Information Builders Trainingskatalog 2015 tion Builders skatalog


Information Builders Trainingskatalog 2015 tion Builders skatalog
Information Builders
Trainingskatalog 2015
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 1
Herzlich Willkommen in unserem Trainingsbereich
Der Trainingsbereich und die Trainingsexperten verfügen über langjährige Erfahrungen in der Konzeption und Durchführung eines umfassenden Trainingsangebotes. Dabei stehen Ihre individuellen Anforderungen immer im Mittelpunkt. Unser Ziel ist es, präzise und zielgerichtete Trainings anzubieten, um
Fachwissen bedarfsorientiert aufzubauen und einen effizienten Einsatz der Software von Information
Builders in Ihrem Unternehmen sicherzustellen.
Damit Sie das passende Training finden, das Ihrer Situation und Ihren speziellen Anforderungen gerecht wird, können Sie durch diesen Trainingskatalog blättern oder unsere Website besuchen unter Sollten Sie weitere Fragen haben, können
Sie gerne persönlich mit uns Kontakt aufnehmen. Wir beraten Sie gerne.
Martin Schmid
Manager Professional Services
Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Information Builders lebt die Philosophie, Kunden nachhaltig und
langfristig beim Einsatz der Lösungen zu begleiten. Deshalb ist es
uns wichtig, ein ausgewogenes Angebot aus grundlegenden und
maßgeschneiderten Trainings im Portfolio zu haben.
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 2
Trainingsübersicht .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Übersicht aller Trainings nach Rolle .......................................................................................................................... 6
Trainingsbeschreibungen im Detail ........................................................................................................................... 8
Einführung................................................................................................................................................................... 9
500 WebFOCUS Bootcamp ...................................................................................................................................... 9
App Studio................................................................................................................................................................. 10
501 App Studio Reporting Essentials – Part 1........................................................................................................ 10
502 App Studio Reporting Essentials – Part 2........................................................................................................ 11
503 App Studio Reporting Essentials – Part 3........................................................................................................ 12
510 Metadata Essentials – Part 1 .......................................................................................................................... 13
511 Metadata Essentials – Part 2 .......................................................................................................................... 14
Berichtserstellung ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
WFDEVSTU Developer Studio ................................................................................................................................ 15
WFADV Developer Studio Advanced Topics .......................................................................................................... 16
WFINFOASSIST InfoAssist Essentials ...................................................................................................................... 17
366/67 InfoAssist Essentials Part 2 & 3 ................................................................................................................. 18
402 Reporting Techniques for Relational Databases ............................................................................................. 19
Visualisierung ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
363 Building a BI Portal.......................................................................................................................................... 20
346 Charting Essentials.......................................................................................................................................... 21
Administration .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
340 Metadata Essentials........................................................................................................................................ 22
361 Security Administration .................................................................................................................................. 23
372 Application Management Essentials............................................................................................................... 24
961 Server Administration..................................................................................................................................... 25
305 ReportCaster Scheduling and Distribution...................................................................................................... 26
FOCUS Syntax............................................................................................................................................................ 27
102 Basic Reporting ............................................................................................................................................... 27
126 Intermediate Reporting .................................................................................................................................. 28
iWay Integration ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
975 DataMigrator Essentials.................................................................................................................................. 29
Zertifizierungsprogramm ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für das Information Builders Trainingsprogramm ............................................. 31
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 3
Information Builders bietet ein umfassendes Trainingsangebot für Entwickler, Administratoren, ITSupport-, Fachbereichs- und Data Warehouse-Mitarbeiter. Das Trainingsprogramm erstreckt sich von
Einführungstrainings bis hin zu technischen Spezialtrainings für Fortgeschrittene.
Wir bieten Ihnen verschiedene Varianten der Trainingsdurchführung an:
Classroom Trainings
Classroom Trainings sind standardisierte, branchenübergreifende Trainings, die zu festen Terminen in
unserer Zentrale in Eschborn bei Frankfurt angeboten werden. Grundsätzlich werden die Trainings in
deutscher Sprache gehalten, Trainingsunterlagen stellen wir Ihnen teilweise auf Englisch (siehe jeweilige Kursbeschreibung) zur Verfügung.
In der nachfolgenden Tabelle finden Sie eine Übersicht der von Information Builders angebotenen
festen Termine für Classroom Trainings.
Course 500
WebFOCUS Bootcamp
4 Tage
Developer Studio
2 Tage
Course 501/502
App Studio Reporting Essentials Part 1 & 2
3 Tage
InfoAssist Essentials
2 Tage
Finden Sie für eines dieser Trainings keinen passenden Termin oder möchten Sie eines der Trainings
bei uns im Hause als Classroom Training durchführen lassen, können Termine hierfür jederzeit auch
individuell mit uns vereinbart werden.
