The 12th Annual DEUTSCHE GRI 2016 D eutsche und inter nationale Entscheider im deutschen I mmobilienmar kt Connec ting G er man & Global R eal Estate Leaders FRANKFURT • 9 - 10 MAY T H E W E S T I N G R A N D 1 TIPPS TIPS HIER EINIGE TIPPS DIE HELFEN, DAS MEISTE AUS GRI TREFFEN ZU MACHEN… HERE ARE A FEW TIPS THAT MAY BE HELPFUL IN GETTING THE MOST OUT OF THE GRI... GRI Diskussionen sind keine Panels! Sie sind vergleichbar einem Gespräch unter Freunden im eigenen Wohnzimmer. GRI discussions are not panels. They are like after-dinner conversations in one’s own living room with good friends, under the guidance of a moderating Chair. Jeder kann an der Diskussion teilnehmen, egal ob Co-Chairs oder als Teilnehmer. Chair und Co-Chairs sitzen über den Raum verteilt, stoßen die Diskussion an und beziehen alle Teilnehmer mit ein. Geben Sie anderen die Gelegenheit Sie kennenzulernen. Bringen Sie sich aktiv ein, d.h. so aktiv wie Sie können und möchten. Auf diese Weise ermöglichen Sie es sich und anderen den richtigen Kontakt zu knüpfen. Die Chairs addressieren Fragen gezielt an einzelne Teilnehmer um das Gespräch anzuregen.. Unabhängig davon können Sie kommentieren, hinterfragen und sich einzumischen, wann immer Ihnen dies wichtig ist. Finden Sie sich rechtzeitig in der Diskussionsrunde Ihrer Wahl ein. Die Runden starten prompt, egal wie viele Teilnehmer dann im Raum sind und füllen sich zumeist zügig nach Beginn auf. Sprechen Sie laut und deutlich, damit alle Sie hören können. Erinnern Sie gegebenenfalls andere, falls diese schwer zu verstehen sind. Versuchen Sie, die Diskussion nicht zu vereinnahmen und Ihre Beitrage pointiert zu halten. Chairs sind dazu angehalten, längere Beitrage zu unterbinden. Das GRI Format ist geschaffen worden, damit Sie sich aktiv austauschen und einbringen können, in entspannter und spontaner Atmosphäre. Wir freuen uns uber jeden Ihrer Hinweise, wie wir dies noch besser fördern können. 2 Everyone participates equally, not just the Discussion Chair & Co-Chairs. The job of the moderating Chair is to make everybody talk and engage. Discussion Co-Chairs sit scattered about the room and participate no more and no less than anyone else in the room. If connecting with new partners is useful, we encourage you to ENGAGE as vocally and actively as you might enjoy. This will enable others to get to know you and vice versa. The Moderating Chair will address questions directly to participants by name or by gesturing towards them, not just to anyone in the room at large, as that is usually greeted with pregnant silence. Even so, you are encouraged to comment, question, dissent or otherwise interject. As no one will prompt you, please join the discussion room of your choice in good time. Rooms tend to fill up after a discussion starts and you need not be concerned by a near empty room. This will quickly change. Some participants speak so softly as to be unheard by most. Speak up and remind others to do so if you can’t hear them. Avoid monopolizing conversation, self-promotion or commercial pitches, as the Moderating Chair has been urged to cut them off. The GRI format was designed to enable senior industry leaders to share, learn and make friends in as natural, spontaneous and collegial a setting as possible. We welcome your suggestions as to how we can do better. MEDIENPRÄSENZ MEDIA PRESENCE Anwesende Journalisten haben die “Chatham House Rules” hinsichtlich der Vertraulichkeit von Informationen unterzeichnet. Darunter ist zu verstehen, das jedwedes Zitieren nur mit ausdrücklicher Zustimmung der zitierten Person erfolgen darf. Darüberhinaus werden gegebenenfalls Zusammenfassungen der Diskussionen angefertigt und unter den Teilnehmern verteilt. While journalists may sometimes take notes during discussions, they only ever do so after signing a “Chatham House” confidentiality agreement under which they commit not to quote for attribution to a person or to a company, except with specific consent from the respective parties. In addition, students or other reporters may summarize most of the discussions and take notes that are subsequently distributed to all participants. WILLKOMMEN WELCOME Geballte Entscheidungskompetenz in vertrauter Atmosphäre Seniority of a boardroom, intimacy of your living room Zuwanderung und Brexit Debatte, setzt Deutschland Germany is going through an interesting time with im einen Interessanten Zeitraum. Noch stellt sich mass migration and Brexit looming. What this means fest was dies für die Immobilien brache heißt. Sei for the real estate industry remains to be seen, is it a dies eine kurzfristige Zunahme zum langfristigen case of short term gains leading to long term Problem? Oder eine Gelegenheit. problems? Or is it a time of great opportunity? Bei GRI Veranstaltungen besprechen wir diese und At GRI meetings we discuss these and other andere Entwicklungen des Marktes und die sich developments in the market and the resulting daraus ergebenden Möglichkeiten gemeinsam in opportunities with each other in a relaxed entspannter Atmosphäre. Wir freuen uns, Sie dabei atmosphere. We look forward to having you with us zu haben und wünschen eine spannende Deutsche and wish you an interesting and informative GRI 2016. Deutsche GRI 2016. Christoph Sauerwein Programme Director Global Real Estate Institute Henri Alster Chairman Global Real Estate Institute 3 MONTAG | MONDAY • 9. Mai THE WESTIN GR AND F R A N K F U R T ROM Room Time 13:00 - 14:30 I BALLSAAL II MÜNCHEN I II PARIS ATHEN III BERLIN ATHEN BALLSAAL II BALLSAAL I ANMELDUNG • CHECK IN DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN • DISCUSSIONS 14:30 - 15:45 WERTSCHÖPFUNGSSTRATEGIEN Wie lassen sich Wachstum und Einkommen kombinieren? DEUTSCHE IMMOBILIENPREISE Noch kein Höhepunkt aber wo sind unterbewertete Potenziale? BÜRONEUBAU Echte Nachfrage oder investmentgetriebene Überkapazitäten? VALUE CREATION STRATEGIES How can growth and income be combined? GERMAN REAL ESTATE PRICING Not the peak but where to find value? NEW OFFICE DEVELOPMENTS Strong tenant demand or cash driven excess capacities? Gregor Drexler Gerhard Meitinger Assem El Alami Klaus Franken Dirk Hasselbring Johannes Haug Andreas Hardt Ralf Klann Frank Billand Daniel Werth Roland Schmidt Michael Schwöbel Alexander Usselmann 15:45 - 16:30 Niclas Karoff Nico Keller Oliver Priggemeyer Rainer Thaler Immo von Homeyer Michael Cremer ZEIT ZUM NETZWERKEN • NETWORKING BREAK DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN • DISCUSSIONS 16:30 - 17:45 CARE FACILITIES AND HEALTHCARE Supply demand mismatch but too volatile to be mainstream? JVS / CLUB DEALS Do off-market deals promise better returns or more control? DEUTSCHE WOHNIMMOBILIEN Preisbeschleunigung dank Migration und Internationalisierung? ALTERS- UND GESUNDHEITSIMMOBILIEN Nachfragelücke ja aber zu volatil für institutionelle Investoren? JVS / CLUB DEALS Versprechen von besserer Rendite oder mehr Kontrolle? GERMAN RESIDENTIAL Bonanza thanks to migration and internationalisation? Stefan Klingsöhr Jan Krizan Marcus Buder Marc-Philipp Martins Kuenzel Christian Molter Dirk Brückner Tim Brückner Robert Cervinka Frédéric de Klopstein Mark Ennis Peter Brock Marcus Eilers Daniel Frey Ulrich Graebner Xavier Denis 17:45 - 18:30 Marc Drießen Erik Marienfeldt Anton Schöpkens Markus Wehnelt ZEIT ZUM NETZWERKEN • NETWORKING DRINKS DINNER IM ROOMERS GARDEN RESTAURANT Das Networking Dinner ist nur für registrierte Dinnergäste. Bitte bringen Sie Ihre Einladung mit. 18:30 The Networking Dinner is for registered dinner guests only. Please bring your invitation that you received at the registration desk to dinner. ROOMERS GARDEN RESTAURANT Gutleutstraße 85, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany 4 Gustav Kirschner Stefan Korthals Morten Olesen Thomas von Münster NOT FINAL at time of press. Please check handout update. NICHT ENDGÜLTIG bei Drucklegung. Bitte beachten Sie etwaige Aktualisierungen per Handzettel. MONDAY • 9 May TUESDAY • 10 May 13:00 - 14:30 Check-In 08:00 - 09:00 Check In 14:30 - 17:45 Discussions 09:00 - 10:00 Keynote 17:45 - 18:45 Networking Drinks 10:30 - 13:15 Discussions 18:30 - 18:45 Coaches to Dinner Venue (Roomers Restaurant) 13:15 - 14:30 Lunch 19:00 - 20:00 Drinks Reception 14:30 - 15:30 Discussions 15:30 - 16:30 Closing Drinks 20:00 - 22:00 Networking Dinner BERLIN BALLSAAL III HANDELSMETAMORPHOSE Bringen Diversifikation, moderne Konzepte und das Zusammenwachsen neue Investitionsmöglichkeiten? RETAIL METAMORPHOSIS Does diversification and fresh concepts offer more investment opportunities? MÜNCHEN I + II GERMAN LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Right product, right time? GERMAN LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Richtiges Produkt zur richtigen Zeit? Susanne Klaußner Ralf Niggemann Hendrik Staiger Kersten Oschmann Marc Balkenhol Karl Reinitzhuber Danilo Hunker Ian Watson Peter Bartholomäus Henning Zimmermann Alyssa Huse Karsten Burbach DISTRESSED BUYING AND SELLING What recovery solutions for owner, investor and lenders? SONDERSITUATIONEN Welche Lösungen für Investoren, Bestandshalter und Finanzierer? LOGISTICS INVESTMENT Lack of space, technology and e-commerce: should investors bother? INTEREST RATE NORMALISATION Is bank lending prudent enough to prevent a property bubble? LOGISTIK INVESTMENT Flächenknappheit, Technologie und E-commerce: sollten Investoren vorsichtig sein? ZINSNORMALISIERUNG Ist Bankfinanzierung besonnen genug um überhitzung zu vermeiden? Thomas Wiegand Karsten Kohlmann Thomas Karmann Maya Miteva Michael Piontek Chanan Aharonoff Volker Muench Hugh Fraser Thomas Brand Gunnar Rüffer Wilhelm Hammel Paul Parker Alfred Garbe Rochus Ebert Simone Schmidt Raimund Frühmorgen Frank Steffen José Holgado 5 DIENSTAG | TUESDAY • 10. Mai Room Time 8:00 - 9:00 9:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:30 ATHEN MÜNCHEN I BERLIN ANMELDUNG • CHECK IN KEYNOTE: LEBEN UND ARBEITEN IN DER KREISLAUFWIRTSCHAFT. WIE ZUKUNFTSFÄHIG SIND WIR? ZEIT ZUM NETZWERKEN • NETWORKING BREAK DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN • DISCUSSIONS 10:30 - 11:30 HOTEL INVESTMENTS Do Multi-Purpose developments satisfy operators and investors? CORE INVESTMENTS For german investors too expensive, for foreign buyers a treat? MIGRATION & DEMOGRAPHICS Driving change, what impact for investors and asset managers? HOTEL INVESTMENTS Sind Multi-Purpose Projekte passend fuer Betreiber und Investoren? CORE-IMMOBILIEN Für deutsche Investoren zu teuer, für internationale Käufer ein Schnäppchen? MIGRATION & DEMOGRAFIE Treiber für Veränderung, welche Konsequenzen für Investoren und Asset Manager? Martin Bowen Philip Sauer Vivian Strosek Mahbod Nia Stefan Kirsten Mark Münzing Bernhard Laas Yannick Wagner Christian Bock Helge Pitz Carsten Brinkmann Dr. Andreas Schillhofer Steven Broch Uwe Rempis Stefan Gaudig Till Schmiedeknecht Annette Kröger Michel Vauclair Christian Mielke Matthias Schultz Stefan Lenze 11:30 - 12:15 ZEIT ZUM NETZWERKEN • NETWORKING BREAK DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN • DISCUSSIONS STUDENT AND MICRO APARTMENTS Justified excitement or exuberance? STUDENTEN UND MIKRO APARTMENTS Gerechtfertigter Hype oder Uebertreibung? 12:15 - 13:15 13:15 - 14:30 Felix Bauer Horst Lieder Sébastian Cavé Tim Mitchell Ben Lehrecke Sascha Wilhelm INVESTIEREN IN B UND C Welche Ausweichmärkte für renditegestresste Investoren? B AND C LOCATIONS Which markets are of interest to yield starved investors? Christoph Schöppner Markus Drews Hans-Peter Hähnlein Stefan Hoenen Birgit Lenzen Achim Matuszek J.-P. Schulz Dirk Schwindling Christian Zilly BEWERTUNG ALS FLUCH ODER SEGEN Inwieweit ist Objektivität erzielbar? VALUATION A BLESSING OR CURSE How much neutrality is obtainable? Frank Zabel Georg Jewgrafow Hans Hammer Klaus-Jürgen Sontowski Dieter Hildebrand MITTAGESSEN • LUNCH DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN • DISCUSSIONS RETAIL IN B CITIES Investing against the demographic trend? CORE+, MANAGED-TO-CORE, VALUE ADD Generating returns or just forced up the risk curve? BAUEN IM BESTAND Von der Notlösung zum Standard? EINZELHANDEL IN B LAGEN Investieren gegen den demografischen Trend? CORE+, MANAGED-TO-CORE, VALUE ADD Adequate Renditen oder nur mehr Risiko? REDEVELOPMENT Opportunistic or mainstream? Henrie Kötter Berthold Becker Stephan Fritsch Tobias Gollnest Björn Isenhöfer Tobias Huzarski Piotr Bienkowski Ruben Herrmann Kean Hird Ferdinand Spies Michael Peter Thomas Junkersfeld Timm Sassen Ralf-Jörg Kadenbach Stefan Schraut Thorsten Krauß Christoph Stadlhuber 14:30 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:30 6 Thomas Kuhlmann Ross MacDiarmid Martin Mörl Stuart Reid John Wilkinson Michael Windoffer VERABSCHIEDUNGSDRINKS • CLOSING DRINKS Frederic Königsegg Christoph Munte Bennett Pultuskier Patrick Reich Xavier Scheibli Joram Szerkowski Markus Wiedenmann NOT FINAL at time of press. Please check handout update. NICHT ENDGÜLTIG bei Drucklegung. Bitte beachten Sie etwaige Aktualisierungen per Handzettel. 9:00 - 10:00 BALLSAAL Leben und arbeiten in der Kreislaufwirtschaft. Wie zukunftsfähig sind wir? Lifestyle and leadership towards a circular economy. How future ready are we? KEYNOTE GEREON UERZ • Leader of Foresight and Innovation Europe • ARUP • Germany PARIS MÜNCHEN II ROM LIFESTYLE AND LEADERSHIP TOWARDS A CIRCULAR ECONOMY. HOW FUTURE READY ARE WE? SENIOR DEBT Lohnt sich die Finanzierung von Immobilien überhaupt noch? SENIOR DEBT How much fun is it to be a senior lender? Michael Ziegler Jan Peter Annecke Gero Bergmann Torsten Bickart Nicole Jürgensen Bernd Mayer Michael Morgenroth Fritz Müller Aren Wegner Peter Wendlinger | by Gereon Uerz SYNDIZIERUNG Wie kann die Nachfrage gestillt werden? NORMALISIERUNG IM BERLINER IMMOBILIENMARKT Oder doch nur zum Wohnen? LOAN SYNDICATION Can the demand be satisfied? NORMALISING IN BERLIN PROPERTY MARKET Or still just for resi? Anna Ginkel Wolfgang Hild Sascha Nöske Martin Hellweger Axel Brinkmann Renata Kornek Ulf Christiansen Jürgen Leibfried Martin Gimber Carsten Sellschopf Annekay Gröbbels-Janka PRIVATE EQUITY INVESTMENTS How wide is the gap between return promise and reality? FINANZIERUNGSMIX Neue Optionen im traditionellen Umfeld? PRIVATE EQUITY INVESTMENTS Wie breit ist die Lücke zwischen Renditeanspruch und Realität? FINANCING OPTIONS What’s worth exploring? Martin Knof Igor Bugarski Michael Abel Jenny Hammarlund Michael Siefert Philipp Braschel Karsten Lieser Stefan Walldorf Tim Breitenstein Ali Otmar Richard Wartenberg Raimund Frühmorgen Ulrike Broelsch Thomas Dries Friedrich Einhoff Oliver Hecht Carsten Quehl Jürgen Helm Bernd Knobloch Alexander Piur Alexander Saur MEZZANINE FÜR PROJEKTENTWICKLER Alternative oder Ergänzung zur klassischen Bankfinanzierung? MEZZANINE FOR DEVELOPERS Alternative or complement to bank financing? Matthias Hubert Dieter Koch Gisbert Beckers Andre Speth Milan Cvisic Andreas Wuermeling Maurice Douven 7 DISKUSSIONEN DISCUSSIONS 9. Mai • MONTAG WERTSCHÖPFUNGSSTRATEGIEN - Wie lassen sich Wachstum und Einkommen kombinieren? VALUE CREATION STRATEGIES - How can growth and income be combined? GREGOR DREXLER Managing Director CA IMMO DEUTSCHLAND Germany MICHAEL SCHWÖBEL Managing Director, Europe DREAM GLOBAL ADVISORS GERMANY Germany ROLAND SCHMIDT Managing Director FORTE CAPITAL DEUTSCHLAND Germany ALEXANDER USSELMANN Managing Director & Head of Transactions ACREST PROPERTY GROUP Germany 14:30 - 15:45 ATHEN DEUTSCHE IMMOBILIENPREISE - Noch kein Höhepunkt aber wo sind unterbewertete Potenziale? GERMAN REAL ESTATE PRICING - Not the peak but where to find value? GERHARD MEITINGER Head of Real Estate Finance Germany PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany NICLAS KAROFF Member of the Board TLG IMMOBILIEN Germany ASSEM EL ALAMI Head of Real Estate Finance BERLIN HYP Germany NICO KELLER Head of National Investment Team BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE Germany KLAUS FRANKEN CEO CATELLA PROJECT MANAGEMENT Germany OLIVER PRIGGEMEYER COO IVG IMMOBILIEN Germany DIRK HASSELBRING CEO HAMBURG TRUST REIM Germany RAINER THALER Managing Director, Investment & Asset Management INVESTA Germany JOHANNES HAUG SVP, Global Head of Acquisition & Disposition PEMBROKE REAL ESTATE UK IMMO VON HOMEYER Director Business Development ART-INVEST REAL ESTATE Germany RALF KLANN Head of Asset Management BILFINGER REAL ESTATE Germany FRANK BILLAND Member of the Management Board & CIO UNION INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE Germany DANIEL WERTH Managing Director MOMENI INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Germany MICHAEL CREMER CEO KRISTENSEN PROPERTIES GMBH Germany 8 Alle Materialien in dieser Broschüre können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern. Roland Schmidt Michael Schwöbel Alexander Usselmann 14:30 - 15:45 BALLSAAL I Gerhard Meitinger Assem El Alami Klaus Franken Dirk Hasselbring Johannes Haug Niclas Karoff Nico Keller Oliver Priggemeyer Rainer Thaler Immo von Homeyer BÜRONEUBAU - Echte Nachfrage oder investmentgetriebene Überkapazitäten? NEW OFFICE DEVELOPMENTS - Strong tenant demand or cash driven excess capacities? ANDREAS HARDT Head of Germany BLACKSTONE GERMANY Germany Gregor Drexler 14:30 - 15:45 BALLSAAL II Andreas Hardt Frank Billand Michael Cremer Ralf Klann Daniel Werth DISKUSSIONEN DISCUSSIONS MONTAG • 9. Mai HANDELSMETAMORPHOSE - Bringen Diversifikation, moderne Konzepte und das Zusammenwachsen neue Investitionsmöglichkeiten? RETAIL METAMORPHOSIS - Does diversification and fresh concepts offer more investment opportunities? SUSANNE KLAUßNER Chairman of the Board / CEO GRR GROUP Germany RALF NIGGEMANN Member of the Board DEVELOPMENT PARTNER Germany MARC BALKENHOL Executive Board Member / COO IC IMMOBILIEN HOLDING Germany KARL REINITZHUBER CEO UNIBAIL-RODAMCO GERMANY Germany PETER BARTHOLOMÄUS Director M&A ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT Germany HENNING ZIMMERMANN Vice President MEYER BERGMAN UK Susanne Klaußner 14:30 - 15:45 BALLSAAL III Marc Balkenhol Peter Bartholomäus Karsten Burbach Ralf Niggemann Karl Reinitzhuber Henning Zimmermann KARSTEN BURBACH Managing Director/ Asset Management Retail CORPUS SIREO ASSET MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL Germany GERMAN LIGHT INDUSTRIAL - Right product, right time? GERMAN LIGHT INDUSTRIAL - Richtiges Produkt zur richtigen Zeit? HENDRIK STAIGER Head of Acquisitions & Board Director BEOS AG Germany KERSTEN OSCHMANN Managing Director MI INVEST Germany DANILO HUNKER Head of Germany VALAD EUROPE Germany IAN WATSON Joint CEO, Founder, Director HANSTEEN UK ALYSSA HUSE Managing Director M7 REAL ESTATE GERMANY Germany 14:30 - 15:45 BERLIN Hendrik Staiger CARE FACILITIES AND HEALTHCARE - Supply demand mismatch but too volatile to be mainstream? ALTERS- UND GESUNDHEITSIMMOBILIEN - Nachfragelücke ja aber zu volatil für institutionelle Investoren? STEFAN KLINGSÖHR Managing Director KLINGSÖHR PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG Germany MARCUS BUDER Head of Commercial Real Estate Finance BERLINER SPARKASSE Germany XAVIER DENIS COO COFINIMMO Belgium Danilo Hunker Alyssa Huse Kersten Oschmann Ian Watson 16:30 - 17:45 ATHEN JAN KRIZAN Managing Director & Regional Head Germany NORTHWEST HEALTHCARE PROPERTIES REIT Germany MARC-PHILIPP MARTINS KUENZEL Executive Director CORPUS SIREO Luxembourg Stefan Klingsöhr Marcus Buder Xavier Denis Jan Krizan Marc-Philipp Martins Kuenzel All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. 9 DISKUSSIONEN DISCUSSIONS 9. Mai • MONTAG JVS / CLUB DEALS - Do off-market deals promise better returns or more control? JVS / CLUB DEALS - Versprechen von besserer Rendite oder mehr Kontrolle? CHRISTIAN MOLTER Managing Director ARMINIUS KAPITALGESELLSCHAFT Germany MARC DRIEßEN Managing Director HANSAINVEST Germany DIRK BRÜCKNER Partner GSK STOCKMANN + KOLLEGEN Germany ERIK MARIENFELDT Managing Director HIH REAL ESTATE Germany TIM BRÜCKNER Managing Director CORPUS SIREO Germany ANTON SCHÖPKENS CFO 6B47 GERMANY Germany ROBERT ČERVINKA Managing Director, European Real Estate Equity ARES MANAGEMENT UK MARKUS WEHNELT Director, Head of RE Finance Germany, Institutional & Private Equity Clients PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany FRÉDÉRIC DE KLOPSTEIN CIO KLÉPIERRE France 16:30 - 17:45 BALLSAAL I Christian Molter Dirk Brückner Tim Brückner Robert Červinka Frédéric de Klopstein Marc Drießen Erik Marienfeldt Anton Schöpkens Markus Wehnelt DEUTSCHE WOHNIMMOBILIEN - Preisbeschleunigung dank Migration und Internationalisierung? GERMAN RESIDENTIAL - Bonanza thanks to migration and internationalisation? MARK ENNIS Head of Acquisitions VONOVIA SE Germany GUSTAV KIRSCHNER Head of Real Estate Finance BAYERNLB Germany PETER BROCK Managing Director HEITMAN Germany STEFAN KORTHALS Managing Director CORPUS SIREO ASSET MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL Germany MARCUS EILERS Director Residential Asset Management ROUND HILL CAPITAL Germany DANIEL FREY CFO / Vice CEO IMMEO WOHNEN Germany ULRICH GRAEBNER Managing Director, Head of Advisory, Germany HOULIHAN LOKEY LEONARDO Germany MORTEN OLESEN Head of Real Estate Investment FFIRE IMMOBILIENVERWALTUNG AG Germany 16:30 - 17:45 BALLSAAL II Mark Ennis Peter Brock Marcus Eilers Daniel Frey Ulrich Graebner Gustav Kirschner Stefan Korthals Morten Olesen Thomas von Münster THOMAS VON MÜNSTER Manager STRATEGIS Germany DISTRESSED BUYING AND SELLING - What recovery solutions for owner, investor and lenders? SONDERSITUATIONEN - Welche Lösungen für Investoren, Bestandshalter und Finanzierer? THOMAS WIEGAND Managing Director CERBERUS Germany KARSTEN KOHLMANN Managing Partner WATERWAY INVESTMENTS Germany CHANAN AHARONOFF Invetment Manager ESTAMA UK VOLKER MUENCH Head of CRE Iberia, France, Italy & Eastern Europe FMS WERTMANAGEMENT Germany WILHELM HAMMEL Head of NPL Advisory LNR PARTNERS EUROPE Germany PAUL PARKER Managing Director Real Estate, Europe & Asia LANDMARK PARTNERS UK Thomas Wiegand 16:30 - 17:45 BALLSAAL III Chanan Aharonoff Wilhelm Hammel José Holgado Karsten Kohlmann Volker Muench Paul Parker JOSÉ HOLGADO Managing Director FMS WERTMANAGEMENT Germany 10 Alle Materialien in dieser Broschüre können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern. DISKUSSIONEN DISCUSSIONS MONTAG • 9. Mai LOGISTICS INVESTMENT - Lack of space, technology and e-commerce: should investors bother? LOGISTIK INVESTMENT - Flächenknappheit, Technologie und E-commerce: sollten Investoren vorsichtig sein? 16:30 - 17:45 BERLIN THOMAS KARMANN MD - Regional Director Northen Europe PROLOGIS Germany HUGH FRASER Head of Capital Markets M7 REAL ESTATE UK ALFRED GARBE Head of Asset Management Germany HANSTEEN Germany Thomas Karmann INTEREST RATE NORMALISATION - Is bank lending prudent enough to prevent a property bubble? ZINSNORMALISIERUNG - Ist Bankfinanzierung besonnen genug um überhitzung zu vermeiden? MAYA MITEVA Chief Financial Officer CENTERSCAPE DEUTSCHLAND Germany MICHAEL PIONTEK CFO POLIS Germany RAIMUND FRÜHMORGEN MD & Head of Real Estate Large Clients/FPI1 UNICREDIT BANK Germany GUNNAR RÜFFER International Real Estate Finance BAYERNLB Germany THOMAS BRAND Director BERLINER VOLKSBANK Germany SIMONE SCHMIDT Director, Head of Portfolio Management ING COMMERCIAL BANKING Germany ROCHUS EBERT Head of Structure Real Estate Finance - Germany SEB Germany FRANK STEFFEN Senior Director - Real Estate Finance International PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany Hugh Fraser Alfred Garbe 16:30 - 17:45 MÜNCHEN I + II Maya Miteva Raimund Frühmorgen Thomas Brand Rochus Ebert Michael Piontek Gunnar Rüffer Simone Schmidt Frank Steffen All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. 11 DISKUSSIONEN DISCUSSIONS 10. Mai • DIENSTAG KEYNOTE 9:00 - 10:00 BALLSAAL LEBEN UND ARBEITEN IN DER KREISLAUFWIRTSCHAFT Wie zukunftsfähig sind wir? LIFESTYLE AND LEADERSHIP TOWARDS A CIRCULAR ECONOMY How future ready are we? GEREON UERZ • Leader of Foresight and Innovation Europe • ARUP • Germany Dr. Gereon Uerz is a foresight and innovation management professional who joined Arup in 2014. Gereon leads Arups Foresight & Innovation practice in Europe, focusing on strategy and innovation projects with major clients from science & industry, esp. transportation, engineering and chemical industry. HOTEL INVESTMENTS - Do Multi-Purpose developments satisfy operators and investors? HOTEL INVESTMENTS - Sind Multi-Purpose Projekte passend fuer Betreiber und Investoren? MARTIN BOWEN Associate VP Development - Germany INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS Germany PHILIP SAUER Managing Director SAUER REAL ESTATE 1936! UK BERNHARD LAAS Partner GSK STOCKMANN + KOLLEGEN Germany YANNICK WAGNER Vice President Development - Central Europe ACCORHOTELS GERMANY Germany STEFAN LENZE Head of Development MOTEL ONE GROUP Germany 10:30 - 11:30 ATHEN Martin Bowen CORE INVESTMENTS - For german investors too expensive, for foreign buyers a treat? CORE-IMMOBILIEN - Für deutsche Investoren zu teuer, für internationale Käufer ein Schnäppchen? 