Dear Parents/Guardians and Friends of sJhs
Dear Parents/Guardians and Friends of sJhs
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 60039 Long Beach, CA SJHS has yearbooks available from past years. If you would like a yearbook please contact Karen Kravitz-Castillo at 562-925-5072, ext. 125. ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Dear Parents/Guardians and Friends of SJHS, Important Dates to Remember In This Issue 2 Mother/Daughter Brunch Progress Reports due 5 5-7 Kairos XVI 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration 13 Advent Liturgy 14 Faculty/Staff Christmas celebration 14-15 Choir Concert 17-18 Dance Performance 19 See schedule, 1pm dismissal 20 Christmas break begins School resumes 1/7 • DECEMBER News 5825 North Woodruff Avenue Lakewood, CA 90713 Tel (562) 925-5073 Fax (562) 925-3315 Attention Alumni JANuary Fall/Winter 2007 Volume 43, Number 3 7 School resumes from Christmas break Faculty Meeting 8 10 Winter Sports Rally 11 Incoming 9th Grade Applications due 14 College Financial Aid Night 16-18 SEMESTER EXAMS 21 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day No school in session 22 1st Semester Grades due 2nd Semester begins 24 Senior Panoramic picture 25 Sophomore Lock-in 26 High School Placement Test 28-2/1Catholic Schools Week 28-30 Incoming Frosh Interviews 31 Catholic Schools Week Liturgy 2 Honors Received 3 Junior Rings Student Inservice 4-5 Things Spooky & Saintly 6 Jesters Sports 7 Alumnae Class Acts 8 In Closing Special thanks to Rick Poccaro at Rent-A-Tux for supplying all the tuxedos for the Mother Daughter Brunch. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE Please keep these members of the SJHS family and their loved ones in your prayers. A Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated in the school chapel for each of the following members of the SJHS school family. We remember: Bob Evans, pressman at OPM, the design and printing company that assists SJHS Maria Gonzales, mother of Carmen Gonzales Flores, ’76 and grandmother of Alinna Flores, ’07 Charles Moening, father of Sarah Moening, ’79 and Shannon Moening, ’79 (deceased) Shannon Moening, class of 1982, sister of Sarah Moening, ‘79 Published six times a year for the students, parents, alumnae, and friends of Saint Joseph High School. Photography: Sister Nancy Munro, CSJ Mary Muszynski, grandmother of Writing/Editor: Sister Nancy Munro, CSJ Helen Tatum, grandmother of Ronnie Layout, Design, and Illustration: OPM Design Group, Burbank Merissa, ’06 and Clarissa Muszynski, ’11 Ebner, ’11 It is hard to believe Classic League (Latin), how quickly this year is Spanish Honor Society and passing us by! National Honor Society I hope all of you had have all had their induction a Thanksgiving filled with ceremonies. So many activcountless blessings, and ities in these parts! What a that you were able to stop wonderful school we are… the rapidly passing days academically sound, socialof this school year to slow ly engaged, and spiritually down and enjoy family and alive! Thank you, for giving friends. us this opportunity to be As quickly as time a part of it all by sending passes, activities continue to your daughter to SJHS. crowd our calendar. At Thanksgiving and You have been won- Professor Dumbledore, alias Dr. Mendoza (center), is at Christmas, as I always do, derful supporters of each surrounded by Professor McGonagall and Snape. I especially thank Almighty activity. Seeing all of you at God for each of you. It is Back to School Night, at the fall plays and sports games because of you that we have such a wonderful school. It was great. Although your daughters may pretend not to is also through your prayers that we have been able to notice your presence, I can affirm that they are pleased maintain the quality Catholic education in the CSJ trato see you at their events. So, please keep coming! dition that we offer. Please know, too, that the Sisters of I would love to see more of you at our liturgies, St. Joseph of Carondelet in our local community always and at our assemblies. Just check the calendar, or call keep each of you and your families in their prayers. the office to find out the day and time of each event. The CSJs have given us a charism of unity, reconciliaWe had three moving events on campus, and if you tion and service to the dear neighbor. Let us take that were present you know what I am talking about. charism to heart this holiday season. November 1st, we remembered our deceased students En el Dia de Gracias y Navidad, como siempre and graduates, whom we consider our very own Saint suelo hacerlo, doy gracias a Dios por la presencia de Joseph saints. We also remembered deceased family cada unos de ustedes en mi vida. Es gracias a ustedes members and friends of Saint Joseph High School, que contamos con una escuela ejemplar. Por igual, graas well as the entire communion of saints of whom cias a sus oraciones hemos podido mantener un nivel we are all a part. Your deceased loved ones are also de alta calidad educativa basado en nuestros principios remembered at our daily morning masses. Thank you catolicos y el carisma y tradicion de la orden CSJ. Por for sending us their names. Our Thanksgiving liturgy, favor sepan, tambien, que las Hermanas de San Jose too, reminded us that the “dear neighbor” is very close, de Carondelet y nuestra comunidad local siempre los and we should do what we can, not just at the holidays, tienen en sus oraciones a cada uno de ustedes y sus but throughout the year to make their lives just a little familias. Las Hermanas de San Jose de Carondelet bit nicer. Finally, our Veterans’ Day prayer service was a nos han dado su carisma de unidad, reconciliacion y terrific tribute to our service men and women, our fire servicio a nuestro projimo. Tomemos este carisma y and police who risk their lives