Die Gebühr für die Teilnahme an Classroom Trainings in unseren Trainingsräumen beträgt pro Teilnehmer und Tag 550 €.
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 4
Company Site Trainings
Bevorzugen Sie die Durchführung der Trainings in Ihrer gewohnten Umgebung, dann führen wir alle
Trainings gerne auch bei Ihnen im Hause durch. Das Training erfolgt in diesem Fall auf der von Ihnen
gestellten IT-Infrastruktur, mit einem direkten Zugriff auf unsere Trainingsumgebung.
Die Gebühr für die Teilnahme an Company Site Trainings beträgt pro Tag 2150 € für bis zu 8 Teilnehmer.
Für die Anpassung von Trainings an individuelle Kundenbedürfnisse (Customizing), wie z. B. die
Verwendung von Kundendaten in den Übungen berechnen wir 180 € pro Stunde.
Sollte auf Grund von Restriktionen ein Zugriff aus Ihrer IT-Umgebung auf unsere Trainingsumgebung nicht möglich sein, berechnen wir für die Einrichtung und den Test einer individuellen
Trainingsumgebung bei Ihnen ebenfalls 180 € pro Stunde.
Self-Study Trainings
Einige der Trainings werden auch in einer Variante zum Selbststudium (Self-Study) angeboten. Diese
Trainings werden über unsere amerikanische Landesgesellschaft abgewickelt
Angeboten werden die folgenden Self-Study Trainings:
Reporting Essentials – Part 1 für AppStudio
Metadata Essentials – Part 1 für AppStudio
On Demand Trainings
Neben den im Trainingskatalog aufgeführten Trainings bieten wir auch kundenorientierte Individualtrainings an. Hierzu stellen wir aus den existierenden Standardtrainings ein individuelles Trainingspaket für Sie zusammen, das auf Ihre speziellen Geschäftsanforderungen abgestimmt ist. Wir führen diese maßgeschneiderten Trainings auch gerne bei Ihnen im Hause durch.
Haben Sie Themen, die in den Standardtrainings nicht abgedeckt sind, zu denen Sie aber Ihr Wissen
stärken möchten? Wir sind gerne bereit, individuell entsprechende Trainingsworkshops für Sie zusammenzustellen und durchzuführen. Dabei legen wir den Fokus auf Ihre vorhandene Systemlandschaft und erarbeiten interaktiv mögliche Lösungen zu Ihren Fragen.
WebFOCUS-Entwickler haben die Möglichkeit sich als „Certified WebFOCUS Developer“ zertifizieren zu
lassen. Die Zertifizierung „Certified WebFOCUS Developer“ ist international anerkannt und wird mit
erfolgreicher Absolvierung einer international normierten WebFOCUS Prüfung erlangt.
Jeder unserer Trainer ist gleichzeitig Consultant mit mehrjähriger umfassender Erfahrung im praktischen Einsatz unserer Technologien in zahlreichen Kundenprojekten. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihnen neben den
notwendigen Grundkenntnissen auch kosten- und zeitsparende Arbeitstechniken sowie neue Lösungswege aufzuzeigen. Mit praxisorientierten Beispielen möchten wir Ihren Lernerfolg verstärken
und Ihnen helfen unsere Software-Lösung in Ihrem Unternehmen optimal einzusetzen.
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 5
Übersicht aller Trainings nach Rolle
In der nachfolgenden Tabelle finden Sie eine Übersicht der von Information Builders angebotenen
Trainings aufgegliedert nach Benutzerrolle und Level des Trainings.
