Vol. 29 No. 1 January 2016 God Bless America The Long Island Single Sailor’s Association .. Our 26th Year Dedicated to Sailing and Boating Commodore’s Corner Howard Marks Welcome to 2016 - We’ve waited all year for it and now it’s here. 2016 We hope your Christmas was merry and your New Year’s start was well worth the good cheer invested in its beginning. Now, it’s time to get a jump on the New Year’s planning. Change of Watch Gala - January 1st was the close-out date to get you reservation money to Cliff for the Change of Watch. But there may still be some open spots. If you want to go, call Cliff and make your arrangements. The more the merrier. With great food and The New Yorker’s Band, and the presentation of awards, this is our best event of the year. Don’t miss the fun!! No January social - This is because of the Change of Watch, but we will make up for it NEXT month at our Annual, St. Valentine’s Day theme social on February 11th. Bring your favorite lover and, if you don’t have one, maybe you can find one at Nocello’s that night. Grievance Committee - If you would like to be on this committee, please be at the next Planning Meeting at Nocello’s on Jan. 21st. I will be in Puerto Rico, visiting Carroll Kelly, so Carol Rizzo will be running the meeting. Help us plan the New Year. Your influence is important. Use it. Birthday Babies - This month we’ll be at The Spare Rib, on Jericho Tpk., in Commack. Hosted by Diane Tynebor, we will enjoy a full menu. Please be there by 7 PM and please don’t forget to give Diane a call ASAP to re- serve your seat at the table. There should be a great turnout for this one. They do have some of the best ribs in town. Membership Renewal - We are still putting the Renewal Form for 2016 in the Jib. This is for all you guys who haven’t as yet renewed your membership. On Jan. 16th, the fee jumps to $70.00. On Feb 1st, it goes to $80.00. I will ask you now to please NOT wait any longer to send your renewal check to Will Kruysman. There’s no sense in missing the discounted fee while it’s here, NOW. What’s New - We have engaged Mr. Frank Borrero to give us some dance lessons again at a few of our socials. His effort was greatly appreciated the last time he did this so, we felt it was a good endeavor to launch again this season. We don’t know who his partner will be (we think it’s Carol) but, ladies, he’s always a lot of fun to dance with so, you’ll probably have to get in line. We look forward to this New Year to bring us new energy, and new ideas. New leadership is always needed and appreciated. I’m sure that will sort itself out by next Christmas. Please keep in mind that YOUR involvement in the Club is the only thing that keeps it going. It’s been 27 years since our founding and the reason for our success has been because folks have always been willing to step up to the plate. You don’t have to hit a homerun, just get up to the plate. It’s far better to swing and miss then never to swing at all. If you have any events, or ideas for events, or if you have any comments or suggestions on any LISSA topic, I’m just a phone call or email away. Talk to me. See you all – Out There! The Jib * The Long Island Single Sailor’s Association * Vol. 29 No. 1 January 2016 Call L.I.S.S.A. Hotline for cancellations & spontaneous events: 631-930-6409 A Message from the Rear Commodore….. 2016 Board of Directors COMMODORE Howard Marks (631) 226-1575 enhowsail@aol.com VICE COMMODORE Peter Aiello (516) 443-8614 VICE COMMODORE Carol Rizzo (631) 758-9748 jibeditr@optonline.net REAR COMMODORE George Fuchs (631) 661-1847 GeoSamsLI@aol.com FLEET CAPTAIN Kenneth Ruffino (631) 586-5991 As I return to this spot in 2016 and facing a blank page, I am hoping for a few ideas to light up in my head in the next few moments. While I am waiting for the inspirational flashes to appear, I will take this opportunity to thank our Past Rear Commodore, Joan Murray, for her efforts in planning many, new, imaginative and varied events for LISSA members. There are not many activities for nautical people during the winter months. But there are a few of interest as mentioned in Boating Times Long Island magazine, available free at marinas, boating stores, restaurants, card stores, etc. Go to: http://www.boatingtimesli.com" for more information. In the November-December issue is a listing of museums with a nautical theme. In addition to the Long Island Maritime Museum and the Horton Point Lighthouse, familiar to many LISSA members, there are six others listed in this issue. There are also articles on "Cold Weather Boating" (brrrr) and seal watching on Long Island. Several members have asked me if we are having any "Happy Hours" this year. I have a few in mind, but I need to get some interest from members to schedule them. If you have any ideas - let me know - or if one is listed please advise me of your intention to attend. It's not much fun to be alone or with only one or two other members attending. If I don't get any responses, I will go to one of my favorite pubs. On another tack, last year’s