement is to : a. Contact a property owner and explain that there is an infraction b. Send a Notice of Non-Compliance with a date to bring the property into compliance c. Issue an Order d. Depending on the type of By-Law, the next step(s) could be fines, court, or causing the infraction to be corrected and adding the costs to the tax roll. Staff received direction at the Council Meeting of August 10, 2015, to monitor Lakeside Landing with respect to the fill and to enforce by-laws. Staff conducted inspections in December, January and February and found infractions on three properties. The By-Law Officer consulted with the Planning Consultant, the Construction Inspector and the Director of Finance and was advised that the Council resolution was clear. He was advised to enforce the by-laws. 2. Council and The Director of Finance did direct the By-Law to enforce by-laws but did not direct him on how he should carry out his duties. 3. The By-Law Enforcement Officer did not receive the direction with respect to the August 10, 2015 resolution from Management until December 8, 2015. 4. There is no appeal process for a Notice of Non-Compliance. There are different methods of defending Orders, depending on the legislation. A Property Standards Order may be appealed to the Property Standards Committee. Orders are being held in abeyance until spring under the authority of the Director of Finance. 5. Staff have observed the legal survey bars that are adjacent to the wooden stakes. The planning department has a copy of Lakeside Landing survey. Staff have reviewed the survey on file and have no reason to believe that the survey bars were Page 112 of 148 placed by anyone other than a licenced surveyor. It is the responsibility of an individual landowner to obtain their own survey if there is a dispute over property boundaries. 6. The Municipal solicitor disagrees with this statement. A property owner cannot discharge their sump pump on another property owner. Sump pumps must discharge on one’s own property so that the water has the opportunity to percolate into the ground on the property. Page 113 of 148 Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Council Date: 21 Mar 2016 To: Council Prepared By: Linda Widdifield, Director of Finance & Administrative Services Reviewed By: Department: Planning Services Subject/Title: Ostwald Correspondence Report Recommendation: That Council receives the By-Law Enforcement at Lakeside Landing report as information Background/Purpose: At the March 7, 2016 Council meeting, Council passed a resolution, as follows: That Council receives the correspondence from Bonnie Ostwald regarding Lakeside Landing and directs staff to draft a report for Council answering the questions from Bonnie Ostwald to the March 21, 2016 meeting. Analysis/Comments: Mrs. Bonnie Ostwald wrote an email to Councillor Martinello on February 23, 2016 as follows: Given the By-law officer's directions from council to monitor Lakeside Landing property, where do I go with this query? MoB Property Standards By-law: Section 2.3.7 "No person shall install, alter or repair a private stormwater or groundwater drain that discharges onto a neighbouring property Page 114 of 148 or into a municipal storm water sewer, creek or roadside drainage ditch without the prior written approval of the Corporation." Did the owner of Lakeside Landing property have prior written approval to dig the 2 trenches that run north and south and discharge into roadside drainage ditch on Lakeshore? The north/south trench on the west side was dug in Nov/Dec. 2015. The owner of Lakeside Landing did not seek specific approval from the Municipality in advance of clearing swales and ditches on the property. The direction from Council to monitor Lakeside Landing with respect to the fill and enforce by-laws was taken into consideration upon observation of the excavation that was completed in December. In enforcing by-laws, staff must take into the consideration any adverse impact that the infraction has created. A Notice of Non-Compliance would advise the landowner of the by-law infraction, as noted in section 2.3.7 of the Property Standards By-Law, as identified in Mrs. Ostwald’s correspondence. The Notice would then direct the landowner to fill in the ditches within a defined time period. If staff were to issue a Notice of Non-Compliance, it would most certainly have an adverse impact on surrounding property owners. Page 115 of 148 Municipality of Brighton Council Direction Follow Up List Up to 21 March, 2016 Checked items are complete Resolution 2015-544 Date of Meeting June 15/15 Council Resolution Actions To Date That Council directs staff to prepare a report that investigates the feasibility, alternate routes & estimated costs for the installation of a second water supply main from the well head to urban Brighton. It is further recommended that Council direct staff to complete & present this report to Council no later than the 20 July 2015 Council meeting. Staff are meeting with an Engineer from a neighbouring municipality and a report will be coming forward in mid-November Meeting has been delayed and report is planned for early December December 2015, staff still working with Engineer Staff have provided Council with approximate cost of a design plan, tendering costs, etc. during budget process June 15/15 That Council directs staff to ensure completion of the Requests for Proposals for the class environmental assessment for the sewage treatment plant no later than the end of July. 2015-585 July 10/15 That Council refers the matter of the levy on trucks to OSR to staff for a report. 