Mercedes-Benz Dictionary
Mercedes-Benz Dictionary
Mercedes-Benz Dictionary 28.05.2008 BC/ST HPC 0914 Birgit Havenith Tel. 0049-711-17-76195 Dr. Sybille Horend Tel. 0049-711-17-76252 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff 1-Zonen-Klimaautomatik Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Serienklimatisierung X204 Brand/ descriptive term 1-Zone air conditioning Long form English To be communicated in English as 1-Zone air conditioning [standard air conditioning X204) 2-Zonen-Klimatisierungsautomatik THERMATIC 3-Zonen-KomfortKlimatisierungsautomatik THERMOTRONIC SA-Klimaanlage BR204 [optional air conditioning 204series] 2-Zonen-Klimatisierungsauto- THERMATIC 2-zone matik THERMATIC automatic climate control SA-Klimaanlage BR204 3-Zonen-KomfortKlimatisierungsautomatik [optional air conditioning 204- THERMOTRONIC series] THERMATIC 2-zone automatic climate control THERMOTRONIC 3-zone automatic climate control THERMOTRONIC 3-zone automatic climate control 4ETS das Elektronische TraktionsSystem 4ETS 4ETS the electronic traction system 4ETS 4MATIC der Allradantrieb 4MATIC 4MATIC the all-wheel-drive system 4MATIC 4-Zonen-THERMOTRONIC 4-zone THERMOTRONIC 4-zone THERMOTRONIC 6-cylinder turbodiesel 6-cylinder turbodiesel 7G-TRONIC the automatic transmission 7G-TRONIC 7G-TRONIC Sport 7G-TRONIC Sport 7G-TRONIC Sport Abbiegelicht cornering light function cornering light function 4-Zonen-THERMOTRONIC 4-Zonen-Klimaanlage [4-zone air conditioning] 6-Zylinder-Turbodiesel 7G-TRONIC NAGII Ablage-Paket das Automatikgetriebe 7G-TRONIC stowage space package stowage space package ® AdBlue ® AdBlue ® AdBlue A-Klasse A-Class A-Class A-Class Classic STYLE A-Class Classic STYLE A-Class driver A-Class driver A-Class FASCINATION A-Class FASCINATION A-Klasse Classic STYLE Ablage-Paket SoMo 2002 DCVD [special model 2002 DCVD] A-Klasse Fahrer A-Klasse FASCINATION SoMo 2002 Rest of Europe [special model 2002 Rest of 29-May-08 2 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as Europe] A-Klasse Langversion ABC long-wheelbase version of the A-Class Active Body Control Active Body Control ABC Abgasrückführung ABS ABC long-wheelbase version of the A-Class Active Body Control exhaust gas recirculation Anti-Blockier-System das Anti-Blockier-System ABS achatgrün Aktiv-Multikontursitz Ehemals “Fahrdynamischer Multikontursitz” ABS Active Body Control ABC exhaust gas recirculation anti-lock braking system the anti-lock braking system ABS agate green agate green active multicontour seat active multicontour seat [formerly ‘dynamic multicontour seat’] adaptives Bremslicht Flashing Brake Light adaptive brake lights adaptive brake lights ADAPTIVE BRAKE SBCIII ADAPTIVE BRAKE ADAPTIVE BRAKE adaptive accelerator pedal adaptive accelerator pedal adaptives Gaspedal ADS Adaptives DämpfungsSystem das Adaptive DämpfungsSystem ADS Adaptive Damping System the Adaptive Damping System ADS AFE Automatische FahrspurErkennung die Automatische FahrspurErkennung AFE AFE the automatic lane recognition system AFE AGILITY CONTROL-Paket mit: • • • AGILITY CONTROLFahrwerk mit selektivem Dämpfungssystem AGILITY CONTROLLenkung AGILITY CONTROLSchaltung Airbag 29-May-08 Weiterentwicklung DIRECT CONTROL-Paket [enhanced DIRECT CONTROL package] AGILITY CONTROL-Paket mit: AGILITY CONTROL package with: • AGILITY CONTROLFahrwerk mit • AGILITY CONTROL selektivem suspension with Dämpfungssystem selective damping system • AGILITY CONTROLLenkung • AGILITY CONTROL steering • AGILITY CONTROLSchaltung • AGILITY CONTROL gearshift Airbag AGILITY CONTROL package with: • AGILITY CONTROL suspension with selective damping system • AGILITY CONTROL steering • AGILITY CONTROL gearshift airbag 3 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] AIRBRAKE Verwendung in der Kommunikation der adaptive Heckflügel AIRBRAKE AIRDOME AIRMATIC Adaptive Intelligent Ride Control matic AIRMATIC DC AIRMATIC Dual Control semiaktive Luftfederung [semi-active air suspension] AIRMATIC-Paket Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as AIRBRAKE the adaptive rear aerofoil AIRBRAKE AIRDOME AIRDOME das elektronisch geregelte Dämpfungs-System AIRMATIC AIRMATIC semiaktive Luftfederung AIRMATIC DC AIRMATIC Dual Control the semi-active air suspension AIRMATIC DC AIRMATIC package AIRMATIC package Die innovative Kopfraumheizung AIRSCARF AIRSCARF system the innovative head room heating system AIRSCARF das Automatische Kupplungs-System AKS ACS die aktive Kopfstütze active head restraint active head restraint das aktive Kurvenlicht active light function active light function aktiver Park-Assistent active parking assist active parking assist dusky red dusky red alabaster white alabaster white Premiumfahrwerk BR164, 251 [Luftfederung, Parameterlenkung, ADS] Adaptive Intelligent Ride Control the electronically controlled damping system AIRMATIC [premium suspension – 164, 251 series (air suspension, speed-sensitive power steering, ADS)] AIRSCARF-System Nackenheizung [neck-level heating] AKS aktive Kopfstütze Automatisches KupplungsSystem crashaktive Kopfstütze für BR169 und 245 automatic clutch system the automatic clutch system ACS [crash-responsive head restraint for 169 and 245 series] aktives Kurvenlicht aktiver Park-Assistent Advanced Parking Control (APC) BR169/245 [Advanced Parking Control (APC) 169/245 series] akzentrot akzentrot (R171) [dusky red (R171)] alabasterweiß 29-May-08 4 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as Alameda alameda alameda Alcantara Alcantara Alcantara alexandritgrün alexandrite green alexandrite green Alcantara/ARTICO manmade leather Alcantara/ARTICO manmade leather almandinschwarz almandine black almandine black alpakagrau alpaca grey alpaca grey alpakagrau hell/dunkel light/dark alpaca grey light/dark alpaca grey ALU-BEAM ALU-BEAM Aluminium: Alu-Ellypta Alu-ellypta Alu-ellypta Aluminium: Alu-Linea Alu–linea Alu-linea Aluminium: Alu-Quadra Alu-quadra Alu-quadra Aluminium aluminium aluminium Aluminium-Integralträger frame-type aluminium integral support frame-type aluminium integral support Aluminium: Alu-Scalera Alu-scalera Alu-scalera Aluminium: Alu-Tecra Alu-tecra Alu-tecra Aktiv-Paket active package active package amazonite green amazonite green Alcantara/Ledernachbildung ARTICO ALU-BEAM Alcantara Twin [Twin Alcantara] Space Silber/Liquid Metal [Space Silver/Liquid Metal] Alu-Ellypta Alu-Zierteil C209 [aluminium trim C209] Alu-Linea “Alu bedruckt” BR203 Mopf [“printed aluminium” 203-series facelift] Alu-Quadra Aluminium-Square BR203 [Aluminium Square 203 series] Alu-Scalera Alu-Zierteil BR168 Mopf [aluminium trim 168-series facelift] Alu-Tecra “Alu silber” BR203 Mopf [aluminium trim 203-series facelift] Aktiv-Paket amazonitgrün 29-May-08 5 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Ambientebeleuchtung Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as ambient lighting ambient lighting amethyst violet amethyst violet AMG Sportfahrwerk AMG sports suspension AMG sports suspension AMG Stylingpaket AMG bodystyling AMG bodystyling Amsterdam Amsterdam fabric andraditgrün andradite green andradite green anthrazit anthracite anthracite Stoff Antwerpen Antwerp Antwerp fabric das Auto-Pilot-System APS APS Auto Pilot System the Auto Pilot System APS APU auxiliary