Knolleriii3 August 2000


Knolleriii3 August 2000
Volume III, Number 3
The Alumni Magazine of Maryknoll School
Brother Venard Ruane, MM
A Cornerstone of the Maryknoll Community
Phone: (808) 952-7310
Fax: (808) 952-7311
The Knoller is published three times a year in December,
April, and August by the Development & Alumni Office of
Maryknoll School. Copyright © 2000 by Maryknoll School.
All rights reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced
in whole or in part by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Cover photo: by Geralyn L. Camarillo ’86
Hokuli‘i Images
Noblesse Oblige — to whom much is given, much is expected. This is
the motto of Maryknoll School, and it appears a number of times throughout this issue of the Knoller.
Our coverage of the Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano Scholarship
Dinner features profiles of two ladies who embody the spirit of Noblesse
Oblige: award winner “Auntie” Irmgard Farden Aluli and scholarship
recipient Shalei M. Bissen-Kealohi ’01.
Gracing the cover of this Knoller is Brother Venard Ruane, another
outstanding example of the value that the Maryknoll family places on service to others. Brother Venard has held a special place in the hearts of many
who have been associated with Maryknoll School and Sacred Heart Parish
over the years, and we are happy to share his story.
Also featured is former student Elizabeth Haggood Helfrich ’39, who
has incorporated the values she learned at Maryknoll into her work and
personal life. Elizabeth’s integrity and selfless giving have made her
contributions to the surrounding California community invaluable.
We hope that this Knoller inspires you to reflect on the role that “giving
back” plays in your own life. Are you involved in the community in a way
that is particularly meaningful for you and provides a valued service to
others? Perhaps you have a classmate who lives this ideal, or you recall a
member of the Maryknoll faculty or staff who has served as a model of
Noblesse Oblige for you. We’d love to hear about these special people and
perhaps share their stories in future issues of the Knoller.
On a personal note, I have found that I’ve been called to “give back” in
my own way and will be leaving the Development & Alumni Office of
Maryknoll School to pursue a teaching career. My sincere thanks to
Camille Domaloan Michel ’84 for her assistance in seeing this issue
through to publication.
It has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve as the senior editor of the
Knoller. Maryknoll School will always be an important part of my life and
I’m glad to know that it will always be “home” for me.
Lorraine Samson Kojima ’83
If possible, please offer my congratulations to Brad Donaldson ’95 on his
achievements in aeronautics. He was featured in the Class Notes section of the
April 2000 issue of the Knoller (Volume III, Number 2). Brad was a student of
mine in chemistry during his sophomore year. His science fair project measured
the “lift” of different wing shapes. He received an “A” for that project. He was
also very involved in Civil Air Patrol at that time too. I’m glad to see that he has
taken his interest to the grandest level.
Mac McFeeley
Chemistry Instructor
Maryknoll High School
Reading the Knoller brings me very close to Maryknoll even though I’m far
away. Thank you for the wonderful coverage of alumni especially the class of
’49. Your section on memorials is informative, however, using alumnae’s
maiden names would help us in placing former classmates. Keep up the good
Audrey Chock Swiderek ’49
Volume III, Number 3, August 2000
In this issue…
Brother Venard Ruane, MM
A special member of the Class of ’39 continues to give back to her
community. By Alyce Marie Boehning Crain ’85
Brother Venard has devoted years of loving service to Maryknoll
School and Sacred Heart Parish. By Shana Campos Tong ’83
Educator with a solid reputation joins the Maryknoll family.
By Camille Domaloan Michel ’84
Helfrich ’39
A living legend in Hawaii’s musical history is honored at a festive,
family affair. By Yvonne Usita Morris ’63
Students discover a world of professional possibilities.
By Della Au ’92
MAY DAY 2000
Maryknoll Grade School students share their aloha – live on the
World Wide Web. By Margaret Yamamoto
“Auntie” Irmgard Farden Aluli
Editor’s Corner
President’s Column
Alumni Association Report
Class Notes
Getting Involved and Staying In Touch
August 2000
One Size Does Not
Fit All
“Schools that insist on
respectful behavior,
the inclusion of
all voices, and
encourage the blending
of perspectives
have taken the first
steps toward meeting
the changing needs of
our girls and boys.”
erhaps the most important contribution to education made by groups such as the American
Association of University Women and the Coalition of Girls’ Schools was not their often
flawed research and self-serving conclusions on the education of girls, but the light they
shed on the important role gender plays in the education of our young people. The considerable
body of research on girls suggests that they are often at risk academically, socially and emotionally in our schools. Above all, it suggests that schools need to work on the low level of selfesteem that frequently accompanies girls through their adolescent years.
Nearly three decades of research on the development of girls has prompted a number of
researchers to conduct work on the intellectual and emotional development of boys. The findings have been strikingly similar, except that the risk level and possible consequences are even
greater for boys than girls.
The research on boys and girls clearly indicates that at most developmental stages they share
far more similarities than differences. But, it also suggests to parents and educators that the differences are extremely important. Just as boys and girls experience different physical growth spurts,
they also experience brain development at different times, have different learning styles, have
substantially different emotional needs, and face very different societal pressures.
Three important implications come from the growing body of research on the role of gender
in education. The first is that the Schools of Education must incorporate this research into their
training of future teachers. The professional schools have largely ignored gender issues in their
preparation of either elementary or secondary teachers and administrators. The second implication is that teachers on all levels must become knowledgeable about the learning differences and
styles of boys and girls. They must acknowledge that one size does not fit all and adjust to the
specific needs of both boys and girls. Just as they have come to appreciate multiple-intelligences
and emotional growth as well as intellectual and physical growth, they must also be keenly aware
of the ways boys and girls learn.
The third implication is that parents would also be well-served to become acquainted with the
latest findings in this important area. Two good books that serve as introductions to gender
education are Failing at Fairness by Myra and David Sadker and Michael Thompson’s Raising
Cain. Both books explore educational, social, and emotional needs of boys and girls as they pass
through various developmental stages and offer sound advice on how parents and teachers sensitive to these needs can be both more effective and more supportive.
The final implication is more controversial in some circles, for the research also indicates that
the time-honored tradition of educating boys and girls separately may not be a wise solution.
Educating girls and boys together over an extended period of time helps them to understand,
appreciate, and respect their differences. Moreover, they learn that it is in the dynamic of the
different emotional compositions that real understanding takes place. Girls and boys often bring
a very different perspective to problems and issues, and it is in the blending of these insights that
honest appreciation of the process as well as the solution occurs. Surely, the adult world should
not become the training ground for an introduction or discovery of gender differences.
Schools that insist on respectful behavior, the inclusion of all voices, and encourage the
blending of perspectives have taken the first steps toward meeting the changing needs of our girls
and boys.
Paul O’Brien Named Principal
of Maryknoll Grade School
by Camille Domaloan Michel ’84
ichael Baker, president of
Maryknoll School, has
announced the appointment of Paul F. O’Brien as principal
of the grade school. Following a
two-year national search, Mr.
O’Brien was selected from a large
pool of candidates. His appointPaul O’Brien
ment began on July 1, 2000.
“Mr. O’Brien’s excellent credentials and management skills,
combined with his reputation for integrity and his love for children,
made him the overwhelming choice,” said Mr. Baker.
Mr. O’Brien was most recently associated with Mid-Pacific
Institute where he was the 7th grade coordinator, a language arts
teacher, and director of the Summerbridge Hawaii Program. He had
previously served as the principal of Newman College Junior School
in West Australia, Santa Teresa Mission School in New Territory and
St. Dominic’s School in the Solomon Islands.
A native of Australia, Mr. O’Brien completed his initial teacher
training at the Marist Brothers Teaching College.
“I look forward with excitement to working as an administrator in
the Maryknoll ohana,” said Mr. O’Brien. “I’m anxious to integrate my
Marist experience with the rich Maryknoll tradition, and to help spread
the good news about this great school.”
Mr. O’Brien holds a Bachelor of Education degree from Western
Australian College of Advanced Education and a Master’s degree in
Elementary Education from the University of Hawaii, Manoa. He and
his wife Celeste, who serves as vice principal of Iolani Lower School,
reside in Kaneohe.
■ Camille Domaloan Michel ’84 is a member of the Knoller’s Board
of Editors.
A Step Toward a Better Future
by Marisa Mendoza ’01
Eco-Campers Iwalani Crush ’01, Katrina Gulay,
Kathryn Sabado, Lynn Chan ’01, and Marisa
Mendoza ’01 carry the exhausted Samantha
Benedito back to her room after a hard day’s work.
Camp participants at the Eco Park at Assumption School in Antipolo City, Philippines.
n April 2000, Lynn Chan ’01, Iwalani Crush ’01, Mark Chesney
’01, Reuben Macapinlac ’01, David Mistysyn ’01, Paul Lagos
’01, and Marisa Mendoza ’01, learned and gained enough experiences to last a lifetime. Under the guidance of high school teacher
Della Au ’92, our group attended the Philippines Council for Peace
and Global Education’s (PCPGE) International Youth Ecology Camp.
Held at Assumption School in Antipolo City, Philippines, camp attendees worked toward “Empowering Youth Leaders for Environmental
Stewardship.” Led by PCPGE president Sr. Luz Emmanuel Soriano,
the camp immersed the campers in an organized flurry of activities.
Intertwining discussions with hands-on activities, our group of
youths and teachers learned about environmental problems as well as
solutions. Although it became clear to us that the state of the environment is critical, with problems like solid waste accumulation and
species extinction, we also learned of the actions we could take. We
learned the benefits of recycling, the beauty of preservation, and the
importance of sharing what we have learned. Not only were our eyes
opened to ecological challenges, but our hearts were opened to a
different culture. With activities such as the Cultural Night, delegates
were able to better understand and appreciate each other – forming
common bonds over song, dance, music and laughter.
The Ecology Camp was an amazing event that helped us to learn
and share. Inspired by our experiences, the Maryknoll delegation
decided to conduct our own Youth International Wayfinding Camp in
October. There we hope to share Hawaiian history, culture, and environment with our friends from the Philippines as well as with students
from other Asian countries. Together, we can take a step toward a
better future.
Marisa Mendoza ’01 is a senior at Maryknoll School.
August 2000
Remembering the Past,
Honouring the Present
The Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano
Scholarship Dinner
by Yvonne Usita Morris ’63
n April 13, 2000, the beautifully melodic strains
of the songs “Puamana” and “Happy Me” filled
the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel Ballroom. Over
700 guests were welcomed by the Maryknoll
High School Singers, and invited to share in an
evening filled with memories of the late
Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano and the life,
times, and music of Noblesse Oblige Award
winner, Auntie Irmgard Farden Aluli.