2015-605 July 20/15 That Council refers the site plan issues (regarding gravel pit trucking) of CBM Aggregates to staff 2015- Regular updates regarding the Young Street project Report on the November 2 agenda Report on January 18, 2016 agenda 2015- Regular updates regarding traffic on Alice Street On hold until spring 2016, per Council Page 116 of 148 2015-545 RFP to be developed by GSS Engineering RFP released November 10, 2015 RFP closing December 17, 2015 Nine responses were received and have been reviewed for technical abilities. Council to consider the Review Committee at January 18, 2016 meeting Council appointed Committee of the Whole as the review Committee. Staff have received the nine responses in electronic format to distribute to all Council Members Complete √ Resolution Date of Meeting 2015 Council Resolution Regular updates on Brighton by the Bay Actions To Date September Council directs staff to arrange a training date 9/15 suitable to all of Council 2015-732 September Council directs staff to prepare a report 9/15 detailing the hydro savings realized by LED lighting Staff are investigating with Hydro, October 2015 Staff continue to work on a summary report to submit to Hydro 2015-736 September Council directs staff to report on the 9/15 procedural policy on road painting in the Municipality 2015-741 September That Council directs staff to report to Council 9/15 on the need & cost to upgrade the server to upgrade email & speed to upload to the website. Staff are working with IT specialists and the website provider Proposal coming to the budget meetings Council to consider recommendation of the Committee of the Whole at January 18 meeting Request for quotes will be issued by the end of February 2015-781 September Regular updates on Emergency Notification 21/15 System Ongoing self-registration from residence. Tested two groups Oct 7/15 2015-842 October 5/15 Staff directed to negotiate a payment plan with CN Rail Maintenance Program for work completed on Ontario Street Negotiations are underway Staff contacted CN again (November 25) to remind them that we are waiting for the payment plan, the work schedule for all maintenance within the Municipality and copies of all historic agreements CN responded and requested meeting during the week of January 11, 2016 October 16/15 Council directed staff to provide monthly written reports to the MOECC & Council regarding lagoon performance. Reports will be provided by GSS Engineering Page 117 of 148 2015-731 2015-876 Complete √ Council Direction Follow Up List Page 2 of 7 Resolution Date of Meeting Council Resolution Actions To Date October 16/15 Council directed staff to investigate the feasibility of installing a raw sewage screening system at the head of the sewage works. The investigation would provide cost estimates and consider alternatives. 2015-879 October 16/15 Council directed staff to commence the appropriate RFP process for the Biocord System or equivalent for placement in Lagoon 1 of the Brighton sewage works. 2015-906 October 20/15 Council directs staff to ensure the contractor repairs & makes good all deficiencies in the new road surface on Old Wooler Road Progress information on the November 2, 2015 agenda 2015-942 November 2/15 That Council receives the information from David Green regarding Mac’s Milk & Gas Bar, and refers the information & questions to staff for the applicants consideration 2015-943 November 2/15 That Council receives the information from Manny Directo regarding Mac’s Milk & Gas Bar, as information, and refers to staff to investigate what environmental reports are available 2015-946 November 2/15 That Council receives the report on 42 Chapel Street as information, and directs staff to enforce the by-law and to report back to Council no later than the first meeting in December 2015. 2015-951 November 2/15 That Council directs staff to track all time, Staff are investigating the reason for the failure and labour & material for winter repairs to Old are documenting time and materials for patching. Wooler Road & withhold 20% of the invoice 20% holdback has occurred until we come to resolution with the contractor 2015-974 November 9/15 Staff to investigate cost of deterrent pads for lagoon & report back to Council Page 118 of 148 2015-878 Complete √ Bylaws were reviewed. Email sent to Ms. Riall and Council Council Direction Follow Up List Page 3 of 7 Resolution Date of Meeting Council Resolution Actions To Date 2015-1010 November 9/15 Staff to bring a report on Brighton by the Bay Phase 8 to the next meeting 2015-1012 November 9/15 Council to enter into an agreement to pay for camera inspection of the drainage pipe at the rear of 10 & 12 Baldwin Street Complete √ December 21/15 That Council directs staff to retain Krecklo and Associates for the recruitment of a full time CAO Recruitment has commenced Posting closes February 11, 2016 2015-1136 December 21/15 That Council directs staff to retain Krecklo and Associates for the recruitment of a Director of Public Works Recruitment has commenced Posting closes February 11, 2016 2015-1140 December 21/15 1. In order to improve safety & accessibility for all people that use Elizabeth Street, Council directs staff to implement the modifications specified at the following locations: a) Terry Fox Dr/Elizabeth Street (southwest corner) - relocate crosswalk button so that it is no longer behind gray box & made more visible to users; level ground so that all people can access crosswalk button and increase the timing on all crosswalk signals so that people using scooters & walkers have a chance to safely cross the streets; and b) Elizabeth St/No Frills entrance (southwest corner) - foundation gravel has degraded to point where it is dangerous to use the crosswalk button. Make this right. Staff corrected the foundation gravel at the entrance to No Frills in early December Page 119 of 148 2015-1135 Council Direction Follow Up List Page 4 of 7 Resolution Date of Meeting Council Resolution Actions To Date Complete √ 2. Council further directs that preceding modifications be completed ASAP & report back to Council January 18, 2016. 2016-25 January 18/16 2016-33 January 18/16 2016-42 January 18/16 2016-45 January 18/16 2016-46 January 18/16 2016-51 January 18/16 2016-85 February 1/16 Page 120 of 148 2016-89 February 1/16 Information regarding Erling Hansen Pit extraction routes referred to staff for a report by the end of February with options to assist the landowner and refers to PSB Ditching at Huff Road and Lakeshore report referred to staff to present a report on extending the ditch on the east side of Huff Road (south of Lakeshore) south to the road limit Referred concerns of Robert Bailey (plowing of cul-de-sacs) to staff to report at February 1/16 Council meeting Sidewalks on Edgewater Drive: direct staff to provide copies of engineering street & sidewalk layout drawings for clarification Stormwater drainage on Marina Drive: referred to staff for resolution to the plan & engineering work in the easement, and report to Council the first meeting in March Lakeside Landing: correspondence from Ray Yurkowski referred to staff to answer his questions by February 1/16 Directs staff to remove all snow from