Concordia Nachrichten 2014-01
Concordia Nachrichten 2014-01
Nr. 529 Februar 2015 87 1 Nachrichten 141 JAHRE 141 YEARS 3 - 2014 ISSN 0384-952X Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141 Internet: or for e-mail: MitgliederJahreshauptversammlung Jake Liebel 22. Februar 2015, 14.00 Uhr, Concordia Club, Halle CONCORDIA IM FEBRUAR / MÄRZ 2015 Klub Vorschau/Club Events Concordia in February 7th Schenke – Edelweiss Duo 10th Weinstube – Advanced Polls for Annual Meeting 5:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. 14th Schenke – Valentine's Day Dinner & Dance w. T.C. Alpine Echos 14th Main Hall – Mardi Gras Costume Ball - doors at 7:00p.m. 16th FamilyDay – CLUB CLOSED 18th Schenke – Herring Dinner – ASH WEDNESDAY 21st Schenke – D.J. Novak 22nd Main Hall – Annual Membership Meeting 2:00p.m. 28th Schenke – T.C. Alpine Echos Farm – Winter Karneval Schenke – D.J. Novak Schenke – Edelweiss Duo Schenke – D.J. Novak Main Hall – President's Ball Schenke – T.C.Alpine Echos Office Telephone Extensions & Info Line Front Office Membership Banquet Inquiries Manager Payroll Accounting SUNDAY Halle MONDAY Halle Jaegerstube 1.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing 7.00–8.30 8.30–10.00 6.00–7.00 7.00–8.00 TUESDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00 Schenke 7.30–10.00 WEDNESDAY Halle 6.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 3.00–5.30 Jaegerstube 7.00 pm Jaegerstube 7.30–10.00 Weinstube 7.30 19.00 Weinstube 7.00 pm THURSDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 8.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00 Eisstock 7.00–10.00 Schenke 9.00 FRIDAY Victoria Bowl 6.45 Jaegerstube 8.00 Concordia in March 1st 7th 14th 21st 21st 28th Group Events 101 101 101 102 103 104 Gemischter Chor Männerchor Kinderchor Jugendchor Kinder & Junior Garde Narrenzunft Skat-Gruppe Enzian Group Senioren Gruppe (1st Wed. of month) Ladies Group (1. Wednesday of month) Horticultural Group (2nd Wed. of month) Bowlers (3rd Wednesday of month) Tennisgruppe (Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat) Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month) Senioren Garde Table Tennis Group Schach/Chess Eisstock-Gruppe Fussball/Soccer Bowlers “Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month) Reservations 105 General Inquiries 105 Ticket Sales 105 Portier/Doorman 106 You can call the extensions or announcements by using any touch tone telephone. 2 Bericht des Präsidenten Wo ist die Zeit geblieben? Mein 1. Jahr als Concordia Klubpraesident geht zu Ende und ich danke allen Mitgliedern fuer das Vertrauen, das in mich gesetzt wurde. Es war eine grosse Veraenderung im Concordia Klub, dem groessten “Deutschen Klub”, da ich als nicht “deutsch” sprechenden Praesident dieses Amt ausfuehren durfte! Es war ein sehr arbeitsreiches Jahr, mit vielen Sitzungen und Veranstaltungen, die ich 3 zu meistern hatte, aber Janice und ich haben diese Zeit sehr genossen. Ich danke Karl Braun und Matt Schuster fuer ihre Hilfe im Garten und Grundstueck, so auch ein Danke an Alle, die mich unterstuetzt haben. Wir hatten ein erfolgreiches Jahr, auch im finanziellen Teil, welcher in der Jahresversammlung vorgelegt wird. Es gab aber auch unvorhergesehene Probleme, die noch zu bearbeiten sind. Das groesste davon war die Zahlung an das Federal Government fuer CRA, was noch zu bewaeltigen ist! Danke an Ruth, Martina und Andreas, fuer die Fuehrung im Buero, Personal und Kueche, im taeglichen Klubgeschehen. Das Oktoberfest war wieder sehr erfolgreich, doch ohne die Vorstandsmitglieder, die ihre Zeit und Arbeit dafür gegeben haben, waere es nicht moeglich, dies zu bewaeltigen. Auch ein grosses Danke geht an alle freiwilligen Helfer, der Concordia Gruppen, die mithalfen, um ein erfolgreiches Oktoberfest zu haben. Danke auch an alle Vorstandsmitglieder, die mich unterstuetzt haben, um die deutsche Kultur, Tradition und Sprache, zu erhalten. Ich moechte nochmal mein tiefstes Bedauern an die Familien von August Popp, Guenter Jessat und Werner Metzger aussprechen! Diese 3 Past-Praesidenten standen immer mit Rat und Tat dem Concordia Klub zur Seite. Ihre Richtlinen werden wir weiterhin beachten um noch viele Jahre als “Home of Oktoberfest” bestehen zu koennen. Als Klubpraesident werde ich ein weiteres Jahr zur Verfuegung stehen und hoffe auf Ihre geschaetzte Unterstuetzung. Am 22. Februar ist die Jahresversammlung und hoffe , Sie alle zu sehen! Ziehen Sie sich warm an, bei diesem typisch, kanadischen Winter! Geniessen Sie den Kostuemball der Narrenzunft am 14. Februar in der Halle. Ihr Klubpraesident Rob Kerr PRESIDENTS YEAR END REPORT FOR 2014 Where has the time gone? As I end my first year as president of the Concordia Club I want to thank all of the members for having faith in me to lead our club. I know that it must have been a big change to have a nonGerman speaking and non-German understanding person at the helm of the biggest German club. There have been many obstacles to overcome but due to determination and perseverance we have been able to conquer these problems. It has been a very busy year attending many events and receiving many awards for our club; but both Janice and I have enjoyed every minute. I wish to thank Karl Braun and Matt Schuster for their dedication to this club as they volunteer so much time to care for the gardens and property here at the Concordia Club. I would also like to thank all the groups that helped supply the plants to beautify our property for the many patrons that frequent our establishment. We have had a good year economically and this will be discussed more in depth in the financial report at the annual general meeting. The budget was set very aggressively and we are ahead of this budget and last year’s numbers. There have been a few large unexpected expenditures for the past year with the most notable being the payment that we needed to make to the federal government as a result of CRA audit. Thank you to Ruth, Martina and Andreas who guide the staff in the everyday operation of the club, office, events and kitchen. Your attention to detail is very much appreciated. I would also like to acknowledge the staff here at the Concordia who take great pride in ensuring that our guests have a memorable experience while in our presence. Oktoberfest was once again a successful event and this would not be possible without the Board of Directors and the many hours that they put in prior to as well as during this event. Their dedication and leadership skills are second to none. The biggest round of applause needs to be given to all the members that help with the events 4 or volunteer their time in the group booths during Oktoberfest. Thank you to all the board members for the time that you spend in helping me preserve the culture, tradition and heritage of our club. I would like to once again offer my condolences to the families of August Popp, Guenter Jessat and Werner Metzger. These 3 men were past presidents of this club who allowed us to progress to where we are today. May they offer their guidance from above so that we can enjoy many more years as the home of Oktoberfest. Looking ahead to next year we will have some obstacles and large expenses but with From the Manager’s Desk Valentine's Day For the first time in quite a while Valentine’s Day falls on a Saturday! What a wonderful way to spend the evening with your sweetheart! We will be offering a Prime Rib Special for the evening. The regular Schenke menu will of course be available as well. The T.C. Alpine Echos will begin playing at 8:00 p.m. for you to enjoy the rest of the evening and dance the night away! I do recommend you make a reservation soon as we will definitely fill up quickly. Ash Wednesday Herring Dinner Ash Wednesday is a few weeks earlier this year. It is on Wednesday, February 18th. We will once again be offering the traditional Herring Dinner Special starting at 5:00p.m. Due to the Herring Dinner we will not be offering the Bavarian Buffet in the evening......just during the lunch hour. 5 your support we will be able to once again overcome all items that are put in front of us. I would like to represent the membership of the club by once again running for the position of club President and ask for your support in this endeavor. I hope to see you at the Annual general meeting on February 22nd and the President’s Ball on March 21st. May you all stay warm with this typical Canadian winter weather. I encourage all to dress up and have some fun by joining me at the Mardi Gras Costume Ball on February 14th in the main hall. Until we meet again, Your president Rob Kerr Advanced Poll The advanced polling will be taking place on Tuesday, February 10th from 5:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. in the Weinstube for those who will not be able to attend the Annual Membership Meeting on Sunday, February 22nd. President's Ball 2015 A definite highlight of the Club calendar! President's Ball this year is on Saturday, March 21st. As in previous years, your ticket will include a champagne cocktail hour with a wonderful selection of hors d'oeuvres followed by a 4 course dinner as well as a glass of wine with dinner! A great value for $48.00! Tickets will be available soon at the Club office so please don't delay in getting yours. This is an evening where we invite all of our community leaders to join us in introducing the new Board of Directors for 2015! I hope to see many of our members join us! With best regards, Ruth Rajna, Manager Concordia Bowlers Here are the results from our Turkey Roll in December. CONGRATULATIONS to the following winners: Alfred Kuers, Joe Wallner, Ted Hennebry, Ursula Uebel, Alfred Herzing, Nick Zeis, Manfred Zimmerriemer, Sandy Adamson, Linda Majunke, Vlasta Vacik, Stan Gaysek, Diane Hennebry, Rosie Gaertner and Christa Meyer. Our Annual Meeting has yet to take place as I write this report. News items will be reported in the next bulletin. Finally, best wishes go out to our bowlers who are celebrating a birthday this month: February/Februar Upcoming Events/Vorschau: 2. Lilli Neu Cosmic Bowl – February 13th 7. Sandy Adamson Last Day of Bowling – April 24th 8. Kerstin Saur Closing Banquet – May 8th (5:30p.m.) 9. Ingrid Kauck *Please Note: This is a Friday! 11. Beverley Gottvald Until next time, HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! 23. Ron Klein Monica Kauck CONCORDIA KEGLER Wir gratulieren den Gewinnern unseres Turkey Rolls (Bitte lesen Sie diese Gewinner im Englischen Bericht). Als ich diese Nachrichten schreibe, steht unsere Jahreshauptversammlung noch vor uns. Die Ergebnisse werden im nächsten Bericht mitgeteilt. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu allen Keglern, die im Monat Februar Geburtstag haben. Bis zum nächsten Mal, Monica Kauck 6 Campers Well, February has arrived, which means we are getting close to the camping season! (wishful thinking) goennt. Waehrend ich diesen Bericht schreibe und dabei aus dem Fenster schaue, sehe ich auch hier gruene Wiesen. Warum also in die Ferne schweifen? Ich befuerchte, auch dieser Winter wird mich noch Luegen strafen. A reminder to everyone that the Club's Annual Membership meeting is Sunday February 22nd at 2pm. Ansonsten gibt es zurzeit nicht allzu viel zu berichten. Unsere Trainingsabende werden zur Vorbereitung auf das kommende Tournament 2015 gut genutzt. Please plan to attend, so that you can exercise your right to vote, and to keep up to date on what direction the Club is heading on all matters, including the Farm. Allen Mitgliedern, denen es zuletzt gesundheitlich nicht so gut ging, noch einmal herzliche Gruesse und alles Gute. The camper's committee is meeting over the winter months, and planning an exciting summer at the Farm. Look for more details as we get closer to spring and summer! A reminder to everyone that the Farm is available for winter activities such as hiking, XC skiing, snowmobiling, and snowshoeing. It is closed for overnight camping. Don't forget the Outdoor Group's Winter Karneval on March 1st!! Bruce Emmerson On behalf of the Camper's Committee Tischtennis Gruppe Liebe Tischtennis Freunde, Die Weihnachtsfeiertage und der Jahreswechsel liegen hinter uns. Einige von unseren Gruppen-Mitgliedern geniessen noch ihren Urlaub im Sueden. Es sei ihnen ver- 7 TABLE TENNIS GROUP Dear Friends, The Christmas season and the New Year’s celebration lie behind us and everything is back to normal. Some of our players are still enjoying their vacation in the South. While I am writing this report and look through the window I see green meadows as well. So, why travel so far if you can have it here? But I am afrait the winter will not stay this way. What is the saying: „It’s not over until it’s over“!! Otherwise, I don’t have to much to report. Everybody is busy on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings improving their skills for the upcoming tournament 2015. All other friends, having some health issues lately in the past year, our best regards and best wishes for 2015. „Tschuess“ and until next time, Eckhard Michalski Treffpunkt A lot has happened in the last little while with our Treffpunkt group. Many joined in to celebrate Stiftungsfest in the Hall. What a wonderful evening we spent with other club members enjoying great food and friendship. Just before Christmas we were once again welcomed to perform at the Seniorenhaus. Songs were sung in both German and English, a cute rendition of Frosty the Snowman was acted out, and Jamie ( Diane and Andrew Hatchwell’s son) put on a magic show! Our christmas dinner at the club was a great way for us to celebrate and reflect on the year’s past events. We exchanged gifts and good wishes for 2015. As always, the food and service were wonderful! Thank you to all the staff who made our evening a memorable one! A winter getaway near Blue Mountain has been planned for a small number of the Treffpunkt members who are interested in participating in some fun winter activities. We hope they have a fabulous time and come back with many great stories to tell. As always we continue to donate blood. If you can donate, please do. Our Partners in Life number is CONC010846. Until next time, Andrea Schilha 8 For information, contact: Tom Mennill, Partner KPMG LLP 115 King Street South, 2nd Floor Waterloo, ON N2J 5A3 Tel: 519-747-8800 Fax: 519-747-8830 AUDIT • TAX • ADVISORY Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries Public Suite 604, 30 Duke Street, W. Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W5 Tel: 578-8010 Fax: 578-9395 e-mail: M.M.President’s Walters, Q.C. (1921-1997) Report Adolf Gubler, M.A., LL.B. A r e a s o f Pra c t i c e I n c l u d e : Powers of Attorney Wills and Trusts Estate Planning and Administration Real Estate and Mortgages Corporate Law Business and Commercial Law Weekend and Evening Appointments Available English and German Spoken Concordia Chöre Bitte finden Sie im Sonderteil einige interessante Fakten über drei unserer lieben Sänger die wir im Dezember 2014 verloren. Dennoch hatten wir auch unseren Christkindlmarkt, unser Weihnachtskonzert und Feier im Dezember. Wir waren auch Gastchor beim Millennium Concert Choir mit Alfred Kunz’ letztem Weihnachtskonzert. Es fand statt in der Benton Street Baptist Church. Einige Auszeichnungen von der Weihnachtsfeier: Ehrung 50 Jahre Singen: Ilse Gessner Sänger des Jahres: Nic Zeis Sängerin des Jahres: Ursula Dressler Ehrenmitglieder: Leo Tukums und Adolf Bretz Leo ist seit vielen Jahren der Chor Archivar. Wenn Sie jemals Fragen über vergangene Aktivitäten haben, alte Fotos sehen möchten oder Leo mit dem Archiv helfen wollen, dann frage bitte den Leo. Adolf hat sehr bei den Chorreisen und bei Führungsaufgaben, z.B. als Schatzmeister, sowie bei allgemeinen Setup-Aufgaben für die Stände und Konzerte geholfen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an all diese Gewinner! Es gibt auch einen weiteren Verlust für uns: Greg Will. Er kam zu uns am Anfang dieser Saison mit unglaublicher Begeisterung. Er geht jetzt zurueck zur USA um zu arbeiten, da sein Unternehmen neue Aufgaben bewältigen muss. Es war eine schwierige Entscheidung für ihn, aber er wird näher bei seiner Familie sein. Unsere Chorhauptversammlung fand Ende Januar statt. Wir werden sehen, ob es ir- gendwelche neuen Vorstandsmitglieder gibt! Kommende Daten: 22. Februar: Klub Hauptversammlung 14:00 Uhr 21. März: Presidenten Ball, Gemischter Chor singt Lied Hoch, Andre Schilha CONCORDIA CHOIRS As discussed in the Special Section, please see some interesting facts about our 3 dear fellow singers that we lost in December 2014. Nonetheless, we had our Christkindlmarkt, Christmas Concert and Party in December. We were also guest choir with the Millennium Concert Choir at Alfred Kunz’ last 10 Christmas Concert at Benton Street Baptist Church. Some awards from the Christmas Party: Honouring 50 years singing: Sänger des Jahres: Ilse Gessner Nic Zeis Sängerin des Jahres: Ursula Dressler Honourary Members: Leo Tukums and Adolf Bretz Leo has been the Choir Archivist for many many years. If you ever have questions about past activities, would like to see any photographs or would like to help Leo with the Archives... Adolf has helped immensely with choir trips and executive duties such as Treasurer, as well as general setup duties for booths and concerts. Congratlations to all these winners! There is also one further loss for us: Greg Will. He joined us at the beginning of this season with incredible, unwaning enthusiasm. He has accepted work back in the United States since his company has changed directions. It was a difficult decision for him, but he will be closer with his family. Our AGM took place late January. We will have to see if there are any new board members! Upcoming dates: February 22: Annual Club Meeting (Main Hall) 2pm March 21: President’s Ball, Mixed Choir sings Yours in song. Andre Schilha YOUR COMFORT IN RETIREMENT 483 and 507 OTTAWA STREET SOUTH, KITCHENER, ONTARIO Mailing Address: 483 Ottawa Street S., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5H1 Tel. (519) 745-1200 • Fax (519) 745-0467 Attraktive 1-SchlafzimmerWohnungen in gewohnter heimischer Atmosphäre Call the office for information 11 Concordia Choirs - Special Edition The most tragic of months was December 2014 for our Concordia Choirs and Concordia Club with the passing of August Popp, Günter Jessat and Werner Metzger. All were former Club Presidents. Günter and Werner were also Choir Presidents as well as August being on the Choir Executive. I will write some unique history of these three unique men. I have chosen some interesting facts directly from each of their autobiographies. The following cover a few different facets of their pioneering achievements in addition to their choir commitments. However, I firstly would like to present a poem written by Danuta Grigaitis. In ewiger Verbundenheit © Danuta Grigaitis-Gawantka August - Günter - Werner Sind nicht all zu weit von hier m Jenseits aller Wonnen, Sie sid wo aller Schmerz und Leid Und alle Tränen still verronen. Sie ruhn in stiller Ewigkeit Von Liebe und Frieden umgeben, Sie lassen allen Lieben die sie berührten Ein Herz, das ewig will leben. AUGUST POPP In 1965 when the Concordia Club bought the farm, the Popp trailer was the first trailer. When he was Club President, August insisted on the sign at the front of Concordia Club ‘Concordia Club, Home of Oktoberfest’. August was on the board of Oktoberfest Inc during the time he was President of the Concordia Club. George Christophek (the choir director when August started) – he worked for Schneider’s meat. He played the violin. That’s how the choir learned because they didn’t have a piano then. August could not read music. He could sing music. At that time he had to hear it in order to be able to sing it. At that time it was only the male choir. There were approximately thirty. At the 100th Anniversary the choir had the Essen Police Choir [from Germany] and the band here. He had two people from the band billeted in his house. The Concordia Club gave to him a home here in Canada. It gave him a sense of belonging. 12 GÜNTER JESSAT WERNER METZGER So Günter must have chosen a Monday evening to go over there [to the Concordia Club] to see if he could become a member. Low and behold there was choir practice going on. A man approached him. It was Julius Rauchfuss. Julius said, “Good evening, can I help you?” and invited Günter to join them. So that’s when he became a member of the Concordia Choir. He thinks that night he came home inebriated, because he enjoyed the company so much. There was one “Big Sing” at one time, This was handled by the North American Choirs Society. The “Big Sing” is when choirs came from all over North America. This was at the Kitchener Auditorium. There was no Centre in the Square at that time. Concordia was the first choir outside of their Society that was ever invited to take part and it happened here at the Auditorium. Günter was the first Club President to be elected by the members. Regarding Choir Trips: Günter remembered he went to CN and hired two [train] coaches to be hooked on to go to Montreal instead of driving in the bus. It started in Kitchener and hooked in Toronto [then] going to Montreal. Just like 1973 when the R.C.M.P. took part in the Club’s anniversary. They were 100 years old and the Club was 100 years old. For the Oktoberfest: Günter remembered at that time, they were so full of enthusiasm and the people were lined up right down to Ottawa Street and Günter used to go down and give them all song sheets. Then they went out and did sing-along to keep the line entertained. Regarding the 100th Anniversary Celebrations of the Concordia Club, Pierre Elliott Trudeau came to the celebrations. Günter was also fortunate to have met the Queen during her visit to Kitchener in 1973. The Concordia Mixed and Male choirs sang at that occasion. 