Knoller Iii2 April 2000


Knoller Iii2 April 2000
Volume III, Number 2
The Alumni Magazine of Maryknoll School
APRIL 2000
Glenn Chu ‘70
Finds his Passion in Life
Phone: (808) 952-7310
Fax: (808) 952-7311
The Knoller is published three times a year in December,
April, and August by the Development & Alumni Office of
Maryknoll School. Copyright © 1999 by Maryknoll School.
All rights reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced
in whole or in part by any means without the written
permission of the publisher.
Cover photo: Glenn Chu ‘70
by Geralyn L. Camarillo ‘86
Hokuli‘i Images
I’d like to introduce myself as the new senior editor for the Knoller. As
a 1983 graduate, I am eager and excited to be back and working for
Maryknoll School. It was a very exciting time to come on board as many
exciting changes were accomplished in the previous Knoller. We have
received several favorable comments on the new design and content and it
is my goal to continue to provide our readers with quality and creative
coverage of alumni and school events.
This issue features a profile of Glenn Chu ’70, chef and owner of the
very popular Eurasian cuisine restaurant, Indigo. We have also profiled
three committed athletes who are walk-ons on this year’s UH Rainbow
athletic team: SyRina Makainai ’99, John Sharkey ’99, and Michelle
Gabriel ’99. This spring issue also features a special article on bone
marrow donation and transplantation.
Again we invite you to write a letter to the editor and tell us how you
feel. We welcome any comments or suggestions as how to better improve
the alumni magazine of Maryknoll School. You are always invited to join
our staff as a writer, editor, or photographer. (Please refer to page 29 for
details on how to become involved.)
Keep those class notes and pictures coming in! By far, this section has
been the most popular and our readers always want more updates on fellow
classmates. Let us know what you’ve been up to.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Lorraine Samson Kojima ‘83
RECEIVED 01/27/00
Received the first issue of the “new” Knoller today and I am really pleased with the
new format. What an outstanding piece of work! There is 36 inches of snow on the
ground in Chardon, OH, so the magazine was like a good ole ray of Hawaiian sunshine,
something to be savored very thoroughly. Plan to make the Alumni Week 2000 next
July…especially the golf tournament, so I will be looking for the April issue.
Mahalo, Marlene Bolos Gullo, ’59
RECEIVED 01/06/00
[Previous efforts] need to be recognized as well as the present successes. Back in
the 60’s Allan Yuen spent a lot of time and his money getting the small organization going
and sputtering for survival. I remember licking stamps for the mailouts and trying to
collect names and addresses. I think Mildred Tom, Betty Low, Jarrett Karasaki were
early on pioneers. Sister Dolores also involved and may have more info. Before they
move on to the next world, should we not pay some tribute?
Malama pono
RECEIVED 02/29/00
Upon receiving the new Knoller, I was pleasantly surprised at the new format. Not
only was the new look refreshing, but a welcome change! I especially enjoyed the
pictures depicting as many aspects of Maryknoll life as could fit into 54 pages. Keep up
the good work and I can’t wait for the next issue.
Sincerely, Eric Young ’94
RECEIVED 03/03/00
I enjoyed reading the last issue of the Knoller. The content was interesting and I
especially liked the Alumnus Profiles on Brooke Alexander and Mike Shimensky. As a
parent of Maryknoll students, the New Faces section was a nice introduction to the new
faculty at the school. Also, the new full color cover was quite pleasing as well as an
attention grabber. Keep up the good work!
Cora Gushikuma
Parents of students in class of 2010
Volume III, Number 2, April 2000
In this issue…
Glenn Chu ‘70
Glenn Chu ’70, chef and owner of Indigo restaurant, finds his
passion in life. By Camille Domaloan Michel ‘84
Members of our Maryknoll community share their bone marrow
success stories. By Frankie Lucas
Hard work and commitment pay off for three members of the class
of ’99. By Stephen Bugman Jr. ’88 and Pattie Wong Heatherly ‘66
Fr. Frank Diffley celebrates his jubilee year! His legacy remains
strong and his devotion and commitment to Maryknoll continue.
By Theodore Stepp Jr.
A very special bond is shared by Jeff Chang ‘94,
Jamie Hoban ‘88, and Azalea Zamora ‘91.
High school students take on the challenge of working in the “real”
world. By Lindsey Bernal ‘00
Fr. Frank Diffley, MM
Under the leadership of Mrs. Alita Wall, the Maryknoll community
continues to experience the true meaning of Christmas through
song and pantomime. By Theodore Stepp Jr.
Evelyn Hoffman remains active after 50 years of service to
Maryknoll School and Sacred Heart Church!
By Shana Campos Tong ‘83
Administrators will be packing up their belongings and moving to
new offices this summer. By Michael E. Baker
Editor’s Corner
President’s Column
Maryknoll Emporium
Alumni Association Report
Class Notes
Getting Involved and Staying in Touch
April 2000
The Charter School Movement:
Hopes and Fears
“If innovative programs
such as Charter
Schools can contribute
to better educated
citizens prepared to
take their place beside
their private school
brothers and sisters,
to maintain our position
as leaders of the free
world, and ready to
take on the challenges
that this new century
will surely offer,
then we are all the
richer for them.”
n 1994 the Hawaii Legislature passed a bill allowing for the creation of a maximum of 24
charter schools, called New Century Schools. Many see charter schools as the longawaited alternative to public education; still others see them as a threat to private schools
such as Maryknoll. Exactly what is a charter school? What purpose does it serve, and is it a
threat to schools such as ours?
Simply stated, a Charter School is a public institution, open to all who wish to attend,
financed by tax dollars and accountable for its performance to state and local authorities. But,
what sets a Charter School apart is the “charter” — a contract with the state outlining the terms
under which the school can be held accountable for improving student performance and achieving the goals set out by the charter. In exchange for pledging to meet these clearly stated goals
and objectives, most Charter Schools are free to define their own mission, control their budgets,
establish the curriculum, and hire administrators and staff. In addition, they are generally not
subject to state, district, or local board regulations.
Chester Finn, former Assistant Secretary of Education, says that charter schools are redefining public schools as “schools open to the public, financed by the public, and accountable to
public authorities for their performance, but not necessarily run by the government. Under this
new definition, a public school may be run by a team of teachers, a group of parents, a community organization, even a ‘for-profit’ firm.” The charter is usually good for three to five years
and, of course, can be renewed.
While today Charter Schools enroll less than one-percent of the nation’s students, they are
growing and both students and parents are expressing a high level of satisfaction. Charter
Schools are generally small, have higher expectations than their public school counterparts, are
safer, more nurturing, and more receptive to parental involvement. Students like them because
of their size, their diversity, and the quality of the programs and instruction. Parents echo these
sentiments and often add the safety factors and a greater degree of discipline in these schools.
Do Charter Schools sound familiar? They should. They have been modeled after
private/parochial schools. The big difference, of course, is that they are free – and here is the
rub. Most Charter Schools are woefully underfunded. They are supported at the same cost-perpupil formula that is used for public schools and, as you know all too well, the kind of education offered by private schools is very expensive. With little start-up money, limited resources,
and often inadequate facilities, Charter Schools frequently have to make critical compromises to
address their charter in a meaningful way. Charter Schools often have to weigh such things as
class size, technology, breadth of offerings, extracurricular activities, texts and supplies against
one another since their funding will not support all of them.
So, inadequate funding may be one of the major drawbacks to Charter Schools. A second
drawback is of even greater importance and will resonate closer to you. Charter Schools must
be non-sectarian. They are forbidden from having a religious affiliation or offering religious
instruction. A major reason for parents selecting a parochial school such as Maryknoll is its religious formation, its emphasis on reinforcing values taught in the home, and its strong commitment to teaching about moral and ethical behavior.
While Charter Schools may not be a threat to schools like Maryknoll, they still remain a
hope. Since the vast majority of the nation’s children are taught in public schools, now more
than ever, the hope for our country rests in a well-educated population. If innovative programs
such as Charter Schools can contribute to better educated citizens prepared to take their place
beside their private school brothers and sisters, to maintain our position as leaders of the free
world, and ready to take on the challenges that this new century will surely offer, then we are all
the richer for them.
Community as Classroom –
Government Internships at MHS
By Lindsey Bernal ‘00
aryknoll believes that combining classroom work and the
community is a basic and essential part of education. For
over 15 years, Maryknoll has required of its graduating
seniors 100 hours of community service, living the motto “Noblesse
Oblige.” In line with this commitment to service, the high school
has offered a Government Internship course for the past three years.
Seniors, who are willing to take on the realities of life, are challenged in a course that combines service in the community with
classroom learning.
With the Government Internship course, Maryknoll has introduced service learning to the high school curriculum. Contrary to
what many might believe, service learning is not the same as community service. Service learning is a method where students learn and
develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized
school- coordinated experiences that meet actual community needs.
Service is integrated into the students’ academic curriculum balancing education and experience.
Government Internship is a practical, experiential course where
students are placed in a government agency or with an organization
whose work is related to government or politics in Hawaii for a 10-12
week internship. While students work independently with a supervisor at their community site, students also maintain a daily journal,
keep up with current events, and complete a research project and
presentation related to their internship.
In its first two years, Government Internship was offered as an
elective course. Students interned with organizations such as the
Institute for Human Services, the Nature Conservancy, and Legal Aid
Society of Hawaii. In 1997, Representative Brian Shatz offered an
internship for two students with Youth for Environmental Services.
“The Internship program is an excellent opportunity for students to
learn outside the classroom because the experience is beneficial. I
think the community, as well as the school, should have a responsibility to introduce young people into such programs similar to the internship offered at Maryknoll,” says Schatz. “I believe in a civic education; an emphasis similar to how we integrate physical education,
mathematical education, and art education.”
In the 1999-2000 school
year, the course has expanded
in size and interest. In its first
year as a core course, 17
seniors and one teacher took
on the challenge of paving
the way and integrating
service learning more fully
into the core curriculum. Left to Right: Stephen Walsh ‘00 and
Stephen Walsh ‘00 and Kevin Doo ‘00
Kevin Doo ‘00 worked at the Hanauma Bay Education Center. “The
first few weeks of our internship were spent in a classroom, learning
about Hanauma Bay, and now we are giving tours and informing the
visitors about the bay and its historic importance. We make sure the
visitors know the rules about coral and marine life.” The two boys
have attended weekend lectures, political rallies, and supported
numerous activities concerning the bay.
Rep. Brian Schatz at a community
Ann Botticelli and
Lindsey Bernal
One challenge in the course has been finding placements for
students in the community. “Placement is sometimes difficult because
of the resources required to train volunteers. There is also the misconception that high school students are not ready for the real world,” says
teacher Della Au ‘92. Some placements were much easier to find than
others. Patrick Porter ‘00 and Ron Porter ‘00 found their internship
placement through their community service contact. They chose their
internship based on their interest in marine science and biology while
working with the Department of Land and Natural Resources. Other
organizations partnering with Maryknoll this year are the Office of
Hawaiian Affairs, Hawaii Association of Independent Schools, the
Liquor Commission, ASTON Hotels and Resorts, and KITV-4 News
Service learning continues to develop at Maryknoll. High School
Principal Andrew Corcoran ‘64 says, “The internship is an opportunity to do things FOR REAL. When the course was first introduced as
an elective I was optimistic. I knew that it was going to be hard work
to get it organized. This year being a core course is a reflection of its
growth, and we hope to continue it for the betterment of the students
as well as the school.”
Lindsey Bernal ’00 is currently interning at the KITV-4 News
station shadowing Ann Boticelli.
The Internship program can only benefit and grow with the
help of individuals and community organizations in both the
public and private sector. If you and your organization are willing to provide a placement for seniors at Maryknoll, please
contact Della Au at 952-7242 or
April 2000
Maryknoll’s Christmas Pageant—
A Twenty-Three-Year Tradition
By Theodore Stepp Jr.
hristmas 1999 marked the twenty-third year that
Mrs. Alita Wall produced the wonderful
Maryknoll Grade School Christmas Pageant, a
creative enactment of the Nativity by third, fourth, and
fifth graders on a rotating basis. Each year, about 80
student participants enjoy the opportunity to celebrate
the Christmas story through song and pantomime.
While the pageant tells the familiar Nativity story,
the theme changes each year. For example, the program
in 1999, under the theme “Stars Over Christmas,”
consisted of readings and songs about various saints
connected with Christmas performed by the third
graders with the assistance of their teachers, Mrs. Susan
Newston-Indiola, Mrs. Suzanne McLaughlin, and
Mrs. Marilyn Taniyama. Other themes have included
“The Little Flowers of St. Francis” and “An
International Folk Carol Christmas.” The driving force
behind the event, of course, is Mrs. Wall, who uses her
considerable musical and organizational skills to carefully teach and rehearse her students in the numerous
Alita Wall and student, Cailigh MacDonald ‘07.
songs and languages each pageant requires. The end
result is always the same: the children sing and
year find the pageant very personal and nostalgic. Many remember
perform to perfection!
seeing themselves in Honolulu magazine, where the pageant was
Of course, the primary
featured several years ago, while others watch the show and then go
aim of the pageant is to
home to thumb through old photo albums and watch home videos of
demonstrate the true meaning
pageants from years gone by.
of Christmas, encouraging
Mrs. Wall gratefully attributes the success of the show to all the
the children to grow closer to
teachers, and, of course, students involved in the production.
