for which God gave all that He had


for which God gave all that He had
his week, we are asked to see
ourselves as God's Servants,
as "buried treasures" for which
God gave all that He had in order to possess--that is how much we are loved and
treasured. Each of us, with all our faults, is
that treasure--we just need God to blow
the dust off us! And when do we truly
"gleam" as that Treasure? We truly gleam
like the Treasure that we are when we imitate God--when we cultivate a "listening
heart," or an "understanding heart," like
Solomon (the Hebrew is "leb shomeya"
which could mean a heart that "listens" or
a heart that "comprehends.") If we would
be His Servants, we need to cultivate that
listening skill and the "heart large enough
to comprehend" another, and treasure them
for the buried Treasure that they, too, are.
-Fr. Bill Axe
sta semana se nos pide a que
nos veamos como los Servidores de Dios. Dios dio todo lo
que tenía para poder tenernos a nosotros, los
“tesoros enterrados,” así de tanto nos ama y
nos valora Dios. Cada uno de nosotros, con
nuestras faltas, somos ese tesoro- ¡Sólo necesitamos que Dios nos quite el polvo! ¿Y
cuándo es que en verdad “brillamos” como
Tesoros? Brillamos como los tesoros que somos cuando imitamos a Dios– cuando en
verdad cultivamos un corazón que escucha,
o un corazón que comprende, como Salomón
(del hebreo, “leb shomeya,” que significa un
corazón que escucha y comprende). Si en
verdad podemos ser Sus Servidores, debemos de cultivar nuestros talentos para escuchar y un “tener un corazón grande para
comprendernos;” y de valorar a los demás
como los Tesoros enterrados, porque ellos
también lo son.
- Padre Bill Axe
St Agatha is a special place, where we are touched daily by God’s presence among us. Rooted in the legacy of our founding
parishioners, we have become the dynamic faith community we cherish today. A gift to the future of our parish will support its
spiritual richness and many good works for generations to come. Please remember St Agatha in your will or trust. For further information please contact the rectory or Richard H. Closson, Director, Trust & Estate
Programs, LA Archdiocese, 213-637-7472, e-mail or Our
legal title is: The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sole for the benefit of
St. Agatha Parish.
-Allie Smith
-Anabel Manriquez
-Angelica Amezcua
-Arlasha Allen
-Barbara Harvey
-Bertha Antee
-Camille FarnsworthSchrader
-Charley Johnson
-Christina Paul
-Constantino Perez
-Cornell DeClouette
-Damacio Horta
-Darwin Varela
Theresa and Marie Guillian
-Devina Molette-Ford
-Dominique Barksdale
-Edith Bell
-Edwin Raland
-Edwin Rivas
-Elsa Perez
-Elvia Herrera
-Gabriel y Miralda
-Georgie Davis
-Giovanni Garcia
-Gladys Green
-Glen Arellano
-Gloria Sanguillen
-Guadalupe Morales
-Henre Dorsey
-Jack & Michael Stokes
-Jaime Rubalcava
-Joseph&Denise Guillian
-Juanita Rubalcava
-Lauren Lafargé
-Linda Guillian
-Lorraine Duperon
-Maria Perez
-Mariana Reynoso
-Mario Ojeda
-Martha Dorsey
-Maura Fitzgerald
-Michelle Porter
-Miguel Alfredo Piliado
-Monica Mellon
-Norma Barker
-Oscar Barbosa
-Pamfilo Velasquez
-Patrick Fitzgerald
-Paula Dupre Moore
-Peggy Anderson
-Penelope Mendoza
-Rafael Segura
-Raymond Almeida
-Rene Hunton
-Ricardo Morales
-Rita N. Ashe
-Ronald Mayberry
-Rose Thierry
-Sergio Villanueva Flores
-Sevarina Legaspi
-Sheri Marshall
-Silvia Esquivel
-Sylvia Smyles
-Teresa Casaus
“Not all of us can do great things.
But we can do small things with
great love.” - Mother Teresa
“One must see God in everyone.”
- St Catherine Laboure
“Love consumes us only in the
measure of our self
- St. Therese of Lisieux
To build and foster a Christian Community that
offers the opportunity to experience God
’s unconditional love and acceptance to all who come into
contact with it.
Construyendo y alimentando una comunidad cristiana que ofrezca la oportunidad de experimentar
el amor incondicional de Dios y la aceptación a
todos con quienes nos encontremos.
esus tells us in today's readings that the kingdom
of God is worth fighting for. Do we really believe
this and live as though it is? Sometimes we undervalue the gift of God's kingdom. Unlike Solomon in our
first reading, we seek a long life of wealth or power over
others rather than the pearl of great price, which is the wisdom of God's kingdom. Reflecting on the infinite value of
what God offers us in the kingdom ought to lead us to live
wholeheartedly for God. Let's ask God to give us the
graces we need to do this.