12 VIVIAN STROSEK Managing Director FEONDOR GROUP Switzerland MAHBOD NIA Chief Executive Officer NORTHSTAR REALTY EUROPE UK CHRISTIAN BOCK Head of Strategic Investments GEG GERMAN ESTATE GROUP AG Germany HELGE PITZ SVP, Senior Relationship Manager HSH NORDBANK Germany STEVEN BROCH Executive Director - Fund Manager AERIUM GROUP UK UWE REMPIS European Director Asset Management LASALLE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Germany ANNETTE KRÖGER CEO ALLIANZ REAL ESTATE Germany MICHEL VAUCLAIR Chairman OXFORD PROPERTY GROUP UK Alle Materialien in dieser Broschüre können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern. Bernhard Laas Stefan Lenze Philip Sauer Yannick Wagner 10:30 - 11:30 BERLIN Vivian Strosek Christian Bock Steven Broch Annette Kröger Mahbod Nia Helge Pitz Uwe Rempis Michel Vauclair DISKUSSIONEN DISCUSSIONS DIENSTAG • 10. Mai MIGRATION & DEMOGRAPHICS - Driving change, what impact for investors and asset managers? MIGRATION & DEMOGRAFIE - Treiber für Veränderung, welche Konsequenzen für Investoren und Asset Manager? STEFAN KIRSTEN CFO VONOVIA SE Germany MARK MÜNZING Board Member ZBI Germany CARSTEN BRINKMANN Chairman/AR TERRANUS-GRUPPE Germany DR. ANDREAS SCHILLHOFER Partner PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPER Germany STEFAN GAUDIG Head of M&A LEG MANAGEMENT Germany TILL SCHMIEDEKNECHT Managing Director BGP Germany CHRISTIAN MIELKE Regional Director Germany METRO PROPERTIES Germany MATTHIAS SCHULTZ CFO TREI REAL ESTATE Germany Stefan Kirsten Carsten Brinkmann Stefan Gaudig Christian Mielke Mark Münzing Dr. Andreas Schillhofer Till Schmiedeknecht Matthias Schultz SENIOR DEBT - Lohnt sich die Finanzierung von Immobilien überhaupt noch? SENIOR DEBT - How much fun is it to be a senior lender? MICHAEL ZIEGLER Partner BEITEN BURKHARDT Germany BERND MAYER Managing Director, Head of Real Estate BAYERNLB Germany JAN PETER ANNECKE Head of Commercial Real Estate Finance MÜNCHENER HYPOTHEKENBANK Germany MICHAEL MORGENROTH CEO CAERUS DEBT INVESTMENTS Germany GERO BERGMANN Member of the Board of Management BERLIN HYP Germany FRITZ MÜLLER Head of Real Estate Finance Germany North-West HELABA Germany TORSTEN BICKART MD, Real Estate Large Clients UNICREDIT BANK Germany AREN WEGNER Head of RE Lending Europe & Managing Director DEKABANK Germany NICOLE JÜRGENSEN Head of Frankfurt Office COMMERZBANK AG Germany PETER WENDLINGER Head Real Estate Finance HYPO NOE GRUPPE BANK Austria 10:30 - 11:30 MÜNCHEN II Michael Ziegler Jan Peter Annecke Gero Bergmann Torsten Bickart Nicole Jürgensen Bernd Mayer Michael Morgenroth Fritz Müller Aren Wegner Peter Wendlinger SYNDIZIERUNG - Wie kann die Nachfrage gestillt werden? LOAN SYNDICATION - Can the demand be satisfied? ANNA GINKEL Head of Syndication Management AAREAL BANK Germany WOLFGANG HILD Stv. Bankdirektor HELABA Germany AXEL BRINKMANN Managing Director RBC REAL ESTATE CAPITAL PARTNERS UK RENATA KORNEK Head of Syndication Commercial Real Estate MÜNCHENER HYPOTHEKENBANK Germany 10:30 - 11:30 MÜNCHEN I 10:30 - 11:30 PARIS Anna Ginkel Axel Brinkmann Wolfgang Hild Renata Kornek All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. 13 DISKUSSIONEN DISCUSSIONS 10. Mai • DIENSTAG NORMALISIERUNG IM BERLINER IMMOBILIENMARKT - Oder doch nur zum Wohnen? NORMALISING IN BERLIN PROPERTY MARKET - Or still just for resi? SASCHA NÖSKE CEO STRATEGIS Germany MARTIN HELLWEGER CEO & Founder KRONBERG INTERNATIONAL GROUP Germany ULF CHRISTIANSEN European Director Acquisitions ROCKSPRING PROPERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany JÜRGEN LEIBFRIED Founder & Managing Partner BAUWERT AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Germany MARTIN GIMBER Head of Real Estate Finance Germany North-East PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany CARSTEN SELLSCHOPF Managing Director FORMART Germany 10:30 - 11:30 ROM Sascha Nöske Ulf Christiansen Martin Gimber Annekay Gröbbels-Janka Martin Hellweger Jürgen Leibfried Carsten Sellschopf ANNEKAY GRÖBBELS-JANKA Member of the Executive Board ENGEL & VÖLKERS COMMERCIAL Germany STUDENT AND MICRO APARTMENTS - Justified excitement or exuberance? STUDENTEN UND MIKRO APARTMENTS - Gerechtfertigter Hype oder Uebertreibung? FELIX BAUER CEO/CSO DREF Luxembourg HORST LIEDER CEO IC INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS Germany SÉBASTIAN CAVÉ Managing Director HEITMAN Germany TIM MITCHELL CEO, Europe GSA GROUP UK BEN LEHRECKE Managing Director ROUND HILL CAPITAL Germany SASCHA WILHELM CEO CORESTATE CAPITAL HOLDING S.A. Luxembourg 12:15 - 13:15 ATHEN Felix Bauer Sébastian Cavé Ben Lehrecke Horst Lieder Tim Mitchell Sascha Wilhelm INVESTIEREN IN B UND C - Welche Ausweichmärkte für renditegestresste Investoren? B AND C LOCATIONS - Which markets are of interest to yield starved investors? CHRISTOPH SCHÖPPNER Associate Director National Investment P&P GROUP Germany ACHIM MATUSZEK Managing Director SSN DEUTSCHLAND Germany MARKUS DREWS COO & Member of the Executive Board DEMIRE DEUTSCHE MITTELSTAND REAL ESTATE AG Germany J.-P. SCHULZ COO / Head of Real Estate Investment DRESDNER INVEST BY DRESDEN HAUS Germany HANS-PETER HÄHNLEIN Managing Director ADVENIS REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS Germany DIRK SCHWINDLING Senior Transaction Manager ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT DEUTSCHLAND AG Germany STEFAN HOENEN Head of Frankfurt Branch HSH NORDBANK AG Germany CHRISTIAN ZILLY Managing Partner WATERWAY INVESTMENTS Germany BIRGIT LENZEN Head of Capital Markets BILFINGER REAL ESTATE ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany 14 Alle Materialien in dieser Broschüre können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern. 12:15 - 13:15 BERLIN Christoph Schöppner Markus Drews Hans-Peter Hähnlein Stefan Hoenen Birgit Lenzen Achim Matuszek J.-P. Schulz Dirk Schwindling Christian Zilly DISKUSSIONEN DISCUSSIONS DIENSTAG • 10. Mai BEWERTUNG ALS FLUCH ODER SEGEN - Inwieweit ist Objektivität erzielbar? VALUATION A BLESSING OR CURSE - How much neutrality is obtainable? FRANK ZABEL Partner & Managing Director NEWPORT HOLDING Germany GEORG JEWGRAFOW CEO REAL I.S. Germany HANS HAMMER Chairman & CEO HAMMER Germany KLAUS-JÜRGEN SONTOWSKI Chairman SONTOWSKI & PARTNER Germany 12:15 - 13:15 MÜNCHEN I DIETER HILDEBRAND Head of Real Estate Finance Germany LBBW Germany Frank Zabel PRIVATE EQUITY INVESTMENTS - How wide is the gap between return promise and reality? PRIVATE EQUITY INVESTMENTS - Wie breit ist die Lücke zwischen Renditeanspruch und Realität? MARTIN KNOF Managing Director ING COMMERCIAL BANKING Germany KARSTEN LIESER Fund Manager, Europe ALLIANZ REAL ESTATE Germany MICHAEL ABEL Managing Director TPG EUROPE UK ALI OTMAR Managing Director - Germany, Austria & Netherlands TRISTAN CAPITAL PARTNERS UK PHILIPP BRASCHEL Partner BENSON ELLIOT UK CARSTEN QUEHL Director THE CARLYLE GROUP Germany TIM BREITENSTEIN Managing Director MORGAN STANLEY Germany MICHAEL SIEFERT Managing Director & Head of European Business MADISON INTERNATIONAL REALTY Germany IGOR BUGARSKI Geschäftsführer NORATIS Germany STEFAN WALLDORF Managing Director CERBERUS Germany JENNY HAMMARLUND Director KOHLBERG KRAVIS ROBERTS UK RICHARD WARTENBERG Managing Director - Acquisitions ACTIVUM SG Germany JÜRGEN HELM Head of Real Estate Germany HSBC Germany ULRIKE BROELSCH Principal GREENOAK REAL ESTATE UK BERND KNOBLOCH Non Executive Director PALATIUM INVESTMENT MANAGEMNET Germany THOMAS DRIES Bank Director HELABA Germany ALEXANDER PIUR Director ING COMMERCIAL BANKING Germany FRIEDRICH EINHOFF Director Loan Markets Real Estate PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany ALEXANDER SAUR General Manager & Head of Real Estate Finance NATIXIS Germany OLIVER HECHT Head of S-Group and Domestic Business BERLIN HYP Germany Dieter Hildebrand Georg Jewgrafow Klaus-Jürgen Sontowski 12:15 - 13:15 PARIS Martin Knof Michael Abel Philipp Braschel Tim Breitenstein Igor Bugarski Jenny Hammarlund Karsten Lieser Ali Otmar Carsten Quehl Michael Siefert Stefan Walldorf Richard Wartenberg FINANZIERUNGSMIX - Neue Optionen im traditionellen Umfeld? FINANCING OPTIONS - What’s worth exploring? RAIMUND FRÜHMORGEN MD & Head of Real Estate Large Clients/FPI1 UNICREDIT BANK Germany Hans Hammer 12:15 - 13:15 ROM Raimund Frühmorgen Ulrike Broelsch Thomas Dries Friedrich Einhoff Oliver Hecht Jürgen Helm Bernd Knobloch Alexander Piur Alexander Saur All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. 15 DISKUSSIONEN DISCUSSIONS 10. Mai • DIENSTAG RETAIL IN B CITIES - Investing against the demographic trend? EINZELHANDEL IN B LAGEN - Investieren gegen den demografischen Trend? HENRIE KÖTTER CIO & Managing Director Development ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT Germany ROSS MACDIARMID Managing Director BRUTON CAPITAL Germany BERTHOLD BECKER MD / Head of Asset Management Operations ACREST PROPERTY GROUP Germany MARTIN MÖRL Managing Director PRELIOS IMMOBILIEN MANAGEMENT Germany STEPHAN FRITSCH Managing Director CAPTIVA CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Germany STUART REID Partner - Transactions, Germany, Switzerland & Austria ROCKSPRING PROPERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany TOBIAS GOLLNEST Managing Director CORESTATE CAPITAL ADVISORS Germany BJÖRN ISENHÖFER Managing Partner CONCEPTA PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG Germany THOMAS KUHLMANN Member of the Board of Management HAHN GROUP Germany 14:30 - 15:30 ATHEN Henrie Kötter Berthold Becker Stephan Fritsch Tobias Gollnest Björn Isenhöfer Thomas Kuhlmann Ross MacDiarmid Martin Mörl Stuart Reid John Wilkinson Michael Windoffer JOHN WILKINSON CEO GREENMAN INVESTMENTS Ireland MICHAEL WINDOFFER Director - Head of Cross Border Business HSH NORDBANK Germany CORE+, MANAGED-TO-CORE, VALUE ADD - Generating returns or just forced up the risk curve? CORE+, MANAGED-TO-CORE, VALUE ADD - Adequate Renditen oder nur mehr Risiko? TOBIAS HUZARSKI Principal, Real Estate KKR UK BENNETT PULTUSKIER Managing Director TERRANIA Germany PIOTR BIENKOWSKI CEO, Germany BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE Germany PATRICK REICH Managing Partner CALEUS CAPITAL INVESTORS Germany RUBEN HERRMANN Principal WESTBROOK PARTNERS Germany XAVIER SCHEIBLI Director, NPL Advisory LNR PARTNERS EUROPE Germany KEAN HIRD Partner CATALYST CAPITAL UK JORAM SZERKOWSKI Head of Investment, Germany INFRARED CAPITAL PARTNERS UK FREDERIC KÖNIGSEGG Managing Director-Real Estate JARGONNANT PARTNERS Germany MARKUS WIEDENMANN Executive Partner & Co-Founder-Property ART-INVEST REAL ESTATE Germany CHRISTOPH MUNTE Managing Director- Structuring ARB ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany 14:30 - 15:30 BERLIN Tobias Huzarski Piotr Bienkowski Ruben Herrmann Kean Hird Frederic Königsegg Christoph Munte Bennett Pultuskier Patrick Reich Xavier Scheibli Joram Szerkowski Markus Wiedenmann BAUEN IM BESTAND - Von der Notlösung zum Standard? REDEVELOPMENT - Opportunistic or mainstream? FERDINAND SPIES Partner & Branch Manager (Niederlassungsleiter) ART-INVEST REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT - MUNICH Germany THOMAS JUNKERSFELD Managing Director HIH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Germany RALF-JÖRG KADENBACH Member Management Board EUROPA CENTER Germany THORSTEN KRAUß Managing Partner UNDKRAUSS BAUGESELLSCHAFT MBH Germany 16 14:30 - 15:30 MÜNCHEN I MICHAEL PETER Founder & CEO P&P GROUP Germany TIMM SASSEN CEO GREYFIELD GROUP Germany STEFAN SCHRAUT Managing Partner INDIGO INVEST Germany Ferdinand Spies Thomas Junkersfeld Ralf-Jörg Kadenbach Thorsten Krauß Michael Peter Timm Sassen Stefan Schraut Christoph Stadlhuber CHRISTOPH STADLHUBER CEO SIGNA HOLDING Austria Alle Materialien in dieser Broschüre können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern. DISKUSSIONEN DISCUSSIONS DIENSTAG • 10. Mai MEZZANINE FÜR PROJEKTENTWICKLER - Alternative oder Ergänzung zur klassischen Bankfinanzierung? MEZZANINE FOR DEVELOPERS - Alternative or complement to bank financing? MATTHIAS HUBERT Managing Partner SONTOWSKI & PARTNER Germany DIETER KOCH MD & Head of Real Estate Investment Banking DEUTSCHE HYPOTHEKENBANK Germany GISBERT BECKERS Managing Partner BNS REAL ESTATE CAPITAL Germany ANDRE SPETH Head of Finance & Development NORATIS Germany MILAN CVISIC Managing Director COLONY ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany ANDREAS WUERMELING MD - Head of Loan Markets RE & Public Finance PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany Matthias Hubert 14:30 - 15:30 MÜNCHEN II Gisbert Beckers Milan Cvisic Maurice Douven Dieter Koch Andre Speth Andreas Wuermeling MAURICE DOUVEN Director SIGNA FINANCIAL SERVICES Switzerland All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. 17 SENIOR SPONSOR Sascha Nöske Thomas von Münster STRATEGIS was founded in 1998 and is still privately run by its founders. We are specialists in Asset and Property Management, Investment and Sales Solutions. Our activities are organized into three business units: RE Invest, RE Management and RE Sales, with approximately 50 employees. At present STRATEGIS manages about 6,000 living and commercial quarters for their owners and sold or rented about 1,000 apartments and houses in 2015. Ingo Plenikowski 18 Sascha Nöske Thomas von Münster Ingo Plenikowski CEO Real Estate Sales Estate Investment T: +49 30 44353-112 M: +49 172 3910339 E: T: +49 301 443 53 150 M: +49 172 1594594 E: T: +49 30 44353-170 M: +49 172 1594591 E: SENIOR SPONSOR Ulrich Höller Arndt Buchwald Ulrich Höller Formed in early 2015 the Frankfurt based GEG has positioned itself as one of Germany’s leading investment and asset management platforms in the commercial real estate sector. GEG focuses on investments in the landmark core property segment, opportunistic investments and developments. The company commits both equity capital and third-party investor capital. GEG is jointly owned by KKR & Co. L.P. (NYSE: KKE), aglobally leading investor with commitments in diverse asset classes including private equity, energy, infrastructure, real estate, credit products and hedge funds, and by the Deutsche Immobilien Chancen Group. CEO GEG German Estate Group Arndt Buchwald CFO GEG German Estate Groupe GEG German Estate Group AG, Neue Mainzer Straße 20 • MainTor, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, +49 (0)69-27-40-33-0 19 SENIOR SPONSOR Piotr Bienkowski Sven Stricker Nico Keller Britta Sommermeyer Piotr Bienkowski CEO Nico Keller Head of National Investment Team BNP Paribas Real Estate is a leading German and international real estate services provider offering its clients local expertise in all phases of the property cycle via more than 180 offices in 36 countries worldwide. In Germany BNP Paribas Real Estate has a staff of 700 in 12 locations, and is active in the business lines Transaction, Consulting, Valuation, Property Management and Investment Management. Internationally, the spectrum is rounded out by Property Development. Sven Stricker Managing Director & Head of Investment Britta Sommermeyer Head of Communications BNP Paribas Real Estate, Goetheplatz 4, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, +49 (0)69-298 99-0 BNP Paribas Real Estate UK, 5 Aldermanbury Square, London EC2V 7PB, +44 (0)20 7338 4000 BNP Paribas Real Estate, Head Quarters: 167, quai de la Bataille de Stalingrad – 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France , +33 (0) 1 55 65 20 04 20 PROGRAMME SPONSORS GSK Stockmann + Kollegen is one of Germany’s leading independent commercial law firms, focusing on real estate, corporate, banking/finance and projects & public sector. Today, more than 140 lawyers and tax advisers at our offices regularly advise major domestic and cross border transactions. Dr. Dirk Brückner Globally GSK operates within the Broadlaw Group, an exclusive network of independent law firms comprising more than 1,000 lawyers in 28 cities, covering the most important financial and economic centres of Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Bernhard Laas Dr. Dirk Brückner Bernhard Laas Partner Partner T: + 49 (0) 89 288174-71 E: T: +49 89 288174-0 E: Beiten Burkhardt is one of the leading European independent law firms with more than 275 attorneys in Germany, Belgium, Russia and China. We provide comprehensive integrated legal advice on the full life-cycle of real estate investments – including acquisitions, financings, project developments and asset management. Michael Ziegler, LL.M. (UPenn) Michael Ziegler, LL.M. (UPenn) Partner, Head of Finance T: +49-89-35065-1441 E: 21 PROGRAMME SPONSOR Tim Brückner 22 Karsten Burbach Stefan Korthals CORPUS SIREO is an award-winning multidisciplinary real estate business operating independently as an asset manager, residential broker and developer with a focus on Germany and nine other European countries. The company has a total of 530 employees spread across 11 locations in Germany and Luxembourg and is wholly owned by Swiss Life Asset Managers (CH). Together with its sister companies in Switzerland, France and Germany, CORPUS SIREO manages real estate worth nearly 62 billion euros (as of 31.12.2015). Tim Brückner Karsten Burbach Stefan Korthals Managing Director, CORPUS SIREO International S.à r.l. Managing Director, CORPUS SIREO Asset Management Retail GmbH Managing Director, CORPUS SIREO Asset Management Residential GmbH T: +352 245 280 E: T: +49 221 39900-0 E: T: +49 221 39900-0 E: DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS MICHAEL ABEL CHANAN AHARONOFF Managing Director TPG EUROPE, LLC UK Invetment Manager ESTAMA UK INVESTOR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TPG is a leading global private investment firm with approximately $75 billion of assets under management Asset Management, Property Management, Financial Management, nationwide, retail, shopping centre Mr. Abel is a Managing Director at TPG Europe and is based in London. He is responsible for acquisitions across Europe and recently led the acquisition of TriGranit. Prior to joining TPG, he worked at Europa Capital, where he led real estate investments in Germany and CEE. Mr. Abel started his career in the Private Equity Real Estate divisions of J.P.Morgan and Lehman Brothers, covering all aspects of real estate transactions across Europe. He holds a Diplome de Grande Ecole and MSc in Management from ESCP Europe, and speaks German, Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. Mr. Abel has completed over €2 billion of transactions across various asset classes, and currently serves on the Board of Directors of TriGranit. Chanan Aharonoff joined Estama in 2012 where he is an Investment Manager, responsible for the sales and acquisitions as well as business development. He has more than 6 years of experience in the German commercial property market, specialising in the investment of office buildings, retail and shopping centres. Chanan holds an MSc in Real Estate Finance from Cass Business School. JAN PETER ANNECKE MARC BALKENHOL Head of Commercial Real Estate Finance MUENCHENER HYPOTHEKENBANK EG Germany Executive Board Member / COO IC IMMOBILIEN HOLDING AG Germany MORTGAGE BANK, PFANDBRIEF ISSUER SERVICE PROVIDER Commercial and residential real estate financing in Germany, Western Europe and USA IC Immobilien Gruppe provides a comprehensive range of services covering property, asset, project, lettings, investment and fund management Jan Peter Annecke joined Münchener Hypothekenbank eG in 2005 and is today responsible for the Commercial Real Estate Finance Division (Origination) of the bank. He has more than 10 years of professional experience in commercial real estate banking and worked in different responsibilities like credit risk management, workout management, syndication business, portfolio finance and acquisition and MBS investments. Prior to joining Münchener Hypothekenbank eG he worked for HypoVereinsbank AG, Hypo Real Estate Bank AG and Hypo Real Estate Holding AG. Jan Peter Annecke studied Economics at the Universities of Freiburg and Münster. Marc Balkenhol joined the Executive Board of IC Immobilien Holding AG in November 2014. He is responsible for the group’s operative business. From 2007 until joining IC, he was Joint Managing Director of DIC Onsite GmbH and played a leading role in developing the DIC group’s Property and Asset Management divisions. Between 1999 and 2006 he was Managing Director of Fay Facility Management GmbH (later Fay Property Management GmbH), establishing it as an independent company. From 1996 to 1999 Mark Balkenhol acted as consultant for the conception and management of commercial real estate at HL Service Management GmbH. PETER BARTHOLOMÄUS FELIX BAUER Director M&A ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT G.M.B.H. & CO. KG Germany CEO/CSO DEUTSCHE REAL ESTATE FUNDS (DREF) Luxembourg REAL ESTATE RE OWNER / OPERATOR Development, building, leasing and management of large commercial properties. European market leader in shopping centers Deutsche Real Estate Funds is specialised in residential property investments with a particular focus on student housing and micro living Dr. Peter Bartholomäus is Director of Mergers and Acquisitions at ECE Projektmanagement G.m.b.H. & Co. KG in Hamburg, Germany. He is responsible for business and expansion activities in Germany, the Nordics and CEE. Dr. Bartholomäus has over 15 years of experience in the real estate industry, primarily in real estate development and retail investment transactions. He began his career as an attorney in Osnabrück before moving to a law firm in Hamburg. He joined ECE in 2006 and since 2011 has been one of three Directors of the Mergers & Acquisitions team. Dr. Bartholomäus studied at the Universities of Heidelberg and Münster, has a Degree in Law and completed his bar examination. Felix is CEO & CSO of DREF. He has been managing the Bauer Group since 2002. During his time at the helm, the Group has developed, managed and sold RE projects to a total value of €1.5b. Under his management, student housing has evolved into one of the Group’s core competencies. In 2013, Felix then established DREF in order to pool the expertise in student housing and the available experience on the German RE market within the Bauer Group. Prior to his time at Bauer Group, the certified construction and industrial engineer. One of his first and best-known projects is the award-winning “Gazzano House” in London. Felix is a civil engineer and surveyor. He studied in Mainz, in Newcastle and Harvard (Boston) and holds a Dipl-Ing and a Bsc (Hon). 23 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS BERTHOLD BECKER DR. GISBERT BECKERS MD / Head of Asset Management Operations ACREST PROPERTY GROUP GMBH Germany Managing Partner BNS REAL ESTATE CAPITAL GMBH Germany ASSET & INVESTMENT MANAGER FINANCIAL SERVICES Based in Berlin and founded in 2006, Acrest is among the top 5 non-captive Asset & Investment Manager of retail properties in Germany Financial structuring, investment management, provider mezzanine loan and equity, developments, transactions, co-investment Since February 2013: Managing Director, Head of Asset Management Operations, ACREST Property Group GmbH; Managing Director, ACREST Centermanagement GmbH; January 2009 to February 2013: Managing Director, Head of Asset Management, Internos Global Investors, Frankfurt. Before: Associate Director, ppa., Jones Lang LaSalle Asset Management GmbH; Manager Real Estate Consulting, Deloitte & Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft. Before 7 years worked as Projekt- and Teamleader in Planning, Project Management and Real Estate Development mostly in commercial real estate. Education/Qualification: MBA, International Real Estate Management, Real Estate Investment & Finance (ebs), Graduate Architect. Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter BNS Real Estate Capital GmbH, Hamburg Mitglied des Beirates Victoria Partners GmbH, Frankfurt am Main Mitglied des Beirates der IREBS Immobilienakademie, Internationale Real Estate Business School, Universität Regensburg Seit 01/2014 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter BNS Real Estate Capital GmbH, Hamburg BNS bietet Dienstleistungen und Co-Investments (Eigenkapital und Mezzanine) für Immobilien 09/2009 – 01/2014 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Real Estate Family Office, Hamburg 08/2008 – 01/2014 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der I.T.C. Immobilien Team Consulting GmbH, Hamburg 01/2005 – 08/2009 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Redos Real Estate GmbH, Hamburg. GERO BERGMANN TORSTEN BICKART Member of the Board of Management BERLIN HYP AG Germany MD, Real Estate Large Clients UNICREDIT BANK AG Germany BANK BANK AND FINANCER Specialised Real Estate Finance Bank - National and European presence in metropolitan areas - mortgage bond issuer Real Estate Finance in Germany with the focus on stock-listed companies, special funds and international investment managers Gero Bergmann has been a Member of the Board of Management of Berlin Hyp AG since 2011 and is responsible for the RE Finance, Treasury and Sales Management Departments. Bergmann holds a degree in Law and joined the RE business of Berlin Hyp/Landesbank Berlin in 1999. In his last role as Head of RE Sales, he was responsible for international and special business. Since 2011, Gero actively supports the work of the ULI together with other leading personalities in the RE business on the Executive Committee and as the Local Chair Berlin. Following his bank traineeship at Berliner Bank, Gero Bergmann completed his degree in Law at the Free University Berlin and, following his legal articles, worked as a lawyer in a Berlin law firm until 1999. Torsten Bickart is Managing Director (MD) for the Branch “Large Clients” within Real Estate Germany in the UniCredit Bank AG in Germany. Until summer 2012 he was a MD and head of Portfolio Finance at Unicredit and before that an Executive Director at UBS Investment Bank responsible for the German real estate finance business. Torsten Bickart has more than fifteen years of business experience in originating and executing complex real estate transactions in the German real estate market including large scale residential portfolio financings, office and retail portfolio acquisition financings and landmark single asset transactions. His client focus lies in stock-listed companies, special funds and international investment managers. PIOTR BIENKOWSKI DR. FRANK BILLAND CEO, Germany BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS Germany Member of the Management Board & CIO UNION INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE GMBH Germany ADVISER INVESTOR Advises Investors, Developers, Private Individuals, Occupiers and Public Sector clients on the full real estate lifecycle of services Leading international real estate investment company specializing in open-ended real estate funds for private & institutional investors Piotr Bienkowski started his real estate career at what is now BNP Paribas Real Estate in 1990. In 1997, he became Regional Director in Frankfurt, with responsibility for office letting, investment, industrial and retail services. In 2000, he was appointed a member of the Management Board and was put in charge of the office letting departments of the company’s eight branch offices in Germany. In January 2003, he became Managing Director, and since 2007 he has also been a member of the company’s International Board. As of January 2012, Piotr Bienkowski has been CEO of BNP Paribas Real Estate Germany. He also serves on the International Executive Committee. 24 Dr. Frank Billand studied economics and started in 1984 his professional career in the overseas division of Hochtief AG for project financing and development activities. He left this company in 2003 as Chairman of the Management Board of Hochtief Projektentwicklung GmbH. Since 2003 Dr. Frank Billand has been a member of the board of management of Union Investment Real Estate GmbH, the investment company for open-ended real estate funds within the “Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken cooperative financial network”. He is responsibilities for all investment activities of Union Investment Real Estate in Europe and in the retail and hospitality sector. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS CHRISTIAN BOCK MARTIN BOWEN Head of Strategic Investments GEG GERMAN ESTATE GROUP AG Germany Associate VP Development - Germany INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS MANAGEMENTGESELLSCHAFT MBH Germany INVESTMENT MANAGER HOTEL COMPANY GEG focuses on investments in the landmark core property segment, opportunistic investments, and property developments A global company with 9 hotel brands. With more than 5.000 hotels and over 710,000 rooms in almost 100 countries around the world, we know hospitality Christian Bock has over 12 years’ professional experience in the real estate industry. Prior to moving to DIC in 2014, he held the post of Associate Director at IVG where he was responsible for real estate transactions in southwest Germany. Until 2011, he managed and structured high-volume real estate capital market transactions as Senior Consultant at Cushman & Wakefield LLP in London and Frankfurt. Mr. Bock holds a degree in economic geography (University of Bayreuth) as well as an MSc in Real Estate Financing and Investment (Henley Business School). Martin Bowen joined the InterContinental Hotels Group development team in January 1998. He held numerous positions in the development team with developing responsibilites in Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey and Russia. From 1992-1997 he worked as a Development Director for the Accor Hotels Group in Germany.Today he is working as an Asc.VP Development, DACH responsible for the development of the InterContininental, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Hotel Indigo and Staybridge Suites brands in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. THOMAS BRAND PHILIPP BRASCHEL Director BERLINER VOLKSBANK Germany Partner BENSON ELLIOT CAPITAL MANAGEMENT UK REAL ESTATE FINANCING INVESTOR Largest regional co-operative bank in Germany– financing – residential – development – Berlin and Brandenburg – up to € 100 million Pan-European Private Equity Real Estate Mr. Brand has more than 23 years experience in the Real Estate Finance area and has worked for various banks in different functions, including more than 10 years in management positions. After 10 years in the business, Commercial RE Finance Commerzbank AG, he moved in 2002 into the Department “Real Estate Structured Finance” of Aareal Bank AG in Berlin and ran it until 2006. After that, the establishment of a branch office for an American investment bank followed (Wachovia NA Berlin). From 2007 to 2013. Mr. Brand as Head of the Berlin office was responsible for the West Immo German RE Bank AG. Since 2013 Mr. Brand has acquired real estate clients for Berliner Volksbank eG, the market line for the new business in the Central Business clients. Philipp has 16 years’ experience in real estate principal investing across Europe. He is Partner and Head of Investment in Germany. Since joining Benson Elliot in 2009 he has been responsible for multiple acquisitions in the residential and commercial space. Previously he was an Executive Director at Goldman Sachs, managers of c. $26 billion Whitehall Funds. From 2004 Philipp’s activities were focused primarily on the German, Austrian and Swiss markets, during which time he played a leading role in the acquisition of over €4.2 billion of property assets. TIM BREITENSTEIN AXEL BRINKMANN Managing Director MORGAN STANLEY BANK AG Germany Managing Director RBC REAL ESTATE CAPITAL PARTNERS UK INVESTOR LENDER Morgan Stanley is an American multinational financial services corporation operating in 42 countries and has more than 1300 offices & 60,000 employees Specializing in higher-leverage whole loans, senior and mezzanine loans and NPL term acquisition facilities Having joined Morgan Stanley in 2000, Tim is heading the Morgan Stanley real estate investing team in Germany and is also responsible for European hotel acquisitions. He holds key relationships with many European institutions and market participants. He has gained experience through numerous transactions across different asset classes including office, retail, residential, hotels, NPLs, forward and development deals. He has also been involved in several restructurings and disposals from Morgan Stanley’s real estate portfolio. Before joining the real estate investing team in 2005, Tim worked in Morgan Stanley’s Mergers & Acquisitions and Structured Finance teams in London and Frankfurt for 5 years. Axel Brinkmann is a Managing Director in Royal Bank of Canada’s Real Estate Capital Partners (“RECP”) group heading its London based commercial real estate lending team in Europe. RECP provides comprehensive mortgage, mezzanine and loan-onloan portfolio acquisition facilities to real estate sponsors in the US, UK and Europe. Axel joined from LaSalle Investment Management’s Debt Investment and Special Situations group which he helped to grow since 2010 and where he was responsible for originating and investing into various structured debt and equity transactions across the UK and Europe. Axel started his career at Wachovia’s real estate structured finance team in Frankfurt and London which in late 2008 was acquired by Wells Fargo. 25 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS CARSTEN BRINKMANN STEVEN BROCH Chairman/AR TERRANUS-GRUPPE Germany Executive Director - Fund Manager AERIUM GROUP UK ASSET MANAGER/ADVISOR REIM / PRIVATE EQUITY TERRANUS is the leading advisory group in matters of healthcare with focus on nursing homes and assisted living A pan-European REIM/PE platform with €6.1 bi of assets under management, from core to value-added strategies, mainly in the retail and office sectors Carsten studied business administration at the universities of Cologne, Madrid and Paris. After the study he built up as a managing partner a leading account society for demand financing and accounts receivable management which was recently sold. In the middle of the 1990s he laid the foundation-stone for the today’s TERRANUS-Group. Since 20 years the TERRANUS Group has numbered among the leading consultancies and asset managers on the healthcare sector. Focus is on the financing, valuation and restructuring of healthcare facilities, hospitals and their operators as well as M& A transactions. Major clients in this respect are banks and institutional investors for whom special funds are initiated. PETER BROCK ULRIKE BROELSCH Managing Director HEITMAN Germany Principal GREENOAK REAL ESTATE UK ASSET MANAGEMENT INVESTOR/LENDER Heitman is a global real-estate investment management firm with over $35 billion in assets under management GreenOak Real Estate – partner owned - principal investing lending - board level strategic advisory Peter is Joint MD of the Heitman’s German residential asset management business, where he is primarily responsible for the portfolio management of residential property portfolios. Previous to that, he was Managing Director of Grainger plc’s German residential business, which he joined in August 2008. Before joining Grainger, he worked for a quoted German residential company where he built up the asset management operations, and for a UK private equity investor where he was responsible for acquisitions in residential property in Germany. He has over 12 years’ experience in German residential and 15 years’ prior experience in investment banking with Lazard and Rothschild in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the UK. Ulrike is a Principal at GreenOak, an independent real estate focused investing, lending and advisory firm with main offices in London, New York and Tokyo. Ulrike is a member of the European debt team, primarily responsible for originating, structuring and underwriting financing transactions across Europe. Ulrike has 13 years of experience in the European real estate markets across various disciplines. She previously worked for WestLB AG and for its affiliated real estate fund business, Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers’ Real Estate. Ulrike holds a European Masters in Management from ESCP-Europe. DIRK BRÜCKNER TIM BRÜCKNER Partner GSK STOCKMANN + KOLLEGEN Germany Managing Director CORPUS SIREO ASSET MANAGEMENT COMMERCIAL Germany LAW FIRM ASSET MANAGEMENT Leading independent commercial law firm, focusing on real estate, corporate, banking/finance, projects and public law Leading German Asset Manager for commercial and residential real estate with +16BN EUR AuM in Germany; residential developer and broker Dr. Dirk Brückner - Head of the Real Estate Team at GSK Stockmann + Kollegen - has almost 20 years of experience as lawyer in real estate. Before joining GSK he worked with law firms in New York and Paris. Dirk’s practice focuses on major real estate transactions and Club Deals. He also has considerable expertise in the areas of corporate, finance and structuring of joint ventures and is an active player in GSK’s project development practice. Dirk is a chairman of the Working Committee for Real Estate at the Council of Economic Advisers of Bavaria (Wirtschaftsbeirat Bayern). He regularly publishes and lectures on current real estate and finance topics. 26 AERIUM GROUP Mr. Broch has 11 years of experience in top positions in the field of real estate. Prior to joining ÆRIUM in 2012, Mr. Broch worked as Managing Director for Garigal Private Wealth Management and as head of Asset and Property Management for Secur GmbH. Before focusing on Real Estate, Steven worked for several Private Banks and Financial Institutions. He graduated from ETH Zurich and from GSBA with a Bachelor of Business Administration and International Business, as well as Master in Finance. Managing Director and Board Member of CORPUS SIREO International S.à.r.l as well a Managing Director of CORPUS SIREO Asset Management Commercial GmbH, a specialist for holistic RE asset management services for international and domestic clients. As Client Group Leader, Tim supports banks and financial investors in the areas of acquisition, asset management, letting and selling of real estate portfolios. On behalf of investors, banks and credit servicers as well as corporate bodies, Tim and his fellow workforce of several hundred employees manage large to medium-sized commercial and residential portfolios throughout Germany. Prior to this Tim held roles at Rothschild GmbH and HSBC Bank plc. He holds a Masters degree in Banking and Finance. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS MARCUS BUDER IGOR CHRISTIAN BUGARSKI Head of Commercial Real Estate Finance BERLINER SPARKASSE Germany Geschäftsführer NORATIS Germany GEWERBLICHE IMMOBILIENFINANZIERUNG DEVELOPER TRADER Schwerpunkt der Berliner Sparkasse liegt dabei auf dem Retail-Geschäft mit Privat- und Firmenkunden sowie der gewerblichen Immobilienfinanzierung Acquisition, development and disposal of residential property portfolios in outskirts of German cities and urban areas Marcus Buder (45) hat 1992 in der Berliner Pfandbriefbank eine Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann mit anschließendem Fachwirtstudium absolviert. Nach der Ausbildung war er im Kreditbereich der zwischenzeitlich zur Berlin Hyp umfirmierten Bank in verschiedenen Funktionen tätig, zunächst als Gruppenleiter und Prokurist, seit 2004 im gemeinsamen Geschäftsfeld von Berlin Hyp und LBB in leitender Position. Zuletzt verantwortete er die Abteilung Marktfolge Kredit für Wohnungsunternehmen und Kunden der Geschäftsstellen München und Frankfurt. Seit Februar 2013 ist Marcus Buder Bereichsleiter Gewerbliche Immobilienfinanzierung der LBB/ Berliner Sparkasse. M. Buder ist verheiratet und hat 2 Kinder. Igor is Managing Director and co-owner of noratis. Before joining noratis in 2011 Igor was working in the capital markets division of CBRE in Germany. After studying civil engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt, he started his professional career in the staff department of the CEO of DeTeImmobilien. KARSTEN BURBACH SÉBASTIAN CAVÉ Managing Director/ Asset Management Retail CORPUS SIREO ASSET MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL GMBH Germany Managing Director HEITMAN Germany ASSET MANAGEMENT ASSET MANAGEMENT Leading German Asset Manager for residential and commercial real estate with +13,1BN EUR AuM in Germany; residential developer and broker Heitman is a global real-estate investment management firm with over $35 billion in assets under management Sébastian is Managing Director of Heitman’s Private Equity business in Germany, and is responsible for business development and acquisitions in the German market. Prior to joining Heitman, he was Managing Director at residential landlord, Grainger Deutschland, where he was responsible for overall strategy and managing a large German rented residential joint venture with Heitman. Previously, Sébastian worked as Director of Corporate Development at Grainger, where he was responsible for implementing the company’s entry into the German market. His previous experience includes over 10 years in the real estate industry, including portfolio acquisitions, corporate transactions, joint-ventures and capital raising. ROBERT ČERVINKA ULF CHRISTIANSEN Managing Director, European Real Estate Equity ARES MANAGEMENT UK European Director Acquisitions ROCKSPRING PROPERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany ALTERNATIVE ASSET MANAGER INVESTOR Ares Management, L.P. is a publicly traded, leading global alternative asset manager with approximately $86 billion of assets under management Retail warehouses. Shopping centres. Supermarkets. Offices. Logistics. Germany. Austria. Switzerland. Existing or development Mr. Červinka is a Managing Director in the Ares Real Estate Group, where he focuses on European real estate equity. Prior to joining Ares in 2013, Mr. Cervinka was a Managing Director at Deutsche Bank RREEF. Previously, Mr. Cervinka was a Managing Director at Cerberus. In addition, Mr. Cervinka was an Associate at Goetz Partner, formerly CEA. Mr. Cervinka holds an M.A. from the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) in Business Administration and Mechanical Engineering. Ulf Christiansen joined Rockspring in 2011 and is responsible for acquisitions and sales of properties in Germany, Austria and Switzerland advising Rockspring funds in the German market. Ulf joined from Internos, previously GPT Halverton, where he worked for more than four years in London and Frankfurt, focusing on transactions and asset and portfolio management for a number of retail focused funds in Germany. He holds a Diploma in Business Administration and Engineering (Real Estate) from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Holzminden, Germany. 27 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS KRISTENSEN PROPERTIES GMBH MICHAEL CREMER MILAN CVISIC CEO KRISTENSEN PROPERTIES GMBH Germany Managing Director COLONY ASSET MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany FUND & ASSET MANAGEMENT ASSET MANAGEMENT Real Estate Investment Management Global real estate and investment management Michael Cremer, Jahrgang 1957, ist studierter DiplomImmobilienökonom (ADI), Architekt (Dipl.-Ing., FH) und Innenarchitekt (Dipl.-Ing., FH) und blickt auf mehr als 35 Jahre im Bauwesen und im Geschäft mit Immobilien zurück. Nach langjähriger Arbeit im eigenen Arichtekturbüro gründet Michael Cremer die CremerConsult GmbH. Mit dieser Neuausrichtung erweitert sich der Arbeitsschwerpunkt von Projektentwicklung und Projektmanagement in den Bereichen Wohnungsbau, Revitalisierung und Sanierung hin zu Portfoliomanagement, Assetmanagement, Propertymanagement, Programming Workshop, Projektsteuerung, Due Diligence, Mediation und Beratungsleistungen für Portfolioakquisition. Mr. Cvisic is a Managing Director at Colony Asset Management (German platform of Colony Capital) and is based in Berlin. He is responsible for acquisitions, asset management and developments across Germany. Prior to joining Colony Capital, he worked at Jones Lang LaSalle, where he advised foreign investors on real estate investments in Germany. Mr. Cvisic started his career at PwC Corporate Finance department, covering all aspects of real estate transactions and non performing loans across Germany, CEE and SEE. He holds a Diplom in Business Administration from FU Berlin, Immobilienökonom from IREBS Regensburg and is MRICS. Mr. Cvisic has completed over €3 billion of transactions across various asset classes. FRÉDÉRIC DE KLOPSTEIN XAVIER DENIS CIO KLÉPIERRE France COO COFINIMMO SA/NV Belgium EUROPEAN SHOPPING CENTER SPECIALIST INVESTOR Klepierre is a French listed property company, acting in the retail property sector in Continental Europe Belgian - listed - rental property: offices, nursing homes, distribution property networks and PPP - €3.1 billion portfolio 43 years old. Graduated from HEC in 1994. Member of the KLEPIERRE Executive Board since 2008. He started his career in L’Oréal group in 1994 to set up the Czech subsidiary as a financial controller. In 1996, he joined Paribas as group equity portfolio controller. In 2000, he pursued his career in Klépierre to take on the Corporate Development and to achieve external growth operations of the Group : Carrefour, Finiper, Central Europe. Since September 2006, he is Chief Investment Officer of the Klépierre Group. Xavier is a member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors at Cofinimmo, a Brussels based REIT with a portfolio under management of €3.1 billion located in Belgium, France, The Netherlands and Germany. As Chief Operating Officer, he is responsible for all operations relating to the property portfolio. Xavier joined Cofinimmo in 2002 after five years in London with architectural firms Chapman Taylor and HOK Sport. Xavier graduated from Université Catholique de Louvain in 1996 as Civil Engineer Architect, received a MBA from INSEAD in 2002 and attended Harvard Business School in 2006 and 2014. MAURICE DOUVEN MARKUS DREWS Director SIGNA FINANCIAL SERVICES Switzerland COO & Member of the Executive Board DEMIRE DEUTSCHE MITTELSTAND REAL ESTATE AG Germany FINANCIAL ADVISOR PROPERTY HOLDER SIGNA Financial Services is responsible for all activities related to property lending and capital raising of SIGNA Group DEMIRE is becoming a leading holder in the market for secondary commercial RE in Germany - First in Secondaries Maurice Douven is director at SIGNA Financial Services AG in Zurich, which he joined in 2011. He started his international career at Aareal Bank in Wiesbaden some 17 years ago. During 10 years working for this bank, he held different positions with a focus on commercial real estate lending in Europe, Canada and the US. After he left Aareal, he worked for Bank of Ireland in Frankfurt, LBBW in Stuttgart and SEB in Düsseldorf. 28 Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) Markus Drews Member of the Executive Board (COO) • Decades of experience in positions of high responsibility in the real estate sector • Established, managed and sold a listed real estate company with a market capitalisation of up to EUR 1.5 billion. • Extensive experience with listed real estate companies, particularly with regard to timing capital measures with real estate transactions. • Over EUR 3 billion in completed real estate transactions. • Experience in dealing with distressed and noncore assets for Haniel, RWE systems, and others. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS GREGOR DREXLER THOMAS DRIES Managing Director CA IMMO DEUTSCHLAND Germany Bank Director HELABA Germany DEVELOPER, INVESTOR FINANCE INSTITUTION CA Immo is a specialist in office properties in Central European capitals, with local branch offices in six countries in the region Financing Offices, Shopping Center, Logistics and Residential Buildings for Capital Investors, Institutional Investors and Project Developers After various positions in real estate, e. g. as Managing Director of BA CA Immo-bilienagentur GmbH (2002-2005) and authorized signatory of BA CA Real Invest GmbH (2005-2006), the real estate economist Ing.-MA (FH) Gregor Drexler joined the Austrian CA Immo Group in 2006. In 2008 Gregor Drexler has been appointed to the Board of Directors of CA Immo Deutschland GmbH. In 2010 he has been appointed to Divisional Director Asset Management of the CA Immo Group. He is also Managing Director of DRG Immobilien, a subsidiary of CA Immo. Thomas Dries (44) since Februar 2012 Head of Real Estate Finance Germany Southwest|Austria|Switzerland at Helaba. He was already with Helaba from 2002 until 2008 as managing director for origination for real estate structured finance products. 