power unit APU amethystviolett Violetty Amsterdam HYROX Antwerpen BR169 Stoff “Piano” Stoff Amsterdam [169-series fabric “Piano”] APS Auto-Pilot-System RNS Radio-NavigationsSystem [RNS radio navigation system] APU Auxiliary Power Unit aquagrün aqua green aqua green aquamarinblau aquamarine blue aquamarine blue aragonite blue aragonite blue Stoff Arezzo Arezzo Arezzo fabric Ledernachbildung ARTICO ARTICO ARTICO man-made leather arctic white arctic white Stoff Ascot Ascot Ascot fabric Stoff Aspen Aspen Aspen fabric aragonitblau Fjordblau [fjord blue] Arezzo Düne [Dune] ARTICO arktikweiß Ascot Aspen Stoff Sao Paulo (BR164) [Sao Paolo fabric (164 series)] ASR Antriebs-Schlupf-Regelung die Antriebs-SchlupfRegelung ASR ASR acceleration skid control acceleration skid control ASR ASSYST Aktives Service- die Serviceintervallanzeige ASSYST Active Service System the service interval indicator 29-May-08 6 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] System/Active Service System ASSYST PLUS Serviceassistent Active Tilt Control Brand/ descriptive term Long form English ASSYST [service assist] ATC Verwendung in der Kommunikation die Serviceintervallanzeige ASSYST PLUS aktive Wanksteuerung To be communicated in English as ASSYST ASSYST PLUS ATC ASSYST PLUS Active Tilt Control ATC [active roll control] atlantisblau atlantis blue atlantis blue atollblau atoll blue atoll blue Audio 5 CD Audio 5 CD Audio 5 CD Audio 20 CC Audio 20 CC Audio 20 CC Audio 20 Headunit W204 [W204 head unit] Audio 20 Audio 20 Audio 20 Audio 20 CD Headunit W204 Audio 20 CD Audio 20 CD Audio 20 CD Audio 30 Audio 30 Audio 30 Audio 30 (2-fache Displaygröße) Audio 30 (double-size display) Audio 30 (double-size display) Audio 50 APS mit CDLaufwerk Audio 50 APS (CD) Audio 50 APS with CD drive Audio 50 APS mit CD/CCLaufwerk Audio 50 APS (CD/CC) Audio 50 APS with CD/cassette drive Audio 50 APS (DVD) Audio 50 APS (DVD) Audio 50 APS (DVD) Audio 50 APS inkl. DVDWechsler und LINGUATRONIC Audio 50 APS incl. DVD changer and LINGUATRONIC Audio 50 APS incl. DVD changer and LINGUATRONIC Automatik-Paket automatic package automatic package automatic downhill brake regulation automatic downhill brake regulation [W204 head unit] Audio 50 APS (CD) Audio 50 APS (CD/CC) ehemals Audio 40 APS [replaces Audio 40 APS] Audio 50 APS (DVD) Headunit W204 [W204 head unit] Audio 50 APS inkl. DVDWechsler und LINGUATRONIC Headunit W204 [W204 head unit] Automatik-Paket Automatische Bremskontrolle für Bergabfahrten 29-May-08 Motorbremsmomentenunterstützung MBU [engine braking torque 7 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as support MBU] automatische Kindersitzerkennung AKSE AUTOTRONIC CVT-Getriebe BR169/245 [CVT for 169 and 245 series] Aux-in-Anschluss BR164 [164-series] Aux-in-Anschluss BR221 und C216 [221-series and C216] automatic child seat recognition automatic child seat recognition AUTOTRONIC the continuously variable automatic transmission AUTOTRONIC Aux-in-Anschluss im Handschuhfach, für externe Audiogeräte Aux-in connection in the glove compartment, for external audio devices Aux-in connection in the glove compartment, for external audio devices Aux-in-Anschluss im Handschuhfach, für externe Audio-/Videogeräte Aux-in connection in the glove compartment, for external audio and video devices Aux-in connection in the glove compartment, for external audio and video devices AVANTGARDE AVANTGARDE aventurine orange aventurine orange Avignon Avignon fabric AUTOTRONIC, das stufenlose Automatikgetriebe AVANTGARDE aventurinorange Vulcano Avignon BR 211 Mopf: Stoff Marco Stoff Avignon [211-series facelift: Marco fabric] AWD All-Wheel Drive AWD azuritblau BAS BAS PLUS all-wheel drive azurite blue Brems-Assistent-System der Bremsassistent BAS ABA2 basaltgrau BAS AWD azurite blue Brake Assist Brake Assist (BAS) BAS PLUS BAS PLUS basalt grey basalt grey Bastogne Stoff Cuba Stoff Bastogne Bastogne Bastogne fabric beige Interieurfarbe BR204 beige beige beige hill-start assist hill-start assist amber red amber red [interior colour 204-series] Berganfahrhilfe Berganfahrhilfe BR164, HSA 221 [hill-start assist system (164 series); HSA 221] bernsteinrot 29-May-08 8 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation berryrot/schwarz Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as berry red/black berry red/black Kombination Stoff Biarritz/Leder Biarritz combined Biarritz fabric/leather upholstery Kombination Stoff Biarritz/Ledernachbildung ARTICO Biarritz combined Biarritz fabric/ARTICO man-made leather upholstery Biturbo biturbo biturbo Bi-Xenon-Scheinwerfer bi-xenon headlamps bi-xenon headlamps blauviolett blue violet blue violet BlueEFFICIENCY BlueEFFICIENCY BlueEFFICIENCY Biarritz Stoff-/Lederkombination “Canale Medio” (C219) [Combined fabric/leather “Canale Medio” (C219)] Biarritz Stoff/Kunstleder (Mopf BR211) [fabric/man-made leather (211 series)] BlueEFFICIENCY Gütezusatz für FE – Fuel Economy - Typen und NGT [suffix for FE – Fuel Economy and NGT models] BlueHYBRID HYBRID BlueHYBRID BlueHYBRID BlueHYBRID BlueTEC BLUETEC BlueTEC BlueTEC BlueTEC SCR-Technologie NOX-Kat. [SCR technology, NOX-Kat.] BlueTEC HYBRID BLUETEC HYBRID BlueTEC HYBRID BlueTEC HYBRID Bluetooth-Schnittstelle Bluetooth-Connectivity Bluetooth interface Bluetooth interface Boston Boston fabric bottle holder bottle holder Brighton Brighton fabric [Bluetooth connectivity] Boston Mirano Bottleholder Brighton Stoff Mirano (Classic) W204 Stoff Boston [W204 fabric Mirano (CLASSIC)] 29-May-08 9 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation brillantsilber Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as brilliant silver brilliant silver Stoff Bristol Bristol Bristol fabric Brügge Stoff Brügge Bruges Bruges fabric Brüssel Stoff Brüssel Brussels Brussels fabric BUSINESS EDITION BUSINESS EDITION BUSINESS EDITION Bristol Stoff BR203 Mopf “Karo” [203-series facelift fabric “Karo”] BUSINESS EDITION BR211 Sondermodell in 2007 [211-series special model in 2007] cappuccinobraun cappuccino cappuccino brown cappuccino brown C-BRAKE CMC-Bremse C-BRAKE C-BRAKE C-Klasse C-Class C-Class C-Klasse Limousine C-Class Saloon C-Class Saloon C-Klasse Sportcoupé C-Class Sports Coupé C-Class Sports Coupé C-Klasse T-Modell C-Class Estate C-Class Estate Cabriolet Cabriolet Cabriolet carbonschwarz carbon black carbon black [CMC-brake] CAC calcitweiß Customer Assistance Center CAC Unifarbe BR204 calcitweiß Customer Assistance Centre CAC calcite white calcite white calypsorot calypso red calypso red Calyptus calyptus calyptus Calyptus Linea calyptus linea calyptus linea [non-metallic colour 204series] Cambridge Stoff Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge fabric Cannes Stoff Cannes Cannes Cannes fabric carbon green carbon green carbongrün 29-May-08 10 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation carbonschwarz carneolrot Metallicfarbe BR204 carneolrot Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as carbon black carbon black carneol red carneol red CAR.RY system CAR.RY system [metallic colour 204-series] CAR.RY-System Klappfahrrad [folding bicycle] CASCADE Computer-Aided Simulation of Car, Driver and Environment CDI Common Rail Direct Injection CGI Stratified-Charged Gasoline Injection CASCADE