daily for us so that we vivamoslo en nuestros corazones durante este tiempo can live in freedom, and walk safely on our streets. de fiestas. Our winter sports have begun, preparations for our Sincerely, Christmas concert, and Kairos XVI retreat for another group of seniors, and Virgen de Guadalupe celebration have been made, and our honor societies—Junior Dr. Mendoza Helen Ulwelling, mother of Erin Ulwelling Chapman, ’77 5825 North Woodruff Avenue • Lakewood, CA 90713 • Tel (562) 925-5073 • Fax (562) 925-3315 • SJHS Celebrates Great Work NMSQT COMMENDED STUDENT: Christina Brehove Recently Dr. Mendoza received word that Christina Brehove has been named a National Merit Scholarship Commended Student. Of the more than 1.4 million high school students who entered the competition, Christina was among the top five percent (one of 34,000 students) in the program. The NMSQT is considered one of the more important competitions for high school students in the United States. “The young people named as Commended Students in the 2008 National Merit Scholarship Program are distinguished by their strong academic performance in this rigorous competition,” commented a spokesperson for NMSC. From the Women Formerly Called the “Mean Deans” 2 No longer called the Mean Deans, Elayne Haven and Michele Rodriguez, may now be called “Deans in Support of Good Choices.” Their number one priority is to help the students be all they are meant to be, but basics come first. Keep in mind—school dress does make a difference and little things do count. With that in mind your deans advise the following: We don’t want to rub it in, but we need to work on dress for school. October was a sort of semi-disaster. (Remember? We lost free dress privileges for the month of October.) Please, let’s all work on socks, blouses, sweaters and skirt lengths. Look at the uniform guidelines you have received—we really do want you to receive free dress next month and on, and on. It’s no fun taking free dress away and a lot more fun to enjoy free dress. Performing Arts Competition On Saturday, October 27, the Saint Joseph High School Drama Club participated in the Drama Teacher’s Association of Southern California (DTASC) Festival. Forty-five students competed in three technical theatre events—in costume, set and graphic design—and in seven acting events. The acting groups range in size from two to ten people depending on the event. These scenes are student-adapted, studentdirected, and student-performed. For the first time in Saint Joseph High School’s history every single team advanced to the semi-final round. This is quite an accomplishment in a competition with sixty-two other schools. The Jesters placed seventeenth overall and won individual event honors in: Set Design—Honorable Mention Costume Design—Third Place Audition Monologue— Honorable Mention— for senior Lianne Salcido Congratulations, Drama Jesters, and faculty moderator, Brian Bozanich! On October 26th more than 300 eighth grade students visited SJHS during the school’s annual DAY IN THE LIFE OF A JESTER. And again that evening more eighth grade students and their parents attended Open House. Tours of the campus, visits to classrooms while actual classes were in session, participating in a spirit rally and lunch on campus made the day very busy and full. In the evening students and parents met faculty members, heard from administrators and advisors and experienced SJHS firsthand. An Honor Received The presidents of Creighton, DeSales and Gonzaga Universities and Catholic University of America are members of the advisory board for the Acton Institute. Recently the institute released its annual Catholic High School Honor Roll. The honor roll, made up of the top 75 Catholic High Schools in the United States rates schools in the areas of academics, civic education and Catholic identity. Saint Joseph High School has been named as one of top 25 U.S. Catholic high schools with an outstanding Civic Education program. “The primary goal of the Catholic High School Honor Roll is to acknowledge those schools that maintain high academic standards, uphold their Catholic identities, and prepare their students to actively engage the world,” said the Acton Institute as the names of the top high schools were published. For a complete list of Catholic high school honorees, go to: For Mission Effectiveness When the school year began, Sr. Karen Wilhelmy, CSJ joined the staff as the Liaison for Mission Effectiveness and Staff Development. What, you might ask, does this mean and what does Sister do: The retreats, strategic planning sessions, the weekly bulletin for faith formation for faculty and staff, the latest addition of a family faith development missive weekly now that the e-mail system can handle it! Friday afternoon adult faith formation classes, helping people apply for and explaining what an annulment is, and being available for spiritual direction and counseling are the most obvious things Sister Karen does. She will have a regular article in the newsletter which should provide some more adult faith formation. Her ministry here is growing daily, and Day in the Life of a Jester there will be more items added to her list as the year goes along. In October Sister began her Friday afternoon series on prayer. People come from a number of parishes, some even from the Diocese of Orange! Some of our faculty members also attend. If you would like information about the post-Christmas classes, please contact the school. There is no charge! Please feel free to contact Sr. Karen (562-9255073, ext. 113 – with any or your faith questions and take advantage of what is available to adults here at SJHS. If you wish to be put on the list for e-mailing to families, give her your e-mail address. We look forward to being of service to the larger Saint Joseph High School family. SAINT JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL 3 Junior Ring Ceremony What Goes Around On Friday, October 5th the Junior Class celebrated their ring ceremony. Their rings were blessed and juniors officially celebrated the beginning of their junior year. Meet members of the Junior Class Board: Lauren Parker, Jessica Reiner, Jacqueline Braceros, Jamie Hermosura (kneeling), Lindsay Pallares, Gabby Cantos, Victoria Casas (class president), Nicole Marabe, Macy Kiefer, Karla Pallwitz (class moderator), and Alexis Baello. Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre Programs will present “What Goes Around” to the entire SJHS student body on Wednesday and Thursday, November 28th and 29th. This important one-hour program will focus on sexually transmitted diseases, how they are transmitted, consequences of risky behavior and the importance of abstinence as the most effective means of avoiding an STD. “What Goes Around” is a program shown at public as well private schools throughout the nation. Needless to say AIDS, HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases are at a pandemic level, especially among youth. This program, like no other, places emphasis on health and well-being but does not address certain teachings of the church. Therefore the day following the live presentation, all religion classes will meet with a panel of educators from SJHS who will address issues surfaced in the presentation with respect to the church’s teaching. All SJHS students are required to have a signed parent permission form to view this program. If you have any questions about the program, feel free to call Mrs. Karen Barnes at (562) 925-5073, ext 181. C H A L L E N G I N G T H E M I N D , C U L T I VAT I N G T H E S P I R I T SJHS Celebrates Great Work NMSQT COMMENDED STUDENT: Christina Brehove Recently Dr. Mendoza received word that Christina Brehove has been named a National Merit Scholarship Commended Student. Of the more than 1.4 million high school students who entered the competition, Christina was among the top five percent (one of 34,000 students) in the program. The NMSQT is considered one of the more important competitions for high school students in the United States. “The young people named as Commended Students in the 2008 National Merit Scholarship Program are distinguished by their strong academic performance in this rigorous competition,” commented a spokesperson for NMSC. From the Women Formerly Called the “Mean Deans” 2 No longer called the Mean Deans, Elayne Haven and Michele Rodriguez, may now be called “Deans in Support of Good Choices.” Their number one priority is to help the students be all they are meant to be, but basics come first. Keep in mind—school dress does make a difference and little things do count. With that in mind your deans advise the following: We don’t want to rub it in, but we need to work on dress for school. October was a sort of semi-disaster. (Remember? We lost free dress privileges for the month of October.) Please, let’s all work on socks, blouses, sweaters and skirt lengths. Look at the uniform guidelines you have received—we really do want you to receive free dress next month and on, and on. It’s no fun taking free dress away and a lot more fun to enjoy free dress. Performing Arts Competition On Saturday, October 27, the Saint Joseph High School Drama Club participated in the Drama Teacher’s Association of Southern California (DTASC) Festival. Forty-five students competed in three technical theatre events—in costume, set and graphic design—and in seven acting events. The acting groups range in size from two to ten people depending on the event. These scenes are student-adapted, studentdirected, and student-performed. For the first time in Saint Joseph High School’s history every single team advanced to the semi-final round. This is quite an accomplishment in a competition with sixty-two other schools. The Jesters placed seventeenth overall and won individual event honors in: Set Design—Honorable Mention Costume Design—Third Place Audition Monologue— Honorable Mention— for senior Lianne Salcido Congratulations, Drama Jesters, and faculty moderator, Brian Bozanich! On October 26th more than 300 eighth grade students visited SJHS during the school’s annual DAY IN THE LIFE OF A JESTER. And again that evening more eighth grade students and their parents attended Open House. Tours of the campus, visits to classrooms while actual classes were in session, participating in a spirit rally and lunch on campus made the day very busy and full. In the evening students and parents met faculty members, heard from administrators and advisors and experienced SJHS firsthand. An Honor Received The presidents of Creighton, DeSales and Gonzaga Universities and Catholic University of America are members of the advisory board for the Acton Institute. Recently the institute released its annual Catholic High School Honor Roll. The honor roll, made up of the top 75 Catholic High Schools in the United States rates schools in the areas of academics, civic education and Catholic identity. Saint Joseph High School has been named as one of top 25 U.S. Catholic high schools with an outstanding Civic Education program. “The primary goal of the Catholic High School Honor Roll is to acknowledge those schools that maintain high academic standards, uphold their Catholic identities, and prepare their students to actively engage the world,” said the Acton Institute as the names of the top high schools were published. For a complete list of Catholic high school honorees, go to: For Mission Effectiveness When the school year began, Sr. Karen Wilhelmy, CSJ joined the staff as the Liaison for Mission Effectiveness and Staff Development. What, you might ask, does this mean and what does Sister do: The retreats, strategic planning sessions, the weekly bulletin