13 Regarding the new Mixed choir: At the time there were two different executive boards and after a couple of years, in 1962, it was finally decided that two groups, who follow the same ideals, and have the same functions practically, could actually be under one leadership if you do it right. Then they decided to go ahead with it. That night Werner became the first President of both choirs. Some maintained that this would never work, and it’s still working today. Werner and his board decided in 1961, when he became President, that they should have a decent banner for our choir and this is the one that’s still out there. Werner was one of the founders of the Concordia Farm. Regarding the pool, the first time the pool was used was when Miss Concordia went in there. The water was so dirty, they pumped it from the river actually, and the filter system didn’t run it through yet. Rest In Peace Gentlemen, Andre Schilha Ladies Group Winter has definitely come in with some very cold Arctic Air. I hope it is gone by the time you receive this bulletin. As we have not had our meeting yet this month, there is not much to report except that our February meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 11th at 2 pm. Wishing you all a safe winter. Elisabeth Rowsell 1. KG Narrenzunft Concordia Hello Concordia Club members and friends!! On December 9, 2014 we held our Christmas Party in the Jaegerstube with 40 in attendance. Thank you to chef Andreas and his staff for wonderful meals. Santa Claus made an appearance gifting our seniors and new Kinder Garde with presents. Maskenball February 14, 2015 8:11pm Main Hall There are only a few days left until the Maskenball which is on February 14th. We had a wonderful season but sadly we close the 2014-2015 Karneval Season this same evening. Come and enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment including The Variations Band with Heinz Lindlau and The Narrenzunft Garde Dancers both Senior and new Kinder. Prizes will be awarded for Best Costume and we are so excited to see what clever costumes you come up with this year!!!! Doors open at 7:30pm, evening begins at 8:11pm and tickets are $12 at the door. Our annual meetings results on January 6th saw no changes to the main board. 2015/2016 executives: President: Manfred Kruse, Vice President: Heinz Wolf, Treasurer: Karin Kruse, Secretary: Joan Trautrim. As of January 2015 the groups’ membership including Garde dancers stands at 34 people. Thirteen new dancers were recruited with the hard effort of the Senior Dancers advertising both at Oktoberfest and on Facebook! Elaine Keller continues to teach the Senior Garde while Veteran Senior dancers Ashton, Hannah and Sara are combining their talents to teach the New Kinder Garde. This will be another fantastic season for the Narrenzunft. We welcome you to join our group, if you have questions please don’t hesitate to call Joan Trautrim 519-886-6009. Visit our Facebook page Narrenzunft Concordia for events and photos. Until next time….See you at the Club Alaaf und Helau, Joan Trautrim Outdoor Group After ringing in the New Year we now look forward to all of our upcoming events for 2015! (as published in the January bulletin) One of our most anticipated functions is Winter Karneval on Sunday March 1, 2015 starting at 11:00 a.m. at the Home on the Range. Come out and play in the snow or stay warm by the fire – we will have hot food and cold drinks available. Transportation to and from the main road will be provided by Argo or snowmobile, or feel free to bring your skis or snowshoes. Winter fun for the whole family will be had! For more details see our Facebook page: or call Andrew at 519-594-2112 Andrew Saur 14 15 K.G. 1 NarrenzunŌConcordia’s 48th Karneval Season Masquerade Ball February 14, 2015 8:11pm Main Hall Concordia Club Entertainment: The VariaƟon Band with Heinz Lindlau Performances by NarrenzunŌ͛s Senior Garde and New Kinder Garde. $12/person, Ɵckets available at the door. Doors open at 7:30pm. Food available to purchase. *Costumes are opƟonal 16 Senioren-Gruppe PROST “NEUJAHR” 2015 Ich hoffe ihr hattet alle einen guten Start. Am 13.12, 2014 verstarb ein treues Mitglied unserer Gruppe, August Popp, unsere aufrichtige Anteilnahme an die Hinterbliebenen. Unser Weinachtsessen fand am 10. Dezember 2014 in der Jägerstube statt. Danke an Danuta, Sofie und Heidi für die schöne Weinachtsstimmung. Für heute tschüss bis zum 4. Februar 2015 um 14:30 uhr in der Jägerstube. Im Januar wenn’s Friert, m Januar Wenn’s Schneit, Da Scheint der Holde Fruehling Noch Ungeheur Weit Rotrud Schaar Skat-Gruppe Hallo Freunde Nach unserer Weihnachtspause haben wir am 6. Januar wieder zu spielen angefangen. Unsere Jahreshauptversammlung war am 17. Januar in der Jaegerstube. Im Dezember spielten wir um unseren Silvesterpokal Die Gewinner waren: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Guenther Bauer Lothar Dahlke Nick Zeis Ulrike Ryzebol Oswald Radtke Herzlichen Glueckwunsch und wie immer: Gut Blatt Marcus Kallweit, Schriftfuehrer 17 SKAT GROUP Dear Friends we started again on January 6th after our Christmas Break. Our Annual General Meeting was held on January 17th in the Jaegerstube. In December we played for our Silvesterpokal The Winners are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Guenther Bauer Lothar Dahlke Nick Zeis Ullrike Ryzebol Oswald Radtke Congratulations and like always: Gut Blatt Marcus Kallweit, Secretary German Heritage Letters Part 3 E. Michalski Travelling south, leaving the two Hanseatic cities Hamburg and Bremen behind us, we will reach the Lowlands of Lower Saxony. Anyone who has never been to the North German Plain is likely to imagine that it is as flat as the proverbial pancake. In reality, it is pervaded by folds of hills which were formed during the Ice Age thousands of years ago. Huge masses of ice pushed their way down from the North to the Mittelgebirge, or Central Uplands. When the glaciers retreated they left their traces, primarily in the form of moraines and the Findlinge, huge boulders and hunks of rock which they had dragged for great distances on their journey. These Findlinge were used by the old Germanic tribes to build their graves which can still be seen best in the Lueneburger Heide. But landscapes never rest. Our ancestors changed the shape of the land. Almost the entire country was at one time covered with forests. Whoever wanted to plant seeds or raise livestock had to clear the land first. The German verb for this wearying task is roden, and we see it thinly- veiled in the many place-names ending in -rode (Wernigerode, Osterode). At any rate, Germany has come a long way from Tacitus’ description of a land with people lying about on bearskins when they were not hunting or fighting, and of a land rendered frightful by its forests and ugly by its swamps. The Bundesland Lower Saxony is known as one of the provinces of mainly farmland with only a few cities with a population of more than 100,000. The province’ capital is Hannover, the largest city, followed by Braunschweig/Wolfenbuettel, well known by the famous drink Jaegermeister and Wolfsburg, home of the Volkswagen. Many of the rural population are “bilingual” in the sense that they speak at least “two languages” fluently: High German and Platt Deutsch, (Low German). The Middle Age cities of Goslar, Hildesheim, Braunschweig, Celle and Wolfenbuettel boast a wealth of the typical half-timbered houses with richly adorned gables. Another free translation from the Roman historian Tacitus is: ‘The old Germans always had time for another drink’. Even today the calendar year is full of festivals, some of them centuries old. This is the time when people still wear their Trachten. To name only a few festivals or customs of this region: Hannover’s Schuetzenfest, or marksmen’s festival, was first documented in 1468. This festival is a mixture of tradition and family celebration. Highlights are the 12 km long “Marksmen Parade” with more than 5,000 marksmen the longest parade in Europe, the “Keg tapping by the city’s mayor” and the famous drink “Luettje Lage”. The Hamburger Dom, Hamburg’s winter festival, has been celebrated since the eleventh century. The Wedding Market near Nienburg in the Weser country has been held since 1630. The Easter Wheel Run in Bad Pyrmont is spectacularly ancient. It can be traced back to 700! In this event oakwood wheels wrapped in tow and straw are rolled down a slope. Polterabend, the term for a German wedding custom in which on the night before the wedding the guests break porcelain to bring luck to the couple’s marriage. The belief in the effectiveness of this custom is expressed by the old adage: “Shareds bring luck”, in German: “Scherben bringen Glueck”. By the way, the groom and the bride have to clean up the mess. 18 The city of Braunschweig, the former capital of Henry the Lion, with cathedral and Burgplatz, masterpieces of Romanesque architecture, and ensembles of medieval timber-framed houses is also well known for the tale of Till Eulenspiegel. Till was a jester who supposed to live in the late 14th century. Some historians are arguing the fact that Till was a historical figure, but proof of his life can be found in a mural in the Schenke of our Concordia Club. The Harz Mountains with the Brocken and Hexentanzplatz, the places where witches are dancing on their brooms at Walpurgisnacht (Night of Walpurgis on April 30), and the town hall of Wernigerode, only a short drive south of Braunschweig, are the setting for many ancient German legends and fairy-tales, with its giants, elves and witches as you can read in Goethe’s masterpiece drama Faust. Polterabend with broken porcelain Braunschweig, Burgplatz Henry the Lion The “Luettje Lage” (Beer and Korn) 1425 Bishop St. UNIT 15 519-622-7777 Wernigerode, Town Hall 19 Contact Mike Doersam Tagesordnung der Mitglieder-Jahreshauptversammlung 2015 Am Sonntag, den 22. Februar 2015, um 14:00 Uhr Die Sitzung wird nach der folgenden Tagesordnung durchgeführt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Eröffnung und Feststellung der Legalität Gedenkminute Annahme der Tagesordnung Annahme des Protokolls der Halbjahresversammlung 2014 Bericht des Präsidenten Bericht des Geschäftsführerin Langfristiges Planungskomitee Komiteeberichte Bericht des Nominierungs- und Satzungskomitees Gruppenberichte, sind nicht mehr