Most Holy Trinity Santisima Trinidad


Most Holy Trinity Santisima Trinidad
Most Holy Trinity
Santisima Trinidad
Catholic Church/Iglesia Católica
Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston
1713 N. Tinsley; Angleton, Texas 77515
Basilian Fathers
The Most Holy Trinity - June 19, 2011
The Mission of Most Holy Trinity
Catholic Church, a parish
empowered by the Holy Spirit, is
to spread the Gospel of Jesus
the Christ in order to bring all
people into union with God our
Father, through worship,
preaching, teaching, fellowship
and service.
La Misión de la Iglesia Católica
de la Santisima Trinidad una
parroquia bajo el poder del
Espíritu Santo, es proclamar el
Evangelio de Cristo Jesús, con
el fin de unir a todos con Dios
Padre a través del culto, la
predicación, la enseñanza, la
convivencia y el servicio.
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas:
Mass for Vocations/Misa para Vocaciones:
9:00 a.m. Saturday/Sábado – English/Inglés
Saturday Anticipated/Sábado Anticipado:
5:00 p.m. English/Inglés
8:00 a.m. Español/Spanish (Nursery/Guardería)
10:00 a.m. English/Inglés (Nursery/Guardería)
8:10 a.m. English/Inglés
12:00 Noon English/Inglés
Parish Staff/Personal Administrativo: 979-849-2421
Pastor: Rev. Maurice Restivo, CSB, x-118
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Duggan, CSB
Deacon/Diacono: Robert Ward
Deacon/Diacono: Luis Hernandez
Pastoral Asst./Ast. Pastoral: Cheryl Scott, x-109
Apprentice: Kristi Haas, x-108
Receptionist/Recepcionista: Rebecca Mireles, x-100
Secretary/Secretaria: Barbara Bohnert, x-103
Bookkeeper/Contadora Publica: Annie Damian, x-104
Ministerio Hispano/Hispanic Ministry: Luisa Lopez, x-111
Music Director: – Tim Dyksinski, x-112
Director of Parish Social Ministry: Mildred Wauson – 849-9458
CCE Coordinator/Coor. CCE: Norma Mata, x-110
Maintenance: Isabel Martinez & Eleuterio (Marty) Martinez, x-105
Confessions/Confesiones – English & Español
5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Thursday/Jueves
3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Saturday/Sábado
Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración del Santisimo:
9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Mon, Tue, Thur. & Fri.;
1:00-9:00 p.m., Wed.
Anointing of the Sick/Unción a los Enfermos:
1st Sunday after all Masses/1er Dom. despues de todas las Misas
Directory: (Area Code 979)
Church Office/Oficina---------------------- --------------849-2421
Church Fax----------------------------------- --------------849-2425
Parish Social Ministry/Centro de Servicio Social------849-9458
Parish Social Ministry Fax----------------- --------------848-3146
Resale Shop/Tienda de 2a mano ---------- --------------849-2767
Emergency/Emergencias ----------------- --------------849-1143
Parish Office Hours/Horas de Oficina:
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes– 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Zenit News Agency:
U. S. Catholic Conference of Bishops:
Catholic News Service:
Lectionary, Scripture Study:
The Most Holy Trinity
June 19, 2011
God so loved the world
that he gave his only Son.
— John 3:16a
From the Pastor’s Desk
Happy Feast Day! As we celebrate the feast of the
Most Holy Trinity, know that you are all in my prayer in a
special way. We are privileged to be members of a parish
dedicated to this rich concept of God. It is something that
all of us who call ourselves Christian learn early on—
three persons in one God—and yet none of us can truly
grasp what that means. We speak in metaphors, in small
attempts to describe something that is greater than
anything that the human mind can ever grasp.
My favorite attempt at an explanation is the Greek
word perichoresis, used by St. Hilary of Poitiers in the
fourth century. For him, the persons of God reciprocally
contain and envelop one another: “The Father is in Me
and I am in Him,” we hear in the Gospel of John. But this
concept goes even further: it can also be considered a
dance, a dance round and round. The Father and the Son
and the Spirit dance around one another in ecstatic joy,
enveloping one another, dancing to such joy that life is
born from it: you and I, each one of us in humanity, are
born in God’s image and likeness, products of the joy that
is God’s own existence!