the culde-sac commencing as soon as the next snowfall Referred to staff for comment: The number of Ferric Chloride spills in recent weeks has become a significant concern. It is concerning because of legal actions taken against other Ontario municipalities regarding √ Report to Council on February 8, 2016 √ Council Direction Follow Up List Page 5 of 7 Resolution Date of Meeting 2016-91 February 1/16 2016-95 February 1/16 2016-102 February 1/16 2016-145 February 17/16 2016-148 February 17/16 Page 121 of 148 2016-181 February 17/16 March 7/16 Council Resolution use of Ferric Chloride. Considering the hazards posed to the environment and potential legal actions taken against the Municipality by the use of Ferric Chloride at the Municipal Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP), it is moved that Council direct GSS Engineering to consider the use of less hazardous material such as Aluminum Chlorohydrate in the treatment of WPCP effluent. Referred Lakeside Landing resolution 2016-90 (Yurkowski letter) to staff planner & by-law officer to report back to February 16/16 meeting Direct staff to prepare a schedule of meetings for COW to address strategic planning initiatives upon arrival of new CAO Referred Dan Essery’s email, regarding repair work on Marina Drive (Section 70 of the Ontario Drainage Act) to staff for appropriate action That Council directs staff to monitor Lakeside Landing That Council directs staff to provide a report on adopting a “best practices” Code of Conduct as soon as possible That the Fire Department be added to subdivision agreements and that they be notified of new streets before people move in That Council directs staff to provide a critical path timeline & costings for the 42 Chapel Street project, and further, to seek a legal opinion on who bears financial responsibility for the costs for the March 21/16 meeting Actions To Date Complete √ On the March 21/16 agenda Council Direction Follow Up List Page 6 of 7 Resolution Date of Meeting 2016-187 March 7/16 2016-206 March 7/16 2016-207 March 7/16 2016-210 March 7/16 Council Resolution That Council directs staff to write a report detailing the impact on Emergency Services of removing fuel services from the North Garage That Council directs staff to draft a report answering the questions posed by Shannon Cormier for the March 21/15 Council meeting That Council directs staff to draft a report for Council answering Bonnie Ostwald’s questions for the March 21/16 Council meeting That Council provide a letter of support for the proposal that the location of the Veterans Mental Health Centre of Excellence be added to the TMH site with the provision that QHC continues to provide emergency medicine and other hospital services at TMH Actions To Date Complete √ On the March 21/16 agenda On the March 21/16 agenda On the March 21/16 agenda √ Page 122 of 148 Council Direction Follow Up List Page 7 of 7 Date: March 21, 2015 Resolution No. 2016- Moved by: Councillor John Martinello Seconded by: Councillor Roger McMurray In compliance with the accountability & transparency requirements specified by the law of Ontario & particularly the Ontario Municipal Act; and in order that all of Council and Brighton taxpayers can better know how Brighton taxpayers' money is being spent; and in order that all of Council might be able to better identify & prevent causes of litigation against the Municipality of Brighton; and in order that Council gain some control on the amount of Brighton taxpayers' money being paid to lawyers: Council directs staff to update - and present to all of Council & the public - the "Open insurance claims and other legal claims report", that was originally kept out of the public eye at the November 16, 2015. Council further directs that this updated report be presented to all of Council & the public at the April 18, 2016 Council mtg. Notice of Motion 11.1 Page 123 of 148 Date: March 7, 2015 Resolution No. 2016- Moved by: Councillor John Martinello Seconded by: Councillor Roger McMurray In the interest of accountability & transparency & in an effort to reduce the amount of money Brighton taxpayers pay to lawyers, Council directs that staff shall not refer any issue, related to bylaw enforcement at Lakeside Landing Subdivision, 952849 Ontario Limited, to legal counsel without the prior & explicit approval of Council. Notice of Motion 11.1 Page 124 of 148 Date: March 7, 2015 Resolution No. 2016- Moved by: Councillor John Martinello Seconded by: Councillor Roger McMurray In the interest of accountability & transparency Council directs that staff & legal counsel shall carbon copy all members of Council, on all correspondence related to bylaw enforcement at Lakeside Landing Subdivision, 952849 Ontario Limited. Council further directs that all correspondence related to bylaw enforcement issues at Lakeside Landing Subdivision, 952840 Ontario Limited, shall only be conducted by e-mail. Notice of Motion 11.2 Page 125 of 148 Municipality of Brighton Council Meeting Council Date: 21 Mar 2016 To: Council Prepared By: Vicki Kimmett, Deputy Clerk Reviewed By: Department: Clerks Subject/Title: Council Code of Conduct By-law Page 126 of 148 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BRIGHTON BY-LAW NO. xxx-2016 Being a by-law to establish a Code of Conduct for members of Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Brighton. Whereas Section 11 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, authorizes municipalities to pass by‐laws regarding Accountability and Transparency of the municipality and its operations and of its local boards and their operations; And whereas Section 223.2(1) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, authorizes municipalities to establish codes of conduct for members of the council of the municipality and of local boards of the municipality; Whereas Section 223.2(5) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, authorizes penalties for a contravention of the code of conduct; And whereas Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Brighton deems it expedient to establish a Code of Conduct for Council; Now therefore be it enacted as a By-law of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Brighton, as follows: 1. THAT this Council does hereby adopt the Code of Conduct, attached hereto as Schedule “A” and forming part of this by-law; 2. THAT this By‐law shall come into force and take effect