pflichtig Finanzbericht Annahme des Finanzberichtes 2014 mit dem Bericht des Rechnungsprüfers 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Haushaltsplan für 2015 Annahme des Haushaltsplans 2015 Bericht der Kassenprüfer Erholungsgelände Entlastung des Vorstandes Ernennung des Wahlkomitees Durchführung der Wahlen Kaffee und Kuchen Bekanntgabe der Wahlergebnisse Wahl des Präsidenten Übernahme der Versammlung durch den neu gewählten Präsidenten und Vorstand 24. Entlastung des Wahlkomitees 25. Zum Wohl und Besten 26. Schluss der Versammlung Agenda Annual Membership Meeting 2015 Sunday the 22nd of February 2015, at 2:00 pm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The meeting will be governed by the following Agenda: Opening and determining the 13. Presentation of 2015 Budget legality of the meeting 14. Acceptance of the 2015 Budget Moment of Silence 15. Report of the internal Club Auditors Acceptance of the Agenda 16. Concordia Farm Approval of the Minutes of the 17. Discharge of the Board Semi Annual Meeting 2014 18. Appointing of Election Committee President's Report 19. Election Manager’s Report 20. Coffee and Cake Long Range Planning Committee Report 21. Election Results Committee Reports 22. Election of the President Report of the Nomination and 23. The new President chairs the meeting with Bylaws Committee the newly elected board. Group Reports, no longer mandatory 24. Discharge of the Election Committee Finance Report 25. For the well being of the Club Acceptance of the 2014 Finance Report & Chartered Accountants Reports 26. Adjournment 20 2015 JahresHauptversammlung Annual Membership Meeting Sunday, February 22, 2015 2:00 p.m. Concordia Hall Concordia Schenke Sunday Brunch from 11.00 a.m. 21 FOLLOWING 8 (EIGHT) BEEN NOMINATED FOR EL DIRECTORS OF THE THE CONCORDIA CLU MEMBERSHIP MEETING 2015 ROB KERR Nominated by: Karl Braun and Uwe Werner Schlueter. Club activities: Board of Directors since 2011, President in 2014, Security Supervisor since 1997 SARAH FR Nominated by Karl Braun and Member sinc Club activitie Treffpunkt, Board membe Occupation: T MIKE MA Nominated b Karl Braun an Member sinc Occupation: Retail Grocery Store Manager Club activitie Bowlers, Cam on Farm Com MARCUS KALLWEIT PETER B Nominated by: Karl Braun, Eckhard Michalski Club activities: Skat Group, Board of Directors one year. Occupation: Realtor, Board of the German Language (Concordia Sprachschule), President of the GCBAPA (German Canadian Business And Professional Association) Nominated Karl Braun, H Member sin Club activit Past Presiden Treasurer of th Occupation CANDIDATES HAVE LECTION AS E MAIN BOARD OF UB AT THE ANNUAL RETZ y: d Günter Jessat. ce 1994 es: MARTIN PATZOLD er – 1st Secretary, Teacher Nominated by: Fred Trautrim and Andrew Saur Member since 1995 Club activities: Choir, Treffpunkt and Tennis, one Year on the Board of Directors. Occupation: IT Pro ATICH ALI NOWAK y: d Ronny Horvath ce 1992 es: mpers, Outdoor Group, many years mittee, long time Camper BERGEN by: ans Malthaner nce 1981 ies: nt of the Bowlers, he Outdoor Group n: Electrician Nominated by: Karl Braun and Rita Allmendinger Member since 1977 Club activities: Board member for 2 Years, 1st Treasurer for one Year, Treffpunkt (past President), Club Auditor 2009- 2010 and 2012. Occupation: Lawyer ELAINE KELLER Nominated by: Rita Allmendinger and Horst Beyerle Member since 2000 Club activities: 2nd Secretary on the main Board, Mardi Gras Dance Teacher Occupation: Real Estate Agent BERICHT DES NOMINATIONS KOMITEES Die auf der Bildseite aufgeführten Mitglieder haben sich als Kandidaten zur Wahl bei der Jahreshauptversammlung 2015 als Directoren in den Hauptvorstand gestellt. Die Antragsformulare wurden vom Nominations-Komitee geprüft und für richtig befunden. Die Reihenfolge der Kandidaten wurde mittels einer einfachen Auslosungsmethode ermittelt. Directoren für den Hauptvostand 2015: Zur Jahreshautversammlung 2015 stellen sich 8 Kandidaten um die 7 frei werdenden Hauptvorstandsposten zu besetzen. Eine Person von den neu gewählten Vorstandsmitgliedern welche die wenigsten Stimmen erhält, verbleibt nur ein Jahr im Hauptvorstand. Buchprüfer : Für das kommende Geschäftsjahr benötigen wir vier (4) Buchprüfer. Elisabeth Rowsell und Eckhard Michalski bleiben noch ein Jahr. Helga Engel und Ursula Dressler stellten sich für zwei Jahre zur Verfügung and daher ist eine Wahl unnötig. *** Jedes Mitglied kann nur seinen eigenen Wahlzettel in die dafür bestimmten Wahlurnen einwerfen. Vorauswahlen sind am Dienstag, den 10. Februar zwischen 17:00 und 20:00 Uhr in der Weinstube. Wahltag: Die Ausgabe der EIGENEN STIMMZETTEL wird an der Haupteingangstür zur Festhalle nach Überprüfung der Mitgliedschaft vorgenommen. Beim Abschluss der Nominationen war ein (1) Kandidat für das Amt des Prasidenten bekannt, Rob Kerr. *** Das Nominations-Komitee und Satzungskomitee besteht aus den Klubpräsidenten, den beiden amtierenten Vize-Präsidenten, den Präsidenten sämtlicher Untergruppen und den Alterspräsidenten. Karl Braun, Vorsitzender REPORT OF THE NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE Members pictures on the reverse side have agreed to be nominated at the Annual Membership Meeting 2015 as Directors for the Main Board. The applications have been verified and approved by the Nominations Committee. The sequence of the following candidates was optained by applying a simple selection method. Directors for the Main Board: Eight (8) members have agreed to be nominated to fill seven (7) positions that will become vacant. One (1) newly elected Board Member with the lowest number of votes will stay on the Board for only one (1) year. Auditors: For the current fiscal year we require 4 auditors. Two (2) for one year and two (2) for two (2) years. Elisabeth Rowsell and Eckhard Michalski have one year remaining on their term. Helga Engel & Ursula Dressler have agreed to serve 2 years. Therefore an election is not necessary. *** Every member can only cast his own ballot in the ballot box at the elections. Advance Elections are being held on Tuesday, February 10th 2015 inside the Weinstube just outside the Club office between 5:00 and 8:00 pm. Election Day: Ballots for members will be handed out at the door of the Main Hall upon entry, after verifying your membership status. At closing of the Nominations we have one (1) candidate running for the position of President, Rob Kerr. *** The Nominations and Bylaws Committee consist of the Club President, both Vice Presidents the Presidents of all Groups and the Past Presidents of the Club. Karl Braun, Chairperson 24 Wichtige Veranstaltungen Important Events PREVIEW - FEBRUARY / MARCH 2015 10. Feb. Vorwahlen zum Hauptvorstand Weinstube 17-20 Uhr (5:00-8:00 pm) 14. Feb. 14. Feb. Valentines Day Dinner & Dance Schenke ab 17:30 Uhr (5:30 pm) Mardi Gras Kostüm Ball Halle ab 19:00 Uhr (7:00 pm) 16. Feb. Family Day (Klub geschlossen) 18. Feb. Aschermittwoch Herringsessen Jahreshauptversammlung 22. Feb. 1. März 21. März 14.00 Uhr (2:00 pm), Halle Winter Carnival Farm Präsidentenball Halle Bitte reservieren Sie ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintrittskarten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig. 25 JAHRESBERICHTE / ANNUAL REPORTS 2014 Jahresbericht der Geschäftsführerin Was für ein Jahr! Das kann ich Ihnen versichern, denn es gab keine langweilige Minute! Zum Jahresanfang veranstalteten wir den Kameradschaftsabend, welcher gleichzeitig auch eine der letzten offiziellen Veranstaltungen unseres Präsidenten Karl Braun gewesen ist. Diese Veranstaltung war ein wundervoller Abend der Gemeinschaftlichkeit, nicht nur innerhalb den Reihen der Concordia Mitlgieder, sondern vor allem im großen Rahmen der Mitglieder aller deutschen Vereine! Der Februar brachte uns dann Rob Kerr als neuen Präsidenten und auch einen so jungen Hauptvorstand, wie ihn der Klub schon seit vielen Jahren nicht mehr gehabt hat. Es ist eine Gruppe von Menschen, die sich mit viel Ehrgeiz und Elan daran machen, die Klubmitglieder in allen Angelegenheiten zu vertreten. Unter der Führung von Rob Kerr arbeitete man beflissen daran, das beste für den Club zu bewerkstelligen. Davon bin ich ganz und gar überzeugt. Zu Beginn des Jahres setzten wir auf einen aggressiven Haushaltsplan und am Anfang dachte ich, dass wir uns vielleicht ein zu hohes bzw. großes Ziel gesetzt hatten! Zwar hatten wir schon eine gute Anzahl an Hochzeiten und Weihnachtsfeiern in der Halle vorgebucht, aber wir konnten sogar während des Jahres noch einige weitere hinzugewinnen! Einige waren Konferenz Veranstaltungen mit Oktoberfest-Themen, andere waren Spendenaktions-Dinners, ein Hockey Bankett, ein Baseball Hall of Fame Frühstück sowie die Nationale Produktvorstellung des Molson “Lederhosen” Bieres. Auch die Schenke, Jägerstube und Weinstube erfreuten sich großer Beliebtheit, ganz besonders für alle möglichen Familienfeiern und besondere Anlässe. Auch nahmen wir im Frühling an der alljährlichen Food and Drink Show teil, hauptsächlich um dabei auf unsere Schenke aufmerksam zu machen. Es überrascht mich immer wieder, daß so viele Menschen immer noch nicht wissen, daß wir das ganze Jahr über geöffnet sind – nicht nur zum Oktoberfest! Der Frühsommer brachte uns dann weitere jährliche Veranstaltungen wie die Eröffnung der Gartenwirtschaft und das Grillfest auf der Terrasse mit dem „Schwein am Spieß“. Beide waren sehr gut besucht und jeder hatte viel Vergnügen. Es freut mich stets immer wieder, wenn so viele unserer Mitglieder an diesen Veranstaltungen teilnehmen! Schließlich und endlich ist es das Gefühl der Zusammengehörigkeit und Kameradschaft was die Traditionen und das Klubleben belebt und am leben erhält. Als das Getöse um die Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2014 anfing, bereiteten auch wir uns auf eine erfolgreiche Saison für das deutsche Team vor. Ja, es war zweifellos eine großartige Spielserie für Deutschland, denn nach jedem Gewinn stieg das öffentliche Interesse der Menschen, das einfach mitzuerleben und die Mannschaft anzufeuern. Unsere kleine Schenke war der Platz, die Spiele zu erleben. Wir wussten, daß wenn Deutschland es bis zum Endspiel schafft, wir das Spiel in der Halle zeigen müssen. 