Jesus, and the pageant is also
Under her leadership, the Maryknoll community continues to experia wonderful gift from the
ence each year a gentle and creative reminder of the faith which underchildren to their parents who
Kaneolani Padeken ‘09, Christian Yee ‘09,
lies the spirit of Christmas and, indeed, the spirit of Maryknoll!
Brittany Takata ‘09, and Christine Lee ‘09
enjoy an evening perforare dressed as beautiful angels.
mance. However, another
Theodore Stepp Jr. is a member of the high school faculty
important aspect of the pageant is its great educational value. The
specializing in Spanish and religion.
children expand their musical horizons and discover new languages.
Many improve their musical performing abilities, while
others strengthen their reading skills and acting abilities.
Their enthusiastic petitions of “Do we get to practice
today?” are constant affirmations of the popularity of
the pageant among the children.
Parents have always been generous contributors to
the pageant as well. Their gifts of time and talent to help
sew costumes or provide refreshments or even
contribute unusual folk songs have made the pageant a
special collaborative effort. For instance, a song for St.
Nicholas came from current parent, Dr. Suyderhoud; an
Italian folk song from former parent, Mrs. Cassella; and
a Filipino song for the recessional from yet another
parent. All of these hands and hearts joined in celebration help make the pageant memorable indeed.
And memorable it remains. Frequently, former
students who run into Mrs. Wall ask if she is still doing
the “Christmas Show.” And those who see it year after The choir gets ready to sing their first song.
50 years of Dedicated Service
by Shana Campos Tong ‘83
s you walk around campus
there are a number of
people who seem to
have been at Maryknoll
forever. Mrs. Evelyn
Rapoza Hoffman is one
such person. She remains
active after fifty years of
service and involvement in
various facets of Maryknoll
School and Sacred Heart Church.
Her warm smile and caring face
welcome you to her heart and history. She
has a true love for Maryknoll, which can be
seen by her dedication. Evelyn was born and Evelyn and one of her earlier brownie troops
at an Easter party.
Evelyn Rapoza Hoffman
raised in Honolulu and attended Maryknoll
School until the eighth grade. She married John Hoffman Jr. and continued to reside in Honolulu. Both worked
hard and sent all four of their children to Maryknoll: Roberta Hoffman ’60, John Hoffman III ’64, Michael
Hoffman’68, and Susan Hoffman Churchill ’71.
For twenty years Evelyn serviced Maryknoll as custodian, hospitality chairperson for the Parent Teacher’s Guild, and coordinator of the
milk program.
Anyone who was a Girl Scout at Maryknoll will mention Evelyn in
her conversation. Evelyn makes fifty years of service to Hawaii Girl
Scouts this year. Her career with Girl Scouts began when her daughter,
Roberta, was in the second grade. Evelyn decided to help the troop with
activities and has been a part of the association ever since. Evelyn
Hoffman has taken care of the Brownies and Girl Scouts for many years.
At one time, she handled three troops and summer scouting for the City
and County of Honolulu.
Her life in scouting easily revolved around camping, participating in
parades, cookie sales, hiking, craft making, weekly meetings, and
community service. Evelyn chuckles at the memory of her husband
taking the role of Santa Claus for the Toys for Tots Program. Evelyn
even remembers participating in the dedication parade for the old
Lifelong Sacred Heart parishioner Evelyn Hoffman distributes food to the poor.
stadium on King Street.
Among her contributions to service, Evelyn has spent the last four
and a half years running the food pantry at Sacred Heart Church. You can find her busily stacking shelves with canned goods, and distributing
food to the needy on Mondays and Thursdays on the rectory lanai.
Evelyn’s contributions to the community have not gone unnoticed. She has received
numerous awards for scouting and community service. In 1981 she was recognized
with the Silver Plate Award for outstanding service to the Girl Scout Council of the
Pacific. In 1986, Troops 424 and 414 recognized Evelyn and the Hoffman Family for
more than thirty-six years of service. She received the Ka Hoaloha Award from the Girl
Scouts for service, and in 1999 was recognized by Catholic Charities with the Island
Treasures Award for service to Sacred Heart Parish.
Today you may see Evelyn in the scout room preparing for Brownie and Girl Scout
activities, in the Sacred Heart Food Pantry distributing food, at the 5:30 p.m. mass on
Saturdays, or around campus extending her smile to all she encounters. We are fortunate to have Evelyn as part of our Maryknoll Family and look forward to many future
years of her service.
The girl scouts present gifts of appreciation to Mrs. Hoffman.
Shana Campos Tong ’83 is a member of the grade school faculty specializing in
Japanese, religious studies, and public speaking.
April 2000
A Recipe for Success
by Camille Domaloan Michel ‘84
he menu posted in the window is a litany of tempting Asian dishes. Indigo restaurant,
closed on this quiet holiday Monday, is empty of patrons. Music plays over the sound
system while workers make busy fix-it noises in the background.
Owner Glenn Chu ‘70, looking every bit the chef in his white attire, approaches with a big
smile and firm handshake. He takes a moment to wipe down the table before placing an ice-filled
glass on a napkin and pouring sparkling water from a green bottle. He places his own glass of water
on the table and settles into a chair. Offered a compliment about the restaurant’s setting, Glenn
responds with practiced ease, comfortable with this familiar topic.
“One of the attractions of having a restaurant where it is now, is that it happens to be in a historic
district. Lots of wonderful character here at Indigo restaurant. We’re surrounded by the whole
downtown area and it feels like it’s an oasis.”
Glenn opened Indigo in 1984, anticipating the re-opening of its neighbor, the
Hawaii Theatre. Scouting for restaurant locations, he found the spaces cluttered. He took over three spaces in the building at 1121 Nuuanu
Avenue and removed the mezzanines.
“It affords us the luxury of being in a space with high ceilings and we don’t feel like we’re actually in the city of
Honolulu present day,” Glenn says. “You feel like you’re
in the city of Honolulu in yesteryear, and I think that’s
an important aspect of any restaurateur — giving
people the feeling of atmosphere.”
As the owner of Indigo as well as France
Hawaii, his catering company founded in
1984, Glenn discovered that another
important, unavoidable part of being
successful in the food industry is
celebrity. Though relaxed and
gracious as he chats about his
career, Glenn confesses that the
attention he receives has been
something of a challenge for him.
“As I grew up, I was on the
shy, introverted side. It’s unusual
that I would have picked a profession that puts me into celebrity
status,” Glenn says. “When I do chef
events and things like that, people come
up for my autograph. I’m a little reluctant to do it,
being a person who doesn’t see himself as a
celebrity. It makes me a little bit uncomfortable.”
Glenn reaches back to his Maryknoll days,
remembering, “Whenever I used to give a speech in front of the class, I
was always nervous and it was difficult for me. But now...once I start
telling people about myself and the cooking that I do, I find it’s very
empowering. So I have a really good time with it and, fortunately, the
people who are listening find it interesting.”
Despite a tendency for owner/chefs to become a restaurant’s
“personality,” Glenn made a deliberate decision not to name his restaurant “Glenn’s” or “Chu’s.” He called it Indigo because the word itself
Glenn Chu ‘70, chef and
brings to mind images of Asia — “Indigo...Indonesia...Indochine,”
owner of Indigo Restaurant
Glenn recites.
“You become a celebrity because it’s part of the business,” he
concedes. “My job is to have my restaurant or my food as well known
as it can be. So I really go out of my way to reach inside and overcome any of the fears that I have.”
Though a self-proclaimed introvert, Glenn possesses an inner drive
that allows him to take risks. He recognizes certain behavior (“a little
bit aggressive, a little bit cocky and yet not as knowledgeable”) in
some of his employees, and sees his younger self in them. This, he
says, gives him the patience to manage them better. It also helps him
realize what maturity has taught him.
“Am I the same person that I was in high school? I think I am, and
yet I’m not. I don’t quite jump off cliffs as I used to.”
Pressed for what must be a story behind this choice of words,
Glenn smiles broadly.
“When I graduated from high school, another alumnus —
Carlson Mun ‘70 — and I would go out bodyboarding,” he says.
“One day I said, ‘Let’s go hang-gliding.’ And so Carlson and I went
out to Makapuu beach. I bought a hang-glider and said, ‘Let’s get
ready to go.’
“The hang-gliding,” Glenn laughs, “did not go well. Actually,
Carlson took off first. We were on the beach area, so his first flight
took off and he crashed it. Didn’t get hurt because we were on sand,
but damaged the hang-glider. I never got a chance — thank God!”
Glenn’s willingness to take calculated risks has served him well,
prompting him to seek out a variety of experiences after high school.
His educational path took him from Manoa to northern Michigan to
Oakland (CA). When all was said and done, Glenn — who admits he
was never a good student at Maryknoll — ended up on the Dean’s list
at Chaminade University, where he graduated with a degree in
Working in convention services while in
Oakland (before and
after his graduation
taught Glenn to be
organized and prepared,
skills of tremendous
value in his work today
A delicious array of food awaits the lunch crowd
Experiencing a variety
at Indigo.
of foods while on the
mainland, away from the homegrown tastes of Spam and Vienna
sausage, helped Glenn discover that he has “a good palate, discernible
on tastes.” Launching, with his first wife, a wildly successful restaurant in Honolulu and then a Waikiki nightclub — then losing both
businesses as well as the marriage because of the “ungodly” work
schedule — taught him crucial lessons about managing his time.
All of these experiences led Glenn to his notable achievements as
a chef and an entrepreneur. He deftly juggles the demands of a busy
schedule that includes catering, cooking on the line at Indigo and traveling to promote “Heaven and Earth,” his popular line of sauces.
Is there a secret? Glenn doesn’t hesitate to offer his recipe for
“You really have to follow your passion. Because you know what?
If you don’t like it, don’t do it! It’s not going to get better and you’ll
only resent it,” he says decisively. “I actually wanted to try and get a
degree in economics and political science, but I changed in the middle.
That’s when I did really well. I didn’t really know what I wanted to
do in economics or political science. In management, I knew exactly
what I wanted to do.
Glenn prepares one of his specialties, “dragon fire shrimp”.
“With cooking, this career was sort of thrust upon me,” Glenn
muses. He leans forward and his voice drops a shade lower, as if
confessing a guilty secret, when he adds, “And I love it. I love what
I’m doing. I think that you have to. What it is about life is being able
to take each day, and enjoy each day, and take those challenges.”
Glenn’s present success allows him to envision something quite
different for his future. Traveling to several countries in southeast
Asia to buy authentic decor for Indigo has stirred in Glenn a desire to
give back to those communities.
“Volunteer services, the Peace Corps and things like that, are so
important in one’s life. One of these days, as soon as my daughter
[Lacey, now a seventh grader at Punahou] graduates from high school,
we’re going to make a commitment to devote at least two or three
years to a third world country,” Glenn says of himself and Barbara, his
wife of 13 years. “This thing has gotten into both of us. We both need
to give back to our community.”
“Possibly it came from the Catholic education from Maryknoll,
and the giving from the brothers, the sisters, the fathers,” adds Glenn.
“I think it’s necessary for all of us to give back a little bit.”
When the interview is over, Glenn chats amiably for a moment
about his nearly teenaged daughter (“Don’t talk to me about boys
yet!”) and his plans for an upcoming holiday menu at Indigo, then
escorts his guest out of the restaurant to the sidewalk.
With an exchange of thanks, another firm handshake and a warm
“Aloha,” Glenn Chu strides quickly through the pantry entrance and
disappears. A worker, leaving the restaurant with a wooden chair
bound for parts unknown, asks, “Did you get your story?”
When the response is yes, the man flashes a stubbled grin and says,
“Glenn loves that, talking to magazines and stuff.” He puffs out his
chest in imitation of Glenn’s pride in his work.
Reluctant celebrity? Perhaps. But Glenn is certainly a man who
has found his passion and shares it — deliciously so. To top it off, that
same passion will direct him someday to serve others, in the truest
sense of the word.
For those reasons, Glenn Chu deserves every bit of the spotlight
that shines his way.
Camille Domaloan Michel ‘84 is a part-time writer and full-time
mom. She lives in Honolulu with her husband and two children.
April 2000
our gift to the Annual Giving Fund means continued excellence
in every aspect of Maryknoll student life. You help provide
income for scholarships for deserving students, salaries for
excellent teachers, library books and lab equipment, sports, art and
religious programs.
Your gift makes the school richer in every way. We depend on you
as alumni, parents, grandparents, or friends to help us provide the
crucial financial support, which offsets the differences between tuition
and the actual cost of educating each student.
Your participation in Maryknoll’s Annual Giving Fund is vital!
The close of the 1999/2000 campaign is August 31, 2000. Our goal is
to raise the number of participants to the Fund. Give what you can,
but please do give.
Be a part of the success!
“Together we continue the tradition of quality Catholic education”
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received by August 31, 2000.
■ I have included Maryknoll in my will
The Vatican Museum Collection
Maryknoll School is proud to offer you The Vatican Museum
Collection. This collection of products includes designs from the 17
individual museums – each with its own story to tell. They are products inspired by history’s most timeless art, including many works
from the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. You’ll find a
wide variety of religious theme products to choose from at varying
prices, including rosaries, “angel” items, art prints, communion sets,
and much, much more.
Special orders are welcome if we do not have them readily
Please call the Maryknoll School Development Office at 9527310 for more information.
