presentation dossier - Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Coesão
presentation dossier - Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Coesão
presentation dossier Presidency of the Council of Ministers Editor: Finantial Institute for Regional Development, PI / Instituto Financeiro para o Desenvolvimento Regional, IP Coordination: Communication Centre/IFDR Graphic Design: Cristina Moreno | Pagination: Lúcia Rodrigues Review: Sérgio Quaresma Simões Lisbon, October 2013 © IFDR, 2007 Presidency of the Council of Ministers 7 The IFDR 9 The Mission and Attributions 11 The Strategic Vision 13 The Organizational Model 15 The Financial Resources 17 The Team 19 Who is Who 49Contacts 51 Presidency of the Council of Ministers Abbreviations Used Presentation Dossier contents 3 Presidency of the Council of Ministers Heir to a strong tradition of 27 years of the Regional Development Policy and Cohesion in Portugal, the Financial Institute for Regional Development, IP was created May 1, 2007. From a valuable asset, the human resources deep knowledge of the former Directorate General of Regional Development and of a number of mission structures of the III Community Support Framework and the Cohesion Fund, it is our ambition to boost, all the time, a modernized and creative public service, that becomes a reference in the Portuguese Public Administration and among the European institutions. It has been externally recognized that Portugal has one of the EU funds management systems more reliable in Europe, thanks to its quality service, a dedication sparing no efforts and an efficient management of human and material resources at our disposal. From the beginning, our activity has been oriented for the development of Portugal, seeking thereby the maximum satisfaction of our stakeholders and partners, Portuguese and European, and therefore necessarily ambitious standards of efficiency and effectiveness, a path that IFDR will continue to seek. The Presentation Dossier is our business card that we invite you to read to know us better. Similarly, is the commitment of IFDR to the enormous challenges that always inquired match. Chairman of the Directive Council Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier introductory note 5 Presidency of the Council of Ministers What it is ■■ It executes regional development policy through the application of EU funds, in particular of the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund ■■ It stemmed from the restructuring of DGDR The IFDR, Financial Institute for Regional Development, IP, (FIRD) is a public organism oriented towards the implementation of regional development policy, through the application of EU funds and, in particular, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund. Result of the restructuring of the former Director General of Regional Development (DGDR), under the Reform Program of the Central State Collective person of public law, Administration (PRACE), which inherits 24 years endowed with administrative and of knowledge and experience in the management financial autonomy and its own of EU funds, consisting of a young and highly assets qualified team. ■■ Flexible structure Equipped with a modern structure and appropriate ■■ Jurisdiction over the entire to new ways of working and new frames of action, national territory IFDR has a legal status of public institution Joint tutelage of the MEF and integrated in the indirect state administration, ■■ ■■ PCM ■■ Organic law and statutes: Decree-Law no. 125/2012 of 20 June, and Ordinance no. 366/2012 of 5 November with legal personality, administrative and financial autonomy and its own assets. Its legal status is adequate to perform its functions under the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007 - 2013 (NSRF). The legal status of a public institution with a special regime, gives it the necessary leadership for the fulfillment of its mission and a greater ability to determine the means to achieve the defined objectives. It also allows it, a greater degree of flexibility in the management of human and material resources, essential to enable an agile adaptation to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier the ifdr 7 Presentasion Dossier 8 needs of the service provided. The IFDR works under the supervision and superintendence of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and also the Cabinet member responsible for Finance (MEF), under its financial management, and legal capacity to intervene in the whole national territory. Its organic Law is written into DecreeLaw no. 125/2012 of 20 June, and the respective Statutes framed by Ordinance no. 366/2012 of 5 November. Presidency of the Council of Ministers What it does ■■ Global financial coordination of the community Structural Funds ■■ Coordination, management and monitoring of the ERDF and Cohesion Fund (CF) and of the technical assistance measures ■■ Paying entity, Certifying Authority and Control and Audit Authority for the operations of ERDF and Cohesion Fund, the NSRF and the Territorial Cooperation Programs ■■ Grant and grant management of funding, within the European Investment Bank or other financial instruments ■■ Ensures the dialogue with the European Commission, the representation in its consultative structures for the ERDF and CF and participation in technical working groups of the Council, in matters