26 Allerdings hatten wir keinerlei Vorstellung davon, daß wir eine so große Anzahl von Schaulustigen vor unseren Türen stehen haben werden und wir diese beim besten Willen nicht unterbringen konnten! Das wird uns noch sehr lange Jahre in Erinnerung bleiben! Alle diese Veranstaltungen und Ereignisse halfen unser Ziel im Haushaltsplan zu verwirklichen. Selbstverständlich unsere größte Veranstaltung ist und bleibt das Oktoberfest. Auch hier hatten wir wieder ein sehr erfolgreiches, mit Zunahmen im Essensverkauf und Eintrittskartenverkauf. Unsere kombinierten Alkohol und Bier Verkaufszahlen waren denen des Vorjahres ziemlich ähnlich. Alles in allem ein großartiges Jahr! Durchwoben während des Jahres zeigten sich immer wieder Überraschungen mit Reparaturen und Rechnungen für Wartungsarbeiten, die wir im Haushaltsplan nicht vorausgesehen hatten. Manchmal fühlte es sich schon an als daß man zwei Schritte vorwärts und gleichzeitig drei Schritte rückwärts macht! Die Rechnungen steigen entsprechend dem des Alters des Klubgebäudes stetig. Hier einige Beispiele: WasserRückflußverhinderungs-System, Erneuerung der Schenke Computer Kassenanlage, Erneuerung der Feuermeldeanlage, Klima Anlage, Kühlanlage für den begehbaren Kühlschrank, Malerarbeiten und Fassadenarbeiten mit Holzerneuerung an der Außenseite des Klubgebäudes. Die größte unerwartete Ausgabe stammte jedoch von einer Steuerprüfung der Mehrwertsteuer des Finanzamtes. Zum Schluß möchte ich mich bei unserem Präsidenten, sowie dem Hauptvorstand für für das entgegengebrachte Vertrauen und die gewährte Unterstützung im letzten Jahr 27 auf das herzlichste bedanken! Ebenso ein großes Dankeschön an alle unsere Mitarbeiter für ein großartiges Jahr. Zwar wechseln viele Angestellte in der Restaurantindustrie ständig ihren Arbeitsplatz und zeigen keinerlei Verpflichtung bzw. Loyalität, aber wir können uns glücklich schätzen, ein so großes Team von hart arbeitenden, engagierten Mitarbeitern zu haben, die das beste für ihre Kunden, die Mitglieder und auch untereinander als Priorität haben. Ihre Ruth Rajna Geschäftsführerin MANAGER'S YEAR END REPORT FOR 2014 What a year we've had! I can honestly say there has not been one dull moment. We started the year off by hosting Kameradschaftsabend. It was one of Karl Braun’s last official events as President of the Concordia Club. It was a wonderful evening of fellowship with all of our members as well as the members of the other German Clubs. February brought us a new President, Rob Kerr, as well as one of the youngest Board of Directors the Club has seen in quite some time. A group of people who are very excited and eager to represent the Clubs members in all areas. Under the leadership of Rob Kerr, I believe this Board has worked hard to ensure that the best interest of the Concordia Club is upheld. We set a very aggressive budget at the beginning of 2014. At that time I was concerned that we may have bitten off more than we can the saying goes. We had a good number of weddings and Christmas parties already booked for the year in the Hall. The Schenke, Jagerstube & Weinstube continued to be a popular location for family gatherings and special occasions. We were fortunate enough to secure additional bookings as the year progressed. We hosted a few conference dinners with a traditional Oktoberfest theme, a few fund raiser dinners, a hockey banquet, a baseball Hall of Fame breakfast and Molson's nation wide product launch of Lederhosen, only to mention a few. We participated in the Food and Drink Show in the spring in an effort to make even more people aware of our Schenke. It is quite a surprise to me that so many people in Kitchener Waterloo still don't know that we are open throughout the year....not just Oktoberfest. Early summer brought us to our annual events like the Patio Opening and Pig Roast. Both events were well attended and enjoyed by all. I do enjoy seeing all of our members coming out to these events. After all, the need to continue the tradition of social camaraderie is what will keep the Club life thriving. As the buzz of the World Cup 2014 started, we also started to prepare and plan for what we hoped would be a good run for Germany. Well, it was indeed a GREAT run for Germany. As Germany advanced after each game, so did the interest of people in our community who wanted to embrace their German heritage and cheer them on! Our little Schenke was the place to be to enjoy the games. We knew, based on that, should Germany go to the finals we were moving upstairs to show the game. Little did we know that we would be turning away so many people who wanted to watch the game here. A day that will be etched in our memories for years to come. All of these events helped us to reach our budget targets for the year. Of course the biggest event is and will allows be Oktoberfest. We did have another very successful year with increases in our food sales as well as our admission sales. Our combined liquor and beer sales were similar to last year. A great year overall. Throughout the year we were hit with surprise repair and maintenance bills which we didn't budget for. It felt at times like we were taking two steps forward and three steps back. These bills will continue to grow as the building ages. Just to recap some of the additional expenses – back flow prevention system, Schenke computer upgrade, new fire panel, air conditioning unit, walk in fridge compressor, exterior painting and wood replacement. The biggest unexpected expense came from the Canada Revenue Agency from our HST audit. In closing I would like to thank our President, Rob Kerr and the Board of Directors for their continued support throughout the year. A sincere thank you to our staff as well for a great year. In the restaurant industry it is very common for people to move from job to job....not feeling that sense of commitment to anything. We are very fortunate to have a group of hard working, dedicated employees who have worked for us for so many years, who truly care about their customers, the members of the Club and each European Vision other. Ruth Ranja Manager of Fashion • CUSTOM MADE DRESSES • WEDDING GOWNS CASUAL WEAR • ALTERATIONS Marzanna Calujek Master Dressmaker Designer 80 Wellington St. N. Kitchener, Ontario Bus: (519) 571-9169 (Corner of Waterloo Street & Wellington Street) 28 Building and Property Committee - Report for the Year 2014 First of all, I would like to thank Karl Braun for all the work he has done for the Club Buildings throughout the year. His experience and willingness to help when ever it was needed was greatly appreciated. I also would like to thank all the volunteers that helped with our annual Spring clean up and a special thanks to Matt Schuster for his continuous help all year. A-1 Restorations has done a lot of work to the outside of the building. Most of the wood has been replaced, the walls are all painted, but there is still more work to be done. Last year we replaced the floor behind the Schenke bar, we added a flat screen TV and numerous other repairs throughout the Club. entkalkt, nun ist lediglich eine zusaetzliche Fall-Leitung der Regenrinne noetig um den Eingangsbereich trocken und eisfrei zu halten, 479 Ottawa St., hatte eine Erneuerung des Daches dringend noetig, nachdem es reinregnete und ein Wasserschaden im Deckenund Aussenwandbereich des Badezimmers sich abzeichnete. Diese Arbeiten wurden rechtzeitig vor der Herbst-Winter Saison fertig, 1212 Christner Rd., hatte eine Erneuerung des Warmwasserspeichers noetig nachdem der vorhandene seinen Dienst quitierte zeitgleich wurde das Filtersystem gewartet. Desweiteren musste ein Aussenlicht erneuert werden. Alles in allem normale Abnutzungserscheinungen die rechtzeitig durchgefuehrt wurden um einen Werterhalt der Objekte zu gewaehrleisten. Ronny Horvath As we all know, the club building is now over 40 years old and it is getting tired. We need to start renovating and replacing instead of repairing.This year we are planning to refinish the hall floor and I hope our budget will allow for more improvements. CLUB RENTAL PROPERTIES 2014 Mike Brasch Helmut Kruschat 473 Ottawa St., the Soffit-repair at the side of the building got finished, as well was a decalcifying of the Hot-Water-Tank necessary, the only thing do tackle in the new year is an additional down spout of the eaves draft to keep the front entrance area free of water and ice, Club Rental Properties 2014 Waehrend des Jahres 2014 konnten wir die Wartungsarbeiten der Mietobjekte auf ein normales minimum reduzieren, so waren am Objekt: 455 Ottawa St., keine arbeiten noetig, 473 Ottawa St., wurden die Soffit-Arbeiten fertiggestellt und der Warmwasserspeicher 29 During the year 2014 the maintenance of our Rental objects was down to a normal minimum, work done on each Object: 455 Ottawa St., no work necessary, 479 Ottawa St., was a repair of the roof urgently necessary, after rain damage was showing on the celling and outside wall of the Bathroom, work got done in time just before raining season and winter, 1212 Christner Rd., got the Hot-Water-Tank replaced after the existing one quit its service, as well was a service of the complete filter system due. One outside light had to be replaced as well. All together normal wear and tear which got addressed in time to maintain the value of the objects. Ronny Horvath Security This year brought some new challenges to the security department but it was nothing that could not be handled. The first major change was in the representative from the AGCO. Dan Deslippe retired and we were introduced to John Misener, who comes with a new attitude of being proactive in everything that we do. We worked very closely with him this year and once again had no major issues. There were a few more charges laid this year than in previous years but many of these were for incidents that occurred outside of our festhall. Another item that we noticed this year was a changing age demographic of those attending the festival at our fest hall. The decrease in average age means that we must be more diligent in the serving of drinks and monitoring intoxication levels. We will need to increase the staff levels and the training of our staff in order to keep abreast of this situation. Thank you to the supervisors and administrative staff who stepped up to the plate in guiding the staff in the security department when I was not able to dedicate as much time as in previous years due to my commitments as the president. This staff helped make a seamless transition to the administration position when Candace decided midweek that it was time to give birth to her daughter Femka. We will be looking to strengthen this department with some new staff and would ask that if you know anyone who would want to assist to please contact the office for information. I also would like to once again thank the members of this club for believing that our internal security is a cohesive unit that serves this club in a professional manner. Rob Kerr/ Alex Theone Security Directors Christkindlmarket 2014 Christkindlmarket started December 4th and ended December 7th, as it was my first year in charge of it. Christkindlemarket was quite a busy time. I would like to start with thanking my committee and the rest of the board that helped me make it a success. Also a big thank you to