WebFOCUS-Trainings Developer Studio
Server Administration
2 Tage
Security Administration
1 Tag
Anwendungs Administrator
WebFOCUS Bootcamp
4 Tage
Developer Studio
4 Tage
Application Management
1 Tag
Server Administration
2 Tage
Security Administration
1 Tag
Metadata Essentials
1 Tag
WebFOCUS Bootcamp
4 Tage
Developer Studio Advanced Topics
1 Tag
Building a BI Portal
1 Tag
Metadata Essentials
1 Tag
Developer Studio
4 Tage
Reporting Techniques for Relational
2 Tage
Application Management Essentials
1 Tag
ReportCaster Scheduling and
1 Tag
InfoAssist Essentials
2 Tage
InfoAssist Essentials – Part 2 & 3
2 Tage
Charting Essentials
1 Tag
Anwendungs Entwickler
Berichts Entwickler
Business Analyst
WebFOCUS Bootcamp
4 Tage
Developer Studio Advanced Topics
3 Tage
Developer Studio
4 Tage
Reporting Techniques for Relational
2 Tage
InfoAssist Essentials
2 Tage
Metadata Essentials
1 Tag
InfoAssist Essentials – Part 2 & 3
2 Tage
Charting Essentials
1 Tag
InfoAssist Essentials
2 Tage
InfoAssist Essentials – Part 2 & 3
2 Tage
Charting Essentials
1 Tag
Building a BI Portal
1 Tag
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 6
WebFOCUS-Trainings App Studio
Server Administration
2 Tage
Security Administration
1 Tag
WebFOCUS Bootcamp
4 Tage
Reporting Essentials - Part 2
2 Tage
Application Management
1 Tag
Server Administration
2 Tage
Security Administration
1 Tag
Metadata Essentials - Part 2
1 Tag
WebFOCUS Bootcamp
4 Tage
Metadata Essentials - Part 2
1 Tag
Building a BI Portal
1 Tag
Reporting Essentials – Part 3
2 Tage
Reporting Essentials - Part 2
2 Tage
Reporting Techniques for Relational
2 Tage
Application Management Essentials
1 Tag
ReportCaster Scheduling and
1 Tag
InfoAssist Essentials
2 Tage
InfoAssist Essentials – Part 2 & 3
2 Tage
Charting Essentials
1 Tag
Business Analyst
WebFOCUS Bootcamp
4 Tage
Reporting Techniques for Relational
2 Tage
Reporting Essentials - Part 2
2 Tage
Metadata Essentials - Part 2
1 Tag
Reporting Essentials - Part 3
2 Tage
InfoAssist Essentials
2 Tage
InfoAssist Essentials – Part 2 & 3
2 Tage
Charting Essentials
1 Tag
InfoAssist Essentials
1 Tag
InfoAssist Essentials – Part 2 & 3
2 Tage
Charting Essentials
1 Tag
Building a BI Portal
1 Tag
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 7
Trainingsbeschreibungen im Detail
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 8
Einführun g
500 WebFOCUS Bootcamp
The WebFOCUS Bootcamp course provides you with an introductory hands-on training experience of
building and deploying a complete WebFOCUS application with portals. During this course, you assume
different roles as you learn the features and capabilities of WebFOCUS components. You act as the
WebFOCUS 8 development team for a fictional company, and develop application and BI Portal pages
according to the business requirements and BI needs of the company’s management team.
WebFOCUS Bootcamp is a combination of instructor lecture, demonstration, instructor-led
walkthroughs, and hands-on exercises. At the beginning of this course, you are introduced to the business scenario and review a completed WebFOCUS reporting application. This will be your model set of
reports, objects, and BI portal pages. In each lesson of the course, you will be sequentially building
your own set of reports and objects which you assemble into BI portal pages.
Create a WebFOCUS environment and connect to data sources
Extract, translate, and load source data into WebFOCUS
Create WebFOCUS procedures, reports, charts, and graphs
Use various data management and reporting techniques to enhance reports
Schedule and distribute reports
Use self-service reporting functions to modify reporting objects
Create Active Technology dashboards and BI Portal pages
Deploy the BI Portal pages for web-based or mobile access
Target Group
New application administrators, application developers, and advanced report developers as their introductory hands-on training for the WebFOCUS 8 product suite
General understanding of Business Intelligence tools and capabilities. Application administrators participating in this class should have a solid understanding of the application data sources and structures
from which they will be extracting data for WebFOCUS
4 days
Price for Classroom Trainings
2200 € per person
Training Dates
09.-12.03.2015, 08.-11.06.2015, 09.-12.11.2015
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 9
App Stud io
501 Reporting Essentials – Part 1
Effective WebFOCUS applications consist of reports that are correct, efficient, and provide the best
information for the most important decisions. Learn how to create impressive reports using App Studio, the newest WebFOCUS tool. This self-paced training introduces you to the App Studio user interface and gets you started using the most basic report-building concepts. This course gives you a firm
foundation upon which you can build with more advanced courses in reporting and applications. You
will work through many hands-on exercises in a virtual environment as well as complete challenge
exercises to test your understanding.