Interestingly, both St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Basil
wrote extensively on the Trinity. It is fitting that the
merger of two parishes dedicated to these two saints
would take this name. It is as if the dance of St. Thomas
and St. Basil enveloped the people of each parish and
gave birth to us as Most Holy Trinity. How blessed we
Perichoresis is also at the root of Jesus’ statement
about two people becoming one in marriage. And that
dance of love and joy gives birth to new life, so often in
the form of children. So today I pray in a special way for
families, in thanksgiving for the graces that are, and for
healing of the inevitable hurts that come, for we are all
flawed human beings. And I pray specifically for fathers,
on this, their special day. May your fatherhood reflect the
life-giving presence of God, and may your lives progress
on the road on which God has placed you.
I write this while at my sister Kathy’s house. I feel
privileged to be part of a special human family that was
born of the dance of love of my parents; and I feel
privileged to be part of a parish that is dedicated to the
dance of love that is no less than God. May this incredible
God, three-in-one, fill each of you with blessings and joy
on this, our feast.
Fr. Maurice
Mensaje del Parroco
¡Feliz Día de Fiesta! Al celebrar la fiesta de la Santísima
Trinidad, sepan que todos ustedes están en mis oraciones de
una manera especial. Tenemos el privilegio de ser miembros
de una parroquia dedicada a este rico concepto de Dios. Es
algo que todos nosotros que nos llamamos cristianos
aprendemos desde temprana edad – tres personas en un solo
Dios – y sin embargo, ninguno de nosotros puede realmente
entender lo que eso significa. Hablamos en metáforas, en
pequeños intentos para describir algo que es más grande que
cualquier cosa que la mente humana pueda jamás
Mi intento favorito para una explicación es la palabra
griega perichoresis, usada por San Hilario de Poitiers en el
cuarto siglo. Para él, las personas de Dios recíprocamente se
contienen y se envuelven uno con otro: “El Padre está en mí
y yo en Él”, escuchamos en el Evangelio de Juan. Pero este
concepto va más allá: también puede ser considerado como
una danza, una danza de vueltas tras vueltas. El Padre y el
Hijo y el Espíritu danzan uno alrededor del otro en alegría
extática, envueltos entre sí, danzando en tal alegría, que la
vida nace de ella: ¡tú y yo, cada uno en nuestra humanidad,
nacemos a imagen y semejanza de Dios, productos de la
alegría que es la existencia misma de Dios!
Interesantemente, tanto Santo Tomás de Aquino como
San Basilio escribieron extensamente sobre la Trinidad. Es
apropiado que la unión de dos parroquias dedicadas a estos
dos santos lleve este nombre. Es como si la danza de Santo
Tomás y San Basilio haya envuelto a la gente de cada
parroquia y nos haya dado a luz como La Santísima Trinidad.
¡Qué bendecidos somos!
Perichoresis también es la base de la declaración de Jesús
sobre cómo dos personas en el matrimonio se convierten en
una sola. Y esa danza de amor y alegría da a luz a una nueva
vida, frecuentemente en forma de niños. Por eso hoy pido de
manera especial por las familias, en agradecimiento por las
gracias existentes, y por la sanación de las inevitables heridas
que suceden, porque todos somos seres humanos
imperfectos. Y pido específicamente por los padres, en este,
su día especial. Que su paternidad refleje la presencia
vivificante de Dios, y que sus vidas progresen en el camino
en el que Dios los ha puesto.
Escribo la presente en la casa de mi hermana Kathy. Me
siento privilegiado de ser parte de una familia humana
especial que nació de la danza de amor de mis padres; y me
siento privilegiado de ser parte de una parroquia dedicada a
la danza de amor que es nada menos que Dios. Que este Dios
increíble, tres-en-uno, colme a cada uno de ustedes con
bendiciones y alegrías en esta, nuestra fiesta.
Padre Maurice
The Most Holy Trinity
La Santísima Trinidad
Reflection by - Deacon Rob Ward
Most of us do not know how an electric light
works, how a telephone or television works, but that
does not prevent us from using them. I want to try to
apply this same common sense approach to the
doctrine of the Trinity. The trinity is not a problem
to be solved. It is not a riddle to be explained. It is a
life to be lived.