the spouses and past board members for their help. For the first time we sold beer during the market, we sold all we had and many were happy that we offered it. The gluehwein was generally liked by all, but at the start we had a few complaints that the wine tasted bitter. Well we had our past board members who volunteered to help change the recipe and all was good, “more sugar”. In the end we had no big problems. We made a good profit and we gave all of our tip money ($500.00) to the children's wish Foundation. The weather was good to us with no rain and was not too cold. In closing, I hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed Christkindlmarket. Again thank you all for the help and participation. Director Peter Bergen 30 Oktoberfest Committee Annual Report 2014 Oktoberfest is always an exciting time of the year and everyone looks forward to the festivities. I would like to thank our manager Ruth Rajna and her staff, volunteers and our board of directors for another successful Oktoberfest. During the tent set-up we relied on the experience of Karl Braun and Hans Malthaner to assist Rolf and I as much as possible to ensure a timely completion and another successful Oktoberfest. Our groups and group presidents did an excellent job with their booths providing entertainment during Oktoberfest. I am sure everyone knows that the Big Bar and V Bar are getting old and tired. Last year during assembly we had to use bigger screws and larger washers to hold them together but as always we managed to get everything done. Last year we took a lot of detailed pictures during set up to make things a little easier this year. Oktoberfest will be here before we know it and we will be ready. Mike Brasch Rolf Malthaner Oktoberfest Chair Vergnügungs Committee Sarah Fretz Als Vorsitzende des Vergnügungs Committees, möchte ich mich bei allen Helfern die mir im letzten Jahr mit geholfen haben, bedanken! Ich hoffe das die verschiedenen Dekorationen unseren Mitgliedern gefallen hat. 31 ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE SARAH FRETZ As chair of the entertainment committee, I would like to thank all of my committee members for helping with various events this past year including contributing ideas, decorating and clean up. I hope the members have enjoyed the decorations and entertainment. Bulletin Annual Report Taking on this task was a formidable challenge for me as getting this portfolio for the first time as new director. Trying to automate the delivery to the printer and find the right mix of programs I found finally something that worked quite well. Getting all the group and club reports in on time was sometimes a little tight scheduling but we had a bulletin sent out in time. It was an experience I have enjoyed watching reports come in with pictures of all the different activities the club and groups have had and encourage you all to keep sending in those pictures not only to the bulletin but archives as well. Have a great and successful 2015 in all your endeavours. Sincerely Martin Patzold Float Committee 2014: Waehrend des Jahres 2014 haben wir uns auf die Komplettierung unseres Floates konzentriert, unser Hauptaugenmerk lag dabei darauf ein Pferd zu installieren um dem Kutschwagen ein authentisches Aeusseres zu geben. Tatsaechlich wurde es auch rechtzeitig kurz vor dem Oktoberfest fertig, als kleiner Zusatz wurde eine Einstiegshilfe am hinteren Ende des Floats montiert um ein sicheres auf und ab zu gewaehrleisten. On top of all of this we were able to win the highly desired Trophy for the best Float at the Oktoberfest-parade 2014. Als zweiten wichtigen punkt haben wir die Montage einer Bremsanlage fuer den Praesidentenwagen in Angriff genommen, auch diese wurde rechtzeitig fertiggestellt. Ronny Horvath Die Zusammenarbeit mit den Mitgliedern der anderen deutschen Klubs war wie immer phantastisch. Ganz besonders moechte ich mich bei Mike Brasch bedanken der mich ausserordentlich tatkraeftig unterstuetzt hat, herzlichen Dank Mike. Als Kroenung des ganzen konnten wir den begehrten Preis fuer den schoensten Umzugswagen der Oktoberfest-Parade 2014 gewinnen. Ronny Horvath FLOAT COMMITTEE 2014 During the year of 2014 we put our main attention to complete the float itself by adding a horse to give our theme a more authentic look. It got finished just in time before the Oktoberfest parade, additionally we mounted a set of stairs to the back of the float to ease the entry and departure from the float. As a second important point we looked to have a break-system installed to the Presidents wagon, which as well was finished just in time. The work together with the members of the other German clubs was like always fantastic. I especially would like to thank Mike Brasch, who helped me out tremendously, thanks Mike. Treasurer’s Report 2014 I took over as First Treasurer from Peter Schoepke and would like to thank him for his help in transitioning to this position. Special thanks also to Fiona Gilbert and Ruth Rajna for their help and support throughout the year, and I can’t forget Peter Bergen, Second Secretary. As the First Treasurer, I also chaired the Economic Affairs Committee (myself, Peter Bergen and Rob Kerr) and the Finance Committee (myself, Peter Bergen, Rob Kerr and Sarah Fretz). Although not all of the numbers are in from Oktoberfest and our busy holiday season, I am pleased to report that it appears that we have met our budget. Our sales revenue from all sources increased from last year and is slightly higher than budgeted, and our direct expenses were a little bit lower than anticipated. However, there were many general expenses which were above budget such as utilities, Schenke entertainment and building expenses. There are many building repair expenses which should be dealt in 2015 including a new fire alarm system, storage containers and the Halle floor repair. Our 2011, 2012 and 2014 GET/HST returns were audited, and we paid the Canada Revenue Agency approximately $36,000.00. Ruth Rajna, Fiona Gilbert, Rob Kerr and our accountants cooperated fully with the CRA and my thanks also goes out to them. One change that you are all likely aware of already is that HST must now be charged on your membership fees. Your membership 32 fees also increased to help pay for the monies that are owing to the CRA from previous years for not charging HST. Long Range Planning Committee For those of you who eat in the Schenke, you will have noticed that you can now pay at your table by credit card or debit machine. This upgrade is necessary if we want to be competitive with other restaurants. The Long Range Planning Committee had a very busy year and will continue to have a busy year in 2015 as we continue to try and determine the future of the Farm. We have also switched over to electronic payments of many of our employees and suppliers. I am happy to be able to sit at my computer at home and “sign cheques”! I also met with our investment advisors to familiarize myself with our investments. Given the upcoming anticipated expenses for the building and the Farm, there will likely not be a lot of investment activity, but our investments are secure and our line of credit is fully paid. Looking forward to your questions at the Annual General Meeting Ali Nowak Employee Liason As Employee Liason between our staff and the main Board, it is my responsibility to deal with any problems with our staff. There were no significant problems this year. Please contact me if you have any concerns. ANGESTELLTE DES KLUBS: Als Verbindungsperson fuer das Personal zum Vorstand, versuche ich bei Problemen fuer beide Seiten gerecht zu vermitteln. Da war keine Probleme dieses Jahr. Wenn Sie Frage haben, Sie konnen mit mir sprechen. Ali Nowak 33 The Long Range Planning Committee members include Karl Braun, Kathie Dowswell, Marcus Kallweit, Rob Kerr, Andrew Lehman, Rolf Malthaner, Arne Michalski, Eckhard Michalski, Andrew Sauer, and Peter Schoepke. After the April 6, 2014 Special Meeting, the Long Range Planning Committee Roundtable Group was formed. Anyone expressing interest in participating in the decision making process about our long term plans and goals was invited to join the Roundtable Group. The following subcommittees were formed: Income Generation at the Farm: Bruce Emmerson (Chair), Jim Schnarr, Alan Nanders and Fred Trautrim Fundraising Events: Shirley MitchellGrumme (Chair), Bob Foster, Steve P. Richaritsch, Arne Michalski and Kathie Dowswell Rental Properties: Darcie Burell (Chair), Bill Rowsell, Marcus Kallweit, Stephen Humpfreys and Collette Brasch Club Building: Karl Braun (Chair), Ursual Dressler, Hans Malthaner, Alfred Kurs and Eddie Appelt (deceased) Trillium Grant/Member and/or Group Investment: Linda Zensner, Adolf Gubler, Andrew Lehman, Edith Giertz, and Werner Metzger (deceased) Farm and Campsite/Usage Fees & Expenses: Bob Nowak (CoChair), Frank Kauck (CoChair), Tim Bews, Wilma Schmidt, Wolfgang Meindl, Rolf Malthaner, Eckhard Michalski, Walter Marzinko, Mike Matiach, Otto Bockelkamp, Joan Trautrim and Gertude Frim (moved) Farm Property Manager: Peter Schoepke (Chair) and Andrew Sauer The Roundtable Committee met on May 13, May 27, June 19, August 13, September 10 and October 30. The Subcommittees met on other occasions to discuss their thoughts and ideas and most of the subcommittees gave their reports at the October 30th meeting. There was some lively discussion regarding some of the proposed suggestions, but as not all subcommittees have finalized their reports, the Roundtable Group is not yet ready to make their recommendations to the Long Range Planning Committee, who will then make the recommendations to the Main Board. It was originally hoped that the Main Board’s recommendation would be included in the Notice of the Annual Meeting so that the membership could vote on a motion. However, given the financial complexity of the issues involved in the future of the Farm, it is taking longer than hoped. It is anticipated that by the Annual Meeting, that all Subcommittees will have completed their reports, the Roundtable Group will have had what is sure to be another lively discussion, and the Long Range Planning Committee will have made its recommendations to the Main Board. Please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Long Range Planning Committee or the Roundtable Group to discuss your thoughts on the long term future of the Concordia Club and the Farm. Ali Nowak Honorary Committee This committee chooses who has earned the right to be chosen as our new honorary member. There are several past honorary members and the club president as well as myself and one other board member who go over the applications of people who feel they deserve to be nominated. However sometime a little nudge to a