Navigate and personalize App Studio
Create styled, organized, traditional, and matrix reports
Create procedures with multiple components
Create and use data filters
Build virtual fields and use functions
Employ style sheets and traffic lighting for effective data visualization
Display report output in Excel, PDF, and Active Technology formats
Target Group
Application developers and report developers who will be using App Studio to create WebFOCUS applications
Knowledge of Business Intelligence (BI) reporting concepts and operational data sources. Developers
who complete WebFOCUS Bootcamp does not need to take this course and can proceed to Reporting
Essentials – Part 2
1 Day / Self-Study
Price for Classroom Trainings
500 € per person
Training Dates
23.-25.03.2015, 22.-25.06.2015, 23.-25.11.2015 / in combination with App Studio Reporting Essentials
– Part 2 (see next page)
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
This training is also available as a Self-Study training from our US training department on
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 10
502 Reporting Essentials – Part 2
Build and expand upon what you’ve learned either in WebFOCUS Bootcamp or the Reporting Essentials –Part 1 Self-Study with additional techniques and concepts. App Studio is a robust tool and this
course will help you use it to create sophisticated reports that will meet any organizational requirement.
Use advanced filtering techniques
Employ the WebFOCUS scripting language
Create advanced virtual fields
Use multiple data sources
Employ variables in various ways for reporting procedures
Create simple charts
Create various report totals
Use prefix operators for numeric operations
Create drill-down procedures
Employ report formatting techniques
Create and use extract files
Target Group
Application developers and Report Developers who will be using App Studio to create WebFOCUS
2 days
Reporting Essentials – Part 1
Price for Classroom Trainings
1100 € per person
Training Dates
23.-25.03.2015, 22.-25.06.2015, 23.-25.11.2015 / in combination with Reporting Essentials – Part 1
(see page above)
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 11
503 Reporting Essentials – Part 3
As the final class in the Reporting Essentials series, you will learn the most advanced concepts and
practical report techniques that you will be able to use the day you return from class. Continuing to
expand your knowledge of App Studio, this class will prepare you with all the right skills to make a reporting application effective, powerful, and efficient.
Create and use a reporting application
Build compound documents
Create Active Technology dashboards
Merge data sources together
Apply advanced joining topics
Employ environment settings
Apply SQL topics such as traces, passthrus, and functions
Create Reporting Objects
Create an InfoApp
Employ additional uses for WebFOCUS scripting commands
Target Group
Application developers and report developers who will be using App Studio to create WebFOCUS
2 Tage
Reporting Essentials – Part 2
Price for Classroom Trainings
1100 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 12
510 Metadata Essentials – Part 1
When your application accesses a data source, it needs to know how to interpret the data. Using App
Studio, the newest WebFOCUS tool, this self-paced training introduces you to WebFOCUS Metadata
and gets you started with the most basic of metadata concepts. This course will give you a firm foundation to build upon for more advanced courses in metadata, reporting, and application development.
You will work through many hands-on exercises in a virtual environment as well as complete challenge
exercises to test your understanding.
Use the Data Description Language to describe data
Create a synonym from a relational table
Use the Synonym Canvas to manage metadata
Recognize the attributes of metadata files
Customize metadata attributes
Customize how fields are displayed
Cross reference tables to create logical views
Target Group
Application developers and report developers who will be using App Studio to create and manage the
Metadata for WebFOCUS applications
Knowledge of Business Intelligence (BI) reporting concepts and operational data sources. Developers
who complete WebFOCUS Bootcamp do not need to take this course and can proceed to Metadata
Essentials – Part 2
1 day / Self-Study
Price for Classroom Trainings
550 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
This training is also available as a Self-Study training from our US training department on
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 13
511 Metadata Essentials – Part 2
Build and expand upon what you have learned either in WebFOCUS Bootcamp or the Metadata Essentials – Part 1 Self-Study with additional techniques and concepts. This class will explore concepts and
techniques that enable your WebFOCUS applications to get the most from metadata features and abilities – improving application functionality and user experience.
Create virtual columns in a master file
Use system variables in a master file
Create Business and Dimension views
Edit the master files with the text editor
Use a master file profile
Use a master file sub-query
Create Filters
Use global variables in the access file
Create a fixed format master file
Target Group
Application developers and report developers who will be using App Studio to create and manage the
Metadata for WebFOCUS applications
WebFOCUS Bootcamp or Metadata Essentials – Part 1 (Self-Study)
1 day
Price for Classroom Trainings
550 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 14
WFDEVSTU Developer Studio
Developer Studio ist eine mächtige integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung mit komfortabler grafischer
Benutzeroberfläche. In dem Developer Studio Training lernen Sie die Entwicklung komplexer Reports
und Grafiken, um komplette Internet-Anwendungen zu erstellen. Dabei lernen Sie alle Komponenten,
Assistenten und Administrationsmöglichkeiten kennen. Umfangreiche Übungen vertiefen den erlernten Stoff.