for faith formation for faculty and staff, the latest addition of a family faith development missive weekly now that the e-mail system can handle it! Friday afternoon adult faith formation classes, helping people apply for and explaining what an annulment is, and being available for spiritual direction and counseling are the most obvious things Sister Karen does. She will have a regular article in the newsletter which should provide some more adult faith formation. Her ministry here is growing daily, and Day in the Life of a Jester there will be more items added to her list as the year goes along. In October Sister began her Friday afternoon series on prayer. People come from a number of parishes, some even from the Diocese of Orange! Some of our faculty members also attend. If you would like information about the post-Christmas classes, please contact the school. There is no charge! Please feel free to contact Sr. Karen (562-9255073, ext. 113 – with any or your faith questions and take advantage of what is available to adults here at SJHS. If you wish to be put on the list for e-mailing to families, give her your e-mail address. We look forward to being of service to the larger Saint Joseph High School family. SAINT JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL 3 Junior Ring Ceremony What Goes Around On Friday, October 5th the Junior Class celebrated their ring ceremony. Their rings were blessed and juniors officially celebrated the beginning of their junior year. Meet members of the Junior Class Board: Lauren Parker, Jessica Reiner, Jacqueline Braceros, Jamie Hermosura (kneeling), Lindsay Pallares, Gabby Cantos, Victoria Casas (class president), Nicole Marabe, Macy Kiefer, Karla Pallwitz (class moderator), and Alexis Baello. Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre Programs will present “What Goes Around” to the entire SJHS student body on Wednesday and Thursday, November 28th and 29th. This important one-hour program will focus on sexually transmitted diseases, how they are transmitted, consequences of risky behavior and the importance of abstinence as the most effective means of avoiding an STD. “What Goes Around” is a program shown at public as well private schools throughout the nation. Needless to say AIDS, HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases are at a pandemic level, especially among youth. This program, like no other, places emphasis on health and well-being but does not address certain teachings of the church. Therefore the day following the live presentation, all religion classes will meet with a panel of educators from SJHS who will address issues surfaced in the presentation with respect to the church’s teaching. All SJHS students are required to have a signed parent permission form to view this program. If you have any questions about the program, feel free to call Mrs. Karen Barnes at (562) 925-5073, ext 181. C H A L L E N G I N G T H E M I N D , C U L T I VAT I N G T H E S P I R I T Y Y Oktoberfest & Family Fun Festival Y Halloween Y All Saints Day 4 Jester Folklorico & Mariarchi—Las Reinas! It seemed as though the month of October and beginning of November were days filled with mixtures of entertainment, fun, and the celebration of the lives of those closest to us. The SJHS Oktoberfest and Family Fun Festival brought together parents, faculty and students and their friends in support of the school. Rides, entertainment, a wide variety of foods—not the least of which was a dinner prepared by the faculty—and lots of gaming booths dotted the campus and magically filling every nook and cranny of the field and Flynn Center. October also meant Jesters playing and dancing at the Office Depot Center for Chivas USA — all under the direction of our faculty moderator, Carlos Osorio. On Halloween the Homecoming Rally brought Bosco Boys to campus, and the recognition of SJHS Golf Team as first ever league champions. Appropriately garbed, and singing to the music of “Ghost Busters,” the SJHS Academic Advisors put on quite a show at this year’s Homecoming Rally. And that was only the beginning—a Halloween costume contest followed and a variety of games to test the willing, hardy and able. But no one will ever forget those whacky and entertaining GRADE BOOSTERS….SJHS’s own academic advisors, shooting away at those culprits that rob students of great grades, and dancing to the strains of: Mariachi las Princesas de San Jose and the folklorico group Flor de San Jose held a fundraising evening at the Home Depot Center to benefit both Jester clubs. Princesas San Jose and Flor de San Jose played and danced for the soccer crowd during the major league soccer game between Los Angeles’ own Chivas USA as they played the Houston Dynamo on October 20th. Under the moderatorship of faculty member Carlos Osorio, both groups have gone from small clubs on campus to highly recognized professional troupes. On December 12, beginning at 6:00 pm for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, both the folklorico and mariachi groups will host a celebration on campus with a Mass, dinner and evening of music and dance. Typical music and dances from various parts of Mexico will be performed. All are welcome to this event! Bienvenidos! Y 5 YY When there’s something strange with your academics Who ya’ gonna call? Grade Boosters! If you’re way below a 4.0 Who ya’ gonna call? Grade Boosters! I ain’t afraid of a test— I ain’t getting an F, You got a schedule change you must arrange Who can ya’ call? Grade Boosters! If ya wanna sound like you’re college bound Who ya’ gonna call? Grade Boosters! SAINT JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL C H A L L E N G I N G T H E M I N D , C U L T I VAT I N G T H E S P I R I T Y Y Oktoberfest & Family Fun Festival Y Halloween Y All Saints Day 4 Jester Folklorico & Mariarchi—Las Reinas! It