(A) JANSPORT BACKPACK Durable super break navy backpack with
double-zippered pocket, sturdy padded shoulder and back straps,
and Maryknoll logo embroidered on front. $20
(L) HAWAIIAN PRINT MEN’S TANK TOP 100% white cotton with
Hawaiian floral print down the left body side and oval Hawaiian
design with “MARYKNOLL” on the back. Adult XL. $12 Adult
XXL. $13
BACKPACK ON WHEELS Durable backpack that also serves as a
bag on wheels. Double zippered pocket, sturdy padded shoulder
and back straps, with Maryknoll logo embroidered on front. Great
for school, attending conferences, or travel. In black or blue. $48
(M) OXFORD SWEATSHIRTS Stylish and comfortable 100% heather
gray cotton sweatshirts with maroon and gold “MARYKNOLL”
embroidered across the front. Adult M. $25.
(N) PENCILS Maroon or gold swirled No. 2 pencils with screened
“MARYKNOLL” Maroon with gold screen, Gold swirl with
maroon screen. $.50 each or 3 for $1
(D) SPORTS DUFFEL BAG Large maroon and black
canvas duffel bag with maroon hand and shoulder straps,
four pockets, one with waterproof lining. Perfect for
athletics or traveling. $20
(O) LADIES SCREENED CROP TOPS 100% cotton featuring
maroon and gold “MARYKNOLL” stenciled across the front chest.
Gray or white. Adult S, M, L. $11
cotton featuring yellow and maroon embroidered
“MARYKNOLL” and hibiscus flowers. In gray or
white. Adult S, M, L. $15
POLO SHIRTS Polo shirts with “M” and Spartan helmet embroidered on the left chest. Gray in Adult S, M, L. Maroon in Adult S
and M. White in Adult S, M, XL, and XXL. $22
(Q) WHITE SHORT SLEEVE T-SHIRT 100% white cotton with
Hawaiian floral print down front left side and oval Hawaiian design
with “MARYKNOLL” across the back. Children’s M. $11 Adult
S. $13
(G) MARYKNOLL 2000 KOZEE COOLER BAGS Insulated cooler
bags perfect for lunches, snacks, and cold drinks. $10
(R) HERRINGBONE POLOS Attractively styled 100% cotton beigecollared polo shirt with “M” and “MARYKNOLL” embroidered on
the left chest. Adult S, M, L, XL. $32
(H) CAPS Stylish maroon caps with gray trim, embroidered “MARYKNOLL” and adjustable strap. $12
ATHLETIC TANK TOPS 100% cotton casual heather gray tank
tops with maroon and gold-embroidered “MARYKNOLL XXL
ATHLETIC” on front. Children’s S, M, Adult S, M, L, XL. $12
Adult XXL. $13
ATHLETIC SHORTS Pull-string all-elastic Soffee-brand
maroon shorts with gold “MARYKNOLL XXL ATHLETIC” on
left leg. In men’s M, L, XL, women’s M, L, XL, and children’s M,
L. $12
(K) MAROON SWEATSHIRTS Classic and elegant 100% cotton
maroon sweatshirt with raised “MARYKNOLL SPARTAN” across
front, sized generously for comfortable wear. Children’s S, M, L.
$25 Adult S, M, L, XL. $30 Adult XXL. $32
WHITE LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRT 100% white cotton with
Hawaiian floral print down front left side and oval Hawaiian design
with “MARYKNOLL” across the back. Adult XL. $ 18 Adult
XXL. $19
(S) VOLLEYBALL T-SHIRT 100% cotton. Maroon with gold stenciling or white with maroon and gold stenciling. Children’s L,
Adult S, M, L, XL. $10
enamel on metal frame. $8
(U) LANYARD Black 1”X 35” lanyard with swivel snap. Maroon
and gold Hawaiian print “Maryknoll Spartan” design. $6
The Maryknoll Emporium is located in the Grade School Athletic Office. A
display of items may be seen in the Main Office on the high school campus. If
you have any questions, please call (808) 952-7370.
Item Name or Description
2nd Color
per Item
Total Cost
Backpack on Wheels
Polo Shirts
Adult XL
Volleyball T-Shirt
Children’s Large
Note: In the above example, shipping for the order would total $13.00.
Shipping and Handling Charges:
For Orders Up to $25.00
$25.01 to $50.00
$50.01 to $75.00
$75.01 to $100.00
$100.01 to $150.00
$150.01 to $200.00
$200.01 or more
Please make checks or money orders payable to:
Maryknoll School Athletic Department
1722 Dole Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Day Phone: ______________________________________
Night Phone: _____________________________________
Year of Graduation: ________________________________
Supplies are limited and all sales are final. Please allow two to three weeks for delivery. Hawaii residents and current Maryknoll
families may pick up orders at the school or have them sent home with your children.
Ship to (please print – this is your mailing label):
Name: ___________________________________
Address: __________________________________
City: _____________________________________
State: ____________________ Zip: ____________
April 2000
Volunteer of
the Year
By Yvonne Usita Morris ‘63
On November 19, 1999, National Philanthropy Day, Dr.
Gabriel Ma was honored as Maryknoll’s volunteer of the year.
Distinguished members of the community were recognized for
their outstanding contributions to their organizations at an all day
conference held at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. They received
awards of service from the Aloha Chapter of National Society of Fund
Raising Executives.
Dr. Ma is a distinguished physician who has served for six years
on the Maryknoll School Board and its Development Committee. He
and his wife, Frances, currently have two grandchildren at Maryknoll,
Marissa Ma ’06, and Marc Ma ’13. Their third grandchild, Matthew
Ma ’02 attended Maryknoll through the 6th grade. Dr. Ma is generous
with his time, talent, energy, and personal resources; he is enthusiastic
and tirelessly dedicated to causes he supports. He is a master at the art
of gentle persuasion and few people can say “no” to Dr. Ma.
Dr. Gabriel Ma and Frances Ma
Mrs. Barbara Ching, Mr. Al Fernandez, Dr. Thomas Kosasa, Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Ma, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Wong joined the Ma’s to celebrate the honor. Thank you, Dr. Ma, for your support and generosity.
Yvonne Usita Morris ’63 is the director of development and
communications at Maryknoll School.
Maryknoll Consolidates Administrators
For the past three years Maryknoll has been acquiring property adjacent to the Grade School for future use. In early spring,
one of properties will be renovated to create office space for the
School’s administrators. “I’d like to accomplish two things by
this move,” says Maryknoll President, Michael Baker. “First, I
want to get the administrators (except for the Principals and VicePrincipals) out of valuable teaching space and make better use of
the space to serve the students and teachers. Secondly, I want to
consolidate the administrators so that we are more accessible to
parents and to one another.” Business, Admissions, Alumni and
Development Offices along with the President’s Office will move
to their mid-block Alexander Street address this summer and will
be joined with offices for the Directors of Athletics, Facilities and
Technology. The Administration Building will provide a small
Logo Shop to display Maryknoll apparel and supplies and will
offer additional conference space.
Moving the administrative offices will also prompt a dramatic
redesign of the central office and the consolidation of student
services such as After School Care, the Health Facility and
Among the improvements resulting from the reallocated
space will be a larger science lab/classroom and an additional 6th
Grade classroom to meet the demands of the expanding Middle
President Baker also reported that plans are in formation for
greater landscaping to complement several areas of the academic
programs, create more recreational green space, and make the
campus more attractive and inviting.
The Gift of Fr. Frank Diffley, MM
by Theodore Stepp, Jr.
whom were Burakumin and mostly non-Christian, built Kibo no ie—
hen the Knoller staff last gathered to discuss the current
Hope House. “In Hope House there were classrooms to tutor the chilissue, everyone enthusiastically agreed that Fr. Frank
dren, a medical clinic, an office for our credit union, space for the
Diffley, MM, former Pastor of Sacred Heart Church,
elderly to meet and plan activities, and a chapel. Volunteers came to
Punahou, and former President of Maryknoll School, would be an
teach the kids. Medical doctors and nurses came to care for the sick.
excellent choice for our “Maryknoll Connections” article. When I
My years living with the outcasts were the happiest and, at the same
requested some biographical data from Fr. Diffley at Maryknoll, New
time, most difficult of my life. But Hope House was my finest
York, where he enjoys a very active retirement, he responded with
such an engaging, informative, and
inspiring e-mail message that I knew I
Fr. Diffley’s assignment to Hawaii in
would have to share this space with his
1980 led to pastoring several parishes,
own voice, limited as the space may be!
serving for a time as Regional Superior of
the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers in
Frank Diffley grew up in a supportive
Hawaii, and, fortunately for us, overseeCatholic environment in Brooklyn, New
ing Maryknoll School. While thoroughly
York, and held an early interest in mission
enjoying the countless duties required of
work in China. Through the encouragea pastor and school president, Father realment of his parish priest to try Maryknoll,
ized the most effective leadership of the
young Frank visited the Maryknoll Center
school required a full-time president.
just north of New York City. “As soon as
Bishop DiLorenzo agreed, and the leaderI spied the majestic oriental towers of
ship passed to Mr. Michael Baker, our
Maryknoll, I was hooked,” he says.
first lay president. However, the legacy
“Perched on a high hill overlooking the
of Fr. Frank Diffley’s wise leadership at
Hudson River at its widest, Maryknoll is
Maryknoll School remains strong. This
an imposing place. More imposing still
is perhaps because of the heartfelt
were the young seminarians that [I] met
commitment that characterized that leadthat Saturday so many years ago. Their
ership and which is especially evident in
single ambition in life was to serve the
Fr. Diffley’s reflection on a special
Church overseas.”
moment. He writes,
Frank Diffley’s wise discernment of
vocation led to his ordination as Fr. Frank
Fr. Frank Diffley, MM
Diffley, MM, on June 10, 1950—thus
making 2000 his jubilee year! The subsequent half century has been
On a balmy night in June of 1993 I stood in the wings of
one of many mutual blessings between Fr. Diffley and the people to
Blaisdell Center. We were lining up to go on stage, awaiting
whom he has ministered in numerous seminary classrooms in the US
Mrs. Hannan’s decisive command to move. As I looked at the
as well as in his extensive and challenging mission work in Japan and
young men and women nervously waiting in front of me, my eyes
Hawaii. It is his generous and devoted service in these two areas that
grew damp with tears. Oh, I hid them well enough I think. Andy
reveals the depth of character and faith of this admired member of our
Corcoran didn’t notice them. He was too busy checking his
Maryknoll family.
pronunciation of the graduates’ names. Neither did Ann
“In the summer of 1952,” he writes, “I was assigned to Japan.
Hannan. But they were there, those tears. I saw myself on a
Communist advances in China, coupled with the Korean War, made
similar line in 1941 at my own high school graduation. They
assignments to China out of the question. But I was delighted. Some
were not tears of regret that I hid; no they were tears of quiet
of my fellow seminarians were Nisei, so I had a feel for Japan.” He
joy. There was an urge to hug each of those young men and
goes on to say that, even though it would be years before he could see
women and whisper into their ears, “Life is so good. Give it
family and friends again, “Japan was there [and] there was the fasciyour all. Yes, remember Noblesse Oblige. It’s more than the
nating culture and language of Japan that moved into my heart.”
corny motto of our school. It has taken me through life.”
Struggle but great success with the language and numerous
wonderful parish assignments eventually led to one of the most interesting phases of Fr. Diffley’s life in Japan. “Invited by our Japanese
And as Fr. Diffley concludes his e-mail from New York—“I’ve
bishop of Kyoto to try indirect evangelization of the poorest people in
had a good run. And it’s not over yet.”
the city, I volunteered to work in a large Buraku. The Buraku people
are the outcast people of Japan. Their origin is murky, but they are
victims of prejudice. Most of them are extremely poor. In the six
years I lived among them, many eked out a living as rag pickers.
Buraku people do work that others find repugnant, like butchering and
Theodore Stepp Jr. is a member of the high school faculty
working with leather.” Father explains that he and his team, most of
specializing in Spanish and religion.
Thank you Fr. Frank Diffley, MM!
April 2000
Bone Marrow Transplantation:
By Frankie Lucas
The Gift of Life
It is a scary feeling for a
fifteen-year-old to be told that
he has a potentially fatal
illness. In 1991, I was diagnosed with aplasitc anemia, a
blood disorder that inhibits
the production of any sort of
blood products. In other
words, my body had no red
Jeff Chang ‘94
cells to carry oxygen, nor any
white cells to combat infection or illness. I didn’t even have
platelets or cells to clot if I got cut or bruised. The doctors
had no clue what had caused the illness, but they knew that
my only hope for survival was a bone marrow transplant.
As you can imagine, knowing that my life was now
dependent on finding a bone marrow donor – and that time
was running short – was a nerve-racking experience, not
just for me, but even more so for my family. The doctor
explained that the immune system is made up of six Human
Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) and that bone marrow matching is based on tissue typing of these six possible HLA. He
explained that I would have to find someone whose white
cells match so precisely with mine that a rejection would
not occur. The good news was that the donor testing
process was easy enough – a simple blood test to see if the
cells matched up. The potentially bad news was that a
donor had to be willing to undergo general anesthesia,
which meant an overnight stay in the hospital to have some
bone marrow blood drawn from the hip by means of a
needle, and to endure a sore hip for a few days.
The bone marrow testing started with my family, and
fortunately, my sister Richelle matched perfectly. At that
time Richelle (Chang ‘87) had recently graduated from
college and was working at her first job as an interior
designer, but she didn’t hesitate for a second. Even though
she was a little underweight, which meant an extra night
in the hospital for her and extra monitoring for side
effects such as anemia, she immediately took two weeks
leave from work and willingly sacrificed some of her bone
marrow to give me a chance to live. She became my hero.