Reporterstellung mit dem Report Painter in verschiedenen Ausgabeformaten
Strukturierung der Reports mit Hilfe verschiedener Sortier- und Darstellungstechniken
Formatieren der Reports mit Header, Footers und Spaltenköpfen
Erstellen virtueller Spalten und Erarbeiten der verschiedenen Join Techniken
Drill Downs in Detail Daten
Erstellen von Grafiken
Wichtige Systemvariablen und SET Befehle
Report- und Anwendungsentwickler, System-Administratoren
Voraussetzungen für diesen Kurs sind ein generelles Verständnis von BI Reporting und relationalen
Datenbanken. WebFOCUS Vorkenntnisse sind für diesen Kurs nicht erforderlich
4 Tage
Kosten für Classroom Trainings
2200 € pro Person
16.-19.03.2015, 15.-18.06.2015, 16.-19.11.2015
Sprechen Sie uns an, um ein individuelles Training zu vereinbaren:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 15
WFADV Developer Studio Advanced Topics
Wenn Sie bereits Grundkenntnisse in WebFOCUS erlangen konnten und mit den Basisfunktionalitäten
des Developer Studios vertraut sind, können Sie in diesem Workshop weitergehende Techniken und
Lösungswege erlernen.
Benutzung von Funktionen im DEFINE, COMPUTE und –SET
Besondere Berichtlayouts (HTML, PDF, PPT und XLS)
Verändern von Datenbankwerten
Report- und Anwendungsentwickler
Voraussetzungen für diesen Kurs sind die Inhalte des Trainings Developer Studio oder vergleichbare
praktische Erfahrungen mit Developer Studio
3 Tage
Kosten für Classroom Trainings
1650 € pro Person
Sprechen Sie uns an, um ein individuelles Training zu vereinbaren:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 16
WFINFOASSIST InfoAssist Essentials
InfoAssist gibt den Benutzern die Möglichkeit mit einer intuitiven Oberfläche auch ohne umfassende
IT-Kenntnisse selbständig Analysen und Berichte erstellen zu können. In dem InfoAssist Training lernen
Sie, wie Sie mit InfoAssist adhoc Berichte und Grafiken aus bestehenden Datenquellen erstellen können. Die Benutzung von virtuellen Feldern, Filtern und Drilldowns ermöglichen die individuelle Ausgestaltung. Verschiedene Ausgabeformate können erstellt werden wie HTML, Excel, PDF und aktive Berichte zur offline Analyse.
Navigation durch die Oberfläche und die Optionen von InfoAssist
Berichtstypen, die mit InfoAssist erstellt werden können
Erstellen von Drill-down-Berichten
Erstellen von Diagrammen
Erstellen individueller Dokumente
Weitergehende Funktionen
Berichtsentwickler oder Business Analysten, die auf Basis von vordefinierten Templates oder von
Metadaten ihre eigenen Berichte generieren wollen
Keine speziellen Anforderungen
2 Tage
Kosten für Classroom Trainings
1100 € pro Person
20.-21.04.2015, 28.-29.09.2015
Sprechen Sie uns an, um ein individuelles Training zu vereinbaren:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 17
366/67 InfoAssist Essentials Part 2 & 3
This training is for advanced InfoAssist users and consists of two parts.
Part 2
This part teaches the InfoAssist power user important skills in creating application content. Building on
what they learned in the training “InfoAssist- Essentials”, they will expand their knowledge into more
complex data selection techniques, virtual column constructs, and learn additional report techniques
for more sophisticated report layouts.
Part 3
Part 3 is specifically directed toward application and report developers that will be actively involved
with the most sophisticated content development using InfoAssist. In addition to the more complex
features and techniques, participants will also learn and explore functionality that will round out their
knowledge of InfoAssist and developing effective application content.
Part 2
Part 3
Develop advanced data selection techniques
Utilize virtual column constructs
Develop reporting techniques for complex report layouts including section totals and headings
Create accurate and effective charts, and also create documents and active dashboards
Create content using multiple data sources
Creating different types of reports including, e.g. PDF, Excel, Accordion, and Table of Contents
Create effective Reporting Objects for use by other InfoAssist users
Create and use a Hold file within the InfoAssist tool
Develop and utilize InfoMini applications
Explore the details of Metadata and how elements can affect reporting
Explore administrative functions that will impact the InfoAssist user community
Maximize efficiencies in reporting against relational tables
Target Group
Report Developers or Application Developers that will be creating more complex reporting output,
different format types, as well as charts using active technologies, with InfoAssist
Training “InfoAssist Essentials” or similar know-how
2 days
Price for Classroom Trainings
1100 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 18
402 Reporting Techniques for Relational Databases
How can you optimize reporting from your relational database management systems (RDBMS), and
maintain the accuracy and integrity of the reports? This course enables you to analyze your reporting
results from the RDBMS, determine where any potential performance gains can be found, and make
any necessary adjustments to speed the process from raw data to finished report.
