

First Christian Church, 402 E. Noble Ave, Guthrie, OK 73044
Notes from Cathy
November Giving
Monthly Budgeted Giving
Budgeted Giving
P.S. On Nov. 29 there will be a tree-lighting in downtown Guthrie following the
Parade of Lights. We are having a “flash mob” there to sing the Hallelujah
Chorus at 6:30. If you would like to join us for this flash mob style sing-along we
would welcome both you and your voice. Just be there at 6:20 to get your music
if you will need it. Should be a great time! Our choir is participating and so are
many others from choirs all over town. Hopefully our Betty Foster will be
announced as the Territorial Governor. See you there!
Sunday Worship
Sunday School
Children-30 Youth-5 Adult-41
Communion to Shut-Ins19
Budget Receipts 11/23/14
Amount Budgeted per week
Amount Budgeted to date
Budget Receipts to date
Budget Expenses to date
Actual Giving
Good Day!
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends.
Warning!!! After dinner do not take your shoes off and relax because someone
may take one of your shoes and hide it. You never know who you can trust. I
felt a little like Cinderella last Sunday when Dennis stole and then returned my
high heel. How funny was that?
I am excited about this year’s advent season. Our first Sunday of Advent is
the “Hanging of the Greens Ceremony”. This is always a great celebration as it
announces the Season of Light. Some of our Christmas decorations will be up
and some will be affixed into place as we sing carols of the season. This
Sunday you will get to hear one of my favorite solos, “Gabriel’s Message.” Jerry
Rucker is going to sing it accompanied by Marla Belcher. The choir will sing
“People Wait,” a song that prompts us to reflect upon the process of waiting.
Waiting is exactly what this Season of Anticipation is all about. The Handbells
will begin advent with “Shepherds Awake.”
I was so proud of our choirs on Sunday evening at First Southern Baptist
Church. What a wonderful worship service we had! Our handbells carried all
their equipment and set it up over there in the rain. Then they had to bring it all
back and set it up at our church. What stories they can tell their grandchildren!
(And believe me, they will) Everyone sounded just a great as they did last
Sunday morning. We had a lot of our people at the service too! What great
support for Dennis and the choirs!
I look forward to seeing you after your tryptophan nap this Thursday! Do not
get trampled in the Black Friday rush. Plan to be at church and enjoy the
beginning of this Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
The Tie That Binds (USPS 577280) is published weekly except for the last week of December by First Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ).
POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to First Christian Church, 402 East Noble Avenue, Guthrie, OK 73044
Periodical Postage Paid at Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044
402 East Noble Avenue
Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044
(405) 282-4080 Fax (405) 282-4088
DR. DENNIS CLARK, Senior Pastor
KAREN ALLEN, Minister of Christian Education
We are a family of faith
sharing God’s love by
reaching out, touching lives
and building relationships.
Dennis’ Diary:
“Bless Others This Thanksgiving!”
November 26, 2014
Volume 50, No. 47
As most of you know two of my most influential sources of my preaching have been Dr. Fred
Craddock, (my retired Professor of Preaching) and the Peanuts Comic Strips. Both sources have
touched so many lives with their message. As we prepare for our celebration of Thanksgiving think
about ways you can express “thanks” by helping others.
It’s been years, but I remember Fred Craddock telling of the time he attended a conference on hunger. Influential,
knowledgeable speakers had been brought in from all over to talk on the subject. Near the end of the conference, Fred
says, a young, willowy woman got up to speak. Her long straight hair fell down her back, almost to her waist. She
carried a legal pad to the podium and began reading.
At first, Craddock says, he couldn’t follow what she was saying. Eventually, it dawned on him, as it did all the other
listeners. She was reading the same sentence over and over, each time in a different language. Finally, at the very end,
she spoke the sentence in English. All the time she was saying, “Mommy, I’m hungry. Mommy, I’m hungry.”
She was the most powerful speaker of the entire conference, Craddock says. As least, she had the most impact on
him. As he and his group drove back to Atlanta, alongside the highway he read a billboard he had seen numerous
times. Before, he had hardly even noticed it. This time he did. It said, “All You Can Eat Buffet, $4.99.” This time,
Craddock says, that message seemed to him to be obscene.
