1005 Wilbon Road Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 March 18, 2012
1005 Wilbon Road Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 March 18, 2012
1005 Wilbon Road Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 March 18, 2012 Office Phone/Teléfono (919) 552-8758 • Fax:(919) 552-1846 office@st-bernadettechurch.org Office Hours/Horario: Monday/Lunes – Friday/Viernes 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Social Outreach Office: 919-552-2922 http://st-bernadettechurch.org Parish Staff – Administración Parroquial Pastor: Rev. Fernando Torres....................................................... ext. 14 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Robert P. Staley........................................ ext. 17 Hispanic Ministry Coordinator: Patricia Espino ......................... ext. 19 Main Office: Mrs. Gaye Collins ................................................... ext. 15 Bookkeeper: Mrs. Jeanne Driver .................................................. ext. 21 Office of Social Outreach: Nancy Hagan .................................... ext. 12 Faith Formation Director: Ms. Veronica Alvarado .................... ext. 22 Faith Formation Assist Mrs. Jennifer Convery .......................... ext. 22 High School Youth Group/Confirmation: Mr. Joe Lee... 919-567-3823 Edge Program: Mike and Kelli Wallace .......................... 919-285-3102 Director of Music: Mr. Matt Molesworth………………………..ext. 32 Director Musical: Sr. Leonardo Galván Parish Council Chair: Mr. Charlie Bernard Finance Council Chair: Mr. John Byrne Homebound Ministry: Mr. Al Munno......................................557-7718 Emergency Contact Phone &umber/ &umero telefónico de emergencia:......................................235-5209 Parish Mission Statement We are a multi-cultural Catholic Community where all are welcomed and the ever-expanding needs of our parish are ministered to by one another. We work toward celebrating the Presence of God and proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in our midst. Declaración de la Misión Parroquial Somos una comunidad multicultural católica, en la cual todos son bienvenidos para compartir el don de la vida como comunidad cristiana. Trabajamos en unidad, celebrando la presencia de Dios y proclamando la Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo entre nosotros. New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses Welcome! Please stop by the church office or visit our website for a registration form. Bienvenidos, visite nuestras oficinas o bien, nuestro sitio en la página de Internet para obtener un formulario de registro. High School Youth Group/Ministerio Juvenil (Grados 9-12) & Confirmation To enroll and for information please contact/ Favor de hablar con: Mr. Joe Lee, 919-567-3823. EDGE/Middle School Youth Group/ Ministerio Juvenil (Grados 6-8) Please contact/Favor de hablar con Mike & Kelli Wallace 919-285-3102. Funeral Arrangements /En Caso de un Funeral Contact Nancy Hagan: 919-552-2922 Parish Ministry – Ministerio Parroquial Baptism/Bautismo Please contact the parish office to register for a pre-baptism class. If you are new to the parish, please register at the parish office. Pláticas pre-bautismales Por favor comunicarse con Patricia Espino para recibir información sobre el bautismo. Su teléfono es 919-552-8758 ext. 19. Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Saturday ...................................................................................... 5:00PM Sunday/domingo ..................................7:45AM, 9:30AM and 11:30AM In Spanish/En español.............................................. 1:30 PM y 5:00 PM Daily/diario M,W,Th & F ...........................................................9:00AM Tues/Martes................................................................................. 6:30PM Holy Days/Días Santos ................................ See calendar inside bulletin Confessions/Confesiones Saturdays/sábados 4:00 - 4:30 PM or by appointment/o por cita Faith Formation/Catecismo Please contact the office. Póngase en contacto con la oficina. ST. BERNADETTE CATHOLIC CHURCH/ PARROQUIA CATÓLICA “SANTA BERNARDITA” Calendar Mass Intentions Saturday, March 17/Sábado 17 5:00PM †Eugene Ireland requested by the Family Sunday, March 18/Domingo 18 7:45AM †Ginny Julius requested by Helen and George Lally 9:30AM Michael Carrall requested by the Carrall Family 11:30AM †Clifton Lee requested by the Family 1:30PM †Jesus Acevedo requested by Familia Acevedo Presentation de Ashley Perez requested by Godparents 5:00PM People of the Parish Monday, March 19/Lunes 19 9:00AM †Gene Work requested by Connie Work Tuesday, March 20/Martes 20 6:30PM †Antonio Mendoza requested by Familia Mendoza Wednesday, March 21/Miércoles 21 9:00AM †Ray Czarnecki requested by Juliana Spisak Thursday, March 22/Jueves 22 9:00AM †Gilma Torres requested by the RCIA team Friday, March 23/Viernes 23 9:00AM †Alfred Baudais requested by his Family Saturday, March 24/Sábado 24 5:00PM †Alfonso Gallo requested by Al and Pat Munno READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 18 LECTURAS PARA LA SEMANA DEL 18 DE MARZO Sunday: Monday: 2 Chr 36:14-23/Eph 2:4-10/Jn 3:14-21 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16/Rom 4:13- 22/ Mt 1:16-24a or Lk 2:41-51a Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12/Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15/Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: Ex 32:7-14/Jn 5:31-47 Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Jn 7:40-53 Next Sunday: Jer 31:31-34/Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33 Our Stewardship of Treasure Period Income Need Actual Over (- Under) Weekly (March 10/11) 21,430* 25,639** 4,209 Monthly (March) Fiscal YTD (Beginning July 1, 2011) FUQUAY-VARINA, NC This information will be updated in the next bulletin. *This amount is based on a 52 week calculation. **This amount includes $2,757 in electronic transfer funds from February. Saturday, March 17/Sábado 17 4:00PM Confession 5:00PM-8:00PM Traditional St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Sunday, March 18/Domingo 18 2:30PM RCIA Spanish 3:00PM Divine Mercy Chaplet Chapel-Devoción de la Divina Misericordia 6:00PM Edge Monday, March 19/Lunes 19 10:00AM Adult Ed Course on the Sacraments 7:00PM Choir Rehearsal (Sun.1:30 Spanish Mass) 7:15PM Boy Scouts 7:30PM Charismatic Prayer Group, Chapel 7:30PM Lenten Couples Retreat, Room 5 Tuesday, March 20/Martes 20 4:00PM Bazaar Crafts (until 6pm) 6:15PM Jr. Catholic Daughters 7:00PM RCIA 7:00PM Legion of Mary, (Spanish) Room 4/Salon 4 Legión de María, Rosario en español 7:00PM Praise Band (music trailer) Wednesday, March 21/Miércoles 21 9:30AM Eucharist Adorations (until 7PM), Chapel Adoración Santísimo Sacramento en la Capilla After 9AM Mass — Rosary (English) 9:30AM My Brothers Keeper 5:00PM Youth Group Bible Study 7:00PM Choir Rehearsal (English) 7:30PM Bible Study Thursday, March 22/Jueves 22 10:00AM Knots of Love 6:00PM Children’s Choir 6:00PM Daisy Troop 3170 6:00PM Volunteer Caregiving Orientation (to 9pm) 7:00PM Fuquay Depression Support Group 7:00PM Penance Service Friday, March 23/Viernes 23 9:30AM Eucharist Adorations (until 7PM), Chapel Adoración Santísimo Sacramento en la Capilla 7:00PM Stations of the Cross (Church) Saturday, March 24/Sábado 24 4:00PM Confession FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 18, 2012 Join us every Friday during Lent at 7:00PM in the Church. Please pray for our parish family in need of our compassionate petitions to our Father. May He unite us in trust to His plan for: Sofia Ramirez Francesca Earl Carr Monnette Jordache Florence Joeckle If you would like to have the parish pray for someone who is ill, please call the church office. Penance Service Schedule for services being held around the diocese: Date: 3/20 3/21 3/21 3/21 3/22 3/22 3/26 3/27 Time: 7 pm 11 am Seniors 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm Location: St. Eugene St. Raphael St. Joseph St. Michael St. Catherine St. Bernadette St. Luke St. Raphael 3/28 7 pm Our Lady of 3/29 1:30 pm Seniors St. Catherine Please note that the monthly Healing Mass will