Describe the process of adapter optimization
Recognize potential report inefficiencies
Analyze database metadata and know what attributes affect reporting efficiency
Explore syntax that relates to the RDBMS
Determine where optimization commands can be best utilized
Enable RDBMS optimization for all reports
Write efficient code with hands-on techniques that work with your RDBMS
Save time in your report request processing
Improve reporting system performance from your RDBMS
Target Group
Application developers and report developers who use WebFOCUS, iWay Data Adapter Server, or FOCUS to report from relational databases
Report Painter – Training Developer Studio or similar know-how, an understanding of SQL syntax, and
at least one month of extensive experience creating reports
2 days
Price for Classroom Trainings
1100 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 19
Visual isierung
363 Building a BI Portal
This training consists of two parts.
Part 1
How can you quickly and easily create a customized interface for WebFOCUS Managed Reporting content? This course will teach you how to create a comprehensive, modern portal for groups and users in
your organization.
Part 2
Once you build a BI portal, how do you secure it and limit access to specific content? How can you
create global filtering abilities for an entire portal page of content? How can you create a professionallooking portal using styling elements?
Part 1
Navigate and understand the different components of the BI Portal interface and the Portal
Create a simple multi-tabbed portal
Add content to an existing portal created using an enterprise template
Create a new portal completely from scratch
User the Portal Designer properties
Part 2
Use the Developer Studio Composer tool to create filtering for a portal page
Secure a single portal using the WebFOCUS security model
Secure a multi-page portal using the WebFOCUS security model
Style the portal and its components
Target Group
Developers responsible for creating, styling, and securing user interfaces to enterprise WebFOCUS
1 day
Price for Classroom Trainings
550 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 20
346 Charting Essentials
Graphic representation of data is critical for presenting today’s business information. InfoAssist enables you to easily create different types of simple and complex charts. This course will prepare developers and business users for choosing the right chart for an effective presentation, creating it, and
enhancing it appropriately for the best information. Not only will you learn navigation of the tool, but
you will also create an abundance of different chart types and learn how they might fit for your application content.
Follow a recommended process for creating a chart
Navigate through the InfoAssist interface and options for charting
Explore the different types of charts that are available for development using InfoAssist
Customize your charts with built-in features
Examine popular techniques for enhancing your charts
Effectively create drill-down style content
Create content that utilizes the latest HTML5 standard
Target Group
Business analysts or developers who want to learn how to create visually engaging and effective charts
for their applications
InfoAssist Essentials – Part 1 or equivalent experience using InfoAssist
1 day
Price for Classroom Trainings
550 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 21
Administr atio n
340 Metadata Essentials
When your application accesses a data source, it needs to know how to interpret the data used in the
application. With this course, you’ll learn how to create, manage, and enhance a data source description (Master File), a key component in a WebFOCUS application.
Generate a Synonym for an existing relational data source
Create a Master File using the Synonym Editor in Developer Studio
Explore the required and optional attributes for a field
Edit a Master File using the text editor in Developer Studio
Add a virtual field to a segment
Use Filters
Interpret the Master File for a HOLD file
Create a cross reference to another file
Create a Business View from an existing data source description
Adapt for International reporting
Target Group
Application administrators and report developers who want to create, manage, and understand the
metadata for WebFOCUS applications
Training Developer Studio or similar know-how
1 day
Price for Classroom Trainings
550 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 22
361 Security Administration
How can you give users access to the information they require while protecting sensitive or confidential data? Build an effective security policy. WebFOCUS 8 introduces a whole new database driven security infrastructure that allows the administrators within your organization to develop and implement
very granular security requirements for your WebFOCUS applications.
Create content infrastructures
Create and manage users, groups, and roles
Establish rules for access to different content resources
Understand Resource Templates and how to use them
Tailor the security model to meet specific requirements
Establish and understand security for a WebFOCUS BI Portal
Understand concepts such as sharing, ownership, and publishing
Use utilities to troubleshoot and manage the security model
Target Group
System administrators or application administrators who will be responsible for security to WebFOCUS
tools and applications
1 day
Price for Classroom Trainings
550 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 23
372 Application Management Essentials
Wondering what goes on behind the scenes of a WebFOCUS application? With this course, you will
learn about the inner workings of a WebFOCUS application, including processing sequence, the WebFOCUS Client, and the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.