The oval-shaped head table seated 28 of the
Farden and Aluli family members and graced the
center of the room, where the family warmly
greeted guests. Tables were set with centerpieces of
fern, chrysanthemums, and plumeria. Each guest received a
koa bowl filled with cookies made by the Maryknoll ohana,
and candies donated by Hawaiian Host. Mountain Apple
provided Auntie Irmgard’s latest CD, “From Irmgard with
Love,” for each guest.
In keeping with the theme of the evening, a delicious and
plentiful island cuisine dinner was served “ohana” style. Dinner
music was provided by Pa‘ahana while heaping platters of duck
salad with taro chips, macadamia crusted fish, mango chutney
chicken and sweet potatoes were shared at each table. A lilikoi
sherbet with banana fritters finished off the meal.
Mrs. Eileen Lota, a very dear friend of Monsignor
Kekumano, graciously served as the Mistress of Ceremony.
She shared remembrances of the Monsignor and introduced
Mike Baker, President of Maryknoll School, who presented this
year’s Kekumano Scholarship Award winner, Shalei
Bissen-Kealohi ’01.
After dinner, the program began with a video on the
life of Auntie Irmgard prepared by Milici Valenti Ng
Pack Advertising. Jicky Ferrer ’75 provided some of
the photography and Leslie Wilcox of KHON TV,
narrated. The Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano
Noblesse Oblige Award was then presented to Auntie
Irmgard Farden Aluli.
Nane Aluli, her eldest son, told the audience about
his mother and the family’s connection to Maryknoll
School. Irmgard’s nephew, Hailama Farden chanted,
then the famous family singers, Puamana (niece,
Luana McKenney and daughters Aima McManus and
Mihana Aluli Souza ’67), and Auntie Irmgard told
stories and sang songs that marked different periods in
her life.
It was a magical evening, a warm family affair for
all those who attended.
Kenneth Lindsay ’00
Robyn Kurasaki ’00
adorn Monsignor
Kekumano’s portrait
with lei.
Puamana (left to right) Luana McKenney,
Aima McManus, Irmgard Farden Aluli,
and Mihana Aluli Souza ’67.
Nane Aluli,
Irmgard’s eldest
son, speaks about his mother.
The Aluli Ohana.
Puamana serenades the audience.
Yvonne Usita Morris ’63 is the director of development and communications at Maryknoll School.
The Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano
“Noblesse Oblige” Award for Service
Irmgard Farden Aluli
onsidered the most important female composer since Queen Lili‘uokalani,
Irmgard Farden Aluli has composed well over 300 songs and continues to
work on musical projects with her quartet, Puamana. A living legend, she
shares her love of Hawaii and her stories through her music, touching the hearts
of her audiences.
Born and raised in Lahaina, Auntie Irmgard learned her craft at a time when
music’s primary purpose was entertainment and fun for family and friends. Her
legacy to Hawaiian music is exemplified in the way she continually uses and
promotes that purpose. She truly shares aloha through her music.
The Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano “Noblesse Oblige” Award for Service
is given to Auntie Irmgard because she truly devotes her talents to enriching the
lives of others. She gives both example and meaning to Maryknoll’s motto
Noblesse Oblige – “to whom much is given, much is expected.”
a Yvonne Usita Morris ’63
Irmgard Farden Aluli
Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano Scholar
Shalei M. Bissen-Kealohi ’01
by Lorraine Samson Kojima ’83
he Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano Scholarship is bestowed upon a Maryknoll School
student who demonstrates excellence in and outside the classroom while exemplifying the
spirit of Noblesse Oblige. On April 13, 2000, Shalei Bissen-Kealohi ’01 became the second
recipient of the Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano Scholarship. Shalei’s high academic record,
numerous extra-curricular activities and community service earned her the award and recognition she deserved on this special occasion.
Shalei began at Maryknoll in the 7th grade and recently finished her junior year. An honor
student, Shalei has been a Maryknoll student ambassador for the past three years. She is on
the basketball team and spends a good deal of her community service time helping children
at the Ronald McDonald House, Shriners’ Hospital, and with HUGS, an organization which
supports children with rare diseases.
In her sophomore year, she was one of a group of student participants who volunteered to
spend a week on Kahoolawe and planted over 3,000 plants for the restoration project on that
island. Shalei says of the experience, “You really learn to appreciate what we have. Our
surroundings are beautiful and we need to care for our environment.”
During his introductory speech, President Michael Baker said, “This scholarship is
awarded to a Maryknoll student who has a solid academic record and evidences the spirit of
both Maryknoll School and Charles Kekumano – a spirit that takes the teachings of the Catholic
faith and puts them into action serving others, showing a keen interest in both school and greater
communities, and working towards the promotion of justice. Shalei has certainly demonstrated the
spirit of Noblesse Oblige (to whom much is given, much is expected).”
(left to right) Deborah Bissen and her
daughter, Kekumano Scholarship Award
recipient, Shalei Bissen-Kealohi ’01.
■ Lorraine Samson Kojima ’83 is the editor of the Knoller and an associate in the Alumni and
Development Office at Maryknoll.
August 2000
L 1927
L U, H
Maryknoll School expresses its gratitude to all who have so generously helped with
the Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano Award Dinner
Ilima Sponsors- $5,000
Friends of Maryknoll
Mr. Francis & Mrs. Juliette ’53 Chock
The Mountain Apple Company
Mr. Jon de Mello
Mr. & Mrs. Kep Aluli
Mrs. Darlaine Gerhard Anderson ’53
Mrs. June H. Arakawa
Mr. & Mrs. George Ariyoshi
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Ashford
Mrs. Setsuko Bluemke
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bowers, Jr.
Mr. Ronald E. Bright
Mr. R. Charles Bocken
Mr. & Mrs. John Brogan
Mr. Clint Churchill
Mrs. Hilda De Cambra Cordeiro ’37
Father Daniel J. Dever
Mr. Paul I. deVille ’66
Father Thomas F. Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Farden
Mr. William ’36 & Mrs. Amelia Mattos
’40 Garcia
Mrs. Joyce Lee Goo ’56
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hannan
Ms. Anne Harpham ’68
Mr. & Mrs. David Heenan
Ms. Carmen Himenes
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert S.N. Hong
Mr. & Mrs. John Hui
Mr. & Mrs. Asami Ichimura
Mrs. Florence S. Ikei
Mrs. Cecily F. Johnston
Mr. Fredrick K. Kamaka
Mrs. Karen Kaneko
Rep. Bertha C. Kawakami
Mr. & Mrs. Yue Kwan
Mrs. Frances Heau Lancaster ’46
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin K.W. Lee
Mrs. Edwina S.H. Lee
Mr. Howard J.T. Lee
Jeffrey J.K. Lee, MD
Mr. & Mrs. James Lota
Mrs. Lily Lu
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo N. Luciano
Mrs. Laura L. Lum
Mr. Duncan MacNaughton
Mrs. Dolores Furtado Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Vivek Mathur
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Midkiff
Ms. N.A. Morasutti
Mr. Charles MLS Nakoa
Mr. Anthony Nebres ’58
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Odo
Mrs. Nadine Jeremiah Olinger ’57
Maile Sponsors - $3,000
Bank of Hawaii
Ernst & Young LLP
Queen Liliuokalani Trust
Mrs. Judith L. Sham
Plumeria Sponsors- $1,000
Aloha Airlines
Mr. Sonny & Mrs. Barbara ’61 Ching
Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.
Mrs. Yuklin Aluli ’66
Carole Kai Charities
Ming Chen, MD, Inc.
Chun, Kerr, Dodd, Beaman & Wong
Mr. Patrick H. Chun ’60
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Hawaii
Mrs. Shirley M. Connors
Mr. Joseph M. Dacey
First Hawaiian Bank
Hawaii Family Dental Centers - Mrs. Mary Kondo
Mr. James S. Hiramatsu, CPA ’75
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Kosasa
Dr. & Mrs. Irwin K.M. Lee - two tables
Gabriel W.C. Ma, MD
Kapiolani K. Marignoli
Maryknoll Parent Teacher Guild - three tables
Mr. & Mrs Clyde S. Matsusaka
Mitsunaga & Associates, Inc. - Steven D. Wong
Mr. James A. Napier
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ng
Partitions Hawaii Inc. - John Enos
Mr. Robert J. Pfeiffer
Mrs. Viola K. Pavao Quinn ’49
Sacred Heart Parish
Saint Pius X Church Parish
Star Markets, Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Stevenson
Joseph C.S. Tsai, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wo
Mr. Alfred & Mrs. Laurie Hong ’56 Wong
Mr. Darryl P. Wong
Dr. & Mrs. Livingston Wong ’48
Mrs. Susan Chong Wong, Esq. ’66
Mr. Roland J. Yap
Mr. Chris Yuen ’71
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Pierce
Mrs. Lenore Prehler
Ms. Mary C. Richards
Dr. Victor G. Romley
Mrs. Caryn Roscoe
Mr. Scott Sells
Mr. James C. Shingle
Dr. Reynold S. Shirai ’47
Mrs. Winona Hollinger Slate ’40
Ms. Esther K. Smythe
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin W.C. Thom, Jr.
Dr. K.S. Tom
Dr. Laurie K.S. Tom
Mrs. Anita Torres
Mrs. Kimi Uto
Ms. Nancy J. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wedeman
Mr. & Mrs. Pau-Sheng Wei
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Wo
Dr. & Mrs. William Won
Mrs. Fran J. Chow Wong ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wong
Lin and Ella Wong Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C.H. Yee
Seated ( left to right) Irmgard Aluli and Lucile Smith
Mistysyn ’37.
(Top row left to right) President Michael E. Baker,
and Steering Committee members Eileen Lota,
Barabra Tom Ching ’61, Yvonne Usita Morris ’63,
and Laurie Hong Wong ’56.
(Committee members not pictured: Mary Lou Brogan,
Lori Kern Carlos ’87, Mark Conching ’83, Lei
Darcey, Patrick Downes, Charlene Wong Lum ’60,
Monica Domaloan Ng Pack ’83, Nina Rapozo ’54,
Dulce Sanders and Mihana Aluli Souza ’67.)
Ohana of Irmgard Farden Aluli; Michael Amore; Beth Bogdon; Mark Conching ’83 - MC Consulting; Patrick Downes;
Jicky Ferrer ’75; Angie Golis-Yamamoto; Hawaiian Host; Jonathan Hermosura; Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Kosasa; Eileen Lota;
Milici Valenti Ng Pack Advertising - Video Production: Jenni Katinszky, Juju Ranches, Public Relations: Linda Chun,
Kim Tamashiro; The Mountain Apple Company - Jon de Mello and Leah Bernstein; Sheraton Waikiki; Leslie Wilcox
Silent Auction Donors
A-1 Luggage
Dick Adair
Alicia’s Market, Inc.