One of my favorite cartoons of all time is one from the Peanuts
Ministry Opportunities for the week
comic strip. In this particular one, Snoopy is sitting in the doorway
TUESDAY, November 25
of his dog house shivering violently during a winter storm. You
8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool – Charlie Brown Feast
can see that it is near Christmas time by the decorations on the
dog house. Charlie Brown and Lucy are walking by – all bundled
WEDNESDAY, November 26
up and warm as toast. They offer a greeting, “Be of good cheer,
11:30 a.m. – Staff Meeting
Snoopy,” Charlie Brown says. “Yes, be of good cheer,” Lucy replies.
THURSDAY, November 27
And they keep on walking as Snoopy sits there with chattering
Happy Thanksgiving
Office Closed
This message of the cartoon was powerful. The most noxious
No MDO/Preschool
lifestyle of all is when compassionate words come from a careless
FRIDAY, November 28
heart. Snoopy would no doubt prefer a blanket over a greeting. A
11 a.m. – Decorate for Advent
compassionate heart is a reflection of the heart of God.
SUNDAY, November 30
Read the passage in James 2:14-17 and you will find a Biblical
8:30 a.m. – Celebration Service
basis for both illustrations. As I stated Sunday most of us have
everything we need but maybe not everything we want. This
9:30 a.m. – Sunday School for all ages
Thanksgiving let’s focus on our blessings and make sure that we
10:30 a.m. – Worship Service
DO something to bless others.
11:45 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Children’s Christmas Program
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
11:45 a.m. – Mission Camp Planning Meeting
as we begin
2 p.m. – Family Advent Event
the Advent Season!
Hospitalized at this time: Marilyn
Walter, Bill Wagoner and Maxine
Yost. We pray for our church family:
Myrna Laughlin, Marilyn Irby, Jim
Willbanks, Fern Brouchoud, Phil
Morrow, Flo Olds, Ruth Ellis, Ada
Dilley, Wayne Bennett, Don Bross,
Gene Reed, Joan Jones, Viola Dilley,
Kathleen Olds Elliott, Ann Geisler,
Karen Yancey and Joyce CarterEitson. We pray for our friends and
family: the family of Farrah Love
Sinclair, the apartment fire victims,
Pauline Evans, Kay Webb, Rev. John
MacLemore, Carolyn MacLemore,
Vivian Bradshaw, Madison Dilbeck,
Linda Calvert, Frank Saxton, John
Gathers, Joy Kursel, Grace Nelson,
Tima Krausse, Norma Cook, Ruth
Raymond, Jack Thompson, Toni
Blatizar, Sharen Bowers, Brian
Vincent, Glenda McKeever, Ashlee
Townsend, Glenda Fournier, Taylor
Rocheleau, John Krausse, Gary Clay,
Jack Bond, Donnie Savory, Donna Jo
Carrillo, Earl Johnson, Sherry Hall,
Rhonda Lovelace and Hollie
Chappell. Our military overseas:
Jeremy Wilson and Tauren Sampson.
The church we are praying for this
week: Mustang Christian Church and
their pastor, Jason Williams.
All classes were busy last week preparing for our annual
"Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Feast" which was held on Tues. Nov.
25 in Fellowship Hall. The focus of this feast is to give gratitude
for all that we have today and realize that it is enough, when we
are surrounded by the love of God, family and friends. Happy
Our preschool class enjoyed their first field trip last Thurs. to
the Children's Museum in Edmond. It was just right for a first
outing and they had a great time.
Ms. Betty
Memorials and Special Gifts
We would like to thank the following individuals and
families for their generous donations.
Bereavement Fund
In Memory of Bion & Betty Acton
By Carl & Diane Biggs
Building Fund
In Memory of Bion Acton
By Clifton & Sara Jane Chappell
Seamans Christmas Fund
In Honor of Karen Seamans’ Birthday
By KC & Linda Griffin
On Sunday, Ron Owen
came forward to join our
church. Ron is retired from
IBM and lives at 1409 N.
Canyon Way. His phone
number is 1-817-301-3125.
Please join us in making
Ron feel welcome to First
Christian Church!