I know that I have said thank you many times, but I feel it
is never too many!! Thank you for all who helped make the
Picnic such fun. We had lower numbers, but just as much
fun. Hopefully more will join us next year. Thank you also
for the many ways each of you help St. Agatha's grow in
so many wonderful ways. You are each blessed and I am
so lucky to be the one who gets to brag about all of you.
esús nos dice en las lecturas que vale la pana luchar
por el Reino de Dios. ¿En verdad lo creemos y lo
vivimos? A veces no valoramos el Reino de Dios
como lo es. Seguido luchamos por tener una vida de poder y
en vez de luchar por una vida del precio de una perla, así como Salomón, obtener la sabiduría del Reino de Dios. Al reflejar lo que nos trae infinitamente el Reino de Dios, deberíamos
de vivir por Dios completamente desde nuestro corazón. Pidamos por la Gracia de Dios para poder vivir así.
¡Sé que he dicho gracias muchas veces, pero creo que nunca
es de más! Gracias a todos quienes ayudaron a que el Picnic
Parroquial estuviera tan divertido. Tuvimos menos personas
pero la diversión fue la misma. Esperemos que más nos
acompañen el próximo año. Gracias también a todos ustedes
que ayuda a que la comunidad de Santa Águeda crezca de
diversas maneras. Todos ustedes son una bendición y yo soy
la afortunada de poder compartirlo.
Que tengan una semana bendita,
Have a blessed week,
Sr. Karen
Hermana Karen
Video de Santa Águeda
St. Agatha's Video
Nuestro parroquiano Matthew Price estará
haciendo un video de bienvenida para la Iglesia de Santa Águeda. Parte del video consistirá de entrevistas con nuestros feligreses sobre lo que les gusta de la iglesia. Si están interesados, Hoy, Matt estará filmando en la
Placita después de las misas de 7:00 a.m.,
8:30, 10:00 y 12:15 p.m. ¡Gracias!
Parishioner Matthew Price will be making a
short welcome video for St. Agatha's Parish
website. Part of it will involve interviews with
our parishioners, about what they like about
our parish. If you're interested in participating, Today, Matt will be recording in the
Placita after the 7:00 a.m., 8:30, 10:00,
and 12:15 p.m. Thank you!
Pray for Your Parish Finances
Reza por las Finanzas de tu Parroquia
“With each contribution show a
cheerful countenance, and pay
your tithes in a spirit of Joy. Give
to the Most High as he has given
to you, generously, according to
your means. For the Lord is one
who always repays and he will give
back sevenfold” -Sirach 35:8-10
Sunday, July 20
Sunday, July 13
Sunday, July 6
"Da siempre con el rostro radiante y consagra el diezmo con
alegría. Da al Altísimo según lo
que él te dio, y con generosidad,
conforme a tus recursos, porque el Señor sabe retribuir y te
dará siete veces más" Eclesiástico 35, 8-10
Night of Praise & Dinner
Noche de Alabanza y Cena
Saturday, August 2, 2014,
From 5:00pm to 10:30pm
Praise with joy and enjoy the wonderful
music of our 10:00 a.m. St. Agatha´s Gospel
Choir, Miriam Solis with Mariachi, and Yesenia
Flores. Tickets are now available
after each mass in the back of the church parking
lot and the Placita Sunday Office
and Pastoral Center during the week.
Pre-Sale: $20 per adult and $7 per child.
At the door: $25 per adult
and $10 per child.
Sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014,
De 5:00pm a 10:30pm
Tendremos música en ingles y en español. Vengan y disfruten de la música maravillosa de nuestro coro de las 10:00 a.m., Miriam Solís con Mariachi, y Yesenia Flores.
Los boletos ya están disponibles
en la carpa que se encuentra atrás de
a iglesia y en la oficina de la placita.
Pre-venta: $20 por adulto y $7 por niño(a).