be canceled at St. Bernadette until further notice. EUCHARISTIC ADORATIOS Come join us on Wednesdays and Fridays each week from 9:30am to 7:00pm in the Chapel. Could you not watch one hour? - Mark 14:37 DEVELOPMENT OF AN UNBORN CHILD Month 3: The baby can now squint, swallow and move his tongue. The baby sleeps and awakens. Fingernails and toenails form and the baby now has his own unique set of fingerprints. Sensitive to touch, the baby will tightly grasp an object placed in the palm of his hand. The baby breathes amniotic fluid to help develop and strengthen the respiratory system, but the baby will get the oxygen needed through the umbilical cord. Please remember to keep these unborn children in your thoughts and prayers. St. Bernadette Respect Life Ministry. Invitations from the Bishop Michael F. Burbidge Marriage is a faithful, exclusive and lifelong partnership of life and love that is established for the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring. This belief is based in divine revelation and therefore cannot be changed. Vote FOR marriage on May 8th. Learn more about the support of North Carolina’s Bishops FOR marriage at www.CatholicVoiceNC.org. The recent mandate issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services remains for us as Catholics a serious threat to our Constitutional rights of religious liberty and freedom of conscience. When faced with challenges such as this, traditionally Catholics turn to Our Lord in prayer, to invoke His protection and to inspire us to do His Will, always. On Friday, March 30, 2012 Bishop Michael F. Burbidge is inviting all of the faithful in the Diocese of Raleigh to offer that day’s regular Lenten Friday practices of prayer and fasting, along with the additional practice of abstinence, for the intention of preserving the religious liberty we so cherish and that is being challenged in our country today. You and invited to join Bishop Burbidge for the celebration of the 12:10 pm daily Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral on March 30th for this intention. Through our prayers and observances of these Lenten disciplines, may Our Lord watch over and protect the freedom and human dignity He has afforded to all people, and guide us always to be effective witnesses to Our Lord in all we do. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 18, 2012 Operation Rice Bowl Reflection: God’s Mercy In today’s scriptures, we hear how the Israelites repeatedly break their covenant with God, and yet God continues to respond with merciful and abiding love. Our response to God’s grace must be apparent in our works. This week through Operation Rice Bowl, we learn about our brothers and sisters in Zambia, who are unable to enter the marketplace and earn a living. We pray for all who struggle to find work, and we fast for those who cannot afford to feed their families. We give so that CRS can help marginalized people obtain loans in order to save money, start small businesses and work toward a brighter future. Z/͗^ĞĐŽŶĚ^ĐƌƵƚŝŶLJŽĨƚŚĞůĞĐƚ;ϰƚŚ^ƵŶĚĂLJŽĨ>ĞŶƚͿ͗ dŚŝƐ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͕ǁĞĐŽŶƚŝŶƵĞƚŚĞĐĞůĞďƌĂƚŝŽŶŽĨƚŚĞ^ĐƌƵƚŝŶŝĞƐĂƚƚŚĞϭϭ͗ϯϬDDĂƐƐ͘tĞƉƌĂLJŝŶĂ ƉĂƌƚŝĐƵůĂƌǁĂLJĨŽƌƚŚŽƐĞǁŚŽĂƌĞƚŽďĞďĂƉƚŝnjĞĚĂƚƚŚĞĂƐƚĞƌsŝŐŝůƚŚĂƚƚŚĞLJŵĂLJƚƌƵůLJďĞĐŽŶǀĞƌƚĞĚ ƚŽŚƌŝƐƚ͘KŶĐĞĂŐĂŝŶƚŚĞƌĞĂĚŝŶŐƐǁŝůůďĞƚĂŬĞŶĨƌŽŵLJĐůĞŽĨƚŚĞ>ĞĐƚŝŽŶĂƌLJĨŽƌƚŚŝƐDĂƐƐŽŶůLJ͘ The Solemnity of Joseph: The Bible pays Joseph the highest compliment: he was a “just” man. The quality meant a lot more than faithfulness in paying debts. When the Bible speaks of God “justifying” someone, it means that God, the all-holy or “righteous” One, so transforms a person that the individual shares somehow in God’s own holiness, and hence it is really “right” for God to love him or her. In other words, God is not playing games, acting as if we were lovable when we are not. By saying Joseph was “just,” the Bible means that he was one who was completely open to all that God wanted to do for him. He became holy by opening himself totally to God. The rest we can easily surmise. Think of the kind of love with which he wooed and