Use the Workspace Manager’s Web Console and the WebFOCUS Client Console
Configure an Adapter
Add a Reporting Server
Connect to remote servers and configure deferred receipt with an alternate server
Use the various configuration files, and the variables within them, to modify the functionality
of your applications
Work with the Application Namespace (APP commands) facility
Create Synonyms from a relational database
Understand how an application uses metadata (Master and Access Files)
Enhance the Master File Descriptions for your data
Debug with TRACE
Target Group
Application administrators who manage, configure, and need to understand the processing of WebFOCUS applications
Basic understanding of operating systems, WebFOCUS software installations, and configurations
1 day
Price for Classroom Trainings
550 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 24
961 Server Administration
What does it take to administer a server on a daily basis? You’ll learn how to configure an adapter
server, techniques for balancing performance and resource utilization using the Server Console, debugging tips and tools that make diagnosing problems a snap, and how to control your server environment on a daily basis to take advantage of the power of the adapter server.
Visually and conceptually understand the server architecture
Configure an adapter server
Manage adapter server operations on a daily basis
Configure a data source and set up metadata for an adapter server
Troubleshoot and solve problems
Tune your adapter server for efficient performance
Target Group
Application administrators who are working with an iWay data adapter server, a WebFOCUS Reporting
Server, or an iWay DataMigrator Server
Basic understanding of operating systems, software installations, server configurations, and data
2 days
Price for Classroom Trainings
1100 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 25
305 ReportCaster Scheduling and Distribution
How can you automate the scheduling, distribution, and storage of information to multiple groups of
users? ReportCaster, the WebFOCUS report delivery engine, allows you to schedule WebFOCUS reports, any file (including legacy reports or third-party files), or the contents of a URL, and send the
output in a variety of formats via FTP, printer, e-mail, fax, mobile device, or to the optional Report
Understand ReportCaster architecture
Use ReportCaster to send reports, files of all types and URLs to e-mail addresses, FTP locations,
mobile devices, fax machines, Managed Reporting, and the Report Library
Create distribution lists and files
Use the Report Library feature to accelerate information storage and retrieval
Create a Library Watch List
Share a schedule
Prioritize reports for execution
Use intelligent bursting to deliver Burst Reports, including the ability to deliver different versions of the same report to many users
Create an Alert that will cause a report to be distributed when a specific business condition occurs
Use the ReportCaster Console and the ReportCaster Explorer
Interpret the log file
Use the configuration tool to change configuration settings, change the polling interval for the
Distribution Server, and define access to multiple WebFOCUS Reporting Servers
Target Group
Application developers who need to schedule and distribute reports or administer ReportCaster
1 day
Price for Classroom Trainings
550 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 26
FOCUS Syntax
102 Basic Reporting
Are you familiar with the WebFOCUS graphical user interface, but need to know more about the underlying code that gets generated from your actions? Do you need to understand the FOCUS/WebFOCUS reports you have inherited? With this course, you will learn the basic syntax contained in a FOCUS or WebFOCUS report request.
Understand the syntax of the FOCUS language
Comprehend WebFOCUS request processing
Create detailed and summary reports
Control the order of data
Format reports
Select data before and after it is summed
Change the way data is displayed
Calculate new values based on detail and summed values
Display group totals and grand totals
Place data from multiple files into one report
Save data in Excel and PDF formats
Add flexibility to your report request
Access efficient reporting techniques for relational databases
Target Group
Users of FOCUS and WebFOCUS who wish to learn the FOCUS reporting language
2 days
Price for Classroom Trainings
1100 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 27
126 Intermediate Reporting
With a basic knowledge of FOCUS/WebFOCUS language syntax behind you, it’s time to expand your
knowledge with more commands, functions, and techniques to create complex reports. In this course,
you will learn the syntax required to meet almost any report request in an efficient and productive
Display detailed information based on a summary value
Join data sources together using a temporary field
Merge files together without using the Join command
Control the order of data displayed
Use Date and Date-Time data types effectively
Work efficiently with pre-sorted data
Create calculations using subtotal values
Create a random list
Rank and group data
Generate summary information
Sort aggregated data
Use complex screening techniques
Create multi-column reports
Create row-oriented reports instead of traditional column-oriented reports
Work with missing data
Target Group
Application and report developers working with FOCUS and WebFOCUS who want to increase their
knowledge of the FOCUS reporting syntax
Basic Reporting
2 days
Price for Classroom Trainings
1100 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 28
iWay Integr ation
975 DataMigrator Essentials
How can you quickly and easily build data marts, data warehouses, and operational data stores? With
iWay’s DataMigrator, you can extract and stage disparate data types across multiple platforms, while
applying business rules to transform and cleanse data to load data warehouses.