upon receiving the final passing thereof. THAT By-law No. xxx-2016 be introduced and be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, be passed and be properly signed and sealed at the Municipality of Brighton this 21st day of March, 2016. Page 127 of 148 2 POLICY This policy outlines a written Code of Conduct which helps to ensure that the Members of Council share a common basis for acceptable conduct. These standards are designed to provide a reference guide and a supplement to the legislative parameters within which the Members must operate. These standards should serve to enhance public confidence that the Municipality of Brighton’s elected representatives operate from a base of integrity, justice and courtesy. The Municipality of Brighton Code of Conduct is a general standard that augments the provincial laws and municipal by-laws that govern its conduct. It is not intended to replace a Members’ personal ethics. General All Members shall serve their constituents in a conscientious and diligent manner. No member shall use the influence of office for any purpose other than the exercise of his or her official duties. Gifts and Benefits Members should not, directly or indirectly, solicit any gift or accept/receive any gift, whether it be money, services, loan, travel entertainment, hospitality, promise, or any other gift/benefit if, (1) it could be reasonably inferred or expected that the gift was intended to influence them in the performance of their official duties; or (2) the gift was intended to serve as a reward for any official action on their part. It is important that the prohibition of unsolicited gifts be limited to circumstances related to improper influence. In minor situations, such as meal checks for example, some modest maximum dollar value should be determined by the member as a guideline. The guideline is not intended to isolate Members from normal social practices where gifts among friends, associates, and relatives are appropriate for certain occasions or conventional hospitality. This section does not apply to tokens, mementoes, souvenirs, or such gifts or benefits up to and including an annual value of $500.00 that are received as an incident of protocol or social obligation that normally accompanies the responsibilities of office. Tokens, mementoes, souvenirs of gifts with a value of greater than $500.00 shall be the property of the municipality and should be reported and turned over to the C.A.O. Page 128 of 148 3 Confidentiality of Municipal Information It is every Council Member’s responsibility to ensure that all information collected, produced or obtained in the course of his/her duties, whether in reports, memos, oral communication or electronic format, is as accurate as possible. No Council Member shall willfully mislead other Council Members, employees or the public about any issue of municipal concern. It is the responsibility of each member of Council to ensure that confidential information, provided through Administration, other Council Members, solicitors, employees, the public or through any other party, is kept strictly confidential and not released without the approval of Council. Only with Council authority will Council Members give or release to anyone, confidential information acquired in the course of that Council Member’s duties with the Municipality. The following information must not be used or disclosed, except in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“MFIPPA”): Information which is personal; Information that constitutes the proprietary information of a third party, individual or group; Might reasonably be regarded as having been disclosed to the employee in confidence; Is of sensitive nature, or Imparts to the person in possession of such information an advantage not available to the public generally. Council Members should consult with the Clerk if clarification is required. Information acquired through the Council Member’s position with the Municipality may not be used or disclosed in any personal external activity. No Council Member shall benefit, either directly or indirectly, from the use of information acquired during the course of official duties, which is not generally available to the public. Use of Municipal Property Where a member makes use of any Municipality of Brighton property, equipment, supplies, or services of consequence, other than for purposes connected with the discharge of Council duties, it is Page 129 of 148 4 incumbent upon the member to make restitution for any additional expenses which are incurred by the Municipality for use of said equipment, supplies or services. No member shall obtain financial gain from the use of Municipal developed intellectual property, computer programs, computer hardware, technological innovations, or other patent, trademark, copyright held by the Municipality of Brighton, while an elected official, or thereafter. Such property remains the exclusive property of the Municipality of Brighton. No member shall use information gained in the execution of his or her duties which is not available to the general public, or any purposes other than his or her official duties. Work of a Political Nature No member shall use Municipal facilities, services or property for his or her re-election campaign. No member shall use the services of municipal employees for his or her re-election campaign, during hours in which the employees are in the paid employment of the Municipality. Conduct at Council During Council meetings, Members shall conduct themselves with decorum in accordance with the Municipality of Brighton’s Procedural Bylaw. Respect for deputations and for fellow Members and staff requires that all Members show courtesy and not distract from the business of the Council during presentations and when other Members have the floor. Conduct Respecting Staff Only Council as a whole has the authority to approve budget, policy, processes and other such matters. Accordingly, Members shall direct requests outside of Council-approved budget, process or policy to Council as a whole. Staff serves Council as a whole and the combined interests of all Members as evidenced through the decision of Council. Members shall be respectful of the role of staff to advise based on their professional expertise, political neutrality and objectivity and without undue influence from any individual Member or faction of Council. Accordingly, no