won Mary, and the depth of the love they shared during their marriage. It is no contradiction of Joseph’s manly holiness that he decided to divorce Mary when she was found to be with child. The important words of the Bible are that he planned to do this “quietly” because he was “a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame” (Matthew 1:19). The just man was simply, joyfully, wholeheartedly obedient to God—in marrying Mary, in naming Jesus, in shepherding the precious pair to Egypt, in bringing them to Nazareth, in the undetermined number of years of quiet faith and courage. Martha Ministry (St. Bernadette’s Food Pantry) is in need of non perishable food items to restock the shelves. Please bring your donations to the baskets on the altar when you come to mass. 2nd Annual Hike For Christ: Scheduled for March 31st from 1 to 5pm at Lake Harris Park. Help us build a ramp for Isaac a 5yr old with Cerebral Palsy whose father is active duty US Army. To register contact Kristi at kwdowling1@gmail.com ͢͜ ͞͡ ͝͝ǣ͟͜͝͡Ǥ ͡͡͞Ǧͣ͟͞͠Ǥ The Center for Volunteer Caregiving’s mission is to provide volunteer services to help Wake County seniors, family caregivers, and adults with disabilities maintain independence, dignity, and quality of life. Currently, there are 70,000 people over age 65 in Wake County. By 2014 200,000 people over the age of 65 are expected to live in Wake County (Statistics from Wake County Aging Plan) One day, we could be helping you or someone you care about. The Center offers a solution. An orientation will be held at St. Bernadette’s on March 22nd from 6pm to 9pm. Please register with Suzanne Blankfard at 460-0567 or sblankfard@ctrvolcare.org. Thank you. CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA 18 DE MARZO 2012 CUARTO DOMI&GO DE CUARESMA FOURTH SU&DAY OF LE&T Ayúdame a creer Señor Que mi fe no se base en los hechos de los hombres, Que mi confianza no quede en los poderes humanos, Que mi trabajo diario sea signo de la esperanza, Que tu amor infinito sea el que me salva. Help me to believe Lord That my faith is not based on the acts of men, That my trust is not only in human powers, That my daily work may be a sign of hope, That your infinite love may be that which saves me. Ayúdame a creer Señor Que pueda responder a tu fidelidad con mi vida, Que pueda escuchar tú llamado a la conversión, Que mi vida con tu gracia sea luz para el mundo Y que mis oídos puedan escuchar a tus profetas. Help me to believe Lord That I can respond to your loyalty with my life, That I can listen to your call to conversion, That with your grace my life may be a light for the world And that my ears can listen to your prophets. Ayúdame a creer Señor Que este tiempo es el regreso a tu misericordia, Descubriendo en tu cruz la lección del perdón, Viviendo la oración, el ayuno y la caridad Como el llamado para alcanzar la conversión. Help me to believe Lord That now is the time to return to your mercy, Discovering in your cross the lesson of forgiveness, Living prayer, fasting and charity As the call to achieve conversion. Ayúdame a creer Señor Que por amor al mundo entregaste a tu Único Hijo, Buscando con su sacrificio redimir a la humanidad Y el que crea en tu Palabra lo demuestre con su vida, Para llenar al mundo de esperanza, de fe y sabiduría. Help me to believe Lord That for the love of the world you gave your only son Looking with his sacrifice to redeem humanity And he who believes in your Word may show it with his life In order to fill the world with hope, faith and wisdom. Ayúdame a creer Señor Para comprender que tú nos llamas a la conversión: Dejando nuestro pecado que produce oscuridad, Acogiendo tu luz que nos lleva al misterio Pascual Y que desde la Eucaristía nos invitas a profundizar. Help me to believe Lord To understand that you call us to conversion: Leaving our sin that produces darkness, Welcoming your light that leads to the Paschal mystery And that from the Eucharist invites us more deeply. Ayúdame a creer Señor Sin condenar al que se equivoca o te abandona, Al que destruye tu luz con egoísmo y fanatismo, Al que se cree salvado