Otto-DE-Technologie CASCADE Computer-Aided Simulation of Car, Driver and Environment CASCADE CDI common-rail direct injection CDI CGI Stratified-charged Gasoline Injection [when used to explain the abbreviation – otherwise all lower case] CGI [direct injection technology for petrol engines] chalcedonblau chalcedony blue chalcedony blue chamonixgrau chamonix grey chamonix grey champignon mushroom mushroom chilirot chili red chili red chrysopalgrün chrysopal green chrysopal green circongrün zircon green zircon green CL [If 2- and 3-letter models are communicated on their own, only the acronym is to be used: CL] CL CL-Klasse [If a synopsis of Mercedes-Benz models is communicated or 1and 2-/3-letter models are communicated in parallel, the focus is to be on consistency. In this case 2- and 3-letter models are to retain the addition of the term “-Class” to the acronym: CL-Class] CL-Class CL-Klasse Coupé CL-Class Coupé CL-Class Coupé CLASSIC CLASSIC CLASSIC 29-May-08 11 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff CLC Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] CLC Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as CLC [If 2- and 3-letter models are communicated on their own, only the acronym is to be used: CLC] CLC-Klasse CL203 II CLC-Class [If a synopsis of Mercedes-Benz models is communicated or 1and 2-/3-letter models are communicated in parallel, the focus is to be on consistency. In this case 2- and 3-letter models are to retain the addition of the term “-Class” to the acronym: CLC-Class] CLK [If 2- and 3-letter models are communicated on their own, only the acronym is to be used: CLK] CLK CLK-Klasse [If a synopsis of Mercedes-Benz models is communicated or 1and 2-/3-letter models are communicated in parallel, the focus is to be on consistency. In this case 2- and 3-letter models are to retain the addition of the term “-Class” to the acronym: CLK-Class] CLK-Class CLK-Klasse Cabriolet CLK-Class Cabriolet CLK-Class Cabriolet CLK-Klasse Coupé CLK-Class Coupé CLK-Class Coupé CLK-Class Masters Edition CLK-Class Masters Edition CLK-Klasse Master-Edition Info: DTM-Edition [Info: DTM Edition] 29-May-08 12 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term CLS [If 2- and 3-letter models are communicated on their own, only the acronym is to be used: CLS] CLS CLS-Klasse [If a synopsis of Mercedes-Benz models is communicated or 1and 2-/3-letter models are communicated in parallel, the focus is to be on consistency. In this case 2- and 3-letter models are to retain the addition of the term “-Class” to the acronym: CLS-Class] CLS-Class CNS Communication and Navigation System cognacbraun CNS Terracotta (R230 Mopf, C216) Long form English To be communicated in English as Communication and Navigation System CNS cognac brown cognac brown columbitschwarz columbite black columbite black das Bedien- und Anzeigesystem COMAND COMAND [terracotta (R230 facelift, C216)] columbitschwarz COMAND COMAND-Bedieneinheit Cockpit Management and Data System BAK221 Cockpit Management and Data System the control and display system COMAND COMAND control panel COMAND control panel COMAND-Display COMAND display COMAND display COMAND-Funktionstasten COMAND function buttons COMAND function buttons COMAND-Controller COMAND controller COMAND controller das Bedien- und Anzeigesystem COMAND APS (mit Navigationsmodul) COMAND APS the control and display system COMAND APS (with navigation module) das Bedien- und Anzeigesystem COMAND APS (mit DVDNavigationssystem, integriertem Radio und DVDLaufwerk) COMAND APS including DVD changer the control and display system COMAND APS (with navigation system, integral radio and DVD drive) COMAND APS inkl. DVD- COMAND APS incl. DVD COMAND APS incl. DVD [Control and display system 221-series] COMAND APS COMAND APS inkl. DVDWechsler Headunit W211 COMAND APS inkl. DVD- Headunit W204 29-May-08 [W211 head unit] 13 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Wechsler Comin Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] [W204 head unit] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Wechsler Communication Information System for Marketing Brand/ descriptive term changer Comin Como Long form English To be communicated in English as changer Communication Information System for Marketing Comin Como Como Controller Zentrales Bedienelement BR204 [central control element 204series] Controller Controller Controller Coventry Stoff BR203 Mopf “Panama/Leder TWIN” Stoff Coventry Coventry Coventry fabric crashaktive Ausstiegshilfe crashaktive Ausstiegshilfe crash-responsive exit aid crash-responsive exit aid crashaktive Notbeleuchtung crashaktive Notbeleuchtung crash-responsive emergency lighting crash-responsive emergency lighting [203-series facelift fabric “Panama/TWIN leather"] CRM Customer Relationship Management CRM Customer Relationship Management CRM cubanitsilber cubanite silver cubanite silver Cupholder cup holder cup holder CVT Continuously Variable Transmission CVT continuously variable transmission CVT DAB Digital Audio Broadcast DAB DAB deltagrün A-Klasse ÄJ 2006 delta green delta green light/dark delta blue light/dark delta blue Stoff Den Haag The Hague The Hague fabric Stoff Derby Derby Derby fabric designo designo designo designo braun designo brown designo brown [A-Class modification year 2006] deltablau hell/dunkel Den Haag Derby 29-May-08 Squares 14 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as designo braunschwarz designo brown-black designo brown-black designo brillantschwarz designo brilliant black designo brilliant black designo chromaflair 1 designo chromaflair 1 designo chromaflair 1 designo couture designo couture designo dunkelblau designo dark blue designo dark blue designo grün designo green designo green designo hellgrün designo light green designo light green designo imperialrot designo imperial red designo imperial red designo meerblau designo ocean blue designo ocean blue designo mocha black designo mocha black designo mysticblau designo mystic blue designo mystic blue designo orange designo orange designo orange designo purpur designo purple designo purple designo varicolor I green-blue designo varicolor I green-blue designo varicolor II grey-violet designo varicolor II grey-violet designo varicolor III designo varicolor III designo varicolor IV designo varicolor IV diamond white metallic BRIGHT diamond white metallic BRIGHT diesel particulate filter diesel particulate filter designo couture S-Klasse Exclusivo [S-Class Exclusivo] designo mokkaschwarz Ebenholzschwarz [ebony black] designo varicolor I grün-blau [green-blue] designo varicolor II grau-violett [grey-violet] designo varicolor III dioptasgrün [dioptas green] designo varicolor IV mistgrey [mist grey] diamantweiß metallic BRIGHT Dieselpartikelfilter 29-May-08 Perlweiß (C219, ab 07/2007) [pearl white (C219, as from 07/2007) ] 15 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as DIESOTTO DIESOTTO DIESOTTO DIRECT CONTROL-Fahrwerk DIRECT CONTROL suspension DIRECT CONTROL suspension DIRECT CONTROL-Lenkung DIRECT CONTROL steering DIRECT CONTROL steering DIRECT CONTROL package DIRECT CONTROL package DIRECT CONTROL gearshift DIRECT CONTROL gearshift DIRECT HYBRID DIRECT HYBRID direct-steer system direct-steer