2009 he joint as Head of Real Estate Structured Finance Germany Société Générale Corporate & Investment. Prior to 2009 he worked as Director in the real estate structured finance teams of Deutschen Bank and Hypovereinsbank (Unicredit) in Frankfurt. He is an Economist in Real Estate (ebs) and has over 20 years real estate structured finance experience. MARC DRIESSEN DR. ROCHUS EBERT Managing Director HANSAINVEST - HANSEATISCHE INVESTMENT-GMBH Germany Head of Structure Real Estate Finance - Germany SEB Germany FUND ADMINISTRATOR GENERAL BANK HANSAINVEST provides administration, investment and asset management services for equities, bonds, real estate and alternative investments Service quality, understanding clients banking needs, quick decision making and proactivity – being a reputable financing partner Marc is Managing Director at HANSAINVEST, a fully owned subsidiary of SIGNAL IDUNA Group. He is responsible for the Real Asset third party administration. Before joining HANSAINVEST he was Chairman of Hesse Newman Capital, a listed Real Asset investment Boutique. Previously Marc has been a Member of the Management Board at HSH Real Estate a full subsidiary of HSH Nordbank and Managing Director of Dr. Peters Group, a Dortmund based Real Asset Management Company. Marc studied business economics and holds an MBA from Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. Since March 2015, Rochus Ebert is Head of Structured Real Estate Finance (SREF) at SEB AG in Germany, a subsidiary of the Nordic SEB AB. He joined SEB AG in 2010 as Senior Project Leader within the SREF Germany department. After his graduation at University and having qualified as an attorney at law, he worked beforehand for several banks in the real estate business, in the real estate private equity sector and as financial advisor. Mr. Ebert is a member of SEB’s Global Real Estate Finance Business Committee and of SEB AG’s Credit Risk Committee in Germany. FRIEDRICH EINHOFF ASSEM EL ALAMI Director Loan Markets Real Estate PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK AG Germany Head of Real Estate Finance BERLIN HYP AG Germany BANK LENDER FINANCIAL INSTITUTION International commercial real estate financing, public sector finance Specialised Real Estate Finance Bank - National and European presence in metropolitan areas - Mortgage bond issuer Friedrich Einhoff joined Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG (pbb) in 2006 and is a Director in the Loan Markets Real Estate team. Pbb is looking after large loan arrangement, loan trades (club and post, in and out) and structured solutions (incl. Mezz and Equity) for all global pbb exposures. Friedrich has worked for more than 20 years in the German banking industry with more than 15 years’ experience in the commercial real estate finance business. He holds a degree in business administration (DiplomKaufmann) from University of Mannheim. Assem El Alami is the Head of the Real Estate Finance Sales Division of Berlin Hyp AG. He is supervising the origination of real estate finance in the bank’s European core markets and the syndication desk. Berlin Hyp provides financing for large scale property projects and real estate investments. Being a law graduate, Assem has more than 15 years of experience in the real estate sector of which he has spent almost 10 years in France. 29 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS MARK ENNIS KLAUS FRANKEN Head of Acquisitions VONOVIA SE Germany CEO CATELLA PROJECT MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany GERMAN RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPER, INVESTOR Residential real estate – over 350,000 owned and managed units - Long-term listed investor with growth strategy Catella Group is a leading property company with operations in 15 European countries Mark Ennis is Director responsible for acquisitions at Vonovia. He has been with the business for over 10 years and previously held senior finance functions inside and outside the company. Mark is a qualified Chartered Accountant and an economics graduate and is fluent in English and German. Klaus Franken is CEO of Catella Project Management. While working in leading positions for more than 25 years, Klaus Franken has gained a significant expertise in managing real estate transactions in various asset categories, different regions and in changing markets. Klaus Franken joined Catella end of 2007 and is responsible for all project development activities in Germany. That´s currently approx. 750 mEUR investment volume in commercial and residential development projects, i.e. the biggest conversion project in Germany – the former ThyssenTradeCenter with approx. 40.000 sq.m. office space is currently under construction and conversion to 340 new residential units. HUGH FRASER DR. DANIEL FREY Head of Capital Markets M7 REAL ESTATE UK CFO / Vice CEO IMMEO WOHNEN GMBH Germany ASSET MANAGER INVESTOR/PROPERTY MANAGER Pan-European investment and asset management platform focussed on higher yielding multi-let secondary real estate Die Immeo Immobilien-Gruppe bewirtschaftet einen Bestand von über 49.000 Wohnungen überwiegend im Großraum Rhein-Ruhr Hugh Fraser is Head of Capital Markets for M7 Real Estate Ltd. He is responsible for all debt capital market activities for the Firm’s European investments, including asset-level and fund/ corporate-level activity, interest rate derivatives and the acquisition of non-performing loans and distressed real estate corporates. Since co-founding the company in 2009, he has helped close over 25 transactions valued at more than €2.0 billion in 9 different countries across Europe. Hugh has more than 20 years experience in real estate finance across Europe and Australia. Nach Studium und Promotion in Wirtschaftswissenschaften hat Dr. Daniel Frey zunächst vier Jahre bei den Beratungsgesellschaften von KPMG und Arthur Andersen gearbeitet. Danach war er sieben Jahre bei der LBBW Immobilien im Bereich Konzernentwicklung. Seit April 2006 arbeitet er für die zum französischen REIT Foncière des Régions gehörende Immeo SE. Als Vice CEO/CFO verantwortet er dabei unter anderem die Bereiche Finanzen und Personal. Immeo besitzt in Deutschland 43.000 Wohnungen und verwaltet daneben über 5.000 fremde Wohnungen sowie über 45 HotelImmobilien. STEPHAN FRITSCH RAIMUND FRÜHMORGEN Managing Director A&M CAPTIVA GMBH Germany Managing Director & Head of Real Estate Large Clients/FPI1 UNICREDIT BANK AG Germany INVESTMENT & ASSET MANAGER BANK Structured commercial real estate investments in all European core markets – current focus on retail and healthcare assets Commercial Bank mit allen Produkten für Immobilienkunden, insb. Finanzierung, ECM, DCM A&M Captiva was founded in 2001 and has since then executed transactions involving over 1,500 properties, valued at more than €13 bn. After three pan-European funds (Captiva Capital Partners I-III) and the IPO of Germany’s first REIT alstria, A&M Captiva has launched its first Spezial AIF focussing exclusively on German retail assets in 2015. With c. € 300mn. of committed capital in German retail in 2015, A&M Captiva was one of the largest investors in this segment last year. Stephan Fritsch has been with the company since 2005 and was involved in all of Captiva’s German investments to date. 30 Diplom-Volkswirt Raimund Frühmorgen hat als Vertreter der HypoVereinsbank im Kernteam G-REIT der Initiative Finanzplatz Deutschland mitgearbeitet. Er ist seit 1998 im Commercial Real Estate der UniCredit Bank AG (HypoVereinsbank), wo er derzeit als Managing Director die Niederlassung Real Estate Large Clients leitet. Schwerpunkt der Tätigkeit ist die Begleitung von internationalen Real Estate Investmentmanagers, börsennotierten Immobilien AGs und KVG - Fonds mit der gesamten Produktpalette einer Universalbank. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS ALFRED GARBE STEFAN GAUDIG Head of Asset Management Germany HANSTEEN Germany Head of M&A LEG MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE COMPANY Real Estate Investment Trust investing in predominantly light industrial properties across Europe and the UK Public listed residential real estate company with the core market NRW Alfred Garbe joined Hansteen in 2009 and is responsible for asset management delivery across the German portfolio. His focus is on management, property marketing, technical management and delivery of business strategy as well as selected acquisitions and sales in Germany. Before joining Hansteen Alfred worked for DTZ’s Frankfurt investment team for more than 3 years, gaining extensive investment experience throughout all asset classes in Germany. Stefan Gaudig is the “Head of Corporate Development and M&A” with the LEG Immobilien AG and advises the executive board regarding company strategy along with holding the responsibility for the transactional business. He joined the LEG preceding the IPO in 2012, bringing more than 10 years of consultancy and asset management experience in the real estate sector to his role. Mr. Gaudig also operates as the Managing Director of the LEG Consult GmbH, a 100% daughter of LEG with the focus on acquisition and sales of real estate portfolios for the Group. MARTIN GIMBER ANNA GINKEL Head of Real Estate Finance Germany North-East PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK AG Germany Head of Syndication Management AAREAL BANK AG Germany BANK - LENDER BANK International real estate financing; public investment finance Real Estate Lender in 3 continents and 24 countries Martin Gimber ist seit Juli 2013 Director der pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank und als Leiter der Berliner Niederlassung verantwortlich für den Bereich Real Estate Finance Deutschland Region Nord-Ost. Er begann seine berufliche Laufbahn im Jahr 1988 im Bereich professionelle Immobilienfinanzierung im Konzern der HVB. In 2006 wechselte er zur DG HYP, deren Berliner Niederlassung er leitete. Er hat langjährige Erfahrungen im deutschen Immobilien- und Finanzierungsmarkt mit professionellen Immobilienkunden aus Deutschland sowie mit Institutionellen und Internationalen Kunden. Der Schwerpunkt seiner Tätigkeit liegt in der Finanzierung von komplexen Immobilientransaktionen als Einzel- oder Portfolioinvestment und von Developer- und Bauträgermaßnahmen. Anna Ginkel has 18 years of experience in Real Estate Finance; thereof focusing on syndication since 2002. In October 2013 Anna became head of the Syndication Management Department at Aareal Bank. Before joining Aareal Bank and after working in various positions at Frankfurter Hypothekenbank (formerly Eurohypo), lastly being in charge of Syndication Execution & Agency, Anna was responsible for the set-up of the European Syndication desk at Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank. She has been directly involved in large-volume clubarrangements and syndication of a wide variety of real estate loans nationally and internationally. Anna holds a degree in Economics (Dipl. Volkswirt) from the Goethe – University in Frankfurt/Main. LEON GOLDWATER TOBIAS GOLLNEST Chairman EUROPE REAL ESTATE UK Managing Director CORESTATE CAPITAL ADVISORS GMBH Germany REAL ESTATE INVESTOR Europe Real Estate (REP) is a multinational, independent commercial real estate media and marketing company with a pan-European scope and an international orientation. Private Equity. Fund Manager. Investment. Development. Asset Management. Commercial. Residential. Student Living. Germany. Austria. Spain Leon Goldwater is the chairman of Real Estate Partners (REP), a commercial real estate news, marketing and publishing platform which is currently in redevelopment to include e a real estate innovation incubation platform, creating the next generation of real estate companies. The innovation hub include companies such as (a crowdfunding platform, BrandSpots pop-up shop and city styling agency, a global Real Estate job board and Office-in-Office a airbnb type platform dedicated to the office and workstation market. Tobias Gollnest is Managing Director of CORESTATE Capital Advisors and in charge of any commercial property transactions. Previously, Tobias was Executive Director of the Luxemburgbased private equity firm FREO, where he was responsible for the domestic real estate transactions and the investment team. Tobias has 13 years of experience in property transactions, financing and real estate investment banking. A bar-certified attorney, Tobias also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in International Real Estate Management. 31 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS ULRICH ALEXANDER GRAEBNER ANNEKAY GRÖBBELS-JANKA Managing Director, Head of Advisory, Germany HOULIHAN LOKEY LEONARDO Germany Member of the Executive Board ENGEL & VÖLKERS GEWERBE BERLIN GMBH & CO. KG Germany INVESTMENT BANK PROPERTY SERVICES Corporate Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions, Debt Advisory, Restructuring, Real Estate, Capital Markets Advisory Specialised in the sale and rental of premium residential property, commercial real estate and yachts. Operating in 38 countries Mr Graebner is MD & Head of the German Corporate Finance business of Houlihan Lokey Leonardo, where he has played an active role in developing Houlihan Lokey Leonardo’s RE advisory practice. He has completed numerous M&A and corporate finance advisory assignments in RE as well as in several other industry sectors. He is based in the Frankfurt office. Houlihan Lokey Leonardo is focused on independent investment banking advice and executes domestic and cross-border transactions in a diverse array of industry sectors. The firm is also active player in debt advisory and financial restructuring situations. Mr Graebner holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Frankfurt/Main and received his MBA from Harvard Business School. Annekay Gröbbels-Janka is concentrating on advising international clients on larger investments in commercial & residential properties in Germany. Annekay works with Engel & Völkers since 15 years, is running the investment department and joined the board of directors in 2005. Before Annekay joint E & V she has been a lawyer concentrating on corperate law. Engel & Völkers Gewerbe Berlin GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 1992 and is with approx. 120 employees and 26.6 Million turnover a member of the Engel & Völkers Group. JENNY HAMMARLUND WILHELM HAMMEL Director KKR UK Head of NPL Advisory LNR PARTNERS EUROPE Germany INVESTOR INVESTOR KKR’s real estate business invests in real estate across asset classes in Germany and Western Europe LNR is a leading NPL and Debt Advisory Firm with best-inclass loan servicing capabilities Jenny Hammarlund joined KKR in 2016, and is primarily focused on real estate investments in Western Europe. Prior to joining KKR, Jenny was a Director with Värde Partners and a Vice President with Lehman Brothers Real Estate Partners (“LBREP”) in New York. She holds an MBA from Columbia Business School. Wilhelm Hammel serves as MD and Head of the NPL Advisory business and is based in Frankfurt. He has more than 15 years of RE finance and management experience and is responsible for leading all of LNR’s German business activities. Prior to joining LNR in 2012, Mr. Hammel was a Senior Director at Elystan Capital in Munich. From 2006 to 2009, Mr. Hammel served as a Director and Principal at Lehman Brothers Real Estate Private Equity Fund (LBREP) in London, where he closed more than €1 billion in debt and equity transactions. Prior to his time at LBREP, Mr. Hammel worked in loan origination and underwriting at Eurohypo’s London office, where he was involved in the origination, underwriting, and closing of more than €2 billion of CRE loans. HANS HAMMER ANDREAS HARDT Chairman & CEO HAMMER AG Germany Head of Germany BLACKSTONE GERMANY Germany DEVELOPER, INVESTOR-DEVELOPER INVESTMENT MANAGER Project development & related services, property management - focus on southern Germany - for investors & own projects or as partner The Munich Hammer Group led by Hammer AG has been a successful Real estate developer, Investor and Property service provider for more than sixty years. Its range of activities includes the development, implementation and marketing of mainly commercial property projects. These are complemented by the business fields of property management, renewable energies and environmental technology. The group manages its own property portfolio in Germany. Hans Hammer studied civil engineering at Munich’s Technical University and gained his MBA at INSEAD. In 1998 he took over the management of the Hammer Group and has been CEO of Hammer AG since 2002. 32 Andreas is responsible for the real estate business for Blackstone in Germany. He has over 20 years of experience in asset management, fund management, acquisition & sales and project development. Before joining Blackstone, Andreas has been Managing Director at Valad in Berlin, Director Central Region at Goldman Sachs RMD/Archon in Frankfurt and Fund Director at Alpha Real Capital in London. He started his career at Deka Immobilien Investment in Frankfurt. Andreas holds an MSc from Nottingham Trent University and a degree in Real Estate Economics from Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft, where today he is an advisory board member. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS ADVENIS REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS DIRK HASSELBRING JOHANNES HAUG CEO HAMBURG TRUST REIM REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany SVP, Global Head of Acquisition and Disposition PEMBROKE REAL ESTATE UK PROPERTY FUND AND ASSET MANAGER INVESTOR, DEVELOPER Investments in residential, prime shopping centers & trophy office assets in Germany, US & Australia. More than U$1.3bn assets Real estate investment and development of office, residential and mixed-use core, value-add and development opportunities Since 2011 Dirk Hasselbring is Chairman of the Management Board (CEO) of Hamburg Trust property assets and investment Ltd. From 2001 he worked as Head of Investor Relations of the German Deutsche EuroShop, Hamburg, before being appointed to the Board of the company in 2003. In 2005 he moved to the GPT Group, Sydney, where he worked as Capital Transaction Executive until 2009. In this role, Hasselbring was also a Member of the Board of the Hamburg Trust. From 2009 until 2011 he was Managing Director of the Cornerstone Group, Sydney. As Global Head of Acquisitions, Johannes leads Pembroke’s worldwide acquisition and disposition activities. Additionally, he oversees portfolio strategies, evaluating and researching potential new investment markets, to ensure that Pembroke’s portfolio composition meets investors’ long-term goals. Hans has a wealth of real estate investment and development experience. Prior to Pembroke, Hans was managing director and member of the Board of Management of Deka Immobilien Investment GmbH in Frankfurt, Germany where he oversaw the operational management to 11 real estate funds with investments in 20 countries. HANS-PETER HÄHNLEIN OLIVER HECHT Managing Director ADVENIS REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS Germany Head of S-Group and Domestic Business BERLIN HYP AG Germany INVESTOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION ADVENIS group provides unique services that range from creating tailor made Investments Portfolios, Asset & Property Mgmt & Development to Debt & Arrangement Services Specialised Real Estate Finance Bank - National and European presence in metropolitan areas - Mortgage bond issuer Hans Peter Hähnlein has been leading Advenis Real Estate Solutions GmbH (formerly known as Inovalis Asset Management GmbH) since 2007. He has 19 years’ experience in the real estate field, such as non-performing loans and project developments for a German bank and in the construction industry. Since Feb 2016 Hans-Peter is challenging new ways as Managing Director of ADVENIS Investment Advisors GmbH in Berlin. He is responsible for the German investment, financing and project development markets. This particularly includes the INOVALIS REIT fund, the investor partnerships with the Middle East and Asia as well as the planned expansion of the French public fund EUROVALYS. Dipl. Kfm. and Immobilienökonom (ebs) Oliver Hecht is heading the S-Group and Domestic Business at Berlin Hyp AG. Since over 20 years Oliver Hecht was able to gain solid real estate experience in different roles and companies throughout the industry. Besides having worked for commercial investors, developers and financial institutions in a leading role for over 15 years, he spends some of his spare time lecturing at the Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft GmbH. DR. MARTIN HELLWEGER JÜRGEN HELM CEO & Founder KRONBERG INTERNATIONAL GROUP Germany Head of Real Estate Germany HSBC TRINKAUS & BURKHARDT AG Germany INVESTOR / DEVELOPER BANK Residential investor with over 5100 units - Transaction advisor and co-investor - Asset Management - Development HSBC is one of the word´s largest banking and financial services organisations Dr. Martin Hellweger is the CEO and Founder of the Kronberg International Group, which has several co-investments with, among others, conwert Immobilien Invest SE (Vienna) und Prelios S.p.A. (Milan). He has successfully concluded property and finance businesses with a transaction volume of 2.2 Billion Euros. In 2002 he established together with CONWERT a Joint Venture for purchase of property portfolios in Germany. In 2005 he established through a joint venture with PRELIOS S.p.A. a cooperate management platform. 700 Million euros were invested in apartment complexes, especially in Berlin. In the course of these Joint Ventures, KRONBERG have gained 450 Million Euros with Prelios, Conwert and Eco Business Property AG (Vienna). Juergen is Head of Real Estate Germany at HSBC Global Banking since September 2014. He is responsible for the coverage of the Real Estate sector in Germany. His is focused on the structuring and financing of complex Real Estate transactions for large Real Estate investors, including all type of capital market products. Before joining HSBC he was heading the German Structured Real Estate Finance team of another international bank in Frankfurt. Juergen is working for more than 25 years in the German banking industry and having more than 15 year experience in the commercial real estate financing business. 33 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS RUBEN HERRMANN DIETER HILDEBRAND Principal WESTBROOK PARTNERS Germany Head of Real Estate Finance Germany LANDESBANK BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG Germany INVESTOR LANDESBANK Westbrook Partners (“Westbrook”), founded in April 1994, is a privately-owned, fully integrated real estate investment management company Arranger and Underwriter for larger Real Estate loans to private and institutional investors, REITS and housing companies Mr. Herrmann works out of Westbrook Partner’s Munich office where he serves as a Principal and a member of Westbrook’s Investment Committee, and participates in acquisition, value enhancement and realization activities within Europe, with a focus in Germany. Prior to joining Westbrook, he spent approximately six years at real estate fund manager Benson Elliot in London, where he served as an Investment Manager leading transactions in Germany. Prior to that, Mr. Herrmann worked in JPMorgan’s Principal Finance Group where he was involved in acquiring over €1 billion of real estate-secured distressed debt in Germany and Central Europe. Dieter Hildebrand verantwortet das nationale Geschäft mit großvolumigen Immobilienfinanzierungen der Landesbank Baden Württemberg. Zusätzlich ist er über mehrere Mandate in Aufsichtsräten von Immobiliengesellschaften vertreten. Er verfügt über mehr als 25 Jahre Erfahrung bei der Finanzierung von Immobilieninvestitionen in allen Realisierungsphasen oder Nutzungen einer Immobilie. Vor seiner Tätigkeit bei der LBBW war er bei verschiedenen Kreditinstituten mit der gesamten Bandbreite von Akquisition bis zu workout Lösungen für Immobilienkredite befasst. WOLFGANG HILD KEAN HIRD Stv. Bankdirektor HELABA Germany Partner CATALYST CAPITAL UK BANK FUND MANAGER Pan-European RE investment and asset management group; focussed on retail, office and industrial assets Wolfgang Hild verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung als Immobilienbanker. Für die Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen begleitete er Führungspositionen an verschiedenen Standorten. Aktuell ist er als Direktor im DCM Real Estate Team tätig mit dem Schwerpunkt Sparkassen und inländische Banken. Kean Hird oversees Catalyst Capital’s activities in Germany and Central and Eastern Europe. Kean began his career at Townsend Thoresen Properties and then subsequently spent 13 years with Imry Group Plc, becoming CEO of a principal subsidiary and overseeing the Group’s activities in both the UK and France. Catalyst Capital purchases, develops and manages a significant portfolio of retail, office and industrial assets in Europe. We are also the exclusive advisor to our own portfolio of discretionary real estate funds, the Catalyst European Property Fund and the Catalyst Samsara India Opportunity Fund, which is also advised by our joint venture partner, Samsara Capital. STEFAN HOENEN JOSÉ HOLGADO Head of Frankfurt Branch HSH NORDBANK AG Germany Managing Director FMS WERTMANAGEMENT Germany BANK PUBLIC WIND-DOWN AGENCY Real estate finance, existing properties and developments in Germany; residential, office, retail, hotel, logistics FMS Wertmanagement (FMS) was founded in 2010 as the Federal governments winding-up institution for the nationalized Hypo Real Estate (HRE) Stefan Hoenen is a Director at HSH Nordbank AG’s real estate lending department. Since joining HSH in 2014, he is heading the Bank’s Frankfurt branch and is responsible for the Bank’s real estate business with local clients. The Bank provides financing for existing properties and portfolios as well as for residential and commercial developments. Prior to joining HSH, Mr. Hoenen worked for over 10 years for various domestic and international banks focusing both on large international clients as well as on local market players. Mr. Hoenen earned a Masters degree in Business Administration from the European Business School (Germany) and a MSc in Real Estate from the Hong Kong University (China). 