Member shall maliciously or falsely injure the professional or ethical reputation of staff. Page 130 of 148 5 No Member shall compel staff to engage in partisan political activities or be subjected to threats or discrimination for refusing to engage in such activities. Nor shall any Member use, or attempt to use, their authority or influence for the purpose of intimidating, threatening, coercing, commanding or influencing any staff member with the intent of interfering with that person’s duties, including the duty to disclose improper activity. Business Relations No member shall act as a paid agent before Council except in the terms of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. A Member shall not refer a third party to a person, partnership or the corporation in exchange for payment or other personal benefit. Discreditable Conduct Harassment of another Member, staff or any member of the public is misconduct. It is the policy of the Municipality of Brighton that all persons be treated fairly in the workplace, in an environment free of discrimination and of personal and sexual harassment. Harassment may be defined as any behaviour, by any person that is directed at, or is offensive to, another person, on the grounds of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, age, handicap, sexual orientation, marital status, or family status and any other ground under the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code. Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures A number of the provisions of this Code of Conduct incorporate policies and procedures adopted by Council. More generally, Members of Council are required to observe the terms of all policies and procedures established by Council. This provision does not prevent a member of Council from requesting that Council grant an exemption from a policy. Reprisals and Obstruction Members of Council should respect the integrity of the Code of Conduct and investigations conducted under it. Any reprisal or threat of reprisal against a complainant or anyone for providing relevant Page 131 of 148 6 information to the Integrity Commissioner is therefore prohibited. It is also a violation of the Code of Conduct to obstruct the Integrity Commissioner in the carrying out of her or his responsibilities, as, for example, by the destruction of documents or the erasing of electronic communications. Integrity Commissioner In accordance with the Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act, 2006, the Municipality has the authority to appoint an Integrity Commissioner to perform related to: Application of the Code of Conduct and other procedures, rules and policies governing ethical behaviour for Members of Council; Penalties that may be imposed b the Municipality where the Integrity Commission reports that a Member of Council has contravened the Code of Conduct include: o Reprimand o A request for an apology to Council, the complainant, or both o Repayment or reimbursement of any moneys received o Suspension of pay. Page 132 of 148 Corporation of the Municipality of Brighton Committee of the Whole Meeting February 22, 2016 6:30 p.m. The Committee of the Whole of the Municipality of Brighton met in Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m. February 22, 2016 to receive comments and questions from the public and to deliberate the final draft 2016 municipal budget. Members Present: Deputy Mayor and Chair Brian Ostrander, Mayor Mark Walas, Councillor John Martinello, Councillor Roger McMurray, Councillor Mary Tadman, Councillor Laura Vink Staff Members: Linda Widdifield, Director of Finance & Administrative Services; Lloyd Hutchinson, Fire Chief; Lucas Kelly, Public Works Projects Supervisor. 1. Call to Order: The Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by the Chair. A quorum was present. 2. Approval of Agenda: Resolution 2016-CW-11 That the Committee of the Whole agenda dated February 22, 2016 be approved as presented. Motion by: Councillor Baker Seconded by: Councillor McMurray Carried 3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interests & the General Nature Thereof: None 4. Announcements: Councillor McMurray thanked the Treasurer for her work to maintain services. Deputy Mayor Ostrander read an email from Mayor Walas supporting the budget as presented. A copy of the email is appended to these minutes. Councillor Tadman announced that a Syrian family has arrived in Brighton. Councillor Vink described the successful Heritage Weekend held February 18-22, 2016. Page 133 of 148 5. Staff Reports: Members had before them the 2016 Budget Analysis Final Draft dated February 22, 2016. a. 2016 Final Draft Budget Analysis was presented by Linda Widdifield, Director of Finance and Administration. 6. Public Consultation: Heidi Mayer spoke regarding funding the group move, the New Nutrition North Program and the E.N.S.S. programs. Emily Rowley asked a question about the municipal contribution to the YMCA. Emily Rowley asked a question about the transfer to the Construction Reserve. Emily Rowley asked a question about a budget allocation for team building. James Firth asked a question about an LED light rebate. Emily Rowley asked a question about the total debt repayment in 2016. Resolution CW-2016-12 That the Committee of the Whole recommends that Council directs staff to not write a cheque to the Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation from the 2016 budget until they receive further Council direction. Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Vink Councillor Martinello Carried Resolution CW-2016-13 That the Committee of the Whole recommends to Council a 2016 Tax Levy of $7,159,056. Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Tadman Councillor Vink Carried 7. Adjournment Resolution CW-2016-14 That the Committee of the Whole meeting of February 22, 2016 be adjourned at 7:32 p.m. Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Baker Councillor McMurray Carried Page 134 of 148 Municipality of Brighton Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes February 11, 2016 9:30 a.m. Public Works Members Present: Chair Dorothy Connolly, Vice Chair Parise Herbert, Joe Banbury, Nanci Anderson, Mary Macklam, Councillor Laura Vink. Members Absent: none Staff Present: Committee Clerk, Diane Allore 1. Appointment of the 2016 Vice Chair Nanci Anderson nominated Parise Herbert and she accepted Resolution HA-16-04 Moved by: Joe Banbury Seconded by: Laura Vink That Parise Herbert is the Vice Chair for the 2016 year. Carried 2. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 9:40 a.m. A quorum was present. 3. Approval of Agenda Resolution HA-16-05 Moved by: Parise Herbert Seconded by: Nanci Anderson That the Committee approves the agenda as amended. Add under Business 6) f) Councillor Vink received an email from Community Events Member and Director of Parks and Rec, Jim Millar, concerning where the Heritage members where at with organizing the 150th Canada Day celebrations for 2017. Carried 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof – None noted 5. Approval of Minutes: January 14 , 2016 Heritage Advisory Committee: February 11, 2016 Page 135 ofPage 148 1 Resolution HA-16-06 Moved by: Nanci Anderson Seconded by: Joe Banbury That the Committee approves the Minutes as presented. Carried 6. Delegations: none 7. Reports/Business a) Hilton Hall building improvements Councillor Vink is looking into acquiring the Hilton Hall vault for storage. Councillor Vink made a motion requesting a Public Works staffer at every meeting to inform and update the committee. Resolution HA-16-07 Moved by: Laura Vink Seconded by: Parise Herbert The Committee requests Public Works Projects Supervisor, Lucas Kelly to attend all regularly scheduled meetings. Carried b) BHAC Recruitment Workshop, April 16, 2016 @ Hilton Hall The theme of this year’s workshop is “Going Forward” in hopes to educate and recruit new members. It will be promoted at the February “History Open House” event with more info coming to the next meeting. Chair Dot reported Heritage Outreach Consultant, Bertrand Duclos of the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has asked Northumberland Municipalities if they are interested in Hosting “Conservation Orientation” workshops for Northumberland County. A number of Municipalities have responded positively and the committee agreed to offer this workshop to the community in hopes of attracting new members. Chair Dot will inform Mr. Duclos that the Heritage Committee is prepared to host the workshop at Hilton Hall Heritage Centre. Resolution HA-16-08 Moved by: Parise Herbert Seconded by: Nanci Anderson The Committee will make an offer to Bertrand Duclos to host the Brighton Heritage Advisory Committee Workshop at Hilton Hall Heritage Centre Carried Heritage Advisory Committee: February 11, 2016 Page 136 ofPage 148 2 c) Update on Brighton Digital Archives, see attached. The Digital Archives group will have a booth at Brighton’s 4th History Open House on Saturday February 20th. The Committee will invite them as a delegate to the next meeting to bring the group up to date. The attached is a letter requesting funding for the 2016 year including the purchase of more data storage. The committee also requested the Brighton Digital Archives website be linked to the Municipal Website. Recording Clerk, Diane Allore will make the request. d) Brighton’s 4thHistory Open House, 2016 - see attached This event will take place Thursday, Feb 18 to Sunday, Feb 21st at the Brighton King Edward Park featuring Author Dan Buchanan, Music by R&R, a children’s choir by Sharon Graham, Dennis Fletcher as MC, community story tellers, set design by Northumberland 4H and artifacts by Memory Junction. The Saturday display will bring together Brighton History booth and Heritage Tea. The group discussed putting the event on “Facebook, Twitter” and having Local Historian, Dan Buchanan & Dot Connolly, Chair of Hilton Hall, Dennis Fletcher discuss the show on local radio station, MyFM. e) History Lives Here project with Peter Lockyer Chair Dot Connolly, Author Dan Buchanan, Catherine Stutt, Editor of ”Country Living Magazine” , Beth Bruder, Vice President of Dundurn Press and Michael McLeod of PEC Chamber of Tourism met with Peter Lockyer of History Lives Here to discuss his DVD history vignettes as a potential idea for Brighton’s participation in the 2017 Canada Day celebrations. Cost is $6500 plus tax for every 2 minutes of Brighton history included in the vignettes. The committee may meet with Peter at a later date to discuss further. 8. Correspondence Canada Day 150th Celebrations. Councillor Laura Vink received an email from Jim Millar of Community Events, asking where the committee was with ideas for the special yearlong event. The group discussed investigating different area’s for funding including buying into the above mentioned history vignettes, a bronze statue in the Rose Ellery Park of John Brown, first apple grower in Brighton and a history open house with people dressed up in costume. The group discussed the need of a 6 month project coordinator and looking into funding for this. Councillor Vink will inform Community Events Committee/Jim Miller that the Heritage group will meet with them by May 2016 for a complete update. Heritage Advisory Committee: February 11, 2016 Page 137 ofPage 148 3 9. Next meeting: Thursday, March 17th, 2016 at Public Works, downstairs boardroom. 10. Adjournment Resolution HA-16-09 Moved by: Parise Herbert Seconded by: Mary Macklam That the Committee adjourns the meeting at 11:07 a.m. Carried Dot Connolly, Chair Heritage Advisory Committee: February 11, 2016 Diane Allore, Committee Clerk Page 138 ofPage 148 4 14 Mill Avenue PO Box 250 ZURICH ON N0M 2T0 519-236-4351 or 519-565-5212 Fax: 519-236-4329 February 19, 2016 Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario VIA – Email Dear Premier Wynne, Please be advised that the Council of the Municipality of Bluewater passed the following motion at their Council meeting on February 16, 2016: Moved by Councillor Zimmerman, seconded by Councillor Hill that: Whereas Ontario's growing and aging population is putting an increasing strain on our publicly-funded health care system; And Whereas since February 2015, the Ontario government has made an almost 7% unilateral cut to physician services expenditures which cover all the care doctors provide to patients – including cuts to programs which are specifically designed to act as incentives for physicians to practice in rural areas: And Whereas the decisions Ontario makes today will impact patients’ access to quality care in the years to come and these cuts will threaten access to the quality, patient-focused care Ontarians need and expect: And Whereas Ontario in experiencing a growing rural population as retirees move to