system DIRECT SELECT gearshift DIRECT SELECT gearshift DIRECT SELECTLenkradschalttasten DIRECT SELECT gearshift buttons DIRECT SELECT gearshift buttons DIRECT SELECT-Wählhebel DIRECT SELECT lever DIRECT SELECT lever DISTEL DISTEL DISTRONIC DISTRONIC proximity control DISTRONIC PLUS DISTRONIC PLUS jungle green jungle green DIRECT CONTROL-Paket Agilitätspaket BR203 Mopf [203-series facelift agility package] DIRECT CONTROL-Schaltung DIRECT HYBRID Benzindirekteinspritzung mit ISG [direct petrol injection with ISG] Direktlenkung Variolenkung R171 MOPF [171-series facelift vario steering] DIRECT SELECT-Schaltung DISTEL shift-by-wire die Direktschaltung DIRECT SELECT Diebstahlsicherung DISTRONIC der Abstandsregeltempomat DISTRONIC DISTRONIC PLUS Advanced Distronic dschungelgrün DSP Dynamisches SchaltProgramm DSP dynamic shift program DSP DSR Downhill Speed Regulation DSR Downhill Speed Regulation DSR dünenbeige Lackfarbe BR169 sand dune beige sand dune beige [paint colour, 169 series] 29-May-08 16 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as dunkelblau dark blue dark blue dunkelviolett dark violet dark violet dynamische Leuchtweitenregulierung dynamic headlamp range control dynamic headlamp range control DYNAPS Dynamisches Auto-PilotSystem DYNAPS Dynamic Auto Pilot System DYNAPS E-Klasse E-Class E-Class E-Klasse Limousine E-Class Saloon E-Class Saloon E-Klasse T-Modell E-Class Estate E-Class Estate EASY-ENTRY-System Einstiegshilfe EASY-ENTRY EASY-ENTRY system EASY-ENTRY system EASY-PACK-System Beladehilfe EASY-PACK EASY-PACK system EASY-PACK system EASY-PACK tailgate EASY-PACK tailgate EASY-PACK load compartment cover EASY-PACK load compartment cover EASY-PACK load compartment floor EASY-PACK load compartment floor EASY-PACK load-securing kit EASY-PACK load-securing kit EASY-VARIO-PLUS system EASY-VARIO-PLUS system EASY-VARIO system EASY-VARIO system EASY-PACK-Heckklappe S211 Laderaummanagement [S211 load compartment management] EASY-PACKLaderaumabdeckung S211 Laderaummanagement EASY-PACK- Laderaumboden S211 Laderaummanagement [S211 load compartment management] [S211 load compartment management] EASY-PACK-Fixkit S211 Laderaummanagement [S211 load compartment management] EASY-VARIO-PLUS-System Maxi-Vario-Paket W169 [W169 Maxi-Vario package] EASY-VARIO-System Vario-Paket C169/245 [C169/245 Vario package] EBV 29-May-08 Elektronische BremskraftVerteilung EBV electronic brake force distribution EBV 17 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch ECO Start-Stopp-Funktion Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation RSG A- und B-Klasse MOPF Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as ECO start/stop function ECO start/stop function Edinburgh Edinburgh fabric [A- and B-Class facelift model series RSG] Edinburgh Stoff Turn around (Elegance) W204 Stoff Edinburgh [W204 fabric Turn around (ELEGANCE)] EDW Einbruch-DiebstahlWarnanlage ATA Edition 1 Edition 1 Edition 10 SoMo BR169/R171 in 2007 bzw. SoMo W164 in 2008 anti-theft alarm system ATA Edition 1 Edition 1 Edition 10 Edition 10 Edition 50 Edition 50 [BR169/R171 special model in 2007 respectively W164 special model in 2008] Edition 50 SoMo R230 2004/2005 [R230 special model 2004/2005] EGS Elektronische Getriebesteuerung EGS einbruchshemmende Sicherheitsverglasung der Seitenscheiben Lamilight-Glas Eindhoven BR169 Stoff “Kotido” electronic transmission control EGS anti-break-in side windows anti-break-in side windows Eindhoven Eindhoven fabric individual rear seats individual rear seats ice blue ice blue [Lamilight glass] Stoff Eindhoven [169-series fabric “Kotido”] Einzelsitze im Fond Einzelsitzoptik im Fond (V221) [individual-look rear seats (V221)] eisblau ELCODE elektronischer Schlüssel in 29-May-08 Electronic Code System das Schließsystem ELCODE ELCODE Designschlüssel chrome-look electronic key Electronic Code System ELCODE, the electronic locking system chrome-look electronic key 18 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Chromoptik Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as [designer key] ELEGANCE ELEGANCE ELEGANCE ELV Elektrische LenkungsVerriegelung ELV electric steering lock ELV EMVS Elektro-Magnetische VentilSteuerung EMVS electromagnetic valve control EMVS ENR Elektronische NiveauRegulierung ENR electronic level control ENR EPS Electronic Power Shift EPS Electronic Power Shift EPS Esche braun Holz C209 brown ash brown ash black ash black ash [209-series wood] Esche schwarz ESP ® das Elektronische Stabilitäts- ESP ® Programm ESP Elektronisches StabilitätsProgramm/Electronic Stability Program ESP®-Anhängerstabilisierung TSA (Trailer Stability Assist) die ESP®-Anhängerstabilisierung ESPRIT ETS Eukalyptus Elektronisches TraktionsSystem ® the Electronic Stability ® Program ESP ESP® trailer stabilisation ESP® trailer stabilisation ESPRIT ESPRIT ETS BR211 Mopf: Eukalyptus Kari Electronic Stability Program Electronic Traction System ETS eucalyptus eucalyptus [211-series facelift: eucalyptus Kari] EVOLUTION das Sport-Paket EVOLUTION EVOLUTION the EVOLUTION sports package EVOLUTION AMG das Sport-Paket EVOLUTION AMG EVOLUTION AMG the EVOLUTION AMG sports package exterior light and sight package exterior light and sight package Exterieur Licht- & Sichtpaket Licht- & Sichtpaket BR169/245 [light and sight package 169/245 series] 29-May-08 19 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as F400 Carving F400 Carving F400 Carving F500 Mind F500 Mind F500 Mind F600 Hygenius F600 Hygenius F600 Hygenius F700 F700 Facetto Facetto dynamic handling package dynamic handling package Headlamp Assist Headlamp Assist family package family package F700 F700 Facetto Fahrdynamik-Paket Ehemaliges ADVANCED AGILITY-Paket Fahrdynamik-Paket [former ADVANCED AGILITY package] Fahrlicht-Assistent Familien-Paket FBS Familien-Paket Fahr-Berechtigungs-System FBS F-CELL FDS Der Brennstoffzellenantrieb F-CELL Fahrzeug-Diagnose-System feueropal F-CELL FDS Unifarbe BR204 feueropal drive authorisation system FBS the fuel-cell drive F-CELL vehicle diagnosis system FDS fire opal fire opal firnweiß firn white firn white Final Edition Final Edition Final Edition flamenco red flamenco red floraviolett african violet african violet Fondentertainment rear seat entertainment system rear seat entertainment system Fondsidebag rear sidebag rear sidebag vehicle service system FSS galaxyblau galaxy blue galaxy blue Gent Ghent Ghent G-Klasse G-Class G-Class [non-metallic colour 204series] flamencorot FSS 29-May-08 Rendezvous Fahrzeug-Service-System 20 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term GL [If 2- and 3-letter models are communicated on their own, only the acronym is to be used: GL] GL GL-Klasse [If a synopsis of Mercedes-Benz models is communicated or 1and 2-/3-letter models are communicated in parallel, the focus is to be on consistency. In this case 2- and 3-letter models are to retain the addition of the term “-Class” to the acronym: GLClass] GL-Class GLK X204 GLK Long form English To be communicated in English as [If 2- and 3-letter models are communicated on their own, only the acronym is to be used: GLK] GLK-Klasse X204 GLK-Class [If a synopsis of Mercedes-Benz models is communicated or 1and 2-/3-letter models are communicated in parallel, the