Aloha Airlines
Mike Amore
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baker
Beauty by Fumiko
Brite Smile
Cane Haul Raod, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chu
Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Cove Entertainment
Patricia Culver
Darcey Builders
David Lee Galleries
David Paul’s Lahaina Grill
Elite Limousine Service, Inc.
Entertainment Publications
Futurekids Manoa
GBC Boxes & Packaging
Garrett Gabriel
H-2-0 Salon
Hairs to You
Havier Designs Hawaii
Hawaii Sports
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Ho
Hokuli’i Images
Image City
In Memory of Ikaika Dall ’98
Mr. and Mrs. David Ishii
Island Guitars
JPS Dressers
KAJ Products
Kaheka Rehab Clinic
Kenneth’s Photography
Fred and Diane Kobashikawa
Brad Koki
Lanai Company, Inc.
Magic Mike
Maika'i Snacks and Baskets
Manoa Grand Ballroom
Marian's Island Wide Catering
Mauna Kea Beach Hotel
MC Consulting
McCully Bicycle & Sporting
Mermaids Hawaii
Mitsu-Ken Okazu Catering
Jim and Yvonne Morris
Carlson & Venancia Mun
Nails by Kristin
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Oshiro
Outrigger Entertainment
Outrigger International Travel
P&S Jewelry & Collectibles
Pacific Beach Hotel
Pacific Creations, Hawaii
Paula's Sports Cards, Etc.
Roy Sakuma Productions, Inc.
Sally Foster Entertainment
Sheraton Maui - Kaanapali
Sheraton Moana Surfrider
Sheraton Waikiki Hotel
Glenn Silva
Stephen R. Ho, DDS
Taj Clubhouse
Takushi, Funaki, Wong & Stone
The Art Source
The Little Dollhouse
The Westin Maui-Kaanapali
Tihati Productions
Tori Richards Ltd.
Treetops Restaurant at Paradise Park
Ultrazone Lazer Adventure
Utah Jazz
Villa Enterprise
Windward Mall
Wonda's Manicure
Wong's Chinese Antiques
Beverly Ann Shinnick
Aldrich ’56
Jill Blaisdell
Hilda De Cambra
Cordeiro ’37
Erin Darcey ’99
Jacquelyn Darcey ’97
Roxane Ishikawa Goo ’78
Cora Cabebe Gushikuma ’73
Pattie Wong Heatherly ’66
Rondee Lum
Barbara Ho
Diane Kobashikawa
Paulette Laanui
Edwina Lee
Irene Lee
Jackie Loo
Milton Makishi
Lucile Smith Mistysyn ’37
James R. Morris II ’85
James R. Morris
Avis Mukawa
Gail Nakamura
Amber Saito-Love ’05
Marilyn Taniyama
Jeri Tokumoto
Michelle Arakawa Ushio ’81
Lorraine Veilleux
Lynne Taniguchi
Watanabe ’69
Kimberly Yamauchi
Brenda Yim
Francine Yokoi
Dr. Irwin Lee Appointed to
Maryknoll School Board
by Michael E. Baker
Dr. Irwin K.M. Lee, the latest appointee to the Maryknoll School Board, is no stranger to
the School. Dr. Lee’s son Lorrin Lee ’97, a senior at Duke University, is a 1997 Maryknoll
In addition to serving on the teaching staffs of Queens Medical Center, Kapiolani
Medical Center for Women and Children, and the University of Hawaii John A. Burns
School of Medicine, Dr. Lee is a practicing obstetrician and gynecologist. He will serve on
the Development Committee.
Dr. and Mrs. (Irene) Lee are active members of Sacred Heart Parish who have maintained a close relationship with the Maryknoll Fathers and Sisters who have served the
parish and the school. The Lees recently returned from New York where they attended
former pastor and school president Fr. Frank Diffley’s Golden Jubilee.
Dr. Irwin K.M. Lee and Irene Lee
Michael E. Baker is the president of Maryknoll School.
August 2000
Brother Venard Ruane, MM,
A Cornerstone of the Maryknoll Community
by Shana Campos Tong ’83
he Maryknoll Fathers, Brothers and
the Maryknoll Sisters had a vision to
found Maryknoll School as a
Catholic School in Hawaii firmly rooted in
faith. These missioners are responsible for
setting the basic values and philosophy that
guide the school today. Each of us has
memories of a special Maryknoller who
helped to form our academic and social
consciousness. Brother Venard Ruane is a
special Maryknoller who has dedicated his
life to the Maryknoll Mission and to the
families of Sacred Heart Parish, the
students of Maryknoll, and the people of
Brother Venard Ruane was born
Thomas Ruane in Waterloo, Iowa, on April
4, 1927, to Thomas Anthony and Frances
Marcella McGuire Ruane. He was one of
eight children–five girls and three boys.
Thomas graduated from Sacred Heart
School, Waterloo, Iowa, in 1944 where he
had studied since kindergarten. In August
1944, after graduation, he entered the US
Marine Corps and completed basic training
Br. Venard Ruane, 1950
in Paris Island, South Carolina and infantry
A favorite with students, Br. Venard Ruane says he is fortunate to be able to work with young people.
training in Camp LeJuene, North Carolina.
(Reprinted with permission from Maryknoll magazine.)
Stationed in Hawaii in March 1945, he
fitting name for a man with such an appreciated sense of humor.
stayed at a tent city at Camp Caitlin near the airport. (It was a coincidence that Thomas was assigned to Hawaii, for his father had also
Brother Venard's next assignment was to a mission and school for
lived in tents at Schofield Barracks, was discharged, and remained in
Japanese in Los Angeles, California where he served for two years.
Hawaii where he trained fire horses for the fire department until he
Then he went to the Venard Apostolic College in Clarks Summit,
moved to Iowa in 1912.) In April 1945, Thomas was assigned to
Pennsylvania. However, in 1952, fortunately for the parishioners of
Guam where he assisted the chaplain until December of that year. In
Sacred Heart Church in Honolulu, Brother Venard was assigned to
his spare time, he would read The Field Afar, forerunner of today's
Hawaii. After receiving his Mission Cross from Archbishop Fulton J.
Maryknoll magazine. Maryknoll seeds were surely planted!
Sheen at the departure ceremony, Brother sailed on the President
Cleveland and, arriving in Honolulu on August 5, 1952, was assigned
After WWII was over in August 1945,
to Sacred Heart Parish where Father George C. Powers was the pastor.
Thomas was assigned to Tientsin, China. It
was in China that he met missionaries from
Europe. After serving in China from
duties at Sacred Heart
December 1945 until July 1946, Thomas
were many: he opened
returned home and contacted Maryknoll. In
and closed the church
March 1947 he became a postulant brother at
each day; he drove the
Maryknoll, New York and, six months later, a
school bus for the chilnovice in Akron, Ohio. After one year,
dren at Maryknoll School
Thomas Ruane took his vows as a Maryknoll
Thomas Ruane, 1945
Brother and was assigned to the Development
students of Sacred Heart
Department in Bedford, Massachusetts through August 1949. Brother
Parish; he also taught
chose his religious name, Venard, after Saint Theophane Venard, a
catechism to the eighth
Paris Foreign Missionary in China who was beheaded in 1861. When
grade public school and Br. Venard Ruane, former High School Athletic
asked why he chose this saint, Brother responds with a smile, "He was
Punahou School children Director, presents athletic awards to (left to right)
known for his sense of humor and was a modern martyr.” It is truly a
on Saturdays; he handled Kenneth Kwock ’55 and Mel Tom ’59.
A Maryknoll “bus,” driven by Br. Venard Ruane, transports a football team to a game.
Boy Scout Troop 42 receives the A.D. Altarie Award from
Bishop John J. Scanlan.
the chores of maintenance in the parish; and, of special significance, he served as a Scoutmaster with Boy Scout Troop 42
from 1952 through 1970, a commitment which brought
Brother's strong values and very positive influence into the
lives of many boys.
Brother Venard's broad service to the community includes
nine years as the first Athletic Director of Maryknoll School.
His service and personal character led to the establishment of
an athletic award presented each year to an athlete who best
exemplifies outstanding morals, values, and spirit at practices
and games.
Brother Venard is also popularly associated with the "White
House,” the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers' residence on Dole
Street. Although he was asked to manage the Maryknoll House
on East 39th Street in New York City for two years, Brother
returned happily to Honolulu where he manages the many
activities and services provided for visiting Maryknollers at the
White House. Currently the financial officer of the Maryknoll
Fathers and Brothers in Hawaii, Brother Venard celebrated his
50th anniversary as a Maryknoll Brother in 1998. His mission,
however, extends beyond the White House, for example, to
Shriners Hospital for Children, where he serves as Eucharistic
Minister and also shares his hearty laugh and enthusiastic
conversation reflecting his rich and varied life experiences.
Brother Venard has witnessed many changes at Maryknoll
School. He recalls the days of the wooden buildings, the high
school classes held at the old McDonald Hotel, and construction of the "new" high school. He remembers a Maryknoll
faculty and staff consisting entirely of Religious, with the
exception of Mrs. Phoebe Kwock, Mrs. Laura Whitmarsh, Joe
Koelher, and Lieutenant Clarence Ho. However, Brother looks
to the future with great optimism. His daily life includes threemile walks, mass at Sacred Heart Church, and periodic encounters with many current faculty and staff. Mixed with his interest in opera, the symphony, and the theater, Brother's continuing service to the Sacred Heart Parish/Maryknoll School
community is an important reminder of not only Brother's own
inspiring vocation, but also the rich cultural and religious roots
of Maryknoll School.
When asked, however, about the highlights of his career,
Brother Venard quickly and simply answers that he enjoys
working with the children and Sacred Heart parishioners and
enjoys meeting people. It is surely the simplicity and sincerity
of this response that has sustained Brother Venard, and us,
through the years.
■ Shana Campos Tong ’83 is a member of the grade school
faculty specializing in Japanese, religious studies, and public
August 2000
MHS Teachers Stand Out Among the Best
by Glenn Silva and Melissa Romley ’00
In March 2000, Lily Lu was
selected as one of two recipients of the
Hawaii Association of Language
Excellence in Teaching Award. This
award is given to recognize one’s
outstanding achievement in teaching,
professional development, and service
to the foreign language profession in
the state of Hawaii.
The dynamic force behind
Maryknoll’s Chinese Language
Program these last several years, Lily is the object of the collective
admiration of her colleagues. Her recent award for excellence in
teaching is the crowning achievement of her years of dedicated
service. In 1983, Lily started a fledgling class in Chinese language
which has grown to include beginning, intermediate and advanced
levels. The Chinese Language Program also includes travel to China
and the very visible presence of the Chinese Language Club. A
respected educator in Hawaii, Lily has held office in the Chinese
Language Educators’Association and has been very active in Chinese
festivals both in the community as well as at the high school campus.