Use the DataMigrator Data Management Console (DMC) to build data flows
Understand how to use the new Ribbon style of the DMC
Perform grouping, sorting, and aggregation on input fields
Assign selection criteria
Select target database type, assign keys, transform fields, and apply business rules to selected
Design process flows with the DMC
Group numerous data flows into a single process flow
Schedule entire process flow or individual data flow components
Specify parallel processing for data flows
Send e-mails based on success or failure of any component
Apply concepts to the creation of a star schema warehouse, including slowly changing dimensions
Create metadata for both source and target files
Use the DataMigrator DMC to configure the DataMigrator environment
Generate reports on DataMigrator activity and review log files
Understand and apply concepts of Change Data Capture
Target Group
Knowledge of data warehouse/data mart concepts; ability to identify data sources, and rules for extraction, transformation, and loading of data
2 days
Price for Classroom Trainings
1100 € per person
Training Dates
Please contact us directly to arrange an individual training:
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 29
WebFOCUS-Entwickler haben die Möglichkeit sich als „Certified WebFOCUS Developer“ zertifizieren zu
lassen. Die Zertifizierung „Certified WebFOCUS Developer“ ist international anerkannt und wird mit
erfolgreicher Absolvierung einer international normierten WebFOCUS Prüfung erlangt.
Die Zertifizierung besteht aus einer umfassenden Prüfung der Kenntnisse unseres Entwicklungswerkzeugs WebFOCUS Developer Studio. Desweiteren werden Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten aus den Bereichen WebFOCUS Architektur, WebFOCUS-Sprache und Self-Service-Anwendungen geprüft.
Die Prüfung setzt sich aus 2 Teilen zusammen:
Bearbeitung der gestellten Prüfungsaufgabe
Überprüfung der Fachkenntnisse im Rahmen der Besprechung der Prüfungsaufgabe
Die Prüfungen finden in unseren Trainingsräumen in Eschborn statt. In einem Vorgespräch werden den
Kandidaten die Anforderungen erläutert, die Prüfungsaufgabe wird den Kandidaten unmittelbar vor
Beginn der Prüfung übergeben.
Report- und Anwendungsentwickler
Voraussetzungen für diese Zertifizierung sind die Inhalte des Trainings WebFOCUS Developer Studio
oder entsprechende praktische Erfahrungen
4 Stunden
Kosten für Classroom Trainings
400 € pro Person
Der Termin für eine Zertifizierung kann im Anschluss an ein offenes Training erfolgen, oder individuell
nach Absprache
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 30
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für das Information Builders Trainingsprogramm
Mit der Anmeldung zu einem Training erkennt der Auftraggeber die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen von Information Builders verbindlich an.
Die Anmeldung zu einem unserer Trainings muss schriftlich erfolgen (per Post, Fax oder E-Mail) und
wird erst rechtswirksam, wenn sie durch Information Builders schriftlich bestätigt wird. Bei Trainings
mit begrenzter Teilnehmerzahl werden die Anmeldungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs berücksichtigt. Die Daten der Teilnehmer werden von Information Builders für interne Zwecke elektronisch verarbeitet und unter Beachtung der Datenschutzbestimmungen gespeichert.
Sämtliche Gebühren sind 14 Tage nach Rechnungsstellung ohne Abzug zur Zahlung fällig und von dem
Kunden an Information Builders zu entrichten. Die Verpflichtung zur Zahlung des Rechnungsbetrages
besteht auch dann, wenn die Training nicht oder nur teilweise besucht wird (siehe dazu Punkt Stornierungen).
Alle Preise verstehen sich zuzüglich der jeweiligen gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer. Desweiteren gelten
die AGBs der Firma Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH.
Der Preis für das gebuchte Training beinhaltet die Teilnahme am Training, Trainingsunterlagen,
Schreibmaterialien, Mittagessen, Erfrischungsgetränke sowie Kaffeepausen.
Alle Rechte, inkl. Übersetzung, Nachdruck und Vervielfältigung der Seminarunterlagen oder Teilen
daraus, bleiben Information Builders vorbehalten und sind nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung durch
Information Builders zulässig.
Absage des Trainings
Durch Krankheit des Trainers, höhere Gewalt oder sonstige unvorhersehbare Ereignisse besteht kein
Anspruch auf Durchführung der Veranstaltung. Selbstverständlich informieren wir Sie über Ihren Ersatztermin.
Sollten sich nicht genügend Teilnehmer-/innen anmelden, behalten wir uns vor, den Kurs bis zu 14
Tage vor Trainings-Beginn abzusagen.
Bei Stornierung des Trainings/Trainings fallen folgende Gebühren an:
bis 14 Tage vor Kursbeginn keine anfallenden Gebühren
bis 7 Tage vor Kursbeginn 50% der Kursgebühr
ab 6 Tage vor Kursbeginn 100 % der Kursgebühr
© 2015 Information Builders (Deutschland) GmbH
Seite 31