focus is to be on consistency. In this case 2- and 3-letter models are to retain the addition of the term “-Class” to the acronym: GLK-Class] glutrot GPS ember red Global Positioning System GPS ember red Global Positioning System GPS Granit granite granite Graphit/schwarz graphite/black graphite/black Groningen Groningen fabric Guard Guard Groningen Guard Stoff Relief Sonderschutz-Fahrzeuge Stoff Groningen Gullwing rot Gullwing rot Gullwing red Gullwing red Gurtanpassung Gurtlosereduzierung BR212 seat belt adjustment seat belt adjustment [reduction of seat belt slack 212-series] 29-May-08 21 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Surround-Soundsystem Harman Kardon® Logic 7® [in Tabellen] Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as Harman Kardon® Logic 7® surround sound system Harman Kardon® Logic 7® surround sound system Head Protection Curtain windowbag windowbag Head-/Thorax-Sidebag head/thorax sidebag head/thorax sidebag Heizmatik Heatmatic heliodorgrün heliodor green heliodor green helios helios Helsinki Helsinki fabric Holz-Leder-Ausführung wood/leather [used as an attributive adjective] wood/leather [used as an attributive adjective] Holz-Leder-Lenkrad wood/leather steering wheel wood/leather steering wheel horizon blue horizon blue hyacinth blue hyacinth blue Harman Kardon® Logic 7® Surround-Soundsystem [im Fließtext] Helios Pistazie automatic heating system Heatmatic [pistachio] Helsinki Stoff Flash C209 Stoff Helsinki [“Flash” fabric C209] horizontblau Sonderfarbe BR245 [special colour, 245 series] hyazinthblau I-LOCK Ignition Security LockSystem das Diebstahlschutzsystem I-LOCK I-LOCK Ignition Security Lock System the anti-theft security system I-LOCK IMPACT SYSTEM IMPACT SYSTEM IMPACT SYSTEM imperialrot imperial red imperial red Indianapolis Indianapolis indiumgrau indium grey indium grey Innenraumlicht-Paket interior light package interior light package Inspiration Inspiration Indianapolis CL203 Sondermodell MY2003 [CL203 special model MY2003] Inspiration M-Klasse Sondermodell MY2003 [M-Class special model 29-May-08 22 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as the integral safety concept from Mercedes-Benz the integral safety concept from Mercedes-Benz MY2003] Integrales Sicherheitskonzept Das integrale Sicherheitskonzept von Mercedes-Benz Integrierter Startergenerator Ehemals PRO-SAFE™ [formerly known as PROSAFE™] Das integrale Sicherheitskonzept von Mercedes-Benz ISG integral safety concept Integrated Starter Generator Integrated Starter Generator Intelligent Light System Intelligent Light System iolite blue iolite blue iridium silver iridium silver jaspisblau jasper blue jasper blue Java java java Java/Sumatra java/sumatra java/sumatra jupiter red jupiter red cashmere beige cashmere beige kaskadenblau cascade blue cascade blue Kastanie chestnut chestnut KEYLESS-GO KEYLESS-GO, the electronic drive authorisation system KEYLESS-GO-Chipkarte KEYLESS-GO chip card KEYLESS-GO chip card KEYLESS-GO-Paket KEYLESS-GO package KEYLESS-GO package kieselbeige pebble beige pebble beige [The use of this abbreviation is now prohibited for legal reasons] Intelligent Light System AFS (Adaptive Front Light System) [AFS (Adaptive Front Light System)] iolithblau Lack C209 [paint colour, C209] iridiumsilber Metallicfarbe BR204 iridiumsilber [metallic colour 204-series] jupiterrot A-Klasse Lackfarbe monzarot [monza red (A-Class paint)] kaschmirbeige KEYLESS-GO 29-May-08 buckskin (C219) elektronisches Fahrberechtigungssystem 23 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as kieselbeige/Kiesel dunkel pebble beige/dark pebble pebble beige/dark pebble Kindersicherheit-Paket child safety package child safety package Klapptische im Fond folding tables in the rear folding tables in the rear Knee Bag kneebag kneebag comet grey comet grey luxury multifunction steering wheel with 4.5-inch display in the instrument cluster luxury multifunction steering wheel with 4.5-inch display in the instrument cluster convenience telephony convenience telephony KOMPRESSOR KOMPRESSOR KOMPRESSOR korallenorange coral orange coral orange korallenschwarz coral black coral black cosmos black cosmos black clearcoat with greater scratch resistance clearcoat with greater scratch resistance labradorblau labrador blue labrador blue labradoritgrün labradorite green labradorite green kometengrau Lack 169 [paint colour, 169 series] KomfortMultifunktionslenkrad mit 4,5 Zoll-Display im Kombiinstrument 12-TastenMultifunktionslenkrad BR204 Komfort-Telefonie Komfort-Telefonie [204-series 12-button multifunction steering wheel} [convenience telephony] kosmosschwarz Lackfarbe BR245 [paint colour, 245 series] kratzbeständigerer Klarlack Nano-Lack [nano paint] Laurel Lumaro laurel laurel Laureus SPORTS AWARDS World Sports Award Laureus Sports Awards Laureus Sports Awards Lautsprecherset (inkl. Hochund Tieftönersystem) BR169 MB Soundsystem Power loudspeaker set (incl. tweeter and woofer system) loudspeaker set (incl. tweeter and woofer system) lazulite blue lazulite blue [169-series MB Power sound system] lazulithblau 29-May-08 24 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Leder Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as leather leather ARTICO man-made leather ARTICO man-made leather Leder Exklusiv Nappa Exclusive nappa leather Exclusive nappa leather Leder Nappa nappa leather nappa leather Leder Nappa, Club-Design Club-design nappa leather Club-design nappa leather PASSION leather PASSION leather Leder-/Stoffsitze leather/fabric seats leather/fabric seats Leder Twin Twin Leather Twin Leather Leder, zweifarbiges Interieurdesign leather upholstery/two-tone leather upholstery leather upholstery/two-tone leather upholstery Leder Nappa, zweifarbiges Interieurdesign nappa leather upholstery/two-tone nappa leather upholstery nappa leather upholstery/two-tone nappa leather upholstery Leeds Leeds fabric Lenkradschaltpaddles steering-wheel gearshift paddles steering-wheel gearshift paddles Lenkradschalttasten steering-wheel gearshift buttons steering-wheel gearshift buttons linaritblau linarite blue linarite blue das Sprachbedienungssystem LINGUATRONIC LINGUATRONIC the voice-operated control system LINGUATRONIC Stoff Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool fabric Ledernachbildung ARTICO Vollkunstleder [all-man-made leather] Leder PASSION Semianilinleder BR221/216 [semi-aniline leather 221/216 series] Leeds Stoff BR203 Mopf “Blues” Stoff Leeds [203-series facelift fabric “Blues”] LINGUATRONIC Liverpool Stoff Cubes (Avantgarde) W204 [W204 fabric Cubes (AVANTGARDE)] 29-May-08 25 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff lotosblau Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation A-Klasse ÄJ 2006 Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as lotus blue lotus blue lotus yellow lotus yellow Stoff Lüttich Liège Liège fabric Stoff Lugano Lugano Lugano fabric Stoff Luxemburg Luxembourg Luxembourg fabric Stoff Maastricht Maastricht Maastricht fabric macadamiabeige macadamia beige macadamia beige magma red magma red almond beige almond beige mangrove green mangrove green McLaren McLaren Mechelen Mechelen fabric media interface media interface melanitschwarz melanite black melanite black