Lu Lau Shr – Xie Xie Ni!
Consuelo Rogers is now one of the
newest recipients of the Presidential
Award for Excellence in Mathematics
and Science teaching at the state level.
As a recipient of the award, an individual is deemed to be one of the states’
most outstanding and dedicated teachers in both the classroom and the
community. If chosen as a finalist at
the National level, Consuelo will
receive a prepaid round trip to
Washington D.C. where President Bill
Clinton will present her with an award. She will also receive a monetary bonus.
As a teacher at the high school for nearly twenty years, Consuelo
has been instrumental in founding programs and designing courses.
She is the head of the science department, the founder of the Global
Lab Project at the high school, and a mentor to new teachers as well.
In addition, Consuelo is the coordinator of all Catholic school science
teachers and is a member of the National and state Science Teachers
Della Au ’92 was nominated as one
of 93 semi-finalists to compete in the
second round of the 2000-2001 White
House Fellowship Program. White
House Fellows work as full-time, paid
assistants to the members of the Cabinet
and senior White House Staff. Among
Della’s competitors were aerospace
engineers, dot-com executives, U.S.
Army Majors and five other teachers.
Within our Maryknoll community,
Della has been instrumental in designing and establishing the Government Internship program, which is a
service-learning based course. Della was also a member of a 4-teacher
team that designed the 9th grade World History and World Literature
courses and she was a member of the Senior Project Committee.
Aside from Della’s duties and involvement as a high school
teacher, she is a voluntary member of the State Campaign Spending
Commission. Her interests are in government and education. In the
fall of 2000, Della plans to attend the University of Hawaii Law
School and focus on international studies and educational law.
Karla Brundage, literature teacher
at the high school, is one of the few
recipients of the 2000-2001 Fullbright
Teachers Exchange. As a participant of
the exchange, Karla will travel to
Zimbabwe to teach World Literature,
and English as a second language to Olevel school children. During Karla’s
exchange, an instructor from that institution will travel to Maryknoll and
assume Karla’s teaching position for the
duration of the school year.
In the Maryknoll community, Karla is involved with the production and publication of the literary magazine The Toad and coached
the CSL track team. Karla has also been the freshman coordinator
for the past three years. Besides her commitment to teaching, Karla
is a published writer with her most recent publication in Bamboo
Ridge Press’s Intersecting Circles.
■ Glenn Silva is a member of high school faculty specializing in
French. Melissa Romley ’00 will be attending Pepperdine University
in the fall majoring in public relations.
Maryknoll Takes 1st Place
in Physics Olympics
by Aileen Ng ’00
February 26, 2000, a
group of Maryknoll
Boonyatera ’00, Alan
Mark ’00, Aileen Ng
’00, Stephen Sung ’00, Maryknoll High School Physics Team (L to R):
and Aaron Wong ’02, Sunya Boonyatera ’00, Alan Mark ’00, Steven
competed in the 11th Sung ’00, Aaron Wong ’02, and Aileen Ng ’00.
annual Physics Olympics held on the Kapiolani Community
College campus. “Laser Maze,” “Fork Torque,” “Car Bomb,” and
“Pennies and Popsicles” were among the six events that were held.
They contended against 23 teams, each consisting of three to five
students, from 11 different high schools. The students took first place
in the Car Bomb event and first place overall.
■ Aileen
Maryknoll High
School’s Electric Car –
A Racing Success
by Reyna Kodama ’00
Ng ’00 will be attending Harvey Mudd College in the fall.
Maryknoll Student wins
$1,000 For School
by Lorraine Samson Kojima ’83
Maryknoll’s third grade student, Heidi Ma ’09, was named the winner
in a national state-by-state essay writing contest conducted by
Smucker’sTM fruit spreads and JifTM peanut butter. Students were asked to
write about an imaginary lunch with their favorite book character. The
best essays from 50 states – one per state – were selected and the respective students were awarded $1,000 for their schools.
Heidi’s winning essay
was about having lunch
with her favorite book
character, Elisa, from the
book E is for Elisa by
Johanna Hurwitz. Their
lunch is interrupted by a
mystery when they
discover that the snack
machine is empty. Who
took all the snacks?
“Education is very
J.M.Smucker Company,”
said Susie Burkhart,
Marketing Manager for
fruit spreads.
proud to support this
contest as it demonstrates Heidi Ma ’09 presents the winner’s check to Maryknoll
the value of reading and School President, Michael Baker. Standing with them
writing and the importance (left) is third grade teacher Suzanne McLaughlin and
Wendie Wong, grade school principal.
of a quality education.”
■ Lorraine Samson Kojima ’83 is the senior editor of the Knoller and
an assistant in the Alumni and Development Office.
Maryknoll School’s Electric Car Team
(L to R) Sunya Boonyatera ’00, Kenneth Lee ’03, Stacey Wong ’03,
Stephen Sung ’00, Richard Barlett ’00, April Ota ’00, Aaron Bronson ’00,
and (in car) Reyna Kodama ’00.
What started out as a dream became a reality over a period
of two years for thirteen high school students. Supported by
the endless patience, help, and guidance from high school
teacher Hank Le Page, and parents Nathan Costa and Michael
Armstrong, Maryknoll High School’s Engineering Club
members constructed an electric vehicle and entered the
Hawaiian Electric Electron Car Marathon. The team of
Reyna Kodama ’00, April Ota ’00, Stephen Sung ’00,
Sunya Boonyatera ’00, Alan Mark ’00, Aaron Bronson ’00,
Aaron Wong ’02, Christopher Koo ’01, Stacey Wong ’03,
Kenenth Lee ’03, Franklin Lee ’02, Richard Barlett ’00, and
Richard Tsai ’03 competed in the race which took place on
March 25, on Ford Island.
Maryknoll’s electric car placed third overall in the competition. The rating awarded to the team took into account all
aspects of the competition – documentation, oral presentation,
construction and safety, as well as the actual race itself. The
high ratings in several categories pushed the team to third
overall, a much higher overall ranking than last year. Through
it all, the Maryknoll Engineering Club members gained a
great deal of experience.
■ Reyna Kodama ’00 will be entering Tufts University in
the fall.
August 2000
Career Day 2000
by Della Au ’92
ourteen years ago, husband and wife Troy and Jamie
Wicklund Furutani ’86 never imagined that they would
both be speaking at their alma mater’s Career Day. But on
Tuesday, March 21, 2000, both were part of a group of 46
community members who attended Maryknoll School’s annual
Career Day.
Held on the high school campus, Career Day is designed as
a day for students to learn about the types of careers awaiting
them in the world beyond school and the steps they can take even as high
school students to move toward these careers. Among the 37 careers
represented at the 2000 Career Day were dentists, attorneys, marketing
consultants, surgeons, engineers, educators, FBI special agents and law
enforcement officers, as well as representatives from the armed forces.
In line with the principle “less is more,” Career Day organizer and
Alumni Relations Coordinator Lori Kern Carlos ’87 pared down the
weeklong schedule of last year’s Career Week effort. The shortened
format, however, proved to be more effective as more individuals
were able to join us on campus and more careers were represented,
giving students even more opportunities to explore different careers.
For students, the new and improved daylong format allowed them to
take a break from formal classes in order to attend presentations and
interact with professionals from the community.
Beginning the day with an opening assembly, students listened to
Heald College recruiter Candace Fajardo ’90, who spoke about the
importance of school, study, and volunteer opportunities. By day’s
end, students commented that the wide range of speakers provided
them with variety and with ample opportunities to learn about different careers and pathways. And for those students who still weren’t
quite sure what careers they want to pursue, a popular session entitled
“College Life” was conducted with presentations by and discussions
with recent graduates and current university students Lori Moskal ’97
and Mitchell Goo ’97.
Besides the benefits to students, one special outcome of Career
Day was welcoming back 17 alumni from thirteen classes ranging from
1948 to 1997, along with 11 parents of current students. During breaks
between sessions, teachers and presenters could be found talking and
laughing under the hospitality tent set up near the flagpole. One teacher
evaluation of the day commented, “I liked the festive atmosphere,
having a mix of grads and parents with the students.” From their
perspectives, many alumni commented on the changes in the physical
plant, as all the classrooms are now air-conditioned and what many
remembered as the A-frame or C.A.P. building is now replaced by
Founders’ Hall.
Now in its second year, Career Day appears to be a fixture on the
school calendar. If you are interested in participating as a presenter for
the 2001 Career Day, please contact the Alumni and Development Office
at 952-7313 or at
■ Della Au ’92 is a member of the high school faculty specializing in
history and public speaking.
(left to right) Lori Moskal ’97, high school math teacher Fernando Urgelles,
and Mitchell Goo ’97, meet with members from the U.S. Coast Guard.
Alex Lo ’85 teaches Michael Faria ’03 how to correctly wrap an ankle.
(left to right) Della Au ’92, Lori Anne Ladrillono ’01, Troy Furutani ’86, and
Ryan Goshima ’00.
Calling all Alumni & Friends of Maryknoll!
We’ve got a mat for you at the
25th Annual Maryknoll School Luau.
Enjoy “ono” food and great entertainment!
Alumni, meet your classmates at your special
table. Return this postcard to the Development
ol A
, 20
ber 1ion Hallm
ay, O hibit thru 6p
Sund enter Erxving 4pm $20.00
dell uous S
Blais Contin
Office to reserve your seat today!
YES! Send me ___ tickets. Enclosed is my check for $______
____ YES! I am a Maryknoll alum! Reserve ___ seats at my class table.
____ YES! I already have tickets, but please reserve ____ seats at my class table.
Please return this card and your check in an envelope addressed to:
Maryknoll School • Development Office • 1526 Alexander Street • Honolulu, HI 96822
Name ___________________________________________ Class of ____
Address ______________________________________________________
Phone __________________________
A Message from Paul...
Dear Fellow Alumni,
Thank you for making the first year of the
renewed Maryknoll Association so successful!
Mahalo to everyone who volunteered time
and energy to plan the events, and to those
who attended these special functions throughout the year. I continue to be impressed by
your dedication to Maryknoll School.
We concluded the year with the first ever
Alumni Week. This triple-header event, the highlight of this year’s program,
brought many alumni back in contact with each other and Maryknoll
School. Thanks to all the classes who planned their reunions in conjunction
with this Alumni Week. Please mark your calendars for next years 2nd
Annual Alumni Week, scheduled for July 17 – 21, 2001.
Our first event next school year is the 2nd Annual Alumni Memorial
Mass, which will be celebrated on November 2, 2000 at Sacred Heart
Church. This event promises to be even better than the last. I can’t think of
a more meaningful way to “give back” to Maryknoll School as we honor our
deceased alumni and faculty.
