Ihre Botschaft - Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige


Ihre Botschaft - Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige
Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
Februar 2014
Ausgabe 53/J2014
Ihre Botschaft
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser
Unsere Visa-Abteilung hat gemäss den Vorgaben der Schengen-Regeln auf die biometrische
Datenerfassung umgestellt. In der Anfangsphase müssen leider mit längeren Wartezeiten gerechnet
werden. Ich hoffe aber, dass sich dies bis Mitte März einpendelt und wir Ihnen wieder ein kürzeres
Verfahren bieten können. Ich danke Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis.
„Green Energy“ ist auch für die Botschaft ein zu verfolgendes Gebot. Wir haben daher neu ein SolarDach installiert, so dass wir unsere Energie zu 50% von der Sonne gewinnen können. Die Anlage
wurde von Frau Bundesrätin Doris Leuthard eröffnet. Mehr dazu im Newsletter.
Ich hoffe, dass sich die politische Lage in Thailand wieder beruhigt. Ich bedauere und verurteile die
Gewaltanwendung und spreche den Familien der Opfer mein Beileid aus. Bitte verfolgen Sie weiterhin
beachten Sie unsere Empfehlung, die Orte der Demonstrationen zu meiden.
Chers Lecteurs,
Conformément aux exigences de l’accord Schengen, notre section des visas collecte désormais les
données biométriques des demandeurs de visa. Durant la phase d’introduction du nouveau système il
faut malheureusement compter avec un temps d’attente plus long que d’habitude. J’espère toutefois
que la situation se stabilisera rapidement et que d’ici la mi-mars la durée du processus soit plus
rapide. Je vous remercie de votre compréhension.
L’énergie verte est un impératif à suivre également pour cette représentation. Des panneaux solaires
ont dès lors été installés sur le toit de l’Ambassade. Environ 50% de l’énergie consommée est
désormais produite par cette source d’énergie renouvelable. L’installation a été inaugurée par la
conseillère fédérale Doris Leuthard. Vous trouverez plus d’informations à ce sujet dans la Newsletter.
J’espère que la situation politique en Thaïlande se normalisera prochainement. Je déplore et
condamne le recours à la violence et adresse mes condoléances aux familles des victimes. Je vous
(http://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/fr/home/reps/asia/vtha/rhtha.html) et notre recommandation d’éviter les
zones des manifestations.
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
Dear Readers,
Our visa section has converted to a collection of biometric data, according to the specifications of
Schengen-Regulations. In the initial phase, the long waiting time would be expected. I hope, however,
that this would settle down in mid-March and we can offer you a shorter procedure again. I thank you
for your understanding.
“Green Energy” is also a precept for the Embassy to follow. Therefore, we have installed a new Solarroof, so that we can win up to 50% of our energy from the sun. The facility was opened by the Federal
Counselor, Mrs. Doris Leuthard. More information in this Newsletter.
I hope that the political situation in Thailand will calm down again. I regret and condemn the use of
violence and express my condolence to the family of the victims. Please continue to follow our Travel
Advice (http://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/de/home/reps/asia/vtha/rhtha.html) and pay attention to our
recommendation to avoid the vicinity of the demonstrations.
Mit besten Grüssen / Mes meilleures saluations / Sincerely Yours
Ihre Christine Schraner Burgener
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
Embassy News
NEU: Solar-Energie für die Schweizer Botschaft und Residenz in Bangkok
Am 7. Februar startete Frau Bundesrätin Doris Leuthard, Vorsteherin des Eidgenössischen
Departements für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation, offiziell den Betrieb der SolarDächer der Schweizer Botschaft. Die 552 Solar Panels auf zwei Dächern (901 m2) sind aus
Monocrystalline und können maximal 149,04 kWp produzieren. Wir rechnen bei entsprechenden
Wetterverhältnissen mit einer täglichen Leistung von ca. 100kW. Damit kann man z.B. 1‘666 Stück
Glühbirnen von 60W in Betrieb setzen. Insgesamt sparen wir auf der Botschaft ca. 50% gekauften
Strom und können damit unsere Computer, Aircon, Licht etc. in Betrieb setzen.