seemed as though the month of October and beginning of November were days filled with mixtures of entertainment, fun, and the celebration of the lives of those closest to us. The SJHS Oktoberfest and Family Fun Festival brought together parents, faculty and students and their friends in support of the school. Rides, entertainment, a wide variety of foods—not the least of which was a dinner prepared by the faculty—and lots of gaming booths dotted the campus and magically filling every nook and cranny of the field and Flynn Center. October also meant Jesters playing and dancing at the Office Depot Center for Chivas USA — all under the direction of our faculty moderator, Carlos Osorio. On Halloween the Homecoming Rally brought Bosco Boys to campus, and the recognition of SJHS Golf Team as first ever league champions. Appropriately garbed, and singing to the music of “Ghost Busters,” the SJHS Academic Advisors put on quite a show at this year’s Homecoming Rally. And that was only the beginning—a Halloween costume contest followed and a variety of games to test the willing, hardy and able. But no one will ever forget those whacky and entertaining GRADE BOOSTERS….SJHS’s own academic advisors, shooting away at those culprits that rob students of great grades, and dancing to the strains of: Mariachi las Princesas de San Jose and the folklorico group Flor de San Jose held a fundraising evening at the Home Depot Center to benefit both Jester clubs. Princesas San Jose and Flor de San Jose played and danced for the soccer crowd during the major league soccer game between Los Angeles’ own Chivas USA as they played the Houston Dynamo on October 20th. Under the moderatorship of faculty member Carlos Osorio, both groups have gone from small clubs on campus to highly recognized professional troupes. On December 12, beginning at 6:00 pm for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, both the folklorico and mariachi groups will host a celebration on campus with a Mass, dinner and evening of music and dance. Typical music and dances from various parts of Mexico will be performed. All are welcome to this event! Bienvenidos! Y 5 YY When there’s something strange with your academics Who ya’ gonna call? Grade Boosters! If you’re way below a 4.0 Who ya’ gonna call? Grade Boosters! I ain’t afraid of a test— I ain’t getting an F, You got a schedule change you must arrange Who can ya’ call? Grade Boosters! If ya wanna sound like you’re college bound Who ya’ gonna call? Grade Boosters! SAINT JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL C H A L L E N G I N G T H E M I N D , C U L T I VAT I N G T H E S P I R I T At a recent Mayfair High School Volleyball Tournament Saint Joseph High School Jesters (and sisters) Justyn and Jianna Bonomi received All Tournament honors and team Co-Captain Christine Edwards was named Most Valuable Player. Congratulations, Jianna, Justyn and Christine! SENIOR CALENDAR December 2 5-7 Mother/Daughter Brunch Kairos XVI Retreat Financial Aid Applications distributed Order Graduation announcements January 14 Financial Aid Night for Parents Kairos XVII Parent Meeting 16-18Semester Final Exams 24 Senior Panoramic photo 28 Powder Puff Coaches (Parent Meeting) JESTER VARSITY GOLF CHAMPIONS Setting their Own Par 6 For the first time ever the Jester Golf team has secured a league championship. Congratulations are due to the team and their coaches for all their hard work this past season. With lots of hard work, practice and talent, they did very well this season. Golf Varsity members include: Julie Ann Aguinaldo, Grace Gail Cara, Zahra De Los Santos, Kristin Grimes, Jona Lao, Courtney Ortiz, Lauren Poissant and Christina Rosenbloom. JV Golf team members worked hard this season as well. Their members include: Francesca Baldi, Briana Castenada, Jessica Coria, Carina Gonzalez, Ashley Kubachka, Barbara Moore, Lianne Nelson, Jessica Ohde and Mallory Romero. JESTER VOLLEYBALL Setting Up for Victory As this newsletter goes to print the Jester Volleyball varsity is close to having one of their best seasons in recent memory. Updates Class Acts Mayfair Tournament Honors Received Let Us Know! Seeing Life from a Different Perspective During an early fall visit to the Los Angeles area for her brother’s wedding, Josephine Alonzo, ‘90, told her friends at SJHS that she would soon be returning to Spain. She also told of her many experiences as a teacher in her own English School in Leon, in the province of Leon, Spain. Josephine attended Cal State Fullerton after she graduated from SJHS. She earned a BA with a double major in Spanish and Criminal Justice, graduated with honors and was a president’s scholar. She also had the opportunity to study in Salamanca, Spain for a year. Josephine also earned an MS in education with emphasis on teaching English to speakers of other languages and she taught 4th and 5th grade in the Downey Unified School District for one year. In 1997 Josephine moved to Spain. Since her parents were originally from Spain and she had traveled there during summers, it was not a difficult transition. At first she thought it was like living between two worlds, but she decided to give it a try and the “try” has lasted ten years. For three or four years Josephine worked with the Spanish Air Force and Army teaching English to non-commissioned officers. The class is part of a two-year program for those who wish to become sergeants. They must achieve fluency to graduate and gain the rank. Josephine sees Juan Carlos I, the King, and Queen Sofia each year and they know her by name. The King, during his visits, has stayed in her classroom. In 2001 Josephine opened her own English academy. With 400 at the base in the armed forces, about 20-30 attend her language academy. Her academy is decorated in an American style. She teaches classes privately in her academy