Mercedes-Benz Accessories Mercedes-Benz Accessories Mercedes-Benz Accessories Mercedes-Benz Active Safety Experience Mercedes-Benz Active Safety Experience Mercedes-AMG Mercedes-AMG [A-Class modification year 2006] lotosgelb Lüttich Ormis Lugano Luxemburg Stoff BR169 “Korb” [169-series fabric “Korb”] Maastricht Stoff BR169 “Siva” [169-series fabric “Siva”] macadamiabeige magmarot mandelbeige Interieurfarbe macciato (BR207/212) [207/212-series interior colour macchiato] mangrovengrün Lack 169, Grün II [paint colour, 169-series, green II] McLaren Mechelen Stoff Malta Media Interface Universal Consumer Interface Mercedes-Benz Active Safety Experience ehemals Mercedes-Benz Fahrsicherheitstraining Stoff Mechelen [formerly: Mercedes-Benz Driving Safety Training] Mercedes-Benz AMG 29-May-08 26 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Mercedes-Benz bionic car Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Kofferfisch Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as Mercedes-Benz bionic car Mercedes-Benz bionic car Mercedes-Benz CarExpress Mercedes-Benz CarExpress Mercedes-Benz CarExpress Mercedes-Benz CharterWay Mercedes-Benz CharterWay Mercedes-Benz CharterWay Mercedes-Benz Classic Mercedes-Benz Classic Mercedes-Benz Classic Mercedes-Benz CLK designo by Giorgio Armani Mercedes-Benz CLK designo by Giorgio Armani Mercedes-Benz CLK Giorgio Armani design car Mercedes-Benz CLK Giorgio Armani design car Mercedes-Benz Collection Mercedes-Benz Collection Mercedes-Benz Gallery Mercedes-Benz Gallery Mercedes-Benz Insurance Mercedes-Benz Insurance Mercedes-Benz Insurance Mercedes-Benz Integrierte Sicherheit Mercedes-Benz Integrated Safety Mercedes-Benz Integrated Safety Mercedes-Benz LeaseFinanz Mercedes-Benz Leasing and Financing Mercedes-Benz Leasing and Financing Mercedes-Benz Museum Mercedes-Benz Museum Mercedes-Benz Museum Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week Mercedes-Benz Original-Teile Mercedes-Benz Genuine Parts Mercedes-Benz Genuine Parts Mercedes-Benz PartsExpress Mercedes-Benz PartsExpress Mercedes-Benz PartsExpress Mercedes-Benz Portal Mercedes-Benz Portal Mercedes-Benz RoadMile Mercedes-Benz RoadMile Mercedes-Benz RoadMile Mercedes-Benz RoadMiles Mercedes-Benz RoadMiles Mercedes-Benz RoadMiles Mercedes-Benz Service24h Mercedes-Benz Service24h Mercedes-Benz Service24h Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren [box fish] Mercedes-Benz CLK designo by Giorgio Armani A209 Kleinserie Mercedes-Benz CLK Giorgio Armani Design Car Arnani-Showcar [A209 limited series] [Armani showcar] Mercedes-Benz Collection Mercedes-Benz Gallery Mercedes-Benz Portal (kurz: das SLR Coupé/der 29-May-08 HSO High Street Outlet Multi-Channel Portal Mercedes-Benz Gallery 27 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as SLR Roadster) (kurz: das SLR Coupé/der SLR Roadster) Mercedes-Benz Welt Mercedes-Benz World Mercedes-Benz World MercedesCard MercedesCard MercedesCard MercedesCard-Journal MercedesCard Journal MercedesCard Journal MercedesCardServicetelefon MercedesCard Service Telephone MercedesCard Service Telephone Mercedesmagazin Mercedesmagazine Mercedesmagazine Mercedes Spot Mercedes Spot Mercedes Spot merlinblau merlin blue merlin blue meteorgrau meteor grey meteor grey mineralgrün mineral green mineral green M-Klasse M-Class M-Class Mobilo Mobilo MobiloLife MobiloLife preparations for installation of a mobile phone incl. universal interface preparations for installation of a mobile phone incl. universal interface mocha brown mocha brown mondrian mondrian Mobilo Mobilo löst MobiloLife bei allen ab 01.04.2008 in Europa neu zugelassenen Fahrzeugen ab st [Starting on the 1 of April 2008, Mobilo will replace MobiloLife for all newly registered cars in Europe] MobiloLife Mobiltelefon-Vorrüstung mit universeller Schnittstelle MobiloLife UHI (Universal Handy Interface) [UHI (universal mobile phone interface)] moccabraun Interieurfarbe Arabica (BR207/212) [207/212-series interior colour arabica} Mondrian 29-May-08 28 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation mondsilber Monte Carlo Montreux Stoff Cini Mopf W220 Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as moonlight silver moonlight silver Stoff Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo fabric Stoff Montreux Montreux Montreux fabric mountain grey mountain grey multifunction steering wheel multifunction steering wheel multifunction steering wheel (4 buttons) multifunction steering wheel (4 buttons) multicontour seat multicontour seat MUSIC REGISTER MUSIC REGISTER night black night black night view assist night view assist Namur Namur fabric [W220 facelift fabric Cini] mountaingrau A-Klasse ÄJ 2006 [A-Class modification year 2006] Multifunktionslenkrad Multifunktionslenkrad Multifunktionslenkrad (4 Tasten) 4-TastenMultifunktionslenkrad [4.button multifunction steering wheel) Multikontursitz Multikontursitz MUSIC REGISTER Hard Disk Headunit nachtschwarz Nachtsicht-Assistent NightView Namur Stoff Korfu Stoff Namur NEBUS New Electric Bus NEBUS New Electric Bus NEBUS NECAR New Electric Car NECAR New Electric Car NECAR NECK-PROKomfortkopfstütze BR221 als SA NECK-PRO-Kopfstütze crashaktive Kopfstütze [optional extra for 221 series] NECK-PRO luxury head restraint NECK-PRO luxury head restraint NECK-PRO head restraint NECK-PRO head restraint [crash-responsive head restraint] neue Generation 29-May-08 Die neue Generation der AKlasse (Beispiel: kommende BR169 MOPF) Sprachregelung für die Markt- Die neue Generation der Aeinführungskommunikation Klasse (Beispiel: kommende von modellgepflegten BR169 MOPF) Baureihen [prescribed terminology for the market launch communication of facelifted new-generation The new-generation A-Class (Example: forthcoming 169series facelift) The new-generation A-Class (Example: forthcoming 169series facelift) 29 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as Natural-Gas Technology natural-gas drive NGT model series] NGT Natural Gas Technology CNG der Erdgasantrieb NGT NGT Stoff Nizza Nice Nice fabric novaviolett nova violet nova violet oasengrün oasis green oasis green obsidianschwarz obsidian black obsidian black Off-Road Pro engineering package Off-Road Pro engineering package Nizza Offroad-Pro Technik-Paket technisches Offroadpaket W164 [off-road engineering package W164] Offroad-Technik-Paket Offroad-Technik-Paket X204 off-road engineering package off-road engineering package Offroad-Styling-Paket Optisches Offroadpaket off-road styling package off-road styling package Olivesche olive-ash olive-ash onyxgrau onyx grey onyx grey opalbraun copper copper simulated underguard simulated underguard orchid green orchid green orient beige orient beige orion grey orion grey Orléans Orléans fabric Oxford Oxford fabric deep ocean blue deep ocean blue palladium silver palladium silver [off-road styling package] optischer Unterschutz optischer Unterschutz orchidgrün orientbeige saharabeige (R171) [sahara beige (R171)] oriongrau Orléans BR211 Mopf: Stoff Carat Stoff Orléans [211-series facelift: Carat fabric] Oxford ozeanblau A-Klasse Farbe [A-Class colour, Code 377] palladiumsilber 29-May-08 Metallicfarbe BR204 palladiumsilber 30 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as [metallic colour 