person who we feel deserves to be considered but has not filled out an application does happen some years. I would like to ask any member who has contributed many hours of hard work for the club to please fill out an application. I just might come looking for you and tap you on your shoulder. Sincerely Martin Patzold Membership Report First off I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year!!! I’d like to welcome all our new members to The Concordia Club. We had 54 new sets of people join, meaning some were family memberships with husband and wife/kids and others were single or students. We also had quite a few people join after attending Oktoberfest which is awesome!! Each year we are growing and each year we will have more and more people enjoying what our club has to offer. I’d like to thank my ladies who helped out at the door for both membership meetings. (We have a date for the next meeting right? Please) Once again, Congratulations to our members who had significant anniversaries as club members this year. Just a reminder that we 34 still have pins that need to be picked up from the club. Please come to the front desk and ask for them. Deutsche Kultur Komitee Jahresbericht 2014 All the best to you and your family in 2015. Unser Klub hat sich, wie auch in den vergangenen Jahren, bemüht, die Deutsche Kultur nicht nur aufrechtzuerhalten, sondern auch zu verbreiten. Der Concordia Klub steht nicht nur für deutsche Kultur. Er hat auch den Ruf, dass er ‘veraltet’ sei. Dies wird in den kommenden Jahren ein immer größeres Problem, wenn wir nicht versuchen, hier und da etwas daran zu ändern. Michelle Zimmer. Farm Report The season started with the farm clean up, we had a good turnout. Things started out slow due to winter lasting so long. Our water lines in some areas took a long time to thaw out. Things got going as the season got a bit better. The pool had to have some repairs as usual after winter, but after the winter we had it came out in fairly good shape. The pool was ready for use by Canada Day weekend, the health department was quite happy with it. The kitchen was only open for group picnics this year, as Klaus was unable to do the kitchen every weekend. If there is anyone would like to take over the kitchen operations, please contact me through the club and we will discuss the operation. My maintenance crew worked hard to make the farm look good this year. Thank you. The water testing went well this past season with no bad results, causing no headaches. Major repairs were held to a minimum with only a pool pump problem and some water pressure problems, we had some tree problems due to storms but no major damage to anything. Thanks to Bruce E. for looking after the guest camping fees, it was better controlled then in past years. Thank you to the Campers committee and campers who volunteered their time out on the farm. The season started wet and cold and finished the same way. The 2015 season will start April 26th with the Farm Cleanup. Director Peter Bergen 35 Als Vorsitzender des Elternbeirates der Concordia Schule höre ich von den Eltern sehr häufig Kommentare die diese Einschätzung untermauern. Warum kommen nicht mehr Eltern mit ihren Kindern in den Klub? Die Deutsche Schule hat über 350 Schüler, aber wir sehen bei weitem nicht genug junge Familien in unserem Klub als Mitglieder. Dennoch ist der Club bei jungen Leuten sehr bekannt. Letztes Jahr, zum Endspiel der Weltmeisterschaft, mussten wir fast 400 Leute wegschicken, weil die Halle im Klub voll war. An den Familientagen während des Oktoberfestes konnten wir fantastische Besucherzahlen verbuchen. Am 9. November haben wir einen Gedenknachmittag anlässlich des Jubiläums 25 Jahre Fall der Deutschen Mauer gehalten. Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle ganz herzlich bei Eckhard und Arne Michalski bedanken, die bei der Organisation extrem viel Arbeit geleistet haben. Die Schenke war bis auf wenige Plätze belegt, und bei Kaffee und Kuchen konnte man Berichte über dieses geschichtsträchtige Ereignis sehen. Es haben sogar ein paar Besucher berichtet wie sie die Teilung damals selbst erlebt haben. Es werden ähnliche Veranstaltungen auch für 2015 geplant. Erreichen Sie Ihre Immobilien Träume! - Achieve Your Real Estate Dreams! Ihre Quelle für Immobilien in der Region Waterloo - “Your Source” for Real Estate in Waterloo Region Denis Pellerin Sales Representative Phone: 519-742-5800 ext. 2334 Not intended to cause or induce the breach of an existing representation agreement Service disponible en Français Old or New Residential - Commercial Industrial PLUMBING AND HEATING Serving Southern Ontario Water Softeners Water Purifiers Water Heaters Heating & Air Conditioning 1-38 McBrine Place, Kitchener ON N2R 1G8 Phone 519-748-4588 - Fax 519-748-4584 Email: Am 14. Oktober war Tag der Deutschen Pioniere. Dieses Jahr wurde unser Concordia Klub ausgezeichnet. Ich war erfreut, dass so viele Mitbürger anwesend waren. Leider ist auch hier die Anwesenheit über die Jahre immer mehr zurückgegangen. Der Christkindl Markt war wieder ein Erfolg. Besucher kamen wie jedes Jahr sogar von weit her. Der Gesang der verschiedenen Chöre sorgte für eine sehr schöne Atmosphäre. Auch hier versuchen die Verantwortlichen unsere Region mit deutscher Kultur zu bereichern. In Deutschland gibt es in sehr vielen Städten Weihnachtsmärkte, aber nur einen Christkindl Markt: in Nürnberg. Dieser datiert mit seiner langen Tradition bis ins 16. Jahrhundert zurück. Bitte, lesen Sie im Anschluss einen Auszug aus den Chroniken des Nürnberger Christkindl Marktes. Ich bin der Meinung, dass all diese Veranstaltungen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erhaltung der Deutschen Kultur leisten. Dennoch sollten wir es uns zum Ziel setzten, unseren Klub noch bekannter zu machen. Unsere Gruppen bieten während des Jahres zahlreiche Veranstaltungen an. Leider geht die Zahl der Anwesenden hier sehr zurück. Wir sind ein Klub, eine Gemeinde. Wir sollten uns gegenseitig unterstützen. Da jede Veranstaltung auch immer ein nettes Beisammensein bedeuten kann, bieten diese Veranstaltungen eine gute Möglichkeit, Freunde und Bekannte einzuladen, und so unseren Klub zu noch größerer Bekanntheit zu verhelfen. Wir sind mehr als Oktoberfest! Chronik des Nürnberger Christkindlmarktes 1530 The letters of Willibald Pirckheimer (1470 to 1530), Nuremberg Town Council member and humanist, were edited and published by the Heidelberg historian Helga Scheible in 2001. Pirckheimer wrote that the nuns from the Bergen 37 convent near Hersbruck – a branch of the convent in Neuburg on the Danube River – “sent for spices from the Market” in Advent. This is probably a reference to the Nuremberg Market. 1545 The Reformer Martin Luther had his children brought presents by the “Holy Christkind”. Up until then children had received them from Saint Nicholas. 1564 The Nuremberg patrician Endres Imhoff entered expenses for presents on December 22. A year before he had not bought them until after Christmas. Such records suggest that the Nuremberg patricians may have started giving presents at Christmas, instead of at New Year, as of 1564. 1610 A Town Council decree dated December 22 had indecent joke items confiscated that a wood turner had made as children’s Christmas gifts. 1616 In the chronicle of St. Sebaldus Church, Lüder, the parish minister, complained that on Christmas Eve he had to cancel the Vespers and afternoon sermon, because “no one was present, as they were all shopping for Christmas gifts”. 1628 The following inscription in black ink was found at the bottom of an oval, 19-centimeterlong wooden box decorated with flowers – now in the possession of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum: “Sent to Regina Susanna Harßdörfferin by Miss Susanna Eleonora Erbsin (or Elbsin) on the occasion of the Kindle’s Market (Christmas Market) of 1628”. The original contents, consisting of twelve silk skins of different thicknesses, are still to be found in this box. It was quite likely sold complete with contents at the 1628 market. The inscription on the bentwood box is currently considered the oldest proof of the existence of the Nuremberg Christmas Market. 1697 Christoph Wagenseil, a professor at Altdorf University, mentioned the “Christkeindleinsmarck” in the second history of the town, De ... civitate Norimbergensis commentatio ..., written and printed in Latin. 1729 The Town Council rejected a goldsmith’s suggestion of introducing a lottery at the market. Countermeasures were thus to be taken against the debasement of this fair during the Christmas period. 1986 The Market of the Sister Cities takes place for the first time 1737 A list provides valuable information on the stall holders. It indicates that almost all Nuremberg craftsmen were represented in the “little town of wooden stalls”. 140 persons were entitled at that time to offer goods for sale. 1996 The Christmas Market's logo, consisting of the name and the image symbol, and one year later the name "Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkt" were both trademarked. 1898 The Christmas Market had to leave its traditional location on the Main Market Square. It was moved to the Insel Schütt, an island in the River Pegnitz. 1919 A new location was found for the Christmas Market on the square in front of the Museum of Applied Arts. 1923 The market was displaced once again. The stall holders had to move into the temporarily empty rooms of the Transport Museum. 1933 The Christmas Market returned to its old location on the Main Market Square. It was opened on 4 December with a new ceremony – an actress dressed as the Christmas Angel recited a prologue, children’s choirs sang, church bells rang. 1948 The first Christmas Market after the war was held amidst the destroyed Old Town. The opening ceremony remained almost unchanged. Friedrich Bröger wrote a new prologue, which was recited by the first Christkind, the actress Sofie Keeser. 1966 Through the years Friedrich Bröger changed the prologue referring to the changes around the Market Square. The current prologue dates back to 1966 and was the last version by Friedrich Börger and hasn’t changed since then. 1969 For the first time the Nuremberg people chose a girl from amongst the population and made her the new Christkind. 