Change of Watch, Crab Meadow Picnic and Holiday Party, and to a lesser extent, the Annual and Semi-annual Meetings were well attended; but our socials, woefully, were not. These socials are the lifeblood of our club, if we had 75% of the attendance of the Holiday Party at our socials we would be in a better financial position. It's only one evening a month -so Support Our Socials! Bring your ideas to the Planning Meeting on January 21st. and enjoy a burger or a lite dinner at Nocello's. ---GEORGE Nonna_ann@yahoo.com HAPPY JANUARY BIRTHDAY SERGEANT AT ARMS Holly Schiller hlachow@optonline.net Diane Tynebor 1/1 Joan Bernstein 1/3 SERGEANT AT ARMS Patricia Kaminski (631) 423-7527 Ralph Guastaferro 1/5 Laila Peters 1/9 Terry Schumann 1/11 Anthony Destio 1/13 Marie Dunning 1/13 RECORDING SECRETARY Anita Castorina (631) 265-9183 anitac06@verizon.net TREASURER Billy Vassel (631) 663-3309 billycorvette@verizon.net MEMBERSHIP Will Kruysman (516)775-0631 wkruysman@aol.com MASTER AT ARMS Skip Belli (631) 462-1370 skipbelli@icloud.com CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Kathyann Peccia (631) 661-4489 kap114@optonline.net Richard Heelan 1/13 Billy Vassel 1/14 CeCe Moffitt 1/21 Franklin Donato 1/25 Patricia Kaminski 1/25 HAPPY EARLY FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY— Anita Castorina 2/1, Kenneth Wittmann 2/7, Robert Swiatko 2/10, Brian Watson 2/11, Naomi Rossi 1/13, Francene Crandall 2/15 Grievance Committee 2016 will be chosen at the 1/21/16 Planning Meeting Grievance Committee Cliff Rosenberg, Carol Sauer, Bob Hanlon —Jeff Feiner, Alternate JIB PRODUCTION NOTICE The JIB is produced by Carol Rizzo. All articles must be submitted by the 15th of each month and mailed to JIB Editor, 36 Saratoga Avenue, Medford, New York 11763 or e-mail to jibeditr@optonline.net. Also submit your article to Howard Marks at enhowsail@aol.com. Should you become aware that a member of our Club is ill or has lost a loved one, please let our Corresponding Secretary Kathy Peccia know so that she may send acknowledgements from the Club. Thank you. The Jib * The Long Island Single Sailor’s Association * HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016 We wish all our members and friends a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. January 9th, 2016 Annual Change of Watch Dinner Dance Dear LISSA Members: On January 9th, 2016, our annual “Change of Watch” the Premier Gala event of the year on the LISSA calendar, will take place at the ‘Watermill Caterers’ in Smithtown. At the October Planning Meeting, the attending members voted to overwhelmingly lower the member price from $70 to $60 in the hope that this will attract more members to this Gala Event. The opportunity to dress to the nines, mingle with all your LISSA friends, enjoy a full one hour cocktail party, a four course dinner, including all drinks, and dancing to a live band is was awaits you at this great venue. You cannot buy an evening like this anywhere for this price which also includes tax and gratuities. Vol. 29 No. 1 January 2016 I look forward to your responses and seeing you at the Watermill. Sincerely, Cliff Rosenberg, Event Chairman Wednesday, January 27th, 7PM Birthday Babies Dinner The January Babies and friends will meet at the Spare Rib in Commack .located at 2098 Jericho Turnpike in Commack, NY 11725 631-543-5050. Diane Tynebor is your hostess. Call her at 631-331 -3517 by January 25th to reserve. Coming in February Thursday, February 11th Social at Nocello’s. Valentine’s Day theme. Thursday, February 18th Planning meeting at Nocello’s By now you have received your Invitation to this Gala Event, so please come and enjoy yourselves . A special thank you to George Fuchs for jumping in and handling the Holiday Party on behalf of Joan Murray. It turned out to be a wonderful event, with over 90 people in attendance. The food was excellent. Irv and Josie outdid themselves!. DJ Jerry was no slouch either. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the more contemporary music that Jerry was playing. The dance floor was always full of people. The grab bag was a success also. Everything worked out evenly. Once again, thank you George for pulling it together. A wonderful time was had by all… Your Jib Editor Just a reminder that the Boat Show will be at Javits Center starting 1/6 through 1/9. Also, we’ve gotten word that the Long Island Yacht Club is closing. If the town buys it, it might be a chance for some activities. We’ll keep you posted. To: HOT LINE 631-930-6409 WWW.LISSA.ORG JANUARY 2016 LONG ISLAND SINGLE SAILORS ASSOCIATION, INC. 122 MARIE STREET LINDENHURST, NY 11757 LISSA EVENTS JANUARY 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PLANNING MEETING 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Birthday Babies Dinner ANNUAL CHANGE OF WATCH GALA
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The JIB is produced by Carol Rizzo. All articles
must be submitted by the 15th of each month
and mailed to JIB Editor, 36 Saratoga Avenue,
Medford, New York 11763 or e-mail to