Even today, nine years later, we share a magical bond. I
feel that we are more than brother and sister – it is something as symbolic as mother and child. She essentially
breathed new life back into my diseased body. Without
her, I would have died.
Jeff Chang ‘94, current fourth grade teacher at Maryknoll Grade
School, recounts his harrowing experience when he was a freshman
at Maryknoll School. Jeff’s story is one of several bone marrow
success stories connecting our Maryknoll School community. One of
the most important people connected to these bone marrow stories is
Jeff’s bone marrow transplant physician, Dr. Livingston Wong ‘48.
Dr. Wong is a well-known pioneer of kidney and bone marrow transplantation in Hawaii. He is a professor of surgery at the John A. Burns
School of Medicine, director of the Transplant Institute at St. Francis
Medical Center, and medical director of Hawaii’s Organ Donor
Center. He has also assisted with the organization of Hawaii’s heart,
liver and pancreas transplant programs. He was the recipient of the
Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano “Noblesse Oblige” Award for
Service in 1999. Dr. Wong reports that Hawaii is making great strides
in organ and bone marrow donations. “We have just passed the
national average for organ donations, and we are one of the best states
in terms of being tested for bone marrow donation,” he says. “There
are two good reasons,” he continues, “that we should all be willing to
become bone marrow donors. First, the patient who needs a bone
marrow transplant has no chance of living without one. This is a
desperate attempt to save a life. And second, the donor does not lose
anything. Only five to seven percent of a donor’s bone marrow is
removed, and except for some discomfort for a few days, it is totally
replenished in a few weeks time.”
As Dr. Wong points out, bone marrow transplants today are relatively benign procedures for the donor
while offering the potential gift of life for
the recipient. But that has not always
been the case. Mr. and Mrs. Abundio
Zamora, parents of two Maryknoll graduates, have their own agonizing story to
tell from the early days of bone marrow
transplantation. It all started when eightyear-old Azalea Zamora ‘91 was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia
in 1983. Azalea’s prognosis was not
Azalea Zamora ‘91
After awhile the doctors
mentioned the possibility of a bone marrow transplant, but it was still
a new procedure and they emphasized that it would only be considered
as a last resort. At that time not many bone marrow transplants had
been done, and some experts were fearful that the procedure might
have adverse effects for the donor as well as the recipient. According
to Mrs. Zamora, Azalea’s mother, “After a few months of chemotherapy, Azalea was still in the hospital, still not doing well. Until finally,
Azalea told us herself, ‘Let’s try the bone marrow transplant. If I die,
it’s o.k.’ We knew then that it was time to try this.”
When the Zamora family was tested for a possible HLA match, it
was discovered that her older sister, Zinnia was a perfect match. “We
had this eight-year-old who was ready to die, and a ten-year-old who
was a perfect match. But back then we were worried about what the
effects might be for the older daughter to donate her bone marrow to
her sister, and we were uncertain as to whether it would be a cure for
the younger one. Finally, after much anguish and prayer and consulting with the doctors, we decided that we had to try the bone marrow
transplant. But that wasn’t the end of the story. Just before the transplant was to take place, the State of Hawaii stepped in and filed suit,
charging us with being unfit parents and barring us from using our
older daughter for experimental purposes. The state assigned a
guardian for Zinnia, but not poor Azalea. She was in the hospital
desperately ill. We had to quickly get a lawyer and spend money to go
to court. It all happened very fast. Thankfully, the judge ruled that if
medical science was willing to give this procedure a try and we had no
other options, it should happen.” Azalea had the bone marrow transplant – done by none other than transplant surgeon, Dr. Livingstone
Wong. And the outcome of this story? Azalea graduated from
Maryknoll High School in 1991 near the top of her class, she graduated from Santa Clara University, majoring in English, and today—
almost 20 years later – Azalea is the Director of the Sylvan School of
Learning in Cupertino, California – and healthy.
One Maryknoll alumnus who was willing to be tested, and who
turned out to be a one in
20,000 “HLA genetic twin”
was Jamie Hoban ‘88. Jamie
says, “Since I now live in Las
Vegas, I am very familiar
with playing the odds. The
odds of being picked as a
bone marrow donor seemed
to me just about the same as
walking away from the casino
a winner. Then last June I was
notified that I was found to be
a perfect HLA match for a 23
year-old man with leukemia.
Wendi and Jamie Hoban ‘88
A simple blood test had
discovered that! Instead of winning the lottery or walking away a
winner in a casino, I was given the opportunity to save someone’s life.
First, I was notified of the possible match and asked to make a
decision whether or not I was willing to become a donor. It didn’t take
me long to opt for trying to try to save a life. Then, for the next three
months before the procedure, I felt like an athlete preparing for the
Olympics. I felt a great responsibility for taking care of myself to
ensure the success of the marrow donation. The fifteen days before the
surgery are the most critical since the recipient has undergone intensive chemotherapy that wipes out most of the existing white blood
cells. I knew if I got sick it could seriously jeopardize the health of the
recipient at this point. Then, a week before the surgery, my wife got
the flu. I was so worried that I quarantined myself in the extra bedroom
to make sure I didn’t get sick. On the day of the surgery, I passed my
physical and I was cleared for surgery.
I have been told that many people are afraid of the whole process
of donating bone marrow because of the fear of possible pain. And I
suppose I would be lying if I said there was no pain. But the idea of
possibly saving another person’s life far outweighs the sore hip.
Imagine that! Just that little bit of my bone marrow, which my body
immediately replenishes, might give a dying person a normal life! In
my case, I didn’t win the casino jackpot, but I hope that I have
increased the odds that this young man might have a good life with his
wife and three-year-old daughter. And after a year we will be given
the opportunity to meet each other.”
Now, another of our Maryknoll community members has a need
for a bone marrow transplant.
Kaoru Knight, the petite and
demure Japanese sensei who has
taught Japanese Language and
Culture at Maryknoll High School
for the past seven years, was diagnosed with acute myelogenous
leukemia (AML) shortly after the
current school year began. Since
her diagnosis, Kaoru has undergone four intensive rounds of
chemotherapy so far and has one
more final round to endure. Some
of her several hospital stays have
lasted as long as a month, which is
very difficult not only for Kaoru,
but also for her husband and Kaoru Knight with husband Bob, and
daughter Nicole
two-year-old daughter, Nicole.
According to her husband, Bob, Kaoru’s family in Japan immediately
traveled here to Hawaii to be with Kaoru for her first round of treatments, not only as a support system, but also to be tested for possible
bone marrow matching. Unfortunately, neither of her brothers was an
accurate match, which according to the Hawaii Bone Marrow
Registry, is not unusual – nearly 70 percent of family members fail to
match. This means that Kaoru has entered the search for that one in
20,000 perfect HLA match. At this time, her HLA tissue type is being
run through the Hawaii Bone Marrow Registry, the National Bone
Marrow Registry, and even on the International Bone Marrow
Registry. Meantime, Kaoru is enjoying spending extra time with her
husband and small daughter as she prepares for her last hospital round
of chemotherapy. She and her family are hoping that this may put her
leukemia into remission, but they know that there is a good chance
that she will need the bone marrow transplant.
According to the Hawaii Bone Marrow Registry, “receiving
healthy bone marrow from a donor can boost a patient’s survival rate
to as high as 70 percent. These statistics make it critical that the
community at large be tested, especially our racially mixed donors
here in Hawaii.” The Bone Marrow Registry emphasizes that you may
be the only match available – as Jamie Hoban was – to save a life. Just
think what a difference it would make if the whole world were
routinely tested for bone marrow HLA typing – and if all people were
willing to donate if the need arose. If that were the case, neither you—
nor one of your loved ones – would ever have to go through the
harrowing experience of Jeff Chang’s family or Azalea Zamora’s
family, or Kaoru Knight’s family. Perhaps knowing that your world
family of “genetic HLA twins” was available for you – just as you
would be available for them – would serve as one connector to the
human race. As we wait for that day to happen, we – the Maryknoll
community – are being called on to offer the gift of life – perhaps to
save the life of one of our own members.
It is important to remember that bone
marrow donation is one of the very few
“living” donations that a person can make
during life. For more information on
becoming a donor, please contact:
Hawaii Bone Marrow Donor Registry
St. Francis Medical Center
(808) 547-6154
Toll-Free (877) HI-DONOR
You must be between 18-60 years and in good health
Frankie Lucas is a member of the high school faculty specializing
in English. She has also been the advisor for Maryknoll’s literary
magazine, The Toad, for the past 17 years.
April 2000
Alumni Week was created
by our Maryknoll Alumni
Association to create a fun
and relaxed schedule of
Alumni. These activities
would allow Alumni to get
together to reconnect and/or
establish new relationships with fellow alumni. In addition, alumni classes
who are contemplating having their reunions may also find alumni week a
great opportunity to utilize or supplement their class reunion programs.
Jim Hiramatsu ’75
Tuesday, July 18
5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Alumni Cocktail Party
An evening to mingle with fellow Maryknoll
Alumni at the Japanese Cultural Center-Manoa
Grand Ballroom. Reserve your place now with
classmates and get your dancing shoes ready for
the kick-off event of the week, An evening with
friends, no-host cocktails, hors d’oeurves and
Maryknoll’s 1st Annual
Alumni Week
July 18,20,22, 2000
Class of
Thursday, July 20
10:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Daytime Phone
9:30 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
“School Dayz” at Maryknoll High School
The campus comes alive with ongoing activities.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about computers, art, lei making, video/photography, financial
planning, cooking, and the high school’s Essential
School Program. While parents are in the classroom, children will be kept busy with storytelling,
balloon fun, shave ice, and lots more! Cost
includes all this and lunch too!
Tuesday, July 18 – Alumni Cocktail Party
_______ @ $20.00 per person = ______
Thursday, July 20 – Golf Tournament
_______ @ $130.00 per person = _____
Saturday, July 22* – “School Dayz”
_______ @ $5.00 per person = _______
* For “School Dayz” Event, children under 10 years old are free!
Total Enclosed $ _____________________________________________
Payment Type:
Saturday, July 22
■ Check
■ MC
Acct#: ___________________________________ Exp. Date __________
Signature: __________________________________________________
Make check payable to:
Maryknoll School
Mail Registration Form to:
Maryknoll Alumni Week
1722 Dole Street
Honolulu, Hi 96822
9TH Annual FORE!
Maryknoll Golf Tournament Three-person
Modified Scramble at the New Ewa Beach Golf
Shotgun Start
The entry fee is $130.00 per player, $390.00 per
3-person team. Your entry fee includes green fees,
entry in all contest holes, lunch, on-course refreshments, banquet buffet: poke, short ribs, terichicken, mahimahi, yakisoba, and all the trimmings, door prizes, and two mulligans per player.
A portion of your fee is tax-deductible.
A Message from Paul...
Dear Fellow Alumni,
I’m pleased to report that your Maryknoll
Alumni Association is hard at work on this
year’s program. My sincere thanks to our
alumni members who have volunteered their
time and energy to support the planned activities. I continue to be impressed by the dedication of our Maryknoll alumni.
Congratulations to our alumni secretary,
Lori Kern Carlos ‘87 and her new baby girl. Logan arrived on December
31, 1999, just in time for the 1999 tax year. Excellent timing, Lori. My
sincere sympathy to Viola Pavao Quinn ‘49 and her family on the recent
death of her husband, King Quinn. Viola, a member of the Alumni Council,
is an active supporter of our Maryknoll Alumni Association.
The 1st Annual Alumni Memorial Mass was a tremendous success! This
service, held on November 2, 1999 at Sacred Heart Church, exceeded all
expectations. A special thanks to Lucille Mistysyn ’37, who recommended
this event. Thanks to Linda Niemitz Langley ‘67, the chairperson, and the
Alumni Memorial Mass committee for planning this first event.
Planning for the 1st Annual Alumni Week to be held on July 18-22, 2000,
is progressing extremely well. This event includes a Cocktail Party on
Tuesday, July 18, the FORE Golf Tournament on Thursday, July 20, and
“School Dayz” Social on Saturday, July 22. I encourage classes to plan
their reunions around this 1st Annual Alumni Week. Thanks to Jim
Hiramatsu ‘75, chairperson, and to the Alumni Week planning committee
for their commitment to make this an exciting and successful event.
As mentioned in the last article, I was surprised to find that the Annual
Giving Fund makes up a significant portion of the Maryknoll School budget.
But more importantly, the Alumni “participation” in this program impacts
directly on the level of corporate support. With this in mind, I again encourage all alumni to be generous with this year’s Annual Giving Program and
let’s make our goal of tripling our participation from 9% last year to at least
27% alumni participation this year. The alumni participation through
12/31/99 is 6.14% slightly lower than the 7.09% recorded at 12/31/98 last
year, so we have a ways to go. Mahalo for your generosity and support to
our Maryknoll School!
Your Alumni Association continues to grow with a core of committed
volunteers. I encourage all Alumni to actively participate in your Alumni
Association. For specific information, please don’t hesitate to call Lori
Carlos, Alumni Association Secretary at 952-7310.
Thanks for your Kokua and generous support to the Maryknoll Alumni
Paul Y. Chinen ‘57,
The Alumni
Association Calendar
April 13, 2000
3rd Annual Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano
Scholarship Dinner
May 20-27, 2000
Maryknoll Alumni Association Royal
Caribbean Alaska Cruise
June 2, 2000
Graduation & Jubilarian Celebration
July 18-22, 2000
First Annual Alumni Week
October 1, 2000
Maryknoll School Annual Luau
Attention All Jubilarians!