34 José Holgado is MD and the Head of Commercial RE II (Workout) at FMS Wertmanagement, which was founded in 2010 as the Federal governments winding-up institution for the nationalised Hypo RE Holding AG. Mr. Holgado has 24 years of experience in the banking sector and there of 14 years in international RE finance. Prior to FMS Wertmanagement Mr. Holgado held positions at different German banks, namely Eurohypo (now Hypothekenbank Frankfurt), Aareal Bank, IKB, Allgemeine Hypothekenbank and Nord/LB. His experience includes workout, restructuring, syndications, origination as well as risk assessment of RE financings all over the world and of any type of assets (office, shopping centers, hotels, warehouses, residential, parking garage, etc.). DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS DR. MATTHIAS HUBERT DANILO HUNKER Managing Partner SONTOWSKI & PARTNER GROUP Germany Head of Germany VALAD EUROPE Germany DEVELOPERS/INVESTORS INVESTMENT MANAGER Als Initiator, Projektentwickler, Bauträger und Investor steht die S&P für die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette rund um die Immobilie Leading diversified value-adding European REIM. €3.7bn AUM + €1bn Investment Capacity, across 22 offices in 13 European countries 2002 - 2004 Bayern LB, Unternehmensbereich Kredit Consult 2004 - 2005 Assistent der Geschäftsleitung der Sontowski & Partner GmbH 2006 - 2008 Prokurist der Sontowski & Partner GmbH, Leitung Bereich Finanzierung und Beteiligung 2006 - 2012 Geschäftsführer GRR Real Estate Management GmbH, Leitung Finanzierung & Akquisition seit 2008 Geschäftsführer der Sontowski & Partner GmbH (COO) seit 2011 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Sontowski & Partner GmbH seit 2014 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Pegasus Capital Partners GmbH (CEO) Ehrenamtliches Engagement seit 2012 Mitglied im Real Estate Club e.V. Deutschland seit 2014 Vorstandsmitglied im Real Estate Club e.V. Deutschland. Danilo has full responsibility for leading Valad Europe’s business in Germany, having been with the company since 2011, where he was Head of Asset Management until 2015. Danilo has 20 years’ experience in the German real estate market. Prior to joining Valad he spent time at HIH Hamburgische Immobilien Handlung, as a senior manager, managing €1.3 billion of assets. Danilo studied in Germany and the UK and holds an MBA in the Study of International Real Estate Management and a Bachelor of Commerce. He is a guest lecture at the EBS in Wiesbaden and Member of RICS. ALYSSA HUSE TOBIAS HUZARSKI Managing Director M7 REAL ESTATE GERMANY GMBH Germany Principal, Real Estate KOHLBERG KRAVIS ROBERTS UK INVESTOR AND ASSET MANAGER INVESTOR M7 Real Estate is a pan- European investor and asset manager in the field of multi-let properties KKR’s real estate business invests in real estate across asset classes in Germany and Western Europe Alyssa Huse is the Managing Director of M7 Real Estate Germany. Before setting up M7’s business in Germany, she run her own business and was responsible for the management of a €240 million German portfolio belonging to a British family office. Prior to this, Alyssa was Branch Manager and Director of Asset Management at GPT Halverton, a UK-based investment and asset management company. She was responsible for around 80 properties worth in excess of €700 million and led a team of 12 asset managers in the Dusseldorf and Frankfurt offices. Tobias Huzarski (London) joined KKR in 2012 and is a member of the European real estate team. Prior to KKR, he worked for Orion Capital Managers and for Lehman Brothers London. Mr Huzarski holds a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford. DR. BJÖRN ISENHÖFER ANDREW JACKSON Managing Partner CONCEPTA PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG GMBH Germany Sales Director Western Europe FIRST TITLE CEE DEVELOPER INSURANCE Development of inner-city retail property and refurbishment of distressed retail property across Germany First Title provides innovative insurance solutions that minimise legal risk and add security to RE transactions throughout Europe Dr Björn Isenhöfer has 20 years of experience in the German real estate industry. He is Managing Partner of CONCEPTA Projektentwicklung GmbH, which he founded in 2003 with two partners. His primary responsibilities include acquisitions, financing and transactions. CONCEPTA is a Düsseldorf based developer of inner-city retail property particularly shopping centers. The company is also increasingly active in the refurbishment of distressed retail property across Germany. Developments and refurbishments are implemented in joint venture structures with institutional investors or family offices. Andrew Jackson, Western European Sales Director at First Title Insurance plc, Andrew is responsible for the company’s strategic direction throughout continental Europe as well as building understanding of each territories markets and business opportunities. Former chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary Andrew has 15 years experience with First Title in Europe which has given him an excellent knowledge of the region’s real estate market. 35 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS COMMERZBANK AG GEORG JEWGRAFOW THOMAS JUNKERSFELD CEO REAL I.S. AG Germany CEO HIH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany ASSET MANAGER & FUND PROVIDER INVESTOR Real I.S. (affiliate of German SparkassenFinanzgruppe) serves as BayernLB’s asset management and investment fund service provider for real estate HPM under the umbrella of M.M.Warburg Bank specializes in property management services for commercial use Georg Jewgrafow ist Vorstandsvorsitzender der Real I.S. AG und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der Berchtesgaden International Resort Betriebs GmbH (BIR) sowie Aufsichtsrat der BayernImmo KG. Weitere Aufsichtsratstätigkeiten hat er bei diversen Immobilien- und Fondsgesellschaften. Herr Jewgrafow verfügt über mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung in den Bereichen Immobilienfinanzierung, Real Estate M&A, Portfoliomanagement und Immobilien Assetmanagement. Thomas Junkersfeld (50), CEO of HIH Property Management GmbH is real estate manager and management expert based in Hamburg. He brings over 25 years of experience in property management and has been working at HPM since 2003. HPM is a full-service property manager of commercial, office and residential properties throughout Germany with a total area of approx. 3.0 million m². More than 125 employees manage real estates valued at around EUR 5.9 billion for national and international institutional and private clients. Besides its headquarters in Hamburg, HIH Property Management GmbH has branch offices in Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt/M., Stuttgart and Munich. NICOLE JÜRGENSEN RALF-JÖRG KADENBACH Head of Frankfurt Office COMMERZBANK AG Germany Member Management Board EUROPA CENTER Germany BANK INVESTOR/DEVELOPER All kinds of banking services, amongst others CRE lending for select clients Office and Commercial Buildings, Business Apartments, Hotels, Parking spaces, Logistics Halls and Sorting Depots Nicole Jürgensen joined commercial real estate lender Rheinhyp in late 1998 and started her career in the International Property Lending Department, covering Spain. Thereafter, she was involved in setting up offices in Athens, Greece and Istanbul, Turkey to eventually take over, in late 2006, the Latin American business development at Eurohypo. After 5 years in Spain, between 2009 and 2014, where she was in charge of managing Hypothekenbank Frankfurt’s Branch in Madrid, she joined Commerzbank in 02/2015 to head the Frankfurt office of the Centre of Competence - Corporate Clients Real Estate. After graduating in management studies in Hamburg in 1992, Mr Kadenbach began his career in the office and business park sector with ECE Projektmanagement G.m.b.H. Following this, he worked for a number of well-known property developers and project developers in Hamburg. Amongst other roles, he was Chairman of the Board at the BIG-BAU Group in Kiel and most recently managing partner of hit Hanseatische Immobilien Treuhand GmbH+Co. in Stade. Since the beginning of 2015, Mr Kadenbach has been Deputy Chairman at EUROPA-CENTER AG with responsibility for the areas of project development, asset management und transactions. THOMAS KARMANN NICLAS KAROFF MD - Regional Director Northen Europe PROLOGIS GERMANY MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany Member of the Board TLG IMMOBILIEN AG Germany LOGISTIKIMMOBILIEN INVESTOR Prologis, Inc. ist der führende globaler Eigentümer, Betreiber und Entwickler von Logistikimmobilien Integrated asset management platform, focussed on offices, retail properties and hotels in Berlin and the growth regions of Eastern Germany Thomas Karmann ist Managing Director, Regional Head Northern Europe bei Prologis. Er ist verantwortlich für alle Geschäftsaktivitäten in Deutschland, Österreich, Benelux und Skandinavien. Zuvor war er bei dem internationalen Logistikimmobilienentwickler Gazeley tätig. Er verantwortete dort als Senior Vice President, European Operations die Geschäftsaktivitäten in Europa. Davor war er stellvertretender Leiter im französischen Ingenieurunternehmen GSE. Thomas Karmann besitzt einen Master Titel in Business Administration der Ecole de Management in Lyon, ist Diplom Kaufmann (Universität des Saarlandes) und Alumni der Harvard Business School. 36 TLG IMMOBILIEN AG Niclas Karoff has been MD of TLG IMMOBILIEN GmbH since 2010 and Member of the Management Board of TLG IMMOBILIEN AG since Sep/2014. In his previous role as the MD of HSH RE AG (HSH Nordbank group), he was responsible for finance and asset management. Prior to that, he worked for a number of years in leading roles in M&A and corporate finance, i.a. for the accounting and consulting firm BDO. He is Chairperson of the Regional Board of the German Property Federation ZIA for Berlin and the new German States. Niclas is a graduate in Business Administration (UAS) as well as RE Mgmt (ebs). He is responsible for investments, disposals, portfolio/asset mgmt, marketing/PR and branches (acquisition and sale, property mgmt, project development). DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS NICO KELLER GUSTAV KIRSCHNER Head of National Investment Team BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS Germany Head of Real Estate Finance BAYERNLB Germany RE ADVISOR BANK Advises Investors, Developers, Private Individuals, Occupiers and Public Sector clients on the full real estate lifecycle of services Commercial real estate finance in Germany, Europe and the US. Residential, hotels and health care especially in Germany Nico Keller, the business and real estate economist, has been working for BNP Paribas Real Estate since 2012. Prior to his appointment as Head of National Investment Team he has already been Director in our investment department. Nico Keller has got sufficient real estate knowhow: before joining BNP Paribas Real Estate he worked for SEB Investment for 5 years and was in charge of purchase and sale of real estate in Europe and North America. Nico Keller gained more experience in transaction consulting while he worked for KPMG. Gustav Kirschner, Head of Real Estate Finance, is responsible for German Real Estate Customers. In his more than 20 years of business experience Gustav has held various specialist and management positions within real estate. He studied business administration at University of Passau and is lecturing part time at Technische Universität München (TUM). DR. STEFAN KIRSTEN RALF KLANN CFO VONOVIA SE Germany Head of Asset Management BILFINGER REAL ESTATE Germany REAL ESTATE SERVICE PROVIDER Currently owns & manages some 367,000 residential units in all of Germany’s attractive cities and regions. Its portfolio is worth approximately €23 bi Leading real estate integrated service provider who can cover the whole value chain Dr. A. Stefan Kirsten has been a member of the Vonovia SE (former Deutsche Annington Immobilien SE) since Jan/11. In his last position as CEO with Majid Al Futtaiim Group LLC, a RE developer focusing mainly on property, retail and ventures in the Emirates, and second of last CFO with Metro AG and ThyssenKrupp AG in Germany. His professional career goes with his excellent reputation in the international financial market place as well as financial accounting and controlling. In 1991 he has taken his Dr. rer. pol. Degree followed by the Stanford Executive Program with the Graduate School of Business of Stanford University in California. He has been appointed to a professorship with the University of Applied Sciences in Gelsenkirchen since 2001. Ralf has joined Bilfinger RE in Oct/15 as a member of the board, he is responsible for Asset Mgmt, Building Advisory and Project development. Before Bilfinger he has been Head of Risk – Europe at ADIA, where he was involved in acquisition pricing, asset mgmt and portfolio Mgmt, as well as participating in the decision making on all RE transactions worldwide. Before ADIA he worked for JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank Group. He is a Fellow of the RICS, and a past member of the German Board and Continental Europe Educational Standards Board for RICS. Ralf’s career covers over 25 years in the RE business, covering all sectors including experience as an architect, project manager, asset manager, work out, consultant and appraiser. SUSANNE KLAUßNER STEFAN KLINGSÖHR Chairman of the Board / CEO GRR GROUP Germany Managing Director KLINGSÖHR PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG GMBH Germany INVESTOR AND ASSET MANAGER ASSET MANAGER Investment & Asset Manager specialised Basic Retail Segment in Germany Value add and project development focus - office - retail, residential - senior living real estate - asset, property management Germany Berlin Susanne Klaußner, MRICS. More than 30 years experience in the real estate industry, with a focus on project development and asset management. Before moving to GRR Group, Ms. Klaussner headed the national and international Asset Management business at Sireo Real Estate GmbH. As CEO of GRR Group, she heads the group and also takes responsibility for the real estate divisions. Stefan Klingsöhr is Managing Partner of Klingsöhr Group, Berlin. He has more than 20 years of experience in real estate management and business administration services for institutional and private investors, covering the asset classes “residential”, “commercial”, and “healthcare.” Prior to the formation of Klingsöhr Group, Stefan Klingsöhr headed the fund concepts division at Dr. Böckmann & Partner. Afterwards, he was head of the project development division at Rentaco AG. 37 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS DR. MARTIN KNOF DIETER KOCH Managing Director ING COMMERCIAL BANKING Germany Managing Director & Head of Real Estate Investment Banking DEUTSCHE HYPOTHEKENBANK AG Germany RE FINANCING PFANDBRIEF BANK ING REF offers clients flexible, tailor-made real estate financing solutions for their global and local needs Real Estate Finance in Germany and Europe Since October 2012 Martin Knof is heading ING’s Real Estate Finance team in Germany. He is responsible for growing ING Real Estate Finance’s loan portfolio in Germany and building relationships with leading national and international real estate players investing in Germany. Prior to ING, Martin worked for JPMorgan and a variety of mortgage platforms including Deutsche Bank London. He has held various management positions in the fields of product development, relationship management, structured finance, distribution (syndications, CMBS), and also advisory mandates for debt and equity investments. Martin is a qualified attorney and holds a PhD. Dieter Koch joined the NORD/LB in 2001 as Head of Real Estate Investment Banking (REIB). He took over the same function at Deutsche Hypo after it was acquired by the NORD/ LB in October 2008. The focus of the department is on the support of large international customers, arranging structured finance, portfolio and acquisition finance as well as structured alternatives and financial advice. Dieter Koch and his team can present higher business volumes by integrating Structured Financing Alternatives. Combining regional expertise with high structuring know-how and linking objectives of clients with those of potential investors, REIB provides an optimized use of available resources. KARSTEN KOHLMANN FREDERIC KÖNIGSEGG Managing Partner WATERWAY INVESTMENTS GMBH Germany Managing Director-Real Estate JARGONNANT PARTNERS S.A.R.L. Germany INVESTMENT ADVISOR INVESTOR Investment Advisory for German non-core real estate Karsten is a founding partner of Waterway Investments. Having lived almost half his life abroad, while covering the German property market as investment manager for various international opportunity and private equity funds, Karsten is responsible for all aspects of the transaction process on behalf of Waterway’s international client base. Karsten has a DiplomKaufmann from European Business School (ebs), Oestrich-Winkel and an MBA from Katz Graduate School of Business, Pittsburgh. Karsten speaks German, English and French. Master degree in economics from Hochschule St. Gallen (HSG) in 1997; Project manager with responsibility for property financing, sales and investor relations in a Swiss RE company; MD of TMW Group responsible for Switzerland; MD of Jargonnant Partners responsible for Swiss investments and asset management; VP of the Board of Directors and MD for a Swiss based RE investment and development group, responsible for investment and development as well as for investor relations; Member of the Board and RE Director of two Luxembourg based RE investment groups, overall responsibility for asset management, investor relations, investment and divestment process for an investment volume of almost €400 million; MD with Jargonnant Partners since 2015. RENATA KORNEK STEFAN KORTHALS Head of Syndication Commercial Real Estate MUENCHENER HYPOTHEKENBANK EG Germany Managing Director CORPUS SIREO ASSET MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL GMBH Germany MORTGAGE BANK, PFANDBRIEF ISSUER ASSET MANAGEMENT Commercial and residential real estate financing in Germany, Western Europe and USA Leading German Asset Manager for residential and commercial real estate with +13,1BN EUR AuM in Germany; residential developer and broker Renata Kornek joined Münchener Hypothekenbank eG in 2008 and is today responsible for Syndications and Club Deals in the Commercial Real Estate Finance Division (Origination) of the bank. She has many years of professional experience in commercial real estate banking and worked in different responsibilities such as loan underwriting and loan structuring. Prior to joining Münchener Hypothekenbank eG she worked for Wachovia Bank. Ms. Kornek studied at Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversity in Munich and holds a degree (Diplom Kauffrau) in Business Administration. 38 Managing Director of CORPUS SIREO Asset Management Residential GmbH, a holistic asset management services provider for international and domestic portfolio holders and investors with residential real estate holdings. On behalf of international and domestic investors, banks and credit servicers, Stefan and his workforce aquire, manage and sell several large and medium-sized residential portfolios throughout Germany. Prior to this, Stefan held leading roles at DeTeImmobilien and Deutsche Telekom AG. Stefan holds degrees in Business Administration and Corporate Real Estate Management. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS HENRIE KÖTTER THORSTEN KRAUß CIO & Managing Director Development ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT G.M.B.H. & CO. KG Germany Managing Partner UNDKRAUSS BAUGESELLSCHAFT MBH Germany SHOPPING CENTERS DIENSTLEISTER Hamburg based European market leader of shopping centers, currently 196 centers in management. Long-term investor Henrie W. Kötter is the Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director of ECE. He is responsible for ECE’s global investment activities and the development business of the firm. With its 196 shopping centers under management in 14 countries and assets under management worth 30 billion Euros, ECE is the European market leader in the field of downtown shopping centers. With more than 10 years of experience in retail real estate Henrie has headed several positions both nationally and internationally, including a 4-year appointment as Managing Director of ECE’s center management division. Prior to joining ECE Henrie worked in top management strategy consulting. Geboren am: 01. August 1960 in Kiel nach dem Abitur Ausbildung zum Maurer und Zimmermann 1986 Studium an der Technischen Universität Berlin Betriebswirtschaftslehre/ Bauingenieurswesen Seit 1993 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Firma UNDKRAUSS Baugesellschaft mbH (vormals Mänz und Krauß Ausbau GmbH) Seit 2016 Vorstandsvorsitzender (CEO) der UNDKRAUSS Bauaktiengesellschaft. JAN KRIZAN ANNETTE KRÖGER Managing Director & Regional Head Germany NORTHWEST HEALTHCARE PROPERTIES REIT Germany CEO ALLIANZ REAL ESTATE Germany HEALTHCARE REIT INVESTOR / INVESTMENT AND ASSET MANAGER Healthcare related properties including medical office buildings and hospitals in Australia/New Zealand, Brazil, Canada and Germany The international RE investment and asset manager of the Allianz Group and covers the markets Germany, Austria, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia Jan Krizan, is the Geschäftsführer, Germany for NorthWest International Healthcare Properties REIT. Working with NWVP from 2010 he co-founded the international expansion that created the REIT. From 2010 to 2013, he was also member of the NorthWest Healthcare REIT Board and a member of its Audit Committee. Prior to focusing on global healthcare real estate, he was a Principal at Permira from 2007 to 2009 and at UBS in London, Frankfurt and Toronto as Managing Director, Investment Banking, Head of European Industrials. He has a B.A. (Wilfred Laurier University) and MBA (Schulich School of Business, York University). Mr. Krizan is also a CFA. Annette Kröger joined Allianz RE Germany GmbH in 2009 within the investment management team. In 2011 she became Head of Acquisitions of Allianz RE Germany, taking responsibility for the RE investment team covering acquisitions in the region of Germany, Austria, CEE and the Nordics. In 2013 she additionally took responsibility for the asset management of Allianz RE Germany’s portfolio in Austria, CEE and the Nordics. In April 2015 Annette was appointed CEO of Allianz RE Germany GmbH, her current role. Prior to joining Allianz, Annette worked for Goldman Sachs, investing on behalf of the Whitehall RE Funds. Annette holds a business degree from European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany, and an MBA from Georgia State University. THOMAS KUHLMANN BERNHARD LAAS Member of the Board of Management HAHN GROUP Germany Partner GSK STOCKMANN + KOLLEGEN Germany INVESTMENT MANAGER/RETAIL PROPERTIES LEGAL ADVISER Retail properties, Germany, e.g. retail warehouse centers, up to EUR 50 million investment volume, existing and development properties Leading independent commercial law firm, focusing on real estate, corporate, banking/finance, projects and public law Member of the Board of Management (since August 1, 2009) responsible for real estate management, law, IT, fund management for institutional investors, accounting and financing 2006-2009 HAHN Fonds Management GmbH Managing Director 2005-2006 HAHN Fonds Management GmbH Head of Sales 2001-2005 CommerzLeasing und Immobilien AG (today CommerzReal) Authorized signatory 1998-2001 CommerzLeasing und Immobilien AG (today CommerzReal) Head of Sales 1996-1998 CommerzLeasing und Immobilien AG (today CommerzReal) Project leader 1992-1996 University of applied sciences, Düsseldorf MBA Degree: Master’s degree in business administration 1970 Born in Wuppertal. Bernhard Laas – Head of the Hotels & Leisure Team at GSK Stockmann + Kollegen – focusses on hospitality related aspects of real estate, particularly hotel transactions, distressed assets, hotel developments, joint ventures, financing of hotel acquisitions and developments and negotiation of lease, management and franchise agreements. Bernhard’s clients are mainly open ended funds, developers and owners of hotel assets and hotel chains owning assets (owner operator). Bernhard hosts GSK’s AfterWorkTalks - Hospitality and recently became co-author of the hotel section of a major German publication regarding lease law (“Geschäftsraummiete”). 