En la puerta: $25 por adulto y
$10 por niño(a)
“Let everything that has breath
praise the
Lord” - Psalm 150:6
“Que todo lo que respire
alabe al Señor”
- Salmo 150:6
La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
“Pues como el cuerpo sin el espíritu está muerto, así también
la fe sin obras está muerta.” (Santiago 2:26)
“Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead
without good works.” (James 2:26)
Te invitamos a que pongas tu fe en acción a través de
obras de caridad el martes 29 de julio a las 7PM en el
salón #4 mientras continuamos la formación del nuevo
grupo de ministerio de La Sociedad de San Vicente de
Paúl, Conferencia de Santa Agatha. Usted puede traer paz
y esperanza a los que están abrumados con las cargas de la
We invite you to put your faith in action through works of
charity by joining us on Tuesday, July 29 at 7PM in
Classroom #4 as we continue formation for a new ministry
group, The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Agatha
Conference. You can bring peace and hope to those who are
overwhelmed with life’s burdens.
Please join us for the book signing of “Meister Eckhart: a Mystic Warrior for our Times”, by Matthew Fox.
Sunday, August 3, from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm in the Stang backyard. Wine and cheese reception to accompany the book
signing. Please call Tom Stang to RSVP and for directions at (323) 299-6969
Registration Dates for First Communion
Fechas de Inscripciones para Primera Comunión
July 27—St. Martin de Porres Room, 8:00am-2:00 pm
Inscripciones en Domingo:
Hoy, 27 de julio - Salón San Martin, de 8:00am-2:00 pm
There are still registration forms available for the First
Year in the vestibule of the church entrance. For more
information Gricelda De la Cerda at (323) 933-0963 or
email her at
Las formas de inscripción para el Primer año todavía están
en el vestíbulo a la entrada de la iglesia. Para mas información: Gricelda De la Cerda al (323) 933-0963 o por correo
How do I register my child for Confirmation?
Registre a su hijo(a) a la Confirmación
Once you have made a mutual decision with your (15 to 17
years old) child, make an appointment with the Office of Faith
Formation: (323) 933-0963
Una vez que hayan estado en acuerdo ustedes y sus
hijos (15 a 17 años de edad), favor de hacer cita con la
oficina de Formación en la Fe: (323) 933-0963.
Summer Series: Prayer to Refresh My Soul
Serie de verano: Oración para refrescar mi alma
Our gatherings are open to all who are interested in
their prayer life or have lingering questions about God and
prayer. We welcome your participation and any questions
you may want to discuss. We ask those attending to bring
some simple food/ refreshment for sharing at our family
food table. Please RSVP to the office. If you have any questions, contact Josie Broehm at 310-791-1241. Our series will
conclude with a simple twilight retreat.
¿Te has preguntado ¿Cómo oran otras personas, o como mejorar tu modo de oración para que se sienta fresco y significativo? O, quieres aplicar la oración mas profunda a tu vida y su
acercamiento a Dios.
Nuestra serie de verano continua mañana , 28 de julio, de
7:00 pm a 9:00 pm, en el salón parroquial. Esta serie de 6 semanas les dará la oportunidad de experimentar con diferentes
estilos de oración. Esta serie esta abierta para todos los que
estén interesados en su vida de oración o tienen preguntas
acerca de Dios y la oración. La serie concluye con un retiro de
Les pedimos a los que van asistir que cooperen con comida
simple/ refrigerio para compartir en nuestra mesa. Por favor
reserve su lugar llamando a la oficina pastoral.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con Josie
Broehm al 310-791-1241.
St. Agatha Dream Group is Back!
El Grupo de Sueños de St. Agatha a Regresado!
Once again offering parishioners and guests easy steps to
work with your dream and their meaning. It's been awhile
since we last met, and you have continued to ask when we
can meet again. We have scheduled August 3 from 12:30
to 2:30 PM as our gathering time. Location to be at St.
Agatha and exact meeting space finalized closer to the date.
We will offer a refresher introduction and answer any initial
question you might have. As time permits we can work on
one or two dreams so come with your journals and written
description of your dream.
Una vez mas estamos ofreciendo pasos en los cuales pueden ayudar a dar sentido a lo que significan sus sueños. Ha
sido un tiempo desde que nos conocimos y me preguntaba,
cuando nos vamos a ver otra vez? Hemos programado el 3
de agosto, de 12:30pm a 2:30 pm como nuestro tiempo de
reunión. El salón exacto será finalizado mas cerca a la fecha.
Ofreceremos una introducción de actualización y responder
preguntas iniciales que tengan. Y podremos trabajar en uno
o dos sueños como el tiempo permita. Ven listo con cuaderno y descripción escrita de tu sueño.
Any questions, contact Josie at 310-791-1241.
See you August 3--keep dreaming!
Cualquier pregunta, póngase en contacto con Josie al 310791-1241. Nos vemos el 3 de agosto—sigue soñando!