relating to those Funds Presidency of the Council of Ministers Mission The IFDR’s mission is to execute regional development policy through the financial coordination of the community Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, the coordination, management and financial monitoring of the ERDF - European Regional Development Fund and the CF – Cohesion Fund, and the exercise of the functions of payment, audit and control of these Funds. Attributions ■■ To formulate policy proposals for sustainable regional development, strategic and operational plans, contribute to the definition of the general application of the Structural Funds and the CF and the effectiveness of the respective operational initiatives; ■■ Collaboration in the conception and promotion of territorial based instruments, particularly those aimed at the valorization of endogenous resources associated with the sustainable development of the territory, under the scope of cohesion policy; ■■ To prepare, monitor and evaluate the implementation of projects financed by EU funds under cohesion policy of the European Union, in conjunction with the Directorate-General of Budget; ■■ To ensure coordination, management and monitoring of ERDF and CF and the production and systematization of physical and financial indicators related to its application; ■■ To clarify and harmonize, in particular Presentation Dossier the mission and attributions 9 Presentasion Dossier through the emanation of guidelines aimed at managing authorities of operational programs, the application of Community and national rules governing the support of ERDF and CF; 10 ■■ To coordinate the participation in European Territorial Cooperation Programs and ensure the follow-up; ■■ To ensure the dialogue with the European Commission, the representation in its consultative structures on the preparation, programming and implementation of ERDF and CF groups and participation in technical advice on matters related to those funds; ■■ To perform the functions of ERDF and CF certification authority and paying authority under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), of the European Territorial Cooperation Programs, of the financial mechanism of the European Economic Area and Community Initiatives and other financial instruments that it may be designated; measures of funding European Investment Bank or other financial instruments associated with the use of ERDF and CF and as defined in the respective regulations; ■■ To promote educational funding applications to the European Commission of the major projects under the ERDF and the CF; ■■ To promote communication and information on the implementation of the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund; ■■ To ensure the existence and operation of an information system on the implementation of the Structural Funds and the CF, under the NSRF; ■■ To manage the programmatic measures of technical assistance from the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund; ■■ To participate in the governance organs and structures of the NSRF; ■■ To participate in the organs and structures of governance of the NSRF. ■■ ■■ To perform the control functions of the ERDF and the CF under the NSRF, the European Territorial Cooperation Programs, Community Initiatives, the financial mechanism of the European Economic Area and other financial instruments that may be designated; To participate in the Interministerial Committee for European Affairs, under the regional development and structural funds; ■■ To perform the duties of the paying authority and control authority of the second level of the ERDF and the CF within the closure of the CSF III; ■■ To promote cooperation with other organizations in its field of competence. ■■ To exercise the skills of management, monitoring, evaluation and control of the Cohesion Fund II (FC II); ■■ To intervene in the granting and administration of financing and other asset, in relation to Presidency of the Council of Ministers The principles ■■ Providing a quality service ■■ Clear guidance to the public satisfaction ■■ ■■ ■■ The IFDR is oriented towards the provision of a quality service that can generate a feeling of satisfaction and public recognition, in addition to fully meet the needs of its users. In pursuit of this goal it will take into account the need to achieve systematically improved services, while Guarantee of economic efficiency in trying to reduce total operating costs and expenses costs and solutions necessary for its activity. Increased efficiency and Using the legacy of 27 years of effectiveness are always present watchwords. activity It will also enhance a heritage of over 27 years’ Management by objectives and experience in this activity, which is an important periodic evaluation asset to gain the confidence of partners. The definition of an appropriate strategy, centered on a modern vision of public service, the effective management of human and material resources, the adoption of modern and innovative procedures, the application of a discipline and transparency policy and, above all, the motivation of a team that has an unquestionable expertise are the basis for the success of this project. This strategic vision should have the recognition and encouragement of a quality certification system organization, according to internationally recognized standards within the ISO (IOS - International Organization for Standardization). This ambitious project will provide a framework for the IFDR achievements since its outset. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier the strategic vision 11 Presentasion Dossier 12 ■■ development of Portuguese regions through the application of structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, promoting economic and social cohesion and territorial competitivity Regional Development ■■ 27 years experience in the application of funds ■■ management geared towards results based on reliable structures ■■ stability ■■ support for stakeholders ■■ coordination capacity ■■ communication Confidence Modernity ■■ use of information technologies ■■ simplification and efficiency ■■ management of 14 billion Euros up to 2013 Discipline ■■ management based on certification, control and independent audit ■■ performance evaluation performed by stakeholders Presidency of the Council of Ministers Dynamism ■■ motivation ■■ dedication ■■ proactivity The principles ■■ Directive Council ■■ Statutory Auditor The IFDR is directed by a Directive Council consisting of a Chairman and two Board members. An Auditor is responsible for monitoring the legality, regularity and good financial and patrimonial management. A flexible structure, based on Is endowed with a hierarchical organizational model ■■ Units somewhat flexible, incorporating a restricted set of ■■ Groups units identified in the Statute, and a limited set of nuclei, created upon the initiative of the Directive Council. Statutory Auditor Institutional Mangement Information Systems Legal Support and Litigation Financial and Asset Administration Communication and Documentation Human Resources Body Financial Coordination Information Systems Management Unit Presidency of the Council of Ministers Directive Council Centre Support of Operational Management Certification Control and Audit Financial Programming Support for Operational Mangement Expense Declaring Planning and Internal Audit Financial Management Territorial Cooperation Control of Expense Declarations Operations Audit Presentation Dossier the organizational model 13 of separation of functions, as good practice for the management of structural funds. Thus, the functions of control and audit, including internal audit, are dependent on the Chairman of the Directive Council, while certification is overseen by a Board member and the payment Function Directive Council entity by the other Board member. Unit Presentasion Dossier 14 The internal organization safeguards the principle Board member Chairman Board member Payments Control and Audit Internal Audit Certification Support for Institutional Management Control and Audit Certification Presidency of the Council of Ministers coordination and management of funds, IFDR has Presentation Dossier the financial resources ERDF co-financing under his supervision considerable financial volumes (the timeframe between 2000 to 2013, made the 15 Own revenue How it is financed ■■ State Budget ■■ ■■ Within its mission and responsibilities for management of around 41,288 million euros) in the implementation of Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund and European funding, including: Financial Instruments ERDF and Cohesion Fund 2007-2013 14.999 CSF III 20.530 Cohesion Fund II EEAFM European Territorial Cooperation JESSICA Fund Loan Framework of the European Investment Bank Presidency of the Council of Ministers Volume (million euros) 3.388 672 99 100 1.500 Presentasion Dossier 16 In terms of its own budget, and based on 2012 In 2012, the costs of the Institute private data, the cost of the IFDR activity represented budget were reduced to €5 million (a only 0.12% of the average annual installment decrease of 31.2% over the previous of EU funds whose coordination is exercised by year), of which about 9.1% comes from itself. the state budget, 4.2% of own resources This indicator is one of the lowest costs achieved and 6.7% of Community funding. in all Member States. That year, staff costs accounted for This fact is explained in terms disaggregated. 54.3% of the overall budget, the procurement of goods and services Beyond the Community funding, IFDR has 36.8% and the remaining 9% were revenue from appropriations allotted to the State applied in investments. Budget and revenue. Funds Coordination Costs 0,0025 0,002 0,0015 0,001 0,0005 0 2006 2007 Souce: Management indicators 2012 Presidency of the Council of Ministers 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 The IFDR has a young and highly qualified Its profile team, primarily composed of graduates under ■■ Highly qualified young team ■■ Proven professional experience in the age of 45 years, holding a large experience in this area of activity. 17 17 the area of activity ■■ Motivation and dedication Functions Age Over 55 years old 16% Up to 40 years old 27% 40-55 years old 57% Management 20% Technicaladministrative 24% Technical staff 56% The predominant group is from 40 to 55 years old, with the average age being 45 years old. Only 24% perform general support functions in tasks of an administrative and auxiliary nature. Qualifications Sex Elementary 1% Secondary school 24% Men 25% Women 75% There is a clear predominance of women, who represent 75%. Presidency of the Council of Ministers PPresentation resentationDdossier ossier the team Higher education 75% Around 75% have a bachelor’s or master’s degree. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier who is who 19 Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presidency of the Council of Ministers Chairman José Santos Soeiro Born in Lisbon, on 26 December 1951. Graduate in Agronomy from the Higher Institute of Agronomy of the Technical University of Lisbon in 1976, has performed senior management functions in the Public Administration since 1987. He was Director-General of Regional Development and Manager of the Interreg Community Initiative III. Between 1979 and 2001 he performed functions in the Ministry of Agriculture, and was Chairman of the Wine and Winegrowers Institute, Vice-Chairman of the Institute of Agricultural Markets and Agro-Foodstuffs Industry, Assistant to the Secretary of State for Food and of the Secretary of State for Agricultural Markets and Food Quality, Vice-Chairman of the Institute of Food Quality, Division Manager and, also in this Institute, 2nd class Engineer. He was also Vice-Chairman of the Portuguese Association for Quality, Administrator of the Professional Training Centre for Quality, Vice-Chairman of the General Meeting and nonexecutive Administrator of Companhia das Lezírias, SA, and Monitor of the Higher Institute of Agronomy. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier Directive Council 21 Directive Council Presentation Dossier Board member Dina Ferreira Born in Lisbon, on 13 of September 1965. 22 Graduate in Economy, in the area of Regional Economy, from the School of Economics and Management (ISEG), in 1988, and has performed functions in the Directorate General of Regional Development since 1991. She was Sub-Director General of the Directorate General of Regional Development, a post she held until it ended in May 2007. Between 2000 and 2006, she held the posts of Director of Services of Economic Activities and before this of Division Manager of the same Services Board. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Board member Pedro Dias Born in 1952 in Monchique, is graduate by the ISEG (former ISCEF and former ISE), Technical University of Lisbon, with additional training in the areas of international trade, multidimensional data analysis, information systems in organizations, systems support decision, among others, participated in several seminars in the field of official statistics. Since November 2005 he held roles as Director Member of the INE and represented this organization in various committees of the European Union in the field of external trade statistics, national accounts and CMFB - Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments, which “executive body” integrated. He was also responsible for the evaluation of the statistical system in the perspective of Romania’s accession to the European Union. He participated in several missions of cooperation in the fields of foreign trade and national accounts. Still in INE also exercised functions and technical direction, as Consultant Director (2001/02) and Director of Coordination and National Accounts (1987/2001). He was also Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Informatics and Statistics of Social Security from 2002 to 2005. He was also in Macau, as an advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Economic Coordination and Director of the Statistics and Census (1983/87). He taught Statistics Methodologies in ISEGI and Statistics in the School of Hospitality and Tourism and has also worked in the private sector, in the areas of accounting and market research. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier Directive Council 23 Institutional Management Unit Presentation Dossier Director Assunção Soveral Born in Viseu, on 23 December 1950. 24 Graduated in Electro-technical Engineering from the Higher Technical Institute (IST), in 1975. Began work in the Directorate General of Regional Development in April 1991, first as Manageress of the Community Initiative Interventions Division, and later as the Director of Information and Control Services between 1993 and 1998, being also in charge of the computer sector and the Technical Assistance PO for the CSF. In 1994 she was appointed Project Leader of the Management Commission of the CSF II. Unit’s mission: ■■ To ensure the management of human resources and financial and asset management of FIRD. She was Sub-Inspector General of Territorial Administration between October 1998 and February 2000, from which date she joined the Board of Directors of Docapesca - Portos e Lotas, SA, initially as a member and later as Chairwoman, a post she held until 26 April 2005. Between 1976 and 1991 she worked in the National Institute of Industrial Research and in the National Laboratory of Engineering and Industrial Technology. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Financial and Asset Administration Centre Coordinator Maria João Figueiredo Born in Seia, on 31 January 1971. Graduated in Management and Social Development, in 1994, from the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP). She was Coordinator of the Administrative and Financial Division. Between 1996 and 2007 she worked in the Directorate General of Regional Development, in the Administrative and Financial Division. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier Institutional Management Unit 25 Institutional Management Unit Presentation Dossier Human Resources Management Center Coordinator Isabel Carrôlo 26 Born in Lisbon, March 29, 1971. Graduated in Law from the Autonomous University of Lisbon, with specialization in Legal and Political in 1996. Postgraduate Certificate in Labor Relations, the Autonomous University of Lisbon in 2001. In 2011, she served as Division Chief of the Division of Planning, Evaluation and Human Resources Services Directorate of Information Systems and Management, the Office of Planning and Policy, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries. From 2008 to 2011 she held the roles of lawyer, the Director of Legal Services, the Office of Planning and Policy, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries. From 2002 to 2008 she served as lawyer in the Financial Management Institute of Social Security at the Center for Technical Management of Human Resources. From 1999 to 2003 she practiced law with particular emphasis in the area of labor law. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Director Gonçalo Vieira Born in Lisbon on 18 August 1962. Degree in Civil Engineering from the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), with a Post-Graduate degree in Statistics and Information Management (ISEGI/UNL) and a Course in Advanced Studies in Public Management from the National Institute of Administration. Currently attends the Doctorate Program in Sociology (specialising in the Information and Knowledge Society) at the ISCTE. Between July 2003 and June 2007 he was Senior Technician at the Institute of Computing of the Ministry of Finance, where he worked on various Projects, some of the main ones of which Unit’s mission: ■■ Develop and implement information systems under the NSRF and IFDR, maintain and update information systems supporting the management of the ERDF and Cohesion Fund (CSF) and IFDR internal information systems and manages the physical infrastructure and existing technology. Presidency of the Council of Ministers were “Project Evaluation Methodology” and the “Work Group for the Standardisation of Electronic Invoicing in the Public Administration”. He was also a Member on various Technical Committees for the area of Information Technologies. Between February 1988 and April 2003 he held various posts in Multinational Companies in the area of information technologies. Presentation Dossier Information Systems Unit 27 Information Systems Unit Presentation Dossier Information Systems Management Centre Coordinator Maria de Aires Barroso 28 Born in Lisbon, on 24 June 1963. Graduated in Decision System Engineering in 1988, from the Higher Institute of Applied Mathematics - COCITE. She has worked in the Directorate General of Regional Development since 1996, having been Coordinator of the Computer Centre. She was technical Manageress for the Information System Supporting Management and the Monitoring of the Cohesion Fund, in the computer systems area and is a Member of the Jury of various International Open Tenders in the areas of IT and IS. She worked as a 2nd class senior technician in the Department of Evaluation and Monitoring of the Ministry of Planning. She was in charge of the Help Desk – Micro/computing for TLP and SCML. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Director Margarida Cabral Born in Macao, on 25 of September 1962. Graduated in Environmental Engineering from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon (UNL), in 1985. Senior managerial staff of the Directorate General of Regional Development since 1992, she was Director of Monitoring and Evaluation Services, from 2004 to 2007, and Head of the Intervention Coordination Division, between 1998 and 2001. She was Project Manager of the Technical Support Structure of the Management Commission of the CSF III, from January 2002 to April 2004, and Project Manager of the Technical Unit’s mission: ■■ To ensure the flow of funds from the ERDF, Cohesion Fund or other financial instruments, through payments to beneficiaries and transfers to the Managing Authorities and Intermediate Bodies and respective recoveries as well as hiring procedures, management and monitoring of applications for funding under the refundable EQ EIB. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Support Structure of the KONVER II Community Initiative, from March 1997 to December 1998. Presentation Dossier Financial Management Unit 29 Financial Management Unit Presentation Dossier Financial Programming Center Coordinator Inês Passão 30 Born in Lisbon on 29 October 1971. Graduated in Organization and Management Economic aspects Management/Finance from University Modern and Post-graduate degree in Actuarial Science from the University Lusíada. She held various senior technical functions in Core Monitoring and Evaluation Coordination Unit in the Financial Institute for Regional Development, IP, since 2007. Also played other roles in higher technical Directorate General of Regional Development and Financial Management Institute of Social Security. Was still teaching in public schools in the school years 1992/1993 and 1994/1995 and collaborator in private companies within the sectors of finance and accounting. She participated in various working groups, namely IFDR was representative in the Working Group for Mobility and Territorial Working Group on Review of Indicator System Monitoring context in which public policies unfold both within section Permanent Statistics Base Territorial Council of Statistics INE. Was also representative of the General Council of the DGDR INOFOR, in 2003-2005. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Financial Management Center Coordinator Maria Helena Geraldes Born in Lisbon, May 5, 1961. Degree in Economics, Faculty of Economics, New University of Lisbon in 1985. Began his career at General Directorate of the Treasury in July 1985, having held the position of Head of Division in the area of Customer Accounts, between January 1999 and August 2007. From September 2007 to February 2008, he served as Director of Community Affairs Services of the Directorate-General of Budget, Budget and as Advisor to the Master Account. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier Financial Management Unit 31 Management Support Program Unit Presentation Dossier Director Carla Leal Born in Fuseta, district of Olhão, on 20 September 1971. 32 Graduated in Economy, in 1994, from the Lusíada University (Universidade Lusíada), and obtained her Masters in Economy and Territorial Management in 2001, from the School of Economics and Management (ISEG). She began work in the Directorate General of Regional Development in 1996, and held the position of Division Head of the Economic Activities Services Board from May 2006 to May 2007. Unit’s mission: ■■ Policy proposals for sustainable regional development and prepare, monitor and evaluate the implementation of projects financed by EU funds. ■■ To ensure coordination, management and monitoring of ERDF and CF, including participation in the coordination of territorial cooperation programs. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Coordinator Rogério Martins Born in Barreiro on the 21st july 1970. Degree in Agronomy from the Higher Institute of Agronomy, Technical University of Lisbon. Since 1999, operates in the Financial Institute for Regional Development, initially in the Program for Promotion of Regional Development Potential in the CSF II. Later he joined the technical staff of the Operational Programme Technical Assistance CSF III (2002-2009) and the ERDF (2009-2013). Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier Management Support Program Unit 33 European Territorial Cooperation Center Presentation Dossier Coordinator Raquel Rocha 34 Born in Angola, on 20 March 1965. Graduated in Geography (Geography: Local and Regional Planning), in 1988, from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. Between May 2005 and December 2009 she performed functions in the Ministry of State and Home Affairs, as advisor to H.E. the Minister and as Coordinator of Structure of Mission for the Management of EU Funds. Higher Technician in the staff of the Directorate General of Regional Development, since 1989. She was Head of Division in Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation, between December 1989 and May 2005 and Project Manager of the Technical Support Structure of the REGIS II Community Initiative, from October 1998 to December 1999. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Director Gisela Rodrigues Born in Rio Maior, on 27 July 1972. Graduated in Economy from the University of Évora (UE) in 1995, having worked in the Directorate General of Regional Development since 1996. She was Project Leader of the Audit Unit of the Technical Support Structure Providing 2nd Level Control for the FEDER and Cohesion Fund. Between 1996 and 2001 she worked as a senior technician in the Information and Control Services Board. Unit’s mission: ■■ Its mission is to provide an additional safeguard to the EC and FMO regarding the legality and regularity of expenditure certified under the ERDF and Cohesion Fund Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier Certification Unit 35 Certification Unit Presentation Dossier Expenses Declarations Center Coordinator Teresa Oliveira 36 Born in Batalha, on 3 February 1964. Graduated in Economy from the Higher Institute of Economy of the Technical University of Lisbon (UTL) in 1989, from which date she began to work in the Public Administration. Since September 2005 she has been seconded to the European Commission as a national expert for the General Regional Policy Board. From March 1996 to September 2005 she was Division Head of Studies and Projects of the Cohesion Fund of the Directorate General of Regional Development. From November 1994 to March 1996 she was transferred to the technical support structure for the PRODEP II. Between 1989 and November 1994 she performed technical functions in the Department for the Affairs of the European Social Fund in areas connected with the closure of projects supported by the ESF. She was seconded national expert in the Directorate General of Employment of EC, between September 1991 and January 1994. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Control of Expenses Declarations Center Coordinator Sílvia Estêvão Born in Caneças, Loures, on 22 November 1962. Graduated in Management and Public Administration, in 1986, from the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP) of the Techical University of Lisbon (UTL). On this date she also concluded a specialization in Human Resources Management. She began working in the Directorate General of Regional Development in December 1988, in the FEDER Services Board, later moving to the Information and Control Services Board. In May 1997 she was appointed for the post of Manageress of the Support Division to the Tertiary Sector of the Economic Activities Services Board, which she occupied until May 2007. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier Certification Unit 37 Control and Audit Unit Presentation Dossier Director Joana do Ó 38 Born in Lisbon, on 21 July 1975. Graduated in Sociology at the New University of Lisbon (UNL) in 1997 and received her Post-Graduation in the Management of Public Entities and Local Authorities from the INDEG Business School – ISCTE in 2004. Between 2005 and 2007 she was Project Manageress of the Planning and Monitoring Unit of the Technical Support Structure Providing 2nd Level Control for the FEDER and Cohesion Fund in the Directorate General of Regional Development. Between 1998 and 2005 she worked in the Oeiras Town Hall Unit’s mission: ■■ Contribute to the compliance of the certified expenditure and ensure. Presidency of the Council of Ministers as a senior technician, was Assistant to the Minister of Cities, Territorial Planning and the Environment and Advisor to the Minister of Education in the XV Constitutional Government, and Assistant to the Secretary of State for Regional Development in the XVI Constitutional Government. Control and Audit Unit Presentation Dossier Planning and Internal Audit Center Coordinator Ana Paula Duarte 39 Born in Lisbon, on 22 March 1973. Graduated in Human Resources Management from Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, in 2000. Between 1994 and 2007 she worked in Directorate General of Regional Development, in Information and Control Services Board. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Control and Audit Unit Presentation Dossier Audit Operations Center Coordinator Teresa Cruz 40 Born in Santarém, on 24 December 1971. Graduated in Corporate Management at the University of Évora (UE) in 1998, and has worked in the Directorate General of Regional Development since 1999. She was Team Manager of the Audit Unit of the Technical Support Structure Providing 2nd Level Control for the FEDER and Cohesion Fund. Between 1999 and 2001 she worked as a senior technician in the Information and Control Services Board. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Coordinator Sandra Rodrigues Presentation Dossier Legal and Litigation Support Center 41 Born in Luanda, on 28 May 1971. Graduated in Law at the Lusíada University (Universidade Lusíada), in 1995, Post-graduation in Legal-Public Sciences from the Catholic University of Lisbon (UCP), in 1999, and lawyer registered in the Portuguese Bar Association, in 2000. On 5 May 2006 she was appointed Manageress of the Legal Support Division on a replacement basis. She has worked as a senior technician in the Directorate General of Regional Development since 1996, first in the Monitoring and Evaluation Services Board and after in the Legal Support Division. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier Communication Center and Documentation Coordinator Paulo Emerenciano 42 Born in Mozambique, on the 4th April 1970. Graduated in Social Communication, in 1996, from the Political and Social Sciences Superior Institute, obtained a masters degree, in 2008, in Administration and Public Policies, from the Enterprises and Work Sciences Superior Institute, with a thesis on the subject of the public services image. In 1993, has also performed the Erasmus Program, in which obtained the Political Studies Certificate, from the Political Studies Institute of the Robert Shuman University, at Strasbourg (France). Professionally, in the Social Security Financial Management Institute performed functions of coordinator of the Image and Communication Centre, in the Management Support Unit, since 1997, having been responsible for this centre since 2004, and senior technician since 2002. Under these functions he has been involved, in the communication area, under the frame of several work groups: Quality Group (EFQM Committed to Excellence recognition and the ISO9001:2000 certification norm); Social Responsibility Committee (Communication of the Social Responsibility Program): Social Security Website Group. From 1994 to 2002, has worked as a journalist at the press and radio, and also has been editor and press attaché in communication agencies. Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier 43 Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier contacts 45 Avenida 5 de outubro, 153 1050-053 Lisboa PORTUGAL Telef: +351 21 881 40 00 Fax: +351 21 888 11 11 Mail: Internet site: Facebook: IFDR Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presentation Dossier abbreviations used 47 Presidency of the Council of Ministers DGDR Directorate General of Regional Development (DGRD) ERDF European Regional Development Fund IFDR Financial Institute for Regional Development (FIRD) ISO International Organization for Standardization (IOS) MAOTDR Ministry of the Environment, Territorial Planning and Regional Development MEF Minister of State and of Finance PIDDAC Investment and Development Expenditure Program of the Central Administration PCM Presidency of the Council of Ministers PRACE Restructuring Program of the Central Administration of the State CSF III 3rd Community Support Framework NSRF National Strategic Reference Framework IS Information System IT Information Technologies Presidency of the Council of Ministers