Wir auf der Botschaft haben uns gefreut, dass uns unsere Energie-Ministerin einen (inoffiziellen)
Besuch abstattete. Wollen Sie mehr über die Schweizer Energiepolitik wissen?
Von links nach rechts: Botschafterin Christine Schraner Burgener, Bundesrätin Doris Leuthard, Thitiya
Khiewkem (technische Mitarbeiterin Schweizer Botschaft)
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
Embassy News
14 Thai International Travel Fair 2014
Swiss Travel Agencies participated at the Thai International Travel Fair at the Queen Sirikit
Convention Center in Bangkok from 20 -23 February.
Around 60’000 Thai Tourists are visiting Switzerland every year. From 2012 to 2013 there was an
increase of 22, 4%.
Foto (from left): Phantiipa Phromchote (Senior Sales Services Executive, SWISS), Ambassador
Christine Schraner Burgener, Napapron Pinkaew (Deputy Country Manager, SWISS), Nuttinee
Angsakularporn (Trade Officer, Embassy of Switzerland).
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
Embassy News
Swiss Students alumni Get Together and New Year Party
The Swiss Students Alumni Association under Royal patronage of H.R.H. Princess Kalayani Wattana
Krom Luang Songkha Nakarindra was established in 1948. It aims to gather the Swiss Alumni
Students to the related activities together with the Swiss citizens living in Thailand in order to build the
relationship between the two countries.
Information from http://www.thaiswissalumni.com/
The Swiss Students alumni association came together for a New Year Party on the 8 February at the
Hotel Nai Lert Park in Bangkok. Many former Thai students remembered the time they spent in
Switzerland. With good food and music and dance there was a lot of fun.
President of the Association, Khun Koblarb Poshakrishna, President of Swiss Alumni Association
(left), with the Swiss Ambassador Christine Schraner Burgener
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
Embassy News
Switzerland Travel Experience 2014
Cocktail Reception, 28 February 2014
STE BKK was held on 28 February 2014 with the purpose of being a good platform of tourist
information promotion and exchange between more than 20 Swiss tourism partners from all over
Switzerland and Thai travel trade partners (land operators, tour operators and travel agencies).
STE BKK 2014 consisted of two events:
The day-time workshop started from 9.00 – 15.00 hrs. at Crowne Plaza Hotel,
Bangkok. This was organized by Switzerland Tourism Representative in Thailand in
close cooperation with the Swiss International Air Lines. There were over 100
participants at the workshop which has achieved the target.
The evening cocktail reception started from 18.30 – 20.30 hrs. at the Residence of the
Swiss Ambassador to Thailand. This was organized by Switzerland Tourism
Representative in Thailand. There were 85 participants in total, comprising 55 VIP
guests from Thai travel trade partners as well as Thai media partners and 30 Swiss
delegates from different tourist destinations all over Switzerland. At the Evening
Cocktail Reception, the “Swiss Food” from Swissotel Park Nai Lert was offered to the
Mrs. Christine Schraner Burgener, the Swiss Ambassador to Thailand and
Mr. Ivan Breiter, Director of Switzerland Tourism in Southeast Asia
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
From the left, Ms. Malai Pongsirirak, Representative Southeast Asia Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn & Glacier Express Gornergrat
Bahn / Mrs. Christine Schraner Burgener, the Swiss Ambassador to Thailand / Ms. Kusuma Yodhasmutr, Taikoon TV Host / Mr.