the countryside; And Whereas many rural municipalities in Ontario have formed physician recruitment and retention committees and strategies to deal with the reality of physician retirements and shortages; And Whereas rural areas in Ontario are already at a distinct disadvantage in recruiting family physicians due to a number of factors; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Bluewater hereby requests that the Minister of Health and Long Term Care reinstate incentives for physicians to practice in rural areas of Ontario, and that the minister return to the table with Ontario’s doctors and work together through mediation-arbitration to reach a fair deal that protects the quality, patient-focused care Ontario families deserve; And Be It Further Resolved that copies of this resolution be sent to the Premier of Ontario, the federal and provincial Ministers of Health, the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, and all municipalities in Ontario. Carried. Page 139 of 148 If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind Regards, Charlene Overholt Manager of Corporate Services/Clerk Page 140 of 148 COMMUNITY .. #2 Campbellford / Brighton nzil ov\Qual1Iy'and 1n.1mr..,. rm.” 122.11,. L..J.n1..;/um; March 1, 2016 Dun VISION A mvznssCOMMUNITYTHAT nesvzcrsme DREAMSAND Mayor Mark Walas and Council Municipality of Brighton PO Box 189, 35 Alice Street Brighton, ON KOK 1H0 ASPIRATONSor ALLITS MEMBERS. Dear Mayor Walas and Council. Subject: OURMISSION TO PROVIDESUPPORTAND SERVICESTO PEOPLE THAT PROMOTEOPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONALGROWTH WITHIN THEIRCOMMUNITY. Reguest for Proclamation of "May is Communi_ty LivingMonth" As part of our 2016 Public Awareness campaign, Community Living Campbellford/Brighton is pleased to advise that “May is Community Living Month". This Provincial campaign is designed to raise awareness about Who Community Living is, What we do and Wha valuable services we offer to our community. Our goal is not only to raise awareness t but also to increase opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities within the Trent Hill s and Brighton areas. To this end, we would respectfully request your support and of?cial proclamation that “May is Community Living Month" at the April 18, 2016 Council Meeting. As in the past, w would also request permission for a small Community Living delegation to be present eat the time of the official proclamation. Lynne Simpson is the current Chair of People Firs t Northumberland and a past member of Community Living Campbellford/Brighton's Board of Directors. 2016 marks our 56"‘ year of providing support and services to people with an intellectual disability. Several events are planned throughout the year include, but certainly are not limited to, the ever popular ‘Appetite for Awareness’ being held on May 18, 2016; Awareness Booths at our Community Resource Centres in Brighton and Campbellford during the weeks of May 9-13 and May 2427, respectively. The 13"‘ Annual People Firs t Northumberland Conference will be hosted by June 15-16, 2016 at the Cobourg Best Western and Convention Centre. Community Living Campbellford/Brighton is thrilled to be named the recipient of this year's Campbellford Tim Horton's “Smile Cookie Campaign" scheduled for September. AdministrationI RuldenuulServices 65 BridgeSteel East CampbemnniON KOL1L0 Phone:(705)6531821 Fax:(705)653-5738 On behalf of Community Living Campbellford/Brighton, please accept our thanks and appreciation for all of your continued support. Community partners such as you ensure that we can continue making a difference in the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. E-Mal: admin@oommu ‘ ' anpbe1|1on1.oom CommunityResource Contra 65BridgeStreetEast KOL1L0 Canpbe1|1otd,ON Phone:(705)653-5161 Fax:(705)653-0888 E-Ma'|: Website:www, Sinc , Dawn Lee, Director of Quality Enhancement & Co Cc: N. Brown, Executive Director J. Mood, President, Board of Page 141 of 148 Serving the communlllesof Campbellford,Brighton,Cobourg, Colbome, Hastings, Havelockand Warkwort h. www.commun Hello Council, We would like to first Thank the Municipality of Brighton very much for your support every year helping make the Military Service Recognition Book a big success for our local veterans. Your continued support would be greatly appreciated. The Military Service Recognition Book helps us honour our past and present day Veterans in print form with full biographies and photographs. To do this, submissions are being collected at the local Legion Branches and with the continued help of our Veterans, their families and friends, this special publication will be released by September 2016 and in time for next year’s Remembrance Day Ceremonies. A Minimum 20,000 Copies will be available free of charge at the Local Legion Branches and most importantly the Military Service Recognition Book will be provided to Schools and Public libraries to help the younger generation better understand the sacrifices made by our Veterans. We are pleased to invite the Municipality of Brighton to renew your 1/4 Page Veterans Support/Remembrance Ad. Thank You very much Vicki. Best Regards, Tom Campbell Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command 1-855-241-6967 Campaign Office Page 142 of 148 The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command “Military Service Recognition Book” Dear Sir/Madam: Thank you for your interest in The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command, representing Ontario’s Veterans. Please accept this written request for your support, as per our recent telephone conversation. The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command is very proud to be printing 20,000 copies of our third annual “Military Service Recognition Book”, scheduled for release by September 2016. This book will assist us in identifying and recognizing many of our Veterans within the Province of Ontario and to serve as a reminder for generations to come, while at the same time assist us in our job as the “Keepers of Remembrance”. We would like to have your organization’s support for this Remembrance project by sponsoring an advertisement space in our “Military Service Recognition Book.” Proceeds raised from this important project will cover the cost of printing and distributing this unique publication. Additional proceeds received through this program will assist and support