and she has three to four teachers who help out as needed. Whenever possible she usually works with American teachers. “Living in a foreign country can open up a whole new horizon and perspective on life,” says Josephine. “It helps as one becomes a well-cultured person to see life from a different perspective.” Josephine is also very proud that her interest in Spanish culture has continued at SJHS. Her niece Jeanette Alonzo, 11th grade at SJHS, has visited Josephine every summer since she was born. A Proud Dad Writes to SJHS Tom Jerou, father of Gabrielle Jerou, ’92, writes to all of us letting us know how Team Co-captains: Natalie Girard and Christine Edwards have provided the student leadership needed to keep the team working together cohesively and successfully. SAINT JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL proud he and his family are of Gabrielle. Gabrielle graduated from USC with a degree in creative writing (not film making) and has been working hard in film making. On November 21st this year, Thanksgiving week, she will have her first screen credit for a major US movie release with “August Rush,” a Warner Brothers picture and she is the associate producer. “August Rush” will appear in 2400 theatres nationwide and, from the clips released thus far, it looks like a hit. Dad Tom Jerou says that the Associate Producer, in this case Gaby, has been involved with the original story, the hiring of writers, actors and production personnel, managing the filming in New York City, and in post production work: editing, music co- ordination, studio liaison and much more. Gaby will also receive credit on the Sony album for the movie. Her proud father adds, “She worked her way up without any movie industry inside help or family influence. The movie is a musical fantasy with 30 original songs by John Legend and others.” It stars Freddie Highmore, Keri Russell, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Robin Williams, Terrence Howard, Jamia Simone Nash, William Sadler and Leon G. Thomas III. “Our family is very proud of her accomplishments and as a human being.” The movie is rated PG and is quite unique when compared to most recent releases. It is a family film. The preview for the film is in theatres now and in selected advertising. To see a clip or learn more about the film, go to In our last issue we asked our alumnae to write and brag about anything important in their lives— either their accomplishments, their spouse’s or their children. We received a great response. Here are a few and more will follow in our next issue. Be sure to let us know what’s happening in your life. More Great news! Judi Hemingway Robinson, ’69, writes to say that after graduating from SJHS she received her AA degree in Business Management from Cerritos College in Norwalk. She says she has “three beautiful grandchildren” Samantha, 15 and Sean, 5 who live in Washington. Also she has Zane, 6 months old, who lives in Long Beach. Diane Moshenrose, ’72, lives in Downey. She graduated from CSULA after leaving SJHS. She received her BA in psychology and then earned a MA in special education and has been a teacher of the visually impaired for the last 30 years. And now she enjoys her nieces and nephews and their children. She also feels that accomplishments at mid-life seem different from jobs and education. She says her accomplishment has been to finally learn that “I can’t control life.” And she has learned to rely on God through prayer. Linneberger Beyl, ’75, received her B.S. degree from Cal State Long Beach. At present she is the director of the Hands On Program, at the Volunteer Center of Orange County. Her husband Thomas is the director of Global Travel Services at Fluor Corporation. They have two grown daughters and “four beautiful grandchildren.” Cynthia serves on the Board of Directors of St. John Bosco High School and Stop-Gap. In addition Cynthia has a private philanthropy consulting practice. Cynthia C H A L L E N G I N G T H E M I N D , C U L T I VAT I N G T H E S P I R I T 7 At a recent Mayfair High School Volleyball Tournament Saint Joseph High School Jesters (and sisters) Justyn and Jianna Bonomi received All Tournament honors and team Co-Captain Christine Edwards was named Most Valuable Player. Congratulations, Jianna, Justyn and Christine! SENIOR CALENDAR December 2 5-7 Mother/Daughter Brunch Kairos XVI Retreat Financial Aid Applications distributed Order Graduation announcements January 14 Financial Aid Night for Parents Kairos XVII Parent Meeting 16-18Semester Final Exams 24 Senior Panoramic photo 28 Powder Puff Coaches (Parent Meeting) JESTER VARSITY GOLF CHAMPIONS Setting their Own Par 6 For the first time ever the Jester Golf team has secured a league championship. Congratulations are due to the team and their coaches for all their hard work this past season. With lots of hard work, practice and talent, they did very well this season. Golf Varsity members include: Julie Ann Aguinaldo, Grace Gail Cara, Zahra De Los Santos, Kristin Grimes, Jona Lao, Courtney Ortiz, Lauren Poissant and Christina Rosenbloom. JV Golf team members worked hard this season as well. Their members include: Francesca Baldi, Briana Castenada, Jessica Coria, Carina Gonzalez, Ashley Kubachka, Barbara Moore, Lianne Nelson, Jessica Ohde and Mallory Romero. JESTER VOLLEYBALL Setting Up for Victory As this newsletter goes to print the Jester Volleyball varsity is close to having one of their best seasons in recent memory. Updates Class Acts Mayfair Tournament Honors Received Let Us Know! Seeing Life from a Different Perspective During an early fall visit to the Los Angeles area for her brother’s wedding, Josephine Alonzo, ‘90, told her friends at SJHS that she would soon be returning to Spain. She also told of her many experiences as a teacher in her own English School in Leon, in the