Your Alumni Association continues to grow and mature with a program
designed to support Maryknoll School and its alumni. Thanks for your
kokua and generous support of the Maryknoll Alumni Association.
Paul Y. Chinen ’57, Alumni Association President
October 1
October 7-8
October 26-30
November 2
January 5
March 4
April 5
May 3
June 7-8
July 17-21
25th Anniversary Luau
Class of 1950 Reunion
Class of 1955 Reunion
Alumni Memorial Mass
Alumni Homecoming
(Maryknoll vs. Damien)
100 Days Dinner
The Monsignor
Charles A. Kekumano
Scholarship Dinner
Career Day
West Coast, East Coast
Alumni Gatherings
Graduation Festivities
for Jubilarian Classes
2nd Annual Alumni Week
Alumni Cocktail Party
10th Annual FORE! Maryknoll
Golf Tournament
Family Fun Day
For more information on any of these events,
phone the Alumni Office at (808) 952-7310 or
e-mail at
Mahalo to our Career Day Presenters:
Alex Arakaki - CPA
Hiram Au ’67 - FBI Special Agent
Michael Baker - Education/Head of School
Richard Brislin - Education/College Professor
Philip Bruno - Physician
Tammy Chang-Motooka ’83 - Orthodontist
Stephen Choy - Clinical Psychologist
Walter Chun - Occupational Safety/Health Consultant
Penny Chung - Registered Nurse
Thomas Collins - Private Investigator
Mark Conching ’83 - Marketing Consultant
Michael Duncan - Human Resources Trainer
Jamie Wicklund Furutani ’86 - Veterinarian
Troy Furutani ’86 - Athletic Trainer
Dori Kern Gabriel ’87 - Pharmaceutical Sales
Mitchell Goo ’97 - College Student
Joe Hernandez - Environmental Engineer
Pamela Kee ’91 – Business Support Analyst
BeJay Upchurch Kodama ’81 - Television Marketing
Cecelia Kong - FBI Special Agent
Aaron Koseki - Health Sciences
Philip Kuchler ’69 - Real Estate Sales/Management
Jonathan Lau ’91 - Dentist
Larry Lee - Attorney
Alex Lo ’85 - Athletic Trainer
Ann-Marie White Medeiros ’88 - Computer Network Adminstrator
Jim Mistysyn - Science and Business
Gervin Miyamoto - Law Enforcement
Lori Moskal ’97 - College Student
Gene Murata - Human Resources
Jon Ortiz - Attorney
Neal Palafox - Physician
Jeff Polovina - Marine Scientist
Peter Rosche - Coast Guard
Stevette Santiago – Human Resources
Thomas Sawa - Veterinarian
Henry Sim - Industrial Engineer
Winslow Tanabe ’72 - Electrical Engineer
Lan Tran - Fiscal Services, Accounting
Charlotte White ’63 - Education/Principal
David Wilson - Marketing
Livingston Wong, ’48 - Surgeon
Jack Wong - Computer Programmer Analyst
Cynthia Yee-Bronson - Attorney
Malia McLaughlin Zimmerman ’86 – Reporter
August 2000
Elizabeth Haggood Helfrich ’39 dedicates her
life to serving others
By Alice Marie Boehning Crain ’85
lizabeth Haggood Helfrich ’39 truly exemplifies the school motto
Noblesse Oblige as she has served her community of Salinas,
California, as a practicing lawyer for over 30 years and continues
to serve as an active member of various community organizations.
When you speak with Elizabeth, her kindness, humility, and love of
family quickly endear you to her.
Born in Norfolk, Virginia, Elizabeth has lived in many different
places because her father was in the Navy. In the beginning of her
high school years, Elizabeth’s father relocated the
family to Hawaii for three years while he was
stationed there. Committed to Catholic education, Elizabeth’s Irish-Catholic mother
insisted that all three daughters attend
Catholic schools wherever they
Of all the schools she attended,
Maryknoll holds the fondest memories
for Elizabeth. Sending her to Maryknoll
cost her family $3 per month, where she
was enrolled in small classes. Elizabeth
also recalls the Maryknoll Sisters who
encouraged her to “do right, study hard,
and do something with her life.” Besides Elizabeth Haggood Helfrich ’39 and her cat, Koko.
studying, many good times were had ti
leaf sliding, swimming, and riding the train to Girl Scout camp in Pearl City.
When the Navy relocated her father in her junior year, Elizabeth became a “nongraduating alum,” one of a special category of alumni who do not graduate with their
class but continue to feel a special tie to that class and to Maryknoll. Indeed,
Elizabeth is very much a part of the Maryknoll class of 1939 in the close ties that she
maintains with Maryknoll and in the way that
she has lived and continues to live her life.
Earning her B.A. in political science from
Stanford University, Elizabeth went on to
earn her J.D. from the University of San
Francisco Law School in 1958. She worked
as a Deputy District Attorney for Alameda
County from 1959 to 1964 before becoming
a partner in the firm Pioda, Bryan, Ames,
Helfrich & Ewills in 1968 until her retirement in 1990.
Upon beginning her practice as a lawyer
in the 1950s, Elizabeth entered a world in
which very few female attorneys could be
found. Elizabeth recalls that she was once
mistaken by the judge for a man named Jean,
whom she was representing. When the judge
read the court papers, he mistook Elizabeth
for “Jean,” who was accused of drunk
Girl Scout Troop #38
continued on page 15
May Day celebration at Maryknoll, 1935. (Elizabeth is standing to the queen’s right.)
continued from page 14
Being there for people
with legal problems and
helping them through the
maze of the system made
Elizabeth’s career very
rewarding. Because she
specialized in family law,
adoption cases especially
Elizabeth delighted in
helping couples adopt
children into loving families.
Retirement has not
Elizabeth down.
8th grade, 1935
She still participates in
numerous professional and community organizations such as the
Board of Counselors for the University of San Francisco Law School
and the Executive Committee of the Community Foundation for
Monterey County. Elizabeth also maintains ties with Catholic education in Hawaii as a member of the Board of Trustees for Palma High
School, a school affiliated with Hawaii’s Damien High School.
Besides her community service, Elizabeth is also an active tennis
player and worldwide traveler. Her adventures have taken her to
Africa, Europe, Asia and North America, and throughout the Pacific.
Along with her husband, who is an avid hiker, Elizabeth has also hiked
through exotic locations such as Nepal, Hawaii and New Zealand.
Does this accomplished, active, incredible woman have advice for
today’s youth? “Dream and persevere.”
Clearly, Elizabeth Helfrich has not stopped following her own
■ Alyce Marie Boehning Crain ’85 is a full-time mom. She lives in
Sacramento with her husband and two children.
Elizabeth Helfrich (farthest right) and her older sister, Kathleen, and younger
sister, Vivian.
Jubilarian 2000 – “Coming Home”
June is an exciting time for Maryknoll
alumni to “come home” for Baccalaureate
Mass and graduation! For some alums,
“coming home” means their first visit back
since graduation. For Jubilarian classes (those
celebrating their 60th, 55th, or 50th year
reunion), that can mean seeing old friends
that they haven’t seen in more than 50 years!
That was the scenario for Nancy Hada
Nakamura ’40 and Eloise Zerbe McIntosh
’40, our first guests to arrive at Baccalaureate
Mass…a definite Kodak moment!
For more than 10 years, Jubilarian festivities have included Baccalaureate Mass, a
luncheon, and special seating at graduation.
Mahalo to our Jubilarian attendees:
Nancy Hada Nakamura ’40
Edwina Leong Goo ’40
Eloise Zerbe McIntosh ’40
Margaret Goto Sato ’45
Jubilarian attendees (left to right): Alice Uyehara Masutani ’50, Eloise Zerbe McIntosh ’40, Sacred
Heart Pastor Fr. Marc Alexander, Margaret Goto Sato ’45, Nancy Hada Nakamura ’40. Not pictured
are Edwina Goo ’40 and Irene Letoto ’50.
Joseph Kalaukoa ’50
Mona Ann Chock
Kalaukoa ’50
Irene Chang Letoto ’50
Alice Uyehara Masutani ’50
Thomas Tam ’50
Lenore Fong Young ’50
August 2000
ILH All Stars, Medalists and Team
Ashley Vidal ’04 rebounds and drives past a Sacred
Hearts Academy opponent.
Kenneth Lindsay ’00 – First Team All Star
Russell Sypowicz ’01 and Adi Muranovic ’00 –
Honorable Mention
Robin McAneeley ’03– Girls Varsity II Canoe Paddling
First Team All Star
Coaches Harry and Cathy Kam-Ho –
Girls Canoe Paddling Coaches of the Year
Dayna Miyashiro ’04, ILH Intermediate Championships
1st Place Medalist in bars
2nd Place Medalist in beam
3rd Place Medalist in floor exercise
2nd Place Medalist Overall
Kari Mukawa ’04, ILH Intermediate Championships
6th Place Medalist in vault
3rd Place Medalist in bars
6th Place Medalist in floor exercise
6th Place Medalist Overall
Derek Birkmire ’01, Second Team All Star Goalie
Malia Kane ’01 – Second Team All Star
Kristen Lim ’03 and Kelly Sato ’00 –
ILH Honorable Mention
Doug Morrison ’04 takes 1st place
in the long jump at the annual CSL
track and field meet.
For the first time Maryknoll had both a girls and boys
relay team in this year’s State Meet.
State Qualifiers: Rob McEntire ’00, Shana McEntire
’02, Robert Segawa ’00, Brian Coleman ’01, Allyn
Wijnveldt ’01, Ashley Higashi ’02, Taryn Fong ’02 and
Rachel Sierra ’03.
Rob McEntire ’00 – ILH and State Medalist in the
50 Freestyle and 100 Freestyle
First Team All Star, 50 Free
First Team All Star, 100 Free
Taryn Fong ’02, looks ahead
to score a goal at the ILH
Water Polo Championship.
Canoe Paddling – ILH Girls Varsity II
Division Championship
Boys Basketball – ILH Boys Intermediate Championship
CSL Boys Intermediate Division I
Tournament Championship
CSL Boys Intermediate Division II
Tournament Consolation Championship
CSAL Elementary Boys Basketball Championship
Brendan Higa ’01, Honorable Mention
Sean Ortiz ’02, Honorable Mention
Cruz Hatanaka ’03, Honorable Mention
Baseball Captain Ryan Goshima
’00 scores a Maryknoll run.
Shayne Enright ’00, Second Team All Star
Kainoa Fialkowski ’00, Honorable Mention
Elizabeth Kam ’01, Honorable Mention
Shannon Riely ’02, Honorable Mention
Kelsey Soma ’01 is elated
over the success of her
tennis forehand.
Top intermediate golfer Marc
Lau ’03, putts for a birdie.