God is Trinity, so God is not an aloneness. The
very essence of God is a self-giving and a loving
relationship of people. God is lover (Father); God is
beloved (Son); God is love (Holy Spirit). We can’t
hope to encompass and understand the God who is
complete love, but we can be in awe and worship.
God is a community of persons, and since we are
made in the image of God, community and
relationships are the most
important things in human life.
Community and relationships
influence us in every facet of our
lives. In fact, we cannot be or
live without being in
relationships. Our most
contented moments are always
associated with times when we
are being generous and
concerned about others.
As we go through life’s
experiences, we come to see
more clearly that loving is at the
heart of being human. The
failures that pain us the most are
our failures in love. The happiest in our lives come
from the love we give and receive. Our awareness of
the mystery of God is not simply private and
personal. As we strive to follow Jesus, of necessity
we have to become more open, more aware of others,
and more loving. In so doing, we become more like
God in whose image we are made. The feast of the
Trinity is not supposed to confuse us with theology
we cannot understand; it is designed to comfort us, to
help us realize that God comes to us in different
ways. Celebrate God’s intimate love for us, and you
will celebrate worthily the feast of the Trinity.
Reflexión por Diacono Rob Ward
La mayoría de nosotros no sabemos cómo
funciona la luz eléctrica, cómo funciona un teléfono
o la televisión, pero eso no nos impide usarlos.
Quiero tratar de aplicar este mismo concepto de
sentido común a la doctrina de la Trinidad. La
Trinidad no es un problema para resolver. No es una
adivinanza para explicar. Es una vida para vivirla.
Dios es Trinidad, así que Dios no es soledad. La
esencia misma de Dios es una relación amorosa y de
entrega de las personas. Dios es amante (Padre),
Dios es amado (Hijo), Dios es amor (Espíritu Santo).
No podemos esperar abarcar y comprender al Dios
que es amor completo, pero podemos admirarle y
adorarle. Dios es una comunidad de personas, y ya
que nosotros estamos creados a imagen de Dios, la
comunidad y las relaciones son
las cosas más importantes en la
vida humana. La comunidad y
las relaciones nos influencian en
cada faceta de nuestras vidas.
De hecho, no podemos estar o
vivir sin relacionarnos. Nuestros
momentos más contentos están
siempre asociados a los
momentos en los que somos
generosos y nos interesamos por
los demás.
A medida que pasamos por las
experiencias de la vida, llegamos
a ver más claramente que amar
es la parte central de ser
humanos. Que las fallas que más nos duelen son
nuestras fallas de amor. Lo más feliz en nuestras
vidas proviene del amor que damos y recibimos. Ser
consientes del misterio de Dios no es solo algo
privado y personal. Al esforzarnos por seguir a Jesús
tenemos necesariamente que ser más abiertos, más
conscientes de los demás, y más amorosos. Al
hacerlo así, nos hacemos más como Dios a cuya
imagen hemos sido creados. Se supone que la fiesta
de la Santísima Trinidad no nos debe confundir con
teología que no podemos entender; está diseñada
para consolarnos, para ayudarnos a que nos demos
cuenta de que Dios viene a nosotros de diferentes
maneras. Celebra el amor íntimo de Dios por
nosotros, y celebrarás dignamente la fiesta de la
Santísima Trinidad.
Please pray for our loved ones and friends in
the hospital: Jake Ashburn,
Matthew Haluska, Joe Jasso, Todd
Liles, Andy Martinez.
Please note: An individual whose name appears
on the hospital list will be published for 4 weeks.
For an extension, please call the Parish Office.
Among Our People
Congratulations to Tommy & Betty Bromonsky
who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary
on May 20.
Remember also those in the nursing homes:
Cypress Woods Care: Elida Benitez, Karyn-Anne
Brown, Josefa Cruz, Eugene & Lenora Duval, Joann
Erdelt, Dominga Fleming, Michael Fuchs, Fannie
Garcia, Judy Homrighaus, Charlie Hundl, Manuel
Longoria, Guadalupe Longoria, Eugenio Martinez,
Carlos Medeles, Joyce Newmann, Sharon Nuernberg,
Santana Ramos, Josephine Rizzo, Greg Shelton, Norman
Ward, Leonarda Whittington.