por creerse mejor que los otros. Y al que es infiel en sus obligaciones y compromisos. Help me to believe Lord Without condemning that which is wrong or abandons you, Ayúdame a creer Señor Que es posible vivir juntos la unidad de tu reino En tu Santa Eucaristía, en tu Cruz y en tu redención. Y que con tu Gracia durante esta Cuaresma Vivamos la conversión del corazón y la sociedad. Amén. Padre Fernando Torres That which destroys your light with selfishness and fanaticism, Those who believe themselves saved by believing that they are better than others. And those who are unfaithful in their obligations and commitments. Help me to believe Lord That it is possible to live together the unity of your Kingdom In your Holy Eucharist, in your cross and your redemption. And that with your grace during this Lent May we live the conversion of heart and society. Amen. Father Fernando Torres CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA " Todo aquel que hace el mal, aborrece la luz y no se acerca a ella, para que sus obras no se descubran. En cambio, el que obra el bien conforme a la verdad, se acerca a la luz, para que se vea que sus obras están hechas según Dios". - Jn 3, 20-21 Le invitamos a que asista todos los viernes a las 7:00 PM al recorrido devocional por las estaciones del Via Crucis de nuestra parroquia. COMPARTAMOS ALIMETOS ESTA CUARESMA Queda cordialmente invitado a participar, en compañía de toda la familia parroquial de una ligera comida los viernes de Cuaresma, a las 6:00 PM. Se convoca a que el viernes 23 de marzo nuestra comunidad hispana colabore trayendo ensaladas sencillas, SIN ningún tipo de carne SERVICIO PE&I&TE&CIAL Este jueves 22 de marzo tendremos en nuestra parroquia nuestro Servicio Penitencial a las 7:00 PM. Venga y prepare su espíritu para vivir con devoción la Semana Santa que se aproxima. Tenga en sus oraciones a todas aquellas personas que este año formarán parte de nuestra parroquia y de la Iglesia Católica. Pidamos para que reciban los Dones de Dios. 18 DE MARZO 2012 La misericordia de Dios En las Escrituras de hoy, escuchamos cómo los israelitas repetidamente quebrantaron su alianza con Dios, y sin embargo, Dios sigue respondiendo con amor misericordioso y permanente. Nuestra respuesta a la gracia de Dios debe ser evidente en nuestras obras. Esta semana, mediante la Operación Plato de Arroz, aprendemos sobre nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Zambia, que no pueden entrar en el mercado y ganarse la vida. Rezamos por todos los que luchan por encontrar trabajo, y ayunamos por aquellos que no pueden alimentar a sus familias. Donamos para que CRS pueda ayudar a las personas marginadas a obtener préstamos para ahorrar dinero, empezar pequeños negocios y trabajar para un futuro mejor. Zd/ZKWZ:^ El próximo sábado 31 de marzo, de 9:00 am a 4:00 pm habrá un retiro especial para todas las parejas de la parroquia, casadas o no. El costo es de tan sólo $20. Informes e inscripciones con Patty Espino en el 552-8758 ext. 19. Le pedimos haga arreglos necesarios para que alguien cuide a sus niños en casa. El Santísimo Sacramento de la Eucaristía se expone los miércoles y viernes desde las 9:30 am hasta las 7:00 pm. Todos estamos invitados a compartir un tiempo de oración, Le pedimos eleve una oración por nuestros hermanos: Sofia Ramirez Monnette Jordache Florence Joeckle Francesca Earl Carr Si desea que en la parroquia se ore por algún ser querido enfermo, comuníquese a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 18, 2012 March 18th Topic: St. Patrick: Evangeli-what? Evangelization In every aspect of our lives, we are to be proclaiming Christ to all people. As Catholics we often seek to fulfill our Sunday obligation, but we forget our call to be witnesses of Christ’s love and saving mission at our jobs, in our homes, at the mall, the gym, etc. The same is true of our middle school youth. During the middle school years, most youth will tell you that they were invited to attend a friend’s church at least once. They report that in school they are asked to join Bible studies and prayer groups both at school and at other churches. It is important that we arm our young people with the same evangelization tools that saints have used for centuries to convert entire nations to the Catholic faith. For Advertising Information, call Brian Williams at LPi today! 