204-series] Panoramadach PanoramaLamellenschiebedach BR169/245 Panorama-Schiebedach Moduldach [169/245 series] panoramic roof panoramic roof panoramic louvred sliding sunroof panoramic louvred sliding sunroof panoramic sliding sunroof panoramic sliding sunroof panoramic vario-roof panoramic vario-roof popemobile popemobile bird's-eye poplar bird's-eye poplar speed-sensitive steering speed-sensitive steering Paris Paris fabric Parking Guidance Parking Guidance PARKTRONIC PARKTRONIC pacific blue pacific blue periclase green periclase green petrol petrol [modular roof] Panorama-Variodach das Panorama-Variodach Papamobil Pappel braun (glänzend) Pappel — Vogelaugen-Optik Holzausführung Pappel braun (glänzend) Vogelaugen Fineline BR164/251 ["Fineline" bird's-eye maple 164/251 series] Parameterlenkung Paris Stoff Riffel W211 Stoff Paris ["Riffel" fabric W211] Parkführung Advanced Parking Guidance PARKTRONIC pazifikblau Stoff-Farbe C209 u.a. [fabric colour, e.g. C209] periklasgrün Metallicfarbe BR204 periklasgrün [metallic colour 204-series] Petrol Piccadilly A-Klasse Sondermodell MY2003 A-Klasse Sondermodell "Piccadilly" Piccadilly "Piccadilly" A-Class special model Piccadilly [A-Class special model MY2003] piemontrot 29-May-08 piedmont red piedmont red 31 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Pinie braun Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Tachi braun Verwendung in der Kommunikation Pinie braun Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as pine brown pine brown platinum silver platinum silver polar silver polar silver polarweiß polar white polar white Powerdome powerdome powerdome platinsilber polarsilber Lack 169, Atlantiksilber [paint colour, 169 series, atlantic silver] ® PRE-SAFE -Bremse CMS (Collision Mitigation System) ® PRE-SAFE -System Pre-Crash Safety-System [Pre-Crash Safety System] PRE-SAFE das vorbeugende Insassenschutzsystem ® PRE-SAFE PRE-SAFE ® ® Brake system PRE-SAFE Pre-Crash Safety system PRE-SCAN-Fahrwerk F700 PRE-SCAN-Fahrwerk PRE-SCAN chassis F700 PRE-SCAN chassis PRE-SCAN-Tür F700 PRE-SCAN-Tür PRE-SCAN door F700 PRE-SCAN door Prisma die Strukturoberfläche Prisma ® Brake the anticipatory occupant protection system PRE® SAFE Prism pattern Prism pattern prismatingrün prismatine green prismatine green pyroprot pyrop red pyrop red Quarz quartz quartz quarzblau quartz blue quartz blue quartz silver quartz silver quartz/terra quartz/terra spring source blue spring source blue QUICKPARK QUICKPARK pre-installation for radio (loudspeakers incl. wiring) pre-installation for radio (loudspeakers incl. wiring) quarzsilber Toscanasilber [toscana silver] Quarz/Terra quellblau Lack BR 169 [paint colour, 169 series] QUICKPARK Radiovorrüstung (Lautsprecher inkl. Verkabelung) 29-May-08 Einparkhilfe hinten 32 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung Verwendung in der Kommunikation (Working title/explanation] rauchsilber Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as smoke silver smoke silver rear-facing child seat rear-facing child seat Reifendruckkontrolle tyre pressure monitoring system tyre pressure monitoring system Reifendruckverlust-Warnung tyre pressure loss warning system tyre pressure loss warning system tyres with run-flat capability [note: MOExtended lettering on tyre] tyres with run-flat capability cutting mark for rescue services cutting mark for rescue services Reboard-Kindersitz der rückwärts gerichtete Kindersitz Reifen mit Notlaufeigenschaften MOE Rettungsmarkierung Trennungsmarkierungen für Rettungskräfte REVERSE-Sitz riffgrau Reifen mit Notlaufeigenschaften (Anm.: Schriftzug MOExtended am Reifen) F700 REVERSE-Sitz REVERSE seat Interieurfarbe BR204 F700 REVERSE seat riffgrau reef grey reef grey rot red red Rotterdam Rotterdam Rotterdam fabric rubinrot ruby red ruby red reversing camera reversing camera RUCKY RUCKY salicana poplar salicana poplar S-Class S-Class [interior colour 204-series] rot Interieurfarbe BR204 [interior colour 204-series] Rückfahrkamera Dynamic Rear View Monitor RUCKY Salicana Holz: Pappel Salicana S-Klasse saharabeige comobeige saharabeige sahara beige sahara beige sanidinbeige Metallicfarbe BR204 sanidinbeige sanidine beige sanidine beige Sandwich-Konzept sandwich design sandwich design Sapeli sapele sapele [metallic colour 204-series] 29-May-08 33 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch saturnrot Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Lack 169 Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as saturn red saturn red savanna beige savanna beige [paint colour, 169 series] savannenbeige Landscape (BR221, C216) [landscape (221 series, C216)] SBCTM Sensotronic Brake Control Elektrohydraulische Bremse (EHB) TM Sensotronic Brake Control the electrohydraulic braking TM system SBC die elektrohydraulische Bremse SBC™ SBC der Anfahrassistent SBC Hold SBC H the start-off assist system SBC Hold der Stauassistent SBC Stop SBC S the tailback assist system SBC Stop SCAN SCAN scarlet scarlet scarlet schiefergrau slate grey slate grey glacier white glacier white black black black/beige black/beige black/red black/red [Electrohydraulic brake (EHB)] SBC H SBC Hold Anfahrassistent [start-off assist] SBC S SBC Stop Stauassistent [tailback assist] SCAN Satellite-based Curve information and Auxiliary Navigation system schneeweiß Lackfarbe 169 [paint colour, 169 series] schwarz schwarz/beige Interieurfarbkombination BR204 [interior colour combination model range 204] schwarz/rot Interieurfarbkombination BR204 [interior colour combination model range 204] SDE Seattle 29-May-08 Stability Dynamics System SDE Milan Stoff Seattle Seattle Stability Dynamics System SDE Seattle fabric 34 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch selektives Dämpfungssystem Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation SDD (BR169/245) Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as selective damping system selective damping system separate Heckdeckelverriegelung independent boot locking independent boot locking das sequenzielle Schaltgetriebe SEQUENTRONIC SEQUENTRONIC the sequential manual transmission SEQUENTRONIC [SDD (169/245-series)] separate Heckdeckelverriegelung BR221 SEQUENTRONIC ASG SERVO-HMI [221-series] F700 SERVO-HMI SERVO HMI F700 SERVO HMI siambeige siam beige siam beige Sidebag sidebag sidebag Sienna Sienna fabric sierra grey sierra grey Silver Arrow Silver Arrow Silver Arrow Silver Arrow climatised seats climatised seats seat comfort package seat comfort package Siena Spirit sierragrau palmagrau (Stoff 211) Stoff Siena [palma grey (211-series fabric)] SILBERPFEIL Silver Arrow Silverarrow [Silver Arrow] Sitzklimatisierung Ehemals “Komfortsitze” [formerly ‘comfort ventilated seats’] Sitzkomfort-Paket Sitzkomfortpaket BR169/245 [169/245-series luxury seat package] SL [If 2- and 3-letter models are communicated on their own, only the acronym is to be used: SL] SL SL-Klasse [If a synopsis of Mercedes-Benz models is communicated or 1and 2-/3-letter models are communicated in parallel, the focus is to be on consistency. In this case 2- and 3-letter models are to retain the addition of the SL-Class 29-May-08 35 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as term “-Class” to the acronym: SL-Class] SL-Klasse