Have you ever wondered how other people pray, or how to
expand your prayer so it feels fresh and meaningful? Or, are
you wanting to see how to deepen your prayer life and your
approach to God. A new summer series on prayer will continue tomorrow Monday evening July 28 from 7 to 9 PM
in the hall. This 6 week gathering will give you an opportunity to experience different styles of praying
August 2nd—OPEN / Contact:
God continues to send His
saints . Amen
Thank you, Lectors, Charlotte, Cheryl, Carrie and Barbara for the donation of the
meal for our guests, Carrie for
the prep and along with Flora
and her daughters Tanya and
Rosie distribution of the meals
to our guests.
This week we distributed 60
bags of groceries for the
guests. Many of the families
budgets are very stretched
when the children are home for
summer break and the grocer-
ies were a God send. When
you are in the grocery market
and have room in your budget
to pick up an extra box of cereal our guests truly could use it
We have three very dedicated youth volunteers, Rolando, Enrique and David they
come every Saturday to give/
donate their time and talent in
serving our guests. You can
see them volunteering in many
other St. Agatha events on a
Saturday or Sunday. When
they hear there are needs of
volunteers they ask their parents if they can come help even
when it means getting up really
early like 6am.
August 9th—7:00 am Choir / Contact: Dn. Ricardo
It is important that when you
see these youngsters to please
acknowledge them and
their dedication and commitment in being a blessing and
making a difference in the lives
of our guests and others. We in
the S.H.A.R.E. Ministry are
humbly grateful to their parents who planted and are cultivating these seeds of kindness
and caring in their lives by encouraging them to serve.
Please see the
inserts in today's Bulletin
Thank you. We serve our
guests through the grace of God
and your faithful commitment
to reaching out and making a
difference to all who come in
God we ask you to hear our
humble prayer for guidance this
day as we journey to be able to
look, see, hear,
feel, acknowledge and appreciate the gifts and blessings that you send. Amen
St. Agatha’s Ministries
Engaged Catholic Faith
R.C.I.A. - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Adult process to get baptized in the Catholic Church
Please contact Cynthia Metzler or Shirley Jackson
Early Childhood Catechesis
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. toddlers in Guadalupe Room
Bible Study
Fridays at 10:30 a.m. (meeting varies please call)
Children Liturgy of the Word
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Children 6 to 10 year olds
Youth Ministry
Wednesdays 7pm to 9pm—Guadalupe Room
Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick and Homebound
Please call Ruby Aklamakpe
Ministers of the Word (Lectors)
Please contact Charlotte Richardson
Golden Agers—Ministry for Senior Citizens
Meets every 2nd Sunday—Guadalupe Room
Relative Wellness - Yoga
Tuesdays 6pm to 7pm—Parish Hall
Free Tutoring
Thursday 7pm-9pm and Saturday 1pm-3pm– Room 4
S.H.A.R.E. St. Agatha´s Hands Are Reaching Everywhere
Serves lunches to homeless Saturdays at 4pm
Charismas Day Dinner and Holiday Boutique in November
Environment Ministry—Church Decorations
Please contact Joe Galvan to help
Hospitality Ministry—Ushers
Please contact Joe Galvan or ushers in mass
Music Ministry—Gospel Choir
Please contact Eddie Hilley
Associates of the Blessed Sacrament
Meets every third Sunday in the Parish Hall
Attention Ministers
Please help us develop a better list. If there is a ministry missing or if you would like to have your contact information, please contact the Parish Office.
Atención Ministros
Por favor de ayudarnos con esta lista. Si no aparece
un ministerio o si gustan poner su número de teléfono, favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial.
Ministerios de Santa Agatha
Fe Católica Dedicada
R.I.C.A. - Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos
Proceso para adultos para ser iniciados a la Iglesia Católica
Reunión: Lunes a las 7:00 p.m.
Celebración individual, llamar a la oficina
Ministerio del Grupo de Adolescente
Miércoles 7pm a 9pm Salón Guadalupe
Ministerio de Jóvenes Adultos
Viernes, 7pm a 9pm Salón 5
Ministerio de Eucaristía
Favor de llamarle a Herminio Zúñiga
Ministros de la Palabra (Lectores)
Favor de contactar a Humberto Sánchez
Ministerio S.H.A.R.E.
Sirve comida sábados 4pm
Cena Navideña y Boutique Navideña en noviembre
Yoga—Salud Relativa
Martes, 6pm a 7pm—Salón Parroquial
Liturgia de la Palabra para niños
Domingo, 12:15 p.m.