Country Village: Cy & Elizabeth Adamcik, Rita
Anthony, Maria Aparicio, Betty Bartee, Charles Bond,
Kathryn Carpenter, Lucianna Farrar, Norma Garner,
Lucy Garrett, William Kolojaco, Lillian Pool, Deacon
Andy Shefts, Elsie Shman, Doris Soria, Matilda West,
Evelyn Zbranek.
Country Village Assisted Living: Emma Horky, Elsie
Kadera, Florence Kohutek, Lucinda Sendejo, Barbara
Shaw, Annie Walcik.
We express our sympathy to:
Charles Kaspar and his family on the death of his
brother, Dennis;
And the family of long-time parishioner, Margaret
Commemorative Pavers Summer Special
Commemorative Pavers for the patio at the entrance
of the church are available for sale. The pavers will
be inscribed with the name or message of your
choice. The Summer
In Memory of
Special cost for each
paver is $75.00. You are Grandma Smith
allowed 2 lines with no
more than 16 characters
per line (a character includes spaces, commas, etc.).
Please call the Parish Office for more information or
for help/suggestions on how to word your paver.
JCDA to host Fan Drive
JCDA, in partnership with United Way of Brazoria
County, is holding a Fan Drive until June 20 to
benefit local families. During the hot summer
months, many people in our community do not have
air conditioning or other means of cooling during
extreme heat. The goal is to
provide free fans to low-income
individuals and families that may
be vulnerable to the heat. JCDA is
asking for your help in donating fans,
window units or monetary donations
towards the purchase of these
items. All items will be distributed thru ActionS/
United Way of Brazoria County. Although summer
doesn’t officially begin until June 21, temperatures
are already starting to rise and creating problems for
vulnerable segments of the community – the elderly,
newborn babies and individuals with respiratory
illnesses. For more information, or to help, please
call Frances Barrera, 832-250-4534, Roseanne
Buentello, 979-487-5839, or any JCDA member.
Fr. Roy Oggero to celebrate the
50th Anniversary of his ordination
Were you here back in “the day?” Do you remember
the old St. Basil days when Fr. Roy Oggero was the
pastor here? If so, he would like to invite you to
celebrate with him at the 50th Anniversary of his
Ordination. His jubilee Mass will be held on
Saturday, June 25, at 11:00 a.m., at St. Laurence
(3100 Sweetwater Blvd.), in Sugarland, followed by
a reception. Mark your calendar now.
Weekly Scripture Readings
Monday/Lunes, June 20
Genesis 12:1-9 ................................... Matthew 7:1-5
Tuesday/Martes, June 21
Genesis 13:2, 5-18 ...................... Matthew 7:6, 12-14
Wed./Miércoles, June 22
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 ......................Matthew 7:15-20
Thursday/Jueves, June 23
Genesis 16:1-12, 15-16.................. Matthew 7:21-29
Friday/Viernes, June 24- St. John the Baptist
Isaiah 49:1-6 ....................................... Acts 13:22-26
....................................................... Luke 1:57-66, 80
Saturday/Sábado, June 25
Genesis 18:1-15 ............................... Matthew 8:5-17
Sunday/Domingo, June 26
Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a.....................................
1 Corinthians 10:16-17 .........................John 6:51-58
Stewardship Corner
Sunday Collection: June 11/12................ $9,322.18
Building Fund Collection ....................... $3,371.93
Mass Attendance - June 11/12 - Total 848
5:00 p.m. 176; 8:00 a.m. 255; 10:00 a.m. 417.
The entire collection next weekend,
June 25/26 will go to St. Mary Seminary.
Grupo de Oración –
¡Todos bienvenidos!