Memorial Fund
In Memory of Phyllis Odom, Sharon Waner, Bion Acton, Wayman Momsen & Glen Elston
By Rick & Susan Martin
ADULTS NEEDED!! Help us make this successful for our community, our
church, our youth… We are holding a short planning meeting: Sunday, Nov
30 @ 11:45 a.m. For more information contact Jeff Ball or Staci Carey.
Welcome to the Family of God!
Andrew and Matthew Brock were baptized at the
8:30 service on Sunday. Andrew is in the 3rd
grade and Matthew is in the 5th. Both boys enjoy
riding horses and are the sons of Frank and
Shari Bross. Congratulations, to both of them!
Decorate for
Join the Worship Team on
Friday, November 28 at 11
a.m. We will be decorating
the sanctuary for the
upcoming Advent Season.
If you would like to help,
we would love to have you
Welcome Ron Owen!
On Sunday Brock Parker was baptized on his
13th birthday! Brock is in the 7th grade and
enjoys playing soccer. Brock is the son of
Jamie and Stacey Johnston and Keith Parker.
Congratulations, Brock!
Keeping Up
With Karen
Last week I was working on my offertory/communion thought for the
8:30 service and both of my kids happened to be nearby. I asked them,
when you think of Thanksgiving, what do you think of? My youngest
blurts out “Jesus!” To put it in context, we happened to be at the church
at the time, so obviously any question that requires thought, the right
answer is “Jesus!”
I turned to my oldest and said, “I like his answer but let’s think a little
bit more, what do you think of when you think of Thanksgiving?”
Alex says “Pilgrims, turkey, the Mayflower…” and the history lesson
continued. I guess I can be thankful that he’s been paying attention in
History class!
It’s funny what kids pick up on and when I was expecting answers like
family, friends, food, clothing, I got polar opposite answers. I received the
perfect answer – Jesus and a history lesson. On Monday morning, I found
a picture of a turkey in my office that the kids had made in Kid’s Worship.
The middle of the turkey said “I am thankful for…” and on it the feathers
said “mom and dad, God, family and turkey.”
I guess maybe I just asked the wrong question and I should be thankful
for our Kid’s Worship teachers who know how to get the most out of my
kids each Sunday morning!
At Sunday evening’s Community Thanksgiving service, Gary Weeks
read Psalm 100 and within it is this verse: “Enter his gates with
thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his
I hope you find a way to praise Him this week and everyday because
whether you are thankful for Jesus, pilgrims, turkey, your parents, friends,
pets or whatever rests on your mind we can always find something to
Have a joyous holiday and we’ll see you Sunday as we begin Advent!
Next week we will begin our Advent
study. We will discuss God's Christmas
Promises as we learn about God's promise to
Mary in Luke 1:26-33. We will also have our
Angel Tree Christmas store set up for Kid's
Worship and Kid's Worship Extra kids to shop
this Sunday, November 30th and next Sunday
Dec. 7th. We are partnering with our youth group to help reach
even more kids through the ministry that Angel Tree provides. If
your children would like to help with Angel Tree, please send them
with anywhere from $1-$10 to shop in our Angel Tree store during
Kid's Worship and Kid's Worship Extra. The gifts purchased for
these children in our community will be sent to them on behalf of
their parents who are incarcerated. This is a wonderful
opportunity for our children to learn about giving as they support
this important ministry that Angel Tree provides.
Sunday, November 30
The Janik Family
Tyler and Amanda Shipley
Charity McPeek and Carissa Redman
Tyler Shipley
Jessica Eaves
Lauren Parker
Morgan Hanna and Lauren Parker
8:30 – Dave Williams
10:30 – AJ Griffin and Linda Holtz
Philip Moseley, Dave Williams
and Babs Gumerson
Tyler and Amanda Shipley
(Please wear nametags when serving)
Jason and Kara Barton,
Christy Chennault, Jason Eaves,
Andrew and Natalie Hardin,
Debbie* Hubbard, Stan Wieczorek,
Tommy and Lori Payne,
Tyler and Amanda Shipley
* Denotes team captain
Dale Frey, Shawn Mason
and Sammy LeGrande
Anna Frey, Penny Gooch,
Carol Husmann, Clara Ketch
Janie Carey and Ada Belle Elder
Kacie Carey, Alex Griffin
and Reagan Griffin
John Allen
Susie Janik
Family Advent
Christmas Event
Sunday, Nov. 30
@ 2 p.m.
