
The school uses an automated emergency notification system to alert you of school closings, delays or
other catastrophes. We will test the system on Friday, Oct. 2, 2015 at 11.00AM. You do not need to be
home, however, if you do not receive a voicemail or a call, please email and let us
know. You will recognize the call by the caller id “411-411-4111. Be sure to answer the call as you
would normally; the system will begin delivering our message only after first hearing a voice and then a
one-two second delay. If you would like to hear this message again, press the number sign “#” or call
into the ParentReach Notification Hotline at 770 406 5581 and enter the code “1610”.
Bei Notsituationen (z.B. snow emergency, Katastrophen etc.) kommt das automatische Anrufsystem
der Schule zum Einsatz. Wir werden ein Test am Freitag, 2. Oktober um 11.00 Uhr durchführen. Sie
brauchen nicht zu Hause zu sein. Sollten Sie jedoch keinen Anruf (oder Voicemail) erhalten, senden Sie
uns bitte eine email an Bei diesem Anrufsystem werden alle Eltern gleichzeitig
angerufen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie das Gespräch wie gewohnt entgegennehmen. Erst nach
Erkennung einer Stimmmeldung setzt mit kürzerer Zeitverzögerung die Ansage ein. Sie hören dann eine
Banddurchsage mit der entsprechenden Information. Um die Information nochmals zu hören drücken
Sie „#“ auf dem Ziffernfeld ihres Telefons. Gleichzeitig wird in diesen Notsituationen weiterhin über die
Schul-Website informiert.Eltern können direkt bei einer Hotline Nachrichten abhören. Bitte wählen Sie
770-406-5581 und geben Sie Code 1610 ein.
We are pleased to announce the GIS Parents Association newly elected officers:
President: Marion Rumpf-Steppat
First Deputy: Sandra Rehder (attends Board of Trustees meetings)
Second Co-Deputies: Anke Sulimma & Daniel Luebbert (attends General Conferences)
Co-Secretaries: Julia Meyer & Sandra Papke
Treasurer: Karin Dohle
The PA contributes to the life of the school and is actively planning various upcoming school events.
Urgent Reminders from the School Nurse!
Physical Exam Reports:
If you have not already done so, please submit your child’s physical exam report as soon as possible. A
physical examination report with the current immunization record is required for all new students.
For returning students, annual physical exam reports are required for all students in pre-K, and periodic
physical exam reports are required for students entering the following grades: ES, Grade 2, Grade 4,
Grade 7 & Grade 10.
6th Grade TdaP and Varicella Requirement:
If you have not already done so, please submit an updated immunization record with the record of a
TdaP booster, and 2nd Varicella, both of which are required for school attendance.
Dear Parents:
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the GIS Lice Policy, which follows the current
recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Harvard School of Public Health, and the
Centers for Disease Control. Critical to the success of the lice policy is a partnership between the school
and home.
Please review the following key points:
Inspect your child’s head regularly for the presence of head lice. Look for small silvery nits fixed
to the hair shaft similar in appearance to dandruff, but not easily removed. Where nits have
hatched, live lice may be seen. Please check your child regularly, as an early infestation can be
difficult to spot. Always check when your child complains of an “itchy” scalp.
If nits or lice are found, please call your physician regarding appropriate treatment. There are
several lice shampoos available, however due to resistance the over the counter shampoos such
as RID and NIX may not be as effective as other products which are available by prescription
only. Please discuss this with your pediatrician and/or your pharmacist.
Follow the directions on the lice shampoo carefully. Do not over-treat! Please note that cream
rinse and conditioners can decrease the effectiveness of lice shampoos.
Remind your child not to share or borrow combs, brushes, hats or scarves.
Children should stay home from school until they have been treated, and are lice free. Children
must also be cleared by the nurse prior to returning to class, and should come to my office for
clearance at 08:15 before school starts.
There is an open invitation for any child (or parent) to come to my office at any time for a lice
check, so please feel free to send your child to me for a second opinion.
One of the best lice combs available is the German Nisska brand, which is available from
We ask that if you find head lice on your child you inform the school nurse at (914) 948 6952, or by
email This information will be kept in strict confidence. Do not hesitate to call me if
you have any questions. As always, your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Mary Beirne, RN, NCSN
School Nurse