Ivan Breiter, Director of Switzerland Tourism in Southeast Asia
From the left, Ms. Jeerasook Boonnak, Ekthana Education Services / Ms. Koblarp Poshakrishna, President of Swiss Alumni
Assocation / Mrs. Christine Schraner Burgener,
the Swiss Ambassador to Thailand / Mr. Ivan Breiter, Director of Switzerland Tourism in
Southeast Asia / Ms. Nuttinee Angsakularporn, Marketing Representative Thailand of Switzerland Tourism / Mr. Ekthana
Faisaikram, Managing Director of Ekthana
Educaiton Services
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
Embassy News
La Fête de la Francophonie 2014, le 8 février 2014 à l’Alliance française, était un plein
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
Vote électronique: Die Auslandschweizer von 12 Kantonen konnten
elektronisch abstimmen
Bern, 09.02.2014 - Anlässlich der eidgenössischen Volksabstimmung vom 9. Februar 2014
haben zwölf Kantone Versuche mit der elektronischen Stimmabgabe durchgeführt. Diese
haben die Anforderungen des Bundes erfüllt und sind erfolgreich verlaufen.
Hohe Beteiligung mit dem elektronischen Stimmkanal:
Von den rund 165 000 Stimmberechtigten, die ihre Stimme via Internet hätten abgeben können,
haben 28 785 ihre Stimme elektronisch eingelegt. In den zwölf Kantonen haben bis zu 66.14%
derjenigen Stimmberechtigten, welche zu Vote électronique zugelassenen waren und tatsächlich
abgestimmt haben, vom neuen Stimmkanal profitiert. Die Tabelle im Anhang bietet eine
Detailübersicht der Stimmbeteiligung mit Vote électronique nach Kanton sowie des zu den Versuchen
zugelassenen Elektorats.
Wie bei den letzten Versuchen haben die Kantone Genf und Neuenburg neben ihren
Auslandschweizerinnen und -schweizern auch Inlandschweizer Stimmberechtigte (70 959 im Kanton
Genf bzw. 21 465 im Kanton Neuenburg) zu den Versuchen zugelassen. Die anderen zehn Kantone
(Bern, Luzern, Freiburg, Solothurn, Basel-Stadt, Schaffhausen, St.Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau und
Thurgau) beschränken sich auf Auslandschweizerinnen und -schweizer.
Die rund 165 000 zugelassenen Stimmberechtigten entsprechen 3% des gesamtschweizerischen
Elektorats. Die in der Verordnung über die politischen Rechte (VPR) festgelegte Limite, nach welcher
nicht mehr als 10% der eidgenössischen Stimmberechtigten in die Versuche einbezogen werden
dürfen, wurde damit bei Weitem nicht ausgeschöpft.
Aufhebung der Wassenaar-Klausel für Auslandschweizer Stimmberechtigt:
Zum ersten Mal konnten alle Auslandschweizer Stimmberechtigte elektronisch abstimmen, die in
einem Kanton immatrikuliert sind, der Vote électronique anbietet. Der Bundesrat hatte bei den
bisherigen Versuchen nur Auslandschweizerinnen und -schweizer zu Vote électronique zugelassen,
welche ihren Wohnsitz in einem EU-Staat haben oder aber in einem Staat, der das sog. WassenaarAbkommen unterzeichnet hat. Folglich erhielten Auslandschweizer Stimmberechtigte, die nicht in
einem Wassenaar-Staat angemeldet sind, keinen Zugang zu Vote électronique, selbst wenn der
Kanton, in dem sie immatrikuliert sind, diese Möglichkeit grundsätzlich anbietet. Grund für diese
Einschränkung war die Tatsache, dass die für die Wahrung des Stimmgeheimnisses erforderliche
Übermittlung von verschlüsselten Daten nicht in allen Staaten möglich bzw. zulässig ist. Aufgrund
einer Abwägung der Vor- und Nachteile sowie der technischen Implikationen hat der Bundesrat im
Rahmen des dritten Berichts zu Vote électronique im Jahr 2013 entschieden, auf die Einschränkung
auf Wassenaar-Staaten zu verzichten. Die Auslandschweizer Stimmberechtigten wurden auf mögliche
Konsequenzen der Stimmabgabe via Internet aufmerksam gemacht. Dies ist insbesondere in jenen
Staaten von Relevanz, in denen die Verwendung von Verschlüsselungstechnologien nicht erlaubt ist.