province of Leon, Spain. Josephine attended Cal State Fullerton after she graduated from SJHS. She earned a BA with a double major in Spanish and Criminal Justice, graduated with honors and was a president’s scholar. She also had the opportunity to study in Salamanca, Spain for a year. Josephine also earned an MS in education with emphasis on teaching English to speakers of other languages and she taught 4th and 5th grade in the Downey Unified School District for one year. In 1997 Josephine moved to Spain. Since her parents were originally from Spain and she had traveled there during summers, it was not a difficult transition. At first she thought it was like living between two worlds, but she decided to give it a try and the “try” has lasted ten years. For three or four years Josephine worked with the Spanish Air Force and Army teaching English to non-commissioned officers. The class is part of a two-year program for those who wish to become sergeants. They must achieve fluency to graduate and gain the rank. Josephine sees Juan Carlos I, the King, and Queen Sofia each year and they know her by name. The King, during his visits, has stayed in her classroom. In 2001 Josephine opened her own English academy. With 400 at the base in the armed forces, about 20-30 attend her language academy. Her academy is decorated in an American style. She teaches classes privately in her academy and she has three to four teachers who help out as needed. Whenever possible she usually works with American teachers. “Living in a foreign country can open up a whole new horizon and perspective on life,” says Josephine. “It helps as one becomes a well-cultured person to see life from a different perspective.” Josephine is also very proud that her interest in Spanish culture has continued at SJHS. Her niece Jeanette Alonzo, 11th grade at SJHS, has visited Josephine every summer since she was born. A Proud Dad Writes to SJHS Tom Jerou, father of Gabrielle Jerou, ’92, writes to all of us letting us know how Team Co-captains: Natalie Girard and Christine Edwards have provided the student leadership needed to keep the team working together cohesively and successfully. SAINT JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL proud he and his family are of Gabrielle. Gabrielle graduated from USC with a degree in creative writing (not film making) and has been working hard in film making. On November 21st this year, Thanksgiving week, she will have her first screen credit for a major US movie release with “August Rush,” a Warner Brothers picture and she is the associate producer. “August Rush” will appear in 2400 theatres nationwide and, from the clips released thus far, it looks like a hit. Dad Tom Jerou says that the Associate Producer, in this case Gaby, has been involved with the original story, the hiring of writers, actors and production personnel, managing the filming in New York City, and in post production work: editing, music co- ordination, studio liaison and much more. Gaby will also receive credit on the Sony album for the movie. Her proud father adds, “She worked her way up without any movie industry inside help or family influence. The movie is a musical fantasy with 30 original songs by John Legend and others.” It stars Freddie Highmore, Keri Russell, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Robin Williams, Terrence Howard, Jamia Simone Nash, William Sadler and Leon G. Thomas III. “Our family is very proud of her accomplishments and as a human being.” The movie is rated PG and is quite unique when compared to most recent releases. It is a family film. The preview for the film is in theatres now and in selected advertising. To see a clip or learn more about the film, go to In our last issue we asked our alumnae to write and brag about anything important in their lives— either their accomplishments, their spouse’s or their children. We received a great response. Here are a few and more will follow in our next issue. Be sure to let us know what’s happening in your life. More Great news! Judi Hemingway Robinson, ’69, writes to say that after graduating from SJHS she received her AA degree in Business Management from Cerritos College in Norwalk. She says she has “three beautiful grandchildren” Samantha, 15 and Sean, 5 who live in Washington. Also she has Zane, 6 months old, who lives in Long Beach. Diane Moshenrose, ’72, lives in Downey. She graduated from CSULA after leaving SJHS. She received her BA in psychology and then earned a MA in special education and has been a teacher of the visually impaired for the last 30 years. And now she enjoys her nieces and nephews and their children. She also feels that accomplishments at mid-life seem different from jobs and education. She says her accomplishment has been to finally learn that “I can’t control life.” And she has learned to rely on God through prayer. Linneberger Beyl, ’75, received her B.S. degree from Cal State Long Beach. At present she is the director of the Hands On Program, at the Volunteer Center of Orange County. Her husband Thomas is the director of Global Travel Services at Fluor Corporation. They have two grown daughters and “four beautiful grandchildren.” Cynthia serves on the Board of Directors of St. John Bosco High School and Stop-Gap. In addition Cynthia has a private philanthropy consulting practice. Cynthia C H A L L E N G I N G T H E M I N D , C U L T I VAT I N G T H E S P I R I T 7 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 60039 Long Beach, CA SJHS has yearbooks available from past years. If you would like a yearbook please contact Karen Kravitz-Castillo at 562-925-5072, ext. 125. ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Dear Parents/Guardians and Friends of SJHS, Important Dates to Remember In This Issue 2 Mother/Daughter Brunch Progress Reports due 5 5-7 Kairos XVI 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration 13 Advent Liturgy 14 Faculty/Staff Christmas celebration 14-15 Choir Concert 17-18 Dance Performance 19 See schedule, 1pm dismissal 20 Christmas break begins School resumes 1/7 • DECEMBER News 5825 North Woodruff Avenue Lakewood, CA 90713 Tel (562) 925-5073 Fax (562) 925-3315 Attention Alumni JANuary Fall/Winter 2007 Volume 43, Number 3 7 School resumes from Christmas break Faculty Meeting 8 10 Winter Sports Rally 11 Incoming 9th Grade Applications due 14 College Financial Aid Night 16-18 SEMESTER EXAMS 21 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day No school in session 22 1st Semester Grades due 2nd Semester begins 24 Senior Panoramic picture 25 Sophomore Lock-in 26 High School Placement Test 28-2/1Catholic Schools Week 28-30 Incoming Frosh Interviews 31 Catholic Schools Week Liturgy 2 Honors Received 3 Junior Rings Student Inservice 4-5 Things Spooky & Saintly 6 Jesters Sports 7 Alumnae Class Acts 8 In Closing Special thanks to Rick Poccaro at Rent-A-Tux for supplying all the tuxedos for the Mother Daughter Brunch. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE Please keep these members of the SJHS family and their loved ones in your prayers. A Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated in the school chapel for each of the following members of the SJHS school family. We remember: Bob Evans, pressman at OPM, the design and printing company that assists SJHS Maria Gonzales, mother of Carmen Gonzales Flores, ’76 and grandmother of Alinna Flores, ’07 Charles Moening, father of Sarah Moening, ’79 and Shannon Moening, ’79 (deceased) Shannon Moening, class of 1982, sister of Sarah Moening, ‘79 Published six times a year for the students, parents, alumnae, and friends of Saint Joseph High School. Photography: Sister Nancy Munro, CSJ Mary Muszynski, grandmother of Writing/Editor: Sister Nancy Munro, CSJ Helen Tatum, grandmother of Ronnie Layout, Design, and Illustration: OPM Design Group, Burbank Merissa, ’06 and Clarissa Muszynski, ’11 Ebner, ’11 It is hard to believe Classic League (Latin), how quickly this year is Spanish Honor Society and passing us by! National Honor Society I hope all of you had have all had their induction a Thanksgiving filled with ceremonies. So many activcountless blessings, and ities in these parts! What a that you were able to stop wonderful school we are… the rapidly passing days academically sound, socialof this school year to slow ly engaged, and spiritually down and enjoy family and alive! Thank you, for giving friends. us this opportunity to be As quickly as time a part of it all by sending passes, activities continue to your daughter to SJHS. crowd our calendar. At Thanksgiving and You have been won- Professor Dumbledore, alias Dr. Mendoza (center), is at Christmas, as I always do, derful supporters of each surrounded by Professor McGonagall and Snape. I especially thank Almighty activity. Seeing all of you at God for each of you. It is Back to School Night, at the fall plays and sports games because of you that we have such a wonderful school. It was great. Although your daughters may pretend not to is also through your prayers that we have been able to notice your presence, I can affirm that they are pleased maintain the quality Catholic education in the CSJ trato see you at their events. So, please keep coming! dition that we offer. Please know, too, that the Sisters of I would love to see more of you at our liturgies, St. Joseph of Carondelet in our local community always and at our assemblies. Just check the calendar, or call keep each of you and your families in their prayers. the office to find out the day and time of each event. The CSJs have given us a charism of unity, reconciliaWe had three moving events on campus, and if you tion and service to the dear neighbor. Let us take that were present you know what I am talking about. charism to heart this holiday season. November 1st, we remembered our deceased students En el Dia de Gracias y Navidad, como siempre and graduates, whom we consider our very own Saint suelo hacerlo, doy gracias a Dios por la presencia de Joseph saints. We also remembered deceased family cada unos de ustedes en mi vida. Es gracias a ustedes members and friends of Saint Joseph High School, que contamos con una escuela ejemplar. Por igual, graas well as the entire communion of saints of whom cias a sus oraciones hemos podido mantener un nivel we are all a part. Your deceased loved ones are also de alta calidad educativa basado en nuestros principios remembered at our daily morning masses. Thank you catolicos y el carisma y tradicion de la orden CSJ. Por for sending us their names. Our Thanksgiving liturgy, favor sepan, tambien, que las Hermanas de San Jose too, reminded us that the “dear neighbor” is very close, de Carondelet y nuestra comunidad local siempre los and we should do what we can, not just at the holidays, tienen en sus oraciones a cada uno de ustedes y sus but throughout the year to make their lives just a little familias. Las Hermanas de San Jose de Carondelet bit nicer. Finally, our Veterans’ Day prayer service was a nos han dado su carisma de unidad, reconciliacion y terrific tribute to our service men and women, our fire servicio a nuestro projimo. Tomemos este carisma y and police who risk their lives daily for us so that we vivamoslo en nuestros corazones durante este tiempo can live in freedom, and walk safely on our streets. de fiestas. Our winter sports have begun, preparations for our Sincerely, Christmas concert, and Kairos XVI retreat for another group of seniors, and Virgen de Guadalupe celebration have been made, and our honor societies—Junior Dr. Mendoza Helen Ulwelling, mother of Erin Ulwelling Chapman, ’77 5825 North Woodruff Avenue • Lakewood, CA 90713 • Tel (562) 925-5073 • Fax (562) 925-3315 •