1.800.477.4574 ext 6310 • 216-965-6409 BWilliams@4LPi.com Dr. Mike Hamby and Associates Elegant Man Fuquay Varina’s American Legion Halls and Pavilion for rent. Accommodating up A Barber Shop to 200. Bar Service or bring your own. st Call 919-552-0278 América Fuquay Varina la Legión Halls y el pabellón en alquiler - Con capacidad para 200. Servicio de bar o traer el suvo propio. Llame al 919-552-0278 Trainable, Bilingial people needed to sell life insurance. Contact Harley Dietrich @ 919-624-8603. Entrenable, le gente bilingüe necesarias para vender seguros de vida. 1 Visit Special 7628 Purfoy Rd. Fuquay - Varina, NC 27526 $10 Haircut with this ad 717 No. Main St., Fuquay-Varina 567-1200 (919) 552-2431 Dr. Scott K. Butts RN, DDS Mon-Fri 9am-7pm, Sat 9am-4pm GMASUPPLY Parishioner Providing Quality Products & Superior Service Let us Help you with your Dental Health www.mikehambydds.com Póngase en contacto con Dietrich Harley @ 919-624-8603 THIS SPACE IS Bring In Your Bulletin for a 20% Discount Off Your Order 200-A Irving Pkwy. • Holly Springs (919) 577-0787 • 919-577-0760 F 2-D-5-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Mauro Contreras 20 Years Experience “Hands On” Contreras Drywall “Quality is Our Priority” Free Estimates • All Types of Drywall Services New Homes • Additions • Repairs • No Job Too Big or Small Fax: 919-639-8762 • Cell: 919-625-2295 • Nextel: 150*27*1150 www.4LPi.com ©2012 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0346/i Heating Repairs Heating Safety Check Only!! $49 Thomas Funeral Home Miranda Gregory Realtor® Call me for your real estate needs! (919) 576-6993 Cell “A Family Serving Families” GregoryM@hpw.com Gregg Thomas 401 N. Ennis St. • Fuquay-Varina, NC — 552-4171 — 5000 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC All-American Hauling David 825-7873 Parishioner Residential junk removal and Spring Cleaning Hauling Free Estimates Se Habla Español - 449-5147 SAnimal tage Road Hospital Full Medical & Surgical Care Drop-off Visits Welcome Spacious Facility Home Like Boarding Separate Cat Areas - Bathing Paul G. Malocha, DVM Maria B. Mendoza, DVM 919-330-2003 or info@all-americanhauling.com Gary M. Dragon, CPA •Individual and Small Business Tax Planning and Return Preparation •IRS Representation •Estate Planning 7580 Old Stage Rd. • N. Angier Toll Free - Free Phone Estimates - Parishioner 919-552-8966 639-3337 888-293-1600 ~ Parishioner ~ Weddings • Receptions • Corporate Events First Holy Communion • Confirmation • Quinceaneras Graduations • Theme Parties Sunday Brunch - Family Style $9.99 Adult/$5.00 Child • Noon - 3pm Parishioner Discount with Bulletin 345 W. Dora Street • Angier, NC 919-414-1754 • www.villadimaio@yahoo.com Kathy Marton Arbor Creek Animal Hospital & Rehabilitation Clinic, P.A. Independent Beauty Consultant www.marykay.com/kmarton Laura B. Gaylord, DVM Allison C. Canter, DVM (919) 851-8364 Apex Funeral Home 550 W Williams St, Apex, NC • 919-362-8233 www.apexfuneral.com Christa A. Gallagher, DVM, CCRP • Parishioner Brown-Wynne Funeral Homes and Crematory 4240 Sunset Lake Rd. • Holly Springs, NC 27540 919-303-7880 Small Animal Medicine & Surgery • Physical Rehabilitation Boarding • Grooming • Training Dedicated to health & healing 200 SE Maynard Rd, Cary, NC • 919-467-8108 300 Saint Mary’s St, Raleigh, NC • 919-828-4311 170l E Millbrook Rd, Raleigh, NC • 919-876-6900 www.brownwynne.com Mitchell Funeral Home at Raleigh Memorial Park 7209 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC • 919-783-7128 www.mitchellatrmp.com Raleigh Memorial Park and Mausoleums 7501 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC • 919-787-2766 www.raleighmemorialpark.com Your Local Dignity Providers 2-D-5-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4LPi.com ©2012 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0346/o