Liturgical Ministers for June 25/26, 2011
Ministry Saturday
Sacristan: Eva Gutierrez
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Maria Lopez
Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Betty Rees
Lector 1: Blanca Ochoa
Lector 2: Robert Pena
Victoria Calderon
Berta Aleman
Jean Nigbor
Glenn LaMont
Servers: Rebecca Jewell
Adam Infante
Miriam Jewell
Danyel Prioux
Agustin Carrizales
Gabriel Garcia
Yesenia Martinez
Myriam Martinez
Emily Dellinger
Alex Villarreal
Pete & Victoria Villanueva
Chrisitan SiFuentes
Katherine Soisson
Hannah Meadows
Hope Arce
Judy Jo DeVries
Eddy Garcia-Meitin
Eva Gutierrez
Annie Hernandez
Michael James
Carlos Jones
Beth Kaspar
Kelly Marksberry
Elia/Margarito Cruz
Lina Hernandez
Margarita Huesca
Juan Landaverde
Josefina Landaverde
Elsa Luna
Deyanira Perez
Marge Bankson
Steve & Liz Buentello
Suzanne & Bill Dellinger
Abel Gutierrez
Helen & Fred Infante
Carma Mass
Betty Rees
Roseanne Scoggins
Robert & Nellie Villarreal
Barbara Villarreal
T. J. Sbrusch
Glenn Comiskey
Henry DeVries
Oscar Greak
Roger Hernandez
Beatle Infante
Blanca/Santos Canizales Fred Sander
Felipe/Maura Martinez Richard Rachunek
Eluid Navarrette
Ram Salazar
Baldomar Silva
Ryan Sbrusch
Francisco Sustaita
Patrick Soisson
Jesus Ozuna
Joe Williams
Frank Dunkin
Sam Valdez
Altar Guild – June 19-25, 2011
Dorothy Wilbeck
Cada Martes - 7:00 p.m. en el Salón
Heyck. Para mayor información
favor de llamar a Juanis VillarrealCarrillo, 922-8227 o a Madelene
Martinez, 979-319-2110.
Apply now for a custodial
position at MHT
Part-time Job Opening (16 hours per
week) @ Most Holy Trinity Applications are being taken for
custodial position to perform routine
cleaning services of church building,
parish office, and parish halls. Must
be 18 years or older, self-motivated
and have the physical ability to
perform routine janitorial services
with minimum supervision.
Willingness to work occasional
weekends and holidays is required.
Please call Cheryl Scott at the parish
office, x-103, for more information
and/or to get a complete job
description and application form.
Deadline to apply is Wednesday,
June 15.
The Second Annual Youth Ministry Golf
Tournament will be held at the Freeport Golf
Course next Sunday, June 26, at 2:00 p.m. Cost is
$50.00 per player and includes dinner
and door prizes. Golfers and sponsors
are needed. Sponsorship is $100.00, and
is a great way to advertise or simply
support our youth. Call the parish office
for a sponsorship form or to
register to play. All entry forms
must be submitted no later than Monday, June 20.
Please help support our youth
as they work to collect funds for their annual youth
conference and other expenses. For more
information, please call Joe Vargas, 979-848-6348.
Register now for Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School will be held June 27-30, from
9:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon each day, for students entering
kindergarten through grade 6. The theme this year is
Nazareth...Where Jesus Was a Kid! Registration
fee is $20.00 per child (t-shirt included).
Everyone knows what it’s like to hear their Mom tell
stories from their childhood. Can you imagine the
kinds of stories Mary could tell!? Let’s take our kids
back to Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their
faith among people who doubt that the carpenter’s
son is really God's son.
CCE Early Registration will end soon
Please register your children now and take
advantage or our Early Bird discounts.
Early Bird discount fees are as follows:
Paid in full by July 1- $35 for one child;
$50 for 2 children; $65 for 3 children;
$80 for 4 children; $95 for 5 children and
$110 for 6 children.
After July 1- $50 for 1 child; $65 for 2 children;
$80 for 3 children; $95 for 4 children;
$110 for 5 children; $125 for 6 children.
Please come by the parish office to pick up forms.
We must have updated Medical and Transportation
Information Forms for each student enrolled in our
programs each year.
First Communion & Confirmation
pictures are here.
Please come by the Parish Office during
office hours to get yours.