Ashley Chang ’02, JV Individual Championship
5th Place Medalist
Lea Young ’02, Honorable Mention
Ernest Fontes ’01, Honorable Mention
Chris Gelson ’01, Honorable Mention
Robbie Eiford ’02, Second Team All Star
State Boys Tennis Tournament Qualifier
Christal Cuadra ’01, First Team All Star,
3000 meter State Track and Field Qualifier
5th Place State Medalist in the 3000 meter
Members of the Novice Boys received 1st place at the Annual Catholic School
League Track and Field Meet. (L to R) Asst. Coach Zane Silva ’95, Head Coach
Darcie Au ’90, Kuli‘a Aiona ‘06, Nicholas Laniauskas ’06, Stratton Wright ’06,
Christopher Arakawa ’06, Alex Adair ’06, Christopher Chu ’06, Student Coach
Stacey Wong ’03, Wesley Perry ’06, Student Coach Jamie Adams ’01, Asst. Coach
Kim Mitchell, Student Coach Jordon Tanabe ’02.
Members not pictured: Michael Williams ’06, Scott Zane ’06, Matthew Chun ’07,
Matthew Chee ’07, Michael Hann ’07
CSL Boys Track and Field Novice
(5th and 6th graders), lst Place
CSL Boys Track and Field Open
(7th and 8th graders), 2nd Place
August 2000
n Sunday, May 21 the Annual Athletic Banquet took place at
Hickam Officers Club. Three hundred and forty administrators, faculty, families and friends were in attendance to honor
student athletes in grades 5 through 12 and their coaches. Various
individual student athletes and teams were awarded plaques, trophies
and medals for their exceptional performance and placement in their
respective seasons. Special congratulations went to our 1999-2000
Student Athletes of the Year award winners. The following recipients
were presented personalized lithographs awards:
Female and Male Athletes of the Year
Female and Male Scholar Athletes
Robyn Kurasaki ’00 and Britton Komine ’00
Aileen Ng ’00 and Jonathan Elfalan ’00
Brother Venard Ruane Sportsmanship Award
Female and Male Inspirational Athletes
Ryan Goshima ’00
Torrin Ching ’05
Amber Belcher ’00 and Sid Hermosura ’00
The Porter Family – Ed, RanYing and triplet sons
Female and Male Spartan Athletes:
Mike ’00, Pat ’00 and Ron ’00
Kainoa Fialkowski ’00 and
Kenneth Lindsay ’00
Female Student Athlete of the
Year, Robyn Kurasaki ’00.
Male Inspirational Athlete,
Sid Hermosura ’00 (right).
Female Inspirational Athlete,
Amber Belcher ’00 (center).
Male Student Athlete of the Year,
Britton Komine ’00 (left).
Male Spartan Athlete,
Kenneth Lindsay ’00 (center).
Male and Female Scholar Athletes,
Jonathan Elfalan ’00 and Aileen Ng ’00.
Brother Venard Ruane Sportsmanship Award: Ryan Goshima
’00 (top center), Torrin Ching ’05 (top right), and the Porter
family (left to right), RanYing, Ed, and triplet sons Mike ’00,
Pat ’00 and Ron Porter ’00.
Class of ’69 Celebrates the Millennium!
By Keala Wong Cupp ’69 and Lynette Mau Seto ’69
he class of 1969, never one to follow convention, celebrated our
31st reunion on May 12, 2000. Twenty-two classmates gathered at the Tree Tops Restaurant in lush Manoa Valley for a
fabulous buffet dinner. Although it took some of us a few seconds to
recognize each other, in no time we were talking just like we did in
high school.
Attending this event were Phyllis Au, Tiki (Ching) Wong, Ryan
Dang, Jocelyn (Ebisu) Kurisu, Cyril Goshima, Lynette (Itakura)
Ing, Sharon (Kiyabu) Katahira, Kristine (Kojo) Nishiyama, Bryan
Lau, Normelita (Lavaro) Delahunty, Lynete (Mau) Seto, Joann
(Murata) Sakuma, Kenzie Pang, Louis Rapoza, Robin (Razon)
Calhoun, Margaret (Tam) Araki, Lynne (Taniguchi) Watanabe,
Arlinda (Valite) Andersen, Keala (Wong) Cupp, Erwin Lee,
Sterling Yee, and Susan Young.
During dinner, Sterling provided us with music reminiscent of the
60’s and 70’s with songs like “Light My Fire,” “Lightning Strikes,”
“Kind of a Drag” and “My Cherie Amour.” After dinner, we sat and
listened to our class president, Cyril, read letters and emails from Mike
Caires, Mary Chun, Mike Horgan, Milton Inouye, and Alvin Lee,
classmates who were not able to attend this reunion but sent their
regards and best wishes.
Our short program also included door prizes donated by Sterling,
Keala (Fun Bowls) and Tiki (TAJ Clubhouse). At the end of the
Front row (L to R): Bryan Lau, Louis Rapoza, Phyllis Au, Arlinda Valite Anderson,
Ryan Dang, Susan Young, Lynette Mau Seto, Normelita Lavaro Delahunty, Keala
Wong Cupp, Kenzie Pang. Back row (L to R): Lynette Itakura Ing, Sterling Yee,
JoAnne Murata Sakuma, Kristine Kojo Nishiyama, Margie Tam Araki, Cyril
Goshima, Jocelyn Ebisu Kurisu, Lynne Taniguchi Watanabe, Tiki Ching Wong,
Sharon Kiyabu Katahira.
evening, no one wanted to leave – but everyone promised to keep in
touch and meet up again soon.
In fact, “soon” will be on Saturday, September 30, 2000, at the
Hawaiian Electric Industries (HEI) beach house – so we’re all invited
to an all-day picnic. If you’re interested in attending this event or want
to help with the planning, contact Sterling at 532-5870 (day) or 3954953 (evenings) or send email to
For more information on the class of 1969, please see the Class
Notes section (1969).
■ Keala Wong Cupp ’69 is a 6th grade teacher at Maryknoll School.
Lynette Mau Seto ’69 works in the human resources department of the
main branch of Bank of Hawaii.
(L to R): Lynette Itakura Ing, Lynne Taniguchi Watanabe, JoAnn Murata Sakuma,
Kristine Kojo Nishiyama.
(L to R): Susan Young, Jocelyn Ebisu Kurisu, Arlinda Valite Anderson, Margie Tam Araki,
Phyllis Au, Tiki Ching Wong, Lynette Mau Seto, Normelita Lavaro Delahunty.
(L to R): Arlinda Valite Anderson, Robyn Razon Calhoun, Jocelyn
Ebisu Kurisu, Lynette Mau Seto, Erwin Lee.
(L to R): Bryan Lau, Keala Wong Cupp, Louis Rapoza, Phyllis Au.
August 2000
Class of 2000 Graduates Honored at
Maryknoll’s 66th Annual Commencement
Ryan Ung
The Father John Murray Award
honors a former associate of Sacred
Heart Parish and recognizes the graduating senior who has, in the tradition
of Father Murray, provided unselfish
assistance in serving fellow students
and the Maryknoll community.
Cliff Chow
The Maryknoll Cup is awarded to the
graduate who best personifies the
spirit of Maryknoll School’s motto,
“Noblesse Oblige.”
Ryan will attend the University of Southern
California in the fall.
Cliff will attend Duke University in the fall.
Candy Leung
The Mother Mary Joseph Rogers
Award honors the foundress of the
Maryknoll Sisters and recognizes the
senior class woman best exemplifying
good will and sensitivity toward the
needs of fellow students and the
Maryknoll community.
Kalei Wong
The Chi Rho Award is given to the
graduating senior who has displayed
growth in personal integrity and
Christian outreach.
Kalei will attend Leeward Community College
in the fall.
Candy will attend the University of California
- Berkeley in the fall.
Aileen Ng
Jessica Schiavoni
The Bishop James A. Walsh Award
honors one of the co-founders of the
Maryknoll Fathers and is awarded to
the student who displays outstanding
character, leadership ability, and
concern for others.
Jessica will attend the University of San
Francisco in the fall.
Stephen Sung
Additionally, there were 69 senior men and women who attained the
Principal’s list for the first two trimesters with a grade point average of
3.7 or higher. There were 28 senior men and women who attained the
Honor Roll with a grade point average of 3.25 or above.
Graduates pictured below have been recognized by the National Merit
Scholarship Program with a Letter of Commendation.
Aileen Ng
The Christopher Award is presented
to the senior who has demonstrated
those qualities which mark one as a
contemporary Christopher; a person
who gives tangible evidence to
Christian principles in everyday
Aileen will attend Harvey Mudd College in
the fall.
Stephen Sung
Candy Leung
Sunya Boonyatera
University of Hawaii
Regents Scholar
UC - Berkeley
Former Faculty
Roe (former principal , Sr. Margaret
James), who taught
at Maryknoll High
School for 10
Guatemala tending to the needs
of trash dump Former Faculty – Sr. Pat Roe
workers and their brings hope for Guatemalan
children. As the children living in a garbage
former principal dump. (reprinted with permission from
of Colegio Monte Maryknoll magazine)
Maria School, Sister is concerned with
managing and advising alumnae groups of
the school to provide these families with
appropriate medical care and the best education possible. During Sister’s years as a
teacher, she advocated service to all.
Class of
Although Louise Dolan DuMontier
could not make it to the Jubilarian this year,
she wrote to tell us some information about
her family. Louise left the island in 1949 so
her husband could attend St. Louis
University Medical School. They have six
sons and two daughters. Five of their sons
are physicians, the oldest one is a fire inspector. The eldest daughter retired with the CIA
and the younger one is an insurance analyst.
They still travel to Honolulu to visit and in
fact were here in May of this year.
Class of
Helen C. Leong was one of more than
20,000 people who were privileged to attend
the Religious Education Congress 2000,
sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los
Angeles on April 7-9. She says, “It was a
truly a first class gathering and you could
feel the spirit moving in the hearts of the
people.” She would also like to say that
Congress 2001 will be held on February 15
(Youth Day), 16, 17, and 18, so mark your
Class of
from the Hawaii Department of Agriculture
and now has a plant nursery and income tax
Class of
The 45th anniversary reunion will be held
in Las Vegas! Plans have been made to depart
Honolulu on October 26 and return on
October 30. For more information, call
Eloise Yoneda Yano at 235-4789. In recognition of her work locally, regionally, and
nationally, the NAFSA: Association of
International Educators awarded June Chun
Naughton with a lifetime membership at
their annual conference in Denver, Colorado
in May 1999. Nominated by her colleagues
in Hawaii, recommendations came
from past NAFSA
worked with June
through her 32 years
at the University of
Hawaii. An endowment fund was set
up in her name.