39 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS IC INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS AG 40 BEN LEHRECKE DR. JÜRGEN LEIBFRIED Managing Director ROUND HILL CAPITAL Germany Founder & Managing Partner BAUWERT AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Germany PROPERTY PLATFORM INVESTOR AND RE-SHAPER PROJECT DEVELOPMENT A fully integrated private equity real estate investment management firm and pan-European platform investor Development of first class office, residential and high street retail project all over Germany (residential focus Berlin) existing and new buildings Ben Lehrecke is partner of Round Hill Capital, responsible for European office and German residential investments. Ben was acting CEO for Round Hill Capital’s Vitus group, a leading housing company in North and West Germany. Throughout his over twenty years of real estate industry experience, Ben Lehrecke has held numerous senior positions in acquisition, business development and management for the Pears Family Trust, KanAm Group and Tishman Speyer. Ben holds a joined master in business management and engineering from Technical University Berlin and a master of real estate development from University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Dr. Leibfried founded BAUWERT in 1983. Over 32 years, he pursued the maxim of building exclusive projects in best locations. Until today, over 300 projects with a total volume of 4,2 billion Euro were realized by BAUWERT. STEFAN LENZE BIRGIT LENZEN Head of Development MOTEL ONE GROUP GMBH Germany Head of Capital Markets BILFINGER REAL ESTATE ASSET MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany HOTEL OPERATOR REAL ESTATE CONSULTANCY Leading budget design hotel brand in Europe With € 54 bn assets under management Bilfinger Real Estate is among the leading real estate service providers in Europe Stefan Lenze is a board director and head of development for the Motel One Group. Before joining Motel One in 2011, Stefan worked as a dual-qualified German/English lawyer for Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP in London. Birgit Lenzen is Head of Capital Markets Germany at Bilfinger Real Estate Asset Management GmbH in Frankfurt. She has over 20 years’ professional experience in the property industry, with a particular focus on transaction advice and real estate financing. She previously worked at JLL (since 2006) in the Capital Markets Department, responsible for portfolio transactions, latterly assuming the role of Team Leader and Authorised Signatory (Prokura) in the Cologne office. She also has many years of experience in real estate financing at Deutsche Bank AG et al. Birgit is a Graduate in Business Administration, following studies at the Universities of Freiburg, Cologne and Dublin. She also graduated in Real Estate Economics at the ebs European Business School. HORST LIEDER DR. KARSTEN LIESER CEO IC INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS AG Germany Fund Manager, Europe ALLIANZ REAL ESTATE GMBH Germany INVESTOR, DEVELOPER INVESTOR / INVESTMENT AND ASSET MANAGER International Campus AG is a developer, co-investor, operator and funds issuer of innovative student houses in Germany. Allianz Real Estate is the strategic centre of expertise in RE within the Allianz Group and a leading international RE investment and asset manager Horst Lieder has more than 25 years of experience in the real estate branch, including experience as a managing partner of TERCON / IVG AG. Before founding International Campus AG together with MMI Munich Medical International GmbH, he developed and headed asset management and investment departments in community undertakings with international investors and private-equity partners (e.g. AXA, JER, Halverton). In the past years, Lieder has prepared the basis of the new class of investment “Student Houses” in Germany. Dr. Karsten Lieser is Investment Manager at Allianz Real Estate, the global real estate investment arm of Allianz Group, steering cross-border and indirect investments across Europe with over EUR 2.0bn transactions concluded across various asset classes. He is a Chartered Surveyor and holds a Master Degree in Engineering & Management and a PhD in Finance. He speaks German, English, French and Spanish. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS ROSS MACDIARMID ERIK MARIENFELDT Managing Director BRUTON CAPITAL Germany Managing Director HIH REAL ESTATE GMBH Germany INVESTOR DEVELOPER COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Corporate portfolio acquisitions, Public to Private M&A and RE positioning and selling individual assets Commercial RE and RE Investments in Germany and selected european countries; 11 bn AuM, Investment Management, AM, Property Mgmt, Project Development Ross MacDiarmid has over 25 years of International real estate experience of which 20 years have been in the USA, China, Central Europe and Germany. Responsibilities included acquisitions, financing and cross-border structuring at Jones Lang LaSalle, ING Barings, Dawnay Day ,and DP Global properties. In 2009, he acquired 3 listed companies on the London Stock exchange, including Rutley capital, then took them private and has since restructured the debt and portfolio. At Bruton Capital he is advising Family Offices on German Retail Investments. MacDiarmid has a B.Sc. in Land Management from Reading University, is a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS) and a Barrister-at-Law of The Inner Temple. Diplom-Volkswirt und diplomierter Immobilienökonom (ebs) Erik Marienfeldt hat über 20 Jahre Immobilienerfahrung und war bereits während seines Studiums für ein Hamburger Immobilienunternehmen tätig. Er ist seit 1997 für die HIH in unterschiedlichen Positionen tätig. Seit 2005 ist er Geschäftsführer bei der HIH und nimmt gleichzeitig die Rolle des Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden bei der Warburg-HIH Invest Real Estate sowie der IntReal KVG wahr. Somit überblickt er ein multinationales Immobilienportfolio von über 10 Mrd. Euro. MARC-PHILIPP MARTINS KUENZEL ACHIM MATUSZEK Executive Director CORPUS SIREO INTERNATIONAL S.À R.L. Luxembourg Managing Director SSN DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Germany ASSET MANAGEMENT DEVELOPER, ENGINEER Leading German Asset Manager for residential and commercial real estate with +13,1BN EUR AuM in Germany; residential developer and broker We are a leading independent company in the real estate industry, specialising in consultancy, development and investment Marc-Philipp Martins Kuenzel ist Senior Advisor von CORPUS SIREO International S.à r.l. Von 2010 bis 2014 war er Fondsmanager der beiden Health Care Fonds Sireo Immobilien¬fonds No. 5 sowie CORPUS SIREO Health Care II, mit einem Gesamtvolumen von EUR 760 Mio. 2015 hat er den Health Care Fonds III konzipiert und aufgelegt. In 2016 hat er den Health Care IV konzipiert, der voraussichtlich im 3. Quartal 2016 aufgelegt wird. 2008-09 arbeitete der studierte Jurist als Fondsmanager bei LB Immo Invest GmbH, Hamburg. Davor arbeitete er für die HSH Real Estate. Mit mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung in der Immobilienbrache und mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Pflegeheim- und Gesundheitsimmobilien. Dr. Achim Matuszek gründete nach seinem Bauingenieur Studium in 1986 das Ingenieurbüro Matuszek & Partner, Kassel. Das Büro spezialisierte sich auf Projektsteuerung und Baumanagement Aufgaben von Handels- und Büroflächen. Im Zuge der Expansion wurden weitere Niederlassungen in Deutschland gegründet, sodass weitere Geschäftsfelder wie Sachverständigenleisten und Bankencontrolling etabliert wurden. In 2010 verkaufte Dr. Matuszek das Ingenieurbüro Dr. Matuszek & Partner (heute DM Projektmanagement GmbH) an die SSN Group AG, Schweiz. Seit 2010 übernahm Dr. Matuszek die Geschäftsführung der SSN Deutschland GmbH (member of SSN Group). Die SSN Deutschland steht für innovative und anspruchsvolle Projektentwicklungen. BERND MAYER GERHARD MEITINGER Managing Director, Head of Real Estate BAYERNLB Germany Head of Real Estate Finance Germany PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany BANK BANK - LENDER Commercial real estate finance in Germany, Europe and the US. Residential, hotels and health care especially in Germany International real estate financing; public investment finance Bernd Mayer is Managing Director and responsible for BayernLB’s real estate division. He assumed his current role in April 2013. Bernd Mayer joined BayernLB in 1993 and has held a variety of specialist and management positions in commercial real estate. His previous experience includes German and international real estate lending. Most recently, he served as a Head of the Savings Banks & Association Division from 2009 until 2013. Gerhard Meitinger is Managing Director at pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank and is responsible for the Real Estate Finance Business Germany. He has many years of experience in the German Real Estate and Lending business both with real estate professionals as well as international and institutional clients. The focus of his activities is the financing of real estate investments with single properties and portfolios. He also focuses on the financing of development projects in appropriate locations and adequate financing models. 41 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS CAERUS DEBT INVESTMENTS AG 42 CHRISTIAN MIELKE TIM MITCHELL Regional Director Germany METRO PROPERTIES HOLDING GMBH Germany CEO, Europe GSA GROUP UK INVESTOR INVESTOR, DEVELOPER, OPERATOR One of the largest and most important international retailing companies which operates more than 2000 stores in 30 countries Founded in the UK 25 years ago, we now manage student communities across three continents After studying city and regional planning in Dortmund and receiving his diploma as engineer Christian Mielke held various operative and strategic executive positions in the real estate sector in Germany e.g. - Head of Expansion for UCI cinemas in Germany - Executive of real estate portfolio management Germany at REDEVCO in Duesseldorf – responsible for a real estate portfolio of 1.5bn EUR - Director of Development at Starbucks Coffee Company in Essen – responsible for building up the brand on the German market and 140 new stores Christian Mielke joined METRO PROPERTIES in October 2011 as Head of Corporate Asset Management. As of 1st November 2015 he has taken over the position of Director Region Germany. Tim Mitchell is responsible for driving GSA’s business forward in Europe. With more than 25 years of experience as a chartered surveyor, including 15 in student accommodation, Tim focuses on major investment activity including fundraising, investment, acquisition and development. Previously, Tim was Group Property Director for UNITE and helped increase the company’s portfolio from 2,000 to more than 38,000 beds. He works out of our London and Bristol offices. MAYA MITEVA CHRISTIAN MOLTER Chief Financial Officer CENTERSCAPE DEUTSCHLAND GMBH & CO. KG Germany Managing Director ARMINIUS KAPITALGESELLSCHAFT MBH Germany INVESTOR & DEVELOPER INVESTMENT ADVISOR Centerscape is an investor, developer & owner of predominantly grocery-anchored retail real estate in Germany, Poland and Czech Republic Arminius Kapital is an independent and owner-run RE consultancy firm that has advised on approximately €4.0 billion of transactions in Germany Maya Miteva is Chief Financial Officer of the Centerscape Group – a retail real estate investor with operations in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. Previously she was Head of Corporate Finance and Transactions of the GAGFAH Group (today VONOVIA) and prior to that Head of Transactions in the private equity house - Arminius Kapital. Maya Miteva graduated from Mount Holyoke College in the United States and started her career in the investment banks - Lazard Freres and Kuna & Co. KG (today Evercore) in Frankfurt. Prior to co-founding Arminius Kapital in 2006, Mr. Molter was at Lone Star, Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette and Arthur Andersen. Mr. Molter received a “Diplom Kaufmann” degree Faculty at the European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel. Mr. Molter is a German citizen. MICHAEL MORGENROTH MARTIN MÖRL CEO CAERUS DEBT INVESTMENTS AG Germany Managing Director PRELIOS IMMOBILIEN MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany INVESTMENT ADVISOR DEVELOPER, ASSET MANAGER Real estate debt, all property types, focus on Germany, also active in Austria, Switzerland and Benelux, > 10 Mio € Prelios Immobilien Management GmbH manages, develops and invests in commercial and retail real estate Michael Morgenroth is CEO and shareholder of CAERUS Debt Investments AG, founded in 2012 and renamed after a management-buy-out in July 2013. From April 2012 until the successful management-buy-out, he has also been managing director at SIGNA Holding GmbH in Vienna. Before joining CAERUS he was a member of Gothaer Asset Management AG’s Management board for eight years with AUM of more than 24 billion Euro. From 2009 – 2015 he was a member of the management board of the European Association for Investors in Non-Listed Real Estate Vehicles (INREV), being the chairman between 2010 – 2012 and has also been Chairman of the Property Commission of German Insurance Association (GDV). Martin Mörl is working for Prelios since 2007 as Managing Director with focus on Development, Asset Management, Shopping Center Management, Letting and Transaction Management. He has more than 20 years of experience in real estate industry and finished his master´s degree in business administration (Diplom Kaufmann) in 1994. Before Prelios / Pirelli Real Estate, Mörl worked for B&L Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft and I.T.C. Immobilien Team Consulting in Hamburg. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS FMS WERTMANAGEMENT SERVICE GMBH VOLKER MUENCH CHRISTOPH MUNTE Head of CRE Iberia, France, Italy and Eastern Europe FMS WERTMANAGEMENT SERVICE GMBH Germany Managing Director- Structuring ARB ASSET MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany FINANCIAL SERVICES INVESTOR FMS Wertmanagement Service GmbH is a subsidiary of FMS Wertmanagement AöR Vertically integrated investment advisor and asset manager focussed on enhancing perpetuity returns to ARB Volker is working as a Team Head in the FMS Wertmanagement Service GmbH where he has successfully wound down several big portfolios of performing and non-performing commercial real estate loans across Europe in a value preserving manner. He has more than 20 years of professional experience in the German and international real estate market, was working inter alia for HVB Group and Hypo Real Bank International in several responsible positions from origination, underwriting, restructuring to workout, covering and managing that way all phases of the real estate investment cycle. Volker is a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS). Christoph Munte is a managing director with ARB Asset Management, responsible for fund structuring and management. Previously, he worked with Peakside Capital, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. Christoph originated, managed and re-structured real estate loans and property transactions with a volume of more than €8 billion across Europe and established and maintained the respective acquisition and fund structures as well as the relationships with banks, joint venture and operating partners. FRITZ MÜLLER MAHBOD NIA Head of Real Estate Finance Germany North-West HELABA Germany Chief Executive Officer NORTHSTAR REALTY EUROPE UK BANK INVESTOR / ASSET MANAGER Financing: Offices, Shopping Centers and Logistics. Minimum loan amount 100 Million € Northstar realty europe corp, through its managed vehicles, has the ability to invest in a broad spectrum of european commercial real estate Fritz Müller startete nach seinem Studium seine Karriere im Bankensektor. Er verfügt über mehr als 30 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Immobilienbanker, die letzten 17 Jahre in Führungspositionen bei verschiedenen Banken. Seit 12 Jahren ist Fritz Müller für die Landesbank HessenThüringen tätig. Aktuell verantwortet Fritz Müller das Immobilienfinanzierungsgeschäft der Helaba in der Region Deutschland Nord-West (NRW, Niedersachen, Bremen, Hamburg und SH) als Bankdirektor Immobilienfinanzierung und Abteilungsleiter. NORTHSTAR REALTY EUROPE Mr. Nia has served as our Chief Executive Officer and President since June 2015. Mr. Nia also serves as Managing Director and Head of European Investments at NorthStar Realty Europe, a position he has held since July 2014. Prior to joining NorthStar Realty Europe, Mr. Nia acted for PanCap Investment Partners, a European real estate investment and advisory firm with clients including Goldman Sachs (Real Estate Principal Investments Area) and other blue chip institutions. From 2007 to 2009, Mr. Nia was a Senior Executive Director in the Real Estate Banking Group at Goldman Sachs. Prior to 2007, Mr. Nia served in various positions at Citigroup Inc. (formerly Salomon Brothers, where Mr. Nia began his career). MARK MÜNZING RALF NIGGEMANN Board Member ZBI ZENTRAL BODEN IMMOBILIEN AG Germany Member of the Board DEVELOPMENT PARTNER AG Germany INVESTOR/BESTANDSHALTER DEVELOPER Wohnimmobilien/Geschlossene Immobilienfonds, Zielgr. private/institutionelle Anleger, 14.000 Bestandswohnungen, 180 Mitarbeiter/7 Niederlassungen Development of high-quality property for retail business & office blocks in favoured locations in city centres for institutional and private investors Mark Münzing, 57 Jahre alt, geboren in Stuttgart, Volljurist und Immobilienökonom (ebs). Nach Studium und Anwaltstätigkeit 1990 Eintritt in die Daimler Benz AG. Er begleitete das Daimler Benz Projekt Potsdamer Platz vom Grundstückserwerb 1990 bis zur Vollvermietung 1999, übernahm die Projektleitung für den Bau des Bahnhofs Potsdamer Platz und baute ab 1997 die Daimler-Nachtragstruppe auf. Ab 2003 bis 2007 Direktor mit Zuständigkeit für alle Stabsangelegenheiten, Recht und Asset Management der DaimlerChrysler Immobilien-Gruppe. 2007 bis 2008 Einkaufsvorstand bei der Wontra AG, Berlin. Seit 2009 Vorstand für Einkauf und Finanzierung bei der ZBI AG. Einkaufsvolumen 2009-2015: 1,2 Mrd. Euro. Since 09/2015 DEVELOPMENT PARTNER AG, Dusseldorf, Member of the Board; 09/12 – 08/15 SIGNA Development Deutschland AG, Munich, CEO; 2013 – 08/15 CEO Germany and member of the Austrian Development Holding Management Board; 04/06 – 08/12 HOCHTIEF Solutions AG, HTP Bavaria/Munich, Branch Manager; 05/05 – 04/06 HOCHTIEF Development Hungary, Budapest, Representative of the HTP Essen Management Board; 01/02 – 05/05 HOCHTIEF Projektentwicklung GmbH, branch north-eastern/Berlin, Branch Manager; 10/1998 – 12/2001 HOCHTIEF Projektentwicklung, Essen, Project Manager/Project Financier; 03/96 – 09/98 CommerzLeasing und Immobilien, Dusseldorf, Project Manager; 05/94 – 02/96 Opel Bank/Opel Leasing (now GMAC), branch Essen, Large Loan Department Manager. 43 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS SASCHA NÖSKE MORTEN OLESEN CEO STRATEGIS AG Germany Head of Real Estate Investment FFIRE IMMOBILIENVERWALTUNG AG Germany IMMOBILIENMANAGEMENT / VERTRIEB INVESTOR With comprehensive solutions in management and sales, STRATEGIS AG is able to offer a full house service of managing, letting and selling properties Investor focusing on opportunistic or value-add transactions across all real estate asset classes Sascha Nöske has almost two decades of professional experience in the real estate industry. His engagement includes development and residential transactions with a volume up to 1.4bn€. With Strategis he is heading a Real Estate Company, which is a specialized platform for foreign investors. His team contributes to investment success in RE Management, Invest and Sales. The synergy between the three departments makes success in property investments feasible. He is the founder of STRATEGIS AG and teaches real estate management at various leading universities like the European Business School. At FFIRE since 2013. Active acrosss the entire investment process, from sourcing, due diligence, financing, operational management to disposal. Previously at Deutsche Annington (now Vonovia) where main projects included the refinancing of the GRAND CMBS and the Initial Public Offering of the company. Before this at Speymill Deutsche Immobilien Company. Morten started his career as in London a management consultant serving the private equity industry and has been a CFA Charterholder since 2012. KERSTEN OSCHMANN ALI OTMAR Managing Director MI INVEST Germany Managing Director - Germany, Austria & Netherlands TRISTAN CAPITAL PARTNERS LTD UK INVESTMENT FIRM INVESTOR & MANAGER Identify undervalued assets which require restructuring and property improvement Opportunistic private equity real estate investor EMEA More than 20 years of real estate expertise covering development, portfolio-and asset management, property transaction business and structured real estate finance. He is specialised in office and industrial light properties as well as logistics sites. Previous, KO was managing Director with assignments to a quotes company (IVG) and a family office (Harald Quandt family). Since 2003 KO is managing partner of his own investment firm (MI investment) restructuring various previous industrial sites to modern logistics orientated business parcs. Additionally the firm had several assignments an investment-and strategic advisor on corporate real estate issues and asset management strategies. Mr. Otmar is a Managing Director of Investments at Tristan Capital Partners. He is responsible for origination and execution of investments in Europe with a particular focus on Germany, Austria and Benelux countries. Prior to joining Tristan, Ali worked for five years at Merrill Lynch’s Real Estate Principal Investments group and its successor, Peakside Capital. Since joining Tristan in March 2011, he has been responsible for the origination and execution of new investments in excess of €2.5 billion on behalf of Curzon Capital Partners III/IV and EPISO 3/4 funds which invest in core plus and value-add investment opportunities on a pan-European basis. PAUL PARKER MICHAEL PETER Managing Director Real Estate, Europe & Asia LANDMARK PARTNERS UK Founder and CEO P&P GROUP Germany INVESTOR DEVELOPER Private Equity and RE Investment Company specializing in secondary funds with over $15bn investments Das Unternehmen gilt als Spezialist für die Entwicklung von Neubau-Quartieren und die Revitalisierung von Industriebrachen und historischen Gebäuden As MD of Landmark Partners for RE in Europe & Asia, Paul Parker is responsible for transaction origination, business development and investor relations across the regions. Landmark has in excess of $15bn of capital commitments invested with over 700 sponsors of private equity, real estate and real assets funds. Prior to joining Landmark, Paul was a director of DTZ Investment Management, a subsidiary of the DTZ Group, one of the leading global real estate advisers. As head of DTZ’s multi-manager and fund of funds business, Paul was responsible for the establishment, development and management of that business. 44 Michael Peter, Jahrgang 1971, ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der P&P Gruppe mit Sitz in Fürth. Nach Anfängen als Projektsteuerer in ganz Deutschland gründete Michael Peter 1995 sein eigenes Immobilienunternehmen in der Metropolregion Nürnberg. Bis zur Jahrtausendwende ist das Unternehmen vorwiegend in Ostdeutschland tätig und saniert hier über 200 Objekte. Ab 2003 etabliert sich Peter mit der P&P Gruppe in der Metropolregion Nürnberg. Neben Projektentwicklung, Sanierung und Neubau sind heute die Bereiche Real Estate und MicroApartments wichtige Unternehmensstandbeine. Mit 240 Mitarbeitern deckt das Unternehmen alle Bereiche der Immobilienwertschöpfungskette ab. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS DR. MICHAEL PIONTEK HELGE PITZ CFO POLIS IMMOBILIEN AG Germany SVP, Senior Relationship Manager HSH NORDBANK Germany INVESTOR/ASSET MANAGER BANK Anbieter von hochwertigen Mietflächen in guten bis sehr guten Lagen deutscher Bürostandorte und Asset Manager für Dritte Real estate finance, existing properties and developments in Germany, asset classes: residential, office, retail, hotel, logistics Nach einer langjährigen bundesweiten Tätigkeit im Bankenbereich mit Fokus auf gewerbliches Immobiliengeschäft wechselte Michael Piontek 2003 zum Land Berlin, wo er als Bereichsleiter und Allein-Geschäftsführer verschiedener Immobilien- und Fondsverwaltungs- sowie ControllingUnternehmen mit einem verwalteten Vermögen in Höhe von mehreren Mrd. € tätig war. Er ist gelernter Bankkaufmann und hält einen Master of Business Adminstration mit Schwerpunkt Finanzmanagement der University of Wales (Großbritannien). Er promovierte zum Doctor of Business Administration an der Sheffield Hallam University (Großbritannien). Helge Pitz, born in 1973, is a qualified lawyer and works in real estate finance since 2000. He started his professional career in the international Clients in Germany team at Rheinische Hypothekenbank AG. In 2005 he moved on as a Vice President in the Debt Capital Markets team at Eurohypo AG and after 2008 he was a Director in the European Structured Finance team at Eurohypo AG. Beginning of 2013 he joined HSH Nordbank AG in Hamburg as a Senior Vice President in the real estate cross border business. ALEXANDER PIUR OLIVER PRIGGEMEYER Director ING COMMERCIAL BANKING Germany COO IVG IMMOBILIEN AG Germany BANK ASSET MANAGERS ING – Core lender for Real Estate Finance in Germany and global market player IVG Immobilien AG purchases, manages and sales office buildings in Germany. It has a portfolio of office buildings worth more than € 3 billion I am responsible for originations within Real Estate Finance Germany since May 2014 in ING in Frankfurt. I have 14 years of experience in the real estate financing markets in Germany. Prior to working for ING, I worked for several banks in Munich. I am a member of IMMOEBS, have a degree as Immobilienökonom from the International Real Estate Business School in Regensburg and hold a B.Sc. in Finance and Management from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. Oliver Priggemeyer, Jahrgang 1969, ist COO der IVG Immobilien AG und zuständig für den gesamten Bereich des Asset Managements. Zuvor war er für die IC Immobilien Holding tätig, wo der Betriebswirt seit Februar 2009 Mitglied des Vorstands war und im September 2011 die Funktion des CEO übernommen hatte. Davor arbeitete Priggemeyer als Chief Operating Officer bei einer damals börsennotierten deutschen Immobilienaktiengesellschaft. In den Jahren zuvor fungierte er als Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der EPM Assetis GmbH (heute Bilfinger Berger Real Estate GmbH), Geschäftsführer der Westdeutschen Immobilien Holding und Geschäftsführer verschiedener operativer Immobiliendienstleistungsunternehmen der Westdeutschen Immobilien Holding Gruppe. BENNETT PULTUSKIER CARSTEN QUEHL Managing Director TERRANIA AG Germany Director THE CARLYLE GROUP Germany FAMILY OFFICE INVESTOR The Carlyle Group is a global alternative asset manager with more than $194 billion of assets under management Bennett is Managing Director of Terrania AG, a Munich based Family office specializing in underperforming/ distressed commercial property. The company currently operates in Germany, the United States and Switzerland. As Managing Director, Bennett co-heads the Investment Management, Asset Management and Finance operations of the company. Prior to joining Terrania AG, he was part of the Investment Management Team of Allianz Real Estate. He holds a degree in Economics and Management from Bocconi University, Milan. Carsten Quehl is Director and Head of Germany, focusing on real estate opportunities in Germany. Mr. Quehl is based in Munich. He is responsible for managing the German real estate portfolio including acquisition, development, financing, letting and sales. Mr. Quehl has 18 years of professional experience and previous to joining Carlyle in 2008 he worked for ING Real Estate Development in Hamburg and for Ernst & Young Real Estate in Frankfurt. 45 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS PATRICK REICH STUART REID Managing Partner CALEUS CAPITAL INVESTORS GMBH Germany Partner - Transactions, Germany, Switzerland & Austria ROCKSPRING PROPERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany INVESTOR, OPERATING PARTNER INVESTOR Real estate investment management company, focusing on residential and office value-add investments Retail warehouses. Shopping centres. Supermarkets. Offices. Germany. Austria. Switzerland. Existing or development Patrick founded Caleus Capital Partners together with his partner Dr. Ulrich Weber in 2010. He started his career in 1993 at the Berlin based BAUWERT Property Group where he became partner in 1994. In 2000, Pramerica bought the majority of his company that later merged with the Apellas Group founded by Ulrich Weber together with Soros Real Estate Investors in 2003. Stuart has been working in real estate for over 30 years. He joined Rockspring Berlin in June 2001 and is responsible for all transactions and asset management throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Stuart was instrumental in setting up the Rockspring German Retail Box Fund, a leading investor in retail warehousing in Germany. In total, he oversees EUR 2 billion AUM for Rockspring focused mainly on retail assets. Rockspring continues to invest in the retail sector in Germany but has recently also undertaken a number of core-plus/value-add office and logistics transactions. DR. KARL REINITZHUBER UWE REMPIS CEO UNIBAIL-RODAMCO GERMANY GMBH Germany European Director Asset Management LASALLE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Germany SHOPPING CENTER INVESTOR Leading German shopping center company that develops, manages and owns currently 26 Shopping centers and sets new standards for customer’s experience LaSalle manages $58.3 billion of real estate and is one of the world’s leading real estate investment managers Dr. Karl Reinitzhuber serves as CEO of Unibail-Rodamco Germany, the German division of Unibail-Rodamco, Europe’s leading listed commercial real estate company. Prior to this, Karl served as Co-CEO and CFO of the mfi AG, before the company’s rebranding into Unibail-Rodamco Germany in August 2015. Before that he held various general management and finance positions in HOCHTIEF and MAN Group. Most notably, he served as a Board Member of Leighton Holdings, Sydney/Australia. He is a graduate of WHU Koblenz. Karl is married and has two children. Uwe Rempis ist verantwortlich für Asset Management in Deutschland, Skandinavien und den Niederlanden. Er arbeitet seit 1997 in der Immobilienbranche und ist seit März 2007 bei LaSalle tätig. Davor war er 10 Jahre lang bei Allianz Immobilien GmbH und dort zuständig für Immobilientransaktionen in Nordund Zentraleuropa sowie in den Niederlanden. Uwe Rempis ist Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS), Immobilienökonom (ebs) und hat an der Fachhochschule Nürtingen Betriebswirtschaftslehre studiert. GUNNAR RÜFFER TIMM SASSEN International Real Estate Finance BAYERNLB Germany CEO GREYFIELD GROUP Germany CRE FINANCE INVESTOR & DEVELOPER Commercial real estate finance in Germany, Europe and the US Greyfield is an independent and innovative investment company focused on undervalued and distressed properties with redevelopment potential Located in Bayern LB’s new office in Frankfurt, Gunnar Rüffer is responsible for international real estate clients in the Greater Frankfurt area. Before joining Bayern LB he was heading the Loan Sales and Securitisation Department within Eurohypo’s Debt Capital Markets division. Altogether he can look back on a 25 years of banking experiences. Prior to joining Eurohypo in 2002 he worked as an analyst within the CRE Structured Finance sector at Dresdner Bank New York Branch. 46 Timm Sassen leads the companies investment, development and service activities. Prior to launching Greyfield, Timm worked at IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG in the RE department focusing on NPL wok out. From 2006 – 2012, he led a number of national and international transactions and advisory projects with KPMGs Corporate Finance – RE department. Timm holds a degree in RE Management at the European Business School. He also received his International Executive MBA in Regensburg combined with studying abroad in Reading, Hong Kong and Harvard. Timm is a member of the North RhineWestphalia chamber of architects, RICS, ULI and the leader of the Competence Center of Redevelopment of Gesellschaft für mmobilienwirtschaftliche Forschung e.V. (gif). DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS PHILIP SAUER ALEXANDER SAUR Managing Director SAUER REAL ESTATE 1936! UK General Manager & Head of Real Estate Finance NATIXIS Germany INVESTOR & DEVELOPER BANK 3rd generation family business with 80 years of European investment experience focusing on Residential RE in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, UK & Spain Commercial real estate financing Philip C. Sauer is a real estate professional with 16 years of experience in European real estate transaction. He holds a Master in Real Estate Investment 8 Finance from the European Business School in Germany. As Managing Director of a 80 yearold Real Estate Investment firm he is responsible for investments in Germany, Austria, Switzerland,U K and Spain with focus on Residential Real Estate. Alexander is General Manager at Natixis Pfandbriefbank AG a newly established Pfandbriefbank belonging to Natixis SA (Paris) a member of BPCE Group. Since 2006 he was Managing Director/Head of Real Estate Finance at Natixis SA and has established the real estate platform in the German speaking countries from the scratch being responsible for the origination & execution of structured real estate transactions. He started his professional career as a board member assistant at Westdeutsche Immobilienbank AG, later on as Executive Director and was responsible for institutional investors being active in Europe, UK & North America. He has over 20 years professional experience in real estate and holds a degree of Real Estate Economics (ebs). XAVIER SCHEIBLI DR. ANDREAS SCHILLHOFER Director, NPL Advisory LNR PARTNERS EUROPE Germany Partner PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPER Germany INVESTOR MERCHANT BANK LNR is a leading NPL and Debt Advisory Firm with best-inclass loan servicing capabilities Xavier Scheibli serves as Director in the NPL Advisory business and is based in Frankfurt. He has more than 14 years of experience on both the equity and debt sides of the real estate business. In his current role, he is responsible for NPL underwriting activities in continental Europe, due diligence, pricing efforts and structures co-investment opportunities for LNR. Prior to joining LNR in 2013, Mr. Scheibli was a Vice President at Hudson Advisors and had previous posts in the real estate division of UBS Wealth Management where he was involved in fund structuring, acquisitions, and distribution to high net worth individuals and institutional investors. Mr. Scheibli and his team closed on more than €12 bi in transaction volume in Europe. PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPER Andreas is a Mergers & Acquisitions Partner based in Frankfurt, Germany. Andreas joined the German M&A team as a Partner in 2016 after having spent almost 8 years with Italian Investment Bank Mediobanca. He has over 15 years of professional experience in Investment Banking and M&A with a focus on larger and complex transactions in the real estate and infrastructure space where he successfully completed > 40 M&A as well as capital market transactions. At Mediobanca, Andreas was Co-Head of the Global Real Estate Group and member of the local management board in its German subsidiary. Prior to joining Mediobanca, he worked in leading positons at Bank of America and Greenhill (both Frankfurt) focusing on M&A and capital market transactions across a variety of industries. He started his career at Credit Suisse in London ROLAND SCHMIDT SIMONE SCHMIDT Managing Director FORTE CAPITAL DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Germany Director. Head of Portfolio Management ING COMMERCIAL BANKING Germany INVESTOR RE FINANCING German residential property investor and asset manager ING REF offers clients flexible, tailor-made real estate financing solutions for their global and local needs Roland Schmidt is a Managing Director of Forte with main responsibilities for acquisitions and financing. Before cofounding Forte, Mr. Schmidt was a member of the investment team at the Grove and Terra Firma funds and a Credit Suisse affiliate. Prior to his investment activity Mr. Schmidt worked in investment banking for JP Morgan and UBS. He studied at the Vienna University of Economics and at the University St. Gallen HSG. 18 years experience in European real estate financing incl. restructuring/ work-out of real estate loans and structured credit products; former employers comprise balance-sheet lenders as well as CMBS lenders ie Deutsche Bank, RBS and Morgan Stanley; Responsible for the underwriting and portfolio management team of ING’s German commercial real estate finance business. 47 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS TILL SCHMIEDEKNECHT ANTON SCHÖPKENS Managing Director BGP ASSET MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany CFO 6B47 GERMANY GMBH Germany ASSET MANAGEMENT PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG, PROJEKTINVESTITION BGP AM is a full service asset management firm managing 17.000 units with a value of 1.1 billion € in Germany. www. Till Schmiedeknecht is former shareholder and managing partner of BGP Asset Management a fully integrated Asset, Property and Facility Management Company. He is responsible for the operational activities. Before his current role he became a transaction manager at Babcock and Brown in 2008. Previously, he worked for the Cerberus Group as an asset and investment manager in the Netherlands and was also a fund manager for IVG Immobilien AG. He holds an architecture degree level from Karlsruhe, Barcelona and London, as well as an MBA, and is a chartered surveyor (MRICS). Geboren 1969 in Sevelen, studierter Wirtschaftsingenieur, verheiratet, Vater von zwei Kindern. Anton Thomas Schöpkens verfügt über mehr als elf Jahre Erfahrung in der Immobilienwirtschaft. Seit 2012 als Interim- / Deputy CFO der Vitus Gruppe, begleitete er zuletzt den Verkauf an die Deutsche Annington Immobilien SE. Mit dem Verkauf der WCM-Immobilien trat Herr Schöpkens 2005 der Vitus-Gruppe bei, wo er als Group Director u.a. die Bereiche Controlling und Accounting verantwortet hat. 2009 wurde er daneben zum Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden der GEWG mbH in Wuppertal berufen und übernahm weiter Verantwortung in den Bereichen Compliance und Risikomanagement. Seit November 2015 ist Anton Thomas Schöpkens Geschäftsführer (CFO) der PDIGruppe. CHRISTOPH SCHÖPPNER STEFAN SCHRAUT Associate Director National Investment P&P GROUP Germany Managing Partner INDIGO INVEST HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG Germany INVESTMENT DEVELOPER INVESTOR Die P&P Gruppe realisiert als Investor komplexe Projekte in den Segmenten Büro, Gewerbe, Wohnen und Hotel und ist Experte für Revitalisierung Value add-/ Core plus investments in various types of properties. Value creation through active management Christoph F. Schöppner ist seit 2013 bei der P&P Gruppe in Fürth/ München. In seiner Rolle als ADNI ist er für den Bereich An- und Verkauf, Transaction Management und Abwicklung der An- und Verkäufe der P&P Gruppe verantwortlich. Der Fokus beim Ankauf liegt auf Bestandsobjekten, Manage to Core, Opportunitäten und Value Add Objekte primär in süddeutschen Raum. Berlin und das Rhein-Main Gebiet sind ebenfalls im Fokus des Ankaufs. Der Verkauf wird derzeit mit Produkten aus der Metropolregion Nürnberg bespielt, wobei zeitnah die ersten Verkäufe in München anstehen. CFS war zuvor bei der BNP Paribas Real Estate in Frankfurt aktiv. Stefan Schraut is a Managing Partner of Indigo Invest. Prior to joining Indigo Invest Stefan was Senior Vice President of Pramerica Real Estate Investors, where he was a senior member of the Global Merchant Banking Group. Previously he worked as an Associate Director, Investments for Curzon/ AEW Europe. Before relocating to London, Stefan spent six years at IVG Immobilien AG where he was Head of Corporate Development in charge of strategy and the acquisition of a number of transactions across Europe. Stefan is a CFA charter holder and holds an honours degree from the Technical University of Berlin. MATTHIAS SCHULTZ J.-P. SCHULZ CFO TREI REAL ESTATE Germany COO / Head of Real Estate Investment DRESDNER INVEST BY DRESDEN HAUS GMBH & CO. KG Germany INVESTOR, DEVELOPER INVESTOR Trei Real Estate develops tailor-made solutions in residential and commercial sectors for its own portfolio Dresdner Invest by Dresden Haus is an investment house based in Central Germany. It buys and sells assets in Dresden and the region Matthias Schultz (41) is Chief Financial Officer of Trei Real Estate, the international real estate company of the Tengelmann Group. As CFO he has been responsible for finance, HR and IT since the foundation of Trei Real Estate in 2008. Prior to that he worked in leading positions in international controlling at Plus, a large European food retailer and in corporate controlling of the Tengelmann Group. Mr. Schultz holds a master´s degree in economics and has studied at the universities of Düsseldorf and Salamanca. 48 DRESDNER INVEST BY DRESDEN HAUS GMBH & CO. KG Peter is COO / Head of Investment for Dresdner Invest´s business with national and international clients such as funds, banks and insurance companies, looking to invest in and/or sell Real Estate assets in Central and East Germany. Dresdner Invest specialises in developing distressed real estate portfolios, mainly commercial and residential real estate, by directly investing in the properties or on behalf of clients. The in-house asset and property management division manages both the proprietary portfolio as well as those mandated by clients. Peter himself has over 25 years’ experience working with international clients, and over 10 working in leading real estate functions. The company is always looking for new development opportunities. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS DIRK SCHWINDLING MICHAEL SCHWÖBEL Senior Transaction Manager ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT DEUTSCHLAND AG Germany Managing Director, Europe DREAM GLOBAL ADVISORS GERMANY GMBH Germany INVESTOR INVESTOR, ASSET MANAGEMENT Office, Retail, Logistics Investment, Asset Size 15-50m EUR, Asset & Share Deals, Developments & Existing Buildings Dream Global Advisors Germany GmbH is the German Asset Management platform of Dream Global REIT Dirk Schwindling joined Aberdeen Asset Management in 2011 and heads up the German Commercial Property Transaction Team. Previously he has been working with CorpusSireo Investment Management, Luxemburg being responsible for Real Estate investment and fund management of office and retail funds for various countries. He started his career with Dresdner Bank Immobiliengruppe, Frankfurt and HypoVereinsbank Real Estate, New York. He holds a master degree in Real Estate Economics. Mr. Michael Schwöbel is the Head of Real Estate, Europe for Dream Global REIT and Managing Director of the REITs Asset Management Platform in Europe, Dream Global Advisors. Michael oversees the Trust’s real estate platform in Europe, including Asset strategy, operations, leasing, repositioning and value-add initiatives. Prior to joining Dream Michael was Head of Leasing, Germany of Fortress Investment Group for 6 years and was in charge of several assignments at Deutsche Bank for more than 8 years. CARSTEN SELLSCHOPF MICHAEL SIEFERT Managing Director FORMART GMBH & CO. KG Germany Managing Director & Head of European Business MADISON INTERNATIONAL REALTY Germany DEVELOPER PRIVATE EQUITY FIRM High potential locations, outstanding lettability, attractive yields, portfolio of exclusive residential and commercial real estate Real Estate Private Equity Firm – secondary equity capital – Class A properties – USA & Western Europe – recapitalizations Carsten Sellschopf is the COO, responsible for Berlin and Hamburg for formart GmbH & Co. KG. Prior Sellschopf was the Branch Manager for Investa Projektentwicklungs- und Verwaltungs GmbH in Berlin after he has been the Branch Manager, responsible for Project development / - management / - acceptance for HOCHTIEF Projektentwicklung, Branch BerlinBrandenburg. Mr. Siefert is a Managing Director and head of Madison’s European business platform, based in Frankfurt am Main. His primary responsibility is sourcing investment opportunities in the European market. He has 15 years of experience in investment related fields focusing on indirect investments in Real Estate and Venture Capital. He maintains an extensive network of real estate professionals. Prior to joining Madison in 2003 he served at GUB, a German venture capital firm. Mr. Siefert earned a BA degree in European Business from University Trier (Germany) and a BS degree in Marketing from Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (Ireland). KLAUS-JÜRGEN SONTOWSKI ANDRE SPETH Chairman SONTOWSKI & PARTNER GROUP Germany Head of Finance & Development NORATIS Germany DEVELOPER AND INVESTOR DEVELOPER TRADER Basic Retail, Office, Focus on Germany Acquisition, development and disposal of residential property portfolios in outskirts of German cities and urban areas Born 1956 in Erlangen. Educated in economics and business administration. Chairman and founder of sontowski & partner group - Germany. Foundation partner of DIC Group - Germany. Function: Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Foundation partner of GRR Group - Germany. Foundation partner of Pegasus Capital Partners. Function: Chairman of the advisory board. Foundation partner of GEG JV DIC Group and KKR. Function: Member of the supervisory board. Sponsor of national and international closed ended funds. Investor in opportunistic and strategic JV’s. André is head of finance at noratis. Before joining noratis in 2015 he was head of corporate development at a listed real estate company. Prior to that he worked over 14 years in corporate finance for several investment banks, most recently Deutsche Bank. Andre holds a business degree from European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany. 49 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS DR. FERDINAND SPIES CHRISTOPH STADLHUBER Partner & Branch Manager (Niederlassungsleiter) ART-INVEST REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT GMBH & CO. KG Germany CEO SIGNA HOLDING GMBH Austria INVESTOR / DEVELOPER INVESTOR Art-Invest is a fully integrated real estate investor and developer, focusing on commercial properties within the major German cities 15 year track record; high-street retail investments & developments, retail operations and prime offices in Central Europe Dr. Ferdinand Spies is Partner and Member of the Management Board at Art-Invest Real Estate Management. He is based in Munich and responsible for the southern German operations of Art-Invest Real Estate. Previously Dr. Spies worked for Tishman Speyer as Senior Director in Acquisitions & Development. Ferdinand Spies has studied Business Administration at EBS University, San Diego State University and University of Hong Kong and received a doctorial title from the University of Regensburg. He is member of the ULI Urban Land Institute, the gif German Society of Real Estate Researcher and IMMOEBS e.V. Christoph Stadlhuber, born in 1967, has been CEO of SIGNA Prime Selection AG since 2011. As Managing Director of the Austrian Federal Real Estate Corporation (Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft) from 2003 until 2011 he has accumulated more than nine years of decisive real estate experience. Prior to this he directed the office of the Austrian Economy and Labour Minister. He has been chairman of the SIGNA Executive Board since 2013. HENDRIK STAIGER FRANK STEFFEN Head of Acquisitions & Board Director BEOS AG Germany Senior Director - Real Estate Finance International PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany DEVELOPER BANK LENDER Developer and Asset Manager for light-industrial / Unternehmensimmobilien in Germany. 2.0 Million sqm under management International commercial real estate financing, public sector finance Born in 1964. Degree in physics from the Technical University of Berlin. Until 1997 Research. 1997-1999 Redevelopments in Berlin. 1999-2005 Managing partner of the Linie Projekt Management GmbH & Co. KG. Since 2005 BEOS AG as head of acquisitions since 2016 board member. Since 2009 Lectures at IREBS, DVFA, University of Wuppertal, TU Berlin, etc. Frank Steffen has been working within the property financing sector since the mid-1990s. In his role as Senior Director International Clients, Germany he is responsible for originating and structuring commercial real estate transactions for international customers of pbb. His previous roles also include the responsibility of the Russian business, underwriting of European real estate transactions and Restructuring of critical facilities with a focus on UK, CEE & Asia. VIVIAN STROSEK JORAM SZERKOWSKI Managing Director FEONDOR GROUP Switzerland Head of Investment, Germany INFRARED CAPITAL PARTNERS UK INVESTMENT & ASSET MANAGER INVESTOR Asset Management - Investment Management - Owner managed - Office - Retail - Residential - Germany - Austria Switzerland InfraRed is a leading global fund manager specialising in Infrastructure and Real Estate investments Vivian is MD of the Feondor Group. The Feondor Group is an independent and owner managed real estate investment and asset management firm founded in 2008. Feondor serves clients globally and sources, structures and manages direct real estate with a focus on Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the UK. The Feondor Group currently manages more than €500M of residential and commercial assets. Vivian holds a Bachelor degree in Economics from University College London (UCL) and received an MBA from Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona. 50 Joram joined InfraRed in 2010. He is a senior member of the European Real Estate team and one of InfraRed’s partners. Previously, Joram was a senior team member at the VALAD Property Group for ten years, during which time he built and led the company’s German platform. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS RAINER THALER DR. GEREON UERZ Managing Director, Investment and Asset Management INVESTA HOLDING GMBH Germany Leader of Foresight and Innovation Europe ARUP Germany DEVELOPER, INVESTMENT/ASSET MANAGER FORECASTING INSIGHT Mainly office and hotel, but also healthcare and residential, spread over Germany Arup is an independent firm of designers, planners, engineers, consultants and technical specialists offering a broad range of professional services Rainer was appointed Managing Director of Investa Holding GmbH in 2012. He is responsible for its Investment/Asset Management in Germany. Prior to this, he was the CEO of GE Real Estate Germany since 2006 and former CEO of Investment Management platform Sireo, which he built up. Before this, he was member of the Management Committee of Sireo Real Estate Asset Management and Head of Sales and Placements. Past positions also include Head of Asset Management of DeTeImmobilien and the corporate M&A group in the headquarters of Deutsche Telekom AG. Rainer holds degrees in Law from Bonn, Berlin University and WHU Koblenz. Dr. Gereon Uerz is a foresight and innovation management professional who joined Arup in 2014. He was senior researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Freiburg/Germany before joining Z_punkt The Foresight Company as a senior consultant in 2005. 2009-2014 he was Project Director at Volkswagen Group Research in Wolfsburg, delivering foresight and innovation projects to the whole Volkswagen group. Over the last decade Gereon has been guest lecturing at Hannover University, University of Vienna, the European Business School (EBS) in Frankfurt and has authored a number of articles and one book. Gereon leads Arups Foresight & Innovation practice in Europe, focusing on strategy and innovation projects. ALEXANDER USSELMANN MICHEL VAUCLAIR Managing Director & Head of Transactions ACREST PROPERTY GROUP GMBH Germany Chairman OXFORD PROPERTIES GROUP Luxembourg ASSET & INVESTMENT MANAGER INVESTOR Based in Berlin and founded in 2006, Acrest is among the top 5 non-captive Asset & Investment Manager of retail properties in Germany Real estate arm of OMERS, one of Canada’s largest public pension funds, with C$75+ billion in assets Alexander has a diploma in civil engineering and archtecture with strong economic focus (Real Estate Management, Investment Analysis). 12 years’ experience in international companies such as Archon (Goldman Sachs). Before Alexander started as Head of Transactions at the Acrest, he was responsible at Archon for the management and control of the sales and acquisitions departments. Michel Vauclair is responsible for actively managing Oxfords’s Continental European assets. Michel has four decades of experience in the financial and real estate industries, focusing on the banking and hotel sectors, private equity, venture capital and debt restructuring. His career includes senior positions with some of the industry’s most successful organizations, such as BNP Paribas, UBS and the Swissotel Group, now part of the Fairmont Raffles Hotels Holding. Michel holds his MBA from HEC Lausanne, completed in NYU, IMD and Cornell. IMMO VON HOMEYER THOMAS VON MÜNSTER Director Business Development ART-INVEST REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT GMBH & CO. KG Germany Manager STRATEGIS AG Germany INVESTOR, DEVELOPER IMMOBILIENMANAGEMENT / VERTRIEB Art-Invest RE ist eine Entwicklungs- und Investmentgesellschaft und investiert in Gewerbeimmobilien mit Wertschöpfungspotential in guten Lagen With comprehensive solutions in management and sales, STRATEGIS AG is able to offer a full house service of managing, letting and selling properties Immo von Homeyer ist bei der Art-Invest Real Estate Funds als Director Business Development tätig. Er verantwortet die Entwicklung neuer Anlagevehikel und die Betreuung der institutionellen Investoren. Seit über 16 Jahren ist er im Immobiliensektor aktiv und hat bei renommierten Adressen Fach- und Führungsverantwortung wahrgenommen, zuletzt als Leiter Investor Relations bei einer Immobilien-AG, wo er u.a. mehrere Kapitalerhöhungen und Anleiheemissionen in einem Gesamtvolumen von 500 Mio. Euro. erfolgreich umsetzte und Ansprechpartner für die institutionellen Investoren war. An der EBS Universität Wiesbaden absolvierte er einen berufsbegleitenden Studiengang mit dem Abschluss als „Real Estate Investment Advisor (EBS)“. Thomas von Münster, 36 years old, studied business administration. He is member of the executive board (power of procuration) of the Berlin Real Estate specialist “STRATEGIS AG”. As the Head of Investment Condominium Sales he is responsible for the apartment sales to private investors on Berlin Market, focussing on customers from all over the world. For more than 10 years von Münster has gained comprehensive experience in the marketing of existing properties and new building projects and in controlling, organization and performing of sales to international private investors and owneroccupiers. 51 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS YANNICK WAGNER STEFAN WALLDORF Vice President Development - Central Europe ACCORHOTELS GERMANY GMBH Germany Managing Director CERBERUS DEUTSCHLAND BETEILIGUNGSBERATUNG GMBH Germany HOTEL OPERATOR INVESTOR With 3,900 hotels, AccorHotels, the world’s leading hotel operator, covers all segments from luxury to budget Investor, Real Estate, NPLs, Distressed, Retail, Residential, Office, Hotel, Industrial, Germany Yannick is as VP responsible for the development & expansion of the AccorHotels Group within Germany, Austria and the Nordic Countries. He is covering all market segments from luxury Sofitel hotels to the ibis budget brand. In his 5 years with the AccorHotels development team, Yannick has been involved in approx. 35 realised hotel developments. Prior to development, he was part of AccorHotels‘ AM team in Paris and Munich since 2006 participating in the contract restructuring of approx. 100 hotels. His work experience before AccorHotels includes operational experience in 5-star properties in Switzerland and Belgium, one and a half years in the international congress team within Roche Pharmaceuticals and project work with Club Med in Asia. Stefan Walldorf is a Managing Director in Cerberus’ European Real Estate Group responsible for the firm’s acquisitions in Germany, BeNeLux and the Nordics. Since joining Cerberus’ Frankfurt office in 2006, Mr. Walldorf has been involved in a wide range of transactions in Europe, with a specific focus on Germany. He has sourced and advised on a number of real estate opportunities, including acquisitions of commercial properties, restructurings and loan portfolios. Prior to joining Cerberus, Mr. Walldorf worked in Eurohypo’s structured real estate finance division focusing on multinational and institutional clients and structuring financing transactions in commercial and residential real estate. RICHARD WARTENBERG IAN WATSON Managing Director - Acquisitions ACTIVUM SG ADVISORY GMBH Germany Joint CEO, Founder Director HANSTEEN HOLDINGS PLC UK REAL ESTATE / REPOSITIONED INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT To identify niche opportunities in real estate related sectors Real Estate Investment Trust investing in predominantly light industrial properties across Europe and the UK Richard joined Activum SG Advisory GmbH in January 2011 as a managing director with a specific focus on acquisitions and dispositions. Activum SG, is a fund management platform focused on repositioning under-valued real estate in Europe. Activum’s current discretionary funds target single buildings and small portfolios in Germany. Previously Richard worked at Apellas Asset Management where he had a wide range of responsibilities including acquisitions, asset management, leasing and dispositions. Richard has been working in the real estate industry since 1991 and is a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS). Ian qualified as a Solicitor with Gouldens in 1984 and has since been a Co-Founder Director and Joint Chief Executive of Ashtenne PLC (1989 to 2005). Ian is currently Joint Chief Executive of Hansteen Holdings Plc, a pan European Property Investment Company, quoted on the London Stock Exchange and member of the FTSE 250; a company which he co-founded in 2005. Ian is married to Jacqueline and has 3 children. AREN WEGNER MARKUS WEHNELT Head of Real Estate Lending Europe & Managing Director DEKABANK DEUTSCHE GIROZENTRALE Germany Director, Head of RE Finance Germany, Institutional & Private Equity Clients PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany BANK BANK LENDER Part of the Deka Group. With total customer assets approximately €220 billion (Dec 2014) & around 4 million managed securities accounts International Commercial Real Estate Financing - Public Sector Finance Aren Wegner, seit mehr als 25 Jahren in der nationalen und Immobilienfinanzierung tätig. Davon seit rd. 13 Jahren bei der DekaBank, wo er die Einheit Real Estate Lending Europa mit dem Fokus auf Deutschland, UK, Frankreich und Italien leitet. Die DekaBank ist der zentrale Assetmanager der Sparkassenorganisation. Die Einheit Real Estate Lending mit Hauptsitz in Frankfurt verfügt mit ihren Büros in London, Paris, Mailand, New York und Tokyo über umfassende Expertise im weltweiten Immobilienfinanzierungsgeschäft. Das Real Estate Lending ist Teil des Konzern-Geschäftsfelds Asset Management Immobilien. 52 Since September 2012, Markus Wehnelt is responsible for institutional and private equity clients within German Real Estate Finance Department at pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank. He has several years of business experience in financing complex real estate transactions and successfully completed a large number of transactions in recent years. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS DR. PETER WENDLINGER DANIEL WERTH Head Real Estate Finance HYPO NOE GRUPPE BANK AG Austria Managing Director MOMENI INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany FINANCIAL SERVICE/BANK COMMERCIAL Focussed on commercial Real Estate financing in Western Europe and CEE Development, Investment and Property Management with a focus on inner city locations in Germany`s key markets Dr. Peter Wendlinger, MRICS is acting in Real Estate financing for 20 years. In his current managerial capacity at HYPO NOE Gruppe Bank AG he is responsible fort he entire Real Estate Business within the group. As division manager Peter Wendlinger accounts for Commercial Real Estate financing in Western Europe and CEE. He is managing director of several Real Estate holding companies and member of the Supervisory Board of three residential building companies. Daniel Werth is Managing Director for the institutional Investment Management business within MOMENI Group. After graduating his studies in Business Administration in Hamburg, he earned a MSc in Real Estate Investment and Finance with distinction from Henley Business School at the University of Reading and completed further executive education in Private Equity at London Business School. Before joining MOMENI Group, he was a Director at German asset management firm HIH in the network of private bank M.M. Warburg & CO, where he was responsible for national and international asset management mandates and strategy development. DR. MARKUS WIEDENMANN THOMAS WIEGAND Executive Partner & Co-Founder-Property ART-INVEST REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT GMBH & CO. KG Germany Managing Director CERBERUS DEUTSCHLAND BETEILIGUNGSBERATUNG GMBH Germany ENTWICKLER UND INVESTOR INVESTOR Art-Invest Real Estate ist eine Immobilien Projektentwicklungs- und Investmentgesellschaft mit Hauptsitz in Köln Investor, Real Estate, NPLs, Distressed, Retail, Residential, Office, Hotel, Industrial, Germany Dr. Markus Wiedenmann ist Mitbegründer und geschäftsführender Gesellschafter bei Art-Invest Real Estate und verantwortlich für die Immobilien bezogenen Aufgaben wie An- und Verkauf, Projektentwicklung und Asset Management. Zuvor war Dr. Wiedenmann acht Jahre bei Tishman Speyer tätig, zuletzt als Geschäftsführer und Managing Director. Er leitete mehrere Jahre den Ankauf von Tishman Speyer in Deutschland und war anschließend für die Projektentwicklungen, insbesondere den OpernTurm in Frankfurt am Main, verantwortlich. Er studierte an der RWTH Aachen Bauingenieurwesen und promovierte anschließend an der Universität Leipzig. Dr. Markus Wiedenmann ist Mitglied beim ULI und hält regelmäßig Vorlesungen an der EBS. Thomas Wiegand is Managing Director of Cerberus Deutschland Beteiligungsberatung GmbH. He is responsible for real estate assets, NPL portfolios and property company investments in Germany, BeNeLux and the Nordics. Thomas was a member of the supervisory board for GSW Immobilien, a Cerberus investment that completed its IPO in 2011. Prior to joining Cerberus in 2005, Mr. Wiegand was a Director in the Institutional Restructuring Unit of Dresdner Bank, where he was responsible for the sale of non-core assets and loan portfolios of Dresdner Bank. Before that Thomas has held various positions in Private Equity and Structured Finance at Dresdner Kleinwort with a focus on restructuring cases. SASCHA WILHELM JOHN WILKINSON CEO CORESTATE CAPITAL HOLDING S.A. Luxembourg CEO GREENMAN INVESTMENTS Ireland INVESTOR INVESTMENT MANAGER RE Investment Manager. Fund Manager. Investment. Development. Asset & Property Mngt. Commercial. Residential. Student Living. Germany. Austria. Spain Market-leading, sector specific, German real estate investment fund manager focused on generating consistent investor distributions from rental income Sascha Wilhelm is CEO of CORESTATE Capital Group and is responsible for the overall strategy of the group as well as equity raising and client relations. He also focuses on corporate functions such as human resources and corporate legal. He has 12 years RE investment and management experience. Up until summer 2015, Sascha was COO of CORESTATE, leading the real estate management division. Prior to that Sascha was MD of different RE investment companies. In addition to the achievement of the second state examination of Jurisprudence from Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, Sascha graduated as a MBA in the field of International Real Estate Management, accomplished in Germany, London and Zurich. John Wilkinson is CEO and founding member of Greenman Investments. He has been managing the company since 2005. While working in leading positions for more than 15 years, John gained a significant expertise in the selection, funding, purchase and management of German Food and Non-food retail warehousing. Since forming Greenman Investments, the company has acquired, managed and sold real estate projects to a total value of €279m. 53 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS MICHAEL WINDOFFER ANDREAS WUERMELING Director - Head of Cross Border Business HSH NORDBANK Germany MD - Head of Loan Markets Real Estate & Public Finance PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany BANK BANK - LENDER Real estate finance, existing properties and developments in Germany; residential, office, retail, hotel, logistics International Commercial Real Estate Financing - Public Investment Finance As Director at HSH Nordbank Michael Windoffer is responsible for the Bank’s real estate cross border business with a focus on international investors active in Germany. The bank provides financing for existing properties and portfolios as well as for residential and commercial developments. Michael Windoffer has more than 20 years of experience in banking and international real estate finance, both on the origination and the credit side. He studied Economics in Hamburg and Cardiff. Andreas Wuermeling is Head of the business area Loan Markets Real Estate and Public Investment Finance and has worked for HRE Group since 2006. The Group is looking after large loan arrangement, loan trades (club and post, in and out) and structured solutions (incl. Mezz and Equity) for all global pbb exposures. Andreas has worked in this and similar roles, but also on the securitization side for 15 years. He is a qualified lawyer for German Law. FRANK ZABEL MICHAEL ZIEGLER Partner & Managing Director NEWPORT HOLDING GMBH Germany Partner BEITEN BURKHARDT RECHTSANWALTSGESELLSCHAFT MBH Germany DEVELOPER LAW FIRM Specialized of retail properties, market leader, strong expertise, highstreets all over EU, all volumes, excellent network (connections) Real Estate Finance Frank Zabel, born 1963 in Mannheim, graduate engineer (architect), is managing director and partner of NEWPORT Holding GmbH, based in Hamburg. NEWPORT is a leading company in Germany in the field of retail warehouse developments with a subsidiary in Switzerland, focused on high street retail developments. Frank’s responsibilities include implementing and monitoring company’s strategy and structure as well as developing, structuring and financing entire activities in Germany. Up until 2015 Frank, as managing director, was responsible for the entire CENTRUM group, leading developer in the field of high street retail developments. Michael Ziegler is an attorney and partner of Beiten Burkhardt. He is trained as a banker. Michael heads the firm’s finance practice and specialises in banking and financing transactions - in particular real estate finance, project finance and restructurings. He advises German and international lenders as well as sponsors on complex cross-border financing transactions. In addition, he has extensive experience with real estate acquisitions and project developments. CHRISTIAN ZILLY HENNING ZIMMERMANN Managing Partner WATERWAY INVESTMENTS GMBH Germany Vice President MEYER BERGMAN UK INVESTMENT ADVISOR INVESTMENT, REPOSITIONING & ASSET MANAGEMENT Investment Advisory for German non-core real estate Targets attractive investment opportunities in Western, Central and Eastern Europe with typical transaction values ranging from €40 mi to €350 million Christian is a founding partner of Waterway Investments, manages the Frankfurt office and is responsible for all aspects of the transaction process on behalf of Waterway’s international client base. Prior to co-founding Waterway, Christian has worked for various American opportunity funds as well as German open-ended fund vehicles. He received a Master ´s in Economics from Freie Universität Berlin/Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil and a Master´s in Real Estate Economics from European Business School (ebs), Germany. Christian is fluent in German, English, French and Portuguese. 54 Henning Zimmermann joined Meyer Bergman in May 2015 as a Vice President and is involved with acquisitions and asset management across Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Prior to joining Meyer Bergman, he worked at ECE, where he reported to the management board as a Project director responsible for shopping centre development projects. Assets Henning worked on include Aquis Plaza Aachen, Löhr-Center Koblenz and the extension of Stern-Center in Potsdam. Previously Henning was the Regional Development Director at Multi Development Germany, responsible for all developments in south and east Germany, and a Development Manager at Hochtief. Henning graduated in 2006 with a Masters equivalent in Architecture from Darmstadt University of Technology. UPCOMING GRI EVENTS ESPAÑA GRI 2016 Madrid, 18-19 May EAST AFRICA GRI 2016 Nairobi, 23-24 May CEE GRI 2016 Prague, 6-7 June COLOMBIA, CHILE & PERU GRI 2016 Bogota, 6-7 September GRI EUROPE SUMMIT 2016 Paris, 14-15 September ARGENTINA GRI 2016 FRANCE GRI 2016 Paris, 14-15 September GRI AFRICA SUMMIT 2016 Johannesburg, 20-21 October ARGENTINA GRI 2016 Buenos Aires, 7-8 November ITALIA GRI 2016 Milan, 8-9 November DEUTSCHE WOHNEN GRI 2016 Berlin, 14-15 November INDIA GRI 2016 Mumbai, 29-30 November GRI CHAIRMEN’S RETREAT 2017 St Moritz, 19-22 January MEXICO GRI 2017 Mexico City, 25-26 January WEST AFRICA GRI 2017 Lagos, 16-17 February TURKEY GRI 2017 Istanbul, 4-5 April GRI-Treffen bieten eine Plattform für Entscheidungsträger, um Beziehungen zu vertiefen, neue Geschäftspartner zu finden und das eigene Netzwerk auszubauen. Bei GRI-Treffen gibt es keine Vorträge oder Panels, sondern ausschließlich informelle Diskussionen, in überschaubaren Runden, an denen jeder aktiv teilnehmen kann. GRI meetings provide a forum for the world’s leading real estate players to develop valuable relationships, find new business partners, and strengthen their global networks. At GRI meetings there are no speakers or panellists, just informal discussions in small groups, where everyone participates equally. We welcome you to join us! Global Real Estate Institute @RealEstateGRI | Tel: +44 20 7121 5060 | Fax: +44 20 7388 8740 55 Senior Sponsors Programme Sponsors AE A M E R I C A N E U R O P E A N I N V E S T M E N T B A N K E R S Contributors DER IMMOBILIEN Brief FAKTEN MEINUNGEN TENDENZEN Industry & Media Partners W W W. G LO B A L R E A L E S TAT E . O R G 56