New Altar Server Training
When we assist with the actions of the Mass, we
serve God’s Holy people. When we serve God’s
people, we serve God. The ministry of Altar Server
is a wonderful opportunity for young people to
participate more fully in the Mass and grow in their
knowledge of the church's sacred liturgy. There is a
need for servers at all the masses, but especially at
the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass. Anyone interested in
serving in this ministry is asked to please call Cheryl
in the parish office at 849-2421. Servers must be
fifth grade or older (by the upcoming school year),
must have been baptized and recieved their first
communion. The next training date for new
servers is this Tuesday, June 21 at 5:30 p.m.
Blood Drive coming soon
Schedule your appointment today!
Our next Blood Drive is planned for Sunday, July
10, from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in the Donor Coach.
All who donate at this drive
will receive a free t-shirt
from the blood center. The
need for blood is especially
high during the summer
months. To schedule an
appointment, visit and enter sponsor code
“0754” or call Barbara at the Parish Office. There is
no substitute for blood. If you have any questions,
please call Barbara at x-103. A picture ID must be
presented when you check-in to donate.
Gestetner color copier for sale
We have a Gestetner color copier in the Parish Office
that we no longer need. The copier, model #DSc424,
is in working order. Please call Cheryl in the Parish
Office to make an offer.
Attention couples celebrating their silver
or golden wedding anniversary this year
The 2010 Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Masses
honoring Golden (50th) and Silver (25th)
Anniversary marriages for couples with weddings in
1961 or 1986 will be held in September. For couples
celebrating their 50th Anniversary, the ceremony
will be held on Sunday, September 18 and for
couples celebrating their 25th anniversary on
Sunday, September 25, at 3:00 p.m. at the CoCathedral of the Sacred Heart. Whether or not
couples attend a ceremony, they are eligible to
receive a special certificate signed by Daniel
Cardinal DiNardo.
Couples wishing to participate are asked to call the
Parish Office, x-103, as soon as possible and register
their name, address, home daytime phone number,
email address, wedding date and the name of the
location of the Catholic Church where they were
married. Deadline for registration is Wednesday,
August 10. Soon after August 14, the Office of
Family Life Ministry will send registered couples a
letter with detailed information about the Mass.
They will then have the opportunity to RSVP.
Golden Stars, the senior group at
Most Holy Trinity, is open to anyone
in the community age 50+ Come
bring your friends and neighbors.
For more information, call Helen
Infante, 849-8895.
Tuesday, June 21 - Book Club - 10:00 a.m.
The group will discuss Etta by Gerald Kopland.
The Gathering Place will hold Orientation and
Training this Tuesday, June 21, at Carriage Inn in
Lake Jackson, from 9:30 a.m.-12:00 Noon.
Refreshments will be served. Pre-registration is
required to make sure we have enough training
materials. For more information, or to register, call
Brenda Maust, 849-5051.
Sign up for your family portrait today!
The following dates have been added to the schedule
for family portrait sittings:
July 8, from 2:30-8:50 p.m. &
July 9, from 10:00 a.m.-4:40 p.m.
Last chance to sign up in order to have your family
portrait included in the Parish Directory.
Please visit our parish website at to schedule your own
appointment for a sitting, or call Melanie Adame,
979-549-9332 or 979-319-6613. Also, bring a nonperishable food item for our PSM Food Pantry to
your photo session and receive a $5.00 coupon to use
toward your purchase of pictures.
Es Tiempo para un Directorio Nuevo
Es ya hora de remplazar nuestro antiguo directorio,
para que todos podamos poner nombres a las caras
que reconocemos y sentirnos más como parte de una
familia. Le invito a que visite nuestro sitio web al para hacer una cita
para sus fotos, o llame a Rebecca al 979-849-2421.
Le aseguro que ustedes están en mis oraciones.
Grace and Eternal Life
Moses is a man after our own hearts, for haven’t
we all dealt with more than our share of stiff-necked
people? Indeed, haven’t we all gotten a little stiffnecked ourselves at times? Complaining . . .
impatient . . . quick to anger. How lucky for
Moses—how lucky for all of us—that God is exactly
the opposite! And we don’t even have to guess about
it. The Lord tells us so directly. Accordingly, Moses
does what we all need to do. Even with the tablets in
hand, he bows down and asks for God’s forgiveness
and grace.