June Naughton ’55 and the June
was also
International Student
recently at
Services Interim Director
a Catholic Charities
Martha C. Staff at her
retirement party in March Island
dinner. Since her
retirement from International Student
Services (ISS) in December 1998, she travels,
has taken classes and enjoys gardening.
Class of
Class of
Lorrie Lee sends this message: “This is
a special year for the Fabulous 59’ers! We,
the class of 1959, will be celebrating our
59th birthday this year. It will also be our
41st class reunion and we were born in
1941! Rennette Wright Miller’s handsome
son, Kala‘i Miller, is the ‘local boy’ regular
on ‘Baywatch Hawaii,’ as well as on the
PAX network’s ‘Destination Stardom.’ Also,
Rennette’s daughter is a crew member/navigator on the ‘Hokule‘a’ and like her mom is
also a beauty! Congratulations to Major
Calvin Lau, Ray Villanueva and Vernon
Chun on their recent retirements. Calvin is
retiring from the U.S. Army reserve, Ray is
retiring from Pearl Harbor, and Vernon
retired in December 1998 as a civil engineer
from the City of Hayward, California. Patti
Congratulations, Patti, and let us know the
latest. Anyone with more information such
as Patti’s last name etc., please let us know…
Roger Simon has become quite the artist,
not only for his singing, but also for his koa
woodwork, specializing in beautiful custom
jewelry boxes! Anyone looking for some
beautiful koa should call Roger.
Congratulations, Clarence Tom and wife
Edmund Young has been traveling to
exotic lands since the West Coast Gatherings
last January. First, he’s had his dream come
true of going on an African safari. A total of
1,000 snapshots will help him remember this
event! He’s also visited the Holy Land and
was able to see the exact spot Christ was
born, and stand in the same room where the
Last Supper was held. On the same trip,
Edmund travelled the Nile River for five
days and toured the Valley of the Kings.
What an adventure! Edward was so fascinated by Africa that he is setting up his own
In getting together for the reunion last
year, talented classmates were discovered.
Nancy Yoshida Wada is an accomplished
potter and donated several of her beautiful
pieces for prizes at the reunion. Pauline
Umiamaka Kiyabu makes and sells various
shell and fresh water pearl jewelry. Ruth
Ando Tamanaha teaches sushi making and
Bernard Shinbara, a horticulturist, retired
safari business, will write a book on African
animals, and is currently studying Swahili.
Edmund Young ’57 (second from left) relaxes with his
friends after a hot air balloon ride in Kenya.
Adelaide and Clarence Tom ’59 win big at the Cal.
Adelaide, on your 36th wedding anniversary
and also on your big winnings at the ‘Cal’ in
Las Vegas. Alvin Wong’s beautiful daughter, Sharrone, is a current Narcissus Queen
candidate. Please provide her all your
support. Good luck, Sharrone! Melvyn
Tom’s daughter, Logan Tom, who plays
volleyball for Stanford University, was
named to the NCAA Volleyball All
American first team and also is a candidate
for National Freshman of the year! Bobby
Mau recently underwent bypass heart
surgery successfully and is currently rehabilitating. Please keep him in your prayers.
John Arafiles has recently moved back to
Hawaii after living in San Jose for almost 39
years. David Kim and Tommy Wong have
August 2000
recently moved to Las Vegas. David relocated from Los Angeles and Tommy from
Honolulu. They join Patrick Melim and
Jane Izuo Kawaguchi in the HOT oasis in
the desert of ‘Lost Wages!’ Again, anyone
who knows how to contact them, please
email the ’59 website : to update the class information.
All suggestions and/or comments are
welcome and all emails will be responded to
Class of
Walter Wong is currently living in
Anchorage, Alaska. He says that the
University of Alaska Anchorage, played
Hawaii Pacific University for the first time
this year. Walter was able to go to the game
with fellow alum, Ken Braz ’70 and both
were able to get together with HPU coaches
Russell Dung ’70 and former faculty
member, Tony Sellitto.
Class of
Guy De Primo has been teaching mathematics at City College of San Francisco for
the past 18 years. He served one three-year
term as department chair. For the past dozen
years, his professional activities have been in
K-12 mathematics. He spent six years on the
board of the California Mathematics Project,
a statewide mathematics leadership program.
More recently, he was co-director of a fouryear California Postsecondary Education
Commission — Dwight D. Eisenhower
Professional Development Program state
grant, which provided mathematics in-service
workshops for all K-5 teachers in the San
Francisco Unified School District.
Class of
The next GIGANTIC event is planned
for late June/early July, 2001, when the
class of ’69 celebrates their 50th birthday.
For all of you out-of-towners, plan to
return to Hawaii next year for the biggest
event of 2001, one you’ll not want to miss!
If you want to help plan the picnic or
birthday party, contact Keala Wong Cupp
(, Lynne Taniguchi
Watanabe, Lynnete
Mau Seto (lmseto@hotmail.com_ or
Sterling Yee ( Watch your
mailbox for further details about both of
these events. You can help keep the class of
’69 informed of future class of ’69 events by
sending us your email address or by signing
up with the Maryknoll Alumni Listserver (to
sign up, go to
and submit your information to the alumni
mailing list).
Class of
Vince Vassallo has been living in the Los
Angeles area since 1986. He’s recently
opened his own business as a commercial
real estate consultant and visits Hawaii at
least twice annually to visit friends and
family. Vince likes to travel with his wife in
their spare time and his interests are in
computers and the Internet and a variety of
outdoor sports.
Class of
Ben Valle and wife Katie have a brand
new baby daughter. Raquel Frances Akemi
was born on April 6, 2000, weighing in at 6
lbs, measuring 20 inches. Their first child,
Jordan is keeping busy, being mommy’s
helper. Congratulations to all of them! In
March of this year, Tracy Cheung Sullivan
went to Guatemala to do volunteer dentistry
for two weeks. This was a self-funded group
that included dentists, physicians and nurses
who performed medical services. They went
to the highlands of Guatemala and the slums
of Guatemala City. Included in the group
were Tracy’s father, Dr. Donald Cheung, a
pediatric dentist, and Tracy’s sister Jennifer,
a hygenist. Glenn Nishimura and his wife
Michelle are the proud new parents of
Brandon Takeshi Nishimura, born on
November 18, 1999. Little Brandon
weighed in at 7 lbs. 6 oz. and measured 20.5
inches. Glenn works for Servco Pacific
Inc.’s Automotive Group and is willing to
help anyone who needs a car. Email him at
Class of
Captain Vincent Gilkey is an army
intelligence officer
currently assigned
to U.S. Central
Command (U.S.
Forces Middle East)
and has recently
returned from a
three-month tour at
Camp Doha Kuwait.
Vincent was married
Cpt. Vince Gilkey ’85,
on November 16,
Camp Dooha, Kuwait
1999 in Tampa,
Florida to Kymberlee Pace. Congratulations
to Myles Fujiwara and his wife Cheryl, who
gave birth to daughter Caitlyn on March 5,
2000. Caitlyn weighed in at 6 lbs. 4.5 oz.
Dr. Kenneth Arakawa has opened his own
practice in a brand new office at 1441
Kapiolani Blvd. Ken specializes in oral and
maxillofacial surgery. Jenn Cion Tagorda
writes: “Anyone interested in volunteering to
help plan our 15th year reunion, please call
me at (253) 874-6808 or page me at (877)
301-7044. I would like to get an idea of how
many people are interested in attending a
15th year reunion. You can also email me at”
Class of
Richert Salondaka has been keeping
busy the past several months.
November, he took a 15-day excursion to
Thailand, which left him with wonderful
memories. Richert looks forward to his
next trip there when he can share his experiences through the eyes of a newcomer to
Thailand. Last March, he launched a new
import boutique called Asiatique. The
boutique will include antiques from Cambodia
and Vietnam, handicrafts from Thai hilltribes,
and Burmese lacquerware as well as
Indonesian pottery and silver. It is a very
exciting time for Richert and his team and he
will keep us abreast of all the developments.
1984 alumna and their families: (front row, L to R) Lace
& Logan Yamamoto,
Jonathan & Henry Hoeft,
Marissa & Kaitlin Takemoto.
(Middle row, L to R) Lee
Yamamoto & Lisa WongYamamoto ’84; Jennifer &
Donna Souza Hoeft ’84;
Mike & Andrea Young ’84
Takemoto; Chris, Therese
Ching ’84 & Stefan
Wooding. (Back row, L to R)
Agnes Leung ’84 Demarke &
Chris Demarke.
“Air” Richert Salondaka ’87 on vacation in Thailand.
Class of
Eric K. S. Chun lives in Japan and
teaches conversational English to students at
two high schools under the JET program.
He graduated from UH Manoa in 1998.
Class of
Brian Wong recently graduated from the
University of Washington with a degree in
chemistry and biology. He is presently a
second year medical student at the
University of Hawaii’s John A. Burns
School of Medicine. His future ambition is
to be a professor for the University of
Hawaii’s School of Medicine. He credits his
good studying habits and love of learning to
his Maryknoll School teachers. Stephanie
C.L. Lum lives in Guam and works as a TV
newscaster for KUAM. She graduated from
Seattle University in 1998. Rob White
lives in Los Angeles and manages “Don’t
Panic,” a “wacky” T-shirt shop. He is also
working on his improv and stand up at The
Groundlings in Hollywood, while waiting
for that important call from NBC… Tanya
Fernandes just finished her 2nd year at
Boston Law School and is working in
Boston for the summer. Moira McAniff
lives in Louisville, Kentucky and works as
an EMT. In the fall, she will begin her studies to become a paramedic. Moira says,
“When I am not saving lives, I am busy
riding and training horses for rodeo competitions.” Melodee Young graduated from
Creighton University with her doctorate in
Physical Therapy.
Class of
Jenny Matsumoto, a third year PharmD
student at Creighton University in Omaha,
Nebraska was recently inducted as a
member of Rho Chi Pharmacy National
Honor Society. She spent last summer
exploring the East Coast, while working as a
pharmacy intern at CVS Pharmacy in
Amherst, Massachusetts. Her travels took
her from the magnificence of Niagara Falls
to Broadway plays in New York City. This
summer, visit her in the pharmacy department at Long’s Moiliili store. Monica C. G.
Lum is currently attending the University of
Redlands in California and expects to graduate In May, 2000. She plans to pursue a
master’s degree in education and currently
practice teaching. Monica is also a resident
coordinator of an apartment complex and on
the dean’s list. On May 17, 2000, Christine
Leopardi graduated from the U.S. Coast
Guard Academy with a degree in management. Congratulations! Alfie Fernandes is
at the University of Colorado at Boulder,
majoring in information systems.
Class of
Kailua. Joshua Evans is graduating in
December with a B.A. in Japanese. He is
currently working at Tiffany & Co. at Hilton
Hawaiian Village.