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
Vote électronique : Les Suisses de l'étranger de 12 cantons ont pu voter
par voie électronique
Berne, 09.02.2014 - Lors de la votation populaire fédérale du 9 février 2014, douze cantons ont
à nouveau mené des essais de vote électronique. Ceux-ci ont satisfait aux conditions de la
Confédération et se sont déroulés avec succès.
Forte participation pour le canal électronique
Dès quelque 165 000 électeurs autorisés à voter par voie électronique, 28 785 ont fait usage de cette
possibilité. Dans les cantons participant aux essais, la proportion des votants ayant utilisé le vote
électronique au sein des groupes autorisés à le faire, a atteint jusqu'à 66.14%. Le tableau en annexe
donne un aperçu détaillé de la participation des électeurs ayant voté par voie électronique par canton
et de la participation de l'électorat autorisé à prendre part aux essais.
De même que lors des derniers essais, les cantons de Genève et de Neuchâtel ont laissé des Suisses
de l'intérieur tester le canal de vote électronique (70 959 dans le canton de Genève et 21 465 dans le
canton de Neuchâtel) en plus de leurs électeurs suisses de l'étranger. S'agissant des dix autres
cantons (Berne, Lucerne, Fribourg, Soleure, Bâle-Ville, Schaffhouse, Saint-Gall, Grisons, Argovie et
Thurgovie), seuls les Suisses de l'étranger ont pu participer à la votation.
Les quelque 165 000 électeurs autorisés à voter par voie électronique représentent 3% de l'électorat
suisse total. La limite fixée dans l'Ordonnance sur les droits politiques (ODP), en vertu de laquelle
aucun essai ne doit concerner plus de 10% des électeurs au niveau fédéral, n'a ainsi de loin pas été
Abrogation de la clause de Wassenaar pour les Suisses de l'étranger
Pour la première fois, tous les Suisses de l'étranger immatriculés dans un canton offrant le vote
électronique ont pu voter par internet. Jusqu'à présent, le Conseil fédéral n'avait admis aux essais de
vote électronique que les Suisses de l'étranger qui résidaient dans un État membre de l'Union
européenne ou dans un État qui a signé l'accord de Wassenaar. Par conséquent, les électeurs
suisses à l'étranger qui ne résidaient pas dans un « État Wassenaar », n'avaient pas accès au vote
électronique, même si le canton dans lequel ils étaient inscrits offrait en principe cette possibilité. La
raison de cette restriction résidait dans le fait que les conditions garantissant à la fois la transmission
des données cryptées et le secret du vote n'étaient, dans ces pays, pas considérées comme données.
Après une évaluation des avantages et des inconvénients ainsi que des implications techniques de
cette règle, le Conseil fédéral a décidé - dans le cadre du troisième rapport sur le vote électronique
paru en juin 2013 - de révoquer la clause de Wassenaar. Les Suisses de l'étranger ont été rendus
attentifs aux possibles conséquences d'un vote électronique. Cela est surtout pertinent dans les États
où l'utilisation de technologies de cryptage est interdite.
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
Voto elettronico: gli Svizzeri all'estero di dodici Cantoni hanno potuto
votare elettronicamente
Berna, 09.02.2014 - In occasione della votazione popolare federale del 9 febbraio 2014, 12
Cantoni hanno effettuato nuove prove di voto elettronico, che hanno soddisfatto i requisiti
della Confederazione e si sono svolte con esito positivo.
Alta partecipazione con il canale di voto elettronico
Dei circa 165 000 cittadini che avrebbero potuto votare via Internet, 28 785 si sono effettivamente
avvalsi di questa possibilità. Nei Cantoni che hanno partecipato alle prove di voto elettronico, fino al
66.14% dei votanti ammessi si sono serviti del nuovo canale di voto. La tabella allegata offre una
panoramica dettagliata della partecipazione al voto elettronico a seconda del Cantone e del rispettivo
elettorato ammesso alle prove.