Class of 1950
celebrating their 50th year
Class of 1945
celebrating their 55th year
Class of 1940
celebrating their 60th year
The graduating class of 2000 whishes to honor you
at their Baccalaureate Mass and at their graduation
ceremony in June. There will be special reserve
seating at both events for your class as well as a
luncheon in your honor after the Baccalaureate Mass
hosted by Maryknoll School President, Mr. Mike
Thursday, June 1, 2000 9 a.m.
Sacred Heart Church
*followed by a luncheon at the high school library
Friday, June 2, 2000
5:30 p.m.
Neal Blaisdell Concert Hall
President of the Alumni Association
Please don’t forget to mark your calendars. We look
forward to seeing you in June.
April 2000
Congratulations to our Fall
Sports ILH Stars…
1999 All-State Football Team Receiver
Britton was named in the Honolulu
Advertiser’s Super 25 All-State Team
With utmost concentration,
Carolyn LaPrade ’04 is
ready to field the ball.
Torin Ching ’05
prepares to whip
the ball back
with a forehand
ILH Small School Championship
ILH Championship
First Team: Amber Belcher ‘00
Second Team: Michelle Sugimura ‘01
Lauren Hung ‘02, and
Teri-Lyn Tsukayama ‘02
Girls Bowling Coach of the Year:
Mike Tsukayama
First Team: Robyn Kurasaki ‘00
Second Team: Sid Hermosura ‘00
Honorable Mention: Kainoa Fialkowski ‘00
and Stephanie Hirota ‘00
Stopping a Punahou goal are Alexis
Polovina ‘01 and Diana Samson ‘03.
Mike Porter ’00 beats out
Punahou defense.
First Team: Crystal Cuadra ‘02
Second Team: Chrissie Moreno ‘01
First Team: Jonathan Elfalan ‘00
First Team Wide Receiver:
Britton Komine ‘00
First Team Kick Returner:
Britton Komine‘00
Second Team Receiver: Pat Porter ‘00
Second Team All-Purpose: Ron Porter ‘00
Justin Fujimoto ’03 takes the
plunge in diving meet.
Kristen Mun ’05 warms up on the uneven bars
before a competition.
Winter Sports Review
By Jon Kawamura
This Winter Season was definitely a year on which Maryknoll School could build.
With the success of some of our younger teams, as well as some great performances by
our Varsity Teams, Maryknoll has much to look forward to next year.
The Varsity II Girls Canoe Paddling team was a small group of girls, but they definitely had the biggest hearts on the ocean this season. The crew of Robin McAneeley
‘03, Rachel Baker ‘01, Carla Donlin ‘01, Lea Sahim ‘01, Ashley Hicks ‘01, Jamie
Adams ‘01 and Darlene Ramones ‘00 were the class of the Varsity II. They took home
first place in four of six races earning them the Varsity II championship.
The Intermediate Boys Basketball team was the talk of the town this year. The
team of Matthew Chong ‘03, Michael Serai ‘03, Stacey Wong ‘03, John Michael
Faria ‘03, Ryan Hirata ‘04, Eric Bernal ‘03, Kevin Lee ‘03, Waikaloa Noa ‘03,
Kawika Calizar ‘03, McShane Dator ‘03, Patrick Torres ‘03, and Kealakai Hussey
‘04 gave the school early Christmas presents taking second place in the Moanalua JV
Tournament, and first place in both the Hanalani JV Tournament and Kalaheo JV
Tournament. The team played in these JV tournaments because no Intermediate
Tournaments were held. These early victories would prove to be just the beginning.
The Intermediate Basketball team would win their first nine games and finish the
season with a record of 9-1 and the ILH Intermediate I crown.
The Varsity II Girls Canoe Paddling Team champions with their
coaches Harry Ho and Cathy Kam-Ho.
The Intermediate Boys Basketball Team with coaches Jeff Won and
Eric Kam.
Maryknoll was once again blessed to be able to send a number of our swimmers to the State Tournament this
year. Brian Coleman ‘02, Taryn Fong ‘02, Ashley Higashi ‘02, Rob McEntire ‘00, Shana McEntire ‘02,
Robert Segawa ‘01, Rachel Sierra ‘03 and Allyn Wijnveldt ‘01 all made the journey to Maui for the State Swim
Meet February 18-19. Rob received third place medals in the 50 freestyle with a time of 22.48 and in the 100
freestyle with a time of 49.27.
The seventh and eight graders on the CSL Division I Boys Basketball team played well all season long.
Allyn Wijndveldt ‘01 practices his
However tough losses at the end of the season, to Eastern Champion Cathedral and St. Patrick’s did not bode
breaststroke before competition at
well for the upcoming CSL Division I Tournament. But, the coaches and players had different ideas about the
Punahou Pool.
tournament. They won their first two games to get another chance at Cathedral. A lot of people had already
penciled in Cathedral as champions but Maryknoll brought their “A” game and defeated Cathedral in a close game 36-34 to win the tournament.
The team of Jacob Bode ‘04, Parker Bode ‘05, Adam Cho ‘05, Scott Fukuhara ‘04, Jordan Kong ‘04, Kyle Lambert ‘05, Chirstopher Lum
‘05, Matt Misajon ‘04, Andrew Rutherford ‘04, Erick Shin ‘04, Riley Tang ‘05 and John Troedson ‘04 was lead by coaches Chris Doyle and
Dave Dijos..
The CSL Division II Boys Basketball team put together a strong finish to their season. After completing the regular season with a record of
6-2, the boys took off to the Division II Tournament. After losing a heart breaker to St. Elizabeth,
the Spartans defeated Our Lady of Perpetual Help to get to the Consolation Championship. This
game proved to have a whole lot of excitement. After being up by five points at the half, Holy
Family slipped back into the game. Maryknoll would prevail in overtime winning 26-25. Justin
Ching ‘05, Evan Fu ‘05, Gregory Hoke ‘05, Braden Iwami ‘04, Edward Kawahara ‘05, Joseph
Miller ‘05, Derek Miw ‘05, Adam Tanibe ‘05, Daniel Tanibe ‘05, Eric Uyeno ‘05, Elton Wong
‘04, and Ryan Yuen ‘05 and Coach Watson Gier made up the team.
Although Maryknoll had only two young wrestlers this year, Darci Hata ‘04 and Jonathan
Shinto ‘04, both did extremely well. Darci placed second in the ILH Intermediate Championships
while Jonathan placed fourth. We look forward to what these young grapplers hold for the future.
Jon Kawamura is part of the athletic department office staff at Maryknoll School.
Darci Hata ’04 practices a double leg take-down
maneuver before a competition.
April 2000
Maryknoll Spartans Become UH Rainbows
by Stephen Bugman Jr. ‘88 and Pattie Wong Heatherly ‘66
on a 14’ dingy. John’s message to fellow Spartans, “Sailing is a great
n the December 9, 1999, Honolulu Star Bulletin, Sportswriter
sport, especially if you love the island sun and water. And the sailing
Cindy Luis describes UH Walk-ons as usually short in stature but
community is a great group of good and nice people who share the
giants when it comes to contributing. These are players who may
same interest.”
have had dreams of playing for Hawaii and asked for nothing except
Michelle Gabriel’s basketball journey began in the fifth grade at St.
a chance to be part of one of the top programs in the country. They
Anthony’s School, where Michelle first played organized basketball.
contribute long hours at practice and have unselfishly sacrificed to be
By the eighth grade, she had joined the Kalakaua Athletic Club team
exceptional academic students for a few minutes of game time. Over
and was facing competition from around the state and the mainland. In
the years these walk-ons have been a major contribution to UH’s
between, she went to basketball clinics and learned a great deal from
athletic teams experiencing continued success.
her father while getting some
This year’s UH Rainbow athletic team walk-ons proudly include
brutally honest critiques from her
three members of Maryknoll’s Class of ‘99. Playing for the Wahine
sister, Patty. “While my parents
Volleyball Team is SyRina Makainai, for the nationally ranked
would always bring out the good in
Sailing Team is John Sharkey, and for the Wahine Basketball Team
my play, my sister Patty always told
is Michelle Gabriel.
me the truth.” I needed that because
At Maryknoll, SyRina could be seen playing
the truth woke me up and helped me
volleyball on the grade school teams and continbecome better.”
uing through high school. She was a back row
When Michelle came to
specialist with strengths in defense, discipline
as a freshman, Coach
and ball control. The UH crowd erupted with
put her on the varsity
support when SyRina at 5’ 8” and fellow walk-on
remained until gradcolleagues finally got to play in the front row
uation. “Coach Smith was a patient
against Prairie View A&M. “You try to get them
person who believed in us and told us
in when you can because they work hard and
how good we could be,” she rememdeserve it. They are important to us. Few local
bers. “He taught our team how to
players grow to be 6-footers so their best hopes
work hard and work together.” And
of playing Division I ball is to be skilled in ball
that hard work paid off. The Spartans
handling, passing and defense,” says
reached the state tournament two
Coach Dave Shoji. SyRina had a
years later. Her senior-year coach,
scholarship to play at Seattle
Mike Taylor, quickly instilled his
University, but wasn’t accepted into
brand of disciplined basketball with a
the school’s engineering program
focus on technique. “Mike pushed
because of a technicality. “School is
me a lot and it paid off in the end.
a priority and it’s worked out well
He’s such a good guy and I relied on
because UH’s engineering program is
then and even today.” In a game
ranked higher than Seattle. I’m going
state champion Punahou,
to stick it out (with volleyball) as long
game-high 13 points and
as I can, but I’m also trying to graduiced
clutch shooting in a 36ate in four years. Classes will start
was one of the
getting harder soon. Walking on was
top teams in
hard at first because of the level of
play is not what I’m used to. I’ve
from upper left clockwise: SyRina Makainai, Michelle Gabriel, listed Michelle as one of America’s West
become a better player and a better Pictured
and John Sharkey
Region Top High School Prospects.
person,” comments SyRina.
me to play at UH in front of my home
John Sharkey grew up in the Junior Sailing Program at the Waikiki
the coaches that she made the team on
Yacht Club thanks to the influence of his sisters, who also sailed, and
Michelle currently plays the backup
the support of his parents. But it was Coach Guy Fleming who John
role to more senior players, hard work has landed her more playing time.
gives credit to for his continued interest and success as a sailor.
Michelle’s message to current Maryknoll athletes is simple: “Don’t
“Coach Guy provided a fun environment for learning sailing. He is
quit, even when times are tough. Stick with it—you will succeed if
one of the best coaches in the country. He trains with us. He has us
you have the commitment. Work hard and things will pay off.” And
do and does right along with us, all the fun things, to make us better
they certainly have for Michelle, John, and SyRina.
and work harder,” states John. Although the Junior Sailing Program is
large, the community is close, so it wasn’t hard for UH Coach, Andy
Fleming, to see the outstanding sailor John Sharkey was. Team
members have to earn their spot academically as well athletically in
Stephen Bugman ’88 is a San Francisco-based consultant with
order to compete. In high school, John competed as a 1-man team on
A.T. Kearney, Inc. Pattie Wong Heatherly ’66 is the athletic director
a 13’ dingy. College competition finds John with a partner, competing
at Maryknoll School.
WE REMEMBER – First Annual
Maryknoll Alumni Memorial Mass
By Lori Kern Carlos ‘87
n November 2, 1999 – All Soul’s Day, more than
100 alumni, family, and friends gathered at Sacred
Heart Church for the First Annual Alumni Memorial
Mass. Father Gary Secor ’69 celebrated mass with scripture and song and a listing of the names of alumni to be
remembered. The event was even made more special as it
was the first alumni event organized by our reconstituted
Alumni Association. Alumni Association president, Paul
Chinen ’57, commented, “We felt it only fitting to support
this special event to commemorate our lost friends and
family. It was wonderful to have so many people attend,
with representation from all decades, 1930’s – 1990’s.”
Our Memorial Mass Committee (Linda Niemitz Langley
’67, Ann Marie White Medeiros ’88, Irene Chang Letoto
’50, Lucile Smith Mistysyn ’37, Viola Pavao Quinn ’49,
and Sr. Delores Rosso) worked hard to ensure that the
event was a special one.
Lori Kern Carlos ’87 is the alumni coordinator at
Maryknoll School.
Paul Chinen ’57 with
Father Gary Secor ’69
Maryknoll graduates with their families (from left to right):
Back row – Whit Michel
Middle row – William Layden, Anna Layden, Melissa Domaloan Layden ’87, Camille Domaloan
Michel ’84, Ryan Michel, Roseline Domaloan, Monica Domaloan Ng Pack ’83, Nicholas Ng
Pack, Ethan Ng Pack
Front row – Christianne Michel, Penelope Ng Pack
High School Theatre Group Produces Another Smash Hit!
By Beth Bogdon
aryknoll High School’s Winter Extravaganza 1999 was a
tremendous success! Actors, singers, dancers and comedians celebrated their talents in front of sell-out crowds at
the Holy Trinity gymnasium. The gym was transformed into a
cabaret style theatre adorned with festive and cheerful holiday
décor. Audience munched on popcorn and goodies while “the
players” performed holiday scenes, comedic skits, hula and street
dance, and Neil Simon’s comedy hit, The Good Doctor. Scripted
scenes varied from the quirky dental assistant removing the sore
tooth of an old priest, to a tramp trying to convince a gentlemen to
pay to watch him drown. The show performed five times and
included approximately 45 9th –12th graders.