Brent Lau is in his third semester at the
University of San Francisco of hosting
KDNZ’s “More Music Morning Show”
(from 7:00-9:00am), the most popular on
KDNZ. People just love to listen to him in
the early mornings. Besides his full-time
radio show, Brent really keeps his plate full
by hosting several different events and
keeping a job in the athletic department as
well. With all he has to do, the amazing
part is that Brent still manages to stay on
top of his schoolwork! LeAnne Mistysyn
was one of a group of Creighton University
students who attended the International
Model United Nations conference in Cairo,
Egypt, March 7-12. More than 400 delegates participated in the conference,
making it the largest Model U.N. held
outside the United States.
Jaymie Lei Melket and Mailani
Makainai ’98 together form the musical
group Keahiwai, and they want to send out a
big mahalo to everyone who purchased chili
tickets as a fundraiser for the trip to the
University of Washington Luau that was
held on May 6. Both say they had a wonderful time playing at such a big event. They
opened up for Natural Vibrations, a big time
reggae group from Hawaii. The chili tickets
sales went toward airfare so without your
contribution, they might’ve never gotten the
chance to go. In return, they are going to try
their hardest to make it to the next big event
at Maryknoll and hopefully share their music
with all of you. Lenny Au recently got his
associate’s degree at KCC this past spring in
the culinary arts. He will be working as a
leader for the summer fun program.
Cherilyn Konn graduated from KCC with a
associate degree in liberal studies and now
will continue at the University of Hawaii.
Emily Hull-Martin recently went to London
on a study abroad program at UH. Mitchell
Goo was in spring footholds 2000 at UH in
“Ruffin With The Temps.” He’s also going
to be in the youth theater at UH next semester with “No One Will Marry a Princess With
a Tree Growing Out of her Head.”
Abercrombie and Fitch has a lot of
Maryknoll alumni hanging around their
store — Jennifer Young, Justine
Kamelamela, Mitchell Goo, Kristina
Chang ’98, and Mandy Baptist ’99 all work
there! Mary Alice Hamnett continues her
radio station at UH and will be graduating
soon with a BA in sociology/psychology in
December. Jonathan Thompson is the
general manger of a Wallace Theater in
LeAnne Mistysyn ’97 and classmate Brian Anzur
Class of
Joan Pan recently won a scholarship to
study at the University of Hiroshima, Japan.
She won by writing an essay and will be an
exchange student, studying in Japan for one
year. In April of this year, Joan also won 1st
place in a Japanese poetry contest. She won
some Japanese books and assorted Sony
products. Joan is currently attending the
University of Hawaii, majoring in Japanese.
Monica Marie Ko ’70, passed away
on May 24, 2000. A graduate of
Maryknoll School, she obtained her 5th
year certificate in Education from the
University of Hawaii at Manoa. She
was co-owner and first grade teacher at
Playmate Kindergarten, Day Care
Center & Grade School for the past 25
years. She touched the lives of hundreds
of students of Korean ancestry who
were enrolled at the school.
August 2000
May Day 2000
by Margaret Yamamoto
he students, faculty, staff, and administration of Maryknoll Grade School were
excited and overjoyed to have been able to celebrate May Day 2000 with their
family members, friends, and special guests on the morning of May 5th. Teachers
worked for many weeks in advance with their students to prepare grade level selections
that demonstrated how they “Live Aloha” (this year’s theme) in song and dance. The
children were proud to continue in the footsteps of Christ, who
lived aloha in all He said and did, by sharing themselves, their
talents, and their joy with the standing-room-only crowd.
The special feature of having this year’s May Day Program
broadcast “live” via the World Wide Web was the brainchild and
task of Mayknoll’s own expert technology director, James
Morris II ’85. “This technology didn’t really exist a year ago,”
says Morris. “I just thought that it would be a really neat way
for families and friends around the world to share in what
Maryknoll does.” 316 viewers from six of the seven continents
“tuned in” to the live broadcast.
Vanda Lum ’05, Erica Lee
Members of the Royal Court included students on all grade ’05, and Aki Kimura ’05
levels. Clint Oka ’04 (Kahuna), Philip Ono ’04 and Andrew are part of a seventh grade
Rutherford ’04 (Kahili Bearers), Kristin Tomita ’04 (Queen), multicultural dance.
and Matthew Lau ’04(King) were selected to represent Grade
Eight. Attendants to the Queen and King from Pre-K were Brittany Souza and Robert
Torres. Princesses and Princes from Grades K-7 represented the eight islands of the
Hawaiian chain. They wore impressive costumes along with beautiful, authentic island
flower leis created by renowned lei expert Bill Char. These students were Lindsey
Carlos ’12 and Vinay Mathur ’12 (K), Tory Kono ’11 and Jordan Kurokawa ’11
(Gr.1), Kai‘mi Aiona ’10 and Trevor Lam ’10 (Gr.2), Lauren Wong ’09 and Clifford
Son ’09 (Gr.3), Carlee Kim ’08 and Gregory Chang ’08 (Gr.4), Jennifer Sobol ’07 and
Travis Liu ’07 (Gr.5), Jenna Wong ’06 and Patrick Dolan ’06 (Gr.6), and Krystle
Salazar ’05 and Brandon Frost ’05 (Gr.7). It was most difficult to tear your eyes away
from the breathtaking beauty of the Royal Court in all its regalia.
Heartfelt thanks went to the many individuals who donated their time, talent, and/or
treasure in order to make this program so successful: students and school personnel,
parents and guardians, friends of Maryknoll, and resource contacts from the outside
community. Florals and greenery were donated in abundance, and pre-program decorating and other preparations involved precious time that was graciously given by so
many. Faculty coordinators Mrs. Margaret Yamamoto and Ms. Kerstin Ka‘ahaaina are
forever grateful and indebted to all who helped produce a show that was meaningful,
memorable and awesome! No doubt they’re already gearing up for the next May Day.
Mark your calendars now,
and let’s anxiously await
that time when Maryknoll’s
youth will again bless us
with their aloha.
Margaret Yamamoto
is a 5th grade teacher at
Maryknoll Grade School.
Mrs Kupau’s hula halau dances to “Kawika.” (left to right)
Candace Howser ’09, Alyssa Nada ’09, Gigi Chan ’09,
Brooke Bluemke ’10, Kelly Todani ’10, Chelsea Fortuna ’09,
Christina Faria ’08.
Kindergarten students (left to right)
Aaron Tom ’12, William Young ’12,
Katia Worley ’12, and Nicholas
Schilla ’12 sing along to “You
Gotta Live Aloha.”
King Matthew Lau ’04 escorts Queen
Kristin Tomita ’04 off the stage.
Seventh graders do their version of the
Maypole dance.
Alyssa Wijnfeldt ’05, Dorothy Herring ’05 (back row left to right)
Remy Reed ’05 and Christine Alevizos ’05 (front row left to right)
demonstrate how to do the Filipino “Tinikling” dance.
Last Call for the Maryknoll School Alumni Directory
The telephone verification phase of our alumni directory project,
in which each alumnus/a can make a final change to his or her listing,
is almost complete. Representatives of Bernard C. Harris Publishing
Company, Inc., the official publisher of our directory, have just a few
more calls to make before final proofreading begins.
Since we are publishing only enough directories to cover prepublication orders placed at this time, please let the Harris representative know if you are interested in purchasing your own directory. This
will be your only opportunity to reserve a copy of the Maryknoll
School Alumni directory.
If for any reason you have not heard from our publisher by August
31, 2000, you may contact the company directly at:
Customer Service Department
Bernard C. Harris Publishing Co., Inc.
16 Koger Center, Suite 103
Norfolk, VA 23502
Phone: 1-800-877-6554
Visit the Maryknoll School Website
For those of you who did not know, Maryknoll has a website. The
address is Included in the website is an
alumni section (click the Maryknoll seal labeled “administration” on
the main page to reach the links listed in the “development/alumni”
section), where you can find archived copies of the Knoller, a calendar of upcoming alumni activities, and coverage of recent events at
Please stop by and explore the website. Let us know how we can
improve it to meet your needs.
Letters to the Editor
Letters to the editor are most welcome. A sampling of letters will
be published in subsequent Knollers in order to provide a forum for
your opinions and views. There are two ways to send us a letter. The
preferred method is to email your letter (either as a message or a
Microsoft Word file attachment) to: Or
you may mail the letter to: Knoller Letters to the Editor, Development
& Alumni Office, Maryknoll School, 1526 Alexander Street,
Honolulu, Hawaii, 96822-4701. Let your voice be heard!
Getting Involved with the Knoller
We invite all Maryknoll alumni, parents, and friends to volunteer
at the Knoller as writers, editors, or photographers. Make an impact
by writing features, photographing reunions or other alumni events, or
joining our Board of Editors. At the same time, you will be working
with and meeting fellow alumni, faculty, and friends of the school.
Contribute to Maryknoll in this unique, interesting and fun way! Call
the Development & Alumni Office at (808) 952-7315 or send an email
to: We would be happy to answer any questions and welcome you aboard the Knoller!
Volunteer to be a Class Agent!
The Maryknoll Alumni Association is looking for a few great men
and women to volunteer as Class Agents. Class Agents help to gather
news on their fellow classmates for the Knoller, send solicitation
letters to their respective classes during the Annual Giving Campaign,
and work with the Alumni and Development Office to obtain greater
class support for and participation in the Alumni Association. If you
would like to join the ranks of our super volunteers, please contact the
Development & Alumni Office at (808) 952-7310, or send an email to
Lori Kern Carlos ’87 at
Class Notes—keeping the Maryknoll family informed of the latest news on you
Please use the form below (or just send us a letter or email
message) to let us know what you have been up to. Feel free to
write about a recent graduation, marriage, memorial, promotion,
new job, address change, or what life has thrown your way. We
would be happy to print your note and let friends and classmates
see what’s new with you. In addition, please send us photographs
of yourself, family, friends, or special occasions. We are looking to
publish more photos in our class notes.
Complete and send this form to: Class Notes, Development & Alumni Office, Maryknoll School, 1526 Alexander Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96822-4701
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Year of Graduation: __________
Address: ____________________________________________________________ Telephone: (Home) ________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
News: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
You may also send us your news via email to
August 2000
Maryknoll School
1526 Alexander Street
Honolulu, HI 96822-4701
U.S. Postage
Honolulu, HI
Permit No. 603
You are invited to attend
Maryknoll School’s 25th Anniversary
Sunday, October 1, 2000
Blaisdell Center Exhibition Hall
Continuous Serving 4 pm thru 6 pm
Cost $20.00
Reserve your seat today
by sending in the postcard located in the Alumni Association Report section of the Knoller.
For more information call the Alumni and Development Office at 952-7310.
See You at the Luau!