Cost is $10/family
to help offset the
cost of supplies.
We will be taking our
service Dec. 7. There will
only be one service that
day due to the Christmas
Dear Dennis, Karen and church family, Thank you once
again, for being there in our family’s time of need. We
appreciate your heartfelt prayers throughout our sweet
Madison’s surgery. The basket of special goodies was both
beautiful and came in handy!
Dennis, you are such a comfort to Madison and our
entire family. Thank you for praying with us and staying
during the entire ordeal! Madison is doing awesome! Each
one of you hold a special place in our hearts.
With God’s Love, Carol & Jonathan Allen,
Frances Macrory & The Dilbeck Family
Buying a beautiful
memory or in honor
of your loved one is
tradition that many
each year. If you
poinsettia please fill
Christmas Program out
located in your
bulletin on Sunday
and mark your
checks accordingly.
Followed by a tasting party
They are only $12!
with a special guest!
Dec. 14
6:30 p.m.
Ministry Team Updates:
The Outreach Team meeting was held on Wednesday, November 19. In attendance were Karen Allen, Telena Hawkins,
Lori Payne, Logan Payne, Pam Williams, Susie Janik, Holly Evers and Jessica Eaves.
We placed tags on stockings for the stocking drive for underprivileged students in our community.
We made plans for Random Acts of Kindness week, which will be February 15-21.
We also planned our first Mission Sunday meeting, which will be held on Monday, January 21 at 7 p.m.
The Christian Education Team met last Wednesday, November 19 and discussed the following:
•Family Advent Event (which will be held this Sunday Nov. 30)
•Christmas Program Practices (Christmas Program is Dec. 14 at 6:30)
•Birthday Party for Jesus (This is a celebration for Kid's Worship and Kid's Worship Extra kids on December 21 during
the 10:30 service. Following the service we will have a birthday cake for Jesus to celebrate His birthday as a
•Christmas Eve Service (our theme this year is "A Night Like No Other")
•Amanda and Tyler gave the Children's Minister report
•Staci gave the Youth Leader's Report
•Ms. Betty gave the MDO and Nursery Childcare Ministries Reports
•Proposed the Nursery Coordinator and MDO position plan and job description
•Discussed having a reception for Ms. Betty on Jan. 7 at 6 p.m.
Members in attendance included: Karen Allen, Shana Bench, Tiffany Ingram, Katie Young, Betty Egelston, Staci
Carey, Tyler Shipley, and Amanda Shipley.
Our Next Christian Ed Meeting will be December 17 at 5:30!
1- LaHonda Ball
Betty Hamilton
Betsy Ball
Tammy Severson
2- Brooke Benson
3- Viola Dilley
Doug Pierson
4- Keith Young
Darl Doles
Liz Hinton
5- Robert Dewart
6- Maxine Ball
Shannon Thompson
Jason Canning
Teresa Russell
Dan Russell
Lisa Sperry
7- Juanita Plagg
Frances Macrory
8- Josh Russell
9- Nicholas Pepper
Robert Storm
Lawrence Coburn
Abigail Johnston
Yancey Ingram
11- Jackson Walters
Carol Barnes
Kelsey Farley
12- Jane Weeks
Kathryn McGee
13- Charles Phillips
Natalie Russell
14- Kim Greer
15- Ruth Camerer
Easton Plagg
Dale Frey
16- Karen Bock
Mekaila Carey
Alexis Severson
Lori Payne
17- Carol Allen
18- Jason Walters
Kim Betchan
Alan Schroeder
19- Colter Morey
20- Doug Powell
Destiny Morrow
21- Tanner Ball
22- Kaydence Smith
23- Krista Smith
24- Joann LeGrande
25- Deannie Young
Trenton Sperry
Laing Morey
Sophia Hood
26- Chris Collins
27- Denise Shoun