Encouraging us to live together in peace—and in
God’s favor—the Apostle Paul knows all about this
grace, joyfully invoking Christ’s grace on us along
with God’s love and the Holy Spirit’s. “Rejoice,” he
says. And when it comes to rejoicing, John offers us
the gladdest words of all: the assurance of eternal life
© Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
through Jesus.
7:30 RCIA Inquiry
9:00 Vacation Bible
7:30 RCIA Inquiry
7:30 KC Meeting
8:10 Puzz Schwartz (+) by wife, Frances
8:10 1) Alfonse Sbrusch (+) by Freddie & Jenelle
2) Rudolph & Mary Buchta (++) by son,
Greg & Teresa Buchta
12:00 Elena Trevino (+) by sister-in-law, Angie &
Tony Lopez
2:00 Youth Ministry Gold
9:00 For Vocations
5:00 Henrietta & Ervin Herzik, Sr. (++) by
The David Herzik Family
8:00 Ruth Gerrard (+) by daughter, Dianne
10:00 For all the people
Body & Blood of Christ [26
Entire Collection goes to
St. Mary Seminary
The Most Holy Trinity [19
Poor & Needy Coll.
Father’s Day
6:00 Choir
9:00 Vacation Bible
6:00 Choir
[July 1
Deadline for CCE
Early Registration
Peter’s Pence Coll.
3:30 Confessions
[July 2
Entire Collection goes
to St. Mary Seminary
3:30 Confessions
9:00 For Vocations
5:00 For all the people
8:10 Johnny Elder (+) by Philip Hunter
8:10 Connie Luna (+) by children, Ralph, Roy,
Ruben, Richard, Rosie, Rachel, Consuelo,
Rebecca and families
12:00 Steven Contreras (+) & Michael Anthony
Davis (+) by Philip Hunter
8:10 Eileen Lesch (+) by daughter, Pat Jennings
8:10 Elodia Leveck (+) by Pat Knopp
7:00 RCIA Mystagogia
5:00 Confessions
9:00 Vacation Bible
9:00 Bible Study
9:00 For Vocations
5:00 For all the people
8:00 Encarnacion & Luz Gurrola (++),
Marta Munoz (+) & Maria Hernandez (+)
by Lina & Luis Hernandez
10:00 Living & deceased members of the
Knights of Columbus Council 5155
Bulletin Deadline
Tuesdays at 12:00 Noon
7:00 RCIA Mystagogia
5:00 Confessions
9:00 Bible Study
8:10 Jake Bludau (+) by John & Betty Blaha
8:10 Shawn Heffernan (+) by friend, Frances
6:00 Legion of Mary
7:00 Grupo de Oracion
7:30 KC Charity Bingo
9:00 Vacation Bible School
10:00 Golden Stars
5:30 Altar Server Training
6:00 Legion of Mary
7:00 Grupo de Oracion
7:30 KC Charity Bingo
10:00 Golden Stars
Book Club
June 19—July 2, 2011
Baptisms: Preparations sessions are required for parents and godparents and a recognition Mass. Parents
should be registered in the parish and practicing Catholics. Call the parish office as early as possible during
pregnancy to pre-register for classes. Baptism will be set upon completion of the required classes.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): For individuals who are not baptized, baptized in another
denomination and interested in becoming Catholic, or baptized Catholics who never completed the sacraments
of initiation (Eucharist & Confirmation). This process leads to full communion in the Catholic Church.
First Reconciliation/First Communion: Enrollment in the sacrament preparation process is open to children
in grade 2 or older who are registered in the parish, faithfully attending Mass and enrolled in ongoing faith
formation programming. Classes include required parent & child sessions for both sacraments.
Confirmation: Enrollment in a 2-year preparation process is open to youth in grade 10 or higher who actively
practice the Catholic faith and are registered in the parish. Youth must be regularly attending Mass and ongoing
faith formation classes. An entrance interview may be required.
Marriage: By appointment only, 6-12 months in advance. Either one or both of the couple must be registered
in the parish. Marriage Preparation Program required. No weddings during Lent.
Holy Orders: If interested in the Priesthood or Diaconate, contact Fr. Maurice Restivo, C.S.B.
Death in the Family: Call the Parish Office before you make an appointment with the funeral home. We are
here to help you spiritually and emotionally.
If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 849-2421.