Tutoría Gratis
Jueves 7pm a 9pm, Sábado 1pm a 3pm—Salón 4
Baile Folklórico para niños
Favor de contactarse con María Elena
Comunidades en Acción—Teatro
Favor de contactar a Marcos Ríos o Claudia Vidals
Comunidades de Base
Favor de contactar a Leodán Rogel
Ministerio de Hospitalidad—Ujieres
Favor de contactar a los ujieres de la misa
Ministerio de Música—coros
Favor de contactar a los coros de la misa
Grupo de Oración
Miércoles 6:30 pm en el Salón Parroquial
Monaguillos—Servidores del Altar
Favor de contactar a Rosa Moreno
Encuentro Matrimonial
Favor de contactar a Liliana Rodríguez
Catequesis Familiar
Miércoles 7pm Salón 7
Pastoral Staff Directory
Saturday July 26 ╬ Sábado 26 de Julio
5:30 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Pastoral Office (323) 935-8127 (voice)
(323) 743-8127 (text messages)
Sunday July 27 ╬ Domingo 27 de Julio
1 Kgs 3: 5. 7-12/ Ps 119: 57. 72. 76-77. 127-128. 129-130 /
Rom 8: 28-30/Mt 13: 44-52
7:00 a.m.
Santos Ramírez †
7:00 a.m.
Luis López †
- De parte de Leticia Marcial
- De parte de Leonila López
7:00 a.m.
María Reynoso †
- De parte de su familia
8:30 a.m.
Our Parish Family
10:00 a.m.
Clarence M. Sorapuru Sr. &
Ethel L. Sorapuru
- Requested by the Sorapuru Family
12:15 p.m.
Ramona Martínez †
12:15 p.m.
José Cristóbal Velásquez †
12:15 p.m.
Rita Baeza †
- De parte de María Matthews
- De parte de María Matthews
- De parte de su esposo Juan Baeza
5:30 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Monday, July 28 ╬ Lunes 28 de Julio
Jer 13: 1-11/ Dt 32: 18-19. 20. 21/ Mt 13: 31-35
6:30 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Tuesday, July 29 ╬ Martes 29 de Julio
Jer 14: 17-22/ Ps 79: 8-11 and 13/ Jn 11: 19-27
6:30 p.m.
Nuestra Familia Parroquial
Standard Rates Apply
Faith Formation (323) 933-0963
Diácono Ricardo Recinos (323) 935-1308
St. Agatha's Web:
Sr. Karen Collier x227
Sr. Karen’s e-mail
Fr. Bill Axe x223
Fr. Bill’s e-mail
Emergency Contact
Dn. Ricardo Recinos x230
Dn. Ricardo’s e-mail
Enrique Reyes x224
Enrique’s e-mail
Teresa Amezcua x241
Teresa’s e-mail
Gricelda de la Cerda x 290
Gricelda’s e-mail
Emmanuel Montenegro x221
Emmanuel’s e-mail
Maggie Arellano x240
Youth Ministry’s e-mail
Eddie Hilley (323) 935-2853
Eddie’s e-mail
Parish Life Director
Priest Ministry
(323) 938-6964
Spanish Pastoral Ministry
Business Manager
Director of Faith Formation
Faith Formation Assistant
Youth Ministry
Music Ministry
Wednesday, July 30 ╬ Miércoles 30 de Julio
Jer 15: 10. 16-21/ Ps 59: 2-3. 4. 10-11. 17. 18/ Mt 13: 44-46
8:00 a.m.
Our Parish Family
Thursday July 31 ╬ Jueves 31 Julio
Jer 18: 1-6/ Ps 146: 1b-2. 3-4. 5-6ab/ Mt 13: 47-53
6:30 p.m.
Gerárdo Nicolas †
- De parte de Ana García
Friday, August 1 ╬ Viernes 1 de Agosto
Jer 26: 1-9/ Ps 69: 5. 8-10. 14/ Mt 13: 54-58
6:30 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Pastoral Office Hours
Monday - Friday • Lunes - Viernes
10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday • Sábado
9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Sundays @ the Placita Office
8:00 am - 10:00 am & 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Next Sunday Readings
-Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 3, 2014
Is 55: 1-3/ Ps 145: 8-9. 15-16. 17-18/ Rom 8: 35.
37-39/ Mt 14: 13-21
Mass Times / Tiempos de Misa
Mon: 6:30pm (En) Tues: 6:30pm (Sp)
Wed: 8:00am (En) Thurs: 6:30pm (Sp)
Fri: 6:30pm (Bl) Sat: 5:30pm (En/Vigil)
Sun: 7:00am (Sp), 8:30am (En)
10:00am (En/Gospel) 12:15pm (Sp) 5:30pm (En)
Submit a bulletin Announcement
Confession / Confesiones
Saturday/Sábado: 4:40pm
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