Tyler Davison
Tommy Payne
29- Cynthia Baker
30- Kyndal Carey
31- Megan Eaves
Happy Anniversary
4- Justin & Lindsay Mays
6- Ryan & Julie Wiss
7- Hank & Debbie Hubbard
13- Randy & Karen Bock
14- Jim & Terri McNulty
17- David & Ellie Ball
18- Randy & Kim Thomas
20- LeRoy and Carol Barnes
24- Eldon & Shirley Waner
26- Larry & Nancy Stinchcomb
Josh & Cynthia Russell
27- Bob & Sharon Davis
Jim & Betty Ethridge
28- Richard & Marilyn Walter
Charles & Maxine Ball
30- Nick & Kaylee Abbott
31- Nick & Shana Bench
402 E. Noble, Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044
(405) 282-4080 Website:
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Email – Office (secretary)
Dennis: Karen:
Shana: Cathy:
Betty: Staci:
Jeff: Tyler Shipley:
Amanda Shipley:
December 2014
Repeating Sunday Events: (unless otherwise indicated)
8:30 a.m. Celebration Service
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
9:30 a.m. Handbell Rehearsal
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
6 p.m. Youth
Ezekiel 40-41; 2 Peter 3
6 p.m. – Small Group – The Daniel Plan
Daniel 5-7; 2 John
No 8:30 Service
10:30 a.m. – Christmas Cantata
11:45 a.m. – Congregational Photo
11:45 a.m. – Christmas Program Rehearsal
Noon – 4 p.m. – Angel Tree Shopping - Youth
Joel; Revelation 5
Congregational Meeting
11:45 a.m. – Christmas Program Rehearsal
Noon – Heart-to-Heart Christmas Party
6:30 p.m. – Children’s Christmas Program
Followed by Tasting Party
Micah 4-5; Revelation 12
Christmas Sunday
Zechariah 5-8; Revelation 19
Dennis’ last Sunday
Baby Dedication
Noon – 3 p.m. – Retirement Celebration
Daniel 8-10; 3 John
6 p.m. – Small Group – The Daniel Plan
Amos 1-3; Revelation 6
6 p.m. – Small Group – The Daniel Plan
Micah 6-7; Revelation 13
Ezekiel 42-44; 1 John 1
8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool
3:30 p.m. – Campfire
6 p.m. – Worship Team Meeting
6:30 p.m. – Stewardship Meeting
Daniel 11-12; Jude
8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool
3:30 p.m. - Campfire
Amos 4-6; Revelation 7
8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool
3:30 p.m. - Campfire
Nahum; Revelation 14
6 p.m. – Small Group – The Daniel Plan
Zechariah 9-12; Revelation 20
6 p.m. – Small Group – The Daniel Plan
Ezekiel 45-46; 1 John 2
11:30 a.m. – Staff Meeting
6:30 p.m. – Choir Rehearsal
6:30 p.m. – Women’s Small Group
7 p.m. – Property Team Meeting
Hosea 1-4; Revelation 1
8:15 a.m. – Disciples Women to Regional Food Bank
6:15 p.m. – Elders Meeting
6:30 p.m. – Choir Rehearsal
7 p.m. – Board Meeting
Amos 7-9; Revelation 8
5:30 p.m. – Christian Education Team Christmas
Habakkuk; Revelation 15
Christmas Eve
6 p.m. – Family Service
10 p.m. – Candlelight Service
Zechariah 13-14; Revelation 21
9 a.m. – CPR Training
Malachi; Revelation 22
Ezekiel 47-48; 1 John 3
Daniel 1-2; 1 John 4
Daniel 3-4; 1 John 5
Hosea 12-14; Revelation 4
Micah 1-3; Revelation 11
Zechariah 1-4; Revelation 18
8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool
Hosea 5-8; Revelation 2
Hosea 9-11; Revelation 3
8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool
2 p.m. – Retired Fellowship Lights Tour – Amish
Restaurant and Rhema Bible College
Obadiah; Revelation 9
8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool
6:30 p.m. – Childcare Training
Zephaniah; Revelation 16
Jonah; Revelation 10
6:30 p.m. – Staff Christmas Party
Haggai; Revelation 17
Office Closed