Come in occasione delle ultime prove, i Cantoni di Ginevra e Neuchâtel, oltre agli Svizzeri residenti
all'estero iscritti nei loro cataloghi elettorali hanno ammesso alla prova anche aventi diritto di voto
svizzeri domiciliati nei loro Cantoni (70 959 a Ginevra e 21 465 a Neuchâtel). Gli altri Cantoni (Berna,
Lucerna, Friburgo, Soletta, Basilea Città, Sciaffusa, San Gallo, Grigioni, Argovia e Turgovia) hanno
effettuato le prove soltanto con gli Svizzeri all'estero.
I circa 165 000 aventi diritto di voto ammessi alla prova corrispondono al 3% dell'elettorato svizzero
nel suo complesso. Il limite stabilito nell'Ordinanza sui Diritti politici (ODP), secondo cui le prove non
possono concernere più del 10% degli aventi diritto di voto a livello federale, è stato così ampiamente
Abrogazione della clausola di Wassenaar per gli Svizzeri all'estero
Per la prima volta tutti gli Svizzeri all'estero, immatricolati in un cantone che offre il vote elettronico,
hanno pouto votare via internet. Fino ad oggi, il Consiglio federale ha ammesso alle prove di voto
elettronico unicamente gli Svizzeri all'estero residenti in uno stato dell'Unione europea oppure in un
stato firmatario dell'accordo di Wassenaar. Pertanto, gli Svizzeri all'estero che non risiedevano in uno
stato Wassenaar, non avevano accesso al voto elettronico anche se il Cantone presso il quale sono
immatricolati offriva questa possibilità.
La ragione per questa restrizione risiedeva nel fatto che le condizioni che garantiscono da un lato la
trasmissione di dati crittati e dall'altro il segreto del voto, non erano date da questi paesi. Dopo una
valutazione dei vantaggi e degli svantaggi così come delle implicazioni a livello tecnico, il Consiglio
federale ha deciso - nell'ambito del terzo rapporto sul voto elettronico pubblicato nel mese di giugno
2013 - di abbrogare la clausula di Wassenaar. Gli Svizzeri all'estero sono stati resi attenti alle possibili
conseguenze del voto elettronico. Questo è soprattutto rilevante in quei stati in cui l'utilizzazione delle
tecnologie di crittaggio è proibita.
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
Upcoming Cultural Event
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
Upcoming Cultural Event
Richard Strauss’ impact on the orchestral world cannot be minimized. TPO honors this musical icon
on his 150thbirthday with series of performances of his works – the first of which is his famous “Death
& Transfiguration”. Principal Guest Conductor Claude Villaret from Switzerland is joined by German
violin soloist Wolfgang Schröder, performing Brahms Violin Concerto.
21 March 2014 / 7.00 p.m. / Prince Mahidol Hall
22 March 2014 / 4.00 p.m. / Prince Mahidol Hall
Conductor: Claude Villaret
Soloist: Wolfgang Schröder, Violin
Thai Traditional Music
Johannes Brahms: Violin Concerto in D major Op.77
Alexander Scriabin: The Poem of Ecstasy Op.54
Richard Strauss: Death & Transfiguration Op.24
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
| Februar 2014
Upcoming Cultural Event
Wednesday, 19th March 2014, 19h00 at the Residence of the Swiss Ambassador
Free entrance, pre-registration required at: ban.event@eda.admin.ch
Mauro Monti – piano and keyboard
Dan Phillips – guitars
Dome Hayodome – bass
Pong Nakomchai – drum
Milk Annawin Kerdteesud – Saxophones
Mauro Monti Combo Project is a new band composed with top musicians, quite well known
in the Bangkok jazz scene. The repertoire includes original compositions influenced mainly
by jazz funk grooves but also swing rhythms that truly seduce the ear.