many important Legion initiatives that in turn will assist our over 400 branches to remain a viable partner in their communities. The Legion is recognized as Canada’s largest Veteran Organization and we are an integral part of the communities we serve. This project ensures the Legion’s continued success in providing these very worthwhile services. Please find enclosed a rate sheet for your review. Whatever you are able to contribute to this worthwhile endeavor would be greatly appreciated. For further information please contact Ontario Command Campaign Office toll free at 1-855-584-1374. Thank you for your consideration and/or support. Sincerely, Brian Weaver President Page 143 of 148 2 The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command “Military Service Recognition Book” Advertising Prices Ad Size Full Colour Outside Back Cover Cost GST Total $2,030.97 + $264.03 = $2,295.00 Inside Front/Back Cover (Full Colour) $1,765.49 + $229.51 = $1,995.00 2 Page Spread (Full Colour) $2,823.01 + $366.99 = $3,190.00 Full Page (Full Colour) Full Page ½ Page (Full Colour) ½ Page ¼ Page (Full Colour) ¼ Page 1/10 Page (Full Colour) 1/10 Page (Business Card) $1,411.50 $1,057.52 $792.04 $615.04 $482.30 $393.81 $287.61 $243.36 + $183.50 = $1,595.00 + $137.48 = $1,195.00 + $102.96 = $895.00 + $79.96 = $695.00 + $62.70 = $545.00 + $51.19 = $445.00 + $37.39 = $325.00 + $31.64 = $275.00 H.S.T. Registration # 10686 2824 RT0001 All typesetting and layout charges are included in the above prices. A complimentary copy of this year’s publication will be received by all advertisers purchasing space of 1/10 page and up, along with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Ontario Command. PLEASE MAKE CHEQUE PAYABLE TO: The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command (RCL ON) (Campaign Office) P O Box 8055, Station T CSC Ottawa, ON K1G 3H6 Page 144 of 148 Visa/Mastercard Accepted adcopy can be emailed to: From: [] Sent: March-04-16 3:48 PM To: Vicki Kimmett <> Subject: Share The Power of A Wish Dear Vickie, As we discussed, please accept this email as our official request for sponsorship to be considered at your meeting March 21st. "Share the Power of a Wish" is a publication to raise awareness and funds for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Eastern Ontario. The publication will be available to the public free of charge in high traffic locations and by mail to our business advertisers. By placing an ad in our upcoming edition, The Municipality of Brighton will be supporting the Make-A-Wish Foundation in its mission to bring hope, strength and joy to children with life threatening medical conditions. For our advertising rates, please visit Without the support of the business community, this important publication would not be possible. Please feel free to email or call me at 1-866-640-9705. We hope to count on your participation. Yours Truly, Stacey Biekx Page 145 of 148 DearProspectiveAdvertiser, OnbehalfofthestaffandvolunteersatMake‐A‐Wish®EasternOntario,Iwould liketothankyouforyourinterestinSharethePowerofaWish®Magazine. Wedistributethousandsofcopiesofthisannualpublicationeachyear,andwe inviteyoutojoinothercommunity‐mindedcompaniesandorganizationswho advertisewithus. ByplacinganadvertisementinSharethePowerofaWish®Magazine,youwill notonlyreachourloyalnetworkofcommunitygroups,localbusinesses,and Make‐A‐Wishsupporters,youwillsupportusinourmissiontobringhope, strengthandjoytochildrenwithlife‐threateningmedicalconditions. FormoreinformationaboutMake‐A‐WishEasternOntario,pleasevisit Thankyouonceagainforyourinterest.PleasejoinustohelpSharethePowerof aWish®! TanyaDesjardins ChiefExecutiveOfficer Make‐A‐Wish®EasternOntario Charitable #: 87596 4421 RR001 Page 146 of 148 Making Wishes Come True Across Canada • In 2013, Make-A-Wish A-Wish granted 457 wishes; hes; more than a wish a day! y! • April 29, 2015 marked the 35th anniversary of thee wish that inspired d the creation of the Make-A-Wish h Foundation, to a boy named Chris, s, who wished to be a police olice officer. • 800 volunteers helped to share the power wer of a wish® in communities across oss Canada. A publication for • 99% of parents report that the wish experience gave their children increased feelings of happiness. • 97% of adult former wish kids report improved mental and emotional health because of their wish experiences. • 83% of adult former wish kids confirm they experienced improved physical health and strength. The mission of Make-A-Wish® Canada is to grant the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions wis to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. I would like to participate in “Share the Power of a Wish” Magazine with a... Back Cover ad Inside Cover ad Full Page ad Half Page ad Quarter Page ad Banner ad Eighth Page ad Business Card ad $1600 $1400 $1200 $750 $525 $475 $345 $270 (All ads are full colour on gloss paper. applicable taxes extra) CREDIT CARD # EXP. DATE: ____ /____ COMPANY: INVOICE ME DATE: PRINT NAME: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Thank you for your Participation! Page 147 of 148 35-174 Colonnade Rd. S. Ottawa, ON K2E 7J5 T: 613.225.0596 F: 613.225.5351 E: W: 72 Ontario Street Brighton, Ontario, K0K-1H0 February 14, 2016 Municipality of Brighton 35 Alice Street P.O. Box 189 Brighton, Ontario, K0K-1H0 Dear Mr. Mayor and Councillors; This is a follow up to the correspondence from Mr. Rick Ziller regarding the Municipality of Brighton plowing the internal Presqu’ile Park loop road. I strongly object to my tax dollars being spent to subsidize snow plowing this section of road. We purchase a park pass every summer and are not given any discount as a resident of Brighton. We have been told that Presqu’ile Park makes approximately $600,000.00 in annual profit that is sent elsewhere in the Province and not spent locally. Considering this, it does not appear that the Park needs to be subsidized by Brighton taxpayers. Presqu’ile Park management has many options for snow removal on this section of roadway, including contraction with one of our local businesses. The Municipality of Brighton should not be competing for contracts with our local people. My recommendation is to stop plowing this road at the end of this winter season and charge Presqu’ile Park a competitive rate for the snowplowing work done during the 2015/2016 winter. Yours truly, Jim Kovacs P. Eng. Page 148 of 148 Page 149 of 148