Handouts 03-2010 - University of Oklahoma Health Sciences


Handouts 03-2010 - University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
Thursday, March 25, 2010 – 5:00 p.m.
Provost’s Conference Room, Bird Library – HSC Campus
Videoconferencing Locations:
Tulsa Campus - Schusterman Center Room 1A15
Lawton Campus – Room 619
Campus Campaign, Co-Chairs
Sharukh S. Khajotia, BDS, MS, PhD
Kathy C. Walker
President's Associates Presidential Professor
Chair, Department of Dental Materials
Administrative Support Services
OUHSC Integrity Council
Hakeem J. Shakir,
MS 3, College of Medicine
Chair, OUHSC Integrity Council (OUHSC-IC)
I. Call to Order: Dr. Deborah Lockwood, Chair
II. Approval of February 2010 Minutes
III. Report of Executive Committee
IV. Committee and Department Reports
A. Committee on Committees
B. Information Technology “ITAC”
C. Parking & Transportation – provided by Brian Wilburn, Manager, Parking & Transportation
V. Unfinished Business
VI. New Business
VII. Announcements
VIII. Adjournment
Agenda subject to change*
(Intentionally left blank)
Volume 37
Number 5
February 18, 2010
Regular Meeting Minutes of the OUHSC Faculty Senate
Al Al-Assaf
Carol Dionne
Shrikant Anant
Carlos Garcia
Kari Boyce
Vesper Grantham
Pramod Chetty
Andrew John
Kim Coon
Peter Johnson
Vicki Coury
Satish Kumar
Elena Cuaderes
David Lewis
Anne Cuccio
Deborah Lockwood
Stephanie Marfurt
Abbey Onan
Beverly Patchell
Larry Regens
Douglas Stewart
Stephen Walston
Sheila Crow
Jo Azzarello
Robert John
Deborah Booton-Hiser
Betty Kupperschmidt
David Bourne
W. Mike McShan
Beverly Bowers
Jamie Miller
Ann Chou
Ari Mwachofi
Lida Radfar
Eva Saffer
Deborah Shropshire
Winter Smith
Chris Budiman
Candace Shaw
Frans Currier
Kathy Walker
Brian Wilburn
Cheryl Williams
CALL TO ORDER – Meeting was held in the Provost’s Conference Room, Bird Library.
Dr. Al Al-Assaf called the meeting to order at 5:06 p.m.
DISCUSSION on Industry Sponsored Research – Dr. John Iandolo was introduced by
Dr. Al-Assaf. Dr. Iandolo gave a brief background on his decision to move from the
laboratory to Vice President for Research. He then spoke on the revised clinical trial
financial policy for Industrial Sponsored Studies which became effective on January 1,
2010. The primary reason for the revised policy is that the University has been notified by
federal auditors that current policy does not require budgetary costs to be identified as
required by law and that actual expenses within a research grant are not being identified
properly. Dr. Iandolo reviewed the original policy which stated that residual funds were to
be returned to the department. During the years, the lines have been blurred and residual
funds have not been handled properly. The revised policy outlines how the residual funds
are to be handled: 50% to the department for discretionary use, 25% to the dean of the
college involved for discretionary use; and 25% to the Vice President for Research to utilize
for support of research.
Questions were raised as follows:
• Per patient costs vs. efficient use of money: Dr. Iandolo is working with the Vice
President for Administration and Finance to continue reviewing the process so that costs
are accurately budgeted and paid for. They are developing a template that can be used
for a rudimentary budget.
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2010
Draft: Not Yet Approved
Bridge funding between grants: Concern was raised that retaining highly trained
personnel between grant projects would be more difficult if there is no funding to bridge
the end of one grant and beginning of another grant. Dr. Iandolo stated the policy is
intended to encourage efficiency and profitability while meeting legal and auditing
Concern was expressed that the revised policy appears to not provide incentive for the
Principle Investigator to start new research projects. Discussion was held on what
faculty might be able to do to revise and/or soften the impact of this revised policy.
FACULTY GRIEVANCE PROCESS – Dr. Frans Currier, Chair of the Faculty Appeals
Committee, reported that the Faculty Handbook has been updated to clarify some of the
process for a faculty grievance.
A. An ad hoc committee is currently considering how to address a minor grievance as well
as the development of an intermediate step, if needed, between the college and faculty,
before a grievance goes to a full grievance process.
FACULTY TENURE COMMITTEE – Dr. Frans Currier, Chair of the Faculty Tenure
Committee reported that the committee had received 15 applications to review for tenure.