1973 The City Council decided to move the opening of the Christmas Market from 4 December (St. Barbara's Day) to the Friday before the first Advent Sunday. The intention was to distribute the stream of visitors better. The number of visitors to the “little town of wooden stalls” exceeded 1 million for the first time. 1999 On the 950th anniversary of the city, the “Nuremberg Children’s Christmas Market” and the “House of Stars” opened on Hans Sachs Square for the first time. This Time Line was taken directly from the Official Web Page of The Nuernberger Christkindel Markt GERMAN CULTURE COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Our club has, as in years past, not only tried to preserve the German culture, but also to make room for it in the Canadian landscape and thus spread it a bit. Unfortunately, our Club does not only stand for German culture, it also has a reputation of being ‘dated’. This status will be a growing problem in the future. We have to work a bit here and there to move the Club into the 21st century. Our older members should not consider these efforts as an affront against their achievements. Culture is alive and thus has to undergo changes. As Chairman of the Advisory Board of Parents for the German Language School Concordia for over 12 years I hear comments from parents confirming this notion. Why do not more parents and young families come with their children to club events? The German school has about 350 students. Not many of these families join our club as members. However, the club is well known with the young people. This year, for the World Cup finals, we had to send away almost 400 people, because the hall at the club was full. On 38 Family Days during Oktoberfest, we had a fantastic turnout of visitors. On November 9th, we held a memorial afternoon to commemorate the 25-year anniversary of the fall of the German wall. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Eckhard and Arne Michalski who have done the majority of work in the organization of this event. The Schenke was almost filled to capacity. While enjoying coffee and cake or another drink, we watched documentaries and reports of this event. Some visitors even reported their own experiences in East, West and reunified Germany. It became clear, the fall of the wall was embraced and nothing short of a miracle. Similar events are planned for 2015. On October 14th, we had an active part at the annual Pioneers Day celebrations where our Concordia Club one of this year's recognition. I was very happy to see the Rotunda at City Hall filled. Sadely, attendance has dropped at this event, too, over the last years. The Christkindl Market was a success again. Visitors came, as in years prior, from far away. The various choirs contributed to a very nice and festive atmosphere. This event has become a landmark of German culture in the region. In Germany, many cities hold Christmas Markets, but there is only one Christkindl Market: in Nuremberg. This one has a long tradition and dates back to the 16th century. It is my opinion that all these events are a reflection that German culture is still very much alive in Kitchener-Waterloo. Nevertheless, we have to try to make our Club's hospitality more known within the community. Our groups organize many events throughout the year. Unfortunately, visitors at these events have been declining. We are 39 a club, a community! Let's support each other. As every event can be a nice gettogether and a time of fellowship, these events are wonderful opportunities to invite friends and acquaintances. This would help our club to become more firmly established within the wider community. We are more than just Oktoberfest! Sales & Marketing Committee 2014 Unser erstes meeting fand am 27.3.2014 statt, waehrend dieses Treffens haben wir versucht, die Leitlinien fuer hoeheren Umsatz und groessere Aufmerksamkeit festzulegen. Seitdem finden diese Treffen monatlich statt, unter anderem versuchen wir die gegeben Strukturen unseres Clubs besser zu nutzen und diese, falls moeglich, auszubauen. Als Resultat koennen wir nun zurueckschauend berichten das einige Events voll eingeschlagen haben, so zum beispiel die ausgebuchte Halle zur Fussball WM, der Biergarten der trotz des schlechten Sommerwetters eine hohe Besucherzahl verzeichnen konnte, auch unser Spanferkelgrillen erfreute sich grosser Beliebtheit. Zusaetzlich versuchten wir die Aufmerksamkeit der Kitchener Bevoelkerung zu erreichen in dem wir Parkmoeglichkeiten bereitstellten zum Open-Air-Musik-Event kurz vor dem Oktoberfest. Damit sind natuerlich noch nicht alle Moeglichkeiten ausgeschoepft, so arbeiten wir im moment daran die Weichen fuer die Zukunft zu stellen. Eine permanent ausgebuchte Halle sowohl als ein zusaetzliches Freizeit-Angebot fuer unsere Jugend liegt uns sehr am Herzen und wuerde unserem Club sicherlich gut zu Gesicht stehen. Auch eine bessere Ausnutzung unseres Parkplatzes ist im Gespraech, entweder mit der Ausrichtung einer Auto-Show oder eines Musik-Konzertes, die Moeglichkeiten sind endlos, jedoch immer unter dem Hintergrund nachhaltig zu wirtschaften und als auch unseren Club angemessen zu repraesentieren. Wie ihr ja alle wisst stehen wichtige Entscheidungen an und wir versuchen, diese durch eine gesunde Basis zu unterstuetzen und mitzutragen ganz im Sinne von “Concordia” was Einklang oder Einheit bedeuted. Ronny Horvath SALES & MARKETING COMMITTEE 2014 Our first meeting took place on March 27th 2014, during that meeting we set the guidelines for higher turnover as well for more attention in our City. We meet ever since on a monthly base, to discuss the use and improvement of our existing Structure. As a result, looking back we can report that some events got very successful, for example the fully booked Hall during the Soccer World-Championship, the Patio which was used very well despite the bad summer we just have had, the Pig roast with its high acceptance is to mention as well. Additionally we tried to raise awareness of the Club by providing additional parking for the Public during the Open Air Music Event shortly before Octoberfest. Not all possibilities are named with that, in the moment we work to set the way for the future, by improving the bookings and usage of our Hall, as well to get additional Leisure-Offer’s for our youth which is important for us and for the Image of the Club. Another talk is, how to better use our Parking lot by hosting a Car-Show or an Open Air Concert, there are endless opportunities, but always under the background to work sustainable and to the good of the Club which need to be presented the right way. Like all of you know important decisions for our future are to be made and with this committee we try to get them on a well based foundation completely in the sense of Concordia which means Harmony or Unity. Ronny Horvath IMMOBILIEN UND FINANZIERUNG SIND VERTRAUENSSACHE WHEN IT’S A MATTER OF TRUST HOME REALTY INC 4169 King St. E, Kitchener, ON, N2P 2E8 MARCUS KALLWEIT Bus: (519) 570-4663 Cell: (519) 590-3056 Email 40 Concordia Club 130 JAHRE 130 YEARS A DI OR NC CO 18 7 3 - 2003 Miss Concordia 2015 Wieder ist es Zeit um unsere jungen Damen vom Concordia Klub aufzufordern, sich für die “Miss Concordia”-Wahl zu bewerben Die Bewerbungs-Unterlagen sind im Klubbüro erhältlich und sollen auch dort wieder abgegeben werden. Bei den Bewerbungen ist folgendes zu beachten: Bewerberin muss für ein Jahr Mitglied im Concordia Klub sein Bewerberin darf nicht verheiratet oder geschieden sein Bewerberin muss 18 Jahre oder älter sein und möglichst die deutsche Sprache sprechen. Miss Concordia 2015 sollte bei Klub- sowie öffentlichen Veranstaltungen den Concordia Klub repräsentieren. Mit dem Anmeldeformular sollte ein Passbild sowie eine kurze Erklärung mit dem Thema: “Warum ich Miss Concordia werden möchte” abgegeben werden, Die Bewerberinnen werden zu einen Treffen eingeladen um die Details auszuarbeiten. Für mehr Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an das VergnügungsKommitee. It’s time once again to choose a young lady to be our Miss Concordia. If you feel you could represent the Concordia Club, we ask that you fill out the application form and forward it to the Club office. Please be advised of the following: Applicant must have been a member of the Concordia Club for at least 1 year. Applicant may not be married or divorced. Applicant must be 18 years of age or older and if possible speak the German language. Miss Concordia 2015 should be at club functions as well as other functions throughout the year to represent the club. A short statement should be attached to this application "Why I want to become Miss Concordia". With the Application there should also be a short essay answering the question “Why I want to be Miss Concordia” as well as a passport picture. Applicants will be invited for a meeting to work out all the details If you would like more information, please contact the Entertainment Committee. Name ______________________________________ Tel. ______________________________________ Strasse/Street ________________________________ Ort/City __________________________________ Province/Postal Code ________________________ Geburtsdatum/Date of Birth: __________________ Schule/School ____________________________ Klasse/Class ________________________________ Beruf/Occupation __________________________ Alter/Age ______________ Hobbies: ________________________________________________________ Unterschrift/Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ Why I want to be Miss Concordia 27 (please use an additional sheet if required) Concordia Club Board of Directors 2014/2015 President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Rob Kerr Michael Brasch Alex Thoene Entertainment Sarah Fretz Michelle Zimmer Alexandria Thoene 1st Secretary: 2nd Secretary: Sarah Fretz Elaine Keller Farm Committee 1st Treasurer: 2nd Treasurer: Ali Nowak Peter Bergen Peter Bergen Michelle Zimmer Ronny Horvath Finance Committee Directors: Ronny Horvath Rolf Malthaner Helmut Kruschat Michelle Zimmer Marcus Kallweit Martin Patzold Ali Nowak Peter Bergen Rob Kerr Sarah Fretz Float Committee Ronny Horvath German Culture Marcus Kallweit Honorary Member Martin Patzold Ali Nowak Rob Kerr Long Range Planning Ali Nowak Marcus Kallweit Rolf Malthaner Rob Kerr Membership Michelle Zimmer Miss Concordia Alexandria Thoene Nominations and Bylaws Karl Braun Rob Kerr Sarah Fretz Oktoberfest Chair Mike Brasch Rolf Malthaner Oktoberfest Inc. Ali Nowak Michelle Zimmer Rolf Malthaner Sales and Marketing Ronny Horvath Rolf Malthaner Marcus Kallweit Security Rob Kerr Alex Thoene Manager Committee Members Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ruth Rajna Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Archives Alexandria Thoene Bulletin Martin Patzold Sarah Fretz Christkindlmarket Peter Bergen Ronny Horvath Elaine Keller Martin Patzold Club Buildings Mike Brasch Helmut Kruschat Club Historian Leo Tukums Club Ombudsman Harald Schwegel Club Rental Properties Ronny Horvath Helmut Kruschat Concordia Seniorenhaus Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Economic Affairs Ali Novak Rob Kerr Peter Bergen Employee Liaison Ali Nowak 43