Stay tuned for MHS’s spring production!
Beth Bogdon is a member of the high school faculty. She is also
a professional actor and musician.
April 2000
By Victoria Wong Okamura ‘89
he reunion started off with a blast to the past
meeting everyone at the Ocean Club. We had
quite a turn out…there were 33 of us there!
Those who attended received Maryknoll School’s futuristic “millennium pens” and we also handed out
nametags with our…YEP, you guessed it – our senior
year pictures! Everyone was quite cooperative although
there were the typical comments of “Do we have to
wear this?” and “This is a really bad picture of me.”
Those who attended included Kim Asuncion, James
Armstrong, Brant Awakuni, Garret Chai, Ina Chan,
Karen Chang, Wendy Chang, Alison Char, Jennifer
Ching Matias, Dee Crowder, Remy Dung, Jill Easley,
Delsi Gabriel, Cy Hirota, Chrissy Ho Chun, Steph
Hong, Tuan Kaaihue, Jill Kaneshiro, Taisha Kim,
Rudy King, Janelle Lee Komatsu, Jeannie Lee, (left to right) Remy Dung, Lianne Wong, Stephanie Hong, Dee Crowder, Peachy
Wesley Lum, Cindy Meiers, Tony Mizuno, Sharon Ramos Crowder, Rudy King, Chrissy Ho Chun, and Jeannie Lee
Nitta, Peachy Ramos Crowder, Rick Salmon, Lianne
Wong Hoshino, Lynelle Wong, Victoria Wong Okamura,
Sue Ann Yeung, and Jolette Yu.
(left to right) Ina
Chan, Karen Chang,
After a bit of Ocean Club, some went home to bed…oh da
and Victoria Wong
ole eh… and others were off to Stecks at Kahala. Why? Well,
to enjoy the sounds of our very own Rudy King with his band
“Horizons”. Another one of our classmates, Jonathan
Tongson, was also busy at a famous nightclub, Wave Waikiki,
playing with his band “Tone Deff Teens.”
Sunday was another fun filled day, where classmates and
their families were able to relax in the partly sunny skies on the
beach at “Sherwoods”. Thanks to Peachy, Dee,
(left to right) Lynelle
Byung Kong ‘89 and Mike Matias ’90,
Wong, Byung Kong, and
Dee Crowder
we got a really good spot with a
table. Oh, and the ono grinds they
cooked for us…oh so ono… Lots
and lots of food was the thing of
the day, so we ate and ate and ate.
Those who attended received
think we getting old? Can’t see
them 10 pt. letters no more? We
also had grab bags for the keiki Jennifer Ching Matias with husband Mike
‘90, son Mitchell, and daughter Jessica.
who attended.
Well, that’s about it for now. Hope to hear from some of you soon.
And remember to update any of your records with Maryknoll School’s
Alumni and Development Office, Attn: Lori Carlos, 1722 Dole St.,
Honolulu, HI 96822. Help us get the word out to all of our classmates
to keep in touch with Maryknoll so we know where to find everyone
when it comes time to get together and party.
Special thanks to Karen Chang, Jennifer Ching Matias, Dee
Crowder, and Peachy Ramos Crowder for helping to make this celebration a success!
Victoria Wong Okamura ’89 is an accountant with Gilbert Leong &
Gregory Lee, CPA’s, Inc.
(left to right) Cindy Meiers, Rick Salmon, Jill Kaneshiro, and
Jill Easley
By Beatrice Iwamoto Jost ‘49
Forty-six graduates and guests gathered at the Hale Koa Hotel on
Saturday, October 16, 1999, to celebrate their 50th reunion. The
program featured the many talents of the graduates. Jeannette ChunKam and Doris Kamioka Dudley played a lively mix on the piano
together (“four hands, one piano”). Amy Yokoyama Konno and
Virginia Rodrigues Suehiro serenaded the audience with their beautiful voices, Elizabeth Pa Chai danced the hula to “Lovely Hula
Hands,” and Francis Fong entertained everyone with a karate dance.
The entire class sang the “Kamehameha Waltz”, the same song that the
class had sung at graduation. The reunion was also very fortunate to
have Sister St. Lawrence join the celebration.
There was an abundance of door prizes. The class of 1949 bought
many of the prizes and several were donated as well. Among these
was a lovely fresh-water pearl necklace that Pauline Umiamaka
Kiyabu had fashioned herself and several pottery pieces created by
Nancy Yoshida Wada. Mostly everyone went home a winner.
Graduates had been requested to send in a brief biography and a
current photo, and these were published in a memory book that
Beatrice Iwamoto Jost put together and gave out at the reunion. It
was such a joy for everyone to renew friendships and learn of the
different roads each graduate took. Sylvia Camacho Carey is
currently an adjunct professor at Chaminade. George Hino is working
with the Postal Service after a 20-year career in the military.
Marianne Chock Lum, Leonis Hee Karratti and Alice Moriguchi
Tando are still employed. Ruby Kim is busy with their printing business (with 30 employees) in Las Vegas. Hawaiian Studies teacher,
Elizabeth Pa Chai is “Kupuna Chai” at the Marine Base Kaneohe
School. Jeannette Chun-Kam is still teaching piano. Sally Lee is selling real estate; and Francis Fong is currently an instructor in Karate
(7th Dan rank).
Most of the retirees are enjoying traveling, golfing, gardening,
volunteering as docents or tour guides, and babysitting or chauffeuring
grandchildren to school and various activities. June Texeira Jacobsen
is part of a Hawaiian group in Florida, entertaining in nursing homes
and in a resort hotel in Disney World. At our age, we are starting to
nurse aches and pains, or are recuperating from various operations!
On Sunday, following the reunion, another gathering took place at
Roberta Chang’s home in Manoa, where they had a wonderful, informal, and relaxing time reminiscing and catching up on news. Five
classmates had flown in from California, one each from Colorado,
Nevada and Florida. Of the 96 who graduated in 1949, 11 are
deceased, 10 were unable to attend because of illness or other commitments, and the rest did not respond. There are nine graduates who
could not be located. If anyone has a current address for the following graduates, please inform the Maryknoll Development office at
952-7310: Lorraine Almeida, Delphine Cambra, Patricia Harada,
Laura Hee, Dorothy Ho, Russell McLeod, Mary Miyashiro, Jennie
Yamamoto, and Lily Yamashita. Many thanks to everyone who
planned and participated in making the 50th reunion for the class of
1949 a wonderful and successful event! For the year 2000, all 49’ers
are encouraged to meet again at the annual Maryknoll luau.
Beatrice Iwamoto Jost ’49 is retired from the civil service and
spends her time doing volunteer work and taking computer classes.
April 2000
By Yvonne Usita Morris ‘63
A Grand Time
January 20, 21, 22 and 23 marked the dates of the West Coast
Reunions 2000. The reunion team of Mike Baker, President of
Maryknoll School, Yvonne Morris ’63 and Lucile Mistysyn ’37
visited Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The purpose
of these gatherings is to bring the latest news from Maryknoll School
to Alumni on the mainland, to help strengthen their ties to the School,
and to give them the opportunity to meet other alumni in their area. At
each stop, Mike Baker shared information about Maryknoll today and
the plans for tomorrow.
The scene of the Portland reunion was No Ho’s Hawaiian Café. John Tejada ’63,
insurance executive and part owner of the restaurant, pulled out all the stops to arrange
a Hawaiian feast. We didn’t expect the meal to included sashimi and poke, but he flew
them in fresh for the occasion.
The conversation was punctuated with “do you remember’s”, as Alumni shared
stories of the “good old days.” Dinner was interrupted when the group gathered
outdoors to watch the lunar eclipse together. The evening
ended with alumni anxious to get together with each other
and to bring friends back to No Ho’s for a taste of Hawaii.
Pictured from left to right are: Kathy Yee ’62, John Tejada, and
Mike Baker.
Amy and John Osaki ’75 feast on
sashimi flown in from Hawaii!
Edmund Young ’57, Myrna Pasion Boyce, Ransom Boyce, and Lucile
Mistysyn savor the local style pupu flavors.
Yvette Flair Elledge ’83 and her
husband Greg, enjoy the delicious meal
at Noho’s Hawaiian Café.
Picture a Pacific Northwest Bay with the ocean stretching on
three sides and across the bay the lights of the city twinkling in the
distance. Anthony’s Homeport Restaurant on Shilshole Bay was
the haven for thirty-five alumni and guests on a chilly and drizzly
Friday evening. The warmth and jovial spirit of the group made up
for the weather outside.
The well-prepared mahimahi
dinner added to the feeling of being
with friends in Hawaii. There was
much hugging and exchanging of
business cards and phone numbers so
that old and new friends could keep in
contact. Changing tables before the
hot fudge sundae dessert was served Linda Saiki Miyauchi ’77,
allowed alumni to talk with a new Lori Dang Schmidt ’77, and
Jill Freitas Tanga ’77 take the
group of people, and before the opportunity to have their own
evening was over, ideas were excit- special class of ’77 reunion.
edly shared about where the next
reunion should be.
The Fletcher clan along with some friends gather for a family picture.
(Back row, left to right) Wendell Yuen ’79, Kenneth Fletcher Sr., Kenneth Fletcher ’76.
(Bottom row, left to right) Mary Ann Cordeiro Lafazia ’63, Karen Fletcher, Polly
Fletcher, Damon Fletcher ’79, Mary Fletcher, Linda Lorentz, Susie Fletcher Tillery ’81,
and Jeff Tillery.
John and Patricia Barnette
Klingler ’70, drove a great
distance just to join the
Seattle reunion.
Pictured from left to right
are Betty Murakami
Mastropaolo ’61 and
Patty Lum Mafifit ’65.
Ched Cordero ’96 and
Eileen Gaspar ‘ 96 take a
break from college studies
and enjoy a night out with
fellow alumni.
Was Had By All!
Alice’48 and Clarence Hara opened their lovely home for the gathering of
Alumni in the Los Angeles area. This casual, comfortable evening included door
prizes supplied by the Hara’s. It was evident that our hosts worked all day to
prepare a wonderful spread with the flavors of our local recipes.
We spent a good deal of time after
dinner answering questions about the
School and the newly formed Alumni
Association. We discussed possibilities
for future reunions in the Los Angeles
area and got volunteers to spearhead the
Clarence Hara holds the bowl for Karen
Shimabukuro to pick a new door prize
Alumni from southern California gather for a intimate reunion.
(Top row, left to right) Thaddeus Kwiatkowski ’56, Stacy Sato ’75,
Rose Hamada Iwamoto ’48.
(Middle row, left to right) Mike Baker, Mary Finnegan Ehring ’55,
Lucile Mistysyn, Kimberly Morrsi Wheeler ’88, Tiny Chock Bennett ’55.
(Bottom row, left to right) Napua Prados Demers ’58, Albert Chang ’55,
Herbert Kiyabu ’56, Karen Shimabukuro ’63, Yvonne Morris ‘63.
(Seated) Alice Hara ‘48.
Lucile Mistysyn ‘37, Thaddeus Kwiatkowski
‘56, Stacy Sato‘75, and Kimberly Wheeler
‘88 send their aloha with a “shaka” sign.
Mike Baker, Rose Iwamoto, and Alice Hara look
through a yearbook and share fond memories.
The last stop on the reunion trail was the Four Seasons Restaurant in Chinatown, a fitting
opening to the Chinese New Year holiday. Even on this cold and rainy evening the alumni
turned out in high spirits anxious to share a seven-course dinner together. The restaurant was
sold out that evening with before-the-New Year revelers and so our group retired to the bar area
across the hall to listen to remarks from Mike Baker and to ask questions.
The restaurant served food in such large quantity that there were boxes and boxes to take
home. Student alumni left with instructions to deliver it to their dorms or to give it to homeless
people on their way back.
These get togethers were wonderful experiences for the reunion team, and if the alumni had
as much fun as we did, we will certainly count them as a success.
Mike Baker speaks to the alumni about Maryknoll today
and tomorrow.
Yvonne Usita Morris ’63 is the director of development and communications at Maryknoll School.
Jordan Dung 79 and
his wife, Jamie.
Pictured from left to right are: Mike Baker,
Joan Kwock Sung ’56, and Kris Kern ’98.
Several generations of Maryknollers gather together.
(Top row, left to right) Kelly Corcoran ’93, Kevin
Corcoran ’91, Guy De Primo ’65.
(Bottom row, left to right) Audrey Chock Swiderek ’49,
Stephen Bugman, Jr. ’88, Vivian DuMont, Elizabeth
Haggood Helfrich ’39.