Mauro Monti is a Swiss pianist and jazz educator with more than 20 years
experience. He has released an original recording “The Box Of Memories” and
he has performed in Switzerland and across Europe with great Swiss and
international musicians like Flavio Boltro, Furio Di Castri, Roberto Gatto, Mike
Richmond and Adam Nussbaum, just to mention a few. Since 2007 Mauro lives
in Bangkok. He teaches piano, jazz arranging and composition at
Mahidol College Of Music and performs in the main jazz venues in
Dan Phillips is a guitarist, composer, band leader and jazz educator
from Chicago, graduated at Berklee College of Music, living in Bangkok and teaching at the
Silpakorn University. His Chicago based Trio has released 3 original recordings “Journey in
Mind”, “Moment of Clarity” and “Destination Unknown”. He has appeared at the Montreal
Jazz festival, Pattaya Music Festival, Hua-Hin jazz festival, Asikaga City jazz festival in
Japan and many other festivals and jazz clubs in US.
Dome Hayodom is a well known bassist of Bangkok, with a unique sound and groove.
He has played with the late Somjate, a renowned jazz guitarist and one of the earliest
exponents of jazz in Thailand, and he has also performed with the late Aj. Arnon
Sirisombatvattana, another legendary jazz exponent. Dome has appeared in the Hua-Hin jazz festival,
Thailand jazz festival and in many other jazz clubs in Thailand.
Milk Annawin Kerdteesud is a young talented saxophonist completing is Master degree in jazz
studies at Mahidol College of Music. In addition of conducting the Big Band at the College, Milk
appears with small bands as a leader or sideman and performs weekly
at the Saxophone Pub, the most popular jazz club in town.
Pong Nakomchai became a “first call” drummer after completing his
Bachelor Degree atMahidol College of Music. His playing describes a
natural talent in both Latin and Swingrhythms. In addition he uses an
original combination of futures that make his sound unique.
Pong has appeared in many jazz venues of Bangkok.
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
Februar 2014
Interview mit Tommaso Proh, Managing Director, Alifer co. ltd.
What brought you to Thailand?
I have been working in business development for 11 years, living abroad most of the time. After
developing Ghelfiondulati’s business in France and Italy, I decided to come to Asia in 2006 for an MBA
exchange study experience at Tsinghua University, Beijing. Asia stunned me. It seemed like everything
was happening in Asia: economical growth, social imbalances, new trends… all that within countries that
altogether are inhabited by more than one third of the world’s population, with an extremely young
average age.
It was clear to me that I had to come back at some point. And I did as a business development manager
for Asia for SAATI Group. This experience allowed me to implement different managerial techniques
within a multinational company on Asian markets. Between 2011 and July 2013 I was involved in a
strategic project of market development in Asia for Viabizzuno, a leading Italian company focusing on
design lighting and the manufacturing of lighting fittings. This experience in the design industry allowed
me to start to build up a wide network and knowledge of the dynamics of the design and architectural
industry in Asia. I started to work in close collaboration with architects, designers, hotel operators,
developers, contractors, distributors and showrooms.
Starting up with Alifer, which was established in Bangkok in September 2013, is part of a natural process.
We do international business development focusing our attention on the design and architectural industry.
This new entity was created in partnership with Marco Cattaneo, managing director of MC Asia Co. Ltd.
(Thailand) and MC Square (Hong Kong) – two companies with many years of experience in international
business development in Asia in various industrial sectors.
Why did you choose Thailand over other countries in the region?
The Company was founded in Thailand for several reasons: First, our main focus are the ASEAN
countries and Hong Kong. These countries are constantly growing and the ASEAN Economic Community
(AEC) is coming up. Thailand is in the heart of ASEAN, and its economy is well connected regionally and
globally. Many companies have targeted Thailand or are targeting the country for investments. Also, we
find a very interesting design and architectural environment here. Last but not least, Thailand allows you
to live well: an excellent environment for working and living.