Twelve applications were approved; 3 applications were questionable due to one not having
the recommendation of their dean, one involved a deferral of plurality and one is awaiting
the decision of the Provost. He reviewed the process and procedures used by the
committee, which have been determined to fair and balanced. Dr. Currier thanked each of
the committee members for their work on the Tenure Committee.
COST SAVINGS IDEAS WEBSITE – Candace Shaw, Director of Academic Technology,
presented the Cost Savings Idea website which was designed for HSC faculty, staff and
students to use to submit cost saving suggestions for the campus. She demonstrated the
step-by-step process on how to submit an idea. Anonymous submissions will be accepted
and she assured the attendees that the anonymity of the person would be protected.
Submitted ideas will be forwarded to the moderator in the Provost’s Office and the
Administration & Finance Office for review and possible implementation. The website will
also allow individuals to review submitted ideas and “vote” for those they favor through a
“like” button.
APPROVAL OF JANUARY 2010 MINUTES – Dr. Pramod Chetty made a motion that
the minutes be accepted as printed. Elena Cuaderes seconded the motion and the motion
REPORT FROM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – Dr. Al-Assaf reported that the
Executive Committee had met and discussed the following items:
A. Concealed Carry on Campus Legislation – Resolution presented to the Faculty
B. Conflict of Interest Policy – copies were provided to the faculty to review. Dr. AlAssaf identified several portions which may be of concern. Dr. Ferretti has requested
feedback from the Faculty Senate by the end of February. It is being submitted to the
OU Regents for approval at their next meeting.
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2010
Draft: Not Yet Approved
C. Industrial Sponsored Research – The Faculty will be asked to submit ideas to the
Faculty Senate to develop a Resolution to send to Administration regarding the revised
A. Committee on Committees recommendation was passed as printed. Faculty on Tulsa
campus will assist in finding a replacement for the EBC
o Resignations or Retirements:
Betty Kupperschmidt, Employee Benefits Committee
2009-2012, College of Nursing - Tulsa
o Vacancies:
Member, Academic Programs Council, 2009-2012, College of Allied Health
Member, Employee Benefits Committee, 2009-2012
B. Information Technology Advisory Committee, ITAC (printed reports from February
C. Parking Notes – Brian Wilburn, Manager for Parking & Transportation, was
introduced. Doug Myers has been promoted to Director of Parking for both campuses.
Theta Dempsey is retiring and everyone is invited to her reception on Feb. 23rd at 2 p.m.
in the SCB.
o Construction of the Cancer Institute parking garage is well underway. The
Construction company is working to keep the Family Medicine Clinic drive open
as they construct the east side of the parking garage. Parking is also working
with the contractor on location of the traffic control gates and equipment in that
o Zahl-Ford presented the 90% completed construction documents for the
Stonewall Parking Garage last month. The job is currently out for bid with
estimated time to complete the job being 8-10 months.
o Due to cutbacks, shuttle routes on campus are being reviewed with possible
changes effective March 1st. The campus shuttle service is subsidized by
parking fees. Several options being reviewed are combining the west and central
route and making a 20 minute service, removing one of the two central routes,
and not doing route deviations. Everyone was encouraged to provide comments
or suggestions to Parking & Transportation.
o Snow removal has been very expensive for Parking & Transportation this year.
As of the middle of January, nearly $22,000 has been paid to Site Support to
clear snow on campus.
o Power to K Lot North and O Lot was lost due to an electrical problem. The
power wires in the conduit under the K Lot North gates shorted out, which also
damaged the equipment inside two of the control gates. Site Support will be
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2010
Draft: Not Yet Approved
making the repairs to the wiring with Parking & Transportation paying the cost.
K Lot North entrance is closed while repairs to the conduit are made.
o Parking & Transportation has restriped and installed meters on the west side of
the BSEB with 18 metered spaces now available. Four meters and valet parking
for the hospital had been using these spaces previously.