April 2000
Holiday Homecoming 1999
By Lori Moskal ‘97
On December 18, 1999, Maryknoll School saluted the end of the
century by throwing a celebration for half a decade of its graduates at
Holiday Homecoming 1999. Members of the classes of ‘95-‘99 gathered on the high school campus where a festively decorative Rogers
Hall greeted them. Entertainment for the evening included a live
performance by “Horizons” (a local contemporary music twosome
band which includes our own Rudy King ’89). During the musician’s
intermission, Mr. Baker formally thanked everyone for coming and
went on to briefly recognize how important it is that the Maryknoll
community stay involved with each other as a family. Following the
President’s welcome, Mrs. Lori Kern Carlos ‘87 took the stage to
announce the winners of the raffle contest. Prizes included local
favorites ranging from six packs of Hawaiian Sun juice to Spam, and
finally the big winner – a 10-lb. bag of rice. Throughout the rest of
the evening, the alumni chatted with old friends and the few teachers
that were present – though those that were in attendance were greatly
Top row (left to right): Jenny Spanheimer, Taryn Carr ’97, Richard Green ’97, Rhea
Cabrera ’98, Joy Quensell ‘96
Bottom row (left to right): Leanne Mistysyn ’97, Lori Moskal ’97, Joshua Almanza ’97,
Mitchell Goo ’97
Rudy King and his
partner, Terry Lee,
entertain the alumni.
appreciated. All in all it was a wonderful opportunity to see familiar
faces tell stories of their new lives in a place that will always be home
to all of us. Hats off to the Development and Alumni Office for a
successful event!
Lori Moskal ’97 is a junior at the University of Washington
majoring in zoology.
Top row (left to right): Matthew Green ’99, Drew Santos ’99, Cade Santos ’99, Marcelle
Ulep ’99, Denby Fukuda ’99, Emily Jones ’99
Bottom row (left to right): Sara Chesney ’99, Erin Yano ’99, Sean McGirr ’99, Kaipo
Henrikson ’99, Keenan Silva ’99
Class of
Pearl S. Young Castillo and husband,
Hubert, were selected as the 1999 Island
Treasures of the Blessed Sacrament Church
in Pauoa Valley. They enjoy being grandparents of 10 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.
Class of
Anita Tom is retired and living in
Oakland, CA. She enjoys living the single
life, plays golf three times a week, and enjoys
going on cruises about 3 or 4 times a year!
Class of
Shirley Cordeiro Harvey has retired after
32 years with the Vista Unified School
District, which she calls her home away from
home. She and her husband, Bill, spend their
retirement time working on projects, gardening, and traveling. They try to visit Hawaii at
least once every year and say that has always
been fun!
The class of 1957
celebrates its 60th
birthday reunion.
Class of
Clarence L. Gouveia has retired after 43
years of working at Hawaiian Electric Co.,
Inc. He retired on March 1, 1997 as a
customer installations supervisor. He says
he’s taking life easy now and making it a day
by day plan.
Class of
Joan Kwock Sung retired in 1998 from
her position as director of curriculum and
instruction for the Novato Unified School
district. She is currently an educational
consultant for professional development and
new teacher support.
Class of
The Maryknoll Class of 1957 celebrated
their 60th birthdays with a reunion in Reno,
NV. The reunion was held on June 9 – 13 at
the Flamingo Hilton Hotel. Twenty-seven
classmates, family members, and friends
attended this event. The reunion included a
banquet and the Tahoe-Carson-Virginia City
“Romance of the Sierras” tour. However, the
highlight was meeting classmates, especially
those who were last seen on graduation night.
Classmates attending included Pat Gilsey
Eng and Edward Pfeiffer from Seattle, WA
and Edmond Young from Portland, OR.
Edwin Ferreira flew in from Maui. The
Honolulu contingent included Lorraine
Shirai Maeda, Amparo Padilla, Sadie Mau
Lew, Michael and Pat Chu Ho, Paul
Chinen, and Lionel and Barbara Elias Iseri.
Class of
The class of 1958 is planning a 60th birthday party in Las Vegas, NV at the California
Hotel, Ohana room on Saturday, October 7,
2000 at about 5:30 pm. Make your reservations early since all 1958 graduates from all
schools have been invited. There will be
food, music, entertainment by “Kanekapila”,
no host cocktails, and much more. Cost
should be approximately $25.00. Contact
Nastia “Maxine” Chisteckoff Vickery (808)
262-7466, 1478 Akialoa Place, Kailua, HI
96734 or Jackie DePonte Kaanoi (702) 3994737, 1317 Heather Ridge Road, North Las
Vegas, NV 89031. There is a limited amount
of space on a Hawaii package from Honolulu.
Call Maxine on this ASAP. Hope to see you
Class of
Nakamoto Mastropaolo attended Marquette
University in Milwaukee, WI and moved to
Seattle in 1966. She works as a research
scientist at the UW and has two daughters. At
age 35, she took up volleyball and still enjoys
playing twice a week.
Carol Ann Bryan Sousa and husband,
Herb, recently celebrated their 35th wedding
anniversary. They are enjoying semi-retirement and all of their grandchildren, Taylor
and Zachary (6), Shannon (4), Avery (2), and
Dominic (1). Carol is a food demonstrator at
the Hawaii Kai Costco and enjoying it! She
says, “Letting people try all the many different products makes them happy and therefore
that makes me happy too!” Betty Murakami
Patty Lum Maffit moved to Seattle in the
early 70’s and has made it her permanent
home. She still comes home to Hawaii once
or twice a year, still keeps in touch with her
Maryknoll buddies, and continues to eat li
hing mui! Guy De Primo has been teaching
mathematics at the City College of San
Francisco since 1982. He was also the codirector for a grant that provided mathematics professional development for all 1400 K5 teachers in the SF Unified School District.
Bruce W. Mechling and his family have
returned to islands after a 35 year “leave of
absence”. His wife Elmeda is taking a wellearned break from being a nursing supervisor
for 25+ years. Their son, Bruce II, is
currently at St. Louis School. (Because
Maryknoll did not have any openings, Bruce
Class of
1961 – Carol and Herb Sousa
Class of
Life is full and work is rewarding according to Catherine A. Affatica Agor. And full
it is! She is the director of religious education for St. Rita’s Parish in Nanakuli, part
time retreat coordinator at the Chaminade
University Campus Ministry Office, a second
term co-chairwoman for the Women’s
Concerns Committee for the Diocese, and
also very involved with Synod affairs. Cary
Jane (“C.J.”) Miller is a flight attendant for
United Airlines and based in Los Angeles,
CA. C.J. says, “Caring for Mom and Dad,
flying, home, church, volunteer work at
Sherman Gardens, dance fitness, my Italian
class, and FRIENDS keep me hopping.” A
recent big highlight for her was going up in a
hot air balloon last June.
Class of
Bedda J. Bergold Emous is an investment advisor and has her own financial planning and management firm. She has also
started law school at the New England
School of Law. Michael X. Dean and his
wife Kathryn recently returned from their
third sojourn to Italy. He says, “the country
continues to fill our senses and stomachs!”
Michael continues to work with the Santa
Barbara County Department of Social
Services serving as the deputy director for
children’s services and Kathryn is on her 26th
year with County Special Education Services.
Both Suzanne Elizabeth Casart and her
husband teach at English at Iolani School.
Roy L. Shults continues to head the litigation department at his law firm, Mitchell,
Silberberg & Knupp. He and his wife Dale, a
retired attorney, have three daughters. The
two oldest have followed their parent’s footsteps and have gone into law while their
youngest currently attends UCLA. While on
a business trip to Hawaii last year, he was
able to have lunch with former classmate
Yuklin Aluli and fondly reminisced about
old times and former classmates.
Class of
Patrica Muneno McIntyre was recently a
recipient of the Real Estate Showcase
People’s Choice Award. Patrcia has been
selling real estate for 20 years and is a
member of three professional organizationsNational Association of Realtors, Honolulu
Board of Realtors, and Hawaii Association of
Realtors. She is currently studying for her
Senior Real Estate Specialist designations.
Her free time is spent with her husband,
Bruce, her large family, and her cat. In addition to do this, she manages to squeeze in
some time to volunteer at her alma mater.
Patricia has a reputation for integrity in
her business. She is definitely known for her
honesty and for practicing the highest ethical
Class of
Kathy Elms Ulrich has been living in
Oakland, CA for 18 years with her husband,
Chris. She says she has been raising two
sons, remodeling their 1923 house and
watching the years fly by!
April 2000
Class of
Philip G. Kuchler, Inc., a real estate property management firm owned and operated
by Philip G. Kuchler, was ranked at no.35 on
this year’s PBN Fastest 50 list. The list
names businesses, which has had tremendous
growth over the past year. Kuchler’s firm
also ranked no. 17 on the PBN list of
Hawaii’s largest commercial property
management firms. Kuchler has moved his
way up from selling books door to door,
owning his own drilling company, and selling
commercial real estate. From there he began
a career in property management, starting his
own company in 1992. On a personal note,
Philip and wife Bonnie were married in July
of last year.
Donald J. “Skip” Riley Jr. has sold his
marine surveying firm and is now on sabbatical. His sailing vessel “Tuatha” is near
completion and he will be sailing south with
ports of call in Mexico, Marquesas, and the
Society Islands. Skip promises an alumni
slide show upon completion of the voyage.
Class of
Attention all 1970 graduates! Please
mark your calendars and reserve August 12,
2000. The class of 1970 will be celebrating
its 30th reunion. Reunion plans include
dinner at the Society of Seven’s 30th
Anniversary show, and more. Please help us
locate and update news on the following class
members: Mariette Asato, Michael Chai,
Kathy Graham, David Leinweber, Charles
Marin, Glenn Texeira, Robert Fleming,
Janet Shelton, Alan Juan, Cathy Lino,
Mike McDonald, James McKee, Don Perry,
Jacqueline Prestidge, Gregg Soleta, and
Robin Young. Please use the “Staying in
Touch” section of the Knoller if you have any
information on the above named people.
More information about the 30th reunion will
be forthcoming. Patricia Barnette Klinger
is an employee training specialist at the Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in
Seattle, WA. She is married to Jon Klinger,
an electrical engineer at Boeing. She says, “I
absolutely loved the education I received at
Maryknoll. It established a desire for me in
life-long learning, so I’m always enrolled in
one class or another. I do treasure our class
reunions. The class of ’70 rocks!”
Class of
James Au and his family have recently
moved back to Hawaii after living abroad. A
5th Dan Black Belt in traditional Wado-Ryo
Karate, James has taught Karate and Zen for
20 years. He has also built homes, restaurants,
and malls as a commercial general contractor.
Now in Hawaii, he plans to finish several book
contracts. He enjoys chess, golf, and sailing.
“Maryknoll had challenged me personally,
spiritually, and scholastically. That spirit of
achievement endures in its graduates.”
Class of
David Smith is an air force major and B52 instructor now assigned to support the
United States Army at the National Training
Center, Fort Irwin, CA.
Class of
John Osaki and wife Amy own a tour
company called Walking Softly Adventures
in Portland, Oregon, which specializes in
small group hiking and art adventures. Every
year they spend about four or five month in
Europe leading these trips. You can check
out their website at
The class of ’75 will be celebrating their
25th reunion this Y2K with a variety of
events this year. Their first activity will be
the weekend (July 14-16) prior to the Alumni
Week at the Molokai Ranch. All alumni
(especially those classes who are contemplating a reunion this year) who are interested in
going to Molokai Ranch, please call Jim
Hiramatsu (845-770) or Jicky Ferrer (6260160). For general information about
Molokai Ranch, check out their website at
Class of
Kenneth “Marty” Fletcher is the executive training director for the Education and
Training Center in Kent, WA. Marty breeds
Jack Russell Terriers and is engaged to Linda
A. Lorentz.
Class of
Linda Saiki Miyauchi graduated from
Seattle University in 1983 where she
received her bachelors and masters degree in
rehabilitation counseling. She presently
works for her husband, Dale Miyauchi, who
is a family medicine physician. Linda and
Dale have three children, Kalene (14),
Michele (10), and Steven (7). Jill Freitas
Tanga attended Kapiolani Community
College and UH. She and husband Mark
have two children, Adam (11) and Kelly (8).
She works part time for Horizon Air and lives
in Kent, WA. Laurie Dang Schmidt
received her BSN from Creighton University
in 1982. She currently resides in Renton, WA
with her husband, Charlie, and their two children, Sarah (9) and Jimmy (6). The most
recent addition to their family is a Shar-pei
from Hawaii!
Class of
Dr. Laurie S.Y. Tyau, currently resides in
Rockville, MD, has been named one of the
top doctors in the Washington, DC area by
the Washingtonian Magazine. She is an
obstetrician-gynecologist with Capital
Women’s Care.
Class of
In June of 1999, three Hawaiian
paddling crews participated in New York’s
3rd Annual “Liberty Challenge” – a 15 mile
outrigger canoe race around the island of
Manhattan. Kelly Fey was among the
Hawaii superstar athletes participating in the
race. Eric Watt will be tying the knot next
year. He and fiancé, Robin, will marry in
September of 2000. Damon Fletcher and
wife Polly have been married for 13 years
and call Seattle their home. They have two
children, Brandon (9) and Marina (7). He
says, “The friends I made at Maryknoll are
still my best friends.” Wendell Yuen lives
in Tacoma, WA and works for Boeing as a
Facilities Project Administrator. He says he
still loves his fishing!
Class of
While covering the “Net Aid” concert
event at Giant’s Stadium in New Jersey for
her CNN show, “World Beat”, Brooke
Alexander came across a familiar face,
Darilene Flores Bartnick. She was traveling
with her husband who works for Cisco
systems, which sponsored the musical event.
In June of last year, Brooke was pleasantly
surprised when she ran into Kelly Fey while
Kelly participated in the New York Liberty
Challenge. Karen L.H. Watt Cowman and
her husband, Paul, recently started a homebased business called Iconic Digital Arts.
The company is a full service graphics design
company. Karen and Paul have two children,
Joseph Paul (9) and Jessica Marie (8). The
class of 1980 is planning their 20th reunion.