Who are your customers?
Our customers are all organizations and companies working in the design and architectural industry that
need to develop their business activities in Asia. Our expertise and network of partnerships offer the
chance to cover a wide range of countries and to reduce time and costs of business development
What is the added value of your business?
We are a team of professionals, based in Asia, with several years of experience in business development
in Asia, coupled with extensive knowledge of the design industry in Asia.
How do you assess the market for design products in Thailand?
My experience and direct involvement in the design and architectural world in this region tells me that
many countries in Asia are very open and receptive to art, design, architecture and new trends. Thailand
is definitely among the most receptive countries, for several reasons: It has a long history of handcrafting
and caring for details, the “niche” of wealthy and educated people is growing day by day, the country has
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
Februar 2014
a young and growing part of the population that travels, studies and works abroad, more and more people
are demanding quality imported products, infrastructure investments are taking place, the hospitality and
residential businesses are growing, its geographical location, and, last but not least, there is an overall
friendly and stimulating environment for designers and artists.
All those reasons plus many others make Thailand a good place to do art, design and architecture. In
fact, quite a few Thai designers and architects work on international projects. Many new young architects
are entering the market. New galleries of art are popping up. Many artists reach Thailand every year.
Many international design firms have set up their office in Thailand. As a result, the quality of design and
the awareness of operators and of the end users is growing.
Thank you very much for this interview.
The interview was conducted by Viktor Vavricka, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Switzerland,
Tommaso Proh, Swiss, born in Sondrio, Italy, July 15 , 1975
Job Experiences
Alifer co ltd – managing director – (since September 2013)
International business development
2011- 2013 Viabizzuno srl - lighting Business Development manager Asia and India
Hong Kong
2007 – 2011 SAATI Group -textile and chemicals Regional Manager Asia – Pacific
2002 – 2005 Ghelfiondulati S.r.l.
Shanghai/Kuala Lumpur/Manila. -
Area Manager France and Italy
Sete, France; Verona/Salerno, Italy
SDA BOCCONI , MBA, Milano, Italy Exchange Program: SEM - TSINGHUA University, Beijing, China
Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy: Master Degree in Economics
Liceo Scientifico, Sondrio, Italy: High school diploma degree
Fort Scott High School of Fort Scott Kansas, U.S.A - 1 year exchange program
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok
Newsletter Schweizerische Botschaft in Thailand
Februar 2014
Kontakt / Impressum
Regional Consular Center
c/o Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road, (Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok 10501
(Neue Nummern seit August 2010)
Tel: +66 2 674 69 00 ; Fax: +66 2 674 69 01
Internet: www.eda.admin.ch/bangkok
Die Schweizerische Botschaft übernimmt keine Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieses Newsletters. Aufgrund der begrenzten
Ressourcen können wir nicht alle Beiträge übersetzen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.
The Embassy of Switzerland declines any responsibility for the content of this Newsletter. Due to limited resources, we cannot
translate all the contributions. Thank you for your understanding.
L'Ambassade de Suisse à Bangkok n'assume aucune responsabilité quant au contenu de cette Newsletter. En raison de
ressources limitées, nous ne pouvons pas traduire tous les articles. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.
Consulate of Switzerland
Patong Beach Hotel
124 Taweewongse Road
Patong Beach
Phuket 83150
Tel. 076 295 455,
Mobil Nr. 081 891 5987,
Email: phuket@honrep.ch
Consulate of Switzerland
11/1 Soi 13 Praproklao Road
Frangipani Serviced Residences
T. Sriphoom, A. Muang
Chiang Mai 50200
Tel. 053 225 000
Mobil Nr. 081 882 75 62
Email: chiangmai@honrep.ch
Embassy of Switzerland
35 North Wireless Road,
(Thanon Witthayu)
Bangkok 10330
G.P.O. Box 821, Bangkok