Roadster SL-Class Roadster SLK [If 2- and 3-letter models are communicated on their own, only the acronym is to be used: SLK] SLK SLK-Klasse [If a synopsis of Mercedes-Benz models is communicated or 1and 2-/3-letter models are communicated in parallel, the focus is to be on consistency. In this case 2- and 3-letter models are to retain the addition of the term “-Class” to the acronym: SLK-Class] SLK-Class SL-Class Roadster SLK-Klasse Roadster SLK-Class Roadster SLK-Class Roadster smaragdschwarz green black green black Spa Spa fabric Special Edition Special Edition Special Edition SPEEDSHIFT SPEEDSHIFT SPEEDSHIFT SPEEDSHIFT PLUS 7GTRONIC SPEEDSHIFT PLUS 7GTRONIC SPEEDSHIFT PLUS 7GTRONIC SPEEDTRONIC SPEEDTRONIC SPEEDTRONIC parabolic axle parabolic axle C-Class Sports Coupé C-Class Sports Coupé Sport Edition Sport Edition Sport-Paket EVOLUTION EVOLUTION sports package EVOLUTION sports package Sport-Paket EVOLUTION AMG EVOLUTION AMG sports package EVOLUTION AMG sports package speed-sensitive sports steering speed-sensitive sports steering Spa (sphärische) Parabelachse Explo ARC-Achse BR169/245 Stoff Spa [ARC axle -- 169/245 series] Sportcoupé der C-Klasse Sport Edition SoMo BR203 in 2005 [203-series special model in 2005] Sport-Parameterlenkung 29-May-08 Umfang von Sportpaket und Fahrdynamik-Paket BR204 36 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as supplemental restraint system SRS [part of sports package and dynamic handling package 204 series] SRS Sicherheits-RückhalteSystem STEER CONTROL SRS Lenkassistent BR169/245 [Steering assist 169/245 series] steppenbraun der Lenkassistent STEER CONTROL STEER CONTROL STEER CONTROL steppe brown steppe brown Stoff St. Tropez St. Tropez St. Tropez fabric Stoff Stockholm Stockholm Stockholm fabric doorhold function doorhold function sumatra sumatra sunset red sunset red Estate Estate tanzanite blue tanzanite blue tanzanite violet tanzanite violet teallite blue teallite blue underguard underguard tektite grey tektite grey A-Klasse ÄJ 2006 [A-Class modification year 2006] St. Tropez Stoff Micro W211 [Micro fabric W211] Stockholm Stoff Priest C209 [Priest fabric C209] stufenlose Türarretierung BR221, C216 [221 series, C216] Sumatra sunsetrot amarorot (C219) [amaro red (C219)] T-Modell tansanitblau Metallicfarbe BR204 tansanitblau [metallic colour 204-series] tansanitviolett Purpur [purple] tealitblau technischer Unterschutz technischer Unterschutz tektitgrau TELEAID 29-May-08 Telematic Alarm Norrufsystem “Arthur” das automatische TELEAID Telematic Alarm the automatic emergency 37 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Identification on Demand Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] [emergency call system "Arthur"] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Brand/ descriptive term Notrufsystem TELEAID TELEDIAGNOSE Long form English To be communicated in English as Identification on Demand call system TELEAID TELEDIAGNOSIS TELEDIAGNOSIS telematics telematics tellurium silver tellurium silver TEMPOMAT cruise control cruise control Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee fabric tenorite grey tenorite grey Terra Terra Telematik tellursilber Telematik gletschersilber [glacier silver] tenoritgrau Metallicfarbe BR204 tenoritgrau [metallic colour 204-series] Terra THERMATIC die Klimatisierungsautomatik THERMATIC THERMATIC the automatic climate control THERMATIC THERMOTRONIC die Komfortklimatisierungsautomatik THERMOTRONIC THERMOTRONIC the luxury automatic climate control THERMOTRONIC thulitrot thulitrot thulite red thulite red tiefseeblau ocean blue ocean blue Tippschaltung Touchshift Touchshift TIREFIT das Reifendichtmittel TIREFIT TIREFIT the tyre sealant system TIREFIT titanitrot titanite red titanite red tobaccobraun tobacco brown tobacco brown topaz blue topaz blue topasblau Tealblau [teal blue] Totwinkel-Assistent Blind Spot Monitoring Totwinkel-Assistent blind spot assist blind spot assist Toulouse Stoff Arabi W211 Stoff Toulouse Toulouse Toulouse fabric der multifunktionale Transportwagen TRACKY TRACKY the multifunction trolley TRACKY [Arabi fabric W211] TRACKY 29-May-08 38 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation travertinbeige Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as travertine beige travertine beige tropical black tropical black TrueBlueSolutions TrueBlueSolutions türkis turquoise turquoise turmalingrün tourmaline green tourmaline green TWINPULSE system TWINPULSE system tundra brown tundra brown universe blue universe blue Utrecht Utrecht fabric V-Class V-Class vavona vavona Variodach vario-roof vario-roof Violan violane violane Vision GST Vision GST Vision GST vivianitgrün vivianite green vivianite green tropenschwarz Lackfarbe 169 [paint colour, 169 series] TrueBlueSolutions TBS TWINPULSE-System TrueBlueSolutions M271-Motorentechnologie [M271 engine technology] tundrabraun corteccia (209 Mopf] [corteccia (209-series facelift)] universumblau laserblau (R171] [laser blue (R171)] Utrecht Stoff BR245 Stoff Utrecht [245-series fabric] V-Klasse Vavona Holz R171 [R171-series wood] VLC Variable Lift Control VNT-Technologie VTG-Lader 29-May-08 Engl. Abkürzung VNT = variable-nozzle-turbine Deutsche Abk. VTG = variable Turbinengeometrie VLC Variable Lift Control VLC VNT technology variable-nozzle turbine VNT technology 39 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Verwendung in der Kommunikation Vogelaugenahorn Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as bird's-eye maple bird's-eye maple black bird's-eye maple black bird's-eye maple vulkanrot volcano red volcano red wärmedämmend dunkel getöntes Glas für hintere Seitenfenster und Heckscheibe heat-insulating, dark-tinted glass for rear side windows and rear windscreen heat-insulating, dark-tinted glass for rear side windows and rear windscreen Windowbag windowbag windowbag Windsor Windsor fabric wiper blade check indicator wiper blade check indicator brown burr walnut brown burr walnut Wurzelnuss burr walnut burr walnut X-by-wire by-wire systems by-wire systems Yellowstone yellowstone yellowstone York fabric York fabric Zandvoort Zandvoort fabric Vogelaugenahorn schwarz Holz W211 [W211-series wood] Windsor Stoff BR203 Mopf “Modena” Stoff Windsor [203-series facelift fabric “Modena”] Wischerblatt-Kontrollanzeige Verschleißanzeige Wischerblätter [wiper blade wear indicator] Wurzelnuss braun Holz W211 [W211-series wood] York Stoff York Zandvoort Stoff Aiko [“Aiko“ fabric] ZEV Zero-Emission Vehicle ZEV ziegelrot Zierblenden in KlavierlackOptik Zierteil BR204 [trim part 204-series] zirkonblau zirrusweiß 29-May-08 A-Klasse ÄJ 2006 Zierblenden in KlavierlackOptik zero-emission vehicle ZEV brick red brick red trim elements in piano lacquer look trim elements in piano lacquer look zircon blue zircon blue cirrus white cirrus white 40 Marke/ beschreibender Begriff Zündschloss Langform Deutsch Arbeitstitel/Erläuterung (Working title/explanation] Elektronischer ZündstartSchalter EZS Verwendung in der Kommunikation Zündschloss Brand/ descriptive term Long form English To be communicated in English as ignition lock ignition lock cylinder shut-off system cylinder shut-off system [electronic ignition switch EZS] Zylinder-AbschaltungsSystem 29-May-08 41