For more information you can email Isabella
Wooldridge at
Class of
Susan Fletcher Tillery and husband,
Jeffrey, have been married for 10 years and
live in Seattle, WA with their two
Chihuahuas. She is the C.P.A. and C.F.O. of a
major ophthalmology group and Jeffrey
works as a mortgage banker.
Class of
We have a celebrity in our midst!
Maryknoll School received a lot of media
attention in February due to a theft in the
development office. The thieves were caught
on a camera that was set up by Maryknoll’s
technology coordinator, Jim Morris II ’85.
Jim became an overnight celebrity, appearing
on all three news stations and doing a live
broadcast with Perry and Price from KSSK
radio. Perry and Price called him their “hero
of the day.” He certainly is our hero here at
Class of
Ray Boland works for the National
Marine Fisheries, which recently received
attention when a record number of Hawaiian
Monk seals became entangled in abandoned
fishing nets drifting across the Pacific. Ray
was among those inspecting the nets pulled
up during a monthlong expedition. Lucy
Baraquio Rossi lives in Seattle with husband,
Geoffrey, and children, Lorenzo (3), and
Cosmo (3 mo). She’s currently working for
Callison Architecture designing Nordstrom
stores nationally.
Class of
Kathy Ching Viniegas just started her
own hair and beauty salon called H-2-0,
located in the Honolulu Club Building. She
hopes other alumni will come and visit.
“We’re always giving specials!” Kathy also
just had her fourth child, Kailee, on July 2,
1999. Steve Bugman and his sister Alice
Bugman ’95 met up with Brooke Alexander
’80 in New York. Steve was in town for training after starting work at A.T. Kearney, a
management consulting firm. Alice is in
public relations with GCI. Both Bugmans
saw Brook shoot her new show, Soap Center,
for Disney’s new 24-hour soap opera
network. They all had dinner after the show
and enjoyed Italian food with fond Hawaiian
memories. Congratulations to Blaine Gier
’88 and Misty Daos Gier ’93. They are the
proud new parents of Kiari Rainne Hisako
Kealohilani Gier born on February 12, 2000.
Class of
Congratulations to Rudy King and wife,
Faith on the birth of their son,
Kahakupihamekaha‘aha‘a Reign King on
1999. He weighed
10 pounds and 4
ounces and was 22
inches long. Rudy
and Faith also
have two other
c h i l d r e n ,
Mehemanu (4) and
Kapi’inaokala (2).
Thanks to Rudy and his new music group
Horizons, Holiday Homecoming 1999 was
treated to Horizon’s contemporary Hawaiian
music sounds. Rudy and his partner are
expecting to release a new CD in January
2000. Good luck to both of you! Annemarie
Roll and sister Elizabeth Roll ’92 both reside
in Arlington, VA. Annemarie is an attorney
for the United States Justice Department and
Elizabeth is an administrative assistant for the
Justice Department.
Joedy Blackstad
attended Seattle University where he met his
wife, Ana. They currently reside in Kent,
WA. Joedy is a software test engineer with
Concur Technologies and Ana is a technology
specialist with a non-profit company. He
keeps busy paddling for the Kikaha O Ke Kai
Outrigger Canoe Club while Ana is looking to
start hula. “Even though we live far away, we
still try to keep our roots with Hawai‘i
strong.” Creighton Pang just moved from
Los Angeles to San Francisco last October.
He is working at Sephora USA, LLC.
Class of
Carianne W.T. Chang Abara and
husband, Alan, recently celebrated their 1st
wedding anniversary in September 12, 1999.
She graduated from UH and is currently
working at AM Partners, a local architectural
firm where she has a
few more months of
internship before she
can begin taking her
license to become an
architect. Jennifer
Ishii Willing and
husband, Chad were married in July 11,1998.
Jen is currently working for Easter Seals and
Chad is the manager at Aina Haina 76 service
station. Kathryn Molyneux Ferreira resides
in Jacksonville, NC, and thoroughly enjoys
her job working at a neonatal intensive care
unit (NICU). Kathryn got a chance to visit
Hawai‘i last summer, had a wonderful time
and can’t wait for their class reunion! Kevin
Corcoran lives in San Francisco, is working
towards a teaching certificate, and currently
substitute teaching. Kathy Silva Hancock
and Robert Hancock
were married on
September 4, 1999.
They both just moved
from Los Angeles to
Las Vegas. Alicia
Streff Pelter and her
husband, Jeffrey currently live in Lansdale,
PA with their 3 year old son, Adam Christian.
Alicia works as a partial hospital after-care
case manager at Wordsworth.
Class of
Bill Vericker is in his second year of law
school at the Catholic University of America
in Washington DC. He says he is “now 50%
of a lawyer!” He has been very busy over the
summer, interning for Patsy Mink, and meeting several famous people on the “Hill” such
as Strom Thurmond, Henry Hyde, and Steve
Largent. Bill had a once in a lifetime chance
to meet the president of the United States.
Bill describes the “other Bill” as very
gracious and that he actually spoke to him for
a full 30 seconds! Michelle M. Klein
Morgan is back to the books again. She is
currently attending graduate school at the
University of Wisconsin, Madison, in
American History.
April 2000
Class of
Kelly Corcoran is currently attending
San Francisco State for an MA in biology in
the fall of 2000. She is pursuing a career in
wildlife conservation.
Class of
Hae Young Lee recently graduated with a
degree in anthropology and sociology from
the University of Chicago. She also did a
semester abroad in Rome. Jack Orimoto
graduated from the University of Hawaii with
a BBA in accounting.. He is currently working on a master’s in accounting at UH.
Christina Sybinsky graduated from St.
Vincent College in Pennsylvania last year
with a degree in political science and is working as a project supervisor for a market
research company in Pittsburgh.
Class of
Bradley Donaldson graduated in May
1999 from the University of North Dakota
with a BA in aeronautics. While completing
his junior and senior years, he worked for the
university as a flight instructor. He is
currently employed as First Officer for
Horizons Airlines and resides in Seattle, WA.
Brad is truly living out his dream of flying.
Class of
Ched Cordero is in her senior year at the
University of Puget Sound where she is
pursuing a degree in international business
and a minor in psychology. Last summer, she
was able to travel to the Philippines where
she interned with McCahn Erickson
Philippines, a subsidiary of McCahn
Erickson Advertising. Ched says the whole
experience was exciting! She is currently
interning at Weyerhaeuser and will graduate
this spring. Eileen Gaspar attends the
University of Washington and is majoring in
microbiology. She recently was named as a
Mary Gates Scholar Leadership Grant recipient. The award is for the various community
service projects she organizes for Seattle’s
Asian and Pacific Islander Community. This
year, she will be applying to medical schools
in Hawaii, California, New York, and
Chicago. Eileen eventually wants to practice
as a public health physician.
Class of
Jess Kroll has published a nine-page
comic book based on a story he won an
award for at Maryknoll. It can be found online at the Frantic Productions website In
December, he received his associate degree in
criminal justice from Chaminade University
and is moving to Las Vegas for a few months
before he transfers to a school in California
for the fall 2000 semester. Brent Lau is in his
junior year at USF studying communications.
Brent is the PA announcer for USF volleyball,
soccer, and baseball, a media relations assistant for all USF sports, and the host of “The
More Music Morning Show” on KDNZ,
USF’s student radio station. In case you want
to listen to Brent, he is on five days a week
from 6-9am. Jody R. Akana lives in
Fremont, CA and is working as an engineering program specialist for Apple Computer in
Cupertino, CA.
Class of
Janel Hatton Santiago currently attends
the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). She
is in her sophomore year, majoring in
mechanical engineering. Janel is actively
involved in other school activities such as
planning the IIT homecoming week , joining
the Alpha Sigma Sorority and is the secretary
for the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers IIT chapter. Kristopher Kern is
attending the University of San Francisco,
double majoring in philosophy and politics.
Celeste Malia attends the University of the
Pacific in Stockton, CA, majoring in business. Cliford and Jodi Ann Oshiro Nakaoka
just had their second baby girl, Chelsea Marie
P.K. Nakaoka, on October 4, 1999.
Class of
Christine Lynn M. Lau is currently
attending the University of Washington. Lisa
Eakman attends the University of Notre
Dame and, although undecided in her major,
is in the honors program. She is actively
involved in school being a member in the
Women’s Liturgical Choir, Fellowship of the
Holy Spirit and Praise group, and the Notre
Dame Ambassador’s program. Lisa was
fortunate to come home for a month during
the Christmas break. You can reach Lisa at
Mary Susan Montez ’65 passed away on February 5, 1999.
Shortly after graduation, Mary stayed to work in Colorado where
she met her husband, Larry. Colorado is where they made their
permanent home. She was the music coordinator at the Church
of the Blessed Sacrament in Denver. Mary is survived by her
husband, Larry and their children, John, Tina, Angel, Rick,
David, and Ben.
Betty K. Lum ’49 departed to eternal life on January 16,
2000. Her career of choice was homemaker and mother and she
proved quite adept at it. She kept a terrific home for her husband
Stanley and her five children: Oriette, Stanley Lanihuli Jr.,
Elizabeth-Arlis, Lila Lilinoe, and Kimberly. Betty’s family was
extremely important to her and she was very fond of her six
grandchildren as well: Shaunda Ann and Kerilyn Liu, Tiffany
Vegas, Megan and Devin Lum, and Brianna Magbual. She led
an active life until slowed by debilitating health. The last year of
her life was a difficult one, but she endured it bravely. She
taught her family what true courage was all about.
Join the Maryknoll Alumni Listserver Today!
The Maryknoll Alumni Listserver is an excellent tool you can use
to keep in touch with fellow alumni. Every time you send an email
message to the listserver, it gets broadcast to all subscribers. You can
organize parties, locate long lost classmates, announce special events,
and solicit help from fellow alumni. To join the listserver, visit the
Maryknoll School website at At the main
page, click on to the Maryknoll seal (labeled “administration”). On the
next page, click the “alumni mailing list” link listed under the development/alumni section. When the alumni mailing list page appears,
enter your first name, last name, and email address, select the
subscribe option, and click the “Submit” button. You will receive a
confirmation email and join the ranks of fellow Maryknoll subscribers.
To use the listserver, send all emails to: Your message will be broadcast to all subscribers. If
you have any questions or problems, send an email to: and, in the body of the message, type
HELP. You will receive a list of available commands in the return
message. Subscribing to the listserver is free and is a service to our
Maryknoll family. Become a subscriber today and enjoy the benefits
of being a member of Maryknoll’s online community!
Letters to the Editor
Letters to the editor are most welcome. A sampling of letters will
be published in subsequent Knollers in order to provide a forum for
your opinions and views. There are two ways to send us a letter. The
preferred method is to email your letter (either as a message or a
Microsoft Word file attachment) to: Or
you may mail the letter to: Knoller Letters to the Editor, Development
& Alumni Office, Maryknoll School, 1722 Dole Street, Honolulu,
Hawaii, 96822. Let your voice be heard!
Visit the Maryknoll School Website
For those of you who did not know, Maryknoll has a website. The
address is Included in the website is an
alumni section (click the Maryknoll seal labeled “administration” on
the main page to reach the links listed in the “development/alumni”
section), where you can find archived copies of the Knoller, a calendar of upcoming alumni activities, and coverage of recent events at
Maryknoll. Please stop by and explore the website. Let us know how
we can improve it to meet your needs.
Volunteer to be a Class Agent!
The Maryknoll Alumni Association is looking for a few great men
and women to volunteer as Class Agents. Class Agents help to gather
news on their fellow classmates for the Knoller, send solicitation
letters to their respective classes during the Annual Giving Campaign,
and work with the Alumni and Development Office to obtain greater
class support for and participation in the Alumni Association. If you
would like to join the ranks of our super volunteers, please contact the
Development & Alumni Office at (808) 952-7310, or send an email to
Lori Kern Carlos ’87 at
Getting Involved with the Knoller
We invite all Maryknoll alumni, parents, and friends to volunteer
at the Knoller as writers, editors, or photographers. Make an impact
by writing features, photographing reunions or other alumni events, or
joining our Board of Editors. At the same time, you will be working
with and meeting fellow alumni, faculty, and friends of the school.
Contribute to Maryknoll in this unique, interesting and fun way! Call
the Development & Alumni Office at (808) 952-7315 or send an email
to: We would be happy to answer any questions and welcome you aboard the Knoller!
Class Notes—keeping the Maryknoll family informed of the latest news on you
Please use the form below (or just send us a letter or email
message) to let us know what you have been up to. Feel free to
write about a recent graduation, marriage, memorial, promotion,
new job, address change, or what life has thrown your way. We
would be happy to print your note and let friends and classmates
see what’s new with you. In addition, please send us photographs
of yourself, family, friends, or special occasions. We are looking to
publish more photos in our class notes.
Complete and send this form to: Class Notes, Development & Alumni Office, Maryknoll School, 1722 Dole Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96822
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Year of Graduation: __________
Address: ____________________________________________________________ Telephone: (Home) ________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
News: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
You may also send us your news via email to
April 2000
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Permit No. 603
the Past
You are invited to attend the
which this year honours
Irmgard Farden Aluli
Evening celebration includes cocktails, dinner, a silent auction, and fabulous entertainment
Call the Development & Alumni Office at 952-7310 for more information and to reserve your seats today.
5:30 pm - Cocktails & Auction ■ 6:30 pm - Dinner
All tables seat ten guests
$5,000 Ilima sponsor
$3,000 Maile Sponsor
Plumeria Sponsor
Individual Seating