• Resolution on Concealed Carry on Campus legislation – Dr. Currier presented a
joint resolution from the Faculty Advisory Council and Student Advisory Board
regarding possible legislation. He also provided information from the Oklahoma
State Regents for Higher Education and E-Fact Sheet from the US Department of
Education’s Higher Education Center. The following resolution was presented by
the Executive Committee:
WHEREAS, legislation has been introduced at the Oklahoma State
Legislature that would allow firearms to be brought onto public university and
college campuses; and
WHEREAS, Faculty Senate represent all faculty on the University of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center; and
WHEREAS, the OU Health Sciences Center campus includes faculty and
staff who are health care providers, researchers, instructors and educators; and
WHEREAS, as faculty, we believe one of our duties is to be role models for
students through a positive and supportive environment; and
WHEREAS, faculty members are sensitive to and aware of the physical,
mental and emotional trauma associated with school violence; and
WHEREAS, faculty members who are health care providers and practitioners
of the healing arts deal with victims of violence on an ongoing daily basis; and
WHEREAS, the OU Health Sciences Center campus includes hospital and
clinic facilities where patients and their families are provided medical care; and
WHEREAS, our campus, including the clinical and hospital facilities,
classrooms, and work space, should continue to be a place that is safe for all
students, staff, faculty, patients and their families, as well as visitors;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate of the
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center hereby requests that the Oklahoma
State Legislature not pass any legislation that would allow concealed carry of
firearms on public university or college campuses so that the Health Sciences
Center’s medical facilities, classrooms, and campus grounds will continue to be a
positive environment for all who visit and work on the campus.
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2010
Draft: Not Yet Approved
Dr. Deborah Lockwood made a motion that the resolution be approved. Motion was
seconded by Dr. Pramod Chetty and motion passed. Resolution will be sent to
President Boren, Provost Ferretti, and Chancellor Johnson
a. Flu Vaccines for faculty/staff/employees on HSC campus – discussion was held
on the recent decision to discontinue flu vaccines for faculty and staff on the campus.
Even though faculty stated they understood this is a cost cutting measure, many
stated they felt it would send a negative message that HSC, as a leader in health care
for our state, is not protecting their employees. Several suggestions were made
including that HSC buy vaccine in bulk and charge a nominal fee to employees to
receive the vaccination; faculty and staff in direct patient contact should receive the
vaccination without cost; the flu vaccine is a health and wellness issue that is also a
preventative measure. College of Nursing students dispensed the vaccinations this
year to faculty and staff and would be available to do so again. Faculty Senate will
develop a letter to send to Administration requesting that a solution be found so that
flu vaccine can be provided to employees.
a. Spring Faculty Award Presentations will be on Monday, April 19, 2010, at the East
Lecture Hall, BSEB starting at 5:15 p.m.
b. Deadline to submit Faculty Governance Award nominations is March 10, 2010
c. The next regular meeting of the Faculty Senate will be Thursday, March 25, 2010.
Everyone is encouraged to attend the meeting.
a. Meeting adjourned at 6:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen Walston
Secretary-Elect, 2009-2010
February 2010 Agenda
January 2010 Meeting Minutes (draft)
Committee on Committees report
ITAC Meeting Report (February)
Parking & Transportation Report
Faculty Governance Award – Call for nominations
Conflict of Interest Policy
Clinical Trials F&A Policy
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2010
Draft: Not Yet Approved
Committee on Committee Report
Faculty Senate
March, 2010
Recommendation: (Approved by an email vote in order to attend March committee meeting)
Frances Wen, Employee Benefits Committee
2009-2012, College of Medicine - Tulsa
Member, Academic Programs Council, 2009-2012, College of Allied Health
ITAC Meeting Notes
March 4, 2010
Attendees: Asch, Bourne, Boyce, Ferguson, Laurie, Mattachione, Proctor, Raasch, Shaw, Wild.
Meeting called to order at 5:05 PM.
Faculty Senate Report – Boyce
No specific items from Faculty Senate. View the full set of minutes at http://www.ouhsc.edu/facultysenate.
IT Update – Ferguson
 VPN Information (handout): Distributed and discussed an information sheet about the use of the HSC
VPN. The sheet looks at usage numbers and support request numbers. Since transitioning to the new
VPN technology in March 2009, the monthly average number of support requests has declined while the
number of VPN users has increased.
Academic Technology – Shaw
 Learning Management System: The committee reviewing the options for course management systems is
recommending that the campus move to Desire 2 Learn (D2L). The committee believes D2L will be a
better fit for our campus as it will provide more robust testing and evaluation features, advanced
analytics for reporting, ePortfolios, and better vendor support. The proposed timeline to migrate to the
new system is for a pilot phase this summer, an early adopter phase this fall, and then full adoption for
Spring 2011. The Blackboard system will be decommissioned by January 1, 2011. A draft FAQ was
distributed and discussed by the ITAC (handout).
Academic Technology decided to put the use of a ticketing system for managing support requests on hold
for a year and then, review the need for that system after the completion of the D2L roll-out. The D2L
roll-out will require a great deal of time and staff effort for administrative set-up, training, and
communication of changes during the year transition. Therefore, adequate time and effort will not be
available to also begin and integrate a ticketing system process.
Other Discussion
 HD Antenna - Boyce: Allied Health is looking for solutions/recommendations for setting up a high
definition (HD) television antenna on their building to pick up local over-the-air broadcasts for common
area televisions in the building.
Server Timeouts - Boyce: Allied Health has identified an issue with timeouts when using applications
hosted on servers within the secure network of the campus data center. They are working with IT to
resolve. Kari is bringing this forward as an FYI for others that may be seeing similar issues.
ePO Agent Install - Boyce: Allied Health encountered a problem a couple of weeks ago where their server
backup processes did not complete according to schedule. IT and Allied Health resolved the issue and
system performance was restored. The problem was caused by the installation of the McAfee ePO agent
on these servers. Allied Health is concerned that the agent was installed without notification. Randy
Moore, IT Information Security Services, is investigating and will follow up with Kari.
Update: Prior to the incident, IT and Allied Health had been in discussion about the use of McAfee ePO to
assess system vulnerabilities. There was a misunderstanding about action items and timelines which
resulted in the agent being installed prematurely. The COAH Tier 1s and IT worked together to resolve
that situation and have moved forward together on implementing and using ePO to protect the College of
Allied Health’s systems.
Meeting adjourned at 5:40 PM.
ITAC Meeting – March 4, 2010
Revised: 3/19/2010
Page 1 of 1
VPN Service
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
services allow remote users to
act like they are “on campus”
and access technology
resources that require “local”
access for security.
The HSC campus replaced an
aging and problematic clientonly VPN solution at the
beginning of 2009 and
replaced it with a modern
architecture web-based
solution that uses SSL for
security: connect.ouhsc.edu.
VPN-related Incidents
Average per month
Average number of
VPN Connections
per Hour
During a recent review period
(Feb 3-8, 2010), at least one (1)
VPN connection was recorded
during every hour of the week day and night.
The highest number of logins
during this same period was 107
and occurred between 9-10PM on
a Monday night.
The average number of logins for
a one-hour period was 46, but
this number increased to 57
connections per hour when
considering only business hours.
Connect.ouhsc.edu VPN
Most users utilize the SSL VPN service via connect.ouhsc.edu during normal
work hours (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm) with evening hours (weekdays, 5pmmidnight) and weekend (Saturday & Sunday, anytime) having roughly
equivalent the number of VPN
Before work 2693
Work hours
After work
2028 2007
Supporting remote access
through VPN is often a complex
For one-week reporting period
task because the user’s
experience is based on a number
of factors, including the user’s internet provider (cable company, etc.), any local
(home) networking, local wireless access and even the weather.
Since March, 2009, users have contacted IT for VPN-related support on
average about 21 times per month. These
requests come mostly from employees:
combined, faculty and staff account for
85% of all VPN support requests.
SUPPORT, cont.
Since the implementation of the new SSL VPN solution in March, 2009, a total of 227 requests for support
have been recorded by IT. (This number excludes all “elevated VPN account requests” which are
standard business process requests for an increase in the VPN authority of a user, submitted by the tier
1, for access to additional resources; elevated VPN requests are consistent across both the new and old
VPN solutions are are not an indicator of the solution itself).
Incident Analysis
An analysis of all VPN-related incidents submitted since the initial upgrade and system switch-over has
resulted in the following breakdown of resolution “class” (the type of solution provided by IT):
• Knowledge [Count: 70] @#'(*-)#%-*'
The issue reported to the
IT Service Desk was
resolved by providing
information, training or
documentation to the
customer on how to
access, use or configure
the SSL VPN website or
Juniper Network Connect
client to achieve the
desired activity.
• Account or permissions
[Count: 43] - The Incident
reported appears to be the
result of account-related
issues (including missing
account or expired or forgotten passwords) or the lack of permissions required to perform the
desired activity. In most cases, the permission-related incidents were diagnosed and became
simple elevated VPN requests (but are included here as an incident count because of the need for
technical support to diagnose the missing permission).
• Technical solution [Count: 37] - The incident was discovered to require an actual system or
application intervention to resolve. In most cases, the users VPN profile had to be deleted or
recreated due to a corruption of some sort, the users system had to be restarted to clear out a
stagnant process or the Juniper Network Connect client had to be deleted and re-installed.
• Configuration [Count: 21] - The userʼs reported incident is due to a mis-configuration in the client
software or an unresolved conflict with other software on a users system. In almost all cases, the
configuration errors are due to an incompatibility with a previous version of networking software
included with Apple, Inc. software products (Bonjour). A simple upgrade to the latest version of the
software resolves the problem.
• Desktop support [Count: 19] - The root cause of the incident cannot be determined via telephone
call or remote support and must be referred to the userʼs local technical support (tier 1) for further
diagnosis. Information Technology does not track the resolution of incidents handed over to
departmental staff, so no further information is available.
• No data [Count: 17] - Even though the incident appears to have been resolved with the caller, the
IT staff involved in the incident did not document sufficient information to determine the cause or
resolution with the caller, so no further classification can be made.
• No response [Count: 16] - The customer ended communication with the IT Service Desk prior to
the identification of a root cause of the problem or a known resolution. IT assumes the issue
resolved itself or was the result of user error, provides a final “let us know if this is not resolved”
communication and closes the incident.
• Billing [Count: 4] - Related to local internet provider billing
Desire2Learn (D2L) is coming to HSC campus!
Q: Why are we switching Learning Management Systems (LMS)?
A: The LMS Review Committee comprised of representatives from all the colleges reviewed a variety of LMS
systems (educational, business, and residency management) and found that D2L was the best fit for our
current campus LMS needs:
More robust testing and course survey/evaluation features and options
Analytics: more advanced reporting options (in development, opportunity to help design it, and will
utilize it as soon as available)
Better tech support to provide a stable and reliable platform
ePortfolios: additional features for lower total cost than current Bb system
Easy expansion options for CE and related external groups/agencies (with reasonable fees for use and
internal tech support)
More permission control options for easier course site access based on your college role/job
Annual cost savings allowing current funding to be reallocated to other campus technology needs
Open Source Developer Kit: allows campuses to develop and use open source web apps/widgets
Basic Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI): easily link to and share information with external
tool/educational software providers
Q: What will happen to my current course content?
A: Blackboard and Angel tech support staff will work with D2L to do a mass migration of all current course
content. Faculty may need to do some minor clean-up on course materials and Bb/Angel tech staff will assist
with any tech issues if clean-up is needed.
Q: When will this happen and who will be affected?
A: Both the current Blackboard and Angel courses will be transitioned to the new D2L platform over the next
year. A phased transfer will most likely be used with the tentative plan of:
Summer Semester: Test pilot group of courses and Bb community sites
Fall Semester: COM, COD and COPH courses and volunteers from CAH and COP minimum
o CON is reviewing their LMS options with the merger of Blackboard and Angel
Spring Semester: All Bb course sites and Angel course sites as appropriate
CON California Course Sites: will remain and finish on Angel (no transition)
Contact Jennifer Raasch (Bb) if you would like to be part of the summer test pilot group and/or fall
tech leaders group
Q: When will training be offered so I can learn D2L and be prepared to teach with it?
A: Training will begin as soon as the technical implementation process is completed. Current goal is to start
offering training at the end of spring semester and continue into fall semester. A variety of trainings will be
offered and additional training option suggestions from faculty are welcome:
Self-paced online training
Hands-on computer lab training
College/dept presentation trainings
Q: What can I do now to get prepared for the D2L transition?
A: Please, start working on the following things in your previous course sites:
Export ALL your grades (current and past course sites) to Excel or print them! Unfortunately, student
data will not be carried over to D2L so make sure you have back-up copies of your grades for future
reference if needed!
Review your course sites and clean-up any unused items that you don’t wish to roll forward to the
new D2L system. WARNING!: Do NOT remove anything that has student data (grades, assignments,
discussion postings) attached!
o If you plan to start fresh with a new course site, just leave your old one alone. It can be archived
and removed during the transition process.
Plan to attend one of the two D2L demos to see its features and a converted Bb and Angel course site!
o Date: Weds. March 31
o Time 1: 11:30 AM-1 PM (bring your brown bag lunch if desired)
o Time 2 (repeat): 2:30 – 4 PM
o Place: OKC- AHB 2058 & Tulsa Rm. 220
o If you aren’t available to attend the demo, please see the Desire2Learn website demos at:
 Recommend: Overview of Desire2Learn Environment LMS
 Recommend: ePortfolio-Share the Learning Journey
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact me so we can discuss them!
Jennifer Raasch
Manager, Academic Technology